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Pathfinder General

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Pathfinder General /pfg/

Cute and Evil Edition

Unified /pfg/ link repository: http://pastebin.com/XehJXVjp
First for how's your session, /pfg/?
Next session in a few hour...
It's going be New GM, CRB Only, Final Destination
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Good luck
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>Silk in the Glen
Holy shit
Hey /pfg/, what class is the most fun?
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>Cute and Evil Edition

I want pictures! Pictures of evil magical girls!
Anything focusing on Charisma.
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For the DM looking to use PoW to give our players a challenge

Hawkguards with Overwatch Style and most likely Blindsight from a stance or something.
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I got a folder of evil mahou shoujos
Just watch Madoka.
What do you find enjoyable?
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This is the correct answer. Alchemist is the best class.
Party needs a close quarters specialist? Mutagens son.
Party needs ranged damage? Bombs away!
Party needs support? Just whip up a few potions of whatever the fuck you need.
Got a loli version as well.
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>Does everything out of love
Anon interested in a Cleric of Urgathoa here.

Probably a dumb idea, but I kind of like the idea of optimizing and taking as much advantage out of Shatter Resolve that I can.

To that extent here is what I have so far.

1 Selective Channeling
R Shatter Resolve
3 Improved Channel
5 Extra Channel
7 Quick Channel

Currently using the Undead subdomain so when I channel I'll be able to heal myself easily, and maybe Ferocity?

I quite like the RP implications of this cleric as well, and raising dead party members as undead could have hilarious results.
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Here's another evil magical girl from fate
Evil acts committed in the name of love are still evil.

Evil people can be happy and in love, just like everyone else.

Many of the villains I've run were only villains at all because they were helping their spouse/partner/etc. achieve their lifelong goals while their spouse/etc. did the same on their behalf.
That's a 2hu, innit?
>mfw S4 and S5 already announced

Dude, what? That's like, the exact OPPOSITE of a dumb idea. It's a hilarious idea that will probably work great. And if all else fails, you're still a fucking 9th level spellcaster with 3/4 BAB, a half-decent favored weapon and a ton of decent spells.
>loyal, waifuable, and only wants to love and be loved. (This includes Caster Bluebeard)
>Grail: lolnope, you're all evil
Shatter Resolve is neat, and RAW can Frighten/Panic people, but it won't work on a large amount of enemies - fortunately, your channeling still does some amount of damage, and at least you aren't using your spells for the whole of your offense, so you'll have more for when those things come up.
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>Gilgamesh: psychopathic, vainglorious, alcoholic, remorseless child murderer
>Grail: Good alignment! A true hero of history!
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I guess Eva counts as a magical girl.

Well most people say optimizing a cleric for channeling is a really bad idea.
That's because Clerics also have 9TH LEVEL GODMODE CASTING.

Channeling's pretty awesome, it just has to sit next to the 900-pound gorilla that is cleric casting.
I mean, compared to focusing all your feats on item creation and wizard bullshit I legit have no fucking clue what full casters spend their feats on it's probably suboptimal, but suboptimal for a cleric is still probably punching WAY above the level of a Inquisitor or Alchemist or whatever.

I don't think you can really go wrong, unless you just memorize Cure Light Wounds in all of your spell slots.
Channel Smite that stamina usage sounds pretty good though, you can double your damage with it. Channeling Force even gives a small damage boost that's not too hard to get.
The Grail was broken even since before Fate Zero. I think Angry Man Jew was the reason the Grail has a warped view of alignment.

By RAW, Steady Hand doesn't work because the wave maneuvers do not have a ranged increment.

However, I see no problem with adding another 30 ft to the range of the attack.
>I legit have no fucking clue what full casters spend their feats on

All of the crafting feats
If you're gonna break the game, you may as well do so at half price.

Do you think Holy Vindicator would be something worth considering, or am I a bit too feat starved? It does give a free Channel Smite in return for taking Alignment Channel I suppose.
That was the 3rd holy grail war right? Iirc the 2nd had the Einzbern twins and the first didn't really have anything.
Metamagic, DC boosters, craft feats, summon modifications, whatever flavorful shit they want because they can.
Is there any feats that give me sneak attack if the target is just alone?
It's a lot easier to make a useless (in combat, anyway) Wizard in Pathfinder than it was in 3.5e. Most of the really good spells also have a save or SR, and the no-save no-SR options are pretty thin so far. This means most combat-centric wizards (contrary to popular belief, you can make a wizard with zero offensive ability and still contribute to the party meaningfully in many types of games) have to boost DCs and SR check bonuses. This is more than just Spell Focus and Spell Penetration + their Greater versions; they need items to boost INT to the heavens, CL boosters to overcome SR easier and make dispelling impossible, and a flat +2 DC and raw INT just plainly won't cut it if you're forced to target a good save, so other tricks have to be involved to stay relevant.

Frankly, outside of a couple of very specific Sorcerer builds, it's actually pretty hard to keep your spell DCs at a point where an APL+4 monster is going to fail at least 50% of the time, whereas it's far easier for the Fighter to get a TAB that'll break APL+4 AC 50% or more of the time in spite of AC scaling faster.
Wizard flavor as fighter (Negima style)
Occultist. It's Incarnum + Binder, with spells.
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.

I mean I woulda said a day at the beach, but what was that something about maiming, jeezus christ.
I agree that many of Wizard's offensive options suck, with "gems" like delayed blast fireball or meteor swarm, but I disagree that poor offensive choices tank a wizard so long as they don't blow all their gold. At least, not permanently. They can just scribe new spells into their book after a dungeon crawl or quest, when they're in a city. Unless the GM seriously restricts what scrolls are available, they're cheap enough that he can buy most of the useful spells at a reasonably sized city. A bad initial spell selection certainly sucks, but it's fixable with money and time, even if you don't want to retrain.
My point is that even the good battlefield control spells, the 'God' wizard spells, often have a save, SR, or both. Blasting is terrible, frankly; the Fighter can cast Sword In Face all day long forever, you're better off making it easier for him to do that, but the spells that do that well still have to be supported pretty heavily to be reliable.

And if your spells aren't reliable, you aren't reliable, and if you aren't reliable, you aren't someone the party can make plans with, which makes you useless, or a third wheel at best.
Kind of new to Pathfinder here

Are there any good character builders out there? I've been using PCGen, but it seems to have a lot of little bugs
No. You're better off learning the system and making sheets by hand, it's the only way to avoid errors.
Well that kind of sucks.

What're the best solar wind boosts for sword beams? Just the stuff that stack damage?
Which is why the Wizard does his damnedest to make sure a fight never happens. Which his spells WILL let him do. And if shit DOES go badly, he can fall back on the various things he's spent all his feats and resources on (resources he didn't need to spend on stuff like armor and weapons, mind you).

Worst case scenario, he buffs the shit out of his party and lets them go to town. I'm not seeing any kind of problem here.
There's a weird misconception that Wizards can fuck off with all their feats and resources and will still easily rob the spotlight constantly just because their spell list is great, that's the point I'm making. It's not so.
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The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Or selfish ones, because Humra a shit.
Can someone tell me the importance of this girl? You all post her a lot. Is she part of a Pathfinder campaign?
Some spel still have effect even if you pass the save. Silent Image still block LoS even if you knew it's an illusion.
Go to bed sayakafag
3rd was also twins, but they were Ethelfelt(sp?) IIRC the first wasn't anything because they didn't know what to do, the second was just a general mess before they had real rules. Third would be bombastic. Einzberns fucked up and summoned the Zoroastrian god of darkness as a class with no skills who only showed up to infect the grail, some kind of Saber won, the twin that didn't die vowed their bloodline would never return to Japan, and it all happened during WW2.
She is the poster child of modern magical girl.
What Wizard isn't taking all of the Spell Resistance penetrating feats? He needs what? Like three feats for item crafting, then he can spend literally all of his wealth, feats and other resources on pumping his Int sky-high, making equipment cheaply, and having all the stuff he needs.

