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Civilization Quest General and Discussion

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Thread replies: 230
Thread images: 34

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Feel free to discuss your favorite civilization quests and how to run them.
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I do not understand.
I think civs do better when you only get to choose race or setting, not both. I'd like to see more people specializing in certain kind of threads, like jungle or tundra threads.
>I think civs do better when you only get to choose race or setting, not both

Agreed. I might have to try that in the future.
Fuck off Myrm. You can post this each week and each week people will tell you it's stupid.

Sure sure, call me a pleb or tell me to go /b/ or /trash/ if that makes you feel better.

Your shitposting is getting beyond annoying and into just numbness
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For those actually interested in running/playing a Civ, here's an actual chart, rather than another bollocksy philosophy one.
Ah haven't seen you in a while Fire. I swear this myrm retard gets more desperate each time their ban wears off
Creativity isn't shitposting. Please, learn this.
That chart sucks though. It has all the same flaws as the one in the first post.
No, this isn't creativity. It was creativity the first few times you posted it. You are shitposting because you can't get anyone to praise you for your art-school hipster bullshit.

Just stop.
But that's wrong, stupid.
1. Shitty "dungeonpunk" art

2. Generic race choices

3. Poorly quantified categories

4. Excessive bonuses
Why do civ quests die so quickly? Is it...

1) QM's think an image with basic statistics serve as a replacement for having a coherent setting?

2) QM's are put on the spot of thinking up an interesting civ and civ leader within ten minutes of race and setting being decided on?

3) Characterization and plot development are both replaced by 1d100 resource gathering and auto-diplomancing every neighbor you have?

Or some combination of the three?
For most quests, they just want a one-shot to entertain themselves while killing time.
Or people trolling by making threads of a topic they don't like and abandoning them to get people jaded
The Civs I've run I always picked out race and setting beforehand.

It doesn't help players or the QM if they get stuck with a setting or race they don't feel anything for.
It's better than the giant hunk of bollocks that the philosophy charts are.

1. Mismatched, Poorly Cropped Art that doesn't make sense.

2. Shitty, Random fonts that change size at random.

3. Races that literally just don't make sense. I can understand, if barely, if someone wants to bullshit their way through some abstract shit with these things individually, but how the fuck is anyone supposed to run a Civilization with things that haven't even got basic descriptions.

4. Three seconds spent finding random pictures and tossing random stats onto them, because none of these things have been described enough for anyone voting to know what the fuck they're voting for.

I'd really, really like to see you explain how someone is supposed to run this mismatched pile of garbage? No-one but you knows anything about the basic physiology of the races, or even the very basics of what the fuck they're supposed to do. Humans in plains might be boring, but actual creativity can blossom there, something unique can be made. Your bullshit chart might be unique, but it isn't fucking interesting, engaging, or in any way a valuable resource. Please, stop posting these bullshit abstract charts for no good reason.

Oh, and for fuck sake, at least be fucking interesting when you're being a dickhead.

This sounds like a much better option than voting for setting and whatnot.

Do you think civ generals should be places where anons brainstorm race/setting/backstory ideas? If something catches traction here, whoever wants to run the quest can then go and run it?

Does that sound preferable to the current system?
>Why do civ quests die so quickly?

1. The genre tends toward expendable and interchangeable approaches.

2. This attracts shit quest-runners.

3. This attracts shit quest-players.
Races are actually good in this chart. You even have the unnecessary divisions like Merfolk and Bullywugs instead of making subraces. Just because your OC Donut Steel race isn't there, doesn't mean the options are generic or bad.

Numbers are kinda hard to simulate for freeforms. One guy might like the 1d20 approach while another one fancies the 3d100 for each action. I'd say as a Civ Master one should do his best to not ignore any modifiers from either race and place, be they good or bad.

No one will choose races that just give "-1 to growth, +1 to military" or other neutral/bad bonuses. The point is choosing a race that has bonuses you can work with so it's not another race of blue humans with slightly stronger arms farming for the winter.
>Do you think civ generals should be places where anons brainstorm race/setting/backstory ideas? If something catches traction here, whoever wants to run the quest can then go and run it?
>Does that sound preferable to the current system?
That's how i used them before the Civ popularity waned thanks to OPs faggotry and college classes starting
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>Do you think civ generals should be places where anons brainstorm race/setting/backstory ideas?

