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/og/ - Orthodox General

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Thread replies: 343
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If you want to go to church, but there is no parish near you, email Ancient Faith Ministries

/his/ thread

>A brother once came to the abbot Macarius and said to him, “Master, speak some word of exhortation to me, that, obeying it, I may be saved.” St. Macarius answered him, “Go to the tombs and attack the dead with insults.” The brother wondered at the word. Nevertheless he went, as he was bidden, and cast stones at the tombs, railing upon the dead. Then returning, he told what he had done. Macarius asked him, “Did the dead notice what you did?” And he replied, “They did not notice me.”

>“Go, then, again,” said Macarius, “and this time praise them.” The brother, wondering yet more, went and praised the dead, calling them just men, apostles, saints. Returning, he told what he had done, saying, “I have praised the dead.”

>Macarius asked him, “Did they reply to you?” And he said, “They did not reply to me.” Then said Macarius, “You know what insults you have heaped on them and with what praises you have flattered them, and yet they never spoke to you. If you desire salvation, you must be like these dead. You must think nothing of the wrongs men do to you, nor of the praises they offer you. Be like the dead. Thus you may be saved.”

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Reminder that these threads are started by the tripfag Constantine, who was run out of every board he posts in for being a tranny faggot. Remind he is a recent convert who was a member of at least two other religions and is a known religious maniac.

He also hates porn and anime. I mean he REALLY hates them.

This is him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RmFO-wXTQc
Do you guys listen to the show the Orthodox Nationalist with Matthew Raphael Johnson? I think it's great. I learned a lot.
To spam or not to spam... hmm. I know Consty will luv me anyways

no, its stupid
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/gg/ Gnostic General - Zoe's Was There In The Beginning Edition

Wont you let her in, lads?
I'm not a recent convert, and I've never been run out of any board, and that video is not of me, and I'm not a tranny. Although you are a slanderer (which is what "Devil" literally means in Greek), I do love you, and I am sure Christ will come into your heart.
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Read the Hermeticus Corpus. It explicitely denounces childlessness and explains that sexual depravity leads to Death instead of our right to Deathlessness.
Damn op you are fucking disgusting

Consty's phone reporting in!
I would appreciate any prayers. I'm tired of sin and this world and would like to know Christ.
>I'm not a recent convert
Less than two years you liar.
Fuck you
Gnosticism has no episcopal support, and never has.

Isn't that work heretical, though?
That's not really recent.
> not realizing the the Logos is the source of your Life
nice lie tho
Clearly you aren't a Christian.
Fuck Jesus
But the Hermeticism is only slightly related to Gnosticism due to some texts being found in the same jars as the Nag Hammadi texts. It has a life of its own.

Gnosticism generally leads to antinatalism, euthanasia... The Cathars for example practiced both.
How long have you been on 4chan?
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You can count on my prayers.

Are you, yourself, praying and reading every day?

