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Spanking/yelling at children

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I'm a live-in nanny and more and more frequently the parents are yelling in a violent manner at their 3-4 year old children, slapping them, or otherwise acting violent towards them.

During this time the children's behavior has also gotten worse. And EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. the parents start yelling, the kids start acting up, screaming worse. HOW THE FUCK DO THEY NOT SEE THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THEIR BEHAVIOR AND THEIR CHILDREN'S?

I even gave them an article (after the mother said if I came up with something that could help deal with her son's violent outbursts, to tell her) briefly explaining why yelling and spanking is completely counterproductive. Unfortunately I didn't have the guts to give her the more science-based article that had multiple studies sourced on the negative effects of spanking, so maybe this is why it apparently just went through one ear and out the other. (This is the science-based article by the way: http://www.cnn.com/2014/07/23/health/effects-spanking-brain/ )

I feel horrible for the children. Yes, they act like absolute fucking brats sometimes, but yelling at them and spanking them only makes the problem so much worse. They're suffering for absolutely no reason. And so am I - I'm sick of the screaming and crying from both parents and children.

Kids test boundaries, and how parents act shows them what's acceptable and what's not. Yelling at them and being violent shows them that that's acceptable behavior - so how the fuck do they think they're going to act? It also stresses the kids out and when kids are stressed out - their behavior reflects that.

How can I get this point through to them without seeming incredibly rude and judgmental?
Occasional reminder that all of the reasons that r-strategists give for not spanking your children are just a list of qualities that r-strategists envy in K-strategists.
I love spanking girls makes my peepee go up
if their discipline crosses the line over to abuse consider reporting them

if it doesn't cross over to abuse, but their discipline style is still something you strongly disagree with then consider quitting your job over it

it can't be that difficult to find a new gig
It sucks because the family is super sweet normally - just somehow not when it comes to their children?

But honestly I was just thinking that, maybe I should leave.

I never told them this but I'm recovering from PTSD. Yelling is probably stressful for anyone to hear, but for me I can have a physical reaction to it. Ironically I'm extremely thankful to this family for getting out of a situation where there was constant yelling and physical abuse.

I don't hate this family, I hate their actions towards their children, and some of their beliefs in general irritate me. (For example I'm an ethical vegan who reads studies on nutrition as a hobby, and the woman thinks the Paleo diet is the ideal diet - anyone who is actually educated on nutrition knows it's pseudo-science malarkey, and she believes that her kids need to drink milk for strong bones - again, anyone who is actually educated knows that milk is bad for bone health. And the husband bought the "Wheat Belly" book which is just more pseudo-science. I feel like I can't talk to them about diet without also calling them morons.)

But this is the worst. If the parents are this aggressive towards their children now, at such a young age, I'm honestly terrified of what they'll do to them in the future.

My mother never laid a finger on me when I was a child - said she never had to because I was so good. But in middle school and in my teens I was suffering from a then undiagnosed disease and my mom started screaming at me and technically physically abusing me (although I deluded myself for years that it wasn't abuse because she was my mom and put a roof over my head), because I was skipping school to sleep. (That's not what I have PTSD from though - my brother's the one who did that.)

So if my upbringing was more or less pleasant for my childhood, and the violence in my family escalated so badly, I'm really scared for this family.
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>"If you're kids don't look like this when you come home, you've failed as a parent."
tell them they're violating the NAP
Hitting kids doesn't work, any legitimate psychologist will tell you this (inb4 science is a jew creation good goy)

All hitting it does is alleviate the nigger parent's built up stress, they take the stress out on the child and it does little to improve it's behaviour.
It's hard to leave this family because the children are so attached to me, and the family really does need me. It will be a while before I quit. On the one hand, I would love to. I go to school full time and originally liked the idea of being a nanny because it offered me flexibility with my school schedule. But so far I've been able to get classes at night time so I could probably easily get a different job, and live in an apartment on my own.

I would have to find that job first though and somehow save enough money for a place to live because the alternative would be going back to my mom's for a bit with the brother that physically abused me regularly for a decade of my life and is constantly yelling.
Most likely you are projecting your extremely fucked up childhood.

I'm guessing your "disease" is PMDD. you still suffer from it. Unfortunately it clouds your judgement. It is the most dastardly of all afflictions, multiplying the natural womanly tendancy to hysteria into wild heights.

Beating your child is illegal and harmful. Spanking is just fine. You don't have kids, you don't know what you are talking about. If they are literally abusing the kids do something about it. If they are just spanking you need to look in the mirror and realize your PMDD is controlling your perception.
While I wouldn't try and diagnose her with something specific like PMDD, I have to admit that I agree with some of the spirit of this post

op, your paragraph about nutrition is pretty telling. You may want to consider the possibility that you are just a knowitall. You read some pseudo-science article that props up your world view about veganism and decide to take it as gospel, then when they take an interest in pseudo-science nutrition of a different sort you act like it's the silliest thing in the world.
just beat them up and throw em off a cliff into the ocean

No. Hashimoto's disease. Which did actually cloud my judgment. Although it's actually hard for me to say how much Hashimoto's disease contributed to my slow mental function, and how much of that was caused from an animal product like dairy. When I first went vegan it immediately cured my chronic nausea, and helped a great deal with brain fog. But I wasn't completely better right away, I had to get on treatment for Hashimoto's disease for that. I can actually track the progress of my mental health through my posts on the internet - it's really amazing.

Anyway, I get that you're probably joking but felt like sharing that I guess. I'm tired and ramble when I'm tired.

And I essentially raised a child from age 3-9. And I spend about as much time with these children as the parents do. Spanking is a gateway to more severe abuse, and spanking itself, even once a month, has measurable negative effects. Less gray matter in the brain. Increased aggression, decreased IQ, anxiety, lack of self control, etc.

Spanking and yelling are both very destructive to children's brains, even if they aren't severe physical abuses.

It might help you to think about it from the child's perspective. Imagine you're in a land of giants, and you're just learning all the many, often confusing, rules of their land. These giants get pissed if you break one of their confusing rules, and slap you or start yelling at you. They're huge compared to you, you're helpless, and you don't understand. It's terrifying for children, and that terror causes many issues not only with the relationship between parent and child but with actual brain chemistry.

