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NFL Boycotts, Kaepernick Backlash Becoming Major Factor As NFL

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>After the NFL’s TV ratings declined for the third straight week in Week 3, I gave my take on what could be causing the precipitous drop that has now carried over into Week 4. I believe that NFL games are simply becoming less watchable due to eroding quality of games, and I still believe that the product on the field is playing some role in fewer Americans tuning into football on Sundays – and Mondays and Thursdays, for that matter.

>However, one factor that appears to be making a large dent in the ratings and continuing to grow is the backlash resulting from the 49ers’ Colin Kaepernick sitting or kneeling during the national anthem in protest of police brutality against African-Americans. A percentage of fans are now boycotting the NFL in reaction to Kaepernick’s protests and/or the lack of discipline from the league offices resulting from them. It’s likely that a sizable chunk of the rating decline is due to fans swiftly and decisively responding to Kaepernick’s growing protests by turning the games off entirely.

>SportsBusiness Daily reported on Tuesday that Monday Night Football between the New York Giants and Minnesota Vikings drew a 9.1 overnight rating, down eight percent from Lions-Seahawks in Week 4 of the 2015 season. The rating for Sunday Night Football between the Pittsburgh Steelers and Kansas City Chiefs, a 43-14 blowout win by Pittsburgh, dropped by 26 percent from Saints-Cowboys in Week 4 last season, while the early-morning London game between the Colts and Jaguars dropped by 24 percent from the same time slot a year ago.

It's over the NFL is finished.
why wont they ask educated black people like Richard Sherman about what they think of Colin's Protest?

really makes me think
Is the handegg finally dying as more and more babyboomers kick the bucket?

How long before luckswing is next?
Am I the only one who thinks that this is related to white devil Goodell's incessant meddling with the rules?
Oh well.
>I beleive everything i read, the post
They did
It's not just Kaep, it's every other retard along the league who's decided to follow suit, along with the "black power" fisters. And the cameras/commentators always take care to mention it.

We watch football to relax and enjoy some fun sport on a Sunday, not get roused into a political debate. He doesn't even have a clear cause or solution. Save the political shit for your own time and go use the millions the league has given you to actively try to fix the problem.
So is educated black people an example of an oxymoron?
gonna lol if superbowl is still #1 in the ratings this year regardless

>educated black people

More and more I realize that these are just marginally intelligent people who turn into useful idiots after going through the university indoctrination system

I can't take a person who likens today's society to the 1960's seriously
I don't know how anyone could say the quality of the games has eroded over the past few years, most of the games I've watched were good.

they didn't stop playing football btw
>wanting our only good sports to die
and i thought i had already found enough reasons to hate millennials.
>surely this means that Goodell's reign of terror ends soon!
How does boycotting the nfl correlate with BLM?

The only correlation i can think of is the majority of the league is black and the majority of blacks kill each other, not cops
when is the NFL going to completely submit to online streaming? Big TV deals at this day and age? Please

Brave new world bruh. The time are a changing
Because sports are the only thing left on TV that hasn't been taken over by SJWS
that's why basketball and soccer still have lower ratings than NFL preseason games, right?
Unless you're about 35-40 you're a millennial too faggot. If you are, and you're still on 4chan, please consider suicide.
>If you are, and you're still on 4chan, please consider suicide
You'll never leave this place don't pretend like you will.
>it's only proper protest if it's done by a couple black guys at the olympics

what a retarded cartoon

Just a course correction on the over inflated value of sports in general. Sports will continue, just a smaller audience.
yeah but there's my kind of millennials and then there's your kind of millennials. my people are the last bastion of an era when men were men.
not even close, all sports are growing in this country, even the faggoty ones that you watch.
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Now lacrosse will become mainstream and get a serious league

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Considering college ratings haven't changed, one would assume this whole thing is an NFL problem, not a football problem.

The only sport I watch is when it's your father's turn in the glory hole slurping up jizz
richard sherman had a 4.5 and went to standford. where did you go to school bud?
>More and more I realize that these are just marginally intelligent people who turn into useful idiots after going through the university indoctrination system

I bet you say "but I'm not racist!"
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>a 4.5

A what now?

>went to Stanford

on a football scholarship, he was not purely Stanford material on his own merit


Maybe in the past, I don't care anymore. I think Richard Sherman and Colin Kaepernick are fucking stupid for comparing these two eras and making sweeping accusations based off of limited media representations and biased narratives. Is that enough?

Is there a different scale for affirmative action GPAs?
>richard sherman had a 4.5 and went to standford
And he majored in Communications and if you ever heard him speak you'd know his professors just gave him a pity A

Nigs get a +2 handicap
>A percentage of fans are now boycotting the NFL in reaction to Kaepernick’s protests and/or the lack of discipline from the league offices resulting from them
What is this supposed percentage? How was it discovered? Why does it seem like conjecture pulled out of the ass to promote a narrative?
4.5 GPA is impossible as far as I know. Stanford does give out A pluses so a 4.3 is possible.

Even if Richard Sherman got in because of football there's still extremely intelligent black people at Stanford and Harvard and I'm sure there's at least one at fucking Kent State.
You can say gay like you did or just say I remember when the Internet wasn't a thing
>comparing the 1960s to now

Even Muhammad Ali's wife criticized Kaepershit
I like the way he presented it and seemed very reasonable. I feel like I agree with what he is saying. I believe the solution to this shit is just training cops far more rigorously and to specifically focus on situations where accidental killings happen, and maybe find some way through some means (VR is an interesting idea to try that I thought of just now) so they aren't on edge and very touchy so they don't fuck up. More training in general is not bad, they get so little for what they are tasked to do.

Richard Sherman seems to have a pretty level headed view on BLM and the protests.


California schools either have minimal or no affirmative action due to laws that disallow it
accidental killings aren't happening. there's either the rare occasion where a cop straight up murders someone, like in Walter Scott's case, and the majority of these cases are cops RIGHTFULLY opening fire at dangerous suspects like Carnell Snell.
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>"people aren't crying wolf"

are you fucking serious? That's exactly what's going on though.
you could take care of the boycott crap in five minutes if ESPN & the other networks just stopped talking about it/showing it on tv. it would have been an entire non-issue if the networks had just said 'OK" do whatever you want and ignored it when he said he was going to do it
>“Racism is alive and well … ‘You should go back to Africa,’ or the N-word,” Thomas said. “That doesn’t matter. I know what I’m standing for is right.”

Why don't they just go back to Africa? If they believe we're the cause of all their problems why not leave?

That's fine and all as a presupposition, I'm going off of what I've observed in the way they speak. They sound like idiots because they make blind, sweeping assertions off of what they've heard in their little liberal echo chambers and the media and don't bother doing a more thorough examination.


Good cops don't want to patrol 3rd world shithole warzone neighborhoods. Fix the neighborhoods, then you get good cops willing to police the area.

