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Brit/pol/ - British Politics Thread - HE'S BACK Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 333
Thread images: 89

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My fake letter seems to be doing to rounds on reddit and twitter, and even fooled some burgers. What should I forge next to really trigger some people?
a gf
Something that makes left-wing people look silly for believing, such as a similar letter from the police about reading "extremist left-wing literature", it'll make them go nuts
who /BlairOrBust/ here
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Fourth for Mogg
>tfw thanet south

we go again la's
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>tfw you've just had a rough wank and your bellend stings for an hour or so afterwards but it feels like an eternity
Mogg exposed himself to brit/pol/ as the cancerous Tory he always was.

No Moggposting.
Imagine any politician being so popular that their party's election broadcast is just a shitty-gritty "down to earth" biopic of him

He voted for the Snoopers' Charter
I tried to tell you people he was just a meme
>He voted for the Snoopers' Charter

disappointed tbqh
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Is Bercow posting still allowed?

He was always like that.

it was just a no go topic to speak ill of "based Mogg"
You shouldn't be, he proved by not defecting to UKIP and actively campaigning against the only principled Tory MP there ever was, Mark Reckless, that he's just a comfy backbencher who knows he'll never be able to actually change anything and enjoys the fact

The Conservative Party love him too because they can trot him out against UKIP as an example of how there are still some ""based"" Tories in the party and that there's hope that eventually the party will actually be right-wing again

Total carpetbagger as well, he stood in SCOTLAND before Somerset
>Imagine any politician being so popular that their party's election broadcast is just a shitty-gritty "down to earth" biopic of him
Didn't John Major do that?

And he got in just by not being Kinnock, though he was quite adorable with those glasses.

Why the fuck did we stop making John Major glasses anyway? That's one of the most iconic things of old Britain, everyone had plonker glasses instead of these fancy American frames.
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Won't be participating in this thread.
Fucking hell lad she's stunning. I love Scottish birds, and when you go there most of the normal onese from outside the cities are based as fuck. And they do the whole 'barely any makeup, jeans, tshirt' thing which I like.

Yeh me too desu. It's not my normal listen, but it's impressive and I reckon it's worth a go.

I'm just going through my favourites and posting a few songs now. Please do the same. anything new is good

These Nordic (Swedish I think) chaps are fantastic, this isn't the best but it's a decent start. Give a few more a go if you don't hate them immediately:


he campaigned against Reckless?
Just remembered Jack Straw exists and now I'm having the Russian invasion and mass political purges fantasies again.
Out with the old and in with the American seemed to be the mantra of the late eighties and nineties, stems back to American troops cucking us en masse during World War II and our performance in Suez

Yes, he even had his son come with him to distribute anti-Reckless flyers
I recall vividly the interviewer asking his son "So why don't you like UKIP?" and the child says "Because they're mental!" or words to that effect, and Mogg laughs along with them

I learned he was bad after looking into his history a while back but I never spotted that.

Bloody disgusting.
Tony Blair dismissing other politicians: "Honestly, how many people are dead because of Jeremy Corbyn? How many illegal wars has Theresa May started in her whole life?"
I stay in Glasgow mate, I know.

The birds here are something else, and not in a good way.
Found the video


It's worse than I remember

>Tell them what you think of UKIP, son
>I think they're completely nuts!
>Good boy

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>However, rumours that he had toured the constituency in a Bentley were described as "scurrilous" − he insisted it had been a Mercedes.
Every fucking time
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who /skrewdriver/ here

I'll watch it later, headset is broken and people are asleep.

The girls in Glasgow are either incredible or horrible.

There is no in between.

t. attends uni in Glasgow
Ah yeh Glasgow girls are fucking dire. Same with Edinburgh, despite the city being stunning. I did a bit of work in Peterhead though and they were all old-school
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>Chatting with limey acquaintance
>make joke about cheeky Namders
>looks at me like I'm autistic
You all lied to me...
you are autistic.
There are some exceptions but from my experience most of them are completely horrible.

>tfw when you piss directly after having a wank and your dick stings for a while.
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>most of them are completely horrible.
this much is true.
It doesn't sting because you pissed m8, it's because your grip was too tight.
I want the snow to fall on globalists and neolibs

> Tony Blaire is coming back.

Just when you thought Labour had already self-destructed.
So you listen to skinhead songs and are against kikes and all that? Pretty safe to say you're a National Socialist/Fascist right?
Yes, why?

