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Hiro said we are allowed one (1) meta-thread. Currently, we

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 138
Thread images: 19

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Hiro said we are allowed one (1) meta-thread.

Currently, we are proposing either a new board called /wiz/ or /hiki/ (most popular name), OR simply applying these rules to /r9k/.

The agreed upon (so far, subject to change) rules are:
>1) Posters cannot directly reference themselves as or directly imply that they are women.
>2) Posters cannot reference themselves as non-virgins.
>3) Do not make porn threads or post porn. NSFW is allowed with spoilers.
>4) Camwhoring(tinychat/omegle),hookup, "rate me" threads, and posts and threads regarding PERSONAL ROMANTIC relationships should go on /soc/.
>5) Person worshipping threads (Eliza/Ashley/Rose/etc.) are not allowed.

popular rule suggestion:
>6) LGBT thread topics should go on /lgbt/

/qa/ thread (please adopt a tripcode)

Glad to see you're still encouraging this. I'm gonna give you a bump OP.
Thanks my dude

I hope someday we'll have a board for cyborgs, robots, and neets alike.
Is this so normies can have r9k back?
I'm for all of these except 4. Though I am against general camwhoring I've met some robot online friends through omegle.
I think a lot of the tranny shit would be solved if we just made a /gay/ board for gay porn and told them all to fuck off to there.
Sort of. We get our own board and either /r9k/ belongs to the normalfags or /r9k/ gets deleted and the normalfags move back to /soc/ and /b/
I am for allowing skype and discord, but I believe links to websites soley to video game is /soc/-tier
The objective is to either have /r9k/ enfoce these rules or just make a new board and give this one to you.

Ultimately, the new board will be a /soc/ equivalent but for robots.
>1) Posters cannot directly reference themselves as or directly imply that they are women.
>2) Posters cannot reference themselves as non-virgins.
lmao this will never happen.
which is good since it should not happen.

>3) Do not make porn threads or post porn. NSFW is allowed with spoilers.
Nope. Either make it a full blue board or deal with it.

>4) Camwhoring(tinychat/omegle),hookup, "rate me" threads, and posts and threads regarding PERSONAL ROMANTIC relationships should go on /soc/.
Nope. The robot community is good for getting friends/relations. If I wanted /soc/ friends I would do it in /soc/. I want /r9k/ friends. You don't see /g/ banning IRC threads.

>5) Person worshipping threads (Eliza/Ashley/Rose/etc.) are not allowed.
They will find a way.

>6) LGBT thread topics should go on /lgbt/
Yes, if they are strictly LGBT. Like gender discussion or whatnot. /transfeels/ is robot.
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>Do not make porn threads or post porn. NSFW is allowed with spoilers.
I like everything else except I don't know how to feel about this honestly

The creation of a new board for robots only without all the normalfrogs that browse /r9k/ now would be great but I strongly believe that the more moderated a community is, the less fun it would be to post there.

And that's the goal, even if the community is just for robots like us, it should be FUN, and having limitations on the content such as "no porn and NSFW must be spoilered" is gonna sap that pretty quick I feel

Also, do you not believe gay people can be robots OP? I concede I do think it's harder, because women have higher standards due to their privileged social standing compared to men, but I don't think it's impossible at all. I am a KHV virgin with no friends and I definitely wouldn't mind either a bf or a gf. Sending all gay content elsewhere doesn't accomplish anything imo

>They will find a way
Not if we keep banning them

>/transfeels/ is robot
No it isn't. It's a trojan horse for trapcancer attention whores to shoehorn themselves onto another board.
I don't think you understand anon, this is for the creation of a NEW board, not this one
like the sound of /hiki/ desu senpai
oh fuck off you idiot
keep faggotry on lgbt
Done and done. This is what it should be.
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>I HATE social outcasts and people who are generally misogynistic, pessimistic, etc.
>w-wait? You want to leave me alone? Nah-ah, not gonna slide. I NEED to hate you.


>The creation of a new board for robots only without all the normalfrogs that browse /r9k/ now would be great but I strongly believe that the more moderated a community is, the less fun it would be to post there.

Yeah, I agree. That is why all the rules are just blanket rules instead of anything specific.