I could go on forever about this topic but honestly what I've already said should be enough for anyone with more than 10 brain cells to understand why spanking and yelling is stupid parenting.
I actually read the studies and understand them..... Hundreds of studies.

You're a fucking idiot. Veganism is science-based. There are a lot of vegan blogs that aren't at all science-based, but that doesn't mean that the science behind veganism isn't strong. It just means there's a percentage of vegans who are idiots, like the majority of people.
You could say the same about any form of discipline. Or are you a scientologist? Do you literally think physical pain attaches emotional baggage to your cellular structure?

I used to feel the same way you do. I also "raised" my siblings as I was much older. Once you have children you will realize how much you did not actually raise your sibling. You will realize that there are parents that discipline and those that do not. Those that do not raised a generation of do nothing worthless sub human millennials. Those that do discipline raise productive members of society.
This person has never seen an actual child in his entire life.
Physical punishment is nothing but a temporary solution, it'll shut the kid up but it won't do anything to actually solve the problem.
I'm not going to say something dumb like it's abuse, but it's pretty useless.

i dont want to undermine things, but you sound like a pretty normal messed up family, and that type of shit shouldnt be accepted, but is common.

like >>94863538 says, parents are niggers that cant handle stress and are laying it out to their kids and you, to be honest, those are the type of hypocrite people that act all nice at work, but are pieces of shit to their family, and to everybody that cant hold them accountable. Like when driving, those type of people are the ones who violently cut off cars and generally dont give a fuck about anyone else.

OP, society is full of this shit, everywhere, personally, you would be doing a world a favor if you just killed them all, and I am not saying this cause of the hitting, kids fall and hit themselves harder, its not the hitting perse, is what is behind it, that is just a symptom of the type of people they are.

kill them OP
>I'm a live-in nanny

Psychology is not a science.
I've babysat for 7 families, been a nanny for two, essentially raised my niece from age 3-9, cared for groups of 30 children at a time, and am majoring in child development.

I have many years of experience with children.
and I'm the CEO of alphabet
is this for real? smells to high hell of bullshit
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>I'm a live-in nanny
Most people never achieve a mature level of moral agency or self-reflection at any age. They are literally retarded. Spanking as a form of discipline can be effective, but only if the parents themselves have self-discipline. Without that, they're just chimping out on their kids because they're angry and normalizing violence for emotional reasons in their child's mind.
Did you self-diagnose yourself with Hashimoto's disease?

And are you overweight?
And i have over 300 confirmed kills and am a master of gorilla warfare

I got spanked not yelled at so much. My dad would cool off for awhile so he wasn't mad.

I behaved better than other boys my age especially in the respect department.

Yelling and slapping is abusive and frightening. Pain is a learning aid.

Sounds like some parents should have gone pic related.
Holy fuck you're stupid. You can discipline your child without yelling or hitting. Are you legit mentally retarded? No, you can't say the same about any form of discipline. There are many other ways of disciplining that don't cause your child to fear you and get unnecessarily stressed out.

You people don't seem to realize I raise children for a fucking living.... I know more than you about children, don't give me that bullshit.

Discipline is obviously important, but spanking and yelling is even worse than not disciplining at all.

I tried spanking my niece ONCE, before I realized it was counterproductive. From then on I treated her with respect and disciplined her in ways that showed that. She now has a 4.0, is on the Junior Olympic volleyball team, and in many clubs at school. She's also very polite and just an overall incredible young lady. She lives far away from me now but still calls me and looks up to me, we have a great relationship. If I had spanked her and disrespected her, I doubt she would have turned out so amazing and I know we wouldn't have the relationship we do. She trusts me more than she does her mom. Sad to say, but true.
ahaha what the fuck kind of thread is this
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Exactly children. You raise young adults who now need safe spaces because they can't cope. They can not cope with the fact that life is very hard and it's never fair nor will it ever be.
All seriousness, yelling at your kid means you're not coping. If they're doing something really over-the-line / dangerous to them or others you've only got time to yell "STOP" and that's about it.

Disciplining them should never be done in anger.
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I went and found that bone study you referenced because I was curious and you massively oversold it. The study itself wasn't designed to draw conclusions on the effect of milk and was simply observational in nature. It also studied older adult men and women, not children. I'm inclined to agree with the other posters when it comes to your ability to curate information.

That or this is an elaborate troll from a creative writing major which is what your overly personal and descriptive writing style feels like.
Are you saying my family sounds like a pretty normal messed up family, or theirs does?

I didn't list the fucked up things that went on in my family so I'm just assuming you're talking about theirs.

I get that it's considered to be pretty normal, but yeah, it shouldn't be. It's ridiculous.

I won't be killing them. I want to change them but I feel like there's no way to go about making them aware of the damage they're doing to their children without them thinking I'm rude and wanting to fire me for getting in their "personal business".

I love these kids, and I hate seeing them treated like this.
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>You people don't seem to realize I raise children for a fucking living.... I know more than you about children, don't give me that bullshit.
If you truly can't see how you constantly come across as a knowitall then you lack self awareness.

People would take your more seriously if you weren't always pic related
>veganism is science based
>qualifications: babysitter
Okay lol
EXACTLY, thank you.
You don't raise children for a living, you make cuck wages to sit on your ass while those kid's parents go out and drive the economy. Show some respect to the adults that give you your bread while simultaneously paying the taxes that fund your education.

Btw there are a million MRS degrees out there majoring in child development.
exactly this, the parents' only job is to nurture and guide the children.
If you are a live-in nanny, their personal business as it relates to the children is automatically your business.

i don't know who that is

this is so unbearably boring

>their personal business
lurk more


My dad had this one thing where I got a collarbone nerve pinch with a very calm chat. His thumb was jammed under the bone in the hollow there.

Effective for two reasons, scary as shit and you dodged a spanking. Don't do that shit again and get caught.

You'll always get caught hitting your sister so don't..... :P
This, but even intense punishment is OK if you don't cross a line where you're actually breaking the child down without building them back up.
Threads like this are one of the many reasons its so easy to hate women

>Children's brains cant comprehend punishment.

Seeing as you write essay length responses I might keep this short.

