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/wbg/ - Winter ball general

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Thread replies: 360
Thread images: 64

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/int/ will go on a date with [r9k]
>not /pol/
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previous thread, aka drama edition
we can always fool around with /pol/ after
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Did we lose a bet or something?
Friendly reminder that we're still married to [s4s]-tan, and that this is just a friendly date.

Some autist in the /r9k/ thread was calling them our "enemy."

we're not fooling around with ANYONE this year

and if we are it will be /r9k/ because [s4s] cuck us
new edition : mods are fags

more like you guys got rejected plenty of times and r9k needs some hugs.
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/r9k/ really wanted to go with us and we accepted. Two polls have been made and both showed that the boards have accepted.

It's set in stone now.

[s4s] is going to the ball with a friend, so we're doing the same.

/pol/ set us up with /r9k/ but we're just going to let them hold our hand.
actually we will not be fooling around AT ALL
next year if [s4s] betrays us

ignore the sperg in the /r9k/ thread, he's a crossboard shill
Okay, why does /int/-tan would go with someone like the robot? She hates non-white people and all the boards are non-white for her (except [s4s] and /pol/). The thing from /r9k/ is not even human.
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A few hugs and kisses won't hurt. I can assure you that [s4s] will do far worse than that

No one is whiter and purer than virgin Wojak

It's just a friend. No lewd.

/pol/ was trying very hard to get us to go with /r9k/ and there might have even been a lot of crossboarders voting in our poll so who the fuck knows, but it's platonic at least.
I know it's not lewd. Still /int/-tan doesn't like non-white people. That's why she doesn't leave her room, she is surrounded by them.
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>as my thread ends i get banned for saying it's board culture and telling mods to lay off


Friendly reminder that /int/-tan/ can't drink anything at the ball.

This is the price of going to the ball with fucking /r9k/.
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Guys let's just be clear that we are NOT going on the date with /r9k/ just to make [s4s] jealous. A lot of anons in the /r9k/ thread are worried about that.
How pathetic is that you use an existing character to make it a board-tan. It's like if /pol/ uses the frog as board-tan.

i thought that was exactly the reason?
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>tfw being accused of shitting up /r9k/ thread for not supporting this
if you and the swede will stop sperging we can be /comfy/ again.
all im saying r9k has a shitty rep and will probably try something, s4s isnt lost yet
[s4s] blew it this year, we have to have some form of self respect to not treat our date bad, even if [s4s] makes a scene, we'll tell her we forgive her but we have to be good to /r9k/, no matter what you opinion on lewds is, we need to respect ourselves enough to treat /r9k/ nice and not take them for granted, as true white argentinians we need to be moraly strong
They are going with /c/
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Still much better than their old board-tan. Now it has some unique characteristics and it looks different from Wojak.

No. /int/ has too much pride for that.

/r9k/ proved their worth and dedication and we accepted them, that's it.
>and will probably try something
the only reason they'll try anything is fags like you shitting it up


they're going to cuck us at the ball
just watch

We'll be nice to them of course, but I have faith that [s4s] will be loyal. There has been little to nothing in their thread indicating that they want to cuck us aside from a fairly recent post that was shut down pretty quick.
The [s4s] marriage was a shitty idea from the very start. Now they've showed their true colors by stealing /pol/'s date and cucking us. Let them rot in hell.
loyal or not, we have to /r9k/ is our date, we've just discovered how it feels like to be dumped without a word, let's not have them experience that.
/pol/ is going with /lgbt/. Of course he'll never admit it because he's a tsun

They're going with a friend, it's not unprecedented.
And you don't think the [s4s] drawfags are gonna make lewd OC?

We're not going to dump them. We'll still be friends even after the ball.
Stop false accusing the little girl, for god sake. Besides, /c/ and /pol/ are not married, she is not stealing anyone.
im gonna go to the bathroom then get a soda lads, when im back we had better be picking out cute underwear to wear on the date that we can tell /r9k/ about in order to make them blush in public

Obviously people are going to make lewd OCs, fuck there's probably going to be lewd OCs of /int/ and /r9k/.

It's how [s4s] acts during and after the ball, and next year, too.
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>Besides, /c/ and /pol/ are not married, she is not stealing anyone.
But it really hurts to see her go with someone else

She's a hyper ADHD underage autist, she's going to get bored and will want change, like going out with a friend for once, as lesbian pedos we have to learn to accept this.
Anon we go with someone new every year
what are you talking about?
Post /int tan :3
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I just got really invested in the /pol/ x /c/ couple and it hurts to let her go. But she's a big girl now. I'm proud of her
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We married [s4s]. Typically that would mean going with nobody else, as in the case of /co/-/ck/ and /k/-/an/, but this year [s4s] is going with /c/ as friends.
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Pic related. She's really beautiful

Also, the saboteurs on /r9k/ made a second poll and /int/ won again. Looks like the date is really confirmed now

Oh you're talking about /c/-/pol/. I thought we were talking about /int/-[s4s].

