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Tainted Earth Quest! Episode 2!

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>Welcome back to the second installment of Tainted Earth Quest! We're playing as Rustan, newly minted officer of the Far Reach convoy guard en route to Red Sands. You've foiled the assaults of a Purist attack force and driven away their leader. You've got a short time to relax before the convoy resumes travel.

>Rules- we roll a d20, highest of the first 3 is taken along with the associated vote. 20's cancel 1's and vice versa. I allow 15-30 minutes for voting on non-roll decisions. Allow me 15-30 minutes for writing please.


Migration successful.
>See if Stein can read the Encrypted orders

You unfold the small roll of paper you had found in the pockets of a dead Knight. It was a thick, cream colored square that had been rolled into a tight tube and sealed with a blot of red wax, stamped with a round crest of swirling flames inset with a skull. You take a moment to consider the angular symbols, numbers and swirling glyphs.




Fuck it. You can't read this gibberish. Just looking at it gives you a headache. But you think you know someone who may be able to decipher it.

You refold the paper, stuffing it into your jacket pocket and making your way to Stains wagon. The wiry old tainted is looking over some paperwork under the shade of a small awning.

"Rustan! Good to see you my boy! Sit! Sit I insist!" he waves toward a small chair next to him. Taking his cue you sit and enjoy the shade. "Now what can I do for you? Or are you just here to chat?" he smiles, eyes bright behind his reading glasses.

You reach into your jacket and produce the paper, unfolding it and setting it on the small table between you.

"Not here to chat unfortunately, Found that in one of the Knight pricks pockets. Its encrypted or coded or some such. I could never hope to crack it" you trace some of the more alien symbols with your fingers aa he looks over the paper.

Stein smiles broadly, the man loves a mental challenge. He inspects the paper, twisting and turning it, holding it up to the light. As his fingers brush the seal his eyes widen and he peels it off, inspecting it closely.

"This...this right here is an encoded missive directly from the desk of the High Purifier. I CAN'T read it... At least not yet. But whatever this is... Its BIG. Troop movements, orders, logistics, this could be a gold mine into their plans. Worth a fortune once the code is cracked!" Stein seems positively manic as he speaks, his thin hands shaking slightly.

You can't help but grin at the thought of Purity plans being disrupted.
"Do you think you can crack it?"

Steins look of contempt nearly boils your brain.
"My boy if I can't crack it nobody can. All I need is TIME. No code can hold out forever." Stein smiles happily and begins poring over the paper, making small notes in his notebook as he does.

You feel as though you've been dismissed.

>You have time for 2 actions before the convoy breaks camp.

>Spend time with a party member (Who)

>Train a weapon Skill (which one)

>Visit the Armorer

>OP image.
Is that what Jukruk looks like?

Thanks for linking the previous thread to here.
>>Train a weapon Skill (which one)
Pole arm, our go to weapon.
>>Knights armor-thick, Black leather reinforced with double layers of mail and steel strips. Damaged. Can be repaired or used to upgrade your current set.
What's the difference between repairing the armor and upgrading our set with it? Does one yield better equipment than the other but is more expensive or time consuming?
>>>Train a weapon Skill (which one)
>Pole arm, our go to weapon.
The knights armor, if used to upgrade your armor can either increase its defense or mobility, destroying the knight armor itself.

If you repair the knight armor you gain a decent set of medium armor with good mobility
And yeah in my mind that's what Jukruk would look like just with more scars and a big ass axe
>The knights armor, if used to upgrade your armor can either increase its defense or mobility, destroying the knight armor itself.
Ah, I see. Is there an armor handling skill that we can improve like with weapon skills, or is everyone considered to be on par with each other in using it?
I can add an armor skill if its desired. Rustan would start out with a 2 to Heavy armor.
>>Visit the Armorer
Personally I'd like to visit the armor first to upgrade our armor to then train with, but I'm fine with doing it in reverse order too.

>I can add an armor skill if its desired. Rustan would start out with a 2 to Heavy armor.
Neat. It would help set us apart with the rest of the mooks if we had it, as well as distinguish our familiarity with our equipment.
What about a shield or dodge skill? Are those 3 skills considered upgraded along with our desired weapon when we go to train our weapon skills, with the option to focus on either of those skills to level them up faster? I'm thinking of the way the Age of Decadence categorizes those skills, but it might be too much to track for now.
>Train a weapon Skill. Polearm.

Your muscles still brim with energy from the battle. All you want to do is fight right now. You search the camp for sparring guards or bored Nomad men. At last you find a group of small wagons formed into a makeshift ring, a pair of guards fighting in the center with padded wooden swords. As you watch the taller of the two switches his stance and darts past the swing of his opponent, landing rapid fire blows against his thigh, chest and back. A resounding thump is heard as his (thankfully padded) weapon whacks the shorter man across the head. He collapses forward and weakly flails.

The small crowd of observers cheers, some groaning as money changes hands

"Aaaannnd for the fifth fight in a row! Dominic is the winner!" shouts a young boy into a conical tube of rawhide.

You step up to a rack of practice weapons, selecting a long spear with a wooden, cloth wrapped head and a leather wrapped butt. You step up to the young boy who seems to be organizing the fights.

He smiles broadly at you, as Dominic's latest opponent is dragged from the ring.

"Heya there Rustan! You wanna fight? In my ring?! Wow! Ok! Who ya wanna fight?"

You look over the crowd, sizing up contenders.

>One on one with a guard. (D20+1, easy mode)

>Two on one (D20+1, medium)

>Kick Dominic's shit in (D20+1, Hardmode)
>>Kick Dominic's shit in (D20+1, Hardmode)
>easy mode
Can we get a relative approximation of DCs with each of these modes?
>>Kick Dominic's shit in (D20+1, Hardmode)
>>Two on one (D20+1, medium)
We normally get pretty meh rolls, from 8-12, so I think Medium is best for now.
Ill try to do that from now on. A easy Dc is 8, medium is 12, hard is 16. Is that good or should I change it.
>Ill try to do that from now on. A easy Dc is 8, medium is 12, hard is 16. Is that good or should I change it.
Is that the DC modes for this fight or for all DCs after this one?
For this one. Ill tinker around with my dc's and try to set up fair ones.
>For this one. Ill tinker around with my dc's and try to set up fair ones.
If you're going to tinker with the DCs, I think this is a fine preliminary one for now to see how it goes.
>the consensus seems to be Hardmode. Can I get three rolls of D20+1 vs DC16?
Rolled 15 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Rolled 5 (1d20)

Rolled 4 (1d20)

>Rolled 15 + 1 (1d20 + 1)
Wew lads, we just met the minimum DC.
>1St round draw

You leap into the ring, spinning the training spear in your hand as you and Dominic begin to circle each other. Hes wielding a long bladed training sword designed for slashing. From what you've seen of him he's deceptively fast and strong. You'll have to be-...


You barely block the lighting fast blow with your spear shaft, if that had connected with your thigh you'd nearly be crippled. You lunge with your spear and he bows his body away from the heavy point, smacking it away with his sword.

Your ready for that and use the momentum to swing the spear around and catch his legs. With a hearty smack the blade connects and he pitches backward, rolling away from the second blow with the butt of your spear. He lunges to his feet and spins his blade as you circle each other again.

In a blur of movement he lunges once more, your spear spinning and jabbing to deflect the storm. One of your blocks is a hair too slow and his blade solidly raps you across the forearm, leaving a rapidly darkening bruise.

You swing you spear like a scythe, rapidly pushing him back and getting some breathing room to attack again.

>Play Defensive (D20+1)

>Go on the attack (D20+1)

>Big guys can be fast too, a thousand hits (D20+1)

>Going to just use my old system for a bit while I work out how I want my DC's to be structured. Below a 10 is a fail. Below a 5 is a terrible fail. 1 is super fail. Above a 10 is a pass. Above 15 is a great pass, 20 is critical success. 20+ is super success.
Rolled 10 (1d20)

>>Go on the attack (D20+1)
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>>Big guys can be fast too, a thousand hits (D20+1)
Rolled 12 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

>>Big guys can be fast too, a thousand hits (D20+1)
We're big and fast!
>19+1=20! Critical success!
>Float like an elephant, sting like a swarm of passed off hornets.

You circle Dominic with a small smile, Hes favoring his right leg, its quite obviously bruised down to the bone. You spin your spear like a baton, batting away a experimental lunge, you continue the spin, smacking his elbow with the butt of your spear.

His guard opened you unleash a rapid fire burst of blows, using both ends of the spear. You slam down the spearhead against his chest, driving the wind out of him before spinning under his desperate slash and cracking him across the knees. He stumbles forward only for you reversal to smash into his back, driving him onto his knees. You finish your spin and use your excess momentum to deliver a powerful kick to his chest, knocking him flat on his back, gasping for breathe.

He weakly fumbles for his blade and uses it as a candy as he attempts to stand, blood trickling from his lip, mixing with sweat in his scraggly beard.

"One more Rustan... One more.."

You nod. Seems the boy has spirit.

>Finish this fast (D20+1)

>See what he can do (D20+1)
Rolled 18 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

>>See what he can do (D20+1)
Let's learn what he can do. Might have something we can use later.
Rolled 11 (1d20)

>>See what he can do (D20+1)
Don't want to kill him.
>He weakly fumbles for his blade and uses it as a candy as he attempts to stand,
He uses it as a candy cane, perhaps?
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A weapon to slay the mighty Dia-beast-us
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Will a third anon please stand up and allow us to advance this ass kickery.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>>Finish this fast (D20+1)
>A weapon to slay the mighty Dia-beast-us
But is it a weapon to surpass Metal Gear?
Thanks anon, right on cue!
>Sharpened candy cane

>Massive assault platforms crammed with nuclear weapons

Gonna take the candy cane on this one anon.
can you tast it!! the ranibow
>18+1=19! Excellent success!!

