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a tranny has a crush on me

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Thread replies: 510
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>be me
>have an old high school friend named Eric whos still in college
>Eric decides to throw a party last weekend and invites me
>drive up with a few friends, get there and the party has already started and is pretty packed so we just get some drinks and hang out
>girl we went to high school with - Regina - recognizes us and starts talking to us and is clearly very drunk
>introduces us to her friend, Emily, who is a tranny
>literally says "she's transgender, which is fucking AWESOME" in horribly slurred speech with intense vocal fry
>Emily gets extremely red in the face
>She's kinda cute in a goofy way, which I like desu, and her body seemed alright, she was wearing overalls so it was hard to tell
>we end up having quite a bit in common and hang out all night
It was a nice change of pace since usually when I go to parties I just hang out with the people I came with and don't talk to anyone else
>Regina and Emily leave to go back to their place
>we spend the night at Eric's then drive home the next morning
>had a pretty good time but not sure if it was worth the drive, don't think much about it
>all the sudden Regina starts blowing up my phone telling me her tranny friend has a crush on me and that I need to take her on a date (pic related are just the latest ones)
It's pretty funny because she probably said 10 words total to me all 4 years of high school and now she won't leave me the fuck alone
I'm not totally against the idea of taking Emily on a date, I thought she was cute and she was fun to talk to. Tbh the only problem is that she used to be a dude and all my friends would know that and probably call me a faggot.

What the heck should I do guys?
Her friend is is pushy cunt but if you like her why not give it a go?
She doesn't actually care about her friend or you, doing this would only make her feel better. Just from looking at that screen shot I can tell how shallow of a person she is. Get away as fast as possible. If you and the tranny got along well maybe befriend him but get away from this other girl.
>she probably said 10 words total to me all 4 years of high school
That particular "she" was in reference to Regina who was born with a vagina

Do it you fag. Also post picture of trap desu.
reject it in the most condesending way possible, it is subhuman
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>"I'm not sure I want to date this person I just met"
>"you're such a fucking dick"
Hm...OP, I wonder if we encountered the same tranny.

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>>She's kinda cute in a goofy way

Why are you so mean, Anonymous?
>Tbh the only problem is that she used to be a dude and all my friends would know that and probably call me a faggot.


If you're attracted to them then go for it. I Guarantee the potential sting of being called a faggot won't outweigh the regret of not getting to smash or cuddle
Post photos and boipucci I'm curious on what they look like
>tfw nobody will ever have a crush on me
>tfw nobody will ever have their friends beg me to date them
fucking kill me
You want to have sex with another man don't cha?
Whatever you want m if you wanna date the tranny then go ahead. Id your friends are against then you know the type of friends you have. Also, don't date her if you don't want to. But what you should DEFINITELY do, is cut ties with that "friend" of yours. She's clearly a selfish bitch trying to go like "OH LOOK I GOT MY TRANNY FRIEND A BOYFRIEND AND HE KNEW SHE WAS TRANS"
>what are bantz

Anyway I say fuck what your friends say if you liked this girl (boy) then take her out!! Also take Regina up on her offer to pay for it desu
Emily spotted
This. OP you sound like an idiot who puts himself in horrible situations.
>mfw imagining a dude with long hair wearing overalls
Holy kek
The thing is in the trash what's up dude
I am a master of bantz and while there was a hint of bantz in that comment it was mostly serious
It doesn't matter who I am. There's no need for gratuitous hatred is all I'm saying. You are not being the person Mr. Rogers would want you to be.
Please post pics I need to know what we're working with here

mental issues
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>"she's transgender, which is fucking AWESOME"
funny how if a girl rejects a guy there's no problem with it. women will say that she can make her own choice.

but god forbid a man rejects a """"girl"""".

regina clearly just wants to hook you up with a tranny because she thinks it's cute or some other selfish shit. Tell regina if she gives you a bj, or sex, you will go out with emily, then ignore them both, even if you like emily.

You will be labeled as gay if you go out with a tranny OP. Maybe if you can keep on the dl and only bang in private, but we both know """she's""" gonna want to be seen in public with you.
nice rhymes anon
If it personally doesn't fuck with you, and you're only concern is your fickle dumb friends, then I say go for it, and see who your real friends are.
meant for >>33449186

original comentario
If your friends don't accept your sexuality they're not really your friends. You win either way. You have a date and this will test whether you have true brotherhood or aquaintences.
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lol this just got a little more interesting

And I don't have any pictures of her sorry guys. she was petite, like 5'3". Maybe like 130 lbs. Curly red hair. Mosquito bite boobs but a big butt

And I do appreciate the advice too, seems like most of you are leaning towards dating the tranny. I don't know though. It's not just my friends knowing, it's having to possibly introduce a tranny to my parents. Plus I'm a kissless virgin
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This happened to me too OP. I'd say go for it man.

>was at a party at rich friends place
>big house, a lot of people
>meet a girl who I haven't spoken to in a while, she's with her friend Alex
>Alex is cute and petite
>I start talking to them
>turns out Alex is transgender
>he's qt as fuck tho, literally perfect, passable
>get along great with him, got flirty
>later into the night there are much less people
>looked at Alex and told her, yes her, "come here"
>started making out with her, she's blushing
>so damn cute can't believe this is happening
>had to leave the party so I gave Alex my number
>next night invited her over to my place
>she comes over and we go to the hot tub in my apartment complex
>no one there so we start passionately making out
>Alex is sitting in my lap with her petite arms wrapped around me, I'm grabbing her ass, which is surprisingly nice for a petite trap
>I can feel her boner getting hard through his bikini, which made me diamonds
>took Alex back to my apartment and fucked her brains out
>sucked cock for the first time that night too
>actually enjoyed it, made Alex cum hard
>started going out more and more often
>tfw Alex has been my qt trap gf for 4 months now
>tfw feels like I'm living the dream

Pic related, kinda looks like Alex.
she seems nice, go for it m8 (if you like traps)
Why would your parents have to find out she's trans?
she sounds cute. Do it OP
Go on a regular date and see how it goes. If she's cute then she's cute. Tear up that boipussy if it makes your dick twitch.
Does it still have a dick
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>that ending where it tries to guilty you into texting back
nah senpai, it ain't worth it
>it's having to possibly introduce a tranny to my parents. Plus I'm a kissless virgin

Trust me, not bringing anyone home ever will set off far more alarm bells in their minds than you bringing home a tranny (assuming they don't hate them)
A khv getting it on with a tranny. Buddy you're living the dream. But honestly if you don't wanna date her then don't. Also she's nice as fuck, befriend her at least. She seems like a cool person.
Nah bro it's cute.
>her, she, boobs
Why are you doing this?
even if it doesn't, its vagina is gonna be mangled af.
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yeah I think I'm gonna go for it. If it goes well it goes well and if it doesn't it doesn't
I really hope not

Also here's more of Regina being a huge bitch
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just hang out as friends first and see how it goes from there. no need to rush things.

its okay to be friends with a faggot as long as he is legit cool person
tell regina to take a chill pill
she seems like a nice enough person, its just one date, surely worth a try. If not hey, its good to make friends
>I really hope not

You'd really rather they have a post-op franken-vagina over a feminine penis?
reply to 'emily's text, just be honest like "you seem cool and honestly im thinking about it but its hard to get past the dick"
Holy shit she's bitchy. Send more texts about Emily. I'm interested
Don't do it, she the type of girl to see two people talk for the first time awkwardly and go "aww xd cute, i ship them so hard" it'll just end badly
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regina needs to BACK the fuck off
>tfw no one will ever have a crush on you
take the cool one on a date but make sure regina KNOWS that it has nothing to do with her bothering you. tell her "look, i think your friend is cool, but go fuck yourself cunt"
show pics of regina
tell this bitch to lay the fuck off like seriously fuck her.

