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Sister hug thread

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Thread replies: 501
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1. Go to your sister's room

2. Hug her.

3. ???????

4. Post results

Good luck, anons
But i no Imouto :c
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>tfw onii-chan is too far away to hug me
I hug my sister daily, she says she thinks im cool and that she loves me but i know im a loser
Atleast the words are there
I am at work, you worthless NEET
I don't think I've ever hugged my sister Tbh
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If I leave my room to hug her she'll ask me to watch something with her or play a board game.

I'll just stay in my room.
>tfw no onee-san to hug

original commento serbio
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>tfw no big sister to sleep safely beside
>tfw no big sister to cuddle with
>tfw no big sister that teaches you things
>tfw no big sister that let's you explore her body
>tfw no big sister to lose your virginity with
>tfw no big sister that takes care of you and protects you
>tfw no big sister that takes you out on fun adventures
>you will never kiss the inside of her thigh
>you will never smell your big sisters arousing female scent
>you will never move in your hand beneath her cute panties
>you will never feel her soft skin when you caress her pussy
>you will never see how she gets wet when your heavy breath reaches her sensitive parts
>you will never hear her cry out in pleasure when you touch her clitoris
>you will never hear her whisper to you how much she loves you
>you will never fall asleep by her side
>you will never be happy
>tfw no big sister
Sorry, but I'm not your brother.

Go nag him a bit if he's a lonely NEET.
tfw big sister that never did any of this but rather left you a cowed nu male
you got sauce on that picture, brother?
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I will when she gets home.
She loves me.
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Sady no. I got it from /a/ a couple of months ago.
Do it you lazy faggot.
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I can't, she lives in Oz.

Fuck you anon, just fuck you, go play with your little sister, play one of her favourite board games.
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She's my older sister and she always wins everything. She calls me names for "losing to a girl". She even beats me in melee.

If I hugged my other 3 sisters they'd tell me to fuck off though.




Jesus Christ, you lucky bastard. wanna switch sisters

>walk into my sisters room
>she's on her facebook or texting one of her bitch friends
>"hey sis wanna play some video games? i'll let you pick the game"
>"no, video games are lame"
>"wanna watch a movie?"
>"no, maybe later"
>"wanna play a board game"
>"go away! its not my fault you're a loser with no friends"
>i leave
>later, me: "you said you'd watch a movie later"
>"can't, going out with my friends"

what a fucking cunt bitch. this is like every conversation i have with her. i'd probably cut her out of my life permanently if i wasn't so reliant on her.
You're blessed with this yet you take it for granted. Worthless scum, no wonder you're jobless
>tfw no sister
>tfw no siblings
why me?
I was called my little sister "imouto", she was like "don't ever call me that again you weirdo."


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They're all Staceys and I have nothing in common with them. Imagine being stuck in a house with 4 older Staceys making fun of you and treating you like their pet all the time.

I can't even talk to them. They invite me out but then I sit there and say nothing.

This is probably fetish material to some of you but growing up like this sucks.
>older sister
kys u sicknasty rping tranny
>has 4 sisters
>I have 0

Fuck this gay timeline.


ayyyyy lemao
No stacy plays melee or board games, you're set up for social interaction. Take that shit and do something with your life
By Stacey I mean considered attractive, lots of friends and have bfs. They play melee with me sometimes because they know I don't have any friends I guess.

They're good people but I just can't connect with them. How can I use this to get better?
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>be me
>walk into sister's room
>"get the fuck out of my room anon, you retarted asswipe"
>mfw i can't even talk to her without her treating me like shit
Tell them you can't connect with them. Maybe they'll be more careful when making fun of you and try to interact normally. Right now they don't know shit about you since, by the sounds of it, you're always in your room masturbating to loli
both of my sisters are out of the country.
also, if they weren't i wouldn't hug them out of the blue.
I don't want to admit that I'm a total loser. They'll just pity me even more. Also I think it's too late for that. The youngest is 20 and the oldest is 27 and getting married soon. They've already moved on in life.
How old are you? If you're round 20 be close friends with the youngest, you'll regret it otherwise

These things don't actually happen and if you did have a sister you wouldn't want them to happen
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Fuck off with your 3D realism bullshit.
My sister is ....nice to me...I don't know if I want to maintain any contact with her if I ever move somewhere....
Why not, are you a faggot?
This picture is from Freezing Zero - Chapter 3

This one is from Bloomers Mama Shinsouban #1

Daisuki Onnanoko Wa Daisuki Desu Ka Chapter 16
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A true nee-san lover. Nice!
Iktf. I grew up with 3 older sisters and my parents were never home so they'd always treat me like shit. Because of them I have such low self esteem. Being around them now is just awkward as fuck.
There is no Stacey. Every girl has validation, orbiters, and outlets for social interaction.

Fuck off with this meme
>Black and White
>Not even so much as a hint of what it could be.

Just because the /a/nons who refused to provide any sort of source in the other thread are bigger cunts, that doesn't mean you get let off for this bullshit.
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Pls no bully. At least the picture is cute.
>tfw born an only child
>dad was never around
>get abusive step-dad but sisters!!!
>their mother was a crazy harpy who beat the shit out of them
>would make them call me their step-sibling and really drill in the distinction
>parents get bad off on drugs, i never get to see my sisters anymore. very lonely, no friends.
>later on in the years we still write and talk every once in a while but i miss them dearly
>the whole time their mom is trying to foster autism in her children to get on disability
>when i talk to my sister now she's very weird, awkward, only talks about cartoons, sings show tunes but i still love her
>eventually, we get custody of the girls because the mom wants to hop on moar cocks
>my sisters have been taken out of school to the point where the 18 year old is at a seventh grade intelligence level and the 21 year old is just broken
>we enroll the 18 year old in school, she's bullied severely until i started beating up bitches
>become her attack dog.
>older sister gets kicked out because she's failing college, feels like my heart's being ripped out
>figure that i'll always be here to take care of my autismo sis
>flash forward to college and she gets kicked out too
>see this thread

just thinking of all the times she wanted to hug me and i wouldnt let her because of my aversion to physical contact


why did i waste my time being annoyed with her.
>Thinking everything's a meme
No Timmy, it's just how the world works

>be me
>first year college
>living at home
>three sisters, two younger, one older
>just two of us home at the moment
>she got off the bus
>disappeared into bathroom
>then went into her room
>she has no friends
>actively hated/bullied at school
>no activities
>a C- student
>my stepmom openly hates and mocks her
>dad tells her she's disgusting and embarrassing and stupid
>she's creepy as fuck
>barely talks
>goes on walks by herself to look at bugs and shit
>stares at the floor all the time
>frizzy hair
>hardly eats
>go into her room
>room is like obsessively neat
>my other sisters are slobs
>she's usually either reading or working on some craft project
>today she was making some stupid paper model of a tank
>a fucking model of a fucking tank from that panzer girls anime
>she's leaning over her model looking at something up close
>stand there for a moment
>trying to get up courage to hug her
>i don't think anyone in my family has ever willingly touched her
>she looks like she smells bad
>go over
>put my arms around her
>grabbing kinda low to get waist and nothing awkward
>she jumps
>breaks the tube thing off her tank
>all at once realize she's a) gone totally stiff, b) a lot smaller than i expected, c) almost all bones, and d) she just smells like a girl
>think that she's probably totally freaked
>suddenly feel really bad for her
>ask her, 'hey, you ok?'
>let go
>sudden urge when i see her shoulders
>give them a quick squeeze
>say, 'sorry, i didn't mean to freak you out'
>come back here to post results
>typing my greentext
>hear stepmom come in
>she stomps through the house
>wants us to unload the groceries
>hear her start yelling at my sister for crying
>making crying baby noises and telling her she'll give her something to cry about
>weird knot in my stomach
>step out and distract my stepmom
>come back in
>sister has her door closed
>can hear snuffling sounds like she's still crying
>weird, brotherly, protective feelings
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save her!

make sure she knows you have her back!

don't let her get bullied!

make sure big bro is always there!

she has good taste in anime, London?
This has to be fake.

