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Kanye has an IQ of 160

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What's your IQ /sci/? If you don't know then make a good guess. Also state what your field of work/study.

>Kanye has an IQ of 160
>Kanye has an IQ of 160
No it isn't. Go on, provide a source if you can. I bet it's a bullshit source. Like how his mother claimed he 'mastered' Mandarin in three months just by attending a Chinese secondary school, but now he can't string so much as a sentence together when pressed. I get that language skills atrophy over time unless you keep using the language, but never to the point of completely forgetting everything. He is an arrogant prick with connections that gets by largely thanks to the guilt of white, upper middle class, young adults who only think he's cool because they've been told he's cool a certain number of times.


Off the charts, estimates are 210 - 220


Smartest man on /sci/
Inter-universal Teichmüller theory
IQ: 2.
Field: computer science.
Impressive. Why is it that people with an IQ over 150 tend to always end up in maths? I understand that mathematics is incredibly challenging and rewarding with many vital real world applications, but do you ever find it a little esoteric? Did you ever, for example, think of becoming a medical researcher and working towards vaccines for as yet unbeatable viruses?
>Did you ever, for example, think of becoming a medical researcher and working towards vaccines for as yet unbeatable viruses?

That's like asking a Ferrari owner to drive in a Polo
What is it and what made you want to study it? I read the Wikipedia page, but I didn't understand most of the terminology being used.
>but I didn't understand most of the terminology being used

Neither does anyone else.
>That's like asking a Ferrari owner to drive in a Polo
If the Polo cures me of Polio, I'll take that over the Ferrari that just drives me around in circles at increasingly high speeds.
>Pipelord (process control optimisation, also some work in chem. material science)
It's almost as if you aren't being ironic in pretending to believe that's his real IQ.
I'm contributing to his fantasy.
You're missing the point. Do you think an owner of a Ferrari who is used to riding at such high speeds, who is used to the rush it gives, could ever go back to driving a Polo?
I think curing people of a disease that, up until that point, had no cure would give you the biggest high ever.
Jebus, Ill just assume youve never rode in a 'Ferrari'
Oh look, just another IQ thread.
You're saying cutting edge mathematics gives you a better high than working as a successful virologist? Why - because leading mathematicians tend to have a greater degree of unwarranted self importance? This is all just subjective anyway.
What're you, a gay fish?
No, what I'm saying is that Math gives more dopamine that anything else. I'm addicted to Math, and I feel empty when I'm not doing it. Fucking hell m8
Gay men tend to have a higher IQ than straight men. I don't know if the trend is also present in fish, but you never know.
>Banach Spaces
You're just repeating yourself. Obviously both professions release dopamine, but you have no way of knowing Math releases the most dopamine. What about this is hard to understand?
>but you have no way of knowing Math releases the most dopamine

Of course I do nigga. My dopamine meter goes to 99% when solving math problem, while its at 40% while doing life sciences. Its at 70% while doing physics
>only 99%
It's the highest possible, since you can't never reach 100%, of course. You can get close to it. I get to 99,98% when doing Inter-universal Teichmüller theory
>can't never
So you're saying you can.
>But can you get to 99.99...%?
Only when doing tripple integral theory.

Higher than yours


Nuclear engineering electro technician?
>Smartest man on /sci/
You're not proving anything with that... except that you're IQ is <100
I don't know for sure. But I have several friends who are at 150 and I'm better at maths than most of them.
On the other hand, that might not be that related to IQ.
So I don't know, but if I had to guess I'd say around 150.

Maths grad student

98 (tested by an actual psychologist, not facebook like yours)

Electrical engineering (3.8 GPA)
>an actual psychologist
Counseling or clinical because if you say counselling then their evaluation isn't worth much.

>Kanye has an IQ of 160


His IQ is, at best, about 105. Maybe 110. And mind you I'm being very generous with my assumptions this morning. And no I don't think he has a lick of common sense either. I bet his record producer and his media relations guy is working HARD for their money just to clean up the stupid shit he says and does on a daily basis.

My stated IQ is 146, per a Stanford-Binet test. My field of work is organic chemistry.
The kind which works in a university and conducts research



Mech Eng
Plenty of people 'work' at universities and conduct 'research' anon. Are you saying your a fan of new wave feminism because of all the research they produce?

