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Imouto/Little Sister thread: Round 2 electric bogaloo edition

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cont. from >>28337279
She just asked if I can go back in her room for "something fun", will deliver afterwards
hug your own imouto in the mean time and post results
Hey OP can you describe her? She better not be ugly.
>tfw noone to hug
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She lives in Maine and I live in Oregon, so hugging her is out of the question.

I did call her, she immediately told me to fuck off and hung up.

>My Imoto-Chan is baka desu
>ywn have an imouto who gives you a bj as thanks and to make you feel better

Why is she so mean to you anon?
Hurry up OP fucking christ.
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I'm squeezing my balls In anticipation
Is it bad that I masturbated to probably made up OP's story about his sister?
>Somewhere out there a robot is fucking his imouto RIGHT NOW
You shouldn't feel bad about yourself.
People fap to porn which is made up too and that isn't weird at all.
No.... It's ok I did it too...
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I want my 5 minutes back after reading that chain of green text. I should've clicked through to the top to see the shit starts with
>>Go into her room
>>She's still watching Oreimo, sees me and pauses the episode and smiles

fucking lole
IDK, my siblings (I have six) and I hate each other. I guess it was because as a kid I frequently destroyed all her toys, but we're 22 and 19 now so it should in theory be forgiven.
Not the anon OP is talking about, but just hugged my imouto and told her I loved her. She hugged me back really hard and said she loved me a lot too. We talked for a little bit before we went back to our rooms. We're going out for lunch later today. I love her so much despite us being exact opposites of each other and she being a complete normie/stacy
these threads are heartwarming as hell
>your slag british sister will never make a song about you


(yes she's talking about her brother Alfie Allen, who plays Theon in GoT, which makes it funnier)
she's about 5'5", has brown eyes and light brown hair which goes down to the middle of her back. She usually puts it in a ponytail. She wears glasses and has a few freckles. She doesn't have very big tits, I'd say maybe B cups, but she makes up for it with a phenomenal ass, it's surprisingly plump She's neither skinny nor chubby, sort of in between, but she wants to join track next year so that might change

>She leads me by my hand into her room
>Smiles as she starts to undress
>says she wants to loose her virginity to someone she can trust, and not some Chad
>don't hesitate to strip down, been waiting for this all night
>she goes to her bed and gets on her hands and knees
>I get behind her and slowly guide my cock inside her
>she lets out a gasp
>I guide it in, going slowly
>begin to thrust
>starts moaning
>can't believe this is happening
>grab onto her hips as I push deeper
>Still going slow, gradually building up speed
>she's moaning louder
>begs for it harder
>don't give it a second thought and thrust with all my might
>literally balls deep inside little sister
>she stops and gets on her back with her feet over her head
>no idea she was that flexible
>smiles and says she wants to watch me fuck her and cum on her
>she said on, not in, but really can't complain at this point
Whelp I'm hard at work.
My dick likes this.
Please continue your magnificent incest story.
Continue anon this shit is getting good.
Describe yourself incest chan
>grab her hips, resume thrusting
>watch her face as she moans happily
>begs for me to do it harder
>I tighten my grip and go as fast as I can
>I feel her pussy tighten around me as she moans wildly
>I learn first hand she's a squirter
>don't care, continue fucking
>feel myself about to cum
>pull out and cum all over her chest
>we're both out of breath
>she scoops some off her tits and licks it up
>she giggles
>she tells me she loves me again
>tell her I love her back
>we cuddle for like 10 minutes in her bed
>starts stroking my cock
>get ready for round 3
>gets up and giggles, sending me out of her room again, telling me she'll get me when ready

Goddamn it she's such a tease
and sorry for delay, but cuddling my sister takes priority
What if everything is real and incest-anon is actually posting here while he fucks his sister.
>O-onii-chan? What are you doing?
>Shhh, anons on 4chan must know this.
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>Feeling more depressed than ever in my life over the fact that I'm a single child

I really need to avoid these threads. Having a sister to love is basically much purer than a childhood friend that you grew up with, and I didn't even have that.
>she wants to join track next year
pls op refrain from too many oreimo reference it hurts the illusion
sister takes priority over you guys, sorry, but I'll try to update when I can
didn't even realize that, can't help that's what she wants to do, but hey, it could've been worse
>there's no way my little sister can be this flexible
is anyone screencapping this?
too lazy to do that

>what an original post!
OP needs to give some pic for proof to make this a truly epic bread
i wouldn't even dream of it
It's decent without any proofs
Think she's ready for round three, heard a knock on my door. I'll post after we're done, try not to flip too many tits while waiting.
Be sure to update.
But post at least one picture of her.
With time stamp! It can be clothed though.
I am currently copying all of his posts to make one big story, anyone interested in a pastebin after he is finished with everything?
fuck man, a robot is out fucking his sister while I'm here trying to see how my prom date feels about me not wanting to grind. fml.
Do it, my original friend.
if op can't do this, he should take a pic of her panties w/ timestamp so we at least know he actually has a sister.
Did you say that because "Do it, my friend" got you muted?
>go to her room
>asks if I was hard for a long time after she was done teasing
>tell her yes, she giggles
>gets in her bed, tells me to do the same
>I get on there with her
>she pushes me down and starts playing with my cock
>does so until I'm erect, then gets over me, and slowly guides my cock inside her pussy
>starts to ride me
>I place my hands on her hips and guide her as she rides up and down
>her hands hold onto me for support as she rides up and down
>I watch her tits bounce as she moans
>we're both really getting into it
>I thrust alongside her, getting deeper each time I thrust
>she lets out a gasp of surprise, but then starts to moan
>she squeezes my pussy around my cock, continuing to ride
>I'm so focused on her riding me, I don't realize I'm about to cum
>with one final thrust, I cum deep inside her pussy
>our combined liquids slowly ooze out of her pussy and around my crotch
>she gets off, apologize for cumming inside
>she says its fine, it was bound to happen eventually and laughs
>kisses me
>goes to take a shower

