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Tainted Earth Quest v2.0

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Thread replies: 331
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What's up guys! My first run of tainted earth ended in my banning due to pol IP spoofing. But I'm back and im cocked, locked and ready to rock. Lets get this show on the roooaaaddd (again)

Not much is known about the old world. In the chaos that followed the great war and the weapons that were unleashed few records were kept, only the frantic struggle to survive and escape the hellish monsters created by those final weapons. The "Gene Bombs" that turned nearly all life within the detonation into warped monstrosities. The weapon had rapidly decomposed, sparing those at the edges the worst of the horrible changes that followed.

The cursed souls at the epicenters received the strongest of the Bombs effects. Their minds twisted and bodies changed forever into nightmarish giants. They inhabit the lonely ruins of the dead cities and the deep lonely places of the new world. Their eternal agony drives them to destroy all that they see. None will be spared the wrath of a Behemoth.

Those further from the blasts received a weaker strain of the weapon. Their bodies and minds changed into a combination of human and beast. Among the Mutts (as they call themselves) claws, fangs, horns and tails are commonplace along with their great size and strength, many standing head and shoulders above a normal human. They live a mostly nomadic existence, following their herds through the new world. Many will sell their services as caravan guards and mercenaries. Due to the effects of the weaponry on their minds they harbor a deep mistrust of Pure Humans.

Those on the Far range of the weapons are perhaps the most numerous. The Tainted are what they call themselves, the effects of the weapon easily visible if one was to look at their eyes or hands. Many of them can very well pass for human if they keep their eyes covered and mouths closed. On average they stand slightly taller than an average human and many of their mutations function to improve their senses. They form the minority population of many new cities and towns and you'll be hard pressed to find a village that isn't full of them.

In this new world, you can still find a great many Pure Humans. They are the descendants of those who had either been outside the range of the weapons or Immune to their effects. Pure humans inhabit many of the new and Retaken cities and towns and are easily found within positions of power anywhere they inhabit. Unfortunately many of them hold a resounding hate and contempt for Mutts and The Tainted. This hate has given rise to "The Purity Movement" A powerful religious sect that operates without restraint or mercy. A Tainted or Mutt that is targeted by the Purity will face the stake or gallows without fail. They regularly launch raids into Tainted and Mutt territory in their quest to "Cleanse" this Tainted Earth.
Mutations available per class- write in ARE welcome

Human-NONE. social bonus. Humans can turn in pieces of Marauders and Tainted in Purity held cities for bounties and can join raids on Tainted villages. +10% boost to prices in human held villages

Tainted- can pass for human with disguises.

-Slitted pupils (allows Night vision/Enhanced vision, easily noticed)
-Claws (Enables close combat even when unarmed)
-Fangs (small, allows a bite attack when in close proximity)
-Leathery/scaly patches (reinforces skin in vulnerable patches with thick, tough hide)
-Horns (small, allows devastating headbutts attacks in close quarters)

Marauder- Increased Size and Great strength are prerequisites. Cannot pass for human due to extensive mutation

-Claws (large, allows devastating slash attacks in close Quarters)
-Large jaws and fangs (allows high damage bite attacks in close quarters)
-Thick hide (Leathery or scaly, reinforces skin but hinders mobility)
-Horns (large, allows extreme high damage charge attacks)
-Slitted pupils
>Will abandon thread if there's no interest tonight :) but ill get things started.

You jolt awake, the acrid stench of smoke filling your nostrils as faint screams and whoops of glee reach your ears. You shake your head, pushing off the fogginess of sleep as you sit up in your-

>Straw stuffed mattress in a village inn (starts in small village)

>Hammock suspended from your wagon (Nomad/convoy in the wastes)

>comfortable matress in your small home (starts in the small town of BlackStones)

Marauder was supposed to be MUTT. OP FEELS BAD
>Straw stuffed mattress in a village inn (starts in small village)
Ill give it 30 minutes :) if you want to write up a class suggestion and mutations that's cool too haha
>>comfortable matress in your small home (starts in the small town of BlackStones)
What's BlackStones? I'm going for this because it sounds like an interesting place to start in.

>Human-NONE. social bonus. Humans can turn in pieces of Marauders and Tainted in Purity held cities for bounties and can join raids on Tainted villages. +10% boost to prices in human held villages
Are the Pure Humans more powerful as a civilization because the nature of the bomb radius means they live in places with more intact archeotech?
Supporting this because humanity.
Pure humans are the most numerous and socially advanced. They have more soldiers and a stronger economic base albeit in many fractured city states. They are heavily disadvantaged in combat against nonhuman enemies and must fight smart to survive.
>got two votes so far. Anybody else here?
>ok so we've got 2 votes for human a vote for town dweller and a vote for village inn
How much different would it be if we go for town dweller over village inn?
So brains and quantity versus brawns and quality? I can dig that.
Just starting area. Village is a random bumfuck from my remade list. BlackStones is a small town with a bit of a dark history. Nomad begins in the wilderness
But the votes for class are a tad premature. Save those for just a bit later once we decide on starting area and begin our character creation
>BlackStones is a small town with a bit of a dark history.
Ooh, I'm still sticking with BlackStones then. More plot threads to investigate. I'm fine with a dice roll for a tiebreaker.
I'm fine with that. I figured we were supposed to vote for class since it was included in the prompt.
I'd suggest some classes and mutations but I'm not sure what would fit the tone of the setting, or how to make it mesh well with the others.
I just put that up to allow people to get a idea started for what they wanted to do. The mutations are utility based with direct bonuses to actions like combat or tracking or stealth.
And feel free to suggest whatever you want. If I can't make it work ill let you know:)

Tainted- can pass for human with disguises.

-Slitted pupils (allows Night vision/Enhanced vision, easily noticed)

>Hammock suspended from your wagon (Nomad/convoy in the wastes)

This seems like it can be fun.
Beening on the other side of the fallout purge train
>Beening on the other side of the fallout purge train
What purge? I don't remember this.
Although, technically we can both be purging each other depending on population concentrations.

They regularly launch raids into Tainted and Mutt territory in their quest to "Cleanse" this Tainted Earth.
Is what the humans are doing
I would call this a purge
Not all the humans are hostile toward the affected. Just the majority and the members of The Purity Movement
>1 vote for Town
>1 vote for village
>1 vote for nomad

Any new votes or shall we roll for a tie breaker?
was waiting in the last thread.

True but dont wana find out the hard way whos a dick.
I mean we could get some shands/ googles and become ridick
This reminds me, did you remember to link to your previous quest version, OP? That might be why your previous questers aren't here.

I'm willing to switch from Town to Village if it's lacking too many votes, 2nd preference.

Alternatively, we could've
>Woken up after a race war with whatever group is hostile to us.
Just to really get either purge trains going.
>Nomad it is

>Nomad start offers bonuses to Animal handling and Trade alongside ranged and polearm combat.

You roll out of your hammock, strung between your small covered wagon that serves as your temporary home and a hitching post where your draft-beast is dozing. You're not sure what the lumbering creatures are descended from but their mighty strength and limitless endurance is a blessing in the far wastes. As you climb begin dressing you catch your reflection in a polished sheet of metal that serves as your mirror.

>You see a....

Body type-

>Huge-8-9ft tall. Limited to Mutts. Great strength and huge reach yet an easy and clumsy target

>Large- 7--8ft. Tainted and Mutts only. Strong with long reach yet still slow on the draw.

>Big-6-7ft-Human and Tainted. Stronger than average with good reach and average reflexes.

>Normal-5-6ft- Human and Tainted Average Joe. Fast but not too fast, strong as a average human

>Small-4-5ft- Human/Tainted. Your a fast little fucker but you're weak.

>MUTT (3 mutations, write in welcome, if it doesn't fit ill tell you, choose between Large and Huge frames.)

>Tainted (2 Mutations, write in welcome)

>Human (No mutation)

Ill give am hour or 2 for votes :)
I did not. Didn't cross my mind. Uno momento
Shit I was already writing when you changed your vote :(
"Hello darkness, my old friend..."
So just wondering, are we still keeping the original character creation voting up for the previous questers who weren't notified earlier, or are we going straight to NOMADIC ADVENTURES?
>Tainted (2 Mutations, write in welcome)

>Big-6-7ft-Human and Tainted. Stronger than average with good reach and average reflexes. 6.4 feet tall
-Slitted pupils (allows Night vision/Enhanced vision, easily noticed)

-Fangs (small, allows a bite attack when in close proximity)
We're going into character creation right now. Voting is on race/mutation/backstory what have you
Ah, alright. I was hoping the others could offer their thoughts first, but I suppose whatever gets the ball rolling.
>>Human (No mutation)

Dad bod that used to be athletic, but drinks now
6 foot even. Strong, but should train if they want to get back to physical shape like before.

Human and tainted with horns. (Head butts drunk assholes)
So a tainted? Humans have no mutations
>>Big-6-7ft-Human and Tainted. Stronger than average with good reach and average reflexes.
>>Human (No mutation)

So partially Tainted? Sounds interesting.
I think he meant on the lower spectrum of Tainted for a given scale of mutations.
2 for human (big)

2 for tainted (big)
Should I roll for a tiebreaker? Anybody still here?
I'm here.
Already voted earlier.
If you want to, either way:
We're going to be a big guy.
>1-Big Human
>2-Big Tainted (ill randomly pick 2 mutations out of the Tainted votes)
Can I get a roll of 1d2 because for some reason its not working for me
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>Human, Your a big guy.

You catch your reflection in the battered sheet of steel. Your a large man, over 6 feet easily. Your arms and shoulders knotted with the muscle that comes from hard working and hard fighting. Lines of pale scars twist across your torso and arms as you hunch and peer into the Nomad convoy. What the fuck woke you up?

Ah....shit.... Its a....

>Purity Raid murdering your nonhuman traveling companions

>Bandit Raid, Mix of Mutts, Tainted and Humans

>Attack by a tribe of Ferals (Mix of Tainted and Savage Mutts)

>Wandering young Behemoth that stumbled on your camp
>>Purity Raid murdering your nonhuman traveling companions
Those shits

>Purity Raid murdering your nonhuman traveling companions
>>Wandering young Behemoth that stumbled on your camp

I can dig it. Post gene warfare and our dude is a murdering purist maniac cause why not.

How many companions do we have with us that are not human?
The convoy itself is about 45-50 people with 15-20 being total. 20 are guards (mainly Mutts and Tainted with 3-4 humans)
>Purity Raid

As you peek in between the frame and wheels of your wagon you see white robed men running between the circled wagons of the convoy. Convoy guards are locked in combat with groups of the fanatics but are largely outnumbered. Some of the merchants and nomads are on top of their wagons holding off the Purists with arrow fire and long spears. As you watch, Jukruk, a large Mutt guard rips into a Purist with his fangs and throws the mans ruined body at a group of the fanatics.

You have a minute before the fighting gets closer to you. You reach to your armor to prepare for battle. You put on your...

>Heavy Leather and Mail (moderate mobility with decent protection)

>metal scaled armor over boiled leather (Good protection with ok mobility)

>Boiled, Studded leather (High mobility, ok protection)

>Scrap steel plate armor (Heavy Protection with low mobility)

>other (write in)
> >Heavy Leather and Mail (moderate mobility with decent protection)

I would like to imagine we are a mini The Mountain in this scenario. Scare the crap out of the puritists.

I propose a Claymore sword

Change choice of armor to The steel plate armor
>>Heavy Leather and Mail (moderate mobility with decent protection)
Sounds good, but wouldn't you want to wear
>Scrap steel plate armor (Heavy Protection with low mobility)
For the whole knight armor outfit?
Hm. I'd suppose I'll switch >>1336719 to
>Scrap steel plate armor (Heavy Protection with low mobility)
Then, we'll be needing the protection anyways for the numbers we're up against.

That's what I meant
>How many companions do we have with us that are not human?
Most likely none after this battle.

>Heavy Leather and Mail (moderate mobility with decent protection)
>Scrap steel plate armor.