How are you fairing bro? What's been the most difficult thing?
Nothing much, I'm already on my third year.

My first year, first semester was rather hard though. I had trouble with linear alg and calc 1 but after that it was smooth sailing.
IQ: 67
Field: Electrical Engineering

Graduated summa cum laude. It's funny - I thought I'd have nowhere to go in life with an IQ sub-retard, but when my councillor came to me with a leaflet for EE at MIT, I knew my calling had come.
iq 110
131 according to MENSA.

im scraping by in physics and close to dropping out, hilariously
organic chem

Also IQ is bolshit, I too three different test and they all yield different results. One of them determined me as "average", while another - "high intel", and I forgot the third one. Wutever
probably like 94/93
Dutch politics
Computer Science
Got scores ranging from 130 to 140 from every abstract pattern recognition online test I've done but in reality probably closer to 100-115 with more verbal based testing.

Gotten easily into mechanical/manufacturing engineering school and to geology program in university but pretty much dropped out of both because of social anxiety and depression.
never had a real test but made the Mensa online test and scored full points in half the given time. not that it proves anything.

Probably going to collage for next semester, want to do something like Astrophysics or Quantum Physics (Studied a entry course at at Stockholms University and I enjoyed it)

Where can I go with a SAT Math Score of 630? Was hungover when I did it so could probably bump it up a bit if it is required.
Doing the SAT Physics this spring as well.

So where should I try to get in?
got any inside scoops on the terrorists and shit there?
Computer Science

I'm very proud of my achievements despite doctors telling me I should do labour jobs.
IQ: 160
Field: Security Engineer for Berkshire Hathaway
Computer Science

Fucking asses and pussys, the best use of my time and genes
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere in an article that his iq is <100
My dad actually sold his G35 for some cheap Honda hatchback a few years ago.

That year he also bought a condo in Dubai, so I don't think he was in dire straights or anything, either.
what party
>no celebrity has ever lied about their iq
My IQ is legitamately 90, I had myself professionally tested in my junior year and it devastated me and where I once had hope for an academic career that stupid fucking result ruined any modicum of confidence I had.

I mean, I always knew I had to work a bit harder on average than my peers to keep up, but I thought my IQ was around 115-125, not fucking double digits. I have an RA lined up this coming summer (I'm not the best student in the class by far, but the professor liked me because I always asked him good questions after his lecutures), but now I just think I'm not suited for a math career. Maybe I'm letting /sci/ get to my head, but I don't believe that I can keep up the pace in postgrad where most people who succeed in math are around 140+, hard work can only take you so far and I think I'm already at the point where my genetic limitations prevent me from getting ahead of the pack. I don't know if pushing myself through grad-school just to wind up in postdoc limbo with crappy publications is worth it.

I'm thinking about either becoming a high-school teacher or finance at the moment, so I'm adjusting course appropriate. I can definitely graduate with a decent GPA (3.7 at the moment) if I keep up the hard work and avoid more graduate level electives so there's that.

Never have your IQ tested guys. Drink one to us brainlets if you make it to the top.
close to 140 but from below
Welcome new friend
Hatchbacks are manly as fuck.

Your bad is better than every single faggot ITT including me.

lmfao. I remember when banach spaces were scary. Hows AP calc going lad?

Have you taken the IQ test.dk online? (the one with shapes).
Shit's easy as fuck still
Well, you never know until you try. If you have that type of GPA, I think you'll be fine in grad school. Not every person in maths is going to be a terrence tao tier genius who can solve triple integrals in their heads.
No, I'm done with IQ tests online or real ones.

The test I did had shapeshit btw, mostly it was constructing patterns from smaller model shapes with colour coded patterns which the examiner timed, I actually thought I was pretty fast on these too, but guess not (yeah, deep down I still believe my result is some kind of mistake).
>terrence tao tier genius who can solve triple integrals in their heads.

