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Going off of the current active users at the bottom of the front

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Thread replies: 392
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Going off of the current active users at the bottom of the front page, that's nearly a penny per person!

4chan is saved!
I hope this place fucking dies so I can actually start doing something with my life.
Hiro says it's not enough.
Of course he won't tell us what actually is enough money so we have no idea how close it was
Going straight into his pocket. Not a penny will go to the site.
one more.
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You have enough money Hiro
Hey you know what Hiro, shove it up your ass
Remove these shit ads already
Hiro, if the funds can't be raised, how much longer can 4chan stay in operation with the amount of debt it has?
are you regretting your purchase? not even trying to be mean, it doesn't seem like things are gonna get better
That sucks, but I guess if you show this to enough people, maybe they'll agree to cutting down several boards, reducing image size, and so forth. But the thing is, malicious ads should be the last resort, where anything else has worked.
How much EXACTLY does it cost you to run 4chan?
Do you pay for it by yourself?
go fuck yourself hiro you lying gook fuck
How can you not know what it costs to run the website you own. I bought a pass on good faith, but the way you act only casts doubt on your intentions.
I think we all need to deal with the fact that 4chan has grown too large to continue to function as an image board.

(Assuming Hiroshima isn't a conman)
>Assuming Hiroshima isn't a conman
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If you're strapped for cash and need donations, nobody is going to believe you and help out until you put your cards on the table.

The operating costs from 4chan, the average revenue from advertisement, the average avenue from 4chan passes, and where the numbers don't add up.

The people here are very, very quick to call bullshit considering Moot had the same site running in the black.
I call bullshit, 4chan isn't that much larger than it was a few years ago.
Am I ,?
>4chan isn't that much larger than it was a few years ago.
It really, really is.
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Nah, I wuv you hiro
No, people don't really believe that.
Hiro, the reason donations being open hasn't helped as much as needed yet is because you just opened up the option to donate with no fanfare or highly visible announcement of it. What you should do is set aside a specific time period to hold a donation drive (with donations still being accepted before and after, this is just to draw attention) and set a goal that progress towards is displayed on a bar on the side of all boards or something. Announce it on the main page and with stickies, make sure everyone at least knows it is happening and is talking about it. To make people actually want to donate, which under your current policy changes they frankly don't, prove goodwill by getting rid of the new malware ads and reveal this site's exact expenses and finances. If you can prove you're not the shifty jew everyone claims and prove this site is actually in trouble with hard budget sheet numbers, a well-advertised and hyped donate or die drive could actually work to bring in funds. If it doesn't, then afterwards you can go back to the last-ditch efforts you are currently using. Also, publicizing a patreon-like recurring donation system along with the drive would help to keep donations coming in on a regular basis instead of just whenever someone feels like making a one-time donation (4chan passes don't work as a recurring donation source and your attempts to incentivize them just further alienate you from the site's core community).
How the fuck does 4chans population keep exploding?
We need the population to fucking downsize.
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All the haters are here right now, Hiro. Now might not be the best time to take criticism.

How was moot able to keep 4chan running for 12 years but you nosedive it after 1 year? He was 14 when he started this site?

The aussie faggot that got control of the admin account a couple years ago saw that the 4chan passes were bringing in well over $400,000.
Larger population should be a good thing, it's what most websites dream about

We really need to get some ads going or something
Just partner with some jewish investors, Hiro. The Jews fear the samurai, and you already act like a kike, so an agreement would be easy to reach.
Expect pop ups soon.
lmao moot fucked up a lot in the first few years
but he did get it stable after it got gigantic, so it really fucking begs the question how it's up shit creek all of a sudden
If things are actually bad then Hiro, or another member of the team that can communicate better, needs to make a site-wide announcement detailing the FULL problem.
Not jsut saying "Donations are open, thanks." we need SPECIFICS so we know what to expect n the future and also be able to have the full picture so we can all work towards a viable solution. Preferably one that disrupts/deletes things the least.
Now, seriously speaking.

How did you manage to operate the biggest online community in Japan for so much time, Hiro?
Absolutely this. Hiro, we really need transparency about what's going on. Give up more information. A lot of people are on here willing to help but we need to understand what the issues are in detail.

thats a lot
So 4chan costs ~$90,000 to run a month? That's roughly $1.1 million a year if things persists at the current rate if I understand things correctly.
Unless there's a Donate or Die and it's a massive success- it seems we may be fucked. Site traffic and data usage needs to go down drastically.
And, one more.
It's already happening on my phone, plus new ads on the top and bottom of the catalog. It must have just started in the past few days.
This is /pol/'s fault, though.
rip in peace

guess you made the purchase at the worst time possible


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Hiro just delete 4chan if it costs so much. I'm not even joking, just do it. Pull the trigger. I'm ready. It would be pretty funny.
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>But movements on the graph can be the value of learning.
Hiro, if things are looking bad then you need to be honest with the full site (Not just on /qa/), post an announcement as >>791557 says.
Please let the users know what specifically the issues are and how you plan to solve them. The donation feature was a small step in the right direction, now push that instead of useless pass features.
We should make it a mass suicide
>/pol/ literally killed the website
hey fan if you delete pol these numbers will drop to pre-April levels.

I'm not even joking, if traffic is your main concern, the problem lies there.
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Hiro, SERIOUSLY. If you remove the archive on fast boards like /pol/, /v/, /vg/, /a/, /co/, /sp/, /tg/ and /int/, you'll save up a shitload of space. There are already third party archives like desuarchive, 4plebs and nyafuu out there, and people can save threads at any time.

Also, is Keksandra CUTE?
Just fucking sell it to Notch already you zipperhead, the dude will make you a multimillionaire
but does it save bandwidth
This is a good step. The archives are not widely used and just add space. Plus some say they defy the spirit of the site.
>. Plus some say they defy the spirit of the site.
what spirit?
Action needs to be taken to reduce this site's traffic. For one, all the newfags coming here because of attention over the election needs to be stopped. Actions need to be taken to get /pol/ away from its current association with the biggest normalfag media circus of every four years. An official announcement could be made to not discuss the election because of all the cancer it has caused, and posts containing the words Trump, Hillary, cuck, or related could be automatic bans. Or, given that this would likely just create a huge shitstorm, /pol/ could just be deleted. I'm pretty close to as far-right as it gets, but I think this is not only a good idea but necessary at this point. No matter what your politics are, /pol/ has become irredeemable shit that needs to stop being associated with this site if it wants to continue surviving as we know it. While it would likely cause a huge flood of raids and shitposting when it goes down, over the long term the retards will just flock to where they're actually allowed and all of this new attention will go away. Whatever else is done, I think /pol/ will only continue to draw more of the attention and bandwidth this site simply can't take any more, and needs to be removed if we want this site to survive.
HIRO delete /pol/ and neo-Nazis will stop pumping insane traffic without contributing anything of value to the site AND advertising will come back AND you won't have FBI asking you about radical Right militias and hate crimes as often

Alternatively make /pol/ a pass user only or only pass users can start threads and post images
We just need to delete /pol/, /vg/ and /vp/ to cut traffic in half. /vg/ and /vp/ are redundant, /pol/ is what got us in this trouble in the first place.
Christ. You're delusional.

