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MEGA General #1

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Thread replies: 319
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Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the very first MEGA general: Make Europe Great Again.

Americans have shown us the way, and with new courage we will have the energy to make it happen. France, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany urgently need help uncucking themselves. And /pol/ is the place to start it all.

Get together to discuss strategies, plan activities or just share your ideas about anything that is MEGA related.

>we need a thread logo
>we need catchy phrases
>we need to find like-minded people in the normie realm
>we need to seek out media outlets that are (at least partially) on our side

>For Germany:

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die spurdo kommt :D
We have officially decided that Spurdo will our Meme-Mascot for MEGA
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/pol/ has no understanding of just how cucked Germany is. We are beyond saving. Or if anything, we're the final batlefield.

We aren't bilingual, we can't inform ourselves on the internet and alternative sites like 4chan, we have to eat up what our media says. And, trust me, our media is even more currupt and controlled than fucking CNN, literally lying, never talking about refugee crimes (daily rapes), criticising Merkel and translating (everything gets translated here) everything incorrectly Trump says with a mean voice.

Lügenpresse translations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PowgEaKySgM

And just look at all the braindead Germans in the comment section here:

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Fuck your defeatism.
Could you add spain on the list please?
God damn it, Soros. You are a quick motherfucker.
>possible slogans (instead of MEGA)
DE=Deutschland Erwache
MDWG=Mach Deutschland wieder Großartig
DADA=Deutschland aus der Asche

and after MEGA we conquer the universe
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>giving up

Trump never gave up and now look where he is.

We are going to make OUR country great again.
I like DADA
Will support, still being smug here in Oregon

Remember when you got butthurt about left media comparing modern right-wingers with Nazis?

Actual Nazi-related memes used among supporters of these people will only fuel these fires, in Germany even more than in America. A lot more.

We have to appear as the superior alternative.
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italy reporting in, we are going to do our best to help you guys even if it is only a little aid
Yes what can we do!!!!
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>The last time my family was involved in German affairs was my father as a 16 replacement soldier for some sap killed fighting in WWII in Germany
>Today I want to save Germany from a real threat. The False Song of Globalism

German bros, this is the extent of my being able to speak German
>Guten Tag

Thats it. I'll need your help in understanding your parties and electoral system.
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But where will we find another Trump?

Do these countries have a doppelganger?

I love it.
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I agree.
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Italybros, how is Italy doing? Do we need a MIGA? Or you all good?
I believe in France, England and the Netherlands but unser Deutschland?
We are so fucking cucked after years of directly imposed kike indoctrination and people who are too afraid being called "nazi" that I have reasonable doubts about it.
You'd think defeating the Clinton machine would be a final battlefield, yet here we are.
/pol/ needs new facebook and reddit colonies to redpill and convert normies to the /pol/side
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Keep that shit away from me, bratwurst
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fuck off retards
Birth of a new General? I'm ok with this I guess.
see >>97457078
Be careful or it will backfire.
>le defeatism

you're blind to reality, fool.
You think we wouldn't be fucking happy to break free from all the kikery? Wir haben nur berechtigte Zweifel dass Deutschland ganz schön gefickt ist aber ich lasse mich gerne vom Gegenteil überzeugen.
>I have reasonable doubts about it.
wouldn't hurt to try anyway.
I heard this in another thread but we need to infiltrate the comments, Facebook, reddit, news sites where possible

People read them and they are great for dropping redpills, even a simple meme in the comments can do wonders if it's election relayed

We will need approaches and tactics for how to best go about this, we need a concentrated sustained effort at every front
>We aren't bilingual, we can't inform ourselves on the internet and alternative sites like 4chan, we have to eat up what our media says...

you guys must start a paralel media, or to endorse one like the alex jones shit. that's the only way to make europe great again, show them reality, make them take the red pill
I got shitfaced last night. Everyone in my house was ecstatic. My mother cried from happiness during trump's victory speech.
Atlantico is pretty based desu, but might be only in french though...
look, /pol/ runs the show known as the internet now. No need to pussy foot around.
Bayern reportiert ein

we can last for some more time, we are lucky to not have sjw or shit like that running wild, let's help first other country who really need an urgent presence
It's ok. You can still jump on the train when we have momentum.

