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Thread replies: 517
Thread images: 57

Premium 7GBP an Hour Workplace Edition



thirst for cock
Bumping true britfeel image while eating my upper class kettle chips
I feel more at home in this thread
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>thread splitting again

poor show lads

>Tranny posting

The other image is shit, but at least it doesn't have this faggotry in it
Stay strong lads. We need to keep this thread alive. The other thread has wrong image
It's always the lad who writes /Britfeel/ instead of /britfeel/
Solidarity lad. There is power in the unions
I much prefer this thread image. Although there is no graffiti man
>tfw stuck in East Devon

They aren't trans, they're just a couple of gay fellas wearing girl's underwear.

>inb4 what's the difference hurr durr
Just had my 6th toffee crisp of the day lads. Might have one more before bed.

Or two
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Time to post some waifus lads
i want to fuck azulad again

Trannies are just men that wear women's clothing, it's all the same
It's only been used for one year actually
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Only to bump best thread.
The numbers have spoken I will have 3 more.
I spent 6 months of a 12 month sentence in HMP Strangeways mate. AMA

Selected all the motherfucking store fronts desu.
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Was you there when Shipman was? What about Huntley, I think he did a stint there too
What's the best prison food
Who is a NEET here?
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Already? But its almost time to retire
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Pic very related.

Selected all the trees this time........
it fucking sucks

might get a job soon

Does it get so cold that you can't sleep?
is this DB?

second is cum I imagine
Do the Evangelical Christians still break out a cutout of Bush or do they use trump now? Or is he not holy enough.
how much gayshit went on?
Thought it would be good before I quit work. Mad how lazy I've gotten. Even in my time off when I had a job I accomplished more than I do now with 16 hours free time a day. The one thing that you don't appreciate when working is that it makes you feel like you have a sense of purpose. Otherwise it feels like you're sitting around waiting to die.
no of course not haha
Hunley was never in Strangeways. Just Durham and Wakefield

t. the guy who writes to him
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Can't believe Captain Birdseye still gets away with it lads in a post-project yewtree britain
Is this a meme?

In fact, I don't care

Tell us about him
What were you in for? What was your cellmate like? Get hold of any contraband in there?
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>HMP Strangeways
>he doesn't realise Captain Birdseye is the most powerful paedophile in the UK and all dependant territories

It's time to take the fishfinger-pill, my friend
Haven't heard from him for a few months.

The letters are quite mundane - usually about stuff in the news. I post some extracts in here from time to time.

The most interesting thing is that he calls the girls he killed "the sprogs" and believes himself to also be a victim, of sorts.
think I might be addicted to prostitutes
i have never worked but i left uni when i was 19 and became a neet for about 2 years. i spent most of my time reading, and working out/martial arts training. it got depressing though because everything i done felt pointless, and i became socially retarded. the only people i spoke to where a few friends, and people on the internet. at 21 i went back to uni because i was bored, and the job centre was pissing me off. glad i went to uni because it has improved my confidence. i could probably survive on a part time job due to getting more money from the dla. Probably going to get a part time job once i finish uni.
I thought they would censor any and all talk about "the sprogs"
Thats a pretty expensive addiction. Still probably cheaper than a gf though.
>become a wagecuck
>working 60 hour weeks for min wage as a worker bee in a factory
>all coworkers are pakistani with really broken English, including superiors
>today the superior got mad at me and a coworker because we weren't constantly checking a machine that ended up failing due to him taking away the third coworker that is usually with us for some other task causing us to overwork to make up for it
>in the morning some coworkers tell me someone else now uses my locker and to use other of the other ones
>in the evening they get angry because apparently I chose the locker of some other guy and put my lock in it

Fucking hell. I'll just try to overplay the language barrier. No reason to bitch about me using a lock when nearly half the other lockers do too and unless they intended to move my shit elsewhere.

Being a NEET sucks, but so does this. Fuck this, lads.
If I sell or provide someone with pills that end up killing them, what would I be charged with?
Nah. Once cases are resolved you can speak freely without being in contempt of court
This autistic gay Jesus on First Dates Hotel is adorable
it probably doesn't help that the prostitutes I frequent will start to offer massive discounts after enough visits
should of went to uni, lad, you could of at least worked in an office or something with a degree.
No you can't, if you reveal to have lied during your trial you'll get done. ie saying you did it when you plead not guilty.
had a two hour impromptu nap instead of doing work.
Thats quite good then. How often do you get one?
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>said I'd get an early night
>still up
It's not too bad, since I consider anything before 3am early now.

Complain that you feel racially abused in the work place

Might get a few quid from it desu
Manslaughter, I believe.
I swear to god this board is turning me gay

I've dated two different birds so no I'm not another prisonfaggot I-I just wonder what it feels like
Believe it or not I was on the same wing as Shippy for about three months, yes.

Ian Cuntley was probably in the segregation wing which I visited once when I had a fight with my cell mate.

Prison food is surprisingly good; I always chose the vegetarian menus.

>Does it get so cold that you can't sleep?

No. The cells are well heated and the beds are very surprisingly /comfy/..

There were a good number of faggots that's all I know.

I got busted on a firearm related offence. Never received or witnessed evidence of contraband apart from some old torn porn mags.

I had a lot of cell mates; too many to remember. Middle class paedo was the best, very smart guy who may still be inside ('lifer')..

In all though it's a pretty grim existence looking back, no regrets however.
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Should work in a swamp call centre lad.
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might do

once per week usually

it started out at one per month though
>Food was good
>Never came across contraband

come on lad

you must be telling porkies
Thats a high class swamp right there.
Was there a lot of violence? If one of us lot did time would we end up getting battered because (I'm assuming) we're mostly 'soft' looking?
Feels like anal with a woman, but they don't smell as nice and their skin is not as soft

Vaginas are better
Just to clarify I wasn't there at the same time shippy was, but I was on the same wing he'd lived in, other lags pointed out his cell etc.
Thanks. Totally hypothetical question btw Mummy May I'm a good boy.
Did they have many stories about Shippy?
of course but how often do you get to nut inside without a condom? bareback is bliss but condom sex is worse than wanking my ex would never even let me near her bum
Nope, all true.

There was a bit of violence, but not as much as you may expect - at least in the wings I was based. Saying that I was a /good boy/ so I was on the best wing in the jail.

He gave professional advice to prisoners regarding health concerns, no doubt better advice than the NHS staff provided at the jail..
>He gave professional advice to prisoners regarding health concerns

What an absolute legend
not him but yeah, condoms are pretty shit, but you would probably have to wear one with a guy, because stds. most girls will go on the pill if you get with them.
The only time you want to bareback a guy is if you're dating. Way too risky
I let my bf do bareback every time, but I trust him and we've been together a while.
>tfw shipman gives you private medical consultation free of charge behind bars
>But you have the slim chance that he's prescribed you a lethal dose.
Just popped down the co-op lads
What you buy lad
I let every guy do me bareback, even in saunas in London.