This is a good idea.
It'll die down after the elections, hiro
Plus, the influx of /pol/dditors leaving to 8fag could finally kill that site for good. It's a win-win situation.
If this is gonna happen, /b/ should also be deleted. It's one huge porndump that takes up even more bandwidth and storage than /pol/, but at this point has no meaningful community to flood the rest of the site if it's removed. /b/'s basically been dead for years, just make it official.
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>trumpcucks literally killing the website
Didn't you say you're paying less for the servers? How will we know when donating has been enough if you don't tell us?

Also this data is useless if we have nothing to compare it too, so no way of knowing if you're lying about usage increasing as much as you say it did.
I think he meant to say they are indicative of the general trend
I don't agree but I think he's saying that the spontaneous, fleeting nature of this place is lost
DELETE [s4s]
and it'll be for naught if he loses
Can you show actual stats please and not something that only shows whenever someone dumb enough to install the Alexa plugin visits 4chan
>turn off adblock to support 4chan
>browser hijacking spam present on every page

ahh yes, very impressive
As a /pol/ack I would absolutely accept this. Even if the site isn't in any trouble we desperately need a normalfag purge. I would like for it to come back at some point, but the heat would have to die down first.

Also this and /r9k/.
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Here is a list of boards sorted by the number of archived threads they have. The top five alone contribute more than 56% of archived threads to 4chan, and every board with at least 1000 archived threads contributes to 89% of them. /pol/ alone is responsible for nearly 25% of them.

Nobody is falling for it. Please fuck off back to wherever you came from.
can you fuck off back to /r/the_donald
No, I don't browse reddit.
>Please fuck off back to wherever you came from.
>knowing the exact board
Reddit, GET OUT.
>The aussie faggot that got control of the admin account a couple years ago saw that the 4chan passes were bringing in well over $400,000.
No he didn't, he did found out how many passes were sold (12k iirc), and most them were sold during holiday sales with with huge discount prices.
>knowing the exact board
You know this, how?
This tb h
Hey Hiro, if you want the archives as a 4chan pass feature to work, add a ©4chan.org thing to all threads and take down any third party archives like


That way people will be forced to give 4chan money to browse the archives and we won't have to be worried about the site dying.
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Additionally, try cutting down the number of pages on boards that don't even need ten pages.

/wsr/, /gd/, /t/, /i/, /hc/, /hm/, /s/, /y/, /u/, /trv/, /po/ and /n/ could all be reduced to 5-8 pages.
Make /pol/ like /vip/, anyone can see but only pass users can post.
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>copyrighting 4chan posts
Knowing the exact place where all the pepe-spamming normalfags are coming from is like knowing where Gaia is on old /a/, it's not exactly something hard-to-know when it's where all the barbarians destroying your culture are swarming out of.

So it's official then, the election traffic fucked us over, assuming we survive this, what are your contingency plans in case those newfags decide to stay after elections are over? What are your long term plans to assure this doesn't happen again in 4 years?
You, you're an ass.
Why don't you go fuck a badger instead?
Hiro, people are actually coming up with constructive ideas, are you still here?
>all of these CTR shills trying to destroy pol
heh.. really makes you thank doesn't it...
it's not going to happen in the next election unless the dems and repubs somehow manage to nominate someone even more hated than trump and clinton. unless both parties use their eldritch illuminati powers to resurrect hitler and paul wellstone, that's unlikely. possible, but unlikely.
This sounds reasonable. Why have archives when third party ones already exist?
CTR wasn't a thing back in April when traffic started peaking, Trump and the Republican primaries were
No, /pol/ has grown without control, to the point we now have two /b/-sized boards.

And 4chan should get rid of both.
>really makes you think
If this isn't ironic, it gives you a good idea of the off-site vermin that populate latter-day /pol/.
>CTR meme
Literally the only way you can rationalize everyone hating your shit. Unfortunately, the kind of people who are in lobby orgs like CTR don't look for existing 4chan users to join, nor do they have the savvy to get in and shill.
t.cuck the record..
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On the topic of Archiving:

/pol/ just archived a furry waifu thread about 2 hours ago.
Why the fuck is there not a prominent "Donate" button on every page of the site?
There are people willing to support the site and any bit that reduces the debt is helping.

The problem is being made out to be severe, and yet there are very little measures being taken to mitigate it. Put up banners promoting donations, but up a graph udated every now and then showing the site's cost and what donations/passes have brought in.
>Why have archives when third party ones already exist?
Hiro has mentioned a few times that he intends to create an official search engine for 4chan, and the archives are part of it.
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1. Ban Phoneposting, thats a leech on the site
2. Trim glacial or uneeded boards
3. Make a [[WORKING]] donation system
4. lower board pages, old threads can sit around for far too long
5. public bans
6. stop deleting stream threads where the OP or another anon is streaming board related content (video games, tv shows, anime)
7. KEEP /pol/ IN /pol/
8. enforce #7
9. remove archives, third party sites already do this for you
10. remove [s4s], this shit is /b/. after splitting /b/ and [s4s], it's now /b/ - Porn General
11. recombine /r/ and /wsr/
12. delete /news/, we already have a /pol/
What an awful idea.
>10. remove [s4s], this shit is /b/. after splitting /b/ and [s4s], it's now /b/ - Porn General
>after splitting /b/ and [s4s]

Thank you for the signed copy of The Anon's Guide to Blatantly Showing How New You Are
Oh, of course. Always quick on the money aren't you, Hiro?
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We can't really be sure. The next republican candidate might be an swastika wearing nazi and the next dem candidate might be a gay muslim immigrant
>hiro is really just a ctr shill trying to get us to hate pol
What about delete /pol/ but keep /new/ as a text board. /pol/'s one of the busiest boards, so restricting it to text only would still allow for their discussions but it would reduce the amount of data being used. It may also deter some people and drive them away which reduces user amount somewhat.
>all these agenda-fueled faggots who just want wrongthink deleted from the site
lol I'm pretty fucking leftist and /pol/'s shit makes me pretty uncomfortable at times in a way that graphic gore videos or whatever dumb edgy shit couldn't, but I LIKE that 4chan is a place where a marxist and a neo-nazi can call each other faggots in one thread and then talk about video games or japanese cartoons in another.

old 4chan used to be more ironic about the nigger pool shit but the unironically-racist culture formed pretty organically from the existing userbase of /new/. there was no 'onslaught of racists' from any place, there was no conspiracy on stormfront to change the site's culture or whatever.

if you're gonna post nigger faggot ironically you're gonna attract actual bigots, simple as that, and those bigots have been here since forever. I'd rather have bigots than for 4chan go to as PC as SA did. if you've a SA account and are familiar with the "minority perspectives in gaming" megathreads, imagine that on /v/ without a hint of irony.
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Can't /pol/ just go to 8khan or something?

