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>be extremely goodlooking white man >ruin your whole life

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Thread replies: 304
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>be extremely goodlooking white man
>ruin your whole life by outing yourself as Nazi
>extremely goodlooking
no, not really
>extremely good looking

I don't think so mate. He has a really doughy looking face. 5.5/10
>extremely goodlooking
>be extremely average white man
back to r9k

Richard Spencer has millions for no reason at all, his family isn't even that rich. He gets money from the ADL or something to muddy the waters. Would be terrible if this guy went on a long holiday somewere
OP come out already
>implying /r9k/ isn't /pol/'s hangout
Just get over it by blowing the dude.
Hi /r/The_Donald!

You need to go back.
>hating on dems for identity politics
>self proclaimed white nationalist

Getting what you deserve imo.
>say tiger is really beautiful
>everyone understands you don't want to fuck a tiger
>say car is beautiful
>everyone understands you don't want to fuck a car
>say a man is beautiful
Controlled opposition

To undermine any possibility of white people uniting as a political force, especially now that they are so close to making us a minority.
This guy us so fucking suspicious. Has millions of dollars, but no one really knows why, because he's never had a proper job in his life. He single-handedly destroyed the Alt-Right in one afternoon. And he projects the gayest voice and affect.

Oh, and apparently he racemixed in college. Yeah, he's totally a WN and not a plant.
>Hi /r/The_Donald!
>You need to go back.

It's one thing to talk about National Socialism, discuss it online, etc... quite another to actually LARP as Nazis in real life and think you'll accomplish anything politically.
>Has millions of dollars
how do you know?
>He single-handedly destroyed the Alt-Right in one afternoon.

>>Has millions of dollars
>how do you know?

He does have two homes, one of which reportedly is worth 3 million.
Maybe his family left him the property.
Again,how do you know what he owns?

Spencer is so obviously a faggot that it's unbelievable. He's also almost definitely a fed. Fuck this faggot. Fucking Milo is less gay than this fat fuck.
>extremely good looking
Did you not see the video of him saying "Hail Trump!" and people giving the Roman salute that Atlantic keeps spreading around and has 30+ million views? Even Ramzpaul says the movement is over.
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>reaching : the post

Just admit you like a hot beef injection faggot
>Did you not see the video of him saying "Hail Trump!" and people giving the Roman salute that Atlantic keeps spreading around and has 30+ million views? Even Ramzpaul says the movement is over.

The movement isn't over, we need just a new name and new tactics. And the 1488 LARPers, and mordibly obese fat fucks, need to be kept off camera.

Or let them keep going, let them take all the media heat. Let them be an enemy. While everyone else regroups and keeps moving forward.
>destroyed the (((alt-right)))
who cares, we don't need those jewish gay faggots. nobody here goes by that label
His family isn't rich. They're upper middle class, but not rich. Spencer lives like a king. Literally all he's done for employment in the last 20 years is write some articles for right-wing publications before getting sacked from each one for being too edgy.
What is the alt-right anyways? Is it not largely composed of nazi LARPers? Hasn't the media been identifying it as such? How did the video change any of this?
>Wow, I can't believe the media is trying tie trump to david duke before the primaries! This will kill trump on super tuesday!
>Implying he isn't in debt up to his eyeballs to the new like so many Americans
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He's always been a plant you idiot
Jew. Never trust (((autocorrect)))
>outing yourself as a nazi
I don't understand this meme. The left alread thinks we are all literally Nazis and that Trump is literally Hitler. Trying to appease the left by punching right will not achieve anything positive for anyone who considers themselves right wing, conservative, traditional, or whatever. The only people who benefit when the right has a fight like this are the progressives.
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>be extremely goodlooking

You should've gone to specsavers
Julia Ioffe is a fox
If you listen to his podcasts, he is smart. But he's sort of autistic and out there sometimes. He has a long history as a conservative figure, used to edit Takimag, I've heard his family is rich and that's what he lives on.

