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you have 3 seconds to tell me why there is not a mbti thread right now

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Thread replies: 449
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also add your type and your ideal partners
Because there are better personality tests and the people into MBTI are the same who'd be into horoscopes and the Chinese Zodiac.
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i already met my ideal partner, he was an ESFJ
>he was an ESFJ
whats with the housewife type?
>why there isn't a thread
you haven't made one. be the change you want to see in the world

>my type

>ideal partners
ENTP girls are my favorite. but an INFJ or even social INFP would be my best bet for a long term relationship. an INTJ girl would be too boring in bed
dunno, he was just a really kind person all around. probably one of the greatest people I've ever met.
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>not being into chinese zodiac

can't blame you. ESFJs are awesome relationship partners in general. stubborn and quick to react but otherwise very loyal and level-headed people. good on you
>one of the greatest people I've ever met
well memed
no bulli, he really did constantly impress me.
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did she show you the normie world?
yeah, but the magic carpet was his shitty lexus
miss 'em
>miss 'em
why what happend?
i mean, i'm posting on /r9k/
i'm sure you can fill in the blanks, anon
did she break up with you?

cmon i want the full story
intp want an intp

Just wanna play vidya quietly together.
basically, yeah. i'm an unstable, dependent fucker at the best of times, and the whole to-do wasn't exactly what i'd call healthy. things got messy and he had to remove himself from the situation
he's much happier without me, to his credit. i just ended up bitter.
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>i just ended up bitter
back to square one huh
aint so bad son. cheer up
>Just wanna play vidya quietly together.
thats like the most you can do with two intps anyways
find your own identity. mbti won't fill that void. I already tried
thanks for the convo, anon, but i better head to work.
It only gives somewhat of direction, not complete 100% analysis.
you too man
have fun
>everybody is me
any other dumb INTPs here? i cant into STEM i have the attention span of a pigeon
What's the ideal match for an INTP aside from solitude?
Cats and other pets.
ENTP masterrace reporting in to let you all know not to worry all possible paths will work out according to keikaku if you just trust us you dumbfucks.
I meant humans.
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>Your type
>The type you like least
I have seen charts and I know for a fact that ENFP and even another INTP are good matches for INTPs
Personally I'd like another INTP, also I speak from personal experience when I say that if you are unsure about an ISTP then it's probably best to stay away. Not that you should avoid them like the plauge if your dream girl happens to be one then godspeed but keep it in mind

Does anyone have the compatibility chart? It would be helpful
ENFP guy who is fwb with an ENTP girl

It's crazy, every ENTP girl I've met is fucking psycho, in a good and bad way. The sex is amazing.

Also, ENTP girls generally don't like guys who overshadow their personality, so I don't know if you'd be a good fit. Maybe try ENFP?
i think an ENTJ would be a good match.
I've yet to find an ENTJ female as an INTP male

do complete opposite pairings ever work?
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Yeah, ENTJ sounds pretty good for INTP. Sucks that they are literally the rarest female type out there.
I just want a ENFP gf

INTP here
>ideal partner: entj/intj girl I've been in love with for years and who won't even let me orbit her and who is visibly disgusted by me because I'm so many leagues below her. fair enough, I guess. she's doing something with her life while I'm just wallowing in self-pity.
>attention span of a pigeon
>not the intellectual capacity of a pigeon
nice one
>>Your type
>>The type you like least
>>ideal partner: entj/intj girl
so you wanna suck her cock?
honestly, yes. I mean, not literally, since she's a girl (female), but I want her to dominate me. if only she'd let me, I'd be her slave forever.
Type: isfp
Ideal type: istp or intp guy pls
I'm ESTP. My fiancee is ISFJ. Works well for us
ISTP reportin in
life is suffering
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Well, hello there beautiful.
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>I want her to dominate me
go on
I'm like a mix of Fi and Ti

'okay, how does it work, how can I understand that and do I really need to do that, is it good for me?'

I'm also a mix of their potential weaknesses and strenghts, I'd say I'm particularily private and socially awkward and I do my best to be 'rational' and 'objective' but that's not so easy, especially when confronted with things I find stupid, non-logical (even if I'm non-logical, sometimes), for example, ideas people might have that are not beneficial for them (for example, giving money to a beggar, being way too involved in someone's life...)
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i-is it possible for an infp not to be such a bottom?
>not a bottom
choose one
>I'm like a mix of Fi and Ti
is this a meme? i keep seeing the same thing
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Which of these hits closer to you?

First drawing : maybe Te : when I have an idea, I 'grab' it
Second drawing : Ti, I guess
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I need to learn how to be a little dominant but I don't know how
But is it deduction (Ti) or induction (Te)?
you can be a little dominant while i tongue fuck your little boypuss, love
...what's the difference between induction and deduction?
gross, this is why girls don't like you :(
Bachelor's are unmarried men. Bill is unmarried. Therefore, Bill is a bachelor
Most universities and colleges in Utah ban alcohol from campus. That most universities and colleges in the U.S. ban alcohol from campus.
While deduction gives absolute proof, it never makes contact with the real world, there is no place for observation or experimentation, no way to test the validity of the premises. And, while induction is driven by observation, it never approaches actual proof of a theory.
i wanna burry my face in your arsehole while i hold you tight <3
hm...that's not really clear and I think I need to 'live' a situation to be able to tell you my exact thoughts.

But according to your example, I think I'm more of a 'deduction guy'
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>'deduction guy'
Deduction you say? Could you do keys2cognition test?
Sure, I will try.
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It seems like I'm ISTJ...

I hope I 'picked the right answer' because honestly, I realize I don't know much about myself and my type can change from one test to another one...
shouldnt you be working?
Hmm, it's more of a INTP who's in extreme Ti-Si loop with strong Fi.
I love see the world thought my feelings, i love to see whats beautiful in everything and everyone. I love that im creative and see patterns easily. Only problem is no one really understand me on a deeper level, and i never let anyone to do so either. Today i was walking with my mother and wanted to talk about my personality type, since they anwer so many questions about myself, she didn't care much about it. This made me really sad, fucking hate to be oversensitive time to time...

I really don't care about who i meet, aslong as i can bemyself around that person.
>no one really understand me on a deeper level
>i never let anyone to do so either
Are you afraid of getting judged and rejected?
>no one really understand me
didnt read the rest
Yea, I think I'm too lazy and procrastinator to be ISTJ (it doesn't mean I cannot become really obsessed with a project, forgetting to eat and even forgetting to sleep...)