I've noticed that parents are increasingly aggressive and inpatient towards kids. My parents were alright but i remember it being normal that at other kids houses their parents would bark at the kids as the prime way of communication with an attitude as if they hated the presence of that kid. They didn't bother teaching or explaining stuff, they just thought that yelling was the best way to teach the kids to do menial things like cut a steak.

I blame the previous generation. They allowed the crime rate in the eighties to exceed the crime rate of prohibition all because they felt they didn't have to constrain themselves. Today's youth have a higher rate of bipolar, temperamental and alcoholic parents than any other generation of children.

Anyone here working a minimum wage job? Ever notice how all the problematic customers are between 35 and 60?
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Lots of people ITT calling children "its".

A thing I have noticed with my infant daughter is that many times I find myself thinking of her in the same way I think of my cat. Love them both to death, want to take care of them, but I also don't have any sort of intellectual or rational interaction with them beyond basic needs.

Thinking about this way, I feel alot of parents have a very hard time getting past this initial "first impression" in their relationship with their children. In that first year, they are absolutely barely sentient animals that are completely dependent on your care.

Over time though this will change, especially once their brains develop object permanence. My earliest personal memories are from when I was 2 years old incidentally. I do remember my parents spanking me, and I do remember my parents yelling at me when I was 2-3 years old. I'm 30 now. Part of this is the whole "cat theory", and the other I think is a naive belief that kids will somehow forget about it, or at the very least not remember. They do though. I know they do because I remember.

First rule in my mind to successful parenting? Your kids are not possessions.

Second rule? Your kids are not stupid. Just ignorant. Ignorance is curable by education. It can be stern education, and punishment is certainly a teaching tool. But the goal needs to be educating, not stress release.

Don't treat your kids like morons. It will reverberate for a very long time.
Makes sense to me. My parents did that pretty often too.
>Kids test boundaries, and how parents act shows them what's acceptable and what's not.

Yes, kids are basically are animals and the imperative method is how they learn. Parents can teach them the concept of acceptable and not acceptable only by force and intimidation.

>Yelling at them and being violent shows them that that's acceptable behavior - so how the fuck do they think they're going to act?
Wrong. That is why we let kids get away with the things we don't let get away with adults.
>covered in vegan ads
You sure know how to keep it unbiased
If you don't realize what I meant by that then you must have no experience or knowledge about children. And even with that short response, yes I could write essays. But I don't feel like explaining to someone who apparently already made up their mind about the issue anyway.
As someone that used to be a child, i can tell you that you'll learn from and understand the reasoning behind a punishment if you're not an absolute retard, which you very much seem to be
My dad started beating me when I was about 2. When I got a little older my mom joined in. Life has been extremely difficult in many ways. Abused kids are more likely to have health problems, addictions, bad relationships, end up in jail and become homeless.
Call Barnevernet
>Taking credit for other's achievements.

That first article references a study that doesn't support their claims at all. It also references studies that are specifically concerned with aging and elderly women.

Taken from the first reference of the first link under nutrition.
>One reason for these low levels of calcium intake relates to current lifestyle and food preferences, which have resulted in reduced intake of dairy products and other naturally calcium-rich foods.

The second link doesn't actually reference any studies.

You're definitely not good at discerning useful information or you're just writing up some stories for fun.
As someone who used to be a kid, I can tell you that reasoning till you are ~12 means you can get away with shit by making a sad face and pretend being guilty
>live-in nanny
>how the parents discipline the kids is none of her business
delete your account
despite the other faggots here, I get what you mean. Nearly all the adults in my child life were pretty loud and idiots about punishment. There was always the fear of getting caught for goofing off, instead of having a conscience about what was allowed and what was not. You learned by guessing their mood and coping with the yelling and occasional beatings.

This >>94869715 sums it up pretty well.
Pretty much, yeah. That's a good point, actually, children will find a way to be little shits discipline or not
Literally just watch Molyneux's videos about how bad spanking is.
It's teaching children that violence is an acceptable way to solve problems, on top of other negative effects.
I was spanked as a kid and screamed at. Hell when I was in early elementary school my mom would yell at me if I didn't understand a math question or brought home a bad grade. Parents also fought a lot. I'm sure that fucked me up somehow
>glorified babysitter
>doing anything outside of feeding and letting the kids shit
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Sometimes violence is the answer.

Only women don't understand this because when no one is looking boys beat on one another or everyone on one.

I'm teaching my kids to hit back.
I never understood why people think yelling is a good idea. It just makes your child scared or angry. You tell your child to do something the first time, and if they don't, they get punished immediately. That way they know what will happen the next time they disobey. There's a reason why children who grew messed up happened to have parents who mistook punishment for abusement.
No. I was diagnosed when I was 14, didn't find out til I was in my early 20's. Had symptoms when I was 8 years old that I went to the doctor for so yeah...

And no, I've been on treatment for Hashimoto's disease. I've never really been overweight because I was also anorexic as a teen. I had chronic nausea that made it easy for me to be anorexic.

And I'm a healthy weight now.

Spanking and yelling actually creates weaker children who are less able to cope with life stresses. This is the kind of logic I used in high school...
misbehaving girls above the age of 5 really just need a good dicking. look at how well behaved the daughters of muslims are. semen is like a drug to females, a good dosage can keep them calm and blissful for up to a whole day.
Let's take a common example. Two families interacting. One kid hits another kid. You have three options. Do nothing, sit your kid down and explain that it isn't nice to hit, or whap the stank out of that kid.

Here is why you whap that kid. The other parents and their kids deserve to have a stop put to the bad actions. Sure you could sit your rotten kid down and calmly explain why hitting is mean, but really, how many ways can you explain that? What words will you use to implant the message outside of "hitting is bad mkay?"

In the real world if you hit someone else THEY HIT YOU BACK. In the controlled environment of childhood we rely on the parents to hit back because they can control the severity of the spank. If you left it up to the kids blood would.fly.
>You're a fucking idiot. Veganism is science-based.

>You people don't seem to realize I raise children for a fucking living....

>I know fucking everything cause I'm a babysitter, this isn't the kind of job that they trust teenagers with like flipping burgers you losers.

Yikes. Enjoy reading more "scientific" articles on your phone while the kids are having a nap.
Well said.
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>Unfortunately I didn't have the guts to give her the more science-based article that had multiple studies sourced on the negative effects of spanking, so maybe this is why it apparently just went through one ear and out the other.