You know what our violent inner cities and other countries with similar amounts of regional violence have in common? Elevated levels of police brutality and mortal altercations. Violent areas beget violent and tense, trigger happy cops, who would have thought, really gives my brain a good whirl.

You know what's been happening instead? Cops withdrawing and opting not to seriously pursue possible criminals. And murders across the USA went up 10% in 2015. ONE YEAR
I was Sherman's classmate at Stanford and I can verify that he is an ape. He never went to class and was a disruptive fucking asshole on campus like the whole football team. Not as bad as Lynch at Cal but still.
>WWI and Spanish Flu didn't kill baseball
>WWII didn't kill baseball
>1994 player's strike didn't kill baseball
>steroid controversy didn't kill baseball

oh yeah keep saying baseball is gonna be gone
pretty much

not only are the most dangerous parts of the game the most exciting, they're also removing the non-dangerous stuff like any kind of celebrating or trash talking

also if I had to guess I think the real problem is that the NFL reached its saturation point already, and now the temporary nonfans that care about stuff like fantasy are moving on from it
>Good cops don't want to patrol 3rd world shithole warzone neighborhoods. Fix the neighborhoods, then you get good cops willing to police the area.

Or police can just do their fucking jobs.
>boycotting the nfl
I find it hard to believe middle america is this offended by this nonsense

IMO the nfl was in a popularity bubble that just burst
But people had years to hate Goodell why start now?
They have been and everyone is crying "racism" because of it.
I dunno, Target's been hit pretty hard since they did the whole gender neutral bathroom thing. Never underestimate the pettiness of scared white straight people.
The NFL screwed up royally by not crushing these pledge antics, the NHL did an excellent job at their world cup.

This might have been palatable last year since the alienated fanbase is used to several years of pink jerseys, soulless corporatism, faggot advertisements, openly Satanic half-time shows, and endless chimpouts. But the NFL just keeps reaching even further at the same as this banned the Cowboy's tribute stickers to the five cops killed in Dallas and a player's 911 tribute cleats.

The NFL needs those middle-aged white guys turning on the tube and buying tickets and jerseys to remain the #1 sport. They will continue to be their customer base for another 50 years, and every week, that base will see a big middle finger thrown their way. Viewership is going to continue to erode despite the US population increasing.
Using the last resort that is lethal force when your life is not in any real danger is not police doing their job, it's murder.
>popularity bubble burst


best point ITT

Over the years the Super Bowl and general NFL marketing hype have been on unsustainable upward trends that are naturally due to fall and plateau. Casuals brought in by Pey Pey commercials and superficial shit like that are not gonna be hardcore fans. I also think shit like fantasy football is drawing people away from following their team and watching every single game to just watching NFL Redzone and keeping up with fantasy stats.
i smell a buttmad 49ers fan
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They're trying. But in a lot of these cases they're dealing with armed, or possibly armed individuals. They have to make a choice: be patient with them and possibly risk harm to themselves or others, or simply eliminate the possibility of that harm. And when these cops are the bottom of the barrel, junior dumbfucks straight out of the academy who can't get assigned to better zones, you get a volatile situation.

The lack of sympathy from the general American public stems from the fact that this situation isn't entirely the fault of the police. Blacks have done nothing to change the fact that they're remained the singular most violent group of people in this country with no foreseeable change or end in sight.

And if you want proof that this is just a feels campaign playing off of sheer victim mentality and degeneracy, look no further than the recent Milwaukee and Charlotte riots, spawned by shootings of armed black men, by black cops. Because white racism

>life is not in any real danger

That's a pretty heady assertion. The point where you're fine, then dead, can be half a second when you're operating in an area that's highly armed and criminal.
this police. If you hicks actually paid attention to how these cops get away with killing people over minor shit you'd see how cowardly cops can be. Face it, a lot of cops are not very smart (i.e. why they became cops in the first place)
The NFL did not ban the 9/11 tribute cleats.
in literally every single case they are hostile to the cop and refuse to comply with simple orders given to them
>one person keeps making these threads

It really makes you thingkning...
>openly Satanic half-time shows
kek you're a fucking pussy you jesus freak
I'm referring to situations like that Minnesota one where the black guy was in his car and was reaching for his ID but the cop was nervous and shot him. The former cannot be solved by training as the cop is just being a dickhead and should be fired and put in jail, and the latter is obviously not an issue because they are in the right.

>Good cops don't want to patrol 3rd world shithole warzone neighborhoods. Fix the neighborhoods, then you get good cops willing to police the area
Alternatively they can receive better training so they can just do their job and not fuck up in the process.

It's pretty easy to tell that you're just a buttmad nigger with a bone to pick with cops in general

We've seen videos, some seemed suspicious, others seemed like bad situations, all involved resisting arrest

Not willing to neuter our police force so your faggot ass can have more emboldened criminals like we're seeing across inner cities right now
There are like 4 different threads of the same topic in the catalog

You can only train a certain type of person so much. No one has ever claimed these are smart people or elite forces. We don't have the labor supply for that, especially when there's so much gangland to handle.

You think someone getting paid $40k to patrol little Brazil is also going to be a top agent with perfect protocol and impeccable decision making? lol
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>when your life is not in any real danger

Their life is in real danger as soon as they enter Chimpoutland.
Is there any city (or state) in the United States, where nobody likes the NFL, and where not like football?

a place in USA, where not like at all the NFL, and where no one likes football
It's amazing: literally everything he's done has made the game worse to watch for the viewer. I
Following simple instructions given by the police officer is pretty simple too, but in most cases ole nignog doesn't wanna comply.
Some hipster hellhole like Portland or Austin
Resisting arrest does not justify lethal force unless the cop's life is in immediate danger as a result. What's so hard about this to understand?
Something definitely seems off about the NFL this year. I was really interested for 15 years but don't give a fuck anymore.

Puerto Rico probably

Utah seems pretty meh about it, besides the BYU people, but they'd watch a BYU paint-drying competition if their reptilian overlords told them to

>Unless the cop's life is in immediate danger

Well then, now that we've introduced subjective criteria we can just dance all day around a circular argument ;^)

I define "immediate danger" as not showing hands and possibly reaching in pocket as it would only take 0.25s for a gun to be shot after that time and cop has to react prior, how would you? After he's laying 6 feet in the ground?

Portland and D.C all the time

Seattle and Boston when they aren't winning
It is that I'm looking for a place in the United States, where not like at all the NFL, and where nobody likes football

and also, I am looking for the city (or state) of soccer in the United States.

aPlace in USA, Where is Soccer Sport More Popular, and where the MLS (Major League Soccer) is the most followed sports league and the most popular

there are like 5 good QBs left and all of the best skill players are getting hurt
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GAY as fuck
>retards ITT defending lawbreaking, racebaiting cunts
Fuck off retards, go drink some more CNN koolaid
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There's no Brady
>popularity bubble

best point ITT
not a black person you racist fuck

my fucking uncle is a cop, not all are bad, but A LOT are ignorant morons with inferiority complexes
>most popular qb and face of nfl is benched for 4 weeks
>terrible matchups during primetime viewing hours
>wh-why are our ratings dropping!?
>it must be because a backup qb on a shit team isn't standing during the national anthem!!!
go drink more Fox News koolaid :)

Infinitely better than much of the human trash they are arresting, hence the lack of care from the rest of the country
Aren't the people who are offended by Kapernick also triggered? Maybe people need to just stop being such pussies.
good luck dude. the MLS is growing in popularity no where is it more popular than the big 4
triggered by a certain group dragging down our schools, causing most of the crime, and constantly rioting over nothing
>I'm looking for a place in the United States, where not like at all the NFL, and where nobody likes football
No cucks here, buddy. Go watch some more Futbol.

