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Ban Sverigetråden

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 320
Thread images: 55

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A whole year of cancer.jpg
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The Swedish general, Sverigetråden on /int/, must be deleted. It is the most cancerous place on this entire site.
The thread has turned into a disgusting cesspool of /jp/ anime roleplayers, /lgbt/-faggotry, ironic neo-nazis, actual neo-nazis, /r9k/-frogposters who worship Elliot och cuckposters who spam their shit 24/7.
It used to be a nice place for normal people who enjoyed /sp/ort and had a healthy social life. We had our own little community with great tripfags and loads of meetups irl. Now it's all gone, like tears in the rain.
mods please delet this thread
Support. Make it happen. Tråden måste dö. The thread must die.
I agree. Please delete it and make it bannable to create new ones
Delete all generals.
Ban all generals on /int/.
I don't care about the other generals since I don't visit them, but Sverigetråden must be destroyed.
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>it's a delet this [insert general here] thread made so members of the general can shitpost on another board episode
>/pol/ visits /int/, first day
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Drå åt helvete negerjävel. Hell seger!
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>not shitposting in several generals on several boards simultanously.
Go back to /pol/ and nordfront.
Why? I can be on /qa/, /pol/ and Nordfront all at the same time.
Not with that attitude.
>a general has turned cancerous
Wow what a surprising and unique situation. Not at all something people saw coming.
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Remeber when /int/ had this instead of
/brit/ /latino / other general shit/

good times
>meetups irl
Cancer, jeg væmmes blot ved tanken.
I det mindste har i en regelmæssig tråd.
No one cares.
>t. psykfallsanon
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>people who take time out of their lives to get threads on a japanese image board banned
Årets brev
Post of the year
What does it feel like to have a gf?
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Du har ingen åsikt om oss Pälsbrevare OP?
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All generals need to be deleted

and chased away forever
It's nice in a lot of ways, but can be quite stressful
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>It used to be a nice place for normal people who enjoyed /sp/ort and had a healthy social life. We had our own little community with great tripfags and loads of meetups irl

That sounds just as bad to me, OP, if not even worse. Normalfags aren't welcome on 4chan. Go back to facebook.
Genearls are all equally awful and have no place on these boards, but mods like them so you'll have to filter them.
Don't worry, at some point there won't be any room for non-generals and you'll no longer have any reason to go to /int/ at all. Speaking of, why DO you go to /int/? It's dead, anon. Let it go.
>muh autistic permavirgin echo chamber
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OP är en bög
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>Sverigetråden will never be in 2012 again
S m h
I sent feedback suggesting /soc/ should be given country flags so ALL /int/ generals can be moved there.

Try doing the same, but don't spin it the way you are doing it ("I don't want this people in my board because reasons"). Focus should be on proving how those threads are better fitted to /soc/ (it's always the same people who participate in them), what rules do they constantly break (/int/ rule #3), and how /int/ is supposed to be a board "for the discussion of foreign culture and language" (/int/ rule #1) while Swedish people discussing Sweden in Swedish is neither.
I don't want the fucking thread on /soc/, I want it dead! It must be purged, destroyed, deleted! It is a cancer and it must be ended.
A group of people chatting with each other about their lives is extremely normal. Don't tell me you think /r9k/ is more abnormal than /jp/ or /tg/?
>muh normalfag echo chamber

Go to reddit, facebook or twitter if you want that sort of thing. 4chan is mainly for people who have nerdy hobbies.
Things change. Deal with it.
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That's not how things work here. Hiro and moot share the same attitude towards problem solving, first they deny something being a problem, then they ask to be given options that improve upon the existing state of affairs.
This was very constructive.
This was very destructive.
Why don't we just rangeban Sweden in general?
You don't get it. You're the one who isn't wanted here, the outsider unwilling to adapt to the culture. They have more right to tell you to leave than you have to tell them to leave. You're no different than the Muslim immigrants in Europe.
>the robot is a bitter virgin stormfag
Why am I not surprised?
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I agree with this
t. ex-Sverigetråden-er

These sick individuals already come from other boards. They're painfully obvious newfags who act like they just came from /b/, /jp/ etc etc
The cancer has outgrown the good community-upholding posters, and the cancer now feasts on the generals carcass. Remove it. Leaving it up is like leaving the maggot infesed and bacteria ridden corpse of your diseased family member inside because you don't bury it.