Maybe. I feel close to Ne and Si...but I think I'm not smart enough to be INTP. I'm definitely lazy enough to be one, but not enough 'interested' in science and things in general.
>my type

>ideal partners
probably ISFP
>Are you afraid of getting judged and rejected?
Im very unsure, but maybe being rejected that scares me.

just never feel i've met a person who think like me on a similar level, whom i can truly be myself and let all my thought pour out. I think alot, and alot of those thought stay in my mind and i just wish to meet someone who i can share my thought with, maybe about the world or w/e bullshit i think about.
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my personality type is infj.
as for the for in my ideal partner? i don't fucking know.
entj, i guess?
>.but I think I'm not smart enough to be INTP. I'm definitely lazy enough to be one, but not enough 'interested' in science and things in general
Jesse Eisenberg and Sigourney Weaver are INTP actors, so it has nothing to do with science meme.
>I think alot, and alot of those thought stay in my mind and i just wish to meet someone who i can share my thought with, maybe about the world or w/e bullshit i think about.
It feels like you're waiting for perfect person anon to whom you could be 100% open rather having "clearance" levels for people.
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Is it normal to just change type for a year and then go back? Last night I took Keirsey and Keys2Cognition and I've went from INFP to XNTP back to INFP again.
Maybe you're right

What do you think describes INTP?

Their logic, their objectivity, their capacity to think about their future, analyze situations thanks to their past, experiences, their laziness...?

My last crush was an ISTP, n-never again. ;_; I'm thinking it would work out best with another INFP? Or ENFP? i dunno, I don't take this MemeBTI stuff too seriously.

Being lonely sucks though. I want someone to care about again.
I'm either ISFJ or ISTJ
How do I find out which one I really am?
>waiting for perfect person anon to whom you could be 100% open
This is 100% me without no doubt! If you only knew how much I wish I could meet someone who I can be truly be myself and tell everything. I'm pretty open around my family, but there's still so much that they're unware of. I never share my sad emotions with them, and INFPs are oversensitive.. i've alot of dark thoughts when feeling down that i wish to talk about.
Laziness is prominent thing because majority of them are either bottom barrel or highly successful. Logic is another but most importantly INTP's have hard time controlling emotions - they either explode with them or become stone cold for the longest period. They yearn acceptance but doesnt know how therefore they try to get it through autistic fashion without being self-aware (in their heads it looks like a good way).
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>Have nobody to talk to in these threads because there are no ENTJs on this board
>I never share my sad emotions with them
Why not? Do you have emotionally cold family?
It might sound cliche but have you tried writing thoughts in journal?
>INTP's have hard time controlling emotions - they either explode with them or become stone cold for the longest period
Is this really true? I thought I would be better at controlling my emotions more so than most people, though I do become stone cold somewhat frequently.
>they either explode with them or become stone cold for the longest period

Yea, most of the time, I try to hide my emotions, so people think I have a stick up my ass and in 'shocking situations', I have unusual reactions, and when people look at me thinking 'what the fuck is his problem', I become cold and kinda agressive, acting as if someone just died for 2 or 3 days.
I feel that way and I'm an INTP.
>Is this really true?
Yes because they're not used to being emotionally expressive. To most people emotional are like thermostat but to INTP they're ON/OFF button.
>an intj girl would be too boring in bed
I'm really close to both my mother and my brother, but I feel like i can't talk with them about it. There's no true reason to it other than I never talked with them about it, ever. I've thought about talking with my mother, but she lives in the present, think in the present and talks way to much and is very overdramatic. In other words, she is the opposite of my personality type, I don't feel we think on the same level as menation before.
>I'm really close to both my mother and my brother, but I feel like i can't talk with them about it.
Iktfb. How about friends?
It might sound cliche but have you tried writing thoughts in journal?
I haven't thought about it, it something i would find fun but since i don't have habit to write one, i prob get lazy after a few days and get bored of it.. also, since i live at home, my mother would read it and that destroys the point of me having it, since its private as fuck.
How do I turn them back on? I usually go back and forth when it comes to emotions. Basically i'll have a week or 2 where I feel pretty good and somewhat energetic and then follow with a short period of time where I'm constantly tired and feel almost nothing.
>Basically i'll have a week or 2 where I feel pretty good and somewhat energetic and then follow with a short period of time where I'm constantly tired and feel almost nothing.
It looks like you want validation from others like if you're happy then something cheerful should happen. I guess being more emotionally expressive you be step in the right direction - if you feel angry then express it rather than ignoring it or being passive-aggressive.
Yeah it's pretty normal I went from INFJ,to ENFJ in highschool, to ENFP, to INFP. I've taken the test a several others and have stayed at INFP for two years now.
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>Ideal partners
depends on the person, but usually I'm attracted to ENTJ or ISTP, and sometimes ENFJ.
>Is this true?
It is for me, anyways, and I've seen other INTPs write that they do the same thing. I'm usually too chill and emotionless, but if I'm really angry I'll lash out and explode. Luckily I can keep it under control pretty well and don't do it often, if I do it's usually to people I know well (like immediate family or friends).
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I never asked for this in any original way.
Communication isnt INFPs strongest side, its not that I can't have a commersation running, but its more im a journalist asking questions.. unless people i know well, like my brother.

