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What games does /r9k/ play? >second LoL account JUST got

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What games does /r9k/ play?

>second LoL account JUST got permabanned
>CS:GO is faggy and requires too much concentration
>S.T.A.L.K.E.R is outdated and just seems shitty
>I've played Skyrim too much and nothing seems new
>Overwatch is expensive
>DoTA is gay
>you're gay
>Fallout 4 was a letdown

I can feel myself going insane, I really depended on League of Legends. Most of the time I was just bantering and winding people up and doing fun stuff like playing Nunu, I don't get why I'm so unwanted in the community. I put up with everyone else's shit without crying and reporting people, why can't they do the same? LoL was the one thing other than skateboarding I enjoyed doing, but now I just feel like I'm not wanted there and that I'm not worthy of playing the game.
Playing either LoL aram or Hotiline Miami 1 & 2. My pc cant handle better games but if i'd have one i'd play the shit of out witcher 3 and fallout 4.
What about GTA5 or Just Cause 3?
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>>S.T.A.L.K.E.R is outdated and just seems shitty
>>DoTA is gay
>unironically playing league of lesbians
How shit can one person's taste be?
Just scam g2a for overwatch. It is a terrible game and nobody would play it without waifus.
Can't wait for COD4 to come out in november DESU
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GTA5 is pretty shit-tier. The GTA thing was boring when 4 came around, now it just feels lame as fuck.


Kind of you to share your clearly superior taste so I can find something better to play fampai.


Ha so I'm not the only one to do this. I did it with Borderlands 2 and Bioshock: Infinite.

>buy game
>type in bullshit key then screencap error message
>say key doesn't work
>get refund

Is that what you do too?
They won't answer to paypal claims, so the PP suppport will refund you after 10 days. You basically get your money back.
>I just feel like I'm not wanted there and that I'm not worthy of playing the game.
Obviously you're not wanted and not worthy. Maybe you should've just played the fucking game instead of 'winding people up', you retard.
>plays league
>trash talks dota

............ this is a new level of fucking casual self-unaware faggot pleb............

So I file a dispute with Paypal? What evidence do I have to provide?
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>muh clunky turn speed bullshit and blizzard cuckoldry

Wizard detected.
Just write that the keys didn't work and that the support isn't replying. I never had to show any evidence.
if you go outside there is something called the real world
>extremely defensive multi-post responder and player of League, posting really gay meme images that aren't funny, self-admitted failure and poorfag

I can picture exactly the type of jobless mentally stunted 21 year old community college dropout you are OP.

Oh hey Chad did you make the draft this season?

I'm actually 22 and a university dropout. Not bad though, anon.
I play Arma 3
Knocking out normie casuals all day online

>Feel like a super star
>Fist pumping action
>Rage at shit teammates
>Rage at hacking opponents

>to much skyrim
get mods you dumb cunt

>>second LoL account JUST got permabanned
for what?
I play Elite: Dangerous alot. Very comfy and open.
Add me and I will teach you how to play CS:GO.
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Does anyone know a good place to get PS1 ROMs?
the only thing i have the mental capacity to play is my dick

I've basically every non-sperg mod there is. Yes, playing as Goku in a Nordic setting is spergy as fuck. I'm not interested in naked children either.


I don't even want to learn how to play it. Every time I get binked with an AK I want to punch my screen. I can't aim for shit and the game is really frustrating to play if you can't aim. My games sense is good and I can outsmart people but I always lose anyway because I can't aim.
>you will never be this /comfy/ again

you didn't answer my question

>I'm not interested in naked children either.

get the fuck outta here redditor
Fuck off lol peasants, cant you see the casual lol bandwagon is moving to Overwatch? And tryhards left too because riot fucks them hard.
Switch to dota masterace, much better game that isnt pay to win
There are few things more satisfying than giving out haircuts with the Deagle.

Also if you can't aim, use the P90.

There are a lot of trolls, derankers, and generally shit players, but occasionally it is possible to enjoy the game.
LoL isnt pay to win.

Its casual as fuck, but its not pay to win.

You can play Annie from game 1 to challenger. That might bore the heck out of you, but its not pay to win.

There is this new broswer game diep.io
differently from others .io games, this one has more deep gameplay since you can choose different classes, you can level up and upgrade 8 different abilities, and strategy is very important
I just play dark souls and some shitty meme RTS called wargame red dragon. Only games I can even semi enjoy
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I used to play a lot of Spacestation 13 but I got completely burned out of it for playing it nearly every day for 3 years then stopped and started again for 2. I just can't play it anymore now that I realized the community is complete shit.