Inte OP, men jag önskar er döden. Ha en trevlig dag.
This pretty much sums it up. The thread is a stinking corpse. It is Sverigetråden in name only, the soul and community is long gone.
>/jp/ anime roleplayers
I'm sorry but /jp/ isn't about anime or roleplay. Only generalfags do that.
What a board is about has very little to do with what it spawns.
Why is Saber there?
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They are fucking obsessed with 2hu and internal /jp/ memes. And then they roleplay by posting gelbooru and konachan shit. Maybe it's different people but the anime cancer is very big in Sverigetråden.
I'd say it's 40% anime, 20% "ironic" nazis, 10% real hardcore nazis, 10% /r9k/ frogposters, 5% cuckposters, 5% real /lgbt/ homos, 9% /b/-tards and 1% normal people. It used to be 90% normal people and 10% fun autists.

One of the animeposters spammed pictures of the anime characters EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY for over a year with the text "I want to fuck a 2D".
>One of the animeposters spammed pictures of the anime characters EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY for over a year with the text "I want to fuck a 2D".
Why did he stop?
He became a thread personality, attended a meetup and probably realized how retarded his spamming was. This new generation of animeposters that came in 2016 are far worse.
Erster für Sae.
Please Hiro, delete Sverigetråden.
If generals had to meet a quality threshold to exist there wouldn't be any left.
Generals and archives are the cancer that killed 4chan.
>t. normalcuck
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Sverigetråden förblir Svensk!
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Yes delete every general but /balt// Purge the foreigner scum.
Or, the generals would be good and comfy. There are good posters on 4chan who can get together and build nice generals together, believe or not. Just because you're one of the cunts who thinks 4chan is for shitposting 24/7 and ruining nice threads doesn't mean everyone on here is like that.
Generals goes against the spirit of 4chan.
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But we're having such a blast desu desu :3
Topic-oriented boards as well, if you're gonna get into that mentality.
All we need to do is to repport all anime post. Easy as that. And don't call me neo-nazi, call it /pol/.
Don't twist my words to create such an illogical strawman. There's no point in having a discussion if you're going to follow the fantasies in your head about what motivates the animosity towards your chat rooms.
>The has turned into a disgusting cesspool of /jp/ anime roleplayers, /lgbt/-faggotry, ironic neo-nazis, actual neo-nazis, /r9k/-frogposters who worship Elliot och cuckposters who spam their shit 24/7.
Sweden is already degenerate as it is
lmao this amount of butthurt from """""""oldfags"""""""

your shitty circlejerk was just as much cancer as the thread is today.
Remember when 4chan was actually ironic ?
4chan was always terrible, but it was never unbearably bad.
its not unbearably bad now either though
>4chan was always terrible
Stop going to shitty boards then.
Fuck off newfag cancer.
And the thread is the absolute worst of the worst swedes being gathered in one place.
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Holy shit, your language is ugly as fuck.
One of those posts you quoted is in Danish, though.
Danish is Swedish but better.
What is the purpose of /int/? How can a board with such a nature and rules NOT devolve into a gorillion generals?
swedish high pitch make it sound like singing, its a great language.
Jag är amerikansk, men jag gillar att gå in Sverige generalerna och med hjälp av Google Translate för att kommunicera med dem.
radera detta
Why? Do you seriously enjoy that thread?
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Just look at it. Look at this pure cancer.
>hating on jimmie
Fuck off
Newfig 2Dposters took over and killed tråden like a cancer kills its host.