No, it's the guy who spams these threads a lot, he has a particular dislike for Orthodox Christianity.
And the Savior said, “Now is the judgment of this world; now will the Ruler of this world be cast out.” Regarding the Savior’s victory over the Rulers, the Great Apostle said, “Yet among the mature we do impart wisdom, although it is not a wisdom of this age or of the Rulers of this age, who are doomed to pass away. But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glory. None of the Rulers of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory.”
Are you saying you're against having children and for orgies, etc.? Like I said in the last thread, you don't have to accept in as fact. It's about searching for the nuggets of truth in the alternate explanation.
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And this hidden wisdom comes forth to us from the Speech of the Father, spoken by the Voice of the Mother, perfected in the Word of the Son, who is the Lord of Glory. And Wisdom declares that the flesh and spirit are entities with different destinies. The poverty of the flesh leads to death, but the wealth of the spirit leads to Life. As the Savior said, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” And when the Son brought his great wealth into this world of poverty, he found few waiting to receive his Word. But to those he found waiting, he gave the right to become Sons and Daughters of Light.
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And When the Son descended, Life met him halfway, for the Son had come down to complete her work. And the Son; the only begotten of the Father; the perfect Word spoken through the Voice, was coming into the world. And the world hated him, because his words were true and lasting, while words and deeds of the world were false, and filled with decay.
>Hermeticus Corpus
Corpus Hermeticum you mong
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Come on guys you mean to tell me that you are American, Orthodox and you don't know this show?
And so it came to pass that a child from among the sons of Light, born from the bloodline of sacred Seth, was sent down from the heights, and a mystery was revealed in the land of Israel. The priests saw terrible dreams, and a great fear seized Jerusalem, the city of the seven Rulers. And this child was known as John. And he wore coarse clothes and lived alone in the desert, devoting all his time to worship of the Divine.
I've been reading everyday, praying everyday... but I don't feel like I'm outta the woods yet. Thanks a lot by the way. I know the effectiveness of prayer is real and really appreciate it.
And John proclaimed in the nights, “Through the will of my Father, and the Voice of my Mother, I give Life, and with the help of the Son, the True Word, I have freed my soul from the world, and from the works which are hateful and wrong. And the Seven put their questions to me, they who are dead, who have never seen Life. And they said, ‘In whose strength do you stand here? And with whose blessing do you make your proclamations?’ And I said to them, ‘I stand in the strength of my Father above, and with the blessing of the Son, my Lord, who is coming soon; I condemn you! I have built no home for myself in Judea, nor have I setup any throne with which to rule Jerusalem. I have not loved the sweet scent of decaying roses, nor have I danced hand in hand with beautiful women. I love no food of the body, nor have I tasted the cup of drunkards, and no envy has ever been found within my heart. I have never neglected my night-prayers to my Father-Mother, nor have I ceased to love the living waters of the Jordan. I have not forgotten my mission, nor the sign of my purity. So what have I to do with you, oh gods of the blind?’”
I've posted on 4chan for quite some time, but not very heavily. I only started heavily posting relatively recently, with /his/ having theological discussion. Orthodox Christianity is my main interest, and there is little else I care to talk about online. I have other interests, but those are more for offline discussion. I don't, for instance, care much to talk online about horses and dogs.
dumping the Letter of Truth
Why don't you stop spamming nonsense and come talk to us?
When John said this, Life rejoiced greatly over him. And she said, “Of all you have spoken, not one word is false. Your voice is delightful and fair, and there is none equal to you in all the earth. Precious is your speech, which has been bestowed upon you from on high. Your words are honey to those who shall be found sinless, those who shall ascent with thee to the heights, which is Light’s region above. But beware those whom sin has taken hold, for these shall descend to death’s house below, to the prison-hold of the seven.”
And the people came out from the city to listen to him. And John proclaimed, “In the name of the one who is wondrous and all-surpassing! My Father above took the Letter of Truth and placed it in the hands of the Jewish people, but they found nothing of themselves within its pages, so they took it and put it in my hands. Now I have read the words, and found Life. Now, the stars are ready, and I stand alone. Where is a prophet equal to me? Who makes proclamations equal to my proclamations, and who can speak as I speak? Beware, you wealthy fools, who sleep away your lives! What will you do when the final day comes? What will you do when the soul strips off the body? You shall stand before the Father empty handed, because your lives have been lived in vain! Oh you who are distracted, mixed up in this ruined world! You shall die for nothing, and your false scriptures shall be closed forever. Where is Adam, the first among men? Where is Eve, his wife, out of whom the world was awakened to Life? Where is Seth, the son of Adam, through whom Truth came to the world? All have departed, never to return! They have taken their seats in the heights, where death has no power! The coming day is like a feast-day, for which the worlds and the realms are waiting. The nations of this world are like oxen, standing ready for the day of the slaughter; the people of this world are like rams standing in the marketplaces, waiting to be sold. But as for my friends, they are like little children living in a field that is not their own. When the owners of the field return, they will say ‘Give us back our field!’ These same little children will take off their clothes and return the field back to its owners. In doing so, they shall pay homage to Life, and their sins and transgressions shall be forgiven. But as for me, I wear the robe of the seven so that I might reveal the eighth!”
And a man from among the sons of Abel named Jesus, son of Joseph, came to John, so that he might be baptized. And when Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens were opened, and a great light came down and entered into him. And a Voice from heaven said, “You are my beloved Son; today I have begotten you!” The people did not see the light, nor did they hear the voice, but John saw and heard, and he marveled. And Jesus laughed, for in that moment he had overcome the world. And his laughter reached all the way up to the places of the Rulers.
Does a Parish an hour away count? I'd like to go but that's really far away for a person who walks to work and doesn't have access to public transportation.
this is a podcast? Where can I listen to or download it?
Yes, pagan sources absolutely have nuggets of truth (sometimes more than nuggets in them), which is why the Fathers see pagan sources and philosophy as sometimes very useful for those new to the faith. At the same time, philosophical and religious sources outside Orthodox Christianity can only ever really be training wheels. What you're talking about can be found in the Fathers and Scripture already.
And immediately Jesus disappeared from among the people, for his Mother had carried him away by the very hairs of his head. And he went into the temples of the Rulers, and began to preach against them; into temples of flesh, and temples of wood and stone.
And the Rulers came to Jesus, and put their questions to him. They appeared before him as a great and burning flame, and the world faded away to nothingness, and Jesus stood alone before their fury. And a great wind blew, and the void, painted with stars, unfolded before him in every direction.
Unfortunately, Gnosticism seems to develop into sects like a majority of belief systems. It literally means "having knowledge". It about the pursuit of divine knowledge and has no specific scriptural limits. For example, the Hermes (alleged author) was supposed to have lived around the time of Abraham. That was a common belief until the last couple hundred of years. It doesn't matter so much if the text is related or not
Fuck off. >>>/x/ is over there. This isn't the place for you to circle jerk about your nonsense superstition
And the Chief Ruler cried out, saying, “Who is this who stands entombed before us? Who dares challenge my power? Day and night my slaves cry out in Israel! I alone am God, and there is no other god beside me!” And an image of the entire world flashed in the void; a world of vast kingdoms, covered over with great forests and deep, beautiful valleys; a world filled with secret places which no mortal eye had ever seen.
“Behold my creation,” said the Chief Ruler. “Greater in majesty than all others. Where is its equal? Bow your knee to me, stranger; become my Messiah, and I shall give you lordship over the entire world. And all the nations shall come together as one, and worship us both as father and son.”
This doctor Matthew Raphel Johnson sounds like a fucking schizo (((Nazi))). Who needs this shit? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-AAAHZBZmk

