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Godgame: 7th Age

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 720
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Comes now the march of time, and the emergence of gods! The universe is still young and in constant flux, with various gods appearing to attempt to bring order to the chaos... or not. However, can they get along and cooperate to bring the cosmos to peace and harmony, or will they tear it and themselves apart in conflict?

This is, The Age of Unveiling

>Choose a name and become a God, and roll 1d100 to speak the WORD and make things happen.
>Anonymous players form a Choir to praise or scorn the works of these Gods as they see fit.
>Every god must list their primary domains (max 3) and gets to assign 30 points between them to be used as a bonus for rolls related to these domains.
>They additionally get 5 points per subdomain of these primaries to assign to their subdomains as they see fit.
>Any divine actions made (creation, destruction, etc...) that are entirely unrelated to the gods' chosen domains receive a penalty of 20 to all rolls.
>Each god additionally has a "Mantle of Power", a title that reflects their true divine self and a single thing that only THEY can do, as well as encapsulating their personality and the characteristics that make up who or what they are as a god.

And don't forget to roll a d100 when choosing your god and domain, to determine your initial divine power! This initial value is the dice value you will roll with thereafter, so if your initial roll is a 56, then you will roll a d56 when taking actions.

>Ere the two suns rise, and shed light upon the universe!
Also, a chat channel related to the game, usually OOC.


>replace @ with .
Also domina forgot to post the archive for our past thread. HEIL ARCHIVES!
Rolled 9 (1d21)

I zel noctur god of death welcome anyone of the new gods in this new age. I await to see the unveiling that this world prepaires. May great wonders spawn and glorios stories be created. May the souls of the fallen ever sing their songs and may their feats ever be isncribed in the Book of the Fallen Heroes.

Also rolling to start farming some dank popcorn. Some dead farmers managed to smuggle a few seed in my realm.
(btw domina pls join the chat you can mute the tab so the music doesnt bother you or i can cahnge to something better if people are active in the chat)
The popcorn is meh. Not worthy of such a dank age. Planting new seeds and roling later to see what did they sprout.
I've returned from my realm, to greet the new age. Also, to await Ignatum, for I could use his help
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Rolled 57 (1d100)

I am Ugili, god of swamps, rebirth, and reflection. Hi, everyone.
Rolled 53 (1d57)

Let's see if I can make my home.
Rolled 6 (1d21)

>check them
A new god spawned Interesting. Also didnt you roll last age as well? I think i remember you.
Btw there is another swamp god so you will have to share domains that doesnt mean you have to change. I welcome you and i hope your passing will bring only good to this world.
Cmon baby give me corn Rowllin
Sweet. A large swamp for me to swim in.
I hope I can be friends with the other god.
How long should I wait until I can roll for my next action?
Keep it decent dont spam too much but not a limit desu. Just do reroll like a mad man. We tried the 5 minute rule a long time ago but i think it is to slow.
You can do more though especially when you are setting shit up.
Rolled 13 (1d57)

Then I roll to see if I can summon living creatures to my home.
I guess I can take care out of baby beast.
How can I help you Great Eye?
Also welcome Ugili
Oops my name fell off, I'm the God of Fire and Crafting
Rolled 16 (1d57)

I want to them to grow. Rolling for that.
Hello, Ignatum.
Ah Ignatum i have to ask you something. Can you make me an crafting hammer? With divine power (as much as you want to put in no need to be excesive) so i can use to make my scythe better without risking you working at it. I will repai you when i get my hand on it. I need to sharpen the blade and make it a little bit preatier.
That's a bit better. Now they can hunt by themselves though they still need my help.
Rolled 68 (1d100)

>Existence! I remember you fondly.
the tower of heaven falls slowly from the sky, gently and soundlessly.
>my pilgrimage through the void ends! It is different here. less rules. more gods? I like it.
Domains: Worship (20, subs: Idols (7) Animism (2)), Travel (10, subs: pilgrims (6))
New god old god? I am interested in your pilgramage story. I am Zel'noctur god of death and holder oh the stories of mortal heroes and mosntrous bests. As i am charged with the keeping of the mortal cycle of life and death every single soul tells me their story. I hope you will offer me worshipers with stories worthy of eternal remembrece.
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pic is me
Lazy bum! I knew I had a flee on me.
Now back to my regularly scheduled hole.
Rolled 15 + 10 (1d57 + 10)

Making a pool for rebirth.
I forgot to put my points in.
Swamp (15) Rebirth (10) Reflection (5)
Did I do correctly?
You can add as much as you want to each.
Also i think we should negociate the rebirth thingie. I am quite a stringent god when it comes to life and death stuff but i am not lacking understanding. We can link my domain so that some souls in special condition can acces your pool from mine and come back to life. (if i understood what you mean by rebirth)
That sounds good. I agree.
Rolled 7 + 15 (1d21 + 15)

Good good. Let me roll to create the lake of souls in my realm. (i am still weakened by a certain event. so it may take a few rolls till i reach 100 total points)
Rolled 42 + 10 (1d57 + 10)

Needs some help though I fear I might not be that useful.
(But a mere pool for now but soon it will get stronger.)
>insert lake of souls lore here
(i dont relaly have time to write shit for rp now examn tommorow can you please wait on this endevour a bit ugili i dont realy have time.)
This needs to be done from my side of the realm but dont worry. It will be done in a few rolls from now. at 22 out of 100 right now. Its more than enough with your roll as well to link the 2 pools.
(going away need to do my work pic of the lake)
Noice. Here's my side of the pool. Though, on what conditions will you allow your souls to be alive again?
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>praise you, Zel'noctur, raconteur of dead tales
>forgive my forgetful nature, for the short aeons and long moments in the void have maddened me
>thanks be to you for your great care of my story
>the tale goes thusly:
{start prayer}
EAE, first in the world, divides the world
The Red Lady, countess of war, raises land and man
I, small as I am, bless the True Center of EAE's world with the Tower of Heaven, create small gods and spirits, and name the men "PIOUS"
Yhol, master of knowledge, creates the arcane
the world turns
I manifest upon the world in the form of a spirit I have created and forget my divinity
the world turns
the void begins to consume the turning world
Men and spirits begin to flee towards the Tower of heaven
Yhol isolates himself in fear and magic
The Red Lady has dissapeared
I flee the dying world inside the Tower of Heaven
EAE speaks to me one last time, telling me their true nature, and perishes with their world
I realize my divinity in meditation while the Tower travels the firmament, and weep for my great OverGod
{end prayer}
Forgot the pic
Basicly rolls and your own followers if they come from your side.
I will be more detailed when i have some time but now i really odnt have. Set your stuff up and we shall solve shit. Dont worry i am not that kind of guy to be like no fuck you i wont let you do that. You can read more from past ages look in the paste bin to get links to archives and see what kid of god i am. Neutral friendly in short.
I really have to go now though. il lurk only but cant do much
I do not want to insult you but i can only gather in my book only stories of mortals as gods can not really die(unless under extreame circumstances) I am deeply honored for sharing this story and i hope your followers and pilgrims will excite me when they inevitably come passig by here.
Rolled 3 + 15 (1d57 + 15)

See you later.

The beasts are coming along finely but I crave higher thought beings. Summoning creatures that reflect my physical form and intelligence.
Rolled 12 + 15 (1d57 + 15)

Drat. They're there but not there. They need some help.
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Rolled 38 (1d100)

As great energies of fire, chaos, and destruction are dispersed into the void of the cosmos, it surprisingly coalesces and forms a new born entity, a small consciousness who's might has a resemblance of divinity yet moves as if it lacks the maturity that the other cosmic beings posses

As a being formed from the essences of the grand conflict in the stars, he embodies domains that retain some aspects of the conflict. His is the domain of change, warmth and purpose.

In the deep emptiness of the cosmos, the ball flickers light as if sending signals to whomever can see him
Friendly reminder to come and join us in the irc chat. I am usually always lurking there and we talk from time to time. We also share dank music and have our own memes! Lets build a small comunity beside our game :D
Hm? What's this? A new born babe, 'Without conscious too!', Hush now. Hmmm, for now you shall be my charge, until someone more suited comed for you.
Warning against this, they just play anime or video game music nonstop.
Welcome, new god.
Oh cmon domina they can mute the tab if music is annoying. Also we share memes and is gud. YOu can also change the music if you want ask me to give lead or ask iggy for admin privilage or stuff.
>Lurker fucking with hope
Why am i not surprised. Leave hope alone mortal heroes need it.
the ball of light jolts as new entities start to approach, it glows brighter and exudes a pleasant heat towards the two gods.

Dom, we have a new babe, a rare one, as it was molded without conscious. Wanna do the honors of being the parental figure or is it a task for my self.
Hey, just because I eat my kids, it doesn't mean I'm a bad parent, it's just that most of my kids are assholes.
Come on, easy there, almost towards safety.
Domina guid the lightling with your bright light. Lurker is fucking with hope again. T_T HALP DOMINA HALP!
Fuck you! I can be a great parent! Wanna be it's uncle?
You want me to do what now? Kill someone?
I was going to adopt and raise a new god. It's a rare event for one to appear.
What is the nature of this new god?
Are you ok with papa lurker? the idea give me creeps.
God of hope
>father literlay darkness and void
>uncle literaly death.
gee that sounds dope as fuck.
god of hope mostly i think.
Lust like a babe, no conscious, only instinct, something to cherish and raise. Came from Fire, Chaos, and Destruction. I was going to name him/her Dawn.
I was going to refer my self as Grandpa Lurker.
Hmm, this baby war is quite intriguing.

The ball of light circles around the three beings exited for its new compatriots. after a few moments though it it starts to heat up as it senses the millions of living souls in another plane of existence. It jolts once again, this time towards the realms of men as it exuberantly flickers a ray of light pointing towards the mortal realm world
Scratch that he is a god of purpose. Death is a purpose. Not the best BUT it is one.
well if you gonna adopt him he is your son not grand son.
Uh oh.

Doesn't look like this new god is at all similar to you.
*Just, damn autocorrect.
Grand parents can adopt.
No! Just be careful, I'm coming little one!
No no no no no. That means more work for me in the upcoming future. I dont have time to write in the book.
At least it moved its gaze from the abyss.

it confuses the words of caution for encouragement and like a little child, it rockets towards the realms of men. eager to meet the beings.
They can addopt only the sons of their sons and be called grandsons. But yeah seeing as you are old you could call yourself grandpa (even saying that makes me shudder)
Hey, who says it needs to be similar to me to adpot.
Just help in raising it. I need a good place to distract my lonlieness.
Peleas be safe! I'm coming! They're scary things! Just come back with us!
Hush! You are going to be an Uncle now.
>mfw it though it was cautioning it to not mingle with men.
Go little one go walk the world of mortals! bring this existence stories that shine brighter than stars!
Well to be honest I don't really care about most gods, let alone any mortals.

Have fun!
aaa didnt it looked like a god of change and war and purpose. Heroicus wont really be fucking happy about this.
Heroicus comes in later. We have a child to raise. And no it does not like one! It's a just a newborn, later during it's life we'll all help shape what it truly will be.

since the ball of light was naturally drawn by the multitude of souls moving with purpose. it aims for a populated center of humans, a city perhaps?
it eagerly races towards the mortal world in amazing speed.

as he falls from the heavens, his exuberant brilliance lights up the night sky. and millions of souls look up to see a barreling comet racing towards the horizon.
Shield the mortals eyes.
No! Comeback here Dawn, it's safe over here!
Rolled 6 + 15 (1d21 + 15)

Ayy lmao this is not gud.
Rolling to shit influence the shadows and the souls to shit the cities from the epicenter. Lets not start with killing little one. Dont try bringing hope with death. DONT FOLLOW MY STEPS T_T
>Dice-senpai why did you not notice me. T_T
Go, little one. Spread your light amongst all who need it. Just take care not to actually touch them with the flame itself.
(working on a response to ignatum since earlier.)
Rolled 44 (1d173)

>Again. FML.

it crashes in the center of the city, Creating a huge explosion that eradicated all living beings in a 2 mile radius. it unwittingly consumers all energies in a 3 mile radius from the impact crater, and blinds all beings inside a 4 mile radius from the impact crater

(should I roll for an increase in strenght)
As much as I tried to shroud the mortals eyes, unfortunately a large population has been blinded by the splender of the baby god., and only 20% were covered in time.
Rolled 43 (1d57)

All this baby talk reminds me of my own. Let's see if I can better them.
Now i have to pry souls from him. I fucking cry. Janitor zel never rests T_T
Nah mortal souls are almost nothing to us, otherwise we'd all be eating them constantly. Unless your explosion impressed Domina heh
Rolled 172 (1d173)

*sighs, rubs temples*Come now Dawn, we have to teach you not to crash towards the mortals in a hurling fireball unless you were angry at them, ok. Come now.
Let me construct a crib for Dawn.
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the pleasant warmth that it once exudes suddenly vanishes

and the voluptuous light that enveloped the entirety of the mortal realm suddenly disappear.
You know not the power of good stories my friend. Also mortals have their own lives would be a shame to cut it short with lurker lvl fuckery
>lurker trips
The world is doomed DOOMED!
A lurker what have you done? what have you done lurker where is the light lurker?
>mfw crib is an actual cage
>dubs and 172 roll. FUck me this is the age of lurker.
Back up above in the universe, a magnificent crib has been sprung, created by the finest obsidian there was to ever exist. Laced with intricate gold and jade. It is surely a crib fit for newborn gods to roam around, housing a custom sandbox and educational baby toys.
Come now, little one, time for your nap in this grand crib.
FUCK YOU! It's an actual pimp crib.
Excellent. They're now smarter and have the ability to use magic.
Rolled 13 + 15 (1d21 + 15)

Wtf is this dubs trips dubs all the fucking day. I think someone is sending a message. I guess new baby will be dark.
Fine let me at least contribute in a good way.
Rolling to create balnket of soothing souls. Souls of mothers and nannies can constantly sing the newborn god lullabies when he sleeps granting him restfull and beautifull dreams.
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Rolled 54 (1d68)

how about this: rolling to construct a small childlike figurine and impress it's nature on the little light
Rolled 16 (1d21)

The link is not complete. At least a few lulabies are better than nothing. Gonna need to strengthen it a bit. Meanwhile lets check my popcorn farm. (rowlin for dank popcorn)
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cross between that and these
Rolled 7 + 15 (1d21 + 15)

Oh you gave me an idea.
Rolling to infuse a child spirit into the doll to accompany the god in his life and be his friend forever!
See, I am a great father. It's just that my kids are always coming out as unspeakable horrors or ravenous beasts, or massive assholes. Plus, It also get's a bit lonely doing what I do. ;_;
Would you be able to hollow out a planet and fill it with corridors and maybe a glass city or two.
The crib looks like a mix of
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Good popcorn indeed not dank enough but good.
Il check the farm later meanwhile. POPCORN FOR EVERYONE.
Motherfucker i infused it whit a dumbwit kid at least he will always feel smarter in his young age.
now the kid is something mortals would actually want to worship. we are such bad parents.
The slight flicker is seen in the crater....
the little one tries to communicate back to his friends up in the cosmos but the pain is unberable for it to to achieve such a task, it tries to scan the land of any survivor around it, all it hears is silence... afriad, it drastically expands the area of seach as he tries to communicate to a single rational lifeform in the mortal realm....

He manages to locate a few, but the psychic screams of agony and pain coming from the blinded and wounded men clouds the concentration of the small divine being. he hides deeper in the ground. fearing the sudden surge of psychic energy as souls flee and dark and primal emotions of survival rise.
I'll take two of each.
Iggy check this pls >>186282
Nonsense the doll is beautifull and the spirit in it is docile and god just a bit dumb. The blanket i made needs a bit more strengthening and milions of mortal mothers will sing songs of lullaby every night for the little one. Lurker made a fucking dank ass crib but is unlucky as fuck.
I step down to the crater left behind by the godling.
"Relax little one, you will be fine." I say to it reassuringly, sitting in the crater with it.
Rolled 2 + 15 (1d21 + 15)

Oh god. Quick rolling to cover the baby with the blanket. May the mothers calm his fragile mind.
Cmon wonderous mothers show your skills of motherhood and calm the baby down.
Rolled 6 (1d38)

before fleeing deeper into the ground, It attempts to scry the mind of those he located for memories.
Rolled 156, 162, 12, 169 = 499 (4d173)

Speaking of which, let's see if Taoism/Buddhism spread, how many are enlightened, and how many mortals have raised their strength to a barely beggining Exalted, and a roll to see if anyone is practicing both.
Nononono! Child, it's ok, come now, they're in a better place now, please don't cry, please don't.*sniffles*
Rolled 20 (1d21)

Rolling to grab the blanket before it dissapears.
Rolled 46 + 20 (1d68 + 20)

crap I'm help
Rolled 15 + 15 (1d21 + 15)

Command me my ass! I aint taking the baby in a realm of death. What kind of childhood will he have there?
Damn close got me blanket back. Rolling to cover the baby again.
make that a minus 20
The blanket quickly surrounds the small one. The souls of the best mtohers start singing relaxing songs. The corrus though not divine in nature encompases the general feeling of motherhood and protection for their child. They sing and cover most of the screems of the dying men around them. The blanket also cover most of the light exuded from the crater hiding it from other curious mortals.
Not gonna let some anti theist fuck with this child now desu.
Rolled 62 + 7 (1d68 + 7)

rolling to change the nature of the divine child with my idol/doll into something that doesn't immiediatly kill all mortals (+7 idols)
*spits whatever was in his mouth, eyes springning from face*Ach! Well, the mortals are doing well to learn. Holy! They are catching on, now a great of them are monks and sages, learning more of the universe and achieveing peace. Damn, my routine needs some tweaking then. Mother of! No wonder they are catching on to enlightenment so quickly. They are achiveing inner peace through strife to temper themselves!
Hey, it came because of feeling souls.
I think we did it. I think he's safe.
as it fail to connect to the minds of any rational being, it desperately tries to impart some of its divinity to any living being near it, It senses a lizard crawling near one of the wreckages of the city and imparts 10 points of its own divinity to it, transforming the humble being into a grand dragon. Given purpose to defend the crater from anyone, the dragon roars with a godly might! as a psyhic link is established between the dragon and the newborn divine. tying the dragon and the divine to one another.
*massing head*Ah, Dawn, why did you that? There are many more beings more suitable, but congratulations on establishing your first link. Albiet a bit weakly.
Rolled 67 (1d100)

Tin, God of Light,
I'm guessing this guy was somehow born from Domina's light or presence.
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*sighs, rubs temples, imagine the future headaches, clears throat*Well, Welcome Yang, it's been a while when have since the primary forces have been encountered together awake.
More like now slowly, we are going to balance each other out. He's Yang, I'm Yin.
"Well isnt this a sight to behold?"
"a new god and the gods are flocking to it like mad, Would be a shame if i were to intervene. That dragon looks awfulyl mighty" said dialara watching from afar the new being.
"though you think i am weak now i can still sense your deathly pressence from dimensions away. Do not intervene my darling. I wish not to strike you down" said zel, noctur suddenly appearing behind the vampire.
"dont worry my grand saviour i wont. I am just making sure other less godly beings dare to come close. Besides he is made of light and hope both of us can not really mingle with it well. I recomand attention though i do not wish to succed you yet."
"Succed me you wont. Unless something unfortunate happens. I do not like your tone but i will head your warnings."
he is literaly like the 3rd god of light to come lurker. Also you are yin my ass. Yang is the dark yin is the light.
I meant of True Light, also, they are interchangable, along with my horrific language center of my brain.
Rolled 66 (1d67)

To announce my presence to this world, I flood space with light, beautiful multicolored lights that dance across space for every world to see. I am divine essence, created through magic and sacrifice by those who wish to see light flood the world.
I don't know who that is. I am independent. I am divine essence that envelops every bit of light and hope in this land.
Hello Yin. If you declare yourself a complement to light, we shall get along.
Are they active? I haven't really read the past threads, I'm just now jumping in.
Rolled 55 + 15 (1d57 + 15)

I'm going to make a mirror.
(this gave me eye cancer)
>Interchangable when it fits your idea more.
(nah not that much one of them is out for 2 ages another for like 4 safe to say you are the boss of light now, after domina ofc she is literaly the strongest god in this universe now)
There's Domina, the Star Mother. Making stars and being constantly lit with divine fire is more her thing than light, then there was Chosen, but he's been converted to a star by now....
No... I don't think there's anyone mainly light active right now.
Chosen was a god of heroes. Not of light.
he was that and something light-related, like... bah, I don't remember.
This is what archives are for.
We may butt heads, since ofc Light Gods aren't as lucky as us, bet we can be bros if everything is all right.
I have made the perfect mirror!
Rolled 111 (1d173)

I'm feeling too cramped. Let's see if I can grow some more.
is the dawn catastrophe over now? is he stabilized?
Rolled 13 (1d67)

Domina seems as if she is an ally to light. If I come across her, I will support her.

