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The imouto threads can't be dead, I just started getting

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The imouto threads can't be dead, I just started getting involved!

>pic related is how I feel right now
I will anal bump this shit, yo
Second for Laura having celebration sex with her father.
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One more butthole bump just for good measure
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>tfw no imouto
Stop tormenting me with these threads of feels i will never have
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>Cheaper than Dirt will never start selling guns featuring your waifu
Such a meager existence.
You feel like you're wearing onii-chan's T-shirt?

Apparently tickling Emma past the point where she tells me to stop makes her piss herself. At least we were in the shower when I found this out.
Oh sorry, I meant that I am wearing it.
I'd be too nervous about fucking up the paint job when I cleaned it. I have to be careful with my hipoint for that exact reason
That's usually what happens. Don't tease your imouto too hard.
I've been on four-chins for forever. I'll always be imouto-ing about, senpai. And to the guy who keeps wishing rage butt-fuckins upon me: SHHHH! Don't give him ideas! He reads these threads over my shoulder sometimes now that I'm outted.
Did you lick her clean?
It was cute though.

Sort of? She had already rinsed off though, it didn't taste out of the ordinary. Also I only got in there for a second before she kicked me. Not that I was actively trying to lick her pee or anything, I was just messing with her some more. I dunno why I'm into teasing her all of the sudden.

Goodnight weird people and Lucy.
Laura what ethnicity are you?

Hungry imouto guy, are you still here?
Oh, and to the anon asking for collar advice:
Nii-Chan's take: "Just do it. Just like come up behind her and put it on the bitch, you know? I mean, you know you could be nice and do it as foreplay I guess. Have you tried tying her up?"
My little addition: you could also explain how being collared is a scared bond and it comes with your guarantee that you will be a worthy Master and that you'll cherish her always... you know, if you wanna be a faggot about it. But bitches go in for that sort of thing. Or at least I do and I am a bitch.
Yes, but you're an adorable bitch
I wish I had a big brother to be an imouto to. Sadly I grew up with two sisters :/
B-b-but dat sapphic love tho!
I've shown my little sister these imouto wincest threads, and we both had that knowing look that that isn't gonna happen between us.

If anything would happen tho, it would be with my little sister instead of my big sister. Which is meh cus I still wouldn't be the imouto, hence tfw no big brother.
You should at least practice kissing with each other.
She's never kissed anyone, but I do feel a sort of overprotectivness about her kissing another boy. I don't want some weirdo to get to fresh.
>She's never kissed anyone, but I do feel a sort of overprotectivness about her kissing another boy. I don't want some weirdo to get to fresh.
Then hurry up and do it. Be her first kiss before some pervert steals it from her. You have to protect her.
It's past midnight and like a sensible human being I am drinking another mason jar of coffee. I'm going to spend my evening doodling a picture book and going for a comfy nightwalk with Nii-chan.
Wait what's happening? Lewd times with imouto?
What else are imoutos for?
Still white
Sadly no again, sorry to let everyone down again, when we got home there was a lot of giddiness because of how crazy the game was I fucking called it for the record so we were hugging a lot and we were talking about it a lot in his bed and I was trying to be subtle to I was just moving my legs around and rubbing his etc., might've been too subtle because he didn't acknowledge it
He's on his way out for the day, he asked "who the fuck are you texting at this hour" and I don't know I found it funny
Buckle up Bumperoo
Oreimo morning omlettttte bump
My mother is remarrying soon guys
I will soon officially have an imouto, although not by blood
Do you have a discord account?
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>I will soon officially have an imouto, although not by blood

Congratulations anon, but keep in mind she doesn't automatically become your cute imouto. You have to prove yourself worthy to be her brother.
I have prepared myself to be an upstanding onii-chan worthy of her
The closest I've ever have as a lover is my sister. Should I just do it with her?
She never reject or run away from my advances when we're alone together, and only time she's anxious is when there's other people in home beside us.
>Mother not particularly feminine.
>Have brother who is not on good terms with me.
>Raised around mostly males.
>If I had an imouto...

I might not be so retarded around females.
Oh well. I guess this thread isn't for me.
>pic related is how I feel right now

My imouto used to have such a lovely fragrance until she started smoking. T_T
Beat up your butch mom with your dick
>Should I just do it with her?

I recommend against it, just because there is an absence of rejection doesn't mean she is willing to go further.
I should smell alright. One of his friends puked on me which is why I was wearing it. I took a shower and used his roommate's girlfriend's stuff because she had some there.
As a newfag on this board: So people in this thread are actively trying to have sex with members of their family or its all just roleplaying bullshit?
Some are real, some are not. I'll let you decide who fits which category, but we would prefer you kept it to yourself. We have a really nice community, the traditional attitude of 4chan doesn't really exist here. Please be kind to everyone and be happy.
Lurk moar
Original blend of spices including oregano, cinnamon, and parsley
Its a mystery. In all honesty prolly a mix of both. Also oreimo bump
Blow your retarded Redditnigger brains out you cum guzzling cockgoblin
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Keep Calm and Love Imouto, no fighting in this thread.
Ty for the bump friendo ^w^
Now you've said that. I feel funny. I think what I wanted most is to have a relation ship with imouto like one would be in animu. Like, warm, cute, full of laughs, even without sex.

I don't even know why it turned this way.
>he asked "who the fuck are you texting at this hour" and I don't know I found it funny
>Not answering "My boyfriend."

Make him jealous and.or annoy him.
College girl, did you go to your brother's superbowl party like you should have, or did you stay in your room and make him feel unloved?
The next time they meet should be private so they talk about relationship moving forward.
And so afterward she can have unprotected sex with her brother filling her womb with his familial cum.
Yeah, I went. It didn't really go well. As I expected there were a bunch of loud chad-types getting drunk. I had a couple drinks on the request of my brother but they didn't sit well. At around 10:00 I somehow fell asleep on the couch while everyone else was drinking and partying. Then I was woken up by someone puking on me, which was wonderful. So I went and took a shower and got in my brother's bed. I made this thread and then barely stayed awake enough to read replies for a few minutes until crashing. Some time in the night my brother got in bed with me, he greeted me by groping me. I didn't feel good physically or mentally and didn't want it. I didn't have any panties on so he went straight for my vag after I pushed him off my butt. He was really, really drunk. I managed to get him to sleep in the living room. Then I left as soon as I woke up again and then fell asleep in my dorm room off and on until now. Luckily I only have one class today.
Laura have you thought about writing a letter about your feelings to your dad? I don't know if actually giving it to him is a good idea, but it should at least help you sort out your feelings a bit better.
>Then I was woken up by someone puking on me
Fucking disgusting, God what an asshole.

>He was really, really drunk. I managed to get him to sleep in the living room.
How easy was that? Considering he likely wanted sex.
I think the guy was trying to grab something next to me, I don't know. I remember feeling something warm hit me and a bunch of people shouting stuff like "OH SHIT" "FUCK DUDE WATCH OUT" and then looking down and it was all over me. I really vomited in response but I managed to keep it in.

It was hard. I had to push him off of me multiple times and tell him to stop. Eventually I ended up saying something like "This is your sister, you need to stop and go somewhere else" and he hobbled out.
Sorry, I meant to say that I nearly vomited in response
Why reject him?
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I'm not sure it's 100% on-topic with this thread, but I reconnected with my little brothers recently and they both have kids now. I guess they grew up while I was away.
Because he was crazy drunk and I felt terrible. I don't want some half-conscious guy grinding his half chub into me while I feel like crap, I don't care who it is.
>"This is your sister, you need to stop and go somewhere else"
Ouch, If he remembers this, it's gonna sting.
I don't see what you mean. He didn't have any control over himself, he should understand why I pushed him away when he's sober.
Drunk or not, he's gonna be upset at himself for trying to force himself on you.
I guess. I don't really see what else I could do other than just let him do his thing, which I really did not want to do. This is turning out to be a lot more complicated than I expected.
What you did was the right thing to do, drunk sex is something that people should not engage in.
Don't give up just because he got drunk and horny one time.
The key to any healthy relationship is (sober) communication, talk to him about how you feel and where you want your relationship to go.
I believe in you.
Are you gonna tell him to stop and forget about you or are you gonna let him continue?
Having to put my feelings into words helps me sort through them, that's a part of the reason I like posting
Maybe giving it to him could help, I like the idea, thank you
Well I was focusing on not saying "I'm not texting, I'm posting about my sexual feelings for you on an anonymous Mongolian basket weaving forum and they repeatedly encourage me drugging and raping you"
Speaking of rape, do it, ride him like there's no tomorrow, MAKE him cum inside you
Yeah it's not a good idea. I don't really know where I want to take things though. I feel like it's all lust and sexual desire and I'm thinking about if it's healthy. I'm worried that he might be somewhere else mentally and that it means more to him than that.

I don't want to see him right now. All I want to do is lay in bed and do nothing. I can figure out what I'm going to tell him another time.
Still don't want a brotherson/duaghtster
If he knocks you up he'll be forced to accept your love
Reminder you're a slut and he's gonna crush your skull with his thighs
Don't try anything that could ruin your relationship.

Which might be kind of hypocritical for me to say, as the first suggestion I gave you was to "start rubbing your cooter on his power pole when he's asleep"

But I've given you a lot of good advice in the past month, so I guess it makes up for that.
>start rubbing your cooter on his power pole when he's asleep
>bad advice
I don't think that's how that'd work
I remember being really serious and then reading "power pole" and laughing my ass off
But yea, someone called me a dumb selfish cunt or something along those lines for not thinking about my dad's feelings and I realized I was being kind of an asshole so I made sure that no matter what I'm putting our relationship as family first by a mile, at the end of all this I still want my dad
Thanks for any past advice too
Any time you need us, we'll be here for you Laura.
I'll only be here for her if she's still going for her dad, I'm not gonna be helping her accomplish nonincest
Serious question, do you think calling a bf "big brother" can and maybe will catch up similarly in the way girls can sometimes call their bfs "daddy"?
The way things have been progressing I'm assuming Pat's next update is
>I gave in
>I came buckets in Em
>We're gonna be parents
Anyone got name suggestions?
>girls with daddy issues can sometimes call their bfs "daddy"

Fixed that for you
It might. Only time will tell.