Absolutely nothing about Christ...Total jewzones.
And Jesus laughed.

And Life appeared before them all, in the guise of small girl, and she was brighter than the dawn. And she said, “I was there, in the beginning, you forgetful spirit! This realm of yours is nothing but a copy of something greater. Do you dare to speak to the Son in such a manner? You don’t know who he is!”

And Jesus said, “Shall I give up that which endures in exchange for that which decays? I have descended through countless realms, expounded countless mysteries, on my way to this place of poverty, where the children of Wisdom dwell, entombed in forgetfulness.”
fuck you got me. I did again too.
my bot cant solve the captchas where u have to draw, lol
>Anonymous (ID: BOfTY0tt) 10/21/16(Fri)22:15:42 No.94056915 ▶
>>>94056651 (You) #
>I've posted on 4chan for quite some time, but not very heavily. I only started heavily posting relatively recently, with /his/ having theological discussion. Orthodox Christianity is my main interest, and there is little else I care to talk about online. I have other interests, but those are more for offline discussion. I don't, for instance, care much to talk online about horses and dogs.

Answer the question.

How long have you been here
And the Rulers, in their depravity, sought to take hold of the girl, for she was exceedingly beautiful. But before they could lay hands on her, a Voice echoed from the heights, from a place far beyond the reach of their knowledge. And it said, “Light has come into the world to convict the darkness, and the darkness shall not prevail!”
And the glory of the imperishable realms shone down upon them all, and the Chief Ruler hid his eyes, for the light from above was exceedingly bright. And the other Rulers groaned, for the beauty of those realms exposed their own ugliness.
And the light poured over Jesus, and anointed him, and the Voice said, “Behold my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased!” And the Rulers cried out in anger, and they covered themselves in shadow, and fled from the light, and from the glory of the man standing before them.
And the glory of the imperishable realms shone down upon them all, and the Chief Ruler hid his eyes, for the light from above was exceedingly bright. And the other Rulers groaned, for the beauty of those realms exposed their own ugliness.

And the light poured over Jesus, and anointed him, and the Voice said, “Behold my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased!” And the Rulers cried out in anger, and they covered themselves in shadow, and fled from the light, and from the glory of the man standing before them.
“This world was never yours,” said Jesus. “It was stolen from my Father, and I have come to reclaim it. Did you think such theft would be forgotten? Long have the sons of Seth labored beneath your gaze, but no longer; I have come to deliver them! Will you let me have them freely, or must I take them by force?” And the voice of the Son echoed throughout the void, and no matter where the Rulers fled, they heard his words.

