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Underdark Builder [Simple Rules]

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 201
Thread images: 47

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Map (1).jpg
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Colour: (Blue\Cyan\Green\Lime\Magenta\Orange\Yellow)
Racial Description: (I will give you a bonus and disadvantage)

Dark Energy: 0 (+1 a turn)
[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
Population: 10 (+1 a turn)
[run out of this, you end]
Favour: 0
[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]

Pick a starting hex
2d100 actions a turn.
25+ succeeds.
Highest roll wins contested.
50+ to siege a Drow city.
75+ to siege a Deep Dwarf city.

Rolled 37, 84 = 121 (2d100)

Dwarf Deep-mining expedition MCCCXXXVII

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Do we write the description?

Dark Energy: 0 (+1 a turn)
Population: 10 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0

Hex 8 from top, 6 from right, with small water, next to the greenery and the upper fork of the lower river

Roll to establish a base from our tunnel
You can write the desc to give me an idea of the dis/Adv you'd like, but I am the final arbiter so it's an optional fluff section more than a stats thing really.
>Colour: Green
>Race: Duergar
>Racial Description: Duergar, also known as gray dwarves, are a subterranean race. They are close kin to dwarves, but with a diabolic taint to their blood. They now carve out their existence in the Underdark, often near volcanoes. Their kinship to surface dwarves can be compared to that of the drow to surface elves. Unlike dwarves, duergar have a strong tradition of magic, both in the divine and arcane varieties and duergar clerics, runecasters, runesmiths, and wizards are highly respected for their skill. In particular, the duergar have a fondness for magically crafted items which they can use to aid them in combat, protect their minds against tampering, or to hide from enemy senses. Duergar have crafted many magic items unique to them.

>Dark Energy: 0 (+1 a turn)
>[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
>Population: 10 (+1 a turn)
>[run out of this, you end]
>Favour: 0
>[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]
>Colour: Gold
>Race: Aboleths
>Racial Description: Aboleths are a dying race, practically incapable of breeding outside of when the stars, planets and solar system is right. Exceedingly powerful in two areas, psionics and in void magic, using Dark energy they can pull distant "relatives" from primordial planes and places, horrific mind-bending abominations have terrorized the entire under dark if they manage to gain enough power. Their gods, are of course, their sleeping elders beyond the veil they rend.
>Dark Energy: 0 (+1 a turn)
>[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
>Population: 10 (+1 a turn)
>[run out of this, you end]
>Favour: 0
>[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]
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Name: Underealm Magocracy
Race: Deep Humans
Racial Description: Driven from the surface, this broken empire of spellcasters have survived on summoning and illusions for too long. Time to grow back to their former glory. Grey-skinned and white-haired, they long rejected sunlight.

Dark Energy: 0 (+1 a turn)
Population: 10 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0

Establishing an outpost in this strategic position, away enough from the drow and the dwarves, but close enough to natural resources and not too isolated that our trading would suffer.

This is true place for Motherland to Grow! For glorious Motherland!
Rolled 64, 82 = 146 (2d100)

Oh and starting hex. The water in the bottom most cavern.
Oh. Color is light blue. For it's the most royal color, fitting for an empire of kings.
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drow necromancer 01.jpg
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Necromancer Arathan's Great Refuge
Indigo (Blue?)
Dark Elven Wizard and apprentices, miscellaneous undead and constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts;" magics including necromancy, diabolism and any number of other unsavoury practices.

What drow society as a whole does not appreciate, however, is a male attempting to leverage his great magical powers to gain political power and influence in their matriarchal cities.

Exiled along with his acolytes, Arathan has fled from his home city in the northern underdark down the river to the first ruin he came across, to animate any corpses found there for practice and protection.

Dark Energy: 0 (+1 a turn)
Population: 10 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0
Summary of Applications:

1 Dwarven Deep Expedition
1 Duergar Holme
1 Aboleth Nest
1 Deep Human Kingdom
1 Necromancer's Refuge

I will edit the map to include everyone or would you like to do so, Thameless?
Ah, okay, cool

Racial Description: The dwarven desire to dig and search the earth for riches has raised up many holds to fabulous wealth, huge size and great power, but it has doomed many more to fall - the tale of dwarves digging too deep and too greedily is a common one, and many holds now lie empty, ravaged or are now the abodes of fell creatures due to incautious delving into the depths or stockpiles of wealth too large to defend. For this reason holds will often gather together the dwarves feeling their desire to dig most greatly, equip them with tools, provisions and machinery, and send them some distance from the hold to launch a deep-mining expedition. Once some way outside the underground gates they set up a camp and trading post, and begin to dig, to great glory or a terrible fate. Often patronised by engineers and craftsdwarfs, these expeditions are commonly equipped with the latest (and most volatile) technology, giving it a trial by fire before it can see use in the safety of the holds or the more normal mines. Sometimes the promise of glory (and horrible beasties) will attract a down-on-their-luck dwarven commander and their troops, looking for a fight or a career boost. The expedition's trading post will communicate with the expedition's parent hold, but it is not unheard of for a unsuccessful expedition to be ignored and left to die alone in the dark
[Adv] Magical affinity means base +2 Dark Energy a turn
[Dis] Few gods of the Underdark Favour humans. You'll need to work harder to earn that.

[Adv] +2 Dark Energy/+1 Favour base income, reflecting your strong dies to vile forces beyond this realm
[Dis] no base +1 Pop, must take an action to attempt to breed
[Adv] +2 Population a turn base income--it is easier to recommission skeletons than feed mewling babes.
[Dis] Drow Heretic: Drow Citystates will send expeditions far and wide to find and attack you, ignoring the regular raiding range restrictions.
[Adv] Ancestral Artefacts: You may do more with less Dark Energy
[Dis] Duergar Racewar: Drow and Duergar in this region are locked in a race war. And you've just been invited.
[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.

I can, but if you could show me where you think everyone is that'd be a great boon.
Just now I'm realising I didn't ask what the uncoloured markers are - purple is Drow, red is Deep Dwarf, but the other stuff is what, unoccupied? Occupied by minor threats?
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Here is what I got.

Waiting in for some clarifications from the Digmaster and the Necromancer.
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Map (2).jpg
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Let me know if I messed up any positions guy.

Darker grey, caverns you cannot march an army/expedition through, possibly crawling with monsters.

You can dig tunnels through it, but it may provoke an attack of some sort.

The parchmenty stuff all over is open cave area. Dangerous by surface standards but nothing threatening you at a civ level. Basically, unclaimed land.

Give yourselves a turn's worth of income before beginning

Consider this first MUPDATE, make your first 2 actions and let me know if you're unhappy with map placement.
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drow necromancer 02.jpg
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Necromancer Arathan's Great Refuge
Indigo (Blue?)
Dark Elven Wizard and apprentices, miscellaneous undead and constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts;" magics including necromancy, diabolism and any number of other unsavoury practices.

What drow society as a whole does not appreciate, however, is a male attempting to leverage his great magical powers to gain political power and influence in their matriarchal cities.

Exiled along with his acolytes, Arathan has fled from his home city in the northern underdark down the river to the first ruin he came across, to animate any corpses found there for practice and protection.

+2 Population a turn base income--it is easier to recommission skeletons than feed mewling babes.
Drow Heretic: Drow Citystates will send expeditions far and wide to find and attack you, ignoring the regular raiding range restrictions.

Dark Energy: 1 (+1 a turn)
Population: 12 (+2 a turn)
Favour: 0

1. Through arcane symbols and blasphemous geometries, an arcane laboratory and workshop can become a great nexus of dark energy, concentrating it into a usable form. I will direct my minions to begin its construction: and when it is complete, it will be from here that I plot my triumphant return to - and conquest of - my former home.

2. While the ruin we occupy is a tolerable shelter for now, it will not be long until my enemies discover its location and move against me and mine. We will need to be ready to flee once more, if necessary. A simple pier and a few boats should be constructed, to escape further along the river if our enemies come in numbers too great to forestall with reanimated corpses.

I am ecstatic about map placement, that's exactly where I wanted to be. Thank you.
Rolled 6, 91 = 97 (2d100)

And I... forgot my dice. No matter.
Rolled 54, 42 = 96 (2d100)

Are the Duergar right next to me?
That seems a little harsh, for both of us

And I meant the little fort markers, but good to know about the light and dark grey too

Dark Energy: 0 (+1 a turn)
Population: 10 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0

1. Build a camp - living arrangements, small brewery, defences, workshops and a pier

2. Construct/research mining equipment - there's (reasonably) solid rock on 4 of our 6 sides, but that's no issues to dwarves on a mining expedition
Name: Realm of Zagrom
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: 0 (+1 a turn)
Population: 10 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0
DE: 1
Pop: 11
Didn't see the 1 turn income.

My position was exactly where I wanted though, thanks
Rolled 91, 4 = 95 (2d100)

>Colour: Gold
>Race: Aboleths
>Racial Description: Aboleths are a dying race, practically incapable of breeding outside of when the stars, planets and solar system is right. Exceedingly powerful in two areas, psionics and in void magic, using Dark energy they can pull distant "relatives" from primordial planes and places, horrific mind-bending abominations have terrorized the entire under dark if they manage to gain enough power. Their gods, are of course, their sleeping elders beyond the veil they rend.
>Dark Energy: 2 (+2
>Population: 10
>Favour: 1 (+1)

In the dark waters of the Underdark, the aboleths begin plot. Ensnaring the nearby locals using heavy psionic powers, turning them into enslaved Skum through their dark ways. Using their new slaves, they work to construct a gateway. Powered by Dark Energy, it will temporarily open the veil through dark energy. Maybe one day the rending will become full.

(1 on enslaving, 2 on building.)
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Rolled 39, 8 = 47 (2d100)

Name: Underealm Magocracy
Color: Light Blue

Race: Deep Humans
Racial Description: Driven from the surface, this broken empire of spellcasters have survived on summoning and illusions for too long. Time to grow back to their former glory. Grey-skinned and white-haired, they long rejected sunlight.
[Adv] Magical affinity means base +2 Dark Energy a turn
[Dis] Few gods of the Underdark Favour humans. You'll need to work harder to earn that.

Dark Energy: 3 (+3 a turn)
Population: 11 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0 - Hard

This seems adequate enough. My position will further the agenda of my people.

Action 1. Build a Ziggurat from stone and magic, raise it high so we may create distance between us the common Underdark rabble.

Action 2. Food for the people. The wild mushrooms of the Underdark can be harvested for all sorts of uses, from sustenance to magical inks for scrolls and spellbooks. We shall plot Mushroom farm.
Reserving a spot
Attempt to create the Nexus have ended rather poorly. To succeed next time, you must commit 1 Dark Energy to the attempt.

Your pier and boats are constructed, +10 on any roll to traverse this river.

Your camp is well constructed and prepared.
The mining apparatus is complete to spec. Gain a +5 to future digging rolls.

The gateway doesn't work out--Skum these days just ain't detail-attendant like they used to be.
You gain a +1 to Population however, and they can travel openly on land.

Building the Ziggurat goes ahead as planned, but the Dark Gods take notice of your aspirations...
Mushroom farming doesn't pan out.