He can do that? Sheeeeeet.
Yeah, I'm going to do this RA and see how well I can perform as a researcher. I just don't want to end up unemployed after having a PhD like all the horror stories I've heard which is why I'm starting to look at other options. As I understand it takes some prep to get into finance/actuary/programming etc. career coming from so I think that would be a wiser investement than grad-school, but we'll see.
If worst comes to worst, you can start over in engineering, or go into programming.

Lol, a person with an IQ of 90 shouldn't even be capable of achieving an undergraduate education in mathematics, according to the IQ obsessed neck beards on /sci/.
>160 IQ
>States his job title and not field.
121 via online quiz
mech eng

desperately wished for physics, but oh well

if you're still in school do it man
you only live once
i was in the same position, it's worth it for sure if you have the drive to really pursue physics (assuming academia and the sort, not industry, you can go into industry doing more or less the same job as a meche but with a higher starting salary)
174; CV and AI.
computer science

[math]n \in \mathbb{N}[/math]. Specific numbers are of no importance.
guess it
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PhD in Physics

How you managing lad?
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126 according to the online iq test designed by two mensa guys


I'm just learning quadratic equations lol.
I love reading stories like this. Feynman said "I have a very limited intelligence, but I've dedicated it all to physics"
I downright don't believe you. Either that or they mailed you the wrong IQ score.
Triple Teichmüller Banach Integrals

Quadruple Multiverse Teichmüller XXL Banach Space Integrals

>95% chance IQ between 70 and 130
>95% of 4chan outside those boundaries

This. Every IQ thread I've ever seen on 4chan, the mean IQ in each thread is around 130.
>fixed IQ

Not having a dynamic™ IQ

Lol peasant.


Off the charts, estimated to be 4 digits.


Decagonian spacetime inter-dimensional teichmuller theory
You're forgetting that most people will just lurk whereas those who are proud or ashamed will post. /sci/ is a bit like an amateur porn site in that respect.
Lol filthy peasant

Dynamic IQ not fixed to any single range

Jacob-Tao-VonNeumann-Perelman-Mochizuki-Grothendieck conjecture
then why does the dumb fuck write his name wrong all the time?

Lol, filthy human




Arbiter of everything in existence and non-existence, even God himself.
currently NEET, hopefully finance soon
Lol filthy ayyy lmao

uncountably infinite set

All the gods and potential gods in all the multiverses and all the potential multiverses
>gayfish meme
IQ of <80 detected
This site should be more appropiate for you>>>9gag
Shut up!

You cannot even begin to comprehend the tortuous existence one must suffer in order to begin to gain a basic understanding of the fundamental mathematical concepts used to build a foundation for learning how to begin understanding the most basic of basic mathematical concepts required to fail at getting a PhD in Mathematics.

I was born with the knowledge of every mathematical text ever written. I spent every waking moment for the next 30 years studying complex mathematical concepts such as Banach spaces, Banach topology, Banach rings, Banach fields, Banach vectors and Banach algebra. By the time I entered graduate school I had solved every unsolved problem in mathematics which existed up to that point and then discovered many more theorems which changed the foundation of our understanding of the universe. I then proceeded to drop out of graduate school after the first five minutes because my professor apparently thought that my life's work was mere child's play. His name was Banach.
iq 48 study compoter sience
Accounting Major
I saw you never took the test.dk one, but have you ever had your IQ tested online? I'm curious whether there would be any significant disparity between professional and online testing. Personally I feel like I'm pretty damn stupid, but online tests say I should be around 115-119.
>iq below 150


>What is your IQ

Not enough to ignore this thread
I'll take the .dk one quickly if you guys are curious.
>feminist studies
>Domænet test.dk benyttes af KMD a/s og er derfor ikke til salg.

Alright I'm so useless I failed at even starting the test.

Is there a new domain somewhere I can use?
150, Stanford-Binet
Chemical engineering
Seems like it's gone. Take this one instead:
Computer science
Roughly 126, I got a 165 LSAT score with minimal studying as I was working full time when i wrote the test. I am Canadian so I am not studying at Harvard or similar school, but all of the law schools in Canada are more or less similar in quality.
Double major in linguistic and English, currently trying to get into the 4+1 program where I can earn an accelerated English degree to go on to do a PhD.
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I took this one, not sure how different it is.

Result is 122.