Thank you
>1. Ban Phoneposting, thats a leech on the site
Are you insane? That's the only think giving this place revenue at the moment.
>5. public bans
Public bans are cancer and most of them are bans which mods themselves make, doing it for either attention or to distract idiots.
>12. delete /news/, we already have a /pol/
More like delete /pol/, we already have /news/

Hiro is the director of a company, Future Brasil Search, who work with data and more specifically providing data solutions for big data companies. An in-house search database could be a potential revenue stream for 4chan, far more reliable than the current advertising model. Companies like Google and Facebook generate billions of dollars doing that sort of thing. It's where the real money is online.
/pol/ confirmed to be killing the site
I'm not Hiro.
If I were, this certainly wouldn't be something I'd be bringing up at the moment, given the flack the comment regards the archives. Come on now anon, 空気を読め
>getting rid of /pol/ is an >>>>agenda<<<<
Sure, it's not just a reaction to the unmitigated leakage that you even admit to.
No no, I wasn't implying you were Hiro. God it's harder than I thought to convey certain things through text.
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/pol/ won't be deleted. It will never be deleted. Hiro has mentioned this before. Stop trying. Fuck off.
moot called it an ephemeral nature.

What are 4chan's finances?
Deleting boards is the last resource but an option nonetheless, try reading >>786936
I just can't fully believe the things being said unless I see some specific numbers.
Currently things come across as Hiro saying there's a problem but not showing it or doing anything substantial to try to combat it.
That means he's either just trying to get more money or he's already given up.
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It is an agenda. One aimed at improving the site overall.

That was more my bad than anything else; telling someone to read the mood while misreading the context of the response. Shamefur Dispray, all in all.
Except that now the home-grown nazis (who I have no problem with) have attracted 13 year olds from reddit over the current election who show no sign of leaving. /pol/'s old userbase and politics aren't the problem, the problem is all the pepe and cuck-spamming imbeciles all the attention has brought into this site. Not only do they act like cross-site retards on other boards, but as the posted graphs show they also charge this site huge amounts of money in bandwidth. Between /new/ and /pol/ people just posted their reactionary politics organically in fun off-topic threads on the rest of the site. Why can't we just go back to that if the alternative is a huge target that draws in both idiot Milo kids and mainstream SJW media crusaders?
if you guys are that bothered by the far-right shit, team up and make a concentrated effort to turn /pol/ into less of a far right echo chambed
A reminder that ALTERNATIVE has already thought of most of these ideas and none of them work. Please fuck off with your delete ____ memes

However tell the mods hiro that people will buy passes if they do their fucking jobs
>if you guys are that bothered by the far-right shit
We have a problem with IRL shit being spammed on all boards and used to derail threads, of which is entirely what /pol/ is about.
Fuck off /pol/tard.
moot never showed us shit, or did so every 4 years and they were general numbers, not 4chan's ledger
How much money did moot raise with donate or die back in the day?
>pepe and cuck-spamming kids
I've been here since 2005 and I like pepe and the cuck meme (the former because the drama makes it hilarious and the latter because it's just a good insult)

I'm fine with sharing a board with both people that furiously jack off to "milo owning sjws" videos and tumblrettes with bunself pronouns and everyone inbetween if no group becomes significantly dominant.
Just remove /pol/ and let /pol/acks set up their own site.
>because it's just a good insult
No it's not.
$14,000 in one week.
>We have a problem with IRL shit being spammed on all boards and used to derail threads
so you think deleting /pol/ won't increase the amount of derails?

/r9k/ does the cuck and pepe spamming on other boards. /v/, /a/ and /tv/ users also take a huge part in shitposting on the site. Removing /pol/ won't remove shitposting, it's been an integral part of the website since the beginning. Just new topics and memes have influenced it.
moot also never claimed things were dire unless they really were. Upon his departure he said the site was good for the future. How long into the future was not mentioned, but in the past when there was a problem he was honest about it.
Such as the Donate or Dies where he said how much money was needed, what resources were needed (Back then it was servers), and he gave an update when the goal was reached.
If the problem is severe right now then an even greater level of transparency is needed. I do not think malicious ads will fix anything. Only a large influx of donations will, but for people to commit to that they need the full picture.
14k, goal was 20k
>make pol the new /fur/
>permaban anyone who posts in it
>delete the board
shitposting's fine, spamming is bad

if a thread not made for shitposting ends in a majority of the posts being shitposting, that's a problem. the occasional so-dumb-it's-funny post is fine and even good.
>so you think deleting /pol/ won't increase the amount of derails?
It will, dramatically, after a few weeks, maybe a month or two max.
Frankly, the fact that /pol/shitters are actively threatening to crank up their shitposting if even the threat of /pol/ disappearing comes on their radar tells me a lot about /pol/.
>ban people who disagree with me please! MODS!!!
just get a SA account you useless shit
Deleting a popular board is such a brash and stupid idea and will have huge consequences. I assume Hiro's just ignoring the "loL delet /pol/, /b/, /v/ xD" posts.
Allow ponies to be posted on /pol/, make them pay to get them banned again
Fucking why didn't hiro make an event out of the donation button he added? He hasn't even put the display messages up yet. He is putting such little effort into the donation aspect that it's not wonder it failed... he wanted it to fail for some reason, I don't know why but he just did.

