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>tfw black >enjoy being black >enjoy using 4chan >think

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>tfw black
>enjoy being black
>enjoy using 4chan
>think you'd be desensitized to the racist culture after 4 years of using the site
>still want to punch someone in the face every time so blind idiotic racist shit gets spouted

It's really unfortunate that such an entertaining and engaging site has to be so heavily populated with degeneracy.

>inb4 get out nigger stop crying

yeah yeah

Post your BBC please
How can you enjoy beeing black?

I mean, I cannot enjoy beeing white.
I just am.
Reddit is your place
If you haven't developed a tough skin to personal insults after 4 years on this site, then there is no hope for you.

Hmm idk that sounds like a you problem
I want to suck it so bad thank you anon
listen, nigger. your kind isn't welcome here. your IQ is too low to be one of us. your brain doesn't work the same.

Personal insults I don't mind. Racism doesn't really stop getting on your nerves as a minority. If a bunch of anons berate me in a thread based off what they perceive my character to be it doesn't really mater. But being constantly reminded of the ever prevalent racism in society runs deeper than just building callous. I'm assuming you're not a POC yourself if you do not understand this.


I only ever use reddit for porn and buying drugs online.
sorry tyrone, it's hard being a blackbot. Just eat KFC and trucking on like everyone else.
We're just not part of the same group and the idea that we should consider one another as being part of the same group is what's annoying.

White talking to black as if what they said was relevant to them is idiotic, and blacks talking to white as if they had something to say to them is equally stupid.

No Jamal, it's your kin who is degenerate and vicious. The racism just points it out.
Time stamp it to prove your not white cuck

Troll responses like this isn't what I mean by what gets me upset. It's more so when you go on /tv/ or /lit/ and someone brings up the merit of a black author, actor, etc. and its immediately followed by "niggers havent contributed shit to society we wuz kangz xDDD" type ignorance. I don't doubt that i'll probably have people emulating that same behavior in this thread. I wont mind since its expected. I guess its just shitty that people on this site dont want to give black people credit for literally anything and completely write off any claim we have towards social contribution with that "we wuz" meme. I can't really do anything about it s whatever.

>inb4 more people complain about me being whiny on a board for whiny cunts
/pol/ uses facts and evidence

there is good reason to be racist
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but you said this earlier
Why is there any expectation that your society is our society?

When "black" "make contributions" they do it to a for themselves. I don't need to acknowledge anything.
everyone claims to use facts and evidence
why belive /pol/

I'm too lazy. Also why would a white person complain this much about being black on 4chan? That seems like a really boring way to troll.
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Remove watermelon.

>be me
>enjoy using 4chan
>desensitize myself cracking the Best Jokes about Niggers here and there
>get applauded
>success intensifies
>start ridiculizing BBC threads
>enjoy moar and moar
>stop stealing bikes
>start hating watermelons
>and one day it suddenly happened
>I just became WHITE !!
>fuckin' WHITE !!!
>be black
>be mad at asinine shit

Its in your DNA Op, you cant help the primal ape rage
don't worry man, not everyone here hates blacks, I'm here too and I don't hate you
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>/pol/ uses facts and evidence
>there is good reason to be racist

havent laughed that hard in days
i'm not entirely trolling. it's a scientific fact that niggers have lower IQs than other races. they evolved to not need to use their brains much. their brains don't work the same. niggers never do much good in society. their own societies never went past the stone age. sure a fair number of them can act, draw, drive a car, but you can't expect much more than that from them.

I guess that's a valid point if you want to view society as personalized to each race. I don't see it that way myself. Also your claim is completely untrue. I don't know what you're basing it off. Black artists don't create so only black ears can hear it. Same goes for the majority of black people regardless of their medium. Obviously there will be exceptions to that rule as with any. But I think you're misinformed if you think that black people's contributions to society are meant solely for ourselves to enjoy. Maybe you're brainwashed by BLM?
>small penis

Le reddit nigger
Why do you care about other's of your color?

If I was black, I'd only focus on myself and use racial persecution of other blacks to my advantage, especially because of modern anti-racist politics.
My statement is half normative. Why wouldn't we rather have this arrangement instead of pretending we have to be in any relationship what so ever? The fact of the matter is that black people and white people in America are a different ethnic group living together on the basis of an implicit social consensus that is never actually defined, which is why there are conflicts around the various incompatible expectation everyone has.

When "the black community" (or whatever the fuck kind of instantiation of same happens to have the mic at any given point) says that thing ought to be in such and such a way, when they make demands on white people, they operate on the basis of some understanding of what the nature of our relationship ought to be.

I have come to the conclusion that the nature of the relationship ought to be: since I'm white you don't get to tell me what's what, and for exactly the same reason I don't get to tell you what's what, and generally we just fuck back off to our respective corners, with an understanding that we're not really the same people but two different people in the unfortunate circumstance that they have to live together without ripping each other's throat off.

The limit state of this arrangement is that the US splits into different ethno states. The same shitty dynamic -- where "minorities" expect things from white -- is starting to appear all over the western world.

I don't know. I didnt when I was younger. As I got older I've developed more love for the black community. I noticed my peers have as well. I think it's just a mentality you grow into overtime when you're a minority assuming you aren't self-hating and whitewashed.

I think you put too much emphasis on race but that's a likeminded ideal between many people. I personally would not like this. I would like for all races to live harmoniously. Others would not like this and I understand.
What have blacks done for any of us? Honestly, music is one thing, sure, art is another. But that's culture isn't it? Culture is for everyone. What have blacks done for society? What has been improved by you?
>want to punch someone in the face every time so blind idiotic racist shit gets spouted

Typical nigger behavior.
what have r9kers done for our society, come on man that logic is fucking stupid. We're on 4chan, the absolute scum of western society, you really can't use this as an argument
>typical nigger behavior

>go to pol
>read about BLM protests and acivists and women who go to saudi arabia to try and prove how peaceful muslims are
>"lol i want to gun them all down, stupid niggers"
>"oh god i want to run my car through that crowd"
>"hope she gets raped and murdered, stupid bitch"


>I would like for all races to live harmoniously

This I understand to be the ideal of many people, though I'm not able to separate between those who say this because it just so happen to be advantageous to their ethnic group (i.e. non whites who want to live in white countries) and those who actually believe in that (usually idiot whites).

But it does seem to me that this ideal may not work on account of the fact that:

(1) There are situation which are inherently zero sum games. Any situation of racial distribution is a zero sum situation which can be exploited by some racially motivated party to its own advantage. Since the situation is zero sum, one group must "win" and the other "lose", which will create the impression of unfairness and inflame racial tension.

(2) We may not expect that (1) will not be exploited by a substantial portion of every racial group. Suppose 10% of whites and 10% of blacks are against, implicitly or explicitly, the multicultural dream. Is this then enough to trigger a reaction whereby the viability of the whole project as envisioned as an ideal is compromised? If this were to be the case, how likely is it for this project to work considering that it does not even take a majority of the people to want the project to fail in order for it to do so? In other word, is not the multicultural project inherently unstable? It certainly appears to be the case.

(3) Race is not merely a matter of appearance but also a question of cultural heritage and history which, be way of necessity, must be passed along the genes. It's not that culture is a product of genetics, but rather that human population were historically also racial groups with a culture transmitted from the parent to the child and their society. This results in different relationship with a given society and its history. You, for instance, as a black person, probably do not have the same relation with the US as would a white person.
Wow nigger just kys you're a waste of space
and what about your black gf?
We serve as a haven for outcasts don't we? Many of us aren't able to append themselves to any social groups irl, and maybe the community aspect of this board isn't as toxic as it's often stated. I'd like to think I've had meaningful conversations here - and I've spoken to people I'd never have the chance to anywhere else. Does that not have merit?

Blacks on the otherhand are violent and parasitic and offer very little in exchange. It might be an objective fact that you're more bad than good


The hostility and savagery /pol/ and pol infested boards debase other races for is ironically done with that same behavior.

Seriously Tyrone, fuck off with your race baiting bullshit.
Mentioning your race (regardless of what you are) just ruins everything because it always ends up becoming a circlejerk of some kind.
For example,

>hurr white boys can't be robots
>hurr if you're white you have no excuse to not get laid

it's fucking annoying.
Maybe if it bothers you so much you should go to some black online communities then.

Oh, that's right, black sites are shitty and boring. Just like in real life, niggers enjoy the cultures, communities, and civilizations created by non-black peoples more than their own, but still can't help but complain about the fact that they aren't tailored to their needs specifically.
Point (3) is important because it becomes another fault line for further ethnic based cultural claims and fights.

One could go on about this. I don't think the social effects of diversity are good. I think diversity is something being pushed mostly by deluded whites strictly out of delusion and by non whites strictly because it benefits them. Their sole interest lie in legitimizing their presence in white countries, because they wish to profit from its accumulated physical and social capital.

Demographic dominance is, of course, just another form of ethnic fighting. When immigrants are "in favor of immigration because they themselves are immigrants", they merely wish to increase their power over the historical white majority while damaging it. They make this goal rather explicit in certain instances, and while they themselves act rather ethno centrically, they systematically deny this possibility to white people, be they in Canada, New Zealand, the US, Britain, France, etc.