This test fucking sucks kek, I would give my left eye and ball to have really have this IQ though.
Also why is the lower half of the curve black and upper half lighter?
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Take about 30 off if you want a realistic estimate compared to professional tests (based on my differential obviously). Though I'd just take a real test if I were you and really wanted to know.
>Now the entire curve below 100 is black.
I did. Am the guy above with 150 IQ from Stanford-Binet. The .dk test gives a decent rough estimate.

Based on your differential? What the fuck are you talking about.
Nice. Didn't work for me though I'm going to delude myself into thinking it's my actual score and the irl examiner made a mistake a mistake later tonight.

Are you >>7836626 then? Undergrad/postgrad/industry and are you doing any research if so what field?

Why not math/physics?

Are you going to live the dream in academia or go for dosh in industry?
I don't mean in the mathematical sense of the word. The difference between my clinical test and the internet test which is really extreme if we're expecting .dk to be accurate.
Meant to qoute >>7836740
Gender studies
Honestly, not everyone is visual-spatial. You should be retested. Any IQ test relying solely on pattern-recognition is a dupe.
>caring about IQ in 2thousend16
>140-150 on WAIS-IV since I didn't hit the ceiling on a few
>marine biology
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lol guise I'm gonna win a noble prize XD

What's that website?
Girlfriend has an IQ in the upper 170s I believe... she was a mensa member and is about to get her bachelors in physics.

I'm a neet... we're pretty compatible though so I guess I have an above average IQ. The only aptitude tests I've taken were FCAT where I got upper 90's as a kid and a 96 on my asvab... that doesn't mean shit though.
Shitposting on anonymous Japanese cartoons imageboard
Ayyy double digit club holla
55 :(
computer science
is she had a 170 IQ, she wouldn't be with you
chemical engineering undergrad, currently in biotech/pharma

industry is a joke and with a little luck you can just coast through life
Internet test said 136
140 clinical, but they also said i had autism and adhd, so i don't know if i believe them. probably closer to 120
CS (natural language processing) grad student, CS/math minor bachelor's
Gender studies
masturbation athlete
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137, recorded during standard IQ exams in 4th grade, haven't taken an official one since
electrical engineering, prototype research and design to be specific

economics and pre-law
My guess is Kendrick Lamar has a higher IQ. I'm not saying exception but probably in the 115-125 range.
If Bernie Sanders was elected president and somehow got free college tuition to pass, I would take get a BA in Gender Studies just for kekz.

::Imaginary World::
t b h this a normal outcome
i get conflicting results. anywhere between 115 and 147. i'll assume the lower end. Physics Mathematics double major. i'm looking to go into computational physics though. i'm enjoying the research i'm doing in this field.
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Pic related is first try, mandatory overestimation
Applied mathematics, part-time musician, idealist, intp and miserable dad

Miserable cause even if I dont consider myself very smart, my expectations are much too high


Hydroelectric integrals
Can you post the link to this test I always forget it


Intergalactic Planetary, Planetary Intergalactic Tachyon-Ëülër Theory
>151 on the Stanford-Binet L-M
>undergrad double majoring in political theory/thought and pure maths with a concentration in philosophy
I prefer philosophy to maths, but after you reach a certain point in both disciplines, they're quite similar.

I plan to study law afterwards. It's not a bad investment in my case because I got a full ride for undergrad, and I'm a legacy at my mom's law school. Then I'm inheriting my mom's law firm, which has a great reputation in my home town.

As a side note:
>all these 160+ IQs
>I plan to study law afterwards. It's not a bad investment in my case because I got a full ride for undergrad, and I'm a legacy at my mom's law school. Then I'm inheriting my mom's law firm, which has a great reputation in my home town.

spoilt little twat
Well, my parents nearly starved to send my brother and me to a reputable private school while paying off their grad/law school debt, which I'm eternally thankful for.

I had no luxeries growing up. I shared a room with my brother growing up because we couldn't afford anythihg bigger than a rowhouse. I was told that education is of cheif importance, and I took it to heart. My father let me know from day one that I can never count on a handout.

I feel blessed for having the parents I have, but that doesn't mean it was easy.

