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Now we must help to liberate the German people from the state's

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Thread replies: 320
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Now we must help to liberate the German people from the state's poisonous propaganda corrupting their minds and hearts.

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>American revolution inspired the world
>Trumps election victory is doing the same
When did everything go so right?
Make Frauke Petry Chancellor!
I fear its still too early my american friend. Maybe during the 2021 elections.

Congratulations to you guys and make america great again
wtf I love america now
No chance! Everybody here loves immigrants
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We stand togehter to uncuck the world, my germanic brother !
When do we start liberating Germany lads?
yes pls

meme us into salvation
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Countercuck Commando reportiert ein.
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We witnessed how /pol/ changed the course of history. If we work togerther, we can fix Germany. And France, Austria etc. Not Sweden though. Its gonna be hard but now everything is possible.
Lets change this fucking Planet!

who does those legs belong to?
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I will gladly help to meme the 4th Reich into existence!
oh wait.....

but seriously - I hope Germany will get to be a bit less cucked! GL
Frauke waarschijnlijk
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her legs are so hot
So, Großdeutschland? Is it time for Anschluss?
I support this.

If we do it though, German bros gotta chill and not get all 1930's Germany on the rest of the world.

>all of my family friends and co workers hate trump
>can't stop smirking when i hear them saying how everything will go down the shitter for whatever reasons
>"Oh anon you so racist don't vote AfD so nazi hitler 2.0"

No amount of meme magic will suffice to uncuck this country.
Not gonna happen. Germany feels more guilt than the USA. You people are nuts, think before you decide to post anything. I bet you're gonna liberate Germany through your shitty websites sitting on your ass in your basement. What a jerk
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Lets sober up al little bit and make a battleplan
You'll have 4 good years to fight the globalists uninterrupted. That's all we can promise for now. Make em count.
First Murica next the world!
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Germany is lost.
Its 100% lost and i realized it today.
Headlines on one of the biggest german newspapers.
"Believe me the words of trump lead to murder."
"Nightmare for Mexico."
"Trumps agressive populism is destroying the political culture."
"This man is unpredictable."

most of my surroundings is just uninformed regarding Trump.

But more and more of them are changing their view towards the AfD at the moment. Because they actually got to know some of the 'nice refugees'. A few more happening and a few memes and we are fine.
>giving a shit what Lügenpresse writes
I can tell from here that the american media is in uproar as well.
They just don't know any better because all they know about Trump is from the Lügenpresse.

They however have fist-hand experiences with 'refugees' .
Fuck the media. Look how the american media hated on Trump. Fuck them. We are the fourth branch now.
Germany is going to need a couple of bombings before they wake up. At least there is a chance that they'll end up with a Right Wing Chancellor this time though...
Also : german press as backpedaling pretty hard atm. They just can't uphold that shit with a president.
I'm already working on it.

>took a lot of notes during your election (what works, what failed, what CTR tried, how to counter attacks...meme magic)
>going to reasearch all the methods and tactics, read some books (Cialdini and shit) to understand it better
>going to research who we are up against (journalists, media, politicians) and how to attack them
>start early to persuade you Anons to join us Germans in our fight
>meme magic 2017
may kek bless germany
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you have been visited by based Jörg
reply with:
>For our Values!
to uncuck Germany!
Bonus reply with:
>For our Country!
to make Germany great again!
The "Lügenpresse" is what more than 80% of germans believe without doubting.
No one in this country questions anything.
My parents themselfs are so blinded its insane.
People from my class believe everything thats reported on Trump, even tho its just out of context, bad translated dogshit.
I feel lost in this shithole.

I'm from NRW tho.
Achmed, you have to go back.
sounds good. Share your knowledge when you're done.
Dont you understand? We are still part of America.
We are still their puppet. But now theres a puppeteer who I am willing to trust. Everything that starts in America eventually will find its way to Europe, just like Jeans, Cola, Feminism, Blm etc.

