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Another Risk Thread!

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I can't promise that I'll not become kill like the last OP, but I promise to certainly last longer.

Here's the scenario:

France, Spain, and Britain never got to North America. This game will run as a RP one, where the only nations you can play as are coastal ones that are the adventuring independent colonies of real countries in that era.

* Ignore Empire of Faggots
>Colony of Virginia

We have received a royal charter to claim these lands for the glory of England! Onwards, men!
>The Nation of Spooks
Spain has told us to explore this land to the fullest. Men, take control of this unknown land. Ack ack ack.
How do we roll?

Read the intro again. You can't do a country that got to North America IRL.

Also, specify your coastal location.
can we play a monstergirl?
Marvel Empire
Oh. Well, make it Russia then? Oh, if you mean where we came from sea, the east end.

No, this is strictly a historical RP.

I've been consuming way too much EU4...
>New Berlin
>First colony is in New Jersey

Does this work better, OP?

Grey has already been called, but yes.
>Nation of Spooks
>First colony is georgia
Ah, sorry, I'll take Blue then.
>Capitania do Florida
>Miami, Florida

Blown off course on their way to Recife, a Portuguese fleet lands at the southern tip of Florida and claims it for the motherland.
Why would Russia go for Georgia? Wouldn't it be better if you started on the west coast?
Because we're history fags and that's the premise.
Better version, everyone use 1d10000
Okay, Change Georgia to California. Sorry, I'm just been used to silly games of risk.
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Rolled 8697 (1d10000)

that's fucking stupid, then. Use another map.

forgot image

Upstate New York(specifically around Lake Erie) or Coastal Maine
Dark Red

The tribal nation as described in the Book of Mormon.
this is going to be a clustermess.
I already have dark red

I'll take gold then.
It's alright, anon, it's understandable. Besides, this means it's easier for us to grow big and powerful without fighting each other too early on. :3

Also, OP, is there a specific year this is set to start in?

>Complains about the map and acts as if it's stupid to use it for colonial RP
>Still tries to join

You're one of those guys who bitches but never leaves, aren't you?

Sorry, New Berlin has brown.

Most of that post was okay, but that face kinda..eh. Oh well.
New Holland
Orange or Purple

After a storm blew the original colonists off course, the Dutch landed in Maryland and proclaimed it New Amsterdam.
japan claims TEXAS if CALI is taken and also claims the color PURPLE

Can someone make me a list of the colors and locations of all the legit nations so far? I've lost track.
Jesus fuck

>Maroon (Dark Red)
>The Nation of Spooks
That's me, if there is any problems with that, explain the problem.
He won't accept it, it has to be historically accurate.
And if it wasn't clear, everyone declare everything again, reply to

oh lawdy

So since this is looking bad, does anyone have non-burgerland risk maps? South American Risk, or Scramble for Africa risk might be pretty comfy
Hmph, it seems the Low Countries have decided to make a colony of their own in this new land... Someone send these tradesmen a message as soon as possible. Have it read that we wish to discuss setting mutual boundaries on where our land claims lie and on establishing ordinary trade. A little coin should keep them happy.
>purple or yellow if it isnt taken
Then just fill the north west corner.

Fucking hell, just use the normal map.
>New Berlin, colony of Prussia
>New Jersey's coast
New Holland
Or you could actually go along with the RP and be a colony of an actual nation of the time. :|
What was washington then?

This is just complicating shit and not helping at all.

Also, you replied to the wrong post.
>New Berlin, colony of Prussia
>New Jersey's coast
>Capitania do Florida
>Miami, Florida

>The Lamanites
>Upstate New York (around Lake Erie) or Coastal Maine
another risk thread another dead op it seems
Looks like it... Anyone want to run something if he doesn't show back up?

Not dead.
Why must there always be rp? Can't we just go the /int/ way?
This is basically a RP board
I might work on something. Seeing if I can make or find a non-burger map.
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Unless I missed someone, let the games begin!
no need.

lets get it crackin boy

btw putting my trip on since i switched computers
Always good to have something in the chamber though.
expand further into texas.
Expand in California.
Op no chance of random natives?
>Muh Empire
>New Orleans and surrounding area
>Dark Green
Begin expanding into the rest of NEw Jersey and into that state of Penn there, do not interfere in Dutch business till we know of their intent.

Excuse me, Dutch tradesmen, but may I ask if we could speak. I would like to know if we could set a common border between us where we move directly west with my lands on the northern side and yours on the south of various state lines. This would ensure that we do not enter into conflict with one another and ensure profitable trade.
Expand further into Eastern Maryland.
North into Florida
The Great Iowa Experience
Any Color
Ah, yes, we had known of German Colonies. We'd be willing go split the land of Pennsylvania and for you to have all land to the North of the border, and for us, all land South.