If it isn't, you have to turn this into a blog about saving your imouto. Please
this is kind of tragic, anon. take care of your frumpy imouto
Be there.

You can get rid of all of her pain, be the person she needs. It's amazing of you to have shown affection to her, now make her life better. You can be the shining, loving, caring beacon of affection and love that she so desperately needs.

Please, man, do it.
I know that feel
In my case, my sister is the only girl that has ever loved me, of course I want to fuck her.
Awesome idea. Please do this.

This isn't one of your favorite made up copypastas; in all likelihood he'll fail miserably and estrange himself from his entire family.
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>tfw OP expects me to find a bus that drives me 4 hours through the night to hug one of the most unimportant people in my life

Ha, ha, yeah...you're freaking me out with this shit. Not gonna happen.

I doubt highly that she needs or wants 'saving', least of all from me. More likely, she was crying because she was freaked out her ugly brother hugged her for three seconds.

My parents think she's being weird just to piss them off btw.
Take care of them anon. You might be all they have in life.
>More likely, she was crying because she was freaked out her ugly brother assaulted her.

Say goodbye to your future.
Defend her. Show who is the man in the house anon.
It doesn't matter. Do your duty anon and report in what happened.

Have you ever tried talking to your sister?
Sit down and watch an anime with her.
>>i don't think anyone in my family has ever willingly touched her
>>hear her start yelling at my sister for crying
Your sister was crying because she was happy to be treated as a human being for once.

That crossed my mind the second my stepmom asked her if she was crying.

>Have you ever tried talking to your sister?
>Sit down and watch an anime with her.
>Your sister was crying because she was happy to be treated as a human being for once.

OK, that last one...you fuckers got to me.

I'll check on her in a while, I'm supposedly working on a paper right now.

Please keep us informed, anon.
>tfw both your parents have realized now that they're in their late 50s that they would have liked one other kid
>tfw it could have been a sweet little sister
>tfw I will NEVER have a sister to hug

Of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these...what might have been.

dude, all those are symptoms that she was or is still sexually abused.
Take care of her anon. I'm sure she'll appreciate it even if she is scared to show it.
dont have a sister so I hugged my cousin
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tfw no sister

Goddamn why did my parents stop with me.
>Played Sims as a kid
>Always give my characters imoutos because I never had one.
>Eventually someone noticed all the little sisters.

Even as a kid, I just wanted an imouto to be an example to.
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>you will never get brutally bullied by your cruel onee-chan
>you will never get comforted by her afterwards when she feels bad about what she has done
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>have a 17 year old sister
>she gets dumped by her bf and cried on my shoulder all day
>console her and promise to spend more time with her
>spend the next weekend playing video games and watching Tarantino movies

>tfw she's a complete normie and has loads of friends but always beats me in Smash Bros. and has invested more hours in Dark Souls than me

I would do just about anything for a Sister. You name it, I'll do it. There is no price too high.
I don't get it, of course a normie would be better at casual games than you.
Is this one of those "role playing" posts?
100% serious anon

t.b.h. I haven't really had time for video games with my finals coming up but it's still emasculating seeing a grill do better than you in DS3
All you faggots being sad for not having a sister, you don't know how lucky you are.
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Reasons like this are why I hate being an only child
Only idiots who wack it to incest chinese cartoons wish they had a sister. Im glad i didnt.
Maybe stop believing the bad meme that DS is hardcore or even good. Especially 3.
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>tfw born to be lonely

What do you think of DaS 3? How does it compate with DaS 1?
Ara ara~ onee-chan will take care of you
DaS2 => DeS > DaS > BB > DaS3

What makes DaS3 worse than everything else?
I thought they were supposed to bring all the experience together for this one?
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>DaS2 => DeS
>DaS3 is the worst
>DaS2 is the best

stop posting anytime
It's just the normal DaS experience but really polarized bosses, so it's either Deacons of the Free Boss Kill/The Giant of 5 Hit KO or just flat out JUST tier, and the hard ones aren't even fun imo, they're just tedious. Same for the normal enemies, it just felt like instead of adding neat-o burrit-o enemies/mini bosses/mechanics its just a lot of shit in a lot of small enclosed spaces/thin bridges.
Overall the order is entirely subjective, though I'm sure that one /v/ autist im replying too will still be triggered, I just ordered them in the order of how much fun I had. Feel free to disagree or play for yourself.
Good luck anon. Hope she's ok.
Finally, someone else who thinks DS2 wasn't a bad game
>tfw no onii-chan to hug my mouth and throat with his cock
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lewd desu fa m i l y
>tfw my older sister lives in Israel.
Take care of her f a m

Give her a hug. It's you and her against the whole cuntin' world mate

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>unironically living in Israel
you complain about the boss variety in 3 but still think 2 is the best? DaS2 just had a bunch of large, slowly attacking enemies. roll roll attack repeat x10 victory achieved. compare with
>all the lords of cinder
>nameless king
>sulyvahn (if you don't cheese him via parries)
>champion gundyr

radically different

I get the sneaking suspicion you summoned for the bosses you couldn't kill in a few tries in 3, steamrolled it and found it boring. however in 2 since the bosses were pretty similar and easy you didn't and had more fun tackling the challenge yourself.

also pvp in 3 is significantly better, all the current "meta" weapons can be parried easily so goodbye to full havels + dark buffed katana

DaS2 was not a terrible game, but I just cant see how you could ever put it at the top, or at the very least that far above 3

Real onee-chans live in the sacred land of Nippon.
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mfw my sister lives in a meth house a few states away

I am now currently accepting sister applications. At least one lucky girl may get to replace her.
>tfw bullied by my onee but she doesn't feel bad about it
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>my face when I see one of these threads
Rather shoot myself in the foot than touch my sister in anyway

Why, anon?

Do you not like your qt sister?
>dude, all those are symptoms that she was or is still sexually abused.

Plain old abuse fucks people up, too.
same. i never talk to her either, i fucking hate her and she does too.
how the fuck would you ironically live in a country
Ahh you have the most appropriate sister. A lot of us envy you anon.
fucking wrong thread

cuntboys are almost as appalling as gerontophilia.
>walk into her room
>she looks at me
>approach her
>Her: "Uhhh....? What the fuck, anon?"
>Me: "A post on 4chan said to hug your sister and post results."
>Her: "That you followed through is either adorable or disgusting. Or both. You can go away now."
>head back to my room to post greentext story
it's just like in my animes!
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Sister in another town but I love her a lot.