I would say slide on that Emily guy. dont do it. fuck what other robots say. 2nd off stand up for yourself and tell that regina cunt to shut the fuck up already. Shes acting like a pushy cunt because she knows you wont do shit about it.

Do what you want OP but just trying to pass some advice
I fucked a trans girl (so a boy in makeup and a wig) a few months back and I regretted it afterwards. The sex was pretty good, as good as anal can get anyway but what came afterwards is why I regret it.

Talking to this person made me realise just how fucked up trannies actually are. I've never spoken to a person that was so obviously unstable before and the victim complex she/he had was unreal. I'd also never heard someone actually spew tumblr tier shit in real life before but I have now. She/he somehow managed to bring up rape, bring up the patriarchy, bring up women earning less than men etc etc. I'm sure they aren't all like that, but thinking about it I reckon a lot of them are. They go online and spend their time in places like SRS and tumblr and it makes them even more fucked up than they already are. Just avoid her OP it isn't worth it.

That being said if you have a thing for traps and need to scratch that itch, just do it. At least I no longer watch shemale porn.
When this thread dies, keep us updated m8
>fuck what other robots say
>but listen to what I say

If you're worried about having to include her dick during sex, it's very likely that she would be as put off by this as you are. A lot of trans girls don't like their male genitals and would prefer not to acknowledge them.
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this is literally the first time I've asked out a girl

Or """""""girl""""""""
Op don't do it. you really want to lose your virginity so a """girl""" with a penis?

>you were never this much of a dick

sort of like you're free ticket to get a bit mad

tell her she's a pushy bitch and you might have considered it but since she started acting like a bitch, it's not happening.
>try to take eight year old son out to Chuck-E-Cheese after he aces his bible school test
>get in and order a pizza
>sit down by ball pit
>realize there are two adults in the ball pit
>they're two men
>the two men are kissing
>one of them is wearing a three dollar wig
>the other looks like he's holding back tears
>son asks me why God would let people become that sick
>have no answer for him
>the pizza sauce is too salty and the crust very very soggy
>Implying all traps act like this
You just got unlucky and fucked a meme anon

I would prefer a dick to a mutilated dick roughly shaped into a vagina anyday

now you are considering going on a date with a tranny? And letting some roastie pressure you into becoming a fag? This is what you have become, OP.
nooooooooo. OP use her to meet real women.
You fucked up OP
do you have a dave n busters near you? a lot more fun than chuck e cheese desu
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I hope you're right but it really put me off traps, which is sad because I think they are hot. I'll probably try again some day but for now I'm going to stick to actual girls.
kids are going to be staring at you OP

good idea, but this time drunk college kids and millenials are gonna stare at you
aren't you supposed to bring a kid with you in there?
Mr Rogers wouldn't want you to dress up like a girl and take hormones either faggot
cut all contacts with friends, you dont need them

alcohol is mans only friend
>asking a girl out
>to chuck e cheese
you're probably a 20+ year old man going to a children's play place. Holy shit this thread is gold
how can normies hang out with these unbearable sociopaths?
that isn't how you spell dog
Chuck E cheese good lord OP everything was fine until now. enjoy your first date at little nig party haven
Do they even let anyone above the age of 8 get inside a chuck e cheese
Hang out was friends if you have to ask about dating someone then you most likely shouldn't
how passable is emily for a real girl OP? would you have suspected her of being a trap, or does "she" look pretty feminine?
You can stick to both. I fucked a trap once """she""" was adorable as hell and very nice and comfy to cuddle with. We started dating but after a while she got less and less girlish so we just stopped. """she""" wa cool with it though, knew I liked """"her"""" girly sissy like features and not her dick. I'm in a long relationship with a girl now though, I don't miss traps at all
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looks like I'm going on a date with a tranny
hey she's the one who likes Chuck E. Cheese
And I remember having fun at Chuck E. Cheese and liking their pizza as a kid
>mosquito bite boobs
we already knew this

you are becoming the /pol/ meme where the black guy fucks the white woman and the white man is humiliated

I can't imagine being this desperate

you are a unparalleled faggot. A substantial cuck.
OP is legit a fag
You will burn in hell if you dont atone your sins
>tfw no childlike trap gf
Holy fuck anon you retard why is this even a discussion
you gonna rim his ass?
Congrats OP, if you can take pics on the date and show us, that would be great, we really wanna see her.

Also, we wanna know if she has a feminine penis, man.
I hope you have an adorable date OP. Seems like she's nice. But what I will ask you is to fuck her silly when you can and come back to us with details.
good shit OP now text regina and say "a trip to chuck E cheese usually runs about $250 and you offered to pay so..."
This. OP you can bang someone, but you can never unbang someone. You wouldn't want to end up like those greentexts where the guy fucks the tranny and then that shit haunts him for the rest of his life. Not worth it dude. Just fap and go to sleep.
wow good job op

moderately stunned you didnt fuck it up
OP is a phaggot

original you phaggot
First you hammer out the deets, then you hammer out that boy pussy.
Tell her to send n00dz
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>literally dating a man out of desperation

I hate to shit on people seeking happiness, but damn son
> tfw you'll never be approached by a guy in a dress whose only desire in life is to slobber your knob in the ball pit at chuck e cheese
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>mentally ill person likes to be around small children
>do you wanna go to Chuck E Cheese next Saturday?
This is just fuckin' weird.
>You wouldn't want to end up like those greentexts where the guy fucks the tranny and then that shit haunts him for the rest of his life.

Because they're so much worse than the greentexts of people lamenting the fact that they self sabotaged any chances they ever had at forming relationships and getting affection

I would have done that and just taken the money

I don't even give a fuck about the money I just would do it as a "fuck you"
op can we see a pic of the tranny
I met this trans girl from here once named Issa and they turned out to just be a loser who tried and failed to kill themselves. They spent most of the time just feeling sorry for themselves and being pathetic. I wonder if they're alright but honestly I don't care.
OP you're going to regret not dating a qt like this
Then you and Emily can have a nice laugh over getting a free date. Awesome shit gere
don't fucking do it dude ....don't become a faggot , once you go fag you never go back , it's a downward spiral trust me i knew people who got on that road , and they are fucked now , just don't , trust me dude...
Everyone deserves a chance at happiness, even those who were cursed with gender dysphoria. Don't be hating on someone who's doing what they can to get through life without harming anyone else.
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Regina beat me to the punch
fine, let the tranny be a tranny. but OP shouldn't be trying to fuck a dude out of desperation, he clearly likes women.
Maybe she (male) is crying tears of happiness.
Wait, what?

What is she on about?
>a guy that thinks hes a girl
Stop being a faggot dude

If it was a girl that wants to be a giy that would be cool.

OP doesn't even know for sure which one it is.
it's no surprise this """girl""" is probably mentally unstable
holy shiet. this is one salty ass cunt

maybe, or regina is just an
>20+ year old autist robot in a Chuck-E-Cheese with a tranny that he was guilted into dating by a Stacy

Comedy god. Honestly could be on an episode of Peep Show or something. I wonder how parents and children will react to this sight.
The fuck?! You accepted the date, what the fuck does this chick want more?
A marrige proposal? Some fucking people.
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fake and ghey
OP what did you do. You were going so well
OP listen to me, this is coming from someone who fell for the meme and actually fucked one.
Yes they can be cool
Most of their body can look attractive
They can represent an alternative to crippling loneliness
but they have a cock. anal is NOT a substitute for a pussy, it's like comparing a flashlight to the sun. unless you're 100% homosexual, don't do it.
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yeah looks like you're right
why dont you go fuck a tranny cuck
kek. thats what i was thinking. OP, you're gonna be stared at by a bunch of old ass milfs that think you're disgusting, and by a bunch of confused little niglets.
Dogs don't mix well with coke zero and they certainly don't make me forget about my job, leftists, minorities and tfwnogf
finally regina can fuck off
we fucked up somewhere guys
we need to go back to undo this shit
this should wasnt supposed to happen
You use that word, I don't think you know what it means
Use this to ruin their friendship.

