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Thread replies: 513
Thread images: 160

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Where's the news!
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<---- Gooby
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there ya go lad
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Your her coach. What do you tell her for the Joanna fight?
'Hit her'
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Big Country kills Big Brown.webm
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Is Burger Soup a good fighter?
>you're not ready until you firmly grasp my penis
force the scramble, get the RNC
Lads I just heard Chael Sonnen say Floyd is going to whip Conor's ass.

Doubting myself now
Anyone have Zane Simon's picks for tomorrow night? I don't want to listen to that mexican he does the show with this week.
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name a fighter you think has lurked /heem/
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Worked so well for Maia
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I showed /heem/ to Mirko once and he said you guys are nerds.
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Only a TRUE Eastern European cutie should hold the belt!
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tfw worst timeline .webm
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What went wrong?
What a meanie. I hope he goes to hell where a Gabriel Gonzaga demon headkicks him for eternity
I would not be shocked whatsoever if DJ, Rampage, Chael or Chase Sherman ever has.
baseball is on tv, i fucking despise it but the announcers are so much better than the ufc's, and it's one of the least interesting sports

she already betrayed the masterrace
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He got fat
I'm glad Mirko is a saint
I think Chase has too
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Hey demetrious johnson
You fucking suck
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<---- cuck
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Daily reminder Cody Garbrandt will Heem TJ

as much as i hate this kid, you're probably right.
>male fighter will heem a woman
>Looks at flag
>water is wet
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Terrible thread my man, should've let me make the threads. Haven't seen anyone here match my talent yet.

Schaub Bless
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what is your maximum bench press?
its funny, but its true
Don't believe great white hypes in boxing son. Chael knows.
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what would /heem/ do in this situation?
TJ is better than Cody and Cruz

TJ will heem Cody.
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>Implying DC wasn't winning until his chin got deleted
/heem/ only half retarded
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Well that made me think for a second but I don't actually know. The greatest analyst in the game proved that if you go full ketosis you can actually look shredded without lifting an ounce. Truely our lord and saviour

Schaub bless
>h-he was winning until he lost!!1
DC lost 1, 2 and was losing 3
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He wasn't
Luke Thomas got trashed by TWO current ufc champions
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>TJ is better then Cody and Cruz
My bets were on JBJ famalam, and I have to admit the fight was 19-19 going into the third. DC was pushing the pace, landing more significant head strikes and controlling the center of the octagon. He was also probably winning the 3rd round before the head kick heard round the world happened
>thinking DC was winning that third round
how casual are you? m-muh steady pace tho, how about Jones' changes going into R3?
>octagon control
you had me going until this. Be more subtle next time
Don't watch this video if you're prone to shambles
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>1 judge
Wow buddeh you really showed him
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All goobs matches including boxing
just had a proper leak but still feel as if I need to piss.

first time this has happened to me
lowlife h8r begone
why do these faggots go for hammerfists when its CLEARLY over? that's why i like mark hunt so much.
that is not the pic I posted lol but can't say im disappointed
Lads, I know some of you trane. How do you tighten the arm triangle if there is too much space between your elbow and their neck?
mma refs a shit
walk your body toward his head
Do long arms help with certain martial arts, if so which ones,
t. 6 foot w/ 77inch reach
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shame, i guess my lanky ass arms won't do anything but look completely retarded
It's a trade off. Better jab, but more vulnerable in close space. Easier to get choked, harder to finish them. Being lankier is often helpful in combat sports with weight classes.
tfw 6ft with a 1 inch reach advantage on anderson. Why is he ducking me lads?
Easier to get *chokes*, I mean.
They would help with any striking or grappling martial art
Did you see him going for a hammerfist or did he elbow him because he can't stand the shit-talking faggot? Fuck outta here
Can you name a more pointless rematch than Shogun vs. Saint Preux 2?

205er detected
Diaz vs McGregor 2
are you even a top 15 mw?
I won't watch that.
Pettis vs Moreno
Markos vs Grasso
Jouban vs Price
Bravo vs Bandenay
Alvey vs Evans
Perez vs Soukhamthath
I will be once dana stops ducking my calls and gives me a contract.
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it's in nippon you gotta watch
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Too much steak.
Ruined his body, finances, and his life.
Bones killed LHW so this is about the best they can do. Letting Davis and Bader walk didn't help. No idea why they're headlining a card with it tho
He decided to eat burgers without the fries, so after that he started working out half as much.
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Shogun in Japan
Guaranteed heems