I'd love for that to be the case. I'm so tired of boring, uninspired "fantasy" that lacks the fantastic.
>Races are actually good in this chart.

No, they are generic. I don't want to play a D&D version of Sid Meyer's Civilization. I want something that doesn't suck.
So what do you suggest? As you hate every known fantasy race, what would be a good replacement? If you hate dwarves, giants, kobolds, crystalids, unseen and whatnot, then what panders to your taste? The kind of shit in OP for oh-so-mature pseudophilosophers in high school? Fuck off.
>So what do you suggest?
I've BEEN suggesting it for months. Pay attention.
He is the OP. There is literally only one person on this entire board that promotes this shit.
See? They make it seem like they have the only true answer to a peeve that I'm sure many people do have but they promote it as "THIS IS THE ONLY SOLUTION AND EVERYONE ELSE IS RETARDED, OMG IM SO SMART"

Just ignore and move on. I think this shitstain could be solely responsible for the death of Civs
Oh, terribly sorry, I didn't see that post I directly referenced. Thanks for the really helpful solution of directing me to look at it again rather than giving an actual response.

What's fantastic about the races proposed in the OP? What is interesting about them? What do you see in them? Please, explain it to me so that I may cease to be so ignorant. Please, really, tell me what character they have that makes them interesting to play? Please, I want to know what makes them so enchanting to you.
>What's fantastic about the races proposed in the OP?
They aren't generic, pseudo-Gygaxian fantasy with races that are just short humans or humans with pointy ears.
How are civ threads supposed to be run? Does the OP just arbitrarily make up rules?
They are supposed to be run in a way that continues play until a satisfying conclusion is reached.

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This one is infinitely better.
Obviously, but try telling that to the plebeians.

Well, that's the noticeable problem. They aren't anything. At all. I get the idea that you dislike standard fantasy, but what you keep suggesting are not new, interesting races, they're just abstract piles of nothing that don't mean anything and don't provide any way for someone to make something interesting.

No-one, player or CM is able to run a Civilization of Grinny, except maybe you, and I doubt that from your earlier attempt to run an abstract Civ. There is literally no use in even presenting these races, because no-one can use them for anything until they've been fleshed out enough to even basically be understood.

Does a Grinny eat meat or vegetables? What kind of shelter does one need? What is their natural attitude? Are they warlike? Do they focus themselves on religion? All we get about them is a crappy, random and entirely abstract picture, and a pile of useless stats. How is someone supposed to make that interesting to play for a protracted period?

What? You pointed me back to look at a post depicting your criticism of the chart /I/ used. That is not a fucking answer, It cannot be ''right'' because it has nothing to do with the question I asked about /your/ chart. Try making sense, it might make your random bullshit more bearable.
>Well, that's the noticeable problem
It's not a bug. It's a feature.
You are way too invested in being angry with someone who is just trying to improve things.
You have a small set of rules and difinitions. Each master chooses his own dice style(the most common one being 1d20 for each action) and creates the world on his own. The fact that you only have to describe what's immediately close to the civ reduces the workload. Each modifier is accounted for, so say Dwarves could need 2 food units every 3~5 rounds and get a +5 modifier in Military and a +10 in Industry. These modifiers are set by the master, and players can do nearly everything they want. It's like, you know, a tabletop game.
>There is literally no use in even presenting these races, because no-one can use them for anything until they've been fleshed out enough to even basically be understood.

Which is the whole point of a civilization quest.
You are so wrong I'll assume you're baiting.
>Does a Grinny eat meat or vegetables? What kind of shelter does one need? What is their natural attitude? Are they warlike? Do they focus themselves on religion? All we get about them is a crappy, random and entirely abstract picture, and a pile of useless stats. How is someone supposed to make that interesting to play for a protracted period?

That all comes from player interaction. This isn't a difficult concept.
So the only feature of your chart is that it is nothing at all, with no details, no ideas to build from, and absolutely no purpose. Good, glad you could admit that.

Side note, what kind of Civs would the current player-base be interested in? Asides Myrm, that is.
>Side note, what kind of Civs would the current player-base be interested in?