I'm not sure anything else is happening tonight, will post if something does. I'll post tomorrow if anything happens then; should I namefag just in case?
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"Open up anon, I know you're in there jerking off and making up lewd stories about me again!"
you've cum how many times in the past few hours?
A pic would be hard, one with a timestamp would be near impossible
I'll see what I can do
Nope, I just put the original part just in case, that way I'm sure the post is going to appear.
three, over the past three hours. I did it for my sister.
Is she pregnant yet?
Guess you've got some chemistry at least, to be able to get it up and cum thrice for her. Godspeed anon.
10/10 very original post. For reals.
It took willpower, but it was worth it
Just do it, you sister fucker.
wonder if your parents will ever find out and what they'll think
>should I namefag?
Yes, be "Sisfuckfag" and also post a screencap where you reply to all of your messages so we can see the "######(You) so we know you aren't a faker.

Thanks sisfuckfag, you're the greatest.
I hope OP's little sis gets pregnant and they live a happy taboo relationship together.
If dubs, your child must be named Friedrich Nietzsche.
Who's going to tell them?
I wouldn't mind that

she went and locked her fucking door again, I'll get proof as soon as possible, don't want to disappoint
make a tumblr blog about this shit dude.
OP, please don't let her sleep alone tonight. You must cuddle her and love her always.
It's fucking 04:04 where I live, and I'm still awake just to see where this whole thing is going to end.
I'll figure something out, I'll probably lurk and post in sister/imouto threads in the future
I want to cuddle her too, but she really likes locking that damn door
I'll try not to disappoint, I'll post any new developments as they come

Should I keep knocking until I get a response? I'm not entirely sure my stamina can hold up if anything else happens
Brussels or Italy?
You should create something so we can follow.
Also here is pastebin so far.
where do you plan on going with this relationship? Just still brother/sister with more intimacy? or do you plan on taking it further?
Nope, I'm from Spain.
pls take it further senpai
the world needs more brother sister relationships
break the taboo!
>sisters are complete fucking brats
>literally perfect older sister doesn't live with us
>parents are always working
>parents expect much from me
>no other family around

should I just drop out at this point? go live somewhere like Alaska? honestly I'd much rather give up than try to fix anything, it's all gone on too long, there is no fixing it. posting here because resident family thread
what would everyone prefer? I've heard tumblr, any other suggestions preferences?
I don't know, we'll probably need to sit down and talk about it. I'm assuming it will just be a sibling with benefit type of deal
I'm not opposed to it, but her opinion also matters
I would prefer something that tells me when you create a post. I don't know too much about these social networks. Maybe an email or something to say that you have uploaded something. Maybe someone else can tell you what can do that perfectly.
if you're sister truly cares for you then it's a blessing not to take lightly. don't rush into anything you'll regret.
Any kind of blogging site should do, just make sure you either omit enough detail or let her know about it lest you or friends find out and a shitstorm occurs.
Don't rush anything and see if you can continue your relationship with her. Maybe you can live your entire life with her breaking the taboo of wincest.
>you will never be a lewd imouto
tumblr would be good for that, or maybe a reddit subreddit for other incestfags. I'll wait for more ideas to be tossed around but I'll probably settle with tumblr
I'm going to wait about telling her, if I even do. She might be mad to find out I've been posting everything
I won't, my sister means the world to me. I'll be sure to make sure she's happy above all else
I'll try my best
I will create a tumblr account just for you if you ever make one. Tell us when you do create one with a method to get to it.
making one right now
Don't feel too weird what you did is a lot more common than people admit
make sure you use a fake email , dont be retarded and put your actual email or any type of information that can trace you back
I'm a filthy degenerate, I don't feel bad. It was consensual
I may be a faggot but I'm not that big of a faggot, I made a special email just for this
What would you do if your sister went to chads?
alright, just made it, wait a bit for it to look nice/for stuff to be posted. I'll upload the pastebin to it in a bit
the blog's called sisfuckfag
I'd beat the shit out of Chad
But what if chad is pretty cute?
Actually I never got the full thing, do you love her as a woman or as your sister?
I'd consider a three way if my sister was into it. But Chad better keep his fucking mouth shut
Both at this point

Did everybody find the blog alright? I'll post the link if needed
Post link please, not finding you.
https: //www. tumblr. com/ blog/ sisfuckfag
no spaces obviously
we have to log in you sisterfucker
post to something more accessible
copy everything to pastebin also
Thanks, I now have you alert me whenever you post something. It is late here, I will sleep.

>Sharing your sister

For shame
I am currently copy and pasting the pastebin, I'll edit settings so you can view it without the need to log in
I'll be lurking and updating everyone,don't worry. sleep tight
>not wanting your sister to be happy
That's what matters most
>tfw I only have an older half-brother who's almost 10 years older than me
>tfw he was emotionally abusive to me
>tfw he went out of state for college and hasn't came back

I hope he stays the fuck out.

If she was cucking you with who know how many men because it would make her happy would you approve?

Have some self respect
there's a difference between a one time three way and being cucked. I wouldn't stand for the latter
sisfuckfag . tumblr .com no spaces you can see the blog this way without logging in
appreciate it, I couldn't figure out how to do that. Cheers.
so any oniichans here go hug their sister yet?

mine's only 9 years old so not much reaction there
What happened after sexo?
The final time? We hugged/embraced for a long time, then she went and took a shower and locked her door. She's apparently obsessed with doing that; I'm still hoping more happens tonight
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