I don't give a fuck lads. I love the sleaziness of it.

I'm still neg but the thought of getting pozzed turns me on. If it happens, so be it.
Who's a good lad?
Who's a
G O O D L A D ?
>tfw I could finish this coursework in about 5 hours but I continue pissing about
Gift sharing is pure roleplay wanking material

Not fooling anyone
But what if you die of aids lad?
>>34687733 just some fish and chips at the cod father and at the Co-op I bought a fat bag of drumsticks lads
finish it or i will piss in your boipucci lad.
sick lad, got some good food reduced i hope.
go to bed azulad.
I don't have one
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Lads what time is it tell me your schedule for tomorrow
i will piss in your mouth then...
oh it;s the guy who learned about the poz meme from Sam Hyde again....
I don't have one of those either
I'm not into bugchasing. I just don't care.
There's medication to stop that
But you must scream?
>coming down with a cold

Why are we still here? just to suffer?
Naa co-op is shit for that but Tesco close by are the ultimate lads, candy apples for 1 pence I buy a shit ton and suck the candy off and throw the apple away, Tesco is a don, love that ladddd
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>plan to wake up around lunch time
>wake up at 5pm
>not move until almost 7pm
>get up
>browse r9k
So you have to take medication for the rest of your life if you get it? Even then I'm guessing it shortens your life somehow.
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Having a bath at 11pm feels weird but I can't really explain why
Living the dream, lad

Comfy night is just starting

i thought i was coming down with one yesterday, dodgy throat but knock on wood ive been ok today, you have my sympathy anon, even getting any kind of small cold or cough makes me weigh up the pros and cons of suicide
Best time to get in the bath is 20 minutes before sundown. As you're lying in there nice and comfy the room slowly gets darker.
I remember when they had packets of doughnuts reduced to 10p just before closing, bought 3 packs of 5 custard doughnuts

regretted it a bit later tbqh
>physically exhausted
>mind racing

This is fucking torture. I need to sleep but I can't. And even if I did I'd be wide awake come 2am

Saw a peregrine falcon (superior to murrica's eagles in every way) mauling the shit out of some other birds at work today tho so it aint all bad
Tesco is 20 min walk from me so fuck that noise, but i got a sick co-op within eyesight and its good enough.
your heart races at the slightly increased chance of you drowning yourself in it.

>Law abiding citizens have to deal with the shambled of the NHS
>The worst criminals get free private consultations with Shipman

Broken Britain desu
Could do with a roastie..
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Night night, lads.
This is the first time since December I'll have slept before midnight

wish i could go to bed at a time like this, last time i went to bed before 3am was a good 3 or 4 years ago, most nights how i get in bed at 5am and watch youtube shit on my phone until half 6 or so

Having a bath at any time is weird

>what better way to get clean than by soaking in my own dilute filth
sweet dreams Yume Nikki

Britfeel is kind of similar to Shipman's patient list

Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary all they do is defend him, "Not muh shippy, he dindu nuffin"
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absolutely fucking love this pic desu.proper fucking love it.
What time do you wake up?

I can never get a stable pattern if I don't go to bed before 2. I sleep later, and later and later until it's like 11am/8pm or some shit
>what better way to get clean than by soaking in my own dilute filth

you're supposed to have a quick shower and a relaxing bath silly

3pm ish, ive tried alot of times to get myself up at 12 with my phone alarm, i usually wake and just lie in bed listening to music until 4 or 5, so waking up earlier keeps me in bed longer
night night lad, *kissu*
lucky lad you are, i only get hate :)
I'm dying lads

skip to 8:15

Has anyone ever caught any of that Tattoo Fixer wank?

They literally have a token nigger on who does absolutely fuck all. Doesn't do tattoos or anything. Purely there to fill a diversity quota.
fancying a /nightwalk/ but the fucking weather forecast just changed to heavy rain from later on, all day theyve been saying it would be ok after 11
There is no bad weather. Only bad clothing
Might go for a drunk nightwalk, maybe I'll get stabbed.

i have bad clothing, my jacket isnt too bad but i only have a few pairs of jeans and they soak through really fast, i used to love going out in the rain too, i suppose im just getting old
>tfw last week craved chinese food like no other
>tfw now crave freshly made bread from the bakery

fuck i hope the tren takes care of all these fuckin carbs
I hate to break it to you, but the Jesus Chatline isn't real.
trying to come off drugs m8s it's a fucking cunt i tell you hwat
I just got home from work to see my coworker has sent me nudes

Other than post em here (which im obviously going to do), have I made it m8s?
i get plenty of hate as well lad, don't worry about that.
Lads who is your favourite singer?

Mine is Craig David. Love his stuff from about 15-16 years ago
Amy Lee or Rihanna

el chombo

>I like men singing love songs to me

bit gay lad
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>(which im obviously going to do)

He doesn't remember the story of godbro, think carefully anon

not the anon you were replying too, but who is godbro? that name doesnt ring a bell to me, care to "fill me in" wink wink
What would you do if you felt that your boss was exploiting other workers? Not me, ones who were worse paid. He has a scam going to pay them below minimum wage, and it makes me very uncomfortable.

report him, anonymously obviously, id love to do something like that an get away with it, i once reported a pub landlord for not having any fire alarms or exits in the pub but im not sure if anything ever came of it
Why bring it up then? Fuck off.
Nice backgrounds furbros
>but who is godbro?

The saga of 'godbro' aka 'RoastieDumper' was perhaps the most legendary incident in the history on /r9k/.

On September 1st 2016, an anon Made a thread (which would lead to a chain of threads around 3,000 posts long over 16 hours) where one of his co-workers had left her facebook open, he rummaged through he messages and found loads of juicy gossip, including some very fat Mexican beta who was messaging her, lots of lewd cringe worthy conversations, including lots of nudes traded, and a video of her sucking his 3 inch penis.

He did a good job of covering over names, over the whole 16 hour saga, on the very very last post, he left one name uncovered, and got doxxed, all 3 people involved subsequently deleted their facebook. No one knows whatever happened to him, he almost certainly got fired, maybe even jailed.
I was in duhram and northumberland for a 2 years. But I was on the protection wing though.

thanks for the answer anon, i miss all the good shit even in here
>Wake up at 5AM
>Browse and wank off to porn til 6AM
>Go to work at 6:30AM
>Get home at 5:00PM
>Listlessly browse the web til 11:30PM
>Repeat. Forever.

He was ardently against the use of tripcodes, but was eventually persuaded to use one for that thread only (as they were intended for). His hatred of tripfags gained him additional respect.
The thing is, if I do that then the people he's underpaying now aren't getting paid at all. Plus, neither am I. Nor are his family getting by either, for that matter.

stop over thinking things and grass him in, you always regret the things you havent done more than the things you have done
Don't give me advice based on Orbital songs I posted in a previous thread.