>cornbread nigga
Well if black "people" would stop breaking the law, lowering school standards, and burning down cities every time a wanna be gansta nigger thug gets shot then things would be good.
>Ratings dropping

Yeah, Im sure it has nothing to do with lousy matchups like tonights pulse pounding Niners Cardinals match or watching the shitty bears on monday night.

Seriously, the NFl were fools for believing these match ups would be ratings record breaking.

I know.

the united states, there is a city (or somewhere) where the Major League Soccer (MLS) and Soccer are far more popular than the 4 major leagues (NFL, NBA, NHL and MLB) all combined

You dont know shit
The redskins are still the biggest event in town
Check this out brehs


Cops are literally being neutered and we're going backwards in time.

But maybe it's a good thing. Keep this shitheads in their containment zones and let them murder each other. Won't have to complain about the cops when their only concern is making it through the next day without being shot by a gangbanging fuckhead blasting Kodak Black
> Americans pride themselves in the level of paranoia they have for stockpiling arms against a hypothetical police state

>Police state actually happens in front of their eyes and instead of defending themselves they support and pay taxes to the government workers that are killing them.

> White Americans are so indoctrinated that they don't care that they're the most likely group to get unjustifiably murdered by police

>America calls itself the greatest nation in the world yet has a justice system as corrupt at a 3rd world country
No, triggered by a few players choozing to sit instead of stand during the national anthem and exercising their right to peaceful protest. Maybe you should stop being such a triggered faggot.
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Is there any city in Texas, where soccer is the most popular of all sports?
triggered by those players telling white people to get better when black people are the ones causing the problems
>IMO the nfl was in a popularity bubble that just burst

and so far this year the NFL is determined to be
it's really offputting, even as a bigtime fan

to be fair people thought the cardinals would still be good this year

>and a movement called "Black Lives Matter", led by a bunch of rioting retards, will convince said white people to take up the cause

Sure thing bucko
probably in the cities that are 99% Mexican
But not the niners. Blow outs are only exciting for the fans of the team doing it. Cardinals aren't exactly a popular team.
It's already like 30% white now so that's the majority of cities.
According to you. Clearly they feel differently and are exercising their rights. The fact that it has triggered people like you so hard means that it's effective.

Stop being a little bitch.
>they have a right to do it
what a flaming fire hot take, I guess me rolling my eyes at the things they are saying and not helping with their movement proves that they've been effective
niggers being niggers doesn't disprove my point.

America is one of the most blue pilled societies in the world. We kiss the asses of the people who fuck us over every single day.
>more bitching
Do you even understand how ironic this is?


They did everything to get women on board and thats flat lined. Now the only possible place to grow is overseas but I think the return on investment is going to be terrible. Sure all the other minor things like the protesting (People tune in to be entertained, not to be reminded about other shit) is not helping matters but its just a natural decline of an entertainment entity that has pretty much hit max saturation.
do understand irony?

All I'm saying is I'm not willing to throw in my lot with theirs as it stands, the ~300 or so whites killed by cops (who are mostly pieces of shit themselves) are a small price to pay
It offers people who continued watching the NFL out of habit an excuse to quit doing so. Most successful boycotts provide the same outlet, i.e. an incentive to do something you were already inclined to do, but lacked sufficient motivation.
>do understand irony?

What did he mean by this?
so theyre right and were wrong? hows that now?
Boston is a bunch of fucking foreigners and non pats fans the whole place should be nuked.

In correction New England when they are losing

Lol and we don't lose fagboi
Students at Austin care but Austin's general population is just Calipoornians.
t. lived in East Texas
If it was simply saturation it wouldn't be dropping off this much.
This is another huge problem tho we don't see great players out there for more than half the fucking season and then your watching some Hodge podge team limp around
This nation is completely doomed with that type of thinking.
I hate it as much as everyone here but I really don't think that has anything to do with it.
People are just bored of the NFL and turning to more consistently exciting sports like soccer, hockey, etc.
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this, football is alive and well. just nobody wants biased political agendas shoved down their throats while trying to watch it.
No. But if they feel like you're wrong, then they have the right to do something about it, so long as it's in the realm of legal behavior. Sitting during the national anthem is perfectly legal, and there are probably hundreds of people who do it at every game. What triggers you is the reason why he is doing it, which you are perfectly allowed to disagree with. But bitching about what you perceive as pointless bitching just makes both you and him whiny bitches in my book.
Every western country kisses the asses of people who fuck us over. Western society is in collapse at the moment and the East is poised to regain dominance.
900 on his SAT. He can't be that intelligent.
>tfw tom brady will never rape you

Why live?
This is themost post hoc ergo propter hoc shit ever

why are people just assuming this is a result of that? there are plenty of other potential reasons for this, starting with the massive nfl bubble and combined with the fact that football is TERRIBLE now
>combined with the fact that football is TERRIBLE now
Did it become drastically worse this year compared to last year?
I haven't watched a game all season. If it wasn't for my friend having me over this Sunday, I probably wouldn't watch a game all year, including the Superb Owl. I'm just done with the sport. It's not interesting to me in the least bit and it really doesn't help that they want to interject political rhetoric into everything. The only American sports that don't do this are Hockey and Baseball. I guess we do have to out up with it on Jackie Robinson day.
No, but then I never expected the backlash from that to happen instantaneously

Well I have stopped watching football, and it's largely due to the fact that I think it's uninteresting, barbaric, and even somewhat oppressive. There are any number of reasons why people would have stopped watching football, which is why attributing to this (even with your super conclusive anecdote) it idiotic in the extreme
Right now the identity politics that have been rapidly gaining prominence within the US are guaranteeing that the rift between white people and basically everyone else in the country will not only continue to exist, but grow.

White people aren't going to get on board with the same minorities who blame them for all of society's faults and are told there's literally no way they can ever relate to minority groups because of white privilege so they need to shut the fuck up and excuse themselves from the conversation because #YouCantSitWithUs. This is just going to push impressionable white idiots into extremist groups and make things worse.
NFL expanding to thursday and saturday was a mistake
Because correlation equals causation, according to retards.
>week 4 ratings dropped
because /cfb/ has been way too fucking fun this year, OP
No it's not you've clearly never delt with armed maniacs who wind up killing innocent people. I can genuinely say if you don't want the cops to put down these phycopaths on a case to case basis either a)you or a loved on will be killed by one of said phycopaths or b) I'll have to deal with the situation or people like me and we'll wipe out cowardly slave like you because I have no time for you or violent criminals.