The only videogames I play are just older singleplayer games I missed from previous gens. That and messing around GTA4 and V's singleplayer from time to time.
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Oh my bad. I read the chat log from the game that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I was playing Teemo ADC and I was something like 17/4/8. I was laughing and BM'ing but I wasn't flaming anyone. I honestly have no idea why that game got me banned. In the past I have shit on people, griefed, done basically everything bad there is. I am a "toxic player". I'm a toxic person. Writing this makes me feel sad.


>>3000 hours played

Pick one. I wanted to climb and join a team. Make it worthwhile. It wasn't to be because I anger too easily.


I agree, that is immensely satisfying. The Deagle makes no sense to me though. I don't understand how it works. I hit when I miss and miss when I hit.

The P90? No. I'm one of those dickheads that doesn't use overpowered stuff because I feel like people that do so are just shitters that are trying to kid themselves into thinking they're good. I have a friend who got SMFC using the P90 and in all honesty I don't even think it counts.

>vietnamese word followed by .io domain

No thanks senpai.

whats a deranker?
>The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
>Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
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I have been playing nothing but Skyrim, roleplaying different characters for the last month. Pic related.

I put off Payday 2 and wanna play it again since that perk re-balance update dropped but I'm not sure, since I have no one else to play it with it'll probably end up as another MP game I never touch again.

I also need to continue with Prosecutor's Path, I'm on the last case.

Fallout 4 is best played completely ignoring the main story and especially the Minutemen, the most useless group in the wasteland who by simply ignoring in a second playthrough, settlements got attacked all of 3 times in 100 hours.
I usually pirate a new(ish) game at the start of the week, then play some oldies throughout the week while I wait for my pirated game to finish downloading. For instance, I have TW3+all DLC downloading at the moment, but I've been playing Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age: Inquisition since Sunday.

I really think the "SJW DEVS HURF DURF" issue that people have with DA:I is overblown and a lame excuse to hate on a game. Yes, there are gay people and trans-creatures in this game, and no, you don't need to be involved with ANY of them
Someone who loses on purpose.

The P90 isn't actually overpowered, noobs just don't know how to deal with it. At high ranks it isn't nearly as effective.
If you like RTS I suggest you
Supreme Commander Forged Alliance
still one of the best out there
>S.T.A.L.K.E.R Old/shitty
>Going for league instead of starcraft
>Calling yourself a robot
Emuparadise is where I go for all my roms
Did you really delete a post just so you could insert a different image? For what fucking purpose
If you dont like STALKER vannila, there's always Lost Alpha standalone mod and The Call of Chernobyl mod for Call of Pripyat.
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I mostly play blizzard games now. I've grown tired of my steam library and I wanted to play an mmo so I subscribed to WoW again.
It's mostly Overwatch and WoW I play right now, some occasional Diablo 3. It feels like I'm starting to enjoy video games less and less.

Feels like shit to be honest.
Wow emuparadise still going?

Must be 15 years strong by now
>dota is gay
>plays leagues of faggots
>STALKER is outdated and shitty
Nigger. Just nigger.

Your level of mud pleb is off the charts.
Here, i'll throw a gem to a swine like you, one of the best games ever released that i'm currently playing without nostalgia goggles, as i'm 22 and i've never played it since recently: Deus Ex.

>muh outdated and shitty
>muh it looks like shit
fucking plebs, i hope you buy the next generation of consoles.
I only play grand strategy games and barely anything else, I grew out of other immature genres some time ago.

If you still play any ASSFAGGOTS well into your 20s you're a sad fuck.
I just bought Battlefield 4 for $5.
Staying a console generation behind saves me enough money that I don't get salty about not having brand new games, and no matter what PC mustard races say to me, I've only spent about $600 on my console and collection of ~125 games.
No I deleted it because I posted it the first time and it never appeared in the thread, so I tried again and all I got was error. So I changed the picture and now there's TWO posts.
Fucking goddamnit I'm annoyed now fuck everything
What, did you fall for the neet meme?

I'm not a robot, I'm a failed normie.

>normies don't like me
>robots don't like me either

I haven't played multiplayer games in what feels like years. I can't bring myself to interact with anyone in MMO's. Like, I'll join a guild just so I have things to read when I'm grinding, but the second they try talking to me, I'll just go AFK or say I need to log off for whatever reason.