Do the merciful and remove it so they at least can't defile its corpse.
Read the thread. Or our current 4 threads that are up due to the different autist factions having a war.
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>90% normal people and 10% fun autists
>normal people
Should have known... Who else keeps autist around for "fun" and brings out the nuclear bomb when different opinions can't be dealt with.
Fuck off asspie.
Glass houses, frogposter.
Frogposting is a part of /int/ culture. The problem is the /r9k/ autists that appeared late 2015.
Den bilden är skit.
Trådpersonligheter är det värsta som hänt tråden
>t. kom hit förra veckan
Häng dig ditt äckel.
Judar har funnits länge i Europa, de är ändå dåliga.
>den myshatande nybögen är en stormsnorre
Och ingen var förvånad.
Trådpersonligheterna förhindrar mys.
Sluta skäm ut dig själv. Det blir bara mer och mer uppenbart att du är nycancer.
Det är du som är nyneger.
Så du tycker oironiskt att tråden är bättre nu än den var under 2013? Rannsaka dig själv.
Ni inser att tråden försämrats pga influxen av blattar?
Det finns annat dåligt nu men ja, den är bättre nu. Det var för jävla irriterande att ha trådpersonligheter.
Du måste ju gyckla, nybögsgalning. Hur fan är det här vidriga äcklet bättre än när tråden var mysig?
Häng dig.
Det är inte bra nu men snubbelkultur är värre.
Reading 4chan lingo translated into Swedish will never not be funny.
Vilka blattar? en jugge och en halvsomalier?
Sverigetråden breaks a lot of rules. It should be easy to remove it.
Ban the thread! Just fucking ban it! REEEEEEEE
The thread is cancer. It must be destroyed, banned, exterminated, purged, removed, burned, wiped out and razed to the ground.
We need to destroy Sverigetråden, it is infected by pedofiles and absolute cucks
>>64796240 just have a look
just hide the thread, wimp
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>newfag who can't crosslink
lmao fucking cuck
loli is justice

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I read this as if you meant "cuck loli is justice" and I was like "who is cuck loli"? In retrospect it's probably Rem.
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Pls don't bully Rem~
Please make this happen it's a headache to visit that thread in hope for some real discussion.

I hate how /int/ has become "int generals"
Skulle vara en befrielse om hela kanalen slutade existera

Look at this thread. That's what Sverigetråden is these days.
I can't read swedish but it looks like around half the posts are about pepe.
The /pol/ & /a/ faction went full autism as usual.
Ban it
Roge grode mig flode
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>our cancer underage tripfag circlejerk was so much better!
I really don't understand how worshipping cancerous tripfaggots is better than 2D/r9k/pol/ shitposting
>They're having fun and I can't get any of it, they deserve death
lmao baka
this the saltiest thread on the chan atm
this desu
You seriously think this >>666491 is good? Go choke on a BBC you fucking faggots.
>ruining a community is fun!!! xDd

lmao the """"""oldfag"""""" tripfaggot salt is delicious. im so happy you no longer have your circlejerk on /int/
Burn in hell newfags.
your tears are absolutely delicious.

remember the good times you circlejerking tripfag cunts had? it's NEVER coming back hahahahaha
How does it feel to be a nigger on the internet?
Jag vill DÖDA en Sverigetråd!
mate, if anything you cancerous tripfaggots are 4chan niggers who refuse to assimilate into the anonymous culture on which the entire site was founded upon.

kill yourself.
Sverigetråden had its own culture and traditions. You're the newfag. You're the one that should assimilate.
Just ban European shitholes

Europeans are the shittiest posters on /int/.
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it was europeans mostly balkanfags who kept /int/ alive during the worst years of automated accelbot spam in it

but newcomer like wouldnt know it
Then fuck off and create your shitty cirlejerk on your own website instead of refusing to assimilate into 4chan.
leafs are worse desu
Pls take your autistic gangster serb back. He sometimes comes to Sverigetråden and talk about his expensive shoes and clothes from stayhard.
see this:

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Take him where?

i dont even postin /int/ anymore
Back home to yuggoland.
Nah just Sverigetråden
>inte #vaskad versionen
Rannsaka dig själv
sverigetråden needs to get deleted
And now it's filled with unironic kek worshipers..............
Yes but the loli poster are the worst. pls ban sverigetråden
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You don't praise KEK? Sinner.
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Founding father here.

