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/wbg/ - winter ball general

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 629
Thread images: 151

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Alright robots

Its your hated big brother /pol/ here to help you faggots get a date for the winter ball

We're going to try and set you up with /e/ because they're cute and you two could have some decent art together.

No complaints.
I have a feeling that the robots aren't going to appreciate this at all
frigg off chad.
winter balls in your mouth!
What is winterball?
Anon I get the feeling they'd get shy if we jsut asked.

Its a drawfag/writefag event using board-tans
basically it brings boards together in a way that creates OC and helps people understand other board's cultures

its a good way to get started on other boards as well, but the best bit is the art imo

if you guys don't have any complaints we're going to try and get you together with /e/ this year

If they don't want us to help, that's fine. It's an olive branch for our younger brother.
What does /e/ look like from the limited OC?
We need your help pol

Most robots don't say it but we've been raised by roasties

They are everywhere

We must get them off 4chan

True red pill begins with misogyny
We already decided in a thread last night that we are asking out /s4s/. Fuck off pol you suck at matching people.
*wedgies u*
so who are you taking to the ball, f*ggot?
*headbutts locker*

[s4s] is all ready going with /c/
[s4s] is already with /c/, fig newton
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[s4s] are already going with /c/

pic related
EPIC roleplay thread bros
put me in the /r/winterball screencaps LOL
haha, ebin post
Is anyone going with /x/ yet?
/x/ and /v/ are currently trying to work out whther we (/pol/) are the ones shillng them to be together

its true we want them to go but I don't think any of us have shilled it.
not sure though

I don't think so, everyone seems to be avoiding her.
I still don't get what Winterball is (not a newfag) been here since '10
/pol/ hates /x/ because of some austrian trying to force it so there is no fucking way they will let you guys go
if you robots want to you should, cucking /v/ would be hilarious.

you should wait until they are about to finalize it though then cuck them and fuck with /x/
u, daddy.
>implying setting /x/ up with /r9k/ wouldnt end up with /x/ covered in puke considering suicide
think about it robots, now is your chance to make a roastie suicidal
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So, who is our big brother /Paul/ going with, then?
is that seriously the best board tan /e/ could come up with?
>been here since 2010
>not a newfag


you'll fit right in with the roleplay nu-cucks ITT
Does anyone want to go with us/ /r9k/ ?
When winterball comes (up?)
, I feel like every boards think about /r9k/ at last.
I think its cute desu
don't you like her?
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Would be based. This robot is in favor of said cucking.
either /x/ or more likely /o/

faggots are trying to push /his/ or /lit/ but its not going to happen
*teleports behind u*
*whispers in your ear*
im not a f*ggot
*licks neck*
*chews on earlobe*
*disappears in a puff of smoke*
top lel
C-can you set us up with the qt's over at /an/ instead?
Hmmm stoling /x/ ...
Why not but this cute grul can be with the loser of all of boards?
and deal with her husband /k/?

you couldn't take him
I'd be happy to get with anyone at all desu
/o/ has been approved by Kek
kek speaks

praise kek
/v/ don't want /x/ so the whole cucking idea isn't a thing

/e/ is a decent board and their board-tan is cute
if you guys want we'll ask for you, we just need some OC for the invitation

leave it to us
dont worry little bro we've fucking destroyed that roasties self esteem. shes literally suicidal right now
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Let's go with /int/ they are fun people

t. /int/r9k/pol/ crossposter
married to /k/
we like /k/

we're not gonna help you cuck them
Say no more my friend

ive prepped my entire life to save qts from chads, /k/ is full of nu-chads who hide behind their guns anyway. Ive got autism on my side
Sorry, we already saved /k/ from /lgbt/ by getting them together with /an/ another year.
t. /pol/
Thanks dudes
Well, /v/ seems to be free.
N-no homo, right?
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Ask /int/-oneechan out
She can be our mommy gf


If she just got dumped, maybe pol can help us move in? /int/ seems like a fun girl, and we can humor her, pretending she's white.
/v/ want /jp/

/int/ could work
her or /e/

which do you guys want?
We'll ask for you and try to get them to go with you

do you guys have drawfags?
>She can be our mommy gf
mmmm nice
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Let's go with /int/. They have a lot of robots too in their country general threads
Yeah. Trying to set it up right now.
Alright so you guys want /int/. Do you want us to get you started with OC or do you think you can handle it? Do you even have drawfags?
they seem to be going for it, robots and visiting /pol/ bros. We do need to get on some oc, though. It would be rude to invite a lady out and not bring a gift.
Is /int/ OK ?
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We have Pepe, but I don't think we have any drawfags

/int/ is a good girl. I'm sure we can get along
so is there a specific day that this winterball happens or is it a time period?
/int/ looks like they are in
yeah /int/ actually wanted it. we didnt even sockpuppet them. this is going swimmingly.
Well I'll wait a bit longer to see if there's more agreement on /int/.

This. Though we need some oc/memes to cement it and get the ball rolling.
>we didnt even sockpuppet them
yeah I was honestly surprised I didn't have to LARP to get them to go for it

we just need some OC for an invite and make sure that /r9k/ and /int/ are okay for this






This is probably tolerated because the drawfags actually make OC, not that I'm against the bus tours or anything.
>yeah I was honestly surprised I didn't have to LARP to get them to go for it
im so used to the constant psyops that it took me like 10 minutes to realize we didnt even need to subvert them.

I've been here since before chanology you fucking faggot

your website? Get to fuck.
your bus tours don't get tolerated because all you do is shit things up, no OC comes of it, and you just bother everyone.
Please don't draw /r9k/ as a robot but as a man!
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I told you /int/ is a nice place. I just wish /r9k/-tan had a better look.

Kill yourself.

What (((we've))) all become, senpai. All of us.
>I just wish /r9k/-tan had a better look.
do you guys have drawfags?
if you do you can remodel

we changed our look quite drastically this year



Better than no OC at all in my opinion
You're autistic as fuck anon and I still think your bus tour a shit but this was quite well worded.
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Intura-chan a cute! CUTE!

I think most of our drawfags have left.

because everyone can be a drawfag you retarded baby jew.

stop with the victim complex.
>I think most of our drawfags have left.
there's a guy on our thread who said he would make some OC for you guys asking /int/

if no one shows up we'll give you that ITT later on and you guys can post
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To be honest with you guys, we should have Wojak as our board-tan
My vote's still for /x/, but I agree with
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Thanks! Have a Spurdo Elliot as thanks to commemorate our new alliance.
I agree.



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reminder /int/ is sad and now is the special time to ask her out
/x/ doesn't like /r9k/.
At this point, I hope /x/ gets left out.
Holy fucking shit Mike, give it a rest and neck yourself already.
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>Should Wojak be the new /r9k/ board-tan?

Pic related is our current look
wojak dressed as the underground man, or maybe Gregor from Metamorphosis.... either that or a wizard character of some kind.
If you guys want a redesigned board-tan, reply to this post with suggestions. Decide among yourselves which ones get sent to our drawfag.



Classic roasties in denial. We have more in common than they'd like to admit.
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Wojak dressed in a WRATH t-shirt and a trenchcoat would be pretty good. It has both the feels part of /r9k/ and the more aggressive part.
>hating whiny faggots with a victim complex is bad

oy vey I better go tell /pol/ the jews did nothing wrong.
Malaysian Mike lad
he's a faggot who shits up everything that's remotely fun
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Please don't tell me it's him. Didn't he get enough ruining last years ball?

Also everyone get in and vote >>32731219
People who voted no but still want to change the look, please post suggestions

no, complaining about being 'cucced' when you haven't been means you deserve to be fucked with.