Too many pedophiles tbqh
he was talking about /c/

Yeah it was a cute pairing but I'm happy with /o/
actually I'm really happy

also isn't /c/ older than us?
We could fool around with the robots a little, right? Like second base isn't cheating. They are kinda cute in that school shooter kind of way.
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there will be no cheating unless keksandra really stabs us in the back
we are purer than this, if its going to be r9k then keep it as friends as most
>this shit still exists

fucking /co/ leave
Why are you speaking for /pol/? We don't care about them. What I see are two little girls having fun together. It really happens, you know?

/int/-tan isn't a whore. We'll leave any lewd for next year.


It will exist as long as there are autists on 4chan, just like the 4cc.
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>also isn't /c/ older than us?
Yeah technically

I'm the one who hosted all the ball threads on /pol/ last year
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I've always loved that pic.
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Here you go.

I lost most of my /int/-tans when my pc broke, though.
Lads, we are a qt

i see you're new
Why are you deciding for us? You belong to /pol/.
he uses /int/ and /pol/
Hey, /int/ are you going to cuck us?

Sincerely, /r9k/

I think /Pol-c/ will be a thing again. Browsing through their winterball thread and they seemed to have very fond memories of last year. /Pol/ was on his best behavior, apparently.

But she's a cute girl and needs to do girly things. Spending the year with such a serious fellow must've taken a lot out of the poor girl!
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/int/ and Sverigetråden is my mainboard. I sometimes post on /pol/ too since my old mainboard was /new/ back in the days. And recently I also visit /r9k/

It's fine as long as she's happy
It's not cucking if we were never together.
You need to get that through your thick skull.
yes, fuck you
You've already been cucked boyo
we are still married with [s4s]

Go away [s4s].
t. Lonely and delusional /lgbt/
Strange since I didn't saw you last year doing things for us. Coincidentally, now you are doing things for us with the cooperation of another board. It's like you want to sabotage our marriage with [s4s]. Very suspicious.
Of course not. Let's cuddle and have a good time together

Why are you people so mean?

>Strange since I didn't saw you last year doing things for us.
Because I didn't give a shit about the [s4s] marriage and I still think it was a terrible idea. I was busy with the /pol/ x /c/ x /jp/ date and the Winter-chan threads back then.

>Coincidentally, now you are doing things for us with the cooperation of another board
A board that I also visit.

>It's like you want to sabotage our marriage with [s4s]
That would be a good bonus, but [s4s] seems to be doing that fine on their own
/lgbt and /pol belong together. Nazis want qt trap bois.
Stop shilling for r9k jävla fitta
I'm shilling for the /int/ x /r9k/ couple since /pol/ and /c/ isn't a thing this year. I visit all those boards so I really don't see the problem.
Thanks, now I know your true intentions, fag.
>openly admitting it
A lot of people on this board dislike the [s4s] marriage
its been that way for a while.
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I've been on 4chan since 2007. Is it really that strange that I don't just stick to one board?

Also this >>67433835
I still believe that we need more good art about /int tan
Is there like some information center for this years winter ball?
Shanks brew
why is there so much debating about this? what if /r9k/ ends up bickering about this for too long and their chance passes? what do we do if /r9k/ is telling us they're gonna try to go for /e/, and we deny someone while waiting for /r9k/ to make their mind up?
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petition to have a drawfag make a Dakimakura of /int/, i'd pay the artist for something like that tbqfah senpai
>why is there so much debating about this?
/r9k/ are scared that we (/pol/) are trying to fuck them over
man I hate having the bogeyman name at times

its fun most of the time but the one time you actually want to help someone it backfires.