back to the question! Yeah, i had one friend which I was pretty close with, was pretty much myself around him, more or less, also a friend which i made later in life when i was pretty mature about who I was and what i liked. Could talk with him about mostly anything about i liked, except my feelings.. Thats the hardest part I think.. thats why I wish to meet someone i can fall in love with, which I never have. I take intresst in girls, but never understand the feeling of love.. I fucking sound as an alien. ha!
>I never asked for this in any original way.
What's the test bruv?
>but never understand the feeling of love
What exactly is so foreign about love?
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Enjoy yer shit
What do you mean by expressing it? Shouldn't I just do other things to make me feel better emotions?
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>Enjoy yer shit
Oh, well, it seems that many fall in love and have oneitis. I'm 24 & never been in love. For that matter, never had a girlfriend, which is pretty common here, but unlike others(?), I think i could get one if I truly wanted.. but why should I get one, if i've no intresst in any of those i meet? For sex, sure, but not worth the trouble, maybe im just shy when it comes to my emotion..
>What do you mean by expressing it?
If you angry, you express anger through words and body movements but dont detach from it by taking rational standpoint. If you happy then let others know that you're happy. Basically you have experience them with whole intensity.
>I'm 24 & never been in love.
I'm also 24 khv
>if i've no intresst in any of those i meet
If we'd refer to previous posts then you're waiting to meet 100% perfect girl which is not going to happen. Relationships are highly bases on try & error and if you feel comfortable with that girl, you should pursue a relationship. I understand that you're afraid of being judged if you'd say your deepest thoughts but you have to try otherwise wizardhood avaits.
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>post tits
i'm a guy, jackass
But what about when I feel completely average or tired or bored? I don't think those are even expressible.
Then you have involve yourself with other people.
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How original
I'm pretty sure I never will meet a girl with my exceptions and i've way to high standard for myself. But I've thought about this for awhile, being alone or with someone i don't care to much about, which do i should? I don't know. Im a virgin (not kv), so wizardhood don't scare me too much to be honest, I enjoy being alone alot but forever? Lives hard af.

I'm happy aslong as i can enjoy myself being around my partner without being anyone else than myself. Thats my idea partner.
>But I've thought about this for awhile, being alone or with someone i don't care to much about, which do i should?
That's black or white thinking - i either be with person who i love or a person who i dont.
>I enjoy being alone a lot
That's just rationalization, it's a shield which hides the fact that you want to have relationship but there's fear.
>I'm happy aslong as i can enjoy myself being around my partner without being anyone else than myself.
But anon you'll have to adapt to some degree. The same is for partner too.
You see through me as i was made of glass, kind of scary since its hard to stay true to oneself..

You're right, I think that I am scared of having a relationship even if i desire one, but I want one which I can stay true to my ego. I understand you've to adapt to others, thats what a relationship builds on, but I wont change my beliefs of what i think is right and wrong in a bigger scale. If she doesn't like that i do xxx, sure, maybe i can change, but if she doesn't like my way of how i see life, i wont change and we're not made for each other's.

I just want someone who see life in a similiar way, if we put it that way.
>I just want someone who see life in a similiar way, That's much more healthier than wanting perfect partner. If you'll see a girl with whom you share more things then give it a shot even if she doesnt see perfect at first glance.
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Retook the test.

Is it safe to say I'm ISXX?
Might be ISTJ in Si-Fi loop.
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>Si-Fi loop
>Si-Fi loop
An ISTJ in a Si-Fi loop will replay past events, usually traumatic ones, and relive these past experiences in their head and then wallow in their negative feelings. They compare new or present situations to negative memories and assume that every situation is going to go badly, interpreting how the situation is going to impact them personally. They have difficulty putting their ideas into actual action, lose their ability to reason logically in a situation.
I tend to think about past experiences but

>They compare new or present situations to negative memories and assume that every situation is going to go badly, interpreting how the situation is going to impact them personally

Is probably kinda exagerated.

Still, the

>They have difficulty putting their ideas into actual action, lose their ability to reason logically in a situation

part is somehow kind of true
>Is probably kinda exagerated
Look at robots who give up after girl rejects them one time.
Girls never really reject me, yet I already gave up

Maybe because I'm 'anticipating', thinking they will tell me to fuck off, so I just ignore them...
>Maybe because I'm 'anticipating', thinking they will tell me to fuck off
Why would you expect that? You kind reject them before they could theoretically reject you.
Because some girls told me I was ugly and weird (you know, 'weird' in that bad way : 'wow, stay away from him, girl, he will probably bite you or something')

...yea, maybe it's a Si-Fi loop

ISFP who will spend all day hating people.
Different anon, but I'm INTJ female with ENTJ gf.
I have no idea which types are the best, the INTJs I've met are either the best or the worst, selfish, most scheming liars.
>I'm INTJ female with ENTJ gf.

I think I finally found my type. Always thought it was ISTP...it appears it might actually be ISTJ.

But can ISTJ be lazy, procrastinator, messy and disorganized?
If your cognitive functions say you have the functions of an istj then you are in the traditional sense. Typically this just means Si, Te dominants doesn't reflect upon how organized or disorganized you are.
which test is that lads?
Keys2cognition, lad.
How is it the same? Zodiac is given to you based on your birth date so it's totally random.
MBTI has a method to it even if you think it's flawed.
oh, good, I thought I was supposed to be an 'efficient and extremely organised' guy
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Is this pic accurate?
Yeah, Myers and Briggs made bullshit with their test. Even jung recognized that, saying that each individual is different. The lettering shit just makes it easier for us to understand one another, saying I'm an INFP, well that makes it really easy to build a general idea of how that person functions in the real world. You could have Ni, Ne dominant and then myers-briggs wouldn't know what to class you as.
But I don't hate 'change' so much

I mean, it pisses me off when my habits are changed, but I'm not 'unadaptable'

I sometimes even project into the future : when I was a teenager, I was always looking for studies, jobs that might interest me. Leaving my parents' house did not terrify me. Maybe because I knew it would not really change my (good or bad) habits. My routine is very important and if I can't do something as I always do it, it really frustrates me.
Not that anon but your post really gives ISTJ vibe.
Every single cognitive function is used in every single person son. Just to different degrees and to different power. Every person uses Ni but some don't know how to use it properly. The functions are the 8 ways that our minds process the world, it has nothing to do with how organized or disorganized you are, adaptable/unadaptable. Just how you process the world. So do with that as you see fit.
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...thanks, I guess :^)

I see...thank you, anon

It was tiresome but I think I finally found my type. Thank you, /r9k/ and sorry for being such an annoying little whiner.

How about you prove it wrong then
No problem matey.
100% Original
Don't know if I'll stay ISTJ, tho

I mean what if someday I suddenly decide that 'well, past is past'?
I've changed in the past year from INFP, to INTP, to ENTP, back to INFP. Shit going happen.
anybody got other good tests that aren't on the first google page? Already did the two ones that were suggested here
People who say the MBTI is identical to horoscopes are psuedointellectuals of the highest degree, even if the test was 100% bullshit.

Does it mean you 'really change' or you just unsure?
>good tests that aren't on the first google page?
keys2cognition and keirsey.jung test.
Probably a little column A little column B.

