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/og/ - Orthodox General

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Thread replies: 233
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If you want to go to church, but there is no parish near you, email Ancient Faith Ministries

/his/ thread

>A brother once came to the abbot Macarius and said to him, “Master, speak some word of exhortation to me, that, obeying it, I may be saved.” St. Macarius answered him, “Go to the tombs and attack the dead with insults.” The brother wondered at the word. Nevertheless he went, as he was bidden, and cast stones at the tombs, railing upon the dead. Then returning, he told what he had done. Macarius asked him, “Did the dead notice what you did?” And he replied, “They did not notice me.”

>“Go, then, again,” said Macarius, “and this time praise them.” The brother, wondering yet more, went and praised the dead, calling them just men, apostles, saints. Returning, he told what he had done, saying, “I have praised the dead.”

>Macarius asked him, “Did they reply to you?” And he said, “They did not reply to me.” Then said Macarius, “You know what insults you have heaped on them and with what praises you have flattered them, and yet they never spoke to you. If you desire salvation, you must be like these dead. You must think nothing of the wrongs men do to you, nor of the praises they offer you. Be like the dead. Thus you may be saved.”

Reminder that these threads are started by the tripfag Constantine, who was run out of every board he posts in for being a tranny faggot. Remind he is a recent convert who was a member of at least two other religions and is a known religious maniac.

He also hates porn and anime. I mean he REALLY hates them.

This is him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RmFO-wXTQc
lol, trying to keep people aware of this tripfag
I do love you, that doesn't mean I of-a-sudden believe that you aren't an enemy of God.
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Additional reminder that religious fags are the pettiest bitches. The nigger behind "christchan" wasn't getting enough attention anymore, so he started making all the pro-Hillary Pepe memes.

I'm fucking off to the WIkileaks threads where productive shit is going on.
I knew this guy before he went tranny.

If I'm not mistaken, his dad killed himself decades ago. Guy had zero male role model and was kinda faggy.

Not surprised.
Don't post that twisted heathen crap here, delete it from your hard drive.
But in reality, it's your husband.
If you are a victim of HTM/HOCNA and trapped within their web of deceit, and need help, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will do all that we can to provide assistance, resources, and spiritual counseling. Please contact us at [email protected] with the Subject: “HELP FOR VICTIMS OF HTM/HOCNA”.
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orthocuck still here

Also explain

>6For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will be the first to rise. 17After that, we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord.…

How can there be dead in christ if they are already in heaven . Does not paul say we need to change from mortal to our heavenly body, why the dead in christ then
Maтepь бoжья!
Your body still has to be Resurrected.
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They already have heavenly bodies because they where already in heaven , the body resurrection does not make sense in what paul teaches because they ARE already in heaven with a heavenly body because flesh cannot enter heaven , so they are in heaven with their heavenly body , then they resurrect in their flesh, what they dont need ,then they turn in to their heavenly body again and fly back to heaven

>Makes perfect sense
Can somebody give me a low down on how to officially convert to Orthodoxy? I'm an ex-Catholic turned fedora tipper who's realized the retardation of fedora tipping and that Orthodoxy is objectively the most beautiful and most uncucked form of Christianity there is left. There is a Greek Orthodox church down the street from me at my uni, and I'm interested in becoming a catechumen and officially joining. How would I go about this and what's the conversion process like?
The End Times will be the reconciliation of heaven and earth. It won't be one or the other, but you will be in both at the same time. God will reign on earth, man will reside in heaven, both will be together.
Get cancer, jewcuck shills
What exactly qualifies as "kindred" by this?
Is this true? How do you know it's OP? It really is a shame as a lifelong Orthodude myself.
It's not me, and I've never been a tranny or had the inclination. It's slander used by posters to discredit Orthodoxy.
God bless the janitors or mods or whatever, for cleaning this up.