This pls minnasan
I thought /pol/ was a Christian board? What's with all this evil magick?
Let's do it. And att a armband like /pol/ has but with the text /r9k/ so it's clear that it's not just a normal Wojak but a board-tan
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it's a game, christchan knows it is not for real.
>What's with all this evil magick?
we've enlisted the help of both Kek and Poseidon to save Europe and the USA.
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we kek now. turned out that jewgod was actually just moloch
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>it's a game

That's always how it starts, rarely how it ends
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Alright so it looks like most people want to see Wojak as our new board-tan

What do you people think about him being dressed in a black trenchcoat, WRATH-shirt and a armband with the text /r9k/? Of course he needs some cargo pants and autism shoes too
no. moloch is actually the faggot god. hes the one making all the faggots.
i think baggy light blue dad jeans would be a better choice, to be honest
>Kek can't cure homosexuality
of course he can.
that is literally why mike pence is VP right now.
Yeah that would work. It would be a good contrast to the black coat and shirt too


With all the trap threads around here shouldn't we ask out /lgbt/?
yeah we know how to fix them. mike pence has the technology
I used greentext as implication
Wojak dressed like a gentleman, to remember the time when /r9k/ was full of gentlemen.
But make him anime style pls. No non-anime tans guys.
/lgbt/ actually admitted to be the ones behind the trap threads. They've been subtly raiding your board to turn you all into homos and have been trying to to the same to /pol/.
>No non-anime tans guys.

how do we /anime/ Wojak?
I wanted to word it in a way that agreed with you but also I could say the thing about pence.
he also needs a katana, or maybe a fedora, just to acknowledge the autist population of r9k. we also need something meme related, possibly even cringe worthy, much like pepe's shirt in that classic boys club comic strip
RIP Elliot ;_;7


Dressed as a SUPREME gentleman?

This. We've known for a while that /lgbt/ was raiding us, trying to play on our hate for roasties.
I agree desu. Combined with the coat with armband, autism shoes, baggy jeans and WRATH-shirt he could look pretty good in anime style
should we ask /r/ to design this for us?

We don't seem to have any drawfags on the board
>they've been subtly raiding your board
>subtly raiding your board

How about pasting a crude wojak head over an animu body?
To illustrate how robots nevar fit in
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>anime style
>black trenchcoat
>saint elliot armani glasses hanging from the t-shirt
>nazi style armband with the text /r9k/
>white sneakers autism shoes
>baggy jeans
>a katana mounted on his back

How does that sound guys?
*uses antibacterial gel on neck and ear*
>not talking about the Kraft Konspiracy
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Sounds great.

That's a good idea. Give them a screenshot of this >>32731771 if a majority can agree on it
Yeah, pretty cool. In an original way.
We have drawfags ready to work on it.
t. /pol/
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/pol/ack here, I don't think an armband would suit you guys, a headband would look a lot better.
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Here's for some inspiration
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Who is you date /pol/?

Originil or some shit.
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Thanks /pol/, I knew you had a good heart

Reference to Klebold's shirt of course. Pic related.
>a headband
leaf villiage hidden ninja headband of stealth.
>not posting the version with the most /fa/ mass shooter of all time
I second this. Originally of course.
We do have a lot of racists here though, but a headband would work too as a reference to the weebs
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/o/ is our date /r9k/
S-sorry anon, I thought I was the only one to think about them.
We're going with /o/. /o/-tan is a qt.
>that guys neck

I always thought it was photoshopped
>/o/-tan is a qt.
absolute QT
/pol/ has been raiding too and the mods endorse them because they'll chase away all the neckbeard robot weirdos and make the place safe for 25-35-year-old women so we can finally compete with Pintrest

if you think you're winning or even for a moment that anything you do isn't part of someone's scheme to make as many shekels as possible you're a fucking bluepilled permagoy sped and you deserve everything bad that happens to you
/Int/-tan is better.
>Thanks /pol/, I knew you had a good heart
you're our autistic little brother

we'll try to get you and /int/ together and hopefully the whole "/pol/ bogeyman" thing will go away

we're good people and get blamed for lots we don't do
though we do a lot fo shit tbf
>chase away all the neckbeard robot weirdos and make the place safe for nazi sympathizers and racists.
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original original original original


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>[s4s] went with /pol/'s last date
>/r9k/ went with [s4s]'s last date
The circle of life. Thank you /pol/ for helping us out
/o/-tan is pretty cute, but I think we should stick with /int/.
After all, she already got rejected. We should share this feel robros.
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There are already a lot of crossboarders between /int/ /pol/ and /r9k/ so this will work out nicely. Let's make the Winter Ball great again!

We both take a lot of shit, but we're honestly just trying to help people. You're more than welcome.
women are incredibly conventional and innately conservative, it would absolutely not surprise me at all if the jews in charge of this weren't planning to try and position 4chan as pintrest-for-flyovers-and-non-mormons

bunch of goddamn tardcons helping the gynocracy gentrify my fucking board

MRA used to be the default position here and now it's mocked

>lol look at this puppet of the jews don't you realize the REDPILLED thing to do is give up porn and masturbation so you can move to idaho and monogamously support your ugly potato-faced wife working a minimum wage slaughterhouse job
never change.\<3/
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We dont hate you brother, pol is always welcome here.
Is this your final decision /r9k/?
Might be too late to make such a drastic change to the idea we already have about our new board-tan, but I think it should look like a more autistic version of /pol/ since we're seen as /pol/'s younger brother.
Seems like it, but a weeb headband instead of the fascist style armband.
Sounds like normie faggotry to me. Piss off.
hm yes "fingernails emoji" quite so

what does it feel like to have completely absorbed the smugness of the left that made everyone hate them
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That's true, but it's still good if every board-tan is unique. If our new Wojak board-tan is in anime style it will also look different from normal Wojak so that's good.
/m/ maybe, they might appreciate us robots.. but really thr winterball is not for us, lets not attend.
We've already decided to go with /int/ and they've accepted us
Why would a robot willingly attend a social gathering?
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>Grown up man drawing personalised 4chan Boards as couples

You're right. Totally sounds like something a normie would do.
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Maybe make him a manlet too? It would be much cuter

We can sit in a corner with mommy /int/ and cuddle while the other normies do their normie shit
/r9k/ is more racist than /pol/ by far, venomously racist.
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KEK wills it! He must be a manlet for his mommy gf
Woah, nice numbers there ladfampai
Kek says so
/r9k/ is a manlet
lesson #1 of loserdom: It's never too late to back-down.

and sexist
Praise KEK!
/r9k/-tan is a manlet!
I dunno if youve had an older brother anon. But /pol just did us a solid and hooked us up with a date. Now I hate to be a nazi sympathiser. But that's a superbro move. We're going.

Also I feel our wojak should be distinctly British. Hate to a patriot but /Britfeel is one reoccurring af page.
Of course /r9k/ is a manlet, why would you think otherwise?
let it happen shadilay shadilay
>ban any organic community projects as "spam"
>allow forced-meme tumblr shit

Sounds a little over designed desu
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His autistic looks have already been agreed upon. See Saint Elliot's Armani glasses as a symbol of his British aristocratic genes.

Board-tans and personifications of anon is as old school as it gets.

Not really. Look at the other board-tans.
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Who are we going with? Are we going alone?

Maybe we should join the autists at /mlp/ (surely those furshits have no one to go with)?
you only get to draw board-tans if you're a friend of the autistic IRC circlejerk
>um no our content is just better
ha ha
We're going with mommy /int/
we hope

they've not said yes yet but we're still waiting on some OC to ask them

maybe some anons here could try their hand?
the /pol/ drawfag has other stuff to do before he does ours
It doesn't look like /int/ interested. Oh well better just stay home.
They are. Ignore the crossboard morons.
I'd say they're kind of interesting

Just a few whiney dissenters. Most folks seemed okay with it.
Everyone liked it at first. Now it's just a few people who got in late and started complaining. Fuck them
We need some OC to seal the deal.
Too many robots, no printers connected. wtf!?
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/int/ here, people in our treads seem to be happy with the idea of going with you guys

i-if you want want to that is...
Pretty much this fampaialam desu nya~~
>too beta to do anything
here's your chance to prove him wrong
we obviously need to impress /int/ with our wicked nihilistic sense of humor and sweet dance moves
I've been on 4chan since 07 and I only remember this gay shit starting like a couple years ago. This is the cringiest, most awful shit ever. People keep blabbing about the OC, but all the OC for this shit sucks ass anyways.

Fuck off.

Fuck this defeatism. It's your thing, i get that, but not this day.

Get creative, start spewing out that OC and you'll have yours.