>ideal partner
feelsy infp to take care of
>tfw no ENTJ gf

This is the worst feel
>Wanting a dominate girlfriend.
The right wing is my mother except when it comes to wearing clothes.
She's efficient and rigid in an autistic manner.
someone like me. Ambitious and career focused.
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>tfw no calm and assuring INTP gf
>tfw INFP and this is me 100%
>tfw met someone I could share some of my thoughts with and they're going to leave the country soon

w-why are we like this?

>not knowing how to speak english


Currently dating an ENFP. She's pretty damn perfect so far.
Not using proper punctuation, disgusting.
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I'm istp and I have no idea
ENTP here does anyone else find INTPs boring as hell because they Just call all my ideas stupid and tell me to stop ranting about everything

Also my ideal partner s INTJ
>without being self-aware
Not true, I behave autistically because I'm too self-aware.

>grasping at straws

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>viewing the most stubborn-autistic personality as partner
Still pretty stupid muh friendo
t. INTx
This was fun, want to do it again later?
INTJs are cute my man I know one and we talk about world domination and ethics. INTJ is autistic but that's good cause so am I. Also they listen to my ideas and call them amusing and interesting unlike INTPs who call them stupid. INTJ = fun, intp = shit
These things are like horoscopes for those who are only slightly more intelligent than people who believe in horoscopes.

>This was fun, want to do it again later?

Sure why not. Are you of the female(female) gender though?
Nah I'm of the Male (Male) gender
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>he cant talk with INTP about world domination and ethics and other dope shit, since they will call them stupid
Maaan, that doesnt sound like INTP at all, more like some xSFJ fuck
well you can change your hikikomori ways anytime man
No no, I have other ideas too, other topics. But no matter what the discussion is the INTP barely provides any input or response and if I say anything minorly inaccurate they're just like"that's dumb." They're no fun most of the time. INTJs don't nitpick over details so much and actually engage in conversation and say stuff instead of being silent and boring.

I do know one intp guy who does like to talk about world domination and right wing death squads and doesn't call my rocket ship ideas stupid but he's the exception.
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R8 my result

>Nah I'm of the Male (Male) gender

Disappointing(disappointing) desu. But ok, im fine with it

What are your ideas faggot
>But no matter what the discussion is the INTP barely provides any input or response and if I say anything minorly inaccurate they're just like"that's dumb."
This sounds like ISTJ, really, ffs
Cause I have an ENTP friend and he's happy as fuck that I'm the only one who can understand and discuss any of his sometimes stupid ideas just for their sake and we have a great time together.
Stay away from pretentious xSxJ fucks who claim themselves to be any intuitive type, and ya'll be fine bro
Not bad, INTJ with strong Ne
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>my type

>ideal partners
pic related, but above all else she has to be at least one standard deviation above the mean intelligence
I dunno I have a lot of them dude, are you an intp? One really good idea I have is a supercomputer made with wires that replicate neurons and tons of processing power that can determine the future and run the world and control the Iives of every human to give them happiness, it's hard to explain and would take a while but trust me it's a good idea
You have not done any research besides watching an "mbti debunking" video, have you
It's not ISTJ, it's three separate INTPs who all took the test and got INTP. I know an ISTJ girl and she had a crush on me and she just thought my ideas were fun but she didn't really understand cause she was a sensor.

Either the INTP doesn't engage in conversation or brushes me off or says they're dumb. INTPs are just boring man

I REALLY don't get ISTJs
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Post the full cyoa asshole
I didn't say it didn't have a method. My main point is that there are better personality tests. The MBTI is something easily digestible and posted on things like Tinder bios alongside Horoscope signs.
That's not what my comment implied retard.

Wouldnt an AI be better at that. I mean you basically just described an AI except you moved it from code to physical, which is like pre 1960 tech
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If they all took only 16memes test and claiming themselves to be INTP-s already, its even more likely that those guys are ISTJ-s and complete normies.
But yeah, I havent met yet any other INTP-s IRL, but they're supposed to be much more interested in fantasies and ideas, instead of calling them dumb like Si-Te (ISTJ) would.
You're wrong that they're ISTJs lol but okay maybe I'll try to find more INTPs that aren't so nitpicky and boring. However even if they don't call anything dumb they don't engage in conversation and don't say anything of value so they're still pretty boring

But whatever I'll give INTPs another chance thanks to you dude. BTW you seem more INTJ than INTP just saying, look into cognitive functions
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hobbies won't have much effect in my choice in perfection, but here are my fetishes anon

oral was chosen three times by the way
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>You're wrong that they're ISTJs lol but okay|
Maybe, who the fuck knows, I'm just pointing out theory that may cover the issue, lol
>I'll try to find more INTPs that aren't so nitpicky and boring
Just remember, that any N types instead of ENFP are relatively rare
>However even if they don't call anything dumb they don't engage in conversation
Hmm, this sounds rather strange, since ISTJ-s are relatively ruthless on this topic and they dont usually have such issues in conversations
> BTW you seem more INTJ than INTP just saying, look into cognitive functions
Man, I'm such a mess in cognitive functions, I've tried hell a lot of tests, the most usual results were ENTP/INTP, just by my behavior I suppose that I am more or less introverted type, but this shit needs much more digging, kek.
Anyways, thanks for this reassuring shit, I like it a lot
Lonely commander folamao
>my type
>your ideal partners
>N types are rare
Not on the internet

>thanks for the reassuring shit
What reassuring shit?
INTP here, I want someone to take control of my life and tell me what to do, I don't need another useless idiot, too bad I wasn't born a female.
which test is that buddy?
Damn anon that's some 10/10 taste
I almost teared up imagining how perfect a gf like that would be
>Not on the internet
Depends where you are, actually, but overall yeah
>What reassuring shit?
That I'm not an INTP, lol.
What is the best site to take the test?
Also, why hasn`t any of you autists made a pastebin, its not like you have anything better to do.
If your ideal is someone who is also ambitious and career focused, how would the two of you ever meet? Should you two find each other, why would you begin a relationship? Would a relationship between the two of you further each other's careers?

Should you find the other half to your career-power-couple relationship, to what end is this relationship for? Are you just each other's masturbatory aides, or is there a family?

If you are each other's sex toys, why work so hard? All the work and effort will vanish when you two die. If the relationship is for a family, then it's great that the two of you are working so hard, but one (or both) of you will have to give up their career to focus on the family.