>around 12
>Me and my brother in our 20's
>Taught her to like vidya, loves crash bandicoot, spyro, Sly Cooper and LPB
>She started liking anime on her own, we watch Ghibli together
>She has talked to me about girls her age starting to use make up, turn to Stacy things
>She thinks it is stupid and it is better to enjoy things that she likes than go with the fashion
>That feel when she tells me I am the best big brother in the world (Well me and my brother)

Did I hit the Imouto jackpot /r9k/? I am really proud of my sister and would kick the living shit out of anyone that ever hurt her. Now I just need to tell him about what kind of guys to never fate when she gets a little older.
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>tfw no imouto.
>Just two annoying little brothers who play autistic games on their ipads all day

How do I get an imouto /r9k/?
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tfw no tsundere sisters to dominate me with her stinky feet

a-accepting sister applications
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Keep your bloodline pure anon.
end your life

not original
Why are you so mean? They are a perfect match for each other.
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I have two older sisters. I'm the baby of the family. I just met them on Wednesday. We only met because our Gma died(may she rest in peace) and our whole family came together for the funeral. Shit was tough lads.
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yeah mine did similar. Was very domineering, abusive, had to have things her way sorta thing. Was like I never even had a sibling, just a cunty girl who just yelled and destroy. Took me years to find my own way.

I told her she was as close to me as someone living across the hallway, and she used that as some slow burning realization that she was being a cunt. she goes off to college for a couple of years and now she comes back all friendly trying to self insert into my life, even though I want nothing to do with her.
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>no sister to give me hugs
brother hasn't spoken to me in 6 months even though we live under the same roof
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>I can't, she lives in Oz.

Are you me? My imouto also lives far away in Australia.

Ok, if you're me, then imouto is a small and cute Asian girl, who likes surfing and rides a motorcycle.
Great done
how do you black text?
By not being fucking new you cancerous fucking shit
woah laddy
My little anon can't possibly be this new
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>tfw no big sister
life is suffering

like this:

Move there so you could post bait threads on /int/ and /pol/.

Hello imouto-anon. Did your onii-chan buy you a wan-wan?
okay I'm going to start guessing
>all these robots wanting a big sister
Anyone want mine? She's a bit of a normie Stacy, but still treats me a bit too nice.
dammit that didn't work
This is bait, right?
Go you dumb fuck
this newfag trying to "black text"
I clicked the spoiler button not sure what that does

Stop guessing, start imouto-posting:
Just type < black> TEXT </ black> without the spaces you fucking moron
How To Spoiler Text
>what is google
Jesus fucking Christ
<black>it not bait i pretty much never left /b/ for many years</black>
>All these anons getting triggered because i don't know how to black text
You're on r9k at work..
Learn how to google newfam
>not noticing quality numeral values
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my feeeeels
John Snow is alive
ayyy i did it
tfw no sister to hug
Big sister are not as good as you guys think
fuck all you people. i havent started this season yet.
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All she has to do is be mean and bully me and sometimes show her nice caring side.
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>tfw no mean onee-chan
I'll never be happy.
Did this onii-anon ever come back to post more?
oh wow you missed the first 20 mins of that shitty episode you really missed a lot
How do you even manage that?

Surely a few words have been exchanged periodically.
>my sister loves me too much
unappreciative bastard
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>TFW NO sister
>TFW NO sister similar to my age
>TFW will never fall in love with sister
>TFW will never beat the shit out of CHAD to defend my IMOUTO! WHY EVEN LIVE REEEEE!!!
Anything? tbosksksk
he comes home late at night and then leaves again in the mornings, doesnt even say hello when he comes in or goodbye when he leaves. i think he is having a difficult time himself though, i don't want to bother him.
You should enter his room and hug him. Be there for him like a kind sister.
my sister and I were close for a year or two
then I realized she just hung out with me when she had no other choice and used me. as soon as she got friends we grew apart to the point where we're basically acquaintances.
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What in gods name is that eldritch abomination?! Some sort of alien?!?
My sister is an ugly ginger stacy who hates me (but secretly loves me)

Have sex with her anon, then have BABIES.
>>hear her start yelling at my sister for crying
>>making crying baby noises and telling her she'll give her something to cry about

maybe your stepmom is ok sometimes i dunno but that's fucking horrible.
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You expect me to get the fuck off my chair and tread my feet down the hallway to say something to my Stacey sister who is probably going on 5 hours with talking to one of her friends?

Nah. I don't even speak but a few words to my parents every day
My sister is fat and doesn't love me or my parents.
My god if my sister acted like that my dad would slap the shit out of her. Poor parenting tbqh, my sister actually respects me.
Come on, anon. So, you don't like the idea of going over to your sister and holding her as you move your hand down her back with her tits firmly pressed against your chest?
>tfw not one of those stories where the two people date and get married only to find out their brother and sister
>tfw not one of those same couples you don't hear about because they never go public with it and no one ever knows they're related

They must exist.
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>Find sister
>give hug
>not biological sister, actual i am priest
>sister is a nun
>love is forbidden in catholic church
Fuck you.
I'd kill for anyone to want to hang out with me
>he hasn't seen S;G
>he doesn't worship Makise
Yes. Take care of them so they can run off with Chad/Tyrone.
Good goy
>all the cucks telling you to protect milady
Fuck that bitch

Expecting people to automatically associate the word "timeline" with an overrated anime is not smart, anon.
Makise is fine, but hardly worthy of worship. Not enough character development.
I've only ever done this twice with my brother.

First time was just a normal hug. Second time I gave him a hug, told him I loved him, went back to my room and played a gunshot.wav as loud as my speakers would go.

He literally burst into my room instantaneously, practically teleported there. Never hugged him since.
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>>That feel when she tells me I am the best big brother in the world

Fuck, now I wanna cry.
I wish I had a little sister to mold into a real women and she'd say cute stuff like that to me
>tfw i think of my ten year old cousin as a little sister
>tfw she probably hates me
I ironically moved to Sweden so I could shitpost on /int/, /pol/, and play LoL on EU
my little sister is the filthiest breed of normie

>snapchat literally 24/7
>plays vines/hood videos on full volume through iphone
>retarded when it comes to computers, despite using one 24/7
>ungrateful and moody, blatant disregard for any other person

How do you go within 10 feet of someone like that?

Of all the sisters people are writing about here, you pick the one that really needs a loving, kind big brother.

Fuck you.

how does she react to hugs and cuddling?

Never done b4

She pities me because I'm a total loser, going to fail school, and have distanced myself from any friends I've had for the past 5 years.

Even holding hands you can feel that we want nothing to do with eachother.
That's a good brother.
why would you play such a mean prank
I decided to do this to all my siblings today.
>Older brother
>Called me a weirdo but let it happen anyway.