You stealthily (as much as small giant of a man can) climb into your wagon and begin pulling on your armor. Its crude but effective and has never failed you. Your chest is guarded by overlapping plates of pitted rough steel backed by mail over boiled leather. Your forearms are protected by strips of steel riveted to leather plates. Your hands go into thick leather and mail gauntlets with small spikes riveted to the front of your knuckles. Your legs are protected by leather plates with overlapping strips of steel secured by metal rings to allow movement. Your feet slide into boots fitted with a steel cap over your toes with several small spikes emerging from the front. Armored and secure you spare a glance at the onrushing cultists who seem to be rallying behind a slender, white robed man armed with a short spear on a white horse.

"FORWARD SONS OF THE PURIFIER! CLEANSE THESE DEMONS " he bellows to his howling followers

Fucking Twat.

You kick open a small chest and reach in for your oldest companions.

>Main weapon

>Short, Broad bladed slashing Spear

>Long Barbed spear

>large Spiked Axe

>Curved Slashing Sword

>Heavy, long bladed Cleaver

>Long handled Mace

Secondary weapon-your backup weapon

>Recurve bow with 12 arrows

>Throwing knives (6) with large curved dagger

>Hidden punch daggers

>Throwing hatchets (3) with heavy Tomahawk

>Small crossbow with 8 bolts

>Spiked Shield with bladed edge


>Long handled Mace

>Small crossbow with 8 bolts
>Long Barbed spear
>>Spiked Shield with bladed edge
Range and shield for crowd control, since our biggest problem is keeping them away from us. Also it'll work great for dehorsing the cultist leader

Their leader is using advantage of distance with a spear.

> Heavy long bladed cleaver

Slice their brains in as well as hopefully scare off some of the weaker ones. Really get in there and personal

> Spiked shield with bladed edge to compliment
Personally I was thinking we'd have to take out the leader because their numbers will quickly overwhelm us, unless we can somehow break large numbers of the weaker units. I don't think we have much time though to slaughter them before the rest of our buddies get steamrolled.
>Long handled Mace
>Spiked Shield with bladed edge
Hope the mace has spikes on it.
Maybe we can pick one as a custom option for our equipment?
Your allies are holding their own but the charge of the leader and the reserves will overwhelm them. You have the option to go straight into their teeth or free up some support
Feel free to suggest any main/secondary you want within reason
Hm... An interesting dilemma. I'd say we free up Jukruk to help us take down the cultist leader. He'll do crowd control to keep his minions off his back, we'll dehorse and then take down the leader.
Are guns a thing around here?
Guns are around in only the most advanced cities and only in rudimentary forms (muskets and cannons)
Ill allow 15 more minutes for voting. Current votes are

>Long bladed Cleaver with spiked shield

>Long Barbed spear with Spiked shield

Mace with crossbow

Mace with Shield
If it keeps tying by the end of the vote, I'll switch to
>Spiked Mace with Shield
Since that's what >>1336822 wanted.
Anti-armor is good if we can't get range for this scenario, dealing with the most heavily armored foes that are probably bodyguarding their leader.

Barbed spear with spiked shield
>as long as nobodies vote changed were gonna have A barbed spear and spiked shield. Bueno?
Yes. I'll be keeping mine since Spear is my 1st choice and mace is my 2nd.
>>Nomad start offers bonuses to Animal handling and Trade alongside ranged and polearm combat.
It just occurred to me we already start with bonuses to weapons like spears, so I'll be sticking to this vote more.

We're going to tear the insides of our enemies from their bodies.
We do?
Then lets go spear.
to spear
>We're going to tear the insides of our enemies from their bodies.
Indeed, they ain't got nothin' on our skill now, since we're probably even more boosted in our skill compared to those cultist folk from... wherever they started getting their numbers from. Probably a city or town to explain where they got so many people from, we live the hard life out on the road.
>Barbed Spear with Spiked/bladed shield

You reach into the chest and pull forth your most vicious companion. 8 feet of hard wood wound tight with rawhide strips. A dull point of a counterweight at the butt sitting opposite a vicious point. The head of the spear is nearly a foot of double edged steel, each side terminating at a cruel bladed hook. In your off hand you grip a round, thick shield. Its metal clad surface is studded with spikes with a thick, pyramid shaped spike jutting six inches from the center. Small tooth like blades circle the edges of the shield like the teeth of a saw. You stretch your muscles and leap down from your wagon and turn to face the oncoming cultists.

You see a knot of Caravan guards (3 mutts and 5 tainted) locked in combat with a group of lightly armed Purists.

Nearer to you Jukruk is being backed against a wagon by five of the white robed Cultists. His massive battleax sweeping against jabbing spearpoints

>Assist Jukruk (D20)

>Assist the caravan guards (d20)

>Wade into charging cultists (d20)
>>Assist Jukruk (D20)
Jukruk, lend us your axe!

Do we roll after we agree on a vote?
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>>Assist Jukruk (D20)
You roll with your vote
Rolled 14 (1d20)

Oh. Is it in this case because all the rolls are the same type, or is this for all rolls in the future? I figured that it'd be done after we agree on a vote to avoid bandwagoning on votes.

Rolled 15 (1d20)

>>Assist Jukruk (D20)
I probably should've said this earlier .-. On actions ill ask for a roll. The highest of the first 3 is the winning vote. Crits are auto accepted. 20's cancel 1's and vice versa.
Oh, I see. This isn't a roll for success chance, this is a roll for vote precedence to prevent the need for tiebreakers.
>15! Good success!!

>Get away from my Jukruk!

You wouldn't claim to be friends with Jukruk. The massive Mutt is hardly conversational but Hes good in a game of cards and excellent in a fight. You run towards him, hoping to take the unsuspecting Fanatics in the back.

You brace your feet as you near and lunge, extending your arm and shoulder as your spear punches through a Purist with grisly crunch and wet *snik*. You twist your wrist and yank the barbed weapon free, blood spurting from the massive wound in the mans back.

The nearest purist turns in shock as his compatriot falls and begins turning only to be smashed in the face with the flat of your shield. The center spike punches into his brain and renders him a twitching corpse as you shove him away.

Jukruk seizes the initiative and steps forward, his massive axe swinging upward and splitting a distracted Purist from groin to face.

You face 1 purist armed with a straightened pitchfork and wooden shield.

Jukruk is fighting a cultist armed with a long militia spear.

>Get close, crush his face with your shield.(D20)

>invite an attack, impale him. (D20)

>Club him with the counterweight. (D20)

The roll is to determine the vote AND the success chance.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>>invite an attack, impale him. (D20)
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>The roll is to determine the vote AND the success chance.
Interesting system.

>>invite an attack, impale him. (D20)
One of the problems with long weapons like a pitchfork is overextending, which it looks like he could easily do. Once he attacks he'll leave himself wide open for a strike.
Rolled 17 (1d20)

>>invite an attack, impale him. (D20)
>17!!! Great success
>Kabobs anyone?

You heft your shield, bracing it against your shoulder as you edge closer. The white robed mans eyes wide with fear and hate as he jabs at you with his pitchfork.

"Mutie lover! You'll die like these feckin monsters!" he spits at you through browned teeth.

You smirk and twitch your shield at him as you take a step forward. The lunge is wild, unskilled and driven by religious fury. The points skitter against your shield as you spin, your spear coming around in a loop, the point dragging a crimson gash across his face. The Purist drops his spear and shield to clasp both hands over the ruin of his left eye and nose with a choking scream

You lunge again.

The Purists scream is cut off with a wet choke as your spear punches into his throat, laying the soft tissue to the bone as he slowly collapses, gurgling and twitching.

Jukruks savage growl of victory sounds from nearby and as you turn he catches the clumsy attack of his Cultist and pulls the man close. The wet tearing and muffled gurgles almost turn your stomach.

"You done ya big fucker? Lets go stop this shit "

"More blanket men to kill? Good. Jukruk eat their hearts."

>You have gained: Jukruk- this massive Mutt will follow you faithfully and fight gleefully at your side. Enjoys cards and drinking along with hunting. Hates Purists and Slavers. Armed with a massive 2handed Axe and shortsword. Resembles a oversize human mixed with a wolf and gorilla.

>Lead Jukruk to reinforce the knot of guards (D20)

>Send Jukruk to reinforce the guards while you slow down the reinforcements (2d20)

>Flank the enemy (D20)
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>>Flank the enemy (D20)
Rolled 14, 2 = 16 (2d20)

>>Send Jukruk to reinforce the guards while you slow down the reinforcements (2d20)
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>More blanket men to kill?
>blanket men
This is a good slur, we should use it.

>>Flank the enemy (D20)
Go after the Cultist leader, Jukruk does crowd control and aggros the rest while we focus on the leader to dehorse him.

Flank em!!
>18! Great success!!

"Come on big guy. I got a plan"

"We go away? Blanket men that way! Why we go?!"

"Just come on"

You shake your head and double your pace, Jukruks lumbering footsteps following despite his complaints. You circle around the outside of the waging ring, coming up behind and to the left of the cultist assault that has stalled against the defended wagons. As you watch a particularly brave (or insane) Purist attempts to climb onto a wagon with a knife in each hand. A barbed arrow in the throat sends him tumbling back.

Their leader trots his horse safely out of bowshot extolling his men to go ahead and murder you all already. A small knot of leather armored cultists stand near to him with axes and short spears at the ready. You look back at Jukruk, the massive Mutts fangs dripping red as he pants..

"Lets get that pompous twat. Think you can handle his guards?"

Jukruk snorts, sliding a finger along the blade of his axe

"Jukruk will cut them. Tiny men die so easy"

Allfucking right then.

You grip your spear and charge forth, Jukruks massive stride pulling him ahead. He grips his axe in both hands and roars so loudly the earth shakes.

The first bodyguard jumps backwards in shock as he finally notices the juggernaut bearing down on him. The axe descends in a blurring arc that slashes him in half from shoulder to hip. Both halves have yet to hit the ground as Jukruk draws his shortsword and flings it at the nearest bodyguard, the heavy blade sinking into his chest and knocking him backwards. He pulls his axe free from the ground and charges the remaining bodyguards with a bloodthirsty snarl.

Your path opened by Jukruks capacity for violence you pound forward toward the enraged leader of the raid.

"Traitor to your species! I will enjoy taking your miserable life!"

"Come take it then you pumped up little shit!"

The young mans face flushes crimson and he spurs his horse at you, spear leveled at your heart.

>Dodge and club his horses leg with your shield (D20)

>Brace your spear and impale the horse (d20)

>Throw your spear, Javelin his ass off that horse (D20)

Rolled 13 (1d20)

I'll feel bad, but kill the horse.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>>Throw your spear, Javelin his ass off that horse (D20)
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>>Brace your spear and impale the horse (d20)
Our only backup weapon is the shield, and if we're miss the javelin we're pretty much boned since this guy's got a charging horse and spear at us. The shield will at least protect him from spearing our heart though, so there's that.
Rolled 3 (1d20)


I love the image in my head of these two fighting together. You think he was bad. I'm THE JUGERRNAUT BITCH

>13!!! Slim success!!
>Sorry horsie

You angle your shield in front of you as you bend your knees, bracing the counterweight of your spear in the soft soil behind you as the white steed thunders closer to you. The long slim point of his spear angled to plunge into your heart. You tighten your grip and shift your weight just before he strikes. Your shield flicks the point over your shoulder as your spear point drops. The tip plunges into the horses chest, a foot and a half of shaft following the blade into the unfortunate equines heart. The horses agonized squeal hurts your soul as it pitches forward, throwing the young man forward, the shaft of his spear shattering in the tumble. He unsteadily climbs to his feet and draws a slim, elegant blade as he stumbles back.

>Advance and butcher him (D20)

>Let him come to you (D20)

>Taunt him (Write in, D20)
Rolled 10 (1d20)

>>Advance and butcher him (D20)
Dude's still dazed, take the initiative before he recovers his senses.
Rolled 7 (1d20)

>>Advance and butcher him (D20)
Don't let him recover.
Need 1 more roll folks
Rolled 10 (1d20)

>Advance and butcher him (D20)
Rolled 7 (1d20)


> Taunt Him then advance to Butcher

I'll give you time to pray to your God. Here is a little hint though, I'm not listening
>10! Meh outcome
>advance and butcher him.

You brace your foot on the still twitching horse and rip your spear free as the stunned Purist leader stumbles toward you awkwardly slashing with his shortsword.