Thats all i got
Clawja should be headlining for 5 round experience for JJ rematch
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I still don't get how Mr. Bones vs. Stiopic wouldn't sell. It's basically Goobs vs. Alvarez, a popular champ vs. a less popular one. It's still champ v. champ, that alone would sell PPV. Throw in that it's Jones, and it's obvious that would get at least 900k buys with a 85% chance to get a million plus buys. It's obvious JBJ is ducking Stipe for the Lesnar fight, although I think that would be a good one to and probably have way more buys. If Dana wasn't a goof he'd have the winner of JBJ-Brock take on Miocic
It would sell just not as good as other possible jones match ups
Both Jones vs Gus and Jones vs Brock will sell way better than Jones vs Stipe, if anything he will fight Stipe when he beats those two because there would be nobody left

how many sets of picks are we permitted to make?
nice vid, thanks for sharing
Amanda Nunes is a big girl.
It would sell, but Brock's name would sell so much more it basically wouldn't sell.
It's almost like McGoobs/Alvarez compared to McGoobs/Mayweather on a much lesser scale. They're completely different ballparks
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Hopefully it'll go down like this:
>He fights Gus II and Rumble for his final LHW title defenses while Lesnar is cleared by USADA
>The Lesnar fight is an interim HW bout while Stipe gets to have the AJ boxing match
>Lesnar's career gets heem'd by Jones
>JBJ vs. Stipe with 3 combined belts to their names

this would be GOAT.
That's reaching a little bit, I don't think Rumble is coming back and nobody wants to see Stipe vs AJ unless Conor wins and somehow theres a demand for more mma vs boxer boxing matches, the more likely scenario is probably
>Jones vs Gus II as the next fight while Brock is getting USADAd
>Jones vs Brock
>Jones vs HW champ (Stipe has to defend once beforehand so either Stipe/Cain/Overeem)
>Jones superfight vs unknown challenger maybe AJ
Of course I was reaching, that's why I said hopefully
Hey all! please post in my thread

I literally took 3 solid shits today, what the fuck is my problem?
Fuck off flopgrasser
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you must be on the Aspen Ladd diet

if i was the girl or if i was just there? if i was the girl, i'd probably just get out of there or go fetal. if i was just there, i'm 6'3'' 200 lb and white, and
so i would probs just bark at those slants till they scattered, maybe pick up the dude with the back pack and throw him. idk.
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i'd shoot for a double, take the back and choke her out, then take the two bully qts back home and bang em
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How will Conor beat the black dude at 170?

black pants bully has a great body, brown pants bully has aggression and physicality.
lmao lads my secretary bud
since grasso got her periodis she going to get fined?
I will stop her from getting her period
one look at you and her uterus dries up?
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No, if you fuck a chick really hard while she's on her period then it suddenly ends. Legoman I thought you'd know better.
how about i suddenly end you instead
lmao there's no off switch on this guy
HA HA HA your pic got mixed up with one in the Yankee thread
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an eh ouagha ga

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are you stalking me

you're freaking me out dude
what are your thoughts on girl fighters?
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>tfw too smart to think conor will lose
im challenging aspen ladd scat poster to a fight. wheres he at? come meet me in the cage pussy!!
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>tfw too smart to watch fights instead of just looking up the results afterwards for all the enjoyment at a fraction of the time-cost
He looks good without a beard, flamboyant as fuck.
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Joe Ban
bin that knife first
wow what ugly scenery

ugly lake
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>tfw you JUST your welterweight division and try to blame it on Woodley but he threatens to leak the drunken dickpics you sent him
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Do you think Dana's smuckers are as red as the rest of his body?
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now you're gettin it my man

let's get some gooby goin boys!
dude leglocks lmao
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pauli ravioli memes are great
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>mfw could heem every in this thread
Why did McGregor's team do Paulie dirty? He's a very technical fighter with a great ring IQ, exactly the kind of guy you want on your team. Why did they burn that bridge, doesn't make much sense to me.

it sounds like they went hard in sparring and it got too out of hand and they ended up pissed at each other

posting the pic of paulie on his back because of the shove or whatever doesn't matter. paulie is being a bitch about it. you're supposed to be helping the guy prepare, so help him lol
What is your favorite MMA attack?
cup cheick kongo
They got a loud Italian to make noise and promote the fight. They can still get someone better if they want, mozzarella sticks looked out of shape as shit.
Honestly I can't help but think it's all just smoke and mirrors to sell the fight.
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For me it's gooby
throw bending
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who is your favorite woman mma's fighter unironically?
I can't really figure the angle out but this has to be correct. The idea that they would even schedule 12 straight rounds of sparring sounds insane
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She saying she a freak?
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>I can't really figure the angle out
Gets people talking
This Paulie thing is everywhere now. I mean, even if it were true, Conor beating a retired Paulie really doesn't do him much favour when he's fighting Floyd Mayweather anyway. But people love all the drama regarding the fight more than the fight itself so they buy into it all.