Because of the obviously self interested nature of this type of discourse, I tend to dismiss it as being merely one of many tactic within the context of inter ethnic fighting. Since these tactics do not emanate from "my team", I can merely call them out.

By this argument you're implying that any small community invented for the sake of giving an output or "haven" for a group of minorities is a societal contribution. All races have been doing this for years. You've already answered your own question. You may continue to hold onto your biased ideas if you please but by your own logic they are already proven false.
>love for the black community

Well, apparently your beloved black community doesn't give a shit about their fellow kind.
They happily chimp out over a cop shooting a black thug but they would not give a fuck about a black thug killing another black person.
I'm sorry, was 4chan created by niggers? You're fucking retarded man
The ruling class benefits from the alienation of the working class. The more they turn on each other, the less workplace democracy and in turn, rights there will be.

Pol is ignorant in their thinking that if they get rid of all darkies and Jews, the world will turn into a utopia. It's nothing short of a falsehood. The rich will ALWAYS serve in their self-interest. Remember this.

This isn't really true at all. It's funny that you make this assumption as a non-black person. How would you know what sorts of things we enjoy? That's like if I told you white people enjoy shoving mayonnaise up their ass just because I don't like them and assume they're retarded. It's just not right anon.

Even more ironically is that the majority of white normies love to immerse themselves in the culture of black people. I know you're certainly aware of this because there's threads complaining about it all the time. I'm not denying that we don't also enjoy sects of your culture. But you're a fool to deny that you do not enjoy ours.
Turn a blind eye to the white goys of 4chan race baiting?

You read my post and thought I was talking about 4chan? No. I'll give an example to make it easier. In a lot of impoverished cities there are youth centers created by POCs to help give opportunities to less fortunate and misguided youths. That's just one example. I think that should be all I need to get the point across?
It's not a ''scientific'' fact. It's goddamn statistics. One black group is not like the another. SSA is genetically more diverse than Europe. Stop making asinine assumptions in the name of science.

Yes, and we've been addressing this for years through a multitude of mediums. We are very much aware of the fallacies within our own community. As I'm sure you are for yours.
Once again, he has expectations that we somehow have to interact all of us as if we were not part of different groups but part of the same group. But then in another post he will also say:

>your culture
>our culture

Where "your" and "our" obviously refers to group differences of not small significance.

Pic unrelated.
I'm talking about /r9k/.
We are supposed to talk about our spaghetti dropping, failings in life. Race shouldn't ever be a subject on here. Take that to /pol/.
>As I'm sure you are for yours.

What about "my" community?
Race is important enough that every race, which will have a different cultural background linked to it, will try to assert a sort of "dominance" no matter where they go. It is inevitable that race based claims will be made in any multi ethnic environment, which will generate conflicts.

Not to say that mono ethnic environment are devoid of conflicts. They merely are not plagued with conflicts of an ethnic character.
African american activists philanthropists are outnumbered 10 million to 1 by savage thugs

Like I said earlier, the good just doesn't outweigh the bad to such a significant degree that there's hardly any redeeming aspects about you. You're a drain on society
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Yeah, the same good reason to be racist against whites if you are Asian.
Or Jewish.

Pic related the reason, summarized pictorially.

Right. So the countless genocides evoked by white people aren't a drain? History has a myriad of accounts of immense destruction white people have brought onto society. Yes they've created a lot as well but so has literally every race. Your argument is extremely shortsighted anon.
fuck off with your victim complex, whites are far more descriminated against my blacks and sjitlibs.
Blacks have all the unfair advantages today and still CONSTANTLY fucking whine.
Asian can be racist against whites all they want because there's no reasonable expectation on the part of whites that Asian "must" accept us for some stupid reason.
Countless? Name three
Humans are biologically individuals first, and then groups.
That's just things non white say to get stuff from whites. It's utterly irrelevant.
>inb4 get out nigger stop crying
you're learning that being offended is a choice you make and you can magically dismiss what other people say.
>still want to punch someone in the face every time so blind idiotic racist shit gets spouted
i doubt it, you posted this only because you're guilty you don't get mad anymore but media says you should.
So you are saying that Jews and Asians should have more rights than whites who should have more rights than blacks?

I am going by intelligence here, it's my metric of merit.

The crusades?
The holocaust?
Stalin's leadership over Russia?

And those are just the popular ones.
Am I being trolled or?

No, I posted this so I could complain about my life.
thank you for posting that image anon
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>The holocaust?
Literally an inferior race genociding a superior one.

I mean as real as you get. It's uncanny. I don't understand how white nationalists fail to see that, it's their own race science.
Oh, no, nevermind I thought that was a black vs white argument.

Fact is; history is bloody. Change isn't easy
I'm saying that there's no expectation on the part of whites that they ought to be accepted in Asian societies, i.e. China, SK, Japan, Vietnam, etc.

Framing this conversation in the vocabulary of rights is wrong anyhow. Inter group relations and social objectives are the way to go. Rights are a bullshit European inspired concept that got wrongly universalized. They should not have been.

They're not relevant relative to what whites want.
This might be true but it's not because they are genetically inferior. The current situation of blacks can be explained by culture and history.

Racism is a meme we make to simplify issues that can actually be solved.

I think people are misinterpreting what I said.

My complaint was that people legitimately DENY the contributions of black people to society and culture altogether. It's not about accepting us and shaking our hand. Obviously that'd be nice too but I don't expect it. But I at least expect acknowledgement of facts.
Wow, you are truly in denial. Amusing.
Incredible argument dude
Dude with some heavy skepticism about multicultural societies here.

Blacks have made tremendous contributions to the arts and fields like sociology. I don't have any problem with the prosperity of black people in general as it takes nothing away from anyone, nor does the simple acknowledgement of facts creates any problem.

But expectations as to the type of relations we ought to have is what's annoying.
Fact is: niggers are incapable of civilised society
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So you literally agree that Asians and Jews in America should have more beneficial 'group relations and social objectives' because they have a measurably and consistently higher IQ than whites?

You're bullshitting. The only real metric is intelligence.

Kill anyone below 145 IQ and see who's left.
Jews are not depicted on this graph, but you get the idea
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As a fellow black, you need to stop giving a shit my nigga. It'll only improve your enjoyment of the site. Sure, some anons say some really dumb and racist shit, but do you do any of the shit that they say you do? Do you act like they say you act? Probably not. So why be mad? There's quite literally no reason, my fellow melanistic member of society.
>teenagers on twitter using nig slang and listening to rap is the same thing as living in white countries, speaking white languages, wearing western-style clothing, playing white-invented sports, adhering to white religions and celebrating white holidays, etc. etc.
the levels of delusion with nogs is incredible
>But I at least expect acknowledgement of facts.
they probably did but only for themselves, not everyone has the balls to go against the hivemind. once facts are out there they are carved in stone for everyone to see.
>So you literally agree that Asians and Jews in America should have more beneficial 'group relations and social objectives' because they have a measurably and consistently higher IQ than whites?

Direct quote me on that. I said, originally, that it didn't matter if Asian were racist against whites because of the nature of White-Asian relation. The bullshit you added afterward...

what the hell is a white country

if you say the U.S then holy shit lmao you're retarded
first of all you need to realize being black and being person is two different thing. But you can't because of iq issues man I am sorry...

You're right. It doesn't really bother me intensely It's just like a "well that's stupid, jeez" feeling. I just made a thread about it because it happened so frequently today. Peace to you fellow blackbot.
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I am white.
How should I reconcile my group identity with the lower IQ of my group, compared to Asians and Jews?

Our children are literally less bright than Asian and Jewish children. What is the solution and implication here?
Every western country.
Differences in IQ between group is usually used in order to explain difference in outcome when looking at the statistics. At the level of the individual, your level of intelligence belongs to you and you alone and you do not have to give a shit about your group's MEAN iq.

I do not see why you see a problem here and thus the need for a solution.
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I saw this posted on here, had a look at it without having a political or a racial agenda.

Now I just have to be a Jewish Nationalist.

I had no choice, all I care about is intellect.
This. 4chan is not the place to convince people racism is wrong.

I have tried. It does not work.
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So what you are saying we, in theory, could base race on intelligence genes solely instead of using guesswork, heuristics and other proxies, who are all politically motivated and don't actually look at what the Bell Curves actually mean?

Whew, that was close.
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You nignog anons should mellow out and enjoy the humor.
I know right now you think you're arguing with a certain kind of person, and I know I'm not that person.

Multi racial societies are useless. Diversity is useless. IQ is a prat of that but not the whole. I don't care about the fact that other racial groups have a higher mean IQ, it only matter in so far as it explains disparate outcome between groups and can be the source of inter ethnic conflicts, which spread disharmony in society, which I'm not interested in.
>wanting to resort to violence because meanie neckbeards

Typical nigger
well let's see here:
>ideologically based on enlightenment era ideals from mostly french and english philosophers (white)
>legal system based on english common law (white)
>constitution written entirely by northwestern european men (white)
>settled by northwestern europeans (white)
>language of the country is english (white)
>primary religion is christian (white)
>sports of baseball, football, hockey, basketball, and soccer were all invented by white people
>80-90% white for the majority of the country's history
seems pretty white to me
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>I have tried. It does not work.
Maybe for you it doesn't.