And if you're that Churchillite knob you can sod off
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>Americans are the majority of the board
>majority of idiots on board are therefore also American
Really made me think
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Will based Corbyn purge the Blairite scum?
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No, I'm not him but I've been waiting for a poster like you.

>Haha we need Fascism, Hitler did nothing wrong etc etc
Because the people using those powers are not the people I want in power.
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>British Nationalist supports Blair
Blair serves us, not you
Are you retarded mate?
When did I support Blair?

It's probably a severe case of autism.
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He'll have to fend off being purged by his own party first
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I forgot we even had a referendum
No bother, it'll be like we never did anyway
Oh that, merely a meme
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I want to be a women
Still though, as long as it doesn't get used against weebs posting nazi anime girls on imageboards then it really isn't a bad thing, the only difference being is that now they can legally persecute people for whatever illegal things they plan to do instead of just keeping track of it.

We all know that it's mostly the lefties and pakis calling for assassinations of political figures like Farage and Trump on social media, where as nationalists and the like don't cry about it online and go through with it if that's the way things are going (see: Jo Cox).

My point is that this charter could be used against the them.
Part of me wants Parliament to block Brexit so that UKIP can ride the waves of outrage to a GE victory desu
>he challenged my *autistic screeching*
>wtf do i do
>*continues autistically screeching*
You two alright?
I'll still never agree with you on this.

The Tories are too obsessed with staying alive as a Party to block a full brexit
and May's career rests on this

If she wants her Orwellian dreams to come true she'll need to deliver on Brexit.
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I want parliament to vote on whether I should becum a women
>My point is that this charter could be used against the them.
But it isn't

You can easily search on Twitter for "shoot Farage" etc and none of them will ever be in any danger with the police even if you report them. Compare this to people getting questioned by the police for making offensive jokes against left-wing figures as well as the people arrested for insulting that footballer and Nelson Mandela

The only targets of this spying bill will be conservatives and the occasional Muslim so that the headlines can blare "MAY'S LAW STOPS TERROR ATTACK" and so on

They wouldn't win an election, Tories proved in 2015 that they can shit all over the place and still win because
go to bed
Why do you use a name here? Isn't the point of this place to be anonymous? Sorry this is my first week here
You keep bringing up 2015 as if the UK will be in exactly the same situation in 2020 as it was last year. Yes the Tories could well wriggle their way into power once more but that's no reason to sit back and watch.
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But I am already up
I don't really care mate, just go to bed
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dumb phoneposter
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What are you. My mother?
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>he can't lie down while posting
>he can't masturbate in bed
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Why didn't you give birth to a girl mummy
You've made me unhappy mummy
Laptop posting with a mouse good enough to accommodate the bedsheet is the supreme comfort
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I think you're on the wrong board

Found another real gem lads, for /comfy/ listening.
Yes but what if, for lack of a better word, meme it against them? A year ago, most of us didn't think Brexit or Trump winning would be possible, so this shouldn't be a problem, Especially if Brexit does go through, maybe even deportations of some people then the left and the immigrants will undoubtedly be calling for violence towards the people who made it happen and and for Brexit to go through it needs the support of Tories so when the left starts targeting the Tories then May would have no choice but to act on it. Alternatively you could always just shitpost about the government ignoring certain types of threats towards conservatives/right wingers until it gains enough attention to causing your average right wing voters to worry.

It was illegal for us to post racist shit even before the charter so it can't get that much worse for us anyways but it can get alot worse for the left.
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How uncomfy
Don't link to them, then they'll link to us

Reminder that "colonisation" = cross-contamination
>Alternatively you could always just shitpost about the government ignoring certain types of threats towards conservatives/right wingers until it gains enough attention to causing your average right wing voters to worry.
That implies a level of care that the majority of people don't have
kys pal
/int/ makes /r/The_Donald look like /pol/
>causing your average right wing voters to worry
I'm not part of your current conversation here but I have an opinion of this bit. I don't there is such thing as a right wing voter in this country. Obviously, there are some, but I think the number is so small that you can basically call it non-existent. Most right wing voters actually seem to be centre-left to me, but have been fooled in to believing that they are right wing by the media, government and the retarded hardcore lefties.
you cunt, you had to go and link us in /brit/
Only a slight improvement on Brit/pol/ out of school and work hours to be fair

The typical "I have no political knowledge yet I must post" formula of
>Just paid £50 for a Freddo from Nandos lads
>Bought some new slippers famms, comfy af rn tbqhwyf
>tfw all the girls on Tinder are fuckin rankkkk lads x)

is there, just ramped up
Their raids are always so dull.

