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Godgame: 8th Age

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

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Comes now the march of time, and the emergence of gods! The universe is has been around for awhile now but is in constant flux, with various gods appearing to attempt to bring order to the chaos... or not. However, can they get along and cooperate to bring the cosmos to peace and harmony, or will they tear it and themselves apart in conflict?

This is, The Age of Mending

>Choose a name and become a God, and roll 1d100 to speak the WORD and make things happen.
>Anonymous players form a Choir to praise or scorn the works of these Gods as they see fit.
>Every god must list their primary domains (max 3) and gets to assign 30 points between them to be used as a bonus for rolls related to these domains.
>They additionally get 5 points per subdomain of these primaries to assign to their subdomains as they see fit.
>Any divine actions made (creation, destruction, etc...) that are entirely unrelated to the gods' chosen domains receive a penalty of 20 to all rolls.
>Each god additionally has a "Mantle of Power", a title that reflects their true divine self and a single thing that only THEY can do, as well as encapsulating their personality and the characteristics that make up who or what they are as a god.

And don't forget to roll a d100 when choosing your god and domain, to determine your initial divine power! This initial value is the dice value you will roll with thereafter, so if your initial roll is a 56, then you will roll a d56 when taking actions.

>Ere the two suns rise, and shed light upon the universe!
Also, a chat channel related to the game, usually OOC.


>replace @ with .
Also an archive, if you care to go back and read about past ages and such

Rolled 17 (1d53)

I sort of forgot what the fuck has happened.

Are my centaurs still doing fine?

>I create a massive field of marijuana
Rolled 132, 106 + 10 = 248 (2d148 + 10)


As the new age opens, so does the great Eye. Looking across his realm, Perpatus feels a twinge in the rift. Seara is attempting to interfere with the time nexus. In truth he had revealed it to her to instill some feelings of curiosity, apparently too much curiosity. Her changes were minute, but he can't allow her to believe that place open to the public.

Rolling to reject the Goddesses influence, and also to repair the damage done.
>>215803 Perpatus
The great eye opens back up again and undoes the alterations that the Ruby woman had, done. In fast forward the two in the diamond city have their argument again and shoot off in a rage going their separate ways. "Huh? I thought you were upset that I had them fight? Are you going to answer any of my questions?" But the eye had already left again... Seara huffed, "fucking Gods never explaining, only saying what they want and moving on." She looks at the rift considering messing with it again, but the eye would probably just undo it again. "Well I'll just keep this place in mind then."

She looks at the gaint Ruby jewel the dragon had left behind, "I'm starting to hate Ignatum for how he remade me..." She reaches out and let's the gem flow over her, to cover and restore her broken and cracked body completely. "Hmmmm interesting, yeah that's an idea for the future..."
>>212625 - Sauron
Done with Perpatus Seara finally turned her attention to the now powerless ring on her finger, it seemed to be giving little tingles to snag at her attention. Focusing on it suddenly had Sauron speaking to her, a message he had left earlier it seemed. "Great no telepathic connection but now he can just leave me messages when he wants..." She sighs and focuses back on the ring to send a message back to Sauron "look I'm glad you're so eager to bring your God partner back but how did you even know I was coming? And you've had his body and made improvements?... That's just... Well forget it, I'm coming you don't need to help. I can 'walk into mordor'-"

She was suddenly teleported as Sauron desired, "-fine on my own..." The Ruby woman rubs her temple in annoyance, "well I guess welcome me to your, realm then."
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Well hello there I see your finally here and i brought you here to discuss the terms of our agreement. I propose a deal i will give you Heroicus's body if i can join on your quest to Revive Heroicus i presume that is what you are doing. As for why i want to join i just want to make sure you don't do anything stupid. So what do you say Deal or No Deal and if you say yes to the deal we will immediately discuss how we should Revive him.
The Ruby woman raises a brow at the armored God before her, "wait, wait a second... You seem... A little less, did you get shorter or something? I seems to remember you being a little... more last time I saw you, but then again I think last time I saw you, you had a mace tearing through my ribs." She rubs her side, "it's still a little sore actually."

She crosses her arms, "so besides you being the one to snatch up Heroicus' body, give me a reason I should work with you."
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Rolled 82 (1d100)

To all who may hear my voice, know who I am. I am Akrix god of Darkness (10) and Wind (20) I shall be one that will help with what needs to be done.
welcome, and nice roll. Feel free to start messing around on one of the planets or anywhere in the cosmos.
Biggest thing that's happened would probably be Heroicus dying in an explosion that wiped out the northern quarter of the main planet. So yeah your Centuars are probably doing great, if they weren't effected by that.
Rolled 58 (1d82)

Thank you, I used to be Dasus. Not sure if I should mention that but eh, whatever.

I will now use wind to erode the mountains on the worlds. If there are any

And so do the mountains slowly begin to wither away from my winds, creating sand on the worlds. Where once there were mountains, now there are deserts.
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Meh i grow when i wanted. Anyways i Have a surprise for the God of Death and I know the in's and out's of the his Realm and plus we can make Quite a challenge for the Death even when he is in his realm where his power doubles and i don't think you could really deal with that kind of power and as for why ally with me well We have a common goal and i would never go out of my way to harm an ally.

Greetings Sauron I am new to the pantheon, and would like to ask. What are you the god of? And should you need my assistance then please don't hesitate to ask, you just have to promise me something in return of course
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Well what i originally had is God of Craftsmanship Persuasion and Power. Also i don't need your help for now
Rolled 56 (1d82)


Just come to me when you do

For now I will create my domain

From the use of the cold dark and fierce winds. I forge my realm where I shall live: A land of strong bitter cold winds, where tornados act as pillars for buildings.