He's been influenced by /pol/ recently, because though Spencer was involved in the genesis of the "alt-right" years ago, the "alt-right" that exists today is largely /pol/-associated groups with the name "alt-right" grafted onto it, and Spencer has responded by welcoming this, of course, and adopting memes.

He's since got carried away with the Trump win, probably actually believing we memed it into existence and now thinking he can meme other things, and so thought it would be OK to say Heil Trump, in the same way you'd say something on /pol/ which he has been influenced by recently. He didn't actually do the salute, audience members did. But he doesn't realize the proper use of memes or /pol/ hyperbole, in that you can't do it IRL. In many ways it's the old case of the normie exposed to 4chan who goes in public and makes a fool of himself with memes.
Too right. The pearl clutching over a couple idiot stormfronters is getting ridiculous. They already tried to smear Trump with this shit for a year and it won't stick. Every day we waste arguing over Richard Spencer is a day that we are not attacking the left and keeping them from retrenching.
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>be Richard Spencer
>fuck your paleoconservative writer career in the ass because you're openly pro-white and not just a muh Jesus type of cuck cuck
>become a Jared Taylor disciple
>publish many pro-white articles
>hold pro-white conferences all around the world
>create the term alt-right, launch several website and an institute that provides a platform for pro-white thinkers
>collaborate with TRS, AmRen, Red Ice, Counter Current and other prominent pro-white organizations

Now fast forward to november 2016, where underage fucktards who migrated here from r/The_Donald and think "alt right" is a synonym of "Trump supporter" scream WHO THE FUCK IS THIS GUY? I NEVER HEARD OF HIM, MUST BE A HILLARY CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. I ONLY PAY ATTENTION TO REAL ALT RIGHT PEOPLE, LIKE MILO AND CERNOVICH.

You just can't make this shit up.

nice jewish trick, goy
LA Times called him doll-face and liberals are pissed because they keep showing his good looking face with the alt-right movement.
> destoyed
many of them are shitposting. many aren't
No, this exactly.

Richard Spencer is not even that fucking bad. Listen to his interviews. He's pretty rational and lighthearted. That stupid viral speech going around just made him look like a nut.

Not ashamed to be associated with him at all.
because of the (you)s
> did you mean shillposting
The speech where a Jewish guy Hailed him

this richard spencer is great.

So you're okay with closet faggots then?
not with that fat fucking neck and cosplay haircut
No, I hate homosexuals. Richard Spencer is not a homosexual, he's had two wives I think?
I have sympathy for the people upset by duke's endorsement, because trump's fate was unknown at the time. Now it seems like shills and cucks want to reenact this debacle to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
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Few things about Richard Spencer:

-He did NOT raise his arm in a Nazi fashion (Roman salute), he was raising his arm with a glass of water on it, doing a toast for Trump.

-In said toast, thus, he did not say "Heil" but "Hail."

-He never said the "Jews are soulless golems", it's a literal fake.

-Never forget how schemy is the media, the left and the globalist establishment.

-They are trying to taint the label of Alt-Right

-I believe he is NOT controlled opposition.

He sometimes comes across as a bit insecure and awkward but he is a good boi who dindu nuffin, he really had bad luck with the public sperging out, misrepresenting him and raising their arms, now yes in a Nazi fashion, some of whom probably were infiltrators, maybe the initiators.

Everything has been intentionally misrepresented by the media, obviously.

Give him a second chance.
the "alt right" is just a another word for nationalist even nat so but that said hes a plant to discredit the "alt right" movement. you can say your left,you can say your right but with this dipshit saluting the nazis and defending hitler and claming hes alt right will make people never whisper im "alt right"

Because he's fucking gay and won't dick the sluts. Have you ever heard this fat faggot speak? He's a SPLC shill.
He's not a nazi. Pretty ironic that /pol/ makes a witch hunt on this guy and believes the mainstream media in this case while spewing alex jones tier """"redpilled""" conspiracy theories. Guess /pol/ is really satire.
>"hail Trump"

This is the exact kind of r/the_Donald type of autism that is ruining /pol/

Spencer was okay maybe before the Trump era. But he's pretty mediocre like all these """alt-right""" e-celebs.