Also surly this is the job of the community manager
more like
>delete the drama filled board who is having way too much useless traffic
have you ever seen a hillary thread on pol? its flooded with "mods!!" "SOMEONE BAN!!" "MASS REPORT!1
I don't even use /pol/ though?
There's nothing wrong with far-right shit if it's integrated seamlessly with the rest of the site and its community like it used to be. 4chan has always had right-wing, or at least strongly anti-SJW and anti-mainstream sympathies. /pol/ was brought back because easily-offended faggots couldn't handle nazi banter being used casually so they wanted it segregated to its own containment board. Of course, all that did is attract far-right users from other sites, who aren't cancerous because they're far-right, but because they're not from this site. This is what /pol/, or at least its new users from elsewhere, don't seem to understand. It's ok to be right-wing on 4chan, but 4chan isn't right-wing general: the site. Since the right-wing aspect has led to the 4chan aspect being overshadowed and now in threat of destruction, we just need to go back to the old way of people complaining about jews as a naturally-integrated part of 4chan culture without it being put in one place for people to obsess over it and carry out cancerous attention-getting raids and faggotry. Get rid of /pol/, the reddit youth will leave, and then we can finally enjoy talking about whatever politics are board-relevant or not in the comfort of our own insular, non-proselytizing community.
Would be hilarious.

Go cry the jews on your twitter account, faggot.
It's because we're not in any real danger of dying, and he knows it.

You have to call his bluff.
4chan isn't financially insolvent, not even close.
Agreed entirely. It was something a lot of users pushed for and it finally happened...then nothing was done with it.
Something is up and some decision has already been made.
So would the regular users of any other board here you fucking moron. Please fuck off of here and stop trying to encourage deleting any part of 4chan.
>Trim glacial or uneeded boards
That won't help at all, they add nothing to the bandwidth use precisely because they're that slow.
>its flooded with "mods!!" "SOMEONE BAN!!" "MASS REPORT!1
link an archived thread showing that

also the post was specifically talking about banning everyone there
>Since April
So its /pol/s fault. Thats when alotta r/The_Donald users got fed up with Plebbit and came here due to censorship
>Fucking why didn't hiro make an event out of the donation button he added?
Yeah I think he should've made a "please read" post or something.
>let people derail threads about video games or baby cartoons into JIDF conspiracy threads, that'll save 4chan
In a comparable situation, the ones opposed to /qst/ being created haven't shat up /tg/ by trying t force quest threads anyway, so really it just means that you're petulant and misbehaved.
This, it only works if he makes an actually visible donate-or-die drive with publicized goals and progress bars or some shit on every board at the top of the page. Giving the specific details of how much money is needed for what and why would also help in making people actually want to participate.
The passes are also being sold at a discount.
I don't know if there's some detailed plan or if people really have no fucking clue what they are doing.
>Say the site is in serious financial danger
>Introduce numerous methods to try to get more money to help
>Leave those systems hidden, unused, and inefficient
There are only three possibilities
1. Hiro and the rest of the staff are absolutely clueless.
2. Things are already past the point of return and we're just waiting for the plug to be pulled.
3. There is no real issue and it's all just a ruse to get more money or to ensure the site has a surplus.
And what happened to television and film? It was shat up and deleted because it was useless board.
Also, that's creating a board, dummy. I mean deleting a board /g/, or /v/. Of course the users would go awol. You're completely clueless about this website.
point taken, but I doubt they'd be an immigrant as I believe you still have to be born on US soil to be president. though that could change as well.
not an argument c.uck
>flooded with
>two posts
>which, god knows, you may have made yourself
Clearly a shitpost
Even if it's three, you'd think they'd publicize the donation methods to actually be able to profit off their scaremongering. I think the truth is just that Hiro is entirely incompetent and has no idea whatsoever how to run this site. Hiro, if you're reading this, please just give ownership to someone else on the management and admin team, this site simply isn't for you and you aren't for it. No hard feelings, let's just part ways for both of our sakes. And no, giving the site to Martin Shkreli is not a good idea, don't do that.
Delete /pol/, Hiroshima-kun. It will be the perfect revenge for the Americans' actions.
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Face it /pol/ drain this site is that or you can have a good moderation.

No generals
No flags
No offtopic garbage like kek and watch my dubs.
No archive.

and not only on /pol/ shithole but in any board who drain this site too much.

but that would be censorship for any /pol/tard
>/pol/ was brought back because easily-offended faggots couldn't handle nazi banter being used casually so they wanted it segregated to its own containment board.
It was brought back because moot felt hypocritical about deleting /r9k/ and /pol/ after talking to that fat chick running ED.
Quests got kicked out of /tg/, which is comparable to a situation in which /pol/ gets kicked out of 4chan--they can always go to any number of other chans, just like how questers can go to /qst/. They didn't want to go to /qst/, just like how you don't want to go to another chan. The difference is that questers have more or less accepted being kicked out into /qst/ while you /pol/shitters are threatening to burn everything.
>generals, archives and dubs are /pol/'s fault
The problem isn't the shitposting, is attracting people from other sites.

If deleting /pol/ triggers altcucks so much, he could split /pol/ finances from the rest of the website. That way, if /pol/ dies under its own traffic, it dies alone.
The secret is to find something that gets page views, and doesn't offer anything of unique value to 4chan. Of course value is relative, but what could 4chan as whole easily do without, and what would it be better off without? Is deletion the key, or is stronger moderation a better solution? If you think deep enough about it, the answers might be a little different than you initially thought.
Sadly, I it may be ignorance and incompetency. Hiro cannot communicate with the users and he's not publicizing the things he needs to such as donations. Instead he's focusing on ads that in the end benefit no one. Not the site, not him, and not the users. They just make the browsing experience pleasurable, promote usage of ad-blockers (Which hide 'good' ads), and deter people from wanting to invest money in passes.
If selling the site/ relinquishing control to another admin will save it then so be it.
Shut the fuck up
It makes me cringe that I used to be like you
"They just make the browsing experience less pleasurable" Fix'd.
>/pol/ ctrl+f

Tells a lot lel, please don't fall for this shit hiro
get rid of porn dump boards if the problem is this serious
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>/pol/ don't have this kind of threads guys..
But /pol/'s reddit brigade also spread to other boards and increase their costs. If /pol/ wants to continue existing along with this site not going under, it should just be split off into a new domain that 4chan.org/pol/ can redirect to, and one of their community members can own the servers and manage its finances. There's really no reason for /pol/ to still be a part of 4chan anymore, it's gone in a completely different direction culture-wise, and I'm not even talking about political leaning. If /pol/ doesn't like the rest of this site and the rest of the site is paying for their expenses, then absolutely nothing bad and plenty of good would come from letting them run and manage themselves. I'm sure they'd even love being able to have their own mods and not having to deal with the 4chan rules they don't like. Just let /pol/ become their own site and we can go our separate ways to whatever futures our different communities decide.
Isn't it a little bit ironical that /qa/ would like to see the 6 gorillion /pol/ users gassed?
Quest got kicked out of /tg/ and are still in 4chan. /pol/ is 4chan's resident politics discussion board. It is part of the site whether you like it or not. Kicking Quest out did not delete discussion and partaking in quests, it moved it elsewhere on the site. "Kicking" /pol/ out deletes political discussion from the site and removes long-time users of the board.
/mlp/ was created for the purpose of containing all pony discussion, before that, ponies were shitting up the once popular /b/. mlp were kicked out of /b/, not off the site, which is a big fucking deal.
>those boards
>a fraction of /pol/'s traffic even all put together
THREE evidences of newfaggotry. 3. You fucking suck at this kid.
You can petition to delete /b/ in that regard
you're a subhuman with no comprehension of where the financial issues are coming from
lazy thumbnail loading and erasing a few of the porn dump boards will cut costs so hard hiro might actually make money off this site
Alright, ignoring all "delete /pol/" discussions (which will not HAPPEN /pol/-users so stop shitting your pants and replying to bait)