My palace made of obsidian and granite: only held together by being within the eye of the storm that is my home
"Grow?" The Ruby Woman smiles smugly, "no that's not what I meant... It's power, you're so much weaker than before. Whatever happened really hurt all you gods didn't it." She giggles at that, "good. I'm GLAD you got weaker, after that sucker punching me like that."

She looks around the room they're in seeing if she can spot Heroicus' corpse somewhere, "as for the God of Death I had planned not to tick him off to begin with, if I can avoid it. But you could be useful, I can't even enter his realm, being deathless and all."

She holds up here hand with one finger outstretched, "but first rule, I'm in charge, second, I'm in CHARGE. Can you deal with that dark God? Then maybe we can work together this ONCE."
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Ok I can get to the Death god's realm but i need to attach you to my essence so you will able to Pass to his Realm. Also i don't care if your in charge i came with you to watch over you so that don't something stupid like fight the Death God all alone.
Gibe scythe now baus. Get new star. Both of us happy.
We never did decide what my super ring actually does.

Anyway, what are we doing this time?
Seeing as I'm dead and waiting on the conditions for me resurrection to come together I might as well write about one of my demigods.
(this one in question is the 49,5 power demigod from >>197191)

Jon was a fisherman. His family had always been fishermen, even from before the Red Conqueror's campaign. His mother had worked as a merchant in the city that would later be renamed the Red Keep, and at some point during the Conqueror's reign she had caught his attention.
Jon had inherited her nearly scarlet red hair, as well as her pale complexion, but he had inherited his father's superhuman prowess and blazing eyes.

He had always been stronger than most of his half brothers, the Red Sons, but he had never desired desired combat or battle the way they did. Hell, the only one of them they thought was mightier than him was the current Red King himself.
Both of them could wield Warbringer, he had even handed the mighty weapon to Red King Or'kaz himself, but he had refused to challenge him. The life of a warlord was not the one for him.

He was a simple man, providing for his human half-siblings and family by fishing.
Alone on a boat he could fish more than the rest of the fleet of ships docked at the harbour of his town, and he was doing so at that very moment.
He pulled the completely full net out of the water once again, an act that usually required six men.
He dumped the fish into a vat he had on his boat before he heard something.

A loud bang, like an eruption, only much louder, and coming from so far away he couldn't see any signs of it.
Then another noise followed, one he had never heard before. A loud rumbling that kept growing and growing.
His confusion would have been apparent to an onlooker, until he saw the source. The tsunami was larger than any wave he, or any other sailor for that fact, had ever seen in his life.
"Father-damnit." was all he could get himself to say as he watched it come to him and his hometown.
Your Ring no longer holds any power. Well any Power that boosts your Power level is no longer accepted by Domina and you must create a new use for your Ring.
The blue godness still sleeped inside the cold planet created by her uncle. But something shaked her. Winds, violent ones, emerged across the planet. Slamming the mountains. The strong winds destroyed the rocks shaterring until it became sand.

And so the sleeping huntress awoke. So equiped with her godly bow, she leavingd the planet's core, and moving directly to the skies.
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I'll just do a shameless repost.

When the dragon's wings expand, The whole surroundings suddenly turns into the deepest of black, the fluttering leaves suddenly fixates itself in the air and shifts it shapes into balls radiant light showering the area with glistening glory,
the floating cinders becomes slow moving comets flying across the void of space, the air commanded to stands still, giving the place peace and serenity akin to a cosmic cathedral and the crackling of the burning bodies and the chirping of birds suddenly becomes quite making the young lady's breathing the only noise that can be heard
As the surroundings turns to the enigmatic blanket of the cosmos, the moment becomes solemn for both beings.
the eyes of the young girl sparkle as she is beholden to such a sight. She has been transported into a place wherein she was safe, far away from her troubles and surrounded by beauty only few can dare imagine.
the dragon, in itself is also fixated, not on the beauty that he created, but on the beauty of the young girl, She had a head of the most regal of gold, face glistening with both eloquence and grace, her posturing signifies a column of strength and a soul filled with the same great fire that the caretaker saw in the ruby princess.
Amazingly, the girl stood without any signs of fear as if it can also sense the benevolent disposition of the Dragon.
Was it Unwitting bravery? idiotic impulses? a hidden ability to see the intent of the dragon? or it might just be from the pureness of the heart that pushed the girl to bow gracefully to the caretaker, fearing little of the towering beast that now stood before it.
The dragon was astounded, For such a mortal to show such bravery and humbleness infront of such a beast as he, most humans would be filled with dread just at the mere sight of the mighty winged being. Without the gift from the young king, most humans would have tried to pelt my skin with bolts and arrows.
As a response, The caretaker steps closer and lowers his head as a sign of respect, mimicking the young lady.
After the pause, The Caretaker raises it head and gently lifts his claws a few inches away from her forehead.
The Caretaker then begins scrying her mind for memories in search for an explanation on her character, her courage, the purity and strength of her purpose that attracted the caretaker to her
As the dragon reads throught her memories he sees a tiny fishing village on the Waking Sea that was set upon by the Tiberian Empire, which enslaved the villagers to be sold in the markets of Myranthim
leaving behind only the old and the infirm. One of the captives was the child Justinia. She was raised in slavery in a foreign land, saw the brutally laid upon his countrymen, and the obscene magics that the possess and practice.
She escaped, then made the long and treacherous journey back to her homeland alone.
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She rose from nothing to be the wife of Sigvald, a mighty Feraldis Reiklander warlord. Each day she sang to the gods, asking them to help her people who remained slaves in Tiberium. yet was only recieved with silence from the skies
she despaired at the fate of her people. At that time, every day, she thought of every possible way to save them, sought out allegiances and allies across the empire, and led men into battle with her husband. and at night, she would cry and pray, make banners honoring those who fell or those who were suffering, and made beautiful songs to calm the children of the tribes.
His husband's campaigns for liberation was sucessful, each won battle, a place liberated, each trumpet of victory, another bannermen to offer his service to the lord and more often to his stalwart wife and each day, a step closer to conquering Ulthermar, the ancestral seat of the high lord of Feraldis. However, as the lenghty winters and falls went by, the men grew to love Beatrice. many men sought for her command, wisdom, and attention. Warriors came to her and offered their best hand.
And storytellers made songs about the golden lion of reikland who's mere prescenes enflamed the heart of every reiklander. And when Sigvald saw that the people loved Beatrice and not him, a worm grew within his heart, gnawing upon it. Until in one fateful encounter, Where a whole army marched alonside lady Beatrice to met up with sigvald's contingent in the bloodcreek forest.
They were set upon by the full might of the empire's legions. Beatrice's army fought long and hard waiting for Sigvald's contingent to arrive but it never did, After hours of bloody combat, Beatrice's army scattered into the winds, leaving her and a few of her most trusted warriors still fighting in the clearing. Her capture was a resounding win for the empire and she was to be taken to the capital, Myranthim, to be made an example of....
for days, She prayed for the gods to act as her savior, and for days she was ignored, until now....
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The Great houses of Dreshik Oversees the entire Tiberian Emperium.