Maybe I am too optimistic and naive but whatever I feel great atm.
If Trump works out and does good, it would show the whole world that they have been deceived. And give a rise to similar partys.
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Count me in. But first I have to watch Hillary Clintons concession Speech.
>Berlin shocked that America elected a president that wasn't a fan of Merkel's refugee policies
Meme yourself too, you know your people better than we - foreigners.
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German American here, make the motherland great again
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Here is a realistic/possible timetable for Europe:

Dutch Election: Geert Wilders will become largest party.
Germany: Merkel will win. Its too early for the AfD. They will get ~18%.

France: Le Pen will win if there is second round vote agains socialists. She will lose against Sarkozy/Conservatives.

Italy: Pepe Grillos "Five Star Movement" is strongest party in the polls. They are strongly anti-eu and anti immigration.
I dont know enough about italy if they have a chance to get a ruling coalition.
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/pol/ has no understanding of just how cucked Germany is. We are beyond saving. Or if anything, we're the final batlefield.

We aren't bilingual, we can't inform ourselves on the internet and alternative sites like 4chan, we have to eat up what our media says. And, trust me, our media is even more currupt and controlled than fucking CNN, literally lying, never talking about refugee crimes (daily rapes), criticising Merkel and translating (everything gets translated here) everything incorrectly Trump says with a mean voice.

Lügenpresse translations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PowgEaKySgM

And just look at all the braindead Germans in the comment section here:

yes, please halp, need memetic warfare for afd.
>The "Lügenpresse" is what more than 80% of germans believe without doubting
Then we wouldn't call it Lügenpresse. I bet the articles in that pics are full of comments calling them out on their shit. Though the people are really ill informed about Trump, there is always some kind of arrogance towards the US expressed through thinks like this.
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Shitposting aside, what can I do to help AfD and the Front National?
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The Lügenpresse literally had their lying Jewish mouths shut for them today and you krauts are still blackpilled?

This election shows that absolutely anything is possible. There is even hope for Germany.

Macht Deutschland groß wieder!
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It's too late, save yourself...
Germans still have that WW2 guilt. In Europa, probably the entire world, they are the most difficult country to red pill.
Save is Oh kek
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You have to go back.
Your media is not your volk. American media did the same to Trump, he won regardless. We can save Germany, we can do anything, if we learned something these last few days, we only need a heart true to our people.
Praise KEK and Sieg Heil!
make Germany great again, never give up on the fatherland!
You can't decuck Germans. The watercooler talk at my company today was absolutely toxic because you elected literally Hitler.
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Bullshit. Your environment is just cucked.
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The best thing, we're literally FORCED to FINANCE the propaganda with tax money.
It won't happen in germany for the fact that the guilt ridden in germans runs far too deep for anything to happen like brexit or trump.

You guys don't understand that you can't be patriotic about being german in germany outside of football cups or you will be labeled as a nazi.

the BILD Zeitung lost 250.000 buyers and 1 Million readers in the last month. Mostly because their pro refugee coverage.
The way is to start talking about problems.
Do not be so shy.
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Just move to another state.
Bjorn hocke is our guy vote AFD
This is not true you cuck.
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All of you demoralized faggots should man the fuck up! Weak!
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Just make a list of the good things about Germany and compare them to Muslim countries.
Also explain in detail, with sources, witnesses, and proof, how Muslims are seeking to take over and are trying by murdering innocents.
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>move all white germans to USA
>plenty of room because all the cucks fled to canada
>send the rest of the inhuman trash to germany or Canada
>Spaetzl and hamburgers for all!
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God save Germany. Because if he won't, we will.
When gang raping a 14 year old kid is a misdemeanor that is suffiently punished by a little "erzieherische Maßnahme" and not paying 20€ lets you end up in jail.
I'm so glad I got out of there and are no longer funding this madness with my tax moneys.
>make a list of the good things about Germany
You mean several books.
based Beuys reveals state media 1985!
fuck germany, give us visas, hahahahahahaha
As if anybody still gives fuck what the media say.

Have you had a look at the comments on those articles? Every fourth of fifth comment is calling the media out on their biased reporting and spreading of bullshit.

People are waking up. All we're lacking is a competent Führer.
please just nuke us and save austria with norbert hofer, france with le pen and the netherlands with geert
Are there no right-wing media publications in Germany?