Anything that breaks the mold of hack-and-slash "solutions" and diplomancy.

Anything that rejects boring modularity for creativity and individuality.

Anything that takes metaphysics, ontology, and ethics as its base.
>So the only feature of your chart is that it is nothing at all, with no details, no ideas to build from, and absolutely no purpose

No. It is that it isn't attached to derivative and shallow fantasy cliches. It is a new beginning for wonder.
I'd like a underground-based civ, specially Dwarves. But since no one likes dwarves anymore, maybe another race that can fare well in a mixed terrain, like a mining race on the side of a mountain so they have access to other aboveground civilizations.
>"Here is a picture of human heads in a tree. You guys make a 200-page essay about its every physiological aspect and how it interacts with the world, and then we can start our game"

And we let these people vote.
Do it. Run it. If you want to see it Myrm, make it happen. See how it goes.
>make a 200-page essay about its every physiological aspect and how it interacts with the world

It should be obvious just from looking at the picture. Don't be so autistically obtuse.
Just an assumption. If I was wrong, I apologize profusely.
News for you, It's not. One of those pictures is a fucking spider train. That's it. Just a spider train. How do we interpret a blank background, and a spider train to answer those questions?
That explanation makes things a lot clearer, thanks.

I still feel like there are a lot of ambiguities in standard civ charts. When it says that a Skaven starts with a Plague Mage, how am I supposed to know what that means? I guess I'd figure that all out and implement it my own way, but it still kind of irks me.
>News for you, It's not. One of those pictures is a fucking spider train. That's it. Just a spider train. How do we interpret a blank background, and a spider train to answer those questions?


/abstract jazz begins to play/

yOu LoOk OuTsIdE yOuR wInDoW aNd SeE tHe SoUnD oF tHe EaRtH COLLAPSINGINONITSELF. wut do u do dawg?

>eat hot porridge made of brain matter and dreamworld splinters
>VvvvvvvVVVVvvvvvvery intersting, mortal

WhIch REsourCe wood u LIEK 2 GATHER?


There, we've played Myrm's abstract civ game. We can all agree that it sucks now, and move on.
Personally I don't think the charts are good as a concept, regardless of what is in it. It splits the players and makes them fight over what they want to play and where.

Just make a world and fill it with interesting races and characters and landscapes and then craft the race you want to run and advertise it as such. You could offer some modest selection of where to start to offer a variety of choice, but otherwise you should focus on crafting the beginning of the quest/civ in a way that will bring players together instead of force them to fight.
Until I read the end I was honestly convinced myrm was offering a sincere example of how to play it. For someone so obsessed with the abstract he is surprisingly predictable if he can be mimicked so well.
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>How do we interpret a blank background, and a spider train to answer those questions?

It's called an imagination. It hasn't totally been deleted from your generation yet.

He isn't obsessed with the 'abstract', he's a fucking lazy tool. Anyone who thinks they can bullshit their way to being avant-garde by making a collage of conflicting imagery doesn't deserve to be taken seriously. Myrm definitely falls into this category, and so does his stupid as balls spam image.
>/abstract jazz begins to play/
Got any links?

>eat hot porridge made of brain matter and dreamworld splinters
>conflicting imagery
None of it conflicts.
>Got any links?


Again, easy.


>Congratulations, midochlorian precursor! You've fashioned the Trumpet of Ages from the dried anus of Mohammad's daughter! What do you choose to do with this newfound power---[bzzzzttttt]HELP US TRAVELLER WE'VE FALLEN INTO THE WRONG DIMENSION (we.aren't.supposed.to.be.here)[BZZZTTTT] which resource wood u liek 2 gather?
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>the dried anus of Mohammad's daughter!
I'm sure a museum would pay top dollar for this.
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>which resource wood u liek 2 gather?
We should minehunt for birdgems to fill the Dowager Empress's crystal aviary.

>he whispers into your ear of a time when jerusalem sailed mightily towards the eternal sun with parrots as heralds for the great journey, you are the omega-tychon-profiterole, you are the hips swaying to the dance of the script cosmic, does love's concrete definition begin to break down in the absence of measurable passage of time? we will never know we will never know we will never know we will never know

>which resource wood u liek 2 gather m8m8m8m8m8m8
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Wow OP's shit is fucking terrible. It looks like something one of those Lovecraft fanboys would shitpost about because "OOH FISH AND INSECTS ARE SOOOO ALIEN AND CANNOT BE FATHOMED".