>thanks to val for fleshing them out
1) House Iber: The rulling house though the most cotious and most wealthy posseses only small inconveniences. Their bloodline strectches to the first high count and the uniter of the clans. members of this house is seen to be ruthless in both military campaigns and in political plots.

2)House Zliix: although not as wealthy as Iber they are notorious scholars and have some magical tendencies. Their house is the founder of the ordo miranthous, a knightly order tasked with the collection of scholarly tomes and protection of mages.

3)House Havrut: Neither the most magically gifted or the richest, House Havrut was always notoriously paranoid and even unified under the banner of the empire keep a lot of secrets. It is said that anyone who tries to uncover their secrets joins the chorus of screams in their keep's basement.... or so the legends say.

4)House Kallot: One of the great merchant houses of dreshik to become part of the 7 head clans. Their carefree yet thrifty nature is attributed to the house's founder, Vinmar Kallot, who managed to buy the entirety of the Empire's fleet under the clan's noses in the year of the bastille. their coastal cities rely on money and and trade and thus the house fosters great negotiators and gregarious sailors. their Great wealth however is tarnished by the hedonism and the pompous attitude that rifes the cities under this house.

5)House Vonus: The most religions of the houses, Vonus was created by the High Bishop Terius after the church of the lands grew stronger than the ruling kingdom and created their own keep in the mountains of Vonlus. their leader is chosen as the most holy and sacred of them all. Their position as the one of the most pious houses grants them power with majority of the citizens of the empire (most of which are religious). Their mountain keep holds the infamous, Witch Hunter's Chapter House, who makes great agents that keeps the land free from witches, demons, and vampires.
The Witch Hunter Chapter House is presently headed by Chief Hunter Viedmehier who recieves orders only from the High Bishop himself. He is a feared fighter and a powerful user of light magic. allowing the banishment of even the most henious of fiends. He has a curious interest on vampire-kin and declared an all out war on them.
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6)House Weer: A house widely know for their incredible developers they are the most weirdest of the bunch. Both skillful in magic and ingenious in design. they created marvelous contraptions that allowed them to stay largely autonomous. Their scholars and house members are quite eccentric, and are a usually the subject of stories that ends with a boom.

7) House Laarkat: One of the last and hardest house that the great emperor justinian the first conquered. It's qutie independent from the empire and it's culture is quite different as well. It detests the empire for the practice of slavery since it's culture sees all of its citizens as equal and issues edicts based upon an early interpretation of democracy. Yet they continue to follow the imperial electorate (which is headed by the seven elector counts and the emperor.) as they value loyalty aswell. Their culture is also quite militaristic, Adopting everyone who has come to age into the city militial legion (footpad legions) for duty in patrolling their huge territory.

8) the Imperial Seat (Myrantim)
The great imperial seat is the home of the Imperial Electorate, the major governing body of the Tiberian Empire. It's territory is a huge bustling city where the sky is filled with imposing white marble spires and its alleys are audience to the multitude of transactions, trading all manner of goods, metal, relics, weapons, fruits, and slaves.

It also houses the Cathedral of The Rock (the seat of the HIgh Bishop) and the Unspirum Oratorium (the great university of magicks)
Well, seeing as you alive lot aren't using it for anything, I might as well redecorate in the dead realm.
Zel might not like it, but he's not dead, is he?

I get to work, carving out chunks of... netherrocks... I guess... for the 'materials' I need.
Zel, you really need to fill this place with more than just souls... I mean, what are you going to do when you're bringing a fine goddess to your realm and it shows that you work 24/7?