I've seen plenty of Wizards built that had no problems grabbing all the feats they want, with little or no concern of not being able to get the things they want. Shit, they get bonus feats on top of the ones everyone gets. I don't see where this problem is. The Wizard, EVEN IF he's not solving every problem by himself always forever, is still so wildly powerful that it doesn't fucking matter.

Did you expect us to cry and commiserate with you that the Wizard is weak or something? Because let me fucking tell you, you're a full-on retard if you think that's the case.

Homerun dindu nuffin.
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NG deity of pure love and breaking senseless cycles. Favored weapon is the bow.
You successfully comprehended absolutely no part of the entire discussion, and at no point did I imply the Wizard was weak, only that making a Wizard successful in combat requires investment of feats and other resources, just like every other class.

But, please, do continue being a belligerent asshole, I'm sure everybody enjoys watching the point sail over your head.
Well, If you KNOW it's an illusion, that means you passed your will save and can see through it.
I think his point is that Wizard are not easy-mode class where you can make mistake on character build and still be powerful.

I disagree with him.
That is literally Satanic.
My point was that you can't just throw all of your feats and money in a hole and expect the Wizard spell list to carry you through combat for your entire career. The vast majority of spells are only powerful if they work, which requires failed saves and/or pierced SR in 9/10 or more cases.
Literally nobody says that you can make a successful combat Wizard without investing anything. You're setting up and attacking an argument that doesn't exist.

People have said, and proven with evidence from numerous games, that Wizards can ruin campaigns BY ACCIDENT even when played by people who have no idea what they're doing. This has nothing to do with combat. It has EVERYTHING to do with why the Wizard sits on his throne at the top of Tier 1.

But, let me guess, you're one of those folks who thinks Tiers measure combat abilitiy, and thus the claims of "Wizards are super powerful" translates to "They can kill stuff the best!"

You can try and act condescending, but it's pretty hard to be smug when you literally are not arguing when anyone, ever.
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I'm going but not because you told me.
Animate dead
You must go to some awesome cult meetings.
Rogue or Aether Kineticist? Which one would be more fun? in tier 4 only campaign
You get it a spell level later than the Cleric and nothing you make with it holds up at the later levels anyhow.

>Literally nobody says that you can make a successful combat Wizard without investing anything. You're setting up and attacking an argument that doesn't exist.
That is not true, because people have said it before, both in /pfg/ and elsewhere. I won't bother responding to the rest of your post because it's just regurgitation of completely irrelevant arguments that are recycled daily in these threads.

Neither of those are Tier 4, but I'd go with Rogue, since you might actually be able to contribute sometimes with skills.
I just don't trust girls.
I've never had a dumber experience than a DM who 1) made firearms Simple Weapons in his setting and 2) thought only in terms of damage. Animate dead meant I could win that game without simple shit such as Blindness/Deafness.
Firearms as simple weapons makes logical sense, but not mechanical sense
Weapons have so little narrative power on their own that I'd honestly have no problem running a game without proficiency penalties.

I'd use DSP's armor penetration rules instead of Paizo's complete bullshit firearms rules. Misfires? Seriously? Fuck that.

Figuring she is the Law of Cycles shouldn't she be lawful.
Edelfelt twins. They summoned Saber, and wound up with two Sabers. Then one of them lost and the other jumped on the Japanese dick of Rin's great-grandfather, taking her crest with her (her Saber made it to the final round, but the Grail wasn't completed). Now the Edelfelts hate the Tohsakas.

The Einzberns deliberately summoned Angry Manjew, thinking they'd summon the Zoroastrian god. Unfortunately, they fucked up, because gods aren't in the Throne, and got some shitty nobody instead. When he went into the Grail, he corrupted it, so now it interprets every wish as "kill all humans" and will give Angry Manjew birth when completed.

And yeah, Nazis and undead and all sorts of wacky shit went down.
Are there any classes besides Evangelist that advance class features of other classes?

What are the best gimmick builds using Evangelist?
>Angry Manjew

Angra Mainyu.
Angra Mainyu.

Evangelist is pretty much only useful for 3/4 BAB in Arcane Trickster or Mystic Theurge
Battle Templar (see Ordained Knight)
Dragon Fury, sort of
Quick question for all of you veteran Pathfinder players:
How do you deal with enemies that can do crazy shit?

I have a DM that just made it so that ALL future enemies of a certain type (a type that is as common as the common goblin/bandit in our campaign) get blast shields that negate ALL DAMAGE ABOVE 25. We are lvl 7 characters and I've built a sorcerer specifically made to be a Fireball blaster; thus I normally do around 140 dmg in a round (average 70 per empowered fireball, plus quickened with a rod). Now that the enemies are given a shield that makes it so that dmg above 25 per strike is negated, how do I deal with this? Most of my other spells are purely utility (such as invisibility, fly, color spray, detect thoughts, etc.) and my AC is absolutely pitiful (as I had to sink all of my gold into that lesser quicken rod for the one-pump chump blasting method).

The DM introduced the enemies after my character joined in, so I assume that he created it to counter my insane damage output. The problem is, he countered it WAY TOO WELL. I literally can't even hit the enemies anymore, as I do too much dmg. I don't know how to be useful to the party. If I get hit, I will die, which my AC is a pitiful 14 (18 with mage armor), so I can't get close to the enemies/within their ranged attack range.

I'm honestly stumped. I could tell the DM was pissed (he was audible about it) when he saw my character do 140 dmg to all enemies within a 20 ft. radius. I think this is him punishing my character for being such a specialist; so how do I keep my sorcerer relevant against all of his damage negating enemies?
>tier 4 only
Neither, unless unchained and PoW are available, then Hidden Blade rogue
Invest in multihit spells.
How does wielding more than two weapons at once work?

I want to make a synthesist summoner with loads of arms to make loads of weapon attacks, but I'm not sure if that just doesn't work
Anyone wanna help me build a statblock for an NPC?

I need to build Vencarlo Orsini, the master swordsman in Korvosa, since one of my players wants to spar with him.

All I know from his book entry is he's supposed to be Rogue 2/Fighter 5/Duelist 2, but I figure a better spread would be Fighter 2/Swashbuckler 5/Duelist 2. Though, I'm not great at optimizing, so it's probably better to not do any dips at all.

Anyway, assuming you had 9 levels to spend to make an awesome rapier-wielder, what do you do?
Tell your DM to stop being an ass.
Lore Warden Fighter 9, invest in Improved Disarm and make that rapier awesome (mostly through the Favored Weapon alternate option for Weapon Training so that it scales like a Warpriest).
You take a -6 penalty to your main hand attack and can strike with your offhand weapon at -10 (-4 and -8 if it's a light weapon)

If you have Two Weapon Fighting it brings it to -4/-4
Path of war. If 1pp only, then critfisher magus.
To emphasize this: Just building your character differently will not work.

The problem here is NOT mechanics. It is that your DM is being a passive-aggressive dick instead of actually talking to you about this.
Warlord 9 with Scarlet Throne and Riven Hourglass disciplines.
Simple: Pick better spells.
Wizards and Sorcs are good in combat because unlike martials, they don't only target an enemy's HP to win fights.

If you can't target HP, target saves.
If you can't target saves, target the ground they're standing on.
If you can't do that either, make absolutely sure they can't do the same to you and your allies.