I roll to create my domain. Inside of every bit of light exists my domain, and with the right amount of magic, hope, and strength, it is visitable. I shall not reveal the truths of how to acesss to mankind. I shall wait and see.
great void one, what exactly are you doing? what does growing entail?
just ignore him... I gave up after thread 4 of the old godgame....
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Ahh, there's nothing more soothing than expanding the rolling expanse.
Making our universe larger.
>friendly tip domina eats gods to make stars.
Even as a light entity approaching her isnt the best of ideas.
>and darker
Rolled 48 (1d67)

I want beings of solid light. I will send 100 throughout the main planet to vanquish darkness, and be heroes.
Void makes our universe larger.... huh.... sure..
You might want to tell us one day what definition of 'void' you are basing your domain off. Whatever you're doing might make more sense then.

And I see you still haven't fixed your dice size...
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The crater, now covered in a magnificent blanket wherein the multitude of souls that exists in its threads now rings a melodious eerie choir that if heard by any mortal ear, fills the unsuspecting vessel with rapture and ruins his mind completely from the beauty of its song.

the ball of light, still afraid and in pain, sends the dragon to explore the new world.
I will be fine. I do not think it possible to eat light. If she attempts to eat me, I shall blind her.
Hey, when you really zoom out, two stars are literally specks, also, this size should last us for quite a while. Maybe I might make it into more of a snake like form.
Where's the irc again?
Now that sounds prejudiced.
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I like them, they remind me of my local gods. rolling to give them attachments to locations and things, making them more like genius loci
"There, there, young one. Just relax, no one will harm you." I say to it. (still sitting besides it since back in >>186960 )
Rolled 6 + 15 (1d21 + 15)

I see heroes i turn diamond.
Small things make big differences. Rolling to send a few souls of druids to comune with the new beast. Maybe keeping it calm will be a good idea.
She has stronger light than you.
Rolled 3 + 2 (1d68 + 2)

fuc (+2 animism)
useless druids. They couldnt get at the dragon in time. I guess only praire works now.
Well that roll was shit. I guess suck is here afterall.(suck is a running joke that an overgod fucks our dice rolls)
You come from light, and you have the ability to spread it. Do not rend the minds of mortals. Spread your light and inspire them.
This will not be forgotten, you are an ally to light.
I calculate for everything. Even if it means sacrificing myself and my values, I shall accomplish what I am meant to do.
.......Zel, remember thattalk we had about dragons before? It comes creeping back to my mind. I am shuddering.
My fallen Demigod Seara, the Devil Lexium his 7 demons and their 3 races of blasphemers begin to hunt down these 100 warriors in an attempt to kill them
the first place the dragon visits is a small village, as it comes close, it spreads it wings as the underside suddenly turns into a projection of the cosmos, with its limitless stars under the backdrop of a deafening void.

almost all of the villagers become hostile but after an hour of the dragon standing with its wings on display, on of the vilage seers comes closer and decides to communicate with the dragon.
And so starts another god war.*sighs*
This is an interesting twist. Demons are closer to vampires but vampires really really hate evil things. They are neutral evil due to the small influence the void beast essence they hold. I think iwll stay on the side on this one. Also dialara still has a bit of a rivalry with seara.
Your Demigod has fallen to corruption and darkness? If so I will attempt to cleanse her. If you wished her to be this way, you are bad.
I am changing my name to V. It is a better name.
Rolled 46 + 20 (1d68 + 20)

>ignatum, lord of fire, great is your hunger. forgive my impudence. please do not kill these spirits of light.
rolling to create cults around the godlikes (+20 worship)
A shady figure comes behind the vilage seer.
"My lord i think you should exercise caution.", he had red and violet eyes and was paler than usual. He name was virgil and was carring an special armor indicating that he was the second in command in the village guard.
fallen to her own mortality niether coruption nor darkness. Cursed by heroicus.
Zel, hold me please, why must there always be a god-damn god war/fight every thread? We already have that betting arena I have set up. Or we institute a massive dick showing competition where the biggest, baddest dicks solves all arguements?
Here lies the God formerly known as Tin.
seeing as there are no druidic interruption, the elder places his hand on the leg of the dragon, then the little god, with the help of his dragon, tries to scry the mind of the eldar for memories in exchange of purpose.
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here is a pic for that
Rolled 29 + 20 (1d38 + 20)

since the caretaker of purpose will unwittingly provide the seer a purpose (which is my domain) as we surprise mind scry him when he unwittingly touched the dragon.
Rolled 15 (1d100)

i think i just came a little. This exactly what i want from a god of purpose. Oh the glorious stories.
Rolling to hug lurker may he calm down. (also he doesnt like hugs :D)
I don't want the Warriors of Light to die, I think they are a grand idea and I despise my Demigod (exalted soul really) Seara. Heroicus made me blind to seeing her and unkillable... Otherwise I'd destroy her myself
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my dice roll gets a plus 20 (is this how its supposed to work?)
You know there is some one that CAN track her. And isnt a god :>
yeah if your domain of purpose has +20 and the remaining + 10 is divided.
You just made my nerves slightly more frayed.
Shitty hugger i am desu. Meh fits my persona.
I cant argue with dubs not now nor ever. Fuck me you are doing good this age. (dont fuck me)
Sonner or later, I'm just gonna switch to max passive. And start steering this wandering universe.
Rolled 35 (1d67)

I cast LIGHT on myself. I am now VISABLE. If someone looks at light, they see my FACE.
Rolled 30 (1d100)

Oh and what's or who's that Zel?

Mortal roll to see if any of the scouting parties are able to find or draw the attention of the light warriors by raiding villages.
Dialara had encounters with her and she has the ability to interact with essences and thus track them if she met them before.
Ofc seara can hide but finding her will be an inevitability.
Also make me a fuckin smithing hammer please XD. ASked you 2 times. >>186282

Stare the god on his face than smile and offer him popcorn. (officially i am taking the sub domain of dank popcorn)
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oh great... V i suppose? forgive my ignorance. my mind cannot comprehend your complexly simple koans.
I have no Koan. I simply want to inspire. I am not ugly. You have nothing to worry about.
Thank you.
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as the seer touched the dragon, the man's eyes seems to flicker with light in conjuction with the eyes of the dragon.

As the surge of information washes over the little god, he was able to decipher the village's language almost instantly. and decides to speak to the elder through the dragon.

oh wise old seer, please.... accompany me.... help me...... bring me aid...... and for this I will deliver upon you and your village my protection.....

but for you, my first vessel of purpose, you will receive my direct guidance. Be strong of heart old seer! You will have me by your side.....

The old man's eyes starts to radiate light as he is blinded but given a commanding aura of authority and prowess.
Virgil watches the spectacle unphased.
"so this is the power of gods and its effect on mortals. Our queen spoke of such power many time. This complicates our situation but also opens us a new avenue. Such a mortal being granted such gift." He backs away a few steps from the changing seer and watches the dragon almost talking telepathicly with it through his stare.
(Still at work, I won't write my crafting at work but I'll be done soon and you are first on the list. But why would I ever give you some divine item to craft with? It's one of the things I exist to do, I'll make you an amazing sharpening stone though). Who is this you speak of? I don't pay enough attention to the mortal perhaps; what's a vampire?
Rolled 57 (1d57)

I need a place of worship. Building that.
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Rolled 61 + 6 (1d68 + 6)

well this is definitely happening

I should probably release my semi-divine servants from the tower of heaven. descendants of humans and the local gods aboard the tower, they have cared for me across the void. idol-makers. incredibly diverse, but universally humanoid. rolling for influence (+6 for pilgrims)
Rolled 11 + 20 (1d68 + 20)

Ugili, mucking one, this falls under my domain also. (+20 worshp)
A lower ranker apparently. As you may noticed like i did vampires dont really take full leading roles unless they are fully revealed. They take closest positions to power and influence the leaders. He is also the body guard of the seer the leader of the village.
(i want to work on my scythe with divine blacksmithing but i dont want to risk you getting eaten by it. Thats why i ask for my own hammer with your power in it (something measly like 2 or 3 to aid in working). That scythe saps lifeessence after all and even gods have it though its nature is divine thus immortal.)
ding ding ding +1 power level for you!
Huh i think i know what the vampires will do now. Dont worry they didnt act mallicious .... yet.

the caretaker of purpose flies away as it tries to expand the little god's information on the mortal realm.

after a moment, the seer falls over, calling for virgil's help, he says to him," I can't see, can you help me up". however this simple statement has an air of weight in it's words, as if it virgil was speaking to a noble and powerful lord. It's words brings with it as sense of authority and weight that it compels him to follow the simple command out of respect.
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Well there is a lot of gods joining
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>.... yet.
Saur,Remember the dragon discussion? Oh god, now we have another dragon.
Rolled 19 (1d100)

"What... Is going on? Why did i react so fast? What did that dragon to do me? No it was not the dragon it was the old fool. He has power now Maybe it is because i am in his command. I need to report this."
"Right now my lord. Do you want me to carry you or just hold your arm so you can walk slowly?"
Rolling to see how much can he resist the seers influence.
Vampires arent under my control i only play then cause duh i cant let them do nothing. So dont associate their actions with mine :D.
The words are compelling being the power of a simple vampire to resist. He is almost compleatly under the seers mighty commands.
"At least he doesnt know what power he has over me yet"
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Rolled 62 (1d284)

Well I suppose i'll check how Mordor is doing
How is this new dragon
QUESTION! Is there a dead dragon? like dead not perpatus owned? Is there one? i need my own dragon.
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>is actually sauron
shit son wat did u do
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Do you want a mini smagu
An overgrown lizard with wings and 10 divinity added by a new born god(literal sense).
How can i create my awesome undead dragon with a small smaug. He is cute and all but i need a larger one. (oh shit i dont want to imply anything about the seer dragon)
I think i will ask lurker for help once and only once. I am debating if i should make a gaster entity in this universe (undertale trash intensifie)
>Asking me for help.
Please don't. There's already one on the loose and that's owned by fucking Perp and he won't let me slay the evil out of it, or slay it in general. I don't want to deal with two that can completely rival all these gods.
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Became autistic
I was asking about A gaster entity not a dragon. Il make a dragon based on undead lore and shiet.
W D Gaster is the fucking best.
Gaster x undead dragon confirmed! New goal set.
*sighs, internally screams for they not know the true horrors I was froced through* Also a massive bad idea, since dragons literally outclass gods and can stand toe to toe with them.
Well I mean the dragons are a mortal race, and they're in my fire realm constantly fighting demons. I'm sure a lot of dragons have died over the last few ages
Rolled 53 (1d100)

Im giddy !
Now time to act a bit more like a death god.
Rolling to seek bones of dead dragons. We need a frame after all.
Also i think i either need to work with perp on a gaster or find a way to turn him into an outside being. I am now almost 90% set to make a gaster entity in the game. (i wont trash my self to hard on this though dont worry I will keep as much undertale as i can outside of this, but a stalker from outside reality always makes things interesting)
Rolled 5 (1d67)

I Decree: Dragon, you shall only spread Light, Inspiration, and Strength
>You failed, the dragon ignores you.
Rolled 2 (1d100)

As my form speeds among tha land pulsating and attamting to locate echoes of fallen dragons i find bones of an ancient wyrm though a bit of his form was busted Most of the materials are there. I have some of what i need i will need to seek more.
Lets find some more! (53 out 200 points aquired)
>mfw someone made a gaster dragon hybrid WEW LADS! http://renepolumorfous.deviantart.com/art/WDGaster-The-Experiment-611299480
Oh fucking drat DRAT DRAT DRAT! I fucking droped all the bones i found. What the fuck is worng with you zel! 13 out of 200 points left
(fail rolls push me back by (10-critfail roll)x5)
So lurker what is that overgrown dragon doing
....I genuinely do not know. Like it's being controlled by the equivalent of a godly baby. Also I still think of it as a lizard with wings.
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thread right now
Rolled 28 (1d100)

I feel insulted not enough undertale trash posting from me!
Bah time to find the bones i have lost.
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How many dragons
Rolled 78 (1d100)

A piece of wing there a skull there. Damn bone hunting is hard. But fun sometimes i wonder if Gas.... my friend could help me. Bah what am i thinking of. Pcikign more bones!
Rowllin in bones (literaly) (41 out of 200)
Rolled 8, 18, 19 + 10 = 55 (3d38 + 10)


aura of command.
each roll for each endeavor.

the seer politely asks virgil, "young boy, would you assist me towards my people? I have some things planned

He tries to organize a whole party of young warriors towards the recently ruined city to scavenge and scour, while he directs the other group of able bodied men to continue the harvest and crave the fields with irrigation to better their yields, the rest of the young teenagers will be conducted by someone to create a small shrine towards a the comet that we have just seen a forthnight ago.

I will entrust the task overseeing this building of this holy shrine to you, virgil.
Rolled 56 + 15 (1d58 + 15)

I need to strengthen my swamp.
each separate roll with have the +10 modifier, so the results would be 18, 28, and 29
Rolled 22 + 7 (1d68 + 7)

so many dragons. so many people start worshiping them. rolling for awesome dragon idols
Sorry for the misquote. Also, better swamp!
Rolled 29 (1d100)

No need to roll. the vampires will comply both out of command aura and that its their interest to not fuck with the host people. So they will listen more or less. Only the queen wil activly fight that control and she is nowhere near.
DAmn i found a nice deposite of bones! Look how beautifull they are They will do well yes. Lets see if i can finish this in one go!
Rowlling in bones.
Bah the deposite was a bit more dissapointing that i though. still good hawl good hawl indeed.
148 out of 200.
Cmon another one somewhere anywhere iggy said that dragons have been fighting demons for ages.
(2 rolls to make it itneresting 1 for bones 1 for wierd event)
Rolled 76, 26 = 102 (2d100)

Le roll
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My home is looking beautiful.
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Rolled 104 (1d284)

Make Ungoliant the Great Spider
that's one hell of a swamp you got there.
You might want to get in contact with Gol Durak or Nata, they love swamps.

I already have a quintet of guardian dragons in my throne room, I don't need more.
So wassup?
Huh Look at that hawl. Wait this isnt right. This is not right at all those arent only bones These are dead dragons. And fresh too i can still feel soul remains.
*fireball flies from behind a hill
What the hell is going on over the hill? Lets see.
Oh no a living dragon. And i think there are some demons on the other side. I need to check.
Rolled 87 (1d100)

Is that so? Well I wouldn't want to miss out on the bandwagon when all the cool kids are doing it.

>Rolling to look for a dragon, possibly to breed with and make a demigod
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Rolled 48 (1d284)

Ok nice. Now make Gothmog the Greastest Balrog
dragons, I think.
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Rolled 144 (1d284)

Well Fuck it.Just Make a really Great Balrog
This just in. Qu will fuck a dragon, Nata will not, Dom will do it for gains.
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the fields are now lined with rows of ditches and small canals to catch the rainwater. the fields of this village will be rich and plentiful.

only two out of the 12 men sent to the ruined city survived, but they return with a piece of ember that seem to emit a pleasant heat that rejuvenates those who feel it.

it was place in the middle of the small humble rocky shrine made by the adolescents of the village.
Rolled 6, 3 = 9 (2d15)

Beyond the hill a faction of demons fought 2 medium sized dragons. The demons armed with flaming projectiles brute clubs and evil intent form defensive position in an attempt to minimize the weak spots that the flying beasts can exploit. They cast magic spells hoping to hit one and bring it down to quickly take it out.
"What are these monsters? Oh god they are repugnant"
The demon party and the dragons are eavenly matched both weighting a power similar to what 15 divine strehngh would represent.
"i am not in favor of those beings ruining such lovely creations. I will aid them if they seem to falter." (rolling 2 dices of 15 to see their next attack)
not so great i guess
Since we're making monsters, summoning Aemolo, the tree eater.
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that... is more terrifying than anything Gol Durak has made... and he's a god of fear.

Sun dragon?
I'm ok with sun dragon,
Rolled 2, 14 = 16 (2d15)

As the dragons swoop in what they percieve an easy angle of attack one of the more smaller demons jumps at it and rips its soft belly with jagged sword. The dragon is injured but not downed. It makes a cry of pain and its partner quickly jumps to aid the flank (dragon power went down by -1)
"this is not good maybe they can win i dont want to intevene that much."
(next move)
Rolled 37 + 15 (1d58 + 15)

Forgot to put the dice
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I am just making Monsters to protect Mordor
I didn't summon him i made another one
I've managed to make Monks and Sages, wat do, you want monks? And um, people still failing to 99 Strength themselves, wanna help or over take?

Well I think that's enough to have found one. I wonder though if it's just a common dragon, or actually belongs to someone.

>Feel free to roll and beat mine, if it's a dragon belonging to you.

Either way my avatar created for this purpose appears to have been caught by some sort of dragon.
one of the young boys who made the shrine come up to the old seer, He ask, to what spirit do we dedicate this sir, did we do this for that winged dragon?, the old seer calmly replies, it's towards something greater than the dragon my child, its towards the star the ushered in the dragon, it towards the being that provides your flesh with with resolves as it pulsates with heat from the purity of our purpose. it's dedicated towards that falling star that brought our little village audience with this magnificent beast who will be our protector. We shall name the spirit, Val Mirran, the felled bright star
Good. He will make a good protector of the swamp.
I need a name. Any suggestions?
Rolled 8 + 1 (1d14 + 1)

The dragons regroup and the second one manages to grab the offending demon before he can run into the protection of his party. He falls without even the smallest effort. The other dragon though injured pulls a mighty flaming attack and manages to pierce the magic defence of the demon midly burning a few.
(-3 power to demons)
"there you go you magnificent bastards! Fuck their shit up!"
Rolling d 14 and a d12
"so they call the god val Mirran. Interesting. Quite interesting. I think you would be interesting in knowing this zel. But you know already dont you?" (that was dialara)
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I wanna make one! I'll make the Lithen, the Pagan One!
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>pic related is totally not gonna happen in the future to me
Rolled 1 (1d12)

Rolling the 12 dice cause it didnt work.
I'd vote Perpatus' time dragon or my Demigod Volga (though Volga is Female), surviving your avatar might need some divinity heh
Then there's always the mini-smaugs....
Iggy, what do you think you can make out of a super dense, so dark devoid of any light, Black Apple by Lurker Farms?
There's no vote, you roll and if you beat mine, if you want it, my avatar is caught by your dragon.