From the 'materials' I gathered I set to work on preparing what I'm passing my time and isolation with.
Rolled 13 (1d99)

Forgot dice (continue tomorrow)
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greetings, great pantheon. I think my first order of business would be to inquire about a certain deicidal demigod. does anyone have some information on her? I fear for my people's lives while she continues her existence.
Well it has like you said some rocky shit and some decripit ground where ever dying plants grow. Also a nice popcorn farm( NO TOUCHING). I should maybe spread some ores in my realm cause dead ores grow in a dead real. It has a lake. Its not just emptiness you know :)
Hey everyone. What did I miss?
Rolled 106 (1d110)

I have decided to create a monument for my people to leave offerings at a statue of me.
Frakt, rings no longer cause power bonuses by Domina's orders. Sorry man.
I create a beautiful statue of myself made of granite. I'm dressed in a fine swamp strider leather cloak, my bow is pulled back and points to the sky, and my face holds a look of courage and defiance to those who would harm my people.
Well shit i just lost my post. Will do it tomorrow.
Hey Heroicus, can we talk about what you're going to do with the child?
>close... would have been a failure if I HADN'T lost some power when I died.
I construct a cathedral from the netherrocks I had gathered, a place of quiet, peace, and worship, and in it's heart I put together a likeness of my old hammer, the first, and possibly only, weapon to have slain a god.
The dead mortals can use the area to rest in peace and quite, and whatever else they wish to do for eternity.

That has already been decided. You bring it to Domina, and then bring the resulting star to me in the realm of the dead.
Do not worry about it's fate, Domina does not kill those she devours, simply makes them into what's truly at the core of their existence, a star.

"Okay, good. Well first stop is the realm of time or whatever. The great and powerful eyeball wanted to see the corpse first and I'm feeling kind enough to let him." The ruby woman was frowning at the unreadable armored God, he didn't seem to notice her mocking or maybe he was to proud to acknowledge it. "And don't worry I'm not going to do something like suddenly attack someone out of nowhere." She glared at Sauron's mace.

"So where is the corpse, you carry it, I don't want to touch that slimeball."
Rolled 90 (1d100)

(Forgot my name)
(Well you missed Heroicus and I fighting and the cataclysm that followed. Heroicus died, I lost an arm, the northern ice cap and quarter of the northern main planet was destroyed. Frakt you might want to sit down, the ice Titans, I think they're all dead. Oh also your ring can't give power bonuses anymore, it's still a cool ring though and you can choose a new cool thing for it to do.)
In the mean time I'm going to check on my people and my desert, since after my time of mediation and attempted healing I've remembered enough to think of them and be concerned. I also introduce my Demi-elemental Iggy to the Angels, and let them know they should work together in the fire realm and in keeping it safe.
(Rolling d100 higher the number the more effect by the planet shift and explosion)
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Rolled 54 (1d97)

''Well the body is about five feet behind you''. I pick the Heroicus's lifeless body it doesn't carry much weight for some reason.''You said you wanted to Go to Perpatus's Realm so we go there first''. I attach my Essence to Seara and Open up a portal up to the Time God's Realm. Ok let's go.
A sensation is felt, some God is attempting to reach my realm. I'll open the portal for them, it seems Seara has some wits about her.
Seara looks annoyed at Sauron and swipes at the essence, "keep your essence off me, I don't need any protection or links right now. Maybe, just maybe if we have to go into the Realm of the Dead."

The ruby woman looks about the strange realm where all time comes together. "Hey, Watcher, you watching? Brought you a body to play with like you asked, you better make this worth my 'time'. Hold tight to that body Sauron, I wanna know what game the eye is played before we do anything more for him."
Rolled 59 (1d73)

Oh roll to brush Sauron's essence off
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You don't need My essence In Perpatus's realm but in the Death god's realm you will need it because he only let's in dead souls and gods in his realm.
Rolled 115 + 5 (1d132 + 5)

My people have been massively effected by the change in the planet. My desert was a low point and the rains and raised waters of the planet have changed it into a small sea of salt water. My ruby/topaz flame temple now lays at the bottom of the Great Lake's deepest point. The frost oases each night produce a score of large icebergs floating to the surface to melt in the heat of the lake.

Volga who I had left in protection of the city comes to me scared and weepy, she hugs me tight and is apologizing about something or another... She thought she was manipulating me? I try to smile and pat her head in reassurance, but I must do it wrong as she look more concerned than ever at me. She says I seem "disconnected or distant or something" I tell her I'm fine, just a little sore and mentally tired. it pains me deeply that I can barely remember who she is. But as she fusses over my missing arm it is slowly coming back to me.

She tells me the greatest challenge my people are facing a lack of water, they had drawn water from the osases but now the entire lake is salt water and the only sorce of fresh water is pulling in great icebergs and melting them. (I attempt to condense all the salt of my lake into salt formations so my lake will be fresh water)
Dom! where are you? i wanna do the deal already.
Three familiar essences are felt, Seara, Sauron and Heroicus. It seems she picked up a guest along the way. No matter. Far above them the great Eye opens, and his words are heard.
"Of course, dearest Seara, I am always watching. Greetings Sauron, it's been long since you and Heroicus visited, although you were both alive that time."
Looking at the body now, the godly glamour gone, but still above mortal.
"I promised you answers when you returned, it's time to fulfill the deal it seems. Tell me Seara, how would you like to become the Lord of Destruction?"

At the same time he spoke, the great dragon appears, ready to take the body away.
Rolled 60, 10 = 70 (2d73)

Seara shrugs but smiles enjoying the way these gods never actually surprise her, always after mad endeavors. "I'm already the Lady of Destruction, great eye, though more subtle with the title than Lord Heroicus. My curse dooms me to be such."

She walks back toward Sauron and runs a hand along his arm. "Besides I think Sauron might take offense at such a betrayal... But i'm just a mortal who am I to stop you from your attempt? And this is your realm," she looks at Sauron, "do you think you can stop him?"