4chan racism is based on the average IQ stats + white nationalism. It's the core.

Those two are completely incompatible and in contradiction with one another, for very obvious mathematical reasons.

You could get into even more detail on the data and the science itself, but there is no point once you've shown the premise doesn't make sense at all.
You still don't understand what intelligence is.
Race, ethnicity - do not matter.

The only thing that should matter to you is intelligence.

If you have a country that's 35% white but all the whites have an IQ above 130 and 65% Asian and they have an IQ above 130 (% approximated as per Bell Curves) then you have a country that will be infinitely better than your pure nation.

Intelligence is a set of genes. The set of genes occur in different frequencies in different races. As every set of genes does - that is literally what a race is.
The US was built by European immigrants.
Yeah, it's just the niggers that advocate "relocating" populations.

The cognitive dissonance is uncharted
And African slaves, literally.
They've been around for a long, long time, longer than the US itself.

They really have.
I'm just about certain you think you're arguing with an IQ obsessed pollack who believes that IQ is 80% genetics and changes rather radically between racial groups and now you're just trying to do some noodle twisting.

>haha look where you crazy premises take you you crazy /pol/ack haha!

But you're talking to somebody who interprets racial dynamics as a social phenomena implicating groups and competing, mutually exclusive racially motivated and culturally motivated demand on society resulting in conflicts. Since race and family more or less go hand in hand, it's also incorrect to define racial group as being a function of IQ, as it ignores the socialization that happens through the family and thus the racial groups more traditionally understood.

There are further groups division even within racial groups, of course.

Please fuck off.
Oh yeah I forgot about all those African slaves that helped write the Declaration and the Constitution. And who helped establish diplomatic ties with European nations so that we could have trading partners and survive as a nation on our own. And who organized and led our military according to European military doctrine.

Oh wait they didn't do any of that shit, they were just mindless manual labor lmao
Nice try, Rodney.
>nigger talking about punching people
Nothing new, I see. Weird, I didn't know you had internet in the zoo.
Bla, bla, shit that doesn't contradict what I said.

Intelligence is what matters.
IQ is mostly genetic, yes, just look at the data.

It's entirely justified to define group as being a function of intelligence which is a function of the only genes that matter in the human genome.

This is the future, or at least part of it. Look at what I am telling you with an open mind and you will see it makes absolutely perfect sense.
i'm currently talking to a black chick on POF if i start dating her does that mean i can't browse 4chan anymore?
>whites are a hivemind and everything one white does is automatically also done by the other whites
They didn't contribute to the shaping of the nation in that way but they definitely had a very important impact and today constitute one of the nation that exists within the US. They were stripped away from their ancestral African environment and became their own people through great suffering.

While I do not believe that they have much to say to white people they shouldn't freely disparaged simply for fun.
>Literally proving everyone's point by wanting to punch someone after being called a nigger

It's called acting like a nigger, nigger.

they literally do believe the Pharoahs were sub saharan Africans and Europeans are a genetically engineered sub race who lived in caves into Kang Wewuz taught us how to bathe.

People will care less probably when our governments are overthrown and films and adverts no longer need to meet diversity quotas. Until that day comes I don't watch TV, cos if I wanted to see dindus I'd go outside. Our (((government))) has flooded us with them. You should see their 'communities'.
Some people also believe Romans and Greeks and Egyptians were nords.
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mup de wup bixnood mane

I couldn't care less. The Egyptians were Egyptians, that's all there is to it for me.

The difference is, you tell a European they were not ancient egyptians..oh well..we built an entire continent of civilizations. Tell an African their kangz make believe isn't real, that's literally all they have. Pyramids.
>It's entirely justified to define group as being a function of intelligence which is a function of the only genes that matter in the human genome.

It is justified to define a group in function of intelligence but not a race. I fully subscribe to the Murray's view that there is increasing segregation within cognitive classes, which is to say as a function of intelligence.

But that this ought to be so, or that on top of all of this there should be multi ethnicity or multiculturalism is another thing entirely. The cognitive shift in class structure would have happened regardless of the demographic composition of the country. It is only made more striking because of it, however, and in so far as there exists IQ differences between races, it will increasingly be a source of social conflicts, as blacks will perceive that they are less and less represented at the top, which they will not be inclined to attribute to genetic factors.

That is, in so far as those race differences exist. (They may also exist yet not be caused solely by genetics. Diet is a good candidate.)
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Your face when the people who took her life had an IQ lower than hers by the same margins as blacks have it lower than whites.

Is it strange that her life was extinguished by barbarians who didn't even deserve their own breath?
What do you think of this?: https://jaymans.wordpress.com/jaymans-race-inheritance-and-iq-f-a-q-f-r-b/
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As someone whose family came from Mexico illegally STFU nigger. There's a reason people are racist to niggers, spics, and chinks and it's because of how they act.

Niggers really do believe that "dey wuz kangz n queenz n sheeeeeeeeeit". They walk around LA like they're shit don't stink, as if they're above you and they're doing you some sort of favor just by existing while their 10 niglets run around the store and they have a kart full of junk food they're all purchasing with an EBT card. Where do black people get this bravado and sense of worth from? How can you think you're hot shit while surviving on welfare for all your life?

I'm not saying there's a perfect race out here but ask Asians, Whites, Hispanics or any other race here in LA which race is the worst and the majority will tell you it's niggers. Can't you assholes be chill for once?
>It is justified to define a group in function of intelligence but not a race.
Just think about how arbitrary the definition of race have been throughout history and even now. Geneticists are currently defining clines and not races as groups where the differences are solely in the frequencies of different alleles. Those differences are all on a spectrum and rather small, mostly insignificant from neighbor to neighbor group.

What I am suggesting is defining it in terms of specific genes that biologically affect intelligence. This is very doable, systematic and you can very easily say who's who, without resorting to questionable heuristics.

Charles Murray is not a geneticist, but he is onto something when he says cognitive classes.

The next step is to say that race(the way i define it) is basically the same as class. It will happen, because it makes sense.
im a white male and i watched that 13th documentary on netflix and it made me incandescent with rage how the white people were acting

i'd definitely fist fight some racist shithead if he started pulling some shit like that in front of me
>people used a world wrongly in the past and therefore it's wrong now

Hardly. Pre-biologically, race used to capture something wider than a biological substrate. The use of words changes throughout time and we can't appeal to the mistakes of the past in order to discredit a present use, which is not identical to the ones that prevailed previously.

Race is a fuzzy construct, and there is some debate about its use, but it is clear enough that there are differences between groups of human beings that are due to evolution, and that these cluster of differences we shall agree to call racial. These differences may be superficial, they may be a bit more substantial, but they have a genetic cause and they may be potentially relevant. But as I said, I do not care about ethnic differences because of biology but because of its social impacts.

If you wish to define race as being a set of genes that are causative in intelligence, you would, funnily enough, recreate a archaic use of the word, as meaning something about the "spirit" of a group as well as its "blood".

But we should keep the word race to mean something like human groups differentiated through evolution, and use another term for cognitive classes.

May I suggest "cognitive classes"?
OP here, this is the most replies I've ever gotten no a thread. Thanks guys really made my day! :)
>it is clear enough that there are differences between groups of human beings that are due to evolution, and that these cluster of differences we shall agree to call racial.
It's actually not clear how is it due to evolution. Was it random genetic drift, was it bottleneck effects, was it founder effects, was it selection. How was it a mixture of all of these.
It's also not clear where you draw lines, because depending on what you want you can define races in many ways, because the differences overlap between groups.
Anyway the concept in itself, the word is not that important for what I am saying.

>If you wish to define race as being a set of genes that are causative in intelligence, you would, funnily enough, recreate a archaic use of the word, as meaning something about the "spirit" of a group as well as its "blood".
>May I suggest "cognitive classes"?

Yeah, if it represents the same idea. Race the way people use it currently is more of a social "science" term, and that's why it first came to mind to me.

Anyway, if you look at the race data objectively this is the conclusion you should be drawing IF you buy the data (there are some holes in there).

Still there is no chance you can't use genetic engineering to improve us. You can't deny the left is afraid of this concept and the right is stuck on eugenics the way people saw it in less developed times. Both sides to the detriment of progress.

>archaic use of the word
Starting to equate class with race is not new, that's right. Wasn't uncommon back in the dark ages for people to consider nobility a different human than the average folk - you know blue blood etc. But this is different.
Hello OP, I am a white male and I wish for you and your race to cuck me and all white males by breeding with white women.

Black men are obviously superior to white men and white women know this and secretly lust after you because of their innate desire to breed with the strongest and best men around. Black men have dicks twice the size of any white guy, are always in incredible shape, and are too charming for any woman to resist.