Now is the time for /pol/ to insert itself into every public faucet of normie input. We need meme recruitment to our side
There's only one way for Europe to become great.
Remember, European nations became empires when didn't stand together but against each other.
EUs and Eurozones are dirty jew globalist tricks.
With all due respect, we're different people, different ethnic groups, different cultures, different religions, different customs, different everything - we are just not meant to be together.
Everyone of us has to follow their own separate way and if we're wise, we'll live in peace. If not... well, killing each other was fun, wasn't it?
France is next. Germany will never be free, you should leave for Switzerland or Austria or even the Netherlands. Switzerland's parliament has 136 of 200 seats as right wing seats. Their executive branch is a committee (love it) and 5 out of the 7 are right wing.
Of course not, I agree.
It will just be a whole different level of difficult compared to America who always had conservatism embraced, even in todays liberal degenerate times.
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Lol this is pathetic, I can see this dying in a week.
>implying memes do shit
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>mfw shitposting all over twitter
>mfw banned from Böhmermanns twitter feed
>mfw banned from ARD Hauptstadtstudio twitter feed
>mfw Claus Schafer liked one of my tweets

This day is great. I love it.
Swissland reporting in to MEGA
Don't worry kraut bro, it may take longer than 4 years bt Germany will eventually wake. At the very least. AfD may not win the next election but at least I hope they will do enough damage through representation to actually start the flame.

Have hope in your people man, hope is the last thing we should lose.
>implying Trump would win without meme magic
> let me tell you about your country
You don't know how Nazi imagery is handled in Germany and how much effort is put into defaming the AfD.
Our enemies are working together. Can your nation/culture afford to stand alone?
youre a no-one literal who, who has no influence online or IRL. But /pol/ has shown to be an influence everywhere it goes. This just proves that /pol/ and kek run the show, and we're running things our way. We're going to bring so many people to 4chan, and drop so many red pills that liberal heads will spin

>look, /pol/ runs the show known as the internet now.

This was the leftists number one mistake. Literally.

They built these little cocoons around themselves on Twitter and Reddit and Facebook and wherever else they go on social media.

"Hurr durr what are those big fat dummies gonna do about it??? They're so stupid, right???"
"Hurr durr if they don't agree with us they're racists and bigots and neanderthals!"
"Hurr durr it's 2016 duh!"

I'm just sayin', man. Don't make that mistake. Don't make that mistake...
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If it is another meme war, then i wanna to join you
yes, your cuck country puts a cuck's effort into demonizing Nazism. However they have been proven to be able to do nothing about it. They spent 7- years trying to turn everyone off of it, and now the pendulum swings the other way. They cant stop it if they made 100 WW2 movies. Nazi pepes are just the beginning. We'll have openly national socialists governors and senators soon too!
It will take white blood and sweat to fix Europe.

Roll up your sleeves white devils.
I voted for the great Donald Trump twice this campaign and I am willing to support Europe in ousting its muslims and PC crowd.
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Just a few thoughts:
>due to our history and education we are extremely cucked, this is why nazi symbolic and rhetoric will be discouraging for people to join us
>womens vote! This shit is important guys. We need a tactic to dicourage women to vote green/left (for example greens pedo history)
>Germany is more fact based/pragmatic in its decision making (facts for men, feels for women (to discourage them))
Oh look Italy is promising to help Germany again.

Where have I seen this before?
thanks for correcting the record. Surprised you still have a job
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I don't care about Europe I want Japan to become great again!
>We are beyond saving
i hope you die for good
Thanks for the support russkibro!

Add to media

>Blaue Narzisse

and maybe the only truely uncucked

Holy shit Mega is catchy af.

This could actually work Hans, godspeed.
Yeah Rape/pedoshit/wimminsrights is very effective at delivering redpills for women.
What are we going to dedicate 100,000,000 on?

please my dear russian friend, memewar can leave a deep dark mark inside of you, stay safe

sorry for the last time,we're so full of us and we shit ourself like liberarls, now we can make it, we earned the lesson
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Pic related: (You)

If you had ever put effort into enlightening normies, you would know that you can't reveal your total power level at step one.
I have more experience in enlightening German normies than all of you sharters.

Also, this is MEGA, not MAGA. What are you even doing here.
can we have marion le pen as the president of europe? she's cute
o fug...i love roman architecture so much
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Can Europe follow Britain and America's example though? Pr are they too cucked?
It will be easy: We just drop the memes everywhere, each time the whole European administration moves to Strassbourg for 2 meetings and then moves back. That whole moving operation, the huge waste of money. And the fact that the politicians can not stop it wil infuriate the people overtime. Voting against Europe will then leed to the wright parties getting the votes. You know this will work when we have pictures each time from Brussels and Strassbourg.
The meme war will never end, ruskibro

We have an egregore to feed and a world to save
Have a bump of solidarity, while I read through this in earnest.

