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Underdark Builder [Simple Rules] thread 2

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Thread replies: 183
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Post Stats + 1st turn, we're going off the last MUPDATE.


the Raouls: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aPkMN5onZmXXoUhQlF2jJeI_YPpyixyMWgv6wUNiV-c/edit?usp=sharing
Rolled 74, 23 = 97 (2d100)

1. Finish enhancing all Cursed Spiders with Dark Energy, allowing them to move faster, be stronger and take greater hits. (+10) (+2 Dark Energy)

2. Begin building siege engines to crack open a dwarven menace.

#2 gets +7 from my forges.
Reposting here for easy-of-access.

Rolled 100, 85, 70 = 255 (3d100)

Name: Underealm Magocracy
Color: Light Blue

Race: Deep Humans
Racial Description: Driven from the surface, this broken empire of spellcasters have survived on summoning and illusions for too long. Time to grow back to their former glory. Grey-skinned and white-haired, they long rejected sunlight.
[Adv] Magical affinity means base +2 Dark Energy a turn
[Dis] Few gods of the Underdark Favour humans. You'll need to work harder to earn that.

Dark Energy: 3 (+2 a turn)
Population: 17 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0 - Hard

Buildings - Ziggurat, Tower of Summoning, Scrying Tower (+12 to scry rolls), Mushroom Farms to the North.

Technologies - Mineral and Metal Summoning.

Artifacts - [9] Rings of Power

The Rings were the greatest creation of our people since the empire of old. This proud endeavor have both lighted a fire inside our minds as it has made our denizens lethargic, desperate to gaze upon them and study their nature.

1. Daemons are fickle creatures, and vengeful ones are a tricky sort. We shall first bargain for it. What does it wish for? More slaves? Magic?
Perhaps it could be convinced to an alliance, or at least to an amicable (or the closest it can get) in exchange for that which it seeks.

2. The Rings are beautiful and alluring, and need to be protected, kept away from greedy hands.
A defensive tower is to be raised, out of metal and magic, so the rings can be placed inside. 1 Dark Energy used.

3. Our people demands more houses, more laboratories. We now are pressed to expand around our Ziggurat, push away the wilderness and raise more outposts.
Expansion shall start on the three areas around the Ziggurat that we still don't hold domain over.
Rolled 75, 33 = 108 (2d100)

1. Beef up the guard, give them the best weapons we can forge and the best defences we can design

2. Set up a passive Trade Route via the river to the British via the river. This should be of help to the both of us

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]

[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
Mining Apparatus++: +10 Digging, two hexes at once
Boats: +5 Traversing River
Dwarf Ironclads: Enemy Fleet 2d4 casualties
Dwarf Forge: +16 to craft metalworks
Small Guard

[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.
Dark Energy; 10 (+1)
Population: 20 (+1)
Favour: 3

Doing the last turn that wasn't.
And I kinda feel Lord Abjurer Davius should get to keep his catch-up turn, given that it was awesome
Rolled 61, 35 = 96 (2d100)

Necromancer Lord Arathan of the Northern Drow
Dark Elven, with undead constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts." Once exiled by a matriarchal society that feared his ambition, Arathan returned at the head of an undead host and made his former home and its inhabitants bow.

[The Bonegate] Guards a tunnel between the north and south
[Necromancer] +2 Population/turn
[Subordinate Necromancers] Can lead bands of undead with ease
[Drow Docks] +15 to water travel - Regular ship-based patrols report troubles
[Nexus of Energies] Once raised a great host
[Dark Elf City] +1 Population/turn
[Drow Heretic] Drow Citystates will attack you, ignoring regular raiding range.

Dark Energy: 11 (+1/t)
Population: 40 (+3/t)
Favour: 0

1. My influence, the reach of the northern drow, now reaches far across the southern bank of the underdark's river. Strong fortifications bar narrow passes to the unworthy, and undead servitors stand ready to protect our people. The old elites chafe under my unfamiliar - some claim heretical - rulership, but none are able to challenge my might. And why should they? Our power grows daily. I will continue to lead my reanimated forces around the shore of the darkwater lake, ousting any lingering minor threats.

2. Our ships roam the waterways of our underground home. They carry important items back and forth, expeditionary forces, necromancers and their apprentices. But they can yet be improved. Larger galleys might be equipped with larger weapons - for bombardment or ship to ship warfare. Swift frigates can be built for speed, powerful rams affixed to their prows and manned by banks of tireless undead rowers, unceasing in their efforts. No force ought to be able to challenge us upon the inky black water.
Rolled 18, 37 = 55 (2d100)

[Realm of Zagrom]
Color: Yellow
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: 4 (+1 a turn)
Population: 26 (+3 a turn) [Breeding Pits][Brood Mothers]
Favour: 0
Other: [Goblin Forges: +15]; [Combat Efficient: Fireballs, Military Tactics][Goblin Knights+Metal Arms][Artifact Skull:+1 Hex/Coordination][Dark Radiation Pits]
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

Actions [expansion; train army]
1. "EXPAND SOUTH. I WANT THE ENERGY. I WANT! I WANT IT!" [Zagrom smashes a goblin] "GET IT! GET IT!" [expand south]

Your Curse Spiders are suuped up and ready for the fighting to come.

You'll now only need to make a 60 to successfully siege the Deep Dwarf city.

You bring it under your control with a clever alliance-deal that it has no way of getting out of. The daemon of Vengeance is yours!

You build a tower to place them within, it is glorious.

Expansion commences.

Your dwarves are prepared to take any comers, with fine axes and armours of steel and mithril, and well-made guns.

You and the British link up a trade network across the waters. It may be threatened periodically by Underwater Horrors, but for now it holds fast.

mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works, Great

Your domain is further brought in line.

Your commissioned fleet grows.

Expansion towards the South goes downhill.

You shore up your domain as you make the march East, and come to the pass towards Dwarven lands.
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Rolled 71, 89 = 160 (2d100)

1.2. It is time. Use our newly enhanced Drow to drive the dwarves into their city and then begin to bombard them with magic and catapult fire. Once they are thoroughly distracted have the Stealth Spiders begin to infiltrate the dwarves and wreck havoc. Once they are thoroughly demoralized we shall attack in full and take the city.

Rolled 49, 24 = 73 (2d100)

[Realm of Zagrom]
>>corrected population
Color: Yellow
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: 4 (+1 a turn)
Population: 31 (+3 a turn) [Breeding Pits][Brood Mothers]
Favour: 0
Other: [Goblin Forges: +15]; [Combat Efficient: Fireballs, Military Tactics][Goblin Knights+Metal Arms][Artifact Skull:+1 Hex/Coordination][Dark Radiation Pits]
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

Actions [expansion south; expand breeding pits again]
1. "You know, I don't ask for very much. Some gems. Some land. Some DECENT SERVANTS. Go. Again. South." [expand south]
2. "Expand the pits. The volume of soldiers is...insufficient. Do you actually think that we can take the other forces with the mass we have? HA! NOT EVEN CLOSE." [expand the breeding pits for growth/turn; allocate 4 dark energy.]
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Rolled 54, 75 = 129 (2d100)

1. Connect Powersphere to add power to mining and forging operations - build a power grid

2. Build a link to surface-holds - we have had some success, the time has come to dig upwards and give the parent holds the good news! (though you know how hard to please dwarves are, and the hold-dwarves are the most curmudgeonly and conservative of all)

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]

[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
Mining Apparatus++: +10 Digging, two hexes at once
Boats: +5 Traversing River
Dwarf Ironclads: Enemy Fleet 2d4 casualties
Dwarf Forge: +16 to craft metalworks
Well-armed Guard
Alliance with the British: mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works

[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.

Dark Energy; 11 (+1)
Population: 21 (+1)
Favour: 3
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Rolled 80, 34 = 114 (2d100)

Necromancer Lord Arathan of the Northern Drow
Dark Elven, with undead constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts." Once exiled by a matriarchal society that feared his ambition, Arathan returned at the head of an undead host and made his former home and its inhabitants bow.

[The Bonegate] Guards a tunnel between the north and south
[Necromancer] +2 Population/turn
[Subordinate Necromancers] Can lead bands of undead with ease
[Drow Docks] +15 to water travel - Regular ship-based patrols report troubles
[Sizable Fleet]
[Nexus of Energies] Once raised a great host
[Dark Elf City] +1 Population/turn
[Drow Heretic] Drow Citystates will attack you, ignoring regular raiding range.

Dark Energy: 12 (+1/t)
Population: 43 (+3/t)
Favour: 0

1. The dark elves are no strangers to ambition, and it is this that motivates me to settle even further afield. In our journeys up and down the darkwater river, our ships captains have spotted a potential place to build a new staging post. In a cavern of not inconsiderable size, and near the lands of the dragon Zagrom, we should establish a small settlement: from there to potentially trade all the more efficiently with our neighbours in the future: and overlook the river in yet more force.
+[Drow Docks]

2. The great elvish city on the bank of lake darkwater is still far from its former glory. This will not do at all. Now that its people are returned, rubble should be cleared from the streets, damage repaired, new homes erected. The people require a great capital for a realm that will stretch across the northwestern underdark.
Relevant Background fluff:
The dwarven desire to dig and search the earth for riches has raised up many holds to fabulous wealth, huge size and great power, but it has doomed many more to fall - the tale of dwarves digging too deep and too greedily is a common one, and many holds now lie empty, ravaged or are now the abodes of fell creatures due to incautious delving into the depths or stockpiles of wealth too large to defend.

For this reason holds will often gather together the dwarves feeling their desire to dig most greatly, equip them with tools, provisions and machinery, and send them some distance from the hold to launch a deep-mining expedition. Once some way outside the underground gates (which are locked securely behind them) they set up a camp and begin to dig, to great glory or a terrible fate.

Often patronised by engineers and craftsdwarfs, these expeditions are commonly equipped with the latest (and most volatile) technology, giving it a trial by fire before it can see use in the safety of the holds or the more normal mines. Sometimes the promise of glory (and horrible beasties) will attract a down-on-their-luck dwarven commander and their troops, looking for a fight or a career boost.

The expedition's trading post will communicate with the expedition's parent hold, but it is not unheard of for an unsuccessful expedition to be ignored and left to die alone in the dark.
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Name: Underealm Magocracy
Color: Light Blue

Race: Deep Humans
Racial Description: A mewling kingdom of wizards, mages and sorcerers. Grey-skinned and white-haired, they long rejected sunlight. They now reign over magical artifacts and ancient Daemons, not a trivial power in the Underdark.
[Adv] Magical affinity means base +2 Dark Energy a turn
[Dis] Few gods of the Underdark Favour humans. You'll need to work harder to earn that.

Dark Energy: 4 (+2 a turn)
Population: 18 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0 - Hard

Tower of Summoning
Scrying Tower (+12 to scry rolls)
Mushroom Farms to the North
Dark Tower

Mineral and Metal Summoning.

[9] Rings of Power

Daemon of Vengeance

Power comes in many forms. One of them is raw energy, another is pure knowledge.

1. The Daemon will be interrogated by the Summoners, Conjurers and Daemonologists to learn of ways to connect this world to his hellish realms.
The hopes is to create a Dark Portal from which we can summon forth the daemonic hordes to lay waste to our enemies. 1 Dark Energy is used.

2. A man of great power and will is to be chained to a dark room in the Dark Tower, in his fingers we are to put the [9] Rings of Power. His life is now forfeit.
His obligation is to siphon the power of Magics into the tower so we can harvest it for the good of our people. In return, his wishes shall forever be met.
Rolled 81, 44 = 125 (2d100)

Forgot them rolls. Rolls made now.
Rolled 1 (1d4)

You succeed in a torrent of flame and death. The Wizards take their toll as you take yours. Your enhanced Curse Spiders take less casualties than normal. -this d4 population

You take 3 hexes in that direction.

The breeding pits grow steadily, adding another +1 Pop per turn.
[Dark engergy pushes it into a pass]

The grid is alive! +5 to all rolls dependent upon machinery using the grid.

You establish great economic contact with the mountainhomes. With their trade they bring their politics.

[Don't post]
Might if I hijack the Aboleths? Their previous overlord seems to have been consumed by the madness of the outer spheres.
You open a small portal from whence you can bring three abreast.

The man writhes and screams in pain--the experiment is a success, but he does not die. His form is ripped, his aura shredded, his very essence has been elevated to something more... and something less.

You commence building a fine port.

The city is restored to its former splendor.
Ok boss. What does that mean?
>[Don't post]
Can we get a mupdate/conclusion to this turn please
Going to have to call it a night.
If there's any turns, I dig for riches
Rolled 65, 51 = 116 (2d100)

Name: British Imperial Exiles
Colour: Yellow
Race: Human
Racial Description:
Dark Energy: 8 (+1 a turn)
[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
Population: 18 (+1 a turn)
[run out of this, you end]
Favour: 0
[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]
[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...
[Dis] Nonnative to the Dark: you must roll 35+ to expand, as your people are frail and unaccustomed to the dark

Earthen Fortifications

Steam Power

Steam Drill

Rolled 68, 53 = 121 (2d100)

1. Keep working on the Artificial sun

[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...

2. Set up a passive Trade Route via the river to the Dwarves via the river. This should be of help to the both of us.

1. Develop a Laboratory for even more superior science! Get some ideas for how to build one from the books.

[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...

2. And upgrade our Metalworking Abilities.

[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...
At the new James Bond, update after.
Is there any places still open?
Ummmm... well considering some people dropped, yeah.

Also next update inbound.
Sorry there was meant to be a
after that.

this produces a tower imbued with the 9 magicks--+9 to all Ritual Magick rolls.

You can also begin coaxing demons out of hell en mass.
Oh, that helps. Btw, did I lose the rings in the process?
So who exactly dropped? Is there a chat room for this game?

Thameless isn't on atm. but this is it.
Oh wait, thameless is on right now.

but they're also still, you know, ON him.
Oh, update was coming cause I thought there were more posts.

To clarify.

So, can I? If yes, can I get an update on catch-up rolls and resources?
Rolled 35, 76 = 111 (2d100)

[Realm of Zagrom]
>>corrected population
Color: Yellow
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: 1 (+1 a turn)
Population: 34 (+4 a turn) [Breeding Pits][Brood Mothers]
Favour: 0
Other: [Goblin Forges: +15]; [Combat Efficient: Fireballs, Military Tactics][Goblin Knights+Metal Arms][Artifact Skull:+1 Hex/Coordination][Dark Radiation Pits]
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

Actions [expand east, search for metals]
1. "Expand east more. I want that city on the map. Do you see it? Yes, there. That one. That city. I don't care who lives there, I want to crack it open and slurp the candy out of it. Also, the slaves. Yes. We can use them for all sorts of fun things." [expand east]
2. "Search for more metals. Something magic resistant. Surely the new territory must have something that isn't absolutely atrocious in it. Dig everywhere and strip everything. Gods, this lightless nightmare is hardly worth it." [search for metals]
You have my blessing.
I'll allow you to extrapolate out the Aboleth's Favour/Dark Energy income over every turn she missed.
Rolled 74, 3 = 77 (2d100)

>Colour: Gold
>Race: Aboleths
>Racial Description: Aboleths are a dying race, practically incapable of breeding outside of when the stars, planets and solar system is right. Exceedingly powerful in two areas, psionics and in void magic, using Dark energy they can pull distant "relatives" from primordial planes and places, horrific mind-bending abominations have terrorized the entire under dark if they manage to gain enough power. Their gods, are of course, their sleeping elders beyond the veil they rend.
>Dark Energy: 26 (+2)
>Population: 11
>Favour: 14 (+1)

1. Spend 5 dark energy and 1 favour to pull forth more kin from the portal, as the Elder Gods demand.
2. Improve our mind-magics, these drow have strong wills. Spend 2 dark energy

> DE:19 (-5,-2)
> Favour: 13 (-1)
That's complicated. Gotta think of something. Well, tomorrow I guess.
Rolled 88, 55 = 143 (2d100)

Necromancer Lord Arathan of the Northern Drow
Dark Elven, with undead constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts." Once exiled by a matriarchal society that feared his ambition, Arathan returned at the head of an undead host and made his former home and its inhabitants bow.