“You will never take them!” they all cried, in agony. And the light withdrew; and the Rulers hid themselves from Jesus, and plotted how best to destroy him. And the world returned, and Jesus, passing through the temple, stepped out into the sunlight and began his work.
And so, when Jesus appeared on the earth, he performed miracles and great wonders for the salvation of humanity. And because the crowds pressed in upon him, the twelve disciples were called from among the people to help him teach them.

And Jesus said to his disciples, “I disclose my mysteries to those who are worthy of my mysteries; but to the others, I speak only in parables. And why is that? Because it is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.”

Just something that really helped me when I first was getting started.
And Jesus came first to Peter, who, with his brother Andrew, owned a small fishing boat. And Jesus asked Peter to take him out into the boat, so he could see the water. And while they were out, Jesus said, “Cast your net here, Peter.” And Peter looked over the bow and said, “But the water is clear.” And Jesus said, “Why not give it a try?” And Peter cast his net, and drew up his net filled with all manner of fish, some large, some small. And Peter marveled, for he had caught no fish at all that day, and yet here was his finest catch ever.

And Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is like a wise fisherman who cast his net upon the water. And he drew it up filled with all manner of fish, some large and some small. And the wise fisherman easily chose the best fish, and threw all the rest back. He with two ears had better listen!”
what is it about?

orthodoxy encompasses dozens of nations, while it's certainly healthy to love one's nation it's not the common interest that unite us but faith
And Peter fell to his knees and said, “Master, please depart from me, for I am a common, unclean man, and you are a prophet.”

And Jesus looked at Peter and his brother and said, “Leave your net and follow me. For now you shall become fishers of men.”

And Peter and Andrew immediately left all they had and followed the Master.
I know of it, I don't really listen. I agree with some of his message, absolutely, but I also think he lacks serious spiritual content. If you want something in the same vein, try Father Seraphim Rose's "Nihilism"
And while Jesus was traveling, he came upon a man known as Matthew. And Matthew, despite being a Jew, worked as a tax collector for the Roman Empire. And as Matthew passed from town to town, the other Jews spat upon him, and called him a traitor.

And Jesus approached him and said, “Matthew, follow me.” And Matthew to his coins and said, “But, my duty.”

And Jesus took up a coin, and seeing the Emperor’s face stamped upon it, said, “You have given the Emperor what is his, now you must give me what is mine.”
And Jesus went traveling, and he came upon a group of Romans who were selling slaves. And as Jesus passed by, one of the slaves, a young Hebrew named Thomas, reached out and touched his foot.

And Jesus turned to his disciples and said, “I intend to set this man free.”

And the Romans approached Jesus and said, “This man is a slave; he belongs to the Emperor. You have no claim over him!”

And Jesus looked to Matthew, and Matthew remembered the Saviors words, and he took some of the money he had collected, and used it to free Thomas. And Thomas was injured, and sick with fever, and the other disciples carried him over to Jesus, because he could not walk himself.
Just an idea but you might want to look up a podcast from an Orthodox church, or email them/check the parish website and ask if they have audio recordings of the sermons available via email or CD.

"Go" without actually having to go all that way. I think the Lord would understand given your circumstances
And Jesus said, “You have been bought with wealth which was not your own, and strangers have carried you to the feet of your own salvation. In the future, you shall be given a teaching that is not your own, and you shall carry its wealth to the strangers, for the salvation of many.”

And Jesus touched Thomas, and the fever left him, and he arose and followed him.
And as Jesus was traveling with his disciples, he was set upon by a group of bandits. And their leader, the Simon Iscariot, let them pass when saw that they were not Romans. And when Jesus inquired of Simon, he learned that Simon hated the Romans and sought to destroy them. And Jesus said to him, “As long as the strong man is fully armed, his dwelling is safe. But when he slumbers, the thief can break in and steal his possessions. Soon I shall break open the bars of confinement, and the slaves shall came forth, and find freedom.”

And Simon was so struck by the words of the Master, that he sent his son Judas with him, saying, “Do everything in your power to help this man free our people from slavery.”
And Jesus went forth with his disciples to the land of Cana, where a wedding was taking place. And his mother approached him and said, “My son, they are out of wine! What shall we do?”