I'm a male INTP having inconclusive outcomes with a female INTJ friend(?).
Lel, you exhibit Te so I assume INTJ but who knows man. Do you think you're Ti or Ni dom?
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>tfw you get a normie-tier result and know that /r9k/ will make fun of you
So how did I do?
I have to do some things the exact same way, sometimes. For example, if I eat something in some places, I might or not like it. If I use another plate, another spoon, knife, fork, It might frustrates me.

Is it Si?
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MBTI discord for robots :)
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My nigga, I prolly gotta disappoint you...
But in fact, my Ne comes here from simple open-mindness and adaptability. In fact, I generate waaay too low of new ideas and not a novelty-experimenter type, rather just very adaptable and flexible guy.
What about you?
No that's OCD bud, or at least it sounds like it
Also INTP male, and I understand the desire to outsource your decision making, but you can't outsource it to another person, let alone your woman/significant-other.

I suggest finding/developing an idea/philosophy/god/logical-framework-of-being to subordinate your actions to.

After all, Pets look up to children > women > men > Ideas/Abstractions.
intp and want a big goofy supportive enfp bf
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I'm going to stop you right there, you fucking normalnigger.
learn 2 english pajeet, then you may use our internet
mbti discord for robots but is filled with normal fags and should be shut down
>e = normie
do your research better next time
Hiya ENFP here at your service
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How do you escape the *NFP nightmare

>too empathic, hate seeing people sad
>want to help everyone internally
>want the world to be better but powerless to do anything
>perma turmoil mode

How do you other *NFP's deal with this
Are you me
where did you get this from? this is so on the money its not even funny
Ya deal buy realizing no one fuckinj matter suffering ain't even important everyone hurts fuck this sHIT we all DIEEEEE HAHAHAHAHAH

>t. ENFP
infp here

fell miserably in love with another infp, tried my hardest to not be upset but it was hard to control the emotions i felt. he was very caring, i wish we could have worked out but he didnt see me as a possible candidate.
MOVe on buddy 7 billion people on this earth njo one is unique no one is special there will be more

Maybe. I have a shiton of troubles...
and what about having the impression to live the same things, again and again?
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Type and Favorite Pokemon:
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Must be the guy whole joined and spammed CP butthurt about being banned baka
I'll meet her in the work place. I'm going to become an economist or a banker and I'm going to someday run for president but first governor or senator or house member. I want a girl who's just as ambitious. Think /r9k/'s hatred for society, that energy, I've got the same energy but I'm I want to change my reality and my society becuase I hate it so much. I want a woman that can either support me or carry on my work if something happens. Having my son as my back up is a bad idea bc he won't be old enough and I'd want him to have his own identity...basically it's The Clintons but with love. Also,
>intergenerational mobility
As I acquire wealth, so willing descendants. My family is middle class. I won't let my descendants be the same if I can help it. I'm not a worker ant.
So you're looking for a woman who's ambitious about your ambitions and career focused about your career??
>wants to be president one day
Lol how stereotypical
how do I attract an isfj girl as an intj male?
>wanting an ISFJ
>wanting a sensor as an intuitive
lol u dum nigga
Yeah. She and I will share the same goal.
I'm going to set hummanity free. You'll thank me later. 11-15 to be exact >>38924989
What are they like? I know they're sensors lol but they're also f type so what's the attraction?
I am Christian, so my values are pretty traditional. That's also where the attraction is. Shared values.
Isfjs are super family orientated. Women with this type are extremely good candidates for being mommies. Very nurturing and listen to what their man says. I highly recommend them.

t. Entj with a Isfj gf
the Keirsey and Jung one

Here is what is said on INTJ-ISFJ relationships

>A relationship characterized by
differing values, discomfort, and mutual misunderstanding.

Source http://falconnl.github.io/TypeSquare/

Not a good idea desu


I'd reconsider your types if you work well together. Either she is not ISFJ or you're not ENTJ. Here is what is said on relationships between these types

>A relationship characterized by constantly escalating conflict. They rarely understand anything regarding each other's motivations or lifestyles

Source same as the one i stated in my reply to the other guy
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>keep having nightmares of some girl that rejected me more than a year ago
>dream of her in situations where she shows that she couldn't care less about me
>wake up feeling super shitty and cry

but other than that im a happy boy. anyone have any suggestions on how to move on?
Have you sat down and thought of why you were so interested in her? Or why it happened? It could lead to you creating inner harmony and acceptance of what happened.
I know exactly why i was interested in her, but what i dont know is why the rejection happened. that's what has been driving me crazy. i've been wanting closure with her for a long time but she cut contact with me because i was being a massive sperg when she wanted to cut contact.
Instead of trying to ask her why think of what she was thinking my boi, and don't attribute hate onto her because then you'll just be resentful and those nightmares will turn to residual hate.
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>There are fellow ENTJs posting here who spend more than five passing minutes in these threads RIGHT NOW
I'm disappointed in you. These threads are to us, the master-type, as zoos are to human beings. Look upon these wretches, contemplate, pity, and move on quickly. Your time should not be spent among the ilk here. Get out and fuck shit up, as we are made to do. ENTJ out.
You sound like a pretty sweet person.
Don't have to take care of an INFP man, just tell her to get her shit together and if they love you they'll follow your advice forever.
I do however agree with >>38927276
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What's the most objectively evil type?

As an INFP, and years of isolation has made me way less empathetic with other people. I don't particularly hate anybody, but man have I gotten dispassionate. Don't recommend it though.
look da bullshit
Look up in which thread you are
>Ideal Partner
>Realistically functional partner
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>tfw half INTJ, half INFJ

It's a constant cycle of skepticism and curiosity, followed by existential dread and despair for all existence
Maybe INFJ or another ENFP?

I'm not sure. I'm attracted to introverts, but in friendships, I by far work best with extroverts, so I think a more extroverted type would be good for me, since all of my introverted relationships have gone to shit. Maybe a fellow ENTP?

The classical one is INTJ, but feelers (INFP) can be pretty watch-the-world-burn-y. I test as borderline chaotic evil/neutral, so perhaps ENTP could be objectively evil.
as an intp, i just wanna say that your ideas sound really stupid
ENTP here, we 100% rank near the top. Feelers only become evil when they start repressing "muh feels", which turns them into angsty whiny murderous crybabies a la Kylo Ren, which is why you see way fewer evil women INFPs than men.