His hood has fallen back exposing short cropped black hair and a deep gash above his ear that is steadily staining his robes red.

You brace your shield in front of you and angle your spear over the edge as you advance. A probing jab is smacked aside by his sword and his follow-up slash skids off your shield in a spray of sparks.

You turn your lunge into a spin and solidly crack him across the shoulder with your spear shaft. He winces and his grip with his right hand seems noticeably weaker.

>Club him with the counterweight (D20)

>Slash with your spearhead (D20)

>Lunge and pin him like a frog (D20)

>Grab Jukruks shortsword and gut this little shit (D20)
Rolled 6 (1d20)


"and my SHORT SWORD"

Take Jukruks short sword and gut the little shit
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>>Slash with your spearhead (D20)
Rolled 11 (1d20)

>Lunge and pin him like a frog (D20)
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>>Lunge and pin him like a frog (D20)
His only defense is his sword at the moment and he's much weaker than we are right now.
all this shit rolls
MC is not having a good day right now.
Killing the horse cursed us, sorry.

I mean he literally woke up to a fight with no time to prepare. We are just getting the body warmed up. Soon he'll slay many foe
He did.
>Imagine if this is the sort of stuff he wakes up to everyday on the road.

The horse cursed us with its final neigh.
>11! Barely Success!!!

You circle the stunned and wounded Purist leader as he wildly swings his blade in an attempt to ward you off. The hiss of the well forged steel would make a less experienced man nervous but you... You've seen too many fights for this to faze you.

Your spear lunges out as he swings and a crimson line appears on his forearm. As he yells in shock and pain you lunge again and a second slash appears on his thigh.

"COWARD!! Ill mount your fucking head on my wall!! He screams as he attempts to rush you.

Stupid kid.

You sidestep and swing the butt of your spear directly into his shin. The unfortunate young man flips forward onto his back, winded, his shortsword flying free from his hands.

Winded he attempts to rise but your heavy boot thumps down onto his chest. His eyes have a moment to widen in shock and terror before your spear crunches through his sternum, piercing his heart and nailing him to the ground.

"Should've let me fucking sleep you little shit"

>Purist leader has been defeated! His troops will scatter once they realize he has been killed.

>Loot options-
>Finely made Shortsword (A fine cutting and thrusting weapon)
>Lancers spearhead (Upgrade option for Spear, Increased penetration)

>choose ONE
>>Lancers spearhead (Upgrade option for Spear, Increased penetration)
alll the penetration
hmmm mybe lift him up on the spear and wave him about soo the other blanet man know his deid?
>>Lancers spearhead (Upgrade option for Spear, Increased penetration)
Let Jukruk have a new short sword.
also pat the horsy and say sorry
Make it obvious that they've loss so they break.
Plus, we're polearm pros so let's stick to our advantages.

I think it is pretty much lance upgrade. Same here
>Lancers spearhead

You stoop and pick up the broken off spearhead of the Purist leaders spear. Its a long, slim double edged blade, nearly two feet long. The edge is razor sharp and the tip is hard and solid, perfect for punching through thick hide and armor.

You cut your gaze back to the convoy. Jukruk is wading through the panicked cultists, pinned between a enormous Mutt and the rallied defenders of the convoy. They just need a little....extra.

You grip the broken spearhead and begin sawing at the young mans neck, flesh parting easily under the razor edge and severing his spine.

Plunging your spearhead into his temple and lift his head high as you walk toward the cultists.

"Oi! You fucks! Your bossmans dead and ive got his pinched head on a spike. Wanna join him?"

The collective gasp of horror and shock warms your heart as the cultists begin to run in various directions. The merchants and caravan guards speed their retreat with feathered shafts in their backs.

Jukruk lopes up, absolutely caked in gore, his axe dripping red and chipped.

"Got you a present Jukruk, catch"

You toss the enormous Mutt the shortsword you collected from the Purist leader. He grunts happily and fits its sheath to his belt and lopes off to retrieve his shortsword.

A young tainted runs up to you, his sword glistening red.

"You killed their leader? Wow you really saved us there! They were just about to overwhelm us. HEY EVERYONE! Three cheers for...."

>Wtf is our name anyway

(Write in)
Rolled 4 (1d20)


Boaty McBoatFace

> Seriously, though. How about Rustin

4, obviously the character does not like that one
Rolled 7 (1d20)


what i spelled is a name
tris tan

I meant a combination of the two

Rustin + Tristan
This name sounds like a pun.
oh woops didnt get it
2nded. This works.
Grom sounds like a name for one of the Mutts.

Rustan it is OP!
"Rustan!! Rustan! RUSTAAAAANNN!!!"

Your to hardcore to blush but damn it you get pretty close. Its nice being a hero from time to time you guess.

You extract your spear from the Purist Leaders head and punt it away. It bounces off a rock with an amusing *Thump*.

You begin helping move the bodies if your own to be buried and the bodies of the cultists to be searched and burned. Jukruk eagerly helps you, carrying four bodies at once. He would be wonderful help if he could stop eating them long enough to search them.


Overall your losses were rather slim. 9 of the 50 caravaners were killed along with 6 of the Guards. Nearly 20 of the cultists were killed along with their leader.

>Loot gained

>Various crude weapons (Axes and Spears/pitchforks)
>Assorted Silver Purity jewelry (can be melted down and sold)
>126 credits

>Search Camp for useful merchants
>>Search Camp for useful merchants

We've already rested enough. Adrenaline is kicked in!

search camp for sell this loot for some grog
>Congratulate Jukruk on a job well done, especially for helping give us an opening to the cultist leader. Offer to celebrate with him later.
Respect for the horse we had to slay.
>Check the wounded.
>>Search Camp for useful merchants
>Search camp for Useful merchants.

In the aftermath of the raid it seems everybody is getting a early start on the day. Some distance from the camp the bodies of the cultists are burning, greasy black smoke rising high into the lightening sky against the sunrise.

You walk by the healers wagon, run by a irritable old man who could probably put your whole body back together in his sleep. He nods to you with a good natured scowl as he sets broken bones and sews shut cuts. Several of the wounded reach out to you and you grasp their bloody hands.

"Get well soon guys. We need you"

You continue your walk and see the stocky Armorer getting his small mobile forge ready for the day. Small racks of spears, swords and axes are visible on racks in his large wagon. He nods to you ponderously, his large curling horns freshly chipped from deflecting attacks.

"Rustan" he growls approvingly

You smile and walk on.

>Convoy has a...

>Healer (Highly skilled)
>General Store/ Trader
>Armorer (Skilled)
>Mobile Tavern

>what do?
>>General Store/ Trader
Already got a healer and armorer.
And lets get the armorer to switch out our spear tips.
>>Congratulate Jukruk on a job well done, especially for helping give us an opening to the cultist leader. Offer to celebrate with him later.
>Respect for the horse we had to slay.
>>Armorer (Skilled)
Check to see if we can't upgrade our gear before the next raid.
>>Respect for the horse we had to slay.
Rolled 16 (1d20)


Tavern!! We just won a huge fight! There is probably important info being passed around in there, (and beer)
>Pay your respect for the horse

You catch a glimpse of the fine white horse you had to slay. You walk over and kneel next to in, running your hand through its silky mane and petting it gently

"Sorry girl. Your master was quite the cunt to ride you into my spear like that. Run free ya poor girl"

You cut a length of her mane loose and tie it tightly around the end of your spear just below the spear head.

That done you go to find Jukruk, The enormous Mutt is washing himself in a small stream near the camp, thankfully downstream of your drinking spot.

"Juk? Just wanted to thank you for helping me take out that prick, a lot of people would've died otherwise "

"Killing blanket men always fun. Jukruk happy to help Rustan. Rustan fight like many men."

"Drinks at Mae's?"

"YES! Mae makes good drink for Jukruk. Yes yes"

That done you set your feet towards the Armorer. After a bit of negotiation you sell your captured weapons for 15 credits and he agrees to buy your Purity jewelry for an additional 25.

>Ask to see his wares (166 credits)
>Ask him to Upgrade your spear (20 credits)
>ask him to Upgrade your armor (40 credits, write in what you want)
>>Ask him to Upgrade your spear (20 credits)
>>Ask him to Upgrade your spear (20 credits)
>And lets get the armorer to switch out our spear tips.
Use the spear tip we looted if there isn't one that's already better.
>Spear Upgrade!
>-20 credits

The grizzled Armorer plucks your spear from your hands like it weighs no more than a switch. Deft fingers undo years of rawhide strips and plucks forth the old spearhead.

"Make a fine dagger this. If'n you Want?"

You nod and he smiles gruffly and sets it aside. You hand him the new spearhead and his eyes light up with excitement.

"Ohhh fine fine steel ya got there boyo. Lets get you seated right proper."

>Time passes

You twirl your newly upgraded spear and marvel at the elegance of the new spearhead. You can only imagine the ease with which you can pierce armor now. You thank the Armorer and so you turn to leave he presses your old spearhead into your hand, the wicked blade is seated into a comfortable wood and leather grip along with a sheath of soft red leather.

>Gained- Lancer Spear. Increased armor penetration and spear balance
>Spearhead Dagger- Made from your old spearhead this is a wicked close quarter weapon.

>last post for the night guys. Feel free to discuss any ideas and suggestions you have :)
Good night
Excellent quest
>Thread resumes

You leave the Armorers wagon and give your new spear a few experimental jabs and slashes, the razor sharp blade hissing as it cuts the air. Pleased you hold it in your off hand and make your way back to your wagon to take off your armor and stow your weapons.

As you pull off the layers of leather, chainmail and steel plate you shiver at the welcome blast of cool air. Your armor is excellent defense but holy fuck does it get hot. You pull on soft, patched canvas pants and secure your spearhead dagger to your belt. You grab a shirt and a worn leather jacket and step out of your wagon, feeling like a new man.

>Train with the guards (Unarmed, Sword, Ranged, Polearms, Throwing weapons)

>Talk with the Caravan leader, find out what the plan is

>Go to the General store

>Go to Mae's tavern
>Talk with the Caravan leader, find out what the plan is
>>Go to Mae's tavern
We promised Jukruk, didn't we?
Its still quite early in the day and Jukruk has no problem waiting there.
>Talk with the Caravan leader, find out what the plan is
it is
>>Talk with the Caravan leader, find out what the plan is
Make sure we don't get raided in our sleep again. Maybe get a commendation or two in the process.
>>Go to Mae's tavern
Celebrate with Jukruk, we did say we would after all. We got the immediate shit dealt with, let's have some fun before getting back into business.
Jukruk's having fun times in the tavern?

You look around the camp, there's nearly 30 wagons circled around, many laden with goods and barrels, some turned into traveling stores and workshops. One, significantly larger than the rest is a literal house on wheels. Pulled by a dozen draft-beasts at the head of the convoy its the home and office of Stein, the caravan master.

You knock on the thick wooden door and after a moment you hear footsteps and the heavy bolt on the door is drawn back. You pull it outward and are greeted by the cluttered mess of maps, charts and contracts that make up Steins day to day life.

Stein himself is a thin, graying tainted. His eyes are bright yellow and slotted like a snakes and the skin of his forearms is covered in a thick scaly hide. He seats himself back at his desk and motions for you to sit.

"First off Rustan I want to thank you for your initiative in guarding the convoy from those Purists. Without your intervention we would have suffered a extreme loss of property"

You clear your throat.

"And life,and life of course. Your undoubtedly a hero to The Far Reach Convoy. I think we can scrounge up a reward for you if you want it"

>No reward is necessary

>Ask for a reward of Credits

>Ask for a discount at the Convoys stores

>Ask for a Riding Beast from the convoys remount herd

>Ask for A position in the convoy guard (can requisition supplies and a squad of 3)

You know it. Hopefully nobody cheats at cards. He resents cheaters
>>Ask for A position in the convoy guard (can requisition supplies and a squad of 3)
But only till we reach our destination.
>>Ask for A position in the convoy guard (can requisition supplies and a squad of 3)
>"The honors aren't exclusive to us, sir. Jukruk was an integral part of our plan to holding off the bodyguards long enough for us to execute the decapitating strike on the cultist leader. He deserves some commendations too."
>Ask if we can include Jukruk in our squad. Our squad will be The Mountain, The Juggernaut, and co.