Everyone wants this pairing. Make it happen.
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I-I'd be fine with just platonic cuddling and hugs with /int/
holy shit this is too good, Kek wills it
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Looks like they liked our manlet idea.
I have heard /a/ knows some cool poses, maybe they can teach us?
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>tfw you're so pathethic that you get scared of being rejected as a board tan on fucking 4chan
Were gonna follow big brother /pol example senpai. MAGA. We gonna grab /int by the pussy.>>32733126
Can we make the couple /r9k/-/int/ official, know ?
Can drawfags drawing now ?
Every one approve ?
/pol/ here
we'll make sure you guys don't get rejected

/int/ seem fine with the whole thing anyway

just wait for one of our drawfags to get round to helping you out
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But can we even reach it as a manlet?
But /int/ likes you though!
/jojo/ here
what kinda pose are you looking for lad?
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It seems like KEK really REALLY want us to be a little shota manlet
/r9k/ gonna grab /int/ by the pussy

.Make robots great again !
Perfect height for a tounge punch?
IN keks name. It will be done.
Shota manlet Wojak and Mommy /imp/. This is breddy gud.
it's so cute i hope we get a lot of pictures from this ball
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>tfw ur face is at ass level with THICC mommy /int/
I like the idea of the literal robot, the hat/shirt are a bit much though.

I'd like to see the personified beta loser or a personified neckbeard as /r9k/ personally
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I'm a bit nervous
Cry moar pl0x
>Are we going alone?
This would be most fitting desu
New /pol/ thread here.
>implying anyone believes you
gtfo newshit
ah yes, let the anger flow through you
kek, it has already been pruned. /pol/ janitors must really hate those meta threads, huh?

They're a few pricks, yeah. We'll have to wait a bit before we get anything from our end, sadly.

Maybe He could look like A robotic version of our Supreme Gentleman?
Yeah, its just the evening ones. The day ones are completely fine with it.
new thread
all of /pol/s mods work for CTR. they are probably only deleting them because we enjoy the threads. guarantee they dont care about it being off topic.

fuck benji fishbane
>guarantee they dont care about it being off topic.
They don't, they leave obvious bait threads up. And there was a risk thread up yesterday too, which didn't get deleted, despite having a whole board for that.
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Remember to be really nice to /int/ so we don't scare her away

We can't ruin our chance to have a Thicc mommy gf
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Nooo! Pls don't reject us
We promise to be really nice!
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I heard you guys need help drawing a board-tan. Tell me what you had in mind, and I'll draw it.

This is what we were thinking, glorious anon. Are you from /pol/ or a robot?
everything in one place

and these changes:
Something like this except the armband is replaced with a headband. Also, he's a manlet

I think we're completely decided
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/pol/ here
remember to keep this bumped and don't scare /int/ off
you'll be fine
We believe in you robots
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Guys I dont think /int/ wants us. The only people I see supporting it are cross-boarders. They regard us as an autistic shithole. Let's let them have happiness and retreat back to our feels. Remember, we are doomed to observe, and never experience.
>tfw get rejected even as a LARPing personified board
>no way off the ride, even in fantasy-land
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/r9k/ might get a date and I can't

Wizard for life.
we're still good anon
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>tfw both /int/, /r9k/ and /pol/ are my homeboards and i'm stuck in the middle of this mess
/pol/ here. Don't give up. We never did during this entire year, and look how far it has taken us. Believe in yourself, faggots!

I mean they might be willing to take us


Kind of. No sex so what's the point?
little bro, dont worry about /int/s stacey talk... we can teach you some (((tricks)))
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GUYS /int/ HAS SHOWN HER TRUE COLORS. ABANDON SHIP NOW. We have to find someone else or just not go. I vote that we not go. Might as well.
>tfw we've been jewed so hard we had to learn to out jew the jews and we're now the greatest jews of them all

They're just memeing anon
just go to the date
you might surprise her
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trust me little bro... theres this thing called alcohol and your mommy /int/ has a problem with over consuming it regularly
It's just France, Sweden and other irrelevant non-countries.
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Let's agree to being the orbiter in order to get the skeptics on /int/ on board. Then we seduce her and show that we are the true alpha male.
>Alpha male.

Y-Yeah S-sure!
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Have faith anon. We will win her over, don't give up just yet.
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>Kind of. No sex so what's the point?

Cuddling Pls, even virtual would be something at this point...
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This! I just want to hug /int/-onee chan!
My anonbots I say. This is our chance. Make /r9k Great Again grab /int by the pussy!!!
France here, I didn't mean to be rude really
but /s4s/ is going out as a friend, we could eventually join the double date of /vp/ and /tg/, who brought along /his/ and /x/, to chill as buddies
>[s4s] is going out as a friend

you're going to get cucked when you get married anon
Are you even from here?
/r9k/ has a shit -tan

come up with something original before asking another board
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It's okay. We just don't want to be the ugly reject orbiter in the corner. Just show us some love and we'll be happy and treat you as nice as we can.
We already have a redesign on the way. Read the fucking thread before you post.
We won't let rude countries bully you that easily /r9k/. We have experience with flag based banter too.
t. /pol/
/int/-tan is a pedophile lesbian, we should have known from the start that /int/ wouldn't be into us.
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The [s4s] drawfags will probably make lewd OC with [s4s] and /c/
If we are /int/'s date when that happens we might have a shot at getting her as our gf so have faith my friends

Pls don't cause too much uproar. I know you mean well but we don't want any drama

We're too nice for this world Robots.
It was nice hoping.
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Lads, we need to equip /r9k/-tan.
So far, it looks like /int/ is only using us to make [s4s] jealous. They have 0 interest in us, if not completely disgusted for us. So, if it will actually be true, why not do it the true robot way?
Normie boards must pay.
Only one guy is against it. The others are fine with us fucking /int/ if [s4s] betrays her and we have treated her nicely
Pretty sure he has a katana desu.
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That doesn't change the fact that they're only doing it out of pity and their personal interests.
There are so many people calling /int/ and [s4s] a perfect, cute pair, and we're only being used as pawns in their temporary conflict.
He does, but we will need more than just the art of the blade if we will have to face /k/, or in worst case, /pol/.
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Don't be irrational. Think long term anon, we're gonna win this.
How about /r9k/ just shoots up the ball? kill all normies.
Reminder that we suggested /h/ or /e/ but you guys chose /int/. We're only going along with what you want robots.
t. /pol/
tek 9 and sawed off
we am become the columbine, the normies will pay
So, /r9k/ is going to plan on shooting up the winter ball now?
/K/ supply us to fIght the school system.
/pol/ is a big brother.
>we got this
i like this. we could subvert this
/int/ here
A lot of us want to go on a friendly date with us, and then see
If we are cucked by [s4s], we'll see, you have treated us nicely since now, "love is blind"
nothing keeps us from going out with friends, and you will stand a big chance if [s4s] cucks us, we're married after all
and i'm not saying that to manipulate you, but [s4s] really backstabbed us here

also, post /r9k/-tan
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Let's keep it as a backup plan.

/int/ is great. I wouldn't mind just going as her close friend and get some hugs and kisses. Only normies would complain about not getting more than that.
calm down robots

we're getting you a date with /int/
one of our drawfags is even redesigning your board-tan for you

just go for the date and see how things go

you never know you might make a good impression and get asked next year

t. /pol/
we're here to help so calm with the Columbine ideas

think the drawfag is still working on it
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/pol/ was the one who forced /int/ the most, we were fine with going with /e/
hell, I believe we will prefer /e/ easily as once again, /int/ only wants a beta orbiter
Unless the bully boards will stop using us as a pawn, it is time.
/pol/ might stepin on behalf of /int/
/int/-tan is nice, but she is abusing us.
I like you, /int/, but it seems like there's an overwhelming majority of people that don't want to take us as more than just friends
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getting smashed before the ball sounds like a good idea. Just a little bit of alcohol to settle the nerves.

> they're only doing it out of pity and their personal interests.
>expecting anything else
We should be so lucky to get it out of pity, never-mind the impossibility of anyone having actual interest in us.
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Let's do it. I like you /int/ even if you can't go all the way with us.

>/pol/ was the one who forced /int/ the most
No they didn't. Stop derailing.
>never-mind the impossibility of anyone having actual interest in us.
see >>32735909
also is that you Swedebro?
I dont think we should go lads, we're loathed by the other boards. If we go we'll just get jealous of all the other couples and we dont need any more of those hurtful feels.
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>I like you, /int/, but it seems like there's an overwhelming majority of people that don't want to take us as more than just friends
It's just one or two people, possibly [s4s] crossposters. All the others seem fine with going further than that if you treat /int/ well.

Everything is gonna be fine anon.
if you were loathed by other boards then why would we (/pol/) try to get you to go and /int/ accept the date?

come to the ball and make a good impression
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>Let's keep it as a backup plan.
Stop being a beta

/r9k/ needs to slaughter the winter ball jihad style.
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Calm the fuck down guys. I know you're nervous but we can't act like this.