MEGA, Comrades.
We worked together for MAGA and we will work together for MEGA.
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That's the spirit, anons.
don't worry. I was fighting for the Kek's sake for all election time. And i'm still alive and sane
mfw 3 employees have already came to me today about anti american comments coming from other employees.

But trump voters are the bigots?
Eirexit when??

Save us from the EU lads.
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Greece reporting in. Greek diaspora massively vote for Trump in America. Now we only need to get Golden Dawn as the second party in next elections and then it will only be a matter of time for Michaloliakos to be president.
If someone cannot stand on their own two feet, then they ought to perish.
I would not make an exception even for my nation. Especially for my nation, because muh pride.
I'd much rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

And just like I said we're different in everything, we're also different in enemies. We have different enemies and we have different friends, because we are different people. No such thing as 'our enemies'.
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>Going to post it again to make sure senpai noticed
Here's the schedule
I can get you pictures of the trucks and all leaving each time from Brussels
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posting in ebin bread

But MEGA is played in another stadium.
While non-Americans had it easy to jump on the MAGA meme train because they were already familiar with the outlines of US politics, it is much harder for Americans to appeal to European normies.

that's more like rationalist architecture, during the italian fascist era to be precise
Greek Americans voted for Trump in their greatest majority.
Naturally, we Greeks hate the Clintons, we're never gonna forget and we're never gonna forgive what they did to our brothers.
It's not too hard to adapt. And we also need people with skills that are not that specific.
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Yes! #MEGA #MakeEireGreatAgain
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Postiere dein Gesicht wenn >MEGA
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It's time for the rest of Europe to taste some happiness and meme magic. Godspeed lads.
We need European federalists. The EU needs to transform into a block of power between the Anglos and the Ruskies.

France needs to be kept in. They have the nukes. Countering the Anglo/Russian power projection will be a lot more difficult without them and they’ll never let Germany have nukes. Poland is another important player. When the Russians continue expansion in the East, now that the US is out of the game, we need to have a defensive wall. We need a united military.

Speaking of walls, we need to close the borders - especially for Russians and Anglos. They’ll try to bring us down and influence our politics to break us apart. It’s in the best interest of our enemies to take away our power. The UK already cucked itself by listening to putinist lies - they’re in a state of confusion and in for a future of serving whoever has the most power over them.

We want to be that power. Vote for a new Europe when it needs you. We have the potential - don’t let the putinists and anglos convince you otherwise. Don’t cuck your country by going solo - she’ll get fucked by the superpowers. We need a strong union with new values. We need to be strong enough to dictate our own destiny without American and Russian influence. We can only achieve that by combining our strength.

Transform the union.
I didn't really help much with Trump but I think I wanna help my eurobros.

I will need massive help with my German though
What colors do our MEGA hats have?
How are GD doing at the moment ?Haven't heard anything about them in the german Lügenpresse for a while...
Guys, need some upvotes on leddit to troll my University sub... come on guys, I just need a few


blue of course
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We need an Ireland built on catholic and family values and patriotic traditions!
Schwarz, Rot, Gold.

Alternative, Rot, Weiß, Schwarz.
With stars?
I think greek-bro has a point. If we want to move any european country as it currently is, we still have to appeal the current "european community spirit".

To put it simple - if we want some national pride for germany, it would need to be in-line with the european idea - else all the normies won't buy into it because le evil nazi pride.

1. We are white.
2. White is the color of peace and we strive for the peaceful coexistence of all Europeans.
we are here to help.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Its fucking Europe, just use a swastika and change the colour code or something
Anyone know any stores that sell the maga hats?
Who is Germany's anti-establishment candidate? Are the AfD serious contenders?
- Don't use Adolf
- Don't use Swastika shit
Otherwise, MEME hard and harder.
Most Germans are silent but angry as fuck. Just talk to people.
Don't try to argue with leftists. Trigger them. Hard.
If you MEME don't make the stupid mistake of typical German MEME's: Tons of text.
Look at the most successful English memes. Think longer. Use less words.
Be autistic.
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Of course we have to save the frogs first. Like pottery

Calling all francebros, this is our masterplan
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I'm ready to enlist in the magic meme army.
Do we even have someone worthy enough to vote at this point? Salvinee?

>be autistic

you are in the right place here
Can Switzerland also partake?