>Hopefully nobody cheats at cards. He resents cheaters
Hopefully he doesn't tear their spines from their backs when he finds out.

"Well while I was fighting to save all of your lives I couldn't help but notice how the convoy guards didn't function as a team very well. Lots of everyman for himself and all that shit" you lean forward and brace your elbows on the table as you speak. You carefully watch Steins face as he puts his shrewd intellect to use

"So you think you can get them to work as a team?" he says with a slight smile as he leans back and steeples his fingers, regarding you carefully

"Well I can give it a shot if you're agreeable bossman." you smile broadly and reach forward,shaking Steins thin hand as he begins drafting up the paperwork

"By the way sir, I didn't do it alone, Jukruk was very helpful in clearing the way for me to strike. Id like for him to be under my authority and rewarded as well."

Stein regards you carefully before smiling and nodding slightly. He presents you several small forms and has you sign and initial in several places. Quite a few forms seen to relieve the Convoy of any responsibility should you suffer a horrible death.

Well that's comforting.

>You now are a Officer of the Convoy Guard. Second only to Stein himself while on the road. Your pay is 75 credits a week and you have the authority to requisition supplies, weapons and up to 3 Guards (including Jukruk)

>Ask Stein how far we are from our destination
>Ask Stein where he thinks the Purists came from
>Ask Stein (write in)
>>Ask Stein where he thinks the Purists came from
>>Ask Stein how far we are from our destination
>>Ask Stein (write in)
>Ask Stein if there's a way to get Purists of our backs.
Ambushes while we're sleeping are not fun.
>Proceed to celebrate with Jukruk and co.

>Convoy Guard
>hero to The Far Reach Convoy.
Is this the proto-Imperium we're seeing develop?
>Purists of our backs.
*Off our backs* is what I meant, not some splinter-faction.
>Ask Stein how far we are from our destination

Tume to get a shield wall going
>>Tume to get a shield wall going
>Shield wall, engage hoplite formation, become the Spartan Mountain.
We will become unstoppable from the front!
Before you leave you decide to see what Steins thoughts are on the Purists.

"So where do you think those pricks came from last night?"

Stein scowls slightly as he thinks and consults a collection of maps on his desk. He crosschecks with a series if charts and booklets and finally comes to a conclusion.

"WhiteWood most probably. Human held town with a significant Purity presence. Someone probably tipped them off to us when we crossed their territory on our way out of Burrows. Most likely been tracking us for days."

You frown and lean against the door frame. They waited a awful long time to strike. Youre at least a week from Burrows. The subterranean town is one of the last Tainted strongholds before the far wastes. Determined bunch of zealots.

"How far away from Red Sands do you think we are? Id like to get there as quickly as I can in case they get their shit together again"

"I agree, were setting a double pace and limiting rest stops. We'll likely be there within a week, week and a half most likely" he says with a confident smile.

"One last question boss, any way to get them off our tail if theyre still following us?"

Stein leans his chair back and thinks for several moments.

"Well I can think of a few options. Theyre obviously tracking us so they'll be a day or two behind us if theyre still on the hunt. We could possibly leave a rear guard to counter ambush them or we could take half a day and set up a defensive position and attack from all sides. Or we could possibly cross and recross the river and hope they lose our trail."

Your questions answered Stein dismisses you and you step out of the cluttered office. An officer. You're moving up in the world it seems.

As you approach Mae's squat ,wide wagon that serves as a small mobile tavern. A commotion from within the folding pavilion from the side catches your ears and as you watch a man with a very obviously broken nose flies through the tent flaps that serve as doors. The man skids to a stop and moans pitifully at your feet. You gouge the size of the fist shaped bruise across his face and make a rapid observation.

"Jukruk HATE cheats! Jukruk know only 4 Kings. You not have 4 when Jukruk have 3!" an enraged bellow sounds forth accompanied by heavy laughter and cheering followed by a wet smack and a yelp of pain.

A second man flies out, rolling to an unconscious heap.

Well then.

>too long hold up
You step into Mae's Tavern. The chaotic tent attached to her Wagon is packed full of celebrating guards, relieved merchants, career drunks and in the corner, being scolded by the tiny menace that is Mae, is Jukruk.

"Now Dammit Juk! I done told you to quit breaking my tables! Break the damn patrons but leave my tables alone!" yells Mae indignantly.

"Jukruk sorry. Thought table could take cheater mans head. Jukruk wrong " you've never seen the Mutt look genuinely sorry and a little scared before. He whines softly and flattens his ears against his skull.

"Hmmph. Im putting that on your tab Juk!" Mae turns on her heel and makes it stomp off but thumps off of your chest as you smirk at the abashed Jukruk.

"Oh hi there Rustan. Can you keep this big malook from destroying my damn bar? Yeah? Good. In the meantime what can I get ya. On the house on account of you saving my bacon last night" she smiles sweetly up at you. You know how much venom and sheer danger is contained in the small package in front of you. After seeing her emasculate a handsy guard with a broken bottle you give Mae a respectful berth.

>Gimme the good stuff Mae

>Just a couple beers for me and Juk

>Surprise me. I know Youre hiding something special back there"

>Nothing for me
>>Surprise me. I know Youre hiding something special back there"
>"Juk and I could use it after the day we've been through."
We surprise Jukruk with the special we got. Happy Mutt is good Mutt.
We can trust Mae to give us something good, I think.
>"Let Juk slide for the table and we'll call it even...plus maybe a beer?"
Oh, yeah. That sounds better than bringing more drinks to drink his sadness away.

3rding. Bring beers for the both of us to party, we can probably buy the beer if she’ll only cover the costs of the table.
"How about you let Juk slide for the table and well call it even? Maybe a beer or two?" you say with your most winning smile " after all I couldn't have done it without the big guy"

Mae considers your offer, cutting her eyes to the still whining Jukruk. She crosses her arms and smiles broadly, showing several gold teeth.

"Deal. Couple beers on the house. But he breaks ONE more table and ill skin him. Fair?"


"Not fair!"

You both glare good naturedly at Jukruk before laughing at his indignation. You pull up a chair at a nearby table and motion for Jukruk to join you. One of Mae's bar girls brings by a pair of beers in tall brown bottles, not cold but cool enough to drink.

>What do?

>inform Jukruk of your new position

>ask Jukruk about himself

>Yell for Mae to Join you

>Buy the bar a round (gains favor, -15 credits)

>>inform Jukruk of your new position
>ask Jukruk about himself
>gains favor
Favor you say? That sounds awfully tempting.

>>ask Jukruk about himself
Ask how the big lug is doing and if he's okay.
>>inform Jukruk of your new position
Offer Jukruk a spot in our awesome new squad as our Juggernaut and pal.

Maybe if we buy the bar a round we could start recruiting a couple of other squadmates from there, if there's any decent ones around here?
"How ya doing big guy? You alright from last night?" you ask Jukruk, he seems to be ok but you can never tell with Mutts.

"Jukruk kill many Blanket men! Very happy! Look! Jukruk killed.... This many!" he pulls forth his axe from behind his seat where it had been leaning against the wall, showing you 11 new notches filed into the back of the heavy blade. "Jukruk will kill many more blanket men. Rustan will see."

You eye the heavy axeblade. Already the back of the blade is notched and cross notched at least a hundred times. Damn.

"Good job Juk, by the way you should go see Stein. I told him how well you did, he seems pretty pleased. SO pleased in fact he made you part of my new squad!"

Jukruk smiles in the savage way only a Mutt can. Lips and cheeks pulling back from savage fangs as he laughs loudly

"HA! Rustan will be Jukruks's bossman! Ha! This is good. Many small bad men will die. Many many!" he chuckles as he takes a swing of his beer, easily downing a third of it in the first sip.

You begin looking around the bar for potential recruits to your squad. You see...

>Mercer- Tainted. Ranged and Reckon. Friendly but quiet. Male

>Hazda- Tainted- Close Quarters and Infiltration. Friendly but a bit unhinged

>Drak-Mutt-Berserker, Heavy armor and Two handed hammer. Can outdrink Jukruk. Male

>Bella-Sweet talker and Interrogation. Dabbles as a healer. Bit of a sadist. Female

>Write in a Recruit of your own (specialty,Race,Gender, Personality)

>You begin looking around the bar for potential recruits to your squad. You see...
We all meet up in a tavern... this feels like an adventuring party already. I can already imagine the fun times we'll be having.
>>Mercer- Tainted. Ranged and Reckon. Friendly but quiet. Male
Do you mean recon?

So I think we have the close quarters covered between us and Jukruk, so we should get a ranged expert and a medic/support.
Yes I meant recon. My autocorrect is a fuck.
>>Mercer- Tainted. Ranged and Reckon. Friendly but quiet. Male
Sounds good for getting more intel on our enemies and archer support.
>>Bella-Sweet talker and Interrogation. Dabbles as a healer. Bit of a sadist. Female
We don't really need a diplomat since we're already kind of the party's face as their leader, but a medic is always good. She can probably help set up an infiltration expert by distracting any guards.
A write-in of a recruit who's more of a combat medic would be nice. This is still pretty good considering what we can do with a someone who can heal and distract people.
>>Hazda- Tainted- Close Quarters and Infiltration. Friendly but a bit unhinged
Infiltration is useful, special ops for getting rid of enemies we normally can't otherwise.

That being said, this is without any write-ins and I'm willing to start offering some if I can think of any or switch to others if they have any ideas.

What a shame, it happens.

>Bella-Sweet talker and Interrogation. Dabbles as a healer. Bit of a sadist. Female

>Mercer- Tainted. Ranged and Reckon. Friendly but quiet. Male

>Hazda- Tainted- Close Quarters and Infiltration. Friendly but a bit unhinged
>>Bella-Sweet talker and Interrogation. Dabbles as a healer. Bit of a sadist. Female
>Bella, Mercer Hazda

You cut your eyes along the various patrons of the bar. Some are drinking, some are gambling, some are passed out in their cups. But a select few catch your eyes.

At the bar, seated on a small booth next to a young red headed merchant is Bella. A tall, slender blonde haired human woman with a innocent, angelic face, she laughs sweetly at his jokes and as you watch leans forward to plant a fierce kiss on his lips. You smile as you see her hand curl around to his wallet and delicately pull it free, sliding it into her jacket as she pulls away from the breathless young man. She walks away from him with a inviting sway to her hips and gives you a mischevious wink before vanishing into the crowd.

>Recruit Bella option Gained

You smirk at Jukruk as he nearly falls out of his seat in his efforts to continue watching her walk.

"Easy big fella, that's not a trap you want to jump into Dick first"

"Says you"

You stifle your laughter and continue scanning the bar. At one end a impromptu darts game has sprung up. Several cheering Guards and Merchants are rapidly placing bets as a dark skinned Tainted male with short trimmed black hair and a small beard begins chugging a large glass of beer. You watch in awe as he begins sinking bulls-eye after bulls-eye into the target nearly twenty feet away. As the final dart thanks into place he drains his glass and holds it up victoriously to simultaneous cheers and groans. Money rapidly changes hands with a large stack being left for him at his seat.

>Recruit Mercer Option Gained

A sudden scuffling and cheering from the open Section of the Pavilion catches your attention. You stand and attempt to get a better view as people rapidly push backwards, forming a improvised ring as two scuffling figure seperate briefly before launching at each other again. One, a stocky human male is bleeding from a deep gash in his forehead and has a rapidly swelling eye. His combatant is a muscular, thick framed woman with light brown skin and a mouthful of sharpened bloody teeth. The man makes several swings in an attempt to break her guard but screams in pain as his fist is caught and twisted. A heavy boot to his face shatters his nose and flings him away into the crowd. The woman holds her arms up to the cheering crowd and sits back at her table.

>Recruit Mazda option gained

>Talk to Bella first

>Talk to Hazda first

>Talk to Mercer first

>Talk to Mercer first
>Talk to Mercer first

"Right then. Hold my beer Juk. In gonna go get us some more backup"

You stand up from your seat and make your way over to the Dark skinned Tainted's seat.

"I said HOLD IT, not drink it Juk!" you yell over your shoulder.

You can *hear* Jukruk pout.