And Jesus replied, “Woman, who am I to you?” But his disciples said to him, “Master, shall we not try to help your mother?”

And Jesus replied, “And who is my mother? For my false mother gave me death, but my true Mother gave me Life. But so that you may know that the Son has descended from above with great power-” and he went to the kitchen, and he told the servants her found there, “Fill up these containers with water.” And when the containers were full, Jesus said, “Go, take this new wine, and serve it to the guests of the wedding, for the time of celebration has come.” And the servants were amazed, for the water had turned into wine.

Jesus turned to his disciples and said, “Anyone here with two good ears had better listen! No man puts new wine into old wineskins, for the new wine will bust the old wineskins, and both shall be ruined. But new wine must be put into new wineskins, so that both may be preserved. No man, having drunk old wine, desires new, for he says, ‘the old is better’.”

And the disciples marveled over the miracle, and the meanings of the words which Jesus had spoken.
And knowing that the Passover was at hand, Jesus and his disciples went to Jerusalem, to observe the festival. And word of Jesus had spread rapidly from Cana. And the people were saying “The Messiah has come down to save us!” And so it was that a man named Nicodemus, who was a religious leader among the Jews, came to Jesus by night to speak with him.

And he said, “I know you are a teacher come from God, for no man can do the things you do, unless God is with him.”

And Jesus replied, “I am not your teacher, Nicodemus. You are not here of your own will, but because your god, who is within you, has sent you to watch me.”
Then Jesus said, “Nicodemus, to enter the Kingdom, you must be born from above.”

“But that is absurd!” exclaimed Nicodemus. “How can a man enter into his mother’s womb a second time, and be born a second time?”

“I speak of heavenly things using earthly words. Your mind is dull, Nicodemus. You must understand that flesh is born of flesh, and spirit is born of spirit. Material birth makes you forget; but spiritual birth makes you remember. Only after being born again can you know the truth, and be set free.”

“How can this be?” asked Nicodemus.
“Nicodemus, you are a trusted teacher of Israel; there is none more wise or learned than you, yet you do not understand this, because your god does not understand this.”

Jesus placed his hand on Nicodemus’ shoulder and said, “A grapevine has been planted apart from the father. Because it’s roots are rotten, it will be pulled up and thrown into the fire. But first it must be trimmed.”

And Nicodemus went forth bewildered, for he had never heard anyone speak like this man.
And so it was, that the next day, Jesus and his disciples were walking through the city. And as Jesus approached the temple, he stopped.

After a moment, Peter said, “Master, are you going to go inside the temple?”

But Jesus said, “Peter, those who go to into temples of wood and stone shall miss the kingdom.”

And he turned to his disciples and said, “But if you wish to enter into eternal life, become passersby.”

And Peter began to speak, but the Master silenced him.

“Peter, watch,” he commanded.

And so it was that a wealthy man, draped in finery, came forth and dropped a bag of coins into the temple treasury. And behind him came an old woman, sick, clothed in rags, and near death. And she placed a single penny in the treasury as well.

And Jesus turned to his disciples and laughed.
Modern Christianity is utterly bluepilled idolatry.
>repeat the same phrases over and over
>genuflect in front of icons (crucifices and altars)

A real connection to the divine is something you feel in the core of your being. Rituals and auto-flagellation are trivial mental masturbation exercises.
Just listen to it. He has a lot of historical, philosophical and theological knowledge: >>94057366
>slanderer (which is what "Devil" literally means in Greek)
Does this have any theological significance? I'm an atheist layman so I have it in my head that the Devil™ is the ultimate evil being who would like to do nothing more than torture humans and eat their babies. You know, Adolf Hitler x 9/11. Is the Devil just a being who lies to Humans to trick them. And through these lies are how Humans fall into sin and find themselves burning in the Eternal Fire?
“And how I marvel at this world!” he mused. “For the cistern is finally filled, but there is no one around to drink. Indeed, I speak only the truth, but scarcely can there be found one man who will listen. But the sons and daughters of error, who gain nothing from their god, give even their last penny in offering to him.”
And later that day, Jesus came to a pool in Jerusalem known as Bethesda. There was a prevalent superstition at the time that ascribed magical healing powers to the pool. And the sick came from all over Israel to bathe in its waters, hoping to be healed.