We won't change anything if people don't talk about problems. Personally I drop small red pills whenever I talk with family and friends. Things no sane person would disagree with (like the corrupt media).
True, and while I agree that you are in fact superior because of your intelligence, strength and stronk work ethic, it doesn't seem to go over well with normies. I'd say simply saying that you, like all races and ethnicities, simply deserve to exist. I think that that was the main drive behind getting Trump votes because when I said that to people before the election they actually changed their mind.
Don't forget, you are a democratic country, and Whites are still the majority!!
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The AfD is doing that. And with politicians like Alice Weidel and Frauke Petry it has good material. Höcke is okay too although his rhetoric skills are ambiguous. He sounds too much like Goebbels for normies. I think, it's because he is autistic. We need someone as high energy as Trump and ads like his latest. Then the AfD could win in a landslide. I believe in positivity, in the message of freedom and sovereignity, in making the country great again. A rebirth of a nation. It's possible, it can be done. It will be done!

Who could not be filled with hope on a great day like this day! WE WON!
My city is mostly polish, so kozy.

What's the difference between groß and großartig?
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>outside of football cups
>Implying you can be during them
Nuke us
There are, krauts on /pol/ refuse to read them for some reason.
you guys can do it. you just have to get people to start to not cave in to the poisonous left, and stand up for their country. It might mean things getting nasty, but you will ultimately prevail. This is a movement going on world wide
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Good luck. They're afraid of pic related.

This is horrifying.
I'm a realist, that's all, doesn't mean I'm a silenced cuck. I tell everyone I support Trump/AfD, including my boss. I rather destroy people with facts and tell them what retards they are rather than trying to make degenerate friends.

I bet you don't.
Bjorn hocke for 4th Reich vote AFD
Bjorn is willing to call Merkel a communist in public he is not a cuck
>groß and großartig?
big/tall/large and great
Not quite time for the final sub-boss yet I'm afraid. France and Scandinavia are next.

Bullshit. It's Katja Suding (FDP). SJW had a nice sperg-out over this.
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The euphoria will stay for a while and make you happy, relieved, hopeful.

But do not forget about our enemies. They want you dead. They want your children dead. They want your people and your race exterminated, and they came out openly supporting an extinction of whites in these last months. Do you remember how dirty their tricks are? Do you remember how shamelessly they use corruption to their advantage? Do you remember how cruel and dehumanizing they have been to white males in these last months? Do you remember the constant paid shilling on this very board? Do you remember the vicious physical attacks on Trump supporters, the violent protests of shitskins, paid for by anti-white kike globalists?

They want to eliminate you and they will stop at nothing. Now the tides have turned, at least for a while. We must use this unique chance to make them pay. They want our white children dead. And they are cheering on the declining influence of whites in their own homelands all around the world.

The globalists have been hit heavily this year, but this isn't the end. We must rid ourselves of their influence entirely, and forever, otherwise we may face a similar situation in a couple of decades: this time with even more non-whites in our country. Demographics are destiny, and we cannot forget that this is about our very survival as a race. It's time to get serious now, and those who have persecuted us will finally feel what real persecution means.
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Fine, but at least don't be retards again and actually go out and vote on December 4th.
Memes can be effective in those circumstances.
Can you post Bjorn hocke pics on 4 Chan that guy is your Donald trump
Brexit did it first mate, you just did it bigger and better as usual.
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Does Germany have any cool politicians like Trump?

Fuck off, me and everyone in my family are for the AfD.
He is not, Petry is. Höcke is literally a reborn SS officer, no chance of winning with him as flagship.
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Who /bannedfromBöhmermannstwitterfeedforspamminghimwithhappytrumppictures/ here?

Thanks. That is confusing for us because 'great' can also mean large/big
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Junge Freiheit, Sezession im Netz, sometimes the printed version of Focus and maybe Welt.

Several newspapers who were right-leaning drifted more to the left like FAZ.