You near the table and clap Mercer on the shoulder as he counts his winnings. He turns his head and cockily smiles at you. He is a Dark skinned Tainted who would be indistinguishable from a human if not for his eyes. Theyre bright yellow and resemble the eyes of a hawk more than the slitted pupils more common with most tainted.

"Hey there, how ya doing Rustan? Wanna play darts?"

"Fuck that. Im broke enough already. How many people have you suckered with that already?" you laugh and sit down opposite Mercer.

"Pretty much all of them i think! Ha! They always fall for the drunken darts."

You smile and lean forward onto the table. You like this guy already.

"Im putting together a squad, courtesy of Stein. Ive got a spot for you if you want it"

He considers for a moment, idly spinning a dart through his fingers. With a flick of his wrist it blurs out and nails a fly to the table


"Hell yeah" you reply with a smile.

"Okay. Im in"

>Mercer Recruited!

>Talk to Bella

>Talk to Hazda
>>Talk to Bella
>>Talk to Bella
Charmer/Medic next. It'll help us with the next recruit and any injuries she might've gotten.
>Oh sweet Bella. Hands off my fucking wallet.

You stand and shake Mercers callused hands. He finishes counting his money and secures it inside his jacket and rises to go sit with Jukruk. You clap him on the shoulder and turn to scan the bar again.

There. A flash of golden blonde hair cutting through the crowd. You move towards her when suddenly she vanishes again.

Shit. Where is she. Where is she....

There! A hood doesn't do much to conceal that face. You grab her by the wrist and rapidly jerk your head back from the needle thin dagger that sweeps past your cheek

"Back up asshole I took it fair and... Oh hi Rustan! How ya doing hun? Ya see the thing is-" she begins with a dazzling smile, dropping the dagger down quickly.

"Stow it Bella I know its all bullshit and I could care less. Need to talk to you" you smirk and tighten your grip on the light fingered woman and gently yet firmly drag her to a table. Seating yourself opposite her you give her a good matured glare until she begins fidgeting.

"Whaaaaaat? You saw how red he was after that kiss odds are he would've given me that wallet anyway."

Glaring intensifies.

"Im not giving it back. Nope. No way. His breath smelled like a fish's garlicky ballsack"

Your glare could make armies cower.

"Come ooooonnnnn Rustan. Ill split it with you! Pretty pleeeeaaaasssee?"

You smirk and hold out your hand into which she rapidly shuffles a few credits. You glare again. A handful more appear out of nowhere. You smile and withdraw your hand.

>Gained 40 credits.

"Now. Down to business. Id imagined by now every merchant, guard and idiot stable boy has figured out that youre a lot of sneaky and mean in a shiny wrapper. Before long Theyre gonna want their money back. Unless..."

Her eyes brighten at the prospect of immunity to her life of Petty Larceny, Fraud and occasional torture.

"Go on? I find my interest.... Aroused" she purrs with a slight smile.

"Courtesy of Stein, I now have a bit of authority with the guard. Im putting together a squad to handle some more... Unique problems. What do you say?"

She bites her lip and looks around the bar for a moment. She looks at you finally and smiles brightly.

"Deal. Ponds about fished out here anyway big boy."

>Bella Recruited!

>Send Bella to Sweet talk Hazda (D20)

>Talk to Hazda yourself (D20)
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>>Send Bella to Sweet talk Hazda (D20)
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>>Send Bella to Sweet talk Hazda (D20)
Don't want to be punched in the face.
Need 1 more roll if anybody is lurking :)
Rolled 8 (1d20)

>>Send Bella to Sweet talk Hazda (D20)
1st teamwork exercise is how to not get punched in the face.
Rolled 17 (1d20)


>Send Bella to Sweet talk Hazda (D20)
>16!! Good success!!
>go do your thing Bella

"Well since youre in Ive got a job for you. See that woman over there? The one with bloody knuckles? Yeah her. Get her to join up. I got a feeling she'd kick my ass" you point Bella toward the loudly talking and drinking Hazda who seems to be signing autographs from adoring young women

"What's the matter Rustan? Scared of a strong woman?" she teases lightly as she walks away.

No. You think to yourself. But Id rather end this day with my teeth and my balls thank you very much.

You return to your table and claim your beer back from Jukruk and watch Bella work her magic.

She confidently sits down across from Hazda and matches the brawlers scowl with a glittering smile. They speak quietly for a moment before Bella points over to you. Hazda turns and fixes you with piercing black eyes as you wave cheekily. If looks could kill you'd be a corpse a thousand times over. The glare continues for a moment before Bella says something else to her in a conspiratorial whisper. Hazda cuts her eyes back and smiles before nodding. Bella gives you a large smile and a thumbs up before waving over a serving girl to take her order.

>Hazda Recruited.

>Squad Completed!

>Leave the bar

>Continue drinking with Jukruk.

>Go see about getting yourself a steed

>Go see what supplies you have access too.
>>Continue drinking with Jukruk.
>The glare continues for a moment before Bella says something else to her in a conspiratorial whisper.
>conspiratorial whisper.
I wonder what she whispered to her now.
>>Continue drinking with Jukruk.
Finish our drink with Jukruk and Mercer, relax with them for a bit. See if we can try swapping stories with each other.
Form rapport with the entire squad if the other 2 gals are willing to drink with us.
You kick your feet up on the table (Mae glares at you) and lean back in your chair, sipping your beer. Mercer sits opposite you next to Jukruk, the pair chuckling darkly at some joke of Mercers. Bella and Hazda both pull out chairs and seat themselves.

"Well it seems were all gathered like a bunch of jackasses, lets get to the meat of things" you say and the group (with the exception of Hazda) all burst into smiles and chuckles.

"First off, We all know what happened last night. A bunch of those purist fucks tried to kill us all in our sleep. The guard, unfortunately couldn't do much about it. Stein has given me authority to lead my own Squad to deal with issues the convoy guards can't or wont." you smile and wave your hands in a broad gesture.

"These... Tasks... Will there be much fighting?" asks Hazda in a oddly soft voice.

"Oh, tons. Well be going up against whatever the guards aren't equipped to handle"

"Oh... That's good then. I was worried I wouldn't get to kill anyone " she says with a slightly deranged smile, showcasing her viciously sharpened teeth.

You, Mercer and Jukruk exchange worried looks and shrug.

She seems to be crazy.

Mercer speaks up
"So Rustan ol'buddy, where exactly did you learn to fight like that? What did you do before..." he waves his hand around the bar, gesturing toward the camp "this"

>What did you do?

>Bounty hunter- Bonuses to Tracking, Barter and Armed Combat.

>Mercenary- Bonuses to Combat, Leadership and Looting

>Assassin -Bonus to Stealth, Deception and Infiltration

>Pit Fighter- Bonus to Armed and Unarmed Combat, Intimidation

>Suggest a background (3 skill bonuses)
>>Mercenary- Bonuses to Combat, Leadership and Looting
>Armed Combat
What's the difference between the 2?
Shit. Brain fart on my end. Comes from retyping the list 4 times before being satisfied with it. Armed combat bonuses ggran increased skill with weapons. Unarmed combat is Fists, Gauntlets and grappling.

Sorry about that. The Combat was supposed to be Armed Combat.

>Mercenary- Bonuses to Combat, Leadership and Looting
Ah, alright. Got it, thanks.

>>Mercenary- Bonuses to Combat, Leadership and Looting
What skills would we want?
Armed Combat and Leadership, obviously. What should we do with the 3rd?
Is Bella's ability to Sweet Talk related to barter, or is that something different? What areas does Sweet Talk encompass in comparison to something like Diplomacy?
>Mercenary- Bonuses to Combat, Leadership and Looting
Extra looting please.
Bellas sweet talk perk is similar to an expert level in Diplomacy. She's a healer, Interrogator, Diplomat and a damn good thief.
>Bellas sweet talk perk is similar to an expert level in Diplomacy. She's a healer, Interrogator, Diplomat and a damn good thief.
and she pays for the healing by takign all your shit as you passed out from her sticting ou up without any meds
>Merc life

"Well when I was a young man fresh off the farm I joined up with a small band of Mercs traveling through, they promised good pay, good fights and the chance to see the world. What they didn't tell me was that we would be involved in the campaign against Kurt's forces in the south."

Your group collectively winces. That was some BLOODY fighting.

"We were shattered and remade dozens of times in that war. The Blood Walkers, The Iron Hearts, The Split Arrow Army, The Grave Hounds. Fought with and against them all at some point. I was there at Crimson Ridge when we broke Kurz's forces and killed him... That was a rough time for us afterward. Peace is bad for business"

Jukruk growls approvingly and (gently) pounds the table with his fist.

"Kurz was mighty warchief. But cruel, killed many young ones. A good thing to fight against him. Yes yes." he rumbles, raising his glass to you. The others follow suit and toast your accomplishments.

>Order something special for your new squad to toast with

>Begin setting up a plan to deal with your cultist pursuers (write in)

>ask a party member their background (who)

Well now that you heard my story, anyone want to share their's?
>>Order something special for your new squad to toast with
then get squid tats
2nded, but avoid the squid tats until we've all agreed on a team or squad name so we don't accidentally get the wrongs ones.
Get everyone else's stories, toast them to their accomplishments as well and build more rapport.
oh how bout cosw nmes
>oh how bout cosw nmes
>cosw nmes
Sorry, what? I don't understand. Do you mean code names?
You ok anon?
code names yer
fingers sliped
like mutt can be wolf
big hunry gil and be shark
we can be pony
and the last one can be umm lipstick
idk any more

You gesture with your beer to Jukruk. You aren't gonna be the only one sharing exposition damnit! Jukruk clears his throat and looks around before speaking.

"Jukruk born to Feral pack in wastes. Not far from Redsand. Collar men catch, take to blood pits. Jukruk did not fight. They hurt. Many many times. Jukruk fought. Killed many men, many Tainted, many Mutts. Too many for counting. Jukruk escaped one night. Killed all collar men. Bossman Stein found Jukruk in wastes. Been here since"

You shake your head. The Slavers of the wastes are some truly sadistic individuals. Mercer is visibly gritting his teeth while Bella blinks away a small tear. Hazda is smiling broadly.

"I too fought in the Blood pits for a time! It was great fun, being drenched in gore and then PAID for it! HA!"

You shiver and turn toward Jukruk again, raising your glass as the others follow suit.

>Mercer next

>Bella next

>Hazda next
We should ask them for what code names they might want because we give one they might have misgivings over, but those sound like a decent basis.
>idk any more
It's okay anon, it's just the beer getting to you.
or we give them out after they ether do or say something alot
>or we give them out after they ether do or say something alot
>ether do or say something alot
What like backsassing us or breaking too many tables?

>>Hazda next
Since she seems so enthusiastic and pretty much volunteered herself, she should go next.
>>Bella next
something like that
We can hash things out further tomorrow guys. Op is dissatisfied with the declining quality of his posts and requires rest. Be back around noonish tomorrow. 12hrs.
Good night op, sleep well and dream of sexy tainted.
Indeed. Especially around their taint.

You all eye Hazda carefully as she seems to be about to say something. Taking her (still terrifying) silence with a grain of salt you lean back in your chair again.

"Anybody else? We're gonna be working together for a while so lets get this out of the way." you say to the assembled group.

Bella clears her throat and leans forward with a small smile.

"Well I suppose ill have to tell you all anyway, im originally from a small town in Purity territory called Ash. Small place but a decent place to live. Lots of traveling merchants and fat bankers. Where I picked up my quick fingers you see! But eventually my parents sent me off to apprentice for my aunt as a healer, wanted me to learn a "useful trade " they said. I learned a lot from aunt Therese but god DAMN was it boring. I eventually left one night and signed up with a convoy headed west. A few corpses and some slit purses can set you up nicely enough. And now im here. With you lovely folks"

You snort into your beer and Mercer actually chokes on his, coughing and wheezing in his laughter. Hazda continues her unsettling stare while Jukruk lightly smacks Mercer on the back.

"Somehow I doubt it and believe you at the same time Bella. Fair enough though. Fair enough." you raise your nearly empty glass in toast to the Blonde trickster.

>Mercer next

>Hazda next
>>Mercer next
>>Mercer next
Well, looks like Hazda's going last.
>Sorry about the delay. Real life popped up

You tilt your beer back, intent on draining the last few sips from it. In a rapid fire *Tink Tink Tink* several small pellets bounce off of the bottom of the glass, causing a rush of beer down your chin.