Many people on /int/ appear to be willing to go on a real date with us even if there are a loud minority that are loyal to [s4s]. Let's give it a chance.

We have OC on the way and we have made a decent first impression. We just need to be calm now and not get angry. Play this tactically and think long term.
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Finished drawing r9k-tan.
You guys are winning the poll. You just have to try hard enough.
holy shit anon that's great

I'm pretty sure were in agreement to take that date m'lady.
Our tan is being drawn right now!

Honestly who knows how many people are from /pol/ or /r9k/.
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Really nice! Thank you anon!
/int/ seems to want to go with you guys, you are winning their poll
>those facial aesthetics
truly a supreme gentleman
topkek thats fucking great
A teensy bit to anime for my style honestly. The eyes are throwing me off.
/r9k/ should go with /alt/

Besides i think the orbiter shit was posted by some [s4s] crossposter because the majority of /lit/ seemed perfectly fine with the idea of going out on a friendly date
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Can you remove the metal bit from the headband? A more traditional one would suit us better in my opinion
He looks supreme gentleman as fuck. That's great
that's fantastic, now he just needs tomiko style eyebags
This is perfect great job
/int/-tan can't possibly be a pure blooded aryan.
Maybe this >>32736144
The naruto band feels a bit too much /a/

It's really well made though. Great job!
board-tans always have to be /anime/

it looks really good imo

thanks /pol/!
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its shit
its just wojak
Pity and social gain for you if the date went well, but if it was a disaster you'd laugh like all the other boards. Just leave us alone like you and the rest of the boards have always done.
It's a win win situation.

If they like us, we Get a date.
If they don't like us, It's beta uprising time.
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/pol/ is so nice today
I get your worries, but we are married, visit our thread, currently we want to go on a date with you.
we are pretty positive about this (see my strawpoll), and it's not to use you.
for now, it's as friends, but we can't do much more, we'll see how it goes
The face does not seem depressing enough.
>J-Just as friends
t. cucked by s4s
I'm telling you guys, eyebags would be the perfect finishing touch (not that it needs it, the generous drawfriend has done more than enough already)
Honestly anon we want to repay you for Pepe

On top of that kek gave us a few signs that this was what we should do after we started bandying the idea around

let us help you
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We're fine with this. It's better than to be all alone and who knows what the [s4s] drama develops into?

Have faith and let's leave a great impression.
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Here is the fixed version for you.

We don't just throw our relationships away. So far as we know they're just going as friends, if they're not then we'll see about next year.

This year we're going to try and stay loyal.
s4s already threw it away for you :^)))))))
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Can you really get /e/-tan to go with us? Do you think she'll put out?
I liked the old eyes better but the new headband

Let's go and the date and then let's see what happens with the whole s4s thing
france here

we settled this, we want to go on a date with you
please make a strawpoll to see if you accept
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nope I'm of the britbong variety
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Nice, thanks again for all your help
Though is it just me or is his right eye looking into the sky?

Not as far as we know. Even if it were the case we wouldn't just throw it all away right after the marriage.

This year we're going out as friends, next year maybe something more if it goes well.
Anon read the thread
you guys asked us to help you with /int/

you have the date with her
their poll was 19 votes for 6 against

Ah are you a /brit/ poster?
Brit/pol/ here
Lets make a good impression first then maybe anon
Oh... Does she speak English? Is she a Brazilian shemale?
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Alright, here you go.
Now go out and get /int/! You can do it, /r9k/! I'll see you autists at the ball.
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We can still choose qt /e/-tan, anons.
Stop cucking yourself into going with a MARRIED FUCKING TAN. You guys want to prevent a shooting? Then how about we don't let us get cucked? It's clear that even if /int/ is okay with us, their bond with [s4s] will just leave us friendzoned.
A choice for /int/ is a choice for yet another miserable ball, and if you're a crossboarder, a shooting.
/e/ is waiting, anons. I like /int/, but it is clearly not in our interest to get in their relationships, as it will only cause another downfall.
Looks amazing.
Thanks for the great new tan.

(/pol/ anon)
>Tfw /pol/lack who went door to door for Trump in Virginia
>All I want is a qt bf who hates Jews and blacks
Fucking depressing desu, i found a boy on here but he said that he was too busy to date me
well early voting looks clear

/int/ and /r9k/ going on a date this winter ball

She's Argentine iirc
she's cute
check their thread out

the poll is clear anon
/r9k/ goes with /int/ this year
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Thanks anon! Praise KEK!
Should have made it a choice between /int/ and /e/, not /int/ and no one. Not a good poll.
Who gives a shit about a ONS with /e/? If we do this right we will have a mommy gf to cuddle with every day
This anon is right, we've always been a joke to /s4s/, now's the time to strike back. LETS END THE CUNT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Mission Accomplished! Now go grab life by the pussy /r9k/. Destiny waits for no one. I'm off to /pol/ now.
>I'm off to /pol/ now.
ew're using the /o/ thread because the jannies are fags at night
See >>32736383 you fucking normies. We should be really happy that /int/ accepts us and now we finally have a chance to get something more. You'd rather risk everything with a fucking non-board like /e/? /int/ is one of the larger boards on 4chan and their board-tan is top cute, they also said that if [s4s] betrays them then who knows what will happen.

Don't fuck this up.
Oh yeah. Man fuck the janitors.
shhh shh little bro remember.. alcohol...

now i must away, i have psyops to do
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This, or maybe a fourth option for waiting to the last second and go with whatever other board that's still available
All right I take it back, /int/ is a babe. I hope she lets us rest our head on them boobies during the slow dance.
my thoughts exactly
are you the drawfag?
If so you're really good.

Thanks for helping out /r9k/ for us,
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I only rarely lurk brit/pol/. I don't touch brit/feel/ as it's pretty normie and it's also got a trannie paki tripfag and tbqh, I can't be having any of that.
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>tfw we get to be the little boy again
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It's sad to see r9k settle with a board being cucked.

Int will never love you they just are out for revenge.

Stop being betas and shoot up the ball. This is your chance to get back at normies.

Robots, don't fall for it.

(/pol/ anon)
Nah, I'm the one who pitched helping out /r9k/ in the first place and Kek blessed me with repeating digits.
I'm really looking forward to our date, /r9k/ !

we won't lead you on/manipulate you, I promise
No we aren't /r9k/ is a good date. Fuck [s4s].

t. /int/poster
[s4s] will almost certainly cheat. /r9k/ is gonna get the fug.
>it's also got a trannie paki tripfag
that's disgusting

she has to go back

oh you're that anon?
Nice. I'm the one who suggested /e/ or /h/
I've been talking to /int/ and /r9k/ a lot to keep things calm

I'm glad this worked out
Don't enable his fantasies.
Is there a list of who is going with who yet?

What do all the tans look like anyway?
Lets give this one last shot. If this turns out to be a shitty Winter Ball. No board will be safe if they show up for the next one. However, /int/ seems legit interested in not fucking us over, so let's have one last scrap of faithq
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I never thought the day would come when big brother /pol/ helped us get a date instead of just bullying us. I hope we get along really well /int/
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Pls help us /pol/-kun. /e/-tan is the perfect match for us.
desu with you I assumed it was a girl to begin with.

So its a guy?
That's worse honestly.

/pol/ and /o/
/cgl/ and /u/
/mu/ and /fa/
/lit/ and /fit/
/c/ and [s4s]
thats what I remember off the top of my head

if you're going for a shoot out invite us and /k/ and /an/ next year anon
t. /pol/
Read the fucking thread before you post.


I love it.
you're late anon

you have a date with /int/ now
read the thread before posting in future

also you have a new board tan design
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We stay put for now. They did nothing wrong.
But they have to remember.
We Won't take any Backstabs!
it's glorious in it's autism
thank you, drawfag, this is amazing
that's some good OC anon

you should draw /r9k/ asking /int/ out
This. Let's see what happens, maybe we'll get lucky. And nice pic anon.