I say ESTJ--bossy assholes
>Feelers only become evil when they start repressing "muh feels"
Nobody wants to hear guys whine. Nobody wants to hear anybody whine.
better than half intp half intj (me)

I'm stubborn, socially awkward to a high degree, and have a natural tendency toward arrogance which I constantly have to work against.

At least I'm creative and can learn quickly, but I dropped school after having a mental breakdown of a moderate degree. I'm laying down at the hard path and staring at the sun atm, it's really invigorating
That or our ideals get really, really fucked up and we sometimes become "Ends justify the means characters" or the better of the two "Fighting for Ideals"
Yeah, because Feelers fucking suck, but you either find a good way to whine and learn to become a better person or you find a bad way to whine and make everybody else have to put up with the consequences of your bullshit. Get a fucking friend or a journal or some shit and vent your fucking emotions before you go shoot up a school or some shit.
I'm ENTJ...
I have no clue what I'm attracted to...any of you robots have an idea?
Advocates seem more like the type to go full Evil Moralfag than Mediators.

You either want somebody as strong willed as you, or somebody you can push around as much as you want.
Thanks! Both sound great!
ESFJs are worse

STUPID bossy assholes
I'm an infp male and completely dominant in sex. That's it though, I'm a beta with everything else
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If MBTI was a fantasy realm, what roles would the types take?
there's no such thing as a half-mbti, snowflake

you probably took a 30 seconds online test

try http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp
>taking horoscopes seriously

Lmao your life
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Xstj's are not your "Tools", you are all fucking retards that honstly think your smarter than us? Why? Because I have a job?? You need to work in this world and i'm a tool because i understand this? Fuck you, no fuck you and no you are not "my boss", my boss is actually some indian guy but he likes me because I'm a good worker and not some pseudointellectual faggot who thinks he's a "le mastermind".

I can get xnfp and xntp girls (One talked to me one time), and xntp's think we are good at debate and conversation so not only can we get your girls but we can also get your best buddies too. TAKE THAT XNTJ FAGS

at least i can read my horoscope instead of claiming HURR I'M A VIRGO/TAURUS HYBRID
Some ideas:
>ENTP - Tinkerers Type A. A society of half human, half automan (steampunk robot) scholars who consistently search for truth and understanding. Type A's mostly serve as rogues, using a wide range of wacky gadgets to improvise on the fly during battle. Though helpful, they are a bit of a glass canon, losing effectiveness the longer a battle drags on. More of a support class than anything else.

>ISTP: Tinkerers Type B. The mechanics of tinkerer society, ISTPs actually understand the shit they play with, and as such can come up with far more elaborate creations and concepts.

>INFP: Whips. Magical beings who thrive purely on belief and wonder (quite literally, they drain it like a resource). They are capable of fantastic feats and healing dwarfing all other classes, but are also extremely frail and need to be protected. Can be trained to become incredibly powerful DPS magical warriors as well. If not properly tended to, Whips can become Husks, life drainers who prowl the lands looking for weary travelers to drain

>INFJ: Willows. Close cousins with Whips, Willows have far more concentrated purposes in the world. INFJs early on in life determine their PATH, and through this path they gain their DETERMINATION. Through following this quest they can acquire truly spectacular abilities that can help any heroes in their quests, but if their path is not specified they may find themselves overworked. Worse, if their path is completed, they may become lost and dejected.
>one talked to me.

Are you so insecure that you have to point it out?
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any other intj's NOT like games like world of warcraft or skyrim? probably just up to personal taste but feel like it could be an intj thing
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some new MBTI oc :^)
are you a nf by any chance
yeah i don't play games at all. i know they're not supposed to have a "point" but i just don't find them enjoyable because of it
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ISTP here.

It's hard to make me emotional over anything, but shit like this does since I'm a car enthusiast.


That and when Rose got out of the lifeboat because she didn't want to leave Jack.
Chad is more likely ST or SF type.
As an INTP with a best friend ENTP whom I love talking with I might have some insight.
You guys don't seem to be verry read up compared to INTPs, we learn in solitude more than you do and as such might know more on the topic so while your spewing some incoherent mess about whatever the fuck than I'm probably just gonna call you dumb and save myself the trouble of enduring an ENTP rant.
If your 'INTP' friend does this pretty often though then he isn't an INTP
>car enthusiast
living stereotype
I see your point, however not all people who accepts MBTI will accept horoscope. In fact only normies do that, and they're majority out there so I see where your correlation is coming from, however we need to ask ourselves about the fundamental principles that fuel the causes and effects of a system and not just conform with a correlation.
Btw, what are those tests? I'd like to try them.

>tfw just realized this whole post matches pretty well with my INTJ results
you are retarded and probably would hate you if we met.
Actually the brain replication is not stupid at all, it's the other bullshit you spewed.
I played a WoW free trial and got addicted for like 7 days hardcore. Never went back, didn't think it was worth the money, ran my mmorpg addiction into the ground with a runescape membership instead. That was a decade ago.

Skyrim I've logged hundreds of hours into and have pretty much mastered and memorized the game. At this point I pretty much break the thing by the time my character hits lvl 27 b/c I just know what to do, effectively making the game shit. That was the last game I played.

I don't think they're worth the money and time, but I do believe that rpgs enforce positive behaviors of cognizance and quantitative, deductive reasoning that built me into the intj I am today. Even though I largely refuse to play them, I have a handful of extremely skilled youtubers that I watch decimate really quantitative/power-leveling-oriented RTS and RPG games such as Civilization V and whatever. It's a vice and keeps me from spending money/wasting time
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Just took this test.
>Just took this test.
It's a crap test.
You're right; I didn't learn anything from it.
>I didn't learn anything from it.
Do keys2cognition test?
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Already took it before.
Hmm, that makes me wonder whenever you're ISTP with high Si or INTP in Ti-Si loop.
Took that before as well.

I'm 57% likely to be ISTP.
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What about big 5 test?
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It's been a while since I took it.
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Personality disorder test.
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Ass Burgers Quiz
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Just stop having stupid ideas, dumb dumb.
Oh shit sorry senpai, I read the post wrong, I thought the type you like most. My bad, my most hated type would be a tie between INFP and INTJ.
The question is still the same. Why INFP?
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Why is my dominant function Ti and not Si...?
Because they can't balance between being too self conscious(no self esteem whatsoever, insanely hard to help them) and having no self consciousness whatsoever (otherkin non-binary special snowflake tumblr bullshit that should be gassed)
Just to clarify things, I looked at the question as : "which of the negative qualities of each type you dislike the most"
I don't think any type is bad by default.
Sometimes it happens. You're clearly not ISTP.
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Clearly not ISTP?

btw, last time I got ISTJ. Maybe it is time to stop taking tests and embrace my ISTJism
You're ISTJ with strong Se which makes you think that you might be ISTP. Embrace your ISTJness.
everyone is cringy to me
So it means I'm a Chadish ISTJ?