You will be doing the white race a favor by giving us your superior genes. Please, I beg you, make me a cuck. The white race DESERVES to be bred out of existence. This is PAYBACK for our racist history. ALL whites are guilty, EVERY white woman you fuck and impregnate is one slaveholder that you've cucked and conquered his bloodline. You must do this to make your ancestors proud.

Cuck the white race out of existence and take their women for your own.
>Cuck the white race out of existence and take their women for your own.
You can't breed someone out of existence by breeding with them.

Bet you also believe in white genocide.
It's fairly obvious you can.

Cucking is the intellectual fetish, a sophisticated pleasure.
I feel you black dude
What's obvious is your kid has 50% of genes regardless of what race your partner is.
Regardless of the genders of the individuals involved too.
>still want to punch someone in the face every time so blind idiotic racist shit gets spouted
Of course you would want to chimp out, nigger
Thanks for proving /pol/ right.
How are East Africans viewed in real life? Cause I'm an East African guy who people say has "Caucasian" features.
All Africans but igbos are retarded as far as averages are concerned.

You could be a smart thoughtful person though and if you are I would view you as any other person in real life.
>I want to act violently and prove racist people right

Really makes me think. Dumb nigger.
And sometime both set of genes come from the same racial group and sometimes they don't. Assuming a person only has children with one person, race mixing means the disappearance of both lines.
there's good reason and evidence to be racist, but it mostly comes from niggers being niggers.

it's sad though for black kids who don't want to act like a fucking rabid ape are ostracized worse than white betas by their hootin and hollerin ghetto kin
Nah I know many ethiopians and somalis who are very intelligent people. And I'm pretty sure most east africans aren't the dumb bums /pol/ likes to display them as.
Well then you must be against all kinds of marriages and sex and "lines" disappearing because human genetic diversity is high enough.

Unless of course you only care about "colors". You ought to know that two brown people can have a blue eyed kid. So don't you worry.

Now tell me why you made that retarded cuck post, shill?

Genes don't work like that. It's not as simple as 50/50. Some genes are only provided by the X and some are only provided by the other X or Y.

So it's not a clean 50/50, as no matter how you mix those two genes, certain traits will always exist when mixed.

The Punetts square is an oversimplification.
>What is genetic engineering guys
>What is singularity

You are blinded by spooks and cannot possibly fathom this kind of reality to unfold. Stay home, kids.

>trying to push the undisciplined white women on us.

You are a genius!
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Y'all White Ppl Be Like [crying_laughing_emoji] [crying_laughing_emoji] [ok_handsign_emoji] Like Beyonce Is White Nigga [crying_laughing_emoji] [crying_laughing_emoji] Like Whyte Ppl Think Its Ok To Say Nigga [crying_laughing_emoji] [sad_emoji] Lmaoooo Salty Af Ass White Ppl Cant Even Make They Own Music Smh Lmaooo [crying_laughing_emoji] [water_drops_emoji] They Just Scared This Dick Lmaooo [eggplant_emoji] [eggplant_emoji] [water_drops_emoji] We Made Civilizason Tho Nigga Hahahahahaha [crying_laughing_emoji] [crying_laughing_emoji] [crying_laughing_emoji] Slide In DMs Tho [water_drops_emoji] [water_drops_emoji] [water_drops_emoji] Mixtape And Shit Tho Nigga Trap Niggas [fire_emoji] [fire_emoji] [fire_emoji] [ok_handsign_emoji] [ok_handsign_emoji] [ok_handsign_emoji] Only Good Shit Nigga [fire_emoji] [fire_emoji] Tryna Get Some White Girl Cake In My DMs Nigga [water_drops_emoji] [peach_emoji] [peach_emoji] [peach_emoji] [water_drops_emoji]
The main gene the Y provides is the sex reverse gene, which makes you male.

There are 22 other(pairs of) chromosomes, yes it's approximately 50-50, and pretty much exactly 50-50 if the fetus is a girl. The punetts square has nothing to do with all of this, it's due to meiosis which literally splits the genome in half.

Unless you have Down Syndrome.
originally refer to: >>34071649

>You ought to know that two brown people can have a blue eyed kid
>making an an extreme exception the rule

Why do people get triggered by the simple acknowledgement that historical racial groups are disappearing? Well, only one is likely to disappear for obvious reasons.

I wasn't the one who made the cuck post.
I'm black and I enjoy being black, but I don't mind the racism here. It just adds to the amusement.

Being hated is kind of shitty, but I'm used to it.
>an extreme exception
if 1000 of the purest nordic waifus and 1000 of the darkest niggers mixed completely, 25% of the people will forever have blue eyes if no selection happened. And 50% of the people would carry a blue eye allele. Simply because Eye color is that simple.

This isn't an extreme exception.

White race isn't disappearing. But if it makes you feel better to imagine you are a victim of genocide, you should.

20% of the entire worlds population is Chinese, 20% of the population is Indian. That means 40% of all the worlds population is only in two countries and they are all non-white.

Europe, in it's entirety, has less than a billion people in it. Include white Americans, white Canadians, and white Australians, and there is about 1.2 billion white people on earth. There's more Chinese and Indians just in their own countries.

The white race is destined to be mixed and bred out. Europe is destined to be a Muslim, African caliphate, Australia is destined to be Asian, the US is destined to be some brown mixed mutt race of Hispanics, and Canada is destined to be Asian and Muslim.

It's already over. It's already happened. The under 5 demographic of every white country is majority non-white. You've already lost the game, the future doesn't belong to you.
THis. I fucking hate these racist white faggots.

But it's ok. At least we have the bigger dick and steal all their women.
>people getting this mad about the fact that I don't want diversity

You're more worked up about it than I am.
I don't care if people want to talk shit on women, nonwhites, gays etc. on the internet because it filters out people who can't handle the banter but when people show their powerlevel in the real world it makes me want to attack them in a frenzy. People need to learn to separate memes from real life.

The UN defines genocide as the destruction of a culture and race through immigration and mixing. Do you want to dispute the UN, keeping in mind that they are leftist communists?

>white race isn't disappearing
>that means 50% of the white gene is diluted every time a white breeds with a non-white
Being here for quite some time, at this point I'm desensitized to it all. Not alot phases me, but it's kinda nice to see how people are behind closed doors in a way. Keep on keepin' on, blackbot.
Another super interesting thing is how white people react, desu.

*video of black guys fighting*
"lol look at those apes go"
"top kek another day in the zoo?"
"who forgot to give them bananas?"

*joke about bland white people food*
"what? fucking niggers at least we have fathers lmao"
"insert IQ post here"
"something about deportation here"

It's pretty crazy honestly.
>muh apocalyptic /pol/ shill

Your under 5 stat is false until sauced.
White birthrates are at an increase. Whites have children when they get older.
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the
following acts com
mitted with intent to destroy, in whole
or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group cond
itions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

I've already addressed your lack of genetics knowledge.
Okay, you can not want diversity without resorting to lies to justify your emotional argumentation. It's okay, you can just be a fan of idpol.
I find it interesting that the first poster reaction is to deny that whites are being breed out on the basis of a lie while the second poster basically proclaim that whites destiny is to disappear.

Multicultist please do get your narratives straight.
/pol/ memes

on /r9k/ they do the same thing to women, they're gaslighting you and it's working

these people are meme zombies. filter those threads if you must but don't actually fall for the divide and conquer primitivist crap because that's what the upper classes want, who are not 100% white
>on the basis of a lie
>basic genetics is a lie

The second poster is a /pol/ shill and not a "multiculturalist" at all. All the lingo is there. Only the right actually believes and wants to believe the white race is being genocided.

I don't understand why you have to resort to such tactics if the facts are on your side.
What lie? That if I acknowledge that there is such a thing as a ethnically European people and that these people mix with non European it makes a non European?

That's just as true as saying that mixing Japanese with Sudanese will give you neither Sudanese or Japanese, and is certainly more true than saying than whites are not being bread out of existence because blue eyes will still exist.
>won't post timestamp
>has nigger dick nudes
white faggot nigger fetishist confirmed, kill yourself
Man I'm so glad that there aren't that many Niggers in Germany
In my school of 1000 we had exactly two Niggers and on of them was a drug dealer
Yeah, but the genes are not being "flushed down the toilet", they are where they need to be, race mixing is literally not a genocide in any sense of the word.

European is an identity. If you look at genetics there is ground to differentiate different European peoples into groups. Same goes for other continents.

What I am trying to tell you is, nothing wrong or immoral is going on when a black guy has a kid with a white woman.
Your argument is that since 25% of a black / blue eyed blond mix would have blue eyes, there is no breeding out going on.

Frankly I think that's stupid enough everyone can see. It's a willful distortion of the ordinary use of language. I'm assuming you're black or some mutt.
This tbqh senpai.

How does that saying go? Something like, "By pitting the lower class against each other, they never realize their true enemy. They never come to the right answer, because they constantly ponder the wrong questions."

Aside from this liberal diversity is bullshit, all they want are more varied colors of bourgie boot(and of course, heel), stepping on the head of the gentle worker. MLK, Baynard Rustin, Fred Hampton, even the black panthers carried Mao's little red book. Fight the power my dude.
My argument is that you cannot breed someone out of existence by having kids with them.
It's basic biology.