Chael said he heard someone say something like people aren't interested in the actual fight, they're just interested in what's going to happen in the fight
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Sorry it took so long José
why do people pretend Stipe is a PPV seller
shit, she probably did something freaky recently and is feeling guilty about it
>people aren't interested in the actual fight, they're just interested in what's going to happen in the fight

really makes you think
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I hope they take his beaner son with him as well.
Who's saying this?
And also it's partially true, on the basis that he's a heavyweight and even now, people enjoy the big guys fighting
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who is your least favorite female fighter in the ufc?
Am I crazy or did Sam Alvey vs Rashad Evans already happen.
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would heem all of you
Rashad fought Dan Kelly thats what youre thinking of
It was a calculated risk sparring with the showtime commentator anyway, the mcgregor camp would never reveal the tape because they have the "reveals technique" excuse, they get a shot that looks good for Conor to boost his credibility and publicity and if he leaves whatever it's not like Paulie is the only boxer that they can find, would assume boxers are lining up at the door to spar with Conor
tl;dr Paulie is an idiot for not seeing this coming if he is actually mad
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I got banned last week when I replied to you.
>boston strong
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It did already happen my dude, smilin sam won by heem
I don't know, I've always remembered that fight. For some reason I was just so cocksure that Alvey vs Rashad already happened. Whenever it was mentioned, I thought people were just referencing they're on the same card again or making a mistake.
It just feels like it's happened to me before, but when I think of the fight I can't think of shit all so eh, probably just me
>guy cherrypicks every picture to make it look like he beat your ass

>why aint he helpin no more!!
Paulie sperging out and demanding th tape's release hurts McGregor's credibility but...well, I guess we're talking about right now aren't we?

Chael's a perfect example of his own point, he spent the bulk of his career shooting for takedowns and throwing shitty arm punches and he's still a huge draw because of his mouth.

Paulie was literally paid dude. It was like he was going to work. He quit that job because of his pride and that's it, it's silly.
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Y-you could never kill me jon
The guy already makes plenty of money. Im sure trading some cash at his point in life so he doesn't look as bitchmade as you doesnt hurt.

Imagine being this much of a soulless husk. Have some respect for yourself
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I hope you learned your lesson
I learn a new lesson every day.
Makes me chuckle everytime
What is the best MMA fight of 2017?
cry me a river
Gaethje vs Johnson
Girtz/Campos 3
Name things about fighters that make you automatically hate them. I'll start: uses marijuana.
Pretty much the closest we've gotten to someone dying in the octagon
No thanks im not some good little cuck that bends over for daddy boss man
why did it take WMMA 3 years to figure out the way to beat Rousey was to punch her in the face?
/heem/ likes them
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because women are retarded
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im normally a h8r but the new big browndown is decent i must admit, schob bless
what is your favorite octagon size? do you prefer the smaller or larger cages for fights?
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I feel bad for Joe Schilling, gets KO'd by some can in an MMA fight and then gets the same can to fight him in kickboxing, only to get KO'd again.

I agree, latest BBB is superb.
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>mfw the ref finished jake off
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BBB is always good
The argument makes sense but it would make more sense if it came from a combat athlete that didn't smoke cigs talking about a gas tank
lmao dude
Full discloser: What's your favorite power puncher of all time?
Chocolate Al
where does the UFC go from here?
who is your favourite woman mma female ufc fighter girl?
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she's starting to make my dick stiff desu
how many fights do you see mark hunt taking?
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overeem and cro cop if you mean power striker which you should
Lineker has a penis tho
litearlly perfect
what is your go-to mixed martial arts news website?
they're very limited in their weekend updates, the most important time for mma news
I think he signed like a 6 fight? contract before 200?

He'll probably fight out the 3-4 fights and get a Dan Henderson style title shot.... unless Stipe is still champ because nobody wants to see that again
who is your favourite MUSLIM fighter?

females only
That was right on the liver, how did he not go down?
khabib is a pretty big bitch, so him
What's your most exciting way to view a take down?
Who do you see as the longest reigning champ?