>Younger brother
>"no go way, i'm not a fag >:((" before before shoving me

>Older sister
>hugged me back and asked me if I heard any good music lately. proceeded to listen to couple tracks before kicking me out of her room to smoke weed like the little delinquent she is

>Younger sister
>smiled awkwardly and said I needed to get a girlfriend before walking away


>Older cousin
>hugged me back and asked me how my day was

>Younger cousin
>same as older, but held the hug a bit longer than i'm comfortable with, and when she broke the hug continued to hold on to my hand for several minutes, playing with and examining it while talking with older cousin

>Younger sister
>smiled awkwardly and said I needed to get a girlfriend before walking away

>smiled awkwardly and said I needed to get a girlfriend before walking away

Make her your girlfriend.
>Younger cousin
>same as older, but held the hug a bit longer than i'm comfortable with, and when she broke the hug continued to hold on to my hand for several minutes, playing with and examining it
Sounds like your cousin wants your dick, anon.
>Younger sister
>smiled awkwardly and said I needed to get a girlfriend before walking away

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>tfw was probably going to have another sibling before mum got serious back injury
>tfw could have had an qt imouto to protect
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>What do you want?
>what the fuck are you doing.
>you're such a faggot get out.
well that escalated quickly.
Be the hero
She deserves that
So do you
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>Sister 8 years older than me
>Taught me how to tie my shoes
>Middle school
>Older sister hugs me to embarrass me around my friends all the time when she picks me up
>She kisses me on the cheek for no reason in public to bother me
>"Aww my little anon still a baby" and stuff like that to her friends and around mine
>Drags me to do mundane tasks while growing up like going to the gym when I wanted to play vidya
mfw she browsed 4chan back in the day participated in those Habbo Hotel Raids
Didnt even know it was a raid at the but she loved habbo hotel and used to say no aids in the pool while kicking me out of her room
>She always took me to the movies when I asked to go especially the X-Men Movies
Major X-Menfag

>be 2016
>Sister is in the Air Force traveling the world
>Send her a gift for christmas
>$200 Gold Watch
>Every picture she sends us she is wearing that watch
>She bought me a shirt from when she went to guam
>Wearing it right now
>Next year she's letting me move in to her vaccant house she owns to finish my college

Truly was blessed with a good older sister
>sister is a sociopathic narcissistic shit

I wish my parents got a dog instead
Sister actually likes me, but we barely hang or do anything together. Last time we did was my birthday last year
I did it fellas

we ended up fucking

>has siblings/cousins who accept physical contact/give a shit about you

get out normie

this, fucking normal
That was a different poster. But in all seriousness having sex with your sister is not normal in real life.
My big sis is a doctor and I'm a loser
>get out of my rooomuhh!!
>hahaah what the heck
>(start to leave)
>wait, alex
>ummm, oh, nevermind
who here would unironically make love to their sister?

mine's older than me.
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>everyone loves me in my family
>Sister always runs to see me when I enter the house
>cousins and little cousins flock to me when I show up to their house as well

Too bad they dont know how lonely I am

shut the fuck up, normalfag. go back to r eddit.
I'm more of a cyborg

Only full normie around my family.
Fucking social serial killer around anyone else
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>she's talking to my mother
>i come up and tap her shoulder
>she turns around and i open my arms
>she gives me a big hug and makes a happy noise
>i pat her head and walk off

love my sister

She sounds awesome, and sounds like she has an awesome little brother, too.

>thanks man, good read
I fucking hate you, you stupid bitch. Play with your goddamned imouto this instant or I will find out where you live and beat 18 different kinds of shit out of you.

>youngest child
>only male
>4 onee-sans
>2 bullied me
>sat on my chest and I couldn't get up
>first kiss was with one of them when we were young
>get along with all of them now

Good times, but I didn't appreciate it back in the day
I dont have a sister, but I assume its it's like having a brother, you guys are romanticizing it. You personally see them as gross and annoying. You've got used to them for years and every little thing they do you are annoyed by
>tfw no qt3.14 imouto to give foot rubs to
actually lol'd

this got me. you had better be there for her.

>be me
>six years old
>mom gets pregnant
>didn't get what was going on
>but parents divorced shortly afterwards
>i was happy as fuck
>wanted a baby brother or sister
>get sister
>saw her through glass in an incubator
>she looked so tiny
>had nightmares about her dying
>dad left home around then
>remember him saying 'the whole thing has been a mistake'
>mom came home late and mad
>seemed like she was always mad after that
>sister finally came home
>had a really cool girl from down the street who helped
>taught me how to change her diapers
>two of us watched my sister take her first steps
>say her first words
>start reading or telling her stories every night before bed
>small town
>everyone knew my sister had a different daddy
>she was always small for her age
>mom brings this asshole home
>they got married over the weekend
>get very protective of my sister
>asshole doesn't have a job
>get caught cutting school
>was freaked out he would hurt her
>he was dealing dope and drinking
>mom finally kicked him out
>she starts first grade
>super shy
>straight dark hair
>big dark brown eyes
>pale skin
>kids start giving her shit immediately
>teachers too
>fucking miserable small town hypocritical shits
>two of us get lost in books and play
>building castles and drawing comics
>things weren't going well
>not a lot of food or money
>a lot of time alone together
>mom brings home another new daddy
>about the time my sister is in 4th grade
>she's getting bullied at school
>i'm cross town and can't stop it
>new guy is actually ok
>raises hell at school
>punches some kid's dad out
>actually has a job, too
>takes my sister and me out to dinner, amusement park, museums on the weekends
>he's like a regular dad
>mom hates him
>old enough to know she's fucking around on him
>stays almost a year before mom tells him gtfo
>last thing he tells me is to take care of my sister before he goes

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Who cares? Normal shit is stupid.

She can be annoying with all the 'caught up in political opinion' thing. But I never felt a connection with her...she did use to play video games with me and my brother and was the only one to ever progress through Res Evil 1 further than we had been....I still have the Memory Card from 15 or so years ago....
P-please continue, based Onii chan
???????????????????????????????????????????? :o cmon
My sister doesn't live with us anymore. We're very distant from each other. Tho we like each other it's easy for us to get at each others nerves, mostly because there is a lack of communication between us.

When we were younger she was the best older sister to have. She was kind to us, and she had a sense of humor.
tfw anon didnt finish his story even if its fake i want to read more

No, baka onii-chan, but I still love him.

sorry it's 2:20 am and i'm drunk as fuck i can't finish this

my little sister died when she was 12
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>my little sister died when she was 12

Fucking hell.
Well, fuck, here come the feels, I was counting for a happy ending.

Hope you can finish the story when you're feeling better.
make them wear skirts desu senpai
she said "fuck you" while laughing.
>being newfag
>not lurking for at least 2 years
>all these normalfags that have daily female contact with loving sisters

Get the fuck out.

I haven't talked to a woman since the bush adminstration
>wanted a baby brother or sister
What the fuck else were you expecting?
Lmao @ your faggot sister
Dumb bitch couldn't even survive LOL
You have to be over 18 to come here, little friend.
Did you reply "Well if you insist ;^)" ?
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>I haven't talked to a woman since the bush adminstration
>Younger sister
>smiled awkwardly and said I needed to get a girlfriend before walking away

Imouto possesses much wisdom.
>have older sister
>play together growing up
>she hits middle school and pretends to not know me at school until her senior year of high school
>would often bully me sometimes
>if someone else tried bullying me she kicked their ass
>would play games with me
>got into anime
>would always want to drive me around
>kicked my friends out early when they stayed over so she could send time with me
>would cook breakfast for me on the weekends
Wish I could hug her now but I gave her a big hug two days ago.

>saw my older sister for the first time in a year since she was studying abroad
>she spoils the fuck out of me still
>always buys my Japanese chocolate
>brought me back alot of goodies from the UK and Norway
>always asks me to watch anime with her
>when we watch anime she forces my head on her lap and plays with my ears
>been depressed a lot recently
>parents seem to care but don't understand my situation
>she's the only one I can openly talk to about my problems

I have the best older sister in the world. I gotta play animal crossing with her later on our 3ds.
>when we watch anime she forces my head on her lap and plays with my ears

Superior onee-san of the first quality, anon. Lap-pillow is the best thing ever, my imouto did this once while giving me head-pats.
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>my little sister died when she was 12

I remember another anon used to post this story in /a/ imouto threads. At some point he disappeared, though.
It's bad and addicting. She sometimes gave me head pats.