Text Emily "Regina told me you're crying. Didn't realise I was that awful never mind about the date."
I work at chuck nigger cheese and your not allowed in without a kid btw.
Maximus kekus iiiiii
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>Honestly could be on an episode of Peep Show or something.
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OP here. i think ill let the tranny fuck me in the ass.

also, here's a pic of regina for you guys.
rolling for this

OP i STG if you don't lay into this bitch and MAKE SURE that she knows you like HER FRIEND and not HER. DO NOT give her the satisfaction of thinking she set this up
Plz keep us updated until and after the date, we are all with you, smash some cheeks for us.
No homo
WHO /fuckregina/ HERE?

kill yourself my man

you are a living meme with no self respect
what a bitch
oregon comment[/original]
Turns out Emily doesn't like Chuck-E-Cheese after all.
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autistic southern US fag detected
Team /fuckregina/ reporting in
DO IT op
Why was she crying might wanna ask OP what if she insane or some shit you're gonna be trapped with this

too late.

Trannies are a really bad idea
They are crazy
If you take it too far and then decide to back down because turns out you aren't into it they will freak out
Again crazy person freaking out
They get really attached and will expect a relationship
They likely never had a relationship or dated and have no idea what that's like and have crazy expectations
Again crazy person
Keep in mind so far you have only seen him at his absolute best
You will most likely regret it at lots of points later on
You can't take it back once you find them
You will forever be the guy who fucked a tranny
You may have to explain it to your kids someday
I bet you're gonna get into your car after the date because hes unemployed and has no money and after he kisses you you get scared so you go along and when he undresses you smell hairy man ass and dick and throw up in tour car and havr to drive him home while he fidget his boner away. Lol ur gay
it's never your turn, go and earn it by seeking out traps and hitting on them
Please do this OP

Pls I want to see what Emily says
He's honestly half-right if not fully, would you really be so desperate to fugg a guy?
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i;m from romania dude , dracula n shit , satanic stuff n' all that , fuck , just fuckk off already , stop trying to transform him into a faggot ,it's a fucking mental disease
you were supposed to let the tranny down easy. that's what regina wanted from you. that way you don't have to date it, but you're not a bad guy and your friend still gets virtue points for asking you.
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red leader /fuckregina/ standing by
UHHHH.... HEY SHITLORD what if OP's date identifies as a child? ?? RACIST AND SEXIST MUCCH??
>What the heck should I do guys?
How is this at all difficult? If you want to date her, do it. If you don't want to date her, don't.
best answer in thread.
I still want to argue with you over this but thank you for meeting me halfway. I won't try to change your mind on the rest of this situation.
If you do this OP you can get Regina out of the picture and still salvage your tranny gf.
not american, even worse. how do you expect anyone to take advice from a eurofag?
>implying not her
dangit why did all you guys saying not to do it wait until AFTER I asked her out to start posting?

now I'm having second thoughts

also I got confirmation they were happy tears, apparently she just got overwhelmed which is actually kinda cute imo desu
> implying that traps are not gay

Nah jk OP u the man haha
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thats exactly what i said , how fucking desperate can you be to fuck a man who is mentally ill and thinks he's a woman , jesus fucking christ
just fucking do it you pussy bitch
trains women are gross
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KEk. Underrated you beautiful glorious bastard.
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Toopeest kekkitty
Don't show up?
I mean it's the friend of a girl you barely know the potential shit you will get for not showing up is minimal
>hammer out the deets

do people talk / type like that in real life ?
OP, i told you not to do it before asking """her""" out, as did other posters. if you have any 2nd thoughts than don't do it. you are literally fucking a man with a penis. what happens when you try to fuck her and can't get it up cause you know """shes""" a man?
congratulations u are officially a homo phagget
enjoy dipping your cock into poop for the rest of your life
Just "misunderstand" the crying as an insult to ruin her relationship with her friend and get out of the date
Get you some of that sweet boypucci
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>you made her cry you fucking asshole

>tfw Emily is browsing this thread rn
>don't ever explore your sexuality or try to achieve happiness
The fact that you even came to r9k to ask shows that you're one stupid motherfucker


Just do whatever you want to man
this. just block regina, since she'll most likely have a tantrum if you show her up. better yet, block regina, and tell emily you can't if you at least want to not show the tranny up
this doesn't sound like something that actually happened

also i think a few of the replies are your own
+ its his virginity in question so its even worse
Literally will never have fucked anyone but another man until he gets with a real girl
Will forever have fucked a guy as his first
He is literally not fucking anyone. He agreed to go to Chuck E cheese ffs, not to have sex with her
if you were one of the non-annoying members of r9k (non-weebtard), i'd say no

but you're irritating, so pursue that relationship with a mentally ill kike, i mean a tranny
You can do that without fucking a man
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just CUT ALL COMUNICATIONS WITH HIM DUDE , ITS A FUCKING DUDE , IT HAS A DICK , ITS A MAN ! jesus dude , find a fucking girl and fuck her , stop being so desperate , sex is fucking overrated for fucks sakes , if you continue it will get you mentally ILL ! don't become a FAGGOT think about your parents for fucks sake think about them , it's like you are pissing on their life's work , they will be shocked and will never be able to get over it for the rest of their life , their son wich they raised to be a man , fucked another man in the ass and vice versa
> want to go out to Chuck E. Cheese

Holy shit I wish I could go on a date to Chuck E. Cheese
Retard detected
Retard detected
aren't romanians just gypsies

yes, of course, he should fuck your grandma's dhampir instead, that will solve everything

Chuck E Cheese

Is this some kind of elaborate Pizza thread? she is legit only trap I would date.
OP, do you really think that the board that has a constant qt trap thread on the first page would be so against it?

They're baiting your dumb ass because you're clearly weak willed enough to not even give something like this a chance because people on the internet told you to

If s/he makes your wee wee tingle then go for it
Hey I don't know if she has a penis or not yet
I guess I'll go on the date, it's just one date. I can always say I was just trying to be nice if I can't handle my friends calling me a fag
This mostly

Randall orton
She probably has a way more hairy asshole than your nubile cuck ass.
Regina is a tard for saying you're a dick for not wanting to date a person.
That said, do it.
cis women are the scum of the earth, honestly
trannies may be slutty and literally insane but they at least have empathy
just go and enjoy it, her cock will feel great as it hits the back of your throat
>listening to anything edgy eurofags say
you fucked up man but i wish you the best

embrace the faggotry
yeah but the tranny is gonna want it bad, we all know this. plus, he has to be seen in public with her as """"her"""" date.

doesn't mean you have to try out gay shit if you clearly don't like dick. i wouldnt be able to live with myself if i fucked a tranny

> red curly hair
> trap named Emily

Yep, your girl is >>33449255
hamsters > trannies
we might be gyopos but we know whats a dick and whats a pussy unlike u western faggots , we don't indulge in sex and relationships with other men , and have some fucking respect for our parents who raised us to be our best we can ,
Don't listen to this guy. If you want out (which I could understand) go, but don't pursue things further. Eventually the crazy will show and you'll have plenty of reason enough to bail. You're out of the situation and won't look like an asshole.
>acts like a dude in drag does not have a penis
>too much of a politically correct cuck to use biological terms

gg op you're a beta
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is liking hamsters gay
>If s/he makes your wee wee tingle then go for it
>If s/he makes your wee wee tingle then go for it
>If s/he makes your wee wee tingle then go for it
>If s/he makes your wee wee tingle then go for it