Pending 2 turns, one of a current player and one from >>43502509 once he gets his [Dis][Adv]
Rolled 70, 49 = 119 (2d100)


1. Start building our home fortress.

2. Scout the area for minerals

>Name: Ashen
>Colour: Green
>Race: Duergar
>Dark Energy: 0 (+1 a turn)
>[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
>Population: 10 (+1 a turn)
>Favour: 0
[Adv] Ancestral Artefacts: You may do more with less Dark Energy
[Dis] Duergar Racewar: Drow and Duergar in this region are locked in a race war. And you've just been invited.
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.
>Colour: Gold
>Race: Aboleths
>Racial Description: Aboleths are a dying race, practically incapable of breeding outside of when the stars, planets and solar system is right. Exceedingly powerful in two areas, psionics and in void magic, using Dark energy they can pull distant "relatives" from primordial planes and places, horrific mind-bending abominations have terrorized the entire under dark if they manage to gain enough power. Their gods, are of course, their sleeping elders beyond the veil they rend.
>Dark Energy: 4 (+2)
>Population: 11
>Favour: 2 (+1)
Both actions are now dedicated to working on the portal under the waters.
Rolled 50, 38 = 88 (2d100)

The walls of your fortress begin to rise, meager at first, but there.
You find that the vegetation to your East seems to be over and around deposits of magically irradiated ore.

Hold up, still turn 1.
Rolled 55, 19 = 74 (2d100)

Name: Realm of Zagrom
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: 0 (+1 a turn)
Population: 10 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0
dv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

1. Zagrom commands his stupid goblins to expand his holdings.
2. Zagrom further commands the goblins to begin working on forges and works.
Rolled 62, 33 = 95 (2d100)

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: The dwarven desire to dig and search the earth for riches has raised up many holds to fabulous wealth, huge size and great power, but it has doomed many more to fall - the tale of dwarves digging too deep and too greedily is a common one, and many holds now lie empty, ravaged or are now the abodes of fell creatures due to incautious delving into the depths or stockpiles of wealth too large to defend. For this reason holds will often gather together the dwarves feeling their desire to dig most greatly, equip them with tools, provisions and machinery, and send them some distance from the hold to launch a deep-mining expedition. Once some way outside the underground gates they set up a camp and trading post, and begin to dig, to great glory or a terrible fate. Often patronised by engineers and craftsdwarfs, these expeditions are commonly equipped with the latest (and most volatile) technology, giving it a trial by fire before it can see use in the safety of the holds or the more normal mines. Sometimes the promise of glory (and horrible beasties) will attract a down-on-their-luck dwarven commander and their troops, looking for a fight or a career boost. The expedition's trading post will communicate with the expedition's parent hold, but it is not unheard of for a unsuccessful expedition to be ignored and left to die alone in the dark
[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.

Dark Energy; 1 (+1)
Population: 11 (+1)
Favour: 0

1. Search for resources in preparation for mining, be on guard for nearby populations
2. Build defences for the camp, build a port and some small boats
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Map (4).jpg
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You set up roost in an old ruin and your goblins proceed to whack anything that moves with boneclubs, subduing the terrain nearby.

They're less efficient in terms of forges, however.

MUPDATE, now everyone post turn2
Delegates from the other cities come, entreating you to commence the construction of fire barges to pre-empt an impending Drow raid.

They inform you that your strategic position is vital to the war effort.
>Welcome to the RaceWar!
Rolled 47, 57 = 104 (2d100)

Necromancer Arathan's Great Refuge
Indigo (Blue?)
Dark Elven Wizard and apprentices, miscellaneous undead and constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts;" magics including necromancy, diabolism and any number of other unsavoury practices.

What drow society as a whole does not appreciate, however, is a male attempting to leverage his great magical powers to gain political power and influence in their matriarchal cities.

Exiled along with his acolytes, Arathan has fled from his home city in the northern underdark down the river to the first ruin he came across, to animate any corpses found there for practice and protection.

[Nacromancer] +2 Population a turn base income--it is easier to recommission skeletons than feed mewling babes
[Underdark Pier] +10 to any rolls traversing the northern river
[Drow Heretic] Drow Citystates will send expeditions far and wide to find and attack you, ignoring the regular raiding range restrictions.

Dark Energy: 2 (+1 a turn)
Population: 14 (+2 a turn)
Favour: 0

1. Clearly this site is cursed, but I will not be denied. No doubt some echo of whatever catastrophe ruined this settlement in the first place lingers on in the ruins. Before resuming construction on the nexus for my laboratory, I will perform the rituals required to ward the site from such unwanted interference. It will require some of my dark energies expended - but it will be worth it in time, with the benefits such a construction will undoubtedly provide.
>Spend 1 Dark Energy

2. With a not inconsiderable number of skeletal servitors now raised, it only makes sense to further our influence in the area. Some of my apprentices should head out under undead escort to search the nearby caverns for useful materials, clearing out any minor pests to establish our dominance of the region.
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49KB, 388x700px
Name: British Imperial Exiles
Colour: Yellow
Race: Human
Racial Description:
At midnight on the twelfth of August, a huge mass of luminous gas erupted from Mars
and sped towards Earth. Across two hundred million miles of void came the first of the missiles that were to bring so much calamity.

These pods brought the martians, and their invincible tripod fighting machines, unleashing a terror that wiped the entirety of the British Ises with invisible fire and black smoke bringing death with them.

And as they approached London, the last city to fall, the leaders of the Empire enacted a final plan to ensure the survival of themselves, perhaps even mankind.

A massive steam powered drill was to ferry in a group of survivors and supplies to burrow through the earth, where previous drill probes had discovered what seemed to be an entire world miles below. A world where the empire could survive, thrive, and perhaps even, start over again..


We have lost much. Our homes. Our families. Even our industry is gone. But for all we lack, we bring our greatest treasure.

A massive library containing the vast sum of our knowledge. Not poems and rubbish, SCIENCE! so we can get everything working.

We'll build artificial suns to hang on the ceiling, and produced rain, and rail network tunnels. Our scientists have discovered this "Dark Energy" and how to use it.

We will make this brave new world our home, and live in peace alongside or survive against the creatures down who won't.
Dark Energy: 0 (+1 a turn)
[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
Population: 10 (+1 a turn)
[run out of this, you end]
Favour: 0
[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]
Location, center of the map. Just the fork in the river next to those ruins.
Alright y'all, next time in future, wait for me to declare an official MUPDATE, and in return I'll make sure to always do these in one go.

You find some gold and precious gems along the thicker cavern face cavernface to the north. The ancestors are pleased!
+2 Favour.
Boats built. +5 to traversing this river.

Expend 2 Dark Energy and 1 Favour, and the Portal shall be complete.

The Nexus is forged--it shall be a formidable font of power someday, if tended properly.
Your apprentices have little trouble, save for a region to the south. Nobody has returned to tell you of the party's fate, but it can't have been good.
Rolled 53, 28 = 81 (2d100)

Name: Realm of Zagrom
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: 1 (+1 a turn)
Population: 11 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

1. Zagrom continues screaming about the forges. Eventually after killing a few of them he commands better goblins to begin on the forges again. [forges]
2. "I MUST HAVE MORE RESOURCES!" Zagrom screams. "I MUST HAVE MORE GEMS! Only then will my hoard be of sufficient size. Do you know how much of this garbage it takes to fill a cavern like mine? Bah. Of course not." [expansion]
>Expend 2 Dark Energy and 1 Favour, and the Portal shall be complete.
[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...
[Dis] Nonnative to the Dark: you must roll 35+ to expand, as your people are frail and unaccustomed to the dark

Name: Underealm Magocracy
Color: Light Blue

Race: Deep Humans
Racial Description: Driven from the surface, this broken empire of spellcasters have survived on summoning and illusions for too long. Time to grow back to their former glory. Grey-skinned and white-haired, they long rejected sunlight.
[Adv] Magical affinity means base +2 Dark Energy a turn
[Dis] Few gods of the Underdark Favour humans. You'll need to work harder to earn that.

Dark Energy: 6 (+3 a turn)
Population: 12 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0 - Hard

The dark gods of this place ogle us like we are some sort of lowly creatures. They shall know that the Magocracy bows to no one... Soon.

1 - Raise a sacrifice of magic and blood to appease the Darkness Bellow and avert its eyes. (Spend 1 population and 1 Dark Energy)

2 - Raising mushrooms is peasant's work; we are sorcerer kings. We shall summon from the otherworlds the sustenance we need. Construct portals to verdant planes and bring fruit and game from there. (Spend 3 Dark Energy)
Rolled 83, 57 = 140 (2d100)

Forgot my rolls!
Hoping to join in.

Name: Curse Spiders
Colour: Purple
Race: Driders
Racial Description: Cast-offs. Renegades, Heretics, Rebels, Unwanted riff-raff. We are so called by those who did not want us, made something unwholesome and vile by living in the dark away from those vaunted places of life and civilization. Instead of becoming unthinking monsters as they thought we have embraced our new forms, out of spite for the ones who cast us away. They have given us strength and power and called it a curse? Well then, let us show them the errors of their ways. All who cast us out shall pay.

Dark Energy: 0 (+1 a turn)
Population: 10 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0
Rolled 73, 15 = 88 (2d100)

1. Continue working on our fortress
2. Commence the construction of fire barges

>Name: Ashen
>Colour: Green
>Race: Duergar
>Dark Energy: 2 (+1 a turn)
>[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
>Population: 12 (+1 a turn)
>Favour: 0
[Adv] Ancestral Artefacts: You may do more with less Dark Energy
[Dis] Duergar Racewar: Drow and Duergar in this region are locked in a race war. And you've just been invited.
Rolled 65, 23 = 88 (2d100)

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]

[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.

Dark Energy; 2 (+1)
Population: 12 (+1)
Favour: 2

1. Dig into the rock to the north - mainly for resources, but also for more space.
2. Build a great forge/foundry complex, to make building bigger and more complicated things easier

Given the location of the Duergar city, and our (very, very distant) shared heritage we send out a diplomatic mission.
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139KB, 852x1000px
Name: British Imperial Exiles
Colour: Yellow
Race: Human
Racial Description:
Dark Energy: 1 (+1 a turn)
[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
Population: 11 (+1 a turn)
[run out of this, you end]
Favour: 0
[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]
[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...
[Dis] Nonnative to the Dark: you must roll 35+ to expand, as your people are frail and unaccustomed to the dark

Updated Stats
Execute the fucking lightskins!!!

No in all seriousness the diplomat is welcomed and sent back to home with offers of a NAP
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Map (6).jpg
853KB, 1024x768px
The forges are finally produced. +5 to produce metalwork (they are, regrettably, goblin forges).
You expand a bit.
You manage to planeshift some food into the Underdark, but it is not accustomed to living off Dark Energy instead of sunlight. Still, your people eat heartily! +1 population.
Your walls and parapets grow formidable hourly!
You regrettably under-perform. The fire-barges sink where they should have swam, and the volunteer pilots will be here next turn!


Now it is the new turn. In future, I will do all turn replies /atonce/.

gains a one-time extra d100 action this turn, as his people are overtaken with a busy zeal as construction may finally begin after a long and terrifying flight from danger!
NAP accepted, witchblood
[Adv] +2 Population a turn base, dem eggs let ya breed real good.
[Dis] Unfavoured: it is hard for you to gain favour.

You may post this turn.

You are the final addition, can't handle more players.
>Now it is the new turn
Turn 3?
My turn 2 >>43503327
Rolled 34, 33 = 67 (2d100)


1. Expand and claim the other tiles with forest in it.
2. Try again with the fire barges

>Name: Ashen
>Colour: Green
>Race: Duergar
>Dark Energy: 3 (+1 a turn)
>[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
>Population: 13 (+1 a turn)
>Favour: 0
[Adv] Ancestral Artefacts: You may do more with less Dark Energy
[Dis] Duergar Racewar: Drow and Duergar in this region are locked in a race war. And you've just been invited.
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Map (7).jpg
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Sadly, bigger and more complicated forges sometimes don't work out themselves.
+digging bonus, you do swimmingly.
Really? Thought it was your turn 3. I've added it to map.
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876KB, 2658x1500px
Rolled 99, 76, 63 = 238 (3d100)

Name: British Imperial Exiles
Colour: Yellow
Race: Human
Racial Description:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-_k5sO2jqM [Embed]
Dark Energy: 2 (+1 a turn)
[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
Population: 12 (+1 a turn)
[run out of this, you end]
Favour: 0
[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]
[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...
[Dis] Nonnative to the Dark: you must roll 35+ to expand, as your people are frail and unaccustomed to the dark

1. Dig earthen fortifications and moats to protect our people until we have the resources to set up a proper fortification.