That does not awnser the question , btw why do the dead in christ rise first? . Would it be more fair for the ones on earth to go to heaven first , since you know, they just came from there
or is it because they where asleep dead
> 16For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Heaven is an ontological reality, not a spatial reality.

m8 it cant be more clear

1Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. 4And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.

>to prepare a place for you. 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself

future tense

>And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep.

>These things said he: and after that he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep. 12Then said his disciples, Lord, if he sleep, he shall do well. 13Howbeit Jesus spake of his death: but they thought that he had spoken of taking of rest in sleep. 14Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead.

>but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep

it cannot be more fucking clear in scripture you die and thats it, there is not one time in scripture that your soul goes to some place
Do you remember how I told you the truth earlier? I must care, right?
also i think the mods are getting annoyed
then go away!!
It's alright are you a good human?
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Hey who's going to church on Sun. :DD
not me....
but wanna kno a secret
Thats some real Buddhist chill shit, i like it.
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What's that? Please don't say something evil.
I have two life insurance policies, one from work and one I get with my bundle thing at State Farm. The big one is going to my wife+kids obv, but guess what. I kno this pastor who runs a church and he works rly hard and he is a really good dude and I made it so he gets the other 1 if I die. It's p. big too, especially considering how broke his church is. He's gonna be happy when I die. But I don't even believe in god lol, but I like that guy. It's a nice secret I keep lol
Secret #2 is keep is p. evil tho
Why do you never laeaave us alooone :( :( :I(
i wont sae it tho
I don't know, spamming isn't really in line with that.
do you want me 2 go away
I don't know...I think I'm in love with you now. You can't go. ...It's complicated.
I certainly am.
I'll be honest. I could be completely wrong about you. As I said, I work with people and I make my living by understanding and getting to know them. It's made me pretty sharp and pretty adept at getting to the bottom of what makes people tick. But you give so little it's hard to be sure. I was telling the truth on why I spam the thread. If I found I was wrong, that you were a good person and you just come across wrong online, I would stop spamming it. Completely stop.
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Brother! My sins...ugh my sins--I can't wait to get back in.
i understand, believe me
why did you do that to me. That's a weird trick. Praise God and stuff though.
thin line between love and h8

> in scripture you die and thats it, there is not one time in scripture that your soul goes to some place

And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.” - Jesus to the thief on the Cross

The saved reside in heaven when they die, spiritually, the unsaved reside in hell, until the end times when bodies resurrect. The exact nature of these states is beyond our understanding. What's the problem?
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Please make an all Catholicism general

Thank you
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Yeah...you're passionate in a weird way. Maybe I see myself in your anti-me. It takes rotten passion to want to throw yourself into posting kikeporn and childmurder scenes. It's like "damn".
I don't believe in god, but if you believe the bible is authoritative, then the whole "Today you will be with me in paradise" line clearly indicates you live on and are conscious after the death of the body. You have to do some mental acrobatics to deny that.
That is the autistic Malaysian Drawfag we had for quite some time now.
pls stahp im blushing
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No. It's no good. Have you ever killed anyone? I know you like the idea of it at least.
I'm not a good person, though, I can assure you of that. You're not wrong. I would like you to stop spamming, but if that's what's required, then we're both out of luck.

Are you reading and praying every day?

Protestants are teaching soul sleep more these days. One reason is, it undercuts the intercession of saints, which Protestants object to.
Yes sir, I am. But I'm getting darker lately...
i want some authentic part of u

>No. It's no good. Have you ever killed anyone? I know you like the idea of it at least.
well that's complicated
ive never directly killed someone tho
Luke 23:43