They're also scared because you fucked us over two years ago, but its the only time you've ever done anything like that and our relationship was trash tier at that point.
new proposal:

/int/ goes on a date with a box of tissues and alcohol poisoning

just wait
I've decided I'm going to make sure /r9k/ don't fuck this up before I sleep tonight.
There are a few loud shitposters on /r9k/ trying to ruin it. Just ignore them. The date is on.
We were actually pretty solid on our choice until the shills showed up. We want to go with you, but some outside force is attempting to interfere. *cough* *cough* /s4s/ *cough* get your woman in line, dammit
this is so dumb. i'm going to shoot up this fuckin 4chan ball thang
then find drawfriends already lads.
You can't have it without them.
We are doing our best, right now we are relying on /pol/ for oir art, but they got bored. Frankly, you guys are one of the very very few boards that will even come near us without a 10 foot pole
>but they got bored
its more that a lot of our drawfriends left and we've got a lot of stuff to get through on our own

I'm trying to calm down the rest of /r9k/ so you guys go through with this then I'll sleep
tomorrow i'll try to find you some decent drawfriends.
Shitty drawfag here, might work on /r9k/int/ stuff when i wake up

For now, nn

Dont mess this up :3
Looks like /r9k/ is changing their minds about us. We might have to go alone or not at all, or at least find someone else.
night nigh Norway

honestly if they ditch you then I'll help you find a date
I tried to set this up so I'd feel bad if you got fucked over for it.

.t /pol/
you need to reassure them. they are convinced you are going to cuck them
Please do not listen to the shills and shitposters. R9k was on board with this until they showed up
You have to understand /r9k/ has been the community toilet for a while now so we are just afraid we are going to be made a fool of again
I've been watching the threads on and off. They're just freaked out by some of the posts they see here. If some of you anons go to their board and tell them you're not going to cuck their shit, it should be alright.
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We should be with /his/

Fucking /tg/ stole them
Yeah, no one knows what the fuck is happening with the thread. I'm lurking in it and watching it. Its just a bitch fest.
most of the dissent is probably [s4s] falseflagging

I'm honestly wondering if we should even bother at this point tbqh. Even compared to the /pol/ thread the /r9k/ thread seems pretty fucked, who the fuck knows where it'll go from here.

I wouldn't go that far, I'm lurking the [s4s] thread and it's the slowest thing ever, I don't see how they could go full fledged shitposting at top speed just because we wanted to go out with a friend.
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>going with r9k
yes and you're arguing as much as you can to ensure you believe that
its insane
I made both threads about the winter ball on /r9k/, got the guy from the /pol/ threads to go over to look at your design and draw it, and have spent hours trying to calm you down over a virtual fucking winter ball that you're angry you could only go as friends with one of the most popular boards as the beta fag despite being told you have a shot at dating next year if lewds come out of /c/ and [s4s]

look at their new board-tan
its cute.
Its also only platonicaly.
I'm not sure honestly. Some of them are probably that fucking paranoid about this type of shit. Autistic people are pretty bad at social situations, and you're giving them a chance with a "woman". That's just not going to end well honestly
We didn't steal them. They asked us, actually.

I'm making a propa orky rendition of the prologue and the first two tablets of the Epic of Gilgamesh as a response, and some anons from our thread are also making some other stuff.

/int/ is always welcome to the ball itself. You guys can always go stag. Personally, though, I think the /r9k/ thing would work. They're just being /r9k/ right now.
Seems like some paranoid faggots think this is a set-up and that they will get cucked. The date with /int/ and /r9k/ is on. End of discussion.

If they don't like it they can leave.

We're just going as friends, we're still married to [s4s] after all. They might dump us for /e/ anyway.
If /r9k/ fuck this up by letting paranoid cancerposters win then they are truly beyond hope.
My thoughts exactly.
They're poll does have /e/ up by 4 points apparently
Ignore those faggots. They are a highly vocal shitposting minority. The strawpolls are strongly in favor of int
Because it's one idiot proxyfagging the poll. He can't accept that /int/ won TWICE.
see >>67435088
>The strawpolls are strongly in favor of int
were in favour
the latest one is now in favour of /e/ because
>what if we get embarrassed as a board that is currently a walking laughing stalk with nothing to lose and everything to gain?
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>Because it's one idiot proxyfagging the poll

be glad that int wont be going out with that shit board in the end
Those faggots makes me want to see a real beta uprising just to see them get gunned down by police. And I'm not a normie, this is coming from someone who sympathizes with Elliot.

If they act this paranoid in real life then I understand why they don't have any friends.

If they fuck up this chance they should just kill themselves. If they get this scared of being """"cucked"""" by a fucking cartoon picture then they truly are human waste.

Good night.
found the poll rigger
he is right tho, this was a shitty idea to begin with and cheating on s4s is heresy
s4s gonna cheat on us anyway

We're not cheating on [s4s] by going with /r9k/. Part of the reason the /r9k/ thread is fucked is that we're just going as friends.
I mean, they have a point. At one point it was kinda cute and nice, but now its just awkward and disturbing. The "mommy" shit was kinda weird and creepy, but they just ate themselves on this one.
they arent going to lewd, neither should we
[s4s] needs to stop bullying the robots quite honestly.
its not [s4s]
just read >>>/pol/98594918
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Here is the current poll.