Anyways, I want to run a civ game but in a "modern" setting, not like contemporary 21st century modern, but post-Westphalia modern. I want something that starts in the 18th century and progresses, but I don't really know how to make that happen without having a world already built, which removes a lot of the choices for players. Any suggestions?
>you are the omega-tychon-profiterole
Philip K. Dick, is that you?

No, I'm just using le unfathomable abstract meme as a smokescreen so people can't tell how remarkably untalented I am.
>Find cool pictures
>Put random poems under them
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I bet you unironically support the use of tropes like "alien geometry". Well here's some facts for you nancy-boy, nothing is alien about architecturally unsound design principles and big furniture is not scary and will not break your mind.

Get some fucking culture or off yourself, faggot.
Yes? And?
New world, colonial powers, fairly blank slate
Explain why they're wrong and why your opinion is right
Nothing, I just find it funny that all these people who claim to be "creative", don't seem creative at all to me
Good idea, I think I'll actually do that.
Again, you're not really helping me here, what part is "factually" incorrect?
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The part where they confuse their incorrect opinions for facts.
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"Look who's creative now"

Fuck off. You're not creative, you're narcissistic.
I think you've succeeded where the rest of us have failed. He appears to be gone.
Is this a fourth dimensional view of a minotaur?
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New OC. Tell me what you think pls.
I know you're shitposting, but it could work.
Make more of these.
I'd love to play a civ quest where we're a really boring race like Humans or Orcs and we just slam our normie civilization through abstract hellholes, buttfucking enemy tribes of Grinny's and skellie-trains.
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Make a few more so we can make a complete chart. Then add locations.
That makes three charts to be spammed. And that one guy who keeps asking for Scorpionfolk. Sure, why not.

Might as well throw a Scorpionfolk image onto the art school fetish civ chart. Contain all the autism in one place.

Is this the newest buzzword?
Hey, nice to see that the civs are coming back just as I wanted to start one.

Are you guys free next weekend? I've got a whole world in the building with maps, battle rules and everything!

You'll be taking control of some treants that [redacted [/spoiler]. No seriously, treants and discovery. What could go wrong?
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When will there be another skeleton civilization?
No. The abstract philosophy charts thrown into every few threads saying ''Use this one instead'' are Spam, If I'm understanding the word correctly.
It could be fun.
Well I sure hope so. I got all of my inspiration from Jyoti's ghouls, but the world I'm building is well.. mine
Oh just shut the fuck up with that horrid shit of yours. I've played a civ with that chart and it was plain bullshit. Like literally, someone shat some words and posted it in an imageboard hoping people will like it...

I like it.

Honestly, it's better to dive into a pre-genned world than try to get your players to come up with a coherent backstory from race and location. Looking forward to it. Twitter for updates?
Sounds interesting, I'd love to play.

We've spent a good few posts going through why they aren't better, could we stop pretending the bullshit, abstract nature of them makes them in any way better than an actual selection of actual races.
Don't post in Myrmciv threads.

Don't reply to Myrmciv posts.
I've taken a step down from your traditional kinds of civ quests. I'm trying to run from the perspective of a single individual each generation or era, starting in the mesolithic. It should be interesting to see the more personal stories that a grand overview misses.
uuuhh... well I could make one but I need my phone number and let's just say that I... misplaced it. The phone as well. I'll make a thread in the upcoming days just for some help with the brainstorming of the rules cause I haven't got a really big experience with the tabletop shabang.

But considering my working hours, I could be up for hosting it during the weekends and maybe sometimes during the week as well. And for time-zone, I'm in the Uk.
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>I'm trying to run from the perspective of a single individual each generation or era, starting in the mesolithic. It should be interesting to see the more personal stories that a grand overview misses.

I look forward to this.

There's a skip button for that step, but only do what you feel comfortable doing.
That's what I wanna do with this >>43876351
just a little bit different than yours because battles but I really like your style and your quest/civ.

Elia a best bro
http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Tide%20of%20Ages here's the archives. I'm re-cycling some old stuff from a civ thread I ran years ago, so there may be a biiiit of overlap. Or a lot.