delet it, it has served its purpose.
bli knulad tönt
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I am not even from balkans
Nobody cares.
Fuck off.
You shitty circlejerk will never come back, Sverigetråden belongs to the anons now.
Död åt 2D.
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Hell seger
You are kings over a garbage dump now when you could've been servants of a vast empire.
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>great tripfags
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>all denna rumpsmärta och salt

kommer att öka mitt 2dbrevande rejält ifall folk på allvar blir så jävla arga att de skapar en tråd på /qa/ för att grina om det
Häng dig jävla cancer.
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nei :3
Varför vill du vara en jobbig soammande skitbrevare?
Bra brev, kompis.
Häng dig själv.
jävla normie REEEE
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Inte ett argument.
>säger han efter >>680527 >>680051
its wonderful to see the thread filled with cute anime girls at the moment :3
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Wow, only a tripfag could be this manbaby-tier.
The fact that it's a former user of the general making this post (and not somebody from /int/ at large complaining) excludes any reason except 100% personal butthurt
>t. the one newfag cancer that keeps spamming his shit that no one likes

Fuck off.
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that fucking wheel.jpg
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>Fuck off.
Thanks for confirming that my post was accurate
What the fuck do you know?
Not an argument.
That the only reason you want sverigetraden closed is "100% personal butthurt".
No, it's for the sake of the board quality. It breaks a lot of rules and it's cancer.
Then other people would complain too. They don't, definitely not more than about any of the other country generals.
see >>681169 again
Yes they do. Read the fucking thread.
>definitely not more than about any of the other country generals.
Read the fucking post you butthurt tripfag
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Du är inte rolig
söt! :3
>Situation report: project Stormfag Honeypot and SÄPO Baseball Meetups failing. 2D-anon repelled the hc stormers. Chief insist project extension, just in case.

>Mayday mayday, we are succumbing to cannibalism in frustration. Anti-loli training propaganda failing. Proactive consumption of right arm closing getting closer by every post.
H-hell seger!
Ta bort tråden.
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berätta var de söta flickorna rörde dig anon
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delete /sverigetråden/ thread please
What does Sverigetråden translate to in English?
Been wondering, how do people edit these action lines onto images? Is there a website that does it automatically or something?
The Sweden Thread
I fucking hate Sverigetråden sooooo much! And all of you aswell.
I'm pretty sure it's a feature on photoshop, but I might be wrong.
Just add a layer with the effect over a picture using photoshop
I bet all the people defending the thread are newfags that got here the past 2 years.
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>come into thread
>ctrl+f to see if I'm mentioned
>mfw no one remembers me
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Död åt tråden!
Thank you anon
Stack från tråden mot slutet av 2014. Jag har för mycket självrespekt för att konversera med dem drägg som brevar där idag.
Du har inte missat något av värde.
Ironically this thread turned into a Sverigetråden
Ingen saknade dig ändå horunge
That should be enough proof of how shitty Sverigetråden is.
Tråden måste bort.
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This desu
Sverigeträden ia the most canverous general ever made

>The thread has turned into a disgusting cesspool of /jp/ anime roleplayers, /lgbt/-faggotry, ironic neo-nazis, actual neo-nazis, /r9k/-frogposters who worship Elliot och cuckposters who spam their shit 24/7.
This is every /int/ general you absolute mong.
Well said.

Not even close. We're talking REAL active neo-nazis, REAL homosexual roleplayers pretending to be underaged lolis, REAL robot psychopaths that talk about throwing acid in women's face for rejecting them. It is such a disgusting place that it shouldn't be allowed on /int/. It's a thread of pure cancer.
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Half of these posts did not increase the poster count and were posted just as the thread was about to get pruned on page 10 because nobody cares.

The thread is staying. Just accept it you butthurt tripfags. Desperate samefagging isn't going to change anything. Butthurt "fuck you" replies to this post isn't going to change anything either, it just makes you look even more pathetic
Fuck you.
Shut the fuck up you fucking cuck. Sverigetråden should be destroyed, it is infected with cancer
I always have more than 40 filtered threads because of them. They need to die.
Remember when 4chan wasn't infected with generals? Remember when you posted and after the thread dropped off it disappeared? Remember the times before the archive, captchan and (you)s?
I fucking hate SvT
>tfw anime killed a thread
>the thread is still up
>dkn sverigetråden kommer dö under din livstid
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OP really should seek professional help.