There's no rule saying you HAVE to be a need or HAVE to be unemployed. The rules so far are just framing the mood of the board.

Hypothetically, you could banepost or have music threads and it wouldn't break the rules.

I want to accommodate neets, cyborgs, hardcore robots, wizards, etc.

>Also, do you not believe gay people can be robots OP?
I'm not sure, but I am not banning gay posts, just gay-specific threads since there is already a board for it.

You're more than welcome to talk about being gay in a discussion, as it won't be a gay-only thread.
I'm a girl and I've had sex with 3 guys. What are you going to do about it
what part of /off-topic/ board do you faggots actually not understand. go away. real robots/wizards don't give a flying fuck who posts here, jesus christ
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Prefer /wiz/ since /hiki/ is weebshit. But I am totally 100% for these rules. I hate normies so goddamn much.
uh... ok?

You can post on this hypothetical board all you want.

Just don't mention your gender (to prevent orbiting and de-railing) or talk about having had sex in the past.

Other than that, go nuts.
>Prefer /wiz/ since /hiki/ is weebshit. But I am totally 100% for these rules. I hate normies so goddamn much.

Why the literal fuck do you come here?

People like you should be banned as well
>I just started browsing /r9k/ and am very vocal about it!

*meme hand gesture*

It's a win-win, bud. We, the losers you hate, leave, and you get /r9k/. Why are you angry again?
need to specifically define traps as women then, or just ban them in general if we don't want to define them as such.I prefer the second option.
Innies are alright with me with their virtue and their purity, roasties need to get out luring betas to their cavernous halls.
Every post should need to be personally approved by myself, the king of r9k.

This is the only rule we need. My rule
>move back to /b/ or /soc/
>move back

This was not originally a loser only board. It's only been this way for the past 5 years ;_;
I support the spirit of this, but most of these are already rules, and the ones that aren't would be nearly impossible to enforce.
You mean literally all of Robot 9001's lifetime since the day Moot brought it back? Robot 9000 is dead, kiddo and current /r9k/ rose from its ashes.
To be honest (t.b.h.) I think the rules are pretty solid as they are now.

All blanket rules, easily enforceable, and accommodating to all levels of robots.

All we'd need know is awareness and contacting Hiro
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>Why do you come here
Because I'm a NEET virgin who doesnt deserve to be one. I'm a supreme gentlemen who deserves the best of my caliber.

Roasties and normies need to die or adapt to a proper objective worth system like pic related.
it should be /hiki/ on principle, seeing as how this is an anime website
and it will piss off people like that fag
It's not dead as long as I draw breath


Holy shit these normies are literally terrified they won't be allowed here anymore lmao.
The only way you can get your precious Robot9000 back is if we successfully convince Hiro to create /hiki/ or /wiz/. This campaign is in your best interest too.
Just get some good /b/ style mods who keep an eye on normiedom and delete when needed. They can justify it with the rules by saying, for instance, advice threads go to /adv/ or whatever. Most normies hide their bragging behind asking for advice anyway.

/r9k/ is best when it has a sense of fun. We don't need a /wiz/. Just go to the /wiz/ that already exists if you're that mentally ill.

Also reset the robot more often.
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Go back to your low traffic quarantine boards you utter faggot.
Yeah I honestly do not get it either.

Don't they hate us?
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>supreme gentleman

Welcome to the club, sir.
go back to rebbit you fucking cunt
>Holy shit these normies are literally terrified they won't be allowed here anymore lmao.

read my fucking post faggot

someone who doesn't enjoy Japanese culture or at the very least acknowledge it's place on imageboards has no reason to be here or on a new board about robot culture

should we change "sage" too then? maybe make it "downvote" since you are more familiar with that?

I doubt you even know what sage means
>Currently, we are proposing either a new board called /wiz/ or /hiki/ (most popular name), OR simply applying these rules to /r9k/.

Also, don't even suggest applying these rules to /r9k/. If you want hiro to open an /autism/ containment board, please detach yourselves from /r9k/. Suggest this as a totally independent board. Remove that second "OR" part of the proposal.

Then you'll be cast away to fiddle among your kind like moot did with /mlp/ and the rest of us would enjoy /r9k/ more.
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>mfw I don't have any problem with /r9k/ as it is because I ignore threads I don't like
Unofficial poll to vote in

Should a new board be made for robots?