2. Train our Engineers in steam based mechanics. So we can build steam vehicles and equipment.

Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...

3. Research a great big artificial sun we can hang from the ceiling, to give hope to our people, so our farms can produce, and most of all, the courage to venture forth into this massive caves.

Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...

Spend 1 Dark Energy to power the Ceiling Sun
Rolled 65, 6 = 71 (2d100)

Uhm, do I get an anything?

Well, regardless, third turn.

Actions 1&2 are to sacrifice the Skum gained for more energy to summon up monstrosities from beyond the veil.
>Colour: Gold
>Race: Aboleths
>Racial Description: Aboleths are a dying race, practically incapable of breeding outside of when the stars, planets and solar system is right. Exceedingly powerful in two areas, psionics and in void magic, using Dark energy they can pull distant "relatives" from primordial planes and places, horrific mind-bending abominations have terrorized the entire under dark if they manage to gain enough power. Their gods, are of course, their sleeping elders beyond the veil they rend.
>Dark Energy: 4 (+2)
>Population: 11
>Favour: 2 (+1)
Rolled 50, 85 = 135 (2d100)

1. Create webbing traps so we may catch prey to eat and unwary travelers.

2. Expand to nearby lands.

Name: Curse Spiders
Colour: Purple
Race: Driders
Racial Description: Cast-offs. Renegades, Heretics, Rebels, Unwanted riff-raff. We are so called by those who did not want us, made something unwholesome and vile by living in the dark away from those vaunted places of life and civilization. Instead of becoming unthinking monsters as they thought we have embraced our new forms, out of spite for the ones who cast us away. They have given us strength and power and called it a curse? Well then, let us show them the errors of their ways. All who cast us out shall pay.

Dark Energy: 0 (+1 a turn)
Population: 10 (+2 a turn)
Favour: 0
[Adv] +2 Population a turn base, dem eggs let ya breed real good.
[Dis] Unfavoured: it is hard for you to gain favour.
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drow necromancer 04.jpg
100KB, 707x1000px
Rolled 3, 87 = 90 (2d100)

Necromancer Arathan's Great Refuge
Indigo (Blue?)
Dark Elven Wizard and apprentices, miscellaneous undead and constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts;" magics including necromancy, diabolism and any number of other unsavoury practices.

What drow society as a whole does not appreciate, however, is a male attempting to leverage his great magical powers to gain political power and influence in their matriarchal cities.

Exiled along with his acolytes, Arathan has fled from his home city in the northern underdark down the river to the first ruin he came across, to animate any corpses found there for practice and protection.

[Necromancer] +2 Population a turn base income--it is easier to recommission skeletons than feed mewling babes
[Underdark Pier] +10 to any rolls traversing the northern river
[Nexus of Energies]
[Drow Heretic] Drow Citystates will send expeditions far and wide to find and attack you, ignoring the regular raiding range restrictions.

Dark Energy: 2 (+1 a turn)
Population: 16 (+2 a turn)
Favour: 0

1. Some few of my acolytes will remain, directing the constructs as they build my laboratory on the site of the Nexus of dark energy, to properly harness the site for my great works yet to come.

2. I, personally, will venture directly south with acolytes and automatons aplenty; to discover what has become of my scouting party, and retrieve them if possible. I will not idly accept the disappearance of some of my apprentices - I will not have my tutelage wasted.
Rolled 30, 73 = 103 (2d100)

I rolled before start, in my first post, probably what did it

1. Build a forge complex fit for the dwarves - if the goblins have built a forge we damn well will too!

2.Mine for resources

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]

[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.

Dark Energy; 3 (+1)
Population: 13 (+1)
Favour: 2
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Map (8).jpg
318KB, 1024x768px
Rolled 2, 4 = 6 (2d8)

A clash occurs here...
Half of the Drow raiding fleet is eliminated by the Deep Dwarves' suicide ships. This has the desired effect.

>They turn north.
You have established the portal, you may now pull things through it.
Rolled 31, 63 = 94 (2d100)

Name: Realm of Zagrom
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: 1 (+1 a turn)
Population: 11 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0
Other: Forges [Goblin; +5]
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

1. Zagrom is trying to teach some of the more intelligent goblins magic. Despite "the fact that they are all so catastrophically stupid. My familiar is better at this then they are." [magic]
2. "Expand the forges. MORE. MORE FORGES. I need to equip this army with more than sticks and sharpened twigs! I swear if I wasn't around to order you morons around I don't know what you would do." [expand the forges, again]
Rolled 29, 99 = 128 (2d100)

Name: Underealm Magocracy
Color: Light Blue

Race: Deep Humans
Racial Description: Driven from the surface, this broken empire of spellcasters have survived on summoning and illusions for too long. Time to grow back to their former glory. Grey-skinned and white-haired, they long rejected sunlight.
[Adv] Magical affinity means base +2 Dark Energy a turn
[Dis] Few gods of the Underdark Favour humans. You'll need to work harder to earn that.

Dark Energy: 2 (+2 a turn)
Population: 13 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0 - Hard

- I just realized you said base + Dark Energy, not +2 base Dark Energy, big mistake. Just fixed it, I didn't spend anything I didn't have, thankfully. -

Commanding wizards is like herding cats. Sometimes they will do whatever they want. It's allowed, as long as it is a desirable occurrence.

1. The Conjurers and Summoners desire a tower to study. We shall raise a Summoning Tower so we can properly allow our mages to study this subject.

2. Our arrogance and pride will not be our downfall. The Abjurers and Evokers are feeling our defenses lacking. We shall raise simple magical wards and traps on all squares around our Ziggurat of power. Spend 1 Dark Energy.
Is favour a bonus, or is it a spendable resource like dark energy?
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Map (9).jpg
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You dig trenches and moats that could have preserved the Byzantine Empire in the face of the Ottoman Onslaught!
You succeed at both expanding your demesne and finishing up the fire barges just in time for the volunteers to commandeer them and sail south.
Your darkness appeases the vileness that lurks below--an extra Favour comes your way.
You receive a message through the void, something hungry awaits, something... thirsty. It wants you to free it. Feed it 5 Dark Energy, it tells you, and it will bring more Aboleths to your cause.
You get a steady supply of trapped monster meat.
Your territory grows slowly.
An accident at the Nexus leaves an apprentice dead and some Undead crazed. The project's been set back an action.

You venture to the south where you find they had been taken captive by a group of primitive goblinoids. You slay them easily and take control of the camp.
+7 to craft metalworks. Hey, DWARF forge, nowhatimsayan?
Your further scavenging of the land for resources brings many boons. +2 Favour.
Several of the shamans and mystics have raw untapped magical potential. You train them to harness it, mainly in the form of hurling fireballs, something they take to with mad flee and delight.
>more combat efficient
You double the forge's capacity. It's now +10, and can produce siege engines of variable quality.
The Summoning Tower goes off without a hitch, and is prepared to take in pupils. +1 Favour as your prestige grows.

An IMPRESSIVE MAGICAL BARRIER is raised about the city.
MUPDATE, turn3 over, turn4 commenceth.
Rolled 97, 70 = 167 (2d100)

1. Design and build a city in the image of web. It is entire purpose shall be to gather Dark Energy and bind it like prey. At its center shall sit a place where the gathered power can be supped by the most powerful among us. We will have no need of gods with such a home.

2. We need better tools then stone lashed to bone with sinew. There are strange metals buried within the earth in this dark place we call home and we must find them.

Name: Curse Spiders
Colour: Purple
Race: Driders
Racial Description: Cast-offs. Renegades, Heretics, Rebels, Unwanted riff-raff. We are so called by those who did not want us, made something unwholesome and vile by living in the dark away from those vaunted places of life and civilization. Instead of becoming unthinking monsters as they thought we have embraced our new forms, out of spite for the ones who cast us away. They have given us strength and power and called it a curse? Well then, let us show them the errors of their ways. All who cast us out shall pay.

Dark Energy: 1 (+1 a turn)
Population: 12 (+2 a turn)
Favour: 0
[Adv] +2 Population a turn base, dem eggs let ya breed real good.
[Dis] Unfavoured: it is hard for you to gain favour.

Misc :
Web Traps : Gives a steady supply of monster meat.
Rolled 15, 64 = 79 (2d100)

The map does not show an extended demesne.

1.Work more on the fortress.
2. Cut the wood and store it so we can use it late. and give us access to the ore.

1. Expand and claim the other tiles with forest in it.
2. Try again with the fire barges

>Name: Ashen
>Colour: Green
>Race: Duergar
>Dark Energy: 4 (+1 a turn)
>[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
>Population: 14 (+1 a turn)
>Favour: 0
[Adv] Ancestral Artefacts: You may do more with less Dark Energy
[Dis] Duergar Racewar: Drow and Duergar in this region are locked in a race war. And you've just been invited.
>clarification from turn3
You discover both the intimacies of steam-works and some ways you could create something approximating a huge, artificial sun.

You estimate it would take [two actions] worth of extraction from a substantial mineral vein to get the resources to build the sun's cradle and engine, then, a fuel source would have to be arranged--some radioactive material or similar.

As for steam works, their constructions can commence at once.
Rolled 71, 71 = 142 (2d100)

Name: Realm of Zagrom
Color: Yellow
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: 3 (+1 a turn)
Population: 13 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0
Other: Forges [Goblin: +10]; Combat Efficient [Fireballs]
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

1. Zagrom commands the goblins to develop a formal military structure: goblins are organized into a formal fighting force as the army begins to take shape. Zagrom states: "Naturally I wouldn't be caught dead in the field myself; pray I do not need to make an appearance if you fail to meet my ... expectations." [recruit units]
2. "Perhaps the halfwits aren't so terrible after all. Very well, head out and find some resources for the forges. Iron. Copper. Silver. Anything that can be sharpened to a point will be useful." [search for metals]
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Map (10).jpg
878KB, 1024x768px
Hey you're right I'm trash

Here it is
Rolled 67, 9 = 76 (2d100)

Name: British Imperial Exiles
Colour: Yellow
Race: Human
Racial Description:
Dark Energy: 3 (+1 a turn)
[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
Population: 13 (+1 a turn)
[run out of this, you end]
Favour: 0
[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]
[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...
[Dis] Nonnative to the Dark: you must roll 35+ to expand, as your people are frail and unaccustomed to the dark

Earthen Fortifications

Steam Power

1. That huge drill isn't going to be any useful just sitting there. Let's convert it into a [Steam Drill] vehicle for better mining.

2. We'll also need to start looking for veins of metal we can begin drilling. Let's look up some proper mining surveying techniques so we can find it easier once the steam drill is done.

[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books.
File: mountain-pass-large.jpg (436KB, 3000x1295px) Image search: [Google]
436KB, 3000x1295px
Rolled 96, 24 = 120 (2d100)

Necromancer Arathan's Great Refuge
Indigo (Blue?)
Dark Elven Wizard and apprentices, miscellaneous undead and constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts;" magics including necromancy, diabolism and any number of other unsavoury practices.