My secondary board is /ck/, so I was just wondering if they'll be going with /co/ per usual.
damn. I was excited for a match with /e/.
/tg/ here. There's a list in the /qa/ thread that's mostlu p to date. We're going with /his/ and /vp/, if that helps any.
Cuddling with tall mommy /int/ is even better
If /int/ rejects us then she will go the way of all stacies. This is a board of supreme gentlemen. She will know the cold steel of the normie's bane - Mr. Roboto.
>Teleports among the crowd with lightning quick movement below the sightline of other tans
Domo arigato
>Smiles autistically
/sci/ here, we promise to cure all your autism if you promise to get us a date
Probably. I haven't checked.

by the looks of things /int/ are interested in potentially going next year as well if [s4s] cuck them

if not then ask us again next year and we can see about setting you up with another qt

Also your new board-tan design looks really good so if you make a good impression we might not even need to help you

.t /pol/

aren't /sci/ and /x/ talking about going together?
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If you guys are really going through with the cucked girl make sure to bring your Katana if you get betrayed by stacie.
>asking /r9k/ for a date.
Maybe ask /pol/ since they got /r9k/ this date.

why not a shotgun or a mac-10 instead.

if /int/ decides to fuck this up then she'll regret it. /r9k/ has to come prepared. a Katana isn't gonna cut it.
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We could've had /e/.
We could've had qt /e/-tan who still stands alone. Yet we decided to go with the orbiter route.
>/int/-[r9k] Friends
Bring extra sawed-offs and tec-9's, /r9k/-tan. You'll need them.
In the end, don't forget about /e/-tan.
dont cure anybodys autism please, we are weaponizing it.

t. /pol/
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We're going for the long game. We'll win it. Have faith brother.

at least a handgun of some kind we can never be too safe

Like /r9k/ knows anything about getting dates.
Let's say we start the beta uprising... how long will it take before /k/ guns us down like tiny, wheezing dogs? I'm worried that our Frog-Style Nindo is going to end up being pretty pathetic and /asp/ will laugh at us as well. We should start with the smallest and weakest if we're going for a killstreak (which we should be). To that end, we target /u/ /qst/ /c/ /cm/ and /y/. We should also make optimal use of our subtlety and stealth to off them when they enter our office (the toilet cubicles).
This. What do we have to lose, honestly?
I wish I was that good.
I'll see what I can do, but, Hell I'm a shitty artist honestly.

Honestly, yeah I was rooting for /e/ too.
But we can't be picky.
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>tfw you see in the archive that /int/ is the board with the most frogposters outside of /r9k/
This is great
Well I think /k/ is going to be there so make sure to get a dead man switch vest. Your rampage won't last long if you don't get /k/ first.
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Guys there is no need to plan the uprising until we're actually betrayed. Think positively and hope for the best, and if things really do go sour then we already know what needs to be done
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We wait for /k/ to use the toilet. Then using grandmaster cho's technique we bar the door closed and begin the judgement of the other boards. That should give us at least a couple of minutes.
How about when he's in the toilet we just surround the cubicle and unload into him in a frenzied burst of pent up sexual energy? I for one am finding the idea of putting that normie in his place. Plus, then we have a load more guns. Then we rape his corpse in a heterosexual way. Remember to only use silenced grenades and shotguns though!
t. Britonfeeleur
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>/int/ and /r9k/ goes to the ball together
>[s4s] sees this and get jelly
>dumps /c/ and goes back to /int/
>/int/ dumps /r9k/ and goes with [s4s]
Kek wills it.
Why should we be reactive if, for first time, we have a qt tan choice that won't cuck us?
/int/ is very reluctant to going past "friends" with /r9k/, and even if they will, it is only because of s4s.
/int/ choice could easily result in /r9k/ getting cucked once again.
How about we just change our mind and go with /e/. If /int/ is not going to put out and just want us to be beta orbiters we may as well leave them.

Take the initiative for once.
Nah, trump is in the office, we age of kek now, robots are alphas now, we're gonna cuck s4s and cummu all inside our brown mommy gf
The meek shall inherit the waifus
>shitty singles
F A L S E P R O P H E T !
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Swedish /int/ poster here. I added some color to your board tans pants and the sword

I personally have always hated the [s4s] marriage bullshit. It's a joke board with shitty memes
We should wait. No need to be so fucking nervous about it. We need to see what happens
/k/ is a hunter. They probably have some kind of spidey sense, I say avoid conflict with /k/ completely, it's not worth the risk.
Stop shooting yourself in the legs boys. /int/ is giving you a chance and you're sabotaging yourselves. (Pol)
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It's settled. The bitch has to die. Women must all pay for rejecting us. This ball will be a work of art. The medium?


>Women must all pay for rejecting us
/int/ said yes you sperg
they likely won't put out this year but if they get cucked then its on the cards for next year

Fuck that, I don't want to go through this shit in fantasy land too. /int/ themselves were saying how finicky they are, why the fuck would they even stay with us?

I would be surprised if they went through the ball without fucking /pol/ or some shit.
How so?
/e/ is not claimed and wasn't refusing earlier, so why should we settle for a possible sabotage by s4s crossboarders?
We were just joking about this desu nothing will happend
t. /int/
>/int/ said yes you sperg
Yes. This.
Maybe with a Crystal Pepsi
I was initially for /e/ but in true /r9k/ fashion we're just an orbiter now
I didn't mean to reply
date cancelled
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Have some faith anon. Many of us on /int/ are robots and we won't let you get betrayed
/k/ wants to help us shoot up the place. You people are retarded to kill an ally
>I would be surprised if they went through the ball without fucking /pol/ or some shit.
but we have /o/
and /o/ a best
why would we fuck /int/?

leave /int/ in the dust. Fuck her. She's just trying to get [s4s] jealous.

/e/ is here for us boys. She won't cuck us.
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if we kill /s4s/ then /int/ will be all ours
>wasn't refusing earlier
you didn't ask

anons I need you to remember something
/int/ is cute and willing to go

Just calm down and avoid the uprising
we got you a date, if you don't like it we'll help you get someone else next year

.t OP
one shit makeover and you start acting like a chad?

for shame, after all we did to help you?

That was just an example. It could be anybody. Don't forget what /int/ did between you and /x/ when you still liked each other.
angry swede and hamburger from /int/ is ruining this with fucking crossboarding, please dont ruin this :c /int/-tan just wants to have fun for one night, we've been rejected too, we share the pain
I take it back then, but we still need the bomb vest either way. If we fuck up we need to take as many with us as possible. If /k/ wants to team up then that's a-ok with me. We will even go hunt skinwalkers with them so long as they don't mind us sperging out over autistic shit when camping. For example, if we kill a deer I would want to punch it and punch it when it's dead. Also we will need to bring tendies and my zugmug (he is a mushi plushie that mummy knitted)
>/int/ is cute and willing to go


its not acting like chad its just trying to not get cucked.
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We won't betray you. Please stop saying this

It's just that we can't say openly that we want to date you until [s4s] has made their move. We still need to think about our board reputation even if we don't want to be with [s4s] anymore

The anti-/r9k/ swede is an obvious newfag. Ignore him
>/r9k/ manages to fuck up a guaranteed date
I can see it happening already.

Also we shouldn't dump /int/, we are not filthy normie STD loving man whores.
we know /int/ can be tricky

however its worthwhile giving this a shot

you guys have been known as the website's betas and now you have a date with one of the biggest boards on the site

go through with it this year, make a good impression, and see how it goes

if you make a good impression this year you'll be able to get other boards next year if /int/ doesn't work out
so you're too embarrased to be seen with /r9k/ and you're saying you don't even know if you want to be with us until [s4s] makes their own move to cuck you or not?

we're only the backup plan in case you get dumped right?

this is why i dont want to go with /int/
But it's far from just one Swede, anons.
He has half a thread. Yes, it was just the Swede earlier, but it seems like it is a covered up opinion brings up half of the thread whenever somebody posts it. It's an opinion that they want to cover up from r9k in fears of us finally having enough of it, in fears of even losing /r9k/ as their orbiter.
Why do we have to settle for nearly guaranteed cuckolding when we can choose /e/-tan?
I see why /r9k/ is so alone, they choose the stacie that could care less about you instead of /e/ that could give you love.
see >>32737442
just go with it this year, have some fun, hugs & handholding guaranteed already

>Why do we have to settle for nearly guaranteed cuckolding when we can choose /e/-tan?
/e/-tan hasn't even been asked yet and there is no guarantee they would say yes

/int/ have accepted you at least as friends and there are people talking about going more than that if all goes well

go, make a good impression, then you'll be guaranteed of anyone you want next year (if you ask quickly enough)