Do it you fucking pussy or it's partially on you when they grow up to be dumbasses.
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Absolutely. I've never seen a poorly-behaved child that didn't have a nigger-tier "parent" behind them yelling, screaming, threatening, or negotiating.

OP is still a fucking faggot though
>muh veganism
pic related
No, you have to find a way to psycologically discourage them from doing it. Preferably in a way that they will make the right choice the next time.

Beating them immediately results in them finding craftier ways to piss off their siblings, and getting the sibilng to react violently and get themselves into trouble. Anyone who's had sisters know this is the primary way they fuck with you.
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Kids should know that violence is always on the table, that way it acts as a deterrent. They should know that if they really act up, there's probably a belt in their future. That is actually how the world works, if you really act up as an adult, its not a belt, its cops bouncing your head off the ground and practically dislocating your shoulder to put you in handcuffs.

The problem comes when its a regular occurance, or applied inconsistently, then its just abuse, however well-intentioned it is.
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This is true.

>I was on a plane and a young muzzie girl was in front of me. She put her seat back on the tarmac and as we where taxiing I told her to put her seat all the way up. Safety prep for an emergency is serious shit. It's the first 2 min or last 2 min shit gets fucky.


>She didn't put her seat back the rest of the four hour flight. I was fucking weirded out.

>Literally last weekend.

I laughed about it with my wife after. I can see the appeal but it would get old pretty quick having someone with know spine around all the time.

I like my women tougher than that. Sometimes I need to be told to go fuck myself. A submissive would let me run my mouth too much.

I bet after awhile of not respecting her I could hate fuck her for fun. I see the evil appeal.....

Like real rapey throat fuck shit where they puke on your dick and you keep going.
If you had Hashi's since you were 8 your thyroid has been gone for a decade. Now you don't have Hashi's anymore, because it is an autoimmune that targets the thyroid. Now you have permanent hypothyroidism, not Hashi's.

Thank god you are not a med student, people would die.
How can I do it in a way that doesn't make them have negative feelings towards me though?

I can't help them very much if I'm fired.
False. Children respond to a strong authoritative figure. Obviously not overly strict but strict enough to let that child know that they are there to be the parent and not the child's friend, someone who is strict about school, athletics (not allowing kids to be lazy fat asses) and strong discipline to ensure fuck ups don't happen twice. Spanking or harsher discipline I sometimes the only way.
I don't care, I think it's funny when kids get punished, they deserve it for being small and annoying.

This one time I saw a mom slapping her kid and it caused a crowd of people to go silent and they heard my chuckling, it was embarrassing. Damn kids.
Pretty much how i was raised, with that nuclear option in the worst case. I also know not to be a piece of shit outside of /pol/. OP is just another insecure moron clinging to weak observational studies to confirm their own skewed beliefs, because they believe babysitting makes them a child psychologist
I flinch and always wait for my mom's approval for things
Don't do anything she hasn't told me
Don't say things and cover them up

She was always verbally abusi e and it brought us down so thats what we did.

She asks me why I would wait for her permission to do things like she never raised me that way and asks why I'm defensive even though she used to throw objects at us too

Fuck abusive shitheads they don't know what they're doing

I'm a college drop out because I received 10x the verbal abuse and punishment while in college since I didn't go to commiefornia so she could live her dream life but she won't pay for my dorms despite wanting to pay 10x for ANY OTHER COLLEGE

Single mother's need to be killed

Spanking = psychological discouragement from doing bad things leading to better choices in the future.

Spanking is not beating. Physical pain is not the object. Psychological consequences to devient behavior is the goal.
I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's hypothyroidism.

I think it was mild when I was 8 then steadily got worse. Pretty sure I still have a thyroid. The symptom I went to the doctor for when I was 8 was bursitis. Little known fact that Hashimoto's disease causes joint problems. That was what ultimately forced me to go to the doctor in my early 20's - it had become a struggle to walk up and down the stairs.
The Hitler Youth sounds like a pretty good idea now
Can we all agree that these are unacceptable ways to discipline a child?

>kicking/punching them
>spitting on them
>threatening to kill them
>telling them they are a mistake/shouldn't have been born
>"lost cause"


What if she's 16 and well stacked? Curfew is serious business.
How many damn times do I have to tell people you can discipline children without resorting to destructive, idiotic things like spanking and yelling?

And the #1 way to get children to respond well to you is to set a good example. Be someone they admire and they'll want to impress you. Be a cunt that disrespects them and nope.
Holy fuck no one in this post actually has children?

I have 3 under 5

Yes I love them and they make up my entire existence. But there are time yelling and questionable discipline measure are needed. Children are naturally manipulative to get there own way. Lie to avoid getting in trouble, blame siblings, ect basically the behavior dindus never grew out of.

It takes a strong amount of consists ft and zero tollerence to raise a proper child. Any on lookers wit's out children or butt hurt 14 year old dispute me
>Sometimes violence is the answer.
Yes, when it is done in self-defense, since that doesn't violate non-initiation of force/non-aggression principle.
And if you feel the need to use self-defense against a child, you dun fucked up somewhere.
Until you have a degree with a focus on child psychology
Pretty sure my mom calling me a stupid worthless faggot for having to get my consent forms for sex ed in 5th grade signed counts? Like, I didn't even have a choice in the matter, the school made me do it.
My mother was verbally abused, smacked around and openly humiliated by my grandparents. Wasn't allowed to go to a division one school because my grandfather didn't want her to be better than him

Because of how shit it it was she went to college at 17 and was financially independent by the time she graduated at 21.

Fast forward to now, I'm behind on my education a few years because I wasnt disciplined enough. Played vidya days on end, graduated high school in the bottom twenty of my class, all without repercussion because my mother didn't want me to go through the same things she did. I hated how abrasive work and effort are so I refused to do either.

I'm only 20 and a freshman at community college (should be junior) and while I'm fortunate of understanding this now, I get to put myself through 12 years of discipline and experience in two years before I transfer out if I'm to have any shot at this.

So, I may be only one person and one anecdote but experiences don't lie.
Dear god. This is why we need rules for who's allowed to breed.