I really want to know about Hiro's finances and what this anon proposed here >>791635
/b/ should also be deleted, and it has the upside that it has no community anymore to complain or flood other boards over, it's become a porn-dump wasteland.
If it's images that are a problem, maybe you can stop posting pepes that still take up more room than all the porn imagedumps.
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Pic is outdated though, /pol/ is now tied with /b/
Exactly. Let Milo or whoever the fuck wants to set up a /pol/-only 4chan and let it split off.

I do find it funny that at this point /pol/ is literally full of "foreigners draining our resources".
/gif/ is a fucking problem holy shit
There's no doubt that the porn boards are some of the the biggest targets. Everyone uses them (high number of page views), but very few people care if they would be here in a week because porn is the easiest thing to find on the internet. The defense and offense of /pol/ is a more interesting topic that requires more thought.
Hiro, just ban russian isp.
Their bad traffic is probably causing a problem.
And no one wants white niggers on a board.
You know what, /vg/ can fuck off too. What's the point of coming to 4chan to create a fucking run-of-the-mill forum.
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>and not only on /pol/ shithole but in any board who drain this site too much.
/b/ just needs to be a blue board.
images are practically a requirement on the porn boards
look at this fucking thread

I picked this off the top of /hr/
let's not pretend it isn't basically 44/320 because of the increased size cap
Because /vg/ actually works as a containment board and it's needed.
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>it's been an integral part of the website since the beginning.
Fucking kill yourself Newfag
Good job moving the goalposts. I began by stating that it was telling about the attitude of /pol/ users that /pol/ is willing to "chimp out", as it were, if there's even the smallest threat to /pol/ being deleted.

Since you seem to be falling back on "well it's not gonna happen nahnahnahnahna", I seem rather justified in my assessment of /pol/shitters as petulant children.
Here is a /pol/ thread, 193/21
No, /vg/ is the spread of general cancer. It needs to go because generals do not work on 4chan.
Shitposting you fucking moron
I dunno, 4chan without a /b/ is like a cinema without popcorn, it's overpriced, bland-tasting and the pleb choice, but it should be an option nonetheless
I think that could help but honestly /b/ has slowed down. I think a lot of people went to /pol/ since /b/ lost its edge and just became porn.
whoops forgot it
Hiro, if we're going to have large ads now, can we at least get rid of the site rules ads?

I don't see why we need so much clutter at the top of the page.
I rather have /pol/ gone, at least I can fap on /gif/

/vg/ and /vp/ can go to.
you can fap anywhere
you can't have discussions on 4chan anywhere but 4chan
Ah yes anon, you're a hope and a shining beacon of maturity on the wonderful reputation 4chan has in the online community.
Banning generals should be enough. Allowing them just made them expand towards other boards.

Though at this point I don't really care. The fact that so many users are okay with general shits leads me to believe 4chan culture has already been irreparably changed.
Why don't pick this one?

This, and yes Keksandra is a qt
Where else can I fap to cp on the clearnet but on 4chan?
This is the problem with the 'delete boards' mentality. It all boils down to "Delete boards, but not the ones I use!"
Real solutions would be finding how to keep the boards but cutting some things. Deleting the archives, limiting file size/type, making some boards text only if they truly are for discussion.

>You know what, /vg/ can fuck off too

If only all of /pol/ were as forthright as you in admitting that they are immature, badly behaved brats compared to even the average 4chan user, sans /pol/.
I picked randomly
202/1210 is quite insane as well
I'd just ban porn from all of 4chan at this point. It's completely pointless, and still attracts a lot of people because 4chan is "safer" than most porn websites. Truth be told, I'd make 4chan SFW if it were my decision. I honestly can't see any value in NSFW when it comes to 99% of reasonable discussions. It might be a little useful on /k/ and a bit more than that on /pol/, but that's about it.
/qa/ came with the idea of blocking mobile users from viewing 4chan. Everyone that has a smartphone probably also has a pc, no harm done.
Thank you for being the cancer killing 4chan.
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So it looks like there's four possible situations depending on who you believe

>1: Hiro is scamming us and what certain 2ch users told us about him conning them is all true. He's overplaying the downfall of the site to get money.
>2: Hiro was sold 4chan as it was going down the toilet by moot. It's not his fault, and moot conned him.
3: Hiro is just incompetent.
4: Hiro is telling the truth, and the usage of 4chan is getting unmanageable.

I think all of them are equally possible.
>Hey bb gurl do you know I browse 4chan?
>"What? Ew fuck off"
>b-but not /pol/! I'm mature, I swear! Goddamnit
I think reducing filesize is a good idea. Even minor reductions would have a large effect.
>make /pol/ and /vg/ text only
>limit image size on /b/, which has the added effect of making it less attractive as an porn board.

There, I fixed 4chan.
I think he's read the good ideas by now (mostly the ones by /g/, not these retards shitslinging about /pol/) so we'll be fine either way
he's definitely not incompetent, I'm sure of that
Even if the site was stable when hiro took over, a large spike in traffic could inflate the server costs
Make /b/ and /pol/ text only, reduce the max file size on /vg/ to 3 MB from the 4MB it is currently.
Please stop falling for hiro's "confused engrish" character.
He speaks and types English perfectly.
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>I think all of them are equally possible.

Considering his past with 2ch, I think the first option is more plausible that the others. He has a history of conning already! But nevertheless that doesn't mean we can reject the other notions.
This problem can be circumvented with /pol/ by letting them manage themselves as their own site on a server one of them can own as has already been suggested. And as for the porn boards and all the bandwidth and storage they take up, they have hardly any community to chimp out over it, and I think even the people who use those boards regularly realize that there's no real need for them on the modern internet. With all the unwanted attention, newfags, and site cost the combination of /pol/ and the porn boards inflict, removing or separating them from the site is necessary to any long-term plan to save this site.
We know, it's just endearing
/b/ attracts the most newfags and fits your bill. Petition to remove /b/ instead.
Just delete /gif/ and the rest of porn boards that belong in /b/ you fucking gook
Why not both?
You guys always forget that some boards had rules

they are no place to dump your "epic" redpills.