[The Bonegate] Guards a tunnel between the north and south
[Necromancer] +2 Population/turn
[Subordinate Necromancers] Can lead bands of undead with ease
[Drow Docks] +15 to water travel - Regular ship-based patrols report troubles
[Sizable Fleet]
[Nexus of Energies] Once raised a great host
[Dark Elf City] +1 Population/turn
[Drow Heretic] Drow Citystates will attack you, ignoring regular raiding range.

Dark Energy: 13 (+1/t)
Population: 46 (+3/t)
Favour: 0

1. It feels good to be master of a city practically indistingishable, now, from the one that saw me exiled for my ambitions. The damage done during its capture was unexpected - but perhaps it ought not to have been. But now that it stands as a mirror image of its former glory, the only thing to be done is to harness the natural Dark Energies of the place for my personal projects.

2. Our new docks, further downriver than any settlement so far, are in a tenuous position right now. They are a pleasing development, and a good stop for ship repairs on the route towards the lands of the dragon and beyond, into the unknown. But if it is to flourish and grow into a settlement proper, where our people are not afraid to live, the lands around it will need to be cleansed of any potential threats. A force of the living dead commanded by some of my former apprentices should do the trick.
+[Subordinate Necromancers]
Bumping/roll call
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Your capacity to conduct experiments and gain new knowledge about the (meta)physical world has increased! +5 to any such rolls, may synergize with +15 bonus

You research superior metalworking and may now produce steel, assuming the proper structures are in place and you have the resources.

Scouts report some form of Deep Dwarf fortification as the pass begins to narrow.

You find Dark Energy irradiated ore. You'll need to expend Dark Energy to stabilize it during the forging process, but most Magicks won't work against it. Only those calling on the Dark Arts of this realm's Gods could magickally strike against it.

5 Population worth of Aboleths emerge! An Eldritch Abomination come forth as an Ally! It counts as a siege engine, and is horrifying to behold. Still the voice beyond the vale whispers, asking for more...

Something has gone horribly wrong--you've alerted the Drow to the exact location of the portal! A war party is gathering, they wield magic and explosives, and hope to rid themselves of Aboleths for good.

You gain +2 Dark Energy/turn

Your outpost downriver has become fortified.
[Realm of Zagrom]
Color: Yellow
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: 2 (+1 a turn)
Population: 38 (+4 a turn) [Breeding Pits][Brood Mothers]
Favour: 0
Other: [Goblin Forges: +15]; [Combat Efficient: Fireballs, Military Tactics][Goblin Knights+Metal Arms][Artifact Skull:+1 Hex/Coordination][Dark Radiation Pits]
Geography: [Dark Energy Ore, Irradiated]
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

Actions [assault the fortifications]
1.2. "Assault the damned dwarven fortifications. I want their stupid city and their tiny muscles digging for ore. Build siege weapons if you need to." [attack the deep dwarf fortification]
Rolled 88, 91 = 179 (2d100)

And dice
Rolled 57, 80, 6, 18 = 161 (4d100)

1. Dig along the river, dig north-east from my top full-tile
2. Research glowing mineral
3. Use British expertise to build Steam-Drills
4. Expand the guard - I hear the noises of war through the rock

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]

[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
Mining Apparatus++: +10 Digging, two hexes at once
Boats: +5 Traversing River
Dwarf Ironclads: Enemy Fleet 2d4 casualties
Dwarf Forge: +16 to craft metalworks
Powersphere and Grid: +5 to all rolls dependent upon machinery using the grid
Well-armed Guard
Alliance with the British: mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Trading Post: Great economic contact with the mountainhomes. With their trade they bring their politics.

[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.
Dark Energy; 13 (+1) (+missing turn)
Population: 23 (+1) (+missing turn)
Favour: 3
>one [1] slot open:
Deep Dwarf (green) dropped out formally, any lurker want to join in the slot?
Not to be confused with the NPC Deep Dwarves
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Rolled 20, 86 = 106 (2d100)

Necromancer Lord Arathan of the Northern Drow
Dark Elven, with undead constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts." Once exiled by a matriarchal society that feared his ambition, Arathan returned at the head of an undead host and made his former home and its inhabitants bow.

[The Bonegate] Guards a tunnel between the north and south
[Necromancer] +2 Population/turn
[Subordinate Necromancers] Can lead bands of undead with ease
[Drow Docks] +15 to water travel - Regular ship-based patrols report troubles
[Sizable Fleet]
[Nexus of Energies] Once raised a great host
[Dark Elf City] +1 Population/turn, +2 Dark Energy/turn
[Drow Heretic] Drow Citystates will attack you, ignoring regular raiding range.

Dark Energy: 16 (+3/t)
Population: 49 (+3/t)
Favour: 0

1. The realm seems secure. No major threats are close by, our fleet will not be easily rivalled, and the passageways leading to our territories are stoppered by great gates: save one. The route to our neighbours the Curse Spiders still lies open - and rumours speak of their conquest of a Deep Dwarf Dwelling.

The Deep Dwarves that flee this conquest must go somewhere - and the only route that does not take them further into Spider territory is north, towards us. We should dispatch a force to capture as many of these refugee dwarves as possible.

2. With the energies of our ancient city now properly tapped, I feel powerful enough to start working great magics in earnest. But I will require a great tower to cast from, with a library, a workshop, a laboratory - and all the other things a great wizard needs.

And I have laid the foundations for such at the site of my former exile - the ruins. Setbacks have been suffered, but it will be built, now. I have the time, at last, to oversee the work personally. Let us see what the problem is.
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Name: Underealm Magocracy
Color: Light Blue

Race: Deep Humans
Racial Description: Driven from the surface, this broken empire of spellcasters have survived on summoning and illusions for too long. Time to grow back to their former glory. Grey-skinned and white-haired, they long rejected sunlight.
[Adv] Magical affinity means base +2 Dark Energy a turn
[Dis] Few gods of the Underdark Favour humans. You'll need to work harder to earn that.

Dark Energy: 5 (+2 a turn)
Population: 19 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0 - Hard

Tower of Summoning
Scrying Tower (+12 to scry rolls)
Mushroom Farms to the North
Magic Dark Tower (+9 to Magic Rituals)
Dark Portal (can summon daemons)

Mineral and Metal Summoning.

[9] Rings of Power

Daemon of Vengeance

We made a mistake. The experiment was a success and the tower is infused with Magics we can manipulate, but the strongest artifacts of our people are now lost in the Aether. The brightest minds plot a way to recover them.

1. We send exploration parties to the ruins to the west in an effort to find more power.

2. We try to expand into the two spaces to the east, closer to the old haunting grounds of the daemon. Reclaiming his former house could allow us to create a new stronghold.
Rolled 27, 46 = 73 (2d100)

Once again, FORGETTING THE DICE. That's a paddling...
File: Map (24).jpg (887KB, 1024x768px) Image search: [Google]
Map (24).jpg
887KB, 1024x768px
Rolled 3 (1d3)


Something has opened up in the central caverns, ancient passageways and mechanisms have swung out to reveal... something.

Dark forces spread forth, silent and stealth, waiting.

You construct a Goblin Warworks, it's made of fungal wood and steel and menaces with spikes and rams of steel.

You assault the position well, their advanced magicks unable to overtake your superior numbers and mass of shamans. You take only this 1d3's Population damage, and secure the pass.

You uncover the open caverns towards the south, and to the north-east a lake of lava!

The steam drill construction nearly ends in catastrophe. Thankfully the explosion killed no-one, but you're back to square 1.

Attempts to recruit more dwarves to the guard have failed. They're having too much fun with the cats in the dining hall.

The deep dwarves evade you, dodging West into thick catacombs and labyrinthine caverns where no force may follow.

You raise a might tower from the ruins, the Nexus at its heart.

It seems there is something of immense surface just beneath the ruins in some ancient temple there. Your soirees were driven back by shadowy figures, almost immaterial foes.

You creep close to the old ruins, now in disarray without the daemon ruling over it, many slaves have left. Petty warlords subdivide the city and a war constantly rages for control.
Rolled 65, 20 = 85 (2d100)

[Realm of Zagrom]
Color: Yellow
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: 3 (+1 a turn)
Population: 39 (+4 a turn) [Breeding Pits][Brood Mothers]
Favour: 0
Buildings: [Goblin Forges: +15]
Combat:[Combat Efficient: Fireballs, Military Tactics][Goblin Knights+Metal Arms][Artifact Skull:+1 Hex/Coordination]
Geography: [Dark Radiation Pits][Dark Energy Ore, Irradiated]
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

Actions [expand east]
1.2: "Carry on the expansion on the duegar territory. We must have that stupid city of theirs -- the forges and the population." [expand east]
File: devastation and disaster.jpg (601KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
devastation and disaster.jpg
601KB, 1920x1080px
Rolled 6, 17 = 23 (2d100)

Name: Underealm Magocracy
Color: Light Blue

Race: Deep Humans
Racial Description: Driven from the surface, this broken empire of spellcasters have survived on summoning and illusions for too long. Time to grow back to their former glory. Grey-skinned and white-haired, they long rejected sunlight.
[Adv] Magical affinity means base +2 Dark Energy a turn
[Dis] Few gods of the Underdark Favour humans. You'll need to work harder to earn that.

Dark Energy: 7 (+2 a turn)
Population: 20 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0 - Hard

Tower of Summoning
Scrying Tower (+12 to scry rolls)
Mushroom Farms to the North
Magic Dark Tower (+9 to Magic Rituals)
Dark Portal (can summon daemons)

Mineral and Metal Summoning.

[9] Rings of Power

Daemon of Vengeance

Our people grow strong, but restless. We can smell war in the air.

1. We will Scry the ruins to the west in an effort to divine its nature to better counter it.

2. To the east we shall send a war party of Evokers, Enchanters and Summoners.
All petty warlords and slavers who don't bow to us shall be sacrifice to the Dark Magics.
Those who wish to live for a better purpose will be mind-shackled by the Enchanters and given dignified work.
Rolled 45, 11 = 56 (2d100)

1. Dig out south-west and establish a base (pier, defences, stores and whatnot) where the river and the central cavern meet

2. We have magma, might as well use it! See if we can build a magmaforge and pumping station

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]

[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
Mining Apparatus++: +10 Digging, two hexes at once
Boats: +5 Traversing River
Dwarf Ironclads: Enemy Fleet 2d4 casualties
Dwarf Forge: +16 to craft metalworks
Powersphere and Grid: +5 to all rolls dependent upon machinery using the grid
Well-armed Guard
Alliance with the British: mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Trading Post: Great economic contact with the mountainhomes. With their trade they bring their politics.

[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.
Dark Energy; 14 (+1)
Population: 24 (+1)
Favour: 3
You make it to the outskirts of your foe's city, but you do no overtake it.

+12 Scrying Tower, +9 Magic Rituals, +6 roll
= 27

You gain insight into the tower!

Your incursion is repulsed handily.

Plans are laid incorrectly and ultimately all the digging and casting is unusable. No magmaforge could be established.
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41KB, 375x561px
Rolled 14, 93 = 107 (2d100)

Necromancer Lord Arathan of the Northern Drow
Dark Elven, with undead constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts." Once exiled by a matriarchal society that feared his ambition, Arathan returned at the head of an undead host and made his former home and its inhabitants bow.

[The Bonegate] Guards a tunnel between the north and south
[Necromancer] +2 Population/turn
[Subordinate Necromancers] Can lead bands of undead with ease
[Drow Docks] +15 to water travel - Regular ship-based patrols report troubles
[Sizable Fleet]
[Necromancer's Tower]
[Nexus of Energies] The Heart of the Tower
[Dark Elf City] +1 Population/turn, +2 Dark Energy/turn
[Drow Heretic] Drow Citystates will attack you, ignoring regular raiding range.

Dark Energy: 19 (+3/t)
Population: 52 (+3/t)
Favour: 0

1. It is disappointing that we can be evaded by dwarves, of all things. While slaves to work forges for us would have been nice, we will simply have to make do without. The forces that let the dwarfs escape them will be assigned to pacifying the great tunnel between our lands and those of the Spiders as penance for their failure.

2. It seems my tower is completed just in time. Whisperings of dark forces reach my ears, and I cannot help but wonder what black power is stirring in the underdark. I will attempt to scry on this newest threat from the safety of my tower's workshop, employing all the Dark Energy neccessary to pierce whatever obfuscating shields might surround these unknown intruders.
shit early
kind of ignore this, continue posting
The pier is established with ease.

+16 from Forge +11, you construct a Magmaforge and pumps to fuel it!

+20 Dwarf Magma Forge.


The group further fails to overtake the land designated.


Work on the artificial sun goes well, and it is now prepared to be ignited! Soon your city's streets will bask in the glory of a New Sun!
Rolled 61, 46 = 107 (2d100)

1. Convert the entire population of Dwarves into Curse Spiders. 4 Dark Energy. +10 from Dark Tower.

2. Rebuild the Dwarven City into a second City of the Webs, increasing the amount of power we gain and increasing the grasp we have on this underworld. Have our forges help with the construction (+7)

You make it to the outskirts of your foe's city, but you do no overtake it.

+12 Scrying Tower, +9 Magic Rituals, +6 roll
= 27

You gain insight into the tower!

Your incursion is repulsed handily.

[consider these two posts the true update; you may now post]
+3 Population!

The city is slowly rebuilt in your image.
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Map (25).jpg
889KB, 1024x768px
Rolled 56, 42 = 98 (2d100)

[Realm of Zagrom]
Color: Yellow
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small goblin tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark. Zagrom's considerable hunger for slaughter and carnage now now expresses itself on the many creatures -- deserving or undeserving -- that people such a place.
Dark Energy: 3 (+1 a turn)
Population: 43 (+4 a turn) [Breeding Pits][Brood Mothers]
Favour: 0
Buildings: [Goblin Forges: +15][Goblin Warworks]
Military:[Combat Efficient:Fireballs,Military Tactics][Goblin Knights+Metal Equipment][Artifact Skull:+1 Hex/Coordination]
Geography: [Dark Energy Ore, Irradiated][Dark Radiation Pits]
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

Actions [assault the fortifications, take the city]
1.2."Overtake the city. I don't care how many lives it takes. Don't worry, there will always be more of you and you are fundamentally worthless. Now be off with you". [Attack the duegar city with siege weapons]
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open the gates.jpg
270KB, 1680x1050px
Rolled 54, 36 = 90 (2d100)


Name: Underealm Magocracy
Color: Light Blue

Race: Deep Humans
Racial Description: Driven from the surface, this broken empire of spellcasters have survived on summoning and illusions for too long. Time to grow back to their former glory. Grey-skinned and white-haired, they long rejected sunlight.
[Adv] Magical affinity means base +2 Dark Energy a turn
[Dis] Few gods of the Underdark Favour humans. You'll need to work harder to earn that.

