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Here to remind everyone that Hiro is a conman. He nearly ran

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Here to remind everyone that Hiro is a conman.

He nearly ran 2channel into the ground while earning millions (USD millions, not just Yen millions) of it by selling user data. He was only stopped because the site wasn't in his sole ownership.

2chan (the site people fled to after shutdowns were announced) and 2channel pretty much unanimously hate his guts.

He has so many ope cases against him in Japan he could never work an official job there in his life, it is either "underground" or online stuff he does, preferably both.

After he got kicked out of 2channel he set up a petty "personal army" to DDoS 2channel, this failed miserably due in part to a lack of support (gee wonder why...).

No site left to manage in nippon and no official job to be had in nippon the guy then comes to 4chan and takes it of the hands of m00t who probably after ~15 years of debt and stress probably had enough of it and was glad to have some of his life back.

Now we have a chink conman fleecing us for what we are worth exactly like he did with 2channel, but unlike 2channel he actually 100% owns 4chan.

He refuses to accept donations, yet still complains about "no funding"
He speaks PERFECT English, but chooses to troll around with his Engrish funnyman act to completely annihilate any proper discussion, he was known as a mater derailer on the Jap imageboards.
He has been, and likely still is, a literal millionaire.
He has not ONCE properly interacted with this community, not once attempted to give serious and well thought out responses.

Nobody seems to know who this guy actually is and what his history is beyond "lol japanese m00t", I personally blame it on a massive influx of a reddit tier userbase that is relatively new to this site and don't know nor care about it's history and roots. So there you have it reddit newfags, we are being conned.

4chan is over
>He speaks PERFECT English
yea we know but what can you do about it
>yfw /v/ is defending is actions as noble
There is a reason why it is regarded as one of the shittiest boards here
>He refuses to accept donations, yet still complains about "no funding"
You either just copypasted the whole thing or you did a piss poor research
>all of /v/ is one person
Nah, anon.
He lives in Paris, he must be fluent in French or English
>/v/ is not one person
When then it sure acts like one jesus christ
He could just use his millions to hire an interpreter for French, and google translate to piss us off.
Not really.
have you been to /v/?
bunch of retarded faggots
it's literally /pol/lite
/b/ is better at discussing video games
there is good discussions every day on /b/ but most of the threads are the usual trash tier reposts
>/b/ is better at discussing video games
This is true.
>He speaks PERFECT English
This is a red herring. He doesn't need to speak PERFECT English, all he needs to do is be able to have enough of a comprehensive grasp of the language to interact with English users, which he has already demonstrated.
If you really want to create a dialogue with people, you need to be a little more honest about this and tone down the polarity while not making so many absolute statements. I see /pol/scum doing this sort of thing all the time and they wonder why one one listens to them. All you are doing is trying to shout from a soapbox while making black and white statements, like a street preacher or a politician. Now, I know you're likely going to find this post personally offensive but this how you are coming across and you need to understand this else you're going to be banging your head against a proverbial brickwall wondering why more people aren't listening.
>He refuses to accept donations
>Why does he accepts donations after people ask for them
You're just being contrarian
You're an idiot
Anon, don't act like /v/ is shared with posters from a bunch of other boards, /pol/ included. Very rarely does anyone stick to a single board.

Of course, /pol/, /r9k/, and the other meme-shittery board posters enjoy spamming the shit out of it.
>there are anons who are defending hiro
>there are anons defending 4chan passes
>there are anons defending malware laden ads
This place is starting to look like on of those shitty porn sites, why are people defending this
What about all the fbi agents working 4chan? can't they help
4chan is significantly composed of redditors, and with reddit comes an obsessive need to white knight anything and everything.
Yes, and there are many anons who are not.
>This place is starting to look like on of those shitty porn sites, why are people defending this
Please fuck off mate.
4chan doesn't need anymore fucking cretins who are so fucking stupid and arrogant enough to look at a situation, focus on an outlying minority then use that to claim it is representative of the majority while acting self righteous about it.