Think of it this way, the left thinks that to be white is to be racist, to be male is to be sexist, simply by existing you oppress. So they make enemies of vast numbers of people who exist whilst white and male. The people who swung it are the ones who were called racist, not the ones who actually are racist. Going full Nazi will result in those people (who previously played along with the left) going back to them. As bad as the left may be, they're not actual Nazis, they will think.

Some people are thinking too similar to the modern left; Trump wants to deport illegal immigrants, who, due to the USA's geographic situation, are non-white? Clearly he wants to gas the Jews and lynch the blacks! Of course! The left cocked up because average Joe doesn't believe that, but now these morons seem determined to make average Joe believe it now.
Ramzpaul is a total fucking joke. Fuck off
>he's a heterosexual married man with children but let me tell you how he's actually a faggot even though I have exactly 0 evidence

The fact you have the gall to call anyone a shill makes me laugh
>hating on dems for identity politics

No, hating on dems for being fucking retards and mentally deranged faggots. FTFY.
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top lel

based 16 year old bro
you think cars are beautiful? faggot.
>Give him a second chance.

I would like to, I'm fine with him. I think he was just short-sighted in inviting the media to the conference.

But the public will never give him a second chance. He's David Duke 2.0.

Spencer is a fat faggot and controlled opposition. Hes not even charismatic or popular. Fucking Milo does more to advance NatSoc.
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> extremely good looking
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>be extremely goodlooking

I don't give a fuck how many kids he has he's a faggot.
It's over when I say it is, bitch.
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It wasn't short sighted it was a coordinated controlled opp. Why is /pol/ so fucking stupid as to believe this fat closeted faggot is anything but a fed?
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>it's over because they're making forward progress
How many shekels are they paying you?
t. nu male who can't drive
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Your theory about going full nazi was refuted after the david duke debacle in march. At this point, the left is looking more and more like the boy who cried wolf.

You also don't understand the mentality of the trumpenproles that won the rust belt. At the end of the day, they just want a job in the steel mill or the coal mine.
White nationalism is fucking retarded. Even Fascists like Mussolini and proslavery Southerners like George Fitzhugh called bullshit on race-based reactionary politics
nice trips
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>Milo does more to advance NatSoc

>Fucking Milo is less gay than this fat fuck

>I don't give a fuck how many kids he has he's a faggot.

Calm the fuck down Milo, your 15 minutes of fame are over, go back to getting barebacked by pozzed niggers or selling shitty t-shirts or whatever it is you do these days.
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thank you for spencering the record
Thank you for spencering the record

Hey kike,

I live in one of the poorest counties in the US, with the highest gun ownership, and one of the highest opioid usage rates: it's also 98% white. Our crime rate is 58% below the national AVERAGE. Don't fucking tell me ethnonationalism is stupid. The worst places in this country and places where you have real multiculturalism.
maybe it's his eyebrows or chin, or perhaps his choice in designer shoes?

god you're such a faggot.
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>extremely goodlooking
Richard pls stop trying to flatter yourself
fucking this Christ almighty all these normies are getting on my nerves
>extremely goodlooking
He cuts his hair like a faggot
>Inb4 Hitler youth, he isn't in the fucking military
If he actually wanted to accentuate his looks he would grow a 5'O Clock shadow or a beard and let his hair grow to his shoulders
He's got a very gruff face but making himself look like a 21st century beta cuck ruins that
Short hair is for slaves
He's fat, has a gay haircut, and has a potato shaped face.

Yes, he does. This dude just fucked the whole thing up. Fucking /pol/ is actually gay.
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Thank you for spencering the record
Not my fault you drive an unattractive shitbox.