I definitely support the creation of a /wiz/ board.
That's an inherent part of this proposed /wiz/ culture.

They can't filter/ignore things they don't like. Instead they want everyone around them to change.

Sound familiar OP?
We need to take this proposal to Hiro as soon as he returns to 4chan. He's been absent for the past week now.
The results are gonna be skewed because normie cunts and roasties are gonna vote no even tho they wouldn't even go to that board.
Don't worry I'll slowly boost the positive votes over time
current /r9k/ is in a transition period like /b/ was back in 2008-2009. It was teetering on the edge of being a neat board and being just non-stop porn, nonstop-normies, underage b&ns, and shitposting.

This is my final solution (^:
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You have to leave this board. Do it now.
where did he go and how did you know he left?
Fuck back off to /q/.

Your kind isnt wanted literally anywhere else on 4chan.
He hasn't posted on /qa/ for like a week now. I have no idea where the fuck he went.
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Not an argument

>He hasn't posted on /qa/ for like a week now. I have no idea where the fuck he went.

does he actually post regularly there?
What name does he use on /qa/ so I can look at the archives and keep track?

I think we have a good set of rules for a new board already.
Sort of. On again off again if. I think he's planning something with the staff because the moderation here has been shit for the past day now.
OP, not gonna lie, I think frogposters really ruined /r9k/ culture. It was with frogposting hitting the mainstream that the nail was put in /r9k/'s coffin.

and the fact is you are a frogposter. And no matter what, as long as these people are allowed to carry on here or anywhere else, the board is gonna be fucking shit with reddit tier memes like that oat shit
Same capcode as Moot but its "Hiroyuki Admin"
Agree entirely.

Back when that shooting happened and made the news, /r9k/ went down the drain and a bunch of new people arrived.

The board is only dying because there are no rules to help keep the original culture alive.
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>robots demand a safe space where nobody is allowed to even mention the things that trigger them
Is this elaborate bait? Fucking wew lads
>moderation here has been shit
Sounds like another regular day on 4chan, anon
safe space means anyone who is anyone can express themselves in a judgement free zone.

This proposed board will do the opposite and not allow you to express yourself if you have dumb norman feels (^:<
By shit I mean even shittier than normal. It's borderline nonexistant on /pol/ and /vg/

fuck off you son of a whore
Basically yes. Putting the dumb in dumb frogposter.
Stupid dumb unwelcome normalfag invader scum
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Honestly this sounds like my dream version of r9k. I hope Hiro does this for real.
>Same capcode as Moot but its "Hiroyuki Admin"

fun fact - moot's trip password is faggot

don't try it though it's an insta ban
No, a safe space is a deplorable form of censorship where anything "triggering" is banned
This is exactly what you are proposing
>I won't allow you to express yourself on my secret virgin board if your worldview doesn't line up perfectly with mine
The truth is I would actually support this if neet frogposting faggots like yourself stayed on this new board and stopped polluting everywhere else, but that won't happen, it'll just encourage your toxic shit
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Since this thread is more active than the /qa/, I'll ask it here.

To all the robots in favor of the the concept of a new board, are we generally agreed on the rules?

I'm seeing a lot of positive response to them.
Another weird vesitgial feature from when Moot was admin. Is 7ch's full name still considered spam these days?
It's easier to just call you dumb but I'll type it out anyway.

People of similar backgrounds/interests/lifestyles like to group up in communities to feel accommodated and pursue their interests and lifestyles.

Do you go into the Vietnamese student group at your college and scream at them saying they're a safe space from other races or something?
or a country club? Or a secret societies in colleges? Or the group of social outcasts playing D&D who don't like to go to parties or associate with those that do?

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>1) Posters cannot directly reference themselves as or directly imply that they are women.
>2) Posters cannot reference themselves as non-virgins.

These should definitely NOT be enforced. If you want /wiz/ for kissless virgins great.

>3) Do not make porn threads or post porn. NSFW is allowed with spoilers.

I don't want /r9k/ to be a blue board, but I want all of the trap bs to away.

>4) Camwhoring(tinychat/omegle),hookup, "rate me" threads, and posts and threads regarding PERSONAL ROMANTIC relationships should go on /soc/.