Never forget the Lines of Defense which makes casters the most frustrating enemies to fight against:
Best line of defense: mobility aka "can't hit what you can't reach" (flight, teleportation)
2nd line of defense: immunities aka can't "hurt what you can't hurt at all" (energy immunity, etc)
3rd line of defense: concealment aka "can't hit what you can't see" (invisibility)
4th line of defense: incorporeal aka "can't hit what you can't hurt" (incorporeal form)
5th line of defense: miss chance aka "can't hit all that well" (darkness, blink, etc)
6th line of defense: AC & Dodge aka "can't hit if you can't roll high enough"
7th line of defense: DR and SR aka "can't hurt if you can't roll high enough"
8th line of defense: Saves aka "I hope I can roll high enough"
Last line of defense: HP aka "oh fuck"

And finally, if your DM is such piece of shit, frustrate him further by piling on several of your own "FUCK your encounter spells" (teleport, invisibility, expeditous retreat. whatever, deny your DM the enjoyment of a fight he tailored in his favor.)
Lore Warden is too MAD and loses all the Swashbuckler actions. Which is kind of important in selling the fact that he's a master duelist.

Don't post.
It's -2/-2 if the offhands are all Light and you're using TWF (though I guess it'd upgrade to MWF in that case? I don't actually know if the extra arms from Synthesists will let that be kosher).
So the -10 without the feat and -4 with the feat also apply to any other extra weapons you're holding beyond the second?
The Swashbuckler actions are shit, and panache is a shitty system. A Lore Warden gains more INT-based things (which a master duelist in the real world would have), is actually not MAD at all (Dexterity and Intelligence are all you need, maybe a bit of Constitution), gains a bonus to CMB/CMD and gains Combat Expertise for free, doesn't wear heavy armor, and is overall just a better way to do a swashbuckling-type character than an actual swashbuckler in almost every way.
>I want to make a good duelist
>dismisses the only good duelist options out of hand
Well, I guess you're fucking coming AND going, huh?
There's no rules to fighting with more than two weapons.

Logically? Yeah, they would be at least -10.
Well, I mean; he was already vocally telling me he was ready to kick me out of the game before the game even started, as my schedule mismatched with most of the other players. I don't think he's against kicking someone out; my friend is in that game and I really just wanted to play a Pathfinder game with him (he is new to it and I'm trying to teach him so he can be a more avid player), so I can't just tell off the DM. Either way, I can't prove he didn't have this in store since the beginning; maybe his enemies always were going to have this damage negating blast armor.

Overall, I just want to find a way to keep my sorc as a fireball blaster, but give him a secondary role that makes him useful to the party still, because as it stands my guy will just be sitting on the sidelines trying not to get hit. I couldn't bring my fireball damage below 25 unless I got all nat 1 rolls on my non-metamagicked fireball spell; thus my damage will always be negated at the moment.
Multiweapon fighting, though.
>Don't post.
Kill yourself tbqh familia
Which is identical to TWF. It's not an actual ruleset for fighting with more than two weapons.
Have any ideas of how to get extra spells on the fly? I already have my spells picked out (because he decided to introduce his enemies' new blast shields after our first encounter), so I only have access to Fly, Invisibility, Resist Energy, and Color Spray (my "save or stun", which I have to be close range for) out of that list. I do have 900 gold, but I doubt that is good enough to do anything amazing with.
Is there anything I can do to get a bonus on will saves against the ego of an intelligent item? Aside from just boosting my will save in general with stuff like a cloak of resistance. The DM just dropped an intelligent weapon in our party's lap that clearly seems meant for my character (it's "coincidentally" the kind of weapon he specializes in) but its alignment and specific goals don't match my character's own... Not to mention its so full of itself because of its high Ego that it's a snooty bastard and apparently will force me to roll a will save against said Ego any time I disagree with it.

If this weapon weren't plot important, my character would leave it in a ditch somewhere because they really don't get along and I'm not particularly fond of it being able to force me to do whatever it wants about half the time we disagree. Also, do I only have to save against its Ego if I'm actively wielding it? Because from what I can tell it looks like it can force me to make a will save even if I'm just carrying it, so there's really nothing I can do to keep from getting mind controlled by it other than hope I roll decent.
Retrain and change your spells. I think thats a valid rule.
That's because unless you have more than 2 hands, you can't fight with more than two weapons. And if you DO have more than two hands, you use that feat, because that's how it works.
Next level I can swap one spell out. You can swap one spell known every other level (6, 8, 10, etc.). Got any ideas on what I should gain that would help the most?

It has been shown that these enemies are affected by mind-affecting spells, so save or die enchantments are applicable.
What's your character?

Scroll to the bottom.
Dazing Spell and Snapdragon Fireworks.
For improved familiar, can I take positive and negative energy elementals?

If so, it seems like the positive energy one can heal an infinite number of times, but that has to be wrong, right?
I see.

I think I'm going to retrain one of my metamagic feats into Dazing Spell and a few of my spells; I've got 900 gold I can use.
Whats the name of the spell that allows animals to grow arms?
Does a Dervish Defenders +INT to AC apply to CMD?
Those are from Tome of Horrors, they're not 1PP.

>mfw people never bother to pay attention to sources on d20pfsrd
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It doesn't look like you can.
Anthropomorphic Animal.
Does Ectoplasmic Artist count as an aether kineticist?
Well, they're listed under the big list of elemental types, and it specifies "any", but...
Yep that's my bad. I skimmed the URL and didn't see a publisher and just assumed the picture of the book was an ad and didn't even bother to read it properly. Thanks anon.
Don't pretend you don't wants to play a Wizard with 3/4BAB 6+int skill. Sorcerer casting progression is an acceptable lost.
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Don't hide it from me, /pfg/. Tell me about your last session.
My friend and I introduced twin brother characters; playful neutral magic tricksters. We killed a bunch of enemies (my sorcerer doing amazing blasting damage, then the DM telling me that our characters were bullshit) to save the party without them even knowing who/where we are and then flew away invisibly to watch over them, waiting for the perfect time to make our grand entrance. My character stole an item off of the ship we flew off onto (where the party was located) and they immediately knew it was us. We then had to either do a chase sequence or roll new characters. We then decided to do the chase sequence, which we failed (as my sorcerer had shit Acrobatics) and the DM told us that our characters were locked up forever and we had to roll new characters. The party face was able to convince the people who were gonna lock us away forever to not do so and to let them take responsibility (as they owed us for saving their lives). They just barely kept us from having to roll new characters. Now here we are, tomorrow being our next session and the enemies now having blast shields which negate my fireball damage (and all damage that does more than 25 dmg per strike).
>twin brother characters; playful neutral magic tricksters

But are they both kitsune?
Either threaten to and then actually throw it in said ditch if it doesn't cut that shit out, or give it to someone whose goals it does align with. Plot item be damned.
Playful chaotic neutral, I meant to say.

And no. They are brothers born from a drow and an elf (in the campaign we are in, the world is modern enough for them to live in harmony). They are fraternal twins, one of them receiving more of the elf blood, thus being an elf, and the other one receiving more of the drow blood, thus being a drow.

They are supposed to be somewhat childish prankster types, just barely hitting adulthood for their races. They followed the party initially because the party started a mercenary organization that was making it big extremely quickly, thus they found them interesting enough to check out.

It would be nice if they were kitsune, but I felt that the "Elf + Drow fraternal twins combo" would be better; especially because they have very stereotypical German accents + names.
>Well, I mean; he was already vocally telling me he was ready to kick me out of the game before the game even started
That's the point when you tell him to go fuck himself and leave.
It's been a while since I did that, so let's try again: shit game or no game? http://strawpoll.me/7121172
>so I can't just tell off the DM

If you don't understand the difference between "telling someone off" and "talking to someone like a human being", this problem will never be resolved.
How does the favored class bonus half elves get for summoner's work?

Do you only take it once? Can you take it repeatedly for heaps of evolution points? Does it roll up or down?