Also pro-tip: they lie to avoid getting in trouble because they're scared of you. And they won't stop lying. You're teaching them to be liars.
Holy fuck. Lack of discipline is neglect. Spanking and yelling is abuse. You can't use the other end of the extreme to claim the other extreme is good. How many times do I have to explain this....
Discipline is one thing degradation is another

You need to be stern, stern but fair
Thank you.

Then you've failed to explain your argument well, given by the comments and reactions here.
All right super Nanny. My kid just belted your kid with a rock. Type out exactly what speech you would like me to give my.kid that would make you feel secure to continue the play date.
So leave? You sounds like a faggot.

My guess is they're not hitting their kids hard enough, because let me tell you, every time I got the wooden spoon or belt, I sure as hell wasn't repeating whatever earned me those welts again.
My dad gave me the belt when I was a shit and I will give my children the belt when they are shits.
Personally, I would spank your incompetent ass for raising a little psychopath.

>spankers expect non-spankers to provide them with a simple speech to undo all their years of parental mistakes
Ok, so all the people that you consider intelligent agree with you (wow what a coincidence)

I'm sure that feels great, but does it help you at all in your situation?

You already knew you were right (since you always are), but that wasn't the problem that caused you to create this thread.

How can you communicate more effectively with the parents?

What can you do to make it so that your message is received, and not lost in the sea of all the other shit that you already condescend to them about?
That not true, 90% of the time they misrepresent what happens is to avoid time out, which happens after one hurts another. If that proves ineffective (which often happens during particular instances) ultimatums are given which may lead to spankings depending on the circumstance

You've never been responsible to house toddlers have you?
I was physically abused my my mother and brother, mostly brother. I was physically abused nearly daily from around age 8-18, and off and on after that. Depression paralyzed me. My only goal in life was literally to survive, and to become a vagabond - aka a glorified homeless person. I was often willingly homeless to escape the abuse as a teen, and honestly those were the most liberating times of my life, when I felt strongest - it was actually enjoyable for me despite the cold. Anyway. All that time without any hope for my future made me very far behind in my college education. I have goals now because I want to make a difference in the world, but I'm 26 and only just getting a degree in psychology. I also have PTSD and only recently have reached a point where I'm comfortable enough being open about it. It took years of slowly desensitizing myself.

Granted the abuse I went through was way more extreme than spanking, and I also was dealing with a disease that made it worse. But spanking and yelling are gateways to more extreme abuse. And they do have negative effects on the brain, even if it's not full on PTSD.
you fags are sounding like tumblrinas more and more.
A good child doesn't need to be spanked while a bad child, well, should be aware of the possibility once in a while.
Sick of sensitive fluffball faggots trying to portray spanking as the most evil thing they've ever witnessed. Children grow up in a dangerous world and parents should be aware that this danger extends to themselves as well.
It's unrealistic to expect parents to be angels, let alone their kids.

Spanking is a way to control and "raise awareness" of this danger in a bonding manner.
It's an important rite of passage if the child has failed to understand the notion of authority and needs to regain the trust of their parents.

>inb4 muh psychological damage
It's nothing compared to the indoctrination of the LGBT agenda. The next generation of kids will be the most damaged and no amount of spanking will solve the issue unfortunately.
>inb4 hurdurr projecting
Neither me nor my siblings were ever spanked by my parents but I can see why others did and it worked for them

>Children are naturally manipulative to get there own way. Lie to avoid getting in trouble, blame siblings, ect basically the behavior dindus never grew out of.
bang on. They are certainly little rascals that need firm authority. Luckily the police will never need to know about them.

Funny thing is that this exact scenario happened but my kid got hit with the rock. The other kids parents turned into spankers right then and there in the street. Nothing changes your worldview like actual experience.
this is one of those topics where both sides rarely come together and actually have a discussion, people just focus on the strawmen 99% of the time

regardless of the view on spanking, I think the root of the problem is that many parents view and treat the child as somehow "not a person, yet"
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Opinions immediately discarded.
>more frequently the parents are yelling in a violent manner at their 3-4 year old children, slapping them, or otherwise acting violent towards them.
>During this time the children's behavior has also gotten worse. And EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. the parents start yelling, the kids start acting up, screaming worse. HOW THE FUCK DO THEY NOT SEE THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THEIR BEHAVIOR AND THEIR CHILDREN'S?
People use this as an argument against corporal punishment against a child too often. That's a matter of the parents generally just being bad at what they do, rather than the method they use to discipline their children.

It's all about respect. If your child doesn't respect you, they won't listen to you. You can spank them, hit them, yell at them, or you can go on the other end of the spectrum and ground them, bargain with them, put them in the corner -- it won't work no matter what. They'll just grow more and more defiant if they don't respect you, and that will negatively impact their development.

"Let me tell you about the NAP."
>How can I get this point through to them without seeming incredibly rude and judgmental?
I don't really think you can. The parents are probably set in their ways, and will view you trying to correct them as an attack on their capability as a parent.
The children are probably ruined by it already anyway.

Just find a different family to hire you if you have to.
Ok I hear a lot of theories based upon their expirences looking back at childhood explains the philosophical way it should be done

How many of you here have children and have been able to compare theory to real world application?

For those who have I know your aware it is A LOT different than philosophy
For a speech to be effective you have to look at what happened before the kid belted my kid with a rock. Your kid was probably spanked or otherwise exposed to violence, thought it was acceptable, or didn't understand how bad a rock could hurt someone.

So most importantly you have to deal with the root cause, and then you can usually avoid things like this.

Dealing with the issue in present time could take a while if they've been exposed to violent behaviors. It takes time to try to undo that damage.

It would also depend on the age of the child, but basically, first you care for the child belted with a rock. Then you ask your child how they think that child feels, what went through their mind when they did that, and how they could have handled the situation better. If they don't know, you offer them solutions. You can give them a break from play until they apologize - do things that make sense in the context. If they're not playing well with others, they shouldn't be playing. The discipline would depend on their reason for belting my kid with a rock.