I remember I went through a bad break up and she was there with me all day. Helped me alot.

She also keeps telling me to go back to Japan and marry a Japanese girl because he wants Japanese nieces and nephews. We're not Japanese either, kek.

She does get mistaken as being Asian though.

I think when growing up she stopped treating me badly when I kicked some guy's ass that hit her.
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>see little sister for first time in months
>she's gotten fat and looks years older than I do
Man, some girls get trashed in their early twenties. I can't believe I used to have shameful sex dreams about her.
i fucked my sister when i was 9 and she was 7

i win

she also used to crack all the shells off of sunflower seeds and give me the inner seed to eat.

She also sucked my toes, this was not sexual though, not to me atleast i dont know why she did it.
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What does it mean when your sister tells you your dick is too big? I'm serious.

>"Well your dick is too big. I've seen it!"

My sister once yelled this at me during an argument after I proved her wrong and it's bothered me ever since.
I'm almost certain she never saw it. Why wouldn't she say it's small though? It would be the more normal thing to say and I could just chalk it up to her trying to insult me. My only guess is she was trying to take my victory away from me with shock value.

Worst part was that our older sister was also in the room and gave me a look of disgust before leaving.
>twin sister
>away at uni
>I'm in Wisconsin, she's in Kentucky
> Both of us a little bit fucked in the head
> She has/had an E.D. while I have Depression
>Diagnosed of course
>During final years of H.S. we started to grow apart
> Very different, she doesn't give a fuck about the Earth while its all I care about.
> Discovered my grow-op in my closet.
>Asked her to keep this one secret , please.
>Said she won't tell but its not fair to our parents
>Bitch what no one knows ain't hurtin nobody
>Parents reluctant to give her $ but practically throw it at me because of spending habits
> Overhear her telling her friends my secret one day.
>Crushed. Was on the fence about trusting her but that confirmed my worries.
>Lie to her about my "hobbies " now.
>We have long talks now that we are away
>feel closer than before, but still very different
>She has had men interested in her her whole life whereas I have never received attention
>Talk to her about m girl problems and she really wants to help but just doesn't understand the fucking competition of being a dude
>I am manlet (5'7") she is womenlet ( 5'2")
>Her BF is like 6'3"
>Insists that being short isn't a turn-off
>She got good grades throughout H.S. I got bad grades (her GPA: 3.5+, mine: 1.8)
>We got the same ACT score though
>She's a comm major about to graduate, I'm studying forestry and still have about 1.5 years to go (I took a semester off though)

I don't know what I think of her, shes a pretty good sister I suppose.
I really want a sister, fuck this world
She has erectile dysfunction?
Your sis has erectile dysfunction?
She suck me.
Shit was so cash
My twin sister does the pots, but I don't.
Maybe you're the shitty twin no one wants?
I mean, it's a possibility
She wants to try it.
>normie girl
>meme souls
>being so bad your sister who buttonmashes beats you at smash

if that last point isn't true, she's not a normie.
Oh I don't doubt that at all, she will be successful in life (her BF has a lot going for him) an I will probably end my life in like 5 years or so. But she is the type of person who doesn't believe in Climate Chance so take that into consideration.
Lol shouldn't have abbreviated. Eating Disorder.
Wow hero
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>be youngest imouto
>everytime brother comes home(1-3 times a month I think) give him a hug
>everytime brother goes back give him a hug
he got used to it, same with older sister
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>tfw big sister to watch anime and play vidya with
I feel blessed
Climate change is real but it isn't manmade. Don't be a cucked kikeshill anon.
I'll do it later, but I just dropped my sister off at her school.
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TFW my sister hates me
>walk into the room next door
>"hey little sister, can we hang out?"
>remember I don't have a little sister
>retreat back to my room
>parents start arguing again
>hear hitting noises, looks like mum's been beaten again
>put my headphones on as per usual and drown myself in anime and games for yet another lonely evening
Same with my sister
Go hug her now anon
Mine are too far away. Can I just hug my wife to be instead? Does it still count?

If you were a redneck, it wouldn't matter
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Get the fuck off my board fucking normalfag
Fuck off my board, normalshitter.
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I wish I had a beautiful big sister to marry.
My sister is miles away but if I did huh her shed be freak Ed out because I don't interact with my sis
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Just do it the next time you meet her. Maybe she'll be happy that you are about her?
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>Hug sister
>She asks me why I'm hugging her
>I tell her I just felt like she
>She says okay
>We hug for a little while
>Tell her I love her
>She says she loves me too
>Go back to room
Cute anon! CUTE!
Younger or older sis?
> picrelated
She is a crazy sadystic bitch when she transforms though.
Younger sister, she's 14.
That's adorable. I hope you are a good brother so she knows she is loved.
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>sister told me that she loved me once
>I just nodded and walked away
I'm a broken human being.
Go tell her you love her. Do it now anon.
I can't I wish I was joking but I can't get those three words out without feeling like a humongous fucking retard it's like all this hate and anger inside of me is stopping me from saying it
I know what you mean. I also find it really hard to say "I love you" even to people that I really do love. Just try to let her know in some other way that you care about her, even if its just writing a note.
>anon what the fuck is wrong with you?
And then I got kicked out.
I wish I could hug my sister, but she's dead. Life sucks desu.
>sister is crying because she's a girl
>she hugs me
>so I press her against me
>she says "no" and walks away
what the fuck is this
Taking care of your beloved sister and making sure she is happy.
You had a boner, didn't you?
Your sisters are just tsundere. Keep letting them know you love them and they'll warm up to you. Let them know that you are aware that you are a shitty disgusting moron. Let them know that they are the only ones in this world you love, you'll see how they open up to you.
girls cant actually notice your boners unless you are dry humping them
>mfw I always bearhug sister till I hear a crack when I see her
Yes they can you retard. It's obvious as fuck or are you just so fat your lard covers your genitals at this point?
I like to imagine I'm Tetsuo from Akira growing uncontrollably and crushing his girlfriend
No. We didnt even hug long enough to get one. As soon as I reciprocated she started pushing me away.

oh yes, yes we can...unless your thingie is the size of a zit or you're pudgy mcfatpants
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Can't imagine hugging my sister.
>growing up
>sister is my only friend
>only 2 years younger than me
>always competitive
>lot of times I take it too far
>we were there for each other when parents fought/ just acted like monstrous adults and tried to out-monster each other
>focus on me a bit
>growing up, in junior high now
>getting bullied hardcore
>losing friends
>mom and dad continue with their own bullshit
>i take it out on my sister
>we grow apart
>i finish junior high
>i finish high school
>i finish college
>never a word with my sister
>home from college, got my license, was gonna go to med school
>dad comes home drunk and assaults mother
>shit hits the fan, I end up popping a nerve and punching my dad
>dad tries to go at me
>sister tackles him to the ground
>shes crying and yells in his face to stop
>meanwhile im just shivering from inflicting violence, not used to it
>things calm down
>me and sister talk more
>connect more
>not a lot but its something
>mfw i wasted all those years because I was a coward
>mfw she probably needed me growing up

desu if my brother did that out of the clear blue i would either think he was up to something or he was dying

but he hugged me on my b-day and told me he loved me when i went home over spring break. felt good / happy / sad all at once.

yeah i knew he loved me but it was still good to hear it. tell her when it's not weird for you.
I once asked my sister on a date, she refused and now she's creeped out whenever I walk into her room. I dont think hugging her is a good idea..
Also imouto> oneechan
Onee-chan is for sex and cuddling.
Imouto is for hugs and taking care of.
It's not too late you know.
Go tell her you love her anon. Just do it.
i hate my sister and wish she were dead. havent spoken to her in about 9 years
But why though famalam?
But your sister loves you anon. She thinks about you every night and regrets the things she did. She just wants her dear brother to forgive her and love her again.
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>not wanting to play with your imouto
what are you, gay?
>tfw i became a little sister instead of brother to my traveling brother
fuck off norman
you fucking your sister yet famalam?
she's still your sister anon
don't be a fag
>be me
>just got back home from college
>little sister comes up and hugs me first thing
>she asks me how college was
>we talk and catch up on stuff
>asks if I've seen any good anime recently
>talk about anime for a bit
>Tells me she started watching Oreimo
>T-that's nice
>Asks if I've seen it, I say yes
>she giggles
>Talk a bit more before she goes back to her room
What do? Am I overthinking things?