>Do you only take it once?
>Can you take it repeatedly for heaps of evolution points?
>Does it roll up or down?
It doesn't round. Every four levels you take the FCB, you get +1 evolution point
The way I've dealt with DMs/players in the past, they always take me telling them how I am feeling about the current situation I am not too thrilled about as an insult/attack against them, even if I pad my words as much as I can to try to make it sound as non-confrontational as possible. Nowadays I just avoid it and let the DM do whatever he wants; it's his world afterall, I'm just an entity in it. Better to avoid situations that can cause unnecessary drama so that it never becomes a problem.
The DM hyped my character up as a one man army because he thought it was well optimized and it died in the first battle. He jinxed me.
Post charsheet
oh ok, thanks
What was the class/char's specialty?

Is the DM new or was your character actually that good?
Never. It was the retarded quarterstaff Warder/Wizard I've mentioned earlier in these threads.
It had a very high AC and other than that was basically a Wizard with a sorceror's spell level progression. Unfortunately most of my AC bonuses didn't apply to CMD and an Assassin vine entangled me (rolled really low on reflex) and then grappled me to death. The lesson is to always prepare liberating command.
Does it negate ALL the damage from sources that deal more than 25, or negate excess damage so that any source can only do 25 at once? Which, at level 7, should probably be any well built damage dealer.
>It had a very high AC
>One Man Army

Really, faggot? You're not some brainless martial monkey class. AC is the WORST defense and as a caster, and you should be ashamed to rely on it. Refer to the lines of defense rules >>46109626 and do better next time.
I didn't exactly have time to cast blur and i didn't ask my DM to call me a "one man army".
I am not sure. The way he worded it is slightly vague.

Looking back at it, I think the armor negates any damage excess of 25 damage per hit. A powerful monk would love this, but people like me and Cavaliers hate it. It makes us useless (like seriously, fuck my metamagics; can't even use my dazing spell until next level either, due to being +3). Though maybe it is all damage if it exceeds 25, the DM's wording is kinda confusing.
That armor sounds like reusable orbital bombardments ammunition.
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>Cute and Evil Edition
I approve.
According to the DM, it is specialized blast armor. Science stuff, more powerful than any magic.
One-man-armies get fucked by action economy like everyone else.
I think the obvious answer here is to buy a cannon and start experimenting with using that armor as ammunition in it.
Unless you were a wizard and everyone else was stupid enough to huddle in a neat 100 x 100 ft radius
>not having Riven Hourglass
Steal it. Kill someone, have it fitted to your party members. Then pull DR 25/- out of somewhere.
Not a bad idea.
Speaking of.
An update on my evil elf girl who is a lover of a NE nobleman.
Me and the DM agreed that she will become a background PC now, doing stuff behind the scenes while I adventure with another adventuring PC, which I rolled up now, since neither of us wanted her to die to a random save or die at this point and because adventuring doesn't make sense for her anymore IC.
(I still care more about the elf girl and will spend more time playing as her, tho)
She also now (unofficially) lives with the aforementioned NE nobleman, while his wife and son will die in a couple in-game days.
I even have a couple cool thoughts for their potential engagement rings.
The dream is coming true.

Not if it's a mythic hexcrafter magus with words of power
>Low CMD
And this is why Knowledge is Power can be handy if your a Wizard.
>You also add your Intelligence modifier on Strength checks to break or lift objects.
Oh wow.
>Laughing Dread/Antipaladin

Army? What army? I am surrounded by crying, panicking children.
Well i wouldn't be that bothered by bull rush, trip etc its only really disarm (which eliminates my dervish defender int to AC from using the staff) and grapple (which prevents me casting/using the staff) that are problems.

Although i guess now my main problem is worms eating my carcass.
Not to deny the fact that your GM's being a first class shitter, but saying you can't play because you can't commit to the same time as the other players != kicking you out. Also yeah, talk with the DM, tell him you're frustrated with the shield rule, ask if you can retrain. If you can't, pack your things and skedaddle.
Yet again, I can't do anything that drastic. I'm not just playing for myself, I am playing for my friend who is new to Pathfinder also. He is my character's brother and I am in this game to help my friend get some experience with Pathfinder (I don't want to give him a bad experience that will cause him to dislike Pathfinder/leave on him after promising to play with him).
>I don't want to give him a bad experience that will cause him to dislike Pathfinder
Them you ought to get him as far from that GM as possible lest he assume PF on TTRPGs in general are duels between GM and players.
It may not seem like much at first glance, especially what with MAGIC and al., However
>Add Int to Str for break/lift
>Add Int to CMB/CMD
can get surprisingly a bit of mileage. If nothing else, the bonuses to CMD is at least some kind of added defense. Though I am curious as to where this "One Man Army" came from. Is it really because of the single level of Warder on a level 3-4 character? Yeah, Initiators are good, but everything has its limits.
Yeah. You're prolly right.

Fuck it, if these chars die (which they likely very soon will with how much the DM hates them) I'ma just quit that game and invite my friend to a new game.

Thanks /pfg/, you always give the best advice.
The point was both access to 2nd level spells and some initiating, along with an AC of 24-28 in most situations and 30 at maximum. Combine that with the ability to both cast spells and do a bunch of AoOs and it seemed pretty good.

To my credit i did shut down the enemy spellcaster with create pit before the vine jumped me.
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Just remember, why facilitate some jackass's power trip when you can run your own instead?
Oh no, I wasn't speaking against the point of your build; it blends quite well! However, it just seems as though your GM overestimated your character's capabilities as an individual.
If i had been fully buffed up the vine wouldn't have had the grab attempt, if I had not failed the reflex save against entangle i would have broke free, if i had just let the DM believe the first grapple check doesn't cause constrict i would have survived at least one more turn and if my party had prioritized helping me over stopping the spellcaster I might have escaped.

But unfortunately overconfidence in my abilities lead to me being abandoned as to quote the barman who introduced my character "this guy is invincible".
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>Strength to lift
>level 20 wizard with an Int of 30
>+15 to lifting
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Stat me.
Is it just me or does Polymath not recover maneuvers? It seems like they change maneuvers?
Like they are schrodinger's initiator? All maneuvers prepared all the time?
>In order for the polymath to recover maneuvers, he must re-evaluate his opponents and their abilities as a full-round action. When he does, he replaces a number of expended maneuvers equal to his polymath initiation modifier (minimum 2) with new readied polymath maneuvers he knows. If he wishes, he may replace these maneuvers with themselves, effectively recovering them. In addition, whenever the polymath recovers maneuvers in this way, he may drink one extract he has prepared as a swift action. Alternately, the polymath may take a brief moment to collect his thoughts to recover a single maneuver as a standard action.
Exactly, it says he replaces expended maneuvers with new readied maneuvers from those he knows. Am i reading this right?
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>First game 3 people are new one is a vet
>one of the new players wanted to play a rouge other two play mage and a bard
>"Vet" player gets pissed once he finds out that someone is playing a rouge and says he will kill him unless he plays something else

So people getting pissed off at optimization is really a thing I see.
Re-read the 3rd sentence.
You can still only have X readied at a time, and standard recovers normally. Also can't switch out unexpended maneuvers? Whats the problem. At least it's not Zealot recovery.
I'm not saying there's a problem. I'm interested in it.