More people want you than don't

Could you give them confidence and prove you won't cuck them?
Honestly, at this point. I don't think its worth the trouble. I said this before. It was okay at first, kinda cute. Now its just full autism and a shitshow.
>full autism
You should have expected autism from r9k
Yeah, but sometimes I have expectations that aren't that high. Like holding off the full autismo train for a little bit.
>Like holding off the full autismo train for a little bit.
they did for a while
then they realized they were /r9k/ and that they had to fuck it all up.
We should go out with /x
To be fair I don' think the autism would have kicked in if they went with a board that was not having relationship issues.

I was for /e/ but they wanted you then screwed it up because they always make poor choices and thats why their /r9k/
Yep, and they're already talking about making lewds with us and a few people agreeing. not sure if they're shills or not, but still puts me off
>going out with a whore who couldn't magic her way out of a paper back

Yeah I've literally spent hours trying to get them to calm down
I've been working on this on and off since I made the first thread on /r9k/

It looks like people are trying to talk them out of it but idk if they'll be able to.
at least they want to make OC, its cute. its like a little kid drawing pictures for us to put on the fridge.
Sadly, its a mostly agreeing. I say we just drop this. It was a mistake from the first sign of autism
I think /int/ should find someone else. Maybe /r9k will learn a lesson (yeah right).
/int/, this is /pol/ speaking. We have given up on trying to help /r9k/. We are no longer part of this. Use this info as you please.
Dubs confirm. Bye bye, /r9k/. Our Frog God of Chaos told us so.
I'll be happy to help you guys find a decent date tomorrow if you haven't done it yourselves

for now I need to sleep
why we even bothered trying with /r9k/ is beyond me.
Thanks for trying to help us out /pol/ too bad we got derailed by a couple of shitposters
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Don't give up on us /int/. We really do want you.
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but we don't want you, nigger
Yeah right. You couldn't control your autism at all. Already you have someone saying they're making lewd OC which we said is a no go.
I really was hoping that you guys would succeed. It's a real shame.

/g/ is open last I checked.
Yea it fucking sucks i had hope in my board just for it to come crashing down. oh well i guess its back to no gf feels
Saying that they'll do something and actually doing it are two different things. We're just don't have much experience dealing with stuff like this. We usually don't get any attention from girls.
/m/ is saying they might be interesting in the /qa/ thread
are you guys interested in that at all?

too late lads you fucked it.
We tried to help and you done nothing but say we were setting you up

.t /pol/
>We usually don't get any attention from girls.
You didn't. You literally came here and asked us. No, begged us to go with you. We said yes. Then we turn our head around and focus on other stuff. Then /pol/ comes and taps us on the should and the whole place is shitted up, on fire and people sperging out. All we did was say yes. That's it.
>You literally came here and asked us
the best bit is I was the first person to ask and I'm from /pol/.

They couldn't even ask another board to the fucking 4chan winter ball without having someone else go first.
That....that is just sad beyond the what I've ever heard
This im ashamed of my board we had literally one job and that was to show up and not spill spaghetti everywhere and we couldn't even get that right
So I guess if the /r9k/ thing is off I saw some interest from /m/ in the /qa/ thread.
Why not ask /tv/ or /sp/?
Those guys are pretty memetastic
that's /r9k/

so what about /m/?
They seem interested
or at least one of them is.
they made a post on /m/ about it but its a slow board so unsure how long it will take to get replies

What about /int/?
since we wasted your time with /r9k/ I'd like to help you find a date.

if you have any interest in politics make /pol/ your main board
you're the anon who apologized to Mexibro in the /pol/ thread right?
you seem to find in with us more than /r9k/

/tv/ are taking a body pillow iirc
also worth noting that /m/ have a decent number of drawfags so you'd get some good OC that way?
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>Decide to visit their winter ball thread to see what the hell is actually going on there.
God dammit, it's like some legit paranoid schizophrenic going through a mental episode and deciding that there's a conspiracy against him.

I feel sorry for you anons.
Even when things were literally handed to you guys on a silver platter, the collective autism was too much.
I think that a good analogy would be to look at an obese person, who was given one of those extreme makeovers and he ends up gaining all of that 300lbs of extra fat back.

I think /m/ would be good, as long as they know it's platonic. The /m/ anon in /qa/ seemed pretty satisfy with that.
Sorry but im not that anon i was just really looking forward to this being the opportunity for /r9k/ to get its name out of the mud but it looks like thats not the case. Maybe when we calm down we can appologize to /int/ for wasting thier time and yours.