>You will never take a car exhaust virginity.

Fucking pleb.

There's so many Reddit LARPing newfags here I'm having to agree with a fucking leaf.

You all have to go back.
You lads have your cocks chopped off, why dont you just be quiet cucks
Because some of us are rational enough to not smell conspiracy when a man you followed for years and delivered constant quality content slipped up with a retard audience.
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Yes, he fucked up.

He's done.

Let's get Paul Joseph Watson next, great job goys...guys!!
He really is a good looking guy no homo.
>actually gay
>saying this while unironically shilling for Milo


isnt he a manlet?
Why are we still talking about this guy?

If it wasn't completely fucking obvious after "hail Trump :^)" that the man's only purpose in life is to discredit the right then I don't know what else he can do short of outright admitting it. But every single day we have a dozen threads about him.
>extremely good looking

That makes me something beyond mortal men
Wow the media lied, editted clips, and called him a Nazi! This will surely wreck Trump's chances of winning

Or maybe you are just a faggot crying because you can't handle some heat
Who the fuck says "hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory"???
You have never heard "Hail to the chief"?
>The worst places in this country and places where you have real multiculturalism.

Lol, you mean like NYC? The wealthiest city in America.

White nationalists are nothing more than white dindus. It's pure ressentiment
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>extremely good looking

How much makeup/photoshopping does he use?
yeah, just look at him, beta af. thinks if he gets the fash cut he'll look less like a faggot.
Because no one expects you to fuck those things you dumb autistic faggot. Its about context. Now, maybe if you'd just said that he was handsome or something like that you wouldn't have ousted yourself as a raging homo, but no, you said he was "extremely beautiful" which no straight man (or women for that matter) refers to another man as. You exposed yourself, FAGGOT.
>to discredit the right

What is this right you speak of? You understand that this isn't Tea Party underground right? Even with Trump we supported him for own goals. How is it possible to discredit something you do not believe in? Hence the term "alt"-right, something alternative to the right.
Of course. You've heard people with right wing views use "hail" as if they aren't going to immediately get dragged through the mud? Have you heard anybody use the word hail ever in your life the way he did? He's either completely fucking retarded or controlled opposition.
>be extremely goodlooking


he looks as thick as two short planks, which isn't a good look
Normies are not going to stop and consider the views of a man who sounds like he is larping as an American nazi.
You are completely our of touch with this movement and its spirit. Watch the full conference to get an idea. It's tongue-in-cheek. What we do not comprehend =/= conspiracy.
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Richard a good boy he dindu nuffin
Another faggot from reddit that wants to suck on the Richard. Poor faggot kill yourself.
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I Fought a 5 year rape allegation, and I’ve been involved in numerous basic training exercises, and I have over 300 confirmed book sales. I am trained in gorilla mindset and I’m the writer in the entire alt right/libertarian/conservative/independant movement. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with tweets the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of cucks across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for my next book, maggot. The mindset that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can debate you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my keyboard. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to an entire arsenal of twitter followers and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

P.S. please buy my book

Trump was never about Trump or his personality. The reason Trump was so interesting is that he is the first opportunity to come along in a generation to turn the tide back against the destruction of the west, European peoples and our cultures. That's what Spencer works at, full time, that's what the alt-right is about. The memes are a means unto an end, not an end in themselves. You might think Spencer is LARPy and I wouldn't disagree, but he knows what matters in a way Paul Joseph Watson can't fucking comprehend.

Guys, I know this is spooky, but cucking never works. The left compared Mitt Romney to Hitler, and the ultra-cucked republican party of 2012 to the nazis. You can either grab your balls and keep going, or politely cuck and lose everything. If this is too much to handle right now then just shut up and wait a week for it to blow over.
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Pic related
I just thank god he didn't spill his spaghetti before the election.
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>thinking these guys are LARPing, and not rousing the MSM for the exposure

you have to go back, hail victory
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White Women.jpg
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He sure deleted all those meltdown tweets after he got called out for being a little bitch.
>It's tongue-in-cheek
Oh well then I'm sure all is forgiven in the eyes of the regular people who first heard of Richard Spencer as the man saying "hail Trump". This is not how you break the conditioning of people that don't frequent fucking /pol/ every day and actually live normal lives. This kind of shit turns them away.