You're the sort of myopic cunt who makes "society is falling apart" threads on /pol/. Fuck off and come back when you are capable of rational thought.
>an example of anon defending malware laden ads
Explain please? Why is this ok with you?
i wonder if when an fbi agent fucks up and gets assigned to 4chan as a punishment
How fucking stupid are you? Go back to /v/ if you are going to act retarded
>literally defending the ads
Go fuck yourself my man
Looks like you need to go back to neogaf you cuck
Not him, but you're an immense faggot. Take your unfunny cuck maymay somewhere else. You faggots have worn this shit out since the very second you retards brought its dawn on us. Fuck Hiro and then fuck every faggot who uses that faggot-ass meme.
Literally make me
Just please go back to whatever shithole site you've come from. You type like a fucking /r/CringeAnarchy faggot, or that Count_Sexulus retard.
>Not him
Uh huh
stay cucked faggot
>Just please go back to whatever shithole site you've come from.
It's on my other tab mate :^)
Is there any evidence of hiro secretly speaking perfect English? It's ridiculously hard for Japs to speak "perfectly".
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Whatever you say, memester.
Go back to your aut-right memespouting Tumblr and stay there.
What is that supposed to prove?
Literally make me
I only use my phone to lurk on lunch breaks, and holy shit, this is awful on mobile. I miss the silly J-list ads. I'm pretty fucking annoying, considering I white listed 4chan on adblock when Hiro said he had no money. He's legitimately conning us.

Moot, please be still here and feel bad about selling your soul to fucking Google. What are you even working on there?
>I'm pretty fucking annoying
>said the phone user
So you subhumans do have awareness. Awesome.
You do realize these shitty ads are coming to desktops too right?
>I'm too poor too afford a phone
Poor people need to leave
>literally defending ads
You do realize that Adblock Plus exists, right?
There are more operating systems than Apple's mobile garbage, you ignorant faggot. Not that you would know, seeing as Facebook and Angry Birds take up the majority of your time.
I would be 100% ok with malware ads if they only affected phoneposters.
>Statement said absolutely nothing about advertisements
>You assume I defend them anyway

Why are there so many God damn Redditors on this site who try so hard to start the same arguments they see in their precious /r/4chan screencaps, holy fuck. I didn't say anything ABOUT advertisements you retard, so don't assume my position on them. Fucking. Retards. On this God damn site.
>using adblock plus
Either use ublock or leave fag
>using adblock plus
Guess what, it's affecting everyone you moron
>Better use greentext when I get blown the fucking hell out for being an ignorant faggot
Guess what, you're a faggot and phoneposters are cancer. Didn't even bother with punctuation. Sad.
That anon isn't wrong you know
uBlock is better
And what are you going to do to stop me?
Phone posting btw
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real fuckin nato.png
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I'm drunk, faggot. Get over it.
>thinks banning phoneposters will cause shitposting to cease
What I'm using works fine for what I need it to work for. You can't just say "oh this is better" without explaining why, because you sound like a fucking retard when you're doing exactly that. You faggots know how to criticize but don't understand how to validate criticism through proof or explanation. Bunch of confrontational faggots.
Adblock plus still allows ads through.
uBlock is more lightweight and blocks everything.
I'm sorry I've offended you.
>Says that I think something will happen in spite of me not having breached said conversation
You're just a faggot. So why do you support Hiro?
It most certainly would increase average post quality tenfold.
i use internet explorer and have no ads
I'm not
I block ads, don't donate, and will never buy a pass.
>Adblock plus still allows ads through.
That's funny because I have yet to see them. Are you done yet or are you going to continue to act a faggot?
Got a source for that?
But it does.
Adblock allows advertisers to pay so they can bypass it.
playing the devils advocate here
there's a reason why almost all /r/4chan screen grabs are from mobile units

because the broad swath of them use phones to shitpost and screen grab their own stuff. nobody said that banning phoneposters would cease shitposting as you dishonestly claimed someone did. but the claim can be made that a great portion of shitposters do so from their phones
My arse babe, give it a gander
>adblock plus
Good goy.
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ask the nsa for help
>But it does.
How in the fuck are you going to tell me that something that I have does something that I have yet to see? Yeah I know about your faggot claims about ABP accepting payment from who the fuck ever but I still have yet to see it. Fuck out of here.
Back to /pol/ with your unfunny joo may mays please, cancer.
Phoneposter/shitposter here
If mobile posting gets banned, I'll just use a desktop emulator and keep shitposting.
I like to keep barneyfag on his toes
Delete boards and increase moderation to counter faggots trying to find a new home board.