The Lamanites tribes look south to reclaim their homeland. But there are new white men, who have come back in greater numbers. Ever curious, the Lamanites travel down towards New York and absorb every other tribe into their nation along the way.

Expand radially outward
Expand and complete state
>The Combine
>Lincoln County, Nevada
>Light Blue
That would indeed be acceptable. Knowing that our border will be secured to the south has set my mind at ease as I expect that soon, these Lamanites to the north will begin to threaten our mutual profits.
Exactly. Those uneducated savages will have to face our Germanic arms. Prepare yourself, brother.

Hold there, white men, we only wish to conquer the north and the so-called "Great Lakes". Allow us to take the states around the borders before the Land of Desolation(Canada), and we will let you have free trade between us. Also, you may not worry about other native tribes as we will rout them before us.
Believe me, I am well-prepared. We Prussians have fought in the Germanic heartland for years against Austrians, French, and Swedish invaders, and thus our militaristic fortitude is unmatched by any on the continent and the same holds true here.
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Humph, how presumptuous! Look here, brother, at this savage who has come to act as if he has a claim to my future lands around the inland waters of the north! He even thinks he can dictate trade between you and I! Perhaps I will need to set my course differently and head directly into the future lands of New Brandenburg (New York) to show him that the Germanic people shall rule this land.
Send some colonists from East Prussia to claim the rest of New Berlin (New Jersey) and march into New Brunswick (New York) towards the filthy Lamanites!
You forgot me >>30305
Go south in California.
Expand to complete Washington then proceed South to take Oregon.

If the gods are happy with our venture and we take control of Oregon then we must begin to secure Idaho
Further north into Florida.
Continue settling the last sections of New Holland (Maryland) and begin sending troops down into Moerasland (Virginia).
Uh, I request a mupdate to reflect my entrance to the game.

This is the post.

Expand to fill Nevada, overflow into Arizona and fill, and overflow into New Mexico if still too many tiles.
If conflict should arise between these savages and the noble Germans, we shall aid you in your just struggle.
does +32 mean you color 32 squares?
because if so your missing some

keep expanding into texas nonetheless, the emperor is pleased at the success of his growing colonies.
>The Samurai
>Oregon Territory

The Japanese Emperor has gotten word of a strange continent to the East.He sent some samurai to investigate.
La france arrive !

>La france
>dark blue
im the japanese you shitter. you can be china.
Ah, a fine preposition, my friend!

Also, have you heard news from your homelands? Apparently, we're not the only Germans in this savage land! Out west, a few men from the Duchy of Luxemburg have started a trading company, taking a good bit of the north-west. Simply further proof that we Germans are truly the most industrious of the European peoples!

The Lamanites conquer Massachusetts and Vermont, heading Towards New York.


If this is how you want your life to be in the "New World", white man, then so be it.
Jeff Davis' Revenge
South Carolina
Don't care about color
Well, if I'm in the game, expand north up the Mississippi River
Here's the post as well
No France allowed, my friend.

Oh ! And why my friend ? The blitzkrieg will doesn't work a second time you know ?
Calm down, you two.

One-who-eats-snail-and-frog, in this thread the French, Spanish, and English who originally came to these lands never did at all.

Sorry bud.

Read the rules.
Play some Italians or something to fit the rules, that way, you can still be the bitch of proud Germans. :^D
can you fix my expansion i got dubs

>>30266 <---
>>30607 Meh well

>The zoulou's
>Dark blue

I was actually considering being the lost Roman "IX Legion" that lost their course traveling to Ireland by boat and conquered the natives in Maine. I don't know if OP would allow that at this point.
>Doing this instead of Lamanites
You know, that would have probably gotten you the Great Lakes just because everyone seemed to love Roman culture in later periods. Might have even said that we needed to create a true successor to the Romans here in the New World to replace the HRE.
New Colombia
Any color available

Darn. At this point I feel its kind of a lost opportunity. But I would be still want to do a name/culture change if OP would support it. Otherwise, I'm also fine by role-playing a tribal nation.
If he allows it, I'd be fine with letting you have the northern half of New York so you can get to Michigan.

I still want lakefront property in Ohio though.
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Didn't exist at the time.


I'll change it next turn.
Keep going south.
New Madrid
Any color
continue expanding into texas

Can't do Spain.
New Scandinavia?
New Porto?
Egad! You there, Lamanite, have you seen this? Apparently, you lot are the descendants of a lost Roman legion! Well, this certainly changes things...

Men, do not fire on the Latins! They are not savages as we once thought! Instead, focus fire on the savage dark-skinned men in Frederickland (Connecticut) and aim to secure ours and the Romans' lands! Allow the Romans access to the northern parts of New Brunswick as well!
Sweden is allowed as it wasn't mentioned in the opening post as being disallowed.

