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My sister is probably going to die within a few days. Is anyone

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My sister is probably going to die within a few days. Is anyone else having to face some real shit right now?
Everyone will die. That's more inheritance for you mate. Don't be sad.
I don't give a fuck about an inheritance. I don't want my sister to die. There are people who aren't heartless freaks.
how is she going to die anon?
sorry anon. I think alot of edgelords here will tell you mean things but I'm really sorry this is happening to you. If she's in a good enough condition you should go and be happy with her so you have some good final memories and so does she.
She has anorexia. She fell into a coma last night. I overheard her doctor talking to her psychiatrist, who works in the same hospital, and he's preparing to help our family begin the whole grieving process. They're trying to keep her alive but it's really not going to happen.
Has a doctor told your family about her medical state yet?
If I were homeless I could get a section 8 voucher, instead I'm left here worrying about my future. I'm so incompetent.
Time to fucc her
That she's in a coma? We've all been at the hospital since she fell into it. That she's probably going to die? No, but I think a lot of us felt that this time was probably not going to go as well as it usually does.
>Everyone will die

Valar Morghulis.

This anon is right. Shit like this is much easier to accept if you're religious or spiritual. Just a thought.
i may have to face my ex gf death someday near, and i feel guilty and desperate, but there la nothing we can really do, i deleted all my horrible porn and i built an altar to pray for spirits and nature, not religiously just like honoring and i feel good now, it may sounds dumb but death makes me realise how horrible i was
Anybody who has a good relationship with their sibling simply can not be a robot. It's just not possible.
Well If a doctor hasn't told you she is going to pass I would recommend to stay calm and hopeful
This. Take her before Muhammad in the sky will gift her to some human bomb.
Why didnt you force her to eat?

Didnt you love her enough to keep her alive?
No one gives a fuck about your robot gatekeeping

I lost my grandma in a similar way last year (progressively finding out that she would not make it as her condition got worse). It's sad that way, and I can't imagine how much sadder it would be to lose your sister. All I can say is try to be with her and the rest of your family as much as possible right now
>posting on /r9k/
>feels bad about the people who brought you into this shitty world dying

Why can't you bastards leave us alone?
Damn... sorry anon. I guess what I'm going through isn't bad after all. I don't want to imagine any of my family going through that.
>never had a job
>finally getting my stuff in order
>going to school
>doing very well
>life seems like it wants me to fail
>car is plagued with many problems
>I have no money
>dad is paying for it
>tells me that I don't need to worry
>he said keep continuing what I'm doing
>for the first time he seems quite proud for me
>feel like an awful person because I have no money
Sorry, op
Would your anorexic sister by chance be 19 years old?
Yeah, she is. I know she posts here because I caught her doing it a few days ago. I wouldn't expect her to give away enough information for you to make a connection though. So either you're really lucky or talking about someone else.

Either way, it's a really creepy thing.
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Games will take the pain away
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We're praying for her, onii-san!
How tall is she, how much does she weigh, and when was she moved into the hospital?
I think the guy is stressed enough, you shouldn't link her posts.
>She has anorexia

I really wanted to be sympathetic towards your situation, but this is too much for me. Fucking kek, my man.
I linked to her post, so that, god forbid something happens, he'll at least have her words.
I didn't do it for lulz, trolling or anything like that, just did it because I'd like others to do the same, if my sister was in the same predicament. Those words, regardless of what they were, would be like rare gems to me.
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She was really sweet Anon, she said she had already made her peace in another post I can get if you'd like
I'm only posting this because I hope the closure helps, I'm sorry
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I'm actually tearing up. She really loved you, OP.
If the information you're looking for was last night and 5'3" at around 65 pounds then I'm done.
You're so very edgy, congratulations on kicking a man while he's down you utter faggot.
Trips don't lie. Just eat a burger you attention seeking cum rag.