What drow society as a whole does not appreciate, however, is a male attempting to leverage his great magical powers to gain political power and influence in their matriarchal cities.

Exiled along with his acolytes, Arathan has fled from his home city in the northern underdark down the river to the first ruin he came across, to animate any corpses found there for practice and protection.

[Necromancer] +2 Population a turn base income--it is easier to recommission skeletons than feed mewling babes
[Underdark Pier] +10 to any rolls traversing the northern river
[Nexus of Energies]
[Drow Heretic] Drow Citystates will send expeditions far and wide to find and attack you, ignoring the regular raiding range restrictions.

Dark Energy: 3 (+1 a turn)
Population: 18 (+2 a turn)
Favour: 0

1. Must I do everything myself? It is setback after setback in this accursed place, and it seems I cannot trust my apprentices to do their jobs competently. I will return north to dismantle the crazed undead, and raise the fallen to serve me once again. We may be disadvantaged, but my laboratory will be completed.

2. Some of my fellows will remain at the purged goblinoid camp. These fresh corpses will be well served as menial labourers, and the position of this primitive settlement is surprisingly ideal. My subordinates will repurpose the pathetic goblin buildings into a great barricade and gate, barring the way north and south through this tunnel to any without my favour.
Rolled 2, 39 = 41 (2d100)

1. Research Explosives - for mining and for war, there's nothing better than explosives. However explosives are not something you want to fuck around with, so spending a point of favour for it to go well (or at least not be fail-deadly)

2. Expand forge and build more mining equipment

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]

[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.
Dark Energy; 4 (+1)
Population: 14 (+1)
Favour: 3 [-1]
oh fuck
Rolled 19, 73 = 92 (2d100)

Name: Underealm Magocracy
Color: Light Blue

Race: Deep Humans
Racial Description: Driven from the surface, this broken empire of spellcasters have survived on summoning and illusions for too long. Time to grow back to their former glory. Grey-skinned and white-haired, they long rejected sunlight.
[Adv] Magical affinity means base +2 Dark Energy a turn
[Dis] Few gods of the Underdark Favour humans. You'll need to work harder to earn that.

Dark Energy: 3 (+2 a turn)
Population: 14 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 1 - Hard

Buildings: Ziggurat, Tower of Summoning

The lands of the Underdark are harsh, but pliable if one has the resources to try it.

1- The Transmuters will feed the mushrooms with magic in hope to warp them to our cause, creating self-replicating and self-sustaining farms to the north from which we can harvest. Spend 1 Dark Energy.

2- The Illusionists feel that going alone is too dangerous, so they intend to expand to the north with the Conjurers. They will raise small holdings and sighting posts so we can monitor the farms.

A grey-skinned, white-haired sorceror arrives at your gates. A trade envoy carrying [1 Dark Energy] as a gift to our fair-skinned cousins from the surface. May your holdings be prosper!
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Map (11).jpg
879KB, 1024x768px
The City of the Web is constructed. Your people grow stronger! +1 Dark Energy to your base income. You may spend a Dark Energy to gain Population once per turn at the Web City as a non-action.

You begin to gather together tools and excavate metal. It is hard but eventually your people learn the ways of metallurgy, although you cannot yet make formidable iron or any steel.
Your attempts to harvest the dark foliage do not pan out well.
You go ahead and produce some more fire-barges--but are you willing to send 1 Population down the river with them? There are no volunteers coming this time.
>alt: keep them at pier, launch if\when Drow arrive
Your population swells as rumors of the great forges and war-host of Zagrom spread!
>they are largely exaggerated
>+2 pop
You scour the land for metal and soon have the goblins wielding things far beyond their pay-grade and caliber--copper breastplates and bracers, iron helms and spear tips, even whole swords for some of them.

The goblins begin to develop their own unique school of brutally artistic metallurgy they use in their weapon-making.
The steam drill conversion goes over swimmingly!
You find absolutely nothing of use.

After routing the crazed ones with ease, you pour immense powers into the Nexus. It is completed, and prepared to raise a great host when called upon.

The construction of the gate doesn't quite make muster, unfortunately--they've got the workers up, but the gate isn't made and anyone can just waltz through for the moment. Assuming they're good for a fight.

Researching for explosives goes VERY POORLY.
-1 Population.
The fire beer-gade from the nearby brewery puts out the flames with a water pump, but not before many great Dwarf minds perish.

Your forge rivals Zagrom's in size, and is unchallenged in ability. You can now mine two hexes at once.

It is made so.
I'll wait 5 mins for Aboleth, then next turn officially commences.
the Drow City States are getting fired up! Drow raiders are liable to hit any territory without 7 hexes of them. They may go further out of their way to fuck with people they hate.

Drow ships are headed up river to the DME and Green. Give me that y/n soon, pls.
Rolled 40, 14 = 54 (2d100)

1. Time to mine! Dig into the rock to the west and along the river (the hexes at the 7 o'clock position to my current ones)

2. Despite the terrible setbacks, we remain undaunted - after asking the ancestors for guidance and safety (with another favour) we continue the research into explosives (possibly using dark energy as fuel)

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]

[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.

Dark Energy; 5 (+1)
Population: 13 (+1)
Favour: 2 [-1]
I think I'll leave this for a bit...
The Favour can net you a +10. But that's 24.

Real rough rub, that. If only you had some machine which could convert Dark Energy into +1's...
Rolled 98, 49 = 147 (2d100)

Necromancer Arathan's Great Refuge
Indigo (Blue?)
Dark Elven Wizard and apprentices, miscellaneous undead and constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts;" magics including necromancy, diabolism and any number of other unsavoury practices.

What drow society as a whole does not appreciate, however, is a male attempting to leverage his great magical powers to gain political power and influence in their matriarchal cities.

Exiled along with his acolytes, Arathan has fled from his home city in the northern underdark down the river to the first ruin he came across, to animate any corpses found there for practice and protection.

[Necromancer] +2 Population a turn base income--it is easier to recommission skeletons than feed mewling babes
[Underdark Pier] +10 to any rolls traversing the northern river
[Nexus of Energies] Prepared to raise a great host
[Drow Heretic] Drow Citystates will send expeditions far and wide to find and attack you, ignoring the regular raiding range restrictions.

Dark Energy: 4 (+1 a turn)
Population: 20 (+2 a turn)
Favour: 0

1. My orders stand for those lingering in the south. The gates are to be completed, whether it take a single year or a century.

2. Meanwhile, however, I intend to strike while the iron is hot. I will call upon the powers of the nexus to raise my great host, and cross the river towards my old home before the rumours of drow mobilisation come to pass. The city-state that dared to exile the mighty lord Arathan will learn the full scale of its folly, and my magics will cast down their resistance.
+[Underdark Pier]
+[Nexus of Energies]
+3 Dark Energy to counter enemy spellcasters
File: lordsofmagic.jpg (221KB, 782x1580px) Image search: [Google]
221KB, 782x1580px
Rolled 70, 76 = 146 (2d100)

Name: Underealm Magocracy
Color: Light Blue

Race: Deep Humans
Racial Description: Driven from the surface, this broken empire of spellcasters have survived on summoning and illusions for too long. Time to grow back to their former glory. Grey-skinned and white-haired, they long rejected sunlight.
[Adv] Magical affinity means base +2 Dark Energy a turn
[Dis] Few gods of the Underdark Favour humans. You'll need to work harder to earn that.

Dark Energy: 3 (+2 a turn)
Population: 15 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 1 - Hard

Buildings: Ziggurat, Tower of Summoning, Mushroom Farms to the North

The Drow are a terrible threat, but one we chose to marginalize away from us. Its fortunate they go for other people and leave us alone.

1. Researchers of the field of Summoning and Conjuration are trying to create a portal technology we can use to sustain our growing population by summoning raw resources.

2. Diviners are feeling uneasy and appealed for us to raise a Farseeing Tower so they can scry the underdark for resources and threats easier. The construction shall commence immediately.
Rolled 62, 53 = 115 (2d100)

1. Build a forge and smelter to make use of our new source of metal.

2. Expand.

Name: Curse Spiders
Colour: Purple
Race: Driders
Racial Description: Cast-offs. Renegades, Heretics, Rebels, Unwanted riff-raff. We are so called by those who did not want us, made something unwholesome and vile by living in the dark away from those vaunted places of life and civilization. Instead of becoming unthinking monsters as they thought we have embraced our new forms, out of spite for the ones who cast us away. They have given us strength and power and called it a curse? Well then, let us show them the errors of their ways. All who cast us out shall pay.

Dark Energy: 3 (+2 a turn)
Population: 14 (+2 a turn)
Favour: 0
[Adv] +2 Population a turn base, dem eggs let ya breed real good.
[Dis] Unfavoured: it is hard for you to gain favour.

Misc :
Web Traps : Gives a steady supply of monster meat.
City of the Web : 1 Dark Energy / Turn. You may spend a Dark Energy to gain Population once per turn at the Web City as a non-action.
Metallurgy : The secrets of making metal tools have been discovered. Now you just need a place to do it in.
Rolled 86, 45 = 131 (2d100)

Name: Realm of Zagrom
Color: Yellow
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: 4 (+1 a turn)
Population: 16 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0
Other: Forges [Goblin: +10]; Combat Efficient [Fireballs]
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

1."BIGGER. You call this a forge? A dwarf wouldn't be caught dead in this thing and you know it. BRING ME THE FORGELORD SO THAT I CAN TEAR HIS FACE OFF. Ah, there he is. He will get a good understanding of what it is like to be stepped on and decapitated." Zagrom's goblins continue to work on their forges after some bloody motivation. The entire army must be equipped with proper weapons before the time comes. Eventually Zagrom personally intervenes to pump dark energy into the forge production -- he has some knowledge of such magic. [continue forges:+10?; +spend 4 dark energy ]
2. Zagrom orders a mandatory wave of recruitment. The army needs bulk -- it is the only advantage the runty goblins hordes have. He states: "By hook or by crook I must have more mass in the army. The volume of the entire force must be such as to defeat any opposition in sustained wave attacks. Do you think these elves can produce such an advantage? HA! UNLIKELY! We're just going to drown these morons in corpses until they are gasping to surrender." [recruit units]
Rolled 6 (1d6)

Mining goes well. Explosives, not so much.

A great and formidable wall is hewn from the rock and necromantic totems carved from the bones of the living dead, runic powers flowing through their reanimated bodies.

The Bonegate is a horror to behold, and a bitch to besiege.

+5 from that Nexus of Energies you're drawing upon.
Your siege succeeds! The city walls are broken and, being the back stabbers they are, your kindred either clear out or begin betraying one another immediately. It wasn't an easy fight, though--you lose this post's d6 Population in the assault.

You can now expend Dark Energy to bring forth various metals and minerals from the Ether.

Farseeing Tower is built. Scrying in the Underdark is hard due to the abundance of Dark Energy--the less underdark foliage present, the easier it will be to Scry a location.

Drow Cities are Scry-proof'd.

The forge goes swimmingly. +5 to make something out of metal. Your people are armed with metal tools and arms.

Reports indicate Deep Dwarf scouts are laying traps along your northern border and preparing ballistae installations and magical wards to prevent your further growth north.

You attain a +15 Forge! It can produce large, reliable, and complex siege engines of various design. The goblins are innovating with steel weaponry, but they're running out of good metal.

What's more, the Dark Energy poured into the siege-works is beginning to have interesting effects. Some Goblins have entered a fel mood and retired to their workshops...

You gain an additional 2 population.
Still holding on 2 or 3 more posts.
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Fel Mood:
The Goblin artisans are creating something truly unique, but they need more Dark Energy and raw metals...