Again the thief of the cross ,has a perfect explanation with soul sleep aswell , the whole bible is against the immortal soul idea , because that is satans idea

proof of nothing , the thief dies and he wakes up 2000 years later in the resurrection then ascends to heaven . For the thief it would be the same day because when he sleeps he has no time ,even if its a million years later it would be for him the next moment.... Oh wait i am dieing on a cross let me explain the doctrine of my religion
Are you fasting?
dats disingenuous!
How do you mean--I want all the juicy details :3
>i want some authentic part of u
There is nothing authentic in me save what's in Christ. Everything else is wretched and should be committed to the flames.
Yes I've been fasting for a while now. I can eat yogurt this morning though!
so u can try and get me in trubble
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>today you will be with me in Paradise
You know what I mean. Wanting authenticity from someone is an understandable request. I assume, if the bible is true, that if I were to meet Peter on the road to Jerusalem, he would speak to me about Christ and give me an authentic experience of himself. I want something like that from you, you obtuse bastard.
If you are praying, fasting, reading, and--by far the most important thing--embracing humility--then you'll overcome anything.
...was that really you drinking the coke can before? You're actually real....pretty in a terrible way. You scare me but I want you. What are you if that is you?
Of course not. lol. Im the vocaroo anon. Ahahahah, that girl is Eliza, a camwhore from r9k who killed herself. you thirsty fuck
my life is truly hopeless...I hate this website. I hate everyone . I hate human beings
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Sad. She could potentially be my girlfriend now if she didn't

Yes it might be hard to understand but when you die you wake up in the resurrection for your sense that will be next moment in your life . First you lie with cancer in your bed you die ,and the next thing you will experience is the resurrection and you fly with jesus to heaven , this is your today time stops when you die .
lol u thought that waz rly me? omg

pic iz her too. cokecan pic is just a good angle
The Bible never say that
I thought you were this person. Why would a person go onto the internet and lie...Maybe I knew but I didn't want to know.
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no, she killed herself

I think my most intimate experience with another human being, regarding God, is being around Orthodox nuns. The younger ones don't talk, they just go by and pray, and even the older ones won't talk more than is polite, and always send you to the mother if you have spiritual questions. I went to talk to the mother, and she took me by the hand and lead me over to chairs and sat me down and barely spoke at a whisper. Even when she was speaking to groups of people, it was hard to hear her. I don't really want to discuss what we talked about in detail, because it's personal, but I felt her eyes piercing through my heart in a way that made me feel incredibly safe and terrified at the same time, which I think is an expression of her Godliness. It made me fully understand how one can both intensely fear and intensely love God, and how both are important.

it is more implied when you read scripture then a immortal soul flying to heaven , the jews teach it , jesus teached it , just step down from your denomination. and read lazarus death with a clean mind ,thats what i did remove all the catholic meme beliefs
Some Jews don't even believe in an afterlife

This is from one of the early more reliable church fathers polycarp

Exhortation to virtue -- The hope of resurrection -- The Lord's Teaching

1 "Wherefore girding up your loins serve God in fear" and truth, putting aside empty vanity and vulgar error, "believing on him who raised up our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead and gave him glory," and a throne on his right hand, "to whom are subject all things in heaven and earth," whom all breath serves, who is coming as "the Judge of the living and of the dead," whose blood God will require from them who disobey him. 2 Now "he who raised him" from the dead "will also raise us up" if we do his will, and walk in his commandments and love the things which he loved, refraining from all unrighteousness, covetousness, love of money, evil speaking, false witness, "rendering not evil for evil, or railing for railing," or blow for blow, or curse for curse, 3 but remembering what the Lord taught when he said, "Judge not that ye be not judged, forgive and it shall be forgiven unto you, be merciful that ye may obtain mercy, with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again," and, "Blessed are the poor, and they who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of God."

note that he hopes on the resurrection , not his soul fucking of to heaven
Jews taught that the dead reside in Sheol, and the New Testament makes it clear that those in Sheol are not unconscious.
The Orthodox do believe in the Resurrection, it's right in the Nicene Creed, dude.