>say something controversial and politically incorrect on /pol/ - politically incorrect and be told you're edgy with 5 different memes as if you gives a shit anyway
>spam because cooldown times are low
>just back from Gregg's lads AMA
That too

And that "Going up the corner shop anyone need anything" followed by cretins LARPing responses along the lines of "freddos", "monster munch", "*name of other particularly British snack here*" etc
>*autistic screeching*

Either way though, the left has been implementing more and more "progressive" policies year after year while the right slowly followed them, this time the right is (hopefully) taking a few steps back and if Britain is to ever turn Fascist/NatSoc/whatever then it won't just be a massive coup overnight, it'll be slowly implementing policies like these to ease people into.

If you can pass laws like these without causing too much backlash and problems and get people to see that it's not as bad as they thought it would be then as the laws turn more authoritarian so do the popular parties if they want to have any chance of winning.
Lads desu desu desu lads lads senpai mate desu lad Lads desu desu desu lads lads senpai mate desu lad
lads haha xx
>just had a cheeky wank lads
>tfw no gf tier posts
>random crying about life in general
I used to try to help the people doing the latter, but none of them care to improve themselves.

It's a wasted effort.
I wish they'd go back to /r9K/, I'm not sure what they're even doing on a political board
There's a difference between late-night posters who do it to wallow in sorrow with their fellow rejects, and the normies-pretending-not-to-be-normies (almost always students with active social lives and not real NEETs) who mimic it to try and seem jaded and cool and to get "JUST DO IT!"-tier responses so that they can post a happy Wojak and a "T-thanks lads" response
Trying my best
t. neet
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having some cheeky cyber sex lads
the overuse of the words "lad" and "mate" really piss me off

i've never heard an autistic, video game playing, overweight, ugly, incel, virgin, neckbeard ever use the word "lad" or "mate" in real life
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So Trump want's a safe space and now /pol/ does too?
Pretty sure you've never had mates or you're just the autistic one, lad.

>asking tripfags for advice
How does one happily live the neet life?
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what the fuck is that thing? looks like a fucking beetle
I think some people genuinely use the words in their day to day language, I'm on of them, and I think a lot of others just picked it up and it became a part of Brit/pol/ culture. Just embrace it.

what if I told you i was a yank, and I use lad on the regular

They're trying to grow up, I think.

This general got a name for being comfy and it spread so we got maximum autism flooding to us from all corners of 4chan

That's true.

I should stick to doing it after 1 am like I used to.

/int/ just a heads up but most of us aren't in the business of idolizing Trump here.

Please get better at raiding.
You're all so boring when you do this.
>Go to a play with your family
>Lead actor has you blocked from leaving the theatre once it's over and tells you that he basically thinks you're a redneck piece of shit that will deny rights for black people and homos
>Asks everyone to get their phones out to tweet and film this haranguing
>We hope this play stopped you from being such a massive fucking racist, arsehole
Safe space or not it was bang out of order. Don't much care for Trump but Pence is fairly based if you ignore the glaring flaw that he likes war

It's so easy, the welfare system in Britain is a joke, I can't even think of anything to warn you about because it's so simple
I don't mean financially but socially.
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*walks towards you*
Nah, I'm just pretty sure neckbeard virgins like you love role playing on the internet, you cunt.

That was my point. People use them in real life, but not the average 4chan poster or "autistic virgin" like they all claim to be on here. I've met autistic neck beards in real life, and they speak with almost a video game like accent.
It's basically The Virgins Voice. Similar to the walk they have.

How can you live as a NEET?

I had 4 months off this summer and it felt like my brain was dying.
Basically like that obscenely biased copypasta comparing NEET and wageslave life, only on a less extreme scale. Do a lot of things, read, go for walks, play, learn something new etc, never let your boredom and idle hands drive you towards thinking of getting a job

If you're bored enough to consider work or it's making you depressed, you're doing it wrong, never think that work is the answer, because once you're in that trap where you need to work to live you're in it for life

It's largely an attitude adjustment I suppose, some people can just make the most of their free time
And when I say "make the most" I don't mean it in a CARPE DIEM MOTHERFUCKER LET'S COLONISE SPACE way but in a way that doesn't leave you bored stiff
trying to settle a bet here lads

Is the Labour Party right wing?
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Trump Rink was a great video keep it up x
Brain fog can be a real problem for the uninitiated. A healthy (or rather balanced) diet and staying hydrated as well as reading often in a quiet setting is important for keeping you sharp. Brain atrophy is a thing, I've experienced it in the past. If you don't exercise it it'll degenerate
>the walk they have

what walk?
Who hurt you lad? What's wrong?