I can be an Ashkenazi Jew if it will make you feel better.
>Yeah, but the genes are not being "flushed down the toilet"

They are in so far as they're not being put to a good use. I understand that they don't disappear, but I didn't say they were. I said the racial group was at the risk of disappearing, which means a specific phenotype.

But you're so angered that anyone would care that you vomit some babble about eye color.
I responded to someone saying it's an "extreme exception" and corrected them.
>the genes aren't put to a good use

This is incorrect. A gene is put to the same use wherever it is unless it's methylated, which has nothing to do with race.

Genetically you have no argument against race mixing is the point. The phenotype you are referring to is just a couple of genes relating to outward appearance.

You ought to know that the vast, vast majority of the functional genome are the same for all races for very obvious reasons.
>I responded to someone saying it's an "extreme exception" and corrected them.

I was the one that made this statement and I assumed you meant two people of a certain ethnic group -- say, two northern African -- could produce an offspring with blue eyes. They can, but it is an extreme exception.

Of course, you then made your statement more precise: once the ethnic group which historically used to carry the blue eye gene is breed out of existence, there will still be people with blue eyes.

Well, this is true.

> A gene is put to the same use wherever it is unless it's methylated, which has nothing to do with race.

Oh boy. Are you really so dense that you didn't understand the meaning of the word "use" in my sentence, that I was making a VALUE JUDGEMENT about race mixing and not about the way a gene is used by the body?

Come now. You know where I stand and I know where you stand.
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black people are like monkeys too me
why do they still live in mud
fuck you nigger get off my board blacks literally cannot be robots
This is key.
not your board m8
>oh no because something is subjective it doesn't matter!
fuck of nignog
lmao get a load of this porch monkey
It's funny how the cuck posters disappeared after they got called out on being ironic /pol/ shills.

Happens often.
Indeed. What is a love or disgust for diversity if not a value judgement? One deems it intrinsically desirable, another not. These are moral discussions about what ought to be.
or maybe he has better things to do than discussing with blacks.
It used to get to me too but then I just participated and love trolling every now and again. Sometimes I will pretend to be very racist and get people agreeing with me then contradict myself to get them confused. It's pretty fun.

>after 4 years of using the site

newfag, fuck off and lurk moar
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guys, blacks dindunuffin!
africa is so bad of because of the colonists
2/3 > 1/3

math content
Do you know how hard interracial cucking makes my dick? White boys will truly never understand.

(C) fits the mixing multicultural genocide. Only European ethnicities will be bred out.

Mixed kids don't look like their parents. You're objectively wrong.
White genocide is such a bad term from a rhetorical perspective that only a stormfront operative could come up with it. I've been arguing about the reality of race breeding one another out and against diversity since this thread began and even I think "white genocide" is an idiotic term.
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hmmm would you look at that
unoriginal comment
>all those asian studies
Come back with reputable research institutions please.
>racist white faggots.
Woah now. Why do you have to assume that the racists are white?

>At least we have the bigger dick and steal all their women.
Not on this board you don't.
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It's not deliberate, it's not an 'infliction' as if a wound.

People aren't having kids, because they made the decision to not have them. The conditions to have children are very good - there is schools, healthcare, jobs.

People are actually very aware of the demographic collapse, aging population etc. It's not like it's a hidden conspiracy.

They do. They look mixed, which implies - what?

Also, more importantly, their genome certainly 'looks' like the genome of their parents or half of it.
I've debunked this precise chart at least 3 times.
The genes mentioned there are real, the descriptions are fake.

Depending on how you define variation 4 is correct.

2 is correct. 1 is based on genetic distance that follows migration patterns of humans out of Africa. Pic rel.

5 is not a myth. SES explains differences in intellect between some groups, some racial groups also. Not always.

Propaganda chart through and through, misrepresenting data.
wew lad hes too stupid to notice that all those asian studies, which challenge his narrow worldview, were all published in american journals, and that not all of them were asian by any means
Western institutions are barred for ideological reasons to carry out this type of research, which is considered taboo and deemed not useful or potentially dangerous. We should increasingly expect information about the role of genetics in human life to come from Asians as they are not bound by our own Enlightenment cultural context, which decreed the equality of all men by fiat.

It was, I am informed, self evident.
Kinda racist to dismiss asian studies isn't it?

What if they're the only studies there are because western science is handicapped by PC culture?

It is deliberate. There is a deliberate force by the media and government to push racemixing on the people. Kids are indoctrinated into hating themselves and their own culture and wanting their own culture eroded and erased through mass immigration an open borders.

You're plain wrong.
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They've put computers in the ape exhibit at the zoo? Wow!
Hmmmm, a lot of the research and GWAS actually comes from Western sources.
If you want research on why whites are inferior to Asians, you'd probably have to look at Asian studies though, I don't know.
Stop posting scat.
>It's not deliberate

Immigration policies aren't deliberate? Did we trip, fall and accidentally wrote some bills and voted for them?
>5 is not a myth
it is in the case of blacks, and I think that was the point.
what else is false
>People are actually very aware of the demographic collapse
yes, they caused it, and are celebrating it and trying to speed it up
>asians > whites

You might be interested to know that some people aren't nearly as triggered as some when it is pointed out to them that mean IQ differences are real, in spite of the fact that they may not be in favor of their own group.

You're racist and stupid for arguing against mixing. It's that simple. If you said this shit in real life, you'd get your ass beat. Whites WILL be brown and that's a GOOD thing. Europe will be a Muslim caliphate that speaks Arabic and the us will be Hispanic and speak Spanish. And it's beautiful.

White women have spoken and they voted and scream with all their hearts that they want brown kids and a mixed country. Deal with it little baby-ducked racist virgins.
Immigration happened solely because people used the argument of shrinking fertility rate

If you're saying this is an another Jewish conspiracy then you ought to be checked
I'll repost my thoughts for you OP

>deliberately inflicting on the group CONDITIONS OF LIFE etc etc etc

Conditions of life is not just liberal media, actually the most important conditions of life to have children are beneficial. So even if the media was in fact trying to erase the white race, it still doesn't fit the definition.

Immigration is a complex issue. Part of the reason why your argumentation is flawed.
Immigration is not the same as asylum seekers, for one.
>what else is false
The other things I pointed out for example.
>they caused it, and are celebrating
What is being celebrated exactly, that Muslims will be a whooping 10% by 2030 in SOME countries?

Fringe people may celebrate it. Most people do not. As was seen in recent elections and votes.
Whites will not be brown, nor will Eurabia happen, /pol/ shill. You are being far too obvious.

Wait, who is they? The people were consulted on this?

The left and open borders won because they control the media and academia and they indoctrinate the children into their thinking. If the people that voted for relaxed immigration knew what the future held, they never would have voted for this.

It isn't a matter of skin color anymore, it's a matter of are you still going to be a Christian nation that speaks English? Are you still going to be western?
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lol somebodies mad
>Whites WILL be brown
just like mexico right? where the higher the social status the more likely you are to have lighter skin? fucking please m8. have you ever looked into the history of south america? for the past 400 years racism has been one of the most powerful forces shaping that continent.

youre just dooming your children to be the dirt farms of a new more immovable society.
>open borders
What a lie.
>it's a matter of are you still going to be a Christian nation that speaks English? Are you still going to be western?

Yeah, because 10% at most Muslims in a country concentrated in big cities is worthy of your apocalyptic appeals to people's sense of panic.

Oh, it won't happen because you said so? I'm so relieved. Thanks black anon.

All you've done is minimize the issue and say it isn't a problem and it doesn't exist. It does, and this would fit the definition of genocide, the willing destruction of an ethnic group.
>The other things I pointed out for example
so 1 and 5?
is that it?

they dont seem like theyre that much of a strech of the data at least in the case of 5
Genocide is what happened to the Jews. Literally destroy/kill the group members.
What you call destruction is neither wrong, nor immoral, because it doesn't involve violence.
If some of the "myths" are lies and speculation and the genes are falsely represented, don't you at least feel like changing up the chart or maybe stop using it, because it's not reliable.
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ohh fuck off nigger im a minority as well and you dont hear me going on a soapbox

4chan much less /r9k/ has no room for weak willed faggots.Kick rocks faggot
>10% at most

Black anon can't think things through. Majority of Europeans are older. 30% or more of the youth is non-European, and growing.
>still want to punch someone in the face every time so blind idiotic racist shit gets spouted
Yes I believe I'm racist unfortunately. I like Asians, whites, and no one else. This is unfortunate but I can't deny it.

>Immigration is a complex issue. Part of the reason why your argumentation is flawed.

The question was: is it deliberate.

As the answer is obviously yes it closes the matter of whether or not (c) applies, even though I care nothing for the expression "white genocide", which I think is stupid.

I also find it somewhat interesting that our stormfront friends are using an expression created by a Jew specifically to protect ethnic minorities.

>Immigration is not the same as asylum seekers, for one.