Maybe you two guys can answer this, since fuck. But I sort of agree with both of you in a way. On one hand I like the penetint man the man who is humble before God. But I also still like sinners and people who are not from my religion...and I don't 'love' them in some patrimonial way, but like I genuinely really like some of them. And I even think it's important and honest to be bad sometimes...to fuck up so that you see what that's like. I think organized religion is totally pussified now in the West at least where every woman just uses it to parade their husbands for the most part...but what I want to know from you two is what is the right approach? What are we supposed to do about this divide between us?---It sort of gets to what AQS was saying re: "I've never trusted super religious people"--I have to say, neither have I. Especially in light of the fiasco with all the pedos

sheol is grave

>New Testament makes it clear that those in Sheol are not unconscious.

citation needed
You're not going to get anymore of me on 4chan. I've already had groupie problems before, putting myself out there would only aggravate that. Besides, it would be counter-productive of me.
what difference would it make if it were true? murderers have repented
Please also read what happened to Polycarp in his Martydom. Again, where in this implies or even states soul sleep?

No word about heaven when you die though, thats something they did not belief
There is no bridging the gap. You either go by the original Christian way, or you innovate your own way.

How does Moses worship Christ at the transfiguration if he's unconscious? How does that whole scene with Lazarus and the rich man work?
I hate you so much, because you are not a girl

What happend to polycarp is not written by polycarp since he died?
They saw heaven as the same as the Kingdom of Heaven, and that as the same as the Kingdom of God.
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i know exactly what you mean. these orthodox threads give me a very abstract feel

it's like, seeing the purest and most sacred aspect of my life represented in the cess pit of sin where i go to post frogs and roleplay as a nazi ...it's such an uncomfortable mix
It was written by a witness to his Martydom. Polycarp was martyed and in no way accepts soul sleep
Polycarp doesn't preach soul sleep in what you posted, though. Just body sleep.
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OMG you sir, your a fucking rock star.
Constantine is a girl
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>How does that whole scene with Lazarus and the rich man work?

parabels from his teachings you know how hard it is to convince someone who thinks he has a immortal soul that he has none, see pic for diffrent denominations jesus had to teach

How does Moses worship Christ at the transfiguration if he's unconscious?

>And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.

There are some special people with future task
>because there have been so many religions and cultures, it's silly to say any is superior to others
This doesn't make sense.
>It can break you, and bring out the worst in you, and it can make you go insane.
how come the church i go to isnt full of broken insane people then? i notice much more pathos and insanity outside the church in the secular world...
Moses died
Elijah was taken to heaven. Moses was not

its pretty much the same because you have no immortal soul yet , polycarp cant preach doctrine what he does not think that exist.
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What about Orthodox Christian anime and manga? After all the attention Catholics got with Japan ignorantly using their church in comics and cartoons, I was glad to see them butcher ours by finally giving us recognition.
Yes, but my matter can't tell me who I am either. I have freedom to make choices.
>parabels from his teachings you know how hard it is to convince someone who thinks he has a immortal soul that he has none
I thought you said Jews believed in soul sleep?
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I hated it. Because I am no fan of megatits. Just to be clear, I am not gay at all

elijah was with moses in the transfiguration , moses had something special also
The OT makes clear that he died
From what I can tell, anime has a tendency to sexualize things a lot lot, completely needlessly. So always bad.
This is like saying it's wrong to assert that the earth orbits the sun, because a lot of people never had access to that truth.
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Is this sexualized?
Moses was a special guy, but he wasn't taken, in living form, up to heaven. He descended to the dead.
If you want to be Orthodox just because you hate how your liberal is your local Catholic or Lutheran or Episcopalian/Anglican church, don't. Christ teaches us to hate the sin, not the sinner, so if all you want to do is bash fags or feminists, dont come to the Orthodox Church. Because you are not even Christian.

Know that I am a Christian first, and then and only then anything else.