And so Jesus happened upon a man lying on a mat beside the pool, who had been an invalid for many years.

“Do you wish to be healed?”

The man looked up at Jesus and said, “Yes, my lord.”

“Then be healed. Take up your mat and walk. Be a slave no longer.”

Then the man slowly climbed to his feet, and began to walk. But Jesus had already passed into the crowd. The man took up his mat and followed, hoping to find the man who had healed him, and thank him.
That was my feeling when i started watching it...Seems like some COINTELPRO (((jewish trick))) shit. Who fucking cares about (((Trump)))
Will do, you'll get out of those woods if you persevere.

>When I had journeyed half of our life's way,
>I found myself within a shadowed forest,
>for I had lost the path that does not stray.

Email the parish, and ask if they could find anyone there willing to give you a ride. Someone might live near you.
But the Jewish leaders found the man first, and said, “What is this! This is the Sabbath! It is not lawful for you to carry your mat. Put it down!”

And the man replied, “But the person who healed me said, ‘take up your mat and walk’.”

And so the Jewish leaders took him into custody for breaking their sacred law, by carrying his mat on the Sabbath day.
You don't have any friends irl do you?
Later that same day, Jesus came upon a blind man, who was sitting on the side of the road begging.

And he said to him, “Do you wish to see?”

And the man replied, “Yes! Please my lord!”

And Jesus took dirt from the ground, and spat on it. And he rubbed the mud on the man’s eyes.
“Here are eyes,” said Jesus. “Now go and wash your face in the pool known as Bethesda, and your blindness shall leave you. Then go and make an offering in the temple, as Moses commanded, as a testimony unto you.”

The man made his way to the pool and began to wash. Soon, his sight returned, and he went to the temple, just as Jesus had asked.

When the man entered the temple, the people immediately recognized him as one who was born blind. When he explained what had happened, they brought him before the priests, who were busy harassing the man who had been caught carrying his mat.
>40 posts by this ID: 7CfudTXn
Shitpost copypastas. Demon poster evading his ban I suspect
And the Rulers raged, and A great fire burned in the void, where a terrible voice issued forth.

“This Jesus disregards our laws and mocks us! From clay we created our slaves, and he dares to make eyes, to give sight to a man we caused to be born blind!”

And the Chief Ruler descended to his temple, and entered into his High Priest.

And the High Priest said, “Bring this Jesus to me; he who dares to break our laws and make a mockery of our Sabbath!”

Then a man stepped forward and said, “Is it now unlawful to do good on the Sabbath? What kind of a god do you serve, who would condemn such an act?”

And the people began murmuring in agreement.
Will Hillary make Orthodoxy illegal?
Would I be required by law to follow the """pope""" if i want to be a traditional christian?
He's a Talmudist Jew.
I wuld eat hillarys poo poo
He's part of a schismatic sect (Old Calendarists). He might have some theological knowledge, but I wouldn't use him as a source when I have Father Seraphim Rose for reactionary work, and he'll probably be canonized a saint.
No Im fairly sure he's demon poster. He is addicted to porn and gore but he has switched tp copypasta
My thoughts on you calling me a Jew: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0ism5JkZKDJ
Demon poster confirmed. He is desperate for attention
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Demon, Talmust Jew---what's the difference?
Funny enough, I never get banned for posting copy pasta. Last thread I literally didn't get banned once. Guess the mods don't care about this shit thread. In the name of Satan, the Greatest Power This World Has Ever Known
The Devil only messes with human beings as far as God lets him. The Devil is the enemy of God, but he's also an instrument for testing us, he is the one who testifies against us. "Tempt" and "test" are just two forms of the same word, remember.