Shit man, maybe next year, or the year after if [s4s] goes with us then.
Yeah. When its more active we should make a straw poll

I understand anon
Oh well /r9k/ continues to be /r9k/
im just sad that we ruined a good opprotuninty and the worse part is after this performance i don't think /e/ would want to go with us so we probably aren't gonna show up
It's the sad truth of life. /r9k/ will always sabotage itself. It will always find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Ill go with you /int/

t. Exiled Harem Leaf of /pol/
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>come to /int/ from /pol/ to see the result of /r9k/'s autism
>immediately find the harem leaf
I never should have come here.

Anyone have the image of /int/ drinking a soda? I think it's in the
Image but I don't have it on hand and it's one of my favorites.
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I got you /f/am
Hopefully we wont fuck it up should we get that opportunity and the more i think about it this is the only time people have collectively wanted to see /r9k /succeed but we had to fuck it up. oh well let me just be the first to say im sorry for wasting your time and /pol/'s effort
Anonymous delivers, thanks fampai!
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I like the Winterball but I disapprove of our boards choice, so Im in self-exile. Pretty comfy desu.
I will admit I was skeptical of /o/ at first because /c/ has my heart but our memes are perfect for eachother. It's like finding out your neighbor hates sjws too.
Its more like finding out your neighbour runs a different section of the Klan from you.
Please God don't let this shit become the norm
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Lets ask /k/

I think we're trying our luck with /m/ for now.

Besides, /k/ is married with /an/.
At least it's not /pol/
/pol/ and /int/ are the same person, its just public vs private persona
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Hey, /int/. Do you mind giving /r9k/ another chance? We're pretty certain over on /pol/ that the implosion in the date wasn't because of /r9k/ itself, but [s4s] being a manipulative ex trying to ruin them. If you could power through their manipulation, it'd really make us all happy here, and maybe give them some confidence to improve themselves.

Blaming our wife ain't gonna make things better. Just wait a year or two. Better yourselves.
Ain't me that needs bettering. We're having a blast with /o/ running over muzzies to Eurobeat. I'm asking on /r9k/'s behalf because now that we've Made America Great Again, we need to Make 4chan Great Again. Getting the robots experience with girls is the first step to draining that swamp of concentrated autism.

Well we gave them plenty of chances, we were patient despite all of that creepy mommy shit and everything else going through the thread, then they have a paranoid shitshow demonstrating how at least half of them distrust or dislike us while the other half blames [s4s] despite the fact that their thread has been dead all day. They've shown numerous times that they're only in it for the sex despite how many times we've said that it was only supposed to be a friendly date.

They've had enough chances this year. If they want experience and sex they should go with a board that isn't married.
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Hey /int/ wanna synchstream G gundam with /m/ after the ball?

Shit sounds fun, I've been meaning to get into mecha anime.
No we're not.
[s4s] threads have been completely dead since before I made the first one for the robots

>They've had enough chances this year. If they want experience and sex they should go with a board that isn't married.
They've asked /d/ but look to be getting shot down.
Considering how desparate both of them are /mlp and /r9k/ would be a good match.
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>going anywhere with anyone
OP here, was at uni
What's the news, r9k was too autistic and we ditched him ?
1. /r9k/ was too afraid to get cucked and went full autismo
2. some robots wanted lewds.
p-p-p-p-please go out with us
t. r9k
Can we just go without a date and join /tg/'s autistic adventure squad?
Okey, sure! You're kind of cute, actually.

This is actually pretty cute!!!
/pol/ack here
You can come home with us and /o/ after the ball if you want. Should be fun.
>sharing /o/-tan
Add to the bottom of that
>have third strawpoll
>/int/ wins for third time
>try to get with /int/ but shitpist civil war srill ongoing
>decide to break /int/'s only rule and try to get /lewds/
>get dropped by /int/
>/pol/ gets bored and gives up
>be robot
>tfw no gf
No, /o/ tan will be sharing us
/int/ aren't game for /lewd/
Therefore we'd be sharing /o/-tan
Therefore no.
/int/ aren't game for lewd with r9k betas
We're different
>fugging a married woman
Its like you want to be a degenerate.
/pol/ is the most degenerate board
Yes but we don't tell this to people.