1 Corinthians 1:10-13

Now I exhort you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all agree and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be made complete in the same mind and in the same judgment. For I have been informed concerning you, my brethren, by Chloe's people, that there are quarrels among you. Now I mean this, that each one of you is saying, "I am of Paul," and "I of Apollos," and "I of Cephas," and "I of Christ." read more.
Has Christ been divided? Paul was not crucified for you, was he? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?

t. Orthodox Christian
If it were animated, or made into a comic book, it probably would be somewhere.
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But it is not animated. It is made by the Catholic Church
They're not the same, but the analogy still applies insofar as your argument's weight goes, since your argument is not against religious truth as invalid for not being materially observable, your argument was about it being invalid for not being accessible to many.
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Christ doesn't teach this though
>NEW YORK, September 23, 2016 (LifeSiteNews)—A Catholic parish is promoting a pro-homosexual “Pilgrimage of Mercy” and not planning on denying its participants Holy Communion when they attend Mass as part of the pro-LGBT event in October. The parish is also hosting a speaker from the nation’s leading homosexual lobby group, the Human Rights Campaign, today. The Archdiocese of New York declined to comment on both events.

>On September 22, the parish sent out a mass email advertising the LGBT event.

>“Join us on Sunday, October 2 for a pilgrimage to celebrate and recognize LGBT faithful Catholics in the United States during this Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy,” the announcement to the parish email list said. “The pilgrimage begins on the Upper East Side at 69th St and 5th Ave, proceeds through Central Park, and ends at St. Paul's in time for the 12:30PM mass. This event is organized by the Gay and Lesbian Alumni of the University of Notre Dame and St. Mary's College.”


Like today the jews had many denominations the pharasees the one mentioned in the bible the most believed in soul sleep resurrection , but jesus teached to many beliefs hence the use of parabels

>And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
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soul sleep presupposes a soul, an entity that is doing the "sleeping" and then gets woken up when the conditions are right. So you still have an immortal soul in both views.

anyway life is consciousness, and eternal life necessitates eternal consciousness, without any "gaps" or "breaks".

I would reject your doctrine because it's unbiblical, it's like taking Jesus death and resurrection "figuratively" ... you could do that, but it's anti-Christian and defeats the whole point of the NT.
Also soul sleep is wrong because it's psychologically incorrect. No one ever goes totally "unconscious" even in dreamless sleep we are subtly aware, but there is nothing to disturb us or draw our attention, so time flies by fast, but it is very enjoyable and relaxing.

So a dreamless and peaceful "soul sleep" is actually the beginning of heaven, which is where the soul resides after death. Those who have bad "soul sleeps" are beginning their journey into hell, which will be finalized at the End Times.
Sure hope it's not used for iconography

It's not the same on everything, but it is the same insofar as what your argument concerns.
>unironically being a retarded schismatic

Please put the trip back on so I can filter you.
> 5So Moses the servant of the LORD died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the LORD. 6And he buried him in a valley in the land of Moab, over against Bethpeor: but no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto this day.

god buried moses there cant be anything more special

Jude 1:9
>Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.
Most Jewish denominations today are Pharisaic.

The only Jews in Christ's time who didn't believe in the Resurrection were the Sadducees, and that's because they believed your soul was destroyed when you died and that was it.
It's "Universal" in the sense of being the absolute truth, the universal truth. Not in the sense of everyone being in it or learning of it.
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It isn't
>A scientific fact and a religious tradition are not Kinds.
That are Kinds. Of truth, in this case.
He died. So his soul flew to heaven?

yes and the essenes thought that they where immortal the spirit lives on
OP worships a fucking stick.

Stupid cuck can't into based atheism.
The Essenes were not among the Jews Christ was preaching to, they were a very, very, very, very small minority of basically hermits, who were completely wiped out in the second century.

> there arent actually any universal truths
How do you define "truth"?
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nice spook kid
Apples and oranges are the Kings with scientific and religious truths. False equivalence.