If the man is legit every single thing he says has to be considered extremely carefully because the media WILL grab onto a slip, especially as one as retarded as this.
The dems wish to destroy White identity, that is the problem.
Whatever you say Dick
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>muh PR
>muh public image
To those with actual backbone it's more important to stand on principle than to say what's socially acceptable.
He's not a bad dude, but in the end recent events will relegate him to irrelevancy.

Justin here >>99971597 has it right.
muh principles
>ur jsut as bad as them because off thingS!
How did he out himself as a Nazi? The 4-5 people in the crowd that threw up their arms were proven to be Jewish provocateurs.
He's held hundreds of conferences and coincidentally the only time anyone has ever used the Nazi salute is right when the (((media))) is filming for their new documentary. Yeah fucking right! The Jews are literally shitting in their pants at how influential and mainstream white nationalism is becoming. It's why they're working in overdrive to shut down alt-right twitter accounts, etc. The Jews have always equated white identity and white nationalism with neo-nazism ever since WW2 ended. This is more of the same. We are winning and they're losing. If you are attacking Richard Spencer, you are being duped, and are complicit in their agenda.
>because he's never had a proper job in his life
Why are you even here?
Agreed. /pol/ is incredibly new faggy. 35 year old here. No one will care by tomorrow about what happened at NPI except Cernovich. If anything this is a good outcome. The left will now feel it has more social proof to accelerate violence. The whole virtue signaling is pathetic. Leftist already think anyone right of Centre are literal nazis anyways. I honestly cannot believe how butt hurt everyone is here.
Yep, those are more important than being a cucklet little bitch and putting on some facade like you do in your life. Go seek more validation from kikes and niggers you faggot.
We never hated identity politics, that was lolbertarian clowns like Milo and Lauren Southern.
>being pro white is now cuck tier
neo/pol/ is actually reddit

Wrong, he just isn't extremely goodlooking you retard. Good looking? OK. Just not extremely, you little GAY FAGGOT NIGGER
>extremely good looking
>extremely goodlooking
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He's probably one of the few Jews that actually looks physically intimidating
>thinks I'd care to lie about being or not being gay on a anonymous asian imageboard
It makes no difference to me,you bloody moron.
I told you i'm not gay.Now you can think I am,that's a whole another deal.
Weak chin
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mad on the internet
>doesn't want to fuck a car
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>let his hair grow to his shoulders
was expecting something like fashionable good looking men but its all gay stuff :/
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>u mad
>extremely good looking
Kind looking, wholesome would be more fitting
>extremely good looking
This post came from deep shithole of Dalmatia
Nah, his chin is fine, his jawline is shit though
>Extremely goodlooking

laughing my fucking ass off

His face is way too tiny for his head and he looks like a fat guy cosplaying a skinny person

Stupid fucking loaf of bread haircut too
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>/pol/ finally has someone speaking on their behalf and shitpsoting irl
>/pol/ rages that they've never ever been white nationalists and he's controlled opposition
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>t. inbred shit skin
His proportions are fine although the statement
>he looks like a fat guy cosplaying a skinny person
Is strikingly accurate
Reddit and cuckold invasion after recent light on /pol/ during 2015-2016
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>all these people shitting on the man for his looks
>implying you would let him fuck your boipucci
This cunt has the weak shifty eyes of of a mongoloid. Throw him in the oven.
>those cheekbones
>that jawline
>that hair

N-notice me senpai

he looks like a Sears Catalog

no >>99964245
>He gets money from the ADL or something to muddy the waters.