I think the most moral action might be to just try and find somewhere else to work.
I do imagine he is singing directly to me, or about me.

For example in "Fill Me In", he says "Told me about jacuzzi, sounded interesting, so we jumped right in." When he sings that, I imagine myself jumping in a jacuzzi with him.

But it's NOT GAY. Nothing gay about it.
>you always regret the things you havent done more than the things you have done

I can tell you categorically that this is wrong
no mate, skinny dipping with another man is perfectly straight
you sure of the date lad.
i've some safed stuff from that day.

being desu i didnt notice that in a previous thread, nor did i realise it was a song, i was just being inspiring as fuck for the sake of it, you clearly have a conscience and maybe turning your back on it would make you feel worse down the line?
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forgot the pic>>34688730
godbro related

On second look, it was the 3rd of September, could have sworn it was the 1st
I imagine us both having trunks on though
>fantasising about another man in trunks isn't gay
you keep digging this hole
why the hell are there two threads?
>he wants Craig David to fill him in
>insists he is straight
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>about to run out of alcohol
>shops are shut
you'll be callin 999 when your leg drops off to diabetes you greedy bastard
>shops are shut

Northerners make me sad

Asda's open until 12, lad. RUN!
When I listen to "7 Days", I imagine he's talking about me when he says "I saw a beautiful honey with a beautiful body". I imagine him asking for my number.

Did I decline? No.
Didn't I mind? I don't think so.
Was it for real? I'm damn sure.
Nearest asda is a 40 min walk away lad.

It's shit lad but at least where I am we aren't swamped by pakis yet.
Lennon desu.
Put in a bulk order of tsing tao from the local chinky.
lennon was a cunt
>Nearest asda is a 40 min walk away lad.

Run REALLY fast.
Nah I'd rather just nick my flatmates vodka since they're all normalshit cunts anyway.

No 24 hour paki shops near by?
if you go on just eat or whatever it is you're sure to find some cunt running a booze van who will get you shit til the early hours. might cost a packet tho
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two pages left lads

going to finish my evaluation after breakfast tomorrow, soon I can oyasumi
I wish there were late shops and 24 hour places here,boring as fuck village out in the country, both shops and both pubs shut at 11
thread theme to motivate NEETs

just finished watching Chappie lads

heard a lot of people moan about it, don't see the problem tbqh, thought it was pretty good
Everyone hates pakis until they need booze after midnight.

in my case fags
most fags usually die from stuff like cardiac arrest, kidney/liver failure that's caused by hiv
tfw welsh
They ever let you go bareback? I've only had one I've visited enough that she started letting me rawdog her.
That's cheaper and more satisfying than having a woman live with you.
>Herpes is satisfying
>Fucking a whore that gets covered in old man/paki spunk each day is satisfying

wew lad

Anyone know if the anon from a few days ago fucked the herpes ridden qt yet?
Got a flat inspection some point tommorow, just went round my flat today and did a massive tidy up. Think I ended up throwing out 11 black trash bags full of rubbish. Also found a cereal bowl that had a plate on top of it, I removed the plate and there was just a mass of mould filling the entire bowl. I am a mess.
I've never been in a relationship but I have a question for those of you that have:

Is it difficult to keep a relationship in the stage where you're dating but living seperately? How do you do it? In the unlikely event that I'm ever in a relationship I think that's where I'd want to keep it. I don't live alone but if I did I'd want to keep it that way.
>feeling this threatened
t. christmas cake
>herpes ridden qt
I'm both disgusted and intrigued. Tell me more.
If you're not living together there is no relationship. For females the relationship only exists when you're together, if you're separated from a long time she will sleep with other men.
It's just how women are.
should have taken pics

you could have been our own homegrown fridge bro


I just find whores and paki spunk gross. each to their own though, if that's what you enjoy spending money on.
Kebab shop just opened under my flat lads. Dangerous situation for me tbhwyf
I was in a relationship for 4 years. Towards the end we were sleeping in the same bed everynight but at one of our separate places. It was still hell though. The thought of spending that much time with someone makes me feel sick.
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>girl is friendly with khv anon
>he wants to smash some puss
>she tells him shes riddled with the herp
>he still wants to smash
The air will become so greasy that you will develop skin problems. I used to live above a kebab shop and their hygiene is also a major problem.
Everyone has herpes, it's like staph.
any other britfeelers play my summer car? i think its a pretty good robot-life simulator, unfortunately im pissed off now because i crashed and died on the last corner of the saturday rally so i have to find a way of getting my beloved satsuma back home now

Might not bother then.

>implying I could get a gf even if I wanted to
>18 years old
Girlfriend, big social circle, just finished college with decent grades and can hopefully get into a university of my choice next year, just passed my driving test and hoping to look for a part time job so I can save up for my first car.

>22 years old
Been single for 4 years, haven't spoken to anyone since I met my family on Christmas, haven't seen daylight since some day last week, been persistently drunk for a great deal of time, discovered 4chan, do nothing all day but post on 4chan and masturbate, been unemployed for 18ish months now.

A lot changed in 4 years.
>he thinks speaking to a girl online and calling her his girlfriend is a relationship

I knew a dude who lived above one of those dirty as fuck fried chicken places in like one dilapidated and cheap as fuck flat. so everything in his flat, and him, stank REALLY BADLY of stale fried chicken all the fucken time because all of his possessions were slowly being marinaded 24/7 by that shit.

but the best bit is that this flat was so dilapidated and there was a crack in the floor of his bathroom and his shower water would drip down there, and it'd drip right into the big industrial chicken fryers and all the other cooking shit
You can usually keep it going for about 18 months before they get antsy about living together.
Mate she cheated on you because you are a cuck. It's not all women's fault that you couldn't keep one.
once a normie always a normie, fuck off normie
Wow 4 years, you poor thing.
Why don't you come on over to reddit where you can blog all about it?
Theres a few more flats below me so I'm sure they'll take most of the heat. However I asked for a menu when walking past today and he said he didn't have any - which is fine, but I asked what time he closes and he said 7.30pm. I don't even.
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>spent hours building car up
>finally get it running
>massive fireball
>piss everywhere trying to put the fire out
>haven't played since

Pro tip: Piss will NOT extinguish carb fires
>he thinks I'd be stupid enough to get a girlfriend
80 quid and I get access to all her holes for the night, cheaper than having to maintain some whore under false pretenses.
It's not going to suddenly get any better. I'm probably going to drink myself to death before I'm 30.
>kebab at the bottom of a tower block
Grim. Would actually kill myself and many others if I had this life.
Na, I mean seeing a girl and dating in person, spending a lot of time together but not living together.