"Hell", in Orthodoxy, is absolutely nothing like what's thought of in the rest of Christendom. In Orthodoxy, God's energies are called "wrath", "love", and so on, based on our relationship with them, like saying, "The Sea is Angry." God himself has no emotions (except through Christ's humanity, in the incarnation). Similarly, the light of God, described as halos and things like that, and the fire of God, as described with hell, are the same thing: heaven and hell are the same. But depending on your relationship and attitude toward God, his energy is either bliss or agony.
He always get's TRIGGERED when you call him what he is: A talmudist (((JEW)))
The difference is demon poster is obsessed with orthodox threads. He shitposts them constantly- every single day for weeks. He sounds like a product of evangelical Christian abuse
>being this stupid
Do you have any proof? It wouldn't make sense because orthodox hate trannys.
Demon Poster here. If I continue down this wretched path, and I die in sin without asking Jesus for salvation, I will go to hell? What will it be like? Will I be tortured or what? Also I blasphemed the Holy Spirit a few threads ago, am I beyond hope? Praise Rabbi Joshua bin Jospeh
>schismatic sect
Funny, that's what Catholics say about Orthodoxy. You can't convert to Orthodoxy, because Our Lady said in Fatima to consacrate Russia. She wouldn't have said that if Orthodoxy was the true faith. How would you guys respond to that?
Noted. Thanks
How long have you been here?
Interesting. Thanks.
You ask for proof every thread. The proof is in the ass pudding, lol. I went back and pieced some stuff together from past threads, and watched the damn vids. It's him. Sorry.
Constantine Brand Ass Pudding
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The crackdown on Orthodoxy will be through insidious means. For instance, the Orthodox often rent their parish halls (not the building where the worship is conducted, but other buildings on the property) for functions, in order to raise money. Now according to the way the laws are set up, that means they have to accept it if a gay couple wants to rent it for a gay marriage. An elderly couple was recently sued for refusing to do this. The Orthodox Church in America recently issued a statement saying that if it comes to that, the Orthodox Church will absolutely not comply:

>The statement outlines the Orthodox Church's "sincerely held religious belief" that marriage is "a lifelong, exclusive relationship between one man and one woman," and therefore any sexual relations outside of natural marriage "is immoral, and therefore sin."

>The encyclical continues, "We believe that God created the human race, male and female, and that all conduct with the intent to adopt a gender other than one’s birth gender is immoral and therefore sin (Genesis 1:27; Deuteronomy 22:5)."

>Even more explicitly, the document states, "Marriage can only be between two people whose birth sex is male and female." The bishops cite the ancient Orthodox marriage service to show the prayers of the church reveal "In the beginning, Thou didst make them male and female."


This is where the fight will start. Coincidentally, this declaration was the day after the Pope said the Catholic Church must apologize to gays
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Good channel in English

What are you talking about?
He is the CTR of Orthodox threads. Filter or ignore, nothing else is worthwhile
How long have you been on 4chan, you never answered? You dodged the question on purpose just answer
Why did you join the Anglican church as an American?
We say Orthodoxy actually follows dogma, which is attested to by keeping a consistent view identical to the ones the Church Fathers and Apostles held. Catholics say the "understanding" improves over time--they think they understand dogma better than the Apostles did.
You know. Don't play stupid, you stupid fucker!!!!
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Thank you brother!
It's weird. The Eastern Orthodox understanding of Christianity seems more reasonable and logical than Western Christendom. I can actually see myself having faith in Eastern Orthodox theology.
For less than 2 years. He's an adult, recent convert who only came here in june or so of last year to start shilling. He also posts in /vg/ alot lol
Right traditions and a rich literary and philosophical history, unlike the other Protestant sects. Unfortunately, they're more interested in worshiping the Zeitgeist than God.
How long have you been on 4chan? /his/ is a new board.

How new are you?
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I want to move somewhere nice and quiet and spend my days making illuminated manuscripts.

What do?
So how long were you a member?
I've never posted on /vg/

Orthodox theology is very ancient and unchanging
kill yourself
He is demon poster. He is only here to disturb the conversation. He will start posting pics soon I think. Check posts by his ID
Why are spamming this thread with shitpost? Why not make your own thread? Why do you have to try and ruin someone's else's. Why are you trying to censor someone from expressing their thoughts by making the thread terrible?
Yes, but about the Fatima thing. If Orthodoxy is the true faith and Catholicism is not, it would make more sense for Our Lady to appear in Russia and ask them to consecrate Western Europe, not the other way around. Don't you think?
Become a monk, I guess. Although you're more likely to be painting icons than illuminating manuscripts.
I am trying to censor this thread because I worship Satan and I'm a Jew. We (Israel and the Church of Satan) fear Orthodoxy most because it is the oldest, most reliable and authentic Christian tradition, so we work tirelessly to suppress it.
Well that's fine too.
Reminder: They're not going to accept you into the monastery because you are a recent adult convert with a history of jumping from religion to religion.

you avoided the question
I don't necessarily believe in the miracle, and if it's true, than the Catholic Church has failed abominably because they signed and agreement with the Orthodox Church not to conduct any missionary activity in historically Orthodox nations (the Orthodox Church, of course, can still conduct missionary activity in historically Catholic countries).
Oh and they don't take trannys. Sry
Where you born into it or did you convert?
Well if the Jews don't like Orthodoxy that's a strong argument in favor of it. They used to not like Catholicism too back in the day, but now with Pope Francis they think it's great.
My mother is a Jew, and I was raised as an Orthodox Jew.