I still remember that sticky on /v/
which was spammed to death by/ pol/tards that wanted flags and IDs in the board.

I'm glad hiro ignored the whole thing.
Go ahead. Just mentioning /pol/ though makes you a bit suspicious and less credible, considering /b/ is much worse in terms of all the issues you stated.
You're right, /b/ also serves no purpose anymore, has no community to be upset, and has the plurality of visits among boards. All of them should be removed. Although I would say that at the moment /pol/ is the one attracting almost all the 13 year old newfags from reddit, which is why it needs to be removed regardless of bandwidth reasons. Being right-wing on 4chan isn't the problem, every board will still be that way except for maybe the faggots on places like /mu/; despite what /pol/ says no one actually from here is trying to make this site more politically correct. The problem is that we have a board full of cross-site immigrants who don't understand the local culture and are bringing as much mainstream media attention to here as they can.
I wouldn't go full SFW. I would say
-Make /b/ SFW and make the porn posters go to other boards or leave.
-Last resort: Delete all porn boards or merge them into two; Hetero and Gay for all types both 2D and 3D.
-Delete all porn boards and dedicate /b/ to being the only red board. This would be extremely chaotic but hopefully the chaos would drive some away to porn-focused sites if that is what they seek.

There was a lot of effort put into the mobile version. I don't think they would be so ready to abandon it, or at least the posting element. Maybe there is a way to make the mobile-posting a part of the 4chan pass system. But still allow browsing for all.

Reducing filesize, even if on the busiest boards, could help. As a regular on a few /vg/ threads, I would not mind taking that hit of being limited to 3mb or a little less.
I also agree with making /pol/ a textboard. Allow linking to image hosting sites like imgur but keep the board itself just discussion.

/b/ was a part of 4chan from the beginning, bud. No board deletion.
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>-Delete all porn boards and dedicate /b/ to being the only red board. This would be extremely chaotic but hopefully the chaos would drive some away to porn-focused sites if that is what they seek.
I like this idea. It places emphasis on /b/ being a crazy board. If /b/ was always a mess, why not go all out?
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>your website getting popularity is failure and not success

Seriously what the fuck? How are you not making bank with ad revenue?
Because no one clicks on or even unblocks the ads since they are all malware now.

>Hiro allowed malware ads

Are you fucking kidding me
Compelling argument. Sasuga /pol/.
Another thread begging for money fuck off
Businesses don't want to be associated with 4chan. That leaves only unconventional ads, or malware-laden ones that result in users enabling adblock to keep safe.
It's been suggested before to do targeted advertising boards, and was tried somewhat, but then it went away.

He could have made a few pennies with the old normal jlist ads, but now with NSFW, literal viruses ads, he just alienated the whole userbase and a lot of people will never ever unblock ads on 4chan, even if he backpedaled on this.
Even before that, I'd bet that add blockers are even more prevalent among the average 4chan user than among the average internet user.
Everyone will just go back to the original boards, shitskid. Removing containment doesn't remove what it contains. Go back to 8gag.
This started literally this morning, I had no problems at 4 am on Thursday October 27, I wake up to find out 4chan has malicious ads with pop up, it actually ruined my day
Deleting boards isn't going to help.
Especially very popular boards like /pol/. Older anons like myself browse that instead of /b/. Imho the final solution would be a total purge of some threads [cuck stuff, this is why black is superior (and similar) rate this instead of this, and the totally useless carcinogenic stuff that killed /b/)]
Put a poll and ask which content should be purged.
don't worry fag, it'll wine down after the election
>It's been suggested before to do targeted advertising boards, and was tried somewhat, but then it went away.

That sounded like a good idea. Like tech adverts for /g/, toy averts for /toy/?
I don't know why that would fail.
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Hiro - stop fucking us around.

Just tell us how much it costs to operate the site and we'll come up with the money to keep it going.

Don't be a wise ass, don't be greedy, just fucking work with us, here.
Disable .gif format on the /wsg/ and /gif/ and rename them to /wsw/ and /wbm/.

The only users who still post .gif on those boards are newfags who dump their entire collection from other sites and shit up good threads. It will save a bit of bandwidth.
No. We have to die so we can finally truly live.
Sure but a lot of people liked moot even though 4chan was tsundere for him
I'm sure they happily unblocked ads for him
Separate /pol/, let it be its own site and manage itself. The boards.4chan.org url for it can still redirect there so they don't have to update their bookmarks and so it can feel like a legitimate continuation of the board on this site. Heck, on the new /pol/chan they can even set up multiple boards for other topics, so in addition to political discussion, they can also function as a fully separate and autonomous imageboard where their already separate community can talk about non-politics topics without bringing their reddit memes to our boards. Let /pol/ answer their own problem they created for this site, Apartheid is the answer.
I can smell the purple hair dye in this thread all the way across the ocean.
Users of those boards who are actually from this site will go to other boards here, but the reddit swarms that make up the majority of /pol/ now know nothing of the rest of this site, and without their home base here they'll just go back to whatever subreddits they came from.

Weren't they just jlist ads before? What kind of ads are on, now?
>remove /gif/, /wsg/ outright
>lower max upload to 1mb
>merge some boards
>add paypal to 4chan passes
turn this place back into a board, not an image dump
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>Compelling argument
>says the dipshit literally pulling """facts"" out of his ass

You retards never learn.
Yeah because that's what happened with /v/ right oh wait
Well at least you have precedent with /new/ right oh wait
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/pol/ ain't goin' anywhere.