You can't make money on this shit without getting porn site ads. Does Hiro not realize that moot had to move back with his mom to keep 4chin running?
Literally make me
Sorry mate, just trying to get the better adblocker more light.
I'm leaving the topic now
oy vey
Good, good goy
Keep supporting them
Heh. As a mobile posting moderator of /r/4chan I disagree. Hiro's doing a lot more than you kike shill Bernie-loving cucks would with your entire lives so it's only natural you fucking cuckolds would get offended at change. Autism is the liberal's burden after all. If you try to stop Hiro with the slander in the OP that's completely unsourced and untrue then you just don't know what old 4chan was like before you came here from Reddit last month. The fags here supporting moot and reminiscing about him are the exact same kinds of cucks that will vote for Hillary next month. If that truth offends you maybe stop being a triggered Tumblrina and bother to invest in this site's culture like I do. If you don't donate money to Hiro you're a fucking cuck Jew and a good fucking goy for believing everything you read on the internet. If Hiro was fucking around on us, which he isn't you stupid fucking Redditor faggot cucks, 4chan wouldn't be here right now. How triggered are you cucks that Hiro runs this site far better than moot the cuckold SJW lover ever could?
You don't even know why you say it. You just say shit just to spout more memes, dude.
and don't post again. Not even on your Reddit account.
hes right dude adblock plus whitelists domains who pay them

ublock origin is the best adblocker out there
Literally make me stop posting
Protip you cant
also have reddit open in another tab
And yet, once again you faggots are making me waste more time trying to tell you this.

I haven't seen this happen. Kill yourself.
>Pretending like Hiro won't just disable the site for adblock users

Fucking retard
Because I guess the sites you visit don't have whitelisted ads.
You can't deny that they do allow it to happen.
I don't use uBlock but I do use a different adblocker because I won't support that.
>Pretending you know a God damn thing while acting as if your hypothetical scenario is going on right now

Maybe try going to hell.

>You can't deny that they do allow it to happen.
I didn't say they didn't, idiot; I said I never saw it. Fuck all of you.

It's something you can turn off, but it's legit there. It's not even hard to see for yourself, since it's a bunch of exception rules in the list. https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/exceptionrules.txt

If you have that toggle for allowing some "non intrusive advertisments" on, you can and at some point will see ads. Though if you don't it's theoretically moot(program can still force them through I guess, but I haven't seen evidence it'll do so), and other shit like noscript can cockblock some of what you might otherwise see.

Not knowing it's there basically means you're a clueless fuck who just installs shit willynilly without even knowing the first thing about what it might be doing.
Why are you so hostile?
>Not knowing it's there basically means you're a clueless fuck who just installs shit willynilly without even knowing the first thing about what it might be doing.

"I didn't say they didn't, idiot; I said I never saw it [them doing it to ME SPECIFICALLY]. Fuck all of you."

Shut the fuck up about this shit already holy fuck.

WHY are we discussing fucking Adblock in the first fucking place as if it's a specific point that's relevant to this thread's topic, and WHY do you subhuman faggots keep making me repeat myself, and WHY in the year 20-fucking-16 do you people have such shit reading comprehension? God damn!
youre so mad right now i cum in my pants
>As a mobile posting moderator of /r/4chan I disagree.
>moderator of /r/4chan
>you stupid fucking Redditor faggot cucks
>you just don't know what old 4chan was like before you came here from Reddit last month
are you fucking seriously right now
Jesus calm down you faggot
Some anon recommends a different blocker and you flip shit
I don't give a fuck, shut the fuck up about it already you God damned faggot. Jesus. Last I checked, fucking greentexting and spouting /pol/ memes isn't "recommending" anything you faggot. God you're stupid. Kill yourself now.
You are so mad
Shut the fuck up and stop talking to me, God damn!
>I don't give a fuck
Clearly you do.
Make me
I meant I don't give a fuck about what you faggots "recommend" you stupid cunt. God, you're vile. So fucking vile.
I miss when it was funny when moot beat Obama in person of the year with Time. I miss the pre fappening and gamer gate days. I miss when posting Pepe was funny at times. I miss when I could talk about my hobbies with no fuss.