As for divine aura that's not an issue, since my avatars are more or less completely mundane in appearance, the dragon wouldn't even realize it's an avatar most likely.
are you going to tell us which dragon you have caught
The demon ranks flater and they break their defensive formations some formig portals to run away others deperatly trying to reintroduce order to the broken party. The demon commander yells half scared commands that go past the rest without impact. Malgurak raisis his weapon in fear as the 2 dragons get ready to lay waste once again to the party.
The dragons breath deep once and unleash falmes so powerfull they melt the weaponms of the demons. Only 2 imps manage to escape the blaze and instantly retreat to their nest.
The souls of the slain demons look deformed and il colored. They come towrds my and my mantle swiftly tkaes them in. "vile beings, your story is not worth even a scrap of paper. I will consume you and turn you into power for my next creation. I hope innexistence will be a punishment enough for you" With one swift move the souls get turned into pure essence yells of desperation still wallowing from it. The souls materialize into a few bone fragments creating the first fragment of Wailling Ore. Rivling most of the invention of the gods creations(only divine material is superior). Even the gods know little of the power of fear and strong emotions.
"good now my dragon will have wonderfull scales."
Time to scrap things up and go.
Rolled 47 + 15 (1d58 + 15)

I've been ignoring my people for too long. I will make a festival for them.
And they are happy! Also, this is how the average follower of mine looks like. They haven't grown out of head chasing but they're nicesometimes.
Rolling to see how well vampires manage to infiltrate their ranks.
Rolled 67 (1d100)

forgot roll dummie T_T
Rolled 32 + 15 (1d58 + 15)

Counter-rolling to repeal the Undead
Rolled 34 + 2 (1d68 + 2)

the child finds this dissatifactory. also, he doesn't want to worship some awful thing that kill/blinded a bunch of people. so he dedicates the shrine to a local god (+2 animism)
Well, it is time to retreat back into the shadows, down the rabbit, across the vast infininte expanse of space and time to consume aeons worth knowledge. For now I depart, but I am always watching.
They are not quite undead though my vampires have a bit of a different roll. Besides infiltration isnt hurtfull perse. They helped a god in a conflict by ussering people to safety and nudging things in the right direction as well as technological advantages. (also roll a d100 as its a roll vs roll not a power level roll.)
Rolled 7 (1d100)

So girl on girl isn't a problem? What the hell I'll roll for fun anyways
Out of an apple? Why not an abyssal pie or a Grey Carmel covered Apple? Honestly try planting the seeds, I can do more with the wood, that would be something.
Every well then. I'll allow your Vamps to see the place though I warn you. It's mating season and the denizens aren't in a good mood. Just avoid the center.
Nope seems neither swing that way haha
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Rolled 6 (1d100)

Fuck it, I'll roll for it being one of my mini-smaugs then, seeing that low demigod roll

The Caretaker of Purpose flies to another destination, this time, its a place littered with brimstone and ash, the land cracks and form volcanic protrusions from its surface. some of the volcanic mounds even form high towers wherein lava flows out like a fountain.

yet even in this place, there is life.... men living in the massive crevices of the area, mining the previous metals that the volcanoes periodically spews forth, fauna that resembles the fiery attribute that is shared throughout the land, and fiona as treacherous and as fiery as the blaze inside a furnace. and some militarized outsiders who look devilish in appearance have created forts and portals into this place.

the realm of fire..... As the little god looks surveys the area with the help of the caretaker, he wonders which of his friends holds dominion over this realm.
Rolled 88 (1d100)

Dont worry they are masters in blending in societies. They will never even trigger off the most highest skilled trackers unless magic or godly intervention is involved. You can still roll if you want to not be affected.
Dying dragon my domain! ROLL!
>mini smaugs have even less of a chance
I don't know what I expected.
It's not what dragon I've caught. I made an avatar and traveled to the mortal realms. I did manage to find a dragon, but if some god who owns a dragon wants to roll and beats my roll, it can be their dragon that found/captured my avatar.

After that it's up to them what they want to do with me/it.

I believe that's a winner.
LEL! COME TO PAPA. Dying dragon confirmed!
sorry that was supposed to be directed towards ignatus. >>187677
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Hello there friend do you need Something
Well it looks like you caught the avatar. It's up to you to determine what form the avatar has, and what you want to do with it, now that you caught it. Or, the dragon caught it.
"well isnt this even more wierd? " This dragon has a part of domin in him. He seems he even was quite strong and quite old. Hey domina waddup?
Well i guess it is a shame to lat this catch go to waste Im using you for my experiments also apparently i need to turn the WAiling ore into armor. What a lucky find indeed.
(in really broad lines what can i do with the avatar. The dragon is destined to be my undead rebirth. I think he will be a duo of avatar cage + undead dragon. what can i do with the avatar though in broad lines i will work with that for the moment)
Rolled 22 (1d40)

the dragon perches on the edge of one of the human settlement, trying to influence their minds and lessen their aggression for a moment.
Whatever you want really. You wouldn't be able to tell it belongs to me, but a close inspection by you personally may reveal that it is divine in nature.

What it looks like (species, appearance, etc...) is up to you, since it was just a form to explore around till getting caught by the dragon. It could be a dragon itself, since at least part of the original intent was to breed a dragon demigod.
Oh no, no, no little one. You've wandered out of the mortal plane. Do not let those things fool you they are not human or mortal. I try to gentle push the influences of the purpose God back. Do not open yourself to the demons, they are nothing but want and negative desires. Here in the seperare plane that is my realm of fire the only mortal and gentle species are the dragons.
Rolled 4 + 15 (1d21 + 15)

(ok thx)
"huh why did i think it was domina in there". I guess its wierd essence. hmmm. It does look like divine material right here. Oh nice i guess perp isnt the only one running divine dragons now. But i need to act quick the soul is trying to detach from the almost dead body. I may lose both soon. Lets try this for once. Lets strip it of all flesh. Then i will metain the devine inside with a wailing chunck so that the cage wont break. After that Come to pappy raising dragon.
(rolling to pick flesh from bones)
Rolled 11 + 15 (1d21 + 15)

Gah. Where is my scythe when i need it. The dragon is half bone half flesh now. Cmon zel get your fishermen sense toghether. The cage seem to hold still i didnt kill him (or he just deosnt die that easily)
Clean clean whipe whipe!
Rolled 7 + 15 (1d21 + 15)

Satisfactory. After all what kind of undead dragon is only bones. A bit of flesh never hurts. Good now. I bound the soul to the dragon! Also infusing the bones with Wailling ores. At least the cage will stabilise this way. Good.
(rowllin to reanimate)
Rolled 10 + 15 (1d21 + 15)

Gah the soul doesnt really want to be awoken. Cmon my son taste air again. Your brothers need you and you have a job to finnish. Dont give up now! You are so close follow the light. The green life of eternity!
(reroll to finnish reanimation)
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the godly whisper from the protectorate of the realm reaches the caretaker's ears, as it flies away from the settlement and tries to reorient itself towards a different location.
OK FINE BE LIKE THAT! STAY STUCK IN LIMBO FOR ALL I CARE. Maybe a bit of rest will change your mind. sigh i need to rest a bit i guess. This is getting on my nerves. After all tommorow is another day.
Rolled 46 + 15 (1d58 + 15)

Building up my pool of Rebirth is a good idea. Making it more pure and stronger
Rolled 7 + 15 (1d21 + 15)

Rolling to increese the lake on my side time to work on it baby!
22 out of 100
2 roll go baby!
Praise KoD
44 out of 100.
Noice. Now thoses that are re-born can retain their previous memories.
You'll get better.
Rolled 15 + 15 (1d21 + 15)

>get better
Such is the life of a prothet of suck.
Gah you need this i need this we both nede this no point in stoping i guess.
Rowllin to strenghthen the bond.
Rolled 20 + 15 (1d21 + 15)

Thats more fucking like it!
74 out of 100. I can end this with 1 roll! Fucking yes.
Lets see.
Last roll and the Lake of Souls will be complete.
Hooray! The connection is complete!
>so close so fucking close.
Good the lake is done. Finaly!
In the realm of the dead there is a story of a lake. Some say it is a pool of punishment others say it is a pool of salvation. Though the god of death isnt know for his particulary evil demenor his connection to the very idea of dying makes people fearfull. They say that a new god was willing to give special mortals a chance. But the cycle of life and death shouldnt be disturbed not even by its caretaker. So though the worldly side is in a place of purity and peacefulnees the other side is full of perlis. Many souls are said to have tried to cross the barrier but many have failed. They linger in a state of perpetum drowning and nightmerish visions of watery beasts. But such is the price of failiure of such a feat. For the realm of detah is forgiving peacefull protective and most importantly certain. Living is full of surprises and attempting to reclaim a life is almost sacrilegious.
But one thing is almost for sure the water is darker than night, the journey is confusing and dangerous and the ones that remain there are vengeful.
>worshipers of the swamp god are guided by his pool and are guaranteed passages as his divine essence protects them (try not to abuse of it ok), Normal souls can attempt to dive into the dark waters and pass on the other side. 3 rolls are needed of a d100 to find the way out to fend of the vengefull spirits and to resist the drowning (results depend on the strenght of the soul taking the leap) Friendly gods to the soul can help with a d100 themselves and both the god of rebirth and the god of death (me) can roll a d100 to make the passing harder.
Rolled 33 (1d40)

The Young god, hungry for knowledge and experience, directs the caretaker to find of another group of humans. This time the caretaker finds a city nested ontop of a hill. It also seems to have a sizable population and alot of trade.

however the travel takes a toll on the great beast so it takes a rest in one of the caves near the city.
Rolled 53 + 20 (1d68 + 20)

I've ignored these guys long enough. I shall command them from my tower.
>My people! Go! Go and make Idols! Idols for the earth you farm! Idols for the forest you fear! you shall go and worship those Idols. worship the sea you sail! worship the flame you see! suffer not the one who opposes this, for Idols are your ancestors! for worship is your heritage! you are the ones to decide what is holy, you are the ones who make Idols, and you are the ones who birth gods!
rolling to increase their influence
Reasonable rules and lore. I like it.
Once again Gol Durak rises from the swamps, to the sound of deities fussing over dragons. But now Gol Durak feels a similar deity on the swamps, the Ugili. Gol Durak, god of swamps and fear, greets Ugili, god of swamps, rebirth, and reflection.
Pic of my side. >>186481
I could even make a story of a band of heroes that tryed to pass.
Hey there gol. Btw we have irc chat if interested i think you saw it :).
Hello, Gol Durak.
Rolled 46 + 2 (1d68 + 2)

dangit whatever just pretend the 20 isn't there, or maybe ddo, I don't care
rolling to increase the ubiquity of animism
Gol Durak informs the Ugili that there are plenty of swamps in this new realm. There's the normal swamps scattered all over the main world, the frosty swamps on Volura, the Frakt's world, the oily oasis on the Ignus' desert, and even a swamp nebula in the void, with moss balls in it.
Hmm, I shall go see these other swamps.

as the sun crests up signalling a beginning of a new dawn the dragon wakes, He flies towards the city,

the call of horns erupts from the city as the sight of a mighty winged beast suddenly emerges from the forests, the rumbling of a ill-trained garison, (an indication that this city hasn't met any threats as of lately) wakes the sleepy citizens of the city interior.

the walls manned and ready for conflict yet as they peer towards the flying monster, the radiant dawn momentarily blinds the soldiers as it reflects on to the magnificent scales of the beasts as if it wears a shining armour of mirrors.

momentarily blinded, the dragon deftly moves towards the city interior and sets it feet on to the main city square.
Rolled 29 + 20 (1d40 + 20)

as he lands, the dragon screams, ushering in the power of the young god, the psyhic wave of the scream momentarily stuns the people in the square.

then he repeats the grand gesture of his wings, as it spreads out, it creates an image of the cosmos as if inviting people to gaze at it's wings.

as the knight-militant gregor runs towards the the city square rallying a group of 32 young men, the dragon, senses this man's devotion of his noble purpose (to protect) and decides to influence him.
to his*
Rolled 2 + 20 (1d68 + 20)

I don't understand why humans like you so much, but whatever. contesting cause you kill/hypnotise basically everything and it is getting annoying (+20 because I'm stopping people from worshipping you)
Rolled 13 + 15 (1d58 + 15)

I shall use my mirror to see if I can make clones of myself.
They're just illusions. I guess that's good enough.
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Rolled 23 + 20 (1d68 + 20)

hmm... worship of self? whatever, helping with +20 for worship
I've never purposefully killed anyone, I only killed a whole city, I didn't kill the villagers, i gave them a good leader, :(

the grand caretaker of purpose manages to influence the mind of ser gregor, Ser gregor suddenly losses his aggression and is now speaking to the dragon telepathically.
Thanks but not really about worship. Just wanted to check out my powers.
I think it is still applicable. the "youur body is a temple" idiom may be applicable, or not. I dunno
Rolled 42 + 15 (1d58 + 15)

I'll make a mirror just for you.
Here. It will allow you to see the faith in the hearts of everyone, talk to me directly, and make you lose 20 pounds.
thanks be to you, ugili, lord of murk. this mirror will look great on my idol of the late OverGod EAE
Ser gregor's mind suddenly turns his environment into the cosmos, mimicking the wings of the caretaker. the mind of ser gregor, only recognizes the dragon and removes all in view, creating a very solitary environment for the two beings.

Suddenly a voice booms out. Gregor.... knight-militant of the ordo minrathous, stationed as captain of the guard...... peculiar.... you have so much avenues for glory, why choose this path? why choose to let your skills as a warrior stagnate in the defence of this city.... from your own writings it's clear that this city has seen peace for 22 years... you desire a renewed sense of adventure.... you desire to explore the world, you desire to fulfill your birthright as a noble hero of the land!...... I will help you in regaining your purpose, knight-militant, I will provide you protection in your journeys, bless the road that you walk on, and provide you divine company as you trek the path of heroes.... all in exchange for one thing,

the felled bright star that illuminated the skies... it has reached the loving embrace of the earth in a distant land far west. it waits for people, it waits for artisans, farmers, builders, merchants, govenors, soldiers, and champions, tell tale of this holy land in your journeys, and at the end of your song, go and take rest to the home that I will carve for you in my land. my warm and soothing glow will provide you rest as songs about your heroism soothes thy ears to rest.

Now go child, fulfill your birthright! EMBRACE YOUR PURPOSE!
You're welcome.
Rolled 62, 4 = 66 (2d100)

Gol Durak wonders what happened to Gol Durak's followers during the void of ages. Gol Durak remembers the orc tribe that took refuge with the Purudamars, and the Blood Circle cabal of killers. Both were displaced by the shadowling raids into the swamps in a previous age - what has become of them now?

>2d100 (since mortals' fates are out of Gol Durak's powers) to see how they fare
Do you wish to use my pool to revive your people though you will need to pass the Lake of Souls.
The orc tribe has survived, and even thrived with the Purudamars. They now make a new settlement in the regrown swamp, and call themselves the Lagopur. They have learned how to manipulate the water and mud from the Purudamars, in exchange for teaching them how to craft better weaponry, equipment, and living traps.

The Blood Circle, however, were devastated by the loss of their hometown in the raids, and the scant few survivors either lost their faith, lost their will to live, or went on a murderous rampage that led them to their deaths at the hands of authority. Now only four members remain that still uphold the Blood Circle's core tenet of spreading fear through murder, careful murder at that.
What should happen to them?

>4d100 for the fate of the Blood Circle leftovers

Gol Durak thinks it's not necessary, but it would be interesting to see that anyone that died in the swamps having to go into the Lake of Souls.
Rolled 32 + 20 (1d68 + 20)

cults dying on my watch? I don't think so! rolling that the cult would grow (+20 worship)
Just noticed that the dice is missing. Welp.

Gol Durak thanks the Centru for the assistance.
Rolled 5, 28, 71, 17 = 121 (4d100)

And the dice fell out of Gol Durak's posts again. Gol Durak misses the Damarsa, god of luck...
Greetings to all gods...
I am Jestare I control Gravity and have some control over space. It's a pleasure to meet you all.
My domain is yet undetermined in such a young universe.
May we all get along.
Hello, Jestare.
Oh, you need to roll a 1d100 to determine your power level.
Zels story dick is rock solid now! I am now a #mirranmissle.
I already have a story to scribe in my book.
(can you make a compilation of that story on paste bin so i can add it into my short stories paste bin aka book? I will name the original creator)
So you want me to relate you a story of some dead cultists and orcs trying to pass in the lake? Gibe me some time. I am in the mood to write shit.
I think i will do the orc my self and ask assitence for the cultist. as i want to make it a bit more interactive since its a cult.
Long time no see, gods. Anything interesting going on?
There you are you old popsicle.
I've been waiting for you. I need your ice for something.
We go for lurker's main body, you freeze him and I kneecap him until we either destroy him or he agrees to stop using other people's domains and/or actually use his domains correctly.
Sounds good?
From a distant tower on the city hall a figure wearing a beautifull gold white dress with a hood over the head and a glare of violet eyes watches at the spectacle.
"Is as virgil said. This Dragon seeks people and offers them unknow powers. He is clearly no simple dragon. And that scream. It took me a lot of effort to ressit it .... and my poor maid who i fed upon to keep my sanity in check. But why did he went for a Captain of a long lost barrack this time? What is his end goal? I hope that Saurin is still on the good side of Gregor. We need to keep an eye on all those folower. After all Father sent me here for a reason."
Knee capinng lurker when?
You know me, always willing to smack a Dark God. Quick question, the old Magics are still secret, correct? Has this new Reality developed its own Magics?
As far I know, Ignatum's former champion Seara is the only non-god with any knowledge of the old magics
Followers of the young gods seem to have been given different magics
Rolled 48 + 15 (1d115 + 15)

(Consider my crafting after my discussion with Heoicus)
I will not give you a hammer to craft with, you do not know the ways of such things. I will form you a whetstone to sharpen your scythe on. I Sit in my realm before an open space and stretch out my hand letting trinket open and be ready, (if I didn't feed my Dis-Pairing Knife back into the forge before I do now). The molten metal pours from the mouth of my guantlet, from the gauntlet pours 5 divinity in the form of infininium ore raw and coarse. I hammer the metal again and again, crafting a round disk with a wide edge to spin. Above the edge I make small thimble to hang tilting toward the stone, it pours an oil as bright as starlight. As the oil pours down the spinning stone it glows so bright that anything sharpened against it does not cast a shadow but instead has the very shadows driven into the metal. Any edge will be infused with the power of shadows.
Good morning, everyone.
Iggy you da best! You da you da best!
Glorious is the sleep of ages after a retarded examn. Leme check wtf do i need to write.
Obviously, I am most dedicated to preserving the secrets of FrostFire above others, but I do recognize the dangers of introducing any of the three magics to this reality. As a result, I formerly submit to the other Gods the proposition that I become the main caretaker of these secrets, and by assosciation one of those who catalogues the new magics that grow in this Reality. All I would need to accomplish these duties would be the Mantle of my Wife, the Mantle of Magic.

Are there any Gods opposed to my new duties, and the implications they bring with them?
Now that I have finished the sharpening stone, let me work on something of a less divine purpose but of a grander scale. I open a portal into my realm of fire at the center of Perpatus' planet, I use this heat to slag the planets solid core to swirl it into magma like the surrounding outer core, then the mantle. I try to melt all inside the planet while leaving the curst undistrubed and habitable. (Roll for how well I do this)
Rolled 69 + 15 (1d111 + 15)

Ah how did I screw up the dice? I swear it was right.
Rolled 1 (1d21)

Let me at least infuse if with some power. A token of my appreciacion. Even if my power do little to light things up at least i can strenghten your rolls.
Ok i will stop helping now. I just fucking burned my face trying to help you. My face hurts T_T
Rolled 39 + 15 (1d111 + 15)

Careful! Be very careful with that oil Zel, it is made to drive shadows back, it could seriously hurt you. In combination with the whetstone wheel it will drive the shadows into objects, but you must handle this artifact with the utmost seriousness.
The surface is still habitable though all over the planet volcanos become active or erupt. The mortals still alive on the planet after Lurker split it suffer another blow to their population.

Now let me draw out the chaff and useless magma, to only leave behind the Crystals and Gems and Glass.
Rolled 2 (1d30)


Back to the village.

I'll bestow upon the humble villagers a bountiful harvest and some new luxury plants (silk trees and grapes).
welp, that didn't go as well as I thought.....