Why don't we just make our own internet EU. We start using our own laws and stuff and just to ignore everything else.
What the fuck are you on about, stinky kraut? Do you believe electing trump will solve all of americas problems? What about the decreasing rate of whites? Jewish stranglehold on politics? Sanctioned lobbyists aka legal corruption? Nepotism?
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So, nazis and southern nazis, tell me, has this guy's chances increased now?
Fug I need to charge my batteries before MEGA
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Oh shit! No rest for the wicked then.

Good idea chaps. Might be a language barrier or seven or eight though?
I just hope Austria will start the revolution by voting the right candidate in the elections
>Slavshit wanting doom and despair

nothing new here
Our saviour is yet to be seen, and the memetic "anti-establishment" niche is occupied by M5S.

Two possibilities: infiltration and shilling or a brand new force
This. Like Europe.

No. Patriotism is nationalism in our cucked country.
The media do talk about rapefugee crimes, but only small local newspapers. Big media like FAZ or Zeit do not talk about it.
Trump isn't actually a fascist or an extreme right-winger. He's centre-right to right-wing.

What you're proposing here is literally (I don't use that word lightly) fascism. Real and unadulterated.
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But that's the point.

Europe will be great again if we're united under one flag.

The Reichsflag.
What Europe TRULY needs is a central ministry to regulate free circulations and printing the common money while keeping national identities the wey they are. Also, a common army.
And of course, strong, conservative christian belief. And very strict outer immigrant policies.
That would be literally all.
Yes. But only the Höcke part. Petry is ok. Her boyfriend is a little cucked.
Support the right wingers in the party. Or it will go down the drain and become some market liberation party like the almost defunct FDP. There are forces like that in the party.
And of course state cucks already trying to dismantle.
What's the deal with krauts and world conquer? Why do you always have to overdo things like a bunch of spergs?
Only the AfD ( well and the NPD) is left as Anti-establishment party. They are no serious contenders yet but they had some pretty good successes in a few federal states. They are a very young party (founded 2012/13).
That's that serb shill, just ignore, report and move along.

They are still third party at the pols witch are pretty biased. Some days ago they massacred an antifascist rally but except from that they have tone down the violence because of the legal issues they face at the moment.
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Only one country was a cucked as us m8, we just pretended like we weren't.

There is the complication of the Eurozone to consider. UK could row away with some ease because we didn't have the Euro shackling us.
You need something that remindes Kek on your flag, this is obvious
Can we start from the parts of Europe that are actually really shitty... My country for example is absolutely gone the shitter, however we are eligible to be "great AGAIN" seeing we have 1300 year history and during some of them we were actually really great.... HELP /pol/bros we need you
We need to fight on all fronts. Internationalists are global.
Just a reminder - while us germans are amongst the numerous pol-surfers, this would need to be a movement for all.

Think on it - we can meme the smaller local refugee crimes, and also mix in the "hard ones" from other european countries. Having "MEGA" stand for all of europe, would also boost our message in that context.
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you already know the answer
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This is it /pol/

We're changing direction. We're focusing. We're moving forward. We're thinking bigger.

Now we've converted the United States and Britain back to nationalism, we need to come together now to finish the job and bring down the whole of the EU. So, let's stop hating each other. Stop giving each other shit for our black/muslim populations and bring it down!

Whomever has the next EU election, Geert Wilders, Petry, Le Pen, we go in there hard. We mobilise and return to the battlefield as veterans and brothers in arms.

We strike hard, infiltrate their social media/media and disperse our memes of influence.

Trump will be 70 years old, 7 months and 7 days old on the day of his inauguration.

2017 is the hebrew year 5777.

Christ is with us, men. Deus confirmed for Vult.

God bless us all and I'll see you out there.
>christian belief
i think christian belief is the exact contrary of what we need now. Christianity is a religion custom-made for cucks.
Poland has been uncucked for about a year now. It's your turn Germany and France.
Good luck.
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So the Fenno-ugric khanate is actually happening now?
It happened, but we'll FiXit.
Kill gypsies!

Send shitskins back to Africa!

EU army!
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Amico mio, today when I walked the corridors of my university among sad gray liberal faces with a full smile on my face and whistling New York, New York I thought of you. How was your Trump day?
Oregon has your back Germoney.
Ave Mater Europa, Brothers and Sisters.

I am ready to lend myself to this Great Work.

Together and distinct.
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How to Make Finland Great Again?
Lets do it!
has finland even been cucked?

Yes, this. Let them attack you and call you racist, bigot, idiot, uneducated etc.