She steps further back letting the two gods face each other, "you two should probably discuss this... Civilly. Oh and Perpatus if you win don't tell me you're putting me in His old body, I don't want to be a man or anything." She giggles at the thought, then attempts to open a connection to Heroicus so he might watch what is unfolding.
(Two rolls first to influence the two gods to fight and the second to connect Heroicus and enrage him too)
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Rolled 47 (1d97)

''Well you know what fuck it i am leaving i don't want to fight Pointless battles because some emotional Brat who can't fight her battles". Roll to leave with Heroicus's body and get out of Perpatus's realm and back to Mordor.
The Ruby Woman stares at the Amored God that has turned around but not gone anywhere, "Some Brat can't fight their own battle? Are you talking about me?... Cause it's not my battle to fight, I don't really care."

She looks at him and can sense the inner conflict to fight or run, "it's your battle you're trying to run from, can you only fight when you sucker punch a woman? If you're the kind of coward serving the Lord of Destruction maybe I should take the title, I would certainly inspire greater warriors, to fight in my name."
Rolled 50 + 15 (1d51 + 15)

A spar came into the gods mind:
- Yes this is perfect!
Without hesitation he started working on a new item. A new artefact. A new way to transport the dead.
-I will make a coffin! The coffin of passing!
Rolled 46, 42, 19 + 15 = 122 (3d51 + 15)

The cofin was chisseled out of wailing ore. It is of a black greenish tint and is engraved with marks and signs of the dead. The moment it was compleated its insed became a world of its own. Although it looked small on the outside it was large enough to encompass every single mortal being dead or alive or unborn yet. It was the perfect transportation device.
- Yes yes yes! Exactly as i immagined I need one more thing for it though. Igyy senpai i need some crafted ornamets for it made of gold and a really REALLY strong lock. Could you please? Thank you in advanced. Now lets arrange it a bit.
3 Rolls (1 for prison part 2 for living mortal capsul 3 for the dead mortal capsule)
oh god damn it. The dead guys wont be to happy.
>the prison was made perfectly. It had al lthe tools to torture and contain almost any mortal and minor difinity entity. The punishment for the wicked will be held forever even when the universe ends
> The living capsule was made to hold the soul and material essence of those whose time is not yet there. Even when the universe is dead the cycle will never be broklen.
> The dead compartmaint is not as big and it hardly offeres the condition needed for a restfull passage. Still it is conforting enough.
Ah isnt it preaty? Finaly i got something nice out of this.
Rolled 88 (1d97)

No its not my fight unless i make it my fight and you inspiring Great Warriors the only thing you can inspire is Angsty teenagers who have daddy problems and as for begin a coward i'am not really i just don't want to fight mentally challenged children like you but i will make an expection this time. (Roll to attack Seara).
double trips and dubs roll wtf how can seara even compete?
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>pic related

Give some of that nether-popcorn you've got there.
Rolled 9 (1d51)

Rowlinn for restocking of fucking dank popcorn!
Meanwhile here you go some dank popcorn i had left from previous fight.
well at least it isnt rotten. good enough for the moment.
Hmm what?

What deal?
for the love of all that is undead yutica soul for me scythe you said it was k an age ago. Lets do it now
We already made that trade like 2 ages ago.
we did? is it ok? then i never thought we did. ok then make a sun out of him them cause u hungry i guess :D it has 1 divinity btw. or do whatever youw ant with it. Thank you senpai
Rolled 15 (1d100)

Where have you been my love? i missed you so much.
*kisses the scythe
Now as much as i hate it lets give back what is rightfully someones.
Rowllin to extract frakts divinity from it and turn in tinto a small globule to be given back. (d100 roll)
Rolled 70 (1d100)

Fug even his divinity is hard headed. 2 points out of 18 are out.... Cmon baby cuaght up that cold. Its bad for your ... health.
Second roll than a break
much better. 8 points left. (next time try not to eat me ok love)
Yo, so how many Gods are out there at the moment?
a FUCK ton! active around the 10 number maybe 20
Innactive around the 30 number i think.
Rolled 55 + 15 (1d73 + 15)

She laughs as he lunged for her, "yes come on, that's it. Maybe you can actually fight me this time" She waves her hands mockingly as she moves to dodge, "Bring it big bad God who only fights Demi's weaker than him, father of deformed elves and inbred Orks." (Defense roll)
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Rolled 12 (1d51)

Rolled 26 + 15 (1d73 + 15)

She takes a glancing blow the ruby shards flying from her shoulder as mace lands and but she bounces it free with a flex and give of her lithe body. "Are, are you call me mentally challenged as you make this assualt on me? You ignore the threat before you when I took the neutral ground? How much the fool are you?" She lashes out with her Ruby dagger, "Perpatus I think he's confirmed we should make a deal."
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Rolled 48 (1d97)

Well aren't you a hypocritical One Killing Demigods and eating their Divinity just so you can get Revenge on Daddy doesn't that seem a little bit Evil you claim to be a righteous Warrior but your nothing but an empty shell of a Demi God.(Roll to keep attacking Seara)
I guess i will use this roll to Defend and not attack because System
Rolled 5 (1d97)

Well it seems Heroicus was Right about you. You are indeed a Failure.(Roll to attack Seara now that i blocked her)
There are 3 levels of Gods.
Primals, such as myself, who are awesome. We get shit done.
There are generic Gods, who do most of the boring little work. They like to meddle with mortals, for some reason, which us Primals are too high and mighty to do.
The last group consists of loser edge-lords who take up Mantles related to Death, Darkness and the Void. They are weak, pathetic, and should be smacked whenever possible.

I bring to you all a great Tome, the the beginnings of the cataloging of Classes of Magic. I implore any and all Gods who have designed a new Magic for this Reality to submit their Magic for entry into the Tome, so that it can be read by all and marveled upon!
Those classifications made me lel

Roll a d10 for power gained.
I guess i really am an edge lord. I cry....
Still i have made shit for this world. And no it was not death.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Glad you like em! I'll update as new magics develop, obviously.
Rolled 89 (1d99)

that's some tasty popcorn you've got here


rolling to send a message to the bickering god and ascended demigod, seeing as a dead god apparently has to do that every time he wants to do anything potentially important.