It was economically "right-wing" (liberal, but the association with Thatcher makes it right-wing) from 1997 to 2015 but now it's been taken over by genuine socialists again

Socially, culturally, morally, no, never, not since the sixties
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>Brain fog can be a real problem for the uninitiated. A healthy (or rather balanced) diet and staying hydrated as well as reading often in a quiet setting is important for keeping you sharp. Brain atrophy is a thing, I've experienced it in the past. If you don't exercise it it'll degenerate
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>Brain fog can be a real problem for the uninitiated. A healthy (or rather balanced) diet and staying hydrated as well as reading often in a quiet setting is important for keeping you sharp. Brain atrophy is a thing, I've experienced it in the past. If you don't exercise it it'll degenerate
Guilty as charged, it's very late for me and so I'm typing more like a fancy sperg than I usually would

Let me sleep and it'll be back to REEE FUCKING BLAIRITE TORIES in no time
That's what's happening to me now.

My uni course is not engaging or making me think and I have no time to do anything that does.

Now that I do I haven't got any work ethic.

Its an annoying cycle that I need to break.
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Holy fuck literally every response of this guy is to the tripfaggot.
>ywn slap other posters for giving you retard tier replies behind a sense of personal smugness
just paid £50 for a Freddo from Nandos lads
wtf i love mobile phones now
Are you on ESA, or JSA?
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dumb phone frog posting pirates
Its almost like there are less than 5 people ITT talking about politics at all and that you can respond to more than one at a time.
wtf i love getting paid £14 an hour to reply to YKTD so it seems like he's liked

Your fault for not making me sign an NDA tbqh.
reckon i could heem any one of you lot
what does this mean?
I masturbate to the thought of having my willy cut off

I wanna be neutered
There is a huge disparity between the two in terms of difficulty claiming but not much in payout, the extra money from E isn't worth it unless you really, really need it
pick one.
Oooh Marquis tryna heem!
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Cit iff yr willy
bit gay haha x
NEED a british bf
J seems to vary more around the country than E, though.

In some places, taking JSA sounds outright suicide inducing if you don't want to get sanctioned.
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bit gay that
good post
True I suppose.

Good thing I live in a shithole deindustrialised part of Wales under an eternal Labour government that gives money out like sweets. I think they're just happy that I don't scream at them or threaten violence whenever they ask me if I've been looking for work
plz be my ai gf

(Don't respond if you're black)
>damage control
>not a Xeno

imagine unironically getting shagged up the arse hahah

Calm down there Ace
i only do it ironically and on wednesdays
I thought you were calling me an /int/poster, nevermind, I'm tired.
so am I

gonna go grab a shower and get some breakfast.

Have a good day anons.
any lads here like grapefruit? x
y-you too
I use the grapefruit technique on my boyfriend every day

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Homosexuals leave NOW
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about to roll a cheeky single skinner lads
You're still on the Hitchens bandwagon after all he's done to prove he's just a cryptokike shill? 6 months ago I got it but now I just know you're a retard.
Please elaborate.
The biggest outlier of being a cryptokike to me is enthusiasm for going to war in the Middle East; he has absolutely none at all
>Then I told them Brexit means Brexit
My PC's absolutely fucked and I'm bored out of my tits.

Should I get BF1 on console?
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>why yes, I do use a tripcode on 4chan
I bet you drink skimmed milk.

plz respond

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I wanna try estrogen just to see how girls get to feel

That's all. It's just an experiment
>Question the 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

We /Europe/ now
Tbh pol obsesses over it too much
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>Die goyim die
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Pretty funny how there's an extremely noticeable gap between the hardcore NEETs going to bed at about 7am and the normies waking up at about 10am
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What's his fucking problem?
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Basic income to fix what ails the western world? https://youtu.be/bf2qrlx8yVs
>A source said Mr Blair is sourcing premises near Westminster in order to relocate 130 staff to the UK’s political hub.