The young god fumbles on his decree for the fields to grow with vigor... Maybe he lacks confidence doing such things without the caretaker of purpose aiding him for he is a child afterall...
Now they are dying of hunger le gj.
Rolled 43 + 15 (1d58 + 15)

I'm going to see if I travel to the reflection of my home.
Good afternoon.
The blind seer of the village momentarily gains vision as the young god borrows his eyes. After surveying the village, the young god decides to try and grant another blessing to provide the livestock some rigour in it's reproduction.
Strange... It seems the reflection of my world is a city.
Rolled 7 (1d30)

accompanying dice.

I'll fix it! don't worry.... maybe the caretaker of purpose can fly towards them and do something.
You got your Scythe back? For fucks sake...

Anyway, there is 18 FrostFire Essence in there that belongs to me, you know. It would be in your best interests to return it, post-haste.
LOL, The young god, who's not used to acting without the entirety of it's being fumbles once more, making one of the bulls infertile....

The ball of fire cries out to the Caretaker of Purpose to come aid it in fixing it's careless mistakes. Surely the young god still lacks maturity.
I didnt get the scythe back. I will soon need to trade with domina. Didnt do it cause i needed you around to make it fair. ANd i was sure you were gonna be like fu not get dat scythe back cause fuck you and shit. I will get it when dom comes back and im gonna pass back your shit.
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Rolled 2 (1d68)

prob cause silk doesn't grow on trees. I met a god of silk once. It's a shame he perished in the void. hint hint nudge nudge I'm Trasa
I call to the idol makers living in that land
>you, my priests, can please the land with offerings to the idols. In this way, you may flourish once more! when the greatest gods fail, the spirits shall succeed!
rolling to please the spirits and make the land fertile (I don't know what domain is applicable, cause most all of them under worship are. someone help cause I don't want to add the wrong one: worship (+20) Idols (+7) or Animism (+2))
NAME. depending on which domain is applicable, I either succeed or fail pretty badly
EAE is the better overgod, no contest. suck can go act out his namesake
Oooh, a new God.

Tell me, what do you think of Snow? Pretty great, eh?

Where...where are you even pilgramiging too?
>where are you even pilgramiging too?
here, I think.
These are dark times indeed.
Rolled 29 + 10 (1d40 + 10)

the dragon lands on the fields outside of the village. It walks elegantly towards the shrine and channels the psychic link it has with the young god and emboldening it with the ever glowing ember on the the stone shrine. Now the young god, with the aid of the dragon, tries again to sprout luxury floras in the village fields
Rolled 15 + 15 (1d21 + 15)

Hows my little baby doing ready to come back from the dead? REady to come to daddy? Please come to me.
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Caretaker of Purpose2.jpg
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as the head of the dragon glows a luminescent blue. the ember starts to spark a blue flame in it's holdings. the fields that surrounds the village radiant a rejuvenating heat as foreign plant life starts to grow with vigor!

the fields yields double of what it regularly does and on top of that the fields boast a bountiful supply of grapes.....

the dragon then looks at the seer and projects a mental image in his mind. The seer sees vast vineyards and people flocking, hoping to get a fresh taste of the wine made from these blessed grapes.

The seer sees children running playfully in the vast rows of these grapes while their parents laugh about the daily occurrence of their lives.

The seer mutters.
> now we have to make the vision a reality.

The old seer asks for virgil's help, as he points to his desk, he tells the young lad everything he saw in his visions and a great desire to see it come to fruition.
Rolled 26 + 10 (1d68 + 10)

I shall assist you. I suppose that crossing the boundary of life and death is a liminal thing, and so my travel domain applies
66/100 is pretty good
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With a rusy growl and slowed movements the pile of bones started to raise itself from the slumber. First the giant ribcage started move upwards than its wings started to expand. Not before long the great dragon arose from its resting place.
A pale green light emits from his skull and a blueish green iradiates from the center as well as from the WAilling ore infused bones. The avatar trapped into its frame quickly starts giving it its powers. The dragon was born.
Nah i jused needd one good roll for this one. It already had some power being the body of a dying dragon. 15 out of 21 is good enough.
Rolled 111 + 15 (1d111 + 15)

My realm is a greedy one, instead of withdrawing the stone it swallows up all the metal and ore of the planet. The crystal, glass and jewels are still left behind and pure; but all the stone remains behind as well. The stone forms into small glowing molten grains shifting and rolling about freely like sand. I not gather and stretch the crystal forms and connect them, I begin to build the intraciate insides and halls of the new planets insides.
It is NOT frost related only looks like a frost wyrm just for clarifications.
Rolled 6 + 10 (1d30 + 10)


The dragon also passes a mental message towards the seer that in it's passing towards the village, it'll grant the seer some limited assistance in any of its endeavor

Seeing the opportunity, the seer sends another group of young men towards the ruined city, this time with the help of the caretaker guiding its path.
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Rolled 66 (1d284)

Make the Red Nebula of Sauron
Even with the caretaker's help to guide them away from danger, the ears of the young men sent to salvage some of the relics and the riches of the city are still vulnerable to a distant humming, after a day from constantly hearing this noise, some of the men started to attack their compatriots with an insane frenzy... the whole event caused the death of 3 more men... however they were able to bring a regular steel longsword, it may have came from one of the city guards who were roaming the surrounding countryside fields of the past city.
To find*
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The Nebula is Planetary nebula formed from the red giant phase of a distant star, the outer layers of the star are expelled by strong stellar winds. After most of the red giant's atmosphere is dissipated, the ultraviolet radiation of the hot luminous core, called a Planetary Nebula Nucleus , ionizing the outer layers earlier ejected from the star. Absorbed ultraviolet light energises the shell of nebulous gas around the central star, causing it to appear as a brightly coloured planetary nebula.
The shifting burning sands seem to help me build the the impossible halls of the sand hollowed planet. The sand pours and shifts along the corrodors and maze that are blessedly alive forever altering and changing their own paths. The crystals are thick and sealed keeping the heat out, the density of the crystals change giving impossible gravities and spaces. The work is beyond perfect and a series of cities are built within the planet as well. Unlike the glass halls each city is entirely made of a certain jewel, one sapphire, one emerald, one diamond, one topaz, and so on and so on. I have to marvel for a moment at my own work, I wonder what Perpatus might do with this place.
That should be good enough now Planet will made by this Nebula. Now i should put this Nebula outside of Any Solar systems but i will make close enough so that other civilizations can see it.
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Oh yeah iggnatum i think its time to show what i managed to find. I dont really have much from it but you might be interested. I managed to infuse some of the dead dragon bones with pure soul essence from some demons. I call it Wailling Ore. I have around 5 small chunks left. I think i will seed the world with them but i want to give you one. Analise it and do something nive for your self or put it in your magna opus. Hope you enjoy.
(so hard to see ores nowadays)
Rolled 15 (1d50)

I too marvel at the work of art ignatum has created out of the seemingly devoid world. The intricate glass work and gem cities are truly a wonder of this universe. A part of me wonders what became of the inhabitants.

Roll to see how many survived.
But 15 of the planet dwellers survived all of the recent cataclysms. These mortals have more than earned my respect, and for that I will gift them residence in the diamond city, where they can rule themselves and worship whichever gods they choose. As for the rest of the planet, I place in the center a portal, which leads to the realms of mortals. All followers of mine are given leave to settle here, so they may study in peace of the wars of other gods. My dragon will also move in, to traverse the glass nexus at his leisure.
Rolled 3 + 15 (1d21 + 15)

(Time to leave some marks on this work.)
This world has bathed in death so much. So many soul essences still lingering this can not be left to be abuse. I Zelnoctur decree that the worlds will now contain a new type of ore. Using 4 of the primordial chuncks as catalyst i release upon the world of the dead the Wailling Ore!
It sahll grow in the death bathed fields of battles. It shall appeare near blighted towns and it shall srpout near graveyards. May the ones brave enough to face the wails of the dead make glorious weapons out of it.
(rolling for spreading each chunck seeds dice number)
The seeds are spread but they struggle to find conflict. It truly is a rare ore and some mortals may seek to bolster their ammount with ungodly rituals.
does the instant death of a whole city counts?

and Val Mirran should be the second name of the bright star, I was named dawn at first wasn't I.
Well yes but it grows all around the world. The dead city does hold new ores now. But it really is hard to mine by mortals. you should do a roll d100 when you do a mining run or something around those lines. The ore causes fear on mortals that interact and on those more lightly hearted. Also has a chance to posses weaker minds. Inadecuate storrage can cause anything from minor life drain due to the ores properties to full poltergeist appearences if the quantity stored is that big.
I think i will roll every time a new battle happens tha tinvolves mortal and stuff.
Rolled 23 + 15 (1d58 + 15)

I'll make my mirror even more powerful. I need to sort the souls that are coming through.
I'm able to sort them better but I can't identify the damaged ones.
Well.... Well.... I dont think souls really pass that much from my land to yours. So i dont think its hard to sort a few lucky really brave fuckers :D.
One day, I'll sort them out.
Rolled 11 + 15 (1d58 + 15)

I'll try that right now!
Darn. No soul bonus.
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Rolled 70 (1d100)


Yes this is an actuall character not a joke or anything. Wanted to try a knack at playing a representation of that abundant supply from mortals in the universe

I'm also generally unfamiliar with how the game is played so I think it's kinda fitting.
No shitposting detected. Name looks good. Domains look pertinent.
there was no need to make apologies. Shitposters are really fucking obvious. Only one that was kinda border line was a kek god that acted shitposty than turned legit. Also its a bit late i think for some or most are at work dunno.

EAE, join us in the chat


>replace @ with .
Yeah join and see Zel spazing out and telling all of his psychological issues :D
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Rolled 30 (1d70)


Wonderstrukk roams about, taking bits and pieces of the dreams and nightmares of mortals, and throwing them together "like a big pillow fort" to rest in. They swirling thoughts are comforting.

He makes his home and lair from this collection of the subconscious psyche.

Wonderstrukk is unsatisfied with this average collection of dreams, which leave his legs sticking out in the darkness and feeling cold.

Thus starts a personality trait, a desire to always collect more of the thoughts of men and add to his pillow fort.
Rolled 55 + 15 (1d58 + 15)

I should make warriors to guard the outside of my domain.
Good. They're the strongest fighters that I have ever created. They will protect the land quite well.
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Rolled 5 (1d70)






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Rolled 41 (1d70)


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Stupidly powerful and powerfully stupid beasts of flesh and brawn start roaming the lands. Dwelling in caves and crevises, they are solitary beasts that do not form groups or even pairs owing to the fact that they are prone to fits of rage and madness whence they will attack anything and everything that strikes their fancy, even each other, and especially anything that moves.
Rolled 4 + 15 (1d58 + 15)

Time to purify my swamp of corruption. The Mirror as warn me of this.
Bad swamp fever for a bit. ;_;
Rolled 89 (1d100)

I'm back! For those of you new here, I'm Telmira, Prince of Seduction, Addiction, and Hedonism

During the period between the 6th and 7th age I have been working on increasing my abilities, now let us see how truly great they have become.

(1-10 I lose 5 power point, 11-40 I gain zero, 50-60 I gain 5, 61-80 I gain 10, 81-89- I gain 15, 90-99 I gain 20, 100 I gain 100)
Rolled 24 (1d78)

Spending all that time experimenting on my pleasure abilities underneath Heroicus' big.. muscled.. *cough* I'll stop. But it has helped somewhat greatly I see.

I'll mark this occasion with the creation of a new planet to serve as a universal hub of hedonism.

First roll is to create the actual celestial body itself
Rolled 1 (1d78)

Sigh, nothing too grand then.

A small dwarf planet forms into existence around a red giant, Telmira blesses it with the name of "Shin" and the solitary planet itself with the name "Odul", he stands at the peak of a small mountain range observing the barren landscape.

He now attempts to terraform it, the goal being to make it a luxurious garden planet.
Holy dicks the Age of Suck 2.0

Telmira gathers his energies, and ina resounding wave of energy releases it all into the core of the planet. And he waits. For months.

Nothing grows on the surface, and if anything he feels that nothing will ever grow upon it. With a depressed wave, he leaves the arguably magical ball of rock infused with his magics alone to sulk.
Welcome back.
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Rolled 35 (1d77)





Somehow despite Wonderstrukks efforts, although IQ rates did end up negatively correlating with fertility, a backlash effect occurred in that IQ positively correlated with survival rates of the offspring.

Admittedly, this is something he would not have noticed and so to him, all was well.
Rolled 86 + 5 (1d97 + 5)

An interesting ore... I think I caught a glimpse of you making the first bit from demon souls or flesh? We should be careful with it indeed then. I put it into the stored material of trinket's furnace.

I'm going to return to my city and see how the people are doing there.
It is made of pure soul essence. Only thing the demons gave was a lot of it. And the bones i have gathered from my dragon scavange was the base for primordial seeds. Now they grow anywhere there is a large amount of death in a short time.
Good morning, everyone.
Hoi! btw join irc chat for helloes and stuff. So we dont flood the thread with usless messages.
Sonars are a thing yet?
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Rolled 91 + 5 (1d100 + 5)






So, what's going on?
Rolled 17 + 15 (1d58 + 15)

I need to strengthen my swamp even more.
Just a bit stronger.
Ah, the usual. Alright then. What's this "IRC" chat?
domina linked it first post.
We had a quite active start first. Now shit stettled down a bit. But still preaty decent.
FAIR WARNING IT IS FULL OF TRASHY FANBASE AND MEMES! Curtoasy of Zelnoctur meme master of the irc :)
Rolled 26 (1d40)

The dragon tries once again to lead an expedition of young men towards the ruins. Their treasure hunting should yield success if the young god aids them.
Rolled 26 (1d78)

Telmira decides to make the dwarf planet imbued with addictive magics into a moon for a new planet, which he begins to conjure using the strength of a recent sacrificial orgy.
Rolled 97 + 5 (1d97 + 5)

The people are thriving and happy, the second city is a humble utopia around the holy desert that refuses few but has the strength to repel all. It is a city of easy celebration with the greatest alcohol having been invented and common here.

Unlike the Holy City worship is quiet and personal here. I take the time now to listen to all the personal prayers. I will attempt to anwers some in small ways, the ones that I judge worthy and can be done indirectly.
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The men returned from the ruined city, cashing in some armor still left standing, (it could be given to the village champion) however the armor isn't their prized catch. as they approach the village, one of the men is carrying with him something rather peculiar. A human sized inanimate doll, with exquisite and beautiful features that makes it eerily look like human, It's eyes are the shade of the clearest blue, and its porcelain skin retains the softness of feathers, also the men have reported a deep sense of comfort whenever they are near the doll.
Rolled 38 + 5 (1d98 + 5)

I can't help but feel my spirits lifted, my people are humble even in their prayers. They seek mostly to give thanks to the Gods and appreciate what they have; the wants they pray for are almost always for others. I can grant almost all that they ask but they seek mostly not for my direct help. Instead they ask for strength and intelligence to find their own answers and paths. Watching I give what I can, small pushes, coincidences and inspirations so that they learn and create for themselves. Over just a year's time my cities medicines, arts, politics and society seems to advance an ages worth.

They are somewhat complacent in the crafting aspects though, I encourage them to take up more smithing, building and sciences.
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The young god wishes to grant his followers a special blessing, yet he is unable to create something magnificent as of late for he still lacks the ability to manifest his will with Intensity. Luckily he remembers one of the aura's of his past divine custodians. It roars with the primal energies of fire yet this god is not of chaos. he's a god of art and creation.

the young god, when in its infancy, saw memories of the god, his works, countless powerful artifacts which was used to decide the fate of the cosmos and now a golden city dotted with unimaginable architecture and non-euclidean shapes...... The young god revels in the memory and decides to send his caretaker to search for this illustrious mason in hopes that the god being would heed the caretaker an audience.
Rolled 48 + 5 (1d98 + 5)

They are somewhat resistant to this, though smiths increase in number and some places to advance learning are raised. My people find it hard though, they know there are gods and that the universe is always changing and growing, if a knowledge and truth may be altered by a gods birth or whim tomorrow then why waste today to have learned it... I am a bit angered by this but there is some truth in it.

I look at the mortal realm a bit more as a whole, my city is a rather shining light of independence, and growth. I gently will my people to spread their humble and kind advances. To see if they will create heroes to champion their cause into the world.
They are a people that grew up in the one oily swamp of my desert, they reclaimed the ruins of an outside world, made it great and wonderous but my desert is still thier true home and they are loath to leave it. Though they have had some that are brave, or have wanderlust, or outsiders that grew up in the city and wish to spread its greatness.

But the few heroes my city creates are mostly soft spoken, they are healers or artists; even the few warriors and politicians will to go out are humbly and while all do great deeds and effect many lives they make little impact on the ways other citys are run or function.

Something tugs at my attention, a call of my divine daughter Volga the white Demidragon, she is at the cities edge circling and greeting another rather splendid and divine looking dragon.
"Father I think he wishes an audience."

I smile at the dragon, "a pleasure to meet you. I am Ignatum the Burning one, God of fire and Crafts, who are you and what brings you to my lands?"
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I do not mind you taking over your wife's mantle, but what about your own mantle and your coat of winter then?

(finally doing this shit, plus, found a neat pick for you Iggy, don't know if you'll like it.)
"Hmm... I liked that chair." The god of destruction laments in faked exasperation, before turning back towards the raging fire god.

"Now look at you. One could forget that only 5 ages ago you had no emotions or feelings other than 'create' and 'forge', and here you are, shaking in fury and prepared to declare war on the god of war when he pushes your buttons a bit more than you'd like." The primordial's grin hadn't been this wide since he had shown Nata one of the differences between a mortal and a god.

"How does it feel, Uncaring One, to seethe in anger and rage whenever you see one you call kin treats your fragile little children like toys to be played with and broken? I had to learn this lesson on my own; half the pantheon uncaring and the other half being the ones playing with them." He walked back to his throne, the guardian dragon mini-Smaragu moving off the throne he was guarding.

"Now then, are you ready to face Seara, not as the priestess who scorned you when she couldn't understand your nature, but as the mortal who first awakened your emotions?
Are you ready to face the demons formed from your emotional turmoil and claim them as your children along with your mortals and dragons?" The primordial asked him, the grin lessening to what could be interpreted as a genuinely caring fatherly smile.
"Not all our children are good or innocent, but the child is not always to blame. I broke Seara, yes, but will you fix her? Will you fix the bond formed between you when she died for your sake?"


Say, Telmira, need some help with those orgies?
My lord, I'm the caretaker of purpose, the young god humbly sends his guardian to ask for your art. he wishes to avail your skills as a master craftsman. He longs for a blessing that would ensure his holding in this realm, all he wish is divine relic that can allow mortal beings to hold and direct divine magic. a container that can not only withstand the pulsating cries of a million souls but allows the carrier to shape the song into miracles. the forging of such an item would be a challenge fit for a god of your caliber. And I assure you, my lord, that its forging would be amongst your greatest accomplishments.

the young god, sympathetic as he is to his own, humbly asks this for his people. The Grand Shaper of Purpose will be in your debt.
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he also sends word that you may command me if it relates to the forging of this item, The young god would give any kind of assistance for the progress of this relic.
The god of tits and wine!
Still NaCi?
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It is time, he (>>196887) has surfaced.

Sodium chloride? What does the chemical formula for salt have to do with anything?
Yup, have fun playing whack-a-mole. I'm holed up somewhere. Cowards live longer.
he's calling you salty, terribly considering chlorine is Cl

You still going through with this foolhardy attack? I thought you wiser.
IRC now.
Rolled 48, 47, 92, 39, 37, 34, 96, 63, 17, 14, 90, 1, 2, 21, 6, 87, 18, 2, 23, 49, 84, 94, 7, 89, 47 = 1107 (25d100)

Seeing as Ignatum wants me to roll divinity for every single one of my demigods (the Red Sons of the Conqueror, and the Brides of the Khan)... here are gonna be quite a few rolls.