As long as those 18 months are enjoyable I'd probably do that then end it when I get the "move in or break up" ultimatum. Rinse and repeat.

All hypothetical, of course.
>thinks he isn't a normie despite just admitting to it
>his solution is to drink alcohol
You are a normie, through and through. You should try /brit/ because this thread isn't for people like you.
So kindly fuck off now.
Where was the turning point anon? What caused it?
It's never been an ultimatum, not in my experience. It starts off with hinting, then outright suggestion, then talking about how much cheaper it would be.

The real pressure comes when the contract on yours or her place is up. But it's never quite ultimatum stage.
I ended up doing 2 years for possession of indecent images. My social life fell apart overnight.
I viewed a flat over a nail bar salon place last year and the smell of glue was unbelievable, made the eyes water. Not the same as a takeaway but it's probably going to stink, plus extra noise.

Doesn't sound good lad.
You wouldn't be allowed internet if that was true
Served my time mate. It was only some photos of a girl in the lower years too, really disproportionate punishment desu. Still on the register for another couple of years too.

Did they treat you like a nonce in prison, or accept it as a relatively minor sex crime?
that looks mad, might try it for the luls. not even a gamer
No I was in the nonce wing with the others, not a pleasant time for a fresh-faced 18 year old let's put it that way.

Did they bugger you senseless?
>occasionally decide to play shogun 2 again
>enemy always builds a giant samurai doomstack that player can never build
>console command auto win battle
>quit game and dont play for 6 months
Drinking numbs the loneliness quite a bit.

My ex went to university in another part of the country, as did a lot of my friends. I think I only had 2 friends left at home. I managed to meet her whenever I could but after a while she stopped talking to me and would never start a conversation, finally around Christmas she officially broke up with me. I stalked her on facebook and about 1 day later she was in a relationship with another guy so it's obvious what was happening. That right there was the turning point.
I wish there was a Shipman-tier prisoner we could all write letters to. Has anyone ever done anything like that?
Pretty much, as I said it wasn't pleasant.
>need to build an army
>take 10 turns building your army
>takes another 10 turns to get your army to the front
>oh, it's nearly game over now

This is why I don't like Total War.
I have a friend awaiting trial for horrific crimes, so maybe once he gets sent down I'll release his details here and we can message him to keep his spirits up.
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Today was nice lads. Coworker gave me a sausage roll from greggs and i got to stay upstairs scanning instead of working front desk.

Hope you all had a nice day too. Night night, don't let the bedbugs bite.
Should I drink a latte lads? I'm craving some milky goodness but dont want to stay up late tonight. what do I do?
back to euiv for me
Someones been watching too many American prison movies

This sounds very sketchy to me, this isn't some American prison

Brady is still alive, I also planned to write letters to Breivik but chickened out.

Some regular britfeel anon also writes to Ian Huntley about once every 3 months
What crimes desu?
Pedos in America are sent to psychiatric hospitals built specially for them. It's a way of keeping them in there for life without a sentence.
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How many kiddies did he diddle?
Just cleaned my room, hoovered carpet and made my bed lads. So /comfy/.
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Do it for Elliot
Depends on the state tbqh
Noncing abroad. He's lucky that it's one of the few crimes British citizens are brought back to the UK for, otherwise he'd get his balls cut off in Thailand.

No idea. Police stole his computer and now I have to pay for his half of the rent which is my main concern at the moment.
Warm milk and honey lad.
All true, sadly.
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Did Elliot drink midnight lattes?

You're implying I got any honey, I could get some from ASDA or Tesco right now but its cold out. I think I'll go with the latte.
What evidence against they got on said mate lad?
Huntley guy was in the last thread

I'd love to send letters to Breivik, but I feel it might put me on some list
>Two years for some underage lewd pics

If it was your first offense that wouldn't happen

Not for what you described at least

He loved a latte, he probably occasionally had one late at night

I had the same reservations, but after obsessing over Elliot/Shipman for years, I'm past worrying about that. Anyway he can no longer received letter from new people, and can only contact people that he had correspondence with for the first two years or so, it's too late now.
Other than whatever he did in Thailand I don't know, I've not spoken to him or his lawyer just his mum.
But let me put it this way, if the police can get into his emails and various dating accounts then he is wankered. He's a proper deviant and would always be posting craigslist adverts looking for """teens""" and has a penchant for asian girls.

I don't want to turn on him suddenly because he was a good guy from what I knew, but if he's only getting slapped with a diddling charge then he's getting off lightly.
You really think he was going to thailand for child sex?
unless she cired wolf and her daddy was some big shot around town
That's what he's been charged with, unless his mum is having a giggle but I don't think so.
Well you have people with 3000 images or whatever it is in the news getting suspended sentences

I think that anon is making his sentence up, especially with an 18yr old.
who are these cuties and where do i join them in wearing lingerie
where would you go then?
His name is azulad and he lives in Hampshire
The photos were from when she was 14/15, 15 at the time when it all came out. I was 18.
They threw the book at me and everyone took her side even though she sent them to me.
Bit of a heads up mate - you might want to wipe your digital devices / destroy them / move them if you live in the same residence. Don't be surprised in the police return and confiscate property belonging to you for ANY reason whatsoever.

You're welcome.
kek no, azulad is fat and has a disgusting and small hairy dick
fuck so far
i just wanna rub my cock with other small cocks
Nah I mean - He was going to thailand for child sex and not just drinking and shagging over 18 hookers?
I doubt it. They asked me which room was his and which devices he used already. There's no reason for them to come back for my stuff, no probable cause or anything.
Junlad pls

You had your turn
fuckin ell lads, that porridge was well too hot to swallow
Wew lad - you're skating close to the line trust me. I speak from recent experience.
Oh no idea then, I guess that's why they took his computer. Probably though there's not much else to do out there.

I've not got anything to hide on my device. What was your recent experience though?

There's loads to do in Thailand - it's a great country. Had fucking amazing times there.
bet u did u nonce
Sure you have you kiddy fiddler.
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As someone obsessed with serial killers, I'm really proud of what our country has been able to offer the world.

Everything from Jack the Ripper back in the 19th century, to his modern counterpart in Ipswich, to the legend himself, good old Shipman

We lead the world in many things, and are largely recognised for it, but we are rarely recognised for our excellence in this field too.
OK i fucked a few kids but they enjoyed it too.
nvm i found them
Is Shipman the most successful serial killer to have lived?
Like the ladyboys huh?

We're on to you, you shrub rocketeer

Bush Dodger

Bald mound admirer
He was caught, so no
We also invented Australia who are also excellent serial killers.
naaa that's Gilles de Rais
At least you didn't call him a small bean regarder.
Yes but he killed almost 300 people.