Reminder that its not cucking if you're going for personal gain as well
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See >>32737406
[s4s] is done. We won't go with them again

No, but we can't break the marriage before they make their move. They WILL create lewd OC and that's when /r9k/ needs to make the move

I was against the [s4s] marriage from day one and so are many others on /int/

Fuck off with your subversive shit

/int/ and /r9k/ is already confirmed. If you don't like it then leave
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maybe if we give mommy /int/ all our GBP we can do big boy things with her??
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I just want to hug and cuddle her but doing big boy things sounds pretty great as well
imagine all the GBP we'll make from keeping /int/ tan from crying alone during the ball because everyone thought bad things about her
C'mon guys we have a nice opprotunity with /lit/ and i see it going well. A plan-B never hurt but i think we're getting ahead of ourselves let's see how the date goes before we plan to murder everyone.
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>tfw actually getting stressed out over a pretend date with pretend characters
Pure unadulterated autism.

elliot is so cute in that pic
thank you for posting, I shall add that to my collection
[s4s] is crossboarding on /int/'s side, not /r9k/, anon
We have a good chance of getting with /e/, considering how pretty much no one wants to go with her and there was already some approval coming out of /e/.
Thing is, [s4s] could easily just come back and /r9k/ would just spend the night being "friends" that will result in nothing.
It's not too late.
>not wanting to keep /int/ alone at home while they fug /c/-tan
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wait a minute, we must consider the fact that /int/ is
Are we not entitled to a qt 3.14 virgin?
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[s4s] are crossboarding on both places now. At first both /int/ and /r9k/ were really positive to this and now it's filled with shitposters. Fuck that loli scum.

/r9k/ and /int/ is gonna happen and the others can go fuck themselves.
>willfully breaking up a brand new marriage with loads of OC

Somebody, make a thread on /e/. We need to start negotiating.
The tides have turned, and /r9k/ will not consent to orbiting.
Give us qt, mutually loving tan or give us death.
For many of us, this is the closest to a real relationship/dating that we will ever come.
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a date for r9k1.jpg
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But for as shitty as I can be. A true anon always delivers

this is the thing
maybe we should try to pitch an invitation to /e/.
hopefully she won't be grossed out by our autism.
Can we ask /pol/ to help out?

also post more like this, it rubs me in all the right places
Is /int/ a roastie?
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It's shitty, and cheesy, but whatever, hopefully you'll like it.

I vote for /e/ as much as I want a mommy gf I don't want to take the chance that /int/ will leave us in orbit
She's married and having us go as "friends".
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Kill yourself. We aren't orbiting, we are playing it tactically. Are you fucking retarded for real or do you just want to ruin this?

/ss/ is wonderful
unless we get definitive PROOFS that /int/ isnt gonna do a heelturn and cuck us with [s4s] first chance they get i dont wanna go out with /int/.

post proofs or get out.
/int/ poster here

please come in our thread, a swede is trying to sabbotage this, he's butthurt AF, and I bet he's the one who's sparked the fire in your thread
/r9k/ tan a cute
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She's a big amazon mommy that will hug us, kiss us and cuddle with us but she might not have sex with us on the first date. She's really nice and all who say something else are just jelly.
>Can we ask /pol/ to help out?
I've been here the whole time
(I'm OP)
I think you're being stupid doing this.

Take my advice: right now everyone sees you as the beta oribters and the faggots of the site

HOWEVER your new board-tan looks really good and if you get some good OC you'll make a good impression

right now you have a date with a friend that will show you off in a fantastic light with the possibility of more

Take it from a social alpha: you do not move up to the top in a day. It takes time.

Show yourself off this year, make a good impression, make sure it all goes well.
If you get left as an orbiter then don't touch /int/ next year and get someone different

however from the way things are looking /int/ is going to be cucked by [s4s] and you'll have a good shot either this year or next year
Our powerful musk is intimidating to some women, indeed, but those who're unafraid of their truest nature know that it is raw, masculine sexual appeal.
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>*le hidden*
this was nice anon
but please change the *le hidden* to *in hiding* because this isn't reddit and we are not that bad a cancer.
That's cute!

I'm /int/. I'll promise you that we wont unless you people play into the [s4s] shitposters hands by saying that you'll go with /e/ instead. [s4s] is an enemy now, for both our boards. Too bad a few morons on /int/ still prefer to be cucked by them than to simply tell them to fuck off.

I'm another swede and I tested him. He is newfag as fuck, probably a [s4s] crossboarder.
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>Take it from a social alpha
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Ah yes I know that feel
>tfw no mommy gf
>ywn lie your head on her lap
>ywn be kissed goodnight
>ywn be princess carried
feels bad mango
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Here's a reminder for both pro-/int/ and pro-/e/ sides.
/s4s/ is sabotaging for ANTI-/INT/, but not specifically pro-/e/.
That said, we have a choice. For first time, we have a choice, and /e/ could accept it.
[s4s] has 3 goals, depending on how their relationship goes:
1) Making /r9k/ drop out of the /int/ date, but not coming back to /int/
2) Cucking /r9k/ by coming back to /int/ during the date
3) Causing a shooting by either one of the above

Our goal is to prevent the top 3, but not specifically to keep a date with /int/.
If /e/ agrees, it is certainly the best choice, albeit at a cost of /int/ being heartbroken over a lost orbiter
I know, I am France, you are nice, he is not, I think he's a /pol/ crossboarder trying to sabbotage the ball
>Prevent shooting
Why? It's the truest robot choice. It's the inevitable conclusion to our miserable, pathetic lives. Most of us don't actionally want a gf; better to complain about it then kill innocent people
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a date for r9k12.jpg
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I wanted it to be a smart trickery to say "he didn't hid that well"
(As people on /int/ belived they /pol/ was puppeting stuff)
Maybe now it's better.
>I think he's a /pol/ crossboarder trying to sabbotage the ball
Anon look at the OP for this thread.
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I'm all for /e/-tan, because. . . well, it's either a yes or no.
No having to worry about complicated cuckoldry even if that isn't really a thing, , no betrayal, nothing.

It's just go, or not.

While I'm sure /int/ has good intentions, shouldn't our first-time be w-w-with a virgin?
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You'd rather pick A FUCKING HENTAI WHORE than a fun meme loving mommy gf that likes frogposting?

/int/ is one of the bigger boards on 4chan, /e/ is just for image dumping. What the fuck are you doing anon?
the OP is a nice brit, but the swede might be /pol/ too
I doubt he'd be [s4s], but it's a possibility
I think it's [s4s] or the Malaysian. /pol/ has acted very nicely during this whole thing.
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I vote for what ever kek wills. Kek has watched out for us so far.
>a MARRIED non-white tan with various previous relationships
>a lewd yet mostly autistic and awkward qt tan
really makes you think...
>but the swede might be /pol/ too
we only have one Swede on our threads about this and he's a colourfriend and helped us last year

Apparently kek wants us to listen to kek
>fun meme loving mommy gf
They said only as friends. Nothing about that.
>the hentai board
>a virgin

See >>32732222

KEK demands /int/ x /r9k/
>They said only as friends. Nothing about that.
Actually they said they would play it by ear

There were also some big GETs for manlet /r9k/ and mommy /int/
At first yes, but once they get betrayed by s4s (and they will be) we have a good chance. Maybe not this date but for the next one.

Think long term anon.
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I think i have an idea.
Maybe we can compromise. Let's try to take /int/ on a date but keep ourselves armed.

if we even see [s4s] walk towards /int/ we shoot them both and kidnap /e/ with chloroform.

then maybe we can convince /e/ to stay with us.
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The dubs have decided robots. I wanted /e/ too, but I trust kek on this one
/int/ thread is down
now this is truly a huge mess
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what if they and s4s are both making fun of us?

>oh yes we will go out with you anon

>tfw this has actually happened to me before
Yes, and then they threw that idea out. Only 1 or 2 people were up for that.
>watching/making hentai means lack of virginity
Sexual purity =/= taken virginity

Robots watch hentai, some of us.
Are we not virgins?
/pol/ack here. I feel like your making a mistake going for a cucked married roastie stacie than going for qt /e/

The reason why your single is because you choose the girl that could care less about you besides making fun of you than a girl you got a shot at.