Literally this OP
Not everyone is stuck with the mindset of their 60 year old racist dad
she's still a man even if she had her penis turned into a """vagina""", if you could even call it that.
>OP fell for the trap meme
>OP fell for the boipucci meme
>OP fell for the tranny meme

This is why trap threads should be pruned.
jesus fucking christ what a nagging cunt
Why the FUCK does it matter if your friends call you a fag? LOL real "friends" don't give a fuck who you date and would be chilling either way.
She might have gotten her penis turned into a vagina though
At least that's what I'm hoping
This sounds like a plan
That monent when OP had a drain bamage moment and asked out a guy even though he's straight
Or just reply now 'lol jk u thnk i will go out with mentlly ill faggot haha go suck her dik u stupid bitch'
enjoy your reputation as a tranny fucker
Why isnt this getting more attention?
>curly hair
>name emily
They are. They are a thousand times worse than just the
>tfw no gf

He will never be able to take showers hot enough to undo what is done. Wait for a real girl dude.
lol my dad is a liberal who isn't against gays. im not either. if OP was gay, then i would say he should do it, but it doesnt seem like he is. out of desperation he is trying to fuck the closest thing to a woman he can get
>implying anyone under the age of 50 cares who you date in 2016
At this point just stop being a retard and cancel while blocking both of them.
why do you care about gender, you reproduce by abducting white children
a dude getting HIS penis turned inside out does not make it a vagina, no matter how much you try to glorify it
I'm sure some people are legitimately worried about you but the majority of them trying to dissuade you here probably just don't want you to be happy because they're not happy. Let's face it, your on R9K, you really can't afford to be too picky, If he's cute and you like him just go with your gut instinct. You might regret it but if you don't you'll probably also regret blowing your one chance at ever being happy so just stop being a faggot and fuck him
Kind of yeah

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OP get nudes so that way you can truly tell if it will all be worth it. If even THAT psychs you out too much, then cut and run
i wouldn't do it
>only option is anal
>will be reminded you're dating a mentally ill dude every single time you're intimate
>the best you could get is the above
>everyone else will know this
This. oreggyonallio
dude...pls , stop...srsly...just ditch him and don't ever think about that shit , like seriously it's gonna haunt you for the rest of your life , that shit is so fucking wrong you can't even imagine , get fucking wasted , and forget about it
Sure people do, They just don't say anything.
Nah it's not her, quite the coincidence though
My tranny Emily's hair is natural red colored and much frizzier than that
Nah man every guys friends would rip on em for datin a tranny
Ik my friends would mever let me live it down if i did
yeah, but if she still has a penis OP could be backstabbed
>don't ever explore your sexuality or try to achieve happiness x2
exactly. it's an inside out penis OP. plus she probably still has a dick, the procedure is expensive af and takes time.
you're gonna end up getting fucked in the ass, OP
jesus christ dude can you cut it out ?
yeah true but as long as it looks like a vagina and feels good on my penis than that's much easier to handle than a feminine penis imo
Remember that you don't know what a vagina feels like.
you've gone full faggot on us
You dont have to fuck a man to explore your sexuality
don't do something you may regret for the rest of your life because you were desperate and pathetic. has nothing to do with happiness you fucking cuck.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say OP if you want to give this a go you absolutely should. YOu may find yourself disgusted by the thought of going out with a tranny but you might like it. I don't know what this person looks like or how they are with you but if you like someone, shouldn't you at least try?

I never tried, that's why I'm gonna stay right here on this board
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>first date at chuck e cheese

what the fuck dude

chuck e cheese?

what are you 4 or is -she- 4?
>fucking something that looks and feels like a vagina is gayer than a dick that looks "feminine"
ok fag
>responding to this with anything but normie get the fuck out
my board :(
>feels good on my penis
aren't you getting a bit ahead of yourself?
you're going to chuck e cheese's.
im just speculating here
Are you saying it's less gay if she has a penis rather than a plastic surgery """vagina"""?
>le sexual liberation meme
>stick your dick in a man's hairy poop filled anus
OP go on the date, if you don't want to pursue further after, don't. Hell, if it's that big of a deal and you feel that you might want to smash just confidently and politely ask what the situation is down there. s/he can't get mad about that as long as you don't sound like an asshole when you say it.
This. I dont think this semen slurping board is for me anymore.
have fun wrapping your dick in roastie flaps all your life
the tranny probably doesn't get dates. if op wants to fuck it, he will be able to most likely on the first date.

it's gay af both ways op

this. stop spreading this meme you faggots.
don't do it , you are going to regret it for the rest of your life , you will never have any friends left because of you , nobody wants to be friends with a faggot , except other faggots , you will become a husk , plus a super-duper-uber high chance of HIV

it's a dude regardless of how you look at the situation
>less gay
Its not less anything, you're going to be fucking a dude, gay is gay you faggot
yeah op just ask """her""" if she has a dick
If you're having doubts on dating her because of her penis, you might as well not go because dating a trans girl is gay simple as that
Some real advice here OP.

I'm 26 and I have had sex with a couple of trannies in the last year or so but the big difference is I did it without anyone knowing and I have been sexually active for almost a decade with actual women.

Losing your virginity to a tranny is not a good idea. Going on a date with a tranny when your friends, family and everyone around you will know about it is not a good idea. "She" might be lovely, but she is nuts. She is literally a mentally ill person and it is not worth getting involved with them, it will only blow up in your face.

Let her down gently then block her and her friend then move on with your life. Go and date a real girl and grow up some more before you consider doing something like this because at your age and with your lack of experience this is something that could actually hurt you.
it's less gay if there's no penis, but even if she has a penis it might not be for long

honestly I would go for it. and it's not as if you have to go public with the "relationship", you're allowed to be "friends"
Ok? That's fine.
Even if she had disgusting foot long beef curtains covered in pus and discharge, it'd still be better.
You can regret doing literally anything for the rest of your life. Hiding in your room to avoid making potentially regrettable decisions(which is pretty much any and all decisions) is probably how you ended up becoming a robot in the first place.
>inb4 projecting
Yes I fucking am.
yeah it doesn't matter op. you are fucking a man. a man will be getting fucked by you, another man. it is gay sex, by both parties. if youre into that then fine, but clearly you have many reservations.
If I hadnt watched people literally tortured and eviscerated on the internet before that would make me gag. Disgusting
>would rather fuck stretched, used, cumstained roastie flaps than prime boipussy
a true cucc
there is zero chance she has had the surgery. It is very expensive and unless her parents are very rich retards she is going to have to save a lot of money to pay for it, considering she is 18 or so she couldn't possibly afford it.

Also those fake vaginas are a complete mess, I'd rather suck a dick than go near one of those things.
man I really hope she doesn't have a penis
OP I'm gonna give you some legit advice.

If you wanna do it, don't worry what /r9k/ says. Just do it.

On the flip side, remember everything has repurcussions.

If you don't want your parents finding out, you probably shouldn't do it.

However, who in their right mind goes on a first date thinking about the the possibility of introducing the girl to your parents. That shit should be way down the line. Don't even worry about that yet.

But your friend will find out if you and the trap get physical. She will tell someone at some point. Most people won't care honestly. But a few may judge you for it.

But you're on /r9k/ and you're a virgin. You're prospects of ever getting a date with a girl were already low.