Other than that accidents happens and it's really bad that's why we need to properly prosecute. If not, again, I'll litterly wipe you out so shut the fuck up.
The real problem is that identity politics causes people to write shit like this, where you broad-brush completely mischaracterize what the people who are actually discussing these issues (as in listening and talking) are actually saying.

Lots of the people talking about this aren't saying the things that you are alleging, but you will never know that because you pick a side and stick to it instead of actually engaging in any dialogue
I agree with you, but this isn't the time or place for logic. This is a thread for people to bitch about things that they don't like.
Eh most likely a reflection of the fact we've reached peak sports and the bubble is starting to pop. Look at ESPN they are struggling badly.

I also think its just a shitton of teams have started pretty badly and if you aren't interested in watching your team, chances are you won't give a fuck about others.
>starting with the massive nfl bubble
What NFL bubble? What in any way is this season different than last season besides some sandnigger kneeling and no Brady?
Who did I broad-brush or characterize? Not all minorities are doing the things that I described, if that's what you thought I meant. Not every white person is dumb enough to view it that way, either.
This season is different in that it's coming off the worst season in my NFL memory
Based Kap
>You will see football die in your lifetime
Thank God tbhfam

Football is truly the worst sport
Explain why college football ratings aren't suffering similarly.
>on a football scholarship, he was not purely Stanford material on his own merit
Top schools only give financial aid
You suggested that the rift between white people (white men, you may have meant) and everyone else will grow because white people won't get on board with minority causes because minorities blame white people for everything
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did you see LSU / Auburn
or this shit
it's been so meme-magical
Because it's not coming off of a terrible season? Because the games in college football are interesting? Becaue college football recently introduced a playoff system which, in some ways, breathed new life into the entire college football season?

There are so many variables; that is the point
College attendance bubble
The fact of the matter is.. Kaep is only doing it to get his brand out there. It's a survival move. The 49ers org can't get rid of him now because it would be seen as a political move. They can't play him either because he's 20lbs underweight and shitty at practice. Kaep is no longer a football player, but he wants to make sure he keeps collecting his football check.
I believe the term is cornball
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Why are you here?

I should also add its reflecting the increasing amount of people who don't have cable tv anymore and stream. Like me.
totally specious
indicative of this whole situation, where you invent a story and decide that it's the case without any evidence
kinda reminds me about how NBA only focused on two stories last year; there was a lot of interesting shit going on, but journalists would not shut up about Kobe's retirement and Golden State's record season
and at the end it was all pointless
that's how the NFL season will end, as opposed to college football, which is gonna have Air Force v Boise State in the finals and a 84-83 6OT finish
i cant believe people still justify killings by police regardless of race
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That's wonderful and all, but I'm not sure what that has to do with what I said
there literally are college football players also protesting.

you've accidentally made the argument against yourself.
They are soul-devoid. replaced with hate and memes
I didn't say anything about race

do you know how many police are killed every year? why are you such a sheltered idiot?
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>gabbert is a joke
>they won't play kaepernick because he's the niggest of nogs

I'm glad. Fuck Calipoornia
what? he literally said, "regardless of race"
How will the NFL get rid of Kaepernick in the off season?

Think they'll hire a black guy to shoot him?
well you assume that people are "making up" stories about how Colin is only doing this for himself. I just gave you proof that its exactly why he's """"""""""""protesting"""""""""""""""""""
SF will probably trade him for a 7th round pick lol
In all cases it's justified especially with niggers.
i'm not sheltered at all. you are implying police should not be held to a different standard of control and behavior than the populace. I can't believe people think this way. Police are respected and thanked precisely because they assume more danger than your average civilian. the number of them that are killed are irrelevant to whether or not you are excusing some of them for making mistakes that cost peoples' lives.

thanks for lashing out like a teenager/woman tho. i was really hurt by your insult.
Ding ding ding

>the number
What I'm saying is that the rift is going to grow so long as identity politics continue to take prominence in society, and we're constantly told to focus on what makes us inherently different. People who are a part of minority groups should absolutely be treated the same and we should work as a society to accomplish this, but that's never going to happen so long as white people get told that they're oppressors no matter what, even when they don't realize it through "micro-aggressions" or whatever the fuck, and minorities are told that white people will never be able to understand their problems due to their being born into white privilege, so it's best to self-segregate like they've suddenly been doing on college campuses. Really, how the fuck did we manage to reach the point where we've looped back to this being the solution to racial tensions?

I've already mentioned that not everybody buys into this, and what you claim that I'm suggesting is off the mark. White people can and will get on board with well-reasoned, justifiable minority causes. The Civil Rights movement literally could not have succeeded had this not been the case due to blacks being a political minority. Not every minority blames white people for everything, but some absolutely do. Some white people do the same thing, but to minorities instead. It's irrational.
>do you know how many police are killed every year

around a 100, whereas over a thousand civilians are killed by police every.
>le bubble meme

Fuck off.
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>boycotting 99.9% of a sports event because of .01% of players kneeling during a 2 minute song.

Honestly, were they really fans in the first place?
sports are the circus part of bread and circus, people watch sports to escape politics, distract themselves from the stupidity of the world.
Politics being shoved in your face instead of sports gives people an excuse to do something else
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what? no, that isn't proof of his intentions.

And I said you made it up because you made it up.
They don't even keep numbers on how many people police kill each year, which is weird as fuck.
but it is plural in that context jose
kek, just 10 minutes ago i turned on the game saw gabbert overthrow an easy TD and thought "oh yeah they still have kaep and his memeing, i forgot because nobody gives a fuck anymore when you do it daily"
The primetime games have been shit. The Boston-Cleveland game is 10 times more exciting than Cardinals-Niners. And whose idea was it to put the Bears on primetime over and over again when >we have been mediocre at best for the last 3 years?
What I claimed you suggested is what you suggested. that is, what I inferred was reasonable from what you wrote. You maybe didn't mean it that way, and you wrote it more carefully the second time, but you didn't the first.

And so you're saying that if a single person calls white people "oppressors", white people (I guess all of them?) won't work towards equal treatment? How many have to say that? What about the existence of reasonable discussion? Why can't white people (again all of them I guess?) engage in that?
They dont cumulatively it's left to the individual precincts. Do you really think they just blast people and say aww yeah don't write that one down.
Yeah that's even worse. They only have stats on the one's that are considered justified.
you're wrong
> the number of them that are killed are irrelevant
same as:
> the number of them is irrelevant
>people watch sports to escape politics

Not politics specifically, just the stresses of daily life in general. It's not that different from movies and music.
The FBI director suggested that he couldn't get those numbers because of how poorly run and corruptly run those precincts are.
But the police are perfect! Cryinganimegirl.jpeg
he also said shillary shouldn't be tried
you really trust that race traitor
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>Fags won't just turn a new leaf and become hockey fans
Because I work all day slept on the ground for 2 months and am sick of college faghots of whom are beneath me telling me what to think when violent crime statistics put me at a considerable higher rate of being murdered by a black than my black counterpart. Also not the guy who you we're talking too but this is a very common sentiment and it's the answer your looking for regardless.