And I'm not pretending to be an expert on child care, but spanking and yelling from both a common sense and a scientific perspective, are obviously idiotic and counterproductive methods.
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>26 year old girl
>Still crying about childhood "trauma"

You are a credit to your gender.
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I used the Time out corner, the more they act like little shitheads the faster they end up there. If you Just need to remind them to vehave and they do no Time out, if they dont listen then it's timeout and if they need to go to timeout the next Time they stand there for longer and longer each Time they dont behave. Once they have stood there for 30 minutes facing a corner they are very much likely to start listening to you. If needed put both in timeout even if Just one did the shit but the other one encouraged or Just hyped it into happening.
>Yelling at them and being violent shows them that that's acceptable behavior

what the fuck kimosabe
Half of the children I've cared for have been toddlers, lol. And that's a lot of toddlers. I probably have more experience with kids than you do, and I would assume so given that you haven't figured out spanking is ineffective yet.
How do you teach your child that it's bad to hurt other children if your child lacks empathy?
Then as you say it took years of desensitizing, you might want to consider asking yourself if you have many more years to go.

You have my sympathy at least for your experiences but at the least be humbled by your imperfections as I am mine, as it's very apparent your less than ideal experiences shape your way of thought. Which, pretty much applies to any sort of conscious individual. Developmental psychology is still a large gray area, and to affirm anything as solid fact may be on error.
You spank them so you don't have to yell and so they don't grow up to be degenerate faggots.

Do you think this society has raised kids well in the last 30 years? That's when spanking stopped.

Oh, but look! These niggers spank their kids and have low IQs! Spanking must make human kids dumb too!
Protip from a parent and cop:

Your kids aren't stupid. They're not evil. They're not manipulative. They just don't understand why things are the way they are, and over time this will change. Most likely by the time they hit 7 or 8 they will have a capability to reason and deduce shit, so here's my personal advice for you:

You have to keep them safe NOW, that's the truth. If you didn't they would go off and run into traffic or something. This is why kids become distressed when they're separated from their carer and they're weary about being around people they're not familiar with if their carer isn't around.

However, the moment they become able to grasp shit beyond "Smacking other kids is bad and I shouldn't do that because daddy said so", you need to change your parenting perspective. As soon as this happens, your kids are no longer helpless animals you need to protect, they're ridiculously drunk adults that have forgotten everything and need to be taught.

I know you're probably aware of this, I hope that you'll live up to it, but it needs to be said because some people believe they can smack their kids around well into adulthood because "I know better", and they end up completely destroying their relationship with their kid at best, at worst giving the poor cunt hypervigilance or something.

And if you don't do anything at all and expect kids to just pick up shit on their own, they'll end up extremely hesitant to trust at best and downright sociopaths at worst. If you see someone who doesn't understand this you honestly need to get their kids removed from them. Kids aren't stupid, they know when their carers are shitheads.

Ah. So you have never been around a child. Good to know.

Proper methods of treatment depend entirely on the child. I have two sons, both two, and the methods of getting them to do what I want are completely different.

One will test every boundary he can. I do not raise my voice except to where it needs to be for him to hear me. He gets a five second countdown and if has not stopped and backed off from what he is doing he gets spanked. He has not done the same thing twice, but then again I give him a pretty large boundary because exploring is healthy. Only time he didn't stop at the five seconds he ended up getting nipped by the dog for yanking on its tail. Normally he will run around screaming for a minute or so then run over to me and want picked up and cuddled.

The other child is completely different. For him all I need to do is give him a stern look and he feels shamed and stops what he is doing. That said I must take a lot of care to give praise when he does something correctly. At 22 months he has some rudimentary reading down and a large array of words.

This "one size fits all, no punishment" is a load of crap by folks without kids or who do not know how to raise kids. Saw a parent lecturing a four year old at a park no less than seven times about how he is "projecting himself on others" by pulling girls hair and kicking other kids. No amount of words will fix this bad nature, he must know there is consequences.

I am not one for yelling, as it does not do anything. But spanking definitely has a time and a place, depending on the child.

that swerved in an interesting direction
I feared for my life every day, was thrown into walls, threatened with knives, beaten, had heavy objects thrown at me regularly, and my brother was 6 ft 4 and over 350 lbs.

You try living like that and being as successful as I've been. You would have killed yourself.
OP i feel like your an over emotional woman and that you exaggerating something that isn't that bad.

So naive. Children lie all the time, even those that "share everything with their parents".
Yes but never your own under 24 hour care.

Yes spanking should never be a go to

I use spanking almost as a mental challenge vs physical abuse. I always give a way out. If they dont choose the way out, they know those consequence
There's a difference between "I'd rather not be spanked/I still want dessert after dinner so I'm not going to tell mum I left the dog out in the yard" and "If I mention X very important thing I'm going to get fucked up so I'll get my comfort and support somewhere else" mate.

I've seen kids who so honest their parents believed they were just naturally good liars, and I've seen kids who were such good liars by necessity that their parents thought they were saints. Kids are unique and painting them with that brush is kinda reckless.

She is and vegan to boot. See

i feel bad for the kids that have to be raised by this smug histrionic cunt desu
I've been around more children than you have, and been raising them for longer than you have. Parents who claim they know better because they "actually have kids" are pathetic.

I have more experience with kids than you do, and you shouldn't have any honestly.
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I spent 3 years in prison for beating my father to death with an aluminum baseball bat when he was sleeping. I was 15 years old. I was remanded until i was 18, then released with nowhere to go.

He was a real piece of shit.

Children lie all the time, there's nothing reckless about it; It's a statement of fact.
Well said

To be clear I am not a proponent of physically or mentally degrading children for my own control of parenting

Just debating those without kids who think it's child abuse when parents yell at their kids at grocery stores when they are throwing temper tantrums
Story just doesn't add up.
I'd like to hear more
I still have visible dents in my bones, and back problems because of it. But thanks for trying to delegitimize it. Helps me further desensitize myself.

The degree of responsibility between being a parent is much much different. Until you experience what its like to be a parent you cannot reasonably make that conclusion, there's just no logic in that.

Again affirming your own arrogance as fact.
Children should be broken. The good life is in building one's self up.

I will beat my children even if they didn't do anything.
Another mongoloid who thinks someone who has more experience and knowledge with children doesn't know as much as some degenerate who popped out a couple kids and feeds them every once in a while.
Also hurting children feels good for me, the parent (vents frustration, etc). Why should I not hurt my children if doing so makes me happy?
But yes from my expire be my children have been manipulative as soon as they learned we believed what they said! We have had to teach them from the beginning lying and sanctity of what you say
Yes that's obviously the case, but you can't normalize that shit by just saying "Oh all kids lie". There's a difference between lying because you don't want to be inconvenienced and lying for a specific goal. Kids (especially the really young ones) who learn that they have to outright manipulate their parents can fly under the radar and look like normal kids. Now not all kids are like this, in fact only a small minority learn to lie for specific gain early on, but the ones that have need to be physically separated from their parents and put into therapy.