You drop your spear tip down and nod slightly to the young guard.
"Lets see what your made of kid"

He grits his teeth and tightens his grip on his sword. With a roar of rage he charges forward, slashing furiously.

He hits nothing but air.

You duck and weave, the blade whizzing harmlessly past your hand and limbs.
"Come on kid! That the best you got?!"
You taunt with a smile.

Dominic roars in fury, gripping his sword in both hands, seeking to cleave your head from your shoulders. You plant your spear and release your grip on it for a moment, letting a vicious chop slide by harmlessly. You grip your spear and tangle his legs with the shaft, using it as a lever as grab the back of his shirt with your free hand, heaving with both arms.

Dominic's battlecry turns into a startled yelp as he flies up and forward, landing bodily in a group of spectators where he lies moaning weakly, covered in mud.

The stunned crowd are silent for a moment before bursting into amazed cheers, clapping and jumping wildly as you raise your arms in triumph.

The young announcer sits with a slack jaw for a moment before grabbing his rawhide megaphone and yelling wildly
"Rustan Wins! Rustan wins! Rustan is the ones champ!!"

Its good to be you

>Polearm skills improved to 3. You are a deadly opponent for even skilled enemies.

>Visit armorer

>Spend time with a Squadmate (who)

>Train another weapon skill (which one)

>Visit the wounded
>>Sharpened candy cane
>can you tast it!! the ranibow

>On the field of battle, as Dominic pummels his enemies with his candy cane, he shouts, "CAN YOU TASTE THE RAINBOW, MOTHERFUCKERS!?"
>>Visit the wounded
Visit the wounded, show them we're there for them. Also spend time with Bella and Doc as they're patching up the wounded.
>>Visit the wounded
and find out where the lolie pops are
>>Train another weapon skill (which one)
If we opt to train both spear and shield, would the training time be split between them or would the DC increase to compensate for increasing both at once?
It would increase the training time. 2 sessions to improve both skills by 1 point.
>It would increase the training time. 2 sessions to improve both skills by 1 point.
Oh, I see. If we train our polearms and shield in this matter, would we work better when we use both of them than each individually, or is this more of to encourage single-weapon training at a time?
You would improve your overall skill with each (more damaging spear attacks and better blocks/bashes) and you will work better in using them together. Hope I answered that satisfactorily
>You would improve your overall skill with each (more damaging spear attacks and better blocks/bashes) and you will work better in using them together. Hope I answered that satisfactorily
Yeah. So you gain the advantages of training both together as what you would get if you raised each individually, but in 2 sessions to get both points instead of 1 point for each session. As well as an additional synergy bonus from training them both together and increasing the delay in receiving the training skill point rewards.
I’m not sure how the synergy bonus is depicted mechanically but it probably looks better when we roll than the independent leveling.
>Sorry for the delay, life got hectic for a bit.
>See the wounded.

You wipe the sweat from your brow with a small rag provided by the young boy announcing the fights, flipping it over your shoulder as you walk away.

You can see several of Dominic's friends dragging him away towards the Healers wagon. He seems to be pretty dazed and weakly waving his arms.

You should visit the wounded from your battle, see how theyre doing and check on Bella while youre at it. Last time you see her she had been conscripted by the Healer to help him tend to the wounded.

The Healers wagon (technically a small train of wagons) is filled to the brim with wounded men and women, fine screen over the open sides preventing insects from coming in but allowing fresh air and light to relieve the stench of blood.

Bella is currently spooning a thick, herbal mixture into a mans mouth, the thick bandages and stump where his left hand would be mark him as one of the more heavily wounded.

"Now you just swallow this right here hun and well have you right as rain in no time!" she says with a bright smile as the man lays back with a sigh, rapidly falling asleep

Several of the more lightly wounded reach out to you and mutter words of thanks. You grasp their outstretched hands and grip them gently.

"You guys comfortable enough? They taking care of you here? Let me know if you need some of the GOOD stuff alright? "

Your smile and humor seem to lift their spirits, bringing life back into their eyes.
"Thanks Rustan"

"You did good boss"

"Tell Mae to bring us some drinks would ya?"

The Healer totters over, leaning heavily on his cane, prompting the smart patients to feign sleep.

"Hello Rustan, are you wounded? What's this?" he grabs your bruised arm, poking and prodding the purple flesh "just a bruise. Big baby. Need me to saw it off? Give you a discount?"

You chuckle at the eccentric Healers jab.
"Nah old man, just here to check on our wounded. They doing ok?"

He pulls you along by your wrist as he inspects the rows of occupied cots. He pokes bandages, sometimes sniffing them and other times applying various oils and pastes to injuries.
"Oh yes, theyre going to be fine. A few broken limbs, a few pierced bellies, a bitten of nose. Nothing too major for me. That girl of yours is a big help. Raises there spirits... And their... Hehehe" he trails off into his demented cackle while you grin and shake your head.

>Convoy will resume travel

>Destination is the city of Red Sands

>Travel time 1 week.
>Roll D20 for Travel Events.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Rolled 14 (1d20)

Just wondering, QM, if a 3rd player doesn't roll within an hour or so, should one of us or you roll again or should we just leave it at 2 rolls?
Ill just start calling it within 30 minutes.
>Ill just start calling it within 30 minutes.
That's fine. Just wanted to check to see if we should be leaving it to just 2 rolls or not if we can't get another anon soon.
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Forgive me for being incredibly new, but how does one roll dice?
In the "Options" field above the comments field, write down "dice+1d20", case-sensitive.
in the options field type "dice+1d20" without quotes
Thank you, i can now be less retarded and contribute
>19! Smooth sailing and some new friends!

The Far Reach convoy is known for not wasting time and getting places fast. Your hurried pace on account of the Purist assault sees the miles melt away beneath your feet. The endless plains and distant peaks soon gives way to sand and scorching heat, your convoy shifting from one watering hole to another, in places exchanging wheels for slick bottomed skis mounted to the wagons to glide across the sand.

You recline in your wagons seat, lazily steering your draft beast along behind Steins wagon. Jukruk rides nearby on Crack, exchanging jokes and throwing a bottle of Mae's Special back and forth. Mercer and Mazda race their Stalkers along the edges of the convoy train, whooping in delight.

On the fourth day of travel a small convoy is visible ahead and after a brief discussion with their caravan master, a stocky Tainted with scales covering his entire body visible under his rags, theyre admitted to the fold.

>Convoy pop increased by 16.
>Current total-18 Guards. 54 caravaners.

>Your convoy is making camp at a small oasis. Red Sands is 3 days away.

>Relax with Squadmates (who/all of them)

>Visit the armorer

>Relax at Mae's

>Interrogate some prisoners (D20/with Bella's help?)

>Train a weapon Skill (which one)

>Scout the area (D20)
You could've rolled on the previous rolls, we were waiting for a 3rd anon to help speed things up.
>>Visit the armorer
Upgrade our gear before we go to interrogate the prisoners and potentially have one of them try to escape.
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>>Interrogate some prisoners (D20/with Bella's help?)
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>Interrogate some prisoners w/ Bella's help
So just wondering, in a vote where there's d20 rolls and non-rolls, how is vote precedence taken? Does it go by the most votes for an option, if anyone gets a roll then highest roll?
Guess we've got a consensus for rolling interrogation anyways.

Switching >>1349564 to
>Interrogate some prisoners (D20/with Bella's help?)
First, ask bossman for permission to interrogate.
We play good cop as the leader, Bella as the sweet cop who turns bad cop depending on the prisoner, Hazda is worse cop who steps in the prisoner really screws up. Jukruk and Mercer stand guard to prevent prisoner escapes, anyone from interrupting our interrogation, and to look generally menacing.
higest roll
but a 1 will be chosen over anythign eils
a 20 and block a 1 then the next hisest is picked
Both kind of. If there's a majority vote for the non-roll option then it wins. Otherwise i go with Highest roll. Keeps it semi random and gives everybody a chance for their vote to win in cases of deadlock
Rolled 8 (1d20)

Forgot to roll.
Ah, right. That makes sense, thanks for clearing that up.
If that were the case then there wouldn't be a reason to have non-roll options in a vote with roll options because any roll would automatically take precedence.
i was just talking about the rolls and how the highest works
>i was just talking about the rolls and how the highest works
Mm, right. That's fair. I was actually a bit confused on how the 20 cancelled out the 1 earlier, but then going to the next highest makes sense. So thanks for clearing that part up.
>We have ways of making you talk...

You stand at the entrance to the makeshift Prison wagon, eying the captured purists, idly rubbing your thumb on the pommel of your dagger as you watch them squirm.

You turn and walk to Steins tent, waving Jukruk over as you walk. He runs up to you, panting slightly.
"Yes Rustan? Need Jukruk? Going to fight?" he asks happily

You can't help but grin at his enthusiasm.
"Nah buddy I need you to go get the gang together, Ive got some brains to pick"

Jukruk easily hides his confusion, loping off to do your bidding as you arrive at Steins wagon. You knock loudly and wait for him to open the door.

Stein pokes his head out, blinking owlishly at the bright light and finally focusing on your face.
"Oh hello Rustan! Doing well today I hope?" he yawns, clearly hes been staying up late with the Purist encyryption.

"Doing fine Stein, doing fine. Just wanted you to ok something for me. Remember those Purists we caught? Yeah I was wanting to talk to them..." you trail off, leaving the implications obvious.