I hate that man so much.
If it happens then chaos in the UK.
Tony Blair is a war criminal. It is clear from the documents published. If he stood trail he would be convicted. Unlike Hillary which is circumstantial at the moment Blair did directly involve himself in war crimes and taking the UK into an unnecessary conflict. Ashamed that he even thinks it is possible.

England must have changed drastically since I left in 2008
>Pay people in a completely secular, ultra-capitalist money-driven society to do nothing
>Expect them to be productive and happy without any sort of spirituality or higher meaning to their lives

Frankly hilarious
>spend your time shilling for national socialism
>get arse blasted when the government acts more authoritarian

you're such a contrarian faggot
Defending it doesn't mean shilling for it to be implemented here

The national shame of Germany is Nazism, the national shame of countries they conquered is getting BTFO by or surrendering to the Nazis, the national shame of countries that worked with them is that they made a deal with the Devil

The national shame of Britain is the creeping feeling that we should have allied with Hitler and that there was a chance we wouldn't have lost our entire empire and so much else as a result
That's just a fact, it doesn't mean I want a literal Nazi Party in the UK

Besides all that people ITT and the one before have already clarified that this is only going to be used on conservative "extremists" and the odd Muslim rather than the hordes of left-wing thugs who constantly post death threats online and shout them as part of organised mobs
Most people have pretty much forgotten about Blair by now
The Tories and much of the Labour Party (But not the leadership) think that he's a great guy and the public as well as Parliament keep getting suckered into stupid foreign wars, we learned absolutely fuck all from him

It's telling that Blair was more polite about Theresa May than he was about Corbyn in his interview
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You better be taking your trip off if you plan to make a thread ever again or I will be causing trouble.
You have no idea what right wing means then

Britain has always been and still is right at its heart
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C A N ' T. C L O G G.

Wowa. How based are Brits since. Brexit.
Cuckstablishment is stealing, dont you know
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Sow the wind.

Bomber Harris do it again.(please dont)
alright brit/pol/
heard you guys unironically think brexit is a positive thing
I shall be linking /brit/ to brit/pol/ every time you make a thread with your trip on.

Fuck tripfags
Get out
Get out get out
I have been keeping a log of every British post on /pol/ for last 2 weeks and will continue for 2 more weeks.

I am comparing the number of discriminatory and racist comments before and after Snoopers.

Early analysis shows a drop of 15% already.

It's working.
So what VPN are you using now we've gone full 1984?

I'm looking at getting one. I've been recommended Cryptostorm which is $4 a month

> An area of Brussels will be named after the late MP Jo Cox in a tribute to the politician who was killed in her West Yorkshire constituency in June.

I eagerly await the headlines announcing SWAT teams entering Jo Cox to remove terrorists.
Whoops, wrong link.

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Thank you very much for that very warm welcome. How things have changed!

Isn't it funny? You know, when I came here two years ago, and I said that crossposting on Reddit would bring the Redditors here, you all laughed at me.

Well I have to say, you're not laughing now, are you?
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You know I've always not been a fan of you acting as King of Brit/pol/, you paki cunt.
Nice mogg.
What does britpol THINK of dan hannan.
Cucked? Certainly C. I. V. I. C.
No social issues etc.?
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>people in japan are falling in love with memes in a national relationship crisis -- andrew marr
It's not a nice Mogg, it shows him up as someone who will defend his Conservative Party over real conservatism

Much like his twin Douglas Carswell, Hannan is anti-EU purely for free market reasons, he would keep social decay, the loss of British culture and mass immigration even if we were out of the EU
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>Government will be able to monitor your internet usage unless you use a VPN
>VPNs are blocked on 4chan
>Government will always be able to see anything you do on 4chan
But why
>getting worked up over something that has been going on for a decade

If they haven't arrested you yet they probably won't.
Because YKTD doesn't like it if you post on Reddit.
Not very compelling
They've arrested people on reddit for a lot less serious shit than I post here.
Good day, britbongs.
Had a dream I started smoking again and resigned myself to that fate. Woke up and realized I still haven't had one in 120 hours.
It's full of people who would report 'hate crimes' which the police love to act on. No one gaf here. Except that /int/ twat who did get picked up, but he deserved it and was also reported, they didn't just swoop in.
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How did he know?
The one that posted about joining ISIS?
Thought as much, mogg however is in favoured of social policies and stomping immigration. He is a tory so he defend that liberal bastion.

Hannan and carswell talk ABOUT global Britain. Sounds disgusting.