I'm sorry if I'm going on about this shit too much, but it really does need to be driven in that a lot of parents have unhealthy views on parenting and they can do enormous unseen damage if left unchecked.

Pretty sure as two people posting on 4chan, neither of us are qualified to raise children.

There is no set and stone way to raise kids, each one is different and requires a different approach.

I think at the end of the day you are probably right. Next time I see my kid running toward a running lawn mower, reaching for a stove coil or hot pan, running up to a random dog that passes by the house, or trying to pull over a lamp rather than raise my voice where he can hear me and letting him know that his action is incorrect and bad. I should probably try to reason with him using words he doesn't understand, that way when he loses his fingers, hands, has to deal with burn wounds, or gets rabies, at least he will have learned the lesson himself instead of that its another stupid action that I do not approve of.
I know every single thing the parents do, and I literally raised my niece from age 3-9. My sister lived at home and drove her to school in the morning but the rest was me. There is no knowledge a parent has that I don't.

It's cute that you compensate for your shitty childhood, poor sense of self-worship and overall lack of self-esteem by playing house with someone else's children.

It's a shame that you're so desperate and needy for approval and acceptance, it's really unattractive.

>a leaf
I know m8, my eldest daughter tried to pretend she didn't jump out the second story window to go off and do shit with her boyfriend while she was strapped up in a gurney on the way to the hospital. Kids will lie to get out of minor punishments, that's always been the case. I did it, my parents did it and so on. But you need to be careful when they start stringing lies together, have no tells and go to extreme lengths to predict your behavior ahead of time, as that's a sign of deeper issues. See >>94877597
Shouting in that case is obviously much different. I should have stopped reading at "set and stone". For Christ's sake.
>set and stone
I'm an American on business.

>dents in my bones

Is that scientific?

You forgot unapologetically fat.

>Hashimoto's disease
Except psychology isn't science

Especially the branch of psychology you are speaking of.

What is constructive possible/negative reinforcement?

What happens if you remove one and only use the other?

Do you even have kids?
See above

Again another care taker without her own think she know more than a sole parent raising their own
Why would you save this beast?

OP if you're going to argue anything on /pol/, you might as well have prepared an APA report beforehand to gain any sort of traction than just a CNN link
Thankfully Aussie bro my kids are still little. I have2 boys and a girl.

She puts the fear of God in me whe. She stars to turn into a teenager. They can be brutal

Yeah. You really should have executed more of that good judgement you claim to have.

Guess I'll give you a
>all intensive purposes
so that you can ignore the remainder of the post and focus in on the only thing that you can refute.
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>You forgot unapologetically fat.

And I don't know the science I just know I have dents.
No....the legitimate psychologists tell you that a child's brain and ability to think abstractly doesn't develop till around age 10. Before that they are all impulse, and can't really be reasoned with. Positive/negative reinforcement works till then, and after that reasoning with them will work after they develop the capacity. Just like their bodies, their brains don't grow up right away.

Sometimes you have to send an immediate message to the child, one that can't be misinterpreted and will never be forgotten. Such as when darting out into traffic or taking scissors to the baby. The application of a spanking at the same time, imprints in a negative way upon your kid that will ensure they don't repeat that dangerous behavior. it is your job to get them to adulthood, and your job to ensure that listen to you because you really do know that it is not ok to climb on the balcony railing. A kid who climbs on the balcony railing a second time after being told not to, is a kid who needs to be spanked. Not every kid is the same, and not every thing that works with one kid works with another. Time-outs don't work for every one.

I also think that anyone who is not a parent, shouldn't even be granted an opinion on the subject. Until you have that profound responsibility, you just don't know and nothing can prepare you for it. Not having pets, not babyshitting, and not even nanny-ing, really.

>No dents
>No fat

That isn't you.
Fuck me
Hey you go parlor maid
Spanking when a child does something incredibly dangerous that could kill them or someone else is more arguably beneficial. But spanking over things that aren't life threatening just create a lack of trust in the parent, among many other negative effects.

And I have taken more responsibility than most parents. Fuck off with that shit.
i remember like it was yesterday the day my mother beat me relentlessly for trying to give my friend money for his birthday when i was 12

i just kept getting beaten for something i had no idea was wrong, i just kept asking her why was she beating me but to no avail

i stil think about it from time to time and it never fails to make me sad and angry because of the utterly stupid reason that made her snap.

when i was 19 she suggested we go to a psychologist to fix me - and the psychologist himself suggested her to come in one time.

that's when i told the story for her and the psychologist to hear...and she just pretended that it never happened, that i was making stuff up.

don't do this to your kids.
I deliberately hid the leg with the dents. It was a last minute costume as Marilyn Monroe so I could get free Chipotle, and Marilyn Monroe doesn't have leg dents.
Bullshit, name anything to back yourself up.

Spankin provides something that could kill them.
Spanking provides lack of trust
Many(assuming MANY) negative effects

That body has seen a lot of use. You can scrub and scrub, but shame is never going to come off you filthy whore. Do "your children's" parents know many guys you fucked on the street?
Tits or GTFO you fat slag.

Also get a real job or your own kids. Stop depriving these kids of their parental experience

what makes you hate women
Denial is the worst. If you ever have the courage to tell someone, they think you're lying because your family says you're making it up.

I've gone back to my mom's house to pick things up a few times and I forget how the subject came up but my brother completely denied ever physically abusing me and threatened to destroy my life if I ever said anything.

My mom only apologized for letting it happen once, when she started crying in a McDonald's over it. All but that time she just pretends nothing happened. That was the one time I felt like my mom cared about me, but it was fake.

She would laugh at me like I was lying if I ever told anyone. I only hinted at it to one of my older siblings who didn't grow up with me and they called me a liar, because my mom had never told them. I wanted to die honestly.

She also isn't a land whale. That's why I said.