Pattie and Emmett
Some guy mentioned Emette and Patricia I liked those.
I'm saying as a social thing. Cus "daddy" has been pretty commonplace in 20th and 21st century.
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>3 sisters
>oldest one is 11
Make sure you protect them all to your fullest potential. Be there for them, help them, give them advice.
>The legnendary 4-some pedo-siscon has finally revealed himself.
Fuck them and then come back and post results.
>as a social thing

What? I'm saying that women are naturally crazy, and those with daddy issues are just no good.
What's up everyone? It's been a while.

Things are starting to slow down, it's almost like my sister has pretty much just moved in with me now. I got a better job and I'm looking to start training to be a tradesman soon. I haven't decided between HVAC and electrician though. I decked her out in some new clothes and she seems happier than ever. I'm also going to try and get something better for the living room for me to sleep on. We still share a bed but I want her to have a bedroom and I'm okay with giving up mine for her. She still has these "dead phases" though where she just curls up in her bed and doesn't do anything. She just keeps quiet and lays in the dark. I join her during those occasionally like if they're bad and she's crying or something along those lines.

The whole sexual interest thing has been fluctuating. Some days she's normal and it's like she's just my sister. Other days she's clearly trying to show her self off a little and get handsy. She's started sleeping in nothing but a t shirt regularly which has been awkward but I'm handling myself fine.
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>that feel when 2 sisters
>that feel when oldest one is also 11
Thanks, I like you guys a lot, I'm hesitant to use the word "friend" most of the time but I don't think any other word would fit
Sorry it took so long to reply, I made a bagel, put it in the toaster oven, went to the living room for a minute, and couldn't find my phone for the life of me until I sat on the oven and realized I left it on a burner
Yes my fucking feet dangle, fight me
Glad to know you two are doing okay.

>She still has these "dead phases" though where she just curls up in her bed and doesn't do anything. She just keeps quiet and lays in the dark. I join her during those occasionally like if they're bad and she's crying or something along those lines.
Join her as in lay next to her or cuddle with her? Because you should be cuddling with her in those situations.
Yeah, that's what I mean. Usually she balls herself up pretty tight so I can wrap myself around her and be like a blanket or something. Or she'll roll over and put her head in my chest.
How did you handle her being upset and jealous over your co-worker?
I see you as a friend.

>Yes my fucking feet dangle, fight me
Smol girls=Best girls
Really I just brought it up and said that she needed help and that's it. I proved myself by not making contact with her outside of work because I wouldn't have anyways and my sister figured it out and we're good.
It's good to hear from you, I kinda worry sometimes in the back of my head, glad things are going well. I'm not gonna try and offer advice like I'm a child psychologist or something
All I can say is about her "showing herself off", I do the same shit, it started off as trying to get my dad's attention but now I can't stand wearing pants at home unless it's 3 degrees, eventually it'll just be habit for her regardless of how she feels, maybe get her some boyshorts or volleyball shorts for the house

Side note, I don't know what HVAC is but I have an uncle who's an electrician and he makes good money
>I don't know what HVAC is
heating, ventilation and air conditioning
Anything else worth mentioning? Any cute or lewd(like her moves on you) stories?
That might be a decent idea. I don't mind her dressing down, I have way more self control than I thought, it's probably just a good idea for her to have more than panties, or the occasional thong, or nothing on down there.

Mostly she just does stuff like conveniently bend over when I'm looking or moving her clothes around to make it easier see stuff while trying to make it look like she's just adjusting or stretching. I woke up with my hand on her crotch once, I'm certain she moved it there. I was on my back, she was too but tilted just slightly so she was still leaning against me some. I remember having my arm on her chest, when I woke up it was smack dab on her vagina. Part of the reason why I'm looking to give myself somewhere else to sleep is because I'm worried that it's unhealthy for her to consider going to bed as an opportunity to try to be sexual. She's 15, she needs to have a normal sleeping situation.
Oh shit, my chest. Not her chest. I had my arm on my chest. I think if I was clutching a boob the situation would be much different, but I was not.
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>Not her chest
>Oh shit
Wonder how she feels about being 'rejected' all the time.
Yea but I want to dunk, even Woody Harrelson dunked in the end, I'm not putting that in spoilers the movie is older than me
On the serious side, what's the good part about smaller girls? I always hear that guys don't like taller girls but I never got why
You seem like you've got this, you're nice and responsible, I think you'll make a good dad one day
Did em talk to her older sister about your relationship?
>what's the good part about smaller girls

Even if you're a manlet you still get to be the big spoon
>Yea but I want to dunk
You can stand on my shoulders

>what's the good part about smaller girls?
I'm not really sure, but being easier to pick up and cuddle with is a good point.
From what I just read, "There is evidence that short women are more feminine than tall women because estrogen levels, which inhibit bone growth, are higher in them."

Okay, I asked and got answers that don't seem sarcastic or half serious
i cannot even...

you cant even post in faces of /b/ anymore let alone on some board that moves at a snails pace and archives.
Fuck I missed it who's face?
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this thing, what i meant is that posting yourself here is the absolute dumbest shit you can do.
I'm pretty sure it was just some rando

It was just a weird post overall
seeing how you guys are absolute siscons here can anyone recommend any manga ?
ive probably seen all the great anime revolving around the subject so this is why ask for manga.

Most men have a preference for smaller women probably because of its perceived relation to femininity.
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I didn't, I didn't, and we're not. The only sperm I expelled yesterday is in her stomach.

I like how everyone assumes we'll have a boy and a girl. It's like you fuckers want the inbreeding to keep going or something.

Did you miss the stuff that happened last weekend, or do you mean since then? There's nothing new to report on that front. If you missed it, the tl;dr is that Emma told our sister she likes me a lot, but tried to make it sound one-sided and I later denied that we're boning. She also told our sister I used to have a crush on her for some stupid fucking reason.
>It's like you fuckers want the inbreeding to keep going or something.
Well it's going to be in their genes anyway, the only way to stop it is if you only have one child and I doubt Em is letting you off the hook that easily.
Is Emma's pubic region still as smooth as a little girl's?
>have older sister
>all experiments and incest crap happened with cousins
>why live
I have two cousins and the both fucked eachother, and so since I've been 12 the family have since been careful not to leave the rest of us girls alone playing with our other cousins. Also fucked up her little brother.
I'm pretty sure the desire to inbreed isn't hereditary, me and Em are just fucking weirdos. I'm sure the chances are that our kid(s) will be normal in comparison.

It's getting a little stubbly, but it's not terrible. Em's annoyed by it though, she doesn't like shaving her crotch directly and she doesn't wanna wax again just yet.
Then tweeze those fuckers out for her like a good big brother
a while back there was a fembot who held her dad down down and had her way with him. he was upset but blamed himself. when she got pregnant, though, it was too much and he abandoned her.

just saying.
Tweezing hair should only be done around the labia, not around panty line or mound. Unless you want ingrowns. Suggest Nair for panty line and mound. It's less bothersome and gives the same look as waxing without the pain and $$. Don't use it around butt hole or vagina tho.
>Don't use it around butt hole or vagina tho.
Are you speaking from experience?
> tfw 5' 10"
> tfw ungainly ogre of a bitch

I wish I came in fun size like Laura. I'm so jelly ;~;
No. Just obv that Nair shouldn't be used around sensitive areas. I usually shave.
At least you can take a punch
Or Lucy, people fail to mention it but she's 5'3" and just over 100lbs. I'm always curious if she's secretly adopted or something because based on the way she describes her siblings she's much smaller and doesn't have similar features.

>tfw BDSM is an inch taller than you.
Anything lewd worth greentexting? I miss your greentexts-
That's the thing, she'll shave almost everything except the vagina itself (Apparently she nicked something down there once, she wouldn't elaborate). Not that it's a huge problem or anything, when we started doing this she was a little fuzzy, but the hair was barely visible and pretty soft so I didn't give a fuck. It's just a little shitty now that it's growing back in.

Big girls can be cute. I'm a man of extremes, I like either a small girl I can smush or a tall girl I can get smushed by.
Is Em a big girl?
No, I think she's 5'6".
>or a tall girl I can get smushed by.
Is your onee-chan bigger than you?
Not really. We're both 5'10", she's maybe a fourth of an inch taller.
Is H still trying to kidnap you and lock you in her sex dungeon?

Also is your older sister heavier than you?
are these threads about fucking little sisters?

im not sure
No, they're about tenderly loving your little sisters.
Or just your family in general.
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You're not an ogre, you're just a full grown adult unlike me, long story short I was joking around with K last week or so and he indirectly compared me to a 12 year old boy face wise, and then his 2 year old nephew
And I'm now swan, I trip a lot but I got the hang of it and started landing on my feet at least 60% of the time
Also this, I say "fight me" a lot but I doubt there's anyone here I could actually fight and not be destroyed by in a matter of seconds, the last time I was in a fight was before puberty really took full swing and made everyone noticably larger than me
You either have is confused or we really are sister
I prefer the latter
No, unless sabotaging my lunch again is part of her plan.

I'm not sure how heavy she is, she's pretty fit but not all that muscular. Now I kinda wanna try picking her up, bleh.
Pick her up and rail her, make em watch as you impregnate another woman
Make her clean your cock off when your done
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>encouraging infidelity
Does anybody have the greentext from an older imouto thread about a NEET raping his little sister? It was in three parts IRCC
>sabotaging my lunch again
Please elaborate.