Tl;Dr because your problems are your own, follow the law and hope a bad accident doesn't happen.
it feels like the liberals are injecting poltics into everything, movies, tv, video games, sports.

There isnt one fucking hobby or thing you can do just to fucking relax.
It gets warped into being about muh niggers or muh faggots
>be super star meme QB
>be on sports illustrated covers
>be the 2nd coming of montana
>make the 49ners relevant again.
>potential GOAT pairing with coach Harbaugh
>lose SB
>Coach gets fired
>start to suck
>get benched
>getting ready to be cut
>jump on the "muh racism" wagon
>back in the spotlight.

Yeah guy, Colin is sure doing this for all black people.
high schoolers are naive
hide and move on
what exactly would you like them to do when confronted with a person who will not comply, who has a weapon, who sticks their hand in their pocket, who verbally and physically resists or assaults them?

there are hundreds of thousands of police interactions every day in this country that has millions of guns out in the populace, and the police are tasked with trying to control neighborhoods with absurd amounts of violent crime. It's a statistical inevitability. And with all that, it's still extremely difficult for the left to produce a case where there was no justification. Instead they omit, obfuscate or just outright lie about circumstances. Does it NEVER happen? Of course not. Is it a serious issue? No. Are certain groups "systematically oppressed"? Absolutely not.
The fact that there is a comprehensive database on how many police officers are killed a year kept by the FBI, it's strange that the same doesn't exist for civilians killed by police.
again, the story you've come up with isn't fact. It's just the rationale you've decided to believe, and you don't have any more evidence that that is the reason than you have the the reason is because of the increase in general public consciousness concerning these matters.
>a person who will not comply, who has a weapon, who sticks their hand in their pocket, who verbally and physically resists or assaults them
you don't sentence someone to death for that lol
>the right isn't just as obnoxious and self-righteous

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Will Cuckifornians ever apologize for ruining sports for everyone else?
again, what should they do

run away? let the person run away?
Why would you do something more gay to become less gay?
b e a t t h e m
>tom brady gets a 4 game suspension for texting
>colin kaepernick gets off scott free for disrespecting our country
>white privilege

really makes you think
they could just use a taser
I don't need anymore evidence because any rational adult can fucking see what's happened and knows exactly what going on. fucking typical liberal faggot wanting to """"""""""""help""""""""""""" and make a stand by helping himself.
i would like them not to shoot someone who isn't armed. if you can't handle the assumption of extra risk and a higher standard of restraint, don't become a police officer.

noncompliance shouldn't be grounds for execution.
>make the 9ers relevant again
kek, that was smiff
kapernickel was the one that immediately ran them back into the ground
good talk, buddy
Maybe we can look at what the rest of the civilized world does and work from there.
non lethal force
literally yes let the person run away and pursue them

how is "shoot them and figure out if they are armed afterward" the most acceptable answer? I suppose its subjective at this point, but I don't understand why people would prefer to live in a place where these things are encouraged.
>rational adult
cops in the UK have to talk people down
but they also control the masses a lot more with CCTV and, to my understanding, a stop and frisk policy
The civilized world doesn't have 12% nigger population though.

They can barely handle a few sandniggers
Tasers exist
>americans are so dumb they protest police violence
>instead of a rigged presidental election between a nepotistic beef-jerky puppet, and an orange tv show host
I can't wait until you elect either of these retards. Every discussion with an American poster will end at the mere mention of their president. Putin will laugh in your face.
I'm not your buddy faggot, I don't associate myself with nigger communist lovers.
what about a knife? what if the person is bigger than the police officer involved and has already physically threatened or attacked the cop? what if the person says they have a gun and keeps reaching into a pocket?

the rest of the civilized world isn't armed

why wouldn't anyone want to live in a place where the police let people go for threatening them? do you have any idea how ridiculous that is?
but what if they have a bomb in their pocket
could set it off
you guys elected a living meme as PM
Especially during election season but a lot can be blamed on Jewell shitting up the league with his terrible rules
It's decidedly less ridiculous than wanting to live in a place where police kill unarmed citizens with impunity?
even a dog has to bite someone before they can be put down
tamemer rice didn't get the chance
>this meaningless post
No, we elected a nepotistic politician with nice hair and generic mid-left leaning views. You're literally voting between a mid-nineties female cuck, and some guy who refereed to himself as "the donald", while also appearing on monday night raw.
don't bother, next he'll say that the Cop should use his Naruto, ninja kungfu to restrain the perp because that's the mentality of liberal people.
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Who fucking cares? Like, why even invest anymore time and effort on this topic? There will still be games on every Sunday, Monday, and Thursday. Nothing will change.
where did that guy suggest they let them get away? You might be retarded anon. or at least you get so worked up that it makes you bad at reading

>what about a knife? what if the person is bigger than the police officer involved and has already physically threatened or attacked the cop? what if the person says they have a gun and keeps reaching into a pocket?

still don't shoot unless its a last resort. there are a number of video recordings of these conditions not applying. if you want to twist the overall point to identify a few instances where you think there was a witch hunt, fair enough. but youre dodging the point.
the vast majority of people killed by police are armed, your bleeding heart idiocy is not rooted in anything real

you "feel" like some injustice is happening because it makes you "feel" good to fight against it, nevermind the facts
>being against a person exercising his first amendment right to free speech

hilarious how hypocritical white ppl can be sometime.
appearing on Monday Night Raw >>> being the son of a woman who banged a Kennedy, a Rolling Stone and Geraldo Rivera while still married
he said
>literally let them run away
Because the changes he's made to pussify the game are starting to get noticed
when is the last resort? after they've fired a shot? I mean, I don't think that's realistic, but at least it's a concrete argument. just say that.
>this sad, desperate attempt to justify the shitty political climate in your country
That's a bit of a strech there anon. Remember, one is a real politician with a reasonable resume and the support of a real political party, while the other pretends to be a businessman on tv for a living.
Why don't cops just keep a pair of jordans in the back of their cars
wont even have to leave their cars to get these guys
you're inserting a narrative that's not there because you are battling a stereotype. I don't really care about injustice. I just don't want to share a country with people who excuse the killing unarmed civilian by unqualified police. This doesn't happen everywhere all the time, but it does occur, regardless of whether its 100% or 10% of civilian killings.
it's stupid that each police department has different rules of engagement
that shit should be standardized
I don't know what "the vast majority..." is an argument against.

I certainly didn't argue that the vast majority of people killed by police are unarmed.