Stein waves you away, already closing the door.
"Yes yes, use chemicals, use words, use knives and hot pokers. Just find out what they know and get rid of them before we get to Red Sands. They'll execute us all if they find them."

The heavy door swings shut and you double your pace back to the wagon where your squad is already gathered.

Bella is gleefully inspecting a large belt of tools and syringes that seem a bit TOO highly polished, Mercer looks slightly bored, Jukruk scratches his head in confusion while Hazda idly inspects a butterfly on her finger. A pretty impressive bunch if you do say so yourself.

You peer into the wagon where blindfolded prisoners are shackled to the walls. Decisions decisions.

>Interrogate a villager

>Interrogate a Militia member

>That knight is looking healed up. Lets fix that.
How many prisoners can we interrogate before we use up 1 of our actions?
So let's interrogate 2 militiamen to dig up dirt on the knight, then use said dirt to get him to talk more easily?
Supporting the 2 miltia men interrogation.

Heat up a fire poker (or have one around to heat up) or knife, and everytime they don't speak, make a burnt tally make on their body in groups of 5, starting from left pec
>>That knight is looking healed up. Lets fix that.
Sounds like a good idea to start escalating the interrogation if they become too stubborn, without dealing too much damage that they won't be able to speak.

>>Interrogate a Militia member
>Militia man it sucks to be you.

You have a table, a rack of knives, pliers, hooks and pokers brought in along with a pot of coals. Bella looks positively giddy with excitement as she and Mercer secure thick leather restraints to the table. The prisoners shake their heads and yell into their gags in fear at the clink of metal. All except the knight. He sits there calmly, legs crossed and head down.

Tough nut.

You direct Mercer and Jukruk to stand by the doorway as a pair of especially scary guards with Hazda lounging in a corner while you grab a militia man by his throat as Bella undoes his restraints. You pin him on his back on the table as he feebly struggles, Bella secures his limbs tightly and stands back as you pull the gag out of his mouth.
"-Oh god please please dont! Please I dont know anything im nobody please! Pleeaaaassse!" he sobs in terror.

Well brave men dont usually surrender.
>Write in your First Question.

>Good Cop/Bad Cop/Worst cop?(D20)

>Cut off a finger (D20)

>Smack him a couple times (D20)

>Do the Pokey Pokey (D20)
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>>Write in your First Question.
where did you come from
>Good Cop/Bad Cop/Worst cop?(D20)
Rolled 7 (1d20)

>Write in your First Question.
>"That knight back there, what do you know of him?"
>>Good Cop/Bad Cop/Worst cop?(D20)
We can escalate this situation in all sorts of fascinating ways!
the naked gun way
Absolutely! I'd like to know what would be the knight's reaction to this novel technique.
Can somebody refresh my memory its been years since Ive seen the naked gun
Rolled 8 (1d20)

same here man
What's going to happen is this is going to be a pretty much normal interrogation with the good cop/bad cop routine until the worse cop steps in, then all hell breaks loose.
Fucking typed that shit in the wrong slot
Officer, the dice+1d20 command is supposed to go in the Options field underneath the Name field. The dice command is also case-sensitive.
That's fine, officer.
Rolled 8 (1d20)

Yes i know, twas a mistake, im on a phone and i tend to do so
L A S T attempt or i kill myself
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>9! Slim Failure!

You nod to Bella and she steps forward, cupping the mans cheek and directing his vision toward her. She smiles sweetly, her angelic face filling the terrified mans vision.
"Now sweetie, im gonna ask you a couple questions and if you answer right nobodies gonna hurt you one bit? Okay? Just tell us where you came from? Can you do that honey?"

The militia member chokes back a sob and seems to collect himself for a moment
"O-o-okay... I-I guess I c-can..."
He swallows and turns his head slightly, catching sight of Jukruk in his peripheral vision.
You look at Jukruk, smiling broadly at his confusion
"Jukruk not eat souls. At least not think so"
You stifle a laugh as the man resumes sobbing in terror, the scent of Urine heavy in the air. Bella steps back, shaking her head in disgust and you step forward, gripping him by the throat.

His eyes bug out in terror and you punch him in the mouth, hard enough to crack a tooth.
"TALK! Tell me what you know!"
Another punch
"WHERE ARE YOU FROM?? Talk or i swear ill fry your balls in pigfat!"

The militia man is reduced to a sobbing shaking mess missing several of his front teeth. He seems incapable of speech and on the verge of passing out.

Hazda steps forward, a slim hand on your chest clearing away a spot for her to stand.

She leans down, her lips inches from his ear and begins whispering
"Just tell us what we want to know my dear. Because your tongue will save your flesh... And your soul... You see, Jukruk may not eat your soul but I will cut it out myself and eat it whole"

The militia man is white and shaking when she withdraws but seems much more inclined to talk.

>Next question

>Good cop/Bad cop/Scary cop (D20)

>Questions only. No torture (D20)

>Brand his chest (D20)

>You dont need all those fingers right? (D20)

>Other (D20)
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>The militia man is white and shaking when she withdraws but seems much more inclined to talk.
So he already broke, that was fast.
>"That knight back there, what do you know of him?"

Ah, right. the troubles of a phone. I probably should've inverted the 2 responses to indicate I already read the 2nd post.
Rolled 1 (1d20)

>Good cop/Bad cop/Scary cop (D20)
>you dont need these fingers do you?
If it still fails
>brand, keep track on how many tallies each militia man takes, you can use an average in scaring more when you do it enough
>>Questions only. No torture (D20)
Word processor deleted my text.
Do you blame him? He just had a scary demon (in his mind) lady whisper in his ear. AFTER he got pummeled.
No problamo, I'm also in a car going for dinner, so its bouncy
Looks like we killed our first prisoner.
Rolled 4 (1d20)

>>Questions only. No torture (D20)
who sent you here
Wait, so what was your question to him?
O wait, fail on my part
"Ill ask you again, what do you know about that Knight?"
>Torture gone wrong?

You select a pair of thick shears from the rack of tools. Giving them a few experimental sniks in the mans view before walking around to his left hand, placing the heavy blades on hi index finger.

"Now. Lets try this one more time. You have ONE word. Make it count" you say, pressing the blades enough to make a bead of blood well up as his eyes, impossibly, widen further.


Wrong answer pal.

You toss the severed digit to Jukruk who happily crunches it up and swallows, licking his lips.

You turn back to the militia man and stop as you see him convulsing, his skin ashen grey

Fuck. Died of fright it seems.

You pinch the bridge of your nose and sigh.
"Juk. Mercer. Get this shit off my table."

The pair hurry to obey,slinging the mans corpse into the corner and securing the next militia member to the table.

You hope hes actually got balls.

>No Torture, only Questions (D20)

>Go big or go home. Gouge out an eye (D20)

>Have Bella test one of her concoctions (D20)


>Other (D20)
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>No Torture, only Questions (D20)
Tell us about the night.
Also write in your question. High roll wins.
About the night? The night they attacked or the Knight?
Now he is going to tell us about his night.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>>No Torture, only Questions (D20)
We failed because we accidentally killed the man while torturing him.
"What do you know of the knight back there?"
>Tell us about the night.
What does this mean?- >>1350075 Oh, that makes sense. I think you can still change it if it's not locked in, but it'd be hilarious hearing him talking about his day.
Typos happen I was just fucking with him lol
It would be hilarious, but probably not for the prisoner.
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>>No Torture, only Questions (D20)
so unless you wanna end up like you firnd
whats your favit ice cream flouver?
>Lets just talk.

You pull up a chair, sitting by the mans head as he swivels his eyes to keep you in view. You smile broadly, tapping your fingers on the table.
"How ya doing buddy? Comfy? Straps not too tight are they?"

The man swallows nervously. His lips trembling
"I-im okay I guess. Table is a little w-wet"

You chuckle darkly. He seems talkative.
"Yeah your buddy pissed himself. He didn't want to be useful so... He died. Are you useful? I like useful people"

He nods frantically, his eyes wide.
"I can be very useful! Very very useful! Ill tell you anything you want to know!"

Your smile nearly splits your head in half. Good boy. Already broken.
"Well, ya see, your knight buddy back there is the big fish. I need to know what kind of bait to dangle to get him to bite so I can reel him in. Gotcha?"

The militia man widens his eyes, looking almost relieved. He turns his head slightly and looks closely at the restrained knight before turning to you and nodding.
"His name is Sir Ezra. He recruited my company from Whitewood guard as part of the cities Tithes... He's part of the Church of The Purest Blood. Theyre Zealots, they value their skill in battle and the purity of their bloodlines above all else. The believe that even a drop of unclean..." he trails off looking at Jukruk and Mercer "....blood in their Lineage will damn their souls for eternity... Its the only thing they really fear... Hes part of Brother Ordo's personal bodyguard. They just showed up a couple of weeks ago and we had no choice but to go with them... That's all I know honestly!"

You scratch your chin. He IS helpful.

>Any more questions? I gave you a two-for-one.