Don't come to New Berlin though.
Take those last two counties in Maryland and begin settling lands in Moerasland (Virgina) and West Moerasland.

Are you rolling to attack the Zulus?
New Scandinavia
Light Blue
My god! >>30812, allow us Dutch to send troops into German land to beat back those Zulu savages!
Yes, damn those dark-skinned savages!
New Scandinavia
Light Blue
I'm not OP, best you link one of his posts. Also, you need to be on the coastline because we're all colonies.

Also, does this make Atlanta potentially New Stockholm?

Roll a d100.

Shaka will then reply to your post with his own d100.

If you are helping New Berlin, reply to this post.
New Stockholm
Light Blue
S. Carolina coast
Rolled 31 (1d100)

Move Eastward going through Idaho, taking as little land as possible, and filling in the Western edge of Minnesota.

The Roman Legions head towards upstate New York, still hellbent on conquering the Northern borders that lie before Canada.


As it turns out, the Lamanites were just their trusted tribal levies used by the Romans who got lost on the way to Ireland. They have since
claimed Maine as their new land. Also, through some peace treaties and talks they will let you take based Ohio.
Rolled 40 (1d100)

I will aid my german brothers in combat!

If Shaka does not respond in 10 minutes, I'll roll for him.
Rolled 96 (1d100)


The Consul of Nova Caesar sends tribal levies and legionaries towards the Zulu nation to attack.
I'm here !
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Im alive!

Turns out my incessant smoking and drinking has really fucked up my heart health, so i was suffering from what is called Arrythimia which explained my chest pains and shit breathing, so my doctor asked me to quit smoking and gave me some medications to ease the pain and make my heart beat more regularly, so i should be fine as long as nothing major occurs to my heart anymore.

Also, I hate to hijack your thread but i recognize some of your players and felt that i should let them know that i am indeed ok and should be able to host another RISK game later today if this one is kill or at around 5 PM PST.

Also i made this picture covering our game last night because i was bored.
>that 96 tho
Based Caesar is best Roman.
Then reply to OP's post with a roll.
What have I to do ?
The emperor hears of a war off to the northeast, he hears a superior force is about to crush a newcomer in this land.

hopefully this conglomerate nation will come in peace when it reaches the borders of Ni Japan.
Due to past agreements made between our two countries, the Dutch embassy request the sale of German lands in Southern Pennsylvania. Thank you.

YAY! Congrats on not being dead!

That Assiniboine beak though, not cool...
>Tennessee is considered civilization
E-E-Even with my eternal hand-holding shame, OP-sama? ;;

hey now, i dont wanna be called a loser

glad you're ok mate. Look forward to some more risk with you.

good luck with quitting cigarettes that shits tough.
Oh, right, you can have those now, though remember that I need the Northern half and the southern half of New York.

Type in your options bar "dice+1d100"
Without a doubt. >>31114, transfer German counties in southern New Brunswick to me!

Glad your alive, and im still hurt about Florida
Rolled 5 (1d100)

So, Me shaka zulu will beat you !
I made the image imagining myself as based Tennessee, who was the obvious villain of the game, with his conniving peaceful rolls and easy expanding.

what was he up to?

Props for historic realism.
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Literally getting shat on, savage.
Trying to take Kentucky, Mississippi, and Alabama, but somehow ending up in Arkansas and Missouri. ;;
Some sick ass shit. Disgusting pervert, holding hands.

You know, it's funny. Romans helping Germans who they used to consider savages kill a bunch of dark-skinned savages, who would have thought that would happen?
Also, Overseer Op, if you truly are the god I believe you are, could you make a wrap-up image like the one above for the long-running threads?

Thanks, Fucking Georgia
Where's that fucking 'raughing' image when you need it?
stupid samoans... ;;
only in /qst/ - RISK
Definitely not in /pol/, they don't allow savages into the games.
Has everyone made an action? This is the last chance if you haven't.

We're only helping make the world a better and safer place, friendo.
I don't know, did the zulus finish digging their new mass grave? We're going to need that here in a minute.
Defend is an action ?
Sorry but, what can i do ?
you can spread those cheeks tbqh
Get on the train and go to the special camp we made for you. :^|
ARF,We want to buil a wall
How do you build a wall out of mud huts?
You there, OP?
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Before they could even form basic towns, the Zulu were knocked back with a force never before seen in history.

Take over California!
Take those 2 last counties in Maryland and continue the seizure of land to the South.
OP, if the Romans would be so kind as to give me that final province in the German Isles (Rhode Island), could I count it and Connecticut (can't remember the name I gave it) as a +1?

