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ITT: Robots post hands

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Thread replies: 194
Thread images: 81

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ITT: Robots post hands
god dam i want you to slap the shit out of me
those aren't my hands anon i'm just a handfag
but yes these hands are beautiful
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never pass up an opportunity to whore myself out over the internet
ooh really nice subtle veins and arm hair. how tall are you?

post more hand
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more hand

I'm 5'8"
HOW BIG IS YA HAND? I'm 5'11 and my hands are only 7.5 inches in length feels fucking tiny
I got veinly hands like OP and hair like >>28995195 but I got really hairy knuckles which everyone makes fun of.
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this is my hand.jpg
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many thing are wrong in my life right now. Nothing is stable for me, life feels unworthy of being lived. I cannot handle this anymore
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Who /awful hands/ here?
The human hand is amazing, in how flexible and versatile it is. It gives us a real evolutionary advantage. I once read a book where there was a whole page dedicated to how amazing our hands are. Opposable thumbs rule.
6.5in long maybe? I have small wrists so that makes them look bigger than they really are
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This hand is voting trump. Fuck the anti freedom retards
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skelly mode hands

post god dammit
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Here we go friendo's, and fuck I hate the originality mute
>that middle finger
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Picture 330.jpg
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>he doesn't punch walls
>he calls himself a robot
You're a veiny guy. I'd like to gently scratch a knife across your hands and watch all the blood flow, for scientific purposes.
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Drink some water op

Apparently this isn't original
Those fingernails look like they are dying.
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little to no strength in my hands, brittle wrist. Kill me
>tfw too paranoid to post hands

You guys have nice hands. I really love looking at people's hands, especially of men
n0 h0m0

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get out of my swamp
>not original
why am i not surprised
it's not THAT long I promise, i just had my other ones bent slightly because my circulation is shit and they just kind of do that on their own
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Skeleton person

Oregano basil turmeric
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It's strait piss
that is a foot
It could pass for a hand in some countries.
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I don't have my phone around for a better picture
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>not being edgy
I really like your nails, I'm a fan
I'd paint my nails if I were cuter desu
Such a big fan of black nail polish, yours are fantastic.
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hand and arm.png
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With these hands I type mean things to you on this chinese cartoon image board
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High guys
1270x726 then why is it so fucking awful looking. That's at least HD resolution, this picture is just fucking horrible.
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guitar player here. anyone else?
>all these wristlets
>all these uncallused babby hands
I am one too
I'm sorry my hands are cute
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People have told me that I have nice hands but what does /r9k/ think?
you know it's a man, yeah?
Because I don't have a jewphone and the only thing I had available was a shitty webcam which I used to record my arm and then screenshot my shaky hand and paste it onto paint. My lighting isn't that great either and I think some of the brightness settings are a bit off and I honestly didn't feel like bothering with it because I never use it.

Also. Go fuck yourself
Nice cuticles, m8.
Why the fuck is everything I say muted
At least clean up the edges, for fuck's sake.
Not a single one of these faggots even has a scar or signs of any stress whatsoever.
>tfw still have a wristlet though cuz weakling no matter what
Have you tried being original newfriend :^)
dude why clean the edges when it's all about the edge
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2016-06-02 03.54.03.jpg
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would u let me stick my fingers up ur butt
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>tfw no gf because of my hands
whoa wtf is that wall of nigger?
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Fresh outta shower here
you're fatter than Tyrone's dick, nice
>posting your unique hand veins on the internet so nsa gets them and can use it to identify you in the future
lmao no thanks
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>in4 cut your nails
People here have beautiful hands, I'm in love.
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Okay I will, well just a hand not both.
how is that an original comment holy shit
r u a grill cuz i'd put my sausage in u
How do I stop eating my nails? It's literally ruining my hands
just use nailpolish
>oh btw I'm a guy
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Hairy and ugly, but good enough for typing original comments
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>tfw had to interact with normies to get these pants

The way they cradle my balls like an angels hand is worth it though
Those are trannycore hands
>no """accidental""" dick slips in these pictures
Does that mean there's hope for this board afterall?
Can you give us one mr. anon?

Original commentu
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Do l meet your standards?
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Giant skeletor hands
iPhone for comparison
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Who /Browsing4chanWhileStudying/ here?
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u mean like this? ;)
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>index finger longer than ring finger
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Cant be bothered to take a pic atm
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And another one, was summer so tanned af
Yeh baby, I love stroking young pussy
>tfw can't bend the second joint in my thumbs
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>no text less posts allowed

(Random bullshit to make my comment original)
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>get tattoos on hand at 18 because I think I will look cool
>5 years later never been employed or taken seriously by anyone

End it now lads

Fucked for life senpai

Glad I never fell for that meme.
Do you have tattoos on the other hand, too?
You are goddamn right

Original 100%



You're more sensible than me


>You're more sensible than me
Well, more sheltered might be a better word.
I had very few friends growing up, have none at the moment, that kinda saved me from the alcohol, smoking, drugs and other degenerate shit the average person does nowadays, as with tattoos.
My sister on the other hand is a mess, covered in a bunch of tattoos.
Autism isn't that great but it's has kept my body "clean".
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You guys make me feel better about my own. They're a lot veinier when it's hot...
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tfw so embarrassed about the ends of my fingers I don't even want to show them anonymously to strangers on the internet
Everything about you is awful
Your hand(s) are very beautiful. Clean, thin, big enough, very nice. Would hold/10