>More talking (D20)

>Get rough, scour his brain (D20)

>Poke him with a Poker. Just once. (D20)
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>>More talking (D20)
so would say makeing him drink some of the demons bloood make him talk?
also can some one get a beer in here
Rolled 7 (1d20)

>>Poke him with a Poker. Just once. (D20)
Just to be thorough.
Are you sure that is everything?
Rolled 4 (1d20)

>>Any more questions? I gave you a two-for-one.
Thanks, QM!
Yeah. Probably phrase it more like, "Would threatening him with drinking a 'demon's' blood get him to talk?" So it doesn't sound like we're trying to offend our buddies that are right next to us.
>More talking (D20)
He already broke, no need to kill him.
Rolled 2 (1d20)


More chit chat


Screw that, have him threatened with being violated in the most explicit manners. That's tainting that scars on multiple levels.
Inform the knight that you know of a way to turn him tainted, then describe it, while you look like you are actually doing it.
spike the beer
hell we could spike there water and turn them all
an d watch as they turn on each other
I was implying to lie to the knight. The knight wouldn't know it was an elaborate ruse.
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>Mfw these horrendous rolls
>9!! Slim Failure!!!

You sit back, digesting this new news. Bodyguards to a Purifier? An ORDAINED Purifier? Important man, very interesting.

"So my friend, would you know if say.... Forcing him to drink the blood of a.. 'Demon' would get him to crack his rather unhelpful silence? Just a thought." you steeple your fingers and back in your chair

"Um... I wouldn't know. Im not really well versed on what those Zealots really believe. Odds are he wouldn't take it very well though... Those guys take their "Purity' even more seriously than the rest of the church"

Hmm... Not very helpful but its a start. You MAY have a way into the knights defenses.

>Cut Mr.helpful loose.


>Are you SURE you dont know anything else? (D20)

>kill him
Rolled 1 (1d20)

>>Are you SURE you dont know anything else? (D20)
He's been helpful so far, only escalate when he stops being helpful.
Put him back with the other prisoners.
>Rolled 1 (1d20)
Well shit. Guess it's time to start escalating, then.
Rolled 78 (1d100)

you know you can just out vote him ith somehting eils right?
Rolled 13 (1d20)

So just wondering, if someone crits or crit-fails on a vote with a non-roll option or other roll options, does the crit override the other non-roll or roll votes even if there's a majority in them unless someone gets another crit?
A crit within the first 3 rolls is auto accepted unless canceled out by another crit.
but what about out voted by something eils?
like just out right killing him?
>1!!! Critical Failure

you slap your hand down on the table, causing Mr.helpful to yelp and flinch. You grit your teeth, making your best "Fucking insane" face.
"Now buddy, are you SURE, 100%, undeniably sure, that you dont know anything else? Id hate for you to stop being.... Useful" you lean forward, eying the racks of sharp tools.

He sucks in his breath, his eyes going wide as he scours his brain for something, anything to save himself.
"Uh..uh... Uh... Whitewood has begun moving large groups of troops... Bastion has ordered conscription... Shit I dont know what you want to know!!"

Ugh... Hes picked dry.

>Back with the others, time to talk to the Knight

>Kill him, slam the knight down in his blood.

Crits are Crits. That's what makes them so devastating/ awesome
>>Back with the others, time to talk to the Knight
>Have Mr. Helpful testify if the Knight doesn't believe us or refuses to cooperate.
The Knight already had one militiaman speak to us, it'll help shake his belief if we can show him how we already have one person willing to speak against him.
>>Kill him, slam the knight down in his blood.
i get that just other qm do it differnt
im here for the ride ether way
rember they have to all be killed befor we reach where we are going
>Crits are Crits. That's what makes them so devastating/ awesome
That's fine, at least we know now.
>rember they have to all be killed befor we reach where we are going
Yes, I still remember. There's nothing that says we can't kill him once they testify, we never promised them that we would spare them. Testifying helps to solidify our case against the knight since he knows he can't hide under doubt of our intel.
>>Back with the others, time to talk to the Knight
i mean we can offer him a fight in the ring till he dies, or just kill him
or we could put demon blood into him and keep him looked up til he changes
>i mean we can offer him a fight in the ring till he dies, or just kill him
Well, yeah. Either of those are ways to get him killed once we're done with all of them. The bloodsport in the ring is a good idea, didn't think of that.
>or we could put demon blood into him and keep him looked up til he changes
Lol, what? Do you mean changes his mind or do you think he'd actually start mutating or something?
i dont think it ever said that blood couldnt make a change happen
but at the same time its useing his veiws argest him
having mutt blood in him will make him unpure
This, he would believe his soul is going to hell.
>back with the others!

You smile and pat Mr.helpfuls cheek, undoing some of his straps as he shakes slightly.
"Mercer? Escort our friend to that chair right there. Get his hands but just keep an eye off him. No Hazda, you can't have his eyes." you glare at Hazda while she innocently inspects a small gouging spoon.

Jukruk grips the Knights arms and pins him to the table as you and Bella strap him down TIGHTLY. Hes a strong man. But eventually you get him secure and yank off his blindfold and gag, earning yourself a torrent of abuse.
"Foul Dogs and consorts of demons your lives are forfeit! You will burn in the purifying flame! Your souls will forever be damn to-MMMPH"
You hold a rag over his mouth. Damn he's loud.

>First question?

>No torture, only questions (D20)

>Get Gory (Write in, D20)

>Inject him with Jukruks blood (D20)

>Inject him with Mercer/Mazda's blood (D20)

>Branding (D20)

>Other (write in)
Blood doesnt cause a change. Its passed down genetically from exposure to the Gene bombs
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>First question?
"That message of yours, what's in it?
>>No torture, only questions (D20)
We'll tell him that the militiaman already talked, and can have him testify to start off with. Also that we can get the info anyways but we want to give him a chance before we do something worse to him.
Rolled 11 (1d20)

ok soo rape time?
joks just >Inject him with Jukruks blood (D20)
if he dosnt tell us what we want
>First question?
how did you find us
Let super bluff him.
Say we found an old relic, that has a sample of the gene bomb material in it.
Well, yeah, but we'll threaten him first with it before going straight to it. Fear is a more powerful weapon than the usage of it by itself.

>i dont think it ever said that blood couldnt make a change happen
If it was then there would be a lot less regular humans from all the battles fought.

Figures, that'd explain why there's so many regular humans around.
>Say we found an old relic, that has a sample of the gene bomb material in it.
We could use that to enhance our bluff of injecting him with something that'd physically mutate him, that'd be REAL good to putting the screws to him. On top of the whole purity of blood thing.

You should also roll too for your choice.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Say due to extreme age, it doesn't quite work, not without without a catalyst.
Draw some blood from Juruck
There that should do it.
Oooh, that sounds even better. Makes it sound like what we have is the real deal.
Oh wait, what's your question to him before you threatening him with an injection?
Well shit, uh.
You can be useful to us by deciphering some orders we found,or there is a more painful way.
You would be just as useful, but not very smart anymore.
No offense to Jukruk, of course. This is some stuff that's in even higher concentrations than the original bombs that fell because it's all in this one syringe.
How does that sound?
Condensed biodestabliant serum, sounds sciencie.
>13! Slight success!!
>Just talking for now

You wait until the Knights yells and threats into the rag finally peter out and pull it away.
"Now. Are you ready to-"


Mother FUCKER.

you use the rag in your hand to wipe away the saliva on your cheek and sigh.

"Ok, that was your freebie. I understand. Youre upset. But, and this is a big but, if you answer my questions honestly and quickly I won't maim you or your surviving men. Deal?"

The Knights face could give marble a run for its money as he considers your offer.
"Speak your questions .. Traitor. My answers will buy you no respite from the coming storms."

Well that's predictably dickish.

You clear your throat and lean back, twirling a small knife in your fingers.
"The orders, the one directly from the desk of your High Purifier? What's it say?"

That earns you a withering glare. The gears in his head are visibly turning.
"Guiding words of the High Purifier, to prepare the faithful for the coming storm. Of no use to a apostate like you."
Is it just you or did his eyebrows twitch a little at the mention of the orders? Interesting.

>Next question
>Inject him with 'Demon Blood' (D20)
>Get gory (D20)
>Peaceful Questioning (D20)
>Have Mr.Helpful pitch in (D20)
MOTHERFUCKER I WAS ALREADY WRITING :( :( :( thought there were already 3 rolls
Well, just threaten him with the "Demon Blood Serum," if that is ok op.
Yeah ill go ahead and keep your 19 roll unless somebody rolls a 20
2nding this.
I'm fine with this. We can even say we were going to threaten the Militia with it, but they talked long before it was necessary. So since he seems so... uncooperative, we've had to resort to these measures.
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>>Get gory (D20)
>>Next question
The question should be along the lines of that we know he's holding out something from us, so he better start talking soon.
OOo... Nice roll. It was even close to the last 19 we got.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Rolling in support.
>Keeping that anons 19 cause I accidentally didnr count his roll.
>Injection time

You stare at the knight, admiring his steadfast determination. The man doesnt fear death or pain so this can be tricky. You'll have to use something he fears....

Fucking YES.

"Jukruk! Your arm please. Bella? That syringe if you please. Thanks."

Jukruk offers his arm and you take the syringe offered by Bella, finding. Vein and filling the glass tube with dark blood. The knight is watching you carefully, wetting his lips as he visibly sweats.

"Now, Sir Ezra, of the Church of the Purest blood. Bodyguard to Brother Ordo. You are going to tell me everything I want to know." you say with a large smile, leaning close and tapping the needle with a fingernail.

"I have told you all I will apostate! Kill me! My blood is Pure and my soul secure. Paradise awaits me" he grimly sets his lips and stares at the ceiling.

You sigh dramatically.
"How secure can it be once I empty this needle into your veins? Then you'll be just as much of a monster to your church as my friends here"

His eyes widen and he looks at you with shaking lips.