She was only joking.

Don't do it, Anon! It's a odd route
Ask her what she thinks of it, anon
She loves you anon. She just dropped a MASSIVE hint.
We talked about if for a bit, she says she likes it so far, she's almost done with the first season. I didn't talk about it a whole lot then, I was starting to spill spaghetti because it caught me off gaurd; she mainly watched stuff like Fairy Tale and Inuyasha in the past. She's actually watching it now, I can hear her singing along with the opening theme

Do I wait for her to do next move or should I?
>>little sister comes up and hugs me first thing
>>Tells me she started watching Oreimo
>>Asks if I've seen it, I say yes
>>she giggles
Do it anon.

Act a bit flirty to test the waters the next time you talk with her. It sounds like you two have a pretty good connection already.
We do, we get along pretty well. We watch anime together and she'd text me when I was away for advice, shit like that. Should I go in and hug her and post results?
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No sisters to hug atm, but have some stories

>Be me, 15
>Make lunch for myself and big sis
>Walk into her room
>"Lunch is read-"
>Shes infront of a mirror in her panties
>Boobs clearly visible
>360 and walk away
>Surprisingly un-awkward lunch ensues

Another one

>Be me few days ago
>Have a nice evening fap with lube and all
>Come home from school next day
>Big sis is visiting
>Go drop my stuff to my bedroom
>Lube sitting literally in the middle of my desk for all world to see (forgot to put it away)
>I feel like she knows
if you feel like it, then sure
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>girls cant actually notice your boners unless you are dry humping them

Micropenis much?
Maybe, but don't make it too weird. Let it happen naturally and do it when you feel the time is right.
alright, I'll think of something so it's not awkward. I don't want to wait too long or my window might close; I'll be back in a bit
>She's actually watching it now, I can hear her singing along with the opening theme
That's really cute. How old are you and your sis?
Go watch it with her nerd.
That's a massive hint, man. I think she might want you to take the Imouto route.
This >>28332610

And this. You're lucky anon.
He could always suggest to watch Yosuga no Sora with her.
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>sexualizing imoutos
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I'm usually more of an onee-chan person but that kawaii imouto was just too perfect for me to handle.
Kek. Underrated post friendo
>Go into her room
>She's still watching Oreimo, sees me and pauses the episode and smiles
>Hug her from behind, ask is she wants to help me unpack, say we can go out for ice cream later
>She's playing with my hands as she half-pouts, saying she wants to keep watching the show
>Says she'll help after the episode, if I'll owe her one favor and still get her ice cream
>That's fine
>She's still playing with my hands, as she says "thanks... Onii-chan", really enunciating each syllable
>rustles my hair as she plays the episode again

Holy shit is this actually happening

She's 14, almost 15. I'm 19.
I was already gone when you posted this, I'll be sure to watch the last few episodes of S2 with her
God I hope so
This is so cute. I don't even care if you make it up, it's adorable!
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>Tfw healthy relationship with my sister
She hugged me back. Get rek'd neetfags
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Nice made up story
not original apparently
Whatever you do, do not rush it. You may ruin everything with the slightest wrong move.
I can't believe i'm reading live this imouto dream.

Can imouto god bless you
Don't ruin the dream
Who fucking cares? It's cute and it's good OC.
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Anon's imouto confirmed as 100% adorable
i hope you're not making that up nigga
I can hardly believe what I'm reading, it's finally happened.
I have no siblings. I'm so incredibly alone, but I wouldn't wish this life to anyone else, so at least I can look at me like I took it all on myself, while my hypothetical siblings hang out in sweet nothingness. I'm the Jesus of my family. At least that's what I jokingly think to myself to make the depression better.
I'll try not to. I can't believe this is actually happening
I know I can't believe it either
I wouldn't dream of it

She'll probably be done with the episode in like 15 min; If we go out for ice cream, I'll try to update when I can
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Good luck anon! Please come back later and tell us how it went.
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> tfw no little sister

> just a really spoiled bitchy big sister

I need a replacement sister. Any fembots want to apply for the job?
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Godspeed anon. I am counting on you.
>Tfw bitch big sister
>Tfw little sister is gunna end up like her, only qter

Tfw no loser sister
Seriously. The only good types of sisters are motherly kind stacy onee-sans, or nerdy imouto. bitch/stacy mode for either is awful but I think its worst on imouto
If you need it explained to you, then you're too stupid to understand it anyway.
my sister would rather fuck her 80lb boyfriend even though she's short and fat and probably breaks him every time than have a decent conversation with me that wasn't through text and with memes. i asked her if i needed help one day she would help me she she'd think about it but she let's her human skeleton boyfriend live with her for free. been almost 5 months since i said anything to her and don't plan on contacting her ever again.
I don't hear any more sound in her room, so she'll be here any minute. I'll do the best I can to let you guys know what's happening
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>motherly kind stacy onee-sans
The greatest!
Nice try. Obviously bait. if someone was this blessed they wouldn't be on this board. Try harder next time.
>losing in melee to little sis

that's just sad desu. She use those advanced techniques like wave dashing and edge guarding?
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>tfw have the most adorable imouto ever
>she'll hug me first time she see's me when i get home in a couple days
>feels good man
Are you surprised though? I don't even watch the series and could tell they wouldn't let that fucker die.
YEAH, that'll show her!
I am so fucking excited for your response, dont dissapoint us
Foster autism, huh? Explain...
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>Imouto is in Massachusetts for the rest of my life
>No joy left
nice hexes!
Thank you senpai

originoli originoli ravioli
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Go there and hug her anon!
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>tfw no siblings, just three cousins i rarely see
>tfw all my friends have a sis and get along fine with them
>tfw missing out
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>tfw imagining my younger sister likes me
>tfw she's actually super normie stacy slut
life is hard guys
I'm the only child in this shit family.