*aren't Kinds
It's pretty important if you are stating such a bold thing as "there are no universal truths," a statement that I find it hard to believe you are knowledgeable enough to make.
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Superior protestant coming through
Nigger that's false and you know it. There were many jews that did not get converted to Christianity by virtue of Christ's existence and resurrection. And they weren't all Pharisees.
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Cute. Now I am certain you are female
>I would reject your doctrine because it's unbiblical,

It is the jews doctrine how is this unbiblical , calling it soul sleep just smoothens it up you have no immortal soul
Genesis 3:19
>In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

yeah mate death is not funny you are gone for ever but jesus the son of god was the first to defeat death ,and like he was resurrected we would be resurrected by him and have eternal life
No, they pretty much were. Not as in actually being called that, since that generally meant you were learned enough to be a Pharisaic rabbi, but in the sense of subscribing to the brand of Judaism the Pharisees taught, most people were that, the elite excepted, who subscribed to the brand taught by the Sadducees.
I DO love you. I didn't mean...like that...tho, as I'm sure you know.
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Neither does Catholic Church, it's a parish doing what it wants, without regarding the official teachings.
>the reason i dont think there are any universal truths is mainly because mankind seems so mixed up and confused
That's very bad logic.

>a universal truth would be easily recognized
Begging the question.

> i dont know what a universe truth would even be, or what form it would take
Quid est veritas? must be answered because you can address that.
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Stirner has set me free, I used to be bothered by the Orthodox and Catholic posters here however I realised that this was because I had made a spook out of the concept of truth and couldnt deal with people not holding it in a similar regard.

No more thread derailing from me
No, I don't.

They can't even control their parishes?
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I'll become Orthodox once I see some animu girls made for it like Mary chan
You can make them if you want but the Orthodox Church is never going to officially do that, because she expresses the faith according to a particular art form that doesn't include anime.

Then why the part about his body and satan, the bible already teaches you that something is going on with both moses and elijah , elijah was john the baptist or something , or his spirit was i still dont get that part , but elijah was the road to the new testament and ascended in to heaven with body and all , and moses of the old testament had died , but since satan fucked around ,god brought him to heaven also.its not really clear to me as of yet

The transfiguration might aswell be a future event , it was a vision afterall and the bible is full of prophecy read revelations, john had visions of heaven past present and future
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Oh, I guess I am Catholic now
Elijah reincarnated into John...who knew

Love being ORTHODOX! pravoslavie!
Useful for what, exactly?

>he didn't get out books and start reading stale historians and old stories and shit
He quoted Scripture pretty extensively. In fact his very life as fulfilling Scripture is his major theme.

>And the parable was worded such that a person on level 1 of their spiritual development, and a person on level 9, would both get something out it.
Or to ensure they wouldn't, depending on the case.

>He gave people a bit of real, pragmatic advice about how to live their lives better.
He told them to eat his flesh and drink his blood, and give all they had to the poor. He wasn't just a down-to-earth pragmatist by any means.
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Does Orthodox have this?

Who knew right

>11 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things.

>12 But I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them.

>13 Then the disciples understood that he spake unto them of John the Baptist.
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No, we have this, which is much better.
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I am waiting for a Patristic intepretation that says that John is a reincarnation of Elijah

Ok, but you have animus too?
>You know what I mean
No. In fact, I'm not even sure you know what you mean.

>He didn't quote it in parables or much in the sermon of the mount
He sure did, his teachings were an intensification of Scriptural doctrine.

>So christ, the incarnation of god's expression, was trying to... decieve people. MEIN GOT
Nope, he just said some things to make them understandable to some, but incomprehensible to others.

>hmm? do you know what that word means lol
It means what's humanly realistic instead of idealistic.