Your hand seems nice but I can tell you have short nails, do you bite them?
6 9s boi
Islam Giray
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nice sixes?
I do bite my nails, they're not really THAT short but the shape of my fingers are round but square and very displeasing. They're one of my biggest insecurities -other than my nose- because everyone sees your hands. And unfortunately unlike my nose where I can get surgery to change it (which I will be doing) I cannot change my hands. I've tried growing my nails out and it doesnt change a thing.. I think I bite my nails under stress. sorry for rambling
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image (2).jpg
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kys robot shits
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i do

my hands are shitty though
>iphone 5c
bruh my hand is the same scale with a 6s, handlets need to leave
I remember that finger
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>get hand tattoos
>never have to work again

Genius! Neetdom here I come.
fucking faggot, you ruined the get
old enough to know better, kek
ITT: Robots post their grilfriends.
Hey, fuck you.
I posted my LEFT hand.
>tfw """I'll""" never be the side chick
what kind of picture is this you deformed chernobyl baby
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Sorry bots, I couldn't resist.

Here's my haggard ole' bitch.
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Here's mine.
Skinny as fuck.
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Manlet hands
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skellies unite
ayy lmaaooooooooo
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A bit bony but they seem alright
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This is with my hand arround the height of my heart. When I just loosen it, I can feel the pressure in my veins building up. I have blood pressure at arround 100/60 mmhg or so. Is that normal for any of you?
I wish I could post in a thread like this but I would disgust even robots due to my compulsive disorder to shred my hands to oblivion. A lot of you really do have beautiful hands desu senpai.
Am I fat? Yes
Do I have bad skin? Yes
Should I stop picking at scabs? Probably
Do I care? I'm a robot, what do you think?
Nice watch senpai
your fingers are like hotdogs
> tfw you're scared your hands would be recognized
nothing less than tiny
You have to be 300lbs+ with hands like that goddamn.
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human hand.jpg
2MB, 3264x2448px
posted and roasted
go for it, didn't stop me
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rate my hand niggers.
Tfw I've dropped 60 pounds to 240, i guess my hands haven't really been affected, not sure why.
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Who else /thirdworldhands/ here?
you would loose fat where its most abundant first, you will probably start seeing changes in your extremities and face when you drop below 200
(based on personal experience)
>Guys have foot fetishes
>Girls have hand fetishes

What a world
Weird dimple. Scab and scars mar it too. Would not hold.
Who /weirdbody/ here

I have tiny hands, but I'm 6'
inb4 shrek
Pictures, please if you'd kindly.
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I keep trying to post but Clover isn't having it

Also please excuse my ugly hands. They're dry because i live in such a dry climate ;_;
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Photo on 2016-06-02 at 11.19.jpg
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here, have some calloused and scarred hand
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johnny rebel.jpg
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Howdy ho folks!
Don't worry, It looks alright. Thumb is a little weird. I get the same white bits on my nails sometimes. I think I heard it's iron deficiency, is that right?
Jesus Christ. Do you hand-pick wasp nests for a living?
wow my thread is still up love you guys

it is lovely
no, i climb rocks
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I'd give mine a 5/10 fingers
you got some cool ass hands man
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Weak wrists
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>tfw ugly nails
The fingertips look swollen to me.
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2MB, 3264x1836px
Haven't cut my nails in a while.
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I feels you. Stickwrist reportin in.
I mean i was practicing some tiny fingertip pinch-hold climbs yesterday so they are slightly fucked right now but that's mostly foreshortening because my fingers aren't straight in the picture
ewwww, gross

original original
>Acer monitor
Poorfag detected
File: hand.jpg (2MB, 2156x2965px) Image search: [Google]
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try to keep them looking ok
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rate my hand

this is original don't steal
Would accept handjob from/10
then do it now faggit
File: 2016-06-02 19.03.45.jpg (113KB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
2016-06-02 19.03.45.jpg
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nice hands

okay hands

meh hands

what am i even doing with my life
Fuck off

Hateful original coment
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2MB, 2340x4160px
Posting in ebin bred

(Just is case my comment wasn't original, it now is)
>post hand in thread about posting hands
>fuck off
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2016-06-02 13.48.37.jpg
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I hate that I'm too clumsy with my camera to take a picture of both of my hands
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Picture 30.jpg
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these wounds, they will not heal

I punch myself in the head repeatedly when I get angry
Sounds mighty autistic, friend.
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rate my hand anons, is it good?
You'd do the world a service if you amputated it.

It's fine except the fingernails
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Some people have told me my hands are like a claw, others have said they look kinda feminine.

Give em a rate robots
Definitely a child's hand.

Trim your nails and never return.
dude y tho
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>Trim your nails and never return.
They're not that long, they're almost completely cut to the end of where it connects to the finger.

Also I'm 19, should I be worried?
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more dicks.jpg
1MB, 1597x2243px
I finally made a hands folder because I seem to have enough photos of hands saved to warrant it.
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*a faint rattling is heard in the distance*

*a skeleton appears*
Have you been saving all the hands in this thread?
Reminds me of a shrew's hand desu
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1MB, 3264x2448px
does r9k like my thumbs?
No I meant my own hands. Sorry.

trim your nails dude
You should make another folder and collect r9k hands, make some art with them, a collage or something...
Why? I don't care to. I'm not OP nor a faggot.
I want you to give me a handjob
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I have that's an old photo, desu
cute trranny hand senpai
i have a kids hand
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thx bb :3c
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R8 me familias.
>Only five fingers
4/10 AT BEST
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short n stubby
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Here, my hand.
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This personification of r9k's awkwardness got the sects
Pretty normie hands
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>inb4 nobody noticess
what the fuck is with all you long finernail having faggots
Thread posts: 194
Thread images: 81

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