Drow Booty:
Arathan loots +7 Dark Energy from the city he destroys. Furthermore, he has some Expansion in the area from his scattered Undead horde.

Something Hungers in the Deeps:
Strange tales from the southern lake about glowing and murmurs in the mind, a pressing against our dimension...

Waiting period over, next turn is here.
Rolled 13, 66 = 79 (2d100)

1. Send out teams of Curse Spiders to sabotage and subvert the dark dwarves at our northern borders.

2. Using the Dark Energy gathered by the City of the Webs create a spell that will turn someone targeted into a Curse Spider themselves. They shall be forsaken by both their former people and the dark gods and have no where to go but to our waiting arms. (Use 4 dark energy)

Name: Curse Spiders
Colour: Purple
Race: Driders
Racial Description: Cast-offs. Renegades, Heretics, Rebels, Unwanted riff-raff. We are so called by those who did not want us, made something unwholesome and vile by living in the dark away from those vaunted places of life and civilization. Instead of becoming unthinking monsters as they thought we have embraced our new forms, out of spite for the ones who cast us away. They have given us strength and power and called it a curse? Well then, let us show them the errors of their ways. All who cast us out shall pay.

Dark Energy: 5 (+2 a turn)
Population: 16 (+2 a turn)
Favour: 0
[Adv] +2 Population a turn base, dem eggs let ya breed real good.
[Dis] Unfavoured: it is hard for you to gain favour.

Misc :
Web Traps : Gives a steady supply of monster meat.
City of the Web : 1 Dark Energy / Turn. You may spend a Dark Energy to gain Population once per turn at the Web City as a non-action.
Metallurgy : The secrets of making metal tools have been discovered.
Forge : +5 to make something out of metal. Your people are armed with metal tools and arms.
Rolled 24, 34 = 58 (2d100)

1. Hearing rumours of drow on the river, the forge production shifts from mining equipment to weaponry - defensive installations and weapons for the guard

2. Explosives... didn't go well, but maybe we'll have more luck with other energy sources - research into using the powers of steam and dark energy?

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]

[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
Mining Apparatus+: +5 Digging, two hexes at once
Boats: +5 Traversing River
Dwarf Forge: +7 to craft metalworks (or is it +10, if it's the equal of Zagrom's, before his latest order?)

[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.

Dark Energy; 6 (+1)
Population: 14 (+1)
Favour: 2
Rolled 24, 82 = 106 (2d100)

Name: Realm of Zagrom
Color: Yellow
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: 1 (+1 a turn)
Population: 17 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0
Other: [Goblin Forges: +15]; [Combat Efficient: Fireballs][Metal Tools&Arms][Fell Mood Goblins]
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

Actions [special, pop/turn]
1. "Send the army to claim more materials -- whatever the stupid weird goblins in the forges need. They seem to be up to something interesting." [+15? locate specialized items the goblins need]
2. "MORE. POPULATION. Do you all need huts or holes to sleep in or something? Fine, make some. I must have more mass. I don't care what you freakish little things do, I don't even know. Do you all have females or something? Whatever. Just do what you need to do. MAKE A PIT OR SOMETHING TO SPAWN IN YOU DISGUSTING LITTLE THINGS." [increase pop/turn]
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Rolled 48, 75 = 123 (2d100)

Necromancer Lord Arathan of the Northern Drow
Dark Elven, with undead constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts." Once exiled by a matriarchal society that feared his ambition, Arathan returned at the head of an undead host and made his former home and its inhabitants bow.

[The Bonegate] Guards a tunnel between the north and south
[Necromancer] +2 Population base income
[Underdark Pier] +10 to any rolls traversing the northern river
[Nexus of Energies] Once raised a great host
[Drow Heretic] Drow Citystates will attack you, ignoring regular raiding range.

Dark Energy: 9 (+1 a turn)
Population: 16 (+2 a turn)
Favour: 0

1. The northern city of the drow may have been damaged in my siege, but it's now time to rebuild it to serve me. The city was built on a source of dark energy, and that must be harnessed once more for its new ruler to reap the rewards.

2. Likewise, the drow people seem to have been scattered in my assault - but now that I am victorious, any who wish it may return to their homes, so long as they acknowledge me as their ruler. A living population of my kin will be a fantastic supplement to my population of undead servitors.
Rolled 58, 52 = 110 (2d100)

Name: Underealm Magocracy
Color: Light Blue

Race: Deep Humans
Racial Description: Driven from the surface, this broken empire of spellcasters have survived on summoning and illusions for too long. Time to grow back to their former glory. Grey-skinned and white-haired, they long rejected sunlight.
[Adv] Magical affinity means base +2 Dark Energy a turn
[Dis] Few gods of the Underdark Favour humans. You'll need to work harder to earn that.

Dark Energy: 5 (+2 a turn)
Population: 16 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 1 - Hard

Buildings: Ziggurat, Tower of Summoning, Tower of Farseeing, Mushroom Farms to the North

Technologies: Mineral and Metal Summoning

To the north the earth rumbles, to the south the seas churn. We cannot wait any longer to consolidate our power.

1. Conjurers and Transmuters from all ranks shall work on a number of gems of power, summoning and infusing them with the powers of each Magic. Use 2 Dark Energy.

2. The Diviners will scry upon the lands to the north, the realm of this... Arathan. They feel uneasy about his growing might. They want to gather Blackmail material that might compromise his apprentices or enrage his enemies.
Your brethren fall prey to the traps instead.

Gift of the Curse: Spend 1 Dark Energy to turn a group of sapient creatures ritually restrained within the City of the Webs into Curse Spiders.

You don't manage to install any defenses along the river, or additional weaponry for the guards.

Research into steam power and dark energy goes well. Almost too well. Suddenly the two seem to blur and you get something a little... unexpected.

Spend 1 Dark Energy to create a dark energy reactor. Theoretically, it will only ever need one Dark Energy and will then infinitely recharge itself. You've yet to build one though.

Breeding pits are formed, and you begin to see a rise in your pop/turn, gaining 2 this turn--however, you'll need to do more work to make this a sustainable uptick.

Your Goblin Forgemaster comes to you with the blue steel-cast skull of a Hobgoblin. It has emeralds in the eye sockets and menaces with spikes of goblin embedded in the skull.

"Mastah Zagrom! Thees skul will let you control the minds of anyone wearing zees dark metal in the realms!"

By way of demonstration they have brought a captured cave troll in, bound by a collar of a shimmering purple metal. Suffice to say, it works like a charm--while you can dominate minds easily, this allows perfect communication and coordination across long distances.

+1 Hex per expansion roll, easily coordinate military ops, potentially subvert enemy command structures...

The city is not quite how it once was, but the walls are back together. Your only means of linking your spheres of control is over water at the moment.

Many return, mostly those who only ever paid lip service to Llolth. Accepting a male as leader is of course high heresy, but such is Drow politics. +3 Population--these 3 population in particular are Drow.

Gem production goes along swimmingly and soon you have enough to sell or equip a moderate force with.[cont
The latter half of the roll will count as a contested against Arathan. He can ante Dark Energy to get him +5 per pop. Higher number wins. Attack wins ties.
Rolled 56 (1d100)

Apparently I need to make a roll?
You were being spied on Magically.

nb: I forgot this but it wasn't mentioned anywhere: Davius, just mention the Scrying Tower next time and I'll count it as a +12 to rolls like these.
A drow emissary in a flowing robe arrives downriver on a sleek ship.

They request an audience with the great wyrm Zagrom, and come bearing gifts from a neighbour and admirer.

"Zagrom the magnificent; tales of your might and wisdom spread far and wide across the underdark. My master Lord Arathan bade me bring these gems to you: they pulsate with a Dark Energy, and those with the knowledge can siphon it out of the crystals for their own ends."

"With these gifts, my lord hopes that our realms can look upon one another in friendship."

>Gift of 2 [Dark Energy] to Zagrom

A robed drow emissary finds their way to the edge of the great webs of the Curse Spiders, followed by a cart filled with chests. Though they seem nervous of the driders, they ask to see the leader of the hive, and claim they come bearing gifts.

These gifts are a few powerful wands infused with Dark Energy, allowing it to be used on anything the wielder may wish.

"Our Lord Arathan of the northern Drow sends his greetings," they say, "And as he once knew the sharp sting of exile, he sends you a token of his good will and esteem, in the hope that you will look upon him kindly."

>Gift of 2 [Dark Energy] to Curse Spiders
Very well. I will update it.
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Turn concerned passed. Y'all may post again.
1. Well if we didn't build any weapons we need to upgrade the forges!
Especially if we want to build a reactor later.

2. Mine more - mainly for resources, but cutting infrastructure from the stone (rather than building it) is also pretty efficient

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]
[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
Mining Apparatus+: +5 Digging, two hexes at once
Boats: +5 Traversing River
Dwarf Forge: +7 to craft metalworks (or is it +10, if it's the equal of Zagrom's, before his latest order?)

[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.

Dark Energy; 6 (+1)
Population: 15 (+1)
Favour: 2

Do bonuses only count over the minimum?
Rolled 70, 88 = 158 (2d100)

Forgot to dice
Bonuses may help attain the minimum as well.
[Zagrom Diplomacy]
Your diplomats arrive and are greeted by a hastily organized goblin delegation. You are led to the vast horde-room that is in the center of Zagrom's lair.

Zagrom sits atop a massive throne cut of precious stones. He raises his head slightly and speaks. "Greetings to the Drow. How can I render assistance to the none more vicious and clever?"
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Rolled 1, 43, 72, 42, 87, 28 = 273 (6d100)

Name: British Imperial Exiles
Colour: Yellow
Race: Human
Racial Description:
Dark Energy: 5 (+1 a turn)
[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
Population: 15 (+1 a turn)
[run out of this, you end]
Favour: 0
[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]
[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...
[Dis] Nonnative to the Dark: you must roll 35+ to expand, as your people are frail and unaccustomed to the dark

Earthen Fortifications

Steam Power

Steam Drill

1. With our new Steam Drill it will be easier to search and then mine for the metals we need! Dig again!

2. Construct a Pier. There is a river here, and I wonder what manner of thing we might find upon its banks.

1. Acquire a Steam Forge for betal Metalworking. I believe we have some handy blueprints.

[Adv] Great Library: +15 to discovering or inventing anything

2. Research firearms. Every man must be armed to protect himself in this strange world.

[Adv] Great Library: +15 to discovering or inventing anything

1. In addition to the steam drill, we will need basic Mining Apperatus and equipment for our men. We should have some ideas on tools already handy.

[Adv] Great Library: +15 to discovering or inventing anything

2. Get some basic lamps for everyone, increasing everyone's courage to venture forth and expand and explore into the darkness.
Rolled 44, 10 = 54 (2d100)

Name: Realm of Zagrom
Color: Yellow
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: 2 (+1 a turn)
Population: 18 (+2 a turn) [Breeding Pits]
Favour: 0
Other: [Goblin Forges: +15]; [Combat Efficient: Fireballs][Metal Tools&Arms][Artifact Skull:+1 Hex/Coordination]
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

Actions [expand; stabilize pop/turn]
1. Zagrom looks pleased for once in his life. "Well done. NOW WE EXPAND THE TERRITORIES! Send our armies out toward the nearest source of dark energy! WE MUST HAVE MORE OF IT!" [expand]
2. "The numbers aren't going to be stable. Bring me the lord of the replication pits; I will see if I can think of something to increase the numbers. Perhaps selective feeding can make the situation more reliable in the future. How disgusting this is.." [stabilize pop/turn]
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Necromancer Lord Arathan of the Northern Drow
Dark Elven, with undead constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts." Once exiled by a matriarchal society that feared his ambition, Arathan returned at the head of an undead host and made his former home and its inhabitants bow.