He as good as handed himself in

Yes, some medieval ones have claimed around 500 victims, but Shipman had the highest confirmed total.
Hardly successful if he got caught. Perhaps there's another (successful) serial killing GP with >1000/2000/5000 etc kills still bumping off smelly old dears.
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Just glad I dont live in Americlapland desu lads
Yeah I did fuck a few ladyboys but it's annoying because they never want to fuck me up the arse, which is what I like. The hormones often stop them from getting hard.
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Trips confirm another serial killer on the loose with 444 kills
Even fake women want to absolve themselves of personal responsibility

Don't be a slut, or a needle sharing junkie and you wont get HIV

To be fair, you'd be very unlikely to contract it this way.

Sounds like you were living the dream. No drugs over there though, right?
>be born to the wrong mother
>now you have HIV

what now?
>birtfeel contains ex-prisoners, soon to be prisoners, and civilians with serial killer obsessions

What a jolly old bunch
You can get cheap speed everywhere from most taxi drivers and expensive cocaine in Bangkok if you know the right people.

If you get caught it's a bad scene though.
we're all on a list, and so are you now you posted here


Dubs confirms it.

Apparently Shipman moaned about a lack of fruit in his diet. He said he could murder a Granny Smith so I heard.
>The hormones often stop them from getting hard.

Literally what is the point of traps/trannies then?
Don't most people go through a serial killer phase in their teen years? It's always Summer desu

Doesn't sound worth the risk in the least.

I sometimes wonder if I'm on any, and how many, just based on fagging around on here.

Gave me a late night chuckle


>11.50LBS p/h here
Just say quid mateo.

6.95, 7.50 in April

strange that wasnt original
>I sometimes wonder if I'm on any, and how many, just based on fagging around on here.
i wonder that same thin, desu
Someone knocked on my flat door at 11pm. Woke me up and now I'm fucking stuck. I went to bed at 8pm, slept for 3 hours and now cant sleep.

I didn't even answer the fucking door, as was naked so I have no idea who it was.
6.95 is literally illegal
It was me. Hang on I'll come back there's something I need.

Its minmum wage for under 25s
7.78 per hour after my probation is over.

As you can imagine, I'm pretty flush. It's good to be part of Manchester's call center elite.
If you're bringing weed or ciggeretes you're welcome. I have none of these and require both.
Funny lad.

Shipman was sitting in his cell when the guard brought his dinner in.

"Chicken Korma for /din din/ tonight Harold," the screw said. An hour later the screw returns and notices that Harold's hardly touched his curry.

What's wrong with your dinner lad? asks the screw."Oh nothing" says Harold. But I could've murdered a naan.

Man was a fucking legend as far as I'm concerned.
in modern times to the best of our knowledge, yes.
can i live with someone who will fill me with hormones

if you're in the UK and you post here then you're bound to be on the government list of problematic people for when they pass the act of mandatory spousedom making it illegal to be single
I haven't been paid for last month, and my boss routinely pays under minimum wage. Mentioned this earlier, but it's a bad scene anyway and it's still on my mind. I'd estimate that he probably pays something like four quid. Today he said if they want more then they should work faster.

Is anyone here able to speak other languages?

I can read/write Chinese very well, but can't speak well. I can speak German moderately well enough to be understood.

I also can read/write arabic somewhat, but can't speak it at all
very good old boy, heh heh
No such law would be passed, NEETs and robots are already natures way of correcting the population.
Languages are for wimmin mate. /Lads/ do math and science.
OH so you're underaged. Well enjoy your forced holiday from here.
he could be 24
>Shipman is caught, put on trial, and convicted
>Dominates the news for weeks
>Slowly started to fade from spotlight
>An hero 2004
>Briefly in the news for a few days again
>Slowly started to fade from memory again over the next decade
>In 2016/2017, he obtains cult status on an obscure general thread on a corner of 4chan.
which is underaged for these threads
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What a fucking trollop lads, I'm glad as a country we'll never spit out such disgusting whores.

I am indeed 24, and for a wage of 6.95, I'd have to be at least 21 anyway
we won't have any need to correct the population once we master genetic engineering
shut up
>don't believe you

>Jade Goody
>Katie Price

You were saying?

>Shipman once held a licenced firearm, for hunting, and had annual inspections

>The plod came round each year, and just saw it getting dusty

>The plod asked Shipman if he still goes hunting these days

>"Oh I do, but I don't use a gun to kill the old dears"
jade goody was polite enough to go and die though
We killed one of them. America kills none of their females. At least not the trollops.

>At work, we held a sweepstakes for the day she would die, and I got March 22
got a chuckle there lad..
Wherever you work rules. There'd be a fucking HR investigation and several firings if we did that here.
i 'alf dont believe ya mate but if thats so why dont you kill them?
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Quick check, I'm not the only one who just wants to punch this guy in the face? There's something so fucking ugly about him but its hard to pinpoint.

I absolute fucking agree lad, that entire style is just so punchable
Lads I'm a big time normie now
I can read Norwegian and Japanese

I cannot speak Norwegian very well "kj-" and "skj-" sound the EXACT same to me, and I cant for the life of me pronounce "oy" properly. Oh, and I cant roll my R's no matter how much I try
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This photo isn't photoshopped, have a quick google yourself lads.

>RELATIVES of a patient dying of cancer were told by Harold Shipman 'I wouldn't buy him any Easter eggs', the Shipman Inquiry has heard."
I know it sounds unbelievable. He has a way round the law that I won't go into. I'm mulling over what the right thing to do would be. After all, if I tried to dob him in then the people being exploited would have no money instead of not enough money. Wouldn't really be helping them out. It does feel as though I have an obligation to do something, but I don't know what I should or could do.
in this particular photo he looks like that tranny bloke who won eurovision, like his face is very feminine but then he has that beard
kill him

just me long run youll appreciate the idea. dont have any moralty or any of that shite about killing just do it. fucking kill him man youll look back on it eventually and like the decision

kill him. stab him to death
Reminds me of the typical dickhead chad who acts like a cunt however everyone loves him and he can do no wrong in their eyes.
He's very feminine, I think I remember him being dropped by mr.cowell, and then mouthing off about him, round the same time he got caught with a prozzy. I just, if the purge was real he'd probably be my target.
that's why he was known as the good doctor, helpful to the elderly in easing there suffering,
but able to break bad news in a kind way
I'd rather team up with the oppressed and battle him in a high stakes gamble with our lives on the line in a bid to steal that which is most precious to him - his ill-gotten fortune - and prove the value of altruisim and pluck over privilege and self-service.
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>told by Harold Shipman 'I wouldn't buy him any Easter eggs'

Holy fucking kek
He's just badly put together. Somewhat asymmetric features, vacant pale dead eyes, sausage lips etc..
what;s the significance of the easter eggs to cancer?
Because he won't be alive for easter.
just looked him up on spotify, 19 million monthly listeners
>michael jackson
>10 million monthly listeners
>the beatles
>8.6 million monthly listeners

How is this possible? He sounds like absolute shit.