A deep rumbling came from beyond, from in front of, besides, and within the warring god and ascended.
The booming voice was unlike whatever contact the dead god had made to the living before. His voice was felt as much as it was heard, and the world around them strained under the weight of his words.


The last words echo about them as much as reverberate in the fabric of reality itself, the ire of a dead god made manifest for only a few moments, before quieting down once more.
Some water magic happened? Shamanism dunno wtf is that. Maybe fire magic from iggy. I need to flush the idea of blood magic. Dunno anything else desu senpai.
(89, not 98, I'm a moron)
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Meh i will try to be quick.
Rolled 63 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

"The godness borned from the cold star arrived above in the realm of the gods. Her cold blue eyes, seeked the source of the violent winds that stroke her uncle's planet."

- To the hunt... -

"And so using her predator instinct. The godness went toward the source of the winds."

Rolling to find Akrix.
Rolled 70 (1d148)

What a marvelous mess. Seara and Sauron fight before the eye, and Heroicus sends a message through the void. All could not have gone better, Sauron is being beaten away and Seara's loyalty is now almost certainly guaranteed.
Still, the Eye holds no avarice to the craftsman God. Maybe this could be solved easily. Roll to eject Sauron from the realm immediately, without the body.
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Rolled 83 (1d97)

I will take Heroicus's Body with me.
Rolled 62 (1d168)

Sauron manages to grasp the body as the portal begins to suck him in. This cannot be allowed, I highly implore the craftsman to release it and go about his day, less he draw my ire.

My dragon unleashes a warning roar, roll for intimidation factor
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Lord of the Rings.png
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Rolled 55 (1d97)

No i need this Body the Revival of Heroicus must Happen.
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Rolled 8 (1d97)

I Slightly shake in Fear Rolling if I get less then 50% i drop the Body
Rolled 32 (1d100)

Let me see if I can get that body.
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Rolled 85 (1d97)

Make Portal a Random point in Space so that way No one will have the Body
Rolled 95, 40 = 135 (2d148)

Well shit, roll to stop both these threats and claim the body
It seems that Domina was repelled, for now, but Sauron managed to throw the body randomly into the void. Sounds like Seara has a new job.
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Well you didn't let Domina have the Body. But Heroicus's corpse is out there in Space
Rolled 11 (1d100)

I am angry with rage!

Rolling to lash out in a random direction at the nearest thing.
Rolled 63 (1d100)

Lash out in Sauron's direction, maybe he'll help you find the body
You hit the Air its a critical hit
I am in Mordor now not in your Realm anymore
It seems every time I let someone in 4 other gods end up in
Yeah you probably should't do that anymore
Is it really this hard to get someone to bring a corpse to Zel's place?
It's not like it's the 'realm of the dead' or something...
Yes its hard when Everyone else wants your dead body and when Someone are forcing you to battle others.
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Rolled 31, 17 = 48 (2d97)

Roll to find Heroicus's Body with Me and my dragon
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Rolled 64, 91 = 155 (2d97)

Ok we looked in the Outer Region of the Universe now look for the Body in Many the solar System that have been Bulit
Rolled 24 (1d51)

told ya senpai here some more popcorn.
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Dead realm.jpg
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Rolled 39 (1d97)

I found it now but i won't Bring back to Mordor instead I'll just go straight to Zel's Realm so i could finally bring back Heroicus.
Rolled 20 + 15 (1d51 + 15)

The popcorn must go on!
Rolling to move the realm around and troll sauron
such a dubs on a wasted roll.
I guess trolling is not part of my thing sigh.
What is it that you wish Armored one.
Rolled 89 (1d100)

Rolling to intercept the body transport. Like a bank truck heist!
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Rolled 14, 51 = 65 (2d97)

Thanks for doing that Now i just want to find Heroicus's soul. Now i will be doing that
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Rolled 49 (1d51)

What do you want with my broken body, Domina? Last time I checked you ate the soul and essence.
Is my lifeless husk so irresistible? (also, kinda need you in the chat for one thing)
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Rolled 83 (1d97)

STOP IT Just let me find his soul please
Rolled 8 (1d100)

Ha ha! Rolling to look also instead!

I'm sure I can find some use for it!
Rolled 11 + 15 (1d51 + 15)

Rolling to slip the dom body away. I cant stop the fun right now! (aka the difference between sauron and domina i roll to make the body lost in space again. )
You cant make this shit up!
seeig it was 83 vs 89 my 11 should be enough to make the body lost again. THE CORN MUST FLOW!
fuq u I stole that body fair and square
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Rolled 38, 84 = 122 (2d97)

Well you failed Now let me look for it in Peace. Roll to look for Heroicus's soul in the deeper part of Zel's realm
Sorry senpai. I am in the popcorn buisness. THis is golden shit right here. Cant let it go away that easyly. Also DONT TOUCH THE FIELDS!
Rolled 7 + 15 (1d51 + 15)

I think the body is up for grab anyway. Since its 83 + 89 and i just tipped the rolls to throw the body in the void again.
Rowllin to hide the body from you :D
oh well i guess heroicus does want to see you. go get that body senpai.
Rolled 27 (1d97)

I finally found his damn soul Now your coming with me back to Mordor
Finding my 'self' in the cathedral I built shouldn't be this hard... especially not since it's like the only structure for millions of miles.

eat the baby already you cannibal queen
Rolled 49 + 15 (1d51 + 15)

Hold on hold on this is a bit too much. I cant really give you his soul. He should roll for it if he wants to come but im rolling seriously to keep him in. The dead cant not be brought back by others. Only by their own will.
Rolled 24 (1d97)

Finally now stay put here and i'll have to look for Body again but the dragon will guard you this time.
Rolled 41 (1d100)

Looks like I got lost in the dead realm. Rolling for prominence to light the way.
Rolled 53 + 10 (1d99 + 10)

The little bundle of divinity that is Impera is light, yet packed with power.
Ordinarily he would be in his mother's hands, but the Lord of Destruction's command over those of his divinity and lineage is near-absolute, even in death.
Here you go Star Eater, one little godling, freshly served.