What's wrong with Zealot recovery? Bushi recovery is the only one i don't like, recover a maneuver every turn, just swap between two maneuvers you like infinitely.
Well, its IS a team game. If you decide to roll something useless and weigh the team down, the hate against you is justified.
I was thinking of Warpath. Zealot seems pretty OK.
>My point is that even the good battlefield control spells, the 'God' wizard spells, often have a save, SR, or both.
Conjuration says hello. No SR applies and even if the enemy makes their save, there's often a partial effect.
That's called autism. Many people have it, especially people who play tabletops.
I ...guess? like I say the 3 of us never played before so he just wanted something simple and looked fun so everything else didn't catch his eye. Like I would think that if the game have the classes in here they should be able to work on some basic level so people can find stuff they can have fun with.
Is there any way to still threaten/take AoOs whilst grappling?
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>just swap between two maneuvers you like infinitely
Am I not allowed to like both strike and boost or counter?
Oldie's probably worried that he'll fall into the usual traps of a newbie rogue; trying to assassinate everything from the shadows, stealing from party members, betraying the team mid-combat and expecting not to be turned on for it, etc.
You can do that! You'll slowly run out of unexpended maneuvers since you're spending 2 and getting back 1, but you can do it!
The way to solve that is explaining such worries and explaining why it's no fun for everyone else, not threat of PKing. That should be done as a result of roleplay.
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Alright peeps, let's talk 1pp psionics.
Other than Kineticist and Medium, something good came out?
>Alright peeps, let's talk 1pp psionics.
I'm afraid last 1pp 3.x-compatible psionics book was printed in 2006.
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Alright, alright, my bad, let's talk OCCULT classes.
How can I extend my reach besides size change and using reach weapons?
Lunge feat, some path of war stances increase reach.
Is that 2hu with umbrella instead of hat?
Kineticist is a letdown.

Medium is a letdown.

Mesmerist is okay. Not very interesting, but workable.

Everyone worried Psychic would herald the end of days, taking its place at the head of the Fuck You table in tier 0, but it turned out to be somewhere between a Wizard and a Sorcerer.

Occultist is pretty damn cool actually. I'm pretty sure someone said "what if we made Harry Dresden into a class?", combed through the books, and turned every ability he ever manifested into a class feature. Since Paizo didn't have to come up with anything original for themselves, it actually ended up being one of the most solid classes they've ever printed.
I enjoyed Geist: The Sin Eater the class and spook rider cavalier, if only because it stacks with pact sworn knight.

The rest of the book was either exceptionally disappointing or not that interesting.

I will be honest, there's far too much text to look at occultist beyond a cursory glance, that being said, I do like it's sha'ir archetype.
No, it is not a 2hu. Many 2hus come without hats, anyway.
>Harry Dresden
>The first novel, Storm Front, was published in 2000
>As of 2014, Butcher has written 15 novels set in the "Dresden Files" universe
Is it good?
All I've read is the first two, but they're good books yeah.

Modern magic detective, lorded over by the magic council that beheads wizards who don't behave.
If by "good" you mean of literary merit, no. It is, however, highly entertaining read for the most part.
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Let me put it to you this way. I saw this comic in June. I'd read all 15 books digitally by September. And then I bought them in paper and read them again.

It's a good popcorn flick of books. It's exciting and a hell of a lot of fun.
>Tom Allen lifts the cover revealing your dish.
>a stinging silence falls the room
"Chef *insert your character's name here*, you've been chopped.

How does your character react?
The dude's artstyle lends itself really well to people looking fucking insufferable, doesn't it?
Is there any feat that's the equivalent of slashing grace but for piercing weapons?

Or any way to get something like that outside of being an unchained rogue?
Fencer's grace, only works on rapiers
Dang, only rapiers

That's not what I was hoping for, thanks anyway
Deadly Agility from PoW, even a DM that doesn't like the system should be reasonable enough to accept the feat.
Agile enchantment, but that only applies to finessable weapons.
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So our mythic wizard just left on us, and we're about to hit a Temple of Orcus that will likely murder my entire party and my new character.

The wizard was notable for having a staff of meteor swarm and pretty great divination abilities. Also with the amount of gold we were parsing, he had pretty much every spell a tenth level wizard would need.

The rest of us ain't so bad, but wish us luck, /tg/.
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That's funny, my GM allowed PoW with the sole exception of that feat.
Just bought PoW & Expanded in pdf and color hardcopy. Any anons currently hosting games on roll20?
Discipline: Mithral Current (Counter)
Level: 7
Prerequisites: Two Mithral Current maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
The dance of the Mithral Current allows you to avoid
an incoming effect and return the insult with great
fury. You can initiate this counter in response to being
targeted by or caught in an effect that allows a saving
throw. Make a Perform (dance) check in place of your
saving throw. If you succeed, you can immediately move
to any space adjacent to the creature that originated the
effect without provoking attacks of opportunity, even
if the creature is further away than your movement
speed. If your weapon is sheathed when you initiate this
maneuver, you may draw it and make a melee attack
against that creature. If it hits, it deals weapon damage
as normal plus an additional 5d6 points of damage.

>even if the creature is further away than your movement speed
So whoever scryes at me can get katana in the face?
Yes. Yes you can.

Hell, it's a great transportation effect.
That is terrifying.
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>a whole thread of normal magical girl art appears
>right after I've taken my concept into a realm that demands really specific weird art

At least the Japanese surrealist indie walking simulator community has my back...
There's an anon taking applications for something he intends to eventually sell. He'll post in here from time to time. Something about the Big Freeze and Elven Fae councils, sadly no railroads.
There's a trait for that, Umbral Unmasking.
It's a little more complicated than that.

Avenger is so shitty that the grail thought he was a human instead of a servant and tried to grant his wish as the 'first' to reach the Grail when he was defeated in the war and returned to the grail.

And because he's some hick Indian kid who got scapegoated and murdered as a representation of all of man's evil, his wish was for the grail to gather all the evil in the world into itself (in order to, presumably, remove that evil from the rest of the world)

The grail can't actually DO that, but it damn sure could try, so the Grail basically spent all the time between the third and fourth wars sucking up pure, high octane Evil.
good to know. has anyone posted PoW:E link yet?

You know, sometime I'd love to see Galahad be summoned as saber. The man who managed to get the holy grail because of how pure and noble he was.

Mind you, I'd mostly like to see it so his response to being summoned could be 'What? Again?'. That and him likely being one of the few people I'd say would have a good chance of being able to purify the grail back to how it was before Angry Manjew.
>The grail can't actually DO that, but it damn sure could try, so the Grail basically spent all the time between the third and fourth wars sucking up pure, high octane Evil.
Did nasuverse get much less Evil between WW2 and 1990-something?

Evil is a renewable resource.
Not really, there's plenty of evil to go around.
Reminder that Tamamo is Neutral Evil for the same reason Greta is Neutral Evil.

All her cutsey behavior is a cover disguising her real personality (she's a Kitsune, remember? They're experts at that) and she literally doesn't give a fuck about anything other than her senpai.
What's up with yandere casters?

Medea, Bluebeard, Tamamo...

Are all wizards secretly yandere? Is this the price of T1?
>her senpai
Who would that be? Amaterasu?

He'd likely get annoyed at the entire concept of the Holy Grail War. That you can win the Holy Grail with force of arms and dickery rather than a noble heart and heroism.
Galahad a fuckboy, Peredur's the OG Siege Perilous material.

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Need some rules advice:
a) If I have both of the traits that reduce nonproficiency penalties (Arms Master and Quick Learner), I can basically use any weapon ever, right?
b) Assuming that either by rules or convincing my GM, I achieve omniproficiency, what uses can I put it to? I was thinking of carrying around nets and firearms and shit in addition to a big sword, but is there anything particularly special and exotic to work with?

But anon, what if I want the shadow to be my true self?
Yes, that's exactly how it works, presuming you can actually physically reach the target.

Repostin' the Dread Prince, a fear-themed Harbinger who marks a single target at a time with his Claim and grows stronger as their terror grows. He's a party defender who either teleports in to interfere with the enemy's plans or draws enemies towards him and traps them in a nightmare of difficult terrain and repeated stabbing.

Originally, Peredur/Percival was the knight destined to receive the holy grail, who had lapsed in judgement on his first attempt and was trying to redeem himself and become pure.