The patient died 4 days after he said that, Shipman knew what he had up his sleeve, he just wanted to save the family a few quid beforehand.
>tfw inbred british genes of weak jawline and bad teeth
Easter represents new life, whereas his victim was approaching the winter of his life.
>work at 6am

I can't keep doing this. I need to quit.
easter eggs give you cancer
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That street where the surgery was situated looks pretty steep. I bet in winter when it got icy it would be easy to trip up.

I wonder if anyone ever slipped in front of the surgery, and then Shipman ran out to assist, brought them into the surgery, and gave them a swift dose of morphine
>I need to quit.
best thing i ever did mate. don't hesitate.
This rain is pretty comfy lads.

Fucking cold though.
The tumor was the shape and size of a Cadbury's Cream Egg.
Lads I've got 10 days of holiday to use across the next 2 months, after the end of March I lose it.

I currently worked Mon Wed Thu Fri Sat.
Should I take off 5 Mon/Sat combinations so I have 5 weeks where I'm only working 3 days a week? Or should I take off two weeks in a row? Maybe some other combination?
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>tfw had braces but stopped wearing my night dentures after a few years because i'm retarded
>teeth now back to being fucked up, although not as bad as before
>conscious of how they look every time i smile so i try and always smile with my mouth closed
>going to have to pay thousands for braces when (if) i get a good job in the future and then i get to be the guy in his mid-late twenties who wears braces

the worst feeling is when some americlap comments about some famous persons teeth and how bad they are when they don't even look bad at all, they just aren't pearly white and perfectly symmetrical teeth of a literal god
What's there now? Probably a paki shop or a chicken place.
Have to say it's been a /comfy/ britfeel tonight lads so thanks. Not much in the way of /feels/ but decent bants.

On another note the capcha's been an absolute cunt.
he's probably got a giant fanbase in brazil or some shitshow country
I'd spread it out.

I find that a linear increase in workload results in an exponential increase in stress and hating my life.
Gonna go anywhere lad?
I want to go away. Not sure where to go.
So a Paki shop or a Paki shop then. You could also have said a phone shop that sells a few PS3 and XBone games for the third flavour of Paki shop.
Knock off iPhone chargers and earphones that break after 5 minutes.
Shipman is successful in terms of numbers but he was killing old ladies covertly, the guy never had a violent confrontation ever.

If we're talking most fearsome and worst serial killer I'd go with Dahmer. I struggle reading his wiki page.

It's been empty for years m8
/britfeel/ get together to break in and try to summon his spirit when?

Let's remember Shipman killed with dignity, gave every single one of his victims a painless death, and while he did commit some immoral acts, also committed many acts of compassion.

Shipman was a respected member of society, even the the national press were accusing him of being a serial killer, patients still went to appointments with him for over a week afterwards.
He also reduced strain on the NHS.
do any anons have a ouija board.
and a mini bus to come get us all

I'm almost offended that someone in britfeel would compare our Shipman with some sense yank butcher
I have a Ouija board. Seen some shit.

owt good/make you shit your pants?
Glass cup smashed into a million pieces in front of us when we were fucking around with it.
>ouija board made by toy company hasbro
>somehow has supernatural powers
Can't tell if Shipman posters are shitposting or not

I don't think he thought of it as euthanasia

Then again, I do genuinely believe he did it because he found it funny. He probably joked to his wife how he gave a lethal dose of morphine instead.

He killed himself days before he turned a certain age so his wife would get a six-figure pension. I've never heard of anyone with such a unique and strange disregard for life

Do you ever see Rolls Royces driven around?

I've seen their respectable sales figures, so assume based on that I'd see at least a few a year on the road, but I've only seen 2 ever.

I only see Bentley's about 4-5 times per year, and I live in rural Berkshire

Early in his career he definitely did. He went off the rails the more he got away with it, and started killing healthy innocent people, but he certainly did it out of compassion in the early days.
I think there's a bunch of people who genuinely believe the whole "good doctor" thing after buying into people being ironic about it

it sounds like he just had an extremely amoral and pragmatic perspective on life, I doubt he felt that what he was doing was either good or bad; most likely, he simply viewed it as practical
Seen a few but not many. They are much better cars than a Bentley in terms of engineering.

The most impressive car I've ever seen in person was a Maybach. Probably doesn't cost as much as a rolls but I prefer it, just because it's a bit more unusual

A disabled 4 year old girl with brain damage caught pneumonia once, and was hospitalised, her condition was getting worse, and she'd never lead a normal life again even if the pneumonia was treated.

After asking what she wanted to happen long term, the mother said to Shipman 'Do the kind thing' and she left to get a coffee, 5 minutes later the girl was dead.

She never went down as an official kill, just 'highly suspected'. but surely you can see the compassion in that?
seen the documentary, lad. he was worshipped in the community
we didn't come up with the name "the good doctor"
Is that anon I sold drugs to the other day still alive? His last message was he was feeling more fucked up than ever before but also /comfy/.
Anybody listened to the recordings of his police interviews?
If I remember correctly I think he sat with his back to the police to put them off lol.
Which doc is the best to watch? Seems to be a few different ones out there.
My 84 year old granddad has said he 'hopes he has a doctor like Shipman' if he's ever faced with spending his last days in a hospital bed.
I don't think he did it out of compassion even then. Maybe he was more worried about rationalising his killings at first and slowly he stopped caring to morally justify them as he got carried away.

The guy was clearly sadistic in a really weird way. He had a sense of humour, and made a statement with his own suicide. He was in prison for years but he chose to kill himself at the time he did because he knew it would piss people off.
Her exact words were "be kind to her", but I do see how it appears compassionate and believe he did the right thing for her; I'm just supposing that Shipman might have seen the practicality in the act rather than the kindness

I'm not saying we did, but he was worshipped in the community and called "the good doctor" by them before they knew about the serial killing
Calling him "the good doctor" after the fact is all part of the shipposting
Brit in nz, depressed as shit but i guess it's better than being stuck in Peterborough or similar.
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18 seconds in


Sleepy Harold nods off in police interview
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At least you got some quads, I did on /pol/ a few hours back

Were you the other anon who read this book? I have about 20 pages missing between 350-370
What a fascinating human being. I guess he had just stopped giving a fuck by that point.
Why does Harold Shipman constantly get worshipped in these threads, is it just one person spamming?
Mean police presenting alternative facts to gentle kind old doctor. Many such such cases! sad!
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well for pure entertainment value
is what we watched in the film night a bit back
but i also enjoyed
I'm not, I haven't read that book although I'm now interested

I'm just interested in the psychology of serial killers, and I think holding him up as some kind of kindly saviour of the sick and dying trivialises just how truly fascinating the way his mind worked was
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>Sleepy Harold nods off in police interview
Like one of his patients after an overdose?

any other serial killers, you particular have fascination with?