I sometimes feel closer to ISTP stereotypes ('that nonchalant rebel cunt who wants to do whatever he wants') than to the ISTJ stereotypes ('le robot with no feelings who loves laws and rules'), tbqh
My dad is into it but I still think is the same bullshit, it's like the occidental one but also combines the "4 elements "
> ENTP girl trying with an INTP boy
It's ok bc we're both depressed
I'm ISTP. is that rare or what? not been lurkin
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Uhhhh, maybe more masculine than average ISTJ
oh boy. Matt Hughes is ISTJ but he's MMA fighter. So much of stereotypes.
>Uhhhh, maybe more masculine than average ISTJ

Well, good enough.

Thanks m8
Lol...just lol
>this what happens when a sensor sees the reality of societal hierarchy
Lmaoing at yeah life brainlet
>is that rare
Not really according to >>38910409
it's medium-rare. thank you.
Intuitives think, but usually thinking is useless while doing is useful. These discussions are for example useless and reading a book for a law degree without thinking anything would be useful.
Kek fucking INFP you deserve it. Go smoke some weed and cry about it.
You're a fucking normie so you can leave if you aren't going to 1)give advice or 2) hook up with someone bc apparently you're in high demand for these losers.
Yeah INTP kinda sucks. That's why I hardly participate in threads- good topics but shit conversations so I just lurk desu.
I play guitar and like to imagine I'll get to bash it in the faces of the kikes when I do destroy it
chase them with a whip instead
respect the canon
>If people aren't like me or on aimilar wavelengths I can barely communicate with them outside of being boring as hell or autistic as hell
How do I fix this? Normies are so hard to talk to, especially women.
>How do I fix this?
Be interested in them.
Actually i wouldnt exterminate any type. I like diversity in types.
>Would you press it
every type has its place, thats why they exist
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>t. INFP-s
nah, ESTP.
well he got me, im INFP
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what did you forget here, Chad?
>what did you forget here, Chad?
I'm not a Chad.
If I had to chose 1 type, it'd be ESFPs.
INFP. Ideal partner'd have to be an ISFJ.
INTJ less edgelords and the world becomes less shit all of a sudden
Imagine the chaos if we got rid of one of the SJ types. A good chunk of the wagies would just disappear.
idk if im intp or infp

>idk if im intp or infp
Let's start with cognitive functions tests like keys2cognition or and jung.keirsey.
I'm ISTP. I suppose an ideal partner would be ISFJ or INTJ. good thing that the most common one in women is ISFJ.
check your inferior function, the difference between Te and Fe are really easy to see as inferior.
I agree but I'm unsure of where you're going with this.
I agree with it. Basically if you have inferior Te you become much more rational and cold when under stress as oppose getting explosive when inferior Fe.
why are these buzzfeed personality test threads still posted
>buzzfeed personality test
You're stupid.
because its fun thinking and talking about how our personalities come to be. also the normalfaggots keep out of these for the most part
This board is mainly comprised of reddit crossposters. Are you really that surprised those same people are interested in mbti psuedoscience?
Ideal is INTJ. Currently flirting with one so wish me luck.
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r8 my personality lads
mbti is literally the same as "what kind of chair are you?"

- unreliable over multiple tests
- tells you jack shit other than your test result
- traits are entirely bullshit and dont tell you anything about what a person will do

i love /r9k/ pseudoscience
Hmm, it seems that you're quite young because your inferior function (Ti) seems stronger than 3rd one (Ne). If you're a guy then you could be a good provider.
You'll be a great house wife one day. Better hop on hrt if you want to stand a chance.
Get this fucking psuedo-science bullshit out of here.
>it seems that you're quite young because your inferior function (Ti) seems stronger than 3rd one (Ne).
I'm around 20, so it's common for younger people that the 4th is stronger than the 3rd function?
what did he mean by this
>I'm around 20, so it's common for younger people that the 4th is stronger than the 3rd function?
It's not about 4th being stronger than 3rd but younger people usually use first two functions consistently. Basically it means that your personality is still developing.
>Basically it means that your personality is still developing
makes sense, about a year ago I typed myself as an infj, which seems kind of bullshit now
>which seems kind of bullshit now
Not really both of them have Fe-aux, so it's not that far. Do you see yourself as a family man because it's really family orientated type.
because pseudo-science is fun
>Do you see yourself as a family man
very much

I was reading all these descriptions of infjs that you can find on google and they don't seem fitting now, that's what I meant, but not sure how useful these are
>but not sure how useful these are
They give more insight into your personality.
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ENFP here

rate my taste
good taste, can i please have full picture of this to fill out?
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found, slightly compressed.
INTP here
I've never really clicked with anyone so I don't know
INTP with INFP oneitis here
Will it ever work out?
Not even with guys?
I've clicked with other guys as INTP since I can talk about complex stuff but I cant imagine with girls
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xNTP who's into submissiveness here.
GJ, found recently on Imgur too bloody hate this site, but whatever
>Will it ever work out?
I think you have a chance but both of you have different worldviews.
I mean, I have male friends, but I thought we were talking about relationships
what are good matches for a non-traditional isfj?
I'm either entj or enfj depending on my mood.