If you do go out, just go out with low expectations. Maybe you make a friend. Don't think about sex. Just be friendly.
you're literally fucking a guy's anus
this doesn't apply to things like: visiting a new place, getting a new job, making new friends, getting a new hobby, etc.

we are talking about op fucking a dude. sticking his dick in a dude's ass (that thinks hes a girl), where fucking shit comes out of.
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Post pictures of her boipucci
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i support this , fuck , don't be a faggot
The fact that she's crying already is proof enough she's mentally unstable. If you continue your relationship and fuck up there is a good chance she'll an hero herself and that'll be on your head. Then, again, rejecting her now will mess her up more because she'll feel having a penis and transitioning makes guys/people not want to be with her.
Literally no point to all this if she doesn't. So embrace the cock. You might like it
Actually you do dumbass. Along with horse's and doggo's
a girl (boy)'s anus*
Man ass =/= trap ass
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>out of high school
>still going to Chuck E. Cheese
>But your friend will find out if you and the trap get physical. She will tell someone at some point. Most people won't care honestly. But a few may judge you for it.

regina will tell everyone you know OP. there's no way that she would be able to keep it to herself that she hooked up a tranny and a "straight" guy
>She will tell someone at some point. Most people won't care honestly. But a few may judge you for it.
Even if all judge you for it why the fuck does it matter?
dangit I didn't even think about that...
>looks like a vagina
It doesn't.
>feels good
I've never felt it so I can't say for sure, but I know that sex-change holes don't produce their own lubrication and I have felt dick chafing before so I don't think it'll feel too good.

Probably irrelevant though, chances are you're getting dick.
This. She just wants too give herself a big tolerant pat on the back. She probably touches herself to the idea of pushing a tranny on a straight male.
I can't believe you didn't lay into regina yet and tell her how much of a cunt she is...
yeah, highly likely she has a dick op.

yup, this.

have fun being labeled as the tranny fucker op
This doesnt actually look appealing, like at all.
The less Regina talks to me the better
sorry vlad
don't cause my skin to rot off with a curse or anything
*he has a dick

women have vaginas, not penises. did you not pay attention in biology class?
Dude are you that naive. She's got a penis . That surgery is rare as fuck in the US
fuck outta here faggot , how the fuck can i be upsed that i'm not mentally ill , jesus fucking christ
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>not liking stinky wet boipucci
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OP, this guy's right about her lack of mental stability. Also a big thing is that Regina could fuck you over socially if anything happens between you and Emily. You're kind of fucked basically, unless you block them both. the tranny will be pretty upset if you do it now tho
>Murdering a tranny by proxy
>a bad thing
OP make him kill himself do it for the white race
I feel like everyone saying GO FOR IT OP is a tranny living vicariously through OPs situation

And everyone saying DONT DO IT OP is not a tranny and as a result thinking rationally about the situation
bitch the only reason all of us are here for is for the text convos
so keep that shit coming
I don't understand, you have to courage to ask out a literal man who you met a day ago, without even thinking that you will be known as a homo, but you wont ask a regular woman off the street out?
OP, here's some advice. Sure, in life there are plenty of things you may want to try but you just don't. You have to think about what people will think of you. This is one of those things.

the best thing you can do right now is block both of them and never look back
np dude , blood blood u know
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>not actively seeking out boipucci


aint nothin stinkier or wetter than boipucci
Really cute thread. Good job OP you did it
yea op, if you can handle talking to a mentally ill """real woman""" than you could talk to an actual real woman.
i met her a week ago
And it's different cuz I knew this """"girl""" would say yes
I guess I got kind of excited cuz I've never had that before
Its still easy to get out of literally just either block them both or say you changed your mind then block. Who gives a shit what some degenerate tranny and a SJW thinks about you
Fuck you, you fucking freak, get out of my thread
Someone who dislikes my post is pretending to be an obnoxious samefag- he does this gaslighting shit constantly because he believes posts that are comical threaten the "integrity" of the board.
He constantly does this to me and I do not like him one bit.
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People on this board are all faggots. Literally everyone here is a faggot with a tranny/trap fetish. These people are all disgusting, ugly fetishists who are all virgins and wouldn't even know the first thing about real sex or real women.

I am telling you that you should NOT do it. Just don't. I have literally wanked off to traps like a hundred times before but to actually date a tranny is just fucking stupid.

This regina bitch is a dumb cunt and you should block her on your phone to be completely honest after she called you a dick.

You are literally getting cucked into fucking a man.

>he really likes chuck e cheese?

what the fuck?

you barely know this weird ass tranny, her friend is pressuring you to fuck him and he goes to chuck e cheese? Dude even if you are underage and you guys are like 16 that's still really, really pathetic.

If you really want some good advice I'll add you on skype but just... I can't even imagine. Even a KHV should not settle for this.

I lost my virginity to a 4/10 chinese girl and I regret it like every week even though she is the one who wanted me to fuck her. I can't even imagine how much you'll regret actually DATING this weird tranny who goes to chuck e cheese at the age of like what 20?

anyone telling you to tap that is a stupid bitch KHV who has no idea what they're talking about and gets all their relationship advice from /d/
there you go, op. this is the anger you're gonna feel if you fuck this tranny. although this anger won't be directed at some random fag on the internet, it will be towards yourself.
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Ignore this fagget

nothing gay about boipucci
A man in a dress is still a man op.
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satanic dubs have spoken , do it
ignore this fagget.

literally everything gay about boipucci
Dont listen to this faggot OP

Fuck the tranny and regret it later
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When meeting up with a guy for the first time is it literally just sex, or a private meeting inside their own homes, do they ever go out in public?

Someone enlighten me.

Might as well get money out of that bitch.
apparently. this tranny wants to go to chuck e cheese. top kek
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This was not me I'll guess I'll use a trip
D O N ' T
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OP you have to fuck the tranny, how can you resist this?
Depends, most trannies dont give out their boipucci so easily.
Oops wait that was me >>33450962
I meant to say THIS >>33450970 was not me
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>Regina and Emily leave to go back to their place

yeah op scam the sjw cunt and block them both. only thing you should actually be doing. >>33451062
do it op, she is a fucking bitch, trying to get you to fuck a tranny. she's not doing it for you, she's doing it for herself. why else would she pay for it?
Real question that I got is, who the fuck still goes to Chuck e. Cheese? Aside from little kids and their parents obviously.

Also, OP, where you at, I know you in my timezone nigga.

Have a good time on your date. Please make another thread to keep us updated.
And she said "hella tokens". I bet OP could easily get her to pay $100+.
I'm in the SF bay area

And I'm not gonna send that text to Regina sorry guys I don't want to give her any reason to talk to me
do it op, it will be glorious.
Trannies obviously, its the best place to get your boipucci filled >;)
holy fuck chuck e cheese lmfaoooooo
Your girl friend is gonna be jelly that you would pursue a trap over her anyways.

that would be enough for me. just to piss off a roastie
Yeah but they probably just talk to dudes online rather than date them in public now dont they?

It's kind of pathetic that you have to woo a tranny. A Tranny's main offering is sex. They also age and become useless as they grow older.

Seriously having to woo a tranny and treat them like they are a woman is fucking retarded.

I'd fuck a tranny but there's no point in spending time and money on them if they are just a sexual novelty.
Which in all honesty is what they are.