I don't mind the omegle threads. I don't read them, but I understand fellow robot wanting to encourage others to go to omegle or their discord server.

>5) Person worshipping threads (Eliza/Ashley/Rose/etc.) are not allowed.

Sounds fine.

>>6) LGBT thread topics should go on /lgbt/

Well, discussions that are purely about LGBT itself and all of the god damn trap threads shoudl go to to /lgbt/.

/r9k/ isn't about being a HKV. To me, it is supposed to be a higher quality version of /b/ for those on the spectrum regardless of sex or virginity.

> pic unrelated
This post is retarded. Slap whatever definition you want to "safe space", but boards have rules for a reason. Current events belong on /pol/, and anyone spamming them on /r9k/ deserves a boot. It helps keep things organized and coherent. You're being obtuse.
>7ch's full name still considered spam these days?

y-you could just try anon

there's no point arguing with him over semantics

to some extent he is correct, any new board would be kinda a safe space for robots

but it's not like that is a bad thing - the rest of the world is a safe space for normals after all
>/r9k/ isn't about being a HKV. To me, it is supposed to be a higher quality version of /b/ for those on the spectrum regardless of sex or virginity.

Then respectfully I'll have to tell you that this board idea isn't for you.

To us, /r9k/ is about about being a community for social outcasts. We would just like to preserve that aspect which many of us believe are under attack.

If we leave, /r9k/ will no longer have any elements of being about HKVs.
>To me, it is supposed to be a higher quality version of /b/ for those on the spectrum regardless of sex or virginity.

That dream died after 2015. Our board is on the slow decline from a unique community to just another normalfag infested porn dump social media thread board. We Robots want to cut our losses and get our own board if the mods won't change and enforce the rules here.
Make an irc chat or a discord or something. This is 4chan, a site built around anonymity. Communities based on your real life should form somewhere else.
I would be just as vehemently against a board exclusively for women, or a board that banned you if you mentioned you were under six feet tall or some other bullshit.

literally this

I am a virgin (and staying virgin for the rest of my life) and I want myself surronded by virgins. Who doesn't want to be a virgin anymore, fuck off I don't wanna see you again bye.
social cliques exist for social outcasts in real life. We are just in favor of creating a board for them.

There aren't social cliques just for people with perfect teeth in real life. Apples to oranges.
Despite how entitled you may be you will not get your wish on 4chan. This current /r9k/ is closest you will ever get. Go to wizchan or something.
>To all the robots in favor of the the concept of a new board, are we generally agreed on the rules?

except for the porn thing and the gay thing yeah

the population should be controlled for, not the content

As long as everyone is KHV male with no offline friends (or can at least pretend to be) I am happy with whatever discussion occurs
When did I say I liked /pol/ spam? I don't, I report it on /lit/ every day.
The thing is /r9k/ doesn't have topic rules, just the uniqueness rule. People can post whatever they want. If you want a rigidly enforced secret virgin club use another medium, one not rooted in anonymity, to create it.
>You will not get your wish
Yeah, like how questfags and adult cartoon fans didn't get what they wanted when they wanted to split from their parent boards.
I think enforcing everyone to be a KHV and 100% friendless is overly specific and hard to moderate.

Not to mention it appeals to a minority in a minority.

The board is for cyborgs, neets, autismos, and just everyone who lives on the general fringe of society.

Also we already have porn boards. No need for more of it.
Those rules are 10/10, you have my support.
>Communities based on your real life should form somewhere else.

oh, so people aren't interested in video games or anime in real life?
people aren't interested in Japanese culture in real life?

/hikki/ would be a board for robot culture

OP, I just gotta say, that other guy does have a point

it is probably kinda pointless even discussing this because I don't think it's likely whatsoever that hiro will even consider this idea
I was only using /pol/ as a reference, as a talking point for comparison.
Nope, not gonna happen. Virginal discussion where you block people based on their gender or social status isn't comparable with either of them.
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>Everyone who isn't weebshit is a newfag
Sad faggot. Truly pathetic.
But 4chan does not and should not have identities. It is also not a social club. You can make a social clique, I'm in favor of that, but do it somewhere else because that is not what 4chan is for.