The resentment among the people will build just as it did here.
Honestly we're very far from cucked. If we try something here it might make us look bad.
We can't really do much about lacking infrastructure, non-interest from investors and so on - though, granted, all that is also a symptom of the franco-german EU. Brussels doesn't even want you to have factories, far from it. Bet you also had to sign some deals to close down a few, as was the case with greece, spain, and so on.

Maybe that closed down industry, could also run its course in our memes-to-be?

>Increase AfD support in Germany
>Remove Merkel
>Generally remove kebab
>Uncuck Sweden
>Win French elections

What else? Specific ideas for goals listed here are welcome too.

Also I'm game for Spurdo for #MEGA, Kek willing
Well we also had all kinds of doubt about brexit and G.E. Trump and look what happened
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Next will be Le pen.

Thank you Brexit + Trump hero of the western civilization.

i live in toscany, where the real italians comunist live, here we all hate hillary so it was a good day
Why does he look like finnish guy?
Why go from months to days?
Dont weeks counts?

Or is this some sort of month, day, year construction?
>far from cucked
i hope you mean we are so cucked we don't even a word that describes us anymore
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Great again!

remove merkel MUST be the top battle
Austria is next. Make Austria Great Again! MAGA!
Aren't you bretty great?
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Fuck off Kraut, E is for ENGLAND

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God bless you Euros, it's gonna be a great eight years. Hope you guys can join in too.
Alright, when is german elections taking place? What can we do? Is there any realistic chance for AfD to win? Is there a better way to remove Merkel?

We need to come up with a gameplan
M E G A.
While people are overestimating our effect on the election we have proven ourselves to be a useful fifth column, and after seeing the magic happen last night I want more. So I'm in. Make Europe Great Again.
possibly because i haven't had sex in 4 months but got more of that ?
kill yourself faggot
I wanna do some pro-gun stuff in Romania but everyone is afraid of gypsies doing daily O.K. Corral shootouts



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Im all in!
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What a load of garbage. The roman empire was bigger than the EU and it was way better than it. Its about Virtues! About creating you own unique traditions that make everyone part of one big group they can identify with.
Exactly what MAGA did to us. Were were threads the last few days about what we will do after the election is over. Most people said something about hitting the gym, dating women... life improvements by virtuos deeds.

This is what will turn us great again. Our own culture, freed from SJWs.
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We're following Sweden's footsteps :DD
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London is still in the hands of muslims.

Remove them. Even after Brexit the eternal anglo is our brother.

Bomb Erdogan out of existance.
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my nigga
Bumping to help eurobros
For Germany: Use positive messages about what is positive. Show Petry as the mother of many children and Merkel the wrinkled old cunt she is.
Promote what is considered GERMAN. Precision. Honor. Pride. Uncucking is best by positive messages.

You can also use fear. ;)
Someone make a template for a MEGA general so it doesn't slip away once this thread 404's.
I think Hofer is our next chance and he would shore up land borders in central europe.
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do you think Pepe still have the power to continue his job as a symbol?
We had to shut down half of our only nuclear plant. Also seeing that we are in a good position to develop farming (we had very developed agricultural and animal farming) our agriculture is eligible for a third of the subsidies other countries are eligible for... the result being we have to import plastic tomatoes from Germany while our fields are empty... really pathetic if you think about it!
Administratory goals
>How to have anonymous multi-accounts for dummies

Quite sure the CF-G has all the materials we need for the "internet tech side" of things, though I remember something about burner phones not working in germoney? Is it the same for other EU states?

Also, we need to make it clear that this is a european general, and outside of creating memes it would be preferable for us to only talk in english. No-one wants to be in a general, where he can't understand half of what is written.
>we need to seek out media outlets that are (at least partially) on our side
geenstijl.nl / tpo.nl for the Netherlands
God you guys got the right approach. Everyone is saying pol is just gonna go back to the nonsense "redpill me on x" but this victory has done nothing but rally the troops. If we truly want to make the world great again. It takes these large scale coordinated efforts all over every country in the world. So if even a fraction of the people who cared so much for the us election invested some time into the various elections and affairs of other nations, pol could become one of the biggest political influencer for revolution in our lifetimes. Keep it up gentlemen, you make me proud and you give me hope that not only Europe, but everywhere else that was once great can be great again.
Yes. Our current prime minister is propably the largest cuck of all time. He promised his own house for "syrian refugees". That statement brought us tons of young males seeking asylum. They even travelled through Sweden, the most cuck country ever

ok, London will be the first one

another question for my german bros, Merkel is a lesbian?
>In February 2016, the German government admitted that it had lost track of around 13 per cent of the 1.1 million people registered as asylum seekers on arrival in 2015, because they never arrived at the refugee accommodation they were assigned. (wikipedia)
Here the asylum seekers are still a minority. So I guess we're doing very good considering that they MUST pass through here (or Greece) to come to europe
Fall 2017

>Is there any realistic chance for AfD to win
not really but there is a realistic chance for Merkel's party to lose.
And other parties are adjusting their polecies when the AfD is successful.
Considering moving to Europe. My father was born in Britain and I care more about the future of Europe than Australia. Should I though?
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We are with you guys.
The flame of the west still burns. We can save it.

