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once again the gay anime thread returns to it's true home,

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Thread replies: 106
Thread images: 42

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once again the gay anime thread returns to it's true home, /s4s/

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
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Honestly made me ROFL how true this is
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I'm glad these threads have returned tbh (to be honest)
USA USA Nyan covers are so photogenic.
but isn't all anime gay?
im confus
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Tell me how this is gay
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you'd have to be a fag to like worst girl
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>worst girl
That's not corpse, senpai
I will make sure you never make a posed look again.
makuro draws god tier trappe.
dumb animeposter
Literally no one cares for your stupid replies.
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I really like the corpse

delete this
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is it gay to want to be raised as a girl?
No. That is 100% straight
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>Draw a girl
>Call it a boy

Why is this allowed?
I remember when gay ass muthafuckan threads lasted for months then butterdyke would get sooooo mad she would flood them ah those were the golden days of [s4s] long gone like memes in bane scoob....
It's hot that's why
But I don't understand.
They don't even look male, so it's literally just a girl with a dick.
some dudes are really self-conscious about being gay and afraid of what other people will think but they can't stop being gay so they placate this cognitive unease by jacking off to women with penises, because as long as they're woman it's totally not gay right
Is that why you're replying to me?
Salty animeposter
I might if you say the magic word
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Hey faggots you like tomboy lolis too??? I wish to cum in one to produce more of the same

WOW! so charismatic!!!!
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please delete your post ;^)
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Error: You cannot delete a post this old.
It's a fucking naked boy.
It's a girly boy. Or a tomboyish girl with a dick. Either way, sexier than a normal boy or girl.
Being bisexual means you get to enjoy the best of both worlds
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It's alright anon. It's the thought that counts
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3 cute girls.jpg
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I feel like there's some sort of gay anime agenda being pushed on [s4s]. Anyone else notice this? You guys seem like experts on the subject
The problem is, OP, that you probably aren't seeing all the posts. If you are just viewing [s4s] through the /s4s/ board, you don't see the green posts, the posts with letters in their ids, or anything numberless. Together, those make up about 40-70 percent of [s4s], depending on the day. So conversation will appear disjointed and spastic, because you won't be getting the full picture.

I actually just flipped over to the /s4s/ interface to make this post, and it's pretty funny how unintelligible [s4s] is like this.
What are you? Some kind of gay faggot who doesn't like gay anime?
i noticed sissies pretend to have a niggerish sense of ironic humor so it's not surprising they're here
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new meme
>Doesn't like traps
PENO(r [lol])
are boys cute when their tied up?
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i made this meme pls believ me
it's been forever since I've seen this
it's just as bad every time

makes me kek a bit though, why would you stick glass up your bum
inb4 'no pron dumps XDDDD'
so ill post something that isnt porn.
what is everyones fave type of cute boy? like a neko, a human, a human looking alien ect..?
catboys are ideal
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i like any type of cute boi if their tied up :3333
finally [s4s] is for cute gay anime boys to play and to make memes :33
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Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Very <3
Pls post more and maybe tie me up too???? :3c murr~

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
>tfw this was close to my ex's pet/nickname

fuck you
What about cute boys who are actually girls with vaginas
further proof that sex is for perverts
Up top brother who else #virgin4life here?
me tbh
nice trips
sex is pretty gay if you ask me
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I'm rather sure there has been a conspiracy to kill all the gays actually
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That's the appeal. It's not attractive if they look male.
There is nothing gayer than a penis going into a vagina over and over until it spurts. Like who wants to do that shit seriously?
i've done it, it's pretty sweet tbh
Look at this homo over here
if having sex with girls is gay then i'm a huge faggot

Your fortune: Good Luck
friendly reminder traps literally are as selfish, neurotic, and slutty as biological women

friendly reminder you're literally getting all of the negatives of a woman without the positives:(pussy and tits)

how much of a FAG do you have to be? lol smh
>likes traps
do you even hear yourself? You don't even come off as human to me.
rudefigs go back to >>>/b/ this is a nice thread
you sound like a buzzing /b/ee and this isnt Bee Movie so i dont think you can actually talk to a real human as you are just a bee
nice dubs, and seconded mods need to remove /b/ees
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qt gets fugged.png
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Thanks for seconding me and checking my dubs nice lewdposter :)
sorry but considering you're just a faggot looking to roleplay with other cocksuckers you're infact the one who belongs on /b/
mhm nice post fellow lewd poster.
hmm what is that buzzing in my ear?
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fug thats hot >>4590329
want me to fug you like that?
>escapists cant admit they're literally just roleplaying and being faggots for the sake of it and fall back on "this is nice board" as if it magically will deflect your reality and how much people here loathe you

loving every laugh

keep going. I want to see this
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Very lewd.jpg
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That would be nice
hot af want to meet irl or skype?
wow anon l-lewd
your the lewd tease wiesy bby :* gimme your ass pucci if you like so i can cum in you and make you pregnant ;)
b-but anon I cant get pregnant, boicpucci doesn't do that!
this is gay ANIME thread not IRL gayboi thread get it right
But I am anime :3
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im willing to test it out to see if that true ;DDDDDDD
oh sorry bby *smoches you and >>4590371*

his lips look wrong
woa sexy anime gay boi mhm your boipucci must be aching for a throbing massive cock to fill it :P
yeah i think they were gonig to him biting his lips and they folded all hips lips down <,-,<
It is anon
well i know one guy in arkansas willing to filler' up
B-but I'm in E-Europe anon
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...well that suck we are so far away. do you want to skype then we can do lewd things their with each other sexy anon
W-whats your skype?
hey homosexuals, take your adult requests to an appropriate board please
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keeping this thread alive cause i love gay animes i want to fug them all :3333 :DDD
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everyone in this thread is a faggot
I wish this was me...
id love to be the one that has the penis on the edge so i can fug you in your butt
I wish I was the one that was the boy on the edge where u could kume in my butte
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what do I have to do to get my boipussi FUGGED around here?!??!

drop your pants
gib me your skype so we can meet irl, thats how you get your boy pucci fugged ;)
hot maybe we should skype too sexy anon
bump so everyone can see what a shameless cocksucker looks like
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and this is what a RUDE person looks like! also I bet he wants his benis succed more than he wants to give succ silly! also i would sug his beeni tbh
yes we've established you're both lonely and pathetic to the point of having whats essentially an open roleplay on a meme board

you traps really are pathetic. just plug your ears and yell LA LA LA at life
lol pleb
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gosh anon you're such a loser
/b/egin the /b/eguine
Thread posts: 106
Thread images: 42

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