[The Bonegate] Guards a tunnel between the north and south
[Necromancer] +2 Population base income
[Underdark Pier] +10 to any rolls traversing the northern river
[Nexus of Energies] Once raised a great host
[Drow Heretic] Drow Citystates will attack you, ignoring regular raiding range.

Dark Energy: 6 (+1 a turn)
Population: 21 (+2 a turn)
Favour: 0

1. Our simple pier served us well when we were but exiles - but now we have overtaken the northern city of the drow, we need a more robust dock from which to launch ships between our holdings. With our menial servitors working night and day, I have no doubt that before long, thriving docks will be a part of both settlements, ensuring the shuttling of goods and people safely across the northern waters of the underdark.
+[Underdark Pier]

2. A simple census is ordered of Arathan's newly acquired drow subjects. This is in order to accurately guage their numbers, and to ascertain exactly how quickly such a population might be growing. Living things procreate, after all - without needing the investment of magical energies an undead takes to raise.
>+Pop/Turn from living subjects?
The steam drill explodes catastrophically, killing 1 Population.

+5 to traversing the waters.

Your Steamforge is constructed in a timely fashion.

Firearms of a rudimentary sort can be brought back up to speed, flint locks and rifles. Things beyond that don't seem well recorded in these sorts of tomes--you understand the ballistics, but not the methods of constructing assault rifles and the like.

Guns & Lamps: +4 to expansion, as you're less scared of and better able to see what it is you're expanding into.

Basic Mining Apparatus: +5 to all mining attempts.<<--this is your latest turn but won't be in the MUPDATE.
Rolled 94, 74 = 168 (2d100)

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Rolled 96, 50 = 146 (2d100)

Name: Underealm Magocracy
Color: Light Blue

Race: Deep Humans
Racial Description: Driven from the surface, this broken empire of spellcasters have survived on summoning and illusions for too long. Time to grow back to their former glory. Grey-skinned and white-haired, they long rejected sunlight.
[Adv] Magical affinity means base +2 Dark Energy a turn
[Dis] Few gods of the Underdark Favour humans. You'll need to work harder to earn that.

Dark Energy: 5 (+2 a turn)
Population: 16 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 1 - Hard

Buildings - Ziggurat, Tower of Summoning, Scrying Tower (+12 to scry rolls), Mushroom Farms to the North.

Technologies - Mineral and Metal Summoning.

The Diviners are in a ruckus, words about prophecies of death and destruction and ill-timed interventions circle their tower. We leave them to it.

1. The magically infused gems are to be distilled and concentrated through alchemy. From them, 9 rings are to be made. 9 rings for men that hunger for power above all else, under the eyes of Mortals and Gods alike. These rings shall give control, each, to a different magic. 3 Dark Energy and 1 Favor is used.

2. Hungry treasure hunters wish to explore the ruins at our eastern flank. Their expedition is given full lee-way to search for artifacts and slaves that we can use. 1 Dark Energy is used.
"At this juncture, o great and magnificent serpent, no assistance is neccessary. Your attention is honour enough - and though we hear splendid things about the forges of your servants, we would ask nothing of you or your craftsmen."

"A friendship is all we seek, in earnest, and we would gladly promise to stay from your lands, if it would please you to do the same as regards ours."
Will be away for about one hour or so. When I get back I will super-update.
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Dwarfs will be dwarfs--as they cut more into the stone, they make it more their own, and as they do so they begin to delve further out. Your domain expands deep into the rock.

The Dwarf Forge (was a +7) is now even more impressive! +12.

Your horde expands, but the breeding pits get converted into gladiator arenas. The rampant blood sport neutralizes progress that had been made, and you gain no Favour as it was profaning breeding grounds.

Population program: square 1.

+15 overall to traverse the waters of the Underdark, you have regular patrols to alert you to issues on the water.

You determine that the Drow are, indeed, breeding--but largely outside the city. The political mood is still too tumultuous, and pregnant women and those tending small children as distrustful of a male ruler.

You'll need to assuage them or being them back by force to benefit regularly from their reproduction.

Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely. These 9 Rings are immense objects of power that can feed off the dark magic radiation of the Underdark and have it augment spells rather than cause them to fizzle. They are immensely powerful and prestigious. The Favour poured into them imbues them with a god-like aura, making them all the more alluring.

The nine [9] rings are presently all in your Kingdom, within the magical veil.

In the ruins you discover a Daemon of Vengeance ruling there as a dark lord over some assorted slaves. He would slay d8 Population if assaulted directly, but if he could be subdued somehow...

The Dark Energy keeps them from being detected by him.
[Zagrom Diplomacy]

[Zagrom licks his snout before speaking and withdraws it into his mouth. It's kind of gross and intimidating.] "For the time being, drow. My horde is constantly hungry and I aim to make the most out of my little adventure in this umbral madness. You can count on my lack of interest in you for now."
Rolled 94, 4 = 98 (2d100)

Name: British Imperial Exiles
Colour: Yellow
Race: Human
Racial Description:
Dark Energy: 5 (+1 a turn)
[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
Population: 16 (+1 a turn)
[run out of this, you end]
Favour: 0
[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]
[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...
[Dis] Nonnative to the Dark: you must roll 35+ to expand, as your people are frail and unaccustomed to the dark

Earthen Fortifications
Human Pier +5 to traversing the waters

Steam Power
Guns & Lamps: +4 to expansion
Basic Mining Apparatus: +5 to all mining attempts


1. Pick up the pieces of the steam-forge and build it again.

2. And let's try and send some humans to mine for metal this time. We have lamps and tools now at least.

Basic Mining Apparatus: +5 to all mining attempts
Rolled 63, 60 = 123 (2d100)

1. Train our Drider armies in the art of subterfuge and infiltration. Why face an enemy on the battlefield when you can poison their food and water then night before? Why break open a cities walls when you can simply climb over them and strike at their heart?

2. Improve the defenses of the City of the Webs. Should this growing cold war between us and the dwarves break into actual warfare we shall not be easy prey.

[Was taking a shower]
The Cursed eye the drow uneasily. Time has not healed all wounds. Some of them remember living among them in ages past before being cast out. Still the gift is accepted and a tentative peace treaty is proposed by the Grand Matriarch who sits at the center of the City of the Webs.
Rolled 74, 78 = 152 (2d100)

Name: Realm of Zagrom
Color: Yellow
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: 5 (+1 a turn)
Population: 18 (+1 a turn) [Gladiator Pits]
Favour: 0
Other: [Goblin Forges: +15]; [Combat Efficient: Fireballs][Metal Tools&Arms][Artifact Skull:+1 Hex/Coordination]
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

Actions [expand; stabilize pop/turn]
1. "THEY DID WHAT? BRING ME THEIR HEADS. I want that pit done! I want it done NOW! MORONS. These goblins are absolutely the worst. Atrocious. I should have gone with the kobolds or duegar or something. Stupid. Maybe I can use the energy..." [breeding pit/population again][allocate 5 dark energy]
2."Continue the expansion south. We must have more of this damnable energy so that we can become...extravagant with our projects. Yes. Extravagant. [expand toward dark energy, south]
Rolled 73, 19 = 92 (2d100)

1. Now the forge is starting to get somewhere, but if we want to build bigger we'll need more!
Expand the forge, make it suitable for large-scale metal construction as well (infrastructure, large machinery etc.)

2. We probably could do with defences and dwarves trained to man them (what happened to those drow heading north on the river?).
Arm a guard, and build some defences for them to man

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]

[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
Mining Apparatus+: +5 Digging, two hexes at once
Boats: +5 Traversing River
Dwarf Forge: +12 to craft metalworks

[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.

Dark Energy; 6 (+1)
Population: 15 (+1)
Favour: 2
Dark Energy; 7 (+1)
Population: 16 (+1)

This is what I get for not checking my posts
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Rolled 86, 100 = 186 (2d100)

Necromancer Lord Arathan of the Northern Drow
Dark Elven, with undead constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts." Once exiled by a matriarchal society that feared his ambition, Arathan returned at the head of an undead host and made his former home and its inhabitants bow.

[The Bonegate] Guards a tunnel between the north and south
[Necromancer] +2 Population base income
[Drow Docks] +15 to water travel - Regular ship-based patrols report troubles
[Nexus of Energies] Once raised a great host
[Drow Heretic] Drow Citystates will attack you, ignoring regular raiding range.

Dark Energy: 6 (+1 a turn)
Population: 23 (+2 a turn)
Favour: 0

1. To reassure the population at large, I will let it be known that I shall assign a governess to rule the city in my name, overseeing reconstruction, development, and administering justice - such as it is in drow city states. In typical dark elvish fashion, the promise of such a prestigious and powerful post is bound to draw many like moths to a flame: the difficulty will be in finding a woman ready to submit to my authority but still steely enough to keep order. No doubt one will distinguish themselves as ambitious individuals scheme for the post, and perhaps they should even double as a concubine to ensure the mutual investment in such a partnership.

2. I will consolidate my rule around the city, also - driving away minor threats to establish firmer control of the area and reassure whomever might resettle their home that being under my protection is worthwhile.
Damn son
The drow emissary is amiable, and amenable to a peace treaty: conditional, of course, on the exact conditions of such a deal.
For now all the treaty would entail is that we will not attack one another. Should our interests fall into conflict we will attempt to talk them out rather then begin a fight. More can be hashed out later when trust deepens between our two nations.
Nothing about that is particularly objectionable. We agree.
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You re-create the steam-powered drill.
A cave-in has stranded one [1!] of your population. If you don't stage a rescue attempt they'll be doomed.

Your Driders are stealthy and better able to counter the Deep Dwarf menace.

The City of Webs is becoming more and more defensible. You erect tiered parapets for firing from, designed to lead the enemy into an ambush by funneling them into kill-boxes.

You succeed at rejuvinating the breeding pits, and this time you've worked them into a real frenzy--an additional 3 population are born this turn! My, something does seem to be happening to these goblin Females. Maybe it's all that Dark Energy...

The expansion south goes to plan. You occupy grounds with much vegetation, and perhaps something more, emanating from beneath... dark magic radiation.

+16 Dwarf Forge attained--it is prepared to make ships, weapons of war, aqueducts, rail and carts, steam engines, and the like.

Sadly, your training efforts fell thru (it was part of the other guy's Disadvantage so after he stopped posting they never came).

Your governess is a suitable figurehead, and your hold around the city grows absolute. The outlying lands are totally yours. You round up Drow who'd been hiding, some perhaps hoping you'd doom yourself before you could doom them.

+2 Pop right now, extra +1 per turn.
No sign of OP?

Role call?
Yay he's here.
Rolled 13, 87 = 100 (2d100)

Name: British Imperial Exiles
Colour: Yellow
Race: Human
Racial Description:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-_k5sO2jqM [Embed]
Dark Energy: 5 (+1 a turn)
[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
Population: 16 (+1 a turn)
[run out of this, you end]
Favour: 0
[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]
[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...
[Dis] Nonnative to the Dark: you must roll 35+ to expand, as your people are frail and unaccustomed to the dark

Earthen Fortifications
Human Pier +5 to traversing the waters

Steam Power
Guns & Lamps: +4 to expansion
Basic Mining Apparatus: +5 to all mining attempts

Vehicles: Steam Drill

1-2. Lets put all our efforts on mining out the metals we need for our Sun.