That isn't you.
shrug my gf spanks me (not playfully) and its the best relationship ive ever been in desu. were both very happy.
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Is this a shill thread? Everybody keeps ignoring that spanking != beating.
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If discipline is bad, why did pic related turn out right?

>well dressed
>famous actor
>has a masters degree in chemical engineering
>black belt in karate
>fitness trainer

I have four boys and a girl and I spank them if necessary. Sometimes kids need a physical punishment to actually "get" it. Not to be confused with nigger tier parenting tactics such as beating.

>My mom only apologized for letting it happen once, when she started crying in a McDonald's over it. All but that time she just pretends nothing happened. That was the one time I felt like my mom cared about me, but it was fake.

what a coincidence, i also brought up what happened that day at home when nobody else was listening and she suddenly remembered it again.

my parents always just use the excuse that i "never had it bad" when i remember many episodes of me straight up being beaten far more than necessary. my father especially would just use violence for the most stupid things. Knock over a glass of water by mistake? you deserve to be slapped hard. Walk past the television when a football match is going on? slapped so hard i started bleeding from the nose.

looking back at those years, it was a disgusting environment. i was just a kid so it's not like i could object to being beaten, as far as i knew at that time i deserved it. As far as i knew it was the way every other family disciplined their kids.
Spanking equals ultimate consequence from a parental level

BLM started from those who needs learned consequence

Instead of a spanking, they got a bullet
I think the biggest problem is adults assume children are mentally retarded, and instead of simply reasoning, they get frustrated and lash out.

Having said that, I've seen plenty of children who are absolutely incapable of understanding. Of course, one has to question how they got that way in the first place. In my view, if you raise children from day one in a calm, rational household they will definitely not need to be spanked. And better still, on the day you DO have to use force on them, it will be 1000x more effective.

My dad only ever hit me once, and he had good reason to do so, and I knew he did. I was only 9, but I understood.

Tbh either works
you just perfectly described what is wrong with Blacks in America. Saw it tonight at my Parent-Teacher conferences. Fucking stupid parents
Statistically, you're more likely to be violent towards your boys.

Personally, if you can't make them 'get it' without threat of violence, I don't see how you can convince them of anything other than
'might makes right. Im bigger than you and I can fuck you up, so I'm in charge'.

If thats the values you're happy to accept, don't be surprised if they start trying to defend themselves physically from you,
either by hiding or fleeing from you,

or moving away from you as soon as you can.

Anecdotal evidence is shit, so disregard away, but my folks used violence, and so I don't have any contact with them any more.

Why should I? The most beatings and harm I ever suffered was at their hands, and I don't particularly remember any major moral lessons.

Only violence.

Personally I knew it wasn't normal though. A lot of psychological defense mechanisms that went into never telling anyone though. Told myself I was strong and didn't need help, told myself asking for help was weakness. Thought that telling people would just fuck up my life more (I was kind of right in a way I found out after a teacher figured out I was being beaten and reported it). Honestly crying now at the thought of what my life could have been like if I had been honest with the police. But because I wasn't, it actually did make my life worse. I was too scared to be honest but deluded myself that it was because I was strong.

My brother would beat me if I moved a pillow to a different spot on the couch. I learned early I couldn't bring friends over. After my brother stabbed me with a pen and poured water on me and my friend while doing homework, and tried to drown me while at the pool with another, they weren't allowed to come over.

I'm feeling more and more sorry for him and less angry as time goes on. In retrospect I actually feel guilty for not being honest, because maybe he would have gotten the help he needed. The police only took photos of one bruise and put my brother in anger management, but it did nothing for him. If they knew the extent of the physical abuse, I wonder if he would have come out a different person. I didn't know what would happen if I reported it though - if they would let him back home so he could murder me.

My mom always told me to try to be nice to him when he was beating me too. I had so many conflicting thoughts.
Why is this thread here? Take it back to Jezebel.

Parent of 4. Spanking kids is totally great and fine. I recommend it. Anyone claiming it hurts kids is a giant fucking retard destined to raise worthless cocksuckers.
I wasn't asking (You) for an opinion, mate. You probably had retarded parents who didn't know how to raise you to begin with. A lot of you /pol/tards have this "my daddy spanked me and my daddy was mean, so spanking = bad!" mentality. It's easier to blame spanking than it is to blame their complete incompetence, but I digress. Spanking is fine if it's effective. You don't spank your kid hours later for doing something wrong, like how a stovetop doesn't wait hours to burn you when you touch it. I'm sure your parents probably spanked you for every little incident, yeah? The punishment should fit the crime. You don't shoot your kid between the eyes for not doing their chores. The same issue your parents (probably) had is the same issues niggers have. You don't go from 0 to 100 with little to no reason.
Yeah let's just ignore all the scientific evidence stating otherwise.

Why do the dumbest people have to have so many kids? There is no god.
>Falling for the science jew

It's almost as if kids don't learn to respect and obey their parents, outside sources morph them into their own little useful idiots! How's BLM doing again?

i feel the same way about my parents. i know that what they did is awful and i have all the rights in the world to hate them for what they did, but i cant bring myself to be too angry over it. mostly it's just disappointment and i also ask myself what could have been.

Ironically my mother telling me to go to a psychologist to find out why i was "wrong" made me realize how and why i am the person i am today. It opened my eyes and now im not too hard on myself anymore for not being like the "others".

So much abuse that i managed to look up online. Constantly being compared to other more successful kids of my age, constantly compared to my brother who had friends and a social life, constantly being asked to help with work in the house only to be told im "useless" by my impatient father, over and over again.

Being told after my parents fought that i was part of the reason they were having so many arguments. Both parents blaming eachother for what i ended up becoming.

This mental terrorism that i received still bothers me to this day. Whenever my dad asked me to come with him to buy things or take a walk i just felt a deep sense of fear, the kind that just makes you zone out and look for excuses not to go. Because i knew the moment i stepped into the car he'd just start blaming and insulting me for what i was.

I just dont understand how people can be so awful to their own kids. To anyone, really. It's like i wasnt really a child but more like property.

I agree. I know how badly my parents treated me all the time and no, I do not appreciate it in any way. in fact, I'm at the point in my life where I consider cutting all contact.
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Only a baby seal clubbing leaf could say something like that
>gets rabies

>he isn't immune to it
the vaccine has been around for a while now
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