All set up for send me in hell

Just to let you know women in the military are massive sluts, spec in tech school, she prob got fucked by 20 or 30 chads just think of that faggot
She was going to let you ruck her and tou mucked it up you dumb faggot
girl born with no eyes and nose
Looks like someone's incredibly jealous that they didn't have a good sister.
Just got back. Can't believe this is happening.
>she finishes the episode and comes into my room
>asks if I'm ready for our date
>say yes and she giggles
>we get in my car
>some more small talk, says she missed me
>we get to the ice cream place
>get our ice cream and sit down
>begin eating
>she asks if she can taste my ice cream
>offer her my cone
>she gets up and sits beside me and licks my cone while I'm still holding it
>she smiles
>after a pause her smile fades
>I ask whats wrong, worried I somehow fucked up already
>asked if I got a girlfriend while away at college
>tell her no
>she says okay, notice a faint smile on her face
>ask her why she asked
>says she was worried I'd get my heart broken or I'd be focused on her all summer
>pat her on head, tell her not to worry
>she smiles
>says there's some ice cream on my cheek, she'll get it off
>immediately goes to lick it off and ends up kissing my cheek
>she blushes and apologizes
>I smile and tell her not to worry
>before I can say anything, she's suddenly changes the subject, asking questions about what college is like
>finish ice cream, get back in car and drive home
>we get inside, asks if I still need help unpacking
>Say yes, she says to bad as she laughs and runs to her room
>try opening it, the door's locked
>says she'll come out when it's dinner time
>she resumes watching anime with the volume way up
Tonight's the night, I can feel it.
You are Hexakiin, the leader of 6th era, as the prophecy foretold. Its an honor for you to grace this thread with your presence.
You're literally living in an anime, this is too perfect.

go for it senpai
Our parents are out of town for business too, so we'll be alone tonight. I'm living the imouto dream.
The fakest shit I've ever read

I want an anime of it
>Our parents are out of town for business
No, seriously, I'm fully expecting you to just start posting spiderman pics at this point.
Anon dont fuck your sister

She's too pure

What do you have done!!!

Now i can't believe you anymore in any way. I was living the dream with you :(
I-I'm sorry, I'll leave her alone tonight then...
No, its just that no one believes you because your situation is too perfect
I understand; I just won't post what happens because I rather not be yelled at for sharing what a lot of people on here could only hope would happen.
If you do that I swear I will literally go over to your house and _hug her in front of you.
The parents are out for bussines is cliche as hell and you are probably making this shit up, but who cares. Just deliver and we're ok, I need some moeshit to sleep well
please post it anon, i beg of you
>tfw your name is Alex
>tfw parents kept teasing me about having a sibling but never did it even though I always said "please get me a sibling"
>tfw such a failure they probably didn't want to have even more stress

we'll see, depends on if something actually happens and she's not just being a giant tease.
please this is so cute.
You'll need to make a new thread too, as this one will die soon
alright, it'll probably be a while before anything happens, I just ordered a pizza and she's adamant about not coming out of her room until dinner is ready.


I love my little sister.

>happy all the time
>we tell each other fun stories
>she turned down a modeling job because she's smart
Just btw, the modeling industry in our home state for girls her age (17) is pure fuckery. She's super nice to everyone and picks her friends well, also very smart about boys.
Did anything happen? How long till dinners ready?
pizza should be here in under 5 minutes, if this thread is still alive I'll post here, otherwise I'll probably start another and continue there
Can't wait to hear it.
when will he return to tell us his story.
What if he is fucking his own sister as we speak?
Either way, it takes time to eat pizza.

This is too good to miss.
either way I want to hear it.
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What if she is fucking the pizza and eating her little sister as we speak?
does losing it to your sister make you more or less of a robot?
>tfw 3 younger sisters with varying relationships
>oldest is fucked in head and sends me dank depression memes, or random funny pics all the time
>middle looks up to me and thinks I dress cool
>Youngest is always teasing me and hitting me, which I reciprocate.

Tbh the oldest is a lost cause, but the younger two have smiles I want to protect, I dont think any would be comfortable with me hugging them though.
>I dont think any would be comfortable with me hugging them though
You won't know until you try. Hug the oldest one too, so she doesn't feel left out.
I was your sister when I was a kid, wish I had a sibling to help me.... step-dad instead of mom though.

sorry for delay; the exciting continuation
>pizza comes, go get sister from room
>she can't stop laughing, thinks its hilarious she locked herself in her room
>she runs downstairs and immediately grabs a slice and starts eating
>I sit down next to her and grab a slice
>talks about how she just got done with the first season of oreimo
>asks if I would travel internationally to bring her home too
>tell her of course
>pat her on head
>she smiles
>says she's really happy I'm back home
>tell her I am too
>says it was lonely in the house without me, and she was worried I was fucking some slut
>tell her I wouldn't fuck or date any girl she didn't approve of
>she blushes
>says thank you onii-chan, dragging out each syllable
>suddenly looks sad
>ask whats wrong
>almost crying, says she was rejected by a guy a while ago
>ask why she didn't mention anything
>tells me she didn't want me to worry
>tell her its my job to worry
>bring her in and hug her
>she whispers in my ear, thanking me
>I let go of her, and after staring at each other we start to kiss
>a gentle one on the lips
>she pulls back and apologizes
>I smile and bring her back in
>we resume kissing, slowly turns into making out
>doing this for a few minutes
>we stop and she says she's not hungry anymore, and wants to go back to her room
>I say okay, thinking I overstepped
>asks if I can help her to her bed
>agree, start walking to her room
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let the dreams be memes anon.
Well this escalated quickly

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I think this is all a ruse and 'imouto' is just what you call your pizza
interesting, go on.
The fact that this came only 45 minutes after the pizza makes me a bit worried.

>middle sister laughed and bear hugged back and lifted me up a bit
>youngest sister yelled at me and slapped my chest when I squeezed her because she just ate
>still kinda don't want to touch the oldest

As a bonus I hugged my baby cousin and she just shook her head.
>only hugging 2 of them and not hugging the oldest one
dear lord no wonder why she is fucked up m8
go on m8
Maybe the oldest is a bit lonely, please go hug her.

>we get to her room
>she sits on her bed, asks if I can rub her shoulders
>sit down behind her and start rubbing them
>she's humming some song happily
>she leans into me, looking up at me
>she suddenly feels around my crotch
>smiles and asks if I have a boner
>I nod, a bit embarrassed
>she giggles and turns around facing me
>says she wants to thank me for being listening to her and taking her out today
>pulls off my pants
>starts swirling around the tip just like she was the ice cream
>licks from the base to the tip before slowly putting the whole thing in her mouth
>begins bobbing her head back and forth
>looks at me while doing so
>I hold onto her head and guide her as she continues to bob
>trying to not cum right away but today has been such a cock tease its hard
>she takes it out and begins to swirl the tip again, before going back to deep-throating
>I feel myself about to cum
>I unleash my load in her throat
>she chokes a bit, but swallows
>says she loves me
>tell her I love her too
>says she's going to do some homework now, will let me know when she's done
>I leave at her request
It finally is happening; hopefully there'll be a round 2 when she's done

She's not lonely, I hang out with her a lot, I just don't want to hug her. But what sometimes happens when I'm visiting my grandmother (where she lives) I'll take a nap next to her in her tiny ass bed (it used to be mine so I like sleeping in it)

it seems we have a new incest classic on the rise.
Bring out the dropbox archives!
Man the Screencapping cannons!
holy shit I really hope this is true. Was worth the wait
i'd call bs but i dont care anymore
gg anon
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do you have a link to said dropbox archive?
But I'm sure she'd be more than happy to have a hug, go on.
glad you enjoyed it; happy I got to share the dream
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I have the same feeling about this. Even if it is not true, these writefag skills are worth it alone.


This is one for the books, I can feel it.
pls update if round 2
>pushed me away and punched my shoulder pretty hard and said "Stop, binch" (a joke we have to refer to each other as a "binch" in every sentence)

Not as bad as I thought but I still felt like a dumbass for even attempting.

>you will never EVER cum into your little sister's expectant, yearning throat.