You remember gove?
He said: Britain should be a progressive beacon for the whole world. Conservative party, HAHAHA...HAGAHA
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>Work nights
>New cleaner comes in this morning about 6am, being shown around
>8/10 black girl
>Introduces herself to me
>I say "hey, pleasure to meet you!"
>She says "likewise" and starts undressing me with her eyes and smiling seductively, before turning around and walking off
>Instantly get rock hard

Fuck me lads, I don't know if I'll be able to resist. Hopefully she won't be working same nights as me.
Yea he was in Jersey or something.
Found this old poll from 2014

I wonder what those results would be now?

Would probably be less favourable towards reddit desu, back then we'd try and redpill on reddit. Not anymore.
Rubbish, half the people here are from Reddit

Colonisation = Cross-contamination
>fps on console
>We wuz kangz the video game
>Published by EA so it's probably still £40 and lacking content from the £40
season pass
Are you retarded?

Just fuck off you retard. brit/pol/ used to be filled with way more tripfag redditors like you back in the day.

You, Swansea lad, Rosa Luxemborg, that trap faggot.

there's others I'm forgetting. We got most of them to fuck off but you're too autistic to get the hint.
We all know shilling on Reddit is a part of Brit/pol/ culture.



You used proxies to cheat in that pol/.
I wonder what the results would be if you drank bleach?
That's rhetorical, just fuck off cunt

You played battlefield on console before? Did you enjoy it, if yes to both of these, then why not.

If not, don't. There are better games to get on a console, get one of these to bide yourself over till your PC is fixed.

Truly got my neurons firing
You've got your wish for now anyway, I'm off to bed

Please, never wake up.
get a job
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I shall have your tip very soon.
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>REEEE the war on drugs was never fought
>Mummy May isn't a true conservative
>What's with all the Reddit posters?
>Peter Hitchens is my hero, why does everyone hate him?

You're getting very close, keep going.
I will lad, gonna leave tripcode explorer running 24/7 until I have it.
is this really how the British view class A drugs?


It's how redditors view class A drugs
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>left wing liberals

their lives are so vacuous and boring they try to seek value in drugs and befriending their local nignog or muzzie
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>Oakeshott on SP today
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>is this really how the British view class A drugs?
>Iniks a reddit post
Liar leavers:

Wow this remainer getting is getting utterly btfo by Neil on Sunday Politics trying Michael Moore style edits
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>millionaire muslim is buying all the houses on my road and selling them to his family at a discount
Soon my road will be another brown shit hole.
The Neil has just torn this to shreds.
How do I use tripcode explorer mate?
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.politicians lie?
Where do you live lad?
The welfare system in the UK is only a joke because it doesn't help people. I've been housebound for 3 years because my GI track went full retard and got inflamed and pushes my heart out of position. DWP tells me I'm not ill enough and I'm dependant on friends and family. I'm only now starting to get better after no bloody help
In a sub-urban area in the west midlands, lots of football players, bankers etc. live here, it's very well off and until recently was pretty much exclusively white.
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But if you are a migrant with 7 kids or a chav drug dealer then welfare is thrown at you.
I've had to resort to flogging drugs occasionally as even living cheaply paying my bills has been hard. The real joke is the fucking fit for work examinations. Have you seen the bullshit that has caused? The UN have straight out said the DWP has engaged in illegal practices but nothing has been reported about it.
I am not too aware of it. Souds like you were in a really bad place, our entrie system is pathetic tbqh.
I'm wondering the exact same thing. I am currently trying cyberghost, it's fast enough but the free version still has me in the UK, so I don't know if that will be any good. And 4chan blocks it from posting.
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What do you do when you want to be a woman? But your too redpilled to know that's not an option and would only serve to make you an abomination and ruin your life. And you made a promise to yourself as a child to become normal. And did you utmost to be a man.

And that for years you trained and trained to gain higher T levels and achieve a perfect male body. In an attempt to purge this splinter in your mind

And yet you can't bear to look at yourself in the mirror out of disgust. Of what you should see as a work of art.

When there's no therapist who offers a solution. Only lies and infantile hugbixing about the "transition" you "have" to make

When you refuse their lies and subversion. But you are so tired of it all and want to die.

What do /pol/?