>while he's down
He's just a normalfag who has a relationship with his family unlike some of us.
So it was her in the other thread. She really loved you deeply man. so sorry
10k in rent mightbgrt kicked out soon.
Inb4 it's revealed OP is samefagging as his sister
Could you tell us her first name, OP? I feel bad about calling her Anorexia-chan...
>She has anorexia
For some reason this makes it far more depressing, I feel for you man.
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Keep us updated, OP.
We wish you, and her, the best.
Bump for Anorexia-chan's real name
at least you have an acitivy which iscaring about dying sister...

i would kill for having something to do (not even kidding)
did your sister give you some succ OP? is that why you are sad your sister is about to be kill? because it will end the succ train?

whats it feel like to get a hummer from a skelly?
o cmon man
is that really necessary
bump for OP's return
Maybe if you eat something, it will make you feel a bit better.
I know how you feel OP.
I have to go to a one week work skills course or I won't get my Centrelink.
It's pretty rough.
>Dumbass removing herself from the gene pool.
I lost all sympathy here.
A friend of mine commit suicide yesterday. The guy hung himself from a bridge.
Cried for about 4-5 hours today, and don't know if I'll continue living this shit life...
After reading the thread itnwas her time to go M8 shes fucked 6 ways to sunday and best for everyone she dies.
What was your friend like, anon?
Yea see, thats the worst part. I barely even knew him.
I know that he played chess. I know that he liked Harry Potter (more than he should). He was pretty tall and rather handsome, like 6/10 if you count the geeky attributes as positive. He always did walk around with a rubix-cube in his hands however.
But the thing that haunts me is, that I barely ever talked to him, and now he's gone, just like that.
There was a minute of silence for him. I counted. It last 30 seconds.
The fact that the world simply moves on with one less person traversing on the globe and that in the grand scheme of things, no one really matters.
But I do miss him personally as well. He was really nice.
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Trruuuuuu lose that v card boii she won't even know you're doing it
That's the worst feeling. Like knowing if things had been fine and they kept living how you might have got to know them and bro out with them.
And then just like that, gone.
He must have been through some rough shit to hang himself though. Not the death I'd choose for myself, if I was suicidal.
I don't know, hanging seems kind of 100% succes rate, doesn't it ? like pills and shit can miss or just make you a vegetable. a rope, you just kinda hang there until you're dead and even more, just to make sure.
And thats the weird part, no one knew he was sad/depressed or anything. His parents very oblivious and no one ever bat an eye towards him. Always smiling...
Hanging can either be very painful, if the rope isn't tight enough, or can behead you if it's to tight. Or it can break and leave you unconscious for hours from the fall.

Drowning is much better way to go. A burning sensation as the water feels your lungs, and then its all peaceful as you just fade.
There's an anon who has has been lurking imouto threads for years, who lost his sister to a drunk driver.
not sure why people are acting so crass about this. have you ever had to hear a doctor tell you that somebody you love is going to die that night? or had to watch them slowly stop breathing? its fucked up and soul splitting and you shouldnt wish it on even your worst enemy.
but I do wish it on my worst enemy
>or can behead you if it's to tight

Sooo.. always make sure the rope is incredibly tight?
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lol dying of anorexia
lol letting someone die of anorexia
>having so little knowledge of mental illness while having autism yourself

>have you ever had to hear a doctor tell you that somebody you love is going to die that night? or had to watch them slowly stop breathing?

Uh, not previous poster, but yes as I happen to be a medical resident.
Once less slut to ride chad and nigger cock.
any nudes? post pics, OP
It's called force feeding.

Holy shit is this for real?
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>No offense but she wont fucking die.
>Be strong for her blah blah.
>Go spend time with her and leave this site you dumb cunt.
>Care for her until shes gone, its the least you can do you lousy fucker.
>Sister is about to die
>Find out she browses this shithole
>Find out she wanted to fug you
Way to put salt in the wound
It's an elaborate RP.
Either the guy set it up a couple of days ago and this is the next step of his master plan, or he just saw that thread and is trolling based on it.
Note there are no pics in either thread
Salt does heal wounds faster though.
shut the fuck up you normalfaggot, I swear to god if I see another game of meme reference I'm going postal
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Don't you feel sympathy for the Robots who an Hero? Some people are just broken.


Actually yes, lost someone in 2016.

On a rational level, no reason why it would only happen to good members of my family while bad people go safely and successful through life, but one of the few bastard I hate tried to commit suicide and failed and it just made me more angry after him. Guess that's just me being irrationnal.