We are going to get /int/ lewds. End of story.
Don't tell /int/ yet
We need to make sure she gets cucked by [s4s] first
Taking /pol/ is like taking the mentally challenged kid. You look nice for doing it but you don't want to be around him.
patently untrue
Were posting in the /int/ thread. P sure they already know
I think my dubs say otherwise
Fucking heresy.
No u.
Now stop telling /int/ we're going to fug them.
They don't know that yet.
T-too late senpai
Don't worry I deleted it!
Dubs confirm delet
/r9k/ here
We're sorry about the demand for lewds. Just hold hands with us pls at the ball we won't spill the spaghetti.
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I'm so sorry that the loud paranoid minority on /r9k/ had to ruin it for everyone
We can still be together. Just ignore the lewdfags
We'd love to have you join our party. We'll just be angry about long-eard subhumans instead if non-white subhumans.
too late now
who shall we settle on, now ?
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Pls /int/ don't go
that's a nice image
fuck them, they are changing your mind too fast and you're too stubborn
/int/ we love you no matter what even if you don't do lewds. Please come to the ball with us.

Next year, maybe. It seems at least half you guys don't even like us so I don't see the point.

You should probably try someone who isn't married.
Keksandra is going with a friend as well. We just want to hold hands and hug no lewds. We have disciplined the spergs and they won't cause any more trouble. All the polls we have done want you guys :(
It would have been nice to see /r9k/ actually get to do something this year but I don't like the board since it was taken over by /soc/ and /b/ so fuck them. It was really only a few retards in the thread fucking it up for everyone but meh.

t. ex-/r9k/ from 2011

I dunno. We're already considering /m/ and I don't want to turn them down for a board that's pretty split on us and fucked up once already.

Maybe we can double date or some shit if you find someone, and it's not like /r9k/ can't interact with us if we already have a date.
I remember that multiple people were egging on a guy who said he would make lewds. I don't think /r9k/ could honestly control themselves anymore. I was for it before, but after that supreme sperg out. It was pretty clear it wasn't happening
Were never going to find anyone though, and I swear we won't sperg out again. Just give us one more chance to be great and we won't disappoint you.

you had a chance, you blew it, I don't know how that's even possible
no BBP for you
There will be no lewds. Trust me. We are full of Regret and will never do anything to hurt y'all again.

One more chance or we shoot up all the white chads in Argentina

Like I said we can't just tell /m/ to fuck off after we've already started talking to them. Maybe next year, and if [s4s] dumps us which I doubt you might even be able to turn in some of your good boy points.
suit yourself, /k/ is our friend

also this
you should have made up your mind
also, go on the [s4s] threade, they say that no lewds will be allowed
/m/ has like 1 poster. r9k has so many more autistic drawfags to create OC. Seriously y'all, we can curb our autism.
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We have a lot more potential for good memetic OC with /r9k/ than with /m/. Assuming they don't go into paranoid schizophrenic mode again and start thinking everyone is out to cuck them and make fun of them.

We just want don't want to deal with this this year.
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There isn't much to deal with once everyone decides on their partners and start making fun OC like /pol/ and /o/ are currently doing. It's this period before things get confirmed that is chaotic and it doesn't help when both boards have a very divided population that can't agree on anything.
Honestly, this is how I feel with the whole thing. It just has sucked out all the fun of the thing.
/pol/ was a shitshow before they chose /o/. If we just make a choice of a good board and stick to it we will have fun OC
>good board
Pick one. After what happened, I don't think /r9k/ will ever be a good board.
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W-we are a good board with good OC. P-please were sorry
cuck off
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You're probably the same retard who was in the /r9k/ thread demanding lewds with mommy /int/
> Black or brown
> Lesbian
/int/ tan is fucking cancer
They aren't a good board, but they have potential for good OC with us. We share a lot of memes with them and it could create some funny situations. It also has platonic /ss/ undertones so we might even get the /a/ drawfags on board with this since they love the whole big sister thing.

That's cute. I hope we do pick you.
int tan is white
No we have stopped those autists and they are genuinely sorry. Please
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I wish

I also wish she went with /pol/. I don't see why they aren't meant for each other
Can we please cuck /r9k/ I hate this board, it pulled in so many shills like the am/wf spamer that leaked into other boards.
It honestly doesn't matter at this point. You all had your chance and squandered it. We can't just say /m/ needs to fuck off.
/int/ and /pol/ are blood related. It would be weird. Also that pic needs to be updated with the new /r9k/ board-tan.
>/pol/ x /int/
It's a buddy relationship, not a romantic one.
/m/ could come with us as well as like a friend. We literally don't care as long as we get hugs and get to hold hands.

Don't worry, they already fucked themselves, we're probably going with /m/ now though it's not confirmed.

Honestly going so soon after that shitshow would make things awkward. Just wait until next Winter, weren't you pro-/int/ guys preaching patience anyway?
cant we go with /ck/ ?
/ck/ is married to /co/

/ck/ is married to /co/, but maybe if they're both okay with it since we're just going as friends.