Dark Energy: 9 (+2 a turn)
Population: 21 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0 - Hard

Tower of Summoning
Scrying Tower (+12 to scry rolls)
Mushroom Farms to the North
Magic Dark Tower (+9 to Magic Rituals)
Dark Portal (can summon daemons)

Mineral and Metal Summoning.

[9] Rings of Power

Daemon of Vengeance

The gall of those petty slaves and lesser beings, to resist the true call of the infinite.

1. We shall open the gates of hell, to summon forth a host of destruction into the heart of the warring groups to the east.
Those ruins will join us even if we have to burn them to cinders and ashes. The Daemon of Vengeance is to go with them and lay waste as he can.

2. We shall expand two spaces to the south, closer to that haunted and dark temple. If we can, we might be able to use it later.
Name: British Imperial Exiles
Colour: Yellow
Race: Human
Racial Description:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-_k5sO2jqM [Embed]
Dark Energy: 10 (+1 a turn)
[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
Population: 20 (+1 a turn)
[run out of this, you end]
Favour: 0
[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]
[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...
[Dis] Nonnative to the Dark: you must roll 35+ to expand, as your people are frail and unaccustomed to the dark

Earthen Fortifications
Trade Route to Digmaster Dwarves
Laboratory +5 to Research
Guns & Lamps: +4 to expansion
Basic Mining Apparatus: +5 to all mining attempts
Alliance with the Dwarves: Mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Trading Post: Great economic contact with the mountainhomes. With their trade they bring their politics.

Steam Power
Steel Production
Guns & Lamps +4 to expansion

Steam Drill
An elvish emissary once again visits the realm of Zagrom the Great. They claim to have grave tidings: news of a creature that might rise to challenge even his might if left unchecked.
Rolled 62, 100 = 162 (2d100)

1. Build a hatchery, in which our eggs will be well tended and more Curse Spiders can be born whole and healthy.

2. Continue rebuilding the Dwarven City into a second City of the Webs, increasing the amount of power we gain and increasing the grasp we have on this underworld. Have our forges help with the construction (+7)

Rolled 40, 82 = 122 (2d100)

1. Construct a research institute

2.Expand south to cross the river and begin digging across that side to meet up with the secondary base
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150KB, 1000x684px
Rolled 29, 45, 69, 96, 16, 69 = 324 (6d100)

1-2. More work on the Artificial Sun, now that we have dwarven skill to help us, our bright light that will encourage our people should be finished even faster.

Alliance with the Dwarves: mutual +5 to production of buildings\works

1. With the help of our Dwarven Allies we contract them to use their fine metalworking skill to make very speicific parts and pieces based on our designs for a rapid fire hand cranked machine gun.

Alliance with the Dwarves: Mutual +5 to researching things
Laboratory +5 to Research
[Adv] Great Library +15 Research

2. We will also see that we develop proper heavy artillery such as cannons and cannonade.

Alliance with the Dwarves: Mutual +5 to researching things
Laboratory +5 to Research
[Adv] Great Library +15 Research

1-2. Work with the Dwarves on upgrading the [Mining Apparatus++] into proper steam and pressurized mining apparatus, not only upgrading theirs but aquiring it for us as well.

Both of us will be able to mine for minerals at an astonishing pace!

Alliance with the Dwarves: Mutual +5 to researching things
Laboratory +5 to Research
[Adv] Great Library +15 Research

1. Let's dig for some Iron Ore, Coal, and Flux to make some Steel.

Basic Mining Apparatus: +5 to all mining attempts

2. Let's also build a proper Steel Mill. It will be useful to have one for when we find the resources to make them.

Alliance with the Dwarves: mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Forgot my pasta

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]

[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
Mining Apparatus++: +10 Digging, two hexes at once
Boats: +5 Traversing River
Dwarf Ironclads: Enemy Fleet 2d4 casualties
Dwarf Magmaforge: +20 to craft metalworks
Powersphere and Grid: +5 to all rolls dependent upon machinery using the grid
Well-armed Guard
Alliance with the British: mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Trading Post: Great economic contact with the mountainhomes. With their trade they bring their politics.

[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.
Dark Energy; 15 (+1)
Population: 25 (+1)
Favour: 3

Ignore any roll which says "1-2." and just treat it as "1" or "2"

Each and everyone of these actions should a single roll NOT combined. For a total of six actions over three turns.
You are quickly rushed to Zagrom's chambers. Zagrom's ambassador speaks to you, as he is currently on campaign. "Yes, you mentioned something of interest to the master?"
Rolled 1 (1d4)

56 + 10 [siege engine] + 15 [Dragon's flight!]

You break the city's defenses, and then, the bloodbath within can occur!

Your Goblinknights are well outfitted. You lose only 1d4 population in the carnage. You do manage to take some Deep Dwarf Mage prisoners, however.

Demons emerge and do battle in the city!
You gain and lose 1d6/1d6 (rolled in a coming post).

You expand.

+1 Pop this turn, must take further action to cement these gains as +1pop\turn

You have created a powerful center of ritual without peer.

You build a research institute, giving +6 to all research rolls. Dwarves love science.

You achieve your goals of digging southwards across from the docks.

The Artificial Sun is completed!

You develop a wide range of canonry, including gattling guns. You can blow any fortification wide open! It's only 40 to take Drow and 60 to take Deep Dwarf cities for you, or anyone with the aide of your artillery--once you've built some of course.

You obtain Extreme Steam Mining Apparatus: +20 to Digging, may dig three hexes at once, may re-direct the flow of lava\build magma dams.

You don't find quite enough flux to make steel.

You have a wonderful steel mill up and running for when it comes time to build lots of steel!
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Map (26).jpg
892KB, 1024x768px
Rolled 6, 1 = 7 (2d6)

The battle for the ruins rages.
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Dark_Elf crossbows.jpg
598KB, 1280x1024px
Rolled 34, 64 = 98 (2d100)

Necromancer Lord Arathan of the Northern Drow
Dark Elven, with undead constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts." Once exiled by a matriarchal society that feared his ambition, Arathan returned at the head of an undead host and made his former home and its inhabitants bow.

[The Bonegate] Guards a tunnel between the north and south
[Necromancer] +2 Population/turn
[Subordinate Necromancers] Can lead bands of undead with ease
[Drow Docks] +15 to water travel - Regular ship-based patrols report troubles
[Sizable Fleet]
[Necromancer's Tower]
[Nexus of Energies] The Heart of the Tower
[Dark Elf City] +1 Population/turn, +2 Dark Energy/turn
[Drow Heretic] Drow Citystates will attack you, ignoring regular raiding range.

Dark Energy: 22 (+3/t)
Population: 55 (+3/t)
Favour: 0

1. From the safety of my tower's workshop, I will begin creating an item of supreme power. Requesting only the rarest materials and reagents from my lands, I seek to forge an amulet - a spell focus - that may raise the corpse of one of even the mightiest creatures of darkness, and bind their spirit to my will. I will expend as much Energy as is needed to enchant such an artifact.

2. Our forces are already commanded by powerful necromancers - but magic alone will not triumph over everything. We need to develop ranged weaponry - both hand-held and non. Great siege bows for our boats and fortifications, and expertly-crafted crossbows for our troops.
Gain +5 Population, they are Demons.
Name: British Imperial Exiles
Colour: Yellow
Race: Human
Racial Description:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-_k5sO2jqM [Embed] [Embed]
Dark Energy: 11 (+1 a turn)
[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
Population: 21 (+1 a turn)
[run out of this, you end]
Favour: 0
[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]
[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...
[Dis] Nonnative to the Dark: you must roll 35+ to expand, as your people are frail and unaccustomed to the dark

Earthen Fortifications
Trade Route to Digmaster Dwarves
Laboratory +5 to Research
Alliance with the Dwarves: Mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Trading Post: Great economic contact with the mountainhomes. With their trade they bring their politics.
Steel Mill

Steam Power
Steel Production
Guns & Lamps: +4 to expansion
Extreme Steam Mining Apparatus: +20 to Digging, may dig three hexes at once
Gatling Guns

Steam Drill
Rolled 52, 81 = 133 (2d100)

1-2. With our new sun in the sky, our people can see for miles around, we can explore and colonize without fear!

Once again, the Sun shall never set on the Empire!

Let us expand our borders up and down the sides of this river.

Guns & Lamps: +4 to expansion
Rolled 65, 90 = 155 (2d100)

[Realm of Zagrom]
Color: Yellow
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: 4 (+1 a turn)
Population: 46 (+4 a turn) [Breeding Pits][Brood Mothers]
Favour: 0
Buildings: [Goblin Forges: +15]
Combat:[Combat Efficient: Fireballs, Military Tactics][Goblin Knights+Metal Arms][Artifact Skull:+1 Hex/Coordination]
Geography: [Dark Radiation Pits][Dark Energy Ore, Irradiated]
Misc: [Deep Dwarf Mage Prisoners]
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

Actions [convert/learn from duegar; expand toward threat]
1. "Instruct the mages to teach our shamans duegar methods and tactics. I must know everything they know. Torture them to compliance, and if they comply, allow them positions within our ranks." [train/convert deep dwarf mages]
2. "Expand toward the threat in the central cavern. I'll not be usurped by anyone." [expand toward the threat]
Rolled 5, 71 = 76 (2d100)

1. Work with the British to construct cannons - with Dwarven skill and British know-how we should be able to construct quite an arsenal

2. Mine south (digging towards that thing by the Arboleth lake and the green above it)

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]

[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
Extreme Steam Mining Apparatus: +20 to Digging, may dig three hexes at once, may re-direct the flow of lava\build magma dams
Boats: +5 Traversing River
Dwarf Ironclads: Enemy Fleet 2d4 casualties
Dwarf Magmaforge: +20 to craft metalworks
Powersphere and Grid: +5 to all rolls dependent upon machinery using the grid
Well-armed Guard
Alliance with the British: mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Trading Post: Great economic contact with the mountainhomes. With their trade they bring their politics.
Research Institute: +6 to all research rolls

[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.
Dark Energy; 16 (+1)
Population: 26 (+1)
Favour: 3
Rolled 5, 83 = 88 (2d100)

1. Finish the hatchery.

2. Expand.

File: Emirikol_the_Chaotic.png (899KB, 640x779px) Image search: [Google]
899KB, 640x779px
Rolled 72, 32 = 104 (2d100)

Name: Underealm Magocracy
Color: Light Blue

Race: Deep Humans
Racial Description: A mewling kingdom of wizards, mages and sorcerers. Grey-skinned and white-haired, they long rejected sunlight. They now reign over magical artifacts and ancient Daemons, not a trivial power in the Underdark.
[Adv] Magical affinity means base +2 Dark Energy a turn
[Dis] Few gods of the Underdark Favour humans. You'll need to work harder to earn that.

Dark Energy: 11 (+2 a turn)
Population: [22/5] 27 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0 - Hard

Tower of Summoning
Scrying Tower (+12 to scry rolls)
Mushroom Farms to the North
Magic Dark Tower (+9 to Magic Rituals)
Dark Portal (can summon daemons)

Mineral and Metal Summoning.

[9] Rings of Power

Daemon of Vengeance

The slaves had their chance to become a productive part of the great machine that is the Magocracy. Now they are but grease for our cogs.

1. Conquer the ruin hex to the east with the demons in toll. Every soul they capture is to be given as sacrifice to the Evil Lords of their dark realm as a gift. Spend 2 Dark Energy for the sacrificial rituals.

2. We shall send the Daemon of Vengeance south, to the land of the Drow there, as an Emissary. Perhaps the Drow would enjoy a trading agreement of magic in exchange for slaves. Would they enjoy our protection from the other powers that grow in the north?
File: Map (27).jpg (900KB, 1024x768px) Image search: [Google]
Map (27).jpg
900KB, 1024x768px
Rolled 2 (1d2)

-5 Dark Energy, it may command 1 being of incredibly power raised from the dead at a time.

Your boats gain the ability to bombard other ships and coastal entities. 1d4 casualties to enemy navies. Your common skeletons will now fire a volley at the foe before charging in, reducing casualties.

+10 to expansion within 2 hexes of the city.
People are generally very happy about the artificial sun.

Your expansion halts just east of a strange ruin...

+1 Population, Duergar Mages gained. They teach your Shamans some of what they know, importantly--the creation of magickal weapons.

Your forces lock swords with shadowy figures that seem to bleed in and out of existence, all but ethereal. 1d2 population is lost in the skirmishing but you've hemmed them into the gate they came from. Out comes an emissary.

"Our Dragon seeks to parlay with yours. Does Zagrom accept?"

+20 of the Dwarven Magmaforge sees you succeed where things may have exploded. Cannons enter mass production.

You poke your heads out to discover a Temple of Llolth. Thankfully you run your asses out of there and batten down the hatches before the spider witches catch whiff of your beards.

Disaster strikes! All progress towards the hatchery has been lost, -1 population sustained.

Your spiders spread across the underdark!

You rule the day! The sacrifices are well accepted. The Dark Lords of this realm grant you 1 Favour for your acts.

The Drow are a proud and racist bunch. They refuse offers of protection as veiled threats, but they are impressed by the Daemon and will certainly sell you slaves for enchanted weaponry. They send +1 Population worth of slaves as a token of good will [trade established]
Name: British Imperial Exiles
Colour: Yellow
Race: Human
Racial Description:
Dark Energy: 12 (+1 a turn)
[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
Population: 22 (+1 a turn)
[run out of this, you end]
Favour: 0
[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]
[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...
[Dis] Nonnative to the Dark: you must roll 35+ to expand, as your people are frail and unaccustomed to the dark

Earthen Fortifications
Trade Route to Digmaster Dwarves
Laboratory +5 to Research
Alliance with the Dwarves: Mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Trading Post: Great economic contact with the mountainhomes. With their trade they bring their politics.
Steel Mill
ARTIFICIAL SUN +10 to expansion within 2 hexes of the city.

Steam Power
Steel Production
Guns & Lamps: +4 to expansion
Extreme Steam Mining Apparatus: +20 to Digging, may dig three hexes at once
Gatling Guns

Steam Drill
File: ifgreat-forge1.jpg (144KB, 1024x768px) Image search: [Google]
144KB, 1024x768px
Rolled 3, 92 = 95 (2d100)

1. This "Magmaforge" of the Dwarves is fantastic technology!

But we lack the available magma source to truly harness one ourselves. We shall have to dig until we find some.

Extreme Steam Mining Apparatus: +20 to Digging, may dig three hexes at once

2. We shall also have to actually build a magmaforge while we look for some magma sources, and we can rely on the Dwarves to assist us in this.