Khabib is going to somehow meme win the fight against Tony at MSG then take another year off and the LW belt will go two years not being defended
which fighter has the worst chin?
How many rounds does gooby go with Floyd before pushing Floyd to the ground like he did Paulie?
The professional twitch streamer
what would be your ufc walkout song?
0 Goobs is going to put brass knuckles under the gloves, smart lad
Andrei Arlovski
Aaron Pico
Who is your favorite female fighter?
If it came out that Gooby was on Roids the whole time would any of you nerds care?
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Is Bordent Scrounge a good fighter?
no cause i already know he is cause im not a 12 year old retard
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/heem/sters with UFC Fight Pass, is it worth the $9.99 a month? How deep is the catalog?
>tfw gooby is to smart too use 10 oz gloves without brass knuckles

I go back and forth on it

on the one hand its really not worth 10 bucks a month when I consider what that gets me on other streaming services like Spotify, Netflix, or Hulu

on the other its nice to look up fights and hear corner audio from PPV fights when I feel like rewatching fights.. but I don't do that as much as I used too and will probably cancel soon

try the free week and see what you think
Just get the free month and decide if it's worth to pay for it, I only paid for one month after because I ran out of fights that I wanted to watch from the catalog
I pay $96 per year and don't care because I'm exceedingly wealthy
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I only have Hulu and Spotify and mooch off my roommate's Netflix, so I think I might take a test drive with it. If my memory serves me correctly PPV fights are available 1 month after and the catalog includes Pride and Strikeforce too. If that's the case I'll check it out. Plus I need another thing to use to entertain friends when they're over
Grasso is a big girl.
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Just saw the news that this little fatty couldn't make weight. Karen posters should be ashamed.
Holy shit what a fat ass. I thought that was a little bear in somebody's kitchen at first

When's the next fight lads? Is it Pettis moreno?

How many more fights till this fatty gets cut?
> 10 + 10 = 29
Judges are highly qualified
Always did wonder where they find these people tbqh
So Wondermeme vs Jorge and if Jorge wins he fights Tyron next and if Wondermeme wins then Robbie fights Tyron next right?
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I Miss when Uncle chael was in UFC. Had great bantz and discriminated against nobody, picked on arianny for being fat too
I think Tyron is getting Robbie regardless because that's the only way Tyron will actually fucking fight

Wonderboy is still recovering they haven't set a date

Thats why Gamebred is shitposting Lawler pics
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there is literally nothing wrong with being a Karen Montes fan
Just do Jorge vs Robbie and cut out the middleman. If only Rory were still around...
Masvidal should just get the title shot.
Is he recovering from the last fight? I hope not
I only said Wonderboy vs Jorge because they said they wanted to fight and it made sense before the title defense
Rory is scary the way he perfected Daley makes me think he's the best 170 in the world
I think that's what makes the most sense desu I thought he won the Maia fight but it's hard to justify a title fight off a 'loss'

Coming off a loss?

Hes 3-3 in his last six and his last two wins were beating a CTE Cowboy and that weird foot caught in the cage TKO from Smellenburger

dude at least needs some win
what fights to do
>Masvidal/Santiago PozHole
>WonderMeme vs Orc
>Mike Perry vs Tyrone
>Mickey Gall vs RDA
Gus got a title shot right after Rumble heemed him, UFC doesn't really care about that.
That stoppage had me dying of laughter it was gold
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who's laughing now
Did Jakey boy really impregnate that chick? Good for him. Hope the kid doesn't get born with CTE.
who is that 10/10 blond behind Jake's gray haired wife?
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mall fights part 2?


live mma
Good for Jake, damn
legendary pan
Ehehehehehe thanks
time for asian fatty HWs
oh god the technique
damn tyron's girl has more natural test than I do
feels bad man
Jones and who?
bisbong called him fat because he made fun of his eye apparently

Decent stream quality and production though
Welcome to Hell.
The solocast is interesting I wonder how much he is getting paid and if anybody can actually understand him

Bisping does nothing but bully people for "bants" but doesn't hesitate to pull out the victim card as soon as possible

he just sucks how much longer do we have to put up with this Cyclops?

I get that if I pee immediately after jacking off or cumming

I end up chugging and peeing again in like 10 min...usually makes it go away
He is just a loudmouth brit they can't handle bantz but ever since he started doing his podcast or whatever I feel like everything he says is just for a headline, feels like a knockoff Chael
Who the fuck even knows anymore? Especially with this GSP shit. Maybe Whittaker or Yoel will get fed up and just shoot him
>Both Jones vs Gus and Jones vs Brock will sell way better than Jones vs Stipe
objectively wrong, casuals dont give a fuck about gus
Actually it's irrelevant to the logic of his argument, so it wouldn't make MORE sense, but exactly the same amount. And to be fair, Joe doesn't gas, he just gets sloppily KO'd occasionally.
I think they can sell the history they already have which solidifies him as the absolute best LHW leaving no unfinished business in the division better than randomly going up to HW to fight no-charisma Stipe, the whole hype around 2 belts isn't as potent anymore
As much as casuals don't care about Gus they don't even know who Stipe is
guarantee more people know stipe than gus

and belt > gus
If they don't know Stipe no way in hell they know Gus. Gus wasn't even mentioned here until the DCfags who were cast adrift after 214 latched onto him