I'm rolling to break whatever hold you have over me. I and my fate fall under no other god's command.
Besides, don't pull me out, get my body back in here, the pieces of the plan are all coming together.
Rolled 17 + 15 (1d151 + 15)

sigh not again.
(realm roll to kick her out AGAIN!)
gj you just let sauron take your sould to mordor. All i did was keep you here.
So do you want to you stay here or go to Mordor
Rolled 60 (1d100)

barly nudge her. Sigh try to not burn my corn.
Oh jesus fucking christ. Not birthing in my realm. Immagine the fucking paradox.
Rolling a d100 for consequences. (retconned if its not ok)
Rolled 87 + 20 (1d99 + 20)

Well, if your realm of death is gonna act that way, then a pretty good solution, in my opinion, is to simply destroy the parts of the realm around Domina.
(destruction should have +20 ever since I gave up War, btw)
Rolled 50 + 15 (1d51 + 15)

Ayyy lmao I cant really agree on that senpai. Rowlin to defend my realm. Cant let you rek it senpai. Just help me boot domina and them il bring the star safely to you. No need for this.
Rolled 89 (1d97)

Whatever the Dragon will guard you i will look for your Body in the Outer region this time
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Rolled 14 (1d100)

Oh how splendid! A wonderful little bundle of godly joy, a divine baby! I gladly take the little thing and draw it close in loving embrace, so gladdened am I by it. So young, so small, so innocent, makes me want to just...

Eat it up! After holding close and cherishing the baby for awhile, I remember my hunger and so after kissing the sweet thing I consume it whole!. Whereby it is stripped of the vestiges of identity, and being divine in nature endures the crucible of my womb, to be pared to its purest and most basic form. Nurtured and sustained by my body, the baby develops from its core essence to take the form of a star colored by its father's nature. Initially a proper star taking after its mother, the nature of destruction soon shines through as any major vestiges of Nata are near obliterated by the prime composition of the new "star", antimatter. Destruction in its purest expression, given form.

The process of giving birth is like none other seen in this universe, enough to take the energy out of even me to bring it to being. Certainly anything within a certain stellar distance would be utterly destroyed and even divine forces and beings may be at risk, in the time it takes for me to collect the newborn and draw it to my bosom in protective embrace, in order to nurse it to strength. That's nothing to say about Zel's realm of the dead, which may well be torn asunder. Certainly, anything coming into close proximity or physical contact with the newborn, without the correct divinity, would risk annihilation.

Rolling for strength of the small, young antimatter "star". Both Heroicus and Nata may contribute to the strength, rolling their own dice in power.
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Oh i found it already here you go do what you will with it
Rolled 95 (1d100)

Realm survived senpai. And it isnt happy shit happened. I warned you. You didnt listen it is lashing out at the star. (await its destructive roll then il roll for the effect. aka the star needs to defend itsself d100 for lashing in.)
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Rolled 77, 7 = 84 (2d99)

of course I'm gonna do the extra star power roll, but I'm also gonna do a roll as I inhabit the dead body(man, imagine possessing your own corpse, gotta be weird as fuck) and try to harvest (and devour) some of Domina's divine milk while she's distracted with nursing the star.
(first roll is for star, second is for stealing some milk)
ok, so I'm not gonna be able to sneak in a quick power-up for myself like that, but it seems the antimatter star shines at the equivalent of 91 power

I'd wait for Nata's roll here before saying anything, but I'm pretty sure she would roll over 4 and tip its scale above your realm's spontaneous effect.
Rolled 654 (1d1000)

I will roll to protect my child.
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>basically Zel right now
Rolled 95 (1d100)

In all the commotion though I do happen to at least notice some godly abomination trying to get at my bosom. Rolling to grab ahold of just in case.

It wasn't an attack roll really, just me standing between him and the baby. Visually I guess the best representation would be like a mother picking up her baby from a vicious dog and keeping it out of reach.
Rolled 4 + 15 (1d151 + 15)

Try not to burn too much of it please.
The realm around domina spontaniusly combusted from the shere pressence of domina. Now you are technicly outside of the realm.
To much fuckening with my realm I AM QUARANTEEING IT!
ROWLINN TO QUARANTEEN THE REALM. Need to remake shit up them il bring the star as promised to heroicus.
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>refugees welcomed
Why do you call the body you desired so much an abomination? It's just me, Heroicus, but I'm inhabiting my own corpse as we speak.
Could you do me a favor, since you have a hold of me? My control over my dead form is... less than I'd wish for.
Could you throw me into the star? I'll make it more than worth your while afterwards
Rolled 32 + 15 (1d51 + 15)

Au snap son. You gonna get eaten.
Rolled 21 (1d100)

>but I'm inhabiting my own corpse as we speak.

I mean, that's pretty much an abomination.

I can notice that it's you though, and even without prompting, I suppose it isn't too unreasonable to have thought to combine the two of you. At least out of pity for you. Though, would you want to wait for Nata to possibly roll for the star first? In the meantime, having grabbed you, I'll embrace you to my bosom to keep you from getting away, till I can figure out what to do with you.