Your grin could terrify a shark


>Knights will is broken

now the orders
Ask again of the encrypted message. It couldn't be just some prayers if it's encrypted.
but teach us or wright down how to read them latter on
Oh yeah, totally. Not needing to interrogate someone later will be a definite boon to us.
Give us the code, we could get a bonus from the caravan master.
Ask about orders again, but place the syringe barely against his skin, ready to pierce
>>Knights will is broken
Reading this is incredibly amusing to me.
Yep, and if it's as important as we think it is, we could even counter whatever plans they have in store before they try striking against us again!
We counter-terrorism now.
>We counter-terrorism now.
"Counter-Terrorists win!"
Suddenly, I’m now imagining this Purist Knight as wearing a balaclava over his helmet while we're interrogating him.
potato sack
>potato sack
Even better! Really helps complete the look for the setting.
>No rolls required because he is SCARED.

"Now im going to ask ONE more time. And if I dont like your answer im jamming this needle in your eye and sending you straight to your hell. Got me?" you growl, jamming the needle directly against his throat.

He turns as white as a sheet, shaking visibly.
"Ill tell! Ill tell! Please dont... Please!"

"The orders you Fuck! What. Do. They. SAY?!?" you roar, flecking his face with saliva.

"I DONT KNOW! I swear I dont! Only our knight-commanders and Brother Ordo knew the Key! They all either died or retreated with him I swear!"
Hes nearly crying now, his skin dripping with sweat and trying to pull away as far from the point as he can

"What DO you know about it? You must know SOMETHING!" you poke the needle a millimeter into his flesh

"A CRUSADE!!!" he screams in terror and shame "We were to clear the way, raid villages, burn convoys, clear a path through the far reaches to the western cities! But that's just what we were told! Only Brother Oros himself knows the whole Key! I swear!"
He seems to be telling the truth.

>Any more questions?
>Withdraw the needle?
>Plunge it in but dont inject
>Injection time
>>Plunge it in but dont inject
Brother Oros where would he be
Good followup question.
>>Withdraw the needle?
Well, he's telling the truth if he gave us the info of who does know it, but now we know where to get the guy who rode off. Tell him we're willing to be nice to him because he seems helpful, but if he's lying to us about ANYTHING, then straight into the injection it goes.
If he's the same guy, that is. We're giving him the chance now to clear up any lies he told us before we get mad and inject him.
This is the question I'm supporting.
So what's your decision on what to do with the needle?
Don't really want to stab him.
And good night all.
Seconding this question
>And good night all.
Thanks for running with us, anon. Looks like we made some real progress so far!

Any vote on what to do with the syringe?
Leave it as a threat, preserve it for later use if it goes unused in this session
>Going with Withdraw needle

Fuck. A crusade? In the far reaches? They'd steamroll the entire region.

You pull back the needle slightly and Sir Ezra sags in relief, breathing hard with tears leaking from the corners of his eyes.

"One more Question. Where has Brother Oros gone? Be honest with me or I swear after I inject you ill let my friends have their way with you." you hold him by his chin and look into his eyes.

He swallows, licking his lips, scouring his brain.
"He... He has most likely returned to Whitewood or the Chapel Hill to gather more forces to resume his mission. Many of our... Frontline troops were killed by your ambush."

You grin, giving a small laugh
"Your battle-fodder you mean. Cheap lives and cheaper deaths. Whitewood or Chapel Hill eh? Long way from here."

>Last Question
Sounds good.
So we've got 3 withdraw it and keep it as a threat, 1 plunge it but don't inject to urgently threaten, and 1 undecided?
also i thin i found the name of your group the apostates?
how would you like to die?
Apostate is just a term for enemies of a religion like Heretics and Blasphemers
>last Question
"Would you join us instead?"
>>Last Question
How much time do you think we have before they start relaunching this crusade you speak of?
bt arnt we?
you heard that kinght
Dude's way into Purity, so much he balked at the sight of being injected with blood, so he probably won't.
That's not the name of his group, that's what he's calling us. It's been called either the Knights of Purity or >>1350202 Church of The Purest Blood.
Although, we should offer him that once we finish our interrogation.
What about the helpful militia? Think he would?
>What about the helpful militia? Think he would?
They were conscripted >>1350442 into service, so they'd be much more willing to.
Then offer it to him first, let the Knight see his reaction, it might persuade him if we are nice to mr. Helpful. Even if we need to roll
That's a good idea. That's why I was suggesting bringing Mr. Helpful earlier to testify against the Knight, to shake his faith in his own order. However, we didn't need to with "Demon" Syringe.
We'll ask the Knight once we finish attempting to convert in order from the least to most faithful of the Purists to join us. Probably from Villagers > Militia > Knight.
>tfw interrogation becomes conversion therapy
no no i worded it badly
i was talking baout the name for the group we are playing as
>>tfw interrogation becomes conversion therapy
Hah-hah! Ah man, that got me good.
What type of conversion therapy are we talking about here, anon?
Oh, no. We were already named in the 1st thread of the quest.
We're >>1339383 The Far Reach Convoy, >>1339434 Convoy Guard. Or do you mean what our team or squad name is?
that isnt the name we are
we are not part of it just travileing with them as i understoed it
but yes the squad name
We were hired by them, if that's what you mean. The Convoy Guards are a part of it so long as they keep getting paid and want to keep working there.
We didn't agree on a squad name yet, and haven't brought it up either with the squaddies.
So it looks like we dead-locked on our votes and that either one of us should switch soon, the anon who left for tonight returns, or we try rolling.
im happy with rolling
The type where you die if you don't accept
That's a very persuasive type of therapy we're offering them.
If it keeps tying by the end of the vote, I'm fine with switching >>1351008 to >>1351007, because saying >>1350996 sounds like we aren't going to try interrogating him later.
Not to toot my own horn, but if we do convince the knight, and we keep how we did secret, it could scare the purists that we are using some kind of magic or devic
or make it known that we use mutt blood on our wepons
that we dont evem have to kill them, just a wound from us will make them unclean
>Not to toot my own horn, but if we do convince the knight, and we keep how we did secret, it could scare the purists that we are using some kind of magic or devic
>some kind of magic or devic
Imagine the amount of paranoid inquisitioning they'll do on their own forces to figure out what this "foul sorcery" is and discover who else amongst their ranks has been tainted by us.
Utterly perfect plan
>or make it known that we use mutt blood on our wepons
>that we dont evem have to kill them, just a wound from us will make them unclean
If we do this, we should reveal it before a climatic battle to really break their morale. We wouldn't want to play our trump card too early and have them make counter-measures, would we?
true but still its early days
They are all great ideas, but to use effectively, must be used in the right place, like a climax battle
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>OP falls asleep and you guys run straight into psychological warfare and double agents :') im so proud
>>When op makes a quest good enough that it continues itself
Quest will resume in an hour or 2. Feel free to post ideas, questions or suggestions in the mean time :)
Bring squad together, discuss nicknames

>Mercer =Blackheart
>Hazda =Widow
>Rustan =Sunstriker
>Bella =Bonesaw
>Jukruk =Wilderbeast
QM, how much of an idiot ball are the Purists holding? How much of an idiot ball is everyone holding compared to us?
>Idiot ball?
Basically whenever someone's stupidity fuels an extended action that can normally be resolved fairly easily by say talking it out or taking a simple option. It can even seem like they're intentionally trying to take one of the hardest paths possible.
You don't need to actually click on the link.
>>Jukruk =Wilderbeast
should just become deamon
I was trying to be a little creative with it
im just going off what his kind gets called by the purest people
all names a vaild
I gotchu, i gotchu
>>OP falls asleep and you guys run straight into psychological warfare and double agents :') im so proud
We're doing our part!
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>Sorry for a lack of posts today guys! Ive been ridiculously busy with yard work and some family issues. Posting can recommence tomorrow if that's cool with everybody? Around noonish? Ill be around to discuss things for a bit but my brain is completely fried and I don't think Id be up to snuff on my posts.
That's cool with me.
Post when you feel your best tainted
So anybody have any questions about Squadmates/Factions/Etc?
The merc squads we heard about, got any plans for them?
The WasteWalkers will definitely make an appearance (Possibly in a companion quest) and Mercenary troops can be hired.
Oh ok, awesome
Is anyone else going against the pure Nazi's? Or have they had pretty much free Reign until now?
The Tainted Cities (Burrows,Red Sands, Bastion, Lonely Peak,etc) and the Tribal Warlords of the Far Reach are constantly at war with the Purity. There are multiple different Churches and sects of the Church, some are ok guys besides being huge racists and some are the genocidal, bloodline checking, fingernail measuring assholes (Church of The Purest Blood, Order of the Lion, Inquisitors, etc)
Hmm alright, and what about outside allies, does the purity have any? Or it "we take what we please now you join us"
Pretty much. Purity expands, funds its armies and gathers recruits by saying "Only a Heretic would deny the Church help...you're not a heretic are you?"
Good night yall.
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>Have we decided on our last question for Sir Ezra?
I think its "will you join us" but im not sure lmao
Join us or be cursed to hell for all eternity.

How would you like to die?
>Do ye fear Death Sir Ezra

You lean close, squeezing a small drop of blood from the syringe, Sir Ezra's eyes, impossibly, widening further.

"Please! Please ive told you all I know! Don't! I beg you!" he nearly sobs.

You jab the needle at him with a small smile as he recoils further, straining against his straps.
"Do you fear death Sir Ezra? Are you secure in your faith and in your... Paradise?" you narrow your eyes as he focuses on you. "I can offer you a fresh life. A new beginning free from hate"

"I-I only fear damnation Sir. My bloodline is pure and my deeds just. I have already betrayed the church with my tongue. I will not do so in deed. If you have no more questions I ask that you kill me now" he steels his jaw and turns his head toward the ceiling, grimly awaiting your judgement.