The way I see it, this is about acceptance- the small scale acceptance of a loving relationship or the large scale acceptance of coming off as a relative normie and non-pervert. I think you need to have a serious think about whether you'd rather hang onto the scraps of social acceptance you have with your probably weird friends, or commit to "her" and have something way more comforting and validating.
Chat to Emily more, we need to size up if she's acceptable
op doesn't have a girlfriend. if he did he wouldn't consider fucking a dude
don't pussy out mother fucker , send her the text , fuck them both up , shiet if i was you , would've gone full savage and beat the living shit out of both also steal their shit cuz i'm a gipsy mother fucker like that dude told me i am previous


4chan: The Post

also good for you OP
Op im begging you
Its a very bad idea if you are not already gay
Just block them and dont show up
Yeah I'll try and make another thread afterwards I guess
Ok I'm gonna go guys you've given me a lot to think about thanks for all your advice
>bay area

I know exactly which chuck e cheese you will be going to
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There's a Chuck E. Cheese in every city
>implying that wouldn't be the best part of a trap gf
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This. Give us more screens OP. Don't do it if it's forced obviously, but we need to know who our boy is going to be dating. Let's hope he's got a neg hole and isn't some degenerate who believes in 5000 genders.
mostly this. if not for the crazy, consider what it means for your social life.

Regina was literally just trying to push the date for lgbt ally points.
I will
And I better get hella tokens like she promised
its why i put the space in faggot

girl friend

the one that introduced them
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posting in a cozy thread
Thats gay as shit m8, you're a faggot
I live in commiefornia man we don't have any guns
With a mentally unstable and mentally ill homosexual, while OP is clearly just a malleable straight guy. He will both become an outcast with his friends, AND lose the relationship he probably will regret acquiring 5min after climax inside a dude
no you tard, his girl [SPACE] friend is not going to be jealous. OP is clearly a beta that would never get Stacy anyway. How can you not see that Stacy just wants to hook up a tranny and OP, the straight beta for her own pleasure?
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Good lad

Best of luck and don't feel bad if you don't want to continue after the first date. Most people have embarrassing dates in their past.
but you have a fucking bat don't you ? if i had the fucking money i'd flew there myself and waste the faggot myself !smash his fucking teeth in , i swear to god i hope some niggers kill him for being a faggot i'd kidnap his sorry ass and get him to fucking compton
is stacy a cuck?
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he really won't become an outcast, that's a loada shit. and as for mentally ill, probably no more than you or me or OP
People complain that people have to be retarded to get willingly circumsized after birth, I wonder what people think of a man that cuts his dick off, or tucks it to get fucked in their hairy asshole
I heard this site was bad but wow...

At least use the proper pronouns asshole

She is a woman and deserves to be called she

How do I report people here guys? We need to ban him
I sincerely doubt it. Most normans his age are probably pretty progressive, they'd probably congratulate him. Of course it sort of depends on where he lives too.
You are aware of the fact that transgender people are legitemately and literally mentally ill?
Also everybody I know would instantly label me a fag if I did what OP did and OP isnt even gay, so he is literally going to label himself as something that 50% of the population believes is degenerate because of what?
you need to hang yourself you fucking faggot , swear on me mum i hope you die of some fag disease
Few things that stand out and making me wtf

>Chuck e cheese date
>Body looked alright just in overalls
>Caring that hard about friends opinions
>Friend being this pushy

This is only gonna go bad if you don't enjoy the time with the tranny. A friend so pushy and making such a big deal about her being trans means if you break things off and the tranny gets upset, which she will, you risk your loudmouth friend telling everyone your some transphobe while at the same time having your friends calling you a faggot.

If you go on this date set the expectations HARD with your friend that is casual or just for sex or something. Don't let her think you are leading on the trans girl on.

Most importantly are you attracted to the girl?
go for it if she is an attractive looking girl she used to be a guy and she will know how to please you. she will know how to suck that dick.
Nah was just b8. I couldn't resist after seeing how mad it got you.
nobody in the real world gives a fuck about circumcision mate. his friends will get over it, and this whole thing wouldn't be happening if she wasn't a little bit convincing, so his life will mostly go on as normal. plus he'll find a way more understanding community with lgbtqetc..
What the fuck is with 4chan, and pushing this trans shit?
Is it paid shilling, like the racebaiting?

Or are you fucks that miserable, that you are willing to fuck a mentally ill man in the ass, and pretend that he is just a second grade girl?
Ignoring all the other weird shit going on...

Why the fuck would you go to chuck e cheese on a date?
Exactly this will happen
You are literally going to lose on all fronts if you shift your focus
nigga if i'd was in ur area i'd take you to fuck bitches , snort coke , and fuck some more bitches ,but u aint , so fuck you if you go fuck some dude in the ass , shiet i wouldn't fuck a man in the ass even if i'd serve for life in the pen nigga
fucking this oregonvalley
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holy shit are you going to the one in san jose? with the giant mouse in the window? i live across the street from that one. i think its the original one and is also haunted. hella spoopy.
This btw about anal. My gf enjoys it I enjoy it but we don't do it often just because it's still the butt. Poop is still a ting. My gf has the cleanest asshole ever and we have never seen poop after but we still put down a towel and have to prepare incase there is some. And that's just a bit of a turn off you know. We only do it in the shower these days.

I could never be in a ltr with a man or tranny becasue of this. It's not a pussy.
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>I mean seriously. The fifties called; they want their fucking healthy society that does not normalize mental illness. I am literally shaking.
Can we get some Bay Area anons to try and stake out all the Chuck-E-Cheese's and document this event
Here's what you do:

>text the tranny that you can't go on a date with it because its frien regina is being too pushy and its just too much mental pressure and you're literally shaking and shit
>tranny is mad at its friend who was too pushy
>they fight and probably block each other
>profit, you broke a shitty friendship of a roastie and an abomination and saved your virginity from being taken by a freak
>emjoy not being called a faggot for the rest of your life in your social circlr

I mean seriously, if you do this, the most you'll get is "anon refused to date a tranny, i think he's bigoted ebil patriarchy and shieet"
But if you dont, prepare yourself for "lmao you fucked a man baby" for the rest of your life.
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I know this is stupid but you should really try leveraging Regina into sucking your dick. That way Emily get's pissed and has no reason to feel like she missed out on a guy she could have been with and you get to piss off Regina as well and might even get lucky
yeah do this op

Dude so few trannies in the US are actually post op. It's such high risk and the fact is most of them like their dicks.

Because you are underage since your going to chuckecheese for a first date it's even less likely she has had the op.

Enjoy getting dicked
lel Op is going to get a sore ass

Honestly I wouldnt do it. That regina bitch is probably already telling everybody you are dating a tranny. What are you going to do when the news reach your family?
I read the best story about this the other day. Some guy was fucking his girlfriend in the ass, and she shit all over the bed. She got so embarrassed that she started crying and ran to bathroom. The guy tried to follow her, but he slipped on the shit and broke his arm.

So remember kids, don't put your pee-pee in the poopmaker.
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pic of OP's girl
they'll really enjoy chuck e cheese
>having this little understanding of gay sex or any of the motives in this thread
gay couples often don't penetrate, and I also don't think Emily is just looking for a fuck
>However, who in their right mind goes on a first date thinking about the the possibility of introducing the girl to your parents.
OP sounds like just as mentally challenged as the tgirl.