Local newspapers are usually not as much infested with white, liberal, virtue signaling, in all white area living, champagne socialist bourgeoisie.
This man needs to replace Merkel he is proud of the German flag.
Merkel the communist only respects the jewnited nations flag.
Next time I'm voting is AfD in September 2017. As for the Austrians I work with they are convicted Van der Cucks and I don't want to lose my job by redpilling them.
Are we going to need to start memeing in German?
do we have someone else? i'll really take anyone
>Don't forget, you are a democratic country, and Whites are still the majority!!
The thing is, ethnic Germans lost their sense of self-preservation. We have a politician that got raped by rapefugees and she reported to the police that it was Germans who did it as to not make refugees look bad. Let that sink in.
Sadly, we currently lack a real leader figure. There is nobody as energetic and passionate as Trump here.

Mostly because people are afraid of leftist thugs attacking them. They're especially vicious here. The political climate has to change because a savior can arise from our people.
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pic related
You can't go for rebirth shit because we're doing amazingly well economically.

I think the way to go is by spreading fear of Muslims and their backwards society as well as inciting hatred against the banks, big corporations and our corrupt government / media.
If there's one thing this election proved more than anything it's the power of alternate media
>We have a politician that got raped by rapefugees and she reported to the police that it was Germans who did it
I think she was a Turk though, no?
I'm in
Maga German Edition
paбoтaйтe, бpaтья
I'm an American and I want to vote for hocke is is a man not a faggot or a communist or a cuck.

The media can only trash him like they did to Trump before the public accepts him.
Deutschland erwache aus deinem bösen Traum ! Gib fremden Juden in deinem Reich nicht Raum!
german maga equivalent?
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It's Mega, Schwachkopf.

Make Europe Great Again.

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There is also Blaue Narzisse und eigentümlich frei (libertarian, but can be right-wing at times).
Of course I do. And if you were a realist, you'd see that the CDU is already forced to change their policies and the CSU to act. Meanwhile AfD will get at least 16% during the next election. If we get a good run, they will be around 20%: as big as the SPD or like both Linke and Grüne combined.

Make Europe Great Again
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Deutschland Erwache?
Bjorn hocke he is a the Donald Trump of Germany if he runs the masses will get redpilled fast.
Mach Deutschland wieder Großartig
THIS. I would die happy.
>you'd see that the CDU is already forced to change their policies and the CSU to act
Too little too late and actually a bad thing for us since they will steal AfD votes this way.

And they always do this. Remember "Multiculturalism has failed."
Make Deutsches Reich Again


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Start MDGA threads with all the info so we can help/bump/memes.

Here's your first bump from me.
Auftrag Deutsches Reich?
zu extrem?
You do realise that it was our nations that caused this mess in the first place?

Let's help Germany. They have achieved so much. I'll fuckign get on it right away, I'm going to start posting pro-german things on 9gag, about their historical genuine achievements (of which there are many).
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>Höcke is literally a reborn SS officer
All this bullshit today. Horrible. Even German /pol/acks sound like Lügenpresse headlines.
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great, could also be used for the other european elections in the next year.
Daily reminder that not even the LÜGENPRESSE can withhold the rage of the Volk.
She was white and I believe also blonde.
Didn't Merkel made a rapefugee youngling cry on live TV?
She can be redpill if her puppeteers let lose.
Deutschland aus der Asche
This one is damn right wing
kind of like breitbart
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We were first with our Ukraine referendum bruv.
Trump lies and racist speech should be our examples to avoid, european countries should turn their back to right wing populism, fake promises like walls or expell of illegal immigrants.

European values of freedom and equality shall prevail.
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You mean: Selin Gören

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Bjorn hocke is the guy we need here is his speech https://youtu.be/jjlKO6hCRoc
Nah germany is not ready. Try to make sweden great again.
CTR? Looking for work already?

>pay debts
No not that. The allies caused the state that Germany is today.
Make Deutschland Groß again!

For honored fighters achmed
Post your bjoern hocke meme's

Post picture of hm with quotes of his
Yes please. Help us. Our media is obvious state propaganda, our politicians all say the same bullshit, our youth is Antifa-tier leftists and we're filled with rapefugees.

Please convince Trump to send help. Arm our citizens and plan a coup, like in chile or something.
Let's make a race, what country will be great again first?
Austria Election is first anyway. We could use their election as test field.
it begins
a very powerful get
If bjoern hocke runs against Merkel the media will expose itself.
They can only bash him so long until the public realises
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Greece, I think you keyboard is broken.