And that's only if our talks with /m/ fall through. /m/ have been nice so I don't think we should drop them.
We are preaching autistic beta orbiter loyalty, but a year is too long even for us.
We are married too and that doesn't mean we can't improve our cooking skills with /ck/.

Then I don't know what you were thinking trying to go with a married lesbian pedophile, they're not exactly easy to seduce, as an adult man that is.
We just want hugs and to hold hands, no seduction reeeee

/co/ is probably taking them again. We should probably just go with /m/ since they're already happy with a platonic relationship. Besides, they're pretty lonely and it would be shitty just to drop them.
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They aren't as lonely as us robots :(

Next Winter, I think. Let's try and make it clear that it's friends only so other robots don't think we cheated them out of pussy.
We know youre only friends. Please /int/ just hold hands we won't ask for any more lewds.

Shit, the only one left in this thread that wants to keep you is the swede that hates [s4s]. It's over. Don't make this harder than it needs to be.
are we going out with /m/?
I don't know what /m/ is for, but /m/-tan seems to be a cool bro. He can lend us one of their robots and we can go memeing around the world with [s4s].
Well in that case we'll probably shoot up the ball or commit suicide at your feet. But we won't give up yet

Looks like it, it's not official yet, we still need a poll, but maybe we should wait until the /r9k/ crossboarders are gone.
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At least /r9k/ seems to care about us unlike the loli whore.

Don't do something stupid. If you want any chance with /int/ at this point you should behave yourselves.
just put your voice here its more secure & we got flags

also voting /m/
>/r9k/ commits sudoku or gets shot by /k/ at 2016 winter ball
>becomes a robot in 2017
Eh, could work for drawfags if you want to go that route.

Maybe you should check out the [s4s] thread without shitting it up. They're going to be loyal.
I hope you're right but I don't trust them. And I'm still pissed that they went for /c/.
Looks like the /pol/tard is still hurt because he couldn't take the other "loli whore" to the ball, uh?
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/c/ is a nice young lady raised and redpilled by the finest man on 4chan. Don't call her a whore.
Then stop bullying our crazy little wife. Seriously, if you want /c/ so much and if pedophilia is not degenerate for you, you must propose marriage to her. Stop wasting time, /pol/.
/c/ is based.

Keksandra is a bitch tbqh. Divorce when
sounds like it's too late if we're going with /m/. we should at least flat out tell them no so maybe they can have a chance with a different board. I do feel bad for the little guys
>have a chance with another board
We're just gonna shoot up the ball
stop trying to sabotage this marriage, im pretty sure we already agreed on honouring it unless [s4s] screws us over

not if we shoot ourselves first
/r9k/ is going to shoot up the winter ball wanting to kill /int/
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Wew the /r9k/ thing was a really bad idea. Just visit their thread and the one on /m/. They are really sperging out.
Look what you idiots have done ffs
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We should have never considered asking them.
You know what, gookmoot should implement thread IDs on /r9k/ just so people can tell if it's all just one person sperging out or if it's a shitposter. Because I refuse to believe that there are people who are so self-destructive that they can't even handle this without a schizophrenic episode. I HAVE to believe this is sabotage.
WHo would sabotage? [s4s]? /m/?
I was just trying to let them down easy...
It's probaby one of the same autists that sperged out yesterday and ruined their chance with us.

Other robots.
Why would they sabotage themselves?
Because they dislike the winter ball in general or maybe they're just unhappy that the others didn't pick /e/. Winter ball threads always attracts the very worst shitposters.
because they're /r9k/.
Self sabotage is a big part of being a loser.
Because some of them enjoy wallowing in their own filth. They admitted it they wanted to keep /r9k/ a shit board on purpose. They hate the idea that being a robot is a curable condition, and that they personally are a shit person that can't do it. Crabs-In-A-Bucket mentality.
Please comeback
We love you
Get >>>/out/ you fucking autists. Nobody here likes you or wants to have anything to do with you.
We love you mommy /int/
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Jesus Christ please fuck off

Did you forget /k/ will be there you dumb frog poster?
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>one half of /r9k/ are so madly in love with /int/ that they've become obsessed orbiters
>the other half wants to kill her and slaughter everyone at the ball for rejecting them
Never change /r9k/
We're not going with you autists
Deal with it
u mad reddit?
>hurr durr you hate r9k autists so ur leddit xD
Go back to your basement dweller autist containment board
gb2 to your autism containment board

you are playing with a full on normie board here

a.k.a you came to the wrong neighborhood motherfucker
Not an argument

He's broken. Poor little sperg, must be just like high school for him.
It's just like getting shoved into the locker you pathetic creep. I'm sure you know what that's like
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it's time to stop projecting, reddit =]
We love you /int/

Please one more chance
Just leave. It's over and you're embarrassing yourself. Goodbye for good.
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>waah ur triggering me i need muh safe space

sup leddit


You are never going on a date with any tan
I thought you already knew this
Never would a woman would accept going with you
Stop talking to these virgins already. They are so annoying.
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all the tans are just traps anyways, faggot

boom i just dropped a red pill

Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Macarena
Que tu cuerpo es pa’ darle alegría y cosas buenas
Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Macarena
AYYYYYYY Macarena!