>you're driving me so wild right now, i need to have you
You just told me you found me unengaging because I go in circles instead of stimulate you.
Lets check the old testament

>Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.\

>or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

That includes anime

Being serious though if you practice the life style it will lead you away from things like anime and more towards seeking praying, fasting and constantly seeking mercy from God.
There will never by Church-promulgated anime. I don't think. We have some cartoons, though not that style. But who knows. I do highly doubt anime mascots would ever be approved for Church funding, but you could make them yourself if you wanted. I personally prefer just icons of saints.
Christ was fulfilling a lot of traditional prophecies, he didn't just come to overturn things, he said that himself.
I'm not going to keep talking to you if you sexualize me. If you want to know why I don't post my voice or my picture online, it's because of people like you.
God's Word, God's Wisdom, Jesus of Nazareth.
>I am waiting for a Patristic intepretation that says that John is a reincarnation of Elijah

I have no idea of as yet , a theory might be that god sends elijah's spirit to john , like jesus send his father holy ghost to us , but only did so when he went to heaven.
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This is why I cannot take Calvinists seriously

My drawing is not good enough to be on the same level as Mary chan
>being this Protestant
Then it is something foreign
That looks pretty sexual to me.

Have a better one then?
That refers to idols, statues worshipped. A lot of ancient peoples worshipped the images themselves, not as a way of worshipping the god or spirit represented by them, but as beings worthy of worship themselves.
yea the girls in back can see her pussy
Elijah was taken bodily into heaven. John the Forerunner is a "type" of Elijah, and the actual Elijah himself will return (and, in Orthodox tradition, by martyred) to announce Christ's Second Coming.
Why did it include the *any* likeness part instead of just leaving it at any graven image?
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Actually yes. Check out Anchor Bible Dictionary for more information

That is not official art
>"type" of Elijah

Thats not what the bible says it was prophecied that eliajh came first to clear the way, not a john the baptist elijah look alike
>Actually yes. Check out Anchor Bible Dictionary for more information
ill b honest
i prob won't do that
I mean "type" in the theological sense, how the term is used in Greek, which means something like a parallel. John the Baptist is a type of Elijah (Matthew 11:14), but not Elijah himself (John 1:21)

Elijah will come first, before the Second Coming.
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Then check out this cute nun

Yes elijah came in john the baptist mum, and that is wat elijah came first means john the baptist is his son
What's the Greek word that they used?
I'll be a monastic.
If you stop shitposting, I'll talk to you, okay?
You are looking at the wrong one
What would you like to talk about?
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You should become Catholic, anon

We have plenty of loli nuns.
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I'll make a Mary chan for Orthodoxy. She will be called Constantina
You have plenty of loli alter boys too, apparently.

Dude there are many parts of the bible i dont understand and i will wait till the holyghost will give me more insight , john being elijah was the biggest problem i found in the bible , and the hardest to crack , and a type of elijah just does not do it .

>Elijah will come first, before the Second Coming.

How did you even think this . maybe you should stop looking at shit like got questions ,that shit would only make people atheists
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Mary chan isn't a loli
>How did you even think this
Patristics. Plus, the OT says it.
Because that's what idol statues looked like? 5 chapters later: "And you shall make two cherubim of gold; of hammered work shall you make them, on the two ends of the mercy seat. Make one cherub on the one end, and one cherub on the other end; of one piece of the mercy seat shall you make the cherubim on its two ends. The cherubim shall spread out their wings above, overshadowing the mercy seat with their wings, their faces one to another; toward the mercy seat shall the faces of the cherubim be".
Wasnt the context of that a specific exemption for the ark?

Jesus will come as a thief in the night , what on earth would elijah do before the second comming , no elijah came first in the first comming
i'm not a fag, fags belong to Hell.
Elijah will call people to repent, and be martyred for it.

John the Baptist is not Elijah, that is overtly said in Scripture. He is "a" Elijah, so to speak, but not THE Elijah who will show before the dread coming.
Where do you see an exemption?
>Where do you see an exemption?

As the holds a unique place and value hence it seems like it would be an exemption to allow for such decorations.

Hence why the *any* likeness would have been added rather than just leaving the ban being on graven images.

All graven images are idols but not all images of likeness are.