You have been demoted 3 IQ points.
I just woke up. I'm typing on my phone as I wait for the caffeine/nicotine/amphetamines to kick in so I can start my day.

But I'll accept that.
Are illegal stimulants(or at least analogues, whether prescription or not) commonly used among the scientific community?
My IQ is 410. I major in art I'm here because science is a past time.
i go to an engineering school and at least half the student body is on adderall. they literally told us at freshman orientation that they had a psychiatrist on staff who could help us if we were having "concentration problems".
What school? I'm in the same field but not in Uni yet. I'm getting basic requirements out of the way first which will only take about a year and a half(up to calc 3 essentially), if that.

If you don't want to ruin the school's "integrity", no need to answer. I'm just curious.

As a sociable guy, I like hang out with a wide variety of individuals on my campus. In my experience, math students are the most brilliant people on campus, but they're all amphetamine addicts whose idea of a social gathering is a ten minute break with other math students to get a cigarette and coffee while bitching about their workload.

The engineering students were similarly (generally) stimmed up to handle the workload, but nowhere near as interesting.
By the way, won't say the school's name, but we have a great reputation for aero e, mech e, and business. The math department is alright - most of our math students end up going to grad school at Princeton or Stanford, seldom sticking around to get their grad degree here.
my father in law is a doctor, and i told him about my schools adderall problem. he was super non chalant about it. he said "oh yeah, we called 'em bennies in med school"
I would imagine.

The fact of the matter is, under the guidance of a competent physician (doasge, affects on BP, dependency etc) amphetamines like Vyvanse are nootropic drugs with very few negative side effects. There ought not be a stigma around them like there is.
Satan confirmed
It is sort of beautiful that a good chunk of the scientific community puts themselves in harm's way(most likely dying earlier than they would) by using drugs to advance the future of society; how fucking beautifully altruistic.
IQ: 85
field: theoretical physics
>put themselves in harms way
>experience one of the highest standards of living imaginable
The reasons are hardly altruistic. At the risk of sounding like a tryhard, I use amphetamines (with a methylphenidate booster in the afternoon), caffeine, nicotine and sometimes eugeroics, is because I have an insatiable drive to read and learn that sleep just interrupts.

It started in my freshman year of high school. I read Republic, and from there, I always had my nose in a book. So my drug use is quite selfish in my case.
also, it's an incredible way to live. I can read/do math/write/whatever for 18 hours straight and have a fucking blast doing it.
Do you care that you may die in your forties due to cardiac arrest barring an unfortunate accident before then?
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Feels pretty bad.
I remember taking this test 2 years ago and I think I got 130-ish.

Information systems 3rd year, 3.6 gpa.
Not at all. Low blood pressure runs in my family, and I meet with my psychologist every two months and my GP every six months. Been on this regimen for about 4 years now - no abnormalities.
Well, I hope all works out for you with your concoction of stimulants and you make progress in your field(engineering?)

HBP runs in my family but I still don't think I would make the same conscious decision you have chosen. Once again, best of luck and I didn't mean any of what I said in this short paragraph in a negative way.

wtf is information systems and how hard is the maths involved? Or physics, if there is any.
Don't worry about it, man.

I understand it's not for everyone, it just happens to work for me. I study math and political theory, so there's a good bit of reading in my courses.
it's a business school program.
not much math required, calc 1 and statistics.
see for yourself, https://rap.psu.edu/information-systems-infsy-recommended-academic-plan

How did you find the math?
statistics was a breeze, easy A.
i struggle with calc though.
Sounds like a good movie. Instead of Uncle Ruckus being told he's black, some autist is told he has a sub-70 IQ.

How come?
Are you referring to Computer Systems and Information? I believe my CC even wants Calc 2 for an AA in that. I looked into it myself for a short period of time because I saw CS(E) was math heavy for me by my standards but I'm still choosing to stick with CS(E).
Up to Calc 3 required for the AA and Physics 2 with Calc 2. Interestingly enough, CS(E) requires more credits than any other major just for an AA at my CC.
I got an AA in business administration from a local CC and transferred to Penn State to complete a B.S. in Computer Information Systems.
There is a similar major to CIS called Management information systems. They both require calc 1 + stats at most.

