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>Go to the mall for the first time in years >Buy some video

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>Go to the mall for the first time in years
>Buy some video games I wanted
>Decide to buy some ice cream
>Sitting on a bench eating said ice cream
>See some little girl walking around by herself
>Everyone is seemingly ignoring her
>She sits down in a corner and looks like she's crying
>Everyone still ignoring her
>Considering doing something
>5 minutes go by and she's still there getting ignored
>Decide to go up to her
>She's crying and looking pathetic
>I ask if she got separated from her parents
>She nodded her head
>I ask how old she is and she says seven
>I tell her I can help her and she nods her head
>She gets up and continues sobbing
>Ask her if she wants my ice cream and she nods
>Give her my remaining ice cream
>Take her to the mall's security office
>Only guy there is an older Black security guard
>Explain to him the situation
>He says he'll try and contact the girl's parents
>Suddenly some woman bursts through the door and seems to be her mom
>She seems relieved that she found her
>Security officer asks if she's her mom and she says yes
>He says she should be ashamed for letting her daughter out of her sight and she should thank me for bringing her here
>She gives me a disgusted look and accused me of trying to abduct her daughter and said she'll call the police if she sees me gain and then took her and left
>Ask security guard what would be the point in abducting her just to bring her here and he says "I don't know man, women are crazy."
How was your day robots?
I hope you learned your lesson

never help people of any age
I'm about to go to sleep soon, but I just wanted to bump your thread because the board needs more posts like these.
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Wow you got really really lucky op. Don't ever help a child again. It's messed up i know but you'll get thrown in prison over that. Best you can do is keep an eye on her from afar and make sure nothing bad happens or let a female know. Men can't go near children in our society
Don't try to help other people that you don't know, only use your energy for people who deserve it.
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You did good OP. I'll make a note of it
You learned an important lesson today anon

NEVER help women

if it was a male child I would have said you did a good thing but women of ANY age will never be grateful
OP you should know by now that getting involved with children is suicide.
She was trying to save her own vanity or whatever. By saying you abducted her it doesn't make her look like a shitty parent, i.e., she doesn't care enough to keep a close eye on her daughter.
I just watched that anime, first person series make me feel weird.
OP helped the little girl though, she'll be thankful at least until she inevitabily turns into the usual whore.
Dont listen to him op you did good
How can black dudes be so based but yet I despise them at the same time?
>How can black dudes be so based but yet I despise them at the same time?

maybe you got problems
Because only the civilized ones are based, most of them are monkeys.
protip: more than one black person exists
>most of them are monkeys
Racist bigot detected
>He says she should be ashamed
Women are physically unable to do that, they'll always find a way to blame their own shortcomings on the next best man and retroactively rationalize their actions to themselves. The concept of responsibility is foreign to them, which is why they've spent 99.9% of human history without the right to vote and never being in powerful positions.
So sad and miserable.
He could have just snitched on the kid to the nigger-mall-cop and washed his hands of the whole thing
>Racist bigot detected
Let me be the first to welcome you to 4chan stranger, hope you have a good first day here
do you at all understand where you are right now
I would have replied "Please lady, I only kidnap little boys."
The nigs with normal jobs at usually better, still niggers though
I would take you out and buy you ice cream, OP. You are legitimately a cool dude. That little girl will remember your kindness. Even when there was several other adults just passing by and ignoring her, you felt the sense of duty to help her when she was away from her parents.

It's no easy task to take action. The bystander effect is a strong phenomenon.
If Chad did it, she would be swooning and ask him out for coffee to "thank him properly" then ignore her daughter to get fucked by him.
From my experience, because they're just people.

I worked food service for three years with an all black crew of college students; I was in high school, and the sole white person other than the manager. I kept my head down and really just did the work they needed, but I also talked with my coworkers a lot and I learned that, no shit, black people are literally just like everyone else.

They just get autistic about different shit (Sneakers, Cars, Speakers n' Garb are the key according to Deon.) than you or I, and view things through a different lens. Hell I spent half my time arguing about Digimon vs. Pokemon with these guys. They're really cool.

White trash is a term for a reason; because trashy people, of any stripe, are fucking shit. But the motivated, hardworking ones I met working food service for work-study financial aid are gems.
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The fact that you believe racism is 100% normal and good here alarms me. /r9k/ is a board of peace. We are too intelligent for such things.

Go back >>>/pol/ / >>>/b/
>tfw can't go to the park anymore
I've lived in the same damn city my entire life, I've went to the place since I was a toddler, but now I'm a "pedo creep" if I hang out on a bench by myself, not even by the kids playground, because there are other kids skateboarding or playing in the field part and I can see them
Tried weed, felt like I was melting whilst listening to young lean
>implying every "race" doesn't have an 'uncivilised' population

Why force a stereotype on people based on the amount of melanin they possess?
Nice bait. Kill yourself anyway.
Another tripfag to my filter collection.
So true it hurts, fuck women.
Thanks for not being a bigoted, racist fuck for no reason, unlike the majority of this site.
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>for no reason
this is what some people actually believe
trust me, it's not just "grr i see dark skin i anger", it's repeated exposure to their nigger behavior. when 95% of a people are completely shitty human beings, it's not unfair to generalize, disregard, and all around avoid them. that 5% doesn't change a fucking thing
You did something great op, but always remember, a man doesn't have the right to be kind with a child, he can't help a child and MUST never be alone with a child or he's gonna rape the child...