My top three in order are

1. Elliot Rodger
2. Harold Shipman
3. Anders Breivik

>tfw bursting out into laughter at 2:32am and probably waking people up
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Washed all my bedding over the weekend
Feeling pretty /snug/ right now tbqh
>Shipman's greed was his undoing
Do they really think someone smart enough to get away with hundreds of murders for decades would genuinely pull something as obvious as the fake will trick?
>nods off in a police interview
I can relate to this haha must get fucking tiring and boring after a while and you just think fuck it.
I think there's one guy who really loves him. A guy who got his and bradys birth certificates afaik.I think it's him pushing it.
A few others must be quite into it I guess too.
I don't really care for the subject that much. But I am lonely and this is my only social interaction lol.
It's cliche but the ones I'm most interested in are easily Albert Fish, Ed Gein, Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer, mostly because I'm intrigued by how a human can commit acts so depraved and horrific and think literally nothing of it

Shipman is up there, but honestly I find Elliot Rodger kind of pathetic since his torment mostly came from a inflated ego and narcissism, and could easily have found the attention he wanted if he'd stopped thinking he was such hot shit that he deserved a supermodel on his dick at all times
nice fresh bedding is comfy desu. you all tucked up now. lucky bugger
i'm just off for a splif then it's bedtime for me
no clean bedding though,and still dirty and smelly from work desu
Kinda wish I would have been born into a family of funeral directors. Guaranteed work and you probably get tough and stoic after awhile.
personally I think he didn't care if he got caught as a consequence of anything he did at all

I reckon he thought he was smart enough to get away with it but knew there was a risk it would get him caught, and did it just to see if he'd get away with it

It was Harold's and Elliot Rodger's, but you've given me an idea with Brady
>Guaranteed work
nah it won't be long until the tesco and asda funeral service comes out now
Something about supermarket chains expanding into funeral services rubs me the wrong way.
is it the 5p bag charge?
one of my favourite games on long car journeys was looking out for funeral homes and trying to find the most amusingly ironic shop next to it

it was always a laugh to see a funeral director's next to an indian restaurant or chippie
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>1st spliff all day

The co-op have for years
CO-OP does it
>curious about how the high from weed feels
>no connections so decide to use alphapay
>it arrives
>smoke to though an apple
>heart starts beating incredible fast and I feel extremely depressed and start looking in the mirror all the time
>try it again
>feel the exact same way

Waste of money
>wake and bake
>1 before work
>1 after work
>1 after tea
>another 2 hours after
>bedtime 1 now
will be doing the same all week desu

I know, there's one in my town. Funeral services seem like something that shouldn't be part of a national or global chain. I suppose there's no real reason for that though.
Co-op started as a literal co-op. Its not comparable Tesco asda and so on. Well, at least it never used to be. Nowadays I dunno. But it started off a cheaper alternative.
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money is low desu
I've officially given up on this piece of coursework. I'm completely clueless on what any of this is about. It's all bullshit. In doing so I am waving goodbye to 50%.
>smoke to though an apple
Why would you do such a thing?
just sliced my thumb open by accident, have no bandage or plasters so patted the wound down with the blood thats pouring out of it and avoid bending my thumb as it opens the wound again when i do, fuck everything.
not him but it's an easy and discrete makeshift pipe
Think sellotape might work in a pinch, google it

gorilla glue my m8
Just ended up tieing an old tie round it, probably gunna go to bed in a bit.

Thanks though lads.

your thumb wearing a tie sounds posh as fuck lad, youll be beating the women off with a stick
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>Want to go to bed
>Have shit to do in the morning
>Know that if I go to sleep now I'll be waking up at some stupid time in the evening.

Looks like I might be trying to pull an all-nighter lads.

im in that situation now, im normally only waking up at 3pm, i need to be up about half 10 in the morning and im pretty sure that wont be happening now

It's usually about 4 or 5 in the evening for me lad. Once I wake up I lay there for another hour or so browsing on my phone, beating myself up for waking up so late in the day, and also contemplating about going back to sleep.
Stay up
do the shit in the morning
afternoon nap
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>builders in completely redoing the bathroom/toilet all week
>loud banging for 8 hours a day
>tfw i'm a NEET and have nowhere to go and the builders are probably wondering why i'm not at work
That's what I'm planing on doing.
Do you live near a coffee shop, can always pop out around 10am for a takeaway latte, makes it look like you're a successful working from home lad.
They're in your house all day? That's the fucking worst.
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I keep doing this desu
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Also wander down to the kitchen to get a glass of water while pretending to be on an important conference call

>"Anderson I've added you to the Google doc, looking forward to your thoughts on it, I have a few concerns but think we'll be ready to ship by the end of the month"
>work 4 nights, get 4 days off, repeat
>get home after night shift, sleep a few hours or stay up all day, makes no difference
>no matter what time I go to sleep, I'll wake up at 5am like clockwork and be exhausted all day
send help

I can't live like this, I have shit I need to do during my days off
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I fucking wish I had that sort of system when I was working, I had 5 nights in and only 2 nights off
i'm probably gonna go out for a few hours just to get away from all the noise, but i'm also tempted just to put some earmuffs on and sleep through the entire day until they go away

>hey're in your house all day? That's the fucking worst.
yeah, for a whole week too, until friday

maximum uncomfy
It's coming up to 6am already.

Been playing through FF9 on my ps1 these past few nights. Done about 20 so far.
Really struggling without internet and pc set up desu.
Living on mattress in spare bedroom/storage at my mums. Pretty grim desu.
Sorry. Just needed to vent.
I've been up all night on speed lads.

Shall i try and sleep or just keep going into the dawn.
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>Rachel riley is wearing a black leather skirt on countdown
At least you're not out on the streets in the cold and wet, lad.
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>Last time weighed myself I was around 16stone
>Two weeks ago started doing an hour on a mini exercise bike every evening
>Burn around 400 calories on average every session
>Weight myself this morning
>15 and a half stone

Feeling pretty happy with my progress lads.
Any qt blonde hair blue eye gay lads around here?
oi haven't been on this shithole in a year
anyone tell me what happened to pakiboo and that tilde faggot?
Is the guy with the comfy border collie still here?
pakiboo shows his face every now and then to brag about working in a call centre, of all things

tilde and collie lad are both gone, now we have a gippo who posts his darkie-hating gippo dog
>>collie lad

Was he the lad who used to steal stuff from Sainsburys and sell them on ebay?
Nice work lad, proper chuffed for you.

>tfw we're all going to make it.
Fuck off.