>I doubt there's anyone here I could actually fight and not be destroyed by in a matter of seconds
I think you could beat Lucy.
And technically me, because I wouldn't fight back.

Also clumsiness can be cute to an extent, but how do you end up tripping so much that you "got the hang of it?"
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I'm new to the thread, are there actual imouto relationships described here?
I'm all about cute awkward real life stories
>I'm all about cute awkward real life stories
Then you're going to love Bearguy.
Yeah, has he even kissed his sister yet?
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Read the archives, these threads started getting good around November. Pat's stories have been the cutest so far. Beargguy's have been the awkwardest, but there isn't a lot of cute in his stories.
Yeah he has, though I think they have just been little pecks on the lips.
How have you been Lucy?
Has anything interesting happened?
Is he the most awkward person that has ever been on this board? I mean, come on. How long has all this been going on for?
>Is he the most awkward person that has ever been on this board?
Could be, he's been trying for over 2 months and still hasn't dicked her.
Ah fuck me, I meant to quote >>34687879
Damn, and I thought I had no game.
Oh, Mr. Hit me til you're tuckered out because I'm big and you're small
I don't know how, I just fall a lot and I still start falling a lot, my ass just hits the ground less
I also drop cups a lot, but despite my relatively small hands, I can catch pretty well and have decent hand eye coordination
Yep, Bearguy makes everyone look like Chad.
No thanks.

She just invaded my normally peaceful lunch break in order to talk about nothing, invite me to a party on friday and to very subtly complain that she still can't find a roommate.
He's 30? Wizardry is its own reward, I guess.
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It would have taken two second in paint to get rid of it. Like really dude?
>invite me to a party on friday
What did you say?
Aww thank you. Having someone enjoy my overwrought prose keeps me motivated. Our cousin is visiting so I'm kinda busy taking turns bashing the yen outta niggas in Yakuza 0 but when he takes off I'll have a bit of downtime.

Dude has anyone else gotten down on Yakuza? The scene where Kuze rode down Kiryu in the sewer and told him he wasn't shit was inspirational. >>34686920
I feel a little less self-conscious now. Thank you.
Tiny=adorable. I want to keep you and Lucy in my pockets.
I give the lad a run for his money. He can at least blend into society and his sperg-outs are kinda adorable in a way. One of these days he'll do it. Do your best, Bearguy!
Friday's when we're leaving for the cabin. I didn't tell her that though, I just said I'm busy. She got a little pouty and said I'm no fun.
>his sperg-outs are kinda adorable

Are you serious? Maybe if he was a girl, and that's because girls get free passes on shit like that.
>Mr. Hit me til you're tuckered out because I'm big and slightly masochistic, but not near the level of BDSM Imouto, and also I have no reason to hurt you, and you're a smol qt that doesn't deserve to be beaten up
Fixed that for you

Why didn't you invite H to your cabin party?
Because she probably would've said yes, and we can't have that.
You're never gonna have an orgy at this rate, Pat.
The only thing he needs to have is baby making sex with Em.
I remember you talking about H having an unattractive face, is it really that bad?
Not that I'm condoning the idea of reciprocating her advances.
>Pat didn't propose to Em on her birthday
>They didn't have a fake-pseudo marriage.
>If you had proposed Em wouldn't have told anyone about the cabin.
>You could have had your honeymoon on a cabin all alone, where you could cum inside her all you want.
How did you fuck up this badly.
That would only ruin his life at this point. A 1-man, 4-woman orgy would make his life better.
>A 1-man, 4-woman orgy would make his life better

How so?
Dude everyone spazzes the fuck out sometimes. It's like swapping stories of how you got your scars. You get old and shit like that matters so much less. We're all just people doing the best we can, so I find fuck-ups and the little shit that make us human endearing. Then again I'm completely divorced from reality and society so take it for what its worth lol
What are the chances of having an imouto equally enthusiastic about being filled with cum, I'm legit jealous and all I can do is wish good luck
I dunno, maybe he'll end up with 4 sets of twins instead of just one.
It's fine, I was being petty when I said she has a stupid face. I think the first time I mentioned her I said she'd be pretty good looking if Em didn't exist.

I know, I'm sorry. Actually I'm not, but still.


She said going alone would be suspicious anyway, I don't think that would've happened. I'll propose soonish. It's been nagging at me and I kinda just wanna get it over with.
>that feel when you don't even know how you got most of your scars
I'm just saying, I feel like I should be embarrassed for him or something. I can't help the feeling. Still, I refuse to believe anyone "fucks up" as much as he has.
Go away Satan, H, Emfriend and this other ho who may or may not come are the last people I would want to reproduce with.
Remember to take a pic of the ring and show it to us before proposing, and also remember to stream the 'wedding.'
That sounds like a great way to invite the police to our wedding.
Why would they even care?
Fine record it and put mosaics on your faces and alter your voices, then upload it.
I'm gonna take out my anger in myself and play Overwatch then ask why I did this to myself when I see someone play Symmetra on fucking payload
This is your fault Mild Masochist man
And my dad should be home soon and I want to talk to him anyways
Alright, have "fun." Did you start the letter yet?
I'll start after this game

First fucking game down 40 elo average, but it's Li Jang tower and I got Tracer so I might be able to carry
what is the letter about?
"Dear Dad, I want you to fuck my brains out, why aren't you doing it yet?"
I wasn't aware of Laura's situation but I'm rooting for her now got damn
>that feel when your daughter wants to fuck your brains out, but won't love you
Not quite right but close enough I guess.
Careful, incest threads are addictive.
No it has to be sweeter an more sincere than that. Something along the lines like "thank you for taking such good care of me, and I wish I could do the same in return. I love that I can always count on you, and you are always on my mind."
You make her sound like his wife.
That's what she wants to be though.
With an extreme amount of luck, one day she will be.
My life is pretty uneventful but reading about incest romances makes it worth it, I'm gonna stick around

Really curious how that kind of relationship looks like in real life
>tfw HSG won't pound his sister like she deserves
>tfw Lucy probably will never get to experience a beautiful, romantic relationship with her sister
>tfw IC will probably fail to handle his situation and get busted for impregnating his sister
>tfw BDSM Imouto will never receive the love she gives in return
>tfw Andrea anorexia girl is probably actually dead
>tfw beargguy will never stop spilling speghetti
But he already has a wife. I don't think polygamy is a thing in most places.
It's probably a thing in more places than incest, though.
>But he already has a wife
That's where you're wrong, kiddo
And what's so wrong about that exactly?

Comentario originalle
I haven't seen IC lately, when did he last post?
>He reasons that he already has a wife
>is in an imouto thread

Anything is possible in these threads anon
More then that. He is going to remember, perhaps even subconsciously that being siblings is a reason to stop. Not good.

Absolutely true and untrue at the same time. While being drunk is perhaps the best time to express physical and emotional attraction. Less inhibitions, but whiskey dick is really not a good thing for either party. The correct answer was as she did before. Oral stimulation. As he was the heavily drunk one, suggesting he complete a task, say preparing her for intercourse, would have been better. If he was too drunk to finish, he would blame himself, not her, or their familial relationship like he could now, even subconsciously.

Physical relationships are always complicated. Add taboo social mores into it and it gets even more so.

Also, the longer you wait, the more time he has to form his own opinion and put thought behind it. Thereby making it harder to remove him from said conclusion, whatever it may be. Talk before rest. Rest allows things to fester. Clean the wound first.
Isn't gay marriage a fairly recent thing? I'm pretty sure marriage between siblings and the like isn't legal yet.
I've got a quarter century of spergin' under my belt. I've definitely fucked up more than Bearguy. I just got the aforementioned free pass because life on easy mode. Even then that'll only take you so far before you're the Weird Girl. I've just embraced my fate. It's like "Whoops I said something fucking obnoxious and everyone is starting again. Shruuuug. Is what I do."
The first time a dude took me on a date (was completely unaware it was a date because boys are weird and I want to play Morrowind and what's all this?) he tried to kiss me and I jerked violently away and he got my cheek so I just kinda kissed his cheek back but I slobbered all over him. He looked at me funny and kept trying to soldier through my weapons-grade autismo (bless him), but the fucking coup de grace was when he said I had such smooth skinwalkers and I blurted "Like a penis?!" way too loud because "smooth like a penis" was a catchphrase the normos used at the time. My social skills have not improved.
> tfw you've gone so far off the deep end your phone autocorrects "skin" to "skinwalkers"
>he tried to kiss me and I jerked violently away and he got my cheek

I've mastered the art of kiss avoiding, despite not a lot of people trying it on me. I'd even say I'm the best at it. But I never get into situations like those, as I happen to have enough foresight to avoid them. If you put me in a hypothetical situation, and ask me how I'd get out of it, I'd tell you that I'd never be in that situation in the first place. I can't tell you how thankful I am to have as much foresight as I do.
You actually have autism dont you?
I find it really insensitive when people refer to Beargguy as "Bearguy."
What's the extra g for anyway?
You are but a little baby
>tfw first and only gf tried to free me of my kissless status and I yelled no in her face
To be honest this all ending might be better than me trying to push it. I just think he's hot and could fuck me until I can't remember my name, I'm not in some crazy romance novel. What he was trying to do was unhealthy and not appropriate. I didn't want to do it. There wasn't a reason for me to just put up with it for the sake of his feelings.
If she wasn't so intimidated, you left yourself fully open, she could've stolen your kiss virginity right there.
Gutless? Goober? Gelatinous? Gravy? Great?
>he doesn't think autism would have kicked in and violently shoved her
I picked up my mom and threw her away from me when she tried to hug me once, I have a very strong aversion to forced contact
You forgot groovy. Or gangsta. Maybe gay? Is that why he's so not into his sister?
You gay and also a sissexual
Can we all agree that the social stigma around incest makes so sense? I've ranted about it here already, but I don't see why the romance between those two particular adults should be forbidden.
I've never been formally diagnosed with anything but bipolar disorder <insert jerking-off hand motion here>, but uh...yeah. I'd definitely say there's something wrong with me.
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/r9k/, help me.