I miss it, guys. I really do.
>I miss when posting Pepe was funny at times.
You're just fucking cancerous, dude.
>getting mad over recommendations
Do you get mad at people irl if they recommend something to you?
God damn calm down you autistic fuck
Fuck you, you fucking numbskull cunt. God you're just shit. You're just fucking shit.
>being mad over nothing
calm down

God damn put yourself out of my fucking misery. How the fuck are Hiro's supporters such God damn assclowns?
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Don't be a fag. These were good times. When's the last time you saw pic related on 4chan?
I'm not supporting him
But god damn you are as angry as barneyfag being accused of fucking dogs
You don't fuck dogs do you anon?
Imagine being this autistic and retarded
I hope you're seeing a therapist anon
They were shit times and thank you for propagating them so that they could become what they are now. Really, thanks. All of 4chan thanks you for your valiant effort to post pure bullshit and act like a faggot so that the site at present could be the shittiest it's ever been. Thanks a whole fucking lot. For absolutely nothing, you vile, cancerous, cunt.
Seek help
Whatever. End your life you faggot.
Ladies and gentlemen
A class A DogFucker
just close your laptop or close your eyes nigga calm down lol XD
Oh, fuck off you bitter, worthless old cunt. You fucking slime, you vile, disgusting faggot. God how did you even live through fucking high school? How did one of your classmates not fucking cut your whole body off? Holy fuck you're just terrible. You're fucking puke. You have nothing of any interest to say, or any input worth reading, Jesus Christ I couldn't imagine such a vile, pitiful existence. God damn just thinking you're posting on the same site as me makes me think of shit gurgling up from the toilet and splashing my fucking face, God damn what the fuck is the matter with you? How are you alive right now? Holy fuck.
Alright man you win, I'm leaving the topic
Have fun fucking dogs.
>being this mad over adblocking choice
Seriously, seek help
Just fucking die already man. Jesus Christ you make me feel like I've swallowed a bunch of fucking screws.
Are you ok anon?
For pointing you change your narrative depending on the outcome?
You faggots are the ones who acted autistically because I made a choice with your fucking greentext and le /pol/ le memes, why don't you just fucking die to death?

Oh I'm fucking super friend, how about you? Are you okay? Are you le mad right now? ARE YOU?
I think you have to go back
I think you should fucking die yourself to death.
barneyfag it is you!
Are the dogs ok?
I'm not your fucking Reddit celebrity you stupid cunt. Holy shit are all women this fucking stupid?
but for real man im hiding the topic now
have fun being mad over nothing
i recommend /v/ for your board use if you are going to continue being mad at nothing
I still don't wonder why people like this freak. My god the 4chan community are such sheep for thinking this guy is their savior.
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I tire of this thread
Oh barneyfag
Go fucking kill yourself, I've already told you how many times now? Just fucking die out of this existence you vile, stupid faggot. God I hate you. I fucking hate all of you. Jesus fucking Christ.
>said he was hiding the thread
>responds anyway
You're not very bright are you?
Tell my why /qa/ is any Better then /pol/. all I see is fistfights and people screaming at each other. Don't forget them saying cancer over and over again like your typical flithyfrank viewer.
I didn't say that shit, the other fucking faggot did. Can you not read 4chan posts, Reddit? Or do you just fucking miss your old layout with your upvote and downvote arrows and usernames, you pettily disgusting cunt? Shit man, you're a fucking doldrum.
>keeps spouting reddit
I think you need to go back.
Fuck off back to Flint, Michigan you cow.
>that is considered a diss from india
Just. Shut. Up. God damn.
The term "cancer" predates filfhy frank by many years and the fact that you associate it with him reveals how overwhelmingly fucking new you are.