Then instead of actually pursuing that, the next writer on the cycle just inserted a mary sue who had always been a perfectly pure and awesome knight.
Does it mean I need, uh, polyline of effect?
Elric, this got asked in gitp earlier, but no answer: Is OD Warder meant to stack with DD, ZS, or Hawkguard? It doesn't have the "Still Stacks with other archetypes" line.
Heh, you mean a second generation Mary Sue, son of someone who was a Sue already?
It's not a CHAbringer.

Tamamo combined with her other tails is Amaterasu, Tamamo's senpai is the guy or girl you play in her game.

She'll love you and do anything for you (the Neutral part), but the Evil comes from how she'll do horrific shit to you if she thinks you're cheating on her. There's an entire scene of this in the game.

Yeah, we want CHAbringer!

Who knows, maybe we'll get a Fey themed Harbringer who uses Cha in the new book.
A reminder that Strength-based magical child is cute. CUTE!
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>Miss the old 3.5 spiked chain.
>Refluff flailpole
its just not the same....
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It sure ain't. He's thoroughly Int based - all about understanding and weaponizing fear against his foes.

Inspirations are horror movie villains, the 4e Swordmage, and pic related
I don't know what "polyline" means, but if they're in a locked room with no windows, or are flying and you can't fly (for example) then you wouldn't be able to initiate the counter.

It hasn't been answered because I'm the only one awake right now. It'll be answered after I get done talking with the rest of the team about it.
not even if they're flying just 5 feet off the ground?
>I will never find a game to play my big weapon stalker in

>I don't know what "polyline" means, but if they're in a locked room with no windows, or are flying and you can't fly (for example) then you wouldn't be able to initiate the counter.

But it's 100% ok if they are 10 miles away and scrying on you as long as you can physically get there?
>There's an entire scene of this in the game.
This one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBDTYCDdKvg
Eh, I wouldn't call Lancelot a Sue. Sure, he was practically invincible in battle, but he was plenty flawed out of it.
I'm not too up on the rules for adjacency as they pertain to 3d movement. If being 5 ft. Below someone still counts as adjacent, then presumably yes.

I woke up like 10 minutes ago, so I'm not checking if scry has a save or not. Assuming it does, and you succeed, then yes.

That's the one! It's also one of the few scenes where she shows genuine emotion.

Scrying does have a save, yeah.

I look forward to the result of 'Where is he?' being 'Right behind you!'
Is there a limit to how many wayfinders you can equip?
are vampires playable in golarion or too op/shit ?
I've only played in low-tier games before, but I've been invited to join a tier 1/2/3 game.

How do I full caster?
It has an HD requirement and adjusts your CR (thus your effective level), if going by the bestiary. There's a less extensive template in Dreamscarred Press's Lords of the Night, though, with less overpowered shit and less crippling weaknesses to make up for it.
Looks like I had a save of that dialog, and "wrong" choices are rather underwhelming. I hoped for dead end, or at least threats of it.
What the fuck is an occultist and are they fun?
Sunlight weakness makes them pretty unplayable unless the entire party is vampires as well. Manageable with magic at higher levels, and psychic vampires don't have it at all. Psychic vampires are generally way better.
I don't like the bonus feats my sorc bloodline gives what do?

Jiang-Shi are also pretty hilarious. They lack the sunlight weakness but are slow as fuck and can't go near rice.
Send flowers to the voice actor for her birthday like i did
It's a bit like some versions of the artificer, or like DSP's Akasha if you're familiar. You have a pool of points that you invest into objects, and then use those objects to create magical effects. It's a bit overcomplicated for what it does, but I'm fond enough of the flavor to play one.
As long CR adjust is the worst it have

>that squeal of delight when she realizes the MC loves her

Oh my god that's too cute.
I mean, end of the day, it's up to your GM. All monster PCs exist solely at GM discretion; the official 'rules' for them are basically just 'guidelines for if GMs want to bother'.
There's also the occultist arcanist.
they could had checked before approving it uh
I know, what can make them unplayable is their estabilished role in the fluff
if all the creatures of a certain type in a setting have strict guidelines that make look too silly the odd individualist
No. Dodge and Deflection bonuses get added to CMD, but this isn't either of those, and since it doesn't specifically say it also adds to your CMD, it doesn't.
I've been trying to sort them out but they really have an absurd amount of rules text.
How do they typically role play?
>A creature can also add any circumstance, deflection, dodge, insight, luck, morale, profane, and sacred bonuses to AC to its CMD.
It's far more than just dodge and deflection.
Can fun counterattack builds happen without 3pp?
>>Does it roll up or down?
>It doesn't round. Every four levels you take the FCB, you get +1 evolution point
That would, in fact, be "rounding down", which is a form of rounding.
Would someone like to tell me why slashing grace mentions the longsword specifically when it does not actually let you use dexterity for attack rolls with a longsword?
A wizard isn't a one-man army, though. Wizards are like unto gods, they transcend such pitiful things as "armies".
It's a horrible idea. Judging from what we know of this GM, you know the instant the PC's get the armor it will turn out to explode if anybody but its "rightful owner" wears it.

This is not a problem that can be solved in-game, or using any kind of logic or tactics. This is a "Convince the GM to stop being a dick, or leave the fucking game." sort of problem.
Because Paizo.
>its only really disarm (which eliminates my dervish defender int to AC from using the staff)
Wear a pair of cestae, or spiked gauntlets. Thus, you are always armed with two weapons, even when "disarmed", and you'll always get that Int. to AC.
I've hired a bard follower to cast heroism on the team before we head out and am currently building everyone wayfinders with cracked pale blue and cracked pink and green ioun stones to get my party's saves as high as possible but I'm still not satisfied with a +2 to all and +1 to fort and will.

Are there any other fast and cheap ways to improve everyone saves?
Wait, does your Wizard have a 20 Strength? The fuck is wrong with you?
But it's rediculous

It feels like the words "and attack rolls" are missing from the feat description
>Str 13, +6 belt, +1 book
Yes, but that would be giving martials a nice thing, and that *cannot* happen.
But I want it as a magus
Come and get me barbarian.
Now I've got this mental image of the party just walking along... and suddenly the warrior perks up his head and stares off into the distance. His allies try to ask what's up, but he just shakes his head... and suddenly he's gone, a gust of wind marking his departure. And then somewhere, miles away, a wizard dies.

Days later, the warrior rejoins the party, walking out of the distance without saying a word.
Yeah, I couldn't remember the whole list off the top of my head. Didn't mean to imply that those were the only ones, sorry.
>the world is modern enough for them to live in harmony
It does, but only if you're a Swashbuckler, which is what the feat is meant for. The feat lets you treat the longsword as a one-handed piercing weapon for the purposes of feats and abilities, and the Swashbuckler can use Weapon Finesse with one-handed piercing weapons.

Slashing Grace has been a bit of a clusterfuck since its creation, though, they've screwed up that feat several times.
>Wasting even minor resources on a stat that's useless for you.

Ahem. The fuck is wrong with you?
why make a feat so blatantly aimed at a single class without adding that class to the prerequisites for the feat?
Depends on the game I suppose. My GM trusts me with blood money so I've been thinking about investing in str belts myself.
Because Paizo. How have you not figured this out yet?
I mean, it has a niche use for non-Swashbucklers. It's still Dex-to-damage for weapons you can already finesse, so it's not useless to non-Swashbucklers (unless you want to do literally anything with your off-hand, because Paizo is still scared to death of Dexterity builds).
Cloaks of Resistance.

Alternatively kill the enemy spellcasters before they can act.
But this shit is worse than 3.5's shit
Guess who was writing content for dragon magazine in 3.5 era.