Fook showtime
Agreed on Rory, he fought a perfect fight and looked dangerous in general. Technique-wise I think he's the actual GOAT.
Well all they have about Stipe is the
>le baddest man on the planet
it's not really about objectivity though it's about how can the UFC promote the fight, and I can see them using footage from the Gus Jones I fight and selling it on how it was close and a rematch is required for his legacy blah blah blah better than he's going up to fight Stipe for the belt and then is going to fight Brock for some reason even though Brock can't hang with the current top 5 HW, they have to do the Brock fight then belt fight in order for the Brock fight which they are banking on to make sense at all
ufc is like the stockmarket, jones value is $1, after he fights he will be worth $2, so he's fight after brock will sell 1mil instead of 750k

thats literally why he wants the fight, not so he can get 1 big payday, but so that all of his fights after brock draw more
many typos
That's how Floyd Mayweather turned himself into a star. His first few PPV fights were small potatoes, but he got huge boosts from fighting De La Hoya, Alvarez, and Pacquiao at the right times. With the right dance partner you can get a permanent uptick in buys.
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Finally finished lads. Cheers.
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New All Access showed that Conor was actually training to be a boxer from the ages of 10 to 17 before he switched over to MMA. That's over 7 years of solid boxing experience where he got the opportunity to master the fundamentals.

/box/cucks on here continue to believe that he's starting from zero or that he is a novice. You are going to be for a massive shock.
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You just know...
why does cyborg look cute?
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cuz you're a fag
i just fingered that guy a couple times. doesnt make me gay
What emotion is Chuck trying to convey here?
he's facing the pain
Being high on cocaine isn't really an emotion

In the All Access, Floyd isn't taking the fight seriously. The motherfucker is going around doing yoga, ice skating, riding his bike through Miami and shopping with his kids while Conor is training ruthlessly, it's clear who wants to win more from this episode.
hm will watch later

can I get the original not crossed off list senpai? are they in chronological order?
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you just know
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Oh fugg lads


Floyd's dunfur
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Just came back from a wedding.

>tfw realize how friendless I truly am
>tfw realize nobody will show up to my wedding
>tfw no gf to even think about marrying
It's obvious Mcg plan is to go in and KO him in 4 rounds, probably gonna play out like the nate diaz fight when he fails at that
we /AllAccess/ now
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turn that frown upside down and embrace the darkness
Dedicate your life to heeming everyone more successful than you.
Shieet lads. All this Conor hype is making me believe he might actually have a shot.

I mean just think of all the doubters he's faced in MMA alone. The guy is clearly on a high with supreme confidence.

While my rational mind is saying Floyd is a master of his craft through and through, Conor has proven me wrong many times before.

I just don't know what to believe in anymore ,mane...
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Welcome to the believers club, my friend.

In 3 weeks time, we will be vindicated. Conor is a very special once-in-a-lifetime human being and he will get it done.
t. Joe Rogan
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He's not Joe, he's much worse...

a mark.
is that my boy cruikshank? delete this...now...
Blows my mind how anyone thinks Conor has a chance of even winning a round.
no and no
lol at showtime making it look like paulie got his ass kicked, that manlet is getting fucked over by everyone
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So it blows your mind that a 29 year MMA phenom in his prime who has been training boxing since he was 10 years of age who has a killer left hand, unorthodox style, amazing timing/precision and wins all his fights standing up can't beat a 40 year old washed up boxer with brittle hands who has never faced a guy as tricky as Conor?
>s-s-showtime is just playing 3D chess guys
>g-g-g-guys showtime is just fooling us, Conor has no chance heh

Nice cope
you forgot to mention angles my dude
Go to sleep Conor
putting murals on the wall of things that haven't happened yet

if I asked floyd for $2,000 do you think he would give it to me?
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It's called visualization. Every successful person throughout history who has reached elite status in their craft has used it.

If you can see it vividly in your mind and you believe it then it can happen. You probably use this technique every day and you don't even know it.
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I find it funny how you guys use this to make fun of Schaub when in reality Schaub is right. The MMA angles are different and will throw Floyd off.
Someone better be creating s collage of this Australians posts.

Always do the opposite of what Australians say - always!
Yeah but people tend to keep their visualisations inside their head mate.
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an australian won last week
kek at the captcha
No because if you just keep it inside your head it you are cowering and showing that you don't really believe it thus the universe won't manifest it for you. Putting your vision down on paper or on a mural (which is way better) makes it real and it's part of the process of manifesting your dreams into reality.