Pic related is a sample of the spamming that he has done in Sverigetråden over the past weeks.
Tråden måste dö.
>kommer dö
Vad menade han med detta?
He's doing the same ITT too, see >>692222
He's also clearly breaking global 10 (spamming). So I suggest reporting it.

Tripfags truly are the worst. Even /o/ is starting to cleanse their board from them
Only 2 of those posts are mine you fucking dumbass. Realize that not everyone like your shitty cancer general thread.
Imagine a world without Sverigetråden. It would be wonderful.
>great tripfags
Your great tripfags caused this. It's much more satisfying to shitpost on 4chan when you know that you're making at least one person consistently butthurt.
A thread without tripfags and thread personalities is not Sverigetråden, it's just yet another boring 4chan thread.
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>tfw no danskertråd
Tripfag detected.
All tripfags are gone anon.
>tråden blev borttagen
Haha han dödade tråden
tänkte just om det var det som hände
what an ugly looking language
There's more than one language being spoken, retård.
>Only 2 of those posts are mine you fucking dumbass.
Yes, notice how I write tripfagS.
>Realize that not everyone like your shitty cancer general thread.
Of course not everyone does. That's the case with literally every thread on 4chan. Personal butthurt isn't a valid reason to do anything. see >>681169

You literally want /r/sverigetraden. Nothing prevents you from making it.
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>You literally want /r/sverigetraden. Nothing prevents you from making it.
Nej, vi vill ha tillbaka internets myshörna.
If your idea of that is a bunch of tripfags in the same thread, then again, there's other websites that are more suited to your wishes.

Also now you're saying you don't want the thread removed, instead you just want it restored to your specific flavor of circle-jerk. This again confirms the point of >>681169
You're such a newfag to Sverigetråden it's painful
holy shit, how can one be so out of touch with reality that they deny that the community which built, lived and maintained that general was in any way bad? If you want your "hurr everyone should be anonymous because this is 4chan and every board should be b like /b/ xDDD"-tier general, then feel free to make one, but Sverigetråden isn't it.
Well said.
>You're such a newfag to Sverigetråden it's painful
Yes I am. I've never really browsed it. Not when it was a tripfag circle jerk and not when it's a stormfag circle jerk either.
And even from the "outside", it's completely obvious that your entire reason for making this /qa/ thread is 100% personal butthurt and somehow (probably because you're an entitled tripfag) you think that should matter to other people.
>Yes I am
So why do you think you're entitled to a say in this matter then? Newfag cancer cunt

>your entire reason for making this /qa/ thread
I didn't make it m8
Sweden thread
Danes are too normie
Ta bort tråden
Läser mods trådarna här?
>why do you think you're entitled to a say in this matter then?
1. Obviously because I browse /int/. What kind of retarded logic do you operate on? If only the people browsing a thread get to have a say in it we would have /pol/ and /mlp/ generals on all boards
2. I'm not really "having a say" I'm just pointing out that it's obvious that you and your buttbudies have no motivation beyond "100% personal butthurt". That's a fact regardless of what I think about the thread.

>I didn't make it m8
Ok, so we change it to
>it's completely obvious that your entire reason for spamming in this /qa/ thread is 100% personal butthurt...
Doesn't really make a difference
>1. Obviously because I browse /int/
Shit reasoning, m8. The SvT community demands more than just sharing the board.

I've made like 5 posts or so, simply agreeing with OP and handing out (You)s to stupid newfags such as you.
>Shit reasoning, m8. The SvT community demands more than just sharing the board.
I'm not even sure what you mean by this. And I still don't understand why you think "only the people browsing a thread get to have a say in it"
>I've made like 5 posts or so
Spam regards quality more than quantity m8. All the pro-removal shit in this thread is stuff like this >>696565 >>696710. It's pure spam. No discussion, no arguments, not even motivation. Just "WAAH WAAAH I'M BUTTHURT DELETE DIS"
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>...because I want to go back to the good old days of normalfag tripfag circlejerking and treating the general like a fucking facebook group
>"only the people browsing a thread get to have a say in it"
Well, who else would know that it's shit?
>Well, who else would know that it's shit?
Obviously the people not posting in it but still seeing it every day retard
You mean the people on /int/? They all know how shitty it is.
>You mean the people on /int/?
I already wrote this.
>They all know how shitty it is.
Yet this is still the case >>681169
>Yet this is still the case
Does it matter? The thread is ruining the overall quality of /int/ and it is populated by sick people like >>691327
>The thread is ruining the overall quality of /int/
Only butthurt swedish tripfags seems to think so
4chan as a whole is built on the idea of anonymity. The purpose of 4chan has never been to be the host of your secret club tripfaggot circlejerk.