The war continues.
See this: >>97467891

I don't think it's possible, but we'll find out soon enough.
like this idea, have a bump hans
Add italy as well, thanks
Im working on one hold on. Keep thread bumped and I will post it
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Pls help, i had faith in you lads

Pls Russia save us from kikes!
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Not as pepe. Pepe's meme energy has been expended.

We need helper to help us out.
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Already meming it
We will make it happen

THE NEW FRONT IS OPENING UP, Deplorable brothers!!!!

Even if we don't spread Nazi memes, leftist false flaggers will

You guys really have to break the Nazi taboo
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Absolutely this.

Our memes have had tremendous effect so far, with Brexit and Trump. Also, politics and memes have become my hobby.

She is married, no children though.
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Best of luck lads, we're here to support and help from across the pond
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Doesn't look like that from here. When are your elections? Which party is the anti-cuck party?
Im adding that we propably haven't hit the worst part yet, but its good to stop problems before they escalate exponentially
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>americans in this thread
>except lets now immediately avert our attention to overseas
Is anyone else finding it hard to believe that Trump actually won? The closest thing I can think of is when my dad died, my mind didn't accept that it had happened or something, so I kept experiencing the shock of it twenty times a day, except this is joyful and hopeful instead of sad
Agreed fight for Hofer. MÖGA!
Post news sources for adding to template unless someone else who's better at this wants to do it. But I'm legit 100% in.
Well we're just waiting for the inauguration now, might as well help Germany
>This is what will turn us great again. Our own culture, freed from SJWs.

I like the sound of this, very very much. Still, what is the common european spirit?

For germans, I guess it would be "reliability", but I don't have an inckling of an idea about other states.
I suggest we help Hofer and Marine Le Pen.
If we achieve this, the Trump-Farage-Orbán axis will grow bigger and stronger, and thus the West could be saved from the Left.
Yeah I'll leave it to you then, Don't think we'll need a logo tho? Would just doing ______ edition ( eg deutschland edition with picture of germany etc) be better than getting a defined logo.
Podemos is not in power, yet
cuckservatives are the best we got, could be worse
Good luck Eurobros
Especially Krauts and Habsburgs
I'll help you
I don't have much to do, my country is pretty much saved so I can sacrifice some time


We've won the battle in the US. Time to bring it to the rest of the world.

(insert current tasks here)


> Remove Angela Merkel from German Government
Increase support for AfD (Alternative for Germany)
Increase support for Frauke Petry (AfD leader)

NEXT EVENT: October 22th 2017 (latest)

(Task A)
(Task B)
(Task C)

NEXT EVENT: (Next important happening for this goal)


> Build SoMe presence
Create educational material on setting up multiple accounts across social networks anonymously
Follow and boost other /pol/ accounts
Get followers and increase reach


> Electorial System of Germany

> Learn Basic German
Mate, we've already got True Finns in the gvt, with not a single left-wing party calling the shots. Don't pretend we're run by liberals just because the media sells whatever it sells.
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Someone post the version with names?
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Ulster is our clay potato-nigger

You simply can't win with that in Germany.
It's also illegal. People can and will go to jail (some already did).
We have no free speech.

bro, italy is not in the worse position right now, there are country next to us who are really in deep shit, and im not talking only about the
economic aspect


kek work in a mysterious way
Right. One of our cornerstones, needs to be EU criticism. Those blockheads do enough shit, to make this rather easy once we start red-pilling the nomries about it. Breaking the EU up, would be an insane thing to do though, with the €uro and all - but we can change them from the inside.

If several european countries want laws to be changed, as to wring the EU from ((their)) control, well, it just might happen. But, one thing at a time. The impossible only becomes possible, once all the prior steps have been completed.
noice. saved.
i knew /pol/ was incapable of just sitting back a gloating. this energy cannot simple vanish over night. with the US and Britain as your guide we can uncuck the world.
breddy gud
I was in Germany a few months ago. Almost everybody is anti-refugee, they are just afraid to say it.
I like the idea, but even us can't uncuck the whole continent at once. We have to do it one country at the time.