I don't understand, you have more than ten years of work to look back on in reflection, both yours and that of the system's original creators, how does this shit still happen?
Because Paizo. You don't actually think anyone on their writing staff actually knows how to play the game or do basic math, do you?
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You answered your own question, anon: you just never look back.
Why work on improving your game design skills if drones still buy your shit?
You don't have to have skill when you have that kind of history. You can just take the huge amount of raw information you have and make stuff based off of that

The only explanation is that they completely lack the capacity for self-reflection.

If it's going to be a pure fighter archetype, I might go for ustalavic duelist/learned duelist.

Mind you, Daring Champion or even a straight swashbuckler (especially if your home game uses some fixes like the "Unchained Duelist") can work okay to represent the concept. He was statted back in 3.5, and with only core classes/PrCs.
The entire series is literally about Faustian bargains. Of course it is.
Is intimidate worthwhile for a pacifist diplomat style character?
Best intimidate builds include free action intimidate on hitting someone with nonlethal damage.
What about for actual talking? I've removed bluff from my choice of options since lying someone is only good for short term results. My current stance for intimidate is the same since people will probably resent me and harbor a grudge long term.
If you are diplomat, why not use diplomacy?
What are some low-BAB classes below tier 2?
Thats my bread and butter but I've added an extra +2 int to my circlet so I'm thinking of expanding my out of combat skills.
Vitalist, full spherecasters without advanced talents.
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So say you're playing an antipaladin in a non-evil game. Is there some item or feat that will let you spend smite uses for an actual benefit? The best I've found is the one cloak that lets you turn into a lion.
It's one of those series that starts out okay, but gets better with every single book on an exponential curve. Each time a new book comes out these days, I don't stop reading it until it's finished.

They aren't something your English teacher would ever recommend, but they're the literary equivalent to 10/10 action movies.
Because knowing when to make a subtle threat is a very important part of diplomacy. Diplomacy the skill and diplomacy the tactic are not necessarily 100% the same thing: Diplomacy really should be called something like Persuasion, because being nice and persuading somebody is only part of how diplomacy works.

In the same way, Intimidate isn't always about "Do what I say or I'll kill you!" either. Intimidation can be as simple as reminding someone that you have the power and authority to stop them without having to ask, so it's best for them to play nice so they can at least get something in return.
I've been thinking about intimidation the same way. Does reminding someone about what manner of horrible things a third party is capable of (someone you are painting to be a common enemy for example) count as Intimidation?
They actively resist criticism, as has been demonstrated time and time again.

They exist in a bubble where customer feedback is purely white noise until it tells them what they want to hear.
Psychic isn't terrible. You're a sorcerer with a weaker spell list, but you're still a full caster.
Can an Elf take the Sleepy drawback?

They don't technically sleep, so I shouldn't think so. And getting a drawback that gives you a penalty to something to which you are immune sounds a bit cheesy.

I'd say yes, if you are obviously affiliated with the third party. Otherwise, the penalties after that make no sense, so I might lean towards making it a diplomacy check.
A full caster with no verbal or somatic components. Sure, emotional and thought components are there, but it's a lot easier to get around those, because the things you do naturally (bump resistances to things like fear or despair, and try to avoid ever having to make a concentration check in the first place) also help you ignore the components.
Hmm, that's a good question, actually. I've never had it come up. I'll have to think on it.

Technically, yes. If your GM is paying attention, hell no.
Golarion elves do in fact sleep, they're just immune to sleep effects.

Do they? Seems a bit odd-thought the whole justification of them being immune to sleep was that they don't sleep. Oh well, more fool me for not bothering to look at the fluff closely.
That's a holdover from 3.5, when they didn't. JJ thought, as he does of so many interesting things, that that was dumb, and stripped it out.
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The Rose Enforcer archetype for Inquisitors has been added to the playtest document. Some concerns that I still have on it:

- Initial feedback/internal has suggested that the punishment & vengeance oaths could use a little something...more. I'm not certain where to proceed from here.
- I've never written an Inquisitor archetype before and I'm not sure on the balance of the trades.
- Vow of Briars does not currently allow a save. I'm still debating on if it should or not.

I am of course accepting feedback and critique on any part of the archetype, but those are the concerns I still have from writing it.
>the troth these inquisitors swear
>their troth is sworn
>may affirm her troth
>keep your troth

Did the inspiration for this archetype come from your shiny new Obscure Word of the Day calendar?
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>he doesn't want to be the swolest wizard
Nah, that's just one of my favorite words to begin with. That and it shows up in a lot of old fairy stories - mainly because it's an old word - and is used in modern retellings of those stories to help give that slightly off feel to the tale.

That and if I used 'faith' - the closest synonym - shit might have gotten confusing, given the context.
It's not like this game doesn't use obscure words already. Do you have any idea what kind of usage "Polymorph", "Geas", and "Evocation" see outside of Tabletop RPGs?
I wish there was a full caster class that used strength as its casting stat
It sounds great, until you realize that you'll want to be using strike + boost every round as a Bushi which means you'll eventually run out of maneuvers anyway.

It's super not a problem.
Looks solid, mate. Vow of Briars is the kind of shit I love. Sorry, wizard, no planeshift escape this time!
I wish there was one that used Con

RIP Scarred Witch Doctor.
I actually learned polymorph from Nethack, evocation from my papa explaining the difference between stage magicians and "real" magic, and geas from the books of Piers Anthony, so.. some! :P
Con as a caster stat is rediculous, it's too valuable outside of being a caster stat

Strength is near worthless though, only influences melee attack rolls and carrying capacity. For a full caster stat it would work perfectly
What's the reason for the Sense Motive nerf from morale to competence? (Which, outside of the Crystal Mask of +9 insight to Perc/Sense Motive, it's the bonus type that all Sense Motive-boosting items give, therefore making it unable to be raised further with as much efficiency?)
I have to disagree; all SWD had over Int casters was HP and fort saves. Int is a superior ability skill because of the sheer number of things it affects and the number of skills you can use with intelligence. Constitution doesn't have a single skill or a way to get most abilities based on con, and if you're taking hits as a caster, you've already done something wrong.

What it WAS was flavorful and interesting, breaking an existing paradigm to feel good.
Well hey now, I didn't say I didn't think intelligence is also rediculous as a caster stat

In my opinion, the two stats best suited to be caster stats are charisma and strength.

Because they're shitty stats
Is the Chevalier a trap option?

The oaths are a bit underwhelming compared to the actual Inquisitor oaths. Upping your Enhancement bonus is weaker than getting a shiny new bonus type and scales a lot worse with higher level characters who already HAVE some enhancement bonus (And thus will likely hit the +5 pretty easily)

I'd swap Punishment away from Enhancement to another type and make Vengeance do something.

Vengeance has the same issue as a lot of 3.5 defenders. The punishment is...kinda mediocre. A 3/4 BAB class with limited in-class ability to really load the damage on for a single hit and few riders just doesn't have a threatening opportunity attack. It would require a lot of feat investment to make that even usable.

I'd either apply a hefty penalty to people not targeting you (To weaken attempts to go around you) or to make it apply a nasty effect on a hit (To make it more threatening). Doubly so when this is a very rarely used ability. At 20th level you will have all of 7 turns of it a day.

Alternatively: If you want to make them more one-shot than the normal abilities for the Inquisitor maybe steal a page out of the 4e Avenger's book and make Punishment give a full turn of 'You roll twice, take better on attack and target rolls twice takes worse on saves.' while vengeance is 'Non-you people roll twice, take better on saves, target rolls twice takes worse on attacks'

I love the idea of this class and will likely play it some time but yeah, currently it's a hefty step down from the standard inquisitor.
Are you the guy with the 3-4 much-taller-than-6-foot-dudes-Jojo-posing-behind-you-at-all-times backup?

Because if so, you are playing the game properly, and I wish you the best of luck.
I didn't like morale for the fluff and lacked the awareness of PF's skill-boost meta to realize that competence was a nerf. I'll try to find another bonus, though it's sounding like my other fallback - insight - might also be bad.