>Sir Ezra is impossible to Recruit.

>Kill him
>Ask Mr.Helpful if he wishes to join
>Ask the other Prisoners if they will join
>Kill them all with the Exception of Mr Helpful
>>Ask Mr.Helpful if he wishes to join
Then the others.
>ask mr. Helpful if he wants to join
If it succeeds
>ask ezra again
If it fails
>Kill him
>Ezra could come in handy, lets keep him
>Ask Mr.Helpful if he wishes to join
>Ask the other Prisoners if they will join
>Mr.helpful? You in?

You nod respectfully. This man has stones but what is to be expected of a lifelong zealot?

You turn, facing the ever helpful militia man who is trying his best to become invisible.

"You! Yes you. You have a name?"
You bark at him, smiling as he flinches.

"Yes-yes sir! My n-name is Jona.."
He stammers, obviously terrified to be the object of your attention.

"Well then Jona, do you have family in Whitewood? Any close ties?"

He shakes his head, obviously confused by the line of questioning.
"No sir... My parents died years ago and ive never married. My older brother was conscripted years ago and never returned.."
He turns his eyes down and seems to drift down through his thoughts.

You snap your fingers in his face and recapture his attention.
"Focus! Focus Jona. So you have no real loyalty to Purity do you? Only marched because you'd be burned at the stake otherwise?"

He nods

"Good. Good. So Jona, considering your helpfulness and lack of ties unlike Sir Stubborn over there. How would you like a job? Caravan guard? Low pay, long hours and shitty food but you don't have to strangle babies so its a fair trade off"

>Roll a D20 for Recruitment of Jona the militiaman
Rolled 5 (1d20)

Rolled 13 (1d20)

Rolled 8 (1d20)

>13! Success!

Jona swallows loudly, cutting his eyes away from the glare of Sir Ezra. He grits his teeth and sighs loudly before sagging his head.
"Ok. Ill join you. Its... The right thing to do. Purity made us do some... Terrible.. Terrible things. I want to make it right. Im your man." he says quietly, meeting your eye without trembling.

Good man.

"Ill make sure you have the opportunity to amend for your past crimes Jona. Believe that." you pat him on the shoulder and signal Mercer to cut him loose.

The snik of the rope restraints being cut through makes Jona flinch but he stands on shaky legs as Mercer leads him out of the wagon.

>Jona the Militiaman recruited

>Attempt to Recruit the 7 Villagers(D20)

>Execute them all.
Rolled 9 (1d20)


>Attempt to Recruit the 7 Villagers(D20)
Rolled 1 (1d20)

>>Attempt to Recruit the 7 Villagers(D20)
Rolled 7 (1d20)

>attempt to recruit the 7 villagers
K m s
Wait, shouldn't our leadership skill make that +1 to the dice roll?
+2 Actually, since it's 3 now. However, I think the reason it's rated as a 0 is because it's a a more diplomatic one where Bella would do a better job at this.
This is a diplomacy roll which Rustan has no real bonus toward
Could we have Bella speak for us or is this a job for Rustan?
Ok gotcha. If we get the chance to increase that (doubt you can train that normally though) we should
Diplomacy can't be trained like a weapon skill but a skill point (earned through battle or by accomplishing an important task) can improve a skill
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Test post
The Qst mods are squarely on my Shit list. Third time Ive been banned randomly and unmanned within 8 hours.
>Sorry for the long delay, its been a field work heavy day (perils of running my old mans farm for him)
>1 critical fail!!!!
>Fanatical Villagers are.... Uncooperative

You turn to the villagers that had been captured. Seven weathered, flea bitten, brown toothed wretches stare at you with a fierce burning hate evident in their eyes.

Ugh. Well its worth a shot.

"Soooo.... 'gentlemen', im going to give you the same offer I gave Jona. You can join us, work as a guard for the Far Reach convoy, work for a year or two and return home. The pay isn't great but its better than scratching a living for some Pastor right?"

The response is nearly animalistic


You wipe the disgusting mess of pleghm and stinking saliva off your face. Your eyes narrow in cold fury.

"Im gonna disregard that. After all, you've been very stressed so im gonna repeat-"

"*HRRRK-PTOO!!... Hehehe....fuck you Mutie lover"

Jukruk hands you a clean rag and you clean the impressively voluminous loogie from your face.

"Im taking that as your final answer."

>7 villagers are 'unwilling' to join you.

>Slit their throats here and now

>Public executions

>Death in the fighting ring

>Let Jukruk and Hazda kill them

>>Let Jukruk and Hazda kill them
They've been good, let them have their fun.
What about, let Jukruk, Hazda, Mercer, and Bella each kill the one they hate the most out of them in whatever way they want, and send the rest to fight to the death in the fighting ring? We could reward these party members the most for the efforts, and let others enjoy the rest of the fanatics' deaths? Possibly make some businesses out of the others' deaths by gladiatorial combat too, maybe hedge some bets while we're at it.
Change mine >>1357448
Good night yall.
>Squad execution bonding time

You glare at the sneering Fanatics. It seems their belief is as strong as Sir Ezra's. These men would try to rip your throat out with their teeth. THESE are the men who murder families and hang their heads as trophies when they get the slightest chance.

"Juk, Hazda, Mercer,Bella. Pick one of these cock thistles and do with them what you will. Ive got no use for them." you turn to Sir Ezra on the table and meet his steely gaze.
"Bring the three left over and Sir stubborn to the Ring when your done."

You step out of the wagon as your Squad steps forward, dark chuckles and the rasp of knives reaching your ears as the door closes.

The screams follow you across the camp.

>Gladiatorial combat time

>One at a time against you in the ring

>Battle royale. You fight the winner.

>Write in
>Write in
Our squad vs who ever is left in group combat
>>Write in
3 villagers vs 1 knight, we fight the winning team.
It'll be a cruel and unusual fate for the Purists, help keep the odds even, and anyone who survives will be good practice for us. Plus we can bet in relative safety for the first match if we want to.
"Will teamwork or skill triumph over this match? One vs many." Could be a potential tagline to get spectators interested.
Oh, this also sounds good. Now I'm tempted to change my decision.
Two good ideas
>Bring the three left over and Sir stubborn to the Ring when your done.
How dangerous are the 4 Purists compared to our squad, both individually and as a whole?
whatever you do don't fucking arm them with weapons
Well, we could if we were sure they wouldn't be able to escape, but arming them with weapons would be a pretty good way of asking for a prison revolt, yeah.
All out fists on both side?
hey it's better then having to explain why someone died when a knight got out and went on a rampage
There's nothing keeping us from having guards ready to kill anyone who tries to escape though, but the impromptu nature of the tournaments might mean we aren't using a secured arena.
That, and who doesn't want to beat some purefags to death with their bare hands?
Ooo... good point.

I was also thinking we could try hosting some tournaments with the prisoners in the town once we get there, but I'm not sure what their policy is.
Maybe if things go really good in the future, we can assign party members positions after certain actions, but they leave the party. Like assign Mercer captain of the guard and gets skills of his own up, but he leaves our party (still on call for war or battle of needed)
What, like splitting up the team and then bringing it back together? Sounds like something we could use to get more allies. Unfortunately, we still have to deal with the potential crusade on our hands so I'm not sure if we can afford to split up at the moment.
>What, like splitting up the team and then bringing it back together? Sounds like something we could use to get more allies. Unfortunately, we still have to deal with the potential crusade on our hands so I'm not sure if we can afford to split up at the moment.
>at the moment
I know, that's why i said "in the future if things go well"
>I know, that's why i said "in the future if things go well"
Right, just wanted to check we weren't getting ahead of ourselves here.

So what sort of jobs do you think everyone would take if we split up?
Well we are still fairly new to everyone, maybe not Jukruk, but as of now

My thoughts are

Jukruk - Trainer
Mercer - Captain of the guard
Hazda - Interrogation and Torture
Bella - Sabotage
And remember, we still have many more people to meet
>Jukruk - Trainer
I wonder what type of trainer Jukruk would be.

Make it so any squaddies who doesn't want to brawl can opt to spectate?
He dosnt so mich as train you as he trys to kill you
Your traineing is staying alive
I guess physical conditioning would be a more appropriate term
I like the sound of this to though
>Barenuckle beatdown seems to be the consensus. Villagers on the knight

You kick your feet up on the side of wagon making up the impromptu fighting ring as Jukruk, Mercer and Hazda push along the bound, blindfolded and blood spattered Purist prisoners. They herd the men into the center of the ring, stepping out and pushing a wagon back into place, trapping the men inside.

Curious Caravaners and guards line the sides as you stand, bringing the young boy's Rawhide cone to your mouth.
"Welcome welcome welcome! We've got a TREAT for you people today! Four Purist scum! The same shits that attacked us the other day! Ready to FIGHT and DIE for your amusement! Who will win? The three mangy Fanatics? Or the Stalwart Sir Ezra, a bonafide KNIGHT? Place your bets!"

Money rapidly piles up on the sides of the wagons, wagers and odds being shouted as Bella circles the ring with a small notebook. A Trio of guards armed with clubs leap into the ring and one rapidly cuts the Purists bonds as the other two back him up.

The men stretch their hands, working the blood back into the starved digits.
Sir Ezra speaks up, his voice clear and confident for a change.
"And what for the winner? What incentive is there for us to fight? These men are loyal servants of Purity. I have no quarrel with them"

You smirk. They will have a quarrel with him shortly.

"Freedom. The winner will be Free of course "

Sir Ezra swallows and turns as the Fanatics round on him, cracking their knuckles and cackling.