Those are interest boards where people discuss their interests. People don't get banned when they mention that they aren't japanese or that they haven't played dark souls, and it should remain that way.
13 votes in 30+ minutes, man this place is alive as fuck
>But 4chan does not and should not have identities. It is also not a social club.


Well, I understand the HKV crowd wanting a /wiz/ board and am all for it. /r9k/ is for outcasts to a point, which I mean in the "those on the spectrum". I'm a bit of a 'sperg and most other robots are as well, but most of us that are over 20 are not virgins.

> If we leave, /r9k/ will no longer have any elements of being about HKVs.

I don't mind the HKV posts. I just don't want /r9k/ devoted to HKVs only. I would rather add a /wiz/.
Get the fuck off the internet
>I think enforcing everyone to be a KHV and 100% friendless is overly specific and hard to moderate.
Just like this anon mentioned here
>If you want a rigidly enforced secret virgin club use another medium, one not rooted in anonymity, to create it.
It's hard to enforce a board identity like that when the entire website is built around a lack of identity.
Those boards are cancerous. This site and the world as a whole would be better without their posters.
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If you successfully do this you automatically become less of a failure. Making you a normie
>Those are interest boards where people discuss their interests. People don't get banned when they mention that they aren't japanese or that they haven't played dark souls, and it should remain that way.

and yet if you try to talk about Texan culture in /jp/, you are gonna get banned

in the same fashion, if you talk about Normalfag clubbing culture on the robot board, you would get banned. Does that make sense?

voting is an autistic idea anyways, anyone is allowed to vote so the results don't even matter

Socrates critique of democracy and all that shit is valid here

Regardless if you think they are cancerous they exist and the people inside them enjoy it there

I am sure many would think a /hiki/ board to be cancerous but the outsider's opinion isn't relevant here
I think it's okay to allow non virgins if they paid for sex, begged for sex (and I mean truly begged as if you would beg if someone was gonna kill you and you didn't want to die), or were raped.
>I think it's okay to allow non virgins if they paid for sex
this first one yeah

in fact I would have literally no problem with happy ending threads or prostitution threads on /hiki/ or whatever it would be called

but begging for sex, wtf? no
and no robot would be raped
Yeah, originally there was two exceptions to the rule

One was for anons who had paid for escorts, the other was having been molested/raped.

In the end I decided that those are too specific and also a minority within a minority. We just risk opening the flood gates to normies if we were to do that because those exceptions would hardly be used anyway.
Fuck I didn't even think of that. I agree with this post. +1
>new board /hiki/
>try posting on it
>write "the one time i had sex suckd"
>tick "I'm not a robot"
>questionnaire pops up
>"Please describe under what circumstances you had sex"
>I begged for it I guess
>"Thank you! Your post has been added to mod queue and will be published once it receives confirmation"
>Threads are full of schizo replies that arrive days later
sounds about right
I want to explain further

if this were allowed, nothing would stop normies going "I had sex (paid 4 it)" and just ticking on "(paid for it)" whenever mentioning it and using it as a loophole.

There would be nothing the moderators could do.
If the only way you had sex was by begging someone massively or crying and a woman gives in and it's the only time you'd have sex I still think you'd be a robot desu.

Some women are really nice and would give in to an ugly virgin. It's rare but I've seen it happen.
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That would be great. Actual discussion could possibly spawn in a board with those rules.
A board like that would just be a clubhouse where people would constantly be in competition as to whos the biggest loser and then banning people who aren't as big of losers as them. There would be no content just contious devolving of stricter rules. And then fnally it would turn into one big RP as people pretended to be the "perfect robot" character.
Sounds like a negatively nihilistic purity spiral, desu

It fundamentally doesn't matter whether or not someone had sex, and if they did have sex under what situation they had it under, because that would be unenforcable. Even if someone who was raped or paid for sex IS a robot, they shouldn't be able to post about it there

The OP post had the correct idea here, REGARDLESS of if someone has sex, threads related to the topic are banned

so a thread saying
>hey guys I was raped
>I am chad I fuck
>I begged a girl for sex
>hey guys robot here! I actually got to experience sex because I paid for it
There's nothing stating threads HAVE to be about robot culture.

it's /soc/ for social outcasts.

As I posted earlier, you could probably have music threads if you wanted and it wouldn't be against the rules.