With the both of us having such a wonderful device, there is nothing under the earth or under the sun we cannot craft!

Alliance with the Dwarves: Mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Rolled 49, 15 = 64 (2d100)

[Realm of Zagrom]
Color: Yellow
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: 4 (+1 a turn)
Population: 49 (+4 a turn) [Breeding Pits][Brood Mothers]
Favour: 0
Buildings: [Goblin Forges: +15]
Combat:[Combat Efficient: Fireballs, Military Tactics][Goblin Knights+Metal Arms][Artifact Skull:+1 Hex/Coordination][Duegar Mages]
Geography: [Dark Radiation Pits][Dark Energy Ore, Irradiated]
Misc: [Deep Dwarf Mage Prisoners]
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

Actions [parlay, magikal weapons]
1. "I will parlay with the dragon personally." [parlay]
2. "Begin construction of these 'magickal' weapons. They seem to have promise, and we should begin their fabrication immediately." [construct magickal weapons]
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Name: Rakluth, Scourge of the Scorned
Colour: Magenta
Race: Mutants
Racial Description: Horribly twisted beasts, perhaps once men, but now something distinctly less. Warped beyond all recognition by the fell powers of the dark gods, they possess great physical strength, but are savage and cruel. Perhaps one in ten of their number is capable of coherent thought, whereas the others are unthinking, bloodthirsty monsters. Of course, the remainder are merely cunning, bloodthirsty monsters. United by Rakluth by conquest, he leads his people in a mighty swarm, seeking out the warm flesh of soft men and elf, the only thing capable of sating their ravenous hunger, for a time. They shall crack the fortresses of dwarf and drow, cast down the works of man, and anoint themselves in blood. When the world burns, perhaps then they will be forgiven for what long-forgotten slight they committed.

Dark Energy: 0 (+1 a turn)
Population: 10 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0
Rolled 42, 50 = 92 (2d100)

1. Expand the Guard - all the weapons in the world are useless without dwarves to use them

2. Build Fortifications - the sound of goblins in the cavern and the sight of spider-witches is worrying - build the best fortifications we can, with defensive cannons and a magma moat
Name: Underealm Magocracy
Color: Light Blue

Race: Deep Humans
Racial Description: Driven from the surface, this broken empire of spellcasters have survived on summoning and illusions for too long. Time to grow back to their former glory. Grey-skinned and white-haired, they long rejected sunlight.
[Adv] Magical affinity means base +2 Dark Energy a turn
[Dis] Few gods of the Underdark Favour humans. You'll need to work harder to earn that.

Dark Energy: 11 (+2 a turn)
Population: [23/5/1] 27 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 1 - Hard

Tower of Summoning
Scrying Tower (+12 to scry rolls)
Mushroom Farms to the North
Magic Dark Tower (+9 to Magic Rituals)
Dark Portal (can summon daemons)

Mineral and Metal Summoning.

[9] Rings of Power

Daemon of Vengeance

>Trade Agreements

1. The slaves we get are to be sacrificed on an Alchemical ritual. 2 Dark Energy spent, 1 slave pop spent.
Their souls will fuel a hellish furnace so we can produce more artifacts for the warring demons and the trade with the Drow.

2. Rebuild the ruins to the east in our image. A mighty fortress with ceiling scrapping towers is to be raised.
In there we shall house our daemonic forges and our future ports. 2 Dark Energy spent.
Again with the pasta

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]

[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
Extreme Steam Mining Apparatus: +20 to Digging, may dig three hexes at once, may re-direct the flow of lava\build magma dams
Boats: +5 Traversing River
Dwarf Magmaforge: +20 to craft metalworks
Powersphere and Grid: +5 to all rolls dependent upon machinery using the grid
Alliance with the British: mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Trading Post: Great economic contact with the mountainhomes. With their trade they bring their politics.
Research Institute: +6 to all research rolls

Well-armed Guard
Dwarf Ironclads: Enemy Fleet 2d4 casualties
Cannons: 40 to take Drow and 60 to take Deep Dwarf cities

[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.
Dark Energy; 16 (+1)
Population: 26 (+1)
Favour: 3
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Rolled 87, 60 = 147 (2d100)

Necromancer Lord Arathan of the Northern Drow
Dark Elven, with undead constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts." Once exiled by a matriarchal society that feared his ambition, Arathan returned at the head of an undead host and made his former home and its inhabitants bow.

[The Bonegate] Guards a tunnel between the north and south
[Necromancer] +2 Population/turn
[Crossbows] Basic troops fire a volley before combat
[Subordinate Necromancers] Can lead bands of undead with ease
[Drow Docks] +15 to water travel - Regular ship-based patrols report troubles
[Sizable Fleet] Bombardment capabilities: 1D4 casualties to enemy navies/coast
[Necromancer's Tower]
[Nexus of Energies] The Heart of the Tower
[Dark Elf City] +1 Population/turn, +2 Dark Energy/turn
[Amulet of Mastery]
[Drow Heretic] Drow Citystates will attack you, ignoring regular raiding range.

Dark Energy: 23 (+3/t)
Population: 61 (+3/t)
Favour: 0

1. Arathan gathers his forces. Dark elves and undead all, ready to do battle. His great host intends to march south from the Bonegate, taking no territory, but making quick time towards the Shadowfell. Arathan himself accompanies the force, fingering his amulet as they march.

2. Construction crews are still hard at work, transforming the ruins at the base of Arathan's mighty tower into a small, livable town once again.
Rolled 53, 13, 10, 7, 27, 57 = 167 (6d100)

>Colour: Gold
>Race: Aboleths
>Racial Description: Aboleths are a dying race, practically incapable of breeding outside of when the stars, planets and solar system is right. Exceedingly powerful in two areas, psionics and in void magic, using Dark energy they can pull distant "relatives" from primordial planes and places, horrific mind-bending abominations have terrorized the entire under dark if they manage to gain enough power. Their gods, are of course, their sleeping elders beyond the veil they rend.
>Dark Energy: 21 (+2)
>Population: 16
>Favour: 14 (+1)

1. Psionic attack the explosive-wielding drow, cause them to turn on their allies as madness consumes them. Spend 2 dark energy.
2. Beseige their docks, allow none to enter our waters.
> DE: 21
> Favour: 15
1. Spend 3 Dark energy and 1 favour for reinforcments
2. Crush the drow.
>DE: 20
>Favour: 15
1.2. More crushing of the foe. Create thralls if possible.
Gonna pause here to see state of things.
An emissary from the northern drow arrives at the northernmost reaches of Curse Spider territory.

They wish to know your intentions coming this far north.
>Flail tentacles ineffectively. Get laughed at by the other races of the Underdark.
Rolled 19, 22 = 41 (2d100)

I'm not even playing yet and I still feel obligated to laugh at your utter failure!
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Map (28).jpg
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Rolled 4 (1d4)

Your attempts to dig for lava go very, very well and then very, very poorly. Nobody dies, but lava begins spilling out into the river.

The magmaforge is constructed to specification.

Your army is equipped some a number of magickal weapons, which do well against your new ethereal foes and enemies without magickal armor in general.

Mothrax the Shadow Dragon comes before his host and parlays with Zogram.

I would consider adding you in place of the Deep Dwarf player race.

[Adv] The Mighty Swarm! +10 in any fight, siege, or other combat action.

[Dis] The Dumb Swarm! -5 to any building or researching

Magenta is taken, you are green.

Dwarves stand ready to defend against all foes.

You divert magma, arrange canon, and build walls. No siege roll of less than 75 after bonuses will crack these defenses!

You gain Blades of Wailing Death, but rather than helping they harm their wielders, causing their ears to bleed and bodies to writhe in agony.

[Assorted bonuses allow success] You rebuild the ruins and a city rises. You realize there are more secrets beneath the city yet unexplored...

You bring your host to the gates of the foe.

Your town begins to sprawl about the base of your tower.

You successfully repel the attackers but cannot cage their docks.

Finally, you manage to break their defense (40 with the Eldritch Abomination). -this d4 population from your Aboleths. Take +2 Population in slaves.
Name: British Imperial Exiles
Colour: Yellow
Race: Human
Racial Description:
Dark Energy: 13 (+1 a turn)
[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
Population: 23 (+1 a turn)
[run out of this, you end]
Favour: 0
[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]
[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...
[Dis] Nonnative to the Dark: you must roll 35+ to expand, as your people are frail and unaccustomed to the dark

Earthen Fortifications
Trade Route to Digmaster Dwarves
Laboratory +5 to Research
Alliance with the Dwarves: Mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Trading Post: Great economic contact with the mountainhomes. With their trade they bring their politics.
Steel Mill
ARTIFICIAL SUN +10 to expansion within 2 hexes of the city
Magma Forge [Needs Magma]

Steam Power
Steel Production
Guns & Lamps: +4 to expansion
Extreme Steam Mining Apparatus: +20 to Digging, may dig three hexes at once
Gatling Guns

Steam Drill
Rolled 22, 95 = 117 (2d100)

[Realm of Zagrom]
Color: Yellow
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: 4 (+1 a turn)
Population: 49 (+4 a turn) [Breeding Pits][Brood Mothers]
Favour: 0
Buildings: [Goblin Forges: +15]
Combat:[Combat Efficient: Fireballs, Military Tactics][Goblin Knights+Metal Arms/Magickal Weapons][Artifact Skull:+1 Hex/Coordination][Duegar Mages]
Geography: [Dark Radiation Pits][Dark Energy Ore, Irradiated]
Misc: [Deep Dwarf Mage Prisoners]
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

Actions [attack mothrax]
1.2. "SLAY THE USURPER AND TAKE HIS HOARD FOR OURS! ATTACK!" (attack Mothrax with everything, including Zagrom)
Duergar are now mutants?

1. Construct a mighty arsenal, to better build cannons and other advanced weaponry

2. Send an expedition to the Mountainhomes - see if we can attract any recruits and bring any goods back

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]

[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
Extreme Steam Mining Apparatus: +20 to Digging, may dig three hexes at once, may re-direct the flow of lava\build magma dams
Boats: +5 Traversing River
Dwarf Magmaforge: +20 to craft metalworks
Powersphere and Grid: +5 to all rolls dependent upon machinery using the grid
Alliance with the British: mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Trading Post: Great economic contact with the mountainhomes. With their trade they bring their politics.
Research Institute: +6 to all research rolls

Well-armed Guard
Dwarf Ironclads: Enemy Fleet 2d4 casualties
Cannons: 40 to take Drow and 60 to take Deep Dwarf cities
Dwarven Defences: No siege roll of less than 75 after bonuses will crack these defences

[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.
Dark Energy; 18 (+1)
Population: 28 (+1)
Favour: 3
Rolled 28 (1d100)

Mothrax and his host charge yours. There is a great clash.
Rolled 11, 58 = 69 (2d100)

Name: Rakluth, Scourge of the Scorned
Colour: Magenta
Race: Mutants
Racial Description: Horribly twisted beasts, perhaps once men, but now something distinctly less. Warped beyond all recognition by the fell powers of the dark gods, they possess great physical strength, but are savage and cruel. Perhaps one in ten of their number is capable of coherent thought, whereas the others are unthinking, bloodthirsty monsters. Of course, the remainder are merely cunning, bloodthirsty monsters. United by Rakluth by conquest, he leads his people in a mighty swarm, seeking out the warm flesh of soft men and elf, the only thing capable of sating their ravenous hunger, for a time. They shall crack the fortresses of dwarf and drow, cast down the works of man, and anoint themselves in blood. When the world burns, perhaps then they will be forgiven for what long-forgotten slight they committed.

[Adv] The Mighty Swarm! +10 in any fight, siege, or other combat action.

[Dis] The Dumb Swarm! -5 to any building or researching

Dark Energy: 0 (+1 a turn)
Population: 10 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0

Our swarm hungers. Claws and teeth click and clatter, without flesh to sate the ever-burning urge. Take our bounty of meat. Prove our strength. Quiet the Hunger.

1: Begin to migrate west-ward in seek of prey.

2: Enforce rule by fighting leaders of major packs, reminding them of their place.
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176KB, 1600x1199px
Rolled 61, 46 = 107 (2d100)

Name: Underealm Magocracy
Color: Light Blue

Race: Deep Humans
Racial Description: Driven from the surface, this broken empire of spellcasters have survived on summoning and illusions for too long. Time to grow back to their former glory. Grey-skinned and white-haired, they long rejected sunlight.
[Adv] Magical affinity means base +2 Dark Energy a turn
[Dis] Few gods of the Underdark Favour humans. You'll need to work harder to earn that.

Dark Energy: 9 (+2 a turn)
Population: [24/5] 27 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 1 - Hard

Tower of Summoning
Scrying Tower (+12 to scry rolls)
Mushroom Farms to the North
Magic Dark Tower (+9 to Magic Rituals)
Dark Portal (can summon daemons)

Mineral and Metal Summoning.

[9] Rings of Power
Blades of Wailing Death

Daemon of Vengeance

>Trade Agreements

The Drow to the south are dying in droves. Oh boy.

1. Send the blades to the Drow through sending magic, as a gift. We also warn them of their set-backs.
Perhaps they will find a use for these accursed things.

2. Scry the underground ruins to the east in hopes to find more about it and better prepare a spelunking party to be sent.
Rolled 85, 28 = 113 (2d100)

>Colour: Gold
>Race: Aboleths
>Racial Description: Aboleths are a dying race, practically incapable of breeding outside of when the stars, planets and solar system is right. Exceedingly powerful in two areas, psionics and in void magic, using Dark energy they can pull distant "relatives" from primordial planes and places, horrific mind-bending abominations have terrorized the entire under dark if they manage to gain enough power. Their gods, are of course, their sleeping elders beyond the veil they rend.
>Dark Energy: 22 (+2)
>Population: 14
>Favour: 16 (+1)

1.Spend 4 Dark Energy to fuel the portal, let the madness from the outer spheres enter our lake.
2. Set up siege along the coast of the drow city. Send a slave emissary to let them know that if they pay a tribute of slaves (equivalent of 1pop/2turns) will will leave their city standing, and the minds of their nobility unmolested.
Rolled 56, 87 = 143 (2d100)

Hey, this time I forgot dice.
Must be all the dwarven drinking
Rolled 65, 38 = 103 (2d100)

1. Hurry! We must dig magma trenches that lead the magma to the magmaforge, as well as runoff emergency trenches to the river if all else fails.

The dwarves are with us!

Alliance with the Dwarves: +5 to production of buildings\works
Extreme Steam Mining Apparatus: +20 to Digging

2. This is also a REALLY good time to research on some basic concrete to defend against any other magma accidents.

Alliance with the Dwarves: Mutual +5 to researching things
Laboratory +5 to Research
[Adv] Great Library +15 Research
We can only assume the old Duergar castle was over taken by those Drow coming down the river.

They are in old territory of the Duergar.
Rolled 4, 71 = 75 (2d100)

Necromancer Lord Arathan of the Northern Drow
Dark Elven, with undead constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts." Once exiled by a matriarchal society that feared his ambition, Arathan returned at the head of an undead host and made his former home and its inhabitants bow.