no shit sherlock
someone edit the Bane mask on him

Whites just need to stop being white because it's racist, problem solved.
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>no one cared who I was until I put on the /fash/
This tbqh
How do you know his financial status? Why would ADL spend money on him of all the people? He can't be a proper figure to consolidate for European ethnic leadership in USA(shitskin earasianist commie wife and all that)
>ITT: dudes judge the attractiveness of other dudes

You're pathetic, /pol/.
Mental deficiencies are hard to hide despite lacking physical symptoms in most cases.
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Agreed. Hail spencer!
If you can't identify how other males are attractive how do you know how you rate?
>extremely goodlooking
I tought faggots were picky.
All memes aside, this. Then again letting in all the media was a mistake and trying to road the coat tails of the Trump phenomenon is retarded. He should be trying to make things like a border wall, deporting illegals, etc seem like moderate views by having more extreme views so that that it look like Trump is more moderate, that way the more radicals fall under the banner of the "alt-right" and the moderates default back to Trump. Trying to normalize white identity at this stage of the game in association with Trump is the exact opposite of what he should be doing
well, he is controlled opposition
who would be so stupid to sieg heil in public?
Please refer to: >>99967661
I use female reaction to me as a barometer
I don't like him for having his Georgian shitskin wife and considering Iberians and Balkanshits as White, but I won't punch him when he's under attack, because he still advocates White interests
Good luck with that
he didn't even do the salute
he literally raised his glass and some autists saw that as an opportunity to do the salute (maybe 5 people in the crowd)
he's done more for white people that you ever have or will
>his dick can fit in an exhaust pipe

hahahahaha YIKES
>or will
That's debatable, because his ties to Dugin are sign of possible anti-White propagandists within his circle
>he doesn't fuck tigers
Low test beta detected.
yeah he inherited the estate of some rich guy who used to donate to some shitty conservative magazine it wouldn't surprise me if he was involved with AIPAC somehow
So you can get on pol and make threads about yourself
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They were Jewish provocateurs.
It's all on camera.

what the fuck Richard.
>counter signalling Spencer
This just harms you desu senpai
You think the media will bother splitting hairs when they lynch us?

> be Richard Spencer
> no one on /pol has ever heard of you or gives a flying fuck about your attention whoring cum canvas face
> various jewtube faggots like milo try to claim themselves as leader of pol
> they get btfo
> mayne stream medier gives you millions to act as the alt right leader and do heil trumps to discredit trump and trump supporters alike
> accept cause your a cube headed cuck
> CTR starts up Operation "lets pretend Richard Spencer matters and pol cares about his attention whoring
> pol is ruined for days with psyops about how important you are even though you are a total newfag and no one on pol likes you

> normies hate you
> pol hates you
> milo cums on your face
Only wolves dude
>be like spence
>fuck nips all day
>later decides to be Alt Right
>oh vey, do not trust him
Have you forgotten where you are?

If someone on 4chan says an animal or object is beautiful I automatically assume they want to fug it.
>extremely goodlooking white man
what? he has shit skin and jaw
>maybe if I keep pretending the past seven years don't exist then I can try to discredit one of the few people willing to put his life out there for a movement
wew, nice tactics straight out of Rules for Radicals
prove he's a nazi?
you fell for the b8, m8.
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Reminder Spencer married THIS
trash by Russian standard
Kouprianova Nina
Translator for Dugin and Eurasianist
He might be not shared his view, but Eurasianists are the same enemy like SJW
>afraid to click
>click anyway
glad I clicked desu