Elia's your only bro, so far at least.

Thanks for the kind words though. There'll be more battles in the future, but honestly, without good equipment and training, it's probably a good idea to avoid them! That's to say nothing of wars. Until there's a big population surplus, you really want to avoid really destructive wars of conquest. Raids are another matter, of course.
Well, Just did it, although I never used Twatter myself I guess it could work.

Here: https://twitter.com/MunQm

Hey maybe we could flesh out a good big battle system. I already got some ideas but I'll wait for the next general so I have the time to actually put them down
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Who would play castlefolk?
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That's actually a nice picture.

The only problem with these is that the text is black instead of white with a black outline.
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Is this from Xavier: Renegade Angel?

The only problem is the text formatting, not the fact that they convey no information to the players?
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If you weren't such an imagination-less robot, you could glean some information.
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You just don't understand it. It's art.
How about you go and buzz off, pal. I'm just trying to make CYOAs here and you're saddling me with your rigid, toxic board culture.
>just woke up
oh my god, I do not want to deal with this shit in the morning. Thankfully, Primordial seems to have tackled most of the main points.

I see you have added dice mechanics to the locations. Have you considered why noone puts dice in any other civ chart? They didn't want to limit anyone in what kind of dice they wanted to use for their system. A description of what trials or benefits they gain from the location gives the same detail without forcing such limitations. Why did you choose to do it this way?

I just finished a Fine Arts class, and many examples of Avant-garde art come with short text blurbs or interviews or videos explaining what it is, if not what it's supposed to mean. This is for people who are actually looking for art.

Perhaps you should do the same, for people who are NOT actively looking for art?
And as you wake up, I'm off to sleep. Good luck.
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I'm glad at least you get me, anon
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No, you're making a shitty parody of actually creative endeavors.
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you know that all of these are parodies, right? literally no one in this thread thinks that OP's disgusting opinions are acceptable
Are there really anyone still doing Civ threads or it is has just reached the point where everything is just baits, trolling, shitposting and arguing for over 200 posts? Cause that is all that have been going on for the past threads, heck last time a seeming normal civ started it quickly got derailed into the same argument as this thread.
>Why did you choose to do it this way?
Because I prefer the excitement of random numbers to a boring static bonus.

That's what I said. You're making shitty parodies of actually creative endeavors.

>Are there really anyone still doing Civ threads or it is has just reached the point where everything is just baits, trolling, shitposting and arguing for over 200 posts?

This is largely the fault of people who respond to their prejudices rather than the facts.
>This is largely the fault of people who respond to their prejudices rather than the facts
I did not ask whose fault it is. It takes two to argue so both are at fault. I just wanted to know if it is worth to check these threads out anymore.
If people can respond to the matters at hand, yes. If not, then no.
Issue is, with my focus on the individual, I'm not really thinking of focusing on the greater battle system, but more a single soldier. Even a commander didn't have a huge idea of what was going on in ancient times.
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One day they will return.
>Because I prefer the excitement of random numbers to a boring static bonus.
1. nobody said anything about static bonuses. "Bonus to Mining" does not definitively mean "+1d100 to Mining" nor "+5 to Mining". It is open to interpretation.

2. That is your opinion, and some people prefer to do it differently. Putting your preferences in a civ pic means that the civ pic will only be used by you and people who think like you, ie. people you aren't trying to "change" in your personal crusade.

And since you didn't catch the meaning last time, let me repeat myself: You are claiming to represent creative freedom but are curtailing such freedoms when you get to the nitty gritty. Do you not see the irony?

So, how do you do technology? How would a prospective CM emulate such a masterfully different perspective?
I really fuckin' hope not.
>So, how do you do technology? How would a prospective CM emulate such a masterfully different perspective?

By using their imagination and their own opinions about worldbuilding.
I'm a fan of absolutely vanilla races, especially humans. They tend to develop in very different directions, while fantasy races tend to stick more to certain clichés.