Good thing I'm a computer expert and speech analyist so I can make out what you wanted to write.

>Clintons lies and corrupt speech should be our example to avoid. European countries should turn their back to the globalist parties, fake promises like peace, diversity and free money for every refugee.

>European values of freedom and equality, except for niggers and mudslimes, shall prevail.

Pay debts.
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What Brexit? It's been half a year and you didn't even start the leave process.

Oh well, maybe next year? lol
Austria is almost as cucked as Germany.
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>Pepe Grillo

KEK's chosen one?
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Faggot Höcke will never be able to replace our beloved Führer
good point
She did not say that.
You are kidding. Are you? Holy fuck.
You chaps scared the shit out of the globalists, they preached about how everyone shouldn't be complacent because "hey, look what happened with Brexit" but it didn't matter. The will of the people has spoken. Now they're running scared, all thanks to the precedence you lads set. good on ya

No the youth is not like that
They are a angry wild mob now and it gets worse
We need to guide them, to be a great phalanx
Didn't you hear Trump.

America first, then he might help a 3rd world nation like Germany.
Hey man, don't bully britbongers, they did a good job. Credit where it's due.

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Drumpfag, white thrash, incest hillibilly cry out loud for the unfullfilled promises of your scum leader

Europe has values contrary to dirty illiterate racist murica
well the FPÖ was at what? nearly 50 %? The AfD would be at 20 % max.
Nice keep making hocke threads encourage him to run against Merkel

We should post his kikebookpage and have people across the world to beg him to remove Merkel from power.

He is pol approved he is not a cuck
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Frauke is incompetent

Björn Höcke aka Björn ":DDD" Högge is our man.

The green party was always a whore
Once of the commonism
Now of Islam
Im sure just like Clinton, they get a lot of money from Saudi Arabia


Trump won't do shit to save Germany prove me wrong.
she would look even better with long hair
Yes please
Anything But merkel
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Doubt it can happen.
Hocke won't replace Hitler but he would grab Germany by the pussy and expose the media jews
38%. The FPÖ is quite conservative, but they are an establishment party. They will never make Austria great again, "mildly reasonable" is the farthest you can hope for.
I think the Brits were hamstrung by the US election. With Trump's victory, Britain's economy could go crazy good with new US deals.
There is only one way Germany can regain its former glory:

The CSU has to splitt off from the CSU and Seehofer has to run for chancellor.

Bavaria is the greatest of Germany's states. Bavaria has the best education, the best economy, the best traditions, the best beer, the best food.
Bavaria is such a great state that every German not living in bavaria is a jealous cunt that hates on us.

The rest of Germany needs to finally acknowledge bavarian superiority and realise that only a bavarian can lead Germany back to its former glory.
> dat flag-touting piece of paper
Is it really looked as something bad if your car carries German national flag in Germany?

What will you do to the guy caught in putting those papers up?
>aka Björn ":DDD" Högge
Someone please post it.
No. I have to point this out every opportunity I can, because they are still acting like it happened, despite the left making every effort to still block it.

The fight isn't over until they sign.
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>refuses to pay debts
>instead makes more and blames other countries
It's not like most of the AfD is different.
Worst outcome would be CDU voters going AFD so that there will be a SPD grüne Linke aka cuck my shit up senpai coalition. My worst nightmare
Bjoern hocke is a strong leader
People will build shrines to him if he runs to replace merkel
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Top kek, you make me lol! We are here but to serve. Eat shit and die.
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First Austria then Germany

By the way



Maybe he is in one, of this pedo rings, which are all around the world
And he takes meth drugs
I hate the green party
>Björn ":DDD" Högge

Please tell me we can meme him to Kanzler, using Spurdo and Gondola.

This would make my dick diamonds.
Will /pol/ be able to uncuck Germany?

t. Swecuck
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Yeah, I will really listen to a Greek on how to make sure my nation functions.
I wouldn't have anything against being an American puppet state

certainly better than what we got going right now
> Bavaria is the greatest of Germany's states.
t. Seppl Woaznbichler

Your state is a turbocucked shithole and Seehofer won't do shit. He claimed to veto Merkel's run for the fourth term but let it pass anyway.
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She is pretty but she is not a strong Aryan man like bjoern hocke.