>Roll a D20 for Sir Ezra's combat Skills
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Rolled 2 (1d20)

holy shit this guy lol >>1358158
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>inb4 Almighty kek
>1 2 3
Kek's will is present
Knight falls and breaks his own neck
>Sorry for the long delay, I thought I'd have more free time today than I have. Op accepts your hate and that he is, in fact, a colossal faggot

>1!!! Critical Failure
>Bah Gawd! That man had a family!

Sir Ezra adopts a defensive stance, backing away from the Fanatics seeking to encircle him. His fists rise up, scarred knuckles cracking from the tension.

"There's no need for this. Death in service to the church is a pathway to absolution!" he isn't pleading, merely trying to stall.

"You heard that mutie lover. We kill you, we go free"
"I like me own head right where it is knight."
"I got me taters to get back to after all"

One of the Fanatics lunges, seeking to grip Sir Ezra in a grapple. All his hands find is air while a brutal punch lands directly on his nose, pulping the bone and tissue

The other Fanatics sieze the opportunity as Sir Ezra is momentarily distracted, lunging on the knight and bearing him to the ground.

In a cloud of dust and curses, fists fly, blood spatters the ground from torn lips and handful of teeth scatter across the ground. For a moment it seems Sir Ezra will regain his footing, until the overly ambitious Fanatic with a flattened nose rejoins the fight.

With a brutal kick to the young knights face a spray of blood and fragments of white teeth arc over the ring. Sir Ezra collapses, coughing blood as the fanatics stand.

With brutal kicks and stomps to the ribs and head Sir Ezra's fate is sealed. His groans of pain are cut off with a wet crunch as his throat is crushed under a boot. His boots twitch for several minutes more but its clear.

>Sir Ezra is dead.

>'Free' the fanatics (public execution)

>Enter the Ring yourself. Theyre 'Free' to fight you

>Firing squad. 'Free' target practice

>Hang em. 'Free' neck stretching

>Actually let them go.
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>a 1,2,3.... The Dice Gods Fucking HATE Sir Ezra.
Be a man of your word, let them go with nothing but the clothes on their back
Aren't these Purists the Fanatics who rape and pillage though?
give them a 20 second head start if other people in the caravan want to track them down and kill them who cares. we should all head to the bar for a round of drinks with the squad
>firing squad
>drinks for squad
>Combining these two because Fuck it

You wave over a group of Crossbow toting guards and Mercer. They trot over, leaning close as you lower your voice
"Take these Fucks out in the wastes, point em toward Feral territory and give em 20 seconds before you use them as target oractice" you say with a savage grin "Drinks at Mae's when you get back"

Mercer smiles, his large white teeth flashing. "Good idea bossman good idea. Alright my conscripts, lets go cut em loose"

The crossbow men rapidly herd the Fanatics out of the ring and out of the camp, smacking them in the back with the butts of their crossbows as they go.

You wave over Jukruk, Bella and Hazda. Hazda reluctantly drops the shattered tooth she was inspecting into the dirt and joins your group as you make your way to Mae's.

Around you the camp begins bustling as the crowds disperse, Sir Ezra's body is drug away and the Convoy begins preparing to move on first light of the next day.

>Order Beers (-5 credits)

>Order shots (-5 credits)

>Surprise me Mae (D20, Free of charge)
>327 credits in Rustans possession. Finally got my count fixed up....I think
Absolutely. The Knights, Templars,Inquisitors and Purifiers of The Church will kill you, sometimes brutally. But a Fanatic? Theyre the ones who strangle babies, Rape women and children, burn men alive, kick puppies, etc
Any anons still with us?
>Order Beers (-5 credits)
Shit, forgot to vote.
>Surprise me Mae (D20, Free of charge)
I'm game for this
Anybody wanna hop in for a tie breaker?
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>surprise me
>6! Bad failure
>Mae's surprise is...surprising

You file into Mae's tavern, the normally riotous pavilion nearly empty as barmaids and young Caravaners load up the tables and stools. Your group is led to one of the few remaining tables where Mae is sitting by herself, a large black bottle in front of her and a large grin on her face
"Rustan! Juk! Bella! Hazda! How ya doin sweeties! Sit sit! Drink with me!" she bubbles, obviously she's been in the bottle for a while today.

You sit across from her, Jukruk to your right, Bella and Hazda to Mae's left and right with a seat on your left open for Mercer.

Mae snaps her fingers and a barmaid appears, laying a shot glass in front of each of you as Mae smiles again.

She stands and circles the table, pouring you each a oily, inky black shot of....something. It burns your nose and that drop she spilled on the table seems to be..... Sizzling

Yup. Its sizzling.

And steaming.

And visibly eating a hole into the table

..... Fuck

"Bottoms up everyone!" Mae says with a small giggle and downs it like water.

Jukruk looks at you, his sensitive nose visibly stressed.

Bella looks at you, visibly turning pale

Hazda sniffs it and shrugs, looking at you with her normal blank stare

Mercer startles you by pulling out his chair and sniffing his shot
"Yeeeeuuuck we drinking this shi- wonderful rare liquor I mean?" he backtracks to Mae's murderous glare

Well. Lead by example and all that.

You lift the glass of probably toxic liquor to your lips and toss it back, hoping to swallow in go.

It coats the inside of your mouth like fetid tar, burning the lining of your throat like you had just swallowed boiling oil. It tastes like a mixture of rotten flesh, grease and liquid hate. You attempt to wrestle your choking reflex down and attempt to swallow only to cough, spraying it out through your nose.

Damnit you actually scream and collapse onto the table.

It feels as though someone had just rammed a firepoker covered in barbed wire dipped in burning acid into your sinuses. Through a haze of tears and agony you see Mae interrupt her laughter to take a long pull from the bottle
"What's the matter Rustan? Don't like Behemoth Whiskey?" she giggles as your squad rapidly push their lightly smoking glasses away

Before darkness overtakes you you feel Jukruk pick you up and sling you over his shoulder as he stomps out of the Tavern, your team following closely behind as Mae waves cheerily

>Rustan has passed out.
>Roll a D20 for convoy Travel
We might of passed out, BUT WE WENT DOWN IN FLAMES OF GLORY!
Rolled 20 (1d20)

Rolled 20 (1d20)

Double Critical?
I'm afraid.
And Rustan misses it.
Because he can't hold his liquor
rustan gains a strong resistance to poisons after drinking the Behemoth Whiskey
Umm, we get a stat boost do to the Behemoth whiskey. Maby we get mutated into a tainted and we keep our intelligence?
Rolled 4 (1d20)

If this is for convoy travel, then something unusually, exceptionally good happens to us like we happen to stumble upon an elite counter-terrorism force in the midst of curb stomping one of the Purist Crusade attacks or something.
Alternatively, we become ridiculously good at resisting poisons, some general stat boost related to alcoholism, or some boost in durability as a demonstration of holding our liquor.
Something awesome happens, but we don't know because Rustan was in a mini coma.
Like the Purists and everyone else deciding to hold hands, sing Kumbaya, and then the Purists call off their Crusade?
More like, they found the wrecked wagon of another caravan after a purist destroyed it. And there was a secret compartment with weapons and items, Bella tells us this, and gives us our share.
That reminds me, did we inform Stein of our intel we acquired from the interrogations yet?
>Sorry about the delay guys. I needed a break for a bit to get this quest figured out. We're back on though :)

>Double 20 awesomeness!

Pain. Extreme pain. It feels as though your throat is being scoured with red hot sand. You sit up and immediately regret the decision as your head throbs in agony. Through tear blurred eyes you see a small bottle next to your bed.

"Dear Rustan, Sorry about accidentally poisoning you. This will make you feel better. Free drinks on me.

You struggle to the bottle and rip the cork out with your teeth, throwing back the bitter mixture.

Oh sweet fuck thats better.

Relief flows through your veins as you sigh with ecstasy and lean back. Your never drinking again. Ever.

By that you mean for a fee hours of course.

>Behemoth whiskey Poisoning- Gained a Permanent Resistance to poisons and venom's

You stand on legs finally filled with strength and make your way out of the wagon, strapping on your dagger and stepping onto the coarse Red sands beneath you.


Red sands? How fucking long were you out!

Juk and Mercer run up as they see you, smiling broadly
"Rustan! You live! This is good! Jukruk knew this! You are strong!"
"Well Hazda owes me 20 creds now boss, glad you didn't die!

You smile and shake their hands, beginning to walk around the camp outside RedSands. Its a large city, the walls made of a dusty red stone with Tainted guards patrolling the top.

Mercer leads you to a long chest near the Armorers wagon, resting his foot on it proudly.
"Found a Purity raiding party that had fallen afoul of a Behemoth. They killed it but.. It killed all of them too Haha!! Dumb Fucks should've ran. Not much was left intact but I did find this for you if you want it..."
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>Cleaver Halberd- a Devastating piercing/Slashing/chopping Halberd. Increased damage and armor penetration.
Take the halberd.
>bardiche, heavy chopping weapon for ripping through light and medium armour with blunt force to knock back people in metal armour.
Ehhh I view Bardiches as more of an axe than a spear polearm. But if you can get votes for it then ill allow it
Fair enough
Not a weapon suggestion, but would a scythe be considered a pole arm type weapon?
Yes but its wildly impractical unless you can suggest a style to use it (war scythe? Idk)
A scythe would be dope actually
Tell you what. Find a picture or give a description of the weapon you have in mind and if the majority likes it ill be cool with it
Short lance tho?
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Something like this
Ehhh that's pretty much a sword.
Not really, Sure ain't used like one
I thought lances were like dedicated spear polearms for cavalry?
Spetum, looks badass, folds out, and has moving blade thingies.
You know what's a good idea, Lets put a greatsword on the end of a spear!
So it's like a collapsible pike/scythe?
Normally they would be, but that one was made for soldier use. can pierce armour, shields, and break bones with blunt force. And if you hit them in the neck it could kill them as well
Hm. So why should we use this type of lance over the halberds, spetum, or bardiche? Any benefits it has over the others?
I also suggested the bardiche, from a different place tho.