A thing I really dislike is that many of the Quests only consist of I roll for food, I roll for mines, etc. and that you don't really interact with your civilisation. You just do absolutely basics things while your society and culture is unimportant.
....How do you intend to change anyone here?
By providing alternative charts and playstyles.
and what is the alternative style of simulating technology?
I see. Well consider myself a fan of your work nevertheless. I see that you focus more on realism than anything else except for that fucking immortal wolf and fishtits and I really like it tbch. Hope we can cooperate tho, I like feeling like I'm part of something even if we're talking about 4chan here
Could you provide a guide or example on the level of a chart to elaborate?
And I forgott to say that I think the stats put too much limitation on the player. While some very specific races like demons, celestials, constructs, undead and so on should have some special rules, I think most races should be more free in their decions about how their race develops, since most quests start a the beginning of their civilisations.
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No, this faggot will do nothing other than link you to his previous posts and say "use your imagination" over and over again. He is not constructive or intelligent, he also has terrible taste and autism.

As to your previous question about tech, I think it's best to do something like Master of Orion, let players have a choice but make it an actual choice with consequences, not just checking a box on the progression train a la Civilization.
Given that each world and each civilization is different, there can be no general solution.
I wasn't asking for a general solution. Pick a world, pick a civilization. Could you provide a guide on elaborating how technology worked/would work there?
That would require more worldbuilding than I'm willing to do just to make a point for a single discussion.
Than use a world you've already built.
I focus more on the culture than the technology.
Fire this asshole makes me want to run again, but I'm enjoying my break with family
1) It didn't sound that way based on your opinions on "the myth of progress".

2) How do you intend for people to change the way they do technology if you don't pave the way?
You may as well.
Because it is intended for people with better writing skills.
Yo crog!
Then why do you expect it from your players. The reason Civ Quests appear is because of boredom. People want to enjoy just a typical Civilzation game with typical motives and established physices and not spend their time debatting about how a race of the bullshit you threw in your pictures works.

And "I want to abuse my players for philosophical experiments" is not an acceptable answer.
The only good thing about this shit avant-garde thread is I found out some of my favorite civ-fags aren't dead
If only Slow would return
But that's not what I'm doing. And the fact that you view it that way proves you haven't been paying attention.

I have to agree, setting up a new civ takes a significant amount of time I just don't have. Possibly during the christmas/new year break, but I've still got work to do before then.

Doesn't help that it seems like you need to set up and announce some details on the general to make sure you actually have an audience on time when you actually run.
And the fact that you didn't answer my main question shows that you have no idea about your own concept.
It means that it is open-ended.
Same here crog, I want to run a biweekly civ over Christmas break I've been world building for the last couple months and am chomping at the bit to get up and running
I don't understand. What is "it"?
The chart mostly, but whatever it works.
Did you even read my previous post. Why would somebody on /tg/ waste his time with coming up with some rules for your new art stuff, when he can just enjoy a game with orcs or dwarfes where he already has the basics set, so he can start playing imediatly.
>Because the chart is intended for people with better writing skills.
what does that have to do with technology? You said you wanted people to stop adhering to "the myth of progress", how is the chart going to help with that?

Why would people with better writing skills consider the chart useful for simulating the development of technology?
Because that's boring.
I agree
Civs are already pretty niche on /the/
Making it harder for random anons to join hurts all civs, even myrm level civs
You're moving goalposts and referencing irrelevant past discussions.
I'm saying that their concerns have nothing to do with the current discussion.
you stated that you did all this for the purpose of changing a supposedly stagnant culture, listing every way that they are such.

I am asking you how you intend to actually go about changing them. I already know how you intend to change the culture(my opinions on the efficacy of such methods notwithstanding), and I'm going through the rest of the points, starting with technology. You had such clear ideas of how it could be improved that I'd like to see some concrete implementations of such ideas.
You're last two replys are irrelevant?
Thanks for reminding me
I'm saying your concerns are baseless.
As I said, I suck at writing so this will not be forthcoming.
Wut nigger?
He is also extremly hypocrite. He says that he wants to encourage freeer worldbuilding and playing, while on the other hand he tries to force his chart on people.
Then how do you intend for people to change the way they do technology?
They can only choose better options if they know that they exist. It is a reasonable action.
So lets use a metaphore.
You are some regular dude with a radioactive stone.
You know nothing about the stone, exept that it's radioactive.
The you go to random people and demand that they use your stone to build a nuclear reactor.