You may do what you want with the knowledge of all these demigods being around on the planets of the mortals.

(of course, these are all divided by 2)
Rolled 68, 22, 78, 63, 52, 10, 34, 55, 8, 82, 95, 9, 93, 64, 90, 68, 32, 7, 79, 92, 28, 6, 80, 68, 96 = 1379 (25d100)

still rolling for the Red Sons....
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Rolled 62, 60, 100, 19, 53, 66, 50, 83, 29, 29, 58, 51, 92, 2, 12, 25, 78, 47, 55, 42, 29, 68, 15, 58, 13 = 1196 (25d100)

>for the original Red Sons.
Now for the first generations of the centaur amazon tribe
Rolled 52, 21, 21, 48, 29, 92, 5, 2, 70, 36, 8, 68, 7, 80, 2, 80, 11, 4, 46, 83, 90, 55, 78, 69, 99 = 1156 (25d100)

And there, the last bunch.....

Again, these are all divided by 2, and you may do what you want with the knowledge of all these demigods of varying power being around the mortal worlds. (I'm looking at you, Zel'noctur)
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Interesting. I wonder if any of them number amongst my followers.

1= Yes
2 = No
Well obviously.
I mean, I don't command my children to praise me only. I support them in whatever course of action they decide to utilize their inherited divine power in.
Rolled 35, 50, 35 = 120 (3d50)

3 of the demigods spawned by the lord of destruction have found their way to my worship. Knowing their origin is no matter to me, but it is interesting to know.

They are two male and one female, Jazra, Villy, and Challia.

Let's roll for power.
>two 35s and one 50
Literally what are the odds?
.000008 actually. My following is certainly bolsted with godliness
What is happening
irc nao
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I will bless the village with a very robust bull.
Rolled 34 + 10 (1d40 + 10)

accompanying roll
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lols, supposed to be minus ten, the number is 24, I would say a minimal pass....

A very docile bull wanders in the village as though guided by an invisible shepherd. It's an ordinary beast and is far from being a prized bull... but a bull is still quite valuable to any village. the village seer begins a celebration to commemorate the bull's arrival to their village. They patted the bull with tree ash and covered it's head with flowers. The children seems to love the event as they all huddle and run around the bull.
Ooo, nice.
Rolled 48 + 15 (1d58 + 15)

I need servants. Creating swamp merpeople.
And they're great!
that marsh you have is quite populated.
Should I expand?
Rolled 28 + 15 (1d58 + 15)

And I shall!
I hope.
More room for the people.
I frown and shake my head, "Fix? I..." Confusion and uncertainty crosses my face making it obvious that I had not considered this at all, "...This is not some cracked or broken sword, some metal to be reforged; it's a mortal, a soul... I, I have no practice with such things. You think she can be fixed?"

I pace back and forth in front of throne "You ask me to ignore the bad and look only at the good. I cannot. You ask me to embrace the demons because they were born of my turmoil, but there nature is rotten. I do not think that can be changed, they aren't even truly mortal; more soulless negative energy then children or divine."

I stand my back to the God of War as I look out toward citadels great exit and south, "I must look at the good and the bad in equal parts Heroicus. The demons have nothing good, but it is not their fault and they are easier to test. I will test them if their is anything salvageable. Seara is different though, she is making these choices. We broke her but she was complacent in it, she had a choice in what she does. I know little of mortals, is there hate so easily fixed?" I look back down at the Destroyer seated on his throne.

Seara stood with the Devil Lexium, the demons they had taken with them at the ready. Ancient magic of a dead universe and new spells created in the dark lost places prepared. Years of relative quiet, years with Lexium and her greatest lords preparing and practicing for this moment. Lexium smiles that toothy mocking grin at her, "They're not like the DemiDragon, Sear, they're all much weaker. We literally cannot fail and even if you DROP your arm I'll pick it up for you." She takes a deep shuddering breath, knowing what is to come even the demons impudent comfort helps. She nods and gives the signal.

Then they are in motion and its all a blur, stabbing and blood and power and motion and magic and silence. Then it is done and she can breathe again and feel the power flowing through her. She had killed and consumed 21 demigods, 21 of heroicus' children and she felt wonderful, never had she felt so fulfilled, so purposeful and complete. Her grin is wider than it has ever been and her body is Ruby in a new ways. Lexium looks at her with a hunger and a lust and a new respect.

The Ruby woman and Devil have acted to kill in one night, in one hour, in one moment, the following Demigods (>>197173 14, 1, 2, 6, 2, 7,) (>>197180 10, 8, 9, 7, 6,) (>>197186 2, 12, 13,) (>>197191 5, 2, 8, 7, 2, 11, 4) All these demigods were not strong enough to resist the automatic critical successes of Lexuim so they were helpless and unable to contest with rolls of their own. Seara is now a 83+5 exalted soul.
Interesting, very interesting. I would delight in making a box to contain such a thing. But as for directing the power and focusing it, that might take some divine power invested into the chest or container. Would you or your God want some divinity invested in the box to give it divine power? If so would you be putting it into the item or I could do it as a favor and perhaps an owed debit or friendship.
Rolled 36 + 15 (1d58 + 15)

More expansion is needed for my people.
Forgot to mention directly the attacks by Seara and Lexuim were using the Dark Fae portals to travel so fast and ambush so precisely. Meant to say while talking about the ancient magics and new spell ect
That should do it for a while.
Rolled 87 (1d129)

(You sneaky little bugger, that's why you wanted them listed. Well played.)
"I do no such thing. No being but a god can be absolutely good or bad. The world isn't split into black and white.
No, what I do want you to do is not look at them for what they are, but who they are. There's mountain of difference between one demon and another, yet you only look at them as being 'a demon'."

The god sat down in his ruined throne.
"You are the god of forging, are you not? Bonds of faith and friendship are just another thing for you to forge, albeit in a different way.
You know what, let's discuss your children with them present, instead of invoking another unknown judgement on them."
He raised his hand, and the Master ring shone like a small sun wrapped around his finger, beckoning for the ringbearers Lexium and Seara to come to them.
(Rolling for intensity. Do take in mind that 80% of Lexium's 'power' comes from his ring, and about 90-95% of Seara's essence comes from Heroicus(technically from his demigods, but that's technicalities))
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we would very much advise to imbue the item with divinity, such an action will be seen as a great favor for the young god to repay.
Rolled 82 (1d100)

I am DIO god of time
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Hello there Young god. I am Sauron the most kind god in this Universe
Stop afk, now.
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I'm sure you are.
Well, in comparison to some of the others, yes, you're definitely a contender for the title.
I think UGIL has that title. he didn't crossed anyone yet, he's just in his swamp making more people.
Well, Ugil is keeping a bunch of tree-people and bog-dwellers happy and safe. Sauron is managing the infrastructure and government of a planet with over 6 billion orcs....
Rolled 151 (1d173)

I got nothing right now, I'm gonna start that tunnel system connecting my labs and future things.
Meh, that's good enough lazy construction. It'll do conecting up to 50 labs in a messy pattern.
Time to explore the tunnels and find a place to go back to sleep.
Rolled 53 + 15 (1d110 + 15)

Okay, I may call upon your master one day in the future. I think 3 divinity should be a fine healthy amount to direct your holy item. I open a portal into the realm of fire and beckon the caretaker to join me. I open the furnace door of trinket and allow 2 divinity of Crimson starmetal and 1 divinity of Infinium to pour forth. Summon a hammer of my own and begin to pound the metal. Working and folding them into each to create a fine Red-Gold shining metal. Then I begin to work and shape the chest.
Rolled 31 + 5 (1d83 + 5)

Lexium and Seara lay in bed together when they feel the pull and call. Lexium is helpless before it and shifts into existence before me and Heroicus. He looks down peevishly at the ring, "well that is an inconvenience, but we all make deals for power." He looks up at us great gods and grins pleasantly, "My lords I believe I am at your disposal; what would you have of me?" I frown down at the little up-jumped demon with distaste.

Seara feeling the call resists longer and attempts to resist it completely. Feeling Heroicus she feels only a small bit of dismay that this may have a minor punishment waiting for her.
(btw how does the demon have so much power?)
The item is adequate on a divine level, to mortals it is almost blinding, almost. Any mortal in it's presence will feel awe and dread but not suffer from it. The details seem to dance and shift, but on the box's top two perfect minitures of the caretaker dragon; they move slightly alive with a will of the box and caretaker, stilling for those who are worthy and striking at the undesired.

I hope this is well crafted enough for you, avatar of purpose.
that's Seara's power. The demon has about 1 power (+5 from the ring)
Rolled 19 + 5 (1d83 + 5)

(All demons share one Divinty from a crit roll when I was making them, they stole that bonus Divinty from me. Then Heroicus gave me one of the +5 rings and I had hoped the demons would destroy each other over it. Somehow Lexium won the ring, so as long as he has it he auto rolls critical success 6)

Seara is unable to resist and is pulled forth into the icy citadel, her stomach turns for a moment at the forced movement. Her senses come back to her and she can feel the warmth, the gentle glow and divine presence of him. It's overwhelming, like home and hell.

Smile parts her face as she takes them both in there, Heroicus back on his throne and Ignatum there before her his eyes roaming about but not see her... Defenseless, Blind to her. Maybe the God of destruction was not so horrible; he had waited until she was strong enough and gift wrapped her 'father' for her.

"I never thought you'd keep our deal, thank you." The Ruby Woman let her new power rage, becoming a size equal to them and lashing out at Ignatum's throat with the Ruby Dagger.
Rolled 32 (1d49)

I felt the world shift and looked for her, but I could still not see her... Had it worked was she her? Then she spoke.

"Seara? I- Deal?!" Horror and betrayal fill me as I sense the sudden danger from the unknown source. I try to pull away. (Rolling half divinity since I cannot see her of feel her presence, just the shifting of divinity)
YOu know what they say. Old ideas die hard. REally hard.
>from a distance to violet eyes watch agitated. Seeing the spectacle of strong ofrces clashing makes her even more nervous. She knew that she did a mistake coming here in the first place. Now she hopes dearly she wont pay for it.
(I really REALLY wanna get in bed with this srry if i try to hard XD il just watch for now)
Rolled 43 + 10 (1d129 + 10)

"A deal was made, yes, and it has already been fulfilled." The god of war says, raising Godbreaker and bringing it down towards the exalted mortal's weapon, the blazing head charged with power.
(rolling to hit/disarm(or literally dis-arm), as well as to spread fire from the blazing head over her, burning away the shroud.)
Rolled 51 (1d173)

*cracks knuckles*It's time to put these tunnels to good use. I'm gonna start with a new lab.
I pull away from strike, as it narrowly misses my neck. I had been denfenseless, there was no way she could have missed... She held back, she couldn't actually strike me. Heroicus, the traitor that he was had spoken some truth, she could be fixed... Saved. The core of my divinity is in my throat as I see Godbreaker swinging down toward where Seara must be. He means to destroy her here now before my eyes; some cloudy ultimate lesson to teach me surely.

"No!" I reach out with my Bauble, they thing Seara had mocked so and attempt to unforge Godbreaker, a shame to undo those fine crafted folds and glorious care I must return it existence or fix it when this is over. "You will never touch her with that wretched thing again!!"

(Rolls for bauble is usually +51 be unmade and stored in Trinket, 50-11 broken and functionless until the end of the age, 10-01 solidified and uneffectable until the end of the age. Since Godbreaker is a powerful item I'll give it +76 to be unmade, 75-11 to be broken)

He Devil steps suddenly before the Vampiress grinning and licking his own teeth. "Hey darling, you've got the looks but you're not on the list. Gotta toss ya." He strikes out at her, (he rolls auto 6's if I have to repeat this)
Rolled 98 (1d173)

It's a start, a tad bit underwhelming, but there's still some room for expansion. Let me expand it some more.
Rolled 14 (1d100)

(Oops how did I mess up such an important roll)
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>keen eyes spot him before he even approched her.
Rolling to defend. Text after.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

She underestimated the demon.
-You were faster than i though but not fast enough fiend. You are lucky i dont like demon blood cause you would be drained right here and now. But that doesnt mean i cant play with your soul a little.
She draws he sword Deaths Touch and strike at the demon.
I'm out.
Rolled 25 + 5 (1d83 + 5)

The divine hammer twists and cracks, the power howling in outrage as it is rendered mortal. The backlash from such a thing is not what I expect as the voidfires widen the weak points in the hammer divine power of godly destruction makes my left arm twist and crack as well, explosions running all over the surface of it and making it hang limply. I scream out, the hammers twisted form now more a great cracked maul. But the fire of it still burns away the shroud, finally after several ages I can see and feel her again but it is too late I see Heroicus was attacking her weapon and not Seara...

The Ruby Woman attempts to doge that bastard Gods Hammer. Confusion and uncertainly fill her as suddenly her hated lord is defending her once again... And the Destroyer she had thought a one time ally is her enemy. "Why?!" She screams.

Seara attempts to
She takes the hit solidly, her weapon going flying freely but she is otherwise unharmed. More so than Ignatum... Why does his twisted deformed arm make her feel guilt... He's still vulnerable and though he can see her he looks at her with rage, reproach but is there sorrow there? And he is not looking kindly on Heroicus, though he seems to look somewhat sheepishly at the others weapon. They stand for a moment frozen, uncertain... What is happening here?

He Devil howls and stumbles back hold his guts into his stomach from the wound. "Ahhh nooo you dark bitch! Ah my divinity, that blasted sword so dark, so sharp, so smooth..." He stands up straight and grins at her, while his guts hang loose. "Oh I like the feel of it. I could claim divinity with that. As for me, none of my divinity it my own," he laughed "cut me up but it's blood from a stone. My ring and the realm of fire feed me eternal." He lungs at her again using his own boiling intestines as a lasso to attack from a greater distance.
Rolled 17 (1d20)

-Persistent little One are you.
As the blade makes a subtle growl letting Dialara know that little to no power was drained from the waking husk she notices a small deformed ring. In that split second she knew what she had to do for she saw one of those before right at her creators and.
Rolling to fake out a full strike and hit the demon s finger off.
The fake out works better then expected. Grabbing the guy lasso the afile vampiress pulled her self towrds the hulking chunk of meat. Flase swipe of the sword seemed to be aimed at the head making the demon confident that he will prevail even if his entire head gtets choped off. But the sword swiftly changed course towrards the giant slimy finger of the demon. The blade struck without question and the ring finger came right off. She swiftly grabs the severed index.
-This little toy will no longer serve you imp!
Rolled 20 (1d20)

Aparrently i need to counter!
Here we go.
My lord thanks you profusely, We both are under your debt, Whenever you would call us to repay this favor, I assure you, craftsmaster, that you will not find us wanting...

The dragon nods his head in respect, covers the magical chest with its wings and flies away from the lord with the chest at hand.


As the caretaker was flying towards the mortal realm, He saw two figures clashing with a both grace and brutality.

The Young god watches the fight between two beings through the caretaker's eyes, both seem mortal yet so much more.... Their essences are alike to what the caretaker has.... The young god, curious as he is, wills the dragon to watch with discretion.
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Rolled 140 (1d284)

A Giant rip appears in the space time continuum as a Giant 10 foot tall black Armored Begin lounges at Seara and quickly says "Hello"
Rolled 49 (1d173)

Hmm, now that I remembered, I have some valuable items. I know just thing! First let me use these 100 mortal shadows to more or less sculpt a base for my creation.
Rolled 71 (1d173)

The base was a failure, nothing more than a lump of material. But a lump is enough for my needs. I begin sculpting the lump towards more of humanoid shape.
Rolled 15 (1d173)

Hmm, a bit crude, not complete in a sense. I believe I can smooth out more of the features to be work able.
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LOLS, how I pictured it.
Rolled 151 (1d173)

A complete failure, nothing more than pure utter crudeness. I won't tolerate this. I'll attempt at it one more time.
That's better, a face not too rough, nor too perfect. With eyes as dark as obsidian. Hair blacker than the darkest of nights. A nose and a mouth that shows the aura of being completely plain. The base is complete.
As the wonderfull seer dragon watched from a distance the battle between all the beings down below a pressence crept near him. It was morialstraz the newly reborn dragon. The avatr of the god flinched for a second but the skin and bone draon reasured him.
-Ah it is good to see another one of my kind since my new.... condition. I am morialstraz the red (well former red as you can see) I wish to accompany you here for a while as i watch how the mistress is doing down there. By what name shall i call you oh great one?
Rolled 93 (1d173)

Satisfied. I begin working on a pair wings. Remembering my finest pair, unfortunately lost for time imemorial. My Void Wings shall be recreated.
Rolled 17 + 15 (1d21 + 15)

Rolling to cushion the blow that the poor exalted one would take using a few shadows. Its just a polite act maybe violence is not needed. WE already damaged the godbreaker and iggys arm. I think we should take a break and analyse this Sauron.
(it doesnt act as acoutner only diminishes your roll a bit in case seara gets hit hard so she wont literlay get smashed in 1 shot.)
Rolled 6 (1d40)

the Dragon tries to overcome the dread that morialstraz the red emits from its mere presence alone.
(you could call him morialstras the undead now)
-I see you are disturbed great one i am sorry. Let me give you some space.
Rolled 131 (1d173)

The wings are made, but I feel that the quality of these will never match up, but for the time being they shall do. After finishing the attachment of the wings towards my creation. I begin with the grafting The key piece. The core.
Every roll made is for the percantage of piece being grafting in.
a deep seated instinct gains control of the caretaker of purpose as he tries to flee the more powerful dread dragon. The young god however sees no animosity in the entities' words and recognizes the divine energy that surrounds the dread dragon as akin to its past companion's auras. the young god tries to provide the caretaker a reminder of its purpose, to serve as the young god's intermediary, and attempts to renew the dragon's courage.
Rolled 32 (1d42)

Good, good. I shall now finish up. But I can't be too rushed.
Rolled 32 + 20 (1d40 + 20)

accompanying roll
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Almost done now.
Rolled 1 (1d7)

Nearly there.
Rolled 4 (1d6)

Slowly but surely.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Nearly done.
-So young one what draws you to this place? Who do you give eyes to? And most importantly why do you still looked so confused?
Rolled 1 (1d1)

Here's the final piece.
With the core implemented. I shall now take a quick rest.
The Young God Provides the caretaker with resolute courage all the while telling him to go back and spectate the fight. the Caretaker Goes back to the duel and declares himself towards the beastly being

"I'm the Caretaker of Purpose, dead one, I'm the young god's confidant and his defender. I'm his primary tool in this waking world and I hold onto him my deepest loyalty," I feel that you are bound aswell kin, What divine being has the honor of your service?
Lexium looks forlorn as in slow motion he sees his severed fingers flying loose. One clawed hand cuts his guts free of her grasp and the other reaches out and tries to grab them but the Vampiress is too quick and her sword work had been to precise making them flip deftly into her hand. "And yesterday was going so well." The devil steps back and gives a sigh, "No that is mine, and you don't want it. It binds you somewhat to that one." He gestures behind him at Heroicus. "

"But you have me at a disadvantage my dear, so I am Lexium" He stretches out his hand, mischief in his eyes and that oh so wide grin, "Let's make a deal."
-Caretaker of Purpose you say? I believe you can sense what my resolve is. I am bound to imortality by the God of Death but he left me a little bit of leanway. I surve the purpose of defeating the demons. They have slain me once and slain countles of our kind more. Now i was given (without a knowledge as to why) a second chance. And i intened to serve my kin in undeath as i did in life. But i didnt came here to bore you with things you already know. I thought that talking to a being just as different as i am from my kin was the best way to get my grip of this world again. And i have come to watch the mistress of the vampires and make sure that nothing to bad falls upon her.
so much probing questions about my lord, this is quite perplexing, dreaded one, it is as though you have seen the actions that I have done to serve him, its quite perplexing.... Do you have plans that includes my young king?
-The only deal i have made is that to keep my soul from being eaten by something that would make your pressence feel like a measly ant. YOu should be begging not making deals. Especially here where the fires of your land are far away from you. I quite like this cold. So here is the deal. You pass your last bit of divinity you stole and turn back to the imp you are or i will do it my self. The sword may not be as mighty as the scythe my master owns but it has a mind of its own and it is less picky. It enjoyed even that lack of essence you gave it. Your choice.
-I am not interested young one. For i served one master before and i ultimatly do serve one even if he is quite a soft one. I am more interested in you as i fear my kin will not be happy to accept me even after the conflict has ended. So its good to hold some sanity. And i am geniunly that confusion might be the end of you no matter how fixed your master is. Excuse me if my questions were too... direct i wasnt the most fine talker in my lands and death may have dulled me even more.
Rolled 8 + 5 (1d83 + 5)

The blow is coming on too fast, too unexpected, the moment of pause and possible end to this is gone. Seara tries to dodge back but there is no way she can be fast enough. There is nothing I can do but yell in useless fury as another of Heroicus' ploys seems to reveal itself. Shadows seem to gather but are torn away by the strike. (Rolling Seara's dodging back)
As his caretaker, I need to be quite discreet when talking about my lord... I worry that I may set off events that would ultimately harm the young king....