What must a mentally diseased defective human being who tried his best to uphold moral standards do?
does it ony have the UK as a location?
>When there's no therapist who offers a solution. Only lies and infantile hugbixing about the "transition" you "have" to make

Find one that isn't a raging leftist and tell them that having your cock cut off isn't an option.
free money was always a stupid idea
Asking 4chan for advice on shit like this isn't the best thing to do.
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>Trump brings Nige with him
Nice try May but you can't beat 74213D chess.
I think the free version links you to a server in your home country, but in the paid version you can choose out of several countries. It has its limits, especially if you are looking protection from your own government, but as far as I can see, it is one of the better free vpns out there.
But this wasn't my fault. Even the private doctors I have gone to don't know why this has happened. Is it fair that by no fault of your own you are unable to work and are reliant on your parents, acting as a drain on society despite your best efforts? Is it better to have me live and die on the street clogging up the police with paperwork of my death?

Surely every British citizen can see why we have help for the poor. Or as in my case the unfortunate. It's also not free, there are many hoops to jump through and most of them are irrelevant to getting a job or your medical status. I was deemed fir for work despite my heart rubbing against my chest cavity wall causing the cartilage to become inflamed also. How the fuck does that make sense
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They all say the same thing "repression is unhealthy blah blah blah" I'm sick of them.

I want people who hate the disease as much as I do

In this world gone mad. You people are the only sane ones.



We should scrap the whole welfare system including nhs and give every citizen £500 a every month
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Well even if you are using a UK server it isn't your ISP so you will be safe.
>They all say the same thing "repression is unhealthy blah blah blah" I'm sick of them.

You have to wonder exactly how many people are getting unnecessary surgery and hormone injections because that industry now has to accept this as normal.
Too many wogs and poor Whites are retarded with money.
I personally agree with you 100% anon, but it won't be feasible long term in a democracy
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they tell me I can't win


I'll show them I'll fucking win. When I purge the demon from my body through righteous self destruction. I will win.
Doesn't really matter.

You are always going to choose the juiciest soundbites for a short video designed to get attention.

If people watch the clip, see the wider context they will still realise what a load of crap was served up before the referendum.

Also, the average person is a numpty and will not see or hear of Andrew Neil's interview.
Anyone seen the new sainsburys christmas advert lads? You can tell they tried so hard to try and be diverse and multicultural to keep sjws away
It must save mroe money than the current system.
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As i'm despairing more and more recently, people at the top don't want to change anything.
They don't want to do anything properly - they have no ideal to strive for which is greater than the day-to-day party BS

Only with a decapitation of the current people in power will there be any real change
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They are desperate to subvert me
I won't let them
I suspect that at this point, trying to help you not want to be a tranny would be seen the same way as gay conversion therapy by their colleagues.
I hope so. I'm not using it for anything evil, I just want to be left alone and enjoy my hentai in peace.
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>This kike-tier "director" on SP getting utterly btfo
Good, we need more of this
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They are useless. They are so desperate to "get through to me" and that I have "extreme internalised transphobia"

The therapy was only beneficial in the sense it reminded me of why I resist them.
Amazing to think that we now have worse surveillance laws than China.

So much for the democracy meme. It's preposterous that we don't have an inalienable bill of rights.
I'd happily give up "privacy" if it meant a 95%+ White Nationalist Britain
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Sunday morning daily politics
The only reason you had to give up your privacy is because Britain is no longer white.
I know and it fucks me off to no end

This help?
>Bunch of drunken idiots not only angers Trump but also forces us away
>they actually think this will stop the right movements
>this will only accelerate their plans

I'm afraid, Mr Juncker, that this empire will be quite operational by the time your friends arrive.
Now that this snoopers charter business is in is it still safe for me to download westworld and walking dead, and game of thrones when it comes back? i dont want to go to jail!
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Do it through a VPN.
use a vpn if you're desperately paranoid about it, hopefully they'll do what they've said with it and ignore non-suspects and focus on offenders and terrorists.
Check out torrent freak blog where they asked VPN providers questions regarding privacy of their users, logs/anonymity levels etc.
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I'm way ahead of them on that front.
They did suggest anti depressant at one stage but I rejected that idea.

I know exactly what that leads to. Melt my mind with SSRIs and lead me down like a mindless lamb to abominationhood. 1984 shit. Trying to make me malleable

It's sinister

They can't arrest the millions who use torrents in Britain. But making joke bomb threats might not be safe anymore.