>[s4s] is the enemy now

No they're not. Like we were saying in the /int/ thread, we'll see how things are next year. We're still married.
I like this plan. But let's refrain from shooting unless [s4s] talks to /int/
int thread deletd. fuck shit WHAT THE FUCK.
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I'm the swede from the /pol/ threads last year. /int/ is my mainboard together with /pol/ and /r9k/

Don't fuck this up guys. Have faith in KEK and ignore the subversive saboteurs who don't want you to find happiness

Then it's not real /int/ users. /int/ has loads of crossboarders with /pol/ and /r9k/

Only 1 or 2 people were against it you mean. And it doesn't fucking matter what they say. The people who make the OC decide the lore. It has always been like that

What a fucking mess this became
you could still take /x/ and do filthy poopoo peepee things with her since shes a filthy whore
I like the plan too. I will bring the hammer. I want to enjoy it. The orgasm denial ends here.
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>using the words roastie stacie
>shilling for /e/
Kill yourself [s4s]. You're NOT a nice board!
So, /int/ thread is down and we are mostly decided on /e/
Has anyone made a thread yet?
We need to get /e/ to consent.
/x/ has solid relationships with few tans, no point
our new thread

Real /pol/ack here, don't listen to this faggot. Remember, we sent one of our drawfags to help you guys out. Why would we waste his hard work? Think about it.
>we can always fool around with /pol/ after

>implying /pol/ has never used the word R O A S T I E
Well, he didn't waste his effort, even if /r9k/ picks /e/ in the end.This is exactly what is happening in the threads, so it still serves a very good purpose.
we dont want /int/, we have /o/.

t. /pol/


Still hurts a bit senpai.
we got lucky.
Shut up about /e/. No one cares about an image dump board. It's like going with /gif/ or /s/.
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>We might just have to deal with it. It's only one year, after that we can go with someone else or hopefully stay with [s4s].

>We're only going as friends anyway.
>>We're only going as friends anyway.
>>>>We're only going as friends anyway.

>implying handholding isn't better than anything we would have gotten
handholding this year and build up GBP then spend on adult things next year
trust me little bro, mommy /int/ will drink heavily and then youll get to do anything you want
They have to play neutral to get the haters onboard. Relax anon.
>no one cares about an image dump board
do you know who else no one cares about?
Dumb stacy whores.
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/int/ will cuddle with us but she isn't a slut so she can't say that outright.
>implying that /r9k/ should pick a board with plenty of other relationships over a more autistic and unpopular board simply because it is bigger

/pol/ack here please vote on ball choices.
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You want to move up in the world or not? You want a gf? Then learn how to play the fucking long term game.

Be intelligent. We WILL have sex with /int/.
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It has already been decided. And you're not a /pol/ack.

Y-you promise big bro? I just want to do some /ss/ stuff.
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I swear if that bitch plays with my heart they'll need the flag recognition to locate all the pieces of her
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fuck you we could skip the heartbreak if we went out with /e/, you asshole.
No, we're just going to be used to make [s4s] jealous. Don't be so fucking dense. Its pretty damn obvious. They even admitted that in the beginning
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Don't let the anti-/int/ shills win. They're just trying to sabotage the date.
We promise that you'll get somewhere.
even if you don't get somewhere this year it will happen next year.

Just remember playing the long game is worthwhile
Vote for /e/. Be responsible. We can avoid the cucking.
Why take the chance?
Either way, how about we pick the more secure way out of what we have? [s4s] already rused either one of the outcomes, but if we pick /e/, at least it won't be us getting cucked this year.
you're just trying to set us up you fag
i know your tricks

[s4s] is going to cuck her anyway, then she'll get so drunk she passes out and then shes open for business

bring guns though just in case
>even if you don't get somewhere this year it will happen next year

We're getting cucked arent we? Im on to your games bro. I wont get burned again.
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>not multiple choice
I can't decide between shooting the place up or going out with qt3.14 /e/.
There is no way I'm going to let us be swallowed by that maneater /int/
But we could also end up with nothing nobody said /e/ would put out and she is probably just some used up slut at least /lit/ has some class
i-i don't think /pol/'s /ss/ is the same as the kind of /ss/ you're thinking of.
Choose /e/.
Voting for shooting is going to only help [s4s] crossboarders.
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What else could it mean friendo?
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Kek has spoken. /e/ it is.
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You dumb fucks don't ruin this. We finally got a date with one of the prestigious big boards of 4chan, one of the elite shitposter boards and meme creators, and you morons want to destroy it. Are you fucking dumb for real?

Already shitting on us. This is what you wanted
>Im on to your games bro
you seem to forget that I'm the one who started this thread and I'm the one who suggested /e/ to begin with

You've made your decision. Its time to stick to it like a real man.

You're not getting cucked.
This is for social gain AT LEAST.
You will become far more popular this year if you don't get laid
if you do get laid then you're fine

but you are NOT getting cucked.
I wouldn't suggest it if I thought you would.

If they do cuck you we'll bring /k/ and shoot both /int/ and [s4s] up next year

literally two sets of quads for /ss/
i think this is pretty much the plan we should go for.

Who's gonna set up the piss charges?
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It doesn't matter who we go with, we'll end up alone in the end like always.
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Fuck you.

KEK has chosen /int/ >>32732222 >>32733333
lol cute
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/int/ promises not to dump us!
thats probably [s4s] 2bh. /int/ drinks heavily nothing will change that
>implying Kek wasn't just approving a manlet mascot

two sets of quads for /manlet/ tan not /ss/ you fucking cunt.

we want /e/. it's not too late to ask her out.

it's a lose/lose situation if we go with /int/.
Sorry for not mutiple choice, I just don't want people voting for all options or both /int/and /e/e
Manlet for /int/ amazon action. Fuck off with the /e/ shilling

t. the one who got both gets blessed by KEK
>but can we even reach it as a manlet
>we can sit in a corner with mommy /int/
false prophets trying to deny Quads

you people are like "peaceful Muslims"
>oh yeah we ignore like all of it but we swear its peaceful
>oh yeah the posts got quads talking about both manlet and /ss/ with /int/ but it was just talking about manlet

fuck off shills
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Are you people even robots? Who cares if /int/ wont fuck us? Who cares if she does this just out of pity? As long as she hugs us and tells us everything is gonna be alright then I'm fine with it. I don't care if I'm getting cucked, I just want to feel her warmth and her soft skin and nice scent.
and the poll is clear AGAIN
we go with /int/
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We are robots not cucks. Cucks can die with the stacies they worship.
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It's over, lads.
While /int/ isn't exactly a bad choice, the chance that we'll get cucked is extremely high. Only reason why we were noticed to start with is because [s4s] pulling off their shitty moves and /pol/ deciding to bring them up instead of /e/, which was our main choice for some time.
[s4s] could easily just return to /int/, while we remain in dust as "friends," despite having a good chance at going out with /e/.
In the end, was it worth it? We had a chance for peace and love. Yet here we are.
Load up your guns, /r9k/-tan. It might come down to this after all. You have been warned, and Kek clearly does not like the easy, happy ending.
So be it, Kek. We will obey your fate.
A-actually that sounds pretty nice. You've convinced me anon. I just want to get bullied a little.
[s4s] btfo

Getting some platonic love and maybe get lucky and advance it further isn't cucking, it's just strategic thinking. If we haven't gotten laid by the end of the ball we can go with plan B and just fuck the place up.
>wanting to willing become cucks and used by /int/ as jealousy fodder.
C'mon guys. We're going to be the laughing stock of the ball if we go with /int/ and get cucked by [s4s]
Well I guess it's decided, /int/ it is.

I would either choose /e/ or shooting up the place in revenge but i'm from /pol/ so Im going with /o/.

At least you won't be alone right?

Good luck robots.
i am convinced this is an /int/-[s4s] falseflag to cuck us and fuck our shit up.

I swear to god i will fucking make them pay if they try to pull off any tricks.
>In the end, was it worth it?
Yes, we have EVERYTHING to win and pretty much nothing to lose. Either we win big and get /int/ or we might as well be alone as always. No one cares about /e/. It means nothing.
Go fuck yourself. Did you even see the strawpoll with both e and int? E was btfoed to the maximum.
> platonic love
she said friends
Friends != platonic love
>/pol/ deciding to bring them up instead of /e/
you literally didn't read the threads

we suggested /e/ to you fags

if you didn't like that we were going to suggest /h/

you wanted /int/
we got you /int/

now look at the polls.