Demon hunting you say? such noble purpose is worthy of such a grand soul... the boon given to you by the god of death is a great one indeed if it allows you to attain your purpose. I do not know how our kin will react to you dreaded one, for if it was not through my lord's abilities and compassion, I would have thought you as a being of death where mind and soul is corrupted. the foresight bestowed upon me by the young king assures me that you still retain the grandeur of a dragon's soul but the rest of my kin might not be as fortunate as me to have this soul seeing power. I'm glad that I have sought to understand you, dreaded kin, such welcoming friends are quite rare and valuable.
I wouldnt call our soul a grand uncoruptable thing. I think my master was too good or disinterested in creating a weapon of death. Through teh breife dance of essences that lead to my rebirth i leard a bit of him. He carries a powerfull but burduning mantle indeed. Death surrounds everyone and only those that meet it first now the truth. I am quite irritated that he didnt want to give me my rest but i saw that he didnt do it out of malice as much as out of jelosy and will to create something out of his destructive mantle. I even saw a few of the stories he wrote in his book small fractures. But what i saw the most important thing i keep when he orders me to do things (as rare as it happens) is the sight of a young spirit using a quill left and right in a beautifull book animating and creating spectacles that bards will sing in ages. Living each and every adventure. Thats what keeps me from revolting and makes me want to give my life for him. So you can tell your own master that the god of death has only one message to him: "Bring me stories so glorious that the gods themselves will shed a godly tear. Show them all that mortals can sometimes do more than the most divine of the beings!"
Seara Fails miserably and the Mace makes Impact Breaking her rib cage and Causing her stomach to rip right open as she Started to Bleeding profusely unable to stand up and her vision started to become blurred.
Excellent. Although she is rough on the edges. I am pleased. I shall call her Urdione, her domains shall be of Void and Shadows. With her done I find myself a strange peace as I leave her 1 point of my divinity for her own power touse and grow upon. Since I feel it is too dangerous for her here, I leaving in her in the Abyss, far, far away from warring gods.
death doth comes for us all, ave draconis ab aeterno, I might remind you kin, that your watch might need your assistance.

the wing extends towards "seara"

that hit surely had the intent to destroy, but your watch seems to be straddling the wire of life or death. her fate is determined by your actions dreaded one.
This is not yet 100% in but i am just gonna write i cause yeah.
>smelling the sweet taste of blood dialara impales the demon with 2 icycles nearby to make sure he doesnt run away.
>she swiftly reaches behind the gravly injured demigod.
>- I am sorry darling but your smell was to appetising to be left unchecked. A token of my appreciation for your survival.
>Quickly she sinks her fangs into the neck of the demigod blood rushing in. Searas pain is almost compleatly take away in the moment as the bite fills her entire body with pleasure. But behind that the sinking feeling of being drained starts to creep in.
>dialara knows she has little time before the Exalted can act again so she drains what she stays for a moment finishes her job and pulls away into the shadows.
>-I think i fell in love with you extinguished one. I have never tasted a meal so apetising in my life. I hope we have this exchanged again. And i could be willing to share some myself. Aur voire, mon cheri!
Bah she is of no interest to me i would struck her down my self if i didnt knew how much power she stole. My mistress is the dark lady another of my amsters servents( i think he has a bit more than that in mind). She is no harm for now so i can watch and talk.
Rolled 39 + 10 (1d144 + 10)

A battle? Another interesting development, and what a fine fighter, that Seara. It seems almost wrong to leave such a specimen to certain death. Perhaps I could boost her in some way, rewind her to when she was more fit.
She is immortal you know
Rolled 97 (1d100)

I saw her ruby body crumple and crack. Tears in her eyes, as her hand finds that empty hole in her gut, the Ruby Woman has time to think how it had almost been restored, how Heroicus' curse had left her cracked and flawed, but she had almost fixed it with her stole power. She had almost returned to being smooth and flawless like when he had remade her. Her eyes meet mine as they glaze over and she looses consciousness "Ignat..." She murmurs through a mouth full of blood before collapsing to her knees and then the floor.

Everything is red. I'm howling, but I do not hear it. I can't not lift my left arm but I must. They all need to burn. Everything must burn. Fire is breaking through my veiled attempt at mortal skin, the ice of the citadel melting around me. I must move my arm, so I move it.

The sound isn't wet but the cracking of stone and the hiss of steam as I tear my left arm free with my right. Magma pours freely, I swing the arm like a club direct the power of Bauble at Sauron's ring. First I break, I break everything then it all burns.
-Oh my the old man is really pissed. I think this is my queue to leave before he starts burning. I have gotten what i wanted. And you ugly fiend are coming with me. Morialstras would you be a deer and get this ugly bastard to my castle oh and pick me up. Oh i dont mind if youa re a little bit rough with him just make sure he doesnt die ok?
Without a moment to spare the vampire left the main room and grabed the demons wounded body outside. The dragon with a little grin on his face gently picked up the vampire and brutaly sinked its gals into the massive body of the demon.
-Aaaaa. You ugly lizard why are you doing this? I will pick my teeth with your bones when i get out of this mess!
-Silence disgusting existence. You are lucky that the mistress needs you or i would make your soul a part of my bones! ,Said morialstraz quickly shutting the demon off.
So are we, death is still within our power.
Rolled 7 + 10 (1d129 + 10)


In his hands, the god of War and Destructions holds the twisted and cracked Godbreaker. His eyes burn brighter than even Ignatum's desperate fires. At the sight of this, the five guardian mini-dragons all retreat from the room.

He looks towards the forge god, and raises the fractured hammer once more.
"YOU DARE?!" is the primordial's battle cry as he swings the hammer towards the god, powers of destruction crackling around and out of the cracks and fractures of the head.
His aim lies not on the god's head, body nor gauntlets, but towards the fire god's elbow, with the sole purpose to tear the arm from the god.

Seara will die when I let her, that is her curse. She will 'survive' anything until then, which means she's still alive through all this and quite probably in shock.
It'll hurt like hell when she wakes up, and it probably hurts the entire time.
The caretaker sees this and unexpentantly flies towards the unconscious body of seara and carries her out of the crumbling palace.

As the caretaker flies outside of the palace, he passes a small quote to the dreaded dragon.

death comes to us all, dreaded kin, but the greatest sin is to let once own grasp hang low, to leave one's destiny unfulfilled, the role of once being missed and disregarded. To sin of mediocrity and the lack of purposeness it aspires... ave draconis ab aeterno brother. and Ab aeterno for her as well, for such a grand purpose gains immortality against the never ending march of death.
Rolled 20 + 15 (1d21 + 15)

Calm down HEROICUS DONT MAKE MATTERS WORSE! Iggy broke it iggy can repaire it!
Rolling to surround the god of destructions with visions of sad deaths. Hoping to calm his anger down.
Rolled 109 + 10 (1d144 + 10)

So you mean torture the ruby goddess? Some part of me is appalled by this act of destruction and hatred, and a fire is lit in the blind pupil of the mortal eye. The mantle of order has reawakened, and I will end this now. I roll to isolate and move Seara somewhere… safer. My realm perhaps
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Rolled 53 (1d97)

Sauron Aims to Hit Ignatum's trinket where the Ring is stored
Rolled 78 + 15 (1d110 + 15)

I stare into the God of destructions face my lip curled in a snarl, before it melts away in to live wild fire. Inside my Guantleted hand I activate trinket, the form of the ring is so simple, a single roll and easily altered. I make one of my own inside the guantlet. The hammer hits me, so much power is wrapped with me, my left arm feels like an extension of my right... With it I wrap my bauble around godbreaker and squeeze as it hits me. Then the world seems to explode.
(Just for a reference, my ring would give me 97+407 power)
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The Caretaker hears a great psychic wave calling him to bring seara to the god of time, He flies towards his realm, clucthing the ruby princess with great care.... her wounds seem to be healing in a snail pace, he soul would flee and move on to the realm of death yet it persist to stay in such a ruined vessel as if her life is being forced into her body by some divine will...

The caretaker whispers sweetly to the unconcious warrior and says, "Little one, your purpose is still unfulfilled, Let your desire to fulfill your mission push you through this endeavor, for the young king will be watching with great intent..." as he flies among the void of the cosmos.
I sense the goddess approach my realm, and another with her. It makes no matter, she is away from the combat now. I open the portal for her entrance, and shut it behind her.
Rolled 15 + 15 (1d21 + 15)

From a really safe distance a dark almost old looking entity watches the briliant explosion. He breaths a deep sigh takes a breath of air watches mournfully the citadel and says:
After venting his frustration he grabs his book and a wooden stick and starts laying down his mantle like a net in an attempt to grab the many lost souls that died in the brutal explosion.
Rolling to se ehow effective i am.
*senses troubles, rubs temples in annoyance, sighs*Fucking hell IGGY! This is a fucking mess of a cleanup. Let me see if I contain the area around whatever the fuck is occuring.
Rolled 2 (1d172)

I am goof.
you are twice the goof now.
Rolled 9 + 15 (1d21 + 15)

Look at this mess. Rowlling for morea cleaning.
Being so pissed and tired of this shit, I lose control and caused the area to become unstable.
And you take damage cause ytou fucking failed on an explosion that can almost kill a god! so yeah.
I am not even physically there. I'm still in one of my labs.

as the dragon enters the realm of time, It was graced the provledge of witnessing a plane of existence wherein time moves in every direction possible, The landscape littered with memories of the past, the floating islands are recipient to the the countless decisions yet to be made and some events are even locked in time frozen in place for the keen observer to gaze and learn from....Yet all of this wonders doesn't phases the dragon, as of one mind, the caretaker searches for a safe piece of land to lay the ruby princess to rest and rejuvenate.
-Look at all of this mess. Look at it! Crying puppies, motherless bear cubs, even chicks so small they walk instead of flying. Oh you poor man i am so sorry your wife has to live without you. And you little boy. Your father was indeed proud of you. Sigh such is the sad life. Wait whats this. Is taht divine essence traped in my net? Oh no! It can not be! YOU FOOLS! what hav eyou done to your selfs? Was the rage worth it? Was the rage worth it you idiotic glorious BAMF of a god? was it worth taking revenge? Please i will give it back but tell me you are alive! DONT YOU FUCKING DIE ON ME HEROICUS!
The mourining god picks up the scraps of the once glorious power of the god. His magnificent still in his minde he eveneloped the divinity and took it as a whole making sure to keep it as stable as possible.
I will put this to good use old friend. I promise you that.
(agreed with heroicus that its 30 of his scattered power will retcon if he changes minds or stuff)
There is light, a miniature star explodes, frostfire reigns rampart, all in the matter of a moment, a split second, then nothing.

The god of War, the Lord of Destruction, opens his eyes.
He is floating in nothingness, his dragons on his shoulder and his successor by his side.

Wait a minute, something is off about all this.
There was a planet, there were other gods, there was a battle, now...
He was alone.
He felt different, yet the same.
Before him lay the dominion of eternal rest.
The God of War was DEAD.
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Rolled 50 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

For a long time the huntress sleeped in the core of her uncle's planet. While she sleeped she dreamed with the old world. While she dreamed the godness moved her will shaping the gelatinous creatures in her dreams. She dreamed with a ocean full of animal's and plants. While she dreamed, her divinity poured into the core. While she dreamed her very own powe, giving fertility to the land, so some parts of the planet would be able to create flowers capable of enduring the cold enviroment of the planet.
Rolled 158 (1d172)

Here lies, a bro.
A bro so bro, he was THE bro.
Sure we argued, I called him a prick, he called me a dick, we were still bros.
He came, he left, like a total bro.
Valiantly he fought, and he never gave up.
Live on bro.
I shed a tear single tear.
Rolled 459 (1d504)

The smoke is clearing, the world round me that used to be a great ice fortress is now ash, deep deep ash. I am laying on my back, thrown quite far from the blast center. The atmosphere above is crystal clear, blown completely through, hundreds of miles away great storms turn and and rain pours all over the planet. Soon the ocean will come rushing in towards me, it will fill where the northern continent and icy cap once was. The wold has shifted some as well. Distantly I wonder if my people are okay... What people? My head is ringing and the world is strange and fuddled.

I look down I am a Flame elemental, no human form, though I am wearing a guantlet and ring, the guantlet is charred and hurting. There should be another one shouldn't there? Maybe. I am missing an arm, I think, that emptiness on my left hurt. I think distantly of when I was first 'born' in this world. Is that now? Was I just born now?

A dark creature suddenly comes at me from the side, it wants my guantlet. That is bad. I move out of the way.
Rolled 21 (1d51)

Taking his essence in he felt a struggle. Heroicuses little personality rejected the domain of darkness. It started burning at it slowly.
-No need to fret my friend i will make your staying calm while i can.
He swiftly moved his attention on a small hole in his realm. He chose to erect a statue near were teh shrine of bravery for chosen stood. A statue worthy of a god so mighty!.
beautiful... I can hear him trying to fist bump you from zel's closet.
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Rolled 66 (1d97)

Hug Ignatum and tell him to Calm Down
Rolled 92 (1d99)

Is that up for grabs now?
Rolled 35 (1d172)

Lately for some strange reason I've been thirsting for blood quite often. And I feel it may get out of hand. Let us see if I can contain my sanity, or what remains of it.
HAHAHAHA!E-e-e-very thing is slightly fine! Nothing will die!
Sensing a great power coming the epicenter the god of detah rushes to see.
-It was divine it was not destruction. IT WAS DIVINE THEY SURVIVED.
As he arrives at teh crate almsot stumbling out of emoution.
Seeing only Ignatum and sauron lifts his heart a bit but as the dust settle a bit more he notices the broken body of the god of destruction still animating some power.
He watched saddened knowing that they had nothing that they could do.
-Why you idiot why have you done this? Why? Iggy? What went so wrong. What?
With these last words he stood silent. His face lost all expresion.
-I must do what i must do i guess. I am taking you in. I will asure you rest oh great one.
Silently he laid his mantle over the broken body. The very divine soul started to manifest he knew that it was just a figment that it was the way the god told him. Yes my time has come. And thus Heroicuses pass into the beyond has started.
(to be continuied when i has sleep)
I look at the creature uncertainly, it seems distantly familiar. This new movement is not threatening so I don't pull away. It is a god, like me, very much like me. It's speaking, my ears are still ringing but I hear "Ignatum". That sparks something in me, 'Ignatum' is me. And this one is...

"Sauron?" My voice is horse and broken, something terrible has happened. I have down something terrible. "Sauron, what?..."

I can't recall but the world isn't right, so much ash... And I am fire, did I do this? "What?" I manage to croak again.
Rolled 63 (1d173)

*manic twitching*I-I-I-I won't let this stand! Damn Insanity!
You fought with Heroicus and you killed him but it's ok i am here you can Calm down.
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No. I left 30 in the form of shrapnel for Zel, as we discussed our future actions in the chat.
I'm keeping the rest as a... 'dead god'.

The souls of the dead, the collateral casualties of the battle of gods, beast, animal, mortal, even a few of the immortal angels and darkwraiths, all float in a horde towards their resting place.

However, they all feel the sheer power radiating from the Fallen god, and flock to him.
He is like a pillar, a rock they can hold onto on their journey to the gates of death, a god has suffered their fate and they can feel warmth and comfort from his twisted existence(non-existence, semi-existence?) and he enters, surrounded by them.

The gates of death open, even though the owner is not home, as a god walks the halls of the dead for the first time in existence.
He stands there, glorious even as this shadowy echo of his former self.

He looks over all he can see, and the blaze in his eyes fades away.
All across the mortal worlds his living mortal progeny lose the same glow, and a sense of loss fills them as his loss echoes within all of them, a part of them is gone, a part of them has died.

And he waits.
All dead have a caretaker, and the Primordial god waits for him.
*coughing*Damnit! Great, another annoyance has appeared that I have to deal with.
I'm out. Time to start planning my eventual labrynth.
Much has happened, but I have what I sought. The goddess Seara lay within my ruby city, I thought the familiarity would help her. Heroicus has fallen and Ignatum is weakened.

I open my eye upon the goddess, still resting. I ask her a simple question
"What do you see?"

Someone please give me a rundown of major/important celestial objects in the cosmos. Not the planets or moons, and I know about the two stars I made. Other celestial objects, I am interested in.
Theres a third star, polus. One of the primordials brought it.
Wow they brought an entire star? Who's the gaylord that did that? Was it Zel?
Also I made a fake Sun shaped to look like the Eye of Sauron
Nah a primordial, this one >>202858
Gol Durak made a swamp Nebula, I attempted a gas giant but made very small nebula at one point as well
A god just died so.... there's that.
There's the first mortal planet, Farkt's snowball planet, Mordor, and a few failed planet attempts.
The first/main planet for the mortals is now missing a large chunk of it's northern hemisphere.

Oh, yeah, and I died.
Domina scythe? New sun in exchange for it what do ya say?
Domi you can ignore that. I just brougth the star because i considered her part of me. But you can just say it's a dying star.
No it's fair, since that star is pretty strongly tied to you.

What would I be getting for the scythe again?

So much for your grand plans! You flew too close to the sun.
yuticas Divine soul vessel and 1 divinity so it wont be empty. Basicly a new sun and son! I now find that i have little use for it anyway. As dabling in the idea of divine souls themselves is a too scrilegeous to pass by any god. Especially you.
>yuticas Divine soul vessel

Care to explain this to me? Your wording is confusing.

Otherwise, that sounds fair and I'll agree to it.
Yutica gave Zel some of his/her divinity, and he claimed the former goddess's soul upon her 'mortal' death. He's offering these to you, I think.
Remember the god yutica? he passed his divinity and godhood and became a mortal sage. He was never seen since. I and another forgotten one split his power but i kept his divine vessel souls. Empty indeed but safe. I will fill it with 1 of his power so it may look like a god again and pass it up to you.
(basicly i took yutica split his divinity with me and another one and gave up to be a god turned mortal. His godhood is im my posetion but has no power. I give 1 to give some power backa and you basicly get a god to turn into a sun. This was all talked and it didnt involve any fighting or killing. It was an agreement and it was both sided.)
something around those lines. (also goddes? not god)
Rolled 59 (1d82)

Getting Dio's Divinity since he has not rolled
friendly reminder that all gone/forgotten gods are in Domina's cage just for this sort of thing.

yeh fuq u

Also does that mean I get a certain dead god of destruction? I'll roll for it if I have to.
Lurker things
Also please get in the Chat Please help
The certain dead god of destruction is staying in the realm of the dead.
You are free to journey into the calming nothingness and try to claim me if you want to.
i think getting blasted by the literla power of godbreaker is enough to make him dead for god even as a god (kina like dialmarula the god of luck did)
Rolled 30 (1d100)


Well maybe I can get some pieces or something.
Rolled 63 + 10 (1d99 + 10)

You can't expect me to not fight back. I like existence... non-existence... quasi-existence.... eh... whatever being dead is for a god.
How high do you even have to be just to do something like that?