Penn state smeal is regarded as one of the top schools for c/m information systems and is constantly camped by recruiters, so I don't know. Make your own deductions.

I'm glad that it doesn't require any more math, because frankly I'm borderline down syndrome when it comes to calc.
>Kanye has an IQ of 160
"I keep it 300 like the Romans" - Kanye, circa 2013
300 in Roman Numerals -> CCC
CCC -> Cool, Calm and Collected
"Keeping it Cool, Calm and Collected" -> A pretty fucking obvious conclusion

What is it that you find hard about calc 1? I scored 5 points more than you on that iq test and found calc 1 pretty trivial.

Is your algebra and trigonometry background not very good?
I didn't take trig in high school or college.
I skipped a lot of algebra classes in hs and only showed up for science/literature/computer courses.
So there you go.

Lol! I knew it ; )
IQ: 789.278
FIELD: Quantum arithmetic
been saying this shit on /sci/ for years now. none of you fucking kids listen. you fuck off and don't read the book in high school and generally coast on talent and then get your dick slammed in the door by partial fractions.
topkek m8
underage b& m8?
because people like to:
1. show off
2. exaggerate

No I never did any work in high school and had a 20% attendance rate.
132, 146, 139 Took 3 different IQ tests

Field: Nursing
> 141 according to psychiatrist
> MD


177, source: mommy said so


Chicano Studies

>Comp sci
147 Stanford - Equivalent score on the A.I.S. (both tested 11 years ago)
I'm a CS PhD, i have two degrees, one in CE and another in applied maths
That's pretty fucking ingenious tho
>lowest and most credible of all online tests I've taken, never done a formal test
Mechanical Engineering
>but currently NEET
>137 (officially tested)
>high IQ makes you invulnerable to misremembering historical facts
Lol.. Everyone on /sci/ is a certified genius
how old are you?
>most credible of all online tests
There is literally no such thing. If you think there can be any such thing, you're in no way capable of actually understanding IQ results.

Old. Early 20s.
IQ: 102
Field: Mathematics. $300k starting salary any time I want.
IQ: 143
Field: CS
Salary: all of yours, added
Fire integrals
The Romans weren't calm or collected in any way
>This is what republic shills actually believe
IQ - 230
Field - Dark/Demonic integrals
If we are here to come up with random numbers, I wll generate some using R,
> sample(160:400, 20, replace=F)
[1] 317 279 339 278 352 250 298 370 341 216 277 195 249 231 264 184 322 221 284 398
here you go, those 20 IQ values are scientifically measured from 20 random selected strangers using advanced techniques to ensure accurancy.
I swear half of the content on /sci/ is people arguing about iq and comparing theirs with others. But technically, literally everyone in the world is dumber than you but also smarter than you. Intelligence is (idk if it's the right word) subjective in a way.
mad jelly bro
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feels like I'm average or below it sometimes, but my dad got tested and says my score would definitely be 5-10 points higher (130-140).


Applied Mathematics
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/sci/ is a big joke. Pic related.

Get off the 4chins and get passionate about your field.
>language skills atrophy
Yes. In hs I took ap spanish and they had us reading light novels and it was fun.
I cant speak for shit right now. Id be able to dissect a sentence but the skill is gone.
Language is kinda weird when I think about it. I had Spanish up to fluent through school (10 years ago).

Now, I can only reliably recall immediately around 80 words (given time to think about things, maybe triple that), but, by fucking god, I can go through a written text and tell you what every word's part of speech is, what the conjugations of the verbs mean, and basically all of the other grammar without having a fucking clue what it says.
Inter-Inter-universal Teichmüller theory
>Being this butthurt

His IQ is 80 like a normal nigger
We took this test when I was third grade, my teacher told my parents I was above 99th percentile in the state and needed to be pushed up in my classes. I wish I could get my score somehow.
I remember actually enjoying that test, I didn't know what its was for at the time and the teachers did not explain it besides saying "select the choice that fits the pattern" and I just started doing shit, looking at these patterns and just making unexplainable sense out of them.

studying maths, further maths, phys, and computer science at college
What does IQ and researching matter if we do not have the TIME to make it possible to explore the universe?