Basic Mining Apparatus: +5 to all mining attempts
Name: British Imperial Exiles
Colour: Yellow
Race: Human
Racial Description:
Dark Energy: 6 (+1 a turn)
[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
Population: 17 (+1 a turn)
[run out of this, you end]
Favour: 0
[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]
[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...
[Dis] Nonnative to the Dark: you must roll 35+ to expand, as your people are frail and unaccustomed to the dark

Earthen Fortifications
Human Pier +5 to traversing the waters

Steam Power
Guns & Lamps: +4 to expansion
Basic Mining Apparatus: +5 to all mining attempts

Vehicles: Steam Drill

Corrected Stats
Rolled 53, 27 = 80 (2d100)

Name: Realm of Zagrom
Color: Yellow
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: 1 (+1 a turn)
Population: 22 (+2 a turn) [Breeding Pits]
Favour: 0
Other: [Goblin Forges: +15]; [Combat Efficient: Fireballs][Metal Tools&Arms][Artifact Skull:+1 Hex/Coordination]
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

Actions [exploit radiation; more metals]
1. "Radiation? Hrmmm, this sounds almost too good to be true. Send all the resources we have available. The shamans. The priests. The quacks. The cranks. Whatever. Find whatever you need and use it. If there's power I want it. Send the females to see what happens; they seem to be acting odd." [exploit the radiation]
2. "Search the territory for harder minerals. I want the rank and file equipped with the best equipment I can stick on their stupid little bodies. Feed the forges slag if you have to. I WANT IT DONE. NOW." [metals search]
Rolled 17, 1 = 18 (2d20)

1. Send out Stealth Spiders to harass the dwarven lines. Should opportunity knock they should look into capturing what they can and taking them into the City of Webs for conversion. [Spending 1 Dark Energy]

2. Upgrade our forges with Dark Energy, so that every blade and tool conducts the very essence of our Curse. [Spending 5 Dark Energy]

Rolled 54, 61 = 115 (2d100)

Ah, that makes sense

1. Expand the delvings! Dig for wealth (north, if a direction is needed), and look to dig out a reactor chamber

2. Build port facilities and metal ships - primarily for cargo, but with an eye towards exploring the subterranean rivers as well

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]

[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
Mining Apparatus+: +5 Digging, two hexes at once
Boats: +5 Traversing River
Dwarf Forge: +16 to craft metalworks

[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.

Dark Energy; 8 (+1)
Population: 17 (+1)
Favour: 2
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165KB, 1200x1500px
Rolled 81, 26 = 107 (2d100)

Necromancer Lord Arathan of the Northern Drow
Dark Elven, with undead constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts." Once exiled by a matriarchal society that feared his ambition, Arathan returned at the head of an undead host and made his former home and its inhabitants bow.

[The Bonegate] Guards a tunnel between the north and south
[Necromancer] +2 Population/turn
[Drow Docks] +15 to water travel - Regular ship-based patrols report troubles
[Nexus of Energies] Once raised a great host
[Dark Elf City] +1 Population/turn
[Drow Heretic] Drow Citystates will attack you, ignoring regular raiding range.

Dark Energy: 7 (+1 a turn)
Population: 28 (+3 a turn)
Favour: 0

1. A group of elvish acolytes and undead is dispatched to the caverns between my old hideout in the riverside ruins and the lands of Zagrom the dragon. If we can establish borders between our territories, there will be less cause for conflict at a later date.

2. With the city and the drow firmly under my sway, now, I can start to train my apprentices into fully-fledged necromancers in their own right. Having such powerful magic users under my command will mean great things for our people - no force will stand in our way.
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Map (16).jpg
883KB, 1024x768px
No rescue effort mounted, -1 Population.

You're halfway to all the metal you'll need.

Brood Mothers:
Dark Energy can induce a litter of Goblins for +1 Population per 2 Dark Energy spent on the litter. Additionally, Brood Mother's give +1 Population every turn.

You begin stripping the land for more metal, you have enough to renew military production with iron and some steel.

An explosion of Dark Energy; -1 Population.

[+10 due to Stealth Training] Your Stealth Spiders harass their lines successfully, and capture 1 pop worth of enemies, returning them to your City of the Webs.

Reactor room obtained.

+10 to naval action, you have Dwarven Ironclads [2d4 enemy fleet casualties].

You elevate your apprentices to Necromancers in their own right. They can raise the undead competently, and lead bands of undead with ease.

>was confused on your expansion, tell me where you meant--between city and ruins?
MUPDATE, we can post now
You didn't mention a rescue effort in my last update. The rescue effort you linked was for the spiders.
Wow just checked yeah, sorry last MUPDATE a little rushed. Nix the -1.
Necromancer Lord Arathan of the Northern Drow
Dark Elven, with undead constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts." Once exiled by a matriarchal society that feared his ambition, Arathan returned at the head of an undead host and made his former home and its inhabitants bow.

[The Bonegate] Guards a tunnel between the north and south
[Necromancer] +2 Population/turn
[Subordinate Necromancers] Can lead bands of undead with ease
[Drow Docks] +15 to water travel - Regular ship-based patrols report troubles
[Nexus of Energies] Once raised a great host
[Dark Elf City] +1 Population/turn
[Drow Heretic] Drow Citystates will attack you, ignoring regular raiding range.

Dark Energy: 8 (+1 a turn)
Population: 31 (+3 a turn)
Favour: 0

1. On the site of the Nexus of Dark Energy, I will order the construction of a wizard's tower, to form the centre of a dark elf colony on the banks of the river.

2. With as much force as we can muster, we mus crush the last independent threats north of the Bonegate and south of the Underdark river.
Rolled 16, 70 = 86 (2d100)

Rolled 48, 13 = 61 (2d100)

1. Create a Dark Tower where in to study the effects of Dark Energy upon the flesh of the living.

2. Upgrade our forges so we can craft larger projects.

Rolled 25, 87 = 112 (2d100)

1. Let's see if we can form that guard! We do need to be able to defend our holdings, after all.

2. Mine for more resources, South West along the river.

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]

[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
Mining Apparatus+: +5 Digging, two hexes at once
Boats: +5 Traversing River
Dwarf Ironclads: Enemy Fleet 2d4 casualties
Dwarf Forge: +16 to craft metalworks

[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.

Dark Energy; 9 (+1)
Population: 18 (+1)
Favour: 2
Rolled 80, 3 = 83 (2d100)

Color: Yellow
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: 2 (+1 a turn)
Population: 24 (+3 a turn) [Breeding Pits][Brood Mothers]
Favour: 0
Other: [Goblin Forges: +15]; [Combat Efficient: Fireballs][Metal Tools&Arms][Artifact Skull:+1 Hex/Coordination][Dark Radiation Pits]
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

Actions [weapon/armor upgrades; expansion]
1. "What do you mean we have more metals? Good! COMMENCE FABRICATION! Morons. Stop gawking and GET TO WORK!" [upgrade armor/weapons+15]
2. "Continue expansion south. I want that weird deposit of whatever it is on the map. No, I don't know what it is. That's your job. Get moving or I'll burn you to death." [Expansion south
File: drill_all_upgrades.jpg (2MB, 3588x2550px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 3588x2550px
Rolled 90, 59 = 149 (2d100)

Name: British Imperial Exiles
Colour: Yellow
Race: Human
Racial Description:
Dark Energy: 8 (+1 a turn)
[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
Population: 18 (+1 a turn)
[run out of this, you end]
Favour: 0
[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]
[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...
[Dis] Nonnative to the Dark: you must roll 35+ to expand, as your people are frail and unaccustomed to the dark

Earthen Fortifications
Human Pier +5 to traversing the waters

Steam Power
Guns & Lamps: +4 to expansion
Basic Mining Apparatus: +5 to all mining attempts

Vehicles: Steam Drill

1. Continue to dig deep for the metal we need.

+5 to all mining attempts

2. And look for this. . .radioactive material we need to power our sun as well.

+5 to all mining attempts
Forgot name, but it's pretty obvious now

Sending a diplomatic mission to the British by boat
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At first, the guards surrounding the earthen hill aimed their rifles at the oncoming boat, but their officer very quickly sent the word up to command.

Soon while the dwarves landed, several soldiers in unform marched up to them and stood at attention.

"On behalf of the British Empire and her majesty the Queen, I welcome you to New London." proudly speaks the officer as the soldier's next to him salute. the earthworks surrounding the makeshift houses and buildings behind him.
The wizard's tower never comes to fruition--delays, mistakes, and some shoddy ground work means that everything that was done must be torn down to lay a better foundation.

You wind up fighting the final enclave of Llolth clergy. They go down swinging and smiting, but their Temple falls and you reign. Still, you can't help but wonder if you've stirred the anger of your people's Goddess more than one who seeks to live a long un-life...

A tower rises, adding +10 to its intended function. Sadly, the forge progress doesn't pan out.

Finally, you get something resembling a guard together.

Your mighty mining gains you +2 Favour, and you find some faintly glowing yellow-green material. It seems to have strange properties.

Also: you come out on some opener cavern area.

You start to upgrade your minions gear. You now have full-blown Goblin Knights.

Sadly, Hobgoblins in the south have overtaken your advancing forces and turned some of them against you! -2 Population as they become Rebels.

You get the rest of the metal.

You search for and find some trace radioactive materials. You consider ways you could refine it, and it occurs to you something outside the books may be of use...

Dark Energy.
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Dwarf Warrior.png
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After a moment the dwarf captain returns the salute, taking some care to get it right

"An' what a proud town it is good sir!" he replies, "we doon-river had heard tales of a tall-man settlement this way, and we wanted to see for ourselves. We thank ye for no' fir'in on us this day. We would like to discuss the possibilities of trade between our humble camp and your good selves"
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Map (17).jpg
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"Trade! Such fortuitous circumstance to find civilized beings here. Why, for all we knew nought but beast and monster lurked these lands.

We would be more than happy to open up trade with a friendly civilization. Ah, but perhaps you would like to discuss this in better detail with our own tradesmen?"

The Dwarf was invited to the capital to help fine tune the details of this trade, what it would entail, and most of all, tell more about themselves.
Rolled 35, 92 = 127 (2d100)

1) Upgrade the tools - with first sight of new caverns the desire that launches these expeditions glows ever stronger : the tools we have are good, of course, but we can make them better - build better mine equipment and infrastructure to increase the pace/efficiency of expansion

2. Now that we have a reactor room, begin construction of the Powersphere [-1 Dark Energy if complete?] in (relative) safety, with full blessings of the ancestors (-1 Favour)

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]

[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
Mining Apparatus+: +5 Digging, two hexes at once
Boats: +5 Traversing River
Dwarf Ironclads: Enemy Fleet 2d4 casualties
Dwarf Forge: +16 to craft metalworks

[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.
Dark Energy; 10 (+1)
Population: 19 (+1)
Favour: 3 (-1)
Rolled 76, 86 = 162 (2d100)

1. Enhance all Cursed Spiders with Dark Energy, allowing them to move faster, be stronger and take greater hits. (+10) (Use 2 Dark Energy)

2. Upgrade our forges so we can craft larger projects.

Rolled 24, 7 = 31 (2d100)

Name: British Imperial Exiles
Colour: Yellow
Race: Human
Racial Description:
Dark Energy: 9 (+1 a turn)
[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
Population: 19 (+1 a turn)
[run out of this, you end]
Favour: 0
[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]
[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...
[Dis] Nonnative to the Dark: you must roll 35+ to expand, as your people are frail and unaccustomed to the dark

Earthen Fortifications
Human Pier +5 to traversing the waters

Steam Power
Guns & Lamps: +4 to expansion
Basic Mining Apparatus: +5 to all mining attempts

Vehicles: Steam Drill

1-2. "Let there be light"

And may we see the land for what it truly is and walk among it without fear. May our children play and dance in its warm embrace. May our crops grow under the bask of sunlight.