[The Bonegate] Guards a tunnel between the north and south
[Necromancer] +2 Population/turn
[Crossbows] Basic troops fire a volley before combat
[Subordinate Necromancers] Can lead bands of undead with ease
[Drow Docks] +15 to water travel - Regular ship-based patrols report troubles
[Sizable Fleet] Bombardment capabilities: 1D4 casualties to enemy navies/coast
[Necromancer's Tower]
[Nexus of Energies] The Heart of the Tower
[Dark Elf City] +1 Population/turn, +2 Dark Energy/turn
[Amulet of Mastery]
[Drow Heretic] Drow Citystates will attack you, ignoring regular raiding range.

Dark Energy: 26 (+3/t)
Population: 64 (+3/t)
Favour: 0

1. Arathan's great host halts some distance away from the dragons, taking their time to set up a favourable position as the lizards seem to negotiate. But when they come to blows, the drow and their undead servitors attack the draconic god of shadow and flame alongside Zagrom and his albino goblins - crossbow bolts flying and spells scorching the air.

2. Arathan himself lurks on the sidelines. He readies a ritual circle with some of his most trusted acolytes, ready to reanimate the shadow-dragon if and when it falls.
Drow/Duergar/everything else mix, mutated by the green stuff?

The Drow send emissaries begging aide in their defense against the Aboleths. They're willing to reconsider that whole protection thing, it seems.

You deliver a resounding defeat to Mothrax, slaying him and taking his Artefact dragon-gauntlet Shadowrend.

It [-1 Dark Energy/+1 Favour] optionally a turn. Furthermore it can create portals up to 10 hexes from its position, ignoring all terrain. This costs Favour, and lasts 1 turn per Favour spent (will disappear at the end of the turn it is made if only 1 Favour spent).

His Hoard contained 5 Dark Energy. Additionally, you discover a portal to the Shadowfell at the heart of his base.

Arsenal in place! You can construct more siege equipment more quickly now that you have the infrastructure in place.

You attract +3 Population worth of Dwarf pioneers.

Your people flee at the thought of Dwarves.

You establish a greater degree of dominance and bring some tribes into line. Extra +1 Population.

The Drow find the Artefacts amusing, if pointless, and they quickly become a gag-gift at parties.

You discover the Relic to a forgotten Dark God. It has something to do with controlling the waves. It will require a full expedition to retrieve.

Madness begins to pour into the Underdark, with unforseen consequences--but for now, your population thrives from it! Gain +1 pop\turn

The Drow are not interested and shoot at you.

Magma under control and flowing to the forges.

You discover concrete, and can begin mixing it post-haste.

You fail to get your men to charge and join the battle. It makes no difference.

You and your men reanimate the Shadow-dragon and bind him to your will. He is a husk of his formal glory, but he serves you [his Artefact was taken by Zagrom before his death however].

Gain the chance to scare an enemy force NOT let by a Dragon and avoid a fight. Undead Mothrax is also rather stealthy.
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Map (29).jpg
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Name: British Imperial Exiles
Colour: Yellow
Race: Human
Racial Description:
Dark Energy: 14 (+1 a turn)
[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
Population: 24 (+1 a turn)
[run out of this, you end]
Favour: 0
[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]
[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...
[Dis] Nonnative to the Dark: you must roll 35+ to expand, as your people are frail and unaccustomed to the dark

Earthen Fortifications
Trade Route to Digmaster Dwarves
Laboratory +5 to Research
Alliance with the Dwarves: Mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Trading Post: Great economic contact with the mountainhomes. With their trade they bring their politics.
Steel Mill
ARTIFICIAL SUN +10 to expansion within 2 hexes of the city
Dwarf Magmaforge: +20 to craft metalworks

Steam Power
Steel Production
Guns & Lamps: +4 to expansion
Extreme Steam Mining Apparatus: +20 to Digging, may dig three hexes at once
Gatling Guns

Steam Drill
Rolled 46, 81 = 127 (2d100)

Name: Rakluth, Scourge of the Scorned
Colour: Magenta
Race: Mutants
Racial Description: Horribly twisted beasts, perhaps once men, but now something distinctly less. Warped beyond all recognition by the fell powers of the dark gods, they possess great physical strength, but are savage and cruel. Perhaps one in ten of their number is capable of coherent thought, whereas the others are unthinking, bloodthirsty monsters. Of course, the remainder are merely cunning, bloodthirsty monsters. United by Rakluth by conquest, he leads his people in a mighty swarm, seeking out the warm flesh of soft men and elf, the only thing capable of sating their ravenous hunger, for a time. They shall crack the fortresses of dwarf and drow, cast down the works of man, and anoint themselves in blood. When the world burns, perhaps then they will be forgiven for what long-forgotten slight they committed.

Dark Energy: 0 (+1 a turn)
Population: 12 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0

The cowards! The fools! They cower in their warrens of stone, afraid to seize their destiny. I shall show them.

I shall show them all.

1: Using my recently bolstered authority, I begin to force the horde onwards, pushing them towards the west. They shall fall and break before us, shattered by our might.

2: Send several of the smaller packs eastward to breed and colonize, spreading our influence over the realm.
Rolled 91, 33 = 124 (2d100)

[Realm of Zagrom]
Color: Yellow
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: 9 (+0 a turn)
Population: 53 (+4 a turn) [Breeding Pits][Brood Mothers]
Favour: 1
Buildings: [Goblin Forges: +15]
Combat:[Combat Efficient: Fireballs, Military Tactics][Goblin Knights+Metal Arms/Magickal Weapons][Artifact Skull:+1 Hex/Coordination][Duegar Mages]
Geography: [Dark Radiation Pits][Dark Energy Ore, Irradiated]
Misc: [Shadowrend]
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

Actions [attack mothrax]
1."With our victory tidily in hand, expand our population growth. Expand the pits. Industrial style. I hear a few of the races have guns. We shall see how much lead they can produce." [expand the breeding pits, spend 9 dark energy; utilize dark radiation is possible]
2. "Continue our expansion. I want the unclaimed territories." [Expansion, south]
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132KB, 1000x458px
Rolled 84, 36 = 120 (2d100)

1. With the help of our Dwarven Friends, and our combined Magma Forge power, start constructing large, massive Artillery and Mortar cannons, designed to be placed in stationary rotating turrets such as those on land forts or battleships.

We'll give some to our Dwarven allies.

Dwarf Magmaforge: +20 to craft metalworks
Alliance with the Dwarves: Mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works

2. Also start constructing small and medium sized artillery which can be carted on wheels and pulled by infantry or vehicles.

We'll also give some to our Dwarven allies.

Dwarf Magmaforge: +20 to craft metalworks
Alliance with the Dwarves: +5 to production of buildings\works
Rolled 5, 98 = 103 (2d100)

1. Joint Project with the British - we can mass-produce the guns they design

2. Investigate the (abandoned?) fortress to the East

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]

[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
Extreme Steam Mining Apparatus: +20 to Digging, may dig three hexes at once, may re-direct the flow of lava\build magma dams
Boats: +5 Traversing River
Dwarf Magmaforge: +20 to craft metalworks
Powersphere and Grid: +5 to all rolls dependent upon machinery using the grid
Alliance with the British: mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Trading Post: Great economic contact with the mountainhomes. With their trade they bring their politics.
Research Institute: +6 to all research rolls
Arsenal: Increased siege engine production

Well-armed Guard
Dwarf Ironclads: Enemy Fleet 2d4 casualties
Cannons: 40 to take Drow and 60 to take Deep Dwarf cities
Dwarven Defences: No siege roll of less than 75 after bonuses will crack these defences

[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.
Dark Energy; 19 (+1)
Population: 32 (+1)(+3)
Favour: 3
Rolled 74, 21 = 95 (2d100)

>Colour: Gold
>Race: Aboleths
>Racial Description: Aboleths are a dying race, practically incapable of breeding outside of when the stars, planets and solar system is right. Exceedingly powerful in two areas, psionics and in void magic, using Dark energy they can pull distant "relatives" from primordial planes and places, horrific mind-bending abominations have terrorized the entire under dark if they manage to gain enough power. Their gods, are of course, their sleeping elders beyond the veil they rend.
>Dark Energy: 20 (+2)
>Population: 12 (+1)
>Favour: 17 (+1)
> [Eldritch Abomination] Siege weapon
> [Madness Rift] Spend DE to summon, +1po/turn

1. 2. Maintain the siege, nothing leaves that city by water. Begin digging tunnels beneath the city from below the water. We will bring these upstarts down to the deeps with us.
Rolled 91 (1d100)

The Dwarves Stand Strong (probably)
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84KB, 750x442px
Rolled 33, 73 = 106 (2d100)

Necromancer Lord Arathan of the Northern Drow
Dark Elven, with undead constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts." Once exiled by a matriarchal society that feared his ambition, Arathan returned at the head of an undead host and made his former home and its inhabitants bow.

[The Bonegate] Guards a tunnel between the north and south
[Necromancer] +2 Population/turn
[Crossbows] Basic troops fire a volley before combat
[Subordinate Necromancers] Can lead bands of undead with ease
[Drow Docks] +15 to water travel - Regular ship-based patrols report troubles
[Sizable Fleet] Bombardment capabilities: 1D4 casualties to enemy navies/coast
[Necromancer's Tower]
[Nexus of Energies] The Heart of the Tower
[Dark Elf City] +1 Population/turn, +2 Dark Energy/turn
[Amulet of Mastery] Binds the undead Shadow-Dragon Mothrax
[Mothrax] Undead Shadow-Dragon: Intimidates forces not led by a dragon. Also Stealthy.
[Drow Heretic] Drow Citystates will attack you, ignoring regular raiding range.

Dark Energy: 26 (+3/t)
Population: 64 (+3/t)
Favour: 0

My men are incompetent, but no matter. The great beast is slain before it could become a threat, and firmly under my thumb.

1. The Drow forces quit the field with the shadow-dragon in tow, marching home, and then westwards to secure the lands north of the Curse Spiders - to establish a border.

2. A town is nothing without a population. Those drow that see benefits in living close to the seat of my power, my great tower, are encouraged to come and start families in the town of Arathan's Refuge.
Rolled 4, 4 = 8 (2d4)

You deal this 2d4 population damage to the mutants, thundering guns behind your walls and suits of armor more than a match for their natural might.
Rolled 1, 29 = 30 (2d100)

Name: Underealm Magocracy
Color: Light Blue

Race: Deep Humans
Racial Description: Driven from the surface, this broken empire of spellcasters have survived on summoning and illusions for too long. Time to grow back to their former glory. Grey-skinned and white-haired, they long rejected sunlight.
[Adv] Magical affinity means base +2 Dark Energy a turn
[Dis] Few gods of the Underdark Favour humans. You'll need to work harder to earn that.

Dark Energy: 11 (+2 a turn)
Population: [25/5] 27 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 1 - Hard

Stronghold to the East
Tower of Summoning
Scrying Tower (+12 to scry rolls)
Mushroom Farms to the North
Magic Dark Tower (+9 to Magic Rituals)
Dark Portal (can summon daemons)

Mineral and Metal Summoning.

[9] Rings of Power

Daemon of Vengeance

>Trade Agreements

The Drow finally understand where we stand now. This world is getting full of monsters.

1. We shall send the Daemon of Vengeance with a huge host of demons to the south to the Abolethian lands.
To every Drow the Aboleths kill the demons will repay it threefold. Send 4 Demon Pop to the Drow City.

A warning to the Aboleths is sent through magic: the Drow are under OUR protection, now. Go prey on smaller creatures or face our wrath.

2. A powerful expedition is sent into the temple under our demesne to the east. We send Evokers, Conjurers, Transmuters, Illusionists and Diviners.
They are to find this relic and who is this Dark God, then bring it back. 3 Dark Energy is spent.
Well shit.

Methinks your warning will not be overly effective.
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You are crushed against the walls and guns, losing 8 population.

You expand well to the East, however.

You gain a sudden +6 Population! To sustain an additional +1pop/turn, continue your efforts.
Additionally these are
>warped goblins
who are more magickally attuned, larger, and deadlier.

You now have a direct border with the Dwarfs.

You construct an immense number of guns. Ironclads produced by your alliance down deliver 3d8 casualties to enemy fleets. Your stationary positions with these guns get +15 to any combat roll.

You have a mobile artillery unit, it lowers the to-hit number of a siege entity by 15.

[succeed due to bonuses]
You mass-produce the things from the above post.

You [critically!] discover ancient passages around the old fortress and occupy it, gaining access to the old forges and defense systems.

Additionally, there are huge tracts of magically radiated forest. Must be ore nearby...

You bring them down with your sapping campaign. -1 Population, Aboleths are killed in the fighting, but you take the city.

You line up along the area controlled by the Curse Spiders. There will be no march further south without accord or bloodshed.

+1 Population as Drow migrate to your city, where they may someday breed enough to be +1pop/turn.

The Daemon of Vengeance takes its command to enact Vengeance upon the Aboleths on behalf of the Drow--and leaves your service to act for them, under your orders.

It will take some clever thinking to get him back.

The demons you sent are still under your command, but they find the city in the hands of the Aboleths and pitch camp far away, where they are met by Drow refugees.

You retrieve the Artefact.
For 1 Favour, it will create a whirlpool inflicting 2d6 casualties upon navies there and preventing water travel for 1 turn.
Rolled 40, 42 = 82 (2d100)

Name: Rakluth, Scourge of the Scorned
Colour: Magenta
Race: Mutants
Racial Description: Horribly twisted beasts, perhaps once men, but now something distinctly less. Warped beyond all recognition by the fell powers of the dark gods, they possess great physical strength, but are savage and cruel. Perhaps one in ten of their number is capable of coherent thought, whereas the others are unthinking, bloodthirsty monsters. Of course, the remainder are merely cunning, bloodthirsty monsters. United by Rakluth by conquest, he leads his people in a mighty swarm, seeking out the warm flesh of soft men and elf, the only thing capable of sating their ravenous hunger, for a time. They shall crack the fortresses of dwarf and drow, cast down the works of man, and anoint themselves in blood. When the world burns, perhaps then they will be forgiven for what long-forgotten slight they committed.

Dark Energy: 2 (+1 a turn)
Population: 5 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0

Damn these dwarves, damn them and their steel and powder. We are not yet ready to end their pitiful existence.

1: Push onwards to the north! Spread ourselves over the land, so that none may escape our claws.