>Passive roll to determine if you are damaged by being so close in my presence.
Rolled 90 (1d99)

>passive roll to resist the damaging nature of your radiance

Waiting for Nata would be for the best, yes, but if you wish to keep me in your bosom, could you give me some of your milk to protect me from your radiance?
Rolled 2 + 15 (1d51 + 15)

Fucking hell where did we go so wrong? Souls starting to drif away from my realm. No space poltargesit allowed.
Closing the borders first!.
shiet som heroicus is unding!
I can't imagine taking any from the baby to give to you, but if you wanted to take, I don't suppose I could stop you with a roll like that.

If you care to then, roll a d100 and divide it by 7, for each turn you continue to take.
Rolled 26 (1d110)

Rolling, and to be honest I was actually hoping the child could be kept alive. I grew... attached.
Rolled 42 (1d100)

I'll take your offer for now and merely suckle enough to resist be immune to you
Blame the father, I was initially intent on keeping the baby and raising it if ya'll didn't want it. Heroicus though just had to have that shiny new being for himself.

Could always make another baby I suppose, with a father not so big on sacrificing it.
Yes, I was thinking the same thing. I already have a potential candidate.
>117 total star power
It was unavoidable, as this was the purpose in its life

Well then, are we doing this or what, Dom?
*sigh* Goodbye, Impera... You'll make a wonderful star.
Rolled 43 (1d100)

Well it looks like this Heroicus abomination is willing to steal sustenance from the newborn, so I'll deal with the problem at its root and simply combine the two! With both in my arms, I'll draw them together and push them into one another to combine to one being. More like the Heroicus abomination gets obliterated and absorbed by the antimatter "star" but same difference.

Rolling just because.
I would like to know what that roll represented before doing anything
Just like, if anything actually happened. As long as it wasn't a crit fail.
Ah, ok, I'll make my post once I get to my computer again
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ok, as was agreed on in the chat, +30 as part of resurrection, and combining my old self and the star(both power- and being-wise)

Heroicus, body, essence and all, goes into the antimatter star, possibly the only being in the cosmos that could survive such a feat, but in he goes and vanishes amongst the radiance and chaos of the star's surface.

Not much seems to happen for a while, apart from the star being nursed to full strength at Domina's bosom.

It's glow slightly increased, bit by bit, until it took a giant leap and rose to the size of a giant star in mere moments.
As fast as it had expanded in her grasp, it retracted at such a speed it seemed like it was imploding.
Instead of falling together into an anti-matter black hole, however, it started taking on a different form.
Instead of crushing itself down into a singularity, it stopped at a certain point. At that point some of the 'star matter' began to move out in certain different directions, seeming to be contained by something... some force.. some.. will.

After a process that took longer than the star had even existed until it had begun, it had coalesced into a form... a godly form.
His sheer radiance dwarfed that of the star he replaced, but eventually it dimmed down enough so that his features could be seen.

First he looked down at himself, testing the movement of every godly muscle, the strength and power behind every fiber of his being. Then he looked towards the Star Mother, and smiled a smile that would have melted the hearts of any mortal woman that could have seen it... if they wouldn't have gone blind from the radiance of course.

A dead god was gone and a new one born in his place.
Oh my well that's quite the change.
Well that's something isn't
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As the new god kept inquisitively moving himself, the radiance about him coalesced into a celestial armour over him.
He looked over across the gods gathered around, and slowly opened his mouth, trying out his new processes of creating sounds.

"Hello, friends. I welcome you to, my birth. I am.... hmm... I am Heroicus, Impera, and neither. Call me Imperius, shining god of Light, Wisdom and Destruction." (+5/+10/+15)

He watched them intently, looking for however the gathered gods would act or react.
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So what do you plan to do now that you have finally been reborn.
Aw man.
Now you're stronger than I am...
You are plenty powerful yourself, frozen twinned one.

"I understand you mean it as a saying, but there's nothing 'cool' about my existence. 'Awesome' would be a more appropriate term."

I must find the god Ignatum and the ascended Seara.
The things I coulda done with that body. No point crying over spilt godly cadavers, welcome Heroicus 2.0. You want Seara? She's still here, apparently.
Rolled 40 (1d97)

Well i guess since this mess has been Clean'd up I'll see how the residents of Mordor are doing.
Well, this is... Interesting.
Rolled 120 + 10 (1d252 + 10)

(No, the title is totally not a reference)
And it's good that it is.
You did your part in making me, so in return I shall grant your chosen people the gift of wisdom.
Knowledge is one thing, but wisdom includes how one should use it.

You may join me if you will, my consort.
Is she indeed? Then I trust that you won't mind me paying her a visit?
Rolled 8 (1d100)

Time to roll some shit up this thread is almost archived. cause people dont really has time.
First rowllin to get my power back from me scythe.
Nvm i guess sleeping is good. No action just sleep.
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Ok then i will join you
Good. I take it that you have more than a few greivances with Seara or Ignatum. I will not hold you back if you wish for that.
You too shall receive your reward for your part in my rebirth.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Hmmm, shall I return hibernation? Or shall I remain vaguely lucid?
Hmm, time to return to a peaceful hibernation. I could care less at this point.
He yo just a heads up that I may be traveling the next couple days, so I may not be able to start a next thread. If someone wants to handle that, it would be helpful.
We could also just take a break til the next wednesday or saturday for some r&r for everyone.
Sure, try not to get blood all over the new carpets.
Thank you. My people are doing well, advancing well too. So hopefully there's something of use you can teach them.
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