If AFD does not support Bjorn pegida will

We need to meme bjoern hocke into leader of germany
What a scum you are learn from your past Faults and your rotten ideology of hate, just learn!
This is perfect!
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How did a sandnigger refugee gain internet access?
will AFD use the power of kek?!
>puppet state
that's what we already are my boi
Thanks anon.
AFD 2017
Mach Deutschland wieder Großartig

Not gonna work. We have no1 who can do it. AfD is completely incompetent. Also the polticial system in Germany sucks dick. We have to not only find a suitable leader but also build up an entire party with him.

We're stuck with Merkel till she drops dead (sure as hell hope it will be soon). I live in the big city in the north but thankfully I can go to a rural area (parents) when I don't want to see sandniggers in my face 24/7. Germany is cucked and state media is suppressing any non libcuck attitude.
Why are Germans like you not embracing the Bjorn hocke meme's it's bjoern or Nothing.
I second this.
Pepe for murrika

Burka is fucking forbidden in France and we have probably more muslim than you

Yeah, the only thing I've learned is to finish the fucking job next time and not to piss of Russia in a two front war.

Pay debts.
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die spurdo kommt 2.jpg
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We don't need Kek.

We are the Spurdo :D
But know the puppet master isn't a cuck

Hopefully we can free are selves from Israeli shackles
Plus the Greeks refuse to vote golden dawn so fuck them
Yet Trump isn't even president and will more than likely be assassinated. You've done just as much as us, yank cunt.
Who is our guy for Austria?
Björn Höcke for maximum butthurt or Alice Weidel if you actually want a competent woman.
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Wiebke Muhsal maybe?
Wos host Du grod von mia gsagt Du gstingada kloana Saugrattler? Du woast fei scho dass I schon aus da Grundi im Hochzug bei de Gebirgsjaga ois Besta aussaganga bin, I war in am Hauffa saugeheime
Raffareien mit de Mohammedana und hob über 300 obgraglt, garantiert. I bin a drainierta Untergrundkempfa und I bin da beste Scharfschütz von da ganzn Armee. Du bist nix für mi ois a zui mera, I blos Dir so prazis
Dei Liachtal aus wie's die Welt no ned gseng hod, host me? Du glaubst Du kanntst davokemma nachdem Du sowas von mia gsogt host aufm Internet? Da denkst nummoi drüba noch, Oarschgsicht. Grao wie mia
redn ruaf I meine Spionage-Spezln im ganzn Bayernland zsam, und dei IP werd grod im moment zruckverfoigt oiso richt Di scho amoi her fürn Sturm, Du Wurm. Der Sturm der wo des kloane Ding ausradiert wos Du
rührselig Lebn nennst. Du bist aufgschmissn. Kloana. I kon übaroi sei, ollawei, und i kon de auf mera wia siebnhundad Artn dagragln, und des aloa mit meine Handerln. I bin ned blos gübt im Wirtshausraffa,
sondern i hob a an zugriff auf des ganze Arsenal von der freiwillign Feiawehr von Olching und i werd des ois hernemma damit Dei gstingada Hintan vom schena Bayernland runtergspült werd, Du kloana
Schoashauffn! Wenn Du gwusst hätts wos Dei kloana "schlauer" Kommentar auf /pol/ runterreisst, dann hättst wahrscheinlich Dei voisoachts Maul ghoidn. Aba Du hosts ned kenna, Du host Dei Mei aufreissn
miassn, und jetzt zoist, Du gottverdammta Troddl. I scheiss an grant üba Dir aus und Du werst drin dasauffa. Du bist komplett hi, Klona.
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Good luck with that.
> Racist
> 2016
You demand to pay to cavemen moronic filthy lairs like you?
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>hasn't been posted yet

Okay guys, let's do it.

We did it with Pepe, the white supermascist frog, and Trump.

Let us use Spurdo to meme Högge :DDD until they declare Spurdo to be a rascist Nazi symbol of hatespeech.