And no, calling me "bleeding heart" and telling me I'm doing things to "feel good" is just a way for you to avoid the argument. Why address my motives at all?
our military follows those exact guidelines in many situations, so that's a place to examine

>and pursue them
stop posting retard.
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>reaching for his ID
See you clearly don't know any facts about the situation and should shut up
You can't standardize something when every, state, city, and municipality have different laws

As someone who is a cop, I will honestly consider you an idiot if you think I'm going to let a suspect with a knife have more than one swing at me before I open fire on them. People seriously underestimate how quickly you can attack and corner a person with a knife or any small handheld weapon for that matter.
But Brady wants to MAGA
only when you've been mortally wounded can you shoot a suspect
and only from the knees down
anywhere else is racist and your pension will be stripped from your surviving family and donated to the wnba
>reasonable resume

[Citation needed]
and then when (if) they catch them it's the same situation over again. what kind of fucking moron are you?

I don't "excuse" it, I know that each situation is different and many factors come into play. And I certainly don't think it's any kind of systemic problem that needs to be addressed. They're aberrations, statistically insignificant.
looking for arguments here, can anyone help?

Feelings are hurt and such.
>its the same situation over again
yes, I'm a moron for thinking that this could literally extend for an infinite amount of time

kek fuck off.
>most popular an and face of the nfl
Tom Brady is despised by the entire population of the country save New England. He most likely weeps that he will never be as beloved by everyone as pey pey was
>reasonable resume
>lied about terrorist attacks
>pretended she was under small arms fire an airport
>voted for Iraq then tried to pretend she didn't support the war
>changes her accent depending on where she's holding a rally
>mishandled goverment secrets by either being too incompetent or because she wanted to hide from the FoIA.
>taking donations from foreign countries in exchange for access to the State Department
I dunno, I'd rather take the orange clown than the person that has demonstrated she can't do the job.
look at Baltimore; the shit those cops were caught doing DURING THEIR SURVEY from the DoJ was abhorrent
I grew up in Texas. people tried to copycat some of what happened on the news, hoping they'd get killed by our local cops, and the cops simply didn't engage...has nothing to do with laws, it has to do with the environment in different police departments

>Real political party

>Responsible for several depressions, wars, and ineffective presidential terms.

>Trump was a businessman for decades before he even became a media personality.

>Wanting a career politician when they're all full of shit more than ever.

>A fucking leaf
It's easy to determine intent of the suspect in some cases but yes, it does depend on laws. Certain laws determine how you're allowed to approach a suspect and your coarse of action. Not only that but people assume every case is one size fits all when it isn't. I don't know if someone is on a substance, I don't know if they have a friend hiding in wait, I always have to assume the worst case scenario.
what I'm saying is: people have walked into our police stations pretending with fake guns hoping to be killed by cops
but instead of getting killed, they get their asses kicked then arrested
no deaths
Not who you're arguing with, but, so long as there isn't conspiratorial evidence of something grand, I'm fine with cops killing people who don't comply and / or have a criminal of aggravated assault with intent to kill and are WITH GUN then get shot as they are pulling it out.

I feel safer knowing these rapists, drug dealers, and statistically stupid in every category blights to society are being imprisoned or taken out.

Do you support a civilized society, or one where the rule is substituted with mob violence and animal behavior?

What do you choose? Wanton ghetto-fueled violence or the need to go out of your way to get to work knowing these people would kill you quicker than the most trigger happy cop in the country (assuming you are "white").

Try to curb your cognitive bias just for once.
>Wtf why don't you want to vote someone in from the establishment even though the establishment is demonstrably corrupt, dishonest and nepotistic? Hillary destabilized the Middle East and has caused some of the worst incidents by a Secretary of State but a-atleast she has credentials in a credenceless deep state!!! h-heh!!
Because it's easy to assume the gun isn't real if they're walking into a police station without firing. No one with sense would try to hold one up.

This isn't a world were you go out of your way to save the life of the suspect. You are taught to value your life and the life of the civilians more than the suspects. I'm not going to go out of my way to keep someone alive if I feel myself or someone else is in danger. If you don't want to get shot, don't do stupid shit.
unarmed civilian deaths at the hands of underqualified police is just as at odds with civilized society as all that other meme shit you laid out.
dude people were getting pulled aside, forced to undress in public so the could have cavity searches done in plain sight (without being charged with anything), and then sent on their way, IN FRONT OF SURVEYORS
that's a 4th amendment violation....this isn't a fucking urban warzone where Bolshevik commies are throwing pipe bombs in train stations every few days, this is 'merica
It's the funniest thing in the world to hear a leaf talk about how a candidate's lack of political experience is a negative when they just literally elected a fitness trainer to be their prime minister.
as opposed to a dude with nothing in his hands or his pockets getting murdered for moving his hand toward his waistline
that's stupid shit
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never forget
Unarmed doesn't mean they aren't dangerous. This autism needs to end.

Under qualified? Police Academies are typically six month long courses, longer than boot camp for all of the armed services.
>civilized society
Niggers aren't civilized though. It's like dealing with ISIS
Wtf I like the Cowboys now
You're told to raise your hands up and keep them there because the officer doesn't know what you have on them. You'd think sudden movement in the situation would be a bad idea but no, people are still stupid and other retards still defend them.
just because you perceive them as dangerous doesn't mean they should be murdered
i never said they weren't dangerous if there were unarmed. but no doubt there have been numerous instances where unnecessary force was employed leading to the unnecessary death of an American citizen. and if these mistakes are still being made by numerous people, maybe its unavoidable due to large numbers (stats from other countries would suggest otherwise though). But it might also suggest that the training are failing them or these people's innate tendencies should have precluded them from the role. the amount of time taken to train is irrelevant if these errors persist.
then they can hold a taser or shoot at the fucking foot
nobody can take a shot to the foot, keep his composure, grab a gun, and shoot to kill
I've always hated the cowboys but now they have my respect. God Bless you Jimmy.

Romo can still eat a dick
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Jerry Jones is a ray ciss
>yfw some little asian faggot has more heart than any of the 49ers
one kike does it with billions on the line
the entire NHL does it and nobody cares
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>holding armed police officers to a higher standard is the same as defending someone who takes undue risk when confronted by police

you guys can't get out of your lane here can you
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Romo is literally the nicest person in the world, if you hate him you have autism
My personal feelings for sort of shying away from football this year have to due with the way teams offenses perform. Its boring as fuck for me to watch a 1-progression QB dink and dunk to the RB all game long and not taking many shots downfield.

There aren't as many talented QBs in the league anymore, and many of them are not able to read down their progressions outside of their "hot route".

Also, since we are in sort of a pass happy league despite having shit tier QBs, leads to more incomplete passes, which then in turn obviously stops the clock which just creates more time for ads to be shoved down our throats.