Build the underground sun!

>Use as much Dark Energy as need be

[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...
File: Dark Elf - Sorcerer 3.jpg (20KB, 297x500px) Image search: [Google]
Dark Elf - Sorcerer 3.jpg
20KB, 297x500px
Rolled 89, 3 = 92 (2d100)

Necromancer Lord Arathan of the Northern Drow
Dark Elven, with undead constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts." Once exiled by a matriarchal society that feared his ambition, Arathan returned at the head of an undead host and made his former home and its inhabitants bow.

[The Bonegate] Guards a tunnel between the north and south
[Necromancer] +2 Population/turn
[Subordinate Necromancers] Can lead bands of undead with ease
[Drow Docks] +15 to water travel - Regular ship-based patrols report troubles
[Nexus of Energies] Once raised a great host
[Dark Elf City] +1 Population/turn
[Drow Heretic] Drow Citystates will attack you, ignoring regular raiding range.

Dark Energy: 9 (+1/t)
Population: 34 (+3/t)
Favour: 0

1. Using the example of the Bonegate to draw inspiration from, elvish engineers are sent to the tunnel between the lands of the northern drow and the Dragon Zagrom, to fortify it against any potential raids from rebellious goblins. Though our gifts were well received by the wyrm, we should not take the discipline of his goblins for granted.

2. It is with great regret that I clashed with the last of Llolth's clergy. They could have submitted peacably and I would have accepted them with open arms. Nevertheless, what's done is done, and there can be no turning back. Gathering m undead forces once more, I traverse the great river once again, to the northern bank. There, we will purge the area of potentially dangerous threats, continuing around the lake back towards the city.
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88KB, 400x694px
I'm rooting for this guy
Rolled 20, 35 = 55 (2d100)

Color: Yellow
Race: Albino Goblins [led by a dragon]
Racial Description: Zagrom the Insular has developed something of a reputation for sloth and aloofness during his formative years, but as he grew older his desire for things became insatiable. Eventually, he assumed nominal control over a series of small tribes near his cavern; this cemented his entry into the underdark.
Dark Energy: 3 (+1 a turn)
Population: 25 (+3 a turn) [Breeding Pits][Brood Mothers]
Favour: 0
Other: [Goblin Forges: +15]; [Combat Efficient: Fireballs][Goblin Knights+Metal Arms][Artifact Skull:+1 Hex/Coordination][Dark Radiation Pits]
[Adv] Might of a Dragon: Anytime you're involved in combat, the enemy may elect to flee rather than face you.
[Dis] Drunk with Power: Sapient races perceive you to be a threat best dealt with permanently. Diplomacy is difficult for you.

Actions [expansion; train army]
1. "Stupid hobgoblins. CRUSH THE STUPID THINGS. SEND THE ARMY. OR SHALL I GO MYSELF?" [expand south, attack hobgoblins]
2. "Tactics. We were entirely surprised by hobgoblins. Do you know how stupid hobgoblins are? Stupid. Awful. Bring the commanders to me, I will fix their idiocy with a bit of fire. Subsequently, bring me new commanders who aren't TOTAL MORONS!" [train army in tactics]
Aw, shucks
"First and foremost, we are on an expedition - the expression "death or glory!" may be a bit melodramatic, but if the helmet fits, wear it! We have entered the underdark to seek our fortune - normally in minerals, but what greater fortune is there than friends? Kinda depends on the minerals you can find really, but friends are better than most, anyway. Small goods and minerals, the sort that ebb and flow in inventories from time to time, would be the general trade we would seek, as any merchant would, but there may be more we can offer each other"

The dwarf offers low-level trade and the establishment of diplomatic relations to facilitate more complex trade, such as ideas, expertise and technology
Mining Apparatus++: +10 Digging expansion, two hexes at once

the Powersphere has been in place, massive statues of the Ancestors carved into the rock to watch over and hold the reactor. It hums, spins up, and seems to be acting as intended.

It will use up filters periodically that are tainted with Dark Energy, but they will not radiate themselves.

That didn't exactly work out for you.

You've still got the materials, though.

You solidify the border.

[+15 to traverse the water]
You avoid disaster but get little other than a beachhead.

Hi, lurking. I'm Bob.
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Map (18).jpg
885KB, 1024x768px
You missed me thameless.
These terms are most aggreable, and while we have little in the way to trade (as we need every little bit we have) we are entirely willing to spend action turns to set up a basic, passive trade route between the two of our nations.
You spruce up a large crew of Cursed Spiders, but you cannot get all of them.

Your forges expand and can partake in siege engine construction or similar logistical endeavors, and +7 for metallurgy rolls.
Rolled 68, 53 = 121 (2d100)

Name: British Imperial Exiles
Colour: Yellow
Race: Human
Racial Description:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-_k5sO2jqM [Embed]
Dark Energy: 9 (+1 a turn)
[fuels everything from vile Arkana to plant life in the Underdark]
Population: 19 (+1 a turn)
[run out of this, you end]
Favour: 0
[spend this for the aide of the Dark Gods, but be wary of their punishments]
[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...
[Dis] Nonnative to the Dark: you must roll 35+ to expand, as your people are frail and unaccustomed to the dark

Earthen Fortifications
Human Pier +5 to traversing the waters

Steam Power
Guns & Lamps: +4 to expansion
Basic Mining Apparatus: +5 to all mining attempts

Vehicles: Steam Drill

1. Keep working on the Artificial sun

[Adv] Great Library: you brought some of the greatest minds' of history with you in prose, and gain +15 to discovering or inventing anything--so long as nothing happens to those books...

2. Set up a passive Trade Route via the river to the Dwarves via the river. This should be of help to the both of us.
Rolled 38, 40 = 78 (2d100)

1. Finish enhancing all Cursed Spiders with Dark Energy, allowing them to move faster, be stronger and take greater hits. (+10) (+2 Dark Energy)

2. Begin building siege engines to crack open a dwarven menace.

Rolled 29, 75 = 104 (2d100)

Necromancer Lord Arathan of the Northern Drow
Dark Elven, with undead constructs
>Racial Description:
The dark elves - or drow - have a high tolerance of what the ignorant surface folk may call "The Dark Arts." Once exiled by a matriarchal society that feared his ambition, Arathan returned at the head of an undead host and made his former home and its inhabitants bow.

[The Bonegate] Guards a tunnel between the north and south
[Necromancer] +2 Population/turn
[Subordinate Necromancers] Can lead bands of undead with ease
[Drow Docks] +15 to water travel - Regular ship-based patrols report troubles
[Nexus of Energies] Once raised a great host
[Dark Elf City] +1 Population/turn
[Drow Heretic] Drow Citystates will attack you, ignoring regular raiding range.

Dark Energy: 10 (+1/t)
Population: 37 (+3/t)
Favour: 0

1. It's good that the border is secure. That means we can send our construction crews to other projects: such as helping to rebuild and develop the city, still apparently damaged as it is after its subjugation.

2. If the pacification of the shore of the darkwater lake goes well, we may even make it there to oversee the work: but these things cannot be rushed. The lake will be made safe for the drow whether it takes a week, a year, or even longer.
next game tmrw ~2pm

someone archive this?
Rolled 60, 13 = 73 (2d100)

1. Beef up the guard, give them the best weapons we can forge and the best defences we can design

2. Set up a passive Trade Route via the river to the British via the river. This should be of help to the both of us

Colour: Orange
Race: Dwarf
Racial Description: [omitted for length]

[Adv] Industrious: Build things quickly! You may create 2 things in 1 action.
Mining Apparatus++: +10 Digging, two hexes at once
Boats: +5 Traversing River
Dwarf Ironclads: Enemy Fleet 2d4 casualties
Dwarf Forge: +16 to craft metalworks
Small Guard

[Dis] Fairer Cousin: the Deep Dwarves around here don't appreciate mountainfolk muscling in on their turf, and will seek to subvert you in the most Dwarfish way possible.
Dark Energy; 10 (+1)
Population: 20 (+1)
Favour: 3
2pm whereaboutstime?

Can you finalise how this turn ends, give us a fixed point to start from tommorow?
I think you missed my last turn there [Zagrom]?
Indeed. Your Goblin Knights and Shamans give you a +10 to succeed in putting down the revolt.

Your army grows better trained in the use of tactics.
Just popping on?
So sour about that "I will be back in one hour"
"But please, DM senpai, DM us a game of 40k."
"Well, sure kids. But a short one"
There is no fuckign thing as a short game of 40k
>DM a game of 40k
You what?

Well, I suppose if they were actual kids...
Still, haha

Bumping, gotta go to work
Don't know how to archive, so I'll bump instead
One more
It's a housebrew with homerules set that mix Rogue Trader, Only War and Dark Heresy. It's supposed to reflect more the life and growth of a human in 41st millennium than that of an Imperial citizen.
It's never goddamn simple.
I thought you meant the wargame, hence the wat at DMing

Also, by my count it's about 4pm EST, anyone here?
Still here. Waiting for Thameless so I can ask him how should I proceed about rejoining the game.
On the one hand I'm glad the game didn't restart at 2pm EST (as I was at work), but I'm now concerned it won't restart at all
It was such a good idea I am even thinking about stealing it!
If Thameless doesn't show up I even might.
Damn, looks like a no-show for round 2
Wanna hijack the idea and make another thread? I can draw the map (maybe).
Shit sorry guys, maybe we can still play some more tonight?
Yaaaay! I have about 8 hours.

Though I don't know how long I'll have

Putting out a call for the Dragon, Brits and Necromancer Drow
Btw, boss, can I catch up to the others (about 4 turns or so)? Or should I start where I left? If so I will assume my dudes have been retardedly admiring their magical rings.
They did look to be pretty sweet rings
I'll give you 3 extra d100 on a single turn.

Making rice, then posting new thread!
Is the last MUPDATE the starting point?
File: Stronghold.jpg (89KB, 640x465px) Image search: [Google]
89KB, 640x465px
Rolled 100, 85, 70 = 255 (3d100)

Very well. My senile wizards and sorceresses have been admiring the rings for most of the past years/months/days, let's hope some of us can get some work done.
Also, take your time, Thameless. Nice to see you came back.

Name: Underealm Magocracy
Color: Light Blue

Race: Deep Humans
Racial Description: Driven from the surface, this broken empire of spellcasters have survived on summoning and illusions for too long. Time to grow back to their former glory. Grey-skinned and white-haired, they long rejected sunlight.
[Adv] Magical affinity means base +2 Dark Energy a turn
[Dis] Few gods of the Underdark Favour humans. You'll need to work harder to earn that.

Dark Energy: 3 (+2 a turn)
Population: 17 (+1 a turn)
Favour: 0 - Hard

Buildings - Ziggurat, Tower of Summoning, Scrying Tower (+12 to scry rolls), Mushroom Farms to the North.

Technologies - Mineral and Metal Summoning.

Artifacts - [9] Rings of Power

Very well. I a

1. Daemons are fickle creatures, and vengeful ones are a tricky sort. We shall first bargain for it. What does it wish for? More slaves? Magic? Perhaps it could be convinced to an alliance, or at least to an amicable (or the closest it can get) in exchange for that which it seeks.

2. The Rings are beautiful and alluring, and need to be protected, kept away from greedy hands. A defensive tower is to be raised, out of metal and magic, so the rings can be placed inside. 1 Dark Energy used.

3. Our people demands more houses, more laboratories. We now are pressed to expand around our Ziggurat, push away the wilderness and raise more outposts. Expansion shall start on the three areas around the Ziggurat that we still don't hold domain over.
>let's ally with the daemon
Oh this should be entertaining
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