Refugees were not mentioned and you're presumably bringing it up to muddy the water. The question was: is it deliberate? The answer being obviously yes.

Furthermore, refugees are simply a subset of immigrants.

But you should not you're talking to someone who doesn't believe in human rights as a kind of metaphysical construct, but merely believes it to be a construct of European descent, that ought to be applied only to a select number of people, not all of them European to be sure, but certainly not to the whole of humanity, including asylum seekers.
>Muh jooz
>Muh christianity
Fact is, fertility rates go down when we reach this level of civilization. People just decide not to have children despite having good conditions. A video explains this phenomenon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsBT5EQt348

And as for ''they'', it doesn't matter because what you're arguing is for that race-mixing is what is driving the fertility rate drown drastically when it couldn't be further away from the truth. Individual races prefer far to settle down and marry with their own rather with outsiders (barring asians and indians because... they're cucked as fuck).

Lastly, genetic engineering will soon come and we'll be able to have smart and beautiful babies by choice. Standard of living will rise dramatically and if I'd even venture that some people will be part-cyborgs at that point. Races will be considered a thing of the past by then. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAhjPd4uNFY


You don't get to define genocide.
God damn, so many grammatic errors. I need to get some sleep.
>30% or more of the youth is non-European, and growing.
immiigrant Birth rates are dropping, while Europeans have kids when they get in their 30's.

It's impossible to extrapolate to 2100.
Of course, having immigration is deliberate.
Said immigration is not genocide. Which basically means there is no intent to destroy the white race.
UN definition was mentioned, so I posted it.

You can have your own definition by which the white race is being "softly" genocided. I'm okay with that.

I didn't say one word about Jews. Are you anti-Semitic? Why does your mind go to hating Jews?
fuck off nigger
nobody cares about your asspain
No, just don't...
This bait only works for autists.
>it's only 10%
>stop worrying about it
>nothings wrong with it stupid
>its a good thing

>Lastly, genetic engineering will soon come and we'll be able to have smart and beautiful babies by choice.

There's no reason to act now on the basis of something which has not happened yet and for which there is no guarantee. I'll be more than happy to have open border when races ARE indeed a thing of the past, and different cultures while we're at it, and Islam is dead. In the meantime, I still believe borders to service the role of protecting a people and their way of life from incompatible and injurious elements.
>average size
lel what useless nigger doesn't even have a big cock
>Fact is, fertility rates go down when we reach this level of civilization.

No, that's a theory. Nothing factual about it.
Good job.

10% in 2030 though, just to make clear. And only in a couple of countries will it be that high.
>Which basically means there is no intent to destroy the white race.

Which is why I do not like the term white genocide. But that it inevitably leads there is out of the question. Whites are a global minority. They will not survive immigration.

Why they should want this is beyond me. I have no second home to go to.
Why should we want this? I literally want them all dead.
If there is no guarantee for it, then there's no guarantee for closing the borders either because you're thinking of a post-apocalyptic scenario happening in its stead? You're greatly exaggerating white ''genocide'' and act as if everything is spinning out of control.
>Ancedotes speak for the contingent


you /pol/ boogeyman dudes are some of the most paranoid and annoying fucks on 4chan.

Literally look at the rapidly shifting demographic percentages.

The US went from 80% white in 1960 to 50% white in 2010. The Hispanic population went from 2% in 1960 to 20% today.

50 years.
>nigger contributions
Sorry, I don't like hip hop.
Whites will "survive" immigration. A reason is our population is aging and we need to treat the old people. Accepting immigrant doctors is okay.

All you need is a proper immigration policy, you can have them take IQ tests if you like.

The world minority % is irrelevant.
Now that's actual genocide.
>inb4 deport
Yeah like the Armenians got "deported", not actually genocided.
>then there's no guarantee for closing the borders either

Immigration is irreversible while non immigration is. It is very easy to go from homogeneous to non homogeneous, but nearly impossible, save for genocide, to do the reverse. Since there is no reason to take that gamble, and since indeed there is more evidence that diversity is not particularly good (it serves no purpose), then there is little to no reason to do it.

In so far as we absolutely need immigration, we should seek to have immigration that protects homogeneity, not break it.

>You're greatly exaggerating white ''genocide'' and act as if everything is spinning out of control.

I just told you I do not care for the term white genocide which I think is stupid and never said "everything is out of control". If you want to argue with what you're imagining you're welcome to do so but I don't have to defend things I didn't say.
>What is being celebrated exactly, that Muslims will be a whooping 10% by 2030 in SOME countries?
theyre celebrating that. whats so fucking hard to believe
>fringe groups

youre out of your fucking mind. we elected a black president on white guilt alone. and the whole correct the record thing? come fucking on.
>Muslims will be a whooping 10%
10% is too fucking much
I want fucking 0%.
theyre horrible enough at fucking 5%
A lot of red pilled anons in this thread.

But seriously OP go to /Reddit/ this place is not for you
>If some of the "myths" are lies and speculation
except they arent lies and speculation
they all seem fairly accurate and hardly misleading except for tiny nigger brains
You should try reddit instead i hear there's a lot of tolerant fellers on that site.Just leave the meanie wacist to themselves buttercup
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Fertility rate is stabilizing. Did you even watch the video I linked here?
>Now that's actual genocide.

Yes indeed. Muslims are not to be tolerated under any circumstances.

>The world minority % is irrelevant.

That's precious. If we are compelled to accept immigration from the rest of the world for moral reasons -- in which I don't believe -- then it must follow that, because we are a global minority, that we will get overwhelmed over time. Not only must this happen as a mathematical certainty if the immigration policy stays as it is, but as time goes by, it must be increasingly difficult to prevent it from happening, as the growing immigrant contingent within the west will clamor and argue and fight for an ever more greater proportion of immigrants within western countries.

To stop immigration would, of course, be seen as ruacist. (Which, to be fair, it is.)

I have, once again, no interest in being part of that dynamic. You have failed to argue that I should like to be a minority in the only home I'll ever have, and share a polity with people that, by the looks of it, seem to positively hate me and my kind, and seem to be convinced that I owe them something for some reason, allegedly because my group did something very very bad historically.
The shit in grey below the genes is literal lies, for the most part.

Myth 5 is false because, some groups differ only in SES. The graph is about Race not black vs white.

Genetic distance doesn't imply superiority or some TRUTH ABOUT RACE that's supposed to redpill anyone.

Depending on how you define variation myth 4 is not a myth at all.

At least half the chart is total lies and fabrication.
You will always feel the rage because our identity is so important to us and it won't go away. I am Ukrainian and get shit from the unemphatic and Putin-worshipping scumbags on this website, and I will never be desensitized to it, nor will I forget or forgive.

Look at demographic percentages and timeline shill. Can't argue facts. Explain it.

Remember, the US has a population of 300 million, so that means MILLIONS of people came to the US in 50 years.
have you been physically attacked because of your skin color , im white and ive been attacked for being white. no one should be allowed to bitch about muh racism until theyve been attack for their race
You're alright my nigga, as long as you're a true robot
I won't hold the retardation of black normies against you

He hates whites because whites make him feel bad and they say things he doesn't like.
yeah im a middle eastern mutt and all my internet friends think im white because i always say pol memes just out of habit

i cant really bring myself to genuinely care about it though
I love how you fags just keep recirculating the exact same images over and over again. I remember some of these from over 2 years ago and they still come up in threads. There isnt even a source for fucks sake! It's just a collection of graphs that someone made in Microsoft excel.
>If we are compelled to accept immigration from the rest of the world for moral reasons -
This isn't the reason as I already told you.

Advocating harming innocents is literally social justice and not individual justice.

You and >>34076289 are not rational actors if you advocate genocide.
Well obviously once again diversity is proving to be an amazing resource to be harnessed by society so that we can all be propelled toward a more prosperous and harmonious future.
Secondary source is stormfront. Primary source is IQ research.

There's obviously some info lost, but it's good enough to show Asians and Jews are smarter than whites.
Lmao there was another thread about 5 months ago where like 10 people systematically picked apart your spam image. Very few of those studies actually exist, and most of the ones that do exist don't even make such claims. What a bunch of bullshit lmao
>Advocating harming innocents is literally social justice and not individual justice.

I don't advocate for the elimination of Muslims for reasons of justice but for reasons of necessity. Their deportation would also be acceptable. So would their reduction to second class citizen status following the Dhimmi model as defined in Reliance of the Traveler on top of restriction on the ability to have children.

Again, this does not have much to do with justice.

>This isn't the reason as I already told you.

If the reason are merely economical then we may simply state, as the Japanese do, that we care more about the long term demographic reality of our nation than we do about short term economic performance and indeed, perhaps even about long term economic performance. Once the choice is made the question is more or less settled. Since there is no moral component to the question this ought to close the debate.

Shall I post research on how black men have the largest dicks in the world and that women of all races say black men are the sexiest and that they all want brown kids?
Nothing disproves the hypothesis that there are differences between racial groups more than research which exhibits differences between racial groups.
6 inch pencil dick.
I'm a poo in the loo so I SHOULD be supporting you. Especially since this data makes my race look amazing. But I know, from living my life outside of this shithole website, that these stats are just false.