You slowly lower the glass and scowl at the smirking Mercer as Bella and Jukruk laugh loudly

"Guess its my turn to be in the spotlight? Okay then buckle up kiddos. I was raised in a small village south of Bastion, Deep inside tainted Territory. My da was a hunter, taught me everything he knew. One day, he got called up by the village chief. Something was killing our herds. Something BIG. My da had killed some damn nasty beasts but whatever was in those hills was a bit too nasty for him. He never came back. The attacks ended though so I like to think it choked on his bones. Once I was old enough I left to join up with The WasteWalkers. Merc'd myself out for a few years. Learned how to out drink, out fight, out shoot and..." he cuts a glance towards Bella and Hazfa "out fuck anyone out there, signed up as a convoy guard out of the Black Hills outpost a few years back. Been here ever since."

Damn. The WasteWalkers were a rough bunch. Assassins, Scouts, Thieves, no job was too difficult for that band. You wave over a barmaid with a fresh tray of beer and select the coldest one.

"Sounds like youve had quite the life Mercer, Glad you're with us. Cheers to you!"

The others raise their fresh glasses and salute Mercer as he leans back with a small smile.

>Hazda next
>>Hazda next
Looks like Hazda's the spookiest one of the squad.
You all sit quietly for a moment, sipping beers and occasionally looking pointedly at Hazda who is obliviously watching the bubbles in her drink rise with a small smile.

Bella clears her throat.
"Uhhh... Hazda? Hun? You wanna start?"

Hazda looks up, her oddly glassy black eyes focusing on Bella.
"Start? Start what? A race? Don't like races very much."

You rub your temples and resist the urge to bang your head into the table and Jukruk and Mercer attempt to hold back laughter.

"Sweetie how bout you tell us a bit about yourself? Solidify the team a bit?" Bella persists sweetly

Hazda looks around before reaching across the table and poking Jukruk on the shoulder.
"Team seems plenty solid to me. Will my talking make them more solid?"

You can't help it. You bang your head into the table gently with a small groan. Jukruk coughs into his hand while Mercer appears to be strangling his laughter through sheer will.

Bella, bless her, soldiers on through the weapons grade insanity.
"Just tell us a bit about yourself? Please? We all like you so much and want to know more about you"

Hazda smiles lightly and seems to concede with a small nod.
"I was born in the wastes. The Skulls-in-Sand Tribe. We were feared by many. Killed my first man at ten winters, ate his heart raw and beating. It tasted very good. Had my teeth sharpened at twelve winters for my tenth kill. My tribe were all killed or captured by the slavers. Sold us as fighting slaves. Spent years as a pit fighter. Bought my freedom but stayed for five more years as champion. Left and wandered for a time, fighting and hunting and killing where it was needed. Eventually I met Stein at a bar in Burrows four years ago. Been a guard for him ever since. Pay is good but not enough killing. Gets boring."

Well....thats fucking terrifying. She stayed in the fighting Pits voluntarily? She knew they fed the losers TO the winners right? Ugh you hope she doesn't know. But a Tribal who was a fighting pit champion? Hell of an asset.

"Well then. Thanks for sharing.... All that Hazda. Im sure well be able to give you plenty of good fights." you raise your glass yet again and drain it. The others following suit. Hazda gives you a shark toothed grin and nods slightly.

>Squad dismissed for now

>What do

>Inspect Remount herd and select a riding beast (necessary to leave convoy on missions)

>Inspect your available Requisition equipment

>Meet with stein to resolve the Purist issue

>Go Train a weapons skill

>You can't help it. You bang your head into the table gently with a small groan.
Looks like we're the straight man of the squad then, as any veteran leader should be.
Figure out what to do before we get swarmed again, select mission, then prep for it.
>>Meet with stein to resolve the Purist issue
Forgot to copy choice.
>Inform the others of the situation we're in and if there're any considerations they'd like to give us before we have our meeting with Stein.
Make sure we don't forget anything before we meet up with bossman.
>Meet with Stein.

You push your chair back from the table, bidding farewell to your new squadmates. Bella waves, Mercer salutes cheekily, Jukruk nods and Hazda gives you a blank stare.

Right then.

You let your feet lead you out of Mae's and look around the camp. You see Stein discussing the contents of wagon with a rather fat merchant. You walk over slowly, trying to avoid the worst of it.

Stein seems to resolve the issue with a light slap to the back of the mans head

"-the fuck were you thinking? "Going it solo"? You'd DIE solo you damn moron. Were a convoy. Safety in numbers you dipshit."

The abashed merchant walks back to his wagon shamefaced while Stein shakes his head in disbelief as he catches your eye.

"Moron wanted to go solo because he "doesn't feel safe" with us anymore. Idiot would get his whole family murdered, raped,skinned and eaten out there. In THAT order if theyre lucky."

You stifle a snort at the thought of the pudgy man trying to hold off a pack of Ferals or a tribal warparty.

"Well Im glad you were able to talk some sense into him. By the way, ive got myself a team together. Myself,Jukruk, Bella, Mercer and Hazda. Got them all lined up and they seem agreeable." you say proudly

Stein blanches for a moment but recovers his composure
"H-Hazda? You sure? She's good in a fight but... Damn. Ok. If you're sure"
He says with a shake of his head

You smile grimly and follow Stein as he begins to continue his inspection of the convoy.

"So.. About our Purist problem. What do you think we should do? Do you think we can shake them?"

Stein thinks for a moment, tapping his chin with a charcoal pencil.
"Like I said before, our options are limited. We could leave a rear guard to ambush them as they come behind us. We could spend half a day and form a defensive position, catch them from all sides. We could cross the River a couple times and hope they lose our trail. And also we could be able to..." he trails off with a small smile

Ugh. Typical Stein.
"Ok ill bite. We'd be able to...?"

Stein grins widely, his bright eyes growing brighter for a moment.
"Return the favor. Take the guard and any volunteers and hit them when they make camp. Last thing they'd expect."

Stein is your Convoy master for a reason it seems.

>Rear guard ambush (your Squad + 10 guards)

>Hammer and Anvil (entire convoy in defensive position with pincer attack)

>River Trickery (Fording dangerous parts of the river multiple times, costs 3 days)

>Payback time (Entire guard compliment with random volunteers in night assault)
>>Hammer and Anvil (entire convoy in defensive position with pincer attack)

Don't like leaving the caravan unguarded, purity pansies aren't the only thing out there.
>Hammer and Anvil (entire convoy in defensive position with pincer attack)
Lets just go on the move, we'll fend em off if they come at us again, just don't wipe em out. Remember, peace and lack of raiders is bad biz for us.
We should scout out around the convoy first, get some info on the area to figure out how many others there are besides the purists.

If there are more than just the purists around then:
>>Hammer and Anvil (entire convoy in defensive position with pincer attack)
>>Rear guard ambush (your Squad + 10 guards)
Caravan sets up their defenses to hold them in place, once their attention is on the caravan we strike from the rear and take them out before they even know what hit them. Their VIPs will likely be in the back of the formation so we'll send them into disarray by the time they realize the ambush.
Any other opportunists who try attacking the convoy while we're gone will have to attack one that's already prepared for them.

If it’s just the purists:
>>Payback time (Entire guard compliment with random volunteers in night assault)
Infiltrate them and fuck them up while they're out of position.

Problem with the River Trickery is fording the river and all, if Oregon Trail teaches us anything.

How many guards to caravaneers are there anyways?

>Lets just go on the move, we'll fend em off if they come at us again, just don't wipe em out. Remember, peace and lack of raiders is bad biz for us.
Aren't there more than just the Purists that are risking the convoy, though?
There's 17 guards now and 40-45 caravaners. Many of the merchants have their own bodyguards and most of the nomads are skilled with a bow. Altogether you have about 30-35 combat ready
>There's 17 guards now and 40-45 caravaners. Many of the merchants have their own bodyguards and most of the nomads are skilled with a bow. Altogether you have about 30-35 combat ready
That's a lot of men. How many do the purists have if they outnumber us?
>Hammer and Anvil.

You consider your options carefully. Digging the defenses and preparing for the attack will cost you valuable time but if you can break the Purists resolve again they should be broken for good.

"I think we need to find a good defensible spot and let them come to us. When theyre engaged on our defense we can swing around some fighters and fuck em in the ass" you say with a vicious grin.

Stein smiles back and pulls a small map out of his jacket.
"My thoughts exactly. Untrained, poorly equipped fanatics? Not an issue when we can prepare. Now we just need to decide where to make our stand"

He points out several locations on the map.

>Liars gorge- the cramped confines and high walls will trap any pursuers once one end is blocked by your fighters.

>Fools Ford- a particularly dangerous river crossing for those who don't know its tricks. Deep cold water alongside slick rocks.

>Cinder Hill-the only elevation in a exceedingly flat plain. Fighting up that steep, bare hill would be hell

>Suggest a spot of your own design
The cultists had nearly 60-70 men. If they hadn't panicked by the death of their Purifier they would've easily overwhelmed your convoy
>>Liars gorge- the cramped confines and high walls will trap any pursuers once one end is blocked by your fighters.
Have people track up the gorge, to drop boulders on the purists. Maby have burning pitch?
If the hill is covered in grass, they could start a fire that would take us out.
Oh. So they had a roughly 2:1 combat-capable men advantage? That explains a lot.

2nded. The narrow terrain of the plain will nullify their numbers advantage, turning it from Quantity > Quality in plains to Quality > Quantity in some gorge, on top of defensive fortifications, which perfectly fits our type of forces.
In addition, it's much easier to get them to fall to any traps we have because there's not as much space for them to maneuver out of.
We'll also completely wipe them out in one fell swoop if we succeed, and they'll pretty much have to either surrender or die. We also can leave a small opening for them to escape and us to harry them through should we don’t want to corner them and let them break normally.
Since the terrain is so narrow, we can easily get them to fall into traps like pungee sticks, caltrops, or funnel them further with some barricades and pits.
Pungee sticks, oh shit. We charlie now.
>Liars gorge. We Spartans now.

You peruse the map for a moment, weighing each locations pros and cons. Finally you drag your finger to a small line between two steep cliffs.

"Liars gorge. We can pin them from the front and hammer them from the sides. Unless theyre going single file well trap them like rats" you smile broadly and clench your fist in glee.

"Couldn't have said it better myself. I want you to ride up with your squad and a few guards. Start gathering supplies for defenses, wood, rocks, you name it.just get it done."
He rips a small form from his jacket and thrusts it into your hand.
"Go get yourself and your group some Riders and get gone. Well be there in a day or so"

You smile and give a small salute, turning on your heel you catch Jukruk attention as he steps out of Mae's.
"Oi! Juk! We're on! Have everybody meet me at the remount herd!"

Juk snarls happily, raising his fist in the air before leaning his head back through the flaps of Mae's tent.

You're already moving, walking quickly toward the small wagon tended by the Herdmaster.

You unfold the paper Stein had given you and snort loudly.

"Give him whatever he asks for within reason.

You present the paper to the weathered old human man who oversees the various riding beasts and Draft beasts of the convoy.

"Seems t'be in order... Mhhhmmmm..... So whatcha looking fer?"

>Plainsrunner-Not especially strong or brave but fast as the wind. These 6 limbed horse descendants can cover some ground.

>Stomper-Massive Quadrepedal omnivores, Strong as a mountain but ponderously slow

>Stalker-Vicious Bipedal Pseudo-Reptiles, Fast and strong yet willful and aggressive

>Draft Beast Bull-Strong and moderately slow yet Peaceful in Temperament until roused.

>Select one
>Plainsrunner-Not especially strong or brave but fast as the wind. These 6 limbed horse descendants can cover some ground.
Since we're setting a trap, if our mounts get involved in the fighting, we've done something majorly wrong. Let's get there early and have a good scouting/escape option
>>Select one
Is this for all of us or just us as the MC, and the others get their own?
The others will select their own that matches their personalities
2nding this, then. Our focus is on gathering supplies, scouting, and setting up the trap for now.
2nding this is what I meant.