Sadly I know many people that believe that unironically
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Exposing a normie's failure as a parent is one of the most triggering things you can do to them. They will do the most absurd mental gymnastics imaginable to avoid admitting their own faults

About a year or so ago I remember yanking some kid's hoodie (he must've been about 7-8) because he was sticking his head out of a fast moving train window while his vapid asswipe mother was too busy tweeting to notice, and the look of contempt she gave me immediately afterwards was something I had never seen on another human being ever before or since. Looking back on the situation I was just acting on instinct, but if I had time to weigh up the options of potentially letting a kid get decapitated or getting put on a register for an attempt at quiet heroism, I honestly don't know whether I would have chosen the latter.

Which anime is it?
Should have just snached the kid, desu ne. She wouldn't be stuck with her dumbass mother and you'd have a loli.
I bet you raped her you sick fuck.
Women haven't contributed a single line in the bible shame!
>her mother fucked up and lose her kid somewhere in mall
>she blaims other person for fucking up

its women 101, its worse in relationship, when women fuck up she is going to prove that it was not her fauly and blame you/bait to make you angry just to get away

even if you do not care whos fault it was
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It never hurts to help anon.

No matter if people don't see it.
You can sleep tonight knowing you did something good.
That's more than many dudes in here can say.
One Room

Thanks a lot, mate

no original comment, desu
>no reason

Crime stats aren't real lads.
based security guard
r9k is literally 'how big is ur dick lol tehe wtf it's under 13inches?!' or 'fuck women i only date anime girls rise up brothers'
I live in the south and i'd be really self hating if I used that logic. White trash fucking everywhere. No black people here at all, some people here have never seen a real black person, forget asian
This is why you don't talk to people, or go outside.
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>resisted bystander effect
take care of those balls m8
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>sees stacy in need
>gets fucked

never fall for a stacy. rule number 1.
>based black man redpilled on roasties
sounds like a lad
This is just how I live now. Either the person you helped will fuck you over, or you'll be vilified for helping them.
Ignore everyone in help, fuck bitches, make money. ya heard?
I know you were trying to do a good deed, and do the right thing OP but see what it got you? Should have just fucking ignored her like everyone else and let some other shmuck deal with it, of course you never know who could have picked her up. Could have been a legit pedophile or kidnapper instead, but I figured someone else would have eventually helped her if you didn't.
I agree with most of the posters anon, some guy in UK helped a lost child and when the police found him with the girl taking her to parent's house he was labelled a pedo and got thrown in jail only to later confirmed by witnesses that he was right all along. This is a fucked up era, don't help anybody or you will be sued, get labelled a rapist/pedo and thrown in jail aleinating you from society for the rest of your miserable life
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>be me
>in line for some rollercoaster
>little girl in front of me and my sister is alone
>attendant tells her she is too short to ride alone
>sister nudges me, says: "Hey, I don't want to go on this ride very much anyway, you go with the girl."
>go up to the girl
>do you want to ride in the cage with me?
>she looks relieved
>someone else in the line says that it should be my sister who rides with her
>Listen, crazypants, this ride is literally a cage that goes up in the sky and spins around, I don't think I have the time or ability to do whatever you are worrying about

fun ride
>be me
>pretty routine
>See something weird on the ground
>it's a body
>looks like she got too drunk and crashed in the bushes
>look around
>no one else cept two guys up the block, but they can't see her and are just having a smoke
>well, fuck, better call the cops to come take her home
>call dispatch
>they ask me if she's alive
>well, she doesn't look dead, let me check
>lift up her arm
>her eyes open
>yeah, she's fine
>How old is she?
>ask the girl how old she is
>she stares at me wordlessly for a minute
>Looks about thirty, I guess
>Is she alright?
>I ask her if she's alright
>she stares at me wordlessly
>She seems alright, I guess
>they send an ambulance
>those things are faster than I expected
>flag down ambulance
>they ask me where the girl is
>point down
>"oh wow, she just decided to crash right on the sidewalk huh?"
women will always turn the arguments against you if you criticise them.

aka, you were never there for me (if she cheats on you)
I so glad I'm not a burger. At least in free countries people still help lost children.
I would like to inform you I heartily chuckled at your green text but r9k has this autistic original post filter setup so I have to word it like this
Moral of the story, mind your own business.
I would have threatened child services and a restraining order. Also sue for defamation. Woulda shut her mouth
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