the universe is the final destination, after earth there will be nothing of human civilization as we know it if we cant survive in space
Women's studies
>between 130 and 140
>med school

I wanna do drugs though.
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Underrated post
Metaphilosophical Quantum Electromagnetic Inter-Universal Tiechmüller String Theory


avian technology of the 1960s
Over 9000
>high iq
epic trolling new friend ;^)
Computer Science
>IQ 167
>Field astrophysics and mathematics
according to your IQ you should have the mental capability of someone with down syndrome. You can savely say, that the test done by your doctors must have been shit. IQ doesn't represent one's mental fitness.
wich plugin do i need for that? my pc is shit
I like potatoes
140, MechE
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145 according to mensa
Nuclear physics
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Im proud of my acheivements despite being bored or line retarded
IQ tests are meaningless. They just test your ability to memorize patterns. You can study for IQ tests. I will never take an IQ test because they're a waste of time. Don't you realize it all depends on you, not some meaningless number. Hard work is the most important thing. IQ tests are silly. Stop thinking you need to take them. It is just meaningless. Lol.
> Memorizing patterns is meaningless.
It's the definition of learning you retard.
No, learning is taking information in and understanding it. If the information comes in patterns, then this is different. Finding connections in patterns is something you learn.
I've been professionally tested to have an IQ of ~22. they say its --**literally**-- the highest they have ever heard on the planet.

I don't ascribe to any one field, i merely look for challenges. i read mochizukis Inter-universal teichmuller theory papers like a childs book, though i wouldnt know what thats like since i started reading physics textbooks at 6 months old. If someone tells me the name of a kids book i can literally predict with 100% accuracy all the text and images in the book. not even kidding.
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>At least 100, have never been tested or bothered to look
>Antivirus Researcher
I did something similar as a teenager, I think it's called a "block test" where you have to arrange small red-white cubes to form a certain pattern, and your performance is timed
african american and gender studies
it's a meme field of mathematics, and nobody understands it except for the memer who created it
Jacob Barnett pls leave.
>savely say
So he is just pretending to be retarded then?
IQ: 10,000

Field: all

>High functioning autistic

>IQ : 120-140

>field : nuclear
I am a high-functioning autist with 120 IQ which is the average for us types.
Agriculture. Fuck you all. No I'm not joking.
>ITT literal sub-100 retards who believe that a bullshit, grossly inflated online IQ score is equivalent to a real IQ test.

Why did you choose agriculture, fellow spergo?

HFA here, got it tested when I was assessed for my sperg disorder. Check mate, jellyfag.
Because I'm from the deep south.
Yes that's exactly right.
you must be very proud of yourself, you self-congratulating retard. No one cares, kill yourself
medfag as well
it's pronounced nucular
Pretty sure it's pronounced nuoccular
>women's studies
Freelance shitposter
>ITT (for the non-troll posts):
>Pure majors show they are all insecure sub 140 spergs.
>Engineering majors way more intelligent on average.

That explains a lot about this board actually.
iq 23
field teorhetical physic
Seems about right
Is 120 IQ the average for HFA? Where'd u get this information? Also, what sort of problems do you struggle with?
>what sort of problems do you struggle with?
I mumble when I speak
I heard no mumbling. Are you bout your diagnostics?
Agriculture is easy yo. I just have a few speech problems.
IQ: 82

physics PHD. Literally went to shittiest school possible and now making 200k
These are like the dick size threads on /advice/
Fucking lel. Saved.
IQ: I don't know, probably like 10

I'm in 3rd semester CS but failed everything except math lectures, because I'm too lazy to learn or do something at home
I also suck at programming

I have a week left to decide if I want to continue to waste my time
the only problem is I don't know what else to do
I have no skills and I don't look good
I guess I'm fucked
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breaking news
kanye thinks bill cosby is innocent
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double major
pure math/physics
tfw alcoholic though.
Above 135 (mensa test)
Mathematics/Theoretical philosophy.
People who give a shit about IQ have an inferiority complex they are compensating for.
130-150 (very rough range based on C.A.T. and UKCAT score - would say closest to 140)
Pre-university studies; (hopefully) going into medicine.
Women's studies
Thread posts: 314
Thread images: 21

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