I have a brother that's nine years older than me and I've always had a bit of a crush on him. He's really talented at guitar, muscular, cute, etc. But he's such a norman and he always ignores me for his makeup-caked ~alternative~ normie gf.

How do I get him to pay attention to me?
Even if he'll never harbor romantic feelings for me. I just want more of his attention.
>I picked up my mom
You must be a big guy.
I'm a manlet to be honest familia
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>~alternative~ normie gf
Try spending more time with him. Ask him to help you try out any hobbies he has, like playing guitar. Hug him, tell him you love him.
Is your mom a dwarf?
Are you a fag or a grill?
I think you're just gay and fat.
Nah she's probably normal height wise, retard strength must have kicked in
If it makes you happy to end it, then do so. But it sounds more like fear. As far as what he was doing, yes, it was. But he was drunk which is also unhealthy and not appropriate. As is incest. You don't do these things because they are health or appropriate. You do them because they make you feel good. You want that to stop. Then stop it. Make the decision. You want it to continue, you continue it and realize that what you say and do will have consequences that could ruin it before you are done with it.

Either enjoy it, and work to keep enjoying it, or toss it aside and move on. But stop complaining about making that decision, even to yourself in your bed.
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I'm a girl (female).

I do have a guitar, which admittedly I'm not too talented at playing. I didn't pick it up as naturally as he did. Sounds like good advice, thanks Anon.

How should I spend more time together if he moved out and I didn't (yet)?
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who knows, it probobly stands for "gunpla" since they like to through in a lot of extra Gs in Gunpla Builders and Build Fighters.
>The first time a dude took me on a date
Shame on you, not saving your first date for your Nii-chan, he better have punished you good for this.
Take an interest in his hobbies. Even if you ultimately find it boring or you suck at it at least you tried something new and he'll see you trying. You could try telling him his guitar-ing has inspired you to see if musical talent is hereditary and ask for a lesson. Ask his opinions in things and take his advice. Tell him you want to be closer to him.
>As is incest
>he says this in an incest thread
>implying it isn't purest love
All those filthy nbr whores will never love you as much.
Is moving in with him a possibility? Go to a movie together, ask him to go out and have lunch with you, anything that would involve you and him being together without his gf being there.
When you 2 had oral, you said he wanted to go all the way, but stopped him because of his knee, if his knee had been ok, would you have fucked him?
Choked away a fucking 2-0 lead after our Ana switched to fucking Junkrat
I don't get people's motivation, why, why does this happen to me? What did I do? I lost 34 elo because I tried my hardest
Anyways the letter is meant to be my feelings for my father written down in plain English since saying them hasn't gone so well for me and I can't get the words out right, so I'm gonna right it down and maybe give it to him
For context, I don't just want to fuck my dad, I do want a lot more than that (no kids with him, I desperately want to be a mother but I'll take the trade) but it's looking unlikely, he and my mother are divorced but recently got back together, like a few days after I told him how I feel and tried to kiss him multiple times
I'm not touching this game for the rest of the night, maybe week so I'm here for a while
My dad's home but I think he's gonna go pass out soon, he's in the shower now I'm not trying anything before anyone says anything
>I just want more of his attention
How fucking old are you? Jesus Christ, women never change.
Just take a little peek, he'll never know
I'm a guy and I'd like my sister's attention as well, stop trying to insert your moronic reasoning here
Best bet, enter his orbit more regularly. Arrange to do things he likes with him or near him. Keep your selfish, me time to a minimum when he is available. Become friendly with those he aims to make his GF. See what he sees in them and look for that in yourself. Magnify those parts. Be nice. Be friendly. Be endearing. Make him see all the things he wants in his life, around you.

His brain will do the rest.
>I'm not trying anything before anyone says anything
>not hugging him and telling him you love him
How did he respond to your confession and the kiss attempts? I hope he didn't get too weirded out or anything
But I'm not even lonely, anon.
We weren't thinking of each other like that then. Well I was, but it was still a shameful mortifying secret. But it just goes to show that if you don't go for it someone will snatch up the object of your affection. He never would have dated birthrate if I had told him the truth. This is why we don't keep secrets from each other now.
She just sounds like she wants attention for attention's sake.
I'm not entirely sure if I would have or not. I wasn't fully in the mood at the time but I doubt he would fail to seduce me if he tried hard enough. The knee was a good and quick excuse while I was still sane.
Birthrate. Bitchface. Same thing right, autocorrect?
>This is why we don't keep secrets from each other now
Can you say "too little, too late"?
I tried to tell you overwatch is a bad game that only brings pain and suffering in a not-good way.
So besides four channel, video games, spending time with your dad, and housekeeping, what do you do all day?
Servicing others and getting no recognition for it, makes people stop doing it. Being the healer and getting no credit, makes it no fun. So switch to a fun hero and enjoy. There is your motivation. It feels good. Doesn't matter that it would feel better to just win. People do what feels good for them, RIGHT NOW.

Next time, try giving some cheers, or even just a thanks to your healer. Hard to do in that game, I know, but try it. Even just while your waiting for the team to pile up and head out together. A little morale building goes a long way to make people willing to suffer some more for the sake of the team.

Also, you could have just picked up the slack yourself.
Only if you're a little fuckboi what gives up like a fucking chump. Not in my personal lexicon, anon
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Thank you all for the good advice! I'm screenshotting these and keeping them for future reference.

I don't mean attention for attention's sake. I mean to be cared about by my brother, to talk to him regularly, etc. I'm sorry if the way I put that made me sound like an attention whore.

I just feel like I'm not a priority to him because he doesn't try to talk to me often, and when I do text him he takes ages to respond. He's unresponsive with everyone though.
What was that, about you being second?
There are some things that just can't be fixed.
That is a little sister trying to reshape the bond with her big brother. There is never anything wrong with that.
Is that even possible?

>Also, you could have just picked up the slack yourself.
Don't talk down on her like that.

Good luck. I hope to hear good news from you soon.
Not if she just wants attention. She can get that from the rest of the world.
He just kept saying no and I got up and ran to my room
He just sat outside it and threatened my fruit until I came out
From all our conversations, I'll just try and sum it up
He doesn't want any sort of relationship like that, regardless of how I feel, he hasn't been mad or anything since we mutually agreed to put our family relationship first, I tried a few other things, asking him if I could kiss him, straddling him after the Patriots won the conference championship, and probably something else
It could be worse, he still lets me sleep in his bed and we still hang out, all things considered my hopes seem dead and buried but I'm having a hard time moving on
I blame the players
I'm pretty sure it's apparent by now iike football, so I keep up on that, I follow basketball but I don't really care for anyone in particular, I just don't like Curry, I downloaded Duolingo a few weeks ago and I started French because I main Twitch in Rainbow Six and once I work up the confidence to go into game chat I want to shout obscenities in the chat, and I listen to music to try and work out the meanings of every little thing rather than just fucking enjoy it

Flying Saucer.
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>threatened my fruit until I came out
that sounds rough and complicated, I hope you manage to work this out and stay on good terms with your dad! good luck
I really do hope it turns out good for you regardless. It would be nice if your feeling come across.
its exactly what it sounds like.

Laura is obsessed with her Blueberries and her dad was sitting outside her door slowly eating them to coax her out.
>your blueberries will never be ravaged by your dad
How does it feel, Laura?
If he is letting you stay in compromising positions, situations that could tempt him, then it's not over. He just needs to find the reasons to get over his hang ups. He hasn't found them yet. He is allowing you to stay nearby, either in hopes that he will find the gumption to do what he may want to do. Or he is hoping at some point the situation may be taken out of his hands and relieve him of guilt. But he will probably settle for you slowly reverting to normal, if that is what you do.

As far as spamming in chat, that isn't thanking. Put on a headset with a mic and thank the healer, with voice, personally. Spamming in chat is annoying and very impersonal. They cannot know if it is meant, is sarcastic, is spazmatic, or of it is a troll just trying to annoy. An honest, heartfelt, "Thank you." People will do so much more if you just give them that. Add in a little wit, and they will do it with a smile.

And most don't first pick healers. They pick healers after others have not picked any support. Then they feel obligated to heal in hopes of a win. Get little encouragement and ADD themselves to a much more enjoyable hero. Fuck the team. Fuck the game. They are going to at least enjoy themselves.

And it sounds you don't play healers when you have to. When your healer spazzed out and went Junkrat, you played what exactly?

Got a friend who plays a lot of Lucio. He grew to get good with him after the Summer Games and he had to play Lucio-ball for maximum xp gains. He says he is a good team healer. Good choice, at least in his opinion.
Out of context that sounds weird, I meant blueberries, he was eating them to make me come out
He finished them
Thanks, I'm trying to tightrope between not letting him think my feelings have passed and trying to be romantic, and not pushing too hard
Like she has blue ovaries
>he was eating them to make me come
Oh yeah, I bet he was.
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>E: Aww, you should've invited H*****, the more the merrier

Is Em fucking in league with you guys, the fuck's going on

>smooth like a penis
I laughed, Em asked why I was laughing, I repeated "smooth like a penis" to her, she called me gay. Thanks BDSM.
>she called me gay
Call her brosexual
>I want to shout obscenities in the chat

>I listen to music to try and work out the meanings of every little thing rather than just fucking enjoy it
Well if you want to try doing that for awhile try listening to System of a Down's album "Mezmerize," that should keep you preoccupied for a decent amount of time.