W H Y L I V E ?
? E V I L Y H W
That story is probably fake.
But at least you have dreams, even if they are fucked up.
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>this fucking thread
good job fagget, i applaud you
most likely will have to be another thread, but most certainly will do
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>mfw i wonder if someday in a few years my otouto will see a thread like this one and come hug me
It's a funny thought
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Nice one anon. You are truly living the dream.

Go fuck yourself, Travis.
>>mfw i wonder if someday in a few years my otouto will see a thread like this one and come hug me

After that last greentext story, she's more likely to call you a pervert and never speak with you again...
Come one, that's basic weebspeak.

Ha, I didn't even notice. Time for bed.
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i grew up with 4 sisters, and i can't hug them because i hate them
Going to sister's room for hug. Will post results when I get back in 11 hours.
Skipped this thread for two days but read the whole thing because of this reply. Worth it, thanks my dude

what's the thread limit? 450?
I think around 500, but I have to wait until she's ready/done with her homework. The thread's moving really slow right now so it may be up, but I want to be sure people will get a chance to read it
I actually meant just the incest greentext, not the whole thread. I mean the thread was nice too

glad to hear you enjoyed it, my man
Make another thread dude.
>onee-san's birthday is tomorrow
>asked me to make her sushi
>always says my sushi is the best
Might take the opportunity to go for a cheeky hug, she's usually pretty autistic about physical contact.
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stop trying to make that ugly thing a meme
I want to believe...

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>tfw older sister is objectively hot but I don't find her attractive at all
It is time
the dream is indeed real
Post picks of her,
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Fucking edgelords man

I'm the sister, so I went and hugged my brother.

He's always been super chill, takes it as it comes, nothing every upsets him...like a 14yo version of "Dude" from The Big Lebowski. I don't think I've ever seen him lose his shit. My dad says he was born mellow.

Total opposite from me, I'm always freaked out about how I'm screwing up, disappointing people, etc.

>knock on his door
>he says 'yo, just come on in, done jerking off for the day'
>start laughing and poke my head in
>ask pizzabutt if he washed his hands afterwards
>he laughs
>'what's up dork?'
>say i just want to give him a hug for being cool
>he gets up
>gives me a hug
>steps back a little
>looks down into my eyes
>asks if i'm ok
>say yeah
>because i am
>he says 'alright'
>gives me another hug
>come back here and post

I know there's no sexytimes or depressing family shit like some of the posts, but it felt good.
that's adorable as fuck, thanks for being the tiny light in the darkness that is my life fembot
holy shit this made me cry. I'm a dude but I lost my brother and we never did anything but ignore each other. You're lucky
>tfw i have a dumb sister, that just screams like a feminist, hates everything, has no friends, is just like me

>tfw she doesn't want to hug me
that's just the natural anti incest feeling friend, you have to over come it and release your inner monkey
>walk into the room next door
>"hey little sister, can we hang out?"
>remember I don't have a little sister

Among all the possible timelines, I'm sure one of them contains an imouto for anon.
>she hugged me back
>also patted my head

feels good to have onee-san
your brother seems very cool
i don't think so. i've been browsing regularly since then and i didn't see him in any sister threads.

>tfw he never posted on valentine's day
>everytime brother goes back give him a hug
>he got used to it, same with older sister

Which is nicer to hug, your onii-san or your onee-san?
she would really influence them to act out their autistic behaviors more and more. i'm sure it was already there in the first place because their dad is autistic, but she would get them to make fools of themselves in public by telling them to 'recite that skit from home' or prompt them to tell disability workers that they're basically retarded and have problems doing everything from taking care of themselves to learning basic schoolwork. she constantly showed them documentaries about autistic people that the younger of my older sisters would incidentally act out, because she has a habit of mimicking things from television after a while

she would move the girls from therapist to therapist because the therapists would basically say that their problems stem from their crazy ass mom so she'd pluck them up and find a new place to put them. instructing them to 'act crazy' when they go into the disability office and dress in illfitting, slightly immature clothes. i think, other than the physical abuse, the worst thing she could have done was taking them out of school. she wouldn't let them work on their school work and i saw a lot of this shit myself because for some reason, even though their mom hated my mom, their mom would always invite me over and then lose her ever loving shit all over the kids constantly. /i/ got beat at home and i was five million times more comfortable with my abusive ass parents than this hell-sent harpy.

it was like Munchhausen by proxy or something, except she just wanted disabled kids for the paycheck. now that they dont live with her she does everything she can to get out of a job, from dick hopping to intentionally hurting herself and sueing companies and shit. i hate her a lot.
not to mention holy fuck, the infantilization. the younger of the two was on a fucking bottle til age six and still pissed her pants, which really wasn't her fault. but she treated the oldest one even worse than she did the younger, constantly screeching at her and hitting her way more often. the oldest one is less noticeably autistic, maybe even completely 'normal' as far as the autism goes but still definitely fucked up from what her mom did.

She sounds seriously twisted. Feel sorry for your sisters.

Are you a faggots? Do you like to suck cock?
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>tfw my sister is a single 40 y/o walking Tumblr meme
>tfw no slightly older big sister who has friends to dote on me
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>black text
Not origami
I hug my sister all the time. She thinks I hug too hard though.
>no sister
>friend has little sister
>known all my life
>decided to visit because this thread
>saw her
>huge hug
>she's seems happy to see me
>pat her on the head
>pinch her on the ear because I'm a fucking weirdo
>everyone laughs
>she doesn't
>go in for another hug
>tell her "you know I'm just playin' I love you"
>everyone in the room
>tell them I love them since they didn't hear me
>family wants me to marry her I'm sure
>entirely weird family
>have a drink
>walk home shamefully
Now writing this story. :(
I wish I could be a normie and not be such a failure. God-fucking-damnit. This ruined my night guys. Rly.
Just reading this made me feel warm.

Too bad I've been so... i dont know. Even when i try to be serious, i can nwver connect to people as genuine. It's sad.
I'm sorry to hear that. Would you like to vent about anything?
pls respond with imouto part 2
what the fuck are you doing anon!?

this thread has everything that has happened since this thread, there's also a blog now where'll I be posting updates since this seems like it'll be a recurring thing.
sisfuckfag .tumblr .com
if you're interested
I hug my sisters all the time.
i don't have any sisters. i have a brother that's in another province

i have a younger cousin that i think of as a little sister. she can be a little shit sometimes, but she's 10 years old. deep down she has a heart of gold.

i hug her all the time, every time i see her. it annoys her (she calls me "the hug monster" or "the hug dragon"), but i still think she loves me (she uploaded a video to youtube, in which she gave me a shout out and called me the "best cousin ever"). she lets me carry her around the house, too, and she pretends she's flying.

i realize i probably give her too much affection, but i do love the kid
>She's 14, almost 15. I'm 19.

Don't worry anon, the deed has been done
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I don't have a sister and sometimes I think it's for the best, because if I did this website would probably drive me to do something I'd very much regret.
eli?! is that you, son?
30 minutes eating, 10for talk, 2for penetration, 3 for cuddle
>2 for penetration

thx for the fanfiction anon, you are good at this
Glad I didnt have this fuckup too. I did lose my virginity though to a non-prostitute.
didn't matter, had sexy times
y-you too
That is how long I last tbo
apparently sex should last between 3-7 minutes. you aren't far off that, so i dunno why i thought that was low
Your whole family should hop into a van and drive off of a bridge.
Fucking disgusting trash family, you should all die
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