It's very simple

If you were attracted to her and are not turned off by the fact that she is trans then go for it, do not let your friends dictate how you live your life. It also sounds like you have a very progressive groups of friends and it's highly likely the peer pressure would prevent anyone from calling you a faggot

If you are not attracted to Emily then grow a fucking spine and tell regina to fuck off. Again, don't let your friends dictate how you live your life.
we can't all be lolicons like you

western civ is a bitch but that's not our fault
I'm being serious OP. If she tells people blah blah your a dick or whatever. You can just explain how she tried to guilt you into dating Emily so you thought you'd just mess with her because your not sure what you want to do.>>33451062
It's not about Emily being trans it's about Regina being a bitch.
if anything as they grow older they just look more like ugly women, I mean around the 40's, sure, but at that point everyone looks like shit unless you started as a 9/10 or above.
>his first time date is going to be in a fucking Chuck E cheese with a tranny
this shit writes itself. Holy kek

what a fucking time to be alive
I personally know some trannys. I've hung out with them. They are fucking nuts. Don't do it. There should be a huge red flag already at chuck e cheese regardless of who it is.
dude you're a faggot
No they wont look like ugly old women. they'll look like men in dresses with age.

I've seen hot women at 40, women who I'd hump and dump.
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Sir, I only let them graze so they can one day become full grown waifus. Where did you think they came from? You're welcome.

Also, shout out to OP who made an amazing thread.
lmao are you gay

trannies are men who take pills wtf are you thinking

you want to stick your cock in a man's asshole?
I don't get how "I'll think about it" is being a dick. Why is OP obligated to go on a date with this person he's only met once in his life according to this woman?
>imfuckingplying you're not just passing off your downers and culls to hard-working imageboarders as "milfs"
sir, you're a blackguard
they were even hotter when they were younger.
most women look like men and most men look like bloated toads after their middle age.
What's up with all the SJWs in this thread humoring a sick man and pretending like dating a tranny isn't gayer than Liberace playing slip and slide in a San Fran bath house?
You might be on to something friendbesto.
OP I live in the bay area too, let me come on your date senpai
du eeeeet
Post more about the 4/10 Chinese girl
Dude, you always remember your firsts.

Your first date, your first kiss, your first hug, and your first fuck. If you do all of these with a tranny you will inevitably end your own life thinking after thinking about it on your bed when trying to sleep.

Even a fucking tinder date with a fatty is a better first dude, come on.
no they don't. Most women do not look like the opposite gender when they are older.

Seriously. 40 year old trannies are disgusting.
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I would never try to swindle the imageboard masturbation communities out of top tier waifus, and I frankly find your accusations offensive.
>used to be a dude
He's still a dude and always will be. You are gay if you go on a date with him.
Just make peace with that. Nothing wrong with being a faggot just be honest with yourself.
I like your meme desu will you be my gf
What is it like dating her?

How do you feel about:
>Social Pressure
>Her Insecurities
>Her Loyalty
>Her Personality
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Hey since no one else is saying it, i hope your atleast concerned about emily crying at a date. You said earlier she just thought oyu were cute, obviously if shes crying about it shes emotionally unstable or lied about her feelings.

That being said, one date isn't bad. Just don't lead this person on cuz they will kill you
Did it ever occur to you that trannies that start hrt at 18 and grow older might look different compared to an old man that decides to transition at age 50?
>She's kinda cute in a goofy way, which I like desu, and her body seemed alright, she was wearing overalls so it was hard to tell
>I'm not totally against the idea of taking Emily on a date, I thought she was cute and she was fun to talk to
>Tbh the only problem is that she used to be a dude and all my friends would know that and probably call me a faggot.
If you're even considering this, you're a massive faggot and the most beta bitch in the world. Are you really about to get pressured into being a faggot? kek you're pathetic
> Kids nowdays are so thirsty they would rather fuck another guy in the ass, and pretend he is a woman

I'm so fucking glad that while I was a massive fucking loser as a teenager, at least I got the fuck real, normal women.
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OP answer me this. Does she still have her dick and is her face cute?

If she cut it off or has a manjaw abort immediately.


Can't tell it's a guy from just looking at it = Perfectly heterosexual and ok to fuck

Can tell it's a guy from just looking at it =
Degenerate, gay and mentally ill
will you fuck Eric once you're done with the tranny?
I think OP left. Would that your comment came sooner so that a life could be saved. RIP OP
Don't do it. As soon as you become slightly open to dating a guy she'll drop you like a bad habit. She's just getting you ready to become full on gay.
>Transgender is more sane than Stacy

i hope you take her up on paying for chuck e cheese

that pizza is shit but the skiing game is lit
They won't look like men.
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How do you have sex with trap?

Are they just ready to fuck in the butt at any time or what?
I'm pretty sure that's enough hormone therapy to convince someone when you're plus 40. Maybe if you start hormone therapy when you're 13 or something.
I've fucked a post-op Asian tranny in San Francisco. The fake vagina is kind of gross. It looked good but it didn't taste or smell like a really vagina - instead it just seemed kind of "sweaty". Also it wasn't self-lubricatinf so we had to use lube.

I've heard they have newer ones though that are made from part of the rectum so they're tough. And they can add salivary glands so they self-lube. Problem is they only self-lube when she's hungry.

What if 'she' has a penis bigger than your's OP?
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Every one who likes my boobs is gay as fuck, god you homos, I was born a man and always will be one

at least he'll be getting his dick wet. wet with shit, but wet nonetheless.
Just suck her (his) dick lmao.

do it or your a faggot.
>have considered it but since she started acting like a bitch, it's not happening.
> Anonymous 12/16/16(Fri)22:54:41 No.3344
hahahahahahahha fuck dude
Show your face tranny. Your tits do not impress me.
didn't this magazine used to be about geography? like, national geography?
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tell her that you are going to fuck emily but only if regina is with you then you and emily will dp Regina
Do it for the Chuck-E-Cheese tokens you fucking faggot. Josh is the gayest name ever anyway, a girlfriend with a dick would be perfect for you.
Like >>33452531 said show face.

Most important part of a trap, trans, faggot whatever.
I'm from the bay too, but am out of town for winter break. Really wish I could go see OP on his date though.
he could break things off in a gentle way and not have that happen.
I would go gay for those tits.
>only self-lube when she's hungry
Well, fuck me in the ass and call me Terry I guess I guess I'm a faggot then.
Now, can a faggot get some more pics of your "masculine" breasts?
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> Tbh the only problem is that she used to be a dude and all my friends would know that and probably call me a faggot.
>she used to be a dude
>used to be
I got bad news for you OP
IF you are bisexual and like dicks or man ass, go for it. I am a tranny myself and I fuck men, women, and other trannies. But don't ever delude yourself into believing that you aren't a homo for dating a tranny
>I've heard they have newer ones though that are made from part of the rectum so they're tough. And they can add salivary glands so they self-lube. Problem is they only self-lube when she's hungry.
holy shit that's disgusting. what the fuck, why not just fuck an ass if the 'pussy' has part of the ass in it anyway? is it somehow more gay?
but most trannies don't want guys to do anything with their dicks, they are repulsed by them.
>their son wich they raised to be a man

Raised him to be a man, somehow he end up as 25+ yo khv looking for boipussy

How can you be a tranny while believing this? You're deluded yourself.
Anon you are silly
How exactly am I deluding myself?
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I humbly welcome all the new converts to homosexuality, but I can't really fuck anyone unless like you get a strap on or something? But you can fuck me all you want
>I was born a man

Proof? You just look like a fat tumblr cunt trying to prove a false point, to me.
Oh so it's a roastie fiending for attention. or it's a disgusting post-op.
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Here is my new vagina
>tranny but doesn't actually believe it's a girl
Please don't stop. Please reveal more
This this this OP. please listen tovthis guy OP. He speaks the truth. I promise you'll regret this decision to date this mentally ill man.
Is this bizaro world?
Sure then, I'll fuck you. We get to have extremely evil and sinful cuddles afterwards right? Preferably with hair stroking.