First is France, #LePen17. But beware, this is going to be harder. In Brexit and Trump cases we operated in English. Now we're gonna need anons who speak other languages: German, French, etc.

Fucking cucks
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You never been in Bavaria or East Germany f a m?
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Humor and hiding truth behind the blurred lines of a good joke were essential to the downfall of USSR.
People were sick and tired of communism, but could not speak about it openly, because it was seen as a traitorous behavior.
Good humor made it possible to talk about it, hiding behind the "It's just a joke, friend!" charade.
Maybe it will work again. We need to think.
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spergo FUCK OFF

spurdo is creepy and unfunny. KEK is the only deity we need or want. spurdo seriously freaks me out. fuck off stay away
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We need weaponized Nigel.

Also, 400lb 1337 hax0r Kim.com might bitch bout the name. #MEGA
Silent majority. Sounds good to me.
> and its gonig to so great
>and were going make the economy so good
good god you actually sound like trump
>I don't think it's possible, but we'll find out soon enough.
This really isn't only about germany though. We need a shift in mindset for most central european countries. Euro-secpticism, will work great, as it will unify the different countries in their dismay at the currently untouchable politics.
Once we are able to threaten the goodwill of the member-states towards the organization itself, changing it will become far easier - after all, brexit largely happened, because they were ignored time and time again, and because france & germany have no problem with doing this show without their support.
Saved. Yeah social media accounts are the first thing we'll need.
We're gonna have to keep Europe in focus every step of the way.

Breaking up the EU is absolutely paramount if you want to uncuck Europe. As long as EU persists, we cannot close our borders due to Schengen, and any country that fucks up (ie. Germany) will bleed refugees into the rest of the countries.

We focus on individual goals. But keep the big picture in mind.

I will find good resources for German, French and perhaps Spanish vocabulary and link in /eg/ in the future
> they are just afraid to say it.
This. They don't want to have the nazi stigma which is understandable because it is similar to a social suicide.
they are not real cucks, people like Merkel want the germans to be cucks, and they are afraid to let too much themself go as it happens a few decades ago
Sweden is lost. I repeat, Sweden is lost. No worth saving a nigger filled country with cucks in charge.

Trumpeters did the same thing in the US. Noone saw this shit coming. Remember the polls, friend
How will we save our beloved Sweden? I don't think all hope is lost.

We just have to get some other media than government owned network and MSM into the people's attention.
I like this plan. Let's grassroot a respectable alternative German media.
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KEK has to rest now.

Meanwhile Spurdo still goes strong.
Keep this thread bumped.
Every person with a little bit of common sense would realize quickly that the Trump episode from The Simpsons is NOT from fucking 2001.
This is not the case with the german main stream media, as you can see in the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung", the german equivalent of the "New York Times".

The HEADLINES today are saying (pic related):
>"The Simpsons" warned 16 years ago of Trump as president
>"The Simpsons" are sometimes ahead of their time. And it then happens that the creators of the show are caught up by reality. And that they sometimes influence the world differently than they thought."

The msm is still making idiots of themselves.

Make America great again!

For those of you who do not know this "prediction" meme the german msm is falling into:

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we will not leave ANYNONE behind
Forgot the pic related, sorry, guys. I just came from work and I am still celebrating right now!
Krauts can't be the first ones to act or we'll get everyone crying nazism.
Add Brazil 2018, we can use the same memes.
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Oh shit, the fighting spirit is spreading like hope. Best of luck folks.

I've got some private connections (think Blackwater but intel), will reach out & try to get them to help.
are the comments deactivated?
checking the checked
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germany is beyond saving
you guys need a revolution so there will atleast be something interesting to watch
Hope meme magic will make Russia great again one day. You can't even imagine what a great ally in uncucking Europe you will get if we will become free from the Muslim whore ruling our country now
the fire rises.
I say this with 100% Sincerity.

Good luck.

Hopefully your peoples can look to us as proof it's possible.

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Slogan could be "Europa Fortis". Europe Strong in Latin.
>recycling memes
only in Brazil
There was no way Donald Trump would become President.

You don't have to literally advocate for National Socialism, but like Ivan said, humor is how you make cracks in the establishment leviathan.
This, could be helpful. Expose all the dirt the EU does, and paint them in their true colours.