I don't even have issues with talking to people IRL, only in video games. I was built wrong.

It's the only site I've ever used, and I've been emulating since like 2005 I want to say. I love their terrible format
He's underage, hence his game choices.

Then go to /v/ to ask this quiestion
Is dota really that good?
I'm sorry for bringing attention to it, I understand anon
Not him, but overwatch to me is worth 25$ release

and 15$ after 9 months, and 10 in sales.

40 dollars videogames must be masterpieces. a rare thing for today.
>whining about turn rate in dota 2

This is how I know you're a no skill faggot who tried dota once and found it too hard.
What a great image, mind if I save it anon my friend?
Never played it, but whenever someone on /v/ posts the "10 most played games on steam" list, DOTA 2 is always second or third

They must be doing something right
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lol guys,i thought 4chan was elitist

apparently you all play shitty mainstream games like cs go or overwatch or rocket league
that's what 15yrs old people play

as for me,back to epsxe :>
don't feel sad because a girl has better tastes than you
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started playing Runescape again after 4 months hiatus and browsing /pol/,
currently trying to get 120 fishing cape
also occasionally play Dark Souls 1 and 2, Battlefield 3 some killing floor and Skullgirls
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Also s.t.a.l.k.e.r, warband, metro and euro truck simulator are FUCKING great
How do you even interact with people in MMO's? WoW isn't what it used to be and I've never seen someone try to whisper me something that isn't a guild recruitment message. I want a comfy guild with people to do shit with, I suck at MMO's though so I guess the experience would be really bad.

>I'll just go AFK or say I need to log off for whatever reason.
Why are you doing this? Are you shy?

Here's your (You).


If I wanted reddit's opinion, I'd go to reddit. Why does /v/ even exist? God it is aids.
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Its shit but will keep you occupied
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I'm not gonna lie, this is some good bait.
Have a (you)
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>TotalWar Warhammer

if you don't play any of these you are super shit tier. Played quite a few other games but that's it. Never play any single play games like fallout or something like that, they are fucking gay.

If any of you play any of them feel free to ask for steam i am happy to play with anyone just b /chill/
i can't play any game anymore unless it challenges me completely to the core and makes me question whether or not i want to continue.

Fallout 4 survival with scarcity mods.
Men of War: AS2 with realism mods.
NBA 2k15 on highest difficulty against the best team (cheating AI), playing with a keyboard.
XCOM Long War
XCOM 2 Iron Man.
main games right now.
>Here's your (You).
At least you know it's true

Runescape is cool but I had to stop playing it because unless you play it all day everyday there is pretty much no point. When university started in February I had to stop. I started a UIM on OSRS and got to about 1200 total during summer.

I would have loved S.T.A.L.K.E.R when I was 16 but now it just seems crap after other RPG's I've played. The dialog is shit and the combat is shit. Wanking over S.T.A.L.K.E.R is basically a meme at this point.
Farm with the objective of farming more to farm something while farming and scam people
Right now I'm replaying all the Ratchet and Clank games.
You might have better luck on a private server. I haven't played in over a year, but Warmane has a WotLK server that basically requires you to meet up with and talk to random people in order for you to level. On the plus side, there's more interaction in an MMO than you've experienced since the golden years. On the downside, 1/2 of the players are from eastern europe or south america.

>Why are you doing this? Are you shy?
Honestly, I suck ass at MMO's. Pick an MMO, and I guarantee you I've both played it and sucked ass at it. So whenever someone talks to me ingame, I internally freak out because I think they are going to ask me something related to the game that literally anyone should be able to answer, except for me. Its a stupid, irrational fear that just wont go away
yeah i had only heard of this game, and it looked pretty then i started playing it and i was like "is this all you have to do /farm/" spent an hour just because i was playing a with a girl lol /cuck/
Sup /wfg/

How goes the jewing tonight?
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Wrong, your post was just generic and faggy. Congratulations on being a human meme.

>Deus Ex

.... checked
Here's an MMO where you can't fuck up that hard: DC universe online
currently playing deus ex right now, it's totally one of the best videogaming experience i've ever had, and it probably must have been a blast at the time.
except the second the others are great games you can't say the contrary
Sorry not /wfg/ but i chat on mumble with a group of people that only play warframe, i've stopped playing it after understanding the madness of that game, but i can confirm that the best part of the game was jewing people.
Pretty much JUST L4D2, fampai.
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my negron
>get wasted on a trash post like this
fuck sake
Okay I'm gonna try and play Skyrim again. It's still 7 hours until daylight and I'm going insane. What mods do you fags recommend?
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Play the new Doom, its great
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:fuck's sake anon:
You should try some overhauls. And roleplay a little.