You look across the assorted herds, some kept seperate and others allowed to mingle. As you watch a massive, scarred Stomper snorts aggressively at a pack of young Stalkers nipping at its feet. The young omnivores teeth can't hope to pierce its skin so the snort is most likely in good natured fun.

A Squat bodied Draft-Beast bull nearby bellows out a echoing yawn and flops onto his side, stretching lazily. A Curious Plainsrunner Foal sniffs him for a moment before a absolutely rancid fart scares it away.

You contain your snort of laughter, considering your options. You need something fast with a lot of stamina. You'd pick a Stalker but you'd rather not have to beat the shit out of your steed to keep it from eating you. A glossy brown Plainsrunner Gelding catches your eye. Strong, sound three pairs of hooves, clear, bright eyes.

You make your decision.

"Ill take that one. The big brown? Yeah him."

The Herdmaster gives a complicated whistle and his assistants hurry to gather, saddle and prepare your new steed.

"Jus' put 'im in the riding herd t'other day. Gonna be needin' a name for him lad"

You scratch your chin for a moment as you think of a name...




>Write in
We Witcher now.
It's a good name.
Also digging the quest boss

>Write in
Here Roach
>Roach it is! Sorry for the delay,dinner had to be cooked and enjoyed.

You idly brush your new steed, Roach's, thick mane while feeding him a handful of dried apples. He munches happily and prods your hand greedily. As you tend to the inquisitive Plainsrunner your squad files up and at a suggestion from you, begin selecting their own mounts.

Jukruk selects a large, lean Draft-Beast bull with a shattered horn, scratching its leathery ears affectionately.

Bella chooses a slender but powerfully built Plainsrunner mare with a light yellow coat and begins babying it almost immediately.

Mercer selects a large, Dark green skinned Stalker with large curving talons and a crest of black spines that fidgets almost constantly but seems peaceable enough.

Hazda selects a particularly aggressive, Black hided Stalker with a mess of twisted scars across its maw and chipped claws, it nips at her arm and recieces a bone crunching punch in return.

They begin fixing saddles and carrying bags to their mounts and at a signal from you they mount up. You swing yourself into Roach's saddle and take the reins, directing him due northwest, where the hills holding Liars Gorge can be faintly seen...

>Roll D20 for random encounter
Thanks anon :) means a lot to me for people to enjoy my quests. If anybody has ANY ideas criticism or suggestions feel free to tell me
Rolled 13 (1d20)

1 criticism, not enough.
Excellent story
>>Plainsrunner-Not especially strong or brave but fast as the wind. These 6 limbed horse descendants can cover some ground.
So just checking, this horse is the fastest option out of all of them, right?
Heavenly trips.
Theyre the fastest by far.
Plainsrunner>Stalker>Draft beast>Stomper in terms of speed
>13! You avoid danger... For now.

You ride in companiable silence for a time, the gentle rocking of Roach's gait is quite relaxing. Bella rides behind you and to your right while Hazda and Mercer take the flanks on their light footed steeds. Plodding along directly behind you with seemingly endless endurance is Jukruk astride "Crack".

You take a moment to scan your map while your group makes a brief stop to water the mounts at a small spring. Mercer crouches atop a small boulder downstream and waves you over.

"Boss? Hey boss!? Your gonna want to look at this!"

Well fuck. That can't be good

You climb up next to him and follow his pointing fingers to see what the hell concerned him.


Thats... Worrying.

A Feral mutt, huge in stature, easily Jukruks size and covered in scars with claws the size of cleavers and teeth like knives.

Dead. As. Dirt.

Massive rips and gouges are torn from his flesh and from the expression on his face he died in extreme pain and terror. Deep bite wounds cover his arms and legs while his belly is torn open with entrails scattered across the surrounding area.

From the massive, clawed prints in the soft mud whatever killed him was enormous. Thankfully they lead south, following the stream to the river. Away from you and the convoy.

"Well Im glad whatever the fuck that was decided not to stick around! Lets get a move on."

Mercer nods, returning to his usual cool attitude.
"Right. Lets get on the move then boss"

You remount Roach and spur him on, your squad following close behind, you'll be at Liars gorge in no time.


Liars gorge. A narrow crack in between two sheer rocky cliffs barely thirty feet wide. Barely wide enough for a large wagon. You ride Roach through several times and take stock of the strategic options.

>Prepare traps (Punjee stakes, Rockslides, barricades, etc)

>begin crafting a crude stone wall at the George's outlet to funnel the purists further

>Gather dry wood to cascade coals onto the purists from above


>Write in
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Wait, shit. Didn't notice the prompt.
In order:
>>begin crafting a crude stone wall at the George's outlet to funnel the purists further
First get them into our maneuver and physical traps better.
>Prepare traps (Punjee stakes, Rockslides, barricades, etc)
Then immobile them with ground-level traps.
>Gather dry wood to cascade coals onto the purists from above
Proceed to crush them when they can't move away.
Gonna roll for that anon or do you want me to use your previous roll?
I was waiting for vote consensus to then roll.
Ah ok. Gotcha.
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Rolled 19 (1d20)

I guess that's it.
Looks like the purist are going to be purified.
>Rolled 19 (1d20)
>Looks like the purist are going to be purified.
If only they had fucked off earlier instead of chasing us here.
>19! Excellent success!
>So now that character creation and squad layout is selected the game shall change slightly. Leadership, ranged, Looting, Armed combat and Polearm attacks receive a bonus of +1 to their rolls.

>Leadership is squad actions and troop commands (ie; attack/Defend/Sneak/Retreat/etc). Armed combat is a general bonus toward combat with weapons and improves your damage with all weapons. Looting is just the quality and amount of loot you find after a battle. Just roll a D20+1 on the respective actions when its called for :)

>DIY castle.

You rapidly shuffle off a list of order for your squad. Jukruk and Mazda take a small trail to the top of the cliffs and begin setting up large piles of Rock and dry,sap filled brushwood above strategic chokepoints, large wooden levers stand ready to tip the piles into the canyon at a moments notice.

Mercer begins digging small, knee deep pits in various places on the gorge floor, filling them with sharpened bits of bone and wood, seating them deeply into the sandy soil. He drapes small lattices of woven dry grass coated with sand over the holes and marks them each with a small black rock.

While he works you gather large, flat rocks and, using mud from a nearby spring, cement them together into a thick, head high wall with a small step behind it allowing you to see over it easily and fire a bow or jab a spear. The wall extends from the end of the gorge for nearly twenty feet and funnels neatly to a small opening that will be sealed shut by overturned wagons once the convoy comes through.

Bella dissapears for a short time, emerging from a small cave in the cliffside. In her gloved hands she holds a large bundle of greasy black mushrooms. She calls them BlackBlood Caps and apparently they're extremely poisonous. She cuts them into small pieces and mixes them in a large bowl with some oil, mashing them into a black sludge that makes your skin crawl just to look at it.

>3 Burning Rockfalls Ready- a mix of heavy,sharp rocks and dried, sap filled wood. Placed at Gorge entrance, middle and Exit.

>Hidden punjee pits prepared throughout gorge. Will cripple and wound Purists that step into them.

>Rock wall funnel- will trap the Purists in a killing field as they exit the gorge. Can fire and strike from safety behind it.

>BlackBlood poison- can be smeared onto blades and arrows to provide a lethal edge to your fighters.

>Convoy is arriving

>Requisition equipment

>My gear is fine
Burn the pure!!! Rape there women!!
>>My gear is fine
>>Convoy is arriving
>Convoy is here
>My gear is fine

The convoy begins filing through Liars gorge, the wagon drivers carefully steering the Draftbeasts past the traps as Mercer calls them out. Stein steers his massive wagon through, scraping the walls at points. He squeezes it through your funnel opening and hands the reins off to a young boy.

"Good job Rustan, good job. We don't have a lot of time to relax though, we could see their outriders in the distance as we arrived. They'll probably be here within a hour or two." Stein seems agitated and more stressed than usual. "There's a lot of them. Im not sure how many but they seem to have been reinforced, a few actual fighters it looked like"

Well shit. The last thing you need is some fanatical Knights of Purity. Hopefully theyre just jumped up city guards.

"We've got defenses ready and they'll be packed in like rats. Well be fine boss. Don't worry " you clap the thin older man on the back and turn to your wagon, driven by a helpful young boy.

"Thanks lad, park it over next to Steins for me will ya?"

You climb into the back and pull on your armor, checking straps and adjusting the fit until its snug and more or less comfortable. Grasping your shield and spear you step out of the wagon as it is finally parked. Your squad is forming up a small distance away, armed and armored

Jukruk is in thick leather and chain, highly mobile with protection over his vital areas. Hes armed as always with his heavy shortsword and massive battleaxe. He growls and cracks his knuckles as you walk past.

Hazda is in boiled, riveted leather over small portions of mail. She seems to prize mobility over protection. Her weapons are a pair of thick, heavy knives with a long handled Tomahawk at her waist. She smiles faintly, showing her sharklike teeth in excitement.

Mercer is armored in mismatched scale, leather and mail armor, dyed dark green and brown. He carries a large bow along with a large quiver on his back. Tucked into his armor and on his legs you see bundles of slim knives with a large curved dagger at his back.

Bella is leaning on a wagon at the end, filing her nails with a slim dagger. She's dressed in a mail backed leather jacket and canvas pants reinforced with leather plates. She is armed with several small daggers and a compact crossbow, the punch shaped head of the bolt already coated in a thin black slime.

Your squad gathered and prepared you dismiss them proudly with a gruff "good enough for me" and they file out to help gather the fighters. Stein has left command of the fight to you.

>Archers on the cliffside, Fighters at the Funnel

>Archers at the Funnel, Fighters in the Gorge itself

>Mass at the Funnel, let them come.
>>Archers on the cliffside, Fighters at the Funnel
>>Archers on the cliffside, Fighters at the Funnel
"Mercer! Bella! Take those men and head up to the top! Split them equally, space em out!" you roar as the dust cloud of the approaching Purity mob grows closer

Mercer salutes with a cocky smile, waving a group of nomads and caravan guards armed with bows, crossbows and javelins. The group splits up, each taking one side of the gorge. They spread themselves evenly near the burning piles of wood and rocks, laying in wait.

"Juk! Hazda! On me! Fighters into position!" you slam your spearbutt into the ground, flashing back to your days as a platoon leader in the war against Kurz. You shake away the memories of dust and screams and smoke, anchoring yourself in the now.

Along the stone wall you had built the less seasoned fighters of the convoy held their positions with long spears and hand axes, daggers and shortswords. The more seasoned convoy guards and Nomadic warriors form up behind you, a wall of shields and spears, several holding bundles of light javelins.

Stein catches your attention with a whistle, giving you a thumbs up as he he sits atop his carriage with a small hand crossbow and his hip flask.

A shout from deep within the gorge echoes out

"THE SONS OF THE PURIFIER FEAR NOTHING MONSTERS! You will all end here! You will all BURN"

You swallow and tighten your grip on your spear, leveling it at your side. Jukruk roars and Hazda grits her teeth, twirling her axe

A pounding of dozens of footsteps can be heard, rushing through the gorge along with screams of agony as several unlucky Purists find Mercers trap.

>Spring the trap (D20+1)


>Archers!!! (D20+1)
>>Archers on the cliffside, Fighters at the Funnel
Rain death from the above, and death at their escape. They can't block from all directions at once. The fighters can withdraw further into the gorge to give the impression of a retreat to draw the Purists further into the trap.
Rolled 8 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

The less men realize the trap, the more we can trap before they can do anything about it.
Please roll higher than mine.>>1345514
Rolled 6 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Oh, sure. I suppose we'll start rolling now.
And nope, same roll as last time I forgot to roll.
Still a chance for a third anon to save the day!
Rolled 7 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

That's a no.
Looks like we're suffering casualties.
>9! Slim failure!

You brace your spear and dig your feet into the ground, preparing yourself for the tide of hate about to impact.

The purists round the last corner at a sprint, weapons and shields held high. At the front is a group of twenty men in heavy leather and chain armor, their chests emblazoned with the curling flame of Purity. They wield large chopping swords and heavy triangular shields. The men behind them are a mass of villagers in white tunics wielding pitchforks and hand axes, eyes wild with hate. Mixed in the with villagers are men who seem to be town militia, dressed in rusted mail and wielding short spears.