None of the graphs shown here are even backed by peer reviewed studies. There's one image in this thread that cites "sources" and those are all either faked or completely overwritten. You guys lie so damn much, and it's getting a little pathetic.

There's a big difference between fat-asses sitting at a computer spewing on and on about things they'd like to do or what they hope happens and people out in the world actually acting like violent animals. Sure, you can turn that around and say that the only difference is that the former group is too cowardly to do what they want to do; but in the end, it's the latter group who's having the more harmful impact.
>Their deportation would also be acceptable.
That's a crime against humanity as much as the Armenian relocation was.
Yes, we may state whatever we like about our immigration policy and make it more Japanese-like(not a bad idea btw), but advocating harming innocents is a totally different story.

All this has to do with identity politics, which is as SJW as it gets. It takes nuance, factoring in the fact that people are individuals etc.

Unless you are brahmin you are stuck at an IQ of around 85 if you rae Indian. Asian refers to Japs, Chinese and Koreans.

As far as stormfront data is concerned.

Unless you are a Brahmin. Some consider those actually superior to whites, in terms of average IQ.
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This map shows that SE Europe has sub-90 IQ which is around the same as the turks, arabs and African Americans. Doesn't this bother you people?

Many of the countries here that aren't SEE also show that they average similarly to syrian refugees (approx. 93 IQ)

I find it kind of amusing tbqh
>That's a crime against humanity as much as the Armenian relocation was.

Them being in here is a crime against society. Society works best when it is culturally homogeneous and all these new immigrants are not assimilating. They must go. Either they leave or the culture dies. You can't have a society that is fragmented into different cultures.
dafuq am I the only one who sees Dem bumpz?! blackfemanon here came to this bread in a show of solidarity but capital FUCK that's a gross dick
Its about time the white man send you ungrateful niggers back

>be nigger
>"hmm I should be civilized"
>random bants trigger the nigger
>nigger nigs

Black women belong with black men. Don't treat your KANGZ like that you bitch. Take your nasty roastie nigger ass outta here.
>crime against humanity

Once again, you're talking to someone who does not accept these types of construct.

>All this has to do with identity politics

More precisely it has to do with group phenomena and with the idea that it is sometimes correct, in order to be able to talk about certain occurrences in society, to evoke the notion of groups and the way in which these, taken as units, interact with one another.

Muslims I take to be a group and judge that they should not be here, and thus should be phased out one way or another. This is my most radical position and I understand that it basically operates on the basis of the repudiation of contemporary conception of human rights, which I therefore have to reject as a universal standard. (I may still adopt it as another kind of standard, more restricted, more contingent.)
Stop being such a whiny negro and browse Reddit if you don't like seeing racist stuff. What do you expect on here? Is this how it is with every blackie, they go somewhere and complain even though they are literally more than fine? Fuck yourself. Hopefully an old ancestor of yours was lynched since we can't do it to you.
>black guy has a hard time not being violent
Trust me, I believe you.
Says the culture less palefaced barbarian

Take all my keks

What's humanity? I never heard of it. I heard of individual cultures and ethnicity, but I never heard of humanity.

What, just because we all claim to be human, we're all equal and have to be open borders and follow some weird humanitarian law that's communistic in it's intent?

Neck yourself. The French are different than the Nigerians who are different than the Japanese, who are different than the Brazilians. They each have their own customs, lifestyles, language, culture, ethnicity. French law applies to the French, Nigerian law applies to the Nigerians, and so on and so forth.
>Myth 5 is false because, some groups differ only in SES
He specifically stated between blacks and whites you dumb goon. seems like you didnt even read it. Nice hypocrisy there.
>Genetic distance doesn't imply superiority or some TRUTH ABOUT RACE
youre right, hes just stating theyre different. I dont see how thats any evidence of superiority.

>Depending on how you define variation myth 4 is not a myth at all.
Do you act like a nigger or just look like a nigger? Does it make you feel sad when you realize you're probably dumber than most people here just because you're a nigger? How do you feel, NIGGER?

Says the black roastie whore. Go be a QUEEEN somewhere else.
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>are not rational actors if you advocate genocide.
kys double digit IQ scum
Ooga booga *flings shit* me need KFC *flings more shit* me want fuck white wimmin *whips out donkey dick*
>Lmao there was another thread about 5 months ago where like 10 people systematically picked apart your spam image
good link me too it, so I can discredit that too

all the claims he makes are pretty fucking factual. are you denying the IQ gap?
fuck off
Not really. Some people are criminals. Those ought to get deported and they do when possible.

There's literally millions of Muslims though.
>new immigrants are not assimilating

Immigrants are assimilating for the most part. It is the refugees that most often don't - Somalians, Palestinians, Afghans etc. In that order.

This sort of nuance matters.
Btw cultural homogeneity does not directly imply racial homogeneity. The reverse isn't implied either.

IQ is not all genes. 25% of it is environmental effects according to twin studies.

So you are okay with atheist Arabs?

>Neck yourself
Nigerians can be French. Nigerians are not Somalians. You'd know this if you were familiar with genetics.

What he 'stated' is not stated in the chart and that's the point, so he better alter it. The title is about SES then it goes on about one particular situation white vs black. Misleading.
It's not what I say that matters, it's what is the truth. You didn't address the genes.

The chart has been debunked in more threads than one. Sorry.
>kys double digit IQ scum
My IQ is 133.
>So you are okay with atheist Arabs?
Much more so than Muslims.

"Okay" will always be a relative terms. Different phenomena will happen at different demographic mass and will also depend on the cultural background of the population involved, which will all be particular and specific.

But we can certainly expect, on the whole, atheist arabs, those that are self consciously so, to be fairly good candidate. But we can also expect them to have a certain degree of ethnic solidarity with the cohort they left behind, and to advocate for more immigration from these places in the name of "justice" and some such non sense, which is not to be desired. They may also turn to berating whites in order to gain something which, once again, is not to be desired. These are the types of ethnic loyalty phenomena in which I have little interest.

They need to be acknowledge so they can be controlled. Demographic balance must be maintained so as to make sure inter ethnic conflicts cannot develop. Arrangement as to what that balance is to be, and what we expect from people immigrating here, must be made quite clear.

But the problem is always the second generation, which cannot agree to these conditions, and resent being part of a minority. They seem to hate us.
I've always considered culture to be infinitely more important than race, I still wouldn't want to live anywhere with a substantial black/arab/chinese population.
Doesn't matter, you cracker devils will follow...You parasites can't make it on your own... That's why you crawled out of your caves in the first place

*fun fact, black people were never "cavemen" most of the African high cultures of antiquity were concurrent with the caveman culture of you hairy little dicked fucks
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>tfw black
>no gf
>no friends
>on top of that, hated in my only haven
Is there a black only /r9k/? Asians have /asian_masculinity/ or whatever.
Niggers actually have lower IQs unlike other races
>still want to punch someone in the face every time so blind idiotic racist shit gets spouted
I think you mean "some".
>being this prone to violence.
So you self admit you chimp out? If you can't take the bants gtfo nigger.
just don't be ghetto.
it's ghettoness that is hated, the ghetto behavior that a far too large segment of the black community displays, so think of it like i'm not ghetto, so it's not me they're referring to when they say they hate niggers.
You are right that hate and resentment is more concentrated amongst the Muslims.
Same as violent crime and other forms of unwanted behavior.

The solution is to have a better immigration policy, the left to stop being constant apologists. I have no idea why we can't have Muslims take Western names upon receiving citizenship, IQ tests for immigrants, actual EU border etc etc. I wish those were the suggestions the right came with more often and argue in favor of assimilation. Even if you disagree with them, that's actual discussion. Calling for genocides is not productive.

Islam has no place in our lands, this doesn't mean we go crazy. I feel people are receptive to this sort of balanced thinking.
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I feel you pham.

Idek where to start with getting anywhere in life without friends or friend groups to introduce you to people
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>IQ is not all genes. 25% of it is environmental effects according to twin studies

But environmental factors are not taken into account when we're talking about countries that are leveled to ruins and utterly exploited by imperialist forces? Wew fucking lad boy.

25% is a LOT. Vaccines in children have shown to make the average IQ go up by 10 IQ points, and that's just vaccine. Not even begun venturing into nutritional factors.

You're seriously underestimating environmental factors.
>The title is about SES then it goes on about one particular situation white vs black
because thats all we care about you stupid nigger
that narrative is used to defend blacks
>The chart has been debunked in more threads than one. Sorry.
doesnt seem all that debunked to me
feel free to link me one though so I can verify your claims, otherwise im just going to ignore that bullshit
>My IQ is 133.
cool bait senpai
I have no reason to believe this
go work hard, get a degree and a job
Not him but I have these things and still no friends or gf
Islam is the dicklet choice.
Yes and no.
It's complicated. The Flynn effect is real, but that doesn't mean all populations max out at 110.