Noted, and I'll work on tweaking. How's the balance/trades on the other abilities? How bad/good is it that they get a slight spell list expansion?

It does not progress casting or class abilities, but It is pretty short and gives you some handy stuff. Let's break it down:

Requirement: 6+ BAB, 1 rank in two skills, must have participated in a APL+3 encounter or another feat of great heroism. It is almost impossible not to have met the last condition by level 6, to be honest

- class skills - you can pick some of the social skills if they aren't already on your list (i.e, if you are a fighter)

- BAB and saves - full BAB, good will/fortitude. Fighters are okay with this. Swashbucklers swoon.

Level 1: Good, you become immune to fear and get an aura that is similar to the bravery of a high-level fighter.
Level 2: Okay to good. Controlled charge isn't much unless you have full attack on a charge, but rerolling a failed will save is very good.
Level 3: Okay, good if you have high charisma: immunity to poison isn't much unless you use the Afflictions rule from Unchained, in which case it can be very handy. The Smite is keyed off your character level, not the class level, so it can be pretty sweet.

Overall, if you are a non-caster martial with a decent charisma, I'd say it is handy. I would definitely consider it for a class with low fortitude/will (swashies, unchained rogues) and a fighter archetype that loses bravery for something else. It could also be okay for a bloodrager as well, but I would stay away if you have any casting or other important features you need to progress. A one-level dip might be handy for psychic casters who want the fear immunity.
>I'll try to find another bonus, though it's sounding like my other fallback - insight - might also be bad.

How about Luck? Because if there is something the Fey should know it's fate and luck.
I was thinking about it in the context of a TWF Ranger. There would be very little focus on casting anyway, and 16 Cha.
It can work, although your animal companion may suffer a bit. Also, why the 16 charisma?
I thought the Lookout teamwork feat let everyone with the feat roll initiative and then have everyone use the highest result from among the dice. That's not at all what it does. In fact, I can't find a feat that does that at all. Was I just imagining things?
Can someone post the artwork of the magical girl from Paizo's book?

>Noted, and I'll work on tweaking. How's the balance/trades on the other abilities? How bad/good is it that they get a slight spell list expansion?

The spell list expansion is very nice as Bard is VERY heavy on Enchantment. Including getting Dominate Monster (A 9th level spell) as a 6th level spell.

The domain is honestly mostly a non-issue as it's easy to find a god with a given domain so it's roughly equal.

The Heratige feats are hard to judge right now due to how few of them there are but Teamwork feats are mostly not great so I'll call it a slight step up most likely.

Oath Warden is fluffy but going to be tricky for a GM sometimes as it will require working out a lot of backstory on the fly. Still cool though.

Waerlock Hunter is hard to judge. It depends a lot on how much the GM works out what counts as a 'Legally binding contract'. After all, the laws of the land are a contract between the people and the goverment in many cases. It looks handy but also situational as your Bane is very rarely going to be out of type since you can pick it anyway.

Art of the Deal is very nice but I'd not make it a Metamagic feat if you already have it. As a 2/3 caster they are going to get not a heap of use out of Metamagic feats at lot of the time. Make it a Heritage or Combat Feat.

I'd honestly make Mistwalk At-Will. It's your level 20 capstone and it gives you...a spell that wizards have had for many levels (Planeshift) and another spell they've also had for a long time (Teleport without Error though limited to oathbreakers)

The big issue I can see is Keep Your Troth. It's a Wis-based, high Will-save class that gets a situational bonus to what is 90% of the time...Will saves. Will saves are really not a worry for you. I'd hand it out to your allies as well (As it's replacing a team-buff ability) so you can help protect your allies from such things too. Or change it to another save like the Warlord has.

Sorry for the wall of text.
Everyone else is dumping Cha

Addendum: Alternatively you could make Keep Your Troth a bonus to save DCs against oathbreakers (Though not the same hefty bonus it is now). As a 2/3 caster your save DCs will never be as good as a full caster so a small bonus would be nice.
That may be a class feature for something, but Lookout is probably the closest. Having a single point of Stamina does let you benefit from it as long as you're within 10 feet of an ally with the feat though, so you could create a chain of people.
We're talking tracking oathbreakers, so an axiomatic bonus might be in place, or luck like >>46114591 said. There are a couple items that grant enhancement bonuses to Perception, so that leaves precedent for granting an enhancement bonus to Sense Motive, alternatively.
Are Rings of Wizardry worth their cost for a wizard looking to fill a ring slot?
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>mfw armor master's handbook is an april release

What are you hoping for in it? I'm cautiously optimistic after the Weapon Master's Handbook was surprisingly good, but on the other hand this is the defensive half and Pathfinder cannot into defenses that work better than just hitting something first very well.
Potentially? Generally it's more cost efficient to just get pearls of power if you're after more spell slots, but if you want to prepare 11 different first level spells for some reason(and whatever scrolls/wands/staves you can get access to don't suffice), you don't exactly have lots of options.
For starters something to make Armor Training worthwhile, then maybe some cool feats. I'm also hoping for some neat new Stamina stuff, as much as /pfg/ rags on it there's a lot of handy stuff in those rules.
Vow of Briars should end when rose enforcer dies.
How viable is playing a Mystic without using Elemental Flux?
It isn't really to my taste.
I mean, it's fine. They can use Animus to enhance any of their maneuvers, and they still have an active elemental type. Elemental Flux Style is really useful to help you tailor your active element to the situation, but it's not a huge deal either way. You can absolutely play a Mystic who doesn't use Flux.
It's why they get 5 other disciplines. Animus augments and other goodies exist for you to spend that fat animus pool on.
I'm playing a four-armed character, specifically an alchemist with two vestigial arms.

If I wield a greatsword/other two handed weapon in my two right hands, can I wield a light weapon in one of my off-hands and take a -2/-2 attack penalty if I have multiweapon fighting?
What? Are you confusing the two occultists?
The Paizo one has hints of Incarnum, but absolutely nothing in common with binder.
The Radiance House one is a BEAUTFIUL port of binder, however. One of my favorite pieces of third party.
Two-weapon fighting, not multiweapon fighting. The discovery specifically states that you don't get extra attacks with the arms, thus no multiweapon fighting.
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Here you go.
New thread:

Are you including the Heritage feats in Bloodforge in this estimation?

I'll ponder the rest of this - and potentially act on it - when I get home from work. I need to get ready and go, but you have my endless thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

>Native American Homura wielding a tentacle dagger with a leopard cub peeking up her skirt
Alright. I'm more the Mithral Current and Riven Hourglass man.
Aurora Soul who trades out Broken Blade for Mithral Current by the way.
>>Special: This feat replaces the Two-Weapon Fighting feat for creatures with more than two arms.
Flux plus Current plus ability to turn whole strike damage into elemental damage plus eventually level 8 boost that increases active element damage by 50% sounds like TONS OF DAMAGE.
That's true. It's also straight-up weaker than TWF because you'll only get a single off-hand attack and you don't qualify for the higher level TWF feats since it doesn't fulfill the pre-requisites.
I don't really care for TONS OF DAMAGE. Otherwise I would probably use Flux and didn't trade in Mithral Current at the cost of Broken Blade
The solution is obvious
more arms
A kasatha Alchemist could potentially have 6 arms.
>It's also straight-up weaker than TWF because you'll only get a single off-hand attack
With each hand I presume? How often do you hit with -10 iteratives anyway?
No, you get A SINGLE off-hand that you would get from TWF. You get no extra attacks from the vestigial arms. You cannot use those extra arms to make attacks beyond what you could make with your base number of arms. It's stated in clear text in the description of the goddamn discovery.
Oh, discovery. I was reading multiweapon fighting.
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