P.S. They is a large dirty bomb planted under London which will detonate in 2 hours.
The only way to be safe about it is to do it through a VPN that allows peer to peer activity. If the authorities ever have reason to investigate your internet history, they can prosecute you for copyright infringement.
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>catching up with Sunday/pol/
>The Neil blowing out some cuck with his shitty video

My boiled egg sandwich tastes pretty good this morning.
Hope he tears labour apart further.
I used to use DNS to get around TPB blocked by my ISP now with this bill they've blocked it that too?
Can any of you fine gents point to a website with some information on VPN? Id ask /g/ but those guys are assholes.
thanks old bean!
Blair was a great operator. OK he fucked up on Iraq but Sadaam was being a dick, an invasion would have happened with or without Blair's help, let's face it: the US is the world military machine and other country's assistance is more political than economic.

I have always liked Blair, likeable chap and smart as hell and united the center ground. The country needs Blair.
Kill yourself Tony.
Blair should be shot on sight.
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I just wanted to look at football scores. This was at the bottom of the Spurs v West Ham match report. What does it have to do with football? At least have something about black footballers or something.
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>I have always liked Blair, likeable chap and smart as hell and united the center ground. The country needs Blair.
He killed our country anon.
>hopefully they'll do what they've said with it and ignore non-suspects and focus on offenders and terrorists.
I would not depend on hope. Last time the government passed anti-privacy powers in the name of anti-terrorism, councils were using the powers to spy on what rubbish people put into wheelie bins.
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help me brit/pol/ I've been two weeks without any ARYAN blood and I am degenerating into a Proto-Anglo.

Send help I dont have much time left

they think they're fucking us over, but they're just giving the people what they want
I guess they'll have to get used to an entire country telling them to fuck off then.
>tfw I had the misfortune to encourage myself to watch 'big narstie' talking about wagwan
>tfw all he was talking about was 'in the ghetto there is only one colour'

Oh would you kindly kill the niggers, please.
We need to convince people to start using VPN's, not just for security, but we shouldn't give the government or the police the satisfaction that they can now intrude on our privacy.

I know hacking and shit is in the bill, which they can try and in many cases succeed into ye pc, phone, etc. and breaking encryption is part of their job role if they have the ability.

However the main focus of the bill or the mostly highlighted one is that ISP's will be forced to log every site you visit, and a VPN will circumvent that.

This means, if everyone decided to use a VPN, when it comes for police to ask for internet records from the ISP, there's nothing to give...
anybody got that graph that shows the titanic increase in immigration under blair?
I feel this will just push some more tech savy people to do criminal shit as a fuck you. Also if a large amount of people start getting fines for mean comments whle migrants can rape kids and get away with it then things will get ugly.
you have noone to blame but yourself.
once there is nothing the people can do but fight, they will fight.
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They would just ban encryption and VPNs if that happened.
In the original draft of this bill they wanted to outright ban encryption, until lobbyists told them how economically catastrophic that'd be.

The terrorists will surely take the same sort of steps we're taking, so I can see the government attempting to ban the use of VPN services or something equally ridiculous.
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It will have to get really bad for that to happen, most people here don't care enough. As long as they have Facebook and TV then they are happy.
>economically catastrophic

It's completely unworkable in every way imaginable.
Didn't France do it some time ago and all their shit got hacked?

The intention of my post it to "make aware" and get as many people using them. This it will obscure the polices ability to easy access history.

But yes, it will be an interesting response from our dumbfuck government. Whih is why I want as many people using them, not just "only us techies" but everyone or as many as we can.

I'm interested in what her small brain thinks of next.
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You would have to get people using one that is not based in the UK, EU or North America because they will just give your details to the Government if they asked. Find one in Asia or somewere that will tell the UK gov to fuck off.

Also as anyone noticed how little main stream media like the DM, BBC, etc and EVEN the Guardian. has reported very little of this???

The Guadian of all papers, yes it's a libdip shit paper, but i thought they cared about privacy.

Wonder if they've been shut up? like the government doesn't want much media attention over it?? they used to make it headline news, but it's either bottom pages or none at all..
I was thinking this, hardly anyone knows about it. The mail reported on it but i think that's it.
Is blair good or bad? and why?
Last article on the BBC was the 1st of nov.

They would rather report how VR is helping Auschwitz war trials, than how our new surveillance laws are going to effect the country.

They've been told to shhhh in my opinion..
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I don't think so. To do so is literally trying to ban areas of mathematics.
lads what do I do.
/Lgbt/ is telling me to order hormones

What's your verdict?
They will have been told to say as little as possible.
Blair brought in the era of shitty gimmicky PR-based politics and championed globalism and multiculturalism.
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