2: Our numbers are lessened. Breed, enslave the lesser clans, do whatever it takes to bring us back to relevance.
Rolled 81, 13 = 94 (2d100)

[Realm of Zagrom]
Color: Yellow
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: - (+0 a turn)
Population: 63 (+5 a turn) [Breeding Pits][Brood Mothers]
Favour: 2
Buildings: [Goblin Forges: +15]
Combat:[Combat Efficient: Fireballs, Military Tactics][Goblin Knights+Metal Arms/Magickal Weapons][Artifact Skull:+1 Hex/Coordination][Duegar Mages][Warped Goblins]
Geography: [Dark Radiation Pits][Dark Energy Ore, Irradiated]
Misc: [Shadowrend]
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

Actions [expand the pits!]
1.2. "Continue with our efforts on the pits. I will be quite frank when I say that when I started this whole little adventure I had no real grasp of goblinoid eroticism." [expand the pits MOAR]
Name: British Imperial Exiles
Colour: Yellow
Race: Human
Racial Description:
Dark Energy: 15 (+1 a turn)
[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
Population: 25 (+1 a turn)
[run out of this, you end]
Favour: 0
[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]
[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...
[Dis] Nonnative to the Dark: you must roll 35+ to expand, as your people are frail and unaccustomed to the dark

Earthen Fortifications
Trade Route to Digmaster Dwarves
Laboratory +5 to Research
Alliance with the Dwarves: Mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Trading Post: Great economic contact with the mountainhomes. With their trade they bring their politics.
Steel Mill
ARTIFICIAL SUN +10 to expansion within 2 hexes of the city
Dwarf Magmaforge: +20 to craft metalworks

Steam Power
Steel Production
Guns & Lamps: +4 to expansion
Extreme Steam Mining Apparatus: +20 to Digging, may dig three hexes at once
Gatling Guns
Large Artillery Pieces - Ironclads deliver 3d8 casualties to enemy fleets. Stationary positions with these guns get +15 to any combat roll.

Steam Drill

Military Units:
1 Mobile Artillery - Lowers to-hit of siege unit by 15
Rolled 91, 62 = 153 (2d100)

1. Have our scholars investigate the fortress while our engineers integrate the forges and defences with our existing ones

2. Mining time - careful digging, both at the dig sites surrounding the ancient fortress and south-east from the cross-river digging

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]

[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
Extreme Steam Mining Apparatus: +20 to Digging, may dig three hexes at once, may re-direct the flow of lava\build magma dams
Boats: +5 Traversing River
Dwarf Magmaforge: +20 to craft metalworks
Powersphere and Grid: +5 to all rolls dependent upon machinery using the grid
Alliance with the British: mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Trading Post: Great economic contact with the mountainhomes. With their trade they bring their politics.
Research Institute: +6 to all research rolls
Arsenal: Increased siege engine production

Well-armed Guard
Dwarf Ironclads (with big guns): Enemy Fleet 3d8 casualties
Cannons: 40 to take Drow and 60 to take Deep Dwarf cities
Dwarven Defences: No siege roll of less than 75 after bonuses will crack these defences, stationary positions with guns get +15 to any combat roll
Mobile Artillery Unit: lowers the to-hit number of a siege entity by 15.

[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.
Dark Energy; 20 (+1)
Population: 33 (+1)
Favour: 3

Send an escorted envoy to Zagrom, with mineral gifts
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Rolled 4, 27 = 31 (2d100)

1-2. We shall now construct our next great civilizations achievement!

Fort New London.

A great Star Fort which will surround our capital city. It's walls will be built with thick strong concrete and slanted to defend against incoming firepower, and be embeded with numerous heavy artillery turrets and ports for machine guns.

It will even include an emergency gutter system to allow magma to be pumped over the walls to burn enemies.

The area it surrounds will be enough to provide room for additional growth such as farms, docks, and other industrial buildings.

We will dig a huge moat around the eastern flank of our city, and fully surround us by a body of water, necessitating a difficult amphibious assault.

All our industrial efforts and technologies will be needed to make this safe, secure place a reality.

Alliance with the Dwarves: Mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Extreme Steam Mining Apparatus: +20 to Digging
Large Artillery Pieces
Steam Drill
Rolled 87, 76 = 163 (2d100)

>Colour: Gold
>Race: Aboleths
>Racial Description: Aboleths are a dying race, practically incapable of breeding outside of when the stars, planets and solar system is right. Exceedingly powerful in two areas, psionics and in void magic, using Dark energy they can pull distant "relatives" from primordial planes and places, horrific mind-bending abominations have terrorized the entire under dark if they manage to gain enough power. Their gods, are of course, their sleeping elders beyond the veil they rend.
>Dark Energy: 22 (+2)
>Population: 12 (+1)
>Favour: 18 (+1)
> [Eldritch Abomination] Siege weapon
> [Madness Rift] Spend DE to summon, +1pop/turn

1. A fitting sacrifice to our Gods! Spend 10 favour and 5 Dark Energy to make an offering of the entire drow city.
2. Refugees make excellent spies. Spend two Dark Energy to fuel a subtle mind-control of several of the drow refugees. Leave them be elsewise.

A lesser mage froths and gibbers as Something from Beyond touches his mind, he recovers knowing the following message: You amuse us, Young Thing. We permit your thralls free passage to depart our shores. But know that these waters and all land surrounding them belong to the Laughing Shadow Beyond the Veil, and to Its servants. Tread not upon this place.
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Rolled 99, 62 = 161 (2d100)

Name: Underealm Magocracy
Color: Light Blue

Race: Deep Humans
Racial Description: Driven from the surface, this broken empire of spellcasters have survived on summoning and illusions for too long. Time to grow back to their former glory. Grey-skinned and white-haired, they long rejected sunlight.
[Adv] Magical affinity means base +2 Dark Energy a turn
[Dis] Few gods of the Underdark Favour humans. You'll need to work harder to earn that.

Dark Energy: 10 (+2 a turn)
Population: [26/1] 27 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 1 - Hard

Tower of Summoning
Scrying Tower (+12 to scry rolls)
Mushroom Farms to the North
Magic Dark Tower (+9 to Magic Rituals)
Dark Portal (can summon daemons)

Mineral and Metal Summoning.

[9] Rings of Power
Artifact of Dagon's Watery Death

Drow Refugees and [4] Demons

Blasted fiend! He flew out by himself. No matter, he is still doing our service.

1. In exchange for their integration into our society, the Drow Refugees will be allowed to join us with positions of great prestige on our domain. If our blood mingles we shall all be stronger for it.
The Demons are to leave camp and teleport back to our place with all the Drow they can gather, even if it means prying them from Aboleth tentacles.
3 Dark Energy is spent on Teleportation Rituals and Portals.

2. As vengeance against the Abolethian hubris we shall unleash the Artifacts power on them, scrying their nests so we can do the worst damage possible. Spend 1 Favor and 2 Dark Energy in scrying rituals.

Another message is sent. "We shall leave your caves behind, aberrations. But don't dare cross us again."
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Rolled 68, 14 = 82 (2d100)

Necromancer Lord Arathan of the Northern Drow
Dark Elven, with undead constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts." Once exiled by a matriarchal society that feared his ambition, Arathan returned at the head of an undead host and made his former home and its inhabitants bow.

[The Bonegate] Guards a tunnel between the north and south
[Necromancer] +2 Population/turn
[Crossbows] Basic troops fire a volley before combat
[Subordinate Necromancers] Can lead bands of undead with ease
[Drow Docks] +15 to water travel - Regular ship-based patrols report troubles
[Sizable Fleet] Bombardment capabilities: 1D4 casualties to enemy navies/coast
[Necromancer's Tower]
[Nexus of Energies] The Heart of the Tower
[Dark Elf City] +1 Population/turn, +2 Dark Energy/turn
[Amulet of Mastery] Binds the undead Shadow-Dragon Mothrax
[Mothrax] Undead Shadow-Dragon: Intimidates forces not led by a dragon. Also Stealthy.
[Drow Heretic] Drow Citystates will attack you, ignoring regular raiding range.

Dark Energy: 29 (+3/t)
Population: 68 (+3/t)
Favour: 0

1. News reaches us that the city of the southern drow has fallen. Though they regarded me as a heretic, they were still my people: my kin. I will ask for volunteers to form an expedition to head south and offer sanctuary to any elves fleeing the destruction.

2. Though we have plenty of homes in Arathan's Refuge for refugees to find their homes, the southern drow may not want to live so close to the seat of power of the first male drow to rule in centuries. With that in mind, we should build homes around the north-eastern port for them, to live quiet lives, peacefully trading whatever produce they find with the other cities in the growing Realm of the Northern Drow.
Rolled 6 (1d6)

Not-cathy Ulu, roll d100 to protect yourself. Else take this 1d6 Population damage (you're deep enough to avoid some of the attack).

You'll need to beat Magocracy's roll by 15 due to his various advantages and the use of an Artefact.
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You encounter and begin to skirmish with Goblins, though there is no battle as of yet.

+2 Population.

+6 Pop/turn achieved. Your brood mothers are just pumping out babies.

You discover Magical tomes and craftsdwarfship previously unknown to you. You learn something of enchanting weapons with Dark Energy. You think you could restore their Dark Energy forge and link it to your Powersphere to craft such arms.

You fail utterly and are significantly set back when explosions in the new caches start a large fire. -1 Population.

You dig a damn fine moat, however.

You obliterate the city entirely, dark energy and souls swirl in and about, death reigns and blood fills the lake. Madness grows!

You obtain Drow spies.

+3 Population. You gain a Drow minority population.

You send the power of your Relic against the foe. The Daemon of Vengeance is still back there, waiting to enacting vengeance on behalf of the slain Drow when his chance arrives.

You gain a party willing to go and gather refugees. The expedition departs and returns with only +2 Population worth of survivors who managed to flee across the water in spite of Aboleths.

You build a town for them. It's... nice. Something seems off after they move in though.
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Name: Myceilia
Colour: Magenta
Race: Sentient Fungus
Racial Description: In a dark cavern such as the underdark, all manner of things can arise in the squalid pallor and in its umber crevices. The Myceilia are such a thing. From the humble fungus that grew plentiful on the cavern's walls, floors and even the roof, they arose slowly from the earth itself, the dark energy that inhabits the cavern infusing them with sentience. They are a new race, directionless and having no motive other then the will to survive. They worship the Great Uttershroom, a giant mushroom from which the original spores of life are said to have spawned, and new mushroom creatures arise from everyday, and will do anything to defend it. Naive creatures, having just sampled the ichor of life, they know not the intricacies of modern rhetoric, and their culture can be said to be lacking, but make no mistake, these creatures are not stupid, and many a stray creature has learned that the hard way from a spear to the throat.

Dark Energy: 0 (+1 a turn)
Population: 10 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0
You realize one of the Drow Refugees is a famous battle mage named Krzzt Balgaran. He joins you as an ally.
Rolled 2, 33 = 35 (2d100)

Name: Rakluth, Scourge of the Scorned
Colour: Magenta
Race: Mutants
Racial Description: Horribly twisted beasts, perhaps once men, but now something distinctly less. Warped beyond all recognition by the fell powers of the dark gods, they possess great physical strength, but are savage and cruel. Perhaps one in ten of their number is capable of coherent thought, whereas the others are unthinking, bloodthirsty monsters. Of course, the remainder are merely cunning, bloodthirsty monsters. United by Rakluth by conquest, he leads his people in a mighty swarm, seeking out the warm flesh of soft men and elf, the only thing capable of sating their ravenous hunger, for a time. They shall crack the fortresses of dwarf and drow, cast down the works of man, and anoint themselves in blood. When the world burns, perhaps then they will be forgiven for what long-forgotten slight they committed.

Dark Energy: 3 (+1 a turn)
Population: 7 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0


1: Push further onward to the north.
2: Send scouts to the west to probe further possibilities for conquest.
Name: British Imperial Exiles
Colour: Yellow
Race: Human
Racial Description:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-_k5sO2jqM [Embed]
Dark Energy: 16 (+1 a turn)
[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
Population: 26 (+1 a turn)
[run out of this, you end]
Favour: 0
[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]
[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...
[Dis] Nonnative to the Dark: you must roll 35+ to expand, as your people are frail and unaccustomed to the dark

Earthen Fortifications
Trade Route to Digmaster Dwarves
Laboratory +5 to Research
Alliance with the Dwarves: Mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Trading Post: Great economic contact with the mountainhomes. With their trade they bring their politics.
Steel Mill
ARTIFICIAL SUN +10 to expansion within 2 hexes of the city
Dwarf Magmaforge: +20 to craft metalworks

Steam Power
Steel Production
Guns & Lamps: +4 to expansion
Extreme Steam Mining Apparatus: +20 to Digging, may dig three hexes at once
Gatling Guns
Large Artillery Pieces - Ironclads deliver 3d8 casualties to enemy fleets. Stationary positions with these guns get +15 to any combat roll.

Steam Drill

Military Units:
1 Mobile Artillery - Lowers to-hit of siege unit by 15
Rolled 26 (1d100)

Blasted mages.
Rolled 18, 33 = 51 (2d100)

Last turn didn't go so well, so let's try it again!.

1-2. Fort New London.

A great Star Fort which will surround our capital city. It's walls will be built with thick strong concrete and slanted to defend against incoming firepower, and be embeded with numerous heavy artillery turrets and ports for machine guns.

It will even include an emergency gutter system to allow magma to be pumped over the walls to burn enemies.

The area it surrounds will be enough to provide room for additional growth such as farms, docks, and other industrial buildings.

We will dig a huge moat around the eastern flank of our city, and fully surround us by a body of water, necessitating a difficult amphibious assault.

All our industrial efforts and technologies will be needed to make this safe, secure place a reality.

Alliance with the Dwarves: Mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Extreme Steam Mining Apparatus: +20 to Digging
Large Artillery Pieces
Steam Drill
Rolled 62, 85 = 147 (2d100)

[Realm of Zagrom]
Color: Yellow
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: - (+0 a turn)
Population: 68 (+6 a turn) [Breeding Pits][Brood Mothers]
Favour: 3
Buildings: [Goblin Forges: +15]
Combat:[Combat Efficient: Fireballs, Military Tactics][Goblin Knights+Metal Arms/Magickal Weapons][Artifact Skull:+1 Hex/Coordination][Duegar Mages][Warped Goblins]
Geography: [Dark Radiation Pits][Dark Energy Ore, Irradiated]
Misc: [Shadowrend]
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

Actions [dragon armor/ explosives]
1. "I personally require armor. Begin fabrication of steel plated armor for the scale of a dragon. Make it ..magickal, if possible." [build dragon-armor][forges: +15]
2."Work on explosives. I want hand-thrown explosives. Tell the engineers they have all the resources of the realm at their disposal." [research explosives]
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Rolled 99, 84 = 183 (2d100)

Necromancer Lord Arathan of the Northern Drow
Dark Elven, with undead constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts." Once exiled by a matriarchal society that feared his ambition, Arathan returned at the head of an undead host and made his former home and its inhabitants bow.

[The Bonegate] Guards a tunnel between the north and south
[Necromancer] +2 Population/turn
[Crossbows] Basic troops fire a volley before combat
[Subordinate Necromancers] Can lead bands of undead with ease
[Drow Docks] +15 to water travel - Regular ship-based patrols report troubles
[Sizable Fleet] Bombardment capabilities: 1D4 casualties to enemy navies/coast
[Necromancer's Tower]
[Nexus of Energies] The Heart of the Tower
[Dark Elf City] +1 Population/turn, +2 Dark Energy/turn
[Amulet of Mastery] Binds the undead Shadow-Dragon Mothrax
[Mothrax] Undead Shadow-Dragon: Intimidates forces not led by a dragon. Also Stealthy.
[Drow Heretic] Drow Citystates will attack you, ignoring regular raiding range.

Dark Energy: 32 (+3/t)
Population: 73 (+3/t)
Favour: 0

1. A magician's instincts are not to be ignored. Neglecting their gut feelings has laid many an otherwise unassailable practicioner low. Find out what is "off" about the new town - subtly if possible.