Also, take those last two provinces on the Penn-New York border and fill Northern Pennsylvania.
keep expanding into texas at the snails pace you put me in
Oh, and could the Germans release those two provinces in Massachusetts to the Romans as well? Can't really use them at this point.
Fill in the rest of Montana then go towards North Dakota

Current Bonuses: +2 Washington

The Romans will go along the upstate New York that borders New Berlin. Fill up northern New York, and spill into traveling into Michigan.


Certainly, we will German. Rhode Island is yours for the taking. Hope your people prosper with your new Zulu slaves.
And may you enjoy the peninsula of Massachusetts, my Roman friend!
Last chance to post an action.

(different computer)
Sith Empire


Read rules.
What did i miss?
has to be something from history. cannot be english, spanish, or french.

It has to be a real world country outside of France, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
AH ok.


Byzantine Exiles

New Orleans

Sorry this is my 4 attempt to play risk today. just really wanting to get to the action
if only op would update
Hey OP, is it too late to join in?

Sure, sign yourself up!
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Patience Japan, patience...
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>The Russian Colonies
>Coast of NC

Expand into this new land
Fill Louisiana

The legions continue marching and conquering northern New York. The Great Lakes will belong to Nova Caesar!
Go east
Continue the push along the Chesapeake, and take a few more counties in New Brunswick (Pennsylvania).
Awww, we are almost there, proud Germans, Dutchmen, and Romans. Soon, New Berlin will finally have access to the rich bounty of the Great Lakes. Come, men of Germany, let us reach the end of Pennsylvania and seize the land that constitutes Ohio!

As much as I love the flag and passion, I have to tell you that Russia is already taken.
ok senpai
btw this is japan
There's already a Russian colony. Also, fuck, we didn't kill Marx and now there's some fucking communists ravel in the new homeland. Goddammit, my bad, guys, should I have strangled that fuck before we left for this new world.

Take over all of Idaho then Montana

I do not want to interfere with the progression of The Nation of Spooks (grey)

Current Bonuses:
+2 Washington
*should have
You talking about us spooks, scum?
Kind of, my fine Russian friend. You're the first colony of Russia and hold that honor no matter what, though you're not a dirty communist like the ravel attempting to upstage you.
Communist? Oh, no, we are not that, friend. Sorry for the confusion.
It's quite alright, my Slavic friend. Now, tell us, how goes your march across the lands?
We have taken over this piece of giant land, and we are going to march east, so everything has been fine.
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Guys, I have to go for a while. I realize that this makes Japan grumpy, so if anyone wants to take over, that's fine with me.

I'll try to be back soon.

The Luxemburg Trading Co. would like to form an alliance between our great nations. I will not expand into territory that is East of you (Nevada, Utah, Colorado, and Nebraska) as long as you do not expand Northward (Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, and South Dakota).
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No worries friend, I have an alternative that nobody might really like.

>The Holy Roman Colonies.
>Holy Roman Empire.
Keep going east.
So who wants to take over for the moment?

Also, begin taking over Ohio and getting nice lake clay for the German people.

OP, In my last post I had gotten trips so I am in debt +80 counties

With my 80+this post I would like to take hold of Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Wyoming. Then I will proceed to North Dakota.
im content with letting it sit for a little. if the Overseer OP wants to take over im more than fine with that.

if he does continue

expand further into texas and give me my +32 for the fucking dubs >>30266
Alright, I'm taking a break for a while. If anyone wants to know my game plan, keep moving south into Virginia, and if we come across any other nations war. Peace.
I'll most likely be back in two hours.

Still, I'd REALLY appreciate it if someone took over.

Spill into the last free territories of New York and then finally travel to Michigan. Also, hopefully someone will take over.

Holy cow, I just noticed that now! Sorry guys!

I'm be back soon, but now is the time for other players to check and make sure I didn't scam them either.
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Goddammit, I need to continue glorious Germanic colonization and can't wait much longer.
Is OP dead?
I think so. If he doesn't show up, Overseer-senpai has started a Europe Risk game here >>>33773

I'm still alive. Family stuff has gone on longer than I expected.

I'll probably wait until this new thread has matured a bit before continuing.

Or should I just continue now?
Continue now comrade, theres also another risk game up. Eliminate all who dont post in this turn to unclaimed land
I'm fine with playing in both, just going to have to remember my bonuses for each. +1 in here still.

I'll wait 10 minutes, and if moe than two players return, we'll continue.

Otherwise, I'm killing this thread and joining the other.
Eh, I don't like playing two risk games at once, but hey, opinions

Very well, I'll put this thread in hibernation.
poopy right when i get back.
Are you sure you aren't talking about the Tongans?
>League of Bronies
>Dark Orange
Many of these negroes aren't even reading the rules.

Mobile Bay, AL
Any color
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