Do it. Invite her. Make Emma happy.
>Is Em fucking in league
I bet if you impregnated her she would tell you :p
Someone stole the bearguy trip months back when he screwed up and post his password in the field
I'm telling you she's a cuck senpai, rail your older sister while she watches
>the more the merrier
Have you tried asking if she is a cuckquean
Him letting me sleep in his bed is more because I have a hard time sleeping alone, I think he just feels sorry and probably doesn't mind the company
But yea, compromising is the word since the first attempt I made was trying to shove his hand in my underwear
>Implying I have the confidence to put on a mic outside of the 4 people I typically play with that I've know for years
After the Ana switched I was gonna go right to her since she's fun for me, but our Soldier switched to Zenyatta so I was left as the lone DPS
I'm not really into metal, but I guess there's no harm in trying
I'm still working in Flightless Bird American Mouth, it's only made harder by not being able to understand what he's actually saying, I get the difference in the first two verses, he was an adventurous kid and then he's a "fat house cat", he just sits at the window and watches everyone else live their lives like he's got fucking season tickets, I'm almost done, it usually all clicks in the end
I mean, I guess I will now? I don't know, I still think it's a bad idea.

I am acknowledging with this reply that I have read these posts.
I guess the more helpless you are the more he seems to respond? It's not necessarily a bad thing to ask him for help.
Have you told Em you think H wants your dick and that is why you don't want H to go with you two
Fucking ask her pat, ask her if she'd get off watching you taking another woman
Seriously, why haven't you told her this yet?
I typically will make vague mention of the times when H asks me shit or does something weird, I'd be surprised if Emma wasn't suspicious about her at all, especially after the couple times Em met her. I guess I have to tell her straight up though. I just didn't want her to overreact or something, but I guess that's stupid.
Ask her how she feels about watching you fugg another woman.
First telling the truth to your older sis and now Em, to ensure no confusion you have to be blunt and not step around it
I don't want flail around and guilt him into anything like a helpless baby, I don't want to play him only for him to change his mind once he realizes he doesn't feel the same
I've accepted at this point it's probably not happening and while I don't like it I don't have much of a choice so I'm not gonna freeze my life here, if it doesn't work out with him I want to move on and live my life
>accepting anything less than perfection from life
Shit tier
That is the excuse he gives himself, and you. It's a lie. People lie to themselves all the time so that they can say they are blameless. If he actually was insistent that it not happen, he would suggest sleeping pills. Not cuddling up next to him with next to nothing on. He wants the physical relationship. He just doesn't want the guilt for violating social mores that he has been taught. He doesn't want the blame if things go wrong. He is afraid.

As far as confidence, that is purely your problem. If you can't get off your ass to thank the people healing you, in a way that they know that you appreciate them, not their fault if they decide to find something else to do. They already to the uncomfortable position of supporting your ass. Protect them, and thank them. Every time you can. Treat them like a man is supposed to treat a woman. No excuses. We are not allowed any.

Zenyatta does more damage then heals. Nice try. Hell even I could slaughter with Zenyatta and I am horrible at that game. Loved killing those Hanzos at long range. They can't hit, because of arcs, and I have hitscan attacks that get magnified with a debuff. Dead sniper. The look on their faces when the "healer" kills them. Hate Widowmakers though. They are usually too accurate to pull that off with.

So in closing, you didn't pick up the slack. Just like most people on that game. As my friend said, that game is more about hero selection and countering then it is about skill, and even teamwork. With teamwork, you can overcome skill, but you can't overcome hard counters. Learn to adapt on the fly, support the strong spot in your team, which if you had a Zenyatta and a Junkrat means you are not an assault group, but a harass group, means that you needed to change your tactics as well. Get a healer that can help that harrass, like a Mercy to buff someone's damage and heal tanks, or start harrassing yourself, which an Ana would have been great for, along with some heals.
I feel like telling Em my coworker might be into me, and telling our sister that I've been plowing our baby sister whom I promised to protect are two very different things.

You've hounded me enough that I would normally break down and try to bring it up somehow, but I don't think I should ask her that immediately before or after telling her about H.

Regardless, Em's yelling at me to stop staring at the computer, so I guess we're gonna do something and/or talk about something or another.
Quit trying to ruin her relationship with her father, and quit bitching at her about a shitty game with 80% terrible players
Good luck and keep us updated! I hope the two of you become best friends.
Nah. Preeeetty sure you're just a little bitch. I'm sorry you're so miserable, anon-kun. I know this humble (You) can't make up for all the hugs Mommy and Daddy (and presumably your siblings) didn't give you, but I hope it soothes your battered ego somewhat.
>tfw Pat doesn't also have a brother you can pester about banging too.
Zenyatta can't replace a DPS, we'd be running a zero DPS comp with no contention heroes, had he picked Ana we could've recovered but Junkrat on KOTH isn't useful, the one thing he's decent at is pounding Reins shield, and I had to handle the Rein too
Zenyattas fun as fuck to play, but we needed straight healer and we couldn't run a low as fuck damage team, discord or not we're not killing anything
And I know not hoping on the mic is my fault, not blaming anyone else for that

On the more serious note, I've slept occasionally since we moved out, I think it's more of a "not changing" thing
I can't make him love me, all jokes aside I can't change how he feels, so if he comes around he comes around, I'm 19, I've got time to wait maybe another year or so, it's been 5 years it ain't anything new
>I've been plowing our baby sister whom I promised to protect
But that's exactly what you're doing by plowing her. What if she ended up with someone who couldn't take care of her like you do?
>I've slept occasionally since we moved out, I think it's more of a "not changing" thing
I don't understand what you're trying to say
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Hi guys.. We finished the Grimgerde. Hope everyone has a good night.
I slept in his bed before I told him how I feel, he lets me sleep there afterwards because he doesn't want anything to change between us
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It just seems to me like you're in denial because you'll always be second to him. It's okay, we live in a cruel world.
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What? No pics of the finished product? I'm disappointed Brendan
Since something appears to be stopping you from fucking, have you tried kissing your sister while hugging? Or just kissing at all? As far as I can tell, you're supposed to do that before the sex part.
No, you can't make him love you. He already does that. He lets a full grown woman sleep in his bed after she has shown sexual desire and interest in him, despite all the disdain it would get him if it got out to the public. He holds her and keeps her near him as often as he can get away with and not be called out on it.

He loves you. He just can't bring himself to act on it. He is afraid.

And that is new data for me. You are now 19, when did you try to get him to take you? If it was pre-18, then you might want to try again, sometime. That would be one less societal more holding him back now. A little less resistance to the idea that he actually does want you. If on the other hand it was recent, then my conclusion could be in error slightly. The natural repulsion of breaking taboos requires time to overcome. But the fact that he has you in his bed, a full grown sexually adult woman, and hold you to him while he sleeps shows that he loves you. Men can do that for playthings a few nights out of the week, but don't keep that up with someone they are not attracted to, or trying to protect from others. As you are a full grown woman, I would point to the former with a bit of the latter thrown in. The latter being mainly an excuse for him to ignore the former.

Actually if you had, and I'm assuming here, 3 tanks or harassers, Zenyatta, and a Junkrat, that is a good team to whittle enemies down with. They key is not to overcommit until 2-4 of the enemy team is dead or pushed off the point to find health packs. You had a harrass heavy team. Play to their strengths rather then just do what you want because you feel it's what you want to do.

Do exactly what you wanted the Ana player to keep doing. Think of how to assist others rather then how to run out and be the hero.
Vote to kick player from lobby
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Ohoho, we're far beyond that. Don't know where that part of "awkward pecks" came from. I don't blame anyone for thinking that though.
Is your little sister smol?
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There's the finished piece! Looks great Brendan
Far beyond what? Kissing while hugging? Far beyond, meaning close enough to sex you can touch it?
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Small? She's around 5'3". Maybe an inch higher.
As close as these Petitgguys she built are.
Is that you, Anal? Did you have that Donald Duck plush?
>not facing each other
>not lovingly looking onto each others eyes
Why do I even try
We're shitting up the thread with the Overwatch shit, so let's drop it there

About everything else you typed, you meant it one way but I took it another honestly
In a way, it doesn't matter if he never looks at me the way I do, I've thrown all this at him and he's loved me through it all and he hasn't sent me away of been any less of a father to me because of it
I've done just about everything possible to ruin this and he's stuck through it
I've spent all this time dwelling on what I don't have instead what I do
I don't know what I'm gonna do with all of this, but for now I guess it's just a new perspective
> reverts to previous statement.
Godsdamnit, anon-kun. You fucked up the pacing. You're going to have to step up that game if you wanna be my asshole banter buddy.
Do you do any with custom paint-jobs?
Who're you calling buddy, pal?
Whatever happens, I'll be your friend and be here for you through it all.
Who ya calling pal, friend?
am I one of the cool kids now?

