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***Christian General Thread***

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>What is the gospel?
The gospel is the message that Jesus Christ, although existed in the very form of God, did not consider that equality something to be held onto and chose to leave that heavenly place, enter into his own creation and die for the sins of his people. But guess what he rose on the third day because death could not hold it's grip on the blessed son of God and when you are resurrected on the day of judgement the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead will also be the same spirit that raised you on the last day.

>How to enter heaven
One enters into heaven through faith alone, for Christ had already died for our sins and so what could we possibly add on to that? Are we to say that the blood of Christ is not sufficient and we are to add onto that? No, his blood cleansed us of sin and to be cleansed of your sins you first must believe and Christ will do the rest.

I invite Christians, agnostics, atheists and everything in between, that includes people of other faith, to discuss Christianity and learn more about the largest religion in the world. God bless! I the past I have tried to appeal to non-believers by kinda white washing but now, none of that but also be prepared because you might not get the answers you like although they might be true. I have also created a discord server which is mainly for Christians and non-believers looking for a discussion. It's not really meant for discussion, but if you do cause trouble, you will be removed from the server.

Thread: XIX

Cont of: >>36915941
I have a crush on a Christian girl from my school. I'm not a very religious person, but I want to ask her out. Any advice?
Thanks for asking. Firstly I would say that if you yourself are not as equally or more devout as her then leave her alone. She is on a right path and going with someone who is outside the religion would only do damage to her.

If you pass that then try talking to her; in the end, she won't go out with you unless she likes you so just be your best self and see what happens. Don't be too hurt if she doesn't like you; there are plenty of fish in the sea.
I want to believe in God but Islam seems like a much better path for that than Christianity. Why should I be a Christian instead of a Muslim?
>Why should I be a Christian instead of a Muslim?
Our religion is founded upon love. Our religion goes past the ideas of doing works to attain heaven and rather do good works out of our love for God. Perhaps you can tell me specifically why you feel more inclined to Islam as opposed to Christianity and I will try to answer accordingly, God willing.
Ask her out. Roast a big fat bone with her. Congratulations, your christian gf is now a rastafarian gf.
Idk anon isalm seems much more accepting. If you ignore all the bullshit it speaks about beating women and children. But the Bible says stuff like that too and lots of people ignore that. Islam just seems more realistic and accepting. I just don't want to die and go to hell you know? Will I go to hell for being a kind and caring Muslim?
Hey. I used to be a faggot argumentative atheist when i was younger. Ended up fucking my life up and drinking and shit soon after high school. Had some kind of insane, world shattering out of body trips on a hallucinogenic chemical and something happened and now i feel like there is a reason for everything and maybe somebody could be up there. I dont know what to do. Do i go to the church? Which denomination of faith do i choose?
>Idk anon isalm seems much more accepting.
Thanks for that. I would say that in fact, Christianity is far more accepting, but it is due to the fact that a lot of Christians have made it appear to be a very strict and unaccepting religion.

Listen to Christ words in Mark and after I'll give you the context.

>When Jesus heard this, he told them, "Healthy people don't need a doctor--sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners."
Mark 2:17

Now here we have the scribes and Pharisees question why Jesus is associating with prostitutes, tax collectors and other people who would be considered sinners. The scribes and Pharisees were strict Jews who would try to observe the law and were known for their severe observance of the Jewish customs. To put it into perspective have you seen those Muslims who wear the full get up and spray 5 times per day. Now in this case when they saw Jesus hanging around such sinful people, who in that society would have been shunned and marginalised, he instead talked with them and ate with them. He accepted all for who they were and was very loving.

SO to answer your question. Yes, some Muslims can be loving and caring but remember Jesus had more love and care than they would ever have and if you have a problem then be that Christian you want to see in the world.

>I don't know what to do.
believe, and all of your sins will be forgiven because Jesus carried the burden so that you will be free.

>Do I go to the church?
That would be a good start but first, have faith. It is easy for anyone to go to church but if you go church but have no faith you might be there physically, but you are not there spiritually, which is the most important part.

>Which denomination of faith do I choose?
I'm a protestant, so you're going to get a biased answer by me, but I don;t think you should focus too much on denomination but rather focus on your relationship with Christ and let that relationship grow. Perhaps watch sermons by John Piper or something and see how you feel. But before going to any church make sure they believe in the basic tenants first, e.g., Trinity, Jesus was God, and he is the only way to salvation. In the end, if you follow these steps you can't go wrong.
Why do most christians seem so braindead and boring?
>Will I go to hell for being a kind and caring Muslim?
Yes, but this should answer you question as to why.>>36871590
Because you're probably braindead and boring. But hey I'm sure watching loli porn and playing vidya 24/7 has made you a really interesting person.
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Sorry, you feel that way. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will answer to the best of my abilities.
>Because you're probably braindead and boring.
and i'm a christian too
My question still stands
If you think other people are boring, you're boring.
Self-bump but in a shameless way.
What makes Christianity more right than Judaism, Islam, Ancient Roman/Greek/Egyptian or Norse?
>What makes Christianity more right than Judaism
We believe in Judaism and much more.

I vaguely said why here: >>36941543

>Ancient Roman/Greek/Egyptian or Norse?
I haven't looked to deeply into them, but Christianity has stood the test of time and have prophecies which have been fulfilled.
But Judaism, aside from many rituals and shit, says that Jesus was just a cool dude.
Read Isaiah 53 and you'll see that he was more than just a cool dude.
Right but Jews say Jesus was just a cool dude. Does that mean Christianity is better than Judaism?
>Right but Jews say Jesus was just a cool dude.
No, they think he was a false prophet. Some do think that he was god, and those are called messianic jews, but on secular jews think that he was merely a cool dude

>Does that mean Christianity is better than Judaism?
It means that the OT prophecies the coming of Jesus as the messiah.
Polytheistic or monotheistic? Why should I believe in a monotheistic religion over a polytheistic religion?
>Polytheistic or monotheistic?
Well, since you're coming to a monotheist I would give you a biased answer of "the Bible teaches it." But some have said that if there were more than one god then most likely what would happen is that they might disagree with one another fight and much more. If you look at ancient Greek and Roman polytheist religions, you'd see that a lot of the time the gods fight each other and disagree with one another. With merely one god it removes the possibility of that and rather gives all power to an almighty One.

Also, if you come at it from a deistic point of view one might say that there is as much reason to believe that there is one as there is for 100 but it is far more simple just to say one until proven otherwise.

So, take that as you wish.
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