>Tl;dr: QBs aren't as intelligent and the offenses catered around them are boring. Playcalling is also atrocious at times, but i'm just an armchair QB.
If they follow the law, they wouldn't have that problem

Other countries don't have our minority population and gun ownership rate. Take away minority crime and our levels are on par with Europe
>Take away minority crime and our levels are on par with Europe

Take away minorities and our obesity level is on par with Europe too. Not to mention our average test scores in math and science rise significantly, and so do the median incomes of practically every state.
>hold a taser

Tasers can be resisted if the subject is on a substance or if their Adrenalin is high

>Shoot the foot

This isn't Call of Duty retard. When you shoot, you always aim for center mass because you're unlikely to hit anything otherwise because handguns are terribly inaccurate.
sic a dog
The players are free to leave the team if they don't want to follow their owners rules. The workplace isn't a democracy.
>if they follow the law
bruh there are amendments to the constitution to protect people from this shit. the people who invented our county thought your line of thinking was dangerous and retarded.
I'm not going to risk my safety because someone doesn't know how to follow orders. If you're told to raise your hands but you don't obey, I'm going to assume you have a weapon.
Jerry Jones is jewish?
glad you aren't a cop
Yes, you can amend the law but that doesn't mean you get to ignore it while it's still on the books. You don't get to pick and choose which laws you want to follow. If you want to change one then do so but you still have to follow it while it's still on the books, otherwise you suffer the consequences.
he is a cop. he doesn't understand why he shouldn't be
good thing I stay at home sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeit
retard, i meant the ones that are supposed to keep you from being tried and executed in the street
It's easy for people who've never had to live with risk to judge those who do so on a daily basis and criticize them every step of the way while having no experience or real idea of what the reality is like because they live in a bubble and think everything should be this ideal world they've imagined. True fucking autism
i suppose all the police and servicemen (both a number that have commented publicly and ones that I know personally) that agree with me are also somehow in a bubble?
I work in a dangerous profession, fuccboi
on-the-job assault rates in bedside nursing are second only to law enforcement
>I love American and football
>therefore, because this black guy isn't standing for the anthem, I'm going to hamstring myself and not watch the games

I thought Americans loved freedom of expression, why are people not watching America's game because someone's exercising their god-given American rights?

Sorry, boreball fans, football is America's national sport
it's annoying for a millionaire benchwarmer to become a social justice warrior
and for the media to totally fall for the trap

The dude said this whole country was racist and oppressive

Sure you can say what you want, and everyone has a right to react

the media has been fixating on this shit and people simply get tired of it
did they forget to include a trigger warning? it's a safe space after all!
You're free to express yourself but you're not free from criticism, it's a two way street.
>people are allowed to criticize the nation
>people are allowed to criticize your opinions for why you criticize the nation

Why is this so difficult to understand?
Yes, they're most likely faggot desk jockeys
stop posting anytime. you're struggling now
you know that when you express something, people are free to express their opinion on that, right?

freedom of expression doesn't include the right to a safe space when people don't like what you express.
Did anyone even consider Kaep black before this year? Seems like he's just trying to fit in. That's why he grew out his fro too.
You're the one the who thinks claiming on the interne that the opinions of people you know somehow make your argument right so who's really reaching?
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I thought he was Arab tbqh.
i claimed cops should be held to higher standards
you claimed that anyone who thinks this can't have a reliable opinion because we've never experienced being a cop and live in a bubble
i countered by pointing out all of the people who have been in that situation who agree with me
I'm not using that as proof that i'm right, i'm using it to totally discredit your assertion that i only think the way i do because of a "bubble"

one of my best friends was a 1st lieutenant with multiple deployments in iraq, was in fallujah when it was bad, etc. he thinks a lot of these instances are retards being killed by trigger-happy wannabes with poor training

you're reaching.
It's more because of why he's protesting it and not how. If he were sitting in order to protest against child molesters, no one would give a shit.
>tfw totally got a free pass after exposing my generally disregarded profession =)
>tried and executed on the street
I'm sorry you're too stupid to understand this but that's not a law it's a human right. Every American has a god given right to defend their own lives, sometimes that means the person threatening you dies.
moving your hand toward your waistline should not be a death sentence
>having cavity searches done
Either someone is feeding you lies or you don't understand what stop and frisk really did

WHen you're coming at someone like this, it's kind of difficult to tell
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>Flag worship
did you read about the DoJ report on Baltimore's police practices, dude?
>telling the cop you have a concealed carry then reaching for your waistline without any explanation of what you are doing is though
thank you for demonstrating cherrypicking

i'm not too stupid to understand that, though human rights are granted by the same institutions that create laws.

and that's totally aside from the point that the constitution was literally made to protect people from other people with your mindset.
What? he was unarmed and reaching toward his waistline. That's just about exactly what you were talking about.
No fuck off. Show me video or it's bullshit. It shouldn't even be hard. Nig nogs love filming cops for that sweet settlement dosh
>that report can't be cited

why even bother talking with you? its pointless.
>human rights are granted by the same institution that makes laws
See you are retarded bud. Human rights are innate god given rights. See the Bill of Right
My friend was a general in Iraq who clearly thought your friend was a faggot.

Anecdotes from claimed personal relationships mean shit over the internet.
>that report can't be cited
The fuck does that even mean? So it's some mystical report that only exists because you say it does?
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>thinks things are actually god-given
>cites a legal documented by a law-creating entity
>black people generalize cops as corrupt and generalize themselves as the biggest victims in the country
>get mad when others generalize them negatively

If you're going to play the race game, others will too lol

it's your choice
the DoJ was surveying the Baltimore police department after complaints of racial discrimination and police brutality
the report should have been biased in favor of cops, since most public defenders have very cozy relationships with law enforcement
in fact, even though the report was damning, the stuff they saw was probably toned down considering they were literally in the squad cars watching over everything
>shit prime time match ups after opener
>manning retired
>Brady suspended
>Rodgers in a funk and had a bye last week
>rookie qbs everywhere
Hmm I wonder.
yeah this season has sucked so far
come to the light side (break of dawn if you're a Big10 fan), join /cfb/
how fucking stupid are you

i mean fair enough, that still doesn't address all of the police and servicemen that have publicly condemned a lot of these subpar officers in recent months, as I already mentioned. you're nitpicking and conveniently not addressing the central point.
>all of the police and servicemen that have publicly condemned a lot of these subpar officers in recent months

Well duh. If I was a cop where even a justified use of force can get my name plastered all over the news/internet as a racist and murderer, I'd try and garner up some good PR for myself too.
start by leaving your union
i assume that's why you've gone on MSNBC to tell them about how terrible and racist 4chan is? directly analogous
Hardly. Your actual identity isn't tied to random posts on 4chan. Unless you're posting kiddie porn or something.
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Will Brady MFGA?
Yeah I'm sure Brady really hates his life
who cares about the influence on your personal identity? In you post it was merely about PR generation.
I like Mariota more than I ever liked Brady
>I'd try and garner up some good PR for myself too.
>for myself

You didn't read the last part.