This is why a lot of success people right their goals down on paper. It makes it more real and more likely to become reality. Even Floyd uses this same technique. Floyd has said repeatedly that he is always praying to God and visualizing the win. It's called faith. The universe runs on it.
So who is the universe going to give the win too? If they are both visualising it and we know floyd isn't writing that shit down.
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I can clearly visualize you not posting on August 27th
I think Conor wants it more and believes it more. The mural is one part of this yes because it shows Conor is not afraid to put down on paper but if you watch the press conferences and interviews Conor already knows he has won. He is talking like he has won the fight already whereas Floyd is cowering he is saying that he is 40 years old and past his prime and making excuses already, in the latest All Access episode for example Floyd admits he is not the best fighter anymore and that he is now the best businessman, he's talking more about his strip club venture than the fight. This is a strong sign that Floyd doesn't believe in his abilities as he once used to. His hunger is all but gone.

Trust me when I say that what you say matters. Your body language matters. All these things reveal what is going on inside the mind. Whatever thoughts you have in your mind have to manifest into reality which is why its important you discipline your mind and not your thoughts wonder away or allow negativity to enter. You are where you are in life because of your thoughts.

Read Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich and As a Man Thinketh by James Allen to know more about this law of the universe. Every successful man or woman has succeeded because of this law.

I've the same techniques that Conor has used in my own life. I assure you I am doing very well for myself despite coming from a broken home and a poor upbringing yet I am now living out my dreams. These things work trust me.
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He is a novice. He never had a pro fight as a boxer.

Look, if this were an MMA bout, he'd fucking kill Mayweather. But it isn't. Thinking McGregor has even a ghost of a chance is like thinking Aaron Rodgers would mean shit in an NRL game. It's apples and oranges, and armchair coaches and casual fans can't seem to grasp this.

Mayweather's gonna do what he always does: win the early and middle rounds 10-9 before knocking his opponent out. McGregor's not gonna lay a hand on him.
You typed all that out and had book references i'm impressed.
>Mayweather's gonna do what he always does
>knocking his opponent out
You are talking about FLOYD Mayweather, right?
I think he may have meant early floyd
His KO% is 55%. Maybe I'm overstating the odds of a knockout, but it's still more likely than not.

I do think he'll knock out McGregor, though, considering—you know—that McGregor has never once in his life had a pro boxing bout and his first pro opponent is, of all people to start against, Floyd Mayweather.
I'm not making fun of him, McGregor and his protractor will slice AND dice Money May all 360 ways.
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Dem angles
post this more often
You are a fucking idiot. Floyd hasn't KO'd anyone in years, including boxers he probably should have. Floyd will most likely win by far, but it's more likely that he wins a runaway decision or Conor's corner throws in the towel when they decided that he really does have no shot.

>80% Floyd wins a decision, regardless of score
>15% Conor's team throws it
>4% Conor KOs Floyd
>.99% Floyd KOs Conor
>.0000000000000000000000000001% Conor wins a decision
He hasn't had a KO in years dude. He doesn't risk power punches anymore, he's all about gaming the scorecards now
he will inadvertently KO Conor by virtue of just being way way way better than him, he won't have to press the issue
Sure, when fighting legit fighters, among whom McGregor cannot possibly be counted.

>you're a fucking idiot for noticing mayweather's knocked out most of his opponents
How will you feel when boxing is finally moved to /asp/ after the 26th?
>watch cage fighting for a month
>have a growing desire to suck off my roommate
what hte fuc
as long as /heem/ stops trying to speak on it with any degree of authority I'll be happy
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Good, paedophiles should be banned permanently
worst month of the year
Donut use the LORD's name in vane
How the hell is Other Pettis vs Bradley Morememe-o the main event? Does the UFC hate Mexico and its people?
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Bisping's podcast is going to be twice a week, Mondays and Thursdays
what does Bisping think about trans rights?
Nice Frenchie
Are Frenchies still the Most Popular Meme Dog?
He was dreaming about Joe Rogan's cock
We all know Joe Rogan's cock looks horrific, like a rejected extra from The Thing.
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our girl.
Spokane WA is a fucking wasteland of poverty & degeneracy
t. the nation with a lower GDP than the state of mississippi
Is Spokane the one with the serial killers?
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I'd fuck her so many times on that bean bag chair dudes
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Post best pics of Rose Namajunas the undisputed hottest female athlete in the world.
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>those thrashy chola eyebrows
Literally from 9/10 to 5.5/10
>Nate had a broken rib for the 2nd Conor fight

Rose looks like if fetal alcohol syndrome was sexually abused
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Not to mention that awful cold sore and wonky teeth
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>come home
>see this

wat do
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>oi bryan you left your rubbish on my carpet again
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>"C-can you please grapple my penis Miesha"
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>ha ha ha anon, you're such a fucking dork. *sigh* alright, pull down your pants, let me see what you're working with
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also, since we're 3 weeks out, do we have a consensus on the MayMac prediction parameters? As far as i know it's