Ordinator shakes the base game up a little, with more significant branches in the perk trees. I like that one.
You could also try Requiem with Frostfall and such, get taken out by one arrow or die of hunger.
just go outside anon

You cant mod away the loneliness
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>You cant mod away the loneliness


I feel more lonely outside than anywhere else.
>tfw more lonely in a crowd
Has it been cracked yet? Can't find a working copy on any torrent site.
>caring about gets
really nigga?
>being this mad
really nigga?
currently playing mount&blade again, don't starve together and stellaris

>Fallout New Vegas
>Kerbal Space Program
>Borderlands 2
>Portal 2 (plus player-made-levels)
>Team Fortress 2

Top notch tastes my man
>You cant mod away the loneliness

says u
HOLY SHIT ihwfhuewfhwiuefhweuifgw

How are you liking it so far? I've made like 7 empires at this point. I find myself getting weary by the time I meet the 3rd or 4th space-faring civilization. The universe is just too damn big.

How do I stay interested, pls teach me. I want to beat at least one game
...Have you PLAYED the game?
post link oregano
can't help ya, i just started playing this week but so far it's a bit repetitive

and yeah it does seem that it will have a tedious endgame

the level of customization it has is outstanding though
is stellaris cracked yet?
I play Fire Emblem Fates. It's an amazing strategy game and a waifu simulator
Runescape, i just merchant in ge tho
Team fortress?
LoL is cancer. You should learn to get satisfaction out of not playing it as I have. Waste of time and money if you bought skins.
No more room in hell. Its free and fun
Age of Empires II
Operation Flashpoint
GTA San Andreas
>GTA San Andreas
>tfw I know the streets of 1992 Los Santos better than my own city

Doom (2016)
Halo 5
Halo: the master chief collection

Das it mane
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Mostly WoW and Dota2.
I like games which the longer you play, the better and more skilled you become.

Also played a lot of runescape before it became shitstorm RS3 or that osrs streamer favoritism bullshit it is now.

Extremely rarely i will play some crazy fantasy games or just games with really good and progressive storylines, that i dont quickly get bored of. Like GTA5, Alice:Madness returns, Starcraft, etc.
>I like games which the longer you play, the better and more skilled you become.

Check out starcraft 2, it is the apex of skill based video games

Boring Reddit game

>team fortress 2

I'm still perfecting my skills in that game get it it's free.
>Dwarf fortress
>Dungeon crawl
>learn to make games in ncurses
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>second LoL account JUST got permabanned
Is it because of bad behaviour (flaming etc.)? If so - just try not to give a shit about the match, you'll do better. Not to be mistaken with feeding, AFKing or other stuff.

>CS:GO is faggy and requires too much concentration
Unfortunately, this is true. Gaybois love this game and it has became the mainstreamest meme game even LoL is better. Not only it requires concentration, but also a long-ass time of practice/grinding and good peripherals like mouse and high refresh rate monitor.

>S.T.A.L.K.E.R is outdated and just seems shitty
Don't know, don't care.

>I've played Skyrim too much and nothing seems new
Overrated, but heard it has lots of mods.

>Overwatch is expensive
TF2 and Loadout both free.

>DoTA is gay
Played for 30mins and dropped. Too difficult, very chaotic, characted movememnt very smoothed out and in general whole color palette is gray which I can't tell what is what. Jungle area seems like real fucking cancer to go through. Keep bumping in to those trees and shit.

>Fallout 4 was a letdown
Overrated again. "muh franchise" "muh quality game" "muh great story game" "muh nostalgia". It's cancer.

Try playing Hearthstone, OP. That's what I play at the moment. Slow-paced card game with great visual effects. Quite simple to learn.
All """""""""""elitists"""""""""""" as I've noticed play ONLY japanese games. Fucking cancer. They think theyre special or some shit.
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get darksouls 3 and summon my purple phantom in the first area
I'll be friendly promise
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The only thing LoL has better than Dota2 is that Bronze/Silver girls are easy as fuck.

Otherwise you have to be fucking retarded to play League over Dota2.
It's because Japanese games are of a higher standard than Western games. A patrician will only engage in the best his hobby has to offer.
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AVA, it's a poor-man's CSGO, completely free and pretty fun and you don't really have to try hard. play quick match
>Otherwise you have to be fucking retarded to play League over Dota2.
Isn't it what I said in the post?