Good. Have fun, and enjoy your life. Get out of here.
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Yup. That is/was me! Dolan still keeps me company at work
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Look, you omelette. The poses she puts those bears in within a week is mind boggling. Sometimes it's cute like you described, sometimes it's like that, and other times they're bashed with whatever will fit.
Rarely. I only go as far as panel lining, top coats, and sometimes weathering. Looking at these Petitgguys makes me want to try stuff out though.
Nice knowing you've been here all this time.
>you omelette
Should I be insulted
what is that image, who is that girl
Don't kick me out of the nest yet, shit, I'm not saying I'm over him or anything, I'm just a little more optimistic and I'll be more accepting of it doesn't work out
You were so fast to say goodbye
Thank you, I appreciate you guys being there for me about something I can't talk about anywhere else
Dude if you can do weathering and you rarely paint you ought to give it a shot. I get the feeling with your attention to detail you'd be good at it.
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Trust me, I miss tripping
Yes. Hope it stings.
Now you're making me want to look at more paints. Could be a fun project for the both of us if she can work up the courage to change up the looks of some of her bears.
Comfy board
What I mean though is my feelings for him haven't changed, but I'm a little more appropriative for what we do have
Anything else happen after getting doxed? You still doing ok?
>for what we do have
Just stop replying to him, and he'll eventually give up and quit annoying you. 99% of the people in these threads support you and want you here. Don't let the 1% bother you.
>white knighting over shitposting
>white knighting at all
>white knighting on r9k of all places
Your existence is worsthless, consider ending it
There go my eyes, just when I thought I wouldn't need my glasses ever again
He's not bothering me, I know he's joking I'm just clarifying, I didn't take it seriously
I know I'm dense in terms of sacrasm/jokes but I get this one
Nothing so far. I don't think he got my home info. I signed up for lifelock to be safe. Nothing else has happened so far thankfully.
That's pretty much every Dethklok video. But in case you didn't get my message
>for what we do have
I thought I was retarded for not getting it, then I got it
You're favorite thing isn't disappointment? You seem to be used to it.
I wonder if college girl's brother is ramming her right know.
>You seem to be used to it
Yea, I'm still wondering how this would go if I had a cuck fetish
>even mentioning the word cuck
Go no further.
Fuck I'm not gonna develop one, I don't even know where I stand on most fetishes, but I know I'm not a cuck
How do you feel about anal?
How can you say you love your daughter if you won't stick it up her poop chute?
>but I know I'm not a cuck
Hasn't your father been fucking your mother for a while now, while all you can do is get mad at the thought?
Hasn't everyone's father been fucking their mother?
Maybe, but not everyone wants to fuck their father like Laura.
Next you'll tell me not everyone wants to fuck their sister.
>Implying thats possible.
Brothers and sisters are literally made for each other.
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>are literally made for each other
I can't tell, are you actually using that word correctly?
Yes, after all the word 'literally' was literally made to be used in that sentence.
Do you literally know how many times the world literally is used incorrectly?
Literally none of the time
What? Are you literally kidding me?
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>P: Hey Em, I don't think asking H to come is a good idea
>E: Why nooooot? I wanna meet her
>P: Uh, you met her before, sort of
>E: Those didn't count, but why can't she come?
>P: I think she wants me to ask her out or something, I don't know
>E: Hahah, what?
>P: Like I dunno, I'm just getting that vibe, she wants to know everything about me and keeps asking me to hang out and stuff
>E: So she's niiiice?
>P: Even now that we're in different departments, she visits me on my break every day
>E: Oooh, that's a little weird. Tell her you're taken
>P: I did, that's why she visited your restaurant, she wanted to meet my girlfriend
>E: Oh, I forgot, ahah. I don't know, I think she just likes you
>P: Sure, that's the problem
>E: I mean as a personnn, does that bother you that much?
>P: Kind of
>E: You're allowed to have friends, Pat :P
>P: Uh, okay
>E: If she really likes you that much, just tell her you're too involved with your sister to date right now
>P: Nah
>E: Or I'll tell her how much I love you
>P: ...Nahhh
>E: Eheh, ask her to come though, for real, don't be rude to your friend
>P: Why should I
>E: I'll suck your dick
>P: Uhhh...
>And then she sucked my dick
>The rest of the night consisted of the showering and cuddles that I'm sure you're all sick of hearing about

Bleh, I guess H is coming then. Why is this happening.

Also Laura is cool and strong and deserves dadlove.
You 2 should just fuck in front of her so she understands how things are.

Is Emma usually awake when you're pulling out her nipples?
Why do I feel like that's not even the worst idea at this point.

No orgies. Also yeah, I don't usually like doing stuff to her in her sleep. I've done it a couple times though, it helps me relax. I know that's weird.
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Or maybe make out or something, I don't know. If Em catches H looking at you, she'd probably shove her tongue down your throat in full view of her, just because she can. Now that I think about it...
Wait fuck is H not your older sister or something? I'm very confused, this whole time I thought she was your onee-chan. Pls help pat I don't understand
No, H is my coworker. Sorry about that, I have a habit of assuming everyone's read everything I ever posted.
Nah that's ok, I think it's when I first got involved the concern she had for what was going on between you and Em just made me think she was your older sister. Also I feel like you passed up some nice oppurtunities in the cabin alone with Em by accepting a blow job for an invite of H. Also, I hope to our lord and savior Jesus Christ neither H, Em, or anyone they know shows up in this thread. I can't post anything personal because too many people I know browse 4chan.
Nope. Nothing happened, just me and my homework. My roommate made a big fuss about me not doing anything about myself about three hours ago and I still feel like a loser because of it. A
>I still feel like a loser because of it
At least you're not a slut
>having sex with your brother now makes you a slut
I still don't know why you feel bad for blowing your brother, it's perfectly normal for a little sister to want her brother's dick.
>her roommate is a slut you omelette
I guess. I'm not cool though or having fun. All I do is sit in my room and occasionally get asked to join people for food. I'm not gross or anything, I'm just boring.

He means that my roommate is a huge slut, which she is. I said that in another post somewhere.

I feel bad about the whole thing. I feel bad for indulging, I feel bad for letting him in then pushing him away, I feel bad for leaving so early, I feel bad for ignoring him all day. I'm smarter than this.
Don't ignore him. Tell him you regret what you did, and that you'd like to move on and forget about it.
The only thing I'm understanding is that you feel bad because you're not sure you can reciprocate his feelings. Though judging by the things that make you feel bad it kinda looks like you want to, do you?
Do I really regret it though? That's the thing, I'm juggling this because I didn't really regret it, but I feel like I'm just digging a hole.

Want to what? Have sex? Probably. I'll be real with you all, he's strong, he's hot, he's sexy, and he has a big dick. Like physically, I'm there, I'm down. I'm not ready for the consequences, whether it's because it gets too emotional from him, or the consequences of getting caught, I'm not ready. I don't want those things.
>whether it's because it gets too emotional from him, or the consequences of getting caught, I'm not ready. I don't want those things.
I'd love to have advice for this, but sadly I don't, but I do have a cheesy line, It's understandable that you're afraid of being caught and having to bear that feel by yourself, but remember if you do end up in a relationship, you can rely on each other for this. Yes I know I suck, no bully plz
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Feels like we should know more about what he's like.
I don't want a relationship though. I know it sounds awful but I just want to fuck him. I'm sure I should be this sweet girl bashfully following her onii-chan around desperately trying to receive his love but I just want him to dick me.

What do you want to know then?
Think about it, and tomorrow ask your brother how he feels about what you did, and how he feels about being in a sexual relationship with you. His feelings matter as much as yours do.
>whether it's because it gets too emotional from him
You've said pretty much nothing about him. I mean, how would he think if your positions were reversed? But I see you mentioned that you just want to fuck him, just ask him about >>34696044 , pretty much. Although I don't know where feelings are supposed to come into play in a sexual relationship.
Well during your first sexual encounter it looked like he wanted to go straight for sex, maybe both of you just want sex, just become sibilings with benefits.
Does he normally drink as much as he did during the super bowl party? Do you think that him getting drunk again and becoming forceful will be an issue in the future? In any case, you should let him know how uncomfortable it made you feel.
You say that like it's easy to just ask someone about the time you gave them a blowjob. I'm not going to just strike up a conversation like "Hey, remember that time I sucked your dick? You like that?" That's a tough thing to talk about.

If he just likes the goods and that's it then I'm okay with it. I don't really know what he's thinking though, I'm not good at that whole emotional understanding thing.

Not just normally, he does in any party setting though. He can drink a little bit on the weekends but he isn't slamming beers or anything unless his "bros" are over. I'm not good at talking about my problems though, it did really make me uncomfortable but how do I get to that? I don't know how to take myself from a normal conversation to talking about him getting drunk and trying to shove his fingers in my vag.
So you've decided to pussyfoot around this instead. Exactly what do you think you can do, aside from just asking him directly?
>Hey, remember that time I sucked your dick? You like that?
Well that's not what I meant at all, but if you don't like my advice then I'll stop giving it to you.
I don't know. I'm bad at this, I don't really know how to solve problems other than running away from them.

>but if you don't like my advice then I'll stop giving it to you.

Okay, I don't want to be mean, but seriously. You're thinking way too highly of yourself, you aren't some Dr. Phil, Jerry Springer, relationship saver, you're a guy on 4chan. Cool it with the threats of not giving me (You)s. It ain't a big deal.
Does anyone else like college girl's attitude? It's nice to have a girl that doesn't start crying when she breaks a nail or cuts herself shaving.
Call him up. Tell him that you want to talk about what doing on between you two and either invite him over or talk to over the phone. Let him know that you like what the two of you are doing and that you want to continue. Then tell him that while you find him attractive, you don't want to move thing past being physical with him. After you hash out where you want your relationship to go from there and discuss what he wants, move onto the topic of the Super Bowl party and how it made you feel and ask if there is ever going to be a repeat of what there.