he would unironically be extremely good looking if he lost weight. the fat on his face conceals his jaw
It's /wsg/, they moderate it pretty well.
refer to: >>99975223 he's not even fat, he's just unlucky and has shitty genes as far as fat distribution goes
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Here Spencer's former wife shills against Hitler and for PIC RELATED
Oh Jesus what is that on his left cheek.
How do you people not understand not to trust someone who lives a wealthy lifestyle without any identifiable and obviously legitimate sources of income?
>caring about how you rate
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Took me a sec to get it.
Nah, I don't care, I just want to be aware so I don't waste my time on bitches and hoes that are vain cunts bruv
you care.
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Thank you, russia.
you slavs are alright.
That's what I thought, bitch. Sit the fuck down.
>good looking
Hes fair in regards to both issues. Funny how hes a racist when blacks are shooting white cops in the head for no reason. Media talks about rhetoric, not actions.
he doesnt though, hes tiny. also, that lisp is instant laugh factory.
For a board that spent the past year denouncing the media's bullshit 'he's a nazi' narratives, you guys are suspiciously accepting of this current slander of Spencer.
Did you watch the fucking speech?
Did you notice Spencer himself never did a salute?
You can go back to plebdit if you think being natsoc is so bad.
Wow, nice reading comprehension.
Journos are English majors aka experts in fiction.
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Ramzpaul is another alt-light faggot who has been preaching that there's no way trump can win etc. He's just a depressed pessimistic faggot.
Fuck all these people who bail on the movement because of some media coverage.
Did all of you forget how they claimed trump did a nazi salute, and that there was no way trump could recover??
Spencer himself didn't even give a salute he lifted a glass of whiskey.
Youre spearing bullshit media memes, making yo u as retarded as the average Hillary supporter.
Go fuck yourself. You were never one of us anyways.
>build an Entire movement called the ALT-right around one basic rule. DO. NOT. KEK. EVER!
>journos get some shaky video of drunk alt-righters roman saluting at conference.
>half the so called advocates of the ALT-right immediately Cuck and disavow


what did kek mean by this?
o shit

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i was reading about this tool some time ago.

good read-->


here is his korean / jew friend... fb.com / marc.epstein.83

they hangout at tabbard inn in DC.
Build wall
pls be my alt right bf
I'm 99% sure we're being inundated with shills tbqh
>extremely good looking
>the Pillsbury Doughboy

Come on now Hrvatskibro
WTF I'm heiling Trump now
Oh shit.
>be right-wing
>MSM and the left defines you to a subgroup to discredit you
>go along with it.
That's where people went wrong, moron
This is incredibly goodlooking.
Its a test m8, all the cucks that disavowed are weak and aren't worthy of the cause
I agree. This is a Lithmus test for the Alt-Right literally every single faggot who countersignals this even slightly must be purged. They are Turncoats would would have stabbed us in the back later down the road over something else.

RammedPoZZPaul and Mike CernoBitch are no longer acceptable members of the movement (not that these cryptokike faggots ever were in the first place since they seemed more concerened with selling books for shekels than moral principals.)
>that guy who tags the first response instead of the OP
>tfw it's me
he has gay face
we're not the alt right you fucking faggot

And the alt right didn't invent the cuck meme we did

Giving the cuck meme to the Alt right would be being a cuck

The shills need to be fucking killed
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Alt-right has never been anything more than a label the Jews want to force on us. You're a Jew if you claim otherwise.
==T H I C C==
Right Wing Death Squads will form in 2017

Nigger I got doublequads for this shit?

Kek is either losing power or Trolling me
Trump will form Right Wing Death Squads in 2017
Every single Alt right "leader" is a Jew
Shills btfo
Spencer confirmed legit and based
check please
Well, he is the god of chaos
>extremely goodlooking
>pizza face
You know what pisses me the fuck off about Ramzpaul? He used to attend all these conferences of AmRen and NPI so he hanged out around Spencer a lot. Now suddenly Spencer gets media exposure and Ramzpaul immidiately stabs him in the back. It's completely absurd.