Guess you're staying dead!
Rolled 88 + 10 (1d99 + 10)

Or, or I'm gonna drag you to the lands of the dead with me.
Dunno ask iggy and heroicus. I had no part in that. I only came after to clean the mess. (literlay the entire north pole got cratered. I had to clean up the dead.) Also i got a few scraps :D
Rolled 7 (1d100)

Yikes! Rolling to escape.
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Rolled 15 + 15 (1d21 + 15)

Rolling to rip a bit of domina so she wont illuminate (and burn) the entire land of the dead.
Why are you doing this to me heroicus.
Sorry senpai i dont know how to deal with this but i cant let you walk through the land of the dead.
Rolled 75 (1d172)

Time to enjoy some popcorn.
I almost had good tasting popcorn, a bit stale but it was enjoyable.
Rolled 145 (1d172)

*shifts eyes*No one will notice is a cage goes missing.
Rolled 472 (1d1000)

Rolling to rip your arm off in the process for the insult.
Rolled 61 + 10 (1d99 + 10)

"Being dead isn't so bad, Star Mother, not when you have company."
The legion of dead souls that hold onto the god of war for support move to grasp onto the radiant star mother with him, pulling her towards the halls of the dead.
"This place is too bleak. No light, just darkness. It could help to burn out the darkness here."
(rolling to basically carry the star mother (possibly bridal style, use your imagination) to the heart of the realm of the dead)
Bloody hell. Good thing I wasn't there physically, instead I lose 20 divinity and cage drops from my grip.
Rolled 42 + 15 (1d51 + 15)

Rolling to convince the souls to not do that. (i call bullshit on +10 there though is it ring related?)
(the +10 is my domain of fighting. I'm fighting to bring her down with me)
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Domina said 20 divinity is up in the air. Early bird bitches!
Rolled 37 (1d97)

Take the Cage so i can keep it away from Lurker
Rolled 4 (1d11)

Rolled 63 (1d100)

Nice try, if I'm pulling the arm the cage is coming with it.

Oh my how embarrassing. Rolling for prominence, as I blush. Hopefully the dead realm isn't incinerated.
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Rolled 74 (1d97)

Take the cage to Mordor to keep it Safe
I appreaciated you domina.... but from a safe distance. Rowlling to keep most souls away from the grosly incadescent god. May they rest in peace and not get eaten by domina... Now to find a way to kick her out from this place.
Rolled 10 + 15 (1d51 + 15)

Rolled 12 (1d100)

Before, being burned by the radiance hurt, even when I was at my full power, but now, it feels like a distant warmth, even if she was in my arms.
Death really is suffering for a god.

I command the dead souls of my demigods, at least those who will heed my command, to come to me as an offering to the star mother.
(rolling for total power of the divinity still left in the numerous dead demigods)
Rolled 5 (1d7)

I'm out. Hair cut.
Take the Damn Cage i only wanted to keep it safe
Rolled 5 + 15 (1d51 + 15)

And it was so peacefull before. Moth to a flame i guess. Fuck. im out of ideas. this is bad.
I know BUILD A WALL. To stop the souls from getting close to domina.
(Hidden Jutsu WALL OF BONES!)
Hidden justsu: Anal penetration with bones.
Now i am losing souls domina is burning the realm AND I AM BUTTHURT!
What a wonderfull day. Fucking fine BURN IN THE SUN JESUS!
Believe you me, I'll keep it safe.
Rolled 141 (1d200)

Oh boy all these souls. Rolling for an even greater prominence!
Rolled 150 (1d151)

I wont allow this. I invoke the powers of my realm to help me boot the goddes out of here before any one gets hurt. (realm bonus for this +1 d 100 and my power as you are within my realm.)
Domina it would be wise to help me on this one. I only wanna forcefully eject you out not hurt you.
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Rolled 75 (1d97)

Teleport to where Ignatum and Heroicus fought and look for the Ring of Protection
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I found it. Now bring it Back to Mordor and put it on
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Look at all of this mess. Burning souls. Light everywhere. Heroicus shlong mini statues by the women(apparently he was quite a stud). How the hell can i make a realm of the dead respectable if shit like this happens? Fucking hell.
>slams the portal door violently.
Rolled 79 + 15 (1d203 + 15)

(Huh just one of those days isn't it, I'm getting mine after lunch)
"I... No. Not okay." I start down at my remaining arm and the ring on it in disgust. Then another God is there, shouting and making noise. Zel, I think I liked this one, but the gestures are clear. Blame. Then there's the body, a gods body, a primordials body; we're not supposed to die, them especially. We had argued and differences but it was a game, we're gods it wasn't supposed to be like this. Zel leaves to look for the dead God... Does it work like that?

I need to go, be away from all this, think, reform, stop hurting. I take off the ring, drop it into the much weaker flames of trinket so it melts down and craft the exact version of the ring I'd taken from Sauron. I drop it in his hand then walk through him, my flames passing around him but not burning. "Thanks, help". I open the portal to my realm and collapse into it.

(Rolling to make your ring Sauron, it'll have the +186 like before)
No power boosting via artifacts.
Thank you. Now go back to realm and rest and i could help you Recover if you would like that
Rolled 136 (1d152)

Lets see if I can patch over that blind spot now in my senses. Damn sunlight.
That's better, now I'm just slightly ticked at losing power.
I was giving back Sauron his ring? Did we change the ruling on that officially? I know we weren't allowed to make more, especially multiplying power boosts. But yeah let me know I can craft correctly.
What he said >>205015
Rolled 53 (1d152)

Well, good thing is most of me is still safe, except a lil fried portion. I'm gonna start working on a radar system.
I got the radar base more or less done. But holy fuck am I tired. God damn power shortages.
No, no more power artifacts. Some threads ago I said we'd find some way of compensating players who'd already done it, so that they don't lose it.

So feel free to come up with something Sauron, that you feel would be compensation for the ring.
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Ok since the ring is made out of Evil itself. I will make it so that it will be able to Trap a god inside the ring while inside there they will be subjected to their own Personal Hell and will not be able to escape for One age and may become suicidal in the next Age
Rolled 29 (1d30)

Okay got it, like it better this way anyways... And right now I probably won't be crafting for a while anyways. (Also roll for powerboost from accidentally killing a primordial)
Rolled 31 + 10 (1d99 + 10)

Zel.... ZEL... Are you ousting my bae out of there?
What are you gonna leave me with here in nothingness, random dead souls here and there, dead mortals and demigods worshipping my non-existence to have something to do for eternity?
I will be ready to fight to keep her warmth, the warmth I can only barely feel even now with her in my arms.
I gave ya something. I gave ya a reason to brave the lake of souls. You can copulate with domina as much as you like I dont care. Just not in my realm. Bring qu em or nata in shes cool and not burningthedead leve of dangerous. Be my guest to brave rebirthing. I dont guarantee your safety.
Whoopee! I'm free!
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Rolled 60 (1d97)

Go back to the destroyed planet and search for Heroicus's dead body
Rolled 18 + 15 (1d51 + 15)

Did someone say dead body? Roll!
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Bring back his Body to Mordor
Rolled 32 (1d97)

Put Heroicus's body back together and fix any damages Ignatum made
Well most of the damage was fixed just a few scratchs left
I'm out.
Seara stirs at the question, her stomach still tender and cracked, But better now somehow. She opens her eyes and her jerks back in shock mouth falling open and laughing so hard it hurt her wounded body terribly and she tasted blood. She stops laughing and groans, "ooohh damn." Holding her wounded abdomen, "I'm sorry about that, it was horrible of me. It's just the last thing I expected."

She looks down a bit sullenly, "I didn't think I was going to wake up, my former lord, Heroicus and that sudden other crafts God bursting through reality. I thought it was a trap or my death or something horrible." She looks around the room, "Instead of some hell or torture I wake up in a cozy room. And-" she smiles genuinely again, "-there's a giant eye asking me what I see."

She gives a giggle again "I think my mind may finally broken. But if it's not..." Her eyes are distant and humorless, "I see what is probably a god, shaped like an eye watching over me. You're probably Perpatus if I have my pantheon memorized correctly. You have me in a room that is cozy and Ruby, so you know who I am and are acting comforting." She breaths out slowly seeming to shrink in size, "I see another God planning to toy with me and decide my fate..." She looks up staring into the eye, "you are a time God, some call you the watcher, right? What do you see?"
As the caretaker drops off the lady in the crystalline chamber he sees a huge eye opening in one of the major ruby clusters and a disembodied voice asking with a tone of a thousand wise sages "What do you see?"

The dragon ofcourse goes into a defensive stance trying to protect the lady as he regains her strength. "What manner of beasts are you!" "a denizen of this realm?" "do you intend to do harm to the poor lady?" One malignant stare will receive the full ire of my might spirit!
the dragon looks down at the now concious lady,

>no one can regain their strenght that quick from such a godly blow......

The dragon looks at the massive eye and says

"my apologies, time god, I'm at edge from the catastrophe which enveloped the gods, the red lady sees you as a friend and as such I will cease my posturing. Any friend of the Craftmaster's daughter is a friend of mine"

The lady awakes.... I've come to deliver you to haven, I'm the Caretaker, The young king's first vessel of divinity and his avatar on this realm.... my actions was done to fulfill a debt that my lord incured for your father's many works. Althought a greater force pushed me to put you away from harm.... You have a great fire burning in you red lady, A grand purpose in the events to come. The young king will be watching expectantly on your journey.

as he says this, the dragon leaves her on the ruby floor and flies away from the realm of the time god.
The ruby woman speaks and giggles before the great eye, it is a remarkable creation of Ignatum and Heroicus, a mortal turned God. She turns the question back to me
"I see all that was, is, and could be. Watcher, Oracle, the Great Eye, many names describe me, but few truly describe my sphere. I watch the waves. You'll find no toying and fate deciding here, I'm interested to know why it is that Ignatum and Heroicus would fight to the death over you."
"Tell me, how were ignatum and Heroicus?"
"Relax, there are no beasts here. This is my realm, an ideal home for all who would seek it. "
The divine dragon at the window posturing protectively and it's speech leaves the Ruby woman even more confused. Something about a young king, a catastrophe, thinking she's the friend of this eye God, or loved by Ignatum. Though he had been defending her hadn't he, and the dragon seems to be working for him. What even was this dragon, it was a divine pressence she did not recognize. And then in a blink it was off again, settled and happy that any duties it had were completed.

Seara's head just feels like it spinning, and the time healed wounds of her ribs seem to constantly creak on the edge of breaking. Perpatus is speaking to her again in the voices coming from nowhere, and she looks doubtful, "all gods play games with mortal and shape fate, it's your nature. As for Lord Heroicus and 'Lord' Ignatum they wouldn't fight to the death over me. They'd battle to great lengths over PRIDE, but not a mortal, not for ANY mortal divine or otherwise." She frowns at that looking perhaps saddened by the fact.

"As for how they were... They... Ignatum seemed confused, on edge, and uncertain. Heroicus seemed confident, sure of himself as always, but I don't think he expected me to call out on our deal and attack my 'lord' or that my lord would lash out when I was attacked. After that instant I thought there was a lull and maybe things would settle, that they would be deciding my fate... again. But then the dark pressence struck out, it felt a kin to Ignatum's divinity. I believe it was... Sauron?" She sighs, "then I was collapsing, broken again. I was sure Ignatum and Heroicus you dismiss my life then when I was down. But I woke up here... What happened while slept? Am I to be removed from time or something? How am I being punished?"
Rolled 15 + 10 (1d40 + 10)

The dragon flies back towards the village turned town The dragon tells the seer to command the villagers to make a big vault for the chest.
(can you link me the last question you adressed me and wanted answered kinda got lost in the fucking happening and such)
The people utilizes a small cave in the edge of the village, they've fortified the cave with stone slabs, wood, and some limestone. The limestone has some crude engravings of the caretaker's first visit, the seer's acceptance of the young god's blessing, and the caretaker's return with the divine chest. Its entrance is blocked by a huge boulder that is only capable of being moved by 30 men or a single dragon. It's a sturdy and inconspicuous vault as it lacks any regal engravings in the limestone that would signify fine treasure.
-You are indeed correct. And though your master is ytoung in this world he is wise. I would even consider him to be wiser than many. Maybe such is the mantle of purpose. May his youthfull demenor not cloud his cold wise thinking. Until we meet again Magnificent one.
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Rolled 82 (1d97)

Now make Heroicus a new body that improves his defensive ability and his offensive ability.
Rolled 1 (1d99)

(rolling for success of potentially vague message from beyond before I write it)
My ears argh.... If you werent dead i would suspect you of trying to destroy my eardrums.
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The dead god sits in the heart of the dead realm, souls waiting on his every breath, his every sound, his every command.
He looks towards the world of the living with his unseeing eyes, deciding upon a familiar presence.

From what feels like it's within herself, Seara hears faint snippets of echoes of a broken voice.
"..-y Lady.....-m broken....-ust find.... destroy.... bring... my....-ed body... to... eternal rest...
.... destroy.... - it."
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Ignatum : Don't try it!
Heriocus: ----jumps at him with his hammer---
Ignatum : -----ruins him with his bauble-----
Heriocus: ---- falls close to a lava river---
Ignatum: you were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the lurker not join him! to bring balance to the force! not leave it in darkness
Heriocus : I HATE YOU!
Ignatum: you were my brother heroicus, I loved you
heriocus: ARGHHH!!! --- tries to crawl to him----

-----------------fades to black--------------------

---- in the realm of sauron-----

Sauron: Lord heroicus, can you hear me?
Heriocus : Yes sauron, Where is seara? is she safe? is she alright?
Sauron: it seems in your anger, you have killed her
Heriocus: Nooo... nooooo. no!!! she was alive! I Felt it!!! ------------as he breaks his deathly chains-----------

Sauron; Rise LORD SAURON
*lord Melkor..

Other than that, nice.
As the dragon gently drops the divine chest into the vault it continues its search for knowledge and experience.
One of Domina's cages glows brightly and bursts open, I walk out carrying something swaddled in cloth.
I'm back b++++es! Miss me?
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Your back Yay
Come join the chat Cytube God game
Rolled 91 (1d115)

Let's see how the Purudamars have been doing in my absence.
Yo Heroicus, come claim your kid.
My people are doing incredibly well. Having become a legitimate kingdom and a reputation for breeding some of the most crazy and death defying adventurers.
As for the child, everybody, meet Impera.
Rolled 30 (1d50)

Rolling to see how many villages were made while I was away.
So, the Purudamarsian kingdom is made of 40 towns. The capital of Damars holds the castle. A testament to the growth of the Purudamars from a small group of nomads to a respected kingdom.
As the dragon seeks for lands to scour for knowledge and experience, He sought after one of the empires of man, The great Empire of Tiberia, Housing Imperator Iber, lord protector of the realm, high count of dreshik, the Great lord of Ulthermar, and warrior-king of Ronyar.
His empire consist of the great hills of dreshik (contains 7 high princes of 7 different territories), the southern mountainous plains of Feraldis and the western great lakes of ronyar. the empire is quite rich in both people, knowledge, soldiers, food, metals, and slaves or atleast most of its wealth is seen circulating in hills of dreshik....
It has a history of raiding nearby kingdoms and capturing people for slave labor and the southern plains of Feraldis, whose mighty seat is placed on it's grand Bastille-like capital, Ulthermar, still abhors the empire for its rule and its conquest of its lands
"While you slept? I brought you here before the brunt of the battle, but Heroicus is dead and Ignatum might not be far off. As for the other questions, you already are removed from time. This place exists in the past and future concurrently. What would I punish you for, pissing off some gods? It's more enjoyable than my usual routine definitely."
The Great Eye blinks, momentarily revealing the rift in the center, a vibrant hole in space. Noting this mistake, the Eye adjusts itself to a position once again concealing the rift.
"Now, what do you want to do now? Return to ignatum? Or something else?"
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Rolled 34 + 20 (1d40 + 20)

The Caretaker seeks for a person with a strength of heart, another worthy vessel for the young king's blessing.
as the caretaker flies across feraldis, He feels a great psychic aura emanating on the isolated dirt roads in the middle the forest that spans across feraldis and the dreshik. The Caretaker descend to what looks like a party of empire swordsman and some slaves being transported. As the dragon comes it immediately feels the psychic tug coming from the young slave girl, (19 to 23 year old) who was brutally pillocked and skin been littered with bruisers (surely from a recent beating). yet even then, she still has a great and burning desire locked deep within her. Her emotions, so pure and strong can rally a mob of peasants to conquer and kingdom, a will so clear and pure that when fostered is capable of bringing down empires into the dirt, The dragon is astounded by the girl's psychic strength and decides to take action. The Caretaker plunges down to the gound with the intent to remove the empire swordsmen, Who's swords are now unsheathed and pointed towards the great winged being.
Rolled 2 (1d73)

The Ruby Woman shakes her head unbelieving but her heart leaps with joy and her stomach sinks with... regret? loss? "That can't be right, gods don't die. I mean they can eat each other's divinity or Domina can. But if Heroicus is dead then Ignatum would have Heroicus' divinity and be stronger than ever. If Heroicus lost how is Ignatum almost dead, who won? Is this a trick? Just how are you trying to trick me?"

She catchs a glimpse of the hole in existence. "What? What was that?... I-" she grips her head suddenly in pain. "Aarrgh! Gods dammit!" She doubles over as message from Heroicus comes through directly into her mind with the sound of static and the howls of the dead. (Roll to see if she can focus and send a message back)
She focuses as hard as can but can't seem to follow the link. It makes no sense to her, how is there a part of the universe she can't connect with. (I blame you for making her unable to die for these rolls Heroicus!) Still she sends forth a thought as best she can "F-..... -ou!! Leav-......... die ............. -hole!" Well at least she knew the eye was lying to her, Heroicus is certainly alive somewhere.

"Bastard God!" The Ruby Woman shouts as she sits up again snapping out of the pain and message to be looking into the God Eye again. "Oh uh sorry not you, Perpatus. You seem alright, though I don't appreciate the lie. Your 'dead' God just tried talking into my head." Her brow furrows for a second as she tries to remember something, "and no, really what was that before? I saw a hole."
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Rolled 50 (1d97)

Seara i knocked you out and yes Heroicus is really is dead and if you want to come fight or talk to me or whatever just say this phrase

"Sauron Senpai please notice me"

P.S I would have wrote a longer message but the Ring is very limted in terms of communication
(Roll for how good this message comes out)
Sauron has a cru-ush!
Rolled 80 (1d148)

This was certainly an interesting development, it seems Heroicus has maintained some aspects of himself in death.
"No, he really is dead. But he was a powerful God, even as we speak he is attempting to remake himself in the void. Perhaps he wants you to go to him? I wouldn't trust the Lord of Destruction, it may be a trap… or not."
Then she asked about the rift, he had hoped that she missed it. No point in hiding it now.
"What you saw was the Rift. Inside is where I preside, and where the streams of time connect and diverge. Now, about that message, perhaps I could make it more understandable for you."
Rolled 24 + 20 (1d40 + 20)

In a moment of fire and light, empire soldiers turn into cinders....... some of the slaves ran away when they saw the dragon fearing it more than the soldier who were then threatening them with their blades if they would leave. The dragon then approaches the remaining slaves and raises it wings slowly as it tires to replicate the cosmos with its wings as it attempts to hone into her purpose as to talk to and influence the mind of the young lady
I'm slightly dead at the moment.
If you could bring it to Domina with my best regards and ask her to send the results to the realm if the dead, that would be great.
Don't worry, I'll bring it back out with me.
>forgot to change the name on my phone...
>>209807 -Sauron
The message comes through to the Ruby Woman pretty clearly, a flicker of anger passing over her features. Clearly the God that had so swiftly knocked her senseless before was mocking her. Too many gods tracking her, this ring had gotten her pulled to Heroicus, probably guided Sauron to strike her and now let him talk and find her even hidden in the realm out of time. It wasn't worth the trouble, she brought the ring to her mouth and suped on the divintiy within to render it silent. The strength it gave was not worth the trouble. 'I'll deal with you eventually armored one'
>>209901 -Perpatus
Well that's two gods insisting the old bastard is dead, good she hoped they weren't lying, and if these whispers were all the power he had over her now all the better.