Does this make any sence to you?
Powergaming hasn't been an issue in civ quests, at least from my experience
Has anyone noticed such an occurrence?
I would suggest making rules concerning scarcity of resources: be they material, labor, or time.

From that follows rules for sustainability which in turn implies rules for socio-economic collapse. Knowledge, languages, and practices would be lost and dispersed.
Well civilizations normally don't die, so at some point your dudes will defeat the far superior empire next door.
Really threatening things normally don't happen.
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You know what I miss?

Cyclops Civ. That's what got the majority of the people here into Civ, or Slow. That was fun.
Confirmed to have never been in a SlowCm thread
Which is not only completely unrealistic, but narratively unsatisfying.
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And will people actually take that advise? Are you facilitating discussions in which other anons may hammer out the specifics? Do you intend to do something to that effect in the future?
Wait, wait, wait
Triumph stories are narratively unsatisfactory?
And empires rise and fall, your neighbors collapse, you rise, you fall, a neighbor rises
It happens in history, fuck it happened in the 60s
>And will people actually take that advise?
No, because they are locked into the Sid Meyer's linear technology trees and capitalist ideology.
And how do you intend to change that?
>Triumph stories are narratively unsatisfactory?
They can be, especially if they don't reach an eventual end (whether good or bad).
Ya know most civs seem to be more fascist or communist than capitalist
When scouts bring supplies back they are either for everyone or for the civ leader to decide how to use
This rabbit-hole will never end. It's a spiral of hipstery, crappy, abstract edginess that never seems to stop. Good luck, my companions.
Complaining until people change.
There is nothing edgy about acknowledging the embarrassingly bourgeois habits of questers.
All narratives are unsatisfactory if there are no conclusions
If you've taken 7th grade English yet you should know this chart. It's basic plot structure. All narratives should use this as a building block
that's not very effective.

That is actually SO ineffective I don't actually think you're Myrm because NOONE could possibly think that such tactics that only worked when they were children would work in the real world.
That is useless and your shitposting is to
inefficient anyway.
That's what I just said. Are you deliberately ignoring my posts?
>that's not very effective.
It has worked for every major civil rights victory.

Going against your boring tastes isn't shitposting.
Myrm would know, all of his posts are shitposts
His shitposting is so advanced he doesn't even think he's shitposting
No, but shitposting is
It's a good thing I'm not shitposting, whereas everyone else has been.
Wut nigga?
>civil rights
that works because people have the threat of outright ignoring the government. Leave the country, tax evade, etc.

And there's an important detail you're missing here: when people complained in those times, there were those who JOINED because they agreed with the points laid out.

That means that people would need to actually agree with you.
I didn't stutter (because this is text).
Just because nobody agrees with me doesn't mean I'm not right.
But it DOES mean you need to switch strategies, otherwise you are ultimately impotent.
Wut nigga?
Yup, because that makes people listen to you. Whining incessantly really makes you the most agreeable party.
Agreeableness has nothing to do with getting out the message.
It does affect the response of the message
If you make yourself out as a annoying, whiny asshole people will be less likely to listen to you
Then I need to be louder so more people can see the problems inherent in the system.
for all you civ runners, how do you go about making your map? Do you use a certain program for it?
depends on the scale of the location being mapped, and how much micromanaging you want to do.
What problems are inherent in the system? The fact that nobody wants to play your stupid, anti-fun bullshit?
program my own mapbuilder thing into greater and greater levels of complexity until it becomes unusable, then start over.
So first off you should stop this thing where you link to your old posts and add nothing new, it doesn't help in any way. You are just spamming up the threads.

Second, you didn't actually list any problems in that post, aside from the rolling mechanic which is hardly significant and not inherent to the present system.
>So first off you should stop this thing where you link to your old posts
No. I was right the first time I posted it so I'm not wasting my time repeating myself.
Agreed. Setting up a good time is difficult.
I don't think anyone thinks you are 100% correct so you'll have to try harder if you want to show that you are right
It is self-evident.

Welcome back.
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You didn't even make an argument to be right about. You just complained that people had different preferences.
That's because you didn't read the whole thing. Pay attention.
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Who would be interested in a deity civilization?
What would we even do, since we're at the top of the metaphysical heap?
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I'm working on a new chart.
Thread posts: 230
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