You are now butthurt because your tripfaggotry has become less accepted in the thread and now you cry like a child on /qa/ with the logic "well if i can't enjoy the thread then so can no one else". You are acting like an internet nigger straight outta reddit who refuses to adapt to the anonymous culture of 4chan which has been a core foundation of the site since its founding in 2003.

If you want to have a tripfaggot circlejerk you are absolutely free to have one. But don't demand that it will be hosted on 4chan.

Create your own imageboard and you will have complete control over what is posted, and what circlejerks to allow.
Sverigetråden was a separate community and most of the users have been on 4chan since before you even knew what it was. Fuck off with your muh legion bullshit.
Not an argument. 4chan wasn't created for you to be able to host a tripfag circlejerk on /int/.

In fact, the tripfaggot circlejerking that was shitting up the threads earlier was off topic (International languages and culture) and were thus against the board rules.
the swedes have done nothiong wrong
>In fact, the tripfaggot circlejerking that was shitting up the threads earlier was off topic (International languages and culture) and were thus against the board rules.
And the current neo-nazi lgbt elliot rodger anime role-playing doesn't? Hahahahahahahaha you're fucking insane. Fucking moron.
>calling people newfags
>my shitposting is ok because others do it too

>And the current neo-nazi lgbt elliot rodger anime role-playing doesn't? Hahahahahahahaha you're fucking insane. Fucking moron.

Not an argument.

When did I say I approved of neo-nazi or /r9k/ shitposting?
>When did I say I approved of neo-nazi or /r9k/ shitposting?
When you say you want the thread to still exist.
If it breakes the rules, report and ignore it.

Deleting the thread will solve nothing you fucking retard. The shitposters won't magically disappear.

In any case, for the most part the thread isn't a complete shithole of spam. Sometimes it is and sometimes it gets really bad but for the most part the thread is fine.
häng dig
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>oldfag tears
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The thread is 2d, now and forever
haha aa
Nobody cares.
Förhoppningsvis så har vi nått bumpgränsen på denna tråd nu.
Tror OPs rumpa är så jävla sönderblästrad att han kommer göra en ny tills han blir bannad dock.

Han har oavbrutet sammabögat den här tråden i en månad. Säger ju en hel del.
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>4chan as a whole is built on the idea of anonymity. The purpose of 4chan has never been to be the host of your secret club tripfaggot circlejerk.
>4chan wasn't created for you to be able to host a tripfag circlejerk on /int/.
Kill yourself. :)

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>You are now butthurt because your tripfaggotry has become less accepted in the thread
No, I'm butthurt because the newfag posters are shit and cancerous and are completely unable to make a single post worth reading. The tripfags at least knew how to keep a community worth staying in.

>4chan as a whole is built on the idea of anonymity
No, it's built on the idea of posting images of chinese cartoons and discussing them.

Your entire post is like a concentrate of 4chan niggerism and >muh every board is /b/-mindset. Just hang yourself, m8.

Sverigetråden was an international general with personas and good memes - ALL WITHIN 4CHAN STANDARDS. But now it is pure cancer which is why we want it dead. You would know this and agree with me if you weren't such a reddit-tier newfag.

if you hate the thread so much and want it dead why not just stop visiting it?

you are literally acting like a cuckold watching his gf getting fucked by other people but still deciding to remain with her lmao

your circlejerk is never coming back and it makes me immensely happy
More like seeing your family murdered by burglars and taking over your home, and then wanting the house destroyed as it's the only way to get them out of your life.

Learn how 2 analogy, cunt
no you are just a cuck lmao

stop visiting the thread and move on with your life you pathetic fuck. your behavior isn't healthy.
Thread posts: 320
Thread images: 55

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