No, it's americans being weird, that only know themselves and Japan on the whole earth. Literally every american worships japanese culture. What's so tight between you two?
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>hating stalker
>unironically finishing skyrim 100%
>dota is gay
>letting yourself get hyped for fallout when it was obviously going up be garbage
>not being gay
This post is honestly the worst thing I've read in a month. How old are you?
Just smack your dick with a hammer, it'll be faster and just as painful.
>determining age by quality of post
>stop liking what i dont like
So, who's underage?
Well, OP obviously.
I've been playing a shit ton of Overwatch lately but I have played league for the last 3 years and probably will try balancing it into my playtime again due to the new patch fixing a lot of the balance problems.

>Top 3 champs in LoL are Rek'Sai, Kindred, Graves
>Top 3 heroes in Overwatch are Winston, Roadhog, Reinhardt

Is there a connection?
Holy fuck LoL players are fucking pathetic
Town of Salem and Roblox.
Anything else makes me nervous.
Trey some indie games, starbreak is fun and easy to get into as well as brawlhalla.
Stop playing normalfag tier western games, they're all garbage.
> Unturned
DayZ clone made by a 16 year old that 12 year olds play.
But it's free, and you get to see kids rage.
Welcome to /r9k/
New here?
>not sinking countless hours into dark souls

Git gud
Mostly nintendo games and jrpgs, other than that I play binding of isaac regularly.
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I haven't played a western/online game in almost a decade.
I agree with you anon, you have good taste.
normalfags not welcome here please leave
Pretty much just PS1 and PS2 games.
I'm sure that's going to trigger some of you.
I'm Chrono Triggered.
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If you play any sort of online game you're pretty much a normalfag.
I'm amazed none of the autists in here play /trb/
>be a depressed oldfag
>haven't played pokemon since red/blue/yellow
>buy new nintendo 3ds in january for no reason
>can i really go back to pokemon at my age?
>play pokemon alpha sapphire and Y non-stop for last 5 months
>haven't touched another game since
>can't be an hero yet, need to play sun/moon in november
>S.T.A.L.K.E.R is outdated and just seems shitty

So, when did you realize that you were a faggot?

Fuck you 4chan my comment is original
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I play mind games
Arma 3, pretty fun, sales on steam for 20.
I feel like your picky af, since f4 was great, overwatch worth the money, stalker never gets outdated and there are mods.
you should try the nuzlocke challenge. i get so much more attached to my pokemans when they all have their own names and mortality.

>tfw get drunk mourning my dead starter pokemon
>this few checkings
R9K is dead desu
who gives a fuck about gets in 2016
>only 4 replies
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Any of you anons play Crossfire? Its pretty much a f2p CS:S copy.

I played it for like 5 or 6 years and were pretty competitive. Unfortunately as time went on, the game became more and more p2w, up to the point where you basically stood no chance against people with premium guns/characters/armor. Eventually even ESL allowed armor (which you had to pay for) in competitive matches which made me quit the game completely.
will do that next, starting from 0 pokemons in jan, managed to get up to 717 so far

>global trade system

i couldn't even believe what i was seeing and how based it is now to do trades
Team fortress 2
orcs must die unchainged
Risk of rain
Shadow of mordor
Goat simulator
I wanted to start playing portal 2 multiplayer but I haven't had time back then and now I don't feel like it
Very story heavy games driven by characters like the tales of series to make me feel like I have friends
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Melee and League. I pretty much hate League though and only play Bard because he's the comfiest champion.

Melee is the greatest game of all time and I will never stop playing it.
Why does no one play path of exile?
touhou project
I don't really play other video games anymore

STGs seem to consume your very essence, stay away, they're dangerous.
What do you think of top player privilege in Melee?
Is there any way to play PC-98 games with english translation?
dark souls dont bother with the first and secound ones pvp
I've been playing ES IV Oblivion a lot lately.
I've done every quest you can do but I'm working on a new file, I like being a thief
the 3 one is goming out 2017hh
>second LoL account JUST got permabanned
What'd you get banned for?
>Rage at shit teammates
Just stop playing please
tf2 opinion??
Fallout New Vegas with mods.

CK 2 With DLC's

Gta 5 is fun online.

Liberal Crime Squad is good, and free
>Runescape 2007
I stake 10 hours a day on 5 accounts and sell the gold at the end of the week. My best week I made $9,000 usd.
Overwatch 2.0
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