Let's get that into the next general - we need to find illegal stuff the EU did, and things that weakened its member states. We need a somewhat unified euro-scepticism going. If all of us are fed-up with this union, it is about time to change it.
Correct me if im wrong, but isnt the path to MEGA.... Through dismantling the EU by having Brexit like referendums and votes nation by nation?

We should focus our energies on Geert Wilder and Maria Le Penn.

Germany would technically be the final boss aye?
One thing I'm concerned about is the language barrier between /pol/ and European normies... the memes must be made to fit the local language and deployed strategically
how long before we turn on trump? 1 year? 2 years? Will we become the horus heresy in 4 years? Or do we remain forever loyal?
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may I ask where you got that impression from?

>you were born too late to explore the planet Earth
>you were born too early to space exploration
>you're born right in time for the meme wars

feels good lads
There's no point to revive dead nation, but after shit is setled we will rebuild it from ashes.
The fn is cucked.
They just want to reach that treshold where they get campaign grants each year.
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Thread theme
Our Lord and our saviour
Save this forsaken country
Give us strength
Will add to the /eg/ template. It's good indeed
Forever loyal to a fault. We created this so we must stick with it. /pol/ is the physical embodiment of contrarianism BUT in this instance it's hard to oppose what you created.
Identical doubles of prophesy. Surely if digits are repeated just once more, then all shall know the truth and the will as delivered by the humble servant of the one true Lord.
ethnically cleanse it from sand people and swedes and make it a national park under finnish government.
We need an Outlet to reveal lies and bad journalism. Something like bildblog for all media.
Well historically it's always been extremely helpful to have the russians on your side, so please join us

Yeah, France, Austria, Hungary and the Netherlands are closer to demanding freedom from the shackles of EU fascists and globalists.

EU is in the process of disarming Europe. This is an important fucking issue and we get ourselves some fine-ass tyranny if we let this shit happen
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Who thinks that considering the stigma against patriotism in Europe, running a right-libertarian angle might be a more normie-friendly approach?
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Presidential elections begin at 2018, parliamentary 2019.

As for anti-cuck parties, right now there's no parties that I can personally really trust. It's starting to look grim as fuck. Perussuomalaiset or "Finn's party" seem to somewhat anti-cuck, but the leader wanted more immigrants as soon as he got voted in.

As for negative news about immigration, mainstream media doesn't usually want to talk about them. We had some alternative media called "mv-lehti" that operated on the internet and the police are after the person in charge. It's a bit shady for a news source as well and some people claim it to be funded by Russia to create dissent or something.

It's gonna be interesting to see how this shit will turn out, we're 5-10 years behind Sweden currently, but rapidly catching up.

We gave them The House, The Senate and The Presidency.

We need to hold them accountable to the promises of ending globalism and restoring American prosperity.
Not as big of a problem as you might think - the bigger problem, is getting these memes to the normies in those countries.

We can re-use most of the anti-eu memes, just get one person who is able to translate it, give the changed words, and have our meme-shoppers do some light editing.

Spreading them through the ned though, will require people who are able to speak the same language as those we want to rile up with it. We need those twitter & kikebook networks, if we ever want to change the climate around here.
English can be our working language here, and locals in each country can translate

im not happy with that solutions but maybe one day (i hope) the sweden pride will rise from the lethargy and fight back
He has spoken. Few are they that shall know the truth, but God's success is certain.

Sorry Viking-Bro :(.
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Karl XII uniform.jpg
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Swedes were once strong and once we break the government's and the jews' illusion we will be strong once again.
You must remember Finnish bro... At ONE point... we honestly thought that our election was going to be between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton....

Keep an eye out for people on the peripheral.
we can rely on trump do do his job, but he needs us to become the american people he belives in, and that means cutting the shit and getting to work. we need to become what we want this country to be.
that will be one of the hard tasks. But I think it's doable if enough anons of the respective language are willing to help.
As a first step it is important to make screenshot and save them on our drives!
They will likely delete this article I posted after they realized their stupidity.

We must show the german people HOW fucking stupid and incompetent our media actually is!


AfD is our party, right? Also, there are a lot of people that are frustrated with current social trends, this Trump win is going to help us. A lot.
Bong here. Sorry eurobros we had to desert you, but you just couldn't uncuck yourselves without a jolt. I hope Brexit and now Trump will inspire a revolution which will #MEGA.

I am ready to provide memetic support from across the channel. Count me in.
Really? And what are they going to do when they exceed that threshold and actually win?
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