That said, /qa/ is shit. It's just not nearly as shit as /pol/ because it's 1. a lot smaller, 2. has a userbase that's actually representative of 4chan as a whole, 3. doesn't spill over its borders at every fucking turn, and 4. doesn't actively recruit ideologically-correct redditors to the website.
Literally make me pajeet
>Don't forget them saying cancer over and over again like your typical flithyfrank viewer.

Are you fucking retarded or just unaware that FaggotFrank ganks chan culture any chance he gets just like every other fucking normalfag entertainer?
Nice sperg-out bud shows you're a good human being.
Nice copout upon being told, I'm sure nobody will remember that you think that FilthyFrank coined that term after that sick burn you just laid on me.
Just like you
Dog fucker
Holy shit will you two just fuck already and get it over with
He was one of a few YouTubers who popularized the word.
Fucking die already cunt.

That he ganked from 4chan culture, thank you for pointing out the obvious you retarded faggot.
Barney please not right now.
Say wasn't their something about when somethings overused it doesn't make sense to use it anymore?
And so, because a famous YouTuber used a 4chan meme in 2012 or thereabouts, you now take one of 4chan's oldest terms and declare it YouTube celeb cancer.

Just stop digging. Back out of this conversation and never post again, and nobody will ever have to know how fucking dumb you were today.
Shut the hell up and kill yourself.
Hurr hurr kill yourself p p please please kill yourself
Why are you referencing that fucking faggot, newfag? Clearly not embarrassed enough from being told that a very old 4chan meme ISN'T from where you thought it was? Tough shit.
What the actual fuck is this thread
Ordinary users, angered at their admin but unable to harm him, settle for stabbing each other to death in the streets.
Not the first post from this IP
Holy fucking shit, out of all places you took this seriously. Can your head compute fucking sarcasm.
>i was just pretending to be retarded
>No I was just being sarcastic guise!
A little late to establish that 4chan e-cred you desperately savor.
This is why /qa/ should be deleted. Fistfights like these.
>I got rekt so that is why /qa/ should be deleted!
You're the only bitching all because I dare to misthink the origins of your precious word.
You directly attributed part of 4chan's lexicon to a normalfaggot who steals, part and parcel, from this site. There wasn't any thinking involved, faggot, you went with what you thought you knew and got outed as a supremely cancerous faggot as a result of that.
What exactly are the "malware ads" supposed to be doing?
Adding a number next to your ad blocker. Wish mine kept track of the total from 4chan alone.
>ITT: Hirogoys defend their admin who is literally jewing them
There are four kinds of ads people complain about. These are:

- ads served by third-party services which contain advertiser tracking cookies
- obnoxious/misleading desktop ads
- obnoxious/misleading phone ads
- deceitful phone ads which abuse your phone's features and try to get you to install shady shit

Of these, only the last can really be termed "malware ads."
Hiro can't "afford" the server prices for this site so this is his only choice. But hey at least you can meet Cindy that's 2 blocks away from you.
So basically as long as you're not retarded and have an adblocker/don't install obvious shady shit you're safe?
Pretty much.
It's a bit more annoying than being told to delete system32 because apparently some of these ads will launch redirects or make sounds or do other annoying shit, even if they can't actually do any real harm to the non-retarded.

I haven't run into any of these so I can't say.
Its mostly a problem for people who don't use an adblock browser on their phones as it often redirects to them to horrid sites like Blackpeoplemeet.
Oh no, that's so horrid. You sound like a /pol/tard triggered about niggers.
time to abandon ship
It was a joke, chill with your autism m8. Though it will link you to sketchy dating sites or just exploit flash to give you bad shit.
>defending hiro

Go back to where you came from, reddit.
Okay, 8gag, whatever you say.
Where did I defend Hiro at exactly? You know you can't just say I support people just because you can make it up, right?
see >>795588 and defend your bullshit.
your a nigger
criticism of people attacking things isn't always a defense of the thing being attacked, sometimes the people are just retarded

they can be "inferred" to be defenses, but you know what you get when you infer things
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What kind of user data can be taken from an anonymous image board?