They ARE being led by Knights of Purity. The templar order of the Purity.

Around you the untested men begin to falter in fear of the vicious fighters. The shield wall begins to falter and you rapidly try to rally your men

"Hold steady! Steady you FUCKS! We can take em! We can- OOF"

Your shout is cut off the impact of the front line, a heavy framed man with a scarred face pushing against your shield with his own. He slashes wildly with his sword and catches you in the ear with the pommel.

Fuck. OW.

you headbutt him, sending him reeling back long enough for you to crush his jaw with your shield, knocking him back into his fellows. Along the line your men aren't faring well, several wounded already with a few lying still on the ground. Jukruk sweeps aside a knot of villagers with his axe, sending body parts flying with a roar. To your left Hazda streams blood from a cut on her side but doesn't seem fazed, planting her tomahawk in a mans skull.

The fighting lulls for a moment as another group of cultists push forward from the tunnel...

>Mercer! NOW! (D20+1)


>ARCHERS! (D20+1)
Rolled 9 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

>>ARCHERS! (D20+1)
We got their attention, now we need them to split their attention up so they don't look at their feet when the traps spring.
Rolled 3 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

>>ARCHERS! (D20+1)
Rolled 12 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

>>ARCHERS! (D20+1)
>>9! Slim failure!
This is already taking the +1 to make it a 10, which isn't enough for this charge to make it meh? Or is it sort of neutralized by the Purist Knights leading the charge?
He already counted the +1, so it would be a 9, not 10
Oh, so he did. I misread one of the rolls and thought the 9 + 1 was that roll instead of this one.
>13! Lucky success!

You have to think fast and hope they can hear you. You lunge forward with your spear as a brave Purist takes a step forward. The razor sharp Lancer head punches through his shield, the arm behind it and between his ribs. The man screams and spits blood as he falls, his companions pulling him back. You size the chance and cup a hand around your mouth


As if by magic the twang of bowstrings and deep thump of crossbows sounds. Feathered shafts sprout from the backs and upper shoulders of their targets. A enraged Knight blocks several arrows with his shield and roars triumphantly before a long shaft sprouts from his temple.

Nice shot Mercer.

The mass of Purists reels and shifts as they attempt to take cover from the onslaught. Hiding behind boulders, in alcoves and under corpses. Several of the fallen are twitching and foaming at the mouth due to small bolts embedded in their necks and thighs, courtesy of Bella.

>KILL EM ALL (counter charge D20+1)

>BURN THEM (D20+1)

Rolled 12 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

>>BURN THEM (D20+1)
Well now is a good time to set off the traps we have and burn them while they're too pinned to move out of the way.
Do we have 2 more anons to roll pls
Rolled 15 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

this >>1346050
Rolled 5 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

>>BURN THEM (D20+1)

The cultists mass into a solid clump of flesh, holding shields high to ward off the arrows and bolts. Several guards in your line step forward, slinging forward light javelins and throwing axes while the Cultists are distracted. Their front line falls, thrashing and ripping at the edged metal lodged inside their bodies.

You catch Mercers eye as he leans over the side to snap a shot into a unguarded throat.

"THE PILES! NOW!!" you roar as you wave your fist desperately.

He salutes and disappears. Moments later a faint cry of "HEAVE YOU BASTARDS " rings out.

The rumble and crash of the fiery rockslide is drown out by the screams of the Purists at the rear of the position as theyrr buried under an avalanche of sharp, blistering hot rocks and burning coals.

The screams of agony nearly drown out your roar of "CHARGE!!!" as you heft your spear, Jukruk following close behind you with Mazda on your right.

The wall of guards hesitate for a moment before joining you with a fierce cry, eyes bright and fangs and claws gleaming. You lead the way into the disoriented purists and swing your spear in a broad arc, the razor sharp tip scoring faces and blinding men in rivulets of blood. You swing your shield like a cleaver, splitting bone and shredding flesh. You jab and thrust, piercing soft bellies and slipping your spear in between ribs.

Jukruk buries his axe in a knights chest, the bones gripping the axehead tightly. He resolves this problem by using the axe (and attached corpse) as a huge club, sending men flying with each swing until he wrenches his axe free with a backswing. A howling cultist charges him while his attention is turned but a massive paw jets out, gripping his skull and breaking his neck with a swift twist.

Hazda has forsaken her tomahawk in favor of her cleaver like blades, hacking and slashing she deftly avoids the clumsy swings of wood choppers and homemade daggers. She ducks under a villagers guard and slashes his hamstring, opening the artery and pushing him back into a group of his fellows with her shoulder. She buries both blades in a mans ribcage, pulling him close so she can bury her teeth in his throat.

From above the archers continue the endless barrage, picking their targets and cutting down any who try to climb the cliffside or flee over the rockslide

You bash away a clumsy swing from an exhausted Knight and thrust your dagger under his jaw, his eyes losing their focus instantly as he slackens. You kick him backwards as he falls, landing firmly in the pile of rocks and coals, his blood sizzling as it hits the rocks. Through the gap in the flames you can see a group of more knights and militia, clustered around a older man in the white and silver mail of a Purifier astride a pale Grey horse. He regards you cooly, resting his hand on the ornate head of a long shafted warhammer.

You meet his gaze, adjusting your grip shield as you stare each other down.
>too long
Finally a small smile touches the hooded Purifiers lips and he nods to you. Taking the reins he turns his steed and slowly walks away through the gorge, heedless of the fire or arrows. His guards follow close behind, dashing over the blistering flames and disappearing in moments.

Well that's fucking scary.

You turn and resume the battle, wiping the rest of the purity force from the planet. They fight with the strength of desperation, fighting desperately to either kill you all or escape. In the close quarters you leave your spear buried in a cultists chest, using your dagger and shield to cleave away at any in front of you.

Your men eventually back the remaining ten or so cultists into a small curve in the gorge's wall, you hem them in and press them back tightly with spear points and dripping blades.

You step forward, flanked by Jukruk as they shrink backwards, a few dropping their weapons and collapsing in fear.

You look at yourself and Jukruk and for a moment you don't blame them. A bear of a man, covered in gore and wielding a shield of blades and a dagger that resembles a torture implement, clad in rough armor dyed scarlet. Backed up by a colossus of fur and scars, of teeth and bloody claws, wielding an axe as large as a man.

You put on your most direct voice of command and order...


>"End them"

>Write in
We'll need their info to take down the Knight Purist's leader who ditched his men.
>Rolled 15 + 1 (1d20 + 1)
Thanks for the decisive roll, m8. We've finished this battle on a high note.
Information is always good.
>Information is always good.
We can also obtain the moral high ground over the Purists by saying that while they would NEVER give us mercy were the situations reversed, we'll offer them it because we're good and honorable people like that. At least compared to them, that is.
I like that, moral high ground.
"YIELD!!" you roar, stepping forward. Jukruk growls and tightens his grip on his axe as you do. One particularly brave (or insane) cultist runs at you with a crazed scream, rusted dagger held high. You punch him with the rim of your shield, crushing his eye socket, he sags and you catch him by the chin, spinning him so he faces his former compatriots. You place your dagger under his chin.

"You can yield and live..." you slowly drag the dagger across the mans throat, sending his lifeblood cascading down his chest. "Or resist and share your friends fate. Choose"

One by one the remaining cultists drop their weapons and drop to their knees, holding their hands high as you signal a group of guards to collect their weapons. Several try to make a break for their weapons but Mercers quick shots make short work of them. The survivors are herded into a secure wagon and hooded, their bound hands chained to the floor. You turn to your troops and raised your fist roaring your victory.

"Rustan! Rustan! Rustan! RUSTAAANNN!!!" the assorted guards and nomads cheer, raising bloody weapons high. From his wagon you see Stein raise his hip flask to you in toast.

>Battle of Liars gorge won!!
>Your men-4 caravan guards killed, 8 wounded. 7 nomads killed, 5 wounded.
>Purists- 43 Fanatical villagers killed, 9 knights of Purity killed. 11 Militia killed. 7 villagers captured, 2 militia captured, 1 wounded Knight captured

>Roll D20+1 for loot
Rolled 4 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Rolled 9 (1d20)

You get a weapon,
you get a weapon,
All I need is one more anon to swoop in and let me know how much dakka you'll be getting
Rolled 7 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

>All I need is one more anon to swoop in and let me know how much dakka you'll be getting
That'll be great.
>Rolled 9 (1d20)
Nice, 9 + 1 = 10. I wonder what sort of loot those Knights had on them.
>10! You wanted random junk right?
You sit at your wagon, washing yourself from a bucket of increasingly bloody water. A small piled of loot grows in front of you as your share of the booty is dropped off by smiling guards.

>Assorted improvised weapons/ sharpened hand toolsx15
>Knights chopping swordx2-a broad, square bladed machete, capable of a vicious cleaving attack but not much for thrusting
>Knights armor-thick, Black leather reinforced with double layers of mail and steel strips. Damaged. Can be repaired or used to upgrade your current set.
>Knights orders (Encrypted)
>Purity jewelryx15
>Various rings and necklacesĂ—10
>237 credits

>You've earned a Skill point!
>Select a skill to Upgrade
>Armed combat-2
>Unarmed combat-1
>Animal handling-2
>Ranged combat-2
More leadership is good, it's been great for us so far in the battle.
By the way weapon skills can only be improved by training. Armed combat is your general skill with armed combat and determines how well you do while fighting (avoiding wounds and preventing being disarmed). Your weapon skill is what determines how lethal you are. The more weapon skill you have the more dangerous you are with THAT weapon type.

>current Weapon skills are-
>Two handed axes-1
>Throwing weapons-1
>Two handed swords-1
Shit.forgot one.

>By the way weapon skills can only be improved by training.
Ah. That explains why that option kept being offered during our breaks now.

Is there a sort of social and faction relations meter with other party members and important individuals, or are we supposed to gauge that from our interactions from them?

How loyal can we gauge our party members to be, is it increased by partying and fighting with them?
Got it one. The more you interact with them the more loyal they are. Interactions can be party member specific (Cards with Jukruk, Hunting with Mercer, Drinks with Bella, Sparring with Hazda).
We the leader now.
Well, we were always the leader.
And your relations with Stein (only important character we've met so far) and other Important characters can be improved by performing jobs for them and through Speech rolls
Soon we'll the best leader that there ever was! Better than that scrub Knights of Purity leader who ditched all his men like it was nothing!
Maybe we'll even end up commanding the entire guard if we can keep this up.

>Got it one.
Sorry, what? I'm not sure what this part means. It's the equivalent of a one on the party member loyalty bar for most of the members except for Jukruk?

>And your relations with Stein (only important character we've met so far) and other Important characters can be improved by performing jobs for them and through Speech rolls
Ah, right. That makes sense. I'm guessing we can bring other party members to help this like Bella did with Hazda earlier?
>Leadership raised to 3! +2 to group combat rolls.

You take a moment to asses your tactical choices from the battle as you watch the Healer (with reluctant assistance from Bella) tend to the wounded. You feel you've improved from your days as a troop leader in your mercenary days. You feel as though you are more experienced in general in the terms of leading men.

You stand, pulling a shirt on and kicking over the bucket, letting the bloody water swirl away. You take a walk around the improvised fort and spend a moment looking at the graves of your fallen troops.

Jukruk pauses from his gravedigging and growls in greeting, his fur stained with soil and blood.

"Fine fight Rustan. Many blanket men fell under our blades! Glory was ours this day!" he salutes you with the thump of a heavy fist against his chest.

"Thanks Juk. Glad I had you by my side there. Would've been a lot worse on us without you to back me up" you salute him back with a small smile and walk away, thinking how to spend the day before the convoy resumes traveling..

>see if Stein can read those Knight orders
>See the Armorer
>Talk to a Squad member
>Train a weapon skill (specify)
I meant you were right on the squad loyalty part. And yes you can bring Squad members to assist with faction discussing (Bella MAY not always be the best though)
>>see if Stein can read those Knight orders
It's encrypted, that sounds like some important shit we can use.
If we can't decipher it, then we interrogate the captured Knight for the intel instead.

Ah, right. Got it, thanks.
So we're on the Archive at

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