>Winner by TKO/KO/Retirement + Round
>Winner by Decision + Score

>Mayweather KO 5th Round
>Mayweather 120-102

is that all it should be? it'll get goofed after each round until a finish or the decision

>Damn, Schaub, you fuckin' smart with your sneakers and podcast

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Schaub is a jackass

Since there are 3 judges, guessing unanimous/split/majority makes more sense than a single score
WTF? No subs?
Jon Jones will pop and the fight will be declared NC and DC will still be champ
you do realize you're not on r/mma right now, ya?
oh, i disagree 100%
Has Kailin been cut yet? Or at least relegated to Invicta?
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One of the last great times on spee
she's getting the next title shot. you still mad?

In her fuckin' dreams she is.
k e k

Schaub is retarded but tbqh he is going to be vindicated
Draw should be on I guess but I don't think predicting a DQ or NC should be on. Even if predicted correctly that's lame.
Also, I was thinking of just averaging the judges scores because unanimous/split/majority is too easy. It's gotta be who wins how many rounds somehow
good morning lads, feel like heeming someone so im ordering breakfast, can't imagine delivery guys have good TDD

why does she want it so bad guys
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*blocks your path*

You've been BLACK'd
Yasou, lad.
What is an Humberto Bandenay?
Haha! Very clever!!
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who is your favorite fiter
c-cute, I didn't heem the delivery guy he was out of my weight class
I've seen some shit in my day but this is just pathetic.

Please get some hobbies aside from
Shitposting and staunchly defending people that don't even know you exist.

Then once you've done that, gently remove your testicles from that Kangaroos asshole and actually educate yourself on combat sports.
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Somebody on /fit/ unironically posted this.
I think so, that one is tj dillashaws
rumble, cody, tony ferguson, hector lombard and a few others all have one as well
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fansperg why do you get so upset by everything
>it's a Nick gets asked about his prediction on MayMac and he drifts in to a tangent about T-Mobile arena staff not letting him corner his brother episode
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Post your boys
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you sure, bud?
>heaviest guy on the card is 186

i think im skipping lads
What's it like having a retired boy?
Also the most overrated fighter alive?

You should pick a new once since he's done now
>Having such a lust for big meaty men

Kinda gay if you ask me
When is ONE Championship on? Did I already miss it?

i'm kind of a size queen desu.
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>you will never be sandwiched between rose and miesha
idk bisping is bretty overrated and alive
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2 more hours
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30-27 McGregor

i dunno what i would actually do in that situation. i think i would permaheem myself immediately after because my life will literally never ever get better
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Who here /notime/?
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Best boy
>>What's it like having a retired boy?
It's bad but he's still young and could still come back
rose looks so good here
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Bisping is garbage, just because I'm a brit doesn't mean I boy brits that's some Irish shit

He isn't coming back lad sorry, neither is Nate
Only just realised t city in the back as well
Proof that reach is meaningless in MMA:

Artem Lobov > Martin Svensson

Martin Svensson > Morten Djursaa

Morten Djursaa > Alan Carlos

Alan Carlos > Petras Markevicius

Petras Markevicius > Gegard Mousasi

Gegard Mousasi > Dan Henderson

Dan Henderson > Fedor Emelianenko
Artem Lobov > Martin Svensson

Martin Svensson > Morten Djursaa

Morten Djursaa > Alan Carlos

Alan Carlos > Petras Markevicius

Petras Markevicius > Gegard Mousasi

Gegard Mousasi > Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou

Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou > Matt Hamill

Matt Hamill > Jon Jones
>some guys with shorterreach beat a guy with longer reach so that means tha tlonger reach is useless
flawed logic since reach isnt the only variable
Lame. Jon Jones only lost to Matt Hamill if you think Mazagati is a real referee.
Demetrious Johnson > Norifumi Yamamoto

Norifumi Yamamoto > Jadamba Narantungalag

Jadamba Narantungalag > Akihiro Gono

Akihiro Gono > Gegard Mousasi

Gegard Mousasi > Mark Hunt

Mark Hunt > Stefan Struve
guess height is meaningless too!
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Bobb sapp beat ernesto hoost and big nog

I guess skill is meaningless too. Size is all that matters, time to get BIGG
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I'm in.