Some groups have potential to reach much higher averages than they have. In my opinion based on genetics. That would be Asians in the philipines, vietnam, indonesia etc.
Another such group is Amerindians and by extention, Hispanics. Hispanics have too much euro heritage to be that low.
A black group that could potentially reach a respectable IQ is Nigerians. They have an avg of 84 when their country is total total crap, don't have electricity, wars, ebola, religious conflicts, corruption, very likely malnutrition. They are candidates for the Flynn effect to work on them.

I am doubtful about other Africans though. And Afro-Americans. Their average won't move unless they start doing eugenics or some shit, but that's "cheating".
>IQ is not all genes. 25% of it is environmental effects according to twin studies.
few people say it isnt
of course IQ is affected by environment factors, but even when controlling for environmental factors blacks still score lower
>I have no idea why we can't have Muslims take Western names upon receiving citizenship

It would be more appropriate to ask why do we need Muslim at all? This is serious. Let's assume for a moment that we do need immigrants. Then why chose ANY Muslim ones? Why chose any one with ANY connection to Islam, no matter how atheist or Christian they may claim to be?

You can repeat these questions for any and all immigrant group, until you reach the conclusion that only such and such group might be a good fit and then, only under certain conditions. What this mean, in essence, is that diversity and multiculturalism stop being things which we value, and instead we positively seek to foster harmony and compatibility. This means a very slow rate of immigration and done in such a manner than the possibility of group phenomena is minimized and cultural compatibility is maximized.

This would not only be true along the cultural dimension but also along the racial one. What this will probably mean is that:

(1) Europeans and eastern European favored
(2) Asian favored
(3) Some latin American favored

And literally no one else.

My position on Muslims doesn't change. Phasing them out is a necessity.
>It's more so when you go on /tv/ or /lit/ and someone brings up the merit of a black author, actor, etc. and its immediately followed by "niggers havent contributed shit to society we wuz kangz xDDD" type ignorance
but niggers havent contributed shit to society
>don't like niggers
>work with a couple that are cool as fuck
>got a couple of whites on team that are acting like bitch niggers
>so fucking confused

Nobody would give a shit about black people if they weren't violent, if they didn't commit crime, and if they didn't racemix.

Niggers make it REALLY HARD to support and like blacks generally. You just assume all blacks are nigger thugs because why take the chance on someone that will just cry racism on you and has a high likelihood of hurting you.
If let's say an Arab or a Turk or a Bosnian is smart enough, there's no reason to not allow in, IF we need them. It matters where the Muslim is from. Obviously a Bosnian is a different story.

Limiting immigration from the MENA is common sense. The issue here is that people already live here, in some cases for generations. To me 'phasing out' implies they turn non-religious, which I am in favor of. But being violent en masse based on prejudice goes too far.

I cannot understand why we have Qoran 'schools' so many mosques which we haven't infiltrated etc. Why haven't we made a bunch of western women be Imams instead of bearded radicals? Christianity was much stronger and was subverted in 2 generations - what, we can't subvert Islam? Anyways.

Provided a decent vetting process you will end up with immigrant profiles that fit your (1), (2), (3) in the end. If you literally just had an IQ test only the right people would be filtered.

If we assume we need any that is. I honestly cannot see why a person would be denied if they will contribute and will be able to find a job in a starved sector of the economy.

By the way, there's also the possibility of buying immigrants' citizenships off without being violent. For example you tell Jamal
Jamal, here's 50k euro, but your citizenship is suspended and you have to go.

This is a two-way transaction, with the two parties agreeing.

Some people have argued for getting a base income forever if you get sterilized. Not sure how I feel about that, but it's a (radical) thing that can be considered.
>be black
>became an unironic trump supporter after being here for 5 years
>too smug to care about others in general
I have no friends IRL
Preach it, OP.
Maybe you shouldn't stereotype?
>Maybe you shouldn't stereotype?
maybe you should fuck off back to tumblr where you belong nigger

stereotyping isnt always wrong or untrue
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Jesus, there's a shit ton of black anons here. What's good, guys?
>If let's say an Arab or a Turk or a Bosnian is smart enough, there's no reason to not allow in

There is in so far as he may have ethnic allegiances we're not interested in dealing with. This would be made worst by the very fact that he was smart and thus more influential. Furthermore, for every Muzz immigrant in the world, there is probably an equally smart, equally qualified non Muzz immigrant which will be by default preferable to the Muzz, from which we conclude that we need no Muzz.

>If you literally just had an IQ test only the right people would be filtered.

There's more to a person than his IQ. I'm utterly convinced that every ethnic based black activist at an ivy league is rather smart, and that everyone which works for CAIR or the Muslim Brotherhood is just as smart as our smartest politicians. Allegiances, groups cohesion, the relationship of the person's identity to our own country, his connection "back home", the previous integration track record of those who came here, our prejudices against them (yes, really) are all relevant factor to take into account.

There is no obligation toward them. We may tell them to fuck off simply because we do not like them. We may simply declare ourselves racist if we wish. Immigration is something to be done strictly for our purpose and our benefit. Every other consideration should be excluded and we should be quite clear as to the objective we're pursuing when we're letting in someone of a specific quality reside in our country.

Is it because he's smart? Isn't there an equally smart person we might prefer? Perhaps he's white or Asian or Latin American? Perhaps someone with more reputable relations? Perhaps we want people with green eyes?

Only our will matters.

>still want to punch someone in the face every time

Niggers going to nigg

Oh and get out nigger, stop crying
I always like gifs featuring blacks on here, makes the board feel a bit more cultured and diverse

most racism on 4chan is just part of a giant inside joke you fucking porch monkey
You want to chimp out when white people complain about the stupidly disproportionate amount of crime you people commit?
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Well you'll love this one, buddy.
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>when you're a self-hating black guy and post racist shit white people would never even know to post like how common it is to get molested as a kid by a female in the black community
There's always that one virtue signalling cuck.
black people arent even fucking real you alt right racist
>Their average won't move unless they start doing eugenics

The next hegemon will be determined by who is willing to do this. My money is on China, the West is too ptsd from Hitler
Just remember that most people aren't very intelligent or pleasant. You wouldn't want to be friends with racist people who enjoy dehumanizing others, just view them as pathetic beings and feel sorry for them. They're like obnoxious kids, can you really blame them? You'd often just go "ok kid".

t. cuckold obsessed with cuckoldry

Dumb cuck.
Learn how genetics work.
>be mad at asinine shit
You're describing /pol/.
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Whenever someone implicitly states that they are black in their post I read it in Tyler the Creator's voice
It makes it 1000x more entertaining
*gets on my knees*
*slurps your bbc like the pathetic whiteboi I am*
Maybe if most niggers weren't shit then people would not be racist.

Its not that hard to understand, but seeing how you are black I guess that explains why you can't.
I did not know that gorillas could speak
get rid of affirmative action and ill take your species seriously
>be groid
>go on Stormfront and Liveleak
>"this site opposes racial slurs
why does this happen?
Small dick
Also sage because I fucking hate niggers
It's 7.3, you dummies
It's literally 7.3 inches, just remeasured

Are robots just so desensitized thanks to porn?
I'm a straight black male
Why did i open that image?
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>tfw blackbot
>tfw have 3 /pol/ack gf's
gotta play the game
>filaname is witch
>not vvitch
lurk moar
>Muh /pol/

Can you faggots PLEASE go one day without boogeymanning these fucks.Tired at the amount if new fags ruuning rampant in this place

>she's appropriating 2 cultures. Possibly three. Also that fat ass doesn't go with the skirt.
Also, just leave this garbage board. I mainly hang on /vg/ and /tv/ these days. Sure /tv/ is /pol/2.0, but /vg/ is max comfy and I've joined a few guilds.
I'm black and I've fucked girls off this board, 2 others blew me and swallowed
prepare to be aIienated.
ctrl + f nigger 80 results

oh good, I was worried 4chan had changed
Ook ook. Ooga booga, monkey.
then work harder, get a degree, and get a better job
life is hustle
A lot of moral fag Redditors lurking this place we need to send them back to thier shithole
Lol I remember you. Aren't you from Georgia or PA?
Advice from a married ex-blackbot
>get the fuck off r9k
>focus on school/work
>get /fit/
>make money
>get a nice apt and car
>contactfag on /soc/ until you cop a qt
>make her your housewife
shit's simple

oh, but NEVER associate with black """"women""", they are cancer and will fucking eviscerate you
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And an ooga booga bix nood to you too, mr. nigger

jesus fuck man you swallowed the dumb pill with gusto.

you unironically use the phrase poc? so there only whites and non whites? are your folks just like vietnamese? just like Mexicans?

and you don't see that literally every group has "disparaging" memes targeting them? you'd belong on pol complaining about race mixing.

fucking niggers biting the victim status b8 hard. grow up m8. nobody cares about your skin tone more than you do.


nobody cares about your skin tone more than you do.
I like seeing niggers mad. Thank you, mein nigger.
accept you're a fundamentally different species to whites and are a nigger as you're self-described as prone to chimpouts


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Niggers are ugly and stupid

I hope your species gets exterminated

Preferably by some disease like AIDS
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