If I knew I could be dragged through the mud for even following proper conduct I'd want to set myself apart from the bad as much as possible.
i read the whole thing, it doesnt change anything

you think these guys were just trying to establish media favorability in case they accidentally killed someone later on in their career? thats crazy dude
>you think these guys were just trying to establish media favorability in case they accidentally killed someone later on in their career

No, but you can still be guilty by association. Look at what happened in Dallas. I don't think it's impossible that some people may want to avoid that by going out and saying, "Look I'm one of the good ones! I swear!"
yeah, that's more likely than the scenario where they actually mean what they say
Didn't he walk out of a press conference over some nignog shooting?
He admitted being picked so low in the draft still eats away at him.

It shouldn't. He was a shitty prospect based on every metric. He was lucky to even be drafted
go fuck yourself idiot

btw im not tom brady

I'm 39 and still on 4chan. I am not going to kill myself.
I gave a wife, kids, mortgage & dog.
>I gave a wife, kids, mortgage & dog.

No Romo
No ratings

It's simple.
I'd rather watch a game between two Group of 5 teams than most NFL games today.

Pro offenses are terribly boring and ineffective nowadays and defensive struggles are just a meme most of the time
>the NHL did an excellent job at their world cup.
Do you know anything about sports? Like, what a league is?
Based Kaep. I'm not watching another game until this country changes.
some high schools weigh AP or honors classes more. In high school I had straight A's all 4 years and ended up with like a 4.2 GPA or something due to weighting, where an A in an honors class was 4.5 and an A in an AP class was 5.

>Good """""sports"""""

Mad Banter.
if the main issue is that cops can kill people and get off scot free due to "lack of evidence" then why don't the families of the victims just sue the shooter in civil court where the burden of proof isn't as strict? sure the cop won't be behind bars but at least they'll potentially be bankrupt for life. maybe that will make cops think twice before needlessly pulling the trigger
This tbqh senpai. Why more people don't prefer college football to the NFL is beyond me.

>far more variety and experimentation in offenses
>rivalries that are 100+ years old, and actually mean something
>teams don't decide to move to another city
>better unis (and it's not even remotely close)
>better crowds; drunk college kids as opposed to 40 year old moms
>college gameday
>you can literally watch college football from 11AM until 1AM the next day
>dedication to the school you went to; no bandwagoning, no Vikings, Bengals, Eagles, Steelers, Cowboys family
>traditions that aren't corporate manufactured bullshit; dotting the i, Howard's Rock, Chief Osceola, Jump Around, etc...
>teams have to constantly recruit for new talent; can't rely on being a Brady babby for 17 years
>better songs (not up for debate)
>for teams legitimately in the national championship hunt, every week is a playoff game. Can't afford more than 1 loss.
>compare this to the NFL where 7 - 9 teams have made the playoffs
>cheerleaders, marching bands, chants, better tailgating, the whole nine yards
>kids playing for the love of the game, not knowing yet what the future holds
>compare this to the NFL where QBs like Kaepernick can slack off and still make 19 million a year

B-b-b-but muh >amature

The Alabama Crimson Tide is more disciplined than any NFL team, and it isn't even close. Watch this video of their weight room ffs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSV3tdQ6gWY

College football players work harder than NFL players. Every play of every game is a chance to impress NFL recruits. Once the players make it in the big leagues, the incentive to try hard simply goes away. There have been countless interviews with retired NFL players, where they discuss how the average player only puts in effort into maybe 30% of the plays. That's why play is so sloppy and inconsistent in the NFL.
People fuck up at work all the time. When they're under more stress or in higher stress situations they fuck up even more. No amount of training or liberal hand wringing will ever change this.
>tv ratings
People are streaming and watching games on internet, of course tv ratings are decreasing, you bunch of fucking morons.
Also putting ass matches on primetime doesn't help.
But last year's Super Bowl had record ratings.
you forgot
>less commercials
>better announcers
>better OT
>more spaghetti (if you like exciting finishes)
>bowl season
>PI is 15 yards max
I have never read a more pathetic post in my life lmfao
spee is the most normie board after soc
I always told chorger fags to just sign up for Aztec football season tickets and stop getting cucked by billionaires
Yes and no.
The fans of their teams and football as a whole are going to be streaming.
Casual fans are not going to go out of their way to stream NFL.
That is the problem. Also consider how many people stream for free which the NFL doesn't get money from.

The NFL is just using Kaep as a scape goat to hide the fact that the product is now absolute dog shit since Goodell enacted all these rule changes.

I hope things continue to go south and the fucker gets fired.

Superb Owl always does that it's literally one of the only consistently good games.
Where did you get that pic?
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if a black or mexican, even asian ever once gets punished for "racism" I will give a shit about that word. until then it's just a code word for anti white.
do you actually believe this?
>kicking the Aussie off the podium for that asshole

fuck right off, m8

>allowing a white man a place that a black man could use

Wow, Australia come on, it is 2016
You have to go back
baseball is white
>not watching superior college egg
Is that shopped or. . .
>pass user since 2015
That's not the message the cartoon is trying to convey imo.
Duh its an election year..ratings always down
I don't think that you know what free speech means, anyone has every right to be disgusted with your free speech if what you are saying is disgusting. Free speech protects you from being punished by law, it does not protect you from people being mean to you or even firing you if what you say/do is bad for their company/organization.
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It seems like white people don't like being called racists for just being white.

Who would've figured that out!
It's first to go. It will be a fringe sport like hockey, nothing else

>went to standford
>with affirmative action
>on a football scholarship
>majoring in fucking communications
Why don't you just have shorter and fewer advert breaks and tell them to hurry the fuck up with the next play?

And maybe have fewer players, it always seems crowded as fuck.

Why are people in america so bothered about this shit? It's become like a major national issue with politicians and celebs getting involved and giving their two pennies worth. People seriously talking about banning him and such. We've got an Irish cunt playing in the English football league who refuses to wear a poppy on remembrance sunday and turns his back on the British national anthem (but the fucking hypocrite is more than happy to take english money though kek) and whilst he gets booed and heckled and shit at games that's the end of it. He can say and do what he wants.
kaepernick can say and do what he wants too. but maybe in america we have more conservatives than you, and when they don't like something they make sure everybody and their mother knows it.

Yeah they can talk about it and shit and bitch about him that\'s fine but I'm reading stuff about the coppers potentially not policing games he's playing in it's like wtf? He can say what he fucking wants lads and you cunts will do your fucking job.
they do that when they're off-duty, so it's optional for the cops too. it's a nice big circle jerk of americans exercising their freedoms.
We're get bored easily
>30 seconds of action
>30 seconds of action
>2 minute warning
Movement to get the members of this board renamed to A/sp/ies

All in favour?
Quite honestly they've started to fuck around with the flags way too much. I don't remember games being this much influenced by referees when I first started watching NFL. PI's and roughing the passer calls are ruining this game.
It's gotten to the point where I don't get excited about big plays because I know there's going to be a flag.
player quality is dipping, the millennial players lack discipline and proper technique.
Isn't one of the problems that the rules have changed to be "too soft" because of the high rate of player injuries coming from players having to change how they tackle, as well as not knowing how to take a tackle in general? Since they were trained wrong?
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