Sick of you faggots and anime nerds.
>woke up at 12am
>lay there until 6am
>no idea if I actually slept during that time
Anyone else get this?
Fucked up big time last night lads. Oneitis came to my house and we watched movies and shit, chatting about life. I kept asking her about herself and she said she wanted to know more about me, she asked what I'm into and I said not much. She said I had to have a hobby, then asked about one of my anime figures and asked me to tell her about it. Sperged out and autism got the best of me. 'Oh, she's a 14 year old lesbian with magical powers'. After that I knew I said something wrong, the whole night felt awkward. At about 10pm I took her home, got back to my house and cried myself to sleep. Here I am now, feeling nothing but sadness and regret

anon please dont kill me this early in the morning
She's jealous. How can she compete with magical powers?
Might as well post a picture of her for us now that it's over.
everytime I skip a day of college my parents say that "I can't just skip days when I'm at work" it really pisses me off. I feel like shouting at them "I know that but I'm not at fucking work am I"
Are you 12. Just don't go to college, you don't have to be there, go to the cinema or something
I'm unsure whether or not my mate secretly can't stand me, or is just as depressed as I am. Neither outcome fills me with any real hope.


No, but work ethic is important. Complete fucking idiots can do really well for themselves if they're willing to put the hours in. Conversely, plenty of intelligent folk fade into obscurity because they were lazy bastards, like you.
I'm 19, my mum is friends with the teachers on facebook so she'll know if I wasn't really going.
Haha, my parents said that when they still thought it'd become a productive member of society.
You kinda can though. I just phone in ill if I don't wanna go. Probably cant be as often though.
Can't stop needing to fap lads, It even keeps me awake at night until I rub one out. Its like an itch that needs taking care of.
I do one basically every night to go asleep. I figured it was normal.
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I just did this cause I didnt sleep tonight, goodnight senpai
Every few hours I'm needing a wank, I'm 23 and still a kissless virgin if that counts.
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yes brother, original oats
Morning lads. Using the death of me grandad who I hated to not go to work this week. Gonna stay in bed and rot. If only this was my life.
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Who /sadlamptoincreaserareofserotoninproductionwithinyourbrain/ here?
I had one for a while and it didn't do shit.
missed my bloody coach lads
I wish I didn't have to work. Being unemployed was the best time of my life. I didn't worry about anything. I don't want to be part of life. I don't mind looking at it, I just don't want to be part of it. I'd like to be able to wear a kind of space suit at all times, insulating me from the outside world.

And then I will play video games and watch TV until I am an old man and I finally die. That sounds like the life for me.
Maybe one day friend. Me too
Finished mums diy, now I need to pack a bag for the dam.

What's everyone else doing?

I don't and I wouldn't.
>Falling for le ebin Amsterdam maymay

So many better places to go in Europe m9.

Hanging around until the Mrs. gets back from Uni. Then we're going to drive to a hotel near the airport for a v. early morning flight to Italy.
There are loads of great places to go in Europe but Amsterdam is one of them.

Overused as the term is here, it's a bit of a meme destination.

Earnestly getting hyped up by Shia.
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>set my wireless router region to USA
>actually live in the UK

Who else /naughty/ today?

Actually it's not naughty in the least.
It would be if you were in the USA and set it to UK.
Where were you trying to go, lad?
My life has gone downhill
Need help with my cat. It's got fleas. I've bathed her like 6 times in the past month.
I'm bored of TV and games now after 10+ years of NEETdom

Still, there's plenty of stuff out there to do! I've taken up more creative hobbies
Get some flea treatment from the vet, DO NOT buy bob martin branded products as it will kill the cat.


I've just bought one of those Bob Martin fog things.
Anime really is a cancer.
Shit can you take it back? My cat started foaming at the mouth and acting weird after applying bob martin poison. The vet said it should never have been allowed on the market as he's seen lots of cats die because of it.
Do you say cinema or pictures lads
I say movies
Crazy people saying "pictures" in this country need to be monitored. Big trouble!
Cinema. Pictures is what people older than 50 say.
Dude my fucking cat has just been sick. She's never done that before. I put another brand of flee drooling from the mouth.
You fucking retard you put the liquid on the back of their neck they don't ingest it.
I put it on her back and neck. I put a flee collar on to. I think the flee collar was too much. I meant to say she started drooling and then was sick.
Wash it off now! I told you that bob martin shit is deadly, wash it off before her skin absorbs more of it.

Keep and eye on here for foaming at the mouth and convulsions.
Shit, don't wash it off with water that will dilute it into the skin even more! Absorb it with a paper towel instead, go to the vet if it gets worse.
Some cat owners will put their pet at risk to try and restore their dumb pride. Irresponsible!
Well we originally got that stuff completely unaware of how dangerous it is, because you expect something like that not to harm the pet. But within seconds our cat started running around and meowing loudly off into the garden, when he came back we saw foam all around his mouth.

Luckily he survived but we will never buy bob martin again.

I wonder how that guys cat is getting on now.
She seems okay. I'm keeping my eye on her.
Effects can last several days and fitting may come in the next 24 hours so do keep a very close eye on her, I know that stuff is cheap but its cheap for a reason and has even been banned in certain countries because of how dangerous it is. Just type in "bob martin flea dangerous" into google for more info.

We only get flea treatment from our vet now, hope you cat is ok.
Lads I want to shag cats
Posting from the train, lads.
Back off buster, I'll make you ingest bob martin flea treatment.
> tfw """working""" from home

lmao, budget neet life, if only for a day
>stencilling quotes all over the walls

Is there anything more cheap and tacky?
I wanted to get a taxi to the call center today. But I'm still on probation and I'm not on the full 7.78 wad yet so I decided to get the bus and then just get a taxi from the bus stop.

The driver was a bit pissed off when he saw that I was only going a short distance, and he got even more annoyed when I took out my posh Kettle Chips and started munching them on the back seat. I didn't care though. When he rolled up to the call center and I stepped out, I felt like a million dollars. I could almost hear the paparazzi calling my name and see the flashbulbs popping off.

As I strolled in to Manchester's most upper class call center, I thought about how I'll soon be able to afford premium ice creams such as Haagen Daaz and expensive continental lagers like Peroni.

Finally, I've arrived. It's good to be the king.

Those shitty "HOME" and "LOVE" block things. On par or worse.
That's true. I put all that crap in the same category.

It's literally like a Facebook status. I think these wasters think "wall" should be taken literally
I was thinking about getting some framed movie posters for my walls to fill the space. Is that shit or?
Only suitable for a home cinema room.


Cat AIDs ahoy
I say pictures desu lad
Well the room is basically just a bed, pc and tv
I find them quite tacky as well and symbolic of "young adult male's first home"
I've been 'working from home' for months now. Not got past the wanking yet.

When that happened, I used to leave at 2:40, claiming that I did a 3-11 shift in a factory.
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