/pol/ here
I'm also OP

if they cuck you this year we'll ask /k/ to come with both of us next year to shoot them up at the ball
if they don't put out but give handholding/hugs and don't abandon you then its fine
They can't say openly that they want to fuck our little shota dick until it bleeds. They have to pretend to be a dignified and proud board. Unlike us they have a reputation to uphold.

Fucking amazing. /Pol/, you're a great older brother. Can't wait to put that roastie slaying sword to good use like the supreme gentlemen that we are.

After the ball, of course. And not on /Int/. She's a nice lady.

>we suggested /e/ to you fags
>if you didn't like that we were going to suggest /h/

Godamnit /pol/ we're not going to the ball with some roastie.

>we suggested /e/ to you fags
Did I deny that?
>posted almost halfway through the thread before the poll
>implying you all didn't sock puppet it, and get us on that train to begin with.
Of course you all would enjoy seeing us get cucked like usual. I checked the /c/ thread earlier and you all wanted to do a double date with [s4s] + /c/ and you and /o/.
anon it was robots who asked us for /int/ instead of /e/

we didn't suggest it.
We just made it happen.
It was us who wanted to go with /int/. Fuck off. /pol/ has been really nice to us
praise kek.

2bh mommy /int/ was the hottest choice
kek wills it.Maybe she'll let us hold her hand.
I'm not blaming /pol/ either, this is either just a huge fuckup on behalf of other anons or s4s rusing at work
Keep in mind that the only ones who decide what is canon and what is not is the drawfags. If we get a drawfag to make /int/ and /r9k/ lewds then we have won.
>I checked the /c/ thread earlier and you all wanted to do a double date with [s4s] + /c/ and you and /o/.
Yeah we thought about this because some people wanted /pol/ and /c/ to go together again and a few people thought it would be a good compromise since everyone seems to love /o/-tan

we just decided that we wanted to help you guys out since you gave us Pepe
Kek willed it with gets on all three posts about it so we came here to help.

I'm going to suggest you go with /int/ this year.

If it goes to shit we'll help you again next year.
implying /int/-tan wouldnt be culturally wierd, so things like taking a bath together isnt wierd to her, and things like kissing on the cheek is really normal
a-and m-maybe h-h-holding hands
just friends remember
It's not even a date.
/pol/ack here dropping by to check up on you guys and Jesus fucking Christ stop getting played by [s4s]. Go with /int/, fight off all the shitposters that get in between you and your prize and if /int/ doesn't put out this year and decides to cuck you, then drop her like we dropped /x/ and go with someone else next year (like /e/). Also the only way to beat [s4s] is to make more OC than them, so get to it /pol/acks.

There probably won't be any actual /pol/acks after me because we are busy making OC in our thread.
they've agreed to handholding and hugs
drawfags should combine all of those things together... i mean since its her culture it would make good art
That's a really good point. Do you think cuddling naked but non-lewd would be okay?
>get to it /pol/acks
I meant robots
Thanks for helping us out. I really hope we don't fuck this up due to people falling for the saboteurs.
>we're so pathetic that we just accept handholding and hugs when everyone else is getting fugs
Yeah right. You'll be too busy laughing at how you cucked us this year. You all hate beta males and would rather see them suffer for your amusement.
Pick one
>drinking vodka with /int/ while naked and sweaty in the sauna, then /int/ being really drunk and happy that we were there for her as we try to hide our autistic sauna boner
Not everyone else. And if we're lucky they will fuck us and we might even become a pair for future events if we do this right.
what a fucking embarrassment, just kill us now
>least popular board
>got board-tan redesign from one of the most active boards
>getting to go to the ball with another one of the biggest boards
Oh yeah this is shit !
If we aren't going to do lewd things with /int/ then what the fuck is the point? We are getting cucked willingly
Fuck off back to [s4s]. /pol/ has done nothing wrong, at least not this time.
reminder that /tv/ is taking a body pillow

better reputation
chance of better next year
going to ball with one of the biggest boards
attract drawfriends for next year

We are the absolute bottom of the barrel. The most hated board of all.

And now we got a redesign from the biggest board and a date with one of the other really big boards. We are moving up in the world guys. Praise KEK and be happy!
>just go with /int/, and if you do get cucked, just try again
I still don't see a single downside to going with /e/ instead of /int/ besides /int/ being left alone. /int/ would have no issues finding some else, while we will have to endure the current relationship between /int/ and [s4s] just to have a chance.
Since when is /pol/ FOR cucking?
Call me a crossboarder, but this just seems illogical. If anything, [s4s] could cause the biggest ruse of all and just come back to /int/ while causing /r9k/ to go on beta uprising.

At least their body pillow will fuck them.
>take /int/ out on date
>"oh /r9k/ I had such a great time"
>goes home and gets brains fucked out by [s4s]

yeah sounds great :/
You forgot one thing in that
>probably going to get cucked as soon as [s4s] looks in /int/'s direction
What the hell are you talking about? /pol/ has repeatedly shit talked this board in the past and now comes "oh so generously" to get us a date with the wife of someone they plan to go on a double date with. Yeah, really innocent there and not clear as day.
>getting to go to the bal with another one of the biggest boards
only because she got dumped and pities us.

>board tan redesign
and yet all we get is handholding and cuckoldry.
Then stop being beta and go to the winterball with /int/ like this board said it would. You're going to a ball not a brothel, so stop expecting to get laid.

When it's over, thank /int/ for giving you the opportunity; show respect because you can leave a good impression on the other boards.
somebody draw this pls i need this
>>probably going to get cucked as soon as [s4s] looks in /int/'s direction
/int/ only ever fucked us on /pol/ over when we had a horrid relationship
other than that they have a really good reputtion and have said they'll stick by you guys
>stop being beta and go to the winterball with /int/
but anon going with /int/ to the winterball and not getting laid IS beta.
It would seem that /int/ has won. Kek willed it. /int/ may not fugg but /r9k/ won't suffer. Getting together with the largest board will be good for us and we always have next year.
>Hurr just willing get cucked guys! It'll be okay, other boards will just mock you and deride you the rest of the year
Yeah, how about no
Then show to /int/ that we are better. Show that we are a better match for her than [s4s]. Don't bail out and surrender before it has even started you dumb fucks. This is why we always lose.
its pretty close at the moment
/e/ is at 13
/int/ is at 14
Fix your reputation first. We were in your position last year, fixed our reputation with /c/ and now are going with a qt like /o/ while the whore /x/ can't stop lusting for us (the same whore who cucked us).
>What the hell are you talking about? /pol/ has repeatedly shit talked this board in the past and now comes "oh so generously" to get us a date with the wife of someone they plan to go on a double date with.

/pol/ wanted to get you a date so your not lonely. They chose /e/ but you guys went for cucked /int/ so we got you /int/
It's better to be cucked by one of the largest boards on 4chan after getting the help of the biggest and most influential boards of the site, than to settle for some /e/ trash tier garbage that no one gives a shit about.
That's not going to happen chief and you know it.

/int/ seems like the kind of woman who sticks with an abuser.
no its not


>they plan to go on a double date with.
actually nothing has been said about this in /pol/ threads
it was only in the /c/ thread so its unlikely it will happen.
they just posted the poll on [s4s], these arent /r9k/ opinions
you can still do fun naked things with her anyway since her culture is different
>this ball is ending up just like all my attempts irl when i still had a chance at life
The suffering will never end this way, we will just stay friends while /int/ and [s4s] turns us into a huge joke
thn you get better next year

we will help you again next year.
This isn't hard.

Fix your reputation this year.
Get the match you want next year.

/int/ will be a godo date
lots of good OC and memes to come of it
>being a bully
/e/ is a cute
>Implying it wasn't a /pol/ sock puppet
Yeah, lets just trust the board that has sock puppeted in the past and this year.
It was never that and you know it. The only reason /pol/ has a good reputation now is because its the biggest god damn board on the website. It has a good reputation because it got Trump into the presidency. Not because of the winter ball. You know that is not true.
my life didnt get better
>/int/ gains votes as soon as the poll is posted in [s4s] thread
really makes you think, huh...
>>Implying it wasn't a /pol/ sock puppet
[s4s] pls go.

The only sock puppeting we done this year was getting /b/ to ask /lgbt/ because the fags won't leave us alone

/int/ was always ahead you bloody nonce
It was 14-13 for few minutes now, yet as soon as it was posted on [s4s], it bumped up to 17
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