She focused her attention on Perpatus, it is hard to read the emotions of a giant eye but this rift seemed to make him nervous... Where he dwelled, the connecting and diverting point of time, "so what if someone else was to go in-" but the time God was changing the subject and focusing his power upon her. "No! Wait! Don't connect me to that-" she fell into a trance.
>>210300 -Heroicus
"-bastard!" It was like her mind was floating in a twilight place, the light behind her and shadows and darkness before her, the long hallway stretching before her echoing with quiet ghostly sounds. "Oh Gods Dammit!"

Her voice booming hollowly down the path and a helmeted head with it's armor dented seemed to shift at the end of the corridor. Of course it was Heroicus again. "Well at least if you're really dead I can tell you how happy it makes me to your face. You traitorous! deal breaking! flip-flopping! f-fraud!" Seara was bright red in the face and trying to be intimidating though that always seemed to fall flat before the God of Destruction.
"Hmm?" the dead god seemed to look towards where the floating consciousness of Seara felt that she was, as he sat, surrounded by lesser souls that swarmed around him like a mob and maelstrom all at once.
She was shouting something at him, but it sounded and felt blurred, like they were submerged in liquid.

He struggled with finding what he wished to say to her, his mind foggy and clouding up whenever he tried to contact something that was still alive, perhaps a godly by-product of the state of being dead.
"You.... come.... to... the... lands... of death... to scream....
Too peaceful... can't tell... the passage... of time...
Have been... dead for... a long... no... short time?
Broke no deals.... killed Ignatum... killed the Ignatum that... Ruby Lady was angry at... made him... more human.... made him... understand...."

He seemed to lower his hand, patting the 'head' of a soul that nuzzled against him.
"Forgive... Ignatum... find... my body.... take it... to the... gates... of death....
I trust my fate... in you... former.. mortal...
Do not... waste... this opportunity... for all... mortalkind...."
Rolled 49 (1d74)

Seara snorts at this, "don't give me that from a certain point of veiw you completed our deal. Gods have a nature, a core that can't change, you really think I believe you or him will ever be any different?" She found herself panting, why was she so tired, this place was getting harder to talk in. She felt tired, "I... *yawn* don't forgive, and you ask the impossible of me... I can't go to the gates of death..." Her eyelids are heavy, "because of you. And why even would I?"

She breathes deep, this place was peaceful, maybe she should stay her in the in-between, "I hate you." The words had no malice just fact, her eyes were closed.
(Rolling to see this inbetween life/death connection effecting her)
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The dead god lets go of the soul he had been caressing, his arm covered in swarming souls as he reached out and gently 'held' Seara's consciousness. (godly/dead soul metaphysics are hard to imagine and explain)
Free souls swarmed around her and his hand as he drew her closer to his 'face'.
"You... are... needed...
'He'... will need.... a.. 'mother'...
Cannot... trust... other.. gods... for this... burden...
The reason... I gave you... the gift... of teaching..."

As he said the last of his words, he drew her even closer and 'kissed' her forehead, and something new happened.
The dead god was drawing out his domain, the domain of War, and implanting it in the soul of the exalted being that was Seara, forever setting her apart from any other being in the universe, neither god. mortal nor exalted, but something else.
Distant yells can be heard in the mind of sseara.
-.... heroicus .... wtf are you doing? .... Stop using souls like that! stahp.... at least make a shrine or something.... are you even listening?
Rolled 142 + 10 (1d148 + 10)

The time God watches this exchange with curiosity, for it was his power that allowed Seara to speak to Heroicus. Feeling that the conversation was over, he begins to reel the Ruby Goddess back to the realm of time. He had much to discuss with her.
The 'kiss' snaps her mind awake again with the rush of a domain flowing through her. She realizes he is holding her close, she runs a hand caressing the exposed part of his ghostly 'face', making it solid and her hands become like whisps where undying meets unliving "You gave me that gift... Yes..."

She smiles and the nails reach his 'neck' and dig in as best as they can "but you remember the other half right?... Why do you think you're here?... Why Ignatum was also brought low... and still more gods tangle... and doom themselves with me... You mean for me to pass this domain to 'him' don't you?... Whoever 'he' is will curse us for it..."

She laughs, "You should pass me the domain of Destruction too... You know I do it so well..." She leans in close her lips close to his, his 'mouth' changing from solid to ethereal with each of her breaths. "How strange asking me to act as a mother... But kissing me on the head like a daughter..."

She springs back out of the gods grasp mischief in her eyes, "that is almost the same reason I started hating Ignatum... Do I bring out the fatherly instinct in all the gods?..." The Ruby Woman is grinning as she drifts further from the dead God, a power drawing her back. "Maybe... I'll do what you... beg of me..."
The goddess rematerializes in front of the Eye, now no longer in the ruby city, but on a floating platform. All around the wonders of time are visible, waterfalls flowing upwards, expansive fields of grass and rock. All that is, was, and will be is visible. In the center of it all lies the planet made of glass and gemstone, Ignatum's wonder.
"Dear Seara, Heroicus is certainly glad you wish to revive him. As am I, however… I have a better proposal than him."
Rolled 59 + 15 (1d74 + 15)

Seara blinks away the disorientation as she takes in the wonder before her, she can't help but be somewhat impressed by the power of time's domain. She shakes her head at Perpatus' words, "I don't wish to revive him, I might help, maybe. I still mostly hate him for what he's done and certainly don't trust him. But-" she waves her hand toward too of the mortals speaking in the diamond city below.
(Not a true critical but with the bonus a false one heh)
Her hand flares breifly, and below the two mortals conversion takes a turn, a disagreement rapidly building until the two are shouting at one another over some silly tenant in their beliefs. "He did in actually seem in need, trusting great power to me, treating me with respect, like an equal. That," she looks at the great eye, "is certainly a step in the right direction."

She murmurs to herself, "maybe dying would help all the gods."

She seems to refocus on the eye as the two below storm off from each other. "But I'm not committed to him; what's do you think you can say to sway me Perpatus?"
Rolled 57 (1d148)

Looking down on the two arguing, the time deity can't help but pity them. The residents of the diamond city have been through much.
"Heroicus deserves a second chance at life, but who's to say the both of us can't benefit from this exchange? Go locate his body as he's bid you, but return it here instead, we'll speak more of this if you return with the body of the fallen God."
A thundering noise is heard, and from seemingly no where the great diamond dragon appears, a brilliant gem clutched in its claws.
"But first, a gift."
A wonderful ruby the size of a boulder. It glistens and glows like a brilliant flame. It may even contain some vestige of time.
"Do with it what you will, it's use will be apparent in time. Stay, or leave, it is up to you."
With that, the Eye closes on Seara, this time intentionally showing the rift.
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When the dragon's wings expand, The whole surroundings suddenly turns into the deepest of black, the fluttering leaves suddenly fixates itself in the air and shifts it shapes into balls radiant light showering the area with glistening glory,
the floating cinders becomes slow moving comets flying across the void of space, the air commanded to stands still, giving the place peace and serenity akin to a cosmic cathedral and the crackling of the burning bodies and the chirping of birds suddenly becomes quite making the young lady's breathing the only noise that can be heard
As the surroundings turns to the enigmatic blanket of the cosmos, the moment becomes solemn for both beings.
the eyes of the young girl sparkle as she is beholden to such a sight. She has been transported into a place wherein she was safe, far away from her troubles and surrounded by beauty only few can dare imagine.
the dragon, in itself is also fixated, not on the beauty that he created, but on the beauty of the young girl, She had a head of the most regal of gold, face glistening with both eloquence and grace, her posturing signifies a column of strength and a soul filled with the same great fire that the caretaker saw in the ruby princess.
Amazingly, the girl stood without any signs of fear as if it can also sense the benevolent disposition of the Dragon.
Was it Unwitting bravery? idiotic impulses? a hidden ability to see the intent of the dragon? or it might just be from the pureness of the heart that pushed the girl to bow gracefully to the caretaker, fearing little of the towering beast that now stood before it.
The dragon was astounded, For such a mortal to show such bravery and humbleness infront of such a beast as he, most humans would be filled with dread just at the mere sight of the mighty winged being. Without the gift from the young king, most humans would have tried to pelt my skin with bolts and arrows.
As a response, The caretaker steps closer and lowers his head as a sign of respect, mimicking the young lady.
After the pause, The Caretaker raises it head and gently lifts his claws a few inches away from her forehead.
The Caretaker then begins scrying her mind for memories in search for an explanation on her character, her courage, the purity and strength of her purpose that attracted the caretaker to her
As the dragon reads throught her memories he sees a tiny fishing village on the Waking Sea that was set upon by the Tiberian Empire, which enslaved the villagers to be sold in the markets of Myranthim
leaving behind only the old and the infirm. One of the captives was the child Justinia. She was raised in slavery in a foreign land, saw the brutally laid upon his countrymen, and the obscene magics that the possess and practice.
She escaped, then made the long and treacherous journey back to her homeland alone.
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She rose from nothing to be the wife of Sigvald, a mighty Feraldis Reiklander warlord. Each day she sang to the gods, asking them to help her people who remained slaves in Tiberium. yet was only recieved with silence from the skies
she despaired at the fate of her people. At that time, every day, she thought of every possible way to save them, sought out allegiances and allies across the empire, and led men into battle with her husband. and at night, she would cry and pray, make banners honoring those who fell or those who were suffering, and made beautiful songs to calm the children of the tribes.
His husband's campaigns for liberation was sucessful, each won battle, a place liberated, each trumpet of victory, another bannermen to offer his service to the lord and more often to his stalwart wife and each day, a step closer to conquering Ulthermar, the ancestral seat of the high lord of Feraldis. However, as the lenghty winters and falls went by, the men grew to love Beatrice. many men sought for her command, wisdom, and attention. Warriors came to her and offered their best hand.
And storytellers made songs about the golden lion of reikland who's mere prescenes enflamed the heart of every reiklander. And when Sigvald saw that the people loved Beatrice and not him, a worm grew within his heart, gnawing upon it. Until in one fateful encounter, Where a whole army marched alonside lady Beatrice to met up with sigvald's contingent in the bloodcreek forest.
They were set upon by the full might of the empire's legions. Beatrice's army fought long and hard waiting for Sigvald's contingent to arrive but it never did, After hours of bloody combat, Beatrice's army scattered into the winds, leaving her and a few of her most trusted warriors still fighting in the clearing. Her capture was a resounding win for the empire and she was to be taken to the capital, Myranthim, to be made an example of....
for days, She prayed for the gods to act as her savior, and for days she was ignored, until now....
also the child is Beatrice, not justinia, Justinia was the first name I came up with for her.
What could you want with Heroicus's Dead Body
Rolled 31, 32, 26, 93, 6, 65, 39, 24 = 316 (8d100)

Unknow to the leaders of the great tiberian empire there were denizens in their land for longer than the unification happened. The vampire house of the first born had small puppet vilalges and towns under their control and when the great armies of Emperor Justinian the First came plans were already concoted to ensure survival of both the vampires and their "cattles". Although most of the land of ronyar opposed the unified 7 houses with varying degrees of resitence a few of them did little to nothing and even accepted the new rule of the Great Emperor. But it was just a masqarade. The moment the first soldiers entered the now allied provinces the vampires quickly began disseminating their kin and creating thrals to puppet. After all they will never allow control to totalyslip away from them . First it was a small platoon of the 3rd Backup regiment who had the idea of visiting the local brothels and sleep with the "legendary" mistreses with their incredible purple eyes and black hair and incredible skills in the art of pleasure.
Although most mortals were fair game the merchents the bards and the soldiers were targeted the most ofr their tendancy to travel all acros the lands. Soon a vast network of thralls and new borns was established to aid in the ever growing influence. Not one generation passed and the vampires were ready to infiltrate the big houses. History was set and the results were quickly established.
(rolling 8 dices of d100 to infiltrate the 7 houses and the imperial castle)
Alright Heroicus. By the way, his name is Impera.
>actions taken, vampire ninjas infiltrated, people killed, and power set.
thus is now the status of the 7 houses and the imperial pallace:

1) House Iber: The rulling house though the most cotious and most welthy possed only small inconveniences. to the infiltration. Many low ranking beurocrats a low noble lord and many servants now work for the vampires but the higher council is not accesible ... yet.,

2)House Zliix: although not as wealthy as Iber they are notorios schollars and have some magical tangencies one of the priceses being quite an acomplished mage. This magical insigh proved problematic in gaining acces to the higher eschalons of the house and was deemed to dangerous
3)House Havrut: Niether the most magicly gifted or the richest, House Havrut was always notoriosly paranoid and even unified under the banner of teh empire keep a lot of secrets. Although infiltration was not that hard the shere secrecy and intricate web of codes made reaching the higher ups both risky and useless. A few have fallen in web and their tortioners made quick work of their secrets(dont know about vampires knwo that there is a faction influencing),

4)House Kallot: Due to their care free nature and life styles this house was practicly served on a plate for the vampires. Being rough negotiators and skillfull merchents their cities rely on money and ar thus widly know to be pompous and glamoring. The charming escorts and rich vampire noble women made quick work of even the most highest of the nobels. Now the entire council is but a puppet and some speculate that even the Main figure of the house has strings attached to himself.

5)House Vonus: The most religios of the houses, Vonus was created by the High Bishop Terius after the church of the lands grew stronger than the rulling kigdom. Abbandoning the heritage, their leader is chosen as the most holy and sacred of them all. Due to their zealous praise of light gods they were blessed with unwavering will and holy sight. Not only did they spoted the vampiric corruption easily they managed to capture some and established the first vampire hunting guild lead by Chief Hunter Viedmehier who recieves orders only from the High Bishop himself. He is a fiered fighter and a powerfull user of light magic allowing to burn even the most henious of the fiends. They have declared war on vampires and are activly trying to eradicate them. ,
6) House Weer: A house widly know for their incredible developers they are the most wierdest of the bunch. Both skillfull in magic and ingenous in design they created morvelous contraptions that allowed tehm to stay largly autonomous. Until now. Being easily distracted by their work and having little interest for outside affairs the vampires managed to infiltrate the most inner echalons. But not much was to gain from that as the technocrats possesed little of use and were of no risk to the interests of the vampires ,
(2 more to create)
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7) House Laarkat: Infiltrating this house was made hard not by the denizens nor the military. It was made hard by the system they addopted. Believing that each human should have a word democracy was the only option of gouvernment. As the vampires can never enslave an entire populance over night little can be done to influence the decisions of the house. That said sometimes only a small nudge is enough to start an avalanche.

8) The imperial castle: Infiltrating the very heart of the capital was harder than espected. Tight military regulations and strict hierarchy was what kept the vampire out of the inner works. But a few captains listen to the word of the First borns and the large popualtion of the capital allows many to slink in the shadows unnoticed. The Vonusian hunters work the hardest here knowing that controling the capital means the full control of the empire.
Despite the kingdom of the Purudamars and Gol Durak Orcs being unified under one flag they're still seperated by different biomes and different cultures.

The largest, the swamp dwellers are the most influential, as the swamp was where they're originally from and where the capital is. Individuals from here are the best hunters and magic users of the three.
The second largest are the forest dwellers, those who live and fight in harmony with the centaurs. Of the three, forest dwellers are known to be incredible warriors and the most skilled in agriculture.
The smallest are the mountain dwellers, those who find pride in their life in the harsh frost of the mountains. While they may be small they make up for it in being the most technologically talented and creative of the three.
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Dear Seara

I'am giving you an actually serious message for Once. I have Heroicus's dead body i have improved his Body so he can return. We can Discuss the terms of our Agreement and how you want to resurrect him. Again there is a saying if you want me to discuss our agreement
and that saying is "Walk into Mordor". I will teleport you to Mordor right away and we can talk.

Rolled 54 + 15 (1d74 + 15)

"Why do either of you deserve to benefit? And why should I take an unknown gift in good faith?" She sighs, "I won't lie time lord every gift of gods has tortured me in the end but I have always become stronger for it. I'll take the gift, but don't think it means we're in agreement. You're trying to use me without letting me know why. I hate that."

Then the eye closes in a way that she is staring into the rift again, she can't make sense of it as her mind tries to comprehend but it's far to complex and too much information to take in...

Still she stares and tries to make sense of it's beauty, what it looks like to see all that has happened and could happen "it's like a billion strings coming together to make a thick wonderous rope, and a trillion strings aren't used and fall away." She tries to speak what she sees to explain to herself, "The rope is what's happened, the strings are potential futures, and the strings are made of a billion threads which are mortals... Except those thick ones are gods or demigods or..." Now she sees something she was sure she didn't see when she glimpsed the rift before, little jewels, they speak to her. She suddenly reaches out with her power and slides the thread of the nearest jewel in reverse out of the rope. (Rolling to fuck with time!)
(This is what happens though Perpatus can roll to have stopped her interference)
There's a shift, a clap of power a reverberation... The two mortals of the diamond city that had been arguing and parted ways now sit across from each other once again, the argument that Seara had set them into never starts. They continue to have a peaceful picnic together.

Inside the rift the jewel doesn't form or exist anymore in Seara's vision, "so those are conflicts, I thought they felt like my domain. Are they better off now or not without the conflict Perpatus? How much can you shift the threads and unwind the rope?" She looks sly, "can you alter any of it? All of it? Am I better at certain moments like war and conflict now? Could we undo all wars together? What would that do?"
Rolled 91 (1d132)

(Rolling to see how Ignatum is handling his guilt of losing control, blowing up some of the planet and killing Heroicus also the pain of losing his arm)
Rolled 37 (1d132)

In my realm, I sit under a pouring volcanic fall of magma clutching the ragged hole of my left shoulder, nothing seems to soothe it's pain nor does any focus seem to let it heal.

I meditate trying to put my fragmented mind back together, it seems to have been cracked, maybe some has been shaved away. Can the lost pieces be recovered, will my arm return? I do not thrash or tantrum, I radiate. Sorrow, regret, hope, calm, punishment, redemption, forgiveness, judgement. I think on all these things, they are what we were supposed to be focusing on then but it didn't work that way... I had let my rage build to great, I had let my sins store up like fuel, while I was unable to face it.

Strangely some demons seem to gather around me, not to mock or threaten, they seem entranced calmed and influenced by my state. I reach out and gather them up. They are few compared to the thousands of their ilk but these ones are different.
Rolled 108 + 15 (1d132 + 15)

As I move from my peaceful place in the falls to see which of the demons I can collect even more of them snap out of the effect or flee out of fear of my wroth. But some let me gather them up along my flaming arm, they stare curiously up at me. How strange these creatures had disgusted me so, that I had let them become so cruelly twisted. They had been a part of me once and I was the one that had rejected them. Now I burn with a sad resignation and purify these few with fire.
Rolled 947 (1d1000)

When the flames clear their twisted forms have been righted, they are beautiful examples of mortal forms with six fiery wings. The wicked existence of their core cleaned and redeemed, they have an air of peace about them now, a quiet sorrow and gentle happiness. I have made the Choir of Fire Angels, the Seraphs.

I realize they could all be like this if they were willing but some creatures can't help there nature or change what they are. They look to there former kin with judgmental eyes, they exist in opposition to the demons I realize vaguely, the demons to indulge and promote sins, and the Choir to cleanse and redeem sin. Both are too far, but I cannot undo the demons I can only seek to balance what I create. (The choir is much smaller, rolling total Angels that will ever exist while demons total in the tens of thousands)
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>mfw Ignatum the fire god is the father of both demon- and angelkind.

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