2. Now that our border with the curse spiders is properly established, we can look inward, and expand. Once we ferret out any lingering threats in the north-west underdark, we may truly call this a great kingdom of the drow.
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125KB, 727x1099px
Rolled 99, 32 = 131 (2d100)

A magical message is sent to the bureaucrats of Arathan's Domain. "The Drow to the south are under our protection. Their society will be preserved by us of the Magocracy and the cult of Lolth shall not be persecuted in the lands we call our domain."

Name: Underealm Magocracy
Color: Light Blue

Race: Deep Humans
Racial Description: A society of white-haired Humans, Drow, Half-Drows and Demons. They worship Lolth and other Dark Gods and hold true power in the Underdark.
[Adv] Magical affinity means base +2 Dark Energy a turn
[Dis] Few gods of the Underdark Favour humans. You'll need to work harder to earn that.

Dark Energy: 7 (+2 a turn)
Population: [27/5/3] 35 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0 - Hard

Tower of Summoning
Scrying Tower (+12 to scry rolls)
Mushroom Farms to the North
Magic Dark Tower (+9 to Magic Rituals)
Dark Portal (can summon daemons)

Mineral and Metal Summoning.

[9] Rings of Power
Artifact of Dagon's Watery Death

Battlemage Krzzt Balgaran

The Drow, specially Krzzt, are given great positions of prestige in our ruling council. Drow and Human breeding is encouraged so their blood can live on in our society.

1. To the western reaches of our demesne, close to the cavern wall, we shall raise a city for the Drow purists, and in it a Temple of Lolth.
The Demons shall organize a proper sacrifice for the spider-goddess and the Drow are welcome to stay anywhere they wish, either within the temple, in the villas or in our cities.
Their religion and culture is to be respected by all and everywhere, under pain of Imprisionment. 2 Dark Energy isused on the construction, and 2 (mostly human) population is sacrificed to Lolth to hallow her altar.

2. A statue of Lolth is to be raised in our main Ziggurat, with minor statues of other Demon Gods; Dagon, Demogorgon, Grazzt, Orcus, etc. Each is to be properly respected as we are now servants of their power. 2 Pop used as sacrifice.
Rolled 82, 84 = 166 (2d100)

>Colour: Gold
>Race: Aboleths
>Racial Description: Aboleths are a dying race, practically incapable of breeding outside of when the stars, planets and solar system is right. Exceedingly powerful in two areas, psionics and in void magic, using Dark energy they can pull distant "relatives" from primordial planes and places, horrific mind-bending abominations have terrorized the entire under dark if they manage to gain enough power. Their gods, are of course, their sleeping elders beyond the veil they rend.
>Dark Energy: 17 (+2)
>Population: 7 (+1)
>Favour: 9 (+1)
> [Eldritch Abomination] Siege weapon
> [Madness Rift] Spend DE to summon, +1po/turn

1. Feed 2 dark energy to the portal to summon our Corpse Taker cousins to inhabit the bodies of the drowned drow.
2. Establish Void magic barriers to defend our waters from further tidal attacks
Rolled 97, 80 = 177 (2d100)

1. The weapons possibilities intrigue us, but the idea of a Dark Energy forge seems even greater - we work to restore it and incorporate it into our metalworking operations

2. The river is our link to our allies, and is of vital importance to us, we must protect our control over it.
Our scholars have had and idea- if we could bring the river with us, we could have the myriad uses of it anywhere - we could also help the british dig their moat.
Have our shipyards build more ironclads, and construct a mining ship to facilitate the construction of canals

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]

[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
Extreme Steam Mining Apparatus: +20 to Digging, may dig three hexes at once, may re-direct the flow of lava\build magma dams
Boats: +5 Traversing River
Dwarf Magmaforge: +20 to craft metalworks
Powersphere and Grid: +5 to all rolls dependent upon machinery using the grid
Alliance with the British: mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Trading Post: Great economic contact with the mountainhomes. With their trade they bring their politics.
Research Institute: +6 to all research rolls
Arsenal: Increased siege engine production

Well-armed Guard
Dwarf Ironclads (with big guns): Enemy Fleet 3d8 casualties
Cannons: 40 to take Drow and 60 to take Deep Dwarf cities
Dwarven Defences: No siege roll of less than 75 after bonuses will crack these defences, stationary positions with guns get +15 to any combat roll
Mobile Artillery Unit: lowers the to-hit number of a siege entity by 15.

[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.
Dark Energy; 21 (+1)
Population: 34 (+1)
Favour: 3
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Map (32).jpg
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The charge is an utter failure. -1 Population.

You probe the Dwarfish defenses. Their nearest location is a powerful fortress, and beyond that, their lands are rife with cannon and armour. They will be formidable foes.

You get the job done, building off the solid foundation originally built when your people arrived.

You create magic-resistant steel plate armor for yourself. Nothing but a critical success in a duel could pierce this.

Your engineers discover a crude mechanism by which a wick is led out of a big metal ball and when burnt causes an explosion. These are dubbed Handbangs.

You uncover a shrine to Llolth and a segment of the inquisition.

You learned many Drow are being harboured by the Temple of Llolth at the edge of the lake. They are plotting to undermine you do to your heresy.

Needless to say, this plot is quickly brought to a halt and all Llolth worship ended.

You expand to the northwest and shore up your demesne. Only the land between the lake and the landing remains.

An impressive Temple to Llolth is raised, and those who live in the city around it do not forget what you have done for them in this matter.

Llolth grants you +3 Favour for harbouring her children and erecting a great place of worship to her.

+1 Favour from all the Gods for the respect they are given in your Ziggurat. Though you are human, they are coming to like you...

You bring forth +2 Population worth of Corpse Takers, and they take Drow forms.

The Void magic barriers are raised around the center of the lake.

+30 Darkmagma Forge:
Something even greater has emerged! Powered by magma and the Powersphere, these forge complexes now spread miles and can produce many things at once.

Critical failures are impossible except for when rolling a 1.

These devices are dependent upon both power sources remaining intact.

>DM is walking to Starbucks for homework and study, expect late updates [cont]
You may now dig canals anywhere you can reach via water. Your usual mining apparatus bonuses do not apply, however.
Name: British Imperial Exiles
Colour: Yellow
Race: Human
Racial Description:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-_k5sO2jqM [Embed] [Embed]
Dark Energy: 17 (+1 a turn)
[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
Population: 27 (+1 a turn)
[run out of this, you end]
Favour: 0
[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]
[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...
[Dis] Nonnative to the Dark: you must roll 35+ to expand, as your people are frail and unaccustomed to the dark

Earthen Fortifications
Trade Route to Digmaster Dwarves
Laboratory +5 to Research
Alliance with the Dwarves: Mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Trading Post: Great economic contact with the mountainhomes. With their trade they bring their politics.
Steel Mill
ARTIFICIAL SUN +10 to expansion within 2 hexes of the city
Dwarf Magmaforge: +20 to craft metalworks

Star Fort New London

Steam Power
Steel Production
Guns & Lamps: +4 to expansion
Extreme Steam Mining Apparatus: +20 to Digging, may dig three hexes at once
Gatling Guns
Large Artillery Pieces - Ironclads deliver 3d8 casualties to enemy fleets. Stationary positions with these guns get +15 to any combat roll.

Steam Drill

Military Units:
1 Mobile Artillery - Lowers to-hit of siege unit by 15
Rolled 21, 2 = 23 (2d100)

Name: Rakluth, Scourge of the Scorned
Colour: Magenta
Race: Mutants
Racial Description: Horribly twisted beasts, perhaps once men, but now something distinctly less. Warped beyond all recognition by the fell powers of the dark gods, they possess great physical strength, but are savage and cruel. Perhaps one in ten of their number is capable of coherent thought, whereas the others are unthinking, bloodthirsty monsters. Of course, the remainder are merely cunning, bloodthirsty monsters. United by Rakluth by conquest, he leads his people in a mighty swarm, seeking out the warm flesh of soft men and elf, the only thing capable of sating their ravenous hunger, for a time. They shall crack the fortresses of dwarf and drow, cast down the works of man, and anoint themselves in blood. When the world burns, perhaps then they will be forgiven for what long-forgotten slight they committed.

Dark Energy: 4 (+1 a turn)
Population: 7 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0

Damn these cowards! I shall take the helm! I shall break their ranks! I shall splinter their bones and suck the marrow from their still-living bodies!

1: Lead the charge north personally.
2: Gather what few tribes remain under my banner. We shall unite against the soft ones, the unworthy ones.
Rolled 71, 64 = 135 (2d100)

[Realm of Zagrom]
Color: Yellow
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: - (+0 a turn)
Population: 74 (+6 a turn) [Breeding Pits][Brood Mothers]
Favour: 4 (+1/turn: Shadowrend)
Buildings: [Goblin Forges: +15]
Combat:[Combat Efficient: Fireballs, Military Tactics][Goblin Knights+Metal Arms/Magickal Weapons, Handbangs][Artifact Skull:+1 Hex/Coordination][Duegar Mages][Warped Goblins]
Zagrom: [Magic-Resistant Steel Plating]
Geography: [Dark Radiation Pits][Dark Energy Ore, Irradiated]
Misc: [Shadowrend]
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

Actions [expand south/survey]
1. "Expand southward more. There is yet more of this stupid place to exploit." [expand]
2. "Search every inch of the territory for anything of interest. If it glows, shines, twinkles, or burns, bring it to me." [territorial survey: metals/objects]
Rolled 68, 81 = 149 (2d100)

1. Our Dwarven allies have figured out a means to use this. . .Dark Energy to supplement their own Magma Forge. We shall adapt their methods into our own.

Alliance with the Dwarves: +5 to production of buildings\works

2. We absolutely must find some flux and iron, we will need vast amounts of steel very soon!

Extreme Steam Mining Apparatus: +20 to Digging, may dig three hexes at once
Steam Drill
Rolled 86, 95 = 181 (2d100)

Name: Underealm Fiendish Magocracy
Color: Light Blue

Race: Deep Humans
Racial Description: A society of white-haired Humans, Drow, Half-Drows and Demons. They worship Lolth and other Dark Gods and hold true power in the Underdark.
[Adv] Magical affinity means base +2 Dark Energy a turn
[Dis] Few gods of the Underdark Favour humans. You'll need to work harder to earn that.

Dark Energy: 7 (+2 a turn)
Population: [23/5/3] 35 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 4 - Hard

Tower of Summoning
Scrying Tower (+12 to scry rolls)
Mushroom Farms to the North
Magic Dark Tower (+9 to Magic Rituals)
Dark Portal (can summon daemons)

Mineral and Metal Summoning.

[9] Rings of Power
Artifact of Dagon's Watery Death

Battlemage Krzzt Balgaran

1. Protection is our main concern now. Envoys to all nations will be sent warning them that to the south of the central river is the domain of the Magocracy, and crossing into it unwarranted is a declaration of hostilities.
The southern riverbank will be enchanted with the powers of the Artifact so that anyone passing through without its consent shall face terrible currents and waves.

2. A great party of treasure hunters and demons is sent to the western ruins to explore it and to vanquish all malicious spirits that are found. Those ruins will be hours by our right of conquest. 2 Dark Energy spent
Forgot to mention!
Action 1. 2 Favor is spent.
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priestess of lolth.jpg
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Rolled 82, 45 = 127 (2d100)

Necromancer Lord Arathan of the Northern Drow
Dark Elven, with undead constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts." Once exiled by a matriarchal society that feared his ambition, Arathan returned at the head of an undead host and made his former home and its inhabitants bow.

[The Bonegate] Guards a tunnel between the north and south
[Necromancer] +2 Population/turn
[Crossbows] Basic troops fire a volley before combat
[Subordinate Necromancers] Can lead bands of undead with ease
[Drow Docks] +15 to water travel - Regular ship-based patrols report troubles
[Sizable Fleet] Bombardment capabilities: 1D4 casualties to enemy navies/coast
[Necromancer's Tower]
[Nexus of Energies] The Heart of the Tower
[Dark Elf City] +1 Population/turn, +2 Dark Energy/turn
[Amulet of Mastery] Binds the undead Shadow-Dragon Mothrax
[Mothrax] Undead Shadow-Dragon: Intimidates forces not led by a dragon. Also Stealthy.
[Drow Heretic] Drow Citystates will attack you, ignoring regular raiding range.

Dark Energy: 35 (+3/t)
Population: 76 (+3/t)
Favour: 0

1. Truly, this is exasperating. I am not opposed to the worship of Llolth: far from it, in fact. It is a part of drow culture and heritage. But I cannot tolerate those who would scheme against me - those who would undermine the authority i've worked so hard to establish. I will invite whatever priestesses of the spider goddess can be found to a conclave: a meeting where I can ask them, earnestly, what needs to be done for them to accept my authority. So long as they are reasonable, I will do my best to appease them.

2. My forces will start to exxterminate any potential threats between our home city and the eastern landing - i'm certain they will manage for a short while without me.
A letter is sent back to the Magocracy.

"We have no intention of engaging in hostilities with your nation, and will respect your borders. "
Rolled 85, 27 = 112 (2d100)

1. Behind the closed doors of the arsenal and the research institute scientists and engineers study carefully to develop powerful unconventional weapons using glowing rocks, while another team works on dark energy and a third looks to the more traditional dwarf terror weapons of fire and gas.
Roll for unconventional weapons development

2. Newly upgraded, the forges do not cease in their production - roll to build more ironclads, guns and mobile siege units

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]

[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
Extreme Steam Mining Apparatus: +20 to Digging, may dig three hexes at once, may re-direct the flow of lava\build magma dams
Boats: +5 Traversing River
Dwarf Darkmagma Forge: +30 to craft metalworks
Powersphere and Grid: +5 to all rolls dependent upon machinery using the grid
Alliance with the British: mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Trading Post: Great economic contact with the mountainhomes. With their trade they bring their politics.
Research Institute: +6 to all research rolls
Arsenal: Increased siege engine production

Well-armed Guard
Dwarf Ironclads (with big guns): Enemy Fleet 3d8 casualties
Cannons: 40 to take Drow and 60 to take Deep Dwarf cities
Dwarven Defences: No siege roll of less than 75 after bonuses will crack these defences, stationary positions with guns get +15 to any combat roll
Mobile Artillery Unit: lowers the to-hit number of a siege entity by 15.

[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.
Dark Energy; 22 (+1)
Population: 35 (+1)
Favour: 3

Send the digging boat to New London to assist in moat construction
Rolled 31, 33 = 64 (2d100)

>Colour: Gold
>Race: Aboleths
>Racial Description: Aboleths are a dying race, practically incapable of breeding outside of when the stars, planets and solar system is right. Exceedingly powerful in two areas, psionics and in void magic, using Dark energy they can pull distant "relatives" from primordial planes and places, horrific mind-bending abominations have terrorized the entire under dark if they manage to gain enough power. Their gods, are of course, their sleeping elders beyond the veil they rend.
>Dark Energy: 19 (+2)
>Population: 10 (+1)
>Favour: 10 (+1)
> [Eldritch Abomination] Siege weapon
> [Madness Rift] Spend DE to summon, +1pop/turn

1.2. Using slaves and Taken drow, establish dominance over the shores of our lake, spreading from the sunken city in both directions.
Rolled 25, 10 = 35 (2d100)

(Had to go out. Missed like 5 turns, may I redo them?)