Just remember, it's going to be equally as awkward for both of you. Also he is still your brother and not some stranger you picked up off the street. He'll be patient and listen to what you have to say. You can even tell him that you nerves about saying all this and ask him to bear with you. Even if you are a bubbling mess or need end the call early to gather yourself, he'll still be there for you.
>solve problems
>running away from them
You're contradicting yourself. Still, just get him somewhere private, where no one can bother you. Then fuck his brains out ask him directly. Now, I don't know his personality, so how exactly you go about doing this is up to you. You're either gonna go around this, and nothing will change, you'll talk to him about it like a decent human being, or maybe you'll actually fuck his brains out sometime in the future, which might end you in a good or bad position. At which point I guess you could discuss it, but I doubt it, considering. And I've never been in a similar situation, so yeah. Seriously, how is discussing it like civilized beings not the most predictable and obvious solution? It's not like you've got a lot of options.
While I guess I accept the compliment, that's a little rude to the people who post that seem nice though.
You know what? I'll call him now. He's texted me a few times today, called me once, I'll go ahead and return it. He's definitely still awake, I'll try and get this done. I'll ask him what he thinks about me, see how he feels, and go from there. If it comes up I'll tell him to not get so drunk again too.
Good for you. desu
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Evening anal bump-ah

Just tell him you're dtf, but not to fuckin rape you if you're not in the mood. It shouldn't be that hard to understand.
Hi everyone. I'm currently camping out in his bathroom. We had sex, it was good, mission accomplished. It turns out that when booty calls he'll come to your door faster than a police officer responding to a 911 call. It also seems that if his penis is hard then knee pain goes away. I should have known I was going to let it get to this point. I knew what I was feeling when he was sleeping with me the first time. I didn't expect it to happen so fast though. I don't plan on making it happen all the time though.

Also I guess on terms of the phone call. It went something like this. I'm making this conversation up, you seriously expect me to remember it verbatim?

>Hey me what's up?
>Hey, I'm sorry I kinda ghosted you today
>No, it's fine, really
>Okay, good. So, like... uhm... uhhhh....
>What do you, like, um, think of me? How do you feel about me?
>Well I think you're smart, and hard working, and-
>Not like as a sister, what do you feel when you think about me?
>What do you mean?
>Well like, I find you kinda sexy and I was hoping that maybe you felt the same way about me?
>Listen my name you're beautiful, but-
>I mean, like you want to do something sometime... soon?
>How about now?
>mhmm that works

And BAM! He was in the parking lot faster than you could say rock hard penis! I guess you guys won't care about hearing from me anymore. Your goal was reached.
>I guess you guys won't care about hearing from me anymore
This is not true
>It turns out that when booty calls he'll come to your door faster than a police officer responding to a 911 call


>I guess you guys won't care about hearing from me anymore.

can't you stay? it's nice to hear from you
Yes we'd like to hear from you! Did you cuddle desu?
Remember to practice safe sex.
Did you bring up any of the other stuff you were concerned about, like if he wanted anything more than sex or about his drinking?
Wait Pat I don't remember was Emma your first or no?
I don't get anal, I don't know why you'd want to fuck someone in the ass
Yea, don't remind ne
Bump because no one else is awake apparently
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The return of my fourth favorite pasta
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My cousin is 10.

How do I ensure that when she's mature enough she has a crush on me?
I'll think about it. I get angry here more often than I'm enjoying myself.

Yeah I slept over. I held his arm like a teddy bear.

Thanks, mom.

Not really, I might be using sex to help ignore and run away from my problems.
I'm have this weird urge to make cookies at this hour, but I'll put it off for later so they're at least warm when my dad comes home
>Not really, I might be using sex to help ignore and run away from my problems.

You should definitely bring it up at some point. Besides, you don't need the run away from your problems. You had the balls ovaries? to call up your bro for a booty call and rock is crippled little world. Also if he wasn't eager to please you before, he certainly is now. Just let him talk to him before the next time you slay his monster cock.

>Thanks, mom.
This is serious. You don't want to trip on a puddle of splooge and break your leg too. Cripple sex is not as kinky as it sounds. Make sure all onii semen is safely deposited into imouto vagina as deeply as possible.
>fem"""bot""" has a Chad brother and is applying roastie logic as to why she should just ride his dick with no emotion
>I don't get anal, I don't know why you'd want to fuck someone in the ass

Sad panda
I probably should, I don't know if I will, but I should. I've done a good job of avoiding problems for most of my life. I'll likely repeat the same cycle over and over. I'll face the issue, build up a bunch of courage to handle it, panic a little, realize shit hit the fan, then see an easy way out and take it. It's kind of my mantra.
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I mean, once I'm married I wouldn't mind giving it a shot, but nothing about it seems appealing for either party
There's a lot of nerves back there. When done properly, it can feel REALLY good
what is the actual source to this image?
iv'e seen it a hundred times but never thought to find it.
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Ichigo Mashimaro
It's an edited image.
Eh, if I do it one day I do, but it's not on the bucket list or anything
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Danger Dolan, with the morning coffee stick
Don't make me report you to the feds
Shit nigga, they've already got files on my dark web shit
>My roommate asked me if I need help with boys before leaving to go to class
>Meanwhile I'm just thinking about the next time I'll get to have sex with my brother

This is like a heroin addiction. I tried it once and I've seriously been thinking about getting a fix all day.
Slut who will have her skull crushed by her brothers thighs
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Imoutos are no match for superior onii-dikku, after all!
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Quick morning bumper car

Hey everyone, my sister got hit by a car today and broke her leg. I'm just amazed by how wonderful people can be. Her best friend's parents reached out to friends and members of the church they attend and they managed to get people to promise money to cover everything. I won't have to worry about a single medical bill for this. I was literally puking in the bathroom because of stress before I found out. She's going to be locked down for months because it was her femur. I wish this girl's misery would end. I'm also so relieved that all I have to worry about is taking care of her instead of bills.
Do you fuck her?
Aw fuck man that sucks. I've been hit by cars a few times but I never broke anything. Are you getting time off from work to care for her?
Having had a heroin addiction, that's pretty accurate. I didn't even like it at first but I was still thinking about it all day. I suppose there are worse things to be addicted to than your lover's dick.

I called my boss and he's going to let me shave some hours off but I agreed to let her stay at her friend's house in the early phases. She's still hospitalized and all and is going under for surgery in a few hours. Then she'll need a bit more care than I'm capable of but when she gets to the point where she can go to school again she'll be back with me. She said that she wants to be home with me on the weekends so maybe that will happen.
>I suppose there are worse things to be addicted to than your brother's dick*
If you're making love, then he's still your lover. I think lover trumps brother in that situation, too. Of course, I've never had sex with my brothers.
You don't need love to have sex. Do you love prostitutes when you have sex with them, too?
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You don't need love to be someone's lover. It can be a romantic or sexual relationship. Would be preferable for it to be both, but it can be just the one.
>worse things to be addicted to than your brother's dick*

You're father's dick perhaps?
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>You don't need love to be someone's lover
I know she's your sister and you'd give your life to save her, but try not to stress out too much about it. She'll be fine. One of my classmates broke her femur falling down the stairs, and she was back at school, albeit on crutches, about 2-3 months later.

I hope everything goes well regarding her surgery and recovery. Stay strong.
Look up the definition of the word, Anon.
Definition 4.
Definition 2.
You don't need to be in love with someone to be their lover.
This just proves how terrible the existence we live in is.
But it does mean your brother can be your lover pretty easily. That seems nice. I don't know if I'd want either of mine, though. They're still little kids in my mind.
I can't help but think about all the possible really bad outcomes. I know it's just a leg, it's a break that has a very proven fix, I'm still terrified. It didn't help that my shithead mother chose to not visit her and instead called my sister trying to convince her that me and my "co-parents" are lying to her. I'm still floored CPS gave me temporary custody because it made everything much easier. We recently started the custody case so things are pretty stressful anyways. I just wish I could take some of this pain from her, she really doesn't deserve anything that's happened to her. I scheduled a thing with the nurses though, apparently there's a little girl in the hospital wit a broken leg as well, she said something like my sister was really pretty and has been asking about her all day. She's going to visit my sister some time tomorrow.
It says something about a person being in love, but doesn't that need to go both ways? If not, I can say I'm everyone's lover. Also, it says person. So looks like niggers aren't capable of love. What a surprise.
Romantic OR sexual. But it specifies sexual relationship, so I think it has to ongoing. I guess for a one-night stand you could say "(S)he was my lover for the night".
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>apparently there's a little girl in the hospital
Well there are plenty of little girls because she's in a children's hospital but there was one in particular that saw her as they were wheeling her into her room.
Jokes aside, it's a nice thing she'd be around ppl with similar dilemas so she doesn't feel so alone in all of this.
>that feel when you've never broken any bones

One advantage to never going outside.
>I can't help but think about all the possible really bad outcomes.
I know, I've been in situations like that before. If you can't physically be there for her, drown yourself in work, video games, movies, or anything that will keep you focused on something other than your sister. Before you know it, she'll be ready to go to her friend's house.

>little girl in the hospital wit a broken leg as well, she said something like my sister was really pretty and has been asking about her all day. She's going to visit my sister some time tomorrow.
Aww, that's cute.

Can you not shitpost in these threads anymore? You're not helping anything or anyone.
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I'm sorry you can't appreciate the greatness of little girls.
No I second the previous anon. Stop shitposting for imuto's sake
>that feel when no imouto
Jokes on you, you gotta try something to be addicted to it
That all sucks, but it seems like things will be okay, I know you're gonna worry regardless of what anyone says but try and be optimistic, your boss is being a little sympathetic and money's covered so all you have to worry about it her
Sorry I don't have much input, never broke a leg

Found some m&ms, gonna put those in the cookies later, I'm probably gonna eat most of them
That or I could make brownies, I haven't actually bought the batter yet, I'll figure it out
by the way
i love you for this
i can pay you back in sexual favors if you want"

I'm too autistic to tell if she's joking. nee-san if you're reading this pls stop reading.
>Found some m&ms, gonna put those in the cookies later
>That or I could make brownies
I'm bumping you up to a solid 9/10 wife

I thought you didn't want to be part of the "RP and tripfag circle jerk"
But she's most likely fucking with you
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You're all fucking weird. I hope this board is deleted so this festering shithole doesn't continue, jesus christ.
never said that, also this is an RP and tripfag circlejerk

think so? she has sent me semi-lewd pictures before, like purposely showing off. fuck.