This gives plenty of wiggle room for board culture.
I'm fine with the exceptions honestly but what if it just had the molestation exception and if they talk about being a non virgin without specifically adding (Molested) or (Raped) in their post or something they'd get banned.
Does 4chan really need more encouragement for sad frogposters to hold the misery olympics and whine about being virgins?
You guys actually look at this board and think "No, what we need is somewhere that the mere thought of interrupting our constant masturbation over collective mental illness is bannable?"
I understand that you guys are all legitimately on the spectrum but this is fucking weapons-grade autism, right here
I agree. We need a blanket ban on relationshit threads and sex/porn threads. It's all lowest common denominator cancer.
anime image board ;^)
the fact is that anime creeps the normiest of normies out, it's a very mild deterrent, and r9k needs all the normie deterrent it can get
Ah, I see. Using that method, it would be enforceable
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Does anyone here write in fluent Japanese?

Otherwise how good is google translate?
Cry all you want. There is literally L I T E R A L L Y no way this is going to ever happen.
This has to be the single highest concentration of autism ever put into words
Yeah but people would constantly bitch about stuff not being "robot" enough and calling each other normies when their tastes did not align with each other. By setting any kind of rule to begin with that restricts certain groups its gonna turn into one giant circle jerk of hate-posts and no content. Theres no need for a board like that on 4chan, where the only boards that restrict are of content, not people.
Fuck you cunt. Original comment jrhnbr
>Yeah but people would constantly bitch about stuff not being "robot" enough and calling each other normies when their tastes did not align with each other.

Yes, that will happen. Happens everywhere. On every board, people argue about being plebs vs patricians.

However, with literal normies here, it's like a person who doesn't play video games on /v/.

And again, there's no specific discussion topics. I could post about movies or personal hobbies if I so wanted.

There is nothing stopping me from talking about how I like to draw and having other anons post their artwork.
Well, I dream of having a board for actual robots like myself. There are approx. 30000 of us around the world.
By your own logic, go post your movies in /tv/. Post your hobbies in either specific boards of those hobbies (like /out/) or if it doesn't fit any, go to /b/ as a catch-all.
Go to /ic/ for drawings.
>I agree. We need a blanket ban on relationshit threads and sex/porn threads. It's all lowest common denominator cancer.

The more I think about it I agree, this is the best way to go forward if a new board was to be made.

and having a blanket ban on relationship type posts will also solve any gay problems, your sexuality isn't relevant because you do not have a gf or bf

stop thinking about it as the restriction of certain groups and more a place that accepts of certain groups - robots

because other boards definitely aren't accepting of robots
as I said, this is /soc/ for social outcasts.

Theoretically an off-topic board with blanket rules for posting. That's it.
i love that fucking image
No board has ever banned posters for their characteristics or lifestyle choices and it is incredibly fucking tumblr to assert that one should
You are already on an off-topic board with a single blanket rule for posting. We could put a banner at the top that said "No normies allowed reeee" and it would be just as effective as making /aut/ because you can't enforce these fucking rules
Great idea. I doubt it will happen, but if it does I would gladly migrate to /wiz/. People have been complaining about camwhore and /soc/ threads being posted on /r9k/ for as long as I can remember but there is rarely anything done about it.
they wouldn't be banned for their characteristics or lifestyle choices, they would be banned for posting about their characteristics and lifestyle choices. as long as you at least pretend to be a robot it doesn't really matter.
This doesn't even need to happen.

There's a solution which will make like 90% of people happy which is very easy to do


there's a shitton of camwhore, rate me, relationship advice, person worship, and other garbage that is on this board

this is UNIVERSALLY disliked by most people here except for them

if all of this garbage was removed immediately when the mods saw it and the posters actually met with a ban rather than no punishment at all I think the board wouldn't have any problems as is
>if all of this garbage was removed immediately when the mods saw
How many users bother to report threads anymore? Some days I feel it's a waste of time, but I try not to get discouraged and report them anyway. It's a far cry better than the kids who just bump the thread with "reeeeee, get off my board, normie"
Honestly if this new board could be 1/2 the caliber and posting content of wizchan it would be a huge success, all we need is the maturity and intelligence of wizchan with the large community of 4chan
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