Don't worry I'm still probably retarded.
> you have 3 seconds to tell me why there is not a mbti thread right now
I don't believe in Fedora astrology
Oh c'mon, Stubbornness is what ENTP needs!
ENTP fellow here, your ideas are manchild-like, therefore stupid.
You are a joke. Bugs...easy on the MBTI.
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shitting onmycum niggers think im dumb
pulling on my dick, she breathe in in her lung
hum hum hum
niggas on the run
put my dick
inside her bum
ENTP and Treecko
Not wanting mumma to look after you, what you doing mate?
dewgong(prone to change)
You are slave to procrastination. Welcome to the 21 century.
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her ass so fat that they big as her titties
cum so hard that i jizz wat a pity
nutt nutt nut cus i dont give a nut
cus my dick so hard that i nut in ur eye
Kek in gonna paste this shit and falseflag soon, be prepared
We are talking about Intuitives, sweetheart, life is a hierarchy
INFJ and not quite happy about it
>implying that post wasn't falseflagging already
>entj or enfj
Te and Fe dominant are very very different. You're probably ENTJ
>implying im not falseflagging about falseflagging the falseflagging post and you are not falseflagging also
bitches aint fuck
shitting on my duck
dont give a shit if you fuck me on my butt
cum shit fuck
i dont give a fuck
hard core niggers and i just dont nutt
Depends a lot on the scale. If I am thinking of the world or my world or if I'm at work. I'm relatively popular at home and am sort of like a servant leader if that makes any sense. Not actually leading but unconditionally nice
Then at work or in politics it becomes immeasurably easier think of people as things or be a "I'll give you what you need if I get mine" leader.
attention span has nothing to do with intelligence. try harder.
it also becomes a shit hole without technology again
congratulations you played yourself
Please, tell me what you see in INTJ
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Is 16 personalities accurate?
Been trying to find out my type lately and for three times now they have given me INTP. I havent got that at all on other tests, most of the others go towards INFP.
>Is 16 personalities accurate?
Hell no, you better of with cognitive functions tests like keys2cognition or jung.keirsey
2bh they all delivered the same result for me but I agree that a cognitive functions test makes more sense
>implying your kind is the only one with a brain
congrats you have deluded yourself friendo palaroo
>all these Ps
Judgment>Perceivers imo bc most perceivers tend to misperceive.
What do you mean?
2000% original
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Thats the best compressed MBTI overview I've ever seen. I'm INTP and all those rows fit me perfectly its uncanny, also all those additional descriptions like Orientation, desire, key question are spot on as well, really good chart, really accurate.
I wonder what determines the rarity, what would our society look like if all these numbers were reversed instead - if lowest became highest % and vice versa
>so many INTPs
are you guys just memeing or is that really your type
They all have different perceptions and can't see the world with any clarity. The worst part is that they all think they're perception is right.E
That's literally the truth with everyone. Everyone has a lens through which they see the world and while yes some of them are wrong it's not limited to perceivers. That's not even what perceiving means in this context, in this context it means that they are cluttered or lazy.
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Already posted here dumbass
Nah judgers are closer to seeing the truth. Most redpilled types are J types. INTX, the Chad types, ENTJ, etc
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I found it, its way lower on the thread than I was reading and no one linked it so I couldn't follow the reply chain, chill out Cockona
Stereotypical chads are ESTPs, friend your talking out your ass.
The react image barely saved your ass
ESTJ is Chad. ESTP is too but mostly ESTJ
Kiss my trips you blazing fucking faggot I win.
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Criginal oomment cequired.
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>tfw I used to be a Fe, had a group of close friends.
>friends leave, learn to be like Fi
>Basically just a dog without a master, no close friend group to invest in.
>Torn between individuality and group self.
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Wdym by that
No you massive dumbass. Notice all the fucking sensors in here? It used to be mostly INTP now it's mostly INTP but a fuckton of newfag redditor sensors
Thanks for the in depth post, have a reply

That sucks.

I met an INFP girl and was amazed by how much I related to her. She dropped out and went halfway across the country though.

I still call sometimes.
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>my type
INFJ. I am not valued for my insights and people walk all over me :')

>ideal partners
I feel I could date anyone that isn't an SJ (no functions in common). Although I seem to be the most drawn to NT and ST types. I also prefer to date introverts.

So...INTP and ISTP, I guess?
I read this as "cocksucker that sucks"
I'm pretty sure imageboards are primarily dominated by INTPs.
>Me: ESTJ Master Race

>Her: ESTJ Master Rate

I love the equality and constant struggle for power.
How come there are so many introverted cucks arround here?
Where are my Chads at?
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I'm ISTJ (I guess, not the 'stereotypical ISTJ, tho, a weird ass ISTJ) and I think my perfect gf would be...ffs, I have no idea
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when I crusade.gif
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where all my INFJ's at?
Never really got into the mbti stuff, but I got intp
I had a good partner, don't know what he was
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wtf is this shit.jpg
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every test I do I get a different result, am I human?

I'm a lazy, funny, easy-going, not-so-organised ISTJ who doesn't really hate changes with a passion

How do you do, my friend? :^)
Go away normalfags. P sure y'all have a subreddit

Why do you think I'm a normie, lad?
>INTJ guy
>found INTP girl
>really hit it off (best friends I've ever had, really cute too)
>drifted apart due to autism on both ends
I'm not supposed to feel, but I do.

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>>sensor on 4chan
Gee man I don't know.
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>when anon posts a "/" reply with a (you) to your post
Hank is a sensor.
What's your point? If all sensors were hank hill the world would improve by 76%. I love the tv show and he is a remarkable role model for me personally and the white race.
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Another cute dreamy INFP to be superheroes and save the world with.
are you a grill? I'm an INFP, but I'm not really very gay at all
New thread up mbti bros >>38948705
>posting a new thread this early
Are you trying to ruse me? It feels like you are.
No but I look girly enough.
sorry, man. just not into penises..
guys what is the bump limit?

lets do something special before it reaches to bump limit
Because its literally just a buzzfeed quiz.
Fucking newfag it's like 500. Anyways post type and what you would do in a traditional fantasy setting
I would be a mage and I would simply become more powerful. I'd want to have friends and go on adventures.
not that guy, but INFP and I'd probably always talk about becoming an adventurer, but never go through with it and stay home scared
INTP, depends on the setting but probably something like Kazuma from Konosuba.
I'd wander around the forests and talk to travelers I meet and sometimes go into the villages and towns for supplies and tell people jokes also sometimes I'd write cryptic prank messages in the forest to mess with people who see them as they travel

Also I'd eventually find a gf to travel with me and let me fuck her in the ass in the river
i am THE guy

in fantasy world i would be the guy that everybody heard but nobody actually saw
That sounds comfy for like a start of a qt shonen manga.
more like shoujo
I dunno, cowardly characters tend not to be so fun to read about unless they have some sort of redeeming qualities
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Stop excluding ISTPs
how about a juicy boydick?

ok guys bump limit comin thru

that's all
Sensors are boring, lol
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