>ip can be anyone
>I have no idea how ad trackers work.
>he doesn't clear cookies between sessions.
>moot says everything is stable and he can safely leave
>a year later 4chan is broke time to die
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>its Hotwheels trying to stir shit up by bullshitting people to attract some to his dead chan episode again
As I have been saying before, he can do whatever he wants now that he has created an army of white knights out of /vip/. The faggots there will blindly defend anything he does, like they have been recently with the malicious ads.
the validity of an argument does not depend on whether someone is a "white knight" or he has been bought or sold

an argument stands or falls on its own merits
You know that hotwheels has nothing to do with 8aggle right? It's run by "Codemonkey" and "Jim" now.
And /vip/fags and other people who defend Hiro have no valid arguments. They ignore what's there before him and encourage the site to become worse. As long as he has people who defend him he doesn't have to worry about the site being dead, so he'll just keep doing more shit and people will let him get away with it.
>They ignore what's there before him
An infographic is not a real source unless backed by actual facts. Up until today there were very few being thrown around.

Jim / Codemonkey's graphic is worth a million times more than the one usually being tossed around because it has actual numbers and estimates on it.
This one? Because it still BTFOs Hiromoot and all his cocksuckers.
No, the other one.

Yes, that one, you fuckwit.
They both serve the same purpose.
One of them is backed by numbers and industry estimates and the other one is a bunch of arbitrarily repeated hearsay sourced to random anonymous fuckers.

In one of those "Japanese" screenshots I recognize a shitposter from /jp/.
Eh, as long as you aren't a /vip/ chink dicksucker I couldn't care less
Argue to the argument and facts, not the people.
The people are what's going to let him get away with it though.
It's also the same bandwidth (between users and Cloudflare) 4chan was using when moot said the site's finances were in no danger:

Yes, "the people" who disagree with will defeat you in an argument if you aren't able to bring actual facts to bear, and the original shitty infographic is mostly unsourced assertions.
Okay, but you don't understand that these people even with a now better and more resourceful infographic will ignore the facts and continue to defend them, because they took the bone.
I don't give a flying fuck about "these people." Argue to the facts. If I see "these people" denying reality I will tear them a new asshole. If I see "these people" making unsourced claims I will make unsourced claims. Right now you are the one making the unsourced claims. I'm talking to you. Stop whining about other people.
>I will make unsourced claims.
I will ask them to source their claims*
How do you defeat them with facts if they don't care about or listen to facts?
The guy you're talking to doesn't understand that. or the fact that the people being spoken about aren't entirely divorced from the creation of these facts. For example, Hiro is a con man, ergo he is doing to 4chan as he's done to his last site.
>all these mad ronins

fuck off back to >>>/8gag/
>For example, Hiro is a con man,
Do you have a source for this? One that doesn't trace back to a hearsay claim?
>People find out about moot's post BTFOing hiro
>Suddenly board spam
really makes you think
"Source please" is not a legitimate means of debunking a claim, you know that don't you? You can't say that about things that are known and then proceed to feel or give everyone the impression that you've the high ground. You're probably going to respond with something that amounts to "yes it does," whose meaning is going to be compacted in a bunch of sophistic rambling and large words, but no it doesn't.
>"Source please" is not a legitimate means of debunking a claim,
It does not "debunk" the claim. It means the claim cannot be taken at face value without further research. It is an assertion that you have not proved your claim, and therefore you don't get to assume that it's "known."
>It does not "debunk" the claim.
Right, so stop saying it. I'm not going to entertain you just so you can get caught up on one detail you can argue relentlessly just so you can have the satisfaction of feeling like you've won an internet argument, and nobody else is either. I'm not going to get into a stupid argument with you about the sky being blue, the facts are facts regardless if you want to try to invalidate them by calling them "claims," Hiro shill.
It's either a mod or a /vip/ fag
Did you make the graph?
add moot's post >>795485
I didn't
I'm referring to the claims set out in the original infographic. The one posted today is being discussed in other threads.