>I'm totally a tranny you guys. If you date me ur a homo faggot tee hee! I'm trans btw.
Tell her you'd be okay with going to a date with Emily if she (Regina) wasn't a fucking cunt telling everyone she is transgender on her behalf as if it was a cool thing. Emily would probably prefer to keep it a secret too and only tell that to you privately when she got interested in you. Then you could go to a date without being called a faggot... unless some friend of her started telling everybody she's transgender, fucking women I swear to god
t. ftm tranny

I get so annoyed when somebody outs me because "I shouldn't be embarrassed, it's admirable, you went through a lot!". I'd rather have only my close friends and girls that are interested in me know what's in my pants and I'd rather have the rest of the world not know I'm not a normal guy, thank you.
It's only women who do that, too. My male friends keep it a secret and even though most of them are fucking redpilled they make less jokes on it than my female friends and most of the jokes are started by me anyways
>tfw son comes out as a poopdick
>realize my wife and I are too old to have another kid
>lineage ends here

fuck I would be so disappointed. turn it around, if you still can.
We'll estrogen does things to the penis, the porn stars cycle off to get hard or don't take it at all and get surgery
Proof? It's 10:40 on Friday, if I wasn't a tranny and had tits like that char d would be pounding me, I just get to watch oa on Netflix
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>m..muh bloodline!
People will never cease to make me laugh
So your a trap with a non-active penis. You're literally just a butthole with tits. You're the equivalent of a woman on their period.
i would fuck everyone in this thread

no homo
Hey OP hope you're still here. It's really cool of you to look past that stuff, I would have a hard time getting over the stigma. Definitely nothing to be ashamed of, she seems super nice. Have fun on the date, good luck pal
only shithead millennials do
>t. fedora (literal) faggot
>Your family carries on bloodline for millenia, back to the beginning of life on this planet
>You eradicate your family's specific genetic code, name, and traditions within the span of one generation
>You do this all for the sake of fucking a man in the ass.
...I'd be fine if it was the Romanesque hedonist way of having a wife and casually fucking guys for the hell of it, but to kill off your family's bloodline seems harsh.

>Decide to have children
>Only have one


My older sister and older brother are normal and will have kids so I give 0 fucks about being a castrated tranny.
And what about you, huh? What are you gonna do when you realize you can never have kids? You'll be so fucked when you're older.
>National Geographic
>Actually a left-wing political magazine

Misleading title, wish people wouldn't do this
If the rest of you is at good as dem titties, I'd call myself a faggot and plough away.
Can I breed you?
Hey, any chance I can go out with you sometime? Prospect of dating a chick who can't get pregnant no matter how much I cum inside is really interesting.
The absolute madman
I already said I don't care though. Would not have removed my balls if there was even the slightest urge to seed. Sorry brah I just don't give a shit.

Probably not. I prefer dating butch women.
Yeah, I'm calling bullshit. Nice try, woman.
>I don't care though

Yeah, the you right NOW doesn't care. It is a common fallacy that people believe they won't change as the years go by.
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>but to kill off your family's bloodline seems harsh.
It is an amazing power, isn't it. I get to stick the middle finger to every pile of shit who thought it was a good idea to bring LIFE into a world of external misery.
Fuck your family's heritage, your family was probably the equivalent to the proles. Literal peasants who probably stuck their cock into whatever would have them.
Most of your genetic code is, in all likelihood, rampant with defects like male pattern baldness, mental illnesses, genetic disorders, and disease.
Traditions? Don't be ridiculous anon, traditions are absolutely meaningless.
The only thing that it feeds is your own arrogance and egotism
>doesn't want to instantly go out with someone you just met who used to have a dick
>tfw you're the dick apparently
>Uses a mixture of nihilism and arm chair psychology to justify his position
>Attempts to subtly insult opposition
While, I would agree with you if humans were soulless automatons or simple creatures like many of the other animals roaming the Earth. You do have to realize that we're fairly complex creatures socially and emotionally, and a part of the human experience, as well as a part of even being classified as a living organism period, is the ability to reproduce. To cull your genetic code is the ultimate self-defeatist attitude, shitting on an endless line of people who adapted to their environments and managed to complete their function as a living man.
>tl;dr Chill out with the edge
Daring butch women? A non Virgin on r9k? Of of my board you stupid normie
>Anon you are silly
It's true. You're probably not a tranny. Just some faggot who watches shemale porn. Real trannies get dysphoria.
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It would be better if we were automatons because then our actions would be justifiable under ignorance. But since we are totally self aware than nothing we do is justifiable

>all dysphoria is the same!
>if you don't have a specific dysphoric feeling you aren't a REAL tranny
This is the part where I laugh at you
OP, if you think you yourself would be OK with dating a tranny, but are just afraid of friends' reaction, I think you should offer Emily to just text for now, then maybe meet as buddies, you know tell her exactly how you feel about that, and then if you guys actually click, maybe you'll get to the point that you don't care what people say about you. And if you don't, Emily will know from the start you had an issue like that so it'll be fair from your side.

Also, you should've written on /adv/ about that
PLEASE DO IT OP you know it will feel so good and she won't even be mad that long just say you were fucking with her
This seems like your only chance desu with you.
Take it out once see if you like *it*.

You see? Do you fucking see? This is why us straight guys don't treat trannies like normal people.

I was with a bunch of fags at a fag friend of mine's party and a tranny was there. He was talking about gaming, so I joined the convo and we chilled for like an hour talking about shit, having a beer. I mean, I don't really care that he's a tranny, it's not like it bothers me. I just showed him basic respect and treated him like a normal person.

But then, after that, the faggots would not shut up about how I was "hitting on a trans girl". I don't mind teasing, but they encouraged this tranny to come to future parties I was at and made it seem like I was actually into him, which I was not. They wasted his time and were complete idiots about it.

I also don't hang out with fags much anymore. I'm a straight white man and nowadays I pretty much just hang out with other white dudes. And faggots and trannies wonder why. Fuck them.
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had a good kekarino at this 2bh famalam
>Tbh the only problem is that she used to be a dude and all my friends would know that and probably call me a faggot.

A) If it looks good, eat it
B) Dont blog your whole fucking life to your friends, and you might be a faggot anyway...You *ARE* OP
Is this an American thing? Here in Canada, Chuckecheese is a kid's place. I went there with my friends when I was like 8 yrs old. Never been there since.
she probably considers herself to be the trannies guardian or something, her shining beacon to become a real girl. honestly wouldnt even get involved in that drama shit.
Holy shit you are dense. Sometimes I forget there are people out there who are as stupid as you.
The new generation of adults are just tall children
bumo just cause!
fucking this.
Same thing happened to me, my friends wouln't stop joking about it for months... fucking dicks.
I don't know know homie. Chuck E. Chfese is the shit to be honest, if only to rip on the animatronic band they usually have set up. Then again, I've got a 2 year old little girl who goes ape shit any time she hears the word cheese, so I'm probably biased. Still, it could be an interesting date with which he can gauge whether he likes Emily.
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>the pizza sauce is too salty and the crust very very soggy
Bruh, the pizza is always the shit. Want to try their churros though.

Aww, this is cute gay. Hope your date goes well. Just relax and focus more on the person and not the penis, unless it touches your butt...don't play touch butt at Chuck E. Cheese.
OP, take cock in hand and think for yourself. Do you want this date or no. If yes, then chill and be cool. If no, then try to find a way to rescind the invitation in a gentle way.

And tell Regina to go suck off a duck in a lake.
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I'm a neet with expensive taste. I only like thee most exquisite protein shakes and organic coffee. Should I date her because I'm broke. She's definitely cute as fuck 8/10. If I get her to fall for the fjt meme easily 11/10 for her face and personality.
What do?

These are hard times anon. Stay comfy
Oh shit...
Interesting question
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