Thats cute you think that the day of the lord is the same as the second comming

>Elijah will call people to repent, and be martyred for it.

better he be preaching in the middle east then because we stopped killing heretics some time ago, since we are the lost sheep he would preaching in europe , i will not see that happen , how can elijah die when he is immortal ... checkmate 2 ,that guy must be thousands years old
The entire first temple was decked out by depictions of angels. So was the second temple.

"Graven image" is a translation of what is roughly the Hebrew word "form", which means the thing itself, or an *apparition* of something. The English word "idol" comes from the Greek word for form, the English work "icon" comes from the Greek word for image. Idols were literally thought to be man made apparitions of Gods, that's why they were haram. The word has nothing to do with "image" in the general sense, which is a different word (God created man in his own "image", for instance, uses a totally different term, in both Hebrew and Greek). In "theological" terms, an idol is something thought to be consubstantial with what it depicts.
Well, but if that's an exemption, shouldn't every iconography that is made to appease God be acceptable?

So statues of Jesus, of the Virgin Mary, of Saints too?
And shouldn't we make images of God Himself too?
It would seem so unless its specifically requested if we are to rely only on the bible
I think the "dread" day of the Lord is the Second Coming, yeah. There is nothing to dread about the First Coming, quite the opposite. Also the First Coming is hardly like a "oven", which is how the coming after Elijah comes is described as in the OT. It's also said that after Elijah, Christ will come to tread the wicked as ash--does that sound like the First Coming, or the Second Coming, to you?
Post Childporn on a tan cream board or sexual and gore images on a blue one, pol has lazy mods trolling a religious thread wont have any effect.
I'm cold.
I really don't. You're offensive and obnoxious.
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He's Catholic, not Orthodox.
I believe, as a Christian, that the Bible is the written form of oral laws and stories passed to the future generations
And because of it is not the perfect representation of God's Will because of the pollution that men could have done to it
It is still the best attempt at recording God's Will that we have

Our reasoning should come from the Lord Christ Himself and this happens by being in communion with him so that He will according to His time make us into what He desires us to be
Try impersonating a mod or a janitor (somwehere around a week or even longer, I don't remember) or posting a pony (3 days), they don't need much effort but anger hotpockets like nothing else.
Jesus is God himself. That was the major argument for iconography in the Seventh Ecumenical Council, that if venerating a physical image is haram, then venerating Christ himself would have been haram, which obviously doesn't make sense.
Thanks, but I don't want your attention
jesus christ im funny
>14The great day of the LORD is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the LORD: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly.

15That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness,

16A day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities, and against the high towers.

Now these trumpets are important because you got 7 of them in revelations, the day of the lord is not the second comming

>1Gather yourselves together, yea, gather together, O nation not desired;

2Before the decree bring forth, before the day pass as the chaff, before the fierce anger of the LORD come upon you, before the day of the LORD'S anger come upon you.

>3Seek ye the LORD, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the LORD'S anger.

The Judgment on the Philistines

(Jeremiah 47:1-7)

>4For Gaza shall be forsaken, and Ashkelon a desolation: they shall drive out Ashdod at the noon day, and Ekron shall be rooted up.

>5Woe unto the inhabitants of the sea coast, the nation of the Cherethites! the word of the LORD is against you; O Canaan, the land of the Philistines, I will even destroy thee, that there shall be no inhabitant.

see day of the lord means a day of judgement . when the jews killed jesus it was also the day of the lord because the jews lost their religion
The orthodox church is cancerous.

It is as corrupted as the catholic church, because it is run by people and people tend to be corrupted when they gain influence.
what isnt run by people you fucking romanian nigger

at least it isnt hierarchized and centralized like the roman church is, so the corruption has to be smaller
No its not
In Romania is even worse because they are building expensive cathedrals with money from public taxes, and not everyone in Romania is orthodox.
And the clergy is full of nepotism just like any institution in Romania.
Friendly reminder that the council of Chalcedon was heretic and against christianity itself.
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