Remember how stealing our interpals general went?


We still hate your guts for ruining that site for us and making all the cuties leave it

You scared them them the fuck away

Fuck off
Ahaha r9k already retroactively btfo int. And you think you can stop us with your impotent demands
>Ahaha r9k already retroactively btfo int
And that's why we don't want your sweating poopy smelly asses in here
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We at /r9k/ want to apologize to you.
We're really sorry for how we acted towards you and our big brother, /pol/.
We have accepted the rejection, but we sincerely hope that there will be no hard feelings between us.
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/int/ is here to cuck us
We cant trust that whore
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We know some of you are decent people. Too bad you guys just burned all bridges with the rest of 4chan with your autism and extreme paranoia. Its gonna take a very long time for /r9k/ to recover from this and for another board to be willing to give you a second chance.
Why not bind the wounds and let us take you
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From a robot to /int/ and /pol/:

Sorry. We fucked up. I dont expect you to take us out or remain friends with us after that huge sperg out. We're sorry /pol/ for not making yiur efforts worth it, we're sorry for fucking up and ruining the ball.

/int/, we're sorry for trying to d-do lewd things. We took it too far. We fucked uo. We're sorry for threatening you. we're divided, and we're unstable, but that's no excuse for how we acted.

We apologize for our behavior. We're sorry guys. even if you wont take us to the ball or stay as friend with us, we're sorry. We hope we can at least make it up to you somehow next year.

Its not much, but you can have our tendies.
Should we just bully /r9k/ into suicide?
Wait until the winter ball where /r9k/ gets a gun and tries to kill the other boards but instead decides to kill himself
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People want to have fun this event and not constantly have to be worried that something like this is repeated. I wanted us to go with /r9k/ but after this I don't think it's possible. People don't want to deal with this.

They already hate themselves enough. Just accept things for what they are and leave them alone tbqh.
Everyone deserves a second chance. Let r9k prove we can do that much
Truly you normies are the real monsters. The coming happening at the Winter Ball will be totally justified.
there is no cure for autism mental handicap

we're never gonna bother giving them a chance
because they're never gonna change

we deserve way better
>Truly you normies are the real monsters.
What? Robots just discovering this? We are the monsters that will always slay your society-tumour asses with no mercy and certainly no regret. Because you don't deserve it.
Is /fr/ a normie thread?
yes if I'd say so myself

just look at the /mena/ maghrebi autists that try to join us because "they can also speak French"

you don't see them, right? that's because they leave immediately lol
Sverigetråden used to be like that too back in the days when the tripfags were active. Now it's filled with anime and neo-nazis.
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well isnt it funny, you know when i came here for this years ball and i said i wanted to keep us away from the spergs called r9k you all laughed at me.
well i have to say, youre not laughing now are you.
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I'm still in disbelief of how they managed to fuck this up so hard.
/r9k/ here

So am I. Not all of us are that bad or spoke for the board. At least /pol/ is acknowledging our existence again kinda
Better luck next time I guess. May Saint Elliot bless you.
I hope I'm welcome back swede bro. You all have a nice place here.

You're welcome to stay for now since the /r9k/ thread is fucked.

No dumb frog memes though.
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Of course, as long as you can behave

/int/ has the most posted frogs out of all boards on 4chan aside from /r9k/ though
Not sure if it matters but pol just posted this


Probably a false flag. Who the fuck knows, who the fuck cares.
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If this is real can us robots be forgiven?

There's no telling whether or not it's real. My advice is to try again next year, probably no lewds still but if all you want is hand holding from /int/ then that's fine.

If you want lewds try a tan that isn't married and finicky like /int/.
I still think someone sabotaged us if you read the thread nobody wanted the lewds and yet the drawfag said he would make them. This whole thing seems off to me
Agreed with this anon.

Nobody wanted Lewds but one guy. We're asking for a another try.

Let us show you we're not all spaghetti

There was probably at least one false flagger, but the issue remains that everything over there is fucked right now. We just don't want to deal with drama, not this ball.
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