The Swiss supa'man, Anthonio Cesarovski
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why does this manlet deserve a title shot?
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Wow posting martial artists in martial arts thread is now a bannable offense ? But somehow sneaker experts aren't ?
So now that Mr. Bones and le succman are the definite top 2 LHWs all-time, who rounds out the top 10? Chuck? Tito? Evans? Rampage? etc.
Swear to god, Joanna is the most beautiful 6/10 ever
top kek
Shogun's accomplishments at 205lbs dwarf DC's. as do Rampage's Wand's Chuck's etc.
Bongistan should be nuked tbqh
just shut the fuck up if you're gonna say shit like that, I like Cormer but he's beat two (2) actual legit top level LHWs
chuck in his prime wouldve destroyed jones
Do you just... not understand basic reading comprehension? Shogun, Machida and others were left off that post but that doesn't mean they're not included, hence the etc.
>British education
Inclusion has got nothing to do with it. Cormier isn't the #2 LHW of all time, or even close to it.
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Cormier is the best interim champion of all time
I honestly think Wanderlei has a case for #1 if you consider his fights against heavyweights to be relevant
The only two times he lost, ever, was to the same guy who is probably the P4P GOAT. Every other fight he had he won handily. Shut the fuck up.
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>I honestly think Wanderlei has a case for #1
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He had literally lost to most of the guys previously mentioned my dude
Chael Sonnen was the closest to actually defeating JBJ, think about that. If the ref was more competent and stopped the fight when he should had Chael would be an LHW champion.
He'd also be MW champion if ref was competent to see that Anderson heemed him with ILLEGAL knees.
Chael P Sonnen, P stands for Penalized by Refs
Machida and Belfort were both much closer. Chael has unironically overachieved in his career as it is since he's really just not a good fighter
How can one man be so successful?
If ref had seen Jon's toe he would had stopped the fight. Machida had him barely wobbled and while Vitor had a good armbar it wasn't grounds for stoppage
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For me, it's Tony Ferguson
is that josh barnett
pearl has a fight lads
Yeah, it's from some movie that also has Rampage in it
>Bongistan should be nuked tbqh
that's rude we're not all as bad as fansperg
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What do you eat during the fights?

me pic related
I don't eat after midnight that how you get fat and also gremlins
>tfw lactose intolerant
take care of your underwear im gonna fugg yew
nice go za'
not true
>he doesnt sync his sleep/eat schedule primed for fight night
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Schaub seems like a really sensible dude. Don't hate me plz /heem/
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So what? His resume is paper thin. Not losing a lot doesn't negate that. Wanderlei Silva fought three to four times a year minimum against everyone from Heavyweighs to top contenders in his own division.
>bets your net worth on a football game
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*goes broke due to poor money management*
95% of heem loves Schaub, there are just a few vocal h8rs
Who's watching the card today? It's alright you don't have to lie /heem/
just like 99% of heem loves bisKING yet there is the 1% h8r
*karate stance*
>The most vicious knockout artist in MMA retires from LHW
>The supposed GOAT that was to fight him comes back
Wow that's such a lucky coincidence for Jones
>supposed GOAT
Who are you talking about?
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*blocks your urinary tract*

What do?
>*blocks your urinary tract*
with what ? her vaginal canal ?
lots of liquids and push that bitch out I got the girth
>literally no one
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is ufc dying? it feels like its dying
214 did pretty well, if Maia/Woodley didn't put people to sleep there'd be even more eyes on Jones
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Are the official numbers out yet, did it really break 1 million buys like Tomato said ?
Nah I don't think they are, I don't pay much attention to the numbers
>no goldy
>joe fighting with cruz half the time to see whos the bigger manlet
>conor gone to fight boxing
>top 5 fighters in multiple divisions either retiring or moving the bellator

WME era
There have never been any official numbers, only estimates that come from that dude at Forbes. Dana White is pretty much the world's best known compulsive liar, so...600k maybe?
Yeah nothing inspires confidence like a barber wearing hat indoors in the middle of summer
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Time to head over to a new thread, fellas
I got us covered boys
Cuckshank is still my boy.
>tfw slept through ONE Championship
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>be me
>be hs grill 4'11
>shortest one in family
>do a lot of competitive skating
>competition this weekend
>pray to higher powers because parents will beat me if i do bad
>skate day feelsbad
>observe competition, looks good. face lights up, pic related
>everyone looks skrubby
>one sly looking girl in corner is almost as tall as me, call her littlecunt
>see littlecunt walk up to judges before competition and bribe judges with money
>what a little fucker
>competition starts, my turn to skate
>fail miserably die a little on the inside
>littlecunt does pretty decent, but i know she will still get first because of bribery
>little cunt walks off stage all cocky
>wait few hours
>hoping for top 15
>15/19, that is
>results called
>see littlecunt stare at results in disbelief
>she got 17th serves her right
>gives judges the stink eye
>mfw i realize the judges mistaked her for me
>mfw i made the finals
>mfw i ended up getting 14th in the comeptition

i am a competitive skater
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