I had a spasm of ecstasy reading this
If you're willing to risk your relationship with her and possibly the rest of your family if she's joking and tells them about it, ask her to send you a picture of her boobs.
>i can pay you back in sexual favors if you want
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I just cracked my upper back typing this, pushed my shoulder blades back. Anon I'm a literal autist what do you expect.

>willing to risk it
god she's so cool though, apparently a lesbian, she plays vidya frequently, watches taiwanese cartoons and recs me stuff, hmm

yep, gonna risk it. I'll ask her later when she's back from class.

I don't know why I have an obsession with her anus but MAYBE I can see her boobies.
>apparently a lesbian
Maybe brosexual as well.

Is this post the consensus? I read this and kind of agreed.
some of these stories being fake*

I don't know how I managed to leave out the main point of the post.
Nigga there is no consensus. Believing something won't make it any more true, and the opposite applies. We'd all want for nothing if that was the case.
I hope Lucy hasn't left for good.
She got the 500th post in the last thread.
I don't expect her to come back after what was said to and about her, but I hope she at least pops in once in a while to let us know she's okay.
I can't agree with her choosing to do drugs, but if it's apparently the only thing that makes her happy and not stressed about thinking people are constantly judging her, then I'm not going to tell her to stop.
I personally don't care about weed. I did it a bit myself a couple years ago. It's pretty mild and it definitely has an effect that can rid you of stress and pressure. She'll be fine when it comes to smoking weed. I'm still upset with the people who showed their true colors though.
this sounds like normie drama

"Oh X said Y about Z! She might not come back!"
"Apparently A did drugs and is trying to love B"
She very obviously has clinical depression and basically lives life with a gag in her mouth. She has unreal levels of emotional distress going on all the time. She basically comes here to chat and talk about how she thinks her sister is hot. She came a few days, I assume while high, and said she smoked weed. She claimed that it had a very positive effect on her. The moment she said it a few posters that are typically supportive came out to bash her for smoking and then essentially called her feeble minded and unintelligent. It was rough, especially as she's fairly fragile.
Unless it's either prescribed by a medical professional or being used as anesthesia for surgery or something, I don't think anyone should drink, smoke, or otherwise ingest anything that changes your mental state or awareness.

That's just my opinion though, so nobody cares.
>stop posting things I don't like
If he stops posting I swear to god I'll make my own porn crop folder just to annoy you.
So brownies? I'll go to the store now
I hope she'll come back, it was fucked up for people to jump down her throat and treat her like a baby over a little weed
Lucy has always been a baby Laura
Whatever you feel like making. Just make sure you get some work done on the letter today.
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>be a kid, around 7
>mom asks what I want for my birthday
>A brother!
>dad looks at mom, smiles
>mom gets preggers, it's a girl
>no problem, sisters are nice too
>years pass sister turns out to be a huge, loud, obnoxius fat cunt
>still try to be a cool big bro like in the animes
>I'm 24 now, she's 16, still a bitch

I have failed.
okay so I asked her what she meant but I'm waiting for a reply too nerve wracking but let's wait and see.
>ywn rim your sister
why live?
There's literally nothing wrong with ifunny watermarks
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That's where you're mistaken, kiddo.
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Imoutos should be shot in the fucking head, I hate incest
I guess the brownies, and I did start the letter, but I was using a pen since I hate pencils and it's a retarded mess of crossed out words and entire chunks and arrows and shit, so I'll have to rewrite it while I'm done
Plus my handwriting is shit and I'm a righty and manage to smudge everything and have to wash my hands so getting it right is going to be an adventure
Why do you hate pencils?

>Plus my handwriting is shit

>manage to smudge everything and have to wash my hands
Again, pencils.

Also do you have any plans for Valentine's day? Is that when you'll give him the letter, if it's done by then?
Cute gun.
>Meanwhile I'm just thinking about the next time I'll get to have sex with my brother
Today? Looks like all you need to do is text him.
>Not greentexting the sex.
Not mine, but thanks
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>tfw H really wants to come on the dumb cabin trip but she can't because of the short notice

Also I keep forgetting to mention that I didn't get the deli transfer thanks to another bagger quitting, oh well.

That's rude, it's not like all imouto's are practicing incest. Don't take your rage out on innocents.

I'd stick myself in the middle category if I'm being honest. My bad habit of greentexting as if I remember everything word-for-word and then paraphrasing to make up for my bad memory probably leaves things looking a little embellished.
>H really wants to come on the dumb cabin trip but she can't because of the short notice
Plan one next week. The orgy must happen.

Was Emma your first or not? I don't remember if you already said so.
Is Em the best cuck?
She's the first person I performed penis-in-vagina activities with, yes.

Probably not, no.
>H can't go to the trip.
This is god's way of telling you to impregnate her during the trip. I know everyone here jokes a lot about you cumming inside her so you can impregnate her, but let's say one day you do cum inside her 'by accident' do you think she would take a pill or would she be ok with being impregnated?
I feel like she wouldn't want to, and would force Pat to move to a different state with her to rent an apartment and live as a couple while they figure things out.
I mean we're still gonna have Em's best friend, at least one dude and possibly another chick on the trip, H not being there doesn't make much difference.

I don't know. I feel like she'd take the pill if I got serious and told her she had to, but she definitely wouldn't want to.
do you two ever watch porn together?
>at least one dude
That's not acceptable, Pat. Get rid of him. Claim all the females there for yourself. Start your own harem. They'll help you add H to your harem on the next trip.
Pencils hurt and pens are smoother

I haven't thought about Valentine's day, I don't know if doing something would be weird, he's probably hanging out with my mom
I've never done anything for Valentine's day so this is new

Sorry it took so long for me to reply, Rainbow Six has a new dlc, every season I make the title screen my computer wallpaper
Not actual live-action porn, no. Early on in this whole thing she found sadpanda on my laptop and made me read a loli doujin with her, but we weren't fucking masturbating to it or anything.

I guess her watching me play the intro to HaraKano sort of counts too.

But I don't like harem anime, and the "maybe" girl has a broken uterus and probably multiple STD's.
>Not actual live-action porn, no
Think you two would enjoy it
>Pencils hurt
Are you gripping them super hard?
Do you have really thin skin?

>I don't know if doing something would be weird, he's probably hanging out with my mom
Ask him if he'll take you to get milkshakes or something innocent like that.
Maybe just leave the letter on his bed and wait for him to find it.

>I've never done anything for Valentine's day so this is new
Be my valentine if you want?

>Sorry it took so long for me to reply, Rainbow Six has a new dlc, every season I make the title screen my computer wallpaper
All you had to say was "video games," I understand 100%. Do you only use one wallpaper or do you set it to go through multiple different wallpapers?
Pencils are all rigid and shit, hurts my knuckles. I'm sure I'm holding it wrong but I don't like them
I feel like he won't take me out or anything because then it seems like we're "something"
Leaving the letter in his bed is probably a good idea, I was gonna crumple it up, throw it at him, and lock myself in the bathroom until I can gauge his reaction
>>All you had to say was videogames
Sorry, but no I just do one at a time, but I didn't like the last one so I got some old key art from an old dlc
I've got no problem spending it alone, I always do, I was approached a few times in highschool and probably sounded rude when I didn't know how to say no nicely
Lucy's going to be Laura's valentine. Don't get in the way of the potential love octagon!
Stop trying to fug Laura
Everybody stop, Laura was only made for tender and loving father dicking.
>I was gonna crumple it up, throw it at him, and lock myself in the bathroom until I can gauge his reaction
That's a pretty funny idea, but he'd likely throw it away without opening it up and realizing it was a letter.

While that is true, if that becomes something she can't achieve, she has to eventually move on and find happiness with someone else.
Please keep your shitty fetish out this thread.

implying this cabin trip isn't part of Em's plan to start up Pat's harem.
implying she doesn't want to be the bottom bitch in Pat's harem and manage it for him.
implying she's not going to take first ride on Pat while Onee-chan, her best friend and H watch and get sloppy seconds.
implying Em won't make them lick her cunt juice of of Pat's cock before they get a turn to ride him.
implying she doesn't want force her friends head down on Pats cock while she blows him.
implying she won't be spanking Onee-chan's ass while Pat is pounding her from behind.
implying she won't make H eat Pat's creampie out of her cunt while berating her.
implying when Pat says he wants to be serviced, Em won't walk up stairs and let them out of their BDSM Imouto approved cages and lead them downstairs by their leashes and on all four to were Pat is sitting in wait.
>let them out of their BDSM Imouto approved cages
>implying she doesn't want force her friends head down on Pats cock while she blows him.
Wew lad, that spoiler does things to my dick.
>Pat will never deliver.
It isn't cuck if you want to share how wonderful your bro is
Siblings are not to be shared.
Someone tell him that
You're probably right knowing my luck, I'll put it under his pillow and try and emphasize that I'm just saying how I feel, no pressure on him
what about with other siblings
Laura doesn't even like girls though.
Maybe. It depends on a lot of things.
Guys stop the cuck talk knowing our luck we will mememagic it into happening. Back on topic
So what is the full text of the letter?
She's not done yet, and also it's very private and personal. Don't ask her to share it.
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I don't want our big sister to live in a cage though.

What about Em and her putting you in a cage
Not done yet, since it's practically chicken scratch I'll post a little transcript when I'm done
Yea still not gay

>Love octagon
A stop sign?
I don't know why they would do that, but I guess that'd be preferable. The world doesn't lose much if I'm cut off from society. I wouldn't like it though.
Someone make a new thread with the roll part included
We need to reach 500 before we can make a new thread though
You just did. Again.
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Hello Lucy, good job.
Are you going to do this every thread?
Well, it's your harem. I can't tell you how to run it. If you want the pecking order to allow Onee-chan to share the bed with you and Em, then fine.

New bread baked

next thread appears
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