/pol/ now, /pol/ tomorrow, and /POL/ FOREVAH!
vine archive sites
also newfags go all to /b/. I'd say to block all the shills on /pol/ and leave only genuine posters. No shills on /pol/, way less porn on /b/. And please remove malware. There are a lot of companies who'd love to put ads here. You just need to reach them
>Go back to 8gag.
That's precisely what I'm counting on those people to do, because that's exactly what happened the last time /pol/ was deleted or when GG posters started getting banned. I speak from experience, not speculation.
Yeah, malicious adds is just absolutely retarded, not contesting that.
Really because site traffic went up around that time and /v/ became a massive Reddit shithole full of newfags and underage which is still hasn't ever recovered from and never will.
mo' traffic = mo' money

you're doing something wrong clearly.

actually, fuck it, just delete this site.
make it a textboard Hiro. just remove the image feature.
Yeah I remember when bronies started getting banned and decided to post elsewhere

Oh wait. 4chan gave up and made a containment board for them.
/pols/ traffic will slow substantially about a week after the election, as alot of the edgelords will leave. Deleting boards now would be premature af desu
Part of what makes /gif/ so good is how slow it is.
/v/ wasn't deleted, but 8gag new traffic came almost exclusively from here. I remember /v/ being a "shithole full of newfags and underage" well before the GG.
That problem can be solved by letting /pol/ just be their own website. And for those who still think this is an SJW conspiracy, I used to use /pol/ daily for several years since it was created, but since the election really started ramping up it's become an alien wasteland I don't even recognize anymore. It had been getting worse and more underage normalfag-filled for a long time, more full of retarded bait and the even more retarded who fall for it, but the mindless cuck-spamming r/donaldwhatever brigade that now make that place their home are no Schutzstaffel, not even a Sturmabteilung, but rather a mindless thrashing horde like a Lovecraftian blind idiot god. The community of that board as it's now constituted is better off separate from us, and I'm sure will be more than happy to have their own site to themselves owned by Martin Shkreli or whatever.
Just replace /pol/ with this image.
Why the heck are anons complaining about /gif/
What's /pol/'s scapegoat going to be when the website has to be shut down due to Reddit and Stormfront immigration?

Seriously though, just out-right ban ponies in 4chan and you'd be fine
>you're doing something wrong clearly.
Think about all the things that scare advertisers away. /b/, /pol/, /r9k/, porn boards, and the general reputation because of those boards. Can't make mo' money if nobody wants to pay up.

/gif/ is nothing more than a porn website.
Good, maybe I can go back to the days of 2015 when we weren't full on cancer and we were actually picking ourselves back up from /pol/ harbor.
No reddit, no /r/The_Donald, less kek shit, just more politics.
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>10000 Kommandos
A small army
Christ, fuck off already and ask >>>/pol/
Then just implement a post-only ban on any IPs who haven't been on the site for about a week.

Ban evaders get shit on, shill bots get fucked into oblivion, newfag traffic drops, everyone wins. After the election repeal it.
/pol/ was cancer since its inception, the only tolerable version for me was /n/ and that's probably because I'm just nostalgic about that time.
t. /pol/

You're asking for another nuclear holocaust on this website
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>deleting /pol/
It's a carbon copy of a Trump general except for Hillary.
how about you ban weaboo posters? they're the ones flooding the site with the same retarded cartoons. you could easily cut traffic by a quarter and you'd get rid of the worst gay users
You don't even know which of the posts you quoted I am, but it'd be foolish to think that a /pol/ack can even comprehend that.
You can't post here unless your recognised IP is at least one week old.
but how many of them actually own guns?
Finally this site dies.

I'm more than happy.
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To expand on this I basically mean

IP is new > Cannot post for a week > After a week they can post > After election is over for about a month remove the system and save it for any other heavy traffic shitstorms.

Nobody is oppressed, the community still gets to share information, newfags can't come in and spam stupid shit and as such will fuck off, bots won't be able to post at all, and the only people who would get fucked by this deal unfairly are ones with constantly changing IPs, but fuck those guys anyway.
/pol/ on election day's gonna take up more bandwidth than the rest of the site combined
That sounds fun
I changed my mind shut the fucker down
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Just that faggot sakuya and me
>at least one week old.
That makes no sense.

For starters, it fucks with legitimate users (who have dynamic IPs or move a lot). More importantly, it accomplishes nothing: if you're going to ban newfags, you should at least go 2 years back, if not more.
Paypal don't work with porn sites.
Yeah, but I wanna be here for it to see the glories.

Then you can delete /pol/. It will have served its purpose.
/pol/ on election day will take up more bandwidth than all sites combined. There will be more posters than people on Earth.
it will be a shitposting apocalypse

Politics is normalfag cancer which poisons everything it gets involved with, and doesn't fucking belong on 4chan. The only reason why /pol/tard shit floods the site is because they have a home fucking base right here in-situ.
If you're here for "politics", you are part of everything fucking wrong with the Internet and this site.
Pretty sure non-/pol/acks will go there too though, they did during the turkey coup and paris shooting
Dynamic IPs are the norm on 4chan
>make disconnecting add-blockers a necessity for browsing /pol/ on that day
>flood it with adds
Can we all at least agree that Donald Trump was the worst thing to happen to this site in a long time? /pol/ was bringing way too much unwanted attention long before the campaign started, but Trumpfags turned /pol/ from a legitimate light of right-wing dissent buried in a mound of idiots into a tumor the rest of this site can't continue to coexist with, no matter how much they may have agreed with their politics at first, because of what massive faggots they brought in. If only people could talk about how stupid SJWs are without finding their own ways to beat them at the retard olympics.
Dynamic IP, dipshit.
The IP you are using now is likely less than a week "old".
Fuck em
I actually visit other boards over /pol/ and I don't let politics fall on those boards.
That you think politics is a valid topic of discussion on 4chan means you're fucking cancer.
Can we all agree to delete /sp/?

During the world cup the traffic exceeds most boards except /b/ for about month and that's why we should delete /sp/ (plus I don't like sports)
I like the way you think. 4chan has long stopped being about anime. Weaboos gotta go (outside and find a job).
and what is 4chan suppose to be about exactly? it stopped being about anime a long time ago, and that was of the founders doing so dont use that meme.
I am perfectly capable of taking it to 8gag though, and I do, sometimes.
/pol/ is anything but politics. It's shitposting and stormfronting.
This website is +18, /b/ friend.
what about a temporary pay to post system going
Perhaps turning /pol/ off for a little while would let things calm down.
Disable it on Election Night and the next few weeks and then reopen it. I dread what's going to happen.
More than that, we trusted him.
I don't believe a word hiro says, especially when he insists on doing it through his fabricated confused engrish persona.
temporary pay to start threads
I am the /pol/ack from before.
I'd actually love if we booted the politics off the site, after thinking a little bit about it, and let 8gag pick up the scraps, more competition, less of a monopoly, distinct communities, like the early 2000s.
/v/ it's about videogames, sure the userbase is cancer and the discussion there it's often retarded, but you will find what you're supposed to find.
Same with /a/, /vg/, /his/ and all the other boards.
Dunno why /pol/ must have a special treatment to begin with, even more now that is creating such a big problem.
You should stay there.
Why did you calculate that as if the 3 PB hits the 4chan servers, when the image you posted shows that 0.9 PB hits the servers?
Along with gr15?
Because you might as well delete it if you take away their hugbox.
Came here to post the same thing.
I would stay there if the population was up.
In a month.
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What did /k/ ever do to you?
that too
/trash/ just became another board for CJers and avatarfags