>Yeah, the only thing I've learned is to finish the fucking job next time and not to piss of Russia in a two front war.

Took you long enough...
Go extreme photoshop him holding nazi flag saying gas the merkel

Well have an American do that because of German laws
breddy gud :DDDD
Ladies and Gentlemen, the solution is not to make Germany great again. It is to eliminate the name Germany and resurrect the true Germany. It is time for Prussia to be reborn!
>Yet Trump isn't even president and will more than likely be assassinated.
>You've done just as much as us, yank cunt.
Just promise me you'll sign article 50 before he takes office.
Deutsch/German = cuck.
You need to get rid of anglos. Recreate Prussian national structure. That`s the only way. And I can only show you the way. You have to walk it yourselves.
But associating them with actual NS ideology will only be water on the enemy's mill's.
We have to be the good ones in the eyes of the mainstream.
Kek and Jesus only approves of bjoern hocke
No bjoern hocke no meme magic.
>nicht berechenbar
>all the other articles know 100% what he's going to do
Hey Russia, it looks like great minds think alike. For Prussia!
We are not getting behind the AFD
We are getting behind bjoern hocke

Pol didn't get behind the republican party we got behind trump.
>give up your fathereland
we ain't that far yet!
Bjoern hocke it will get the media kikes crying "muh Holocaust"

Bjoern needs to reach out to Christians like Trump did.
We'll retake Berlin.
the flames are there.
the people are quiet but they exist we'll make it.
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kek wills it!
make the impossible happen!
make the impossible happen!
Bjoern Hocke

Mach Deutschland wieder Großartig
So who are we supporting to uncuck Germany?
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make the impossible happen!
*Bjoern Hoecke

ö = oe
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make the impossible happen!
Meme magic doesn't work I ke that
You got to go all out and push for bjoern hocke

Bjoern hocke needs to wake up the population people no longer fear commies
Just like Trump supporters lost their fear of niggers when attending Trump rallys
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make the impossible happen!
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make the impossible happen!
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make the impossible happen!
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make the impossible happen!
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no we dont deserve it just finish us
fuck off
You want the media to give bjoern hocke 2 billion dollars of free TV time.
Trump had 88 generals endorsing him and 14 of something else.
You can be redeemed friend, don't give up
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make the impossible happen!
hör auf, aufzugeben.

Thats the spirit !
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you need more meme magic
make the impossible happen!
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make the impossible happen!
My Germans not so good kek. Thanks for the help shilling BJOERN HOECKE
2017 sind Wahlen... durchhalten!
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make the impossible happen!
einkek was german
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make the impossible happen!
Bjoern hocke
The Jews in the media will freak out the commies will crash his rally's it will be Trump all-over again but in Germany.

Only thing that sucks is bjoern does not have a private jet to campaign as hard as Trump did.
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I am not even American and I feel happy for my fellow burgers! I really do, which makes me think of this amazing feeling and love for our countries if we would liberate Europe from the corrupt marxist EU.

If the ******USA*****, yes fucking USA could elect someone almost too good to be true like Trump then I think Sweden, Germany and France will be a cake walk to achieve independance and get out of this kike trap we fell into.

God bless you all let us all hope for a crusade on kebebs!
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make the impossible happen!
Germany is a lot smaller, so he doesn't really need a private jet.
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Bjoern Hoecke !
Gas the merkel
Vote bjoern hocke
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make the impossible happen!
kek wills it
Fuck off. Wagenknecht is the cutest.
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make the impossible happen!

Sie können uns unterdrücken, sie können uns meinetwegen töten. KAPITULIEREN WERDEN WIR NICHT.
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kek wills it
the merkels of the world must be eliminated
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make the impossible happen!
>It is time for Prussia to be reborn!
Supporting this.
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make the impossible happen!
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make it happen!
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make the impossible happen!
You time is coming swedbro
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make the impossible happen!
Wir müssen die Merkels ausrotten.
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make the impossible happen!
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make the impossible happen!
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make the impossible happen!
This. AfD is better than nothing but it's filled with neo-cons and idiots. Only a temporary solution until we get a real right wing party or CDU uncucks intself 90 years backwards.
make the impossible happen!
make the Blitz happen
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