I should've known what a faggot he is when he started posting shit like "Russians are actually Asians" or "I'm perfectly fine with Jews" on twitter constantly but I didn't truly realize until now.
Isn't the alt-right just attention whores who stole 4chan memes?
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>Alt-right has never been anything more than a label the Jews want to force on us
How anyone is too stupid to realize this astounds me
Hi ledite
>99999999 get
If you TRS faggots ruin one more get we ruin your website
kek is right
these half advocates need to stop disavowing racial realism.
I was going to add that the answert to this is all disavowing Cucks need to be gassed and ovened

Essentially this is the first test of the Alt-Right for who needs to be identified and killed off. Like when Hitler purged the closet faggot officers in the SA
he did use the phrase "soulless golems" while talking about the SJW left.

so, jews.
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Count this nig
Also get raked
Okay... "extremely goodlooking" is REALLY pushing it. I mean, I'm not gay, but he's not the type of guy I would fuck if I was gay.
holy fuck Richard Spencer is with us
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He would look a WHOLE lot better if his skin was smooth.

What the fuck is up with all those spots on his face and pimples on his neck?

He'd be better off growing a beard to cover it all.
>the alt right didn't invent the cuck meme we did
Nice historical revisionism, bro. Anyone who isn't a total newfag knows that cuc k is an alt-right term.
just fuck my global white imperium up
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>get raked
I'm a masochist, so k
/pol/ started the cuck meme

period. If you TRS faggot ruin one more get we ruin you
I think you mean
>be alt-right
>lib shits try and use your racist group to group up all dirdy drumpf supporders so they can easily attack them
>let it happen because free publicity
>meme a president into office
They literally tried the exact thing with trump, throw their media weight behind him to kill their more "reasonable" opponents thinking they can easily crush them afterwards, then get shit on to the next dimension because they can't play 4d chess.
wait shit I'm blind
Those numbers
what is it about leafs and gets today? Is kek just trolling us?
In the grand scheme of things it wasn't Spencer himself that made the roman salute, it was one of his overzealous audience members and I think that is a key difference. Furthermore, even with the Roman salute, no alt-right celeb has advocated violence of any kind. On the left however, we've seen plenty of calls for violence.

We are actually fortunate to live in an age were we can counter any MSM narrative. Imagine just 30 years ago when everyone got their news from TV. Alt-right gains supporters whenever it calls out anti-white violence and rhetoric coming from the left, thus they need to keep doing that.

Any infighting is wasted opportunity attacking leftists and this goes for both the white nationalists and pro-white civic nationalists.
He's white fool. Of course he looks better than 70% of what's out there.
Spencer is a hero, he will be President in 2024.
Go to 1:58:00


Richard Spencer should say that he is sorry for what happened, that the alt-right is not a real thing and that he will step out of politics and never be in the public eye again.

Faggot has done so much more damage than he has ever contributed and should fucking know when to fucking stop it. He is litterally one of the Lefts strongest assets as long as he doesn't step down. IT'S FUCKING OVER, Spenser or whatever your faggot name is.
clowns are faggots, digits confirm
>glass of whiskey
Degenerate. Why he never calls our "Mongrel Question"? USA is not 60% White.. More like 30-35% White? Chances are you he's not White either. Let me help you. Anywhere between 28-32% of the US """Whites""" has negro or amerindian admixture. USA is like BEST CASE SCENARIO 35% White country.
It was specially non-Hispanic Whites who got studied. Beware of purity!


I gotta agree with Niels on this.
Because a Jew hailed his speech? Nah
> le damage
> le literally shaking
Fuck of kike
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i am 5th gen murican and 4thgen in nigger states
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stars for the cup
He is a faggot like David Duke

Worthless to what we are doing.

He can never add anything to us again, because he is a moron.
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fuck of mongol
oy vey *off
>Implying the Vegas Golden Knights wont win
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Nah he's husky enough to avoid looking like a numale, yet not fat. Pretty hot daddy, no homo
>this Russian poster with the same fucking shitty links and the same exact text
who the fuck is this?

We need Krystallnacht
How am I jew for being a racial preservationist?
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