Don't know why it still exists
Yes. That image shows that in a month 0.9 PB of bandwidth will be felt by the 4chan servers/host.
>not /a/
You have to pay 50 dollars to post on 4chan

More than a million users use the site

That means 50 million and 4chan is saved
I'm pretty sure we've driven Hiro off by making this another /pol/ deletion discussion, no matter how legitimate some of the points made may have been. Can we at least agree that, in the financial short-term, the best way to cut costs while pissing the fewest people off would be to delete the 3D porn boards (the 2D porn boards actually serve a purpose as they are a useful alternative to the booru system with stuff sorted by sometimes hard-to-tag topics) and to start a donate or die drive that is actually well-advertised, and has definite goals based on publicly released financial data for the site? No one buys stake in a business or donates to a charity without disclosed finances, if Hiro wants this site to be able to support itself (which it would if it didn't think he was being a lying jew), he needs to prove exactly what and how bad the problem is, and then put actual effort into a donation drive to fix it. The only reason the results of donations so far aren't the tens of thousands the donate or dies brought in under moot is because Hiro just added a little note at the top of the site instead of actually being a site leader and making a big deal out of it.
how often do mods even move stuff trash? it seems like most of the threads there were created there
How about you try scrolling down instead of just looking at the pretty pictures?
If people are going to keep participating in these threads they need to save some of the points that are viable, productive, and not just "delete things I don't like."
Also push for donation drives, so long as evidence of their need is presented prior to their start.
>I'm pretty sure we've driven Hiro off
Nah, this is normal hiro procedure.

Hey, the mods deleted the spam BEFORE he wiped out /qa/ so this thread will still exist in 20 minutes. Not bad.
>I'm pretty sure we've driven Hiro off
He has to sleep sometime, he had been posting for about 12 hours
We'll make /po/ out new home :^)
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Just go ahead and delete all of them
the hero we need, but not deserve
Add a fuel gauge so we can see the funding level and know when donations are needed.
start taking responsibility, my little moose.
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>All these people actually saying delete /pol/

Im not sure on if Im supposed to take you guys seriously or not.
If you would kindly put an address to which people can send money orders, cashier's checks and cash, I bet people would donate more. A lot of people can't do bitcoin and don't wish to donate using a non-anonymous service like Paypal.

I would, however, gladly send you some good old fashioned cash.

Plus you wouldn't have to declare it.

This is actually a really good idea. I mentioned a typical progress bar for a one-time donation drive a couple times, but having a constant little display letting people know when funds are getting low and they need to start donating would be neat, if they could figure out how to impliment it. People would also be able to have a general idea what state the site's finances are in before shit hits the fan and hiro starts fucking shit up again.
I would buy a pass if that would mean better content. Fuck I would buy a pass if I wasnt too lazy making a paypal account.
Gook moot is already better than moot in that he isn't quite the massive faggot. Just don't sell it to Sheckely or Milo. If you have to sell it give it to Notch and get rich. Or give more incentives to pass users. Or cut useless boards like /w/ or /wg/ or merge a few boards into /non-h/

I seriously fucking doubt m00t used to pay that amount, or you did in the latest month. We would be long dead.

Unless the data usage has skyrocketed in the last month, which I doubt
No, it's greasy as fuck.
Then why did you buy the site? Did you buy it to bitch and moan? That's like me buying Ford motor company and going, "guys holy fuck did you know making cars cost money???"

Fucking put on your big boy pants and start solving the problems. You took over this rodeo saying you could run it so fucking run it or close it.
Okay let me tell you literal high-school failures how basic math works.
The problem is BANDWIDTH (rate), not SPACE (static). You could fit the entirety of 4chan's SPACE on a single 150$ HDD from best buy. Even if we had full archives 10 years back space wouldn't be an issue

BANDWIDTH (GB/month) is what costs money, you need to pay the host for every GB and you also need better hardware to deal. Most bandwidth comes specifically from images, so we can oversimplify this for you retards and say:
>Bandwidth = size of average image X number of images viewed (per second). (including thumbnails)
That's it. It doesn't matter how many images there are, it doesn't matter how many boards there are, it doesn't even really matter how "fast" a board is, just how many people actually view images on it.

> transparency
>more information

he'll give you the dick and nothing more
how about you kill yourself instead you gigantic faggot?
File: d4036.jpg (39KB, 636x651px) Image search: [Google]
39KB, 636x651px
This was proven to be absolutely wrong last thread you dumb ugly faggot. You're not fooling any of us here.
link plox
I'm genuinely curious, how is his estimate wrong? I know nothing about hosting.
That figure seems pretty low..
here >>791817
Remove the following useless boards if traffic is the problem: /b/, /hr/, /s/, /w/, /soc/
You could consider /mlp/ and /r9k/ but i guess some there pay the bills.
If you are anti-/pol/, one of the most influential boards EVER that even gets monitored by intelligence agencies, then you are anti-4chan and should leave.

Same poster here.

I'm not even a Trump supporter
>ITT, leftist authoritarians show their true colours once again.
>all these faggots ITT asking to delete /pol/
Do you not remember /pol/ harbor? You're asking to kick a fucking hornet's nest
Looks like /pol/ found this thread.

Just fucking delete it, Hiro.
>Please Hiro, my leftie sensibilities are hurt shut these evil nazi's down!
/pol/ is a bastion of liberty and will never be deleted.
>yeah, I pretty much knows how running 4chan works
>All these shills concern trolling about 4chan wanting /pol/ to be deleted
Clearly politically motivated, fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
>That figure seems pretty low..
>trusting hiroshijew with your credit card info
At least the number of idiotic fuckwits is on the rise
>Going off of the current active users at the bottom of the front page, that's nearly a penny per person!
imagine if we all gave him a shiny nickle
>Hiro, SERIOUSLY. If you remove the archive on fast boards like /pol/, /v/, /vg/, /a/, /co/, /sp/, /tg/ and /int/, you'll save up a shitload of space. There are already third party archives like desuarchive, 4plebs and nyafuu out there, and people can save threads at any time.
Except the DoJ demands that 4chan cover the cost of the archives. The wanted threads held after prun9ing on the 4chan servers for legal reasons. Chain of custody type stuff.
>We just need to delete /pol/, /vg/ and /vp/ to cut traffic in half.
What ever you say Anita and Zoe
>Just that OTHER faggot sakuya and me
I know you seem to hate doing this stuff. But give people at least a day's warning when you are about to make changes. Make global stickies to announce it. You blindsided us with the malicious adware. Let people brace for these changes.
But warning people means less people to see the ads and to give him shekels, anon.
Thread posts: 392
Thread images: 40

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