And mostly just for something different, no losses, and probably lighter than the other choices
And it looks badass
>And mostly just for something different, no losses, and probably lighter than the other choices
So I'd suppose the lance would be the best option for fighting on horseback, but less versatile on foot?
Nope, again, this one was made for on got combat
On foot**
>>Cleaver Halberd- a Devastating piercing/Slashing/chopping Halberd. Increased damage and armor penetration.
Currently I'm favoring the dedicated anti-cavalry weapons for foot soldiers at the moment because I get the impression we'll be spending most of our fights on foot and the most dangerous enemies will be on horseback.
Right, I should've clarified it to less versatile on foot compared to other weapon options like the Spetum or Cleaver Halberd, since it's a weapon that seems to be almost entirely dedicated to stabbing enemies. Which'll work great if we spend most of our time on horseback and would like a weapon that's also good outside of it, but not so much if we aren't.
How is it less versatile if it does everything we were already doing with our weapons?
You can slash with a spear.
Alright, alright, you got me.
Changing vote to
Currently I'm still thinking between Cleaver Halberd for anti-cavalry/polearms on foot with a focus on versatility and Spetum for anti-infantry/cavalry on foot with a focus on guile.
Also, we've currently deadlocked ourselves in this vote with 1 for the Cleaver Halberd and 1 for the Spetum.
>>1368175 anon and the previous voters from the last updates didn't vote. I'm not sure if >>1364825 anon voted for the Spetum or >>1364829, or stuck with the Cleaver Halberd.
All those posts in that last sentence are from me.
So you're the one who posted all the images? I'm trying to keep track of which one you are since your ID keeps changing.
Every time I reconnect to the internet, it changes, sorry.
Good night who ever is in the thread
That's fine. Certain routers work like that.

TaintedQm will be back. He was banned and it will be lifted later today
Not awesome he got banned, awesome that he is gonna return.
Banned for what tho?
Did they think he was too... "tainted" for their tastes?
Wasn't last time he was banned because of something on /pol/?
Something about his ip
>What's up amigos! 4chan decided to ban me (yet again) for things I didn't do on boards I don't attend. But anyways, I'm back and ready to party! Just gonna recount votes and write this update out!

>So far it seems that were Tied for the cleaver, shortlance, Spetum and Bardiche. If anybody wants to kick in a tie breaker feel free :)
Ok, I'm gonna stop lurking and vote for Spetum to break the tie.
I would of voted, but I already voted.
>Spetum spear gained. A large, heavy polearm requiring both hands and a strong back. The demon lovechild of a spear and a greatsword. It doesn't fold out but it will fold whatever you hit.

You look from the case to Mercers smirking face and back again. The case isn't a hallucination right? Are you dead and in hell? This.... This is...

"Yeah boss, that right there is a Spetum. 3 foot of blade on 4 foot of handle. If it doesn't slice them in half you can beat them to death with the flat! Haha!" Mercer says with a large grin, twirling a small dagger.

"Was too light for Jukruk. Thought would break. Much better for Rustan" the colossus next to you rumbles. You look at him incredulously and shake your head with a smile.

"Thanks guys, Im glad even when Im nearly dead you take care of me. What else have I missed?"
You say, your voice still rough from the acidic bile of the Behemoth whiskey.

Mercer taps his chin thoughtfully, the dagger spinning in his fingers.
"Hmmmm.. Well we got to Red Sands last night before dusk, set up camp outside their walls but WELL within range of those ballista they've got up top. Keeps the Ferals and trials far away. Apparently they've got a big pack moving nearby. Stein has been ducking around the with gate overseer all morning. Bella has been disappearing and showing up with big bundles of wallets the sneaky tart. Oh and me and Juk have been watching you sleep like good friends! Aint that right Juk ol'buddy!?" Mercer smiles a bit too broadly at Jukruk.

"Jukruk watch Rustan sleep. Mercer drew many man-parts upon Rustans face. Only stopped when Jukruk threatened to rip off Mercers arms."
Jukruk replies honestly, shrugging at Mercers rapidly faltering smile.

"Traitor" he mutters

You would glare but at least they weren't traced...

>Head into Town (take Jukruk and Mercer)

>See stein and let him know Youre alive

>Inspect your gear (change loadout)

>Visit Guard carriage (Requisition supplies)

>Visit armorer (Upgrade current gear, buy new)

Also! The Spetum spear does not replace the Lancer spear, it is a battle spear designed to used on foot against infantry.
It is carried on Rustans back in a special sheath.
>See stein and let him know Youre alive
Also check on his progress in the mean time
>See Stein. He'll be glad to see you.

You make your way through the camp, wagons parked in a rough square formation against the walls. Multiple other caravans can be seen along the walls. From their standards you see the Tall Trees caravan company, Iron Hills convoy, Northern reach Trade company and several others all clustered against the city of Red Sands.

The gates of Red Sands are a double layer of iron plated portucullis and heavy gates of plated wood. A small office is next to the gate with a certain thin, graying individual berating a flustered gate guard at the door.

"S-sir I told you! I don't ha-" the guard stammers behind his crimson scarf.

Stein nearly explodes
"And I told YOU, if my men aren't allowed in the city to drop off their wares then I will lose money and if I lose money then YOU will lose your job. GOT ME?" he roars, his thin frame nearly shaking with rage.

The guard scrambles into the office with a yelp of "Yes sir right away sir!" and the massive gates begin rumbling open.

Stein turns away, rubbing his glasses on his shirt with a muttered "Feckless dipshit" as he waves in a small group of wagons to start off the inflow.

When he sees you his face splits in a broad smile and he quickly walks up to you, pumping your hand energetically.

"Ah Rustan my boy! Good to see you on your feet lad! Feeling better? Good good. What can I do for you?"

>Write in Questions
We got the main gist of that encrypted letter, if you're interested.
>Drop the Torture info.

You smile and shake Stein's hand back, the excitable caravan master is always a bonus to your spirits.
"Actually I wanted to make sure you knew something I learned from those purists in case you haven't made any progress on that paper" you say as you and Stein begin walking back towards his office-wagon

"Ah that damnable paper, ive only decoded a few phrases so far, the key is a combination of mathematics and symbols relating to purist mythology. Confusing as hell. What did you find out?" Stein shakes his head in frustration

"Actually I found out quite a bit. Apparently theyre gearing up for a crusade on the far reaches. That Purifier at Liars gorge was tasked with clearing out villages and caravans in the path through the Far Reaches. Big stuff apparently. Bad mojo."

Stein stops, running a hand through his thinning hair in shock.
"A-a Crusade? Are you sure? Shit fuck Rustan. Shit. This is bad. The Far Reaches are way too fractured to repel a crusade if they put any effort into it at all. Your-you're dismissed for now. I need to get my notes together and get copies to the other caravan masters. They can spread the word"
With that Stein slams his door behind him and you can hear him loudly cursing as he works.

>grab your squad and hit the town

>visit the armorer

>Check your gear

>Enter town alone

>Train a skill

>grab your squad and hit the town
>See if we can't get everyone some new gear
>Grab your squad and hit the town

As you walk away from Stein's wagon you wave over Mercer and Jukruk, Bella and Hazda following close behind. Your squad falls in behind you as you make your way through the gates of Red Sands. Inside much of the structures are made of the same dusty red stones as the walls. Beyond the strong gates lies a large open courtyard bustling with merchants looking over your caravans wares. You catch Bella eying a fat banker and grab her wrist.
"Don't even think about it. Id rather not get tossed out already."

She sheepishly pouts, nodding in agreement.
"Okayyyyy boss. Your no fun"

Jukruk prods her with a finger, nearly knocking her over
"Too much stealing. Brings trouble. Steal only from corpses little one"

Hazda giggles quietly and Mercer snorts, eying a nearby brothel.

>Visit Red Sands Famed Bladesmith

>View the Bounty Board

>Go get some Desert Venom at the Tavern.

>Check the Guard stations and pick up some recruits for Stein

>>View the Bounty Board
Figure out what to do then
>Go get some Desert Venom at the Tavern.
Try and get everyone a new, better weapon, or repair what they have
>Visit bounty board.

A large wooden stand catches your eyes. The cluster of hard looking individuals around it marks it as a bounty board. Easy money if you're up for the work.

You lead your team up to the board and inspect some of the notices put up.

>Wanted-Dead or alive- Turask- Mutt- male- approx 8'3, 490lbs, reptilian traits. Identified by heavy scarring on right side of face. Wanted for 16 counts of murder, 32 counts of robbery, 19 cases of assault, 22 counts of public intoxication and littering. Reward- 650 credits

>Wanted-Dead or alive -Inferno joe-Tainted-male-between 6'2-6-4 and 200-220lbs. Dark brown skin, Small horns and black claws. Wanted for 28 counts of Arson and 11 counts of murder. Reward-500 credits

>Wanted-DEAD- Rusted Knives- Tainted- Tribal raid leader- unknown gender-unknown height/ weight. Unknown apearance, only ever seen in thick hood and full body coverings. Wanted for 116 counts of murder on the road, 267 counts of Robbery on the road and 92 counts of kidnapping. Reward-1,500 credits

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