>Right, so stop saying it.
I have never, not once, ever, said that I had "debunked" the infographic. I said it mostly did not rely on reputable sources.

>one detail
A complete lack of verifiable sources is not "one detail." It's a critical component of whether the infographic can be subjected.

>the facts are facts
They are claims for which no evidence other than internet posts by random online jackoffs has been posted. If that's enough to satisfy your criteria for truth, more power to you.

By the way, Hiroyuki tried to sell me half a kilo of heroin this morning..
>I personally blame it on a massive influx of a reddit tier userbase

I blame /co/, /lgbt/ and maybe /a/.
>I have never, not once, ever, said that I had "debunked" the infographic
I never said you did, so I stopped reading right here until you're willing to straighten your facts up. What's it like to waste effort on a bunch of rambling I told you I wouldn't read to begin with? Did your post end up like how I said it would? I wouldn't know, because after this point I hid your post.
>I never said you did
>Right, so stop saying it.
What did you mean by "it"?
>What did you mean by "it"?
Oh, you're still trying to argue. IP filtered.
>Oh, you're still trying to argue. IP filtered.
It's not possible for users to filter IPs. 4chan does not serve that data.

I see you no longer feel like defending your shitty infographic. Rest assured I will be here to point out that it is an unsourced piece of shit every time you post it here in the days to come.
>it's a being a 4channer is my identity and any criticism of it makes me defensive episode
Someone archive the links with archive.is
>2ch went to 2chan after Hiro fuck it all up
where will we all go once 4chan coming down?
8gag, Twitter, reddit etc.

It's not like 4chan offers something the rest of the Internet doesn't.
>It's a having an identity and solidarity with a website is okay if I'm the one who's doing it episode
>It's a maybe if I spout tired /tv/ memes with summations that oversimplify the situation that means I'm automatically right episode
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Where are we going after a Jap fucking shit kills 4chan?

I hope I'll see it in my life time that russia uses the new Satan-2 Rocket to nuke Japan and France if Chinamoot ruins 4chan for being a greedy nigger.
>I miss the pre fappening and gamer gate days
It's the reason why we are in this fucking mess in the first place you cunt. You were the part of 4chan that ruined it.
He means the 4chan BEFORE all of that shit broke out you stupid faggot.
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Yes I realized my mistake
That's okay, we all make mistakes. Sorry for being so aggressive.

Silly doggy.
>tfw partially contributed to GG
Even if it was small, I fucked up the site a little bit. I've shit in my own house.
We all fucking TOLD you shit like this would end up happening and you all did it anyway because "w-well you're just fucking SJW libfag Zoe Quinn white knight faggot cuckolds le two cents deposited into your account hi Anita for disagreeing with me!"
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I brought this
Then why did you do it knowing of the potential consequences? I have to understand that mindset. Did you think moot would just be okay with yet another shitstorm and THEN a bunch of retards from /pol/, /v/ and all else fucking with him?
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1. Hiroyuki owns 4chan now.
2. He can do whatever the fuck he wants with 4chan regardless of what its users think.

Get over it. Hiroyuki doesn't owe us anything. If he wanted to destroy 4chan he can do whatever he pleases as the owner.

There are so many other chan sites you can jump to if this sink ships. Why are you complaining? You all sound like a bunch of loli crybabies.
Me :^)
Great, so go over to Reddit where you came from and leave the people who give a shit about this place beyond r/4chan screencaps alone, faggot.
I'll kill him back.
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LMAO, wtf is with all those mad faggots in this theread holy shit.
>I don't give a fuck
>shut the fuck up about it already you God damned faggot.
choose one
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Reminder that this is all moot's fault yet everyone here still defends the retard.

see above

>kept scrolling
& you're still triggered..

again, here you are, GOD DAMN MY DUDE

literally you wasted more time insulting us than what your entire life is probably worth.

don't worry, that will come back someday

i cant believe you were still so mad.

they were right about therapy.