1.2. Rebuild The Hatchery

Yes you may.
/Adv/ Great Uttershroom: base +2 pop/turn, can mutate your species with 1 Dark Energy to produce a new kind of shroom that turn--effects somewhat random. If you get something good, you can deliberately continue to breed it.
[Dis] You're susceptible to fire, slow moving, and not very quick to grasp technological or philosophical ideas.
Spider, roll your missing turns in the lull
Rolled 54, 14 = 68 (2d100)

Name: Myceilia
Colour: Magenta
Race: Sentient Fungus
Racial Description: In a dark cavern such as the underdark, all manner of things can arise in the squalid pallor and in its umber crevices. The Myceilia are such a thing. From the humble fungus that grew plentiful on the cavern's walls, floors and even the roof, they arose slowly from the earth itself, the dark energy that inhabits the cavern infusing them with sentience. They are a new race, directionless and having no motive other then the will to survive. They worship the Great Uttershroom, a giant mushroom from which the original spores of life are said to have spawned, and new mushroom creatures arise from everyday, and will do anything to defend it. Naive creatures, having just sampled the ichor of life, they know not the intricacies of modern rhetoric, and their culture can be said to be lacking, but make no mistake, these creatures are not stupid, and many a stray creature has learned that the hard way from a spear to the throat.

Dark Energy: 0 (+1 a turn)
Population: 10 (+3 a turn)
Favour: 0
/Adv/ Great Uttershroom: base +2 pop/turn, can mutate your species with 1 Dark Energy to produce a new kind of shroom that turn--effects somewhat random. If you get something good, you can deliberately continue to breed it.
[Dis] You're susceptible to fire, slow moving, and not very quick to grasp technological or philosophical ideas.

1. The Uttershroom speaks, and so, we listen. Go forth Spores of G'thag and see what secrets lie in the Great Dark. (Scout around us)
2. The Earth is where we came from, and it still has gifts to bear us (Mine)
Rolled 29, 44, 66, 72, 76, 5, 25, 63, 87, 8 = 475 (10d100)

kk, thanks.

1.2. Begin fortifying our borders with walls and towers

3.4. There is a fortress or city to our south, begin digging towards it. Continue enhancing the bodies of the Curse Spiders so they are even more formidable to face on the battlefield, not unlike minor gods.

9.10. Rebuild the Hatchery.

You reach the zenith of what your magicks may achieve in terms of beefing up your soldiers, but it is impressive. You only take 1d3 casualties after a loss, +5 to any combat encounter, and they retain their earlier stealthiness.

Structures rise to defend your borders. +3 to border conflicts at the present borders.

Your probes draw closer to the Duergar's final redoubt, and it is impressive indeed--the foundries of war flow, bristling with arcane weaponry.

You rebuild the hatchery quite well! +1 pop/turn

You dig into the Earth and expand your colony! +1 Favour, +1 Dark Energy

You see there are Drow brigands, kobolds, and strange folk lining the shores. Far from the lake things are calm though.

It is made so. The Priestesses of Llolth's Inquisition at the Temple are still resistant to your might, but other than that, none stand to challenge you here.

You create a sort of beam weapon, large, slow to fire, long to recharge, which eats through the essence of the target. A sort of radiation makes sick all around the blast as well.

You have a full combined arms force capable of siege warfare on a massive scale.

The Priestesses are distrustful and say that your puppet Governess in the city must be given real power. Furthermore, the landing's city and the town around your own tower must accept a Matriarch from the Inquisition. Then, they will legitimize you as a Drow ruler.

Expansion goes smoothly.

You set up a trigger such that the Artefact will fire automatically--assuming you have the Favour to fire it.

You (critically!) retrieve a Relic of Amuun, a moon talisman which grants the power to reshape the underdark's caverns to fit the wielder's fancy. +15 to digging\moats\canals, additionally, may place magma fonts and aquifers to create magma\lava in a location.
Costs 1 Dark Energy per cast.

You construct a Powersphere reactor (-1 Dark Energy). You now have your own power grid!
You obtain flux and it goes to the steel mill straight away.

Your empire has spread as far as it will without conquest, boats, or digging.

Your people unearth more magical ores with arcane properties not fully understood by the shamans. Duergar advise testing them to see if they can find more Dark Energy deposits, creating a regular income.
Rolled 63 (1d100)


Rolling for defense.
Rolled 4 (1d6)

Your plan to gather your remaining tribes backfires terribly, more leaving than joining. -2 Population.
Your 21 + 10 against 63 + 5 = defeat.

You take this 1d6's population damage.
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Map (34).jpg
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Map as it stands presently. Feel free to post.
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Rolled 9, 32 = 41 (2d100)

Name: Myceilia
Colour: Magenta
Race: Sentient Fungus
Racial Description: In a dark cavern such as the underdark, all manner of things can arise in the squalid pallor and in its umber crevices. The Myceilia are such a thing. From the humble fungus that grew plentiful on the cavern's walls, floors and even the roof, they arose slowly from the earth itself, the dark energy that inhabits the cavern infusing them with sentience. They are a new race, directionless and having no motive other then the will to survive. They worship the Great Uttershroom, a giant mushroom from which the original spores of life are said to have spawned, and new mushroom creatures arise from everyday, and will do anything to defend it. Naive creatures, having just sampled the ichor of life, they know not the intricacies of modern rhetoric, and their culture can be said to be lacking, but make no mistake, these creatures are not stupid, and many a stray creature has learned that the hard way from a spear to the throat.

Dark Energy: 2 (+1 a turn)
Population: 13 (+3 a turn)
Favour: 0
/Adv/ Great Uttershroom: base +2 pop/turn, can mutate your species with 1 Dark Energy to produce a new kind of shroom that turn--effects somewhat random. If you get something good, you can deliberately continue to breed it.
[Dis] You're susceptible to fire, slow moving, and not very quick to grasp technological or philosophical ideas.

1. Such variable and possibly horrible creatures, we must pray to the Uttershroom to deliver unto us Large robust warrior to defend our homes! (Attempt to evolve a large, brutish Warrior Class)

2. Deeper we will dig, a return to the Earth, it warm embrace will further strengthen us (Mine deeper)
Rolled 94, 69 = 163 (2d100)

[Realm of Zagrom]
Color: Yellow
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: - (+0 a turn)
Population: 80 (+6 a turn) [Breeding Pits][Brood Mothers]
Favour: 5 (+1/turn: Shadowrend)
Buildings: [Goblin Forges: +15]
Combat:[Combat Efficient: Fireballs, Military Tactics][Goblin Knights+Metal Arms/Magickal Weapons, Handbangs][Artifact Skull:+1 Hex/Coordination][Duegar Mages][Warped Goblins]
Zagrom: [Magic-Resistant Steel Plating]
Geography: [Dark Radiation Pits][Dark Energy Ore, Irradiated]
Misc: [Shadowrend]
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

Actions [ranged weapons/testing ores]
1. "Find the goblins some new weapons. We require something with a bit of range on it -- something that explodes or shoots." [ranged weapons research]
2. "Test the ores". [test the ores]
Name: British Imperial Exiles
Colour: Yellow
Race: Human
Racial Description:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-_k5sO2jqM [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
Dark Energy: 17 (+1 a turn)
[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
Population: 28 (+1 a turn)
[run out of this, you end]
Favour: 0
[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]
[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...
[Dis] Nonnative to the Dark: you must roll 35+ to expand, as your people are frail and unaccustomed to the dark

Earthen Fortifications
Trade Route to Digmaster Dwarves
Laboratory +5 to Research
Alliance with the Dwarves: Mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Trading Post: Great economic contact with the mountainhomes. With their trade they bring their politics.
Steel Mill - [Flux]
ARTIFICIAL SUN +10 to expansion within 2 hexes of the city
Dwarf Magmaforge: +20 to craft metalworks
Power-sphere reactor - Energy Grid

Star Fort New London

Steam Power
Steel Production
Guns & Lamps: +4 to expansion
Extreme Steam Mining Apparatus: +20 to Digging, may dig three hexes at once
Gatling Guns
Large Artillery Pieces - Ironclads deliver 3d8 casualties to enemy fleets. Stationary positions with these guns get +15 to any combat roll.

Steam Drill

Military Units:
1 Mobile Artillery - Lowers to-hit of siege unit by 15
Rolled 20, 66 = 86 (2d100)

>Colour: Gold
>Race: Aboleths
>Racial Description: Aboleths are a dying race, practically incapable of breeding outside of when the stars, planets and solar system is right. Exceedingly powerful in two areas, psionics and in void magic, using Dark energy they can pull distant "relatives" from primordial planes and places, horrific mind-bending abominations have terrorized the entire under dark if they manage to gain enough power. Their gods, are of course, their sleeping elders beyond the veil they rend.
>Dark Energy: 21 (+2)
>Population: 11 (+1)
>Favour: 11 (+1)
> [Eldritch Abomination] Siege weapon
> [Madness Rift] Spend DE to summon, +1pop/turn

Is the Temple that structure to the NE of the lake?
1. Dominate the minds of the priestesses. They are strong willed, but none can long resist the touch of madness. Spend two dark energy.
2. Begin leaking psionic bits of insanity into the waters of the lake. Taint the waters around us and flowing away with a tiny piece of home.
Rolled 68, 53 = 121 (2d100)

1. Upgrade our forges to handle better and larger weaponry and armor. Our Curse Spiders are stronger, much stronger so it only stands to reason they can handle things other races might balk at.

2. Send out some Stealth Spider teams to learn everything they can about the Duergar's final redoubt, weaknesses and other such things.

Rolled 78, 61 = 139 (2d100)

1. Establish a mine just to the east of the british magma pool, extending a canal to the work for easy shipping.

2. Research concrete for reinforcing structures

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]

[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
Extreme Steam Mining Apparatus: +20 to Digging, may dig three hexes at once, may re-direct the flow of lava\build magma dams
Boats: +5 Traversing River
Dwarf Darkmagma Forge: +30 to craft metalworks
Powersphere and Grid: +5 to all rolls dependent upon machinery using the grid
Alliance with the British: mutual +5 to researching things, mutual +5 to production of buildings\works
Trading Post: Great economic contact with the mountainhomes. With their trade they bring their politics.
Research Institute: +6 to all research rolls
Arsenal: Increased siege engine production

Full Combined Arms Force
Dwarf Ironclads (with big guns): Enemy Fleet 3d8 casualties
Cannons: 40 to take Drow and 60 to take Deep Dwarf cities
Dwarven Defences: No siege roll of less than 75 after bonuses will crack these defences, stationary positions with guns get +15 to any combat roll
Mobile Artillery Unit: lowers the to-hit number of a siege entity by 15.

[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.
Dark Energy; 23 (+1)
Population: 36 (+1)
Favour: 3
Rolled 32, 8 = 40 (2d100)

1. Now that we have a power grid, we can construct a Darkmagma Forge, just like our Dwarven Allies use.

Alliance with the Dwarves: +5 to production of buildings\works

2. At last, steel and in bulk quantity!

However we will not build any ordinary ironclad, nay, we shall build true, steel plated Dreadnoughts armed with Large Artillery pieces, the true might of our Royal Navy above shall be revived down below!

Let us build a [Large Drydock] for large ship construction.

Alliance with the Dwarves: +5 to production of buildings\works
File: sashie__drow_water_mage_.jpg (66KB, 670x950px) Image search: [Google]
66KB, 670x950px
Rolled 50, 17 = 67 (2d100)

Name: Underealm Fiendish Magocracy
Color: Light Blue

Race: Deep Humans
Racial Description: A society of white-haired Humans, Drow, Half-Drows and Demons. They worship Lolth and other Dark Gods and hold true power in the Underdark.
[Adv] Magical affinity means base +2 Dark Energy a turn
[Dis] Few gods of the Underdark Favour humans. You'll need to work harder to earn that.

Dark Energy: 7 (+2 a turn)
Population: [24/5/3] 32 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 2 - Hard

Tower of Summoning
Scrying Tower (+12 to scry rolls)
Mushroom Farms to the North
Magic Dark Tower (+9 to Magic Rituals)
Dark Portal (can summon daemons)

Mineral and Metal Summoning.

[9] Rings of Power
Artifact of Dagon's Watery Death
Relic of Amuun

Battlemage Krzzt Balgaran

1. Some of the Drow are worried about their kin in the southern cavern. We shall try to contact them and ask if they wish to retreat from the reaches of the Aboleth.
Portals, teleportation nexus and other magical means will be prepared if they accept. If they are reluctant we will increase their numbers with armed forces. 1 Dark Energy used, 1 pop will be given if it fails too.

2. Forces are sent to claim and expand the wild lands that border us up to its westernmost shore. Conjurers, Transmuters and Evokers will march with them if needed.

A magical message is sent to the Mutant Scourge. "Your mewling race is in the brink of disappearing. If you desire our protection we can safely open portals for your people to colonize other parts of the underworld. Think carefully your options. Our benevolence is not eternal."
>may place magma fonts and aquifers to create magma\lava in a location.
I can see this being incredibly powerful. And hilarious
While others play civ I am playing minecraft in creative mode
File: Map (35).jpg (923KB, 1024x768px) Image search: [Google]
Map (35).jpg
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The Southern Waterways are beginning to taste a little, what's that... like a hint of lemon pepper perhaps? Faint yet distinct. Ah, yes. Good old lemon pepper.

The mutagens don't take properly. The latest patch just have awkwardly proportioned limbs with no real benefit.

Digging goes well, though.

You get some crude cannons and bows for your goblins. Shamans marshal them into ranged squadrons who fire as one right before the Shaman unleashes fireballs. This helps break through the enemy's defensive line.

You test the ores and find you can harness Dark Energy from them! The mines now produce +1 Dark Energy/turn

Oh, but they do. Your Dark Energy isn't enough to push them over the edge--Llolth is unhappy with you. Very unhappy.

The waters of madness begin to flow...

You have +10 forges, ready to act as a siege works or produce arms and armament.

It seems a magical defense grid is powered by a central stone. If it were tampered with or removed, it would be far easier to encroach into their territory.

You build a mine and dig a canal.

You discover a fine mixture of rocks and minerals that forms a fine drying paste. Resistant to fire and good for construction.

You produce a Dreadnought which acts as a mobile fortress equipped with your huge guns. Boarding actions of this vessel will be treated like a land battle, assuming they get aboard alive (4d8 casualties to the enemy navy/bombardment).

Your drydock doesn't really pan out, so right now it's still ship-at-a-time with the regular one.

Those who yet remain are with the Inquisition and are still wary about leaving this sanctuary under-guarded, although they agree to establish a fallback point at your Temple of Llolth if it seems their Temple were to be lost.

The expedition fails to gain any ground.
Rolled 8 (1d100)

[[Daemon of Vengeance]]

The Daemon is attempting to violate the Void barrier around the Aboleth portal! notCathy, roll Defense.
Final update for the night lads, I'll continue this thread on monday maybe but next main thread'll be next Sat@earliest. Look for it EST ~3pm
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