Life is strange enough as it is. Here's a stray cat who survived after some fine piece of humanity hit it in the skull for the lulz. Apparently the cat is now in good conditions.
Saved to my "russians are human just like us!" folder.
For real man that sucks I've been in a similar situation (brother died). It's painful. Best wishes to you and your family. Fuck the edgelords but I assume you expected it.
>late stage anorexia
>organs start eating themselves, including the brain
>irreversible cell death that makes recovery almost impossible
yes, many things are much easier to accept if you make up bullshit comforting stories
Fuckin neato, I knew electing Trump was a good thing. I'll sign.
fucking bumpo because I want to know her name
Andrea. Just let the thread die. Things aren't going well and this is the first time away from the hospital I've had for hours.
OP, is that (you)?

original origini
bumping this dank thread :^)

that wasn't original, wow.
stop, he doesn't want this thread up anymore
when did this board become filled with faggots. Jesus Christ.
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Sending prayers, hope she gets better!
You should feed her your dick and cummies
She'll bounce right back!
>some autist spent days rp'ing ahead just to get attention and (You)'s
this desu famalamadingdongchingchong
>hurr durr some dumb stacy bitch doesnt want to eat and now she's gonna die by starvation in FUCKING FIRST WORLD COUNTRY IN A FUCKING HOSPITAL

She wanted OP's dick so I guess she would be willing to eat it.

Save your sister through your cum OP

She was a robot though (assuming this is not some elaborate RPing)
So who so you pity?
I pity people who can't help their situation or their fate is beyond their control, ie someone with cancer, shot by criminal, etc.
OP's whore sister is just a stacy attention whore

Roasties are not robots. You're the cancer killing this board. Fuck off, faggot
I'm just dealing with parents and friends/family that are ignorant. Everyone I know thinks just get a stable job and that's it. I have a degree in computer engineering but realized I enjoy poker more and might be able to make a lot more money that way. Don't real care about slots kind of gambling, but card counting and advantage play in general is fascinating. Problem is though is that everyone thinks they know everything about gambling and casinos without ever actually reading anything about it. At the same time I can understand; professional poker players, card counters, and casinos all make their money by taking advantage of others ignorance about the games work.
In that case maybe there's something to these bullshit comforting stories?
Seriously why the fuck was she starving herself in the first place? Let me guess Chad chose Stacey number 2 because she weighed 5 pounds less. Pick a guy under 8/10?, gross I'd rather risk death and die. I am dam sure this is the subconscious of women. Not like they're capable of conscience thought.
If anyone wants to know, you get good at poker by putting in the work. Its just reading, playing, and reviewing. Going over hand history after every session and identifying leaks will make you very good very quickly.
Its a mental illness. After your previous statment sehr is also someone you pity cause she can't do anything about it

Maybe she should have gone jogging instead
Saying that she has anorexia makes me kek. She's just too dumb to eat. Unless you live in africa there isn't any reason to die of starvation.
I don't feel sympathy for robots who an hero. I mostly feel pride knowing that there are those here who have actually solved there debilitating robot disease.
>Drowning is a much better way to go

Nigger, you better be baiting right now or you're astonishingly stupid. Drowning is one of the WORST ways to die, ever. It's not a little "burning sensation and then peaceful" it's fucking agony as your lungs fill with water and your brain starts dying from lack of oxygen.
>not knowing that anorexic people endlessly vomit if you try to force feed them

You ignorant ass nigger. How about you educate yourself before you start spewing shit.
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My father is contemplating the suicide, and the worst part is that im so apathetic, its hard for me to be sad for him
From her posts, she also said she has fecal impaction which make taking a shit like giving birth out your ass, so I can't blame her for not wanting to eat..
>educate yourself on this dumb topic that only afflicts priviliged Stacy's
how about no
Why the fuck can't see just eat? It's literally the easiest fucking thing

t.450lb hambeast
Not as bad as ypu OP

>Im broke and have no money
>Live in a house with slobs and degnerates
>Today my roommates fuckbuddy left spilled soda in the kitchen and just put towels over it, there was a milllion ants.
>Stressed out over work because I get spread thin and then get blamed for something I didnt do and get called a POS
>Training to replace the head of a department when he retires
>Guy is an unapproachable tweaker
>In charge overseeing work and they try to cut corners, I tell them not to do it, foreman overrides decision for production
>Foreman gets in trouble and bitches about me not doing my job and he has all the same training as me
>Depressed because the house im living in is probably gonna be sold and I cant afford to live on my own

Something I noticed regarding the story about his sister's medical care. Why is she going to get TPN through a picc line, instead of getting an NG-tube or J-tube, which would be both safer and more economical?
God damn Aussies, get fucked by an Abo and beaten by a 'roo
Also reading her story she's been battling anorexia for 5 years. I'm assuming she's gone through all the other treatments and they're just taking extreme measures.
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