>when you're probably still in highschool

you're wasting this much of your energy attacking someone for using Ubock, which btw i use as well.


>when i literally cant get to the end of this thread because its acually beyond pathetic to see fellow human beings get so worked up over literally nothing of any significance.

i'm disappointed in myself for being the same species as you.

end your life for the sake of humanity. thanks. @hiroyuki
hiero BTFO
>captcha BOMB jap
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>No site left to manage in nippon and no official job to be had in nippon the guy then comes to 4chan and takes it of the hands of m00t who probably after ~15 years of debt and stress probably had enough of it and was glad to have some of his life back.
>takes it off the hands of m00t
moot was already gone by the time Hiro got the site, by that point it was 3 senior mods filling the role as admin
theres always been a second admin you fucknut.
Oh yeah, that coda fellow
i'm talking about the guy who has the half of 4chan that m00t didn't, and japfuck doesn't.
and still has it.

A couple excepts from the first video where Hiro speaks english.


>2:22 - 2:27
>3:00 - 3:05
>5:27 - 5:28
>5:36 - 5:40
>6:33 - 6:35
>6:42 - 6:46
>9:23 - 9:27
>9:43 - 9:45
>12:32 - 12:37
>i'm talking about the guy who has the half of 4chan that m00t didn't, and japfuck doesn't. and still has it.
Fucking what? Any source on this? The only thing I can remember was from the 2006 panel when it was said 4chan was hosted on the same server as 2 other anime sites, but that was 10 years ago
i'm not selling someone out for your satisfaction, ty.
Then I'm just going to assume you're making this shit up unless you have some kind of proof
assume what you want senpai,
thats all up to you.
Nice thread
His English is fucking terrible in this video
better than his posts
I can pronounce Japanese but I sure can't write it, it's the same for Hiro but the other way around.
I don't see it - I went in with an open mind, but he's awful at English. He sounds literally like all Japanese pen-pals I've had over Skype (endearing but terrible)
Some people can speak in another language rather fine, while typing in another language pretty badly. For most others, it's kinda the other way around, they can type in another language rather easily if they know a thing about it, but would have problems speaking it.

I can read Hiragana and Katakana, but I would probably freeze in place if you want me to speak nihongo to you
>>I can read Hiragana and Katakana
Nobody can speak Hiragana and Katakana though.
It's Japanese writing dumbass, and you can say "a i u e o ka ki ku ke ko sa shi su se so ta chi tsu te to na ni nu ne no ha hi fu he ho ma me mu me mo ya yu yo ra ri ru re ro wa (w)o n ga gi gu ge go za ji zu ze zo da ji du de do ba bi bu be bo pa pi pu pe po ja ju jo sha shu sho" and all that stuff
Damn, you literally just got trolled by me. Now who's the dumbass?


Fuck off dipshit the new ads are NOT acceptable. He is lying about the cost of 4chan as well implying it's 90k a month when it obviously isn't and this site is plagued with newfags who don't know what's going on and think '4chan is in trouble save us notch XD'
Hiro's hilarious.

I love him.
>"Why did you make the 4chan"

>4cuck pass
>outrageous story with no sauce
confirmed for attentionwhore

Has anyone else realised
"2channel" and "4chan" both have "chan" in them?
Thats freaky af
His English is fine. It's the pronunciation that's bothering you, but this is how native Japanese sound when they speak in English.
>Why did you make the 4chan
>XDDD he paid money for the site, what a cuck
You're not gonna be laughing once non-pass users such as yourself get kicked off the site.
Good, it seems the only way to get rid of hiro is allow him to burn the site down

Yeah I will because that'll leave, what, 12 people, all of them congenitally retarded.
That's grammatically correct. A lot of people don't realize it since we're used to saying it wrong, but it's "the 4chan" because it is the fourth chan.
Japanese people are notoriously bad at particles because Japanese doesn't have them.

>defending Mook's ching chong chinglish this hard
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