Yes, we do. We love the new pope. He's bascially our puppet. My dad is a banker.
Well once I'm an old man I'm prepared to spend the rest of my life there.
From the Jewish-Orthodox Christian dialogue last year

>Deciding to finally address the “elephant in the room” in his closing remarks, the head of the Jewish delegation, Rabbi David Rosen, called for the Orthodox Christian leaders to issue a statement on the status of the Jewish people.

>“A doctrinal repudiation that the Jewish people had been rejected by God could have enormous consequences,” said Rosen, the international director of interreligious affairs at the American Jewish Committee.

>Rosen’s request was met with silence, raised eyebrows and the occasional shake of the head by the Christian delegates.

Do most Orthodox Jews think/act like you? Have you met other satanic Jews?
Why are you answering my personal message to Consty? Don't fucking talk to me you religious idiot.
>The New York-based Anti-Defamation League on Thursday urged the world's Orthodox Christian leaders to support a Christian proposal to excise ancient anti-Semitic passages from their liturgy.

>Unlike the Catholic and Protestant Churches, the Orthodox Church has never removed anti-Semitic passages from its liturgy, which still refers to Jews as Christ killers, said Dr. Dmitry Radyshevsky, director of the Jerusalem Summit, a conservative Israeli think tank. He noted that the anti-Semitic passages were most conspicuous during Easter services, and included such statements as "the Jewish tribe which condemned you to crucifixion, repay them Oh Lord," - which is repeated half a dozen times during the liturgy - "Christ has risen but the Jewish seed has perished" as well as references to Jews as "God-killers."


This guy is based, though

>Russian Orthodox theologian and bishop Hilarion (Alfeyev) of Vienna's lecture on "Theological Education in the 21st Century"

>Even more inadmissible, from my point of view, is the correction of liturgical texts in line with contemporary norms. Relatively recently the Roman Catholic Church decided to remove the so-called 'antisemitic' texts from the service of Holy Friday.

/his/ is a very new board. I'm guessing you are super new. I bet you haven't even been here a year
>Jewish Radicals Disrupt Greek Orthodox Pentecost Prayer in Jerusalem, Calling Worshipers 'Evil'

>At the height of the ceremony, a small group from the Greek Orthodox, led by the bishop, came down the stairs and entered the Tomb of King David, escorted by the police. The Jewish protestors grew more frenzied. "The Jewish people lives forever!" King David lives forever!" one screamed. "May the name of your so-called God be blotted out forever," cursed another. "Nazi," someone screamed at the police.


Listen from 39 min for the Orthodox feeling toward Judaism: http://orthodoxbiblestudy.info/st-john-chrysostom-anti-semite/
Yes. Judaism is only a cover, I figured you knew that. Satanism is the real deal with us, millions of us. We seek control, we enforce degeneracy, we use TV and films as propaganda, we push race mixing, suppress Christian influence, etc. It's so much fun.
The archives have its tripcode posts archived from june of last year.
Settle down cunt. I'm not even religious but if I'm going to retire somewhere where I can doodle and write all day.
Consty do you have a little pee pee
Stop talking to me you little boyfucking faggot,
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If thats true then why are you telling us? Also is the blood libel real? Do you guys really drink Christian blood?
You need to relax. Smoke crack and worship Satan.
I mean, drinking blood is part of our Satanic thing. I guess it's cool of its christian. I like little girl's blood, personally.

I'm telling you because you asked. I dunno. It's fun to talk about it. We're gonna win, ur gonna lose lol.

If you knew even some of the things I'd done to little goy girls, you'd hunt me down. I'm not even joking.
Not really that interesting. Sorry.
Some nuts probably did, we have at least one blood libel martyr in the Orthodox Church. But by and large (as a Russian Orthodox priest who was appointed to defend the Jews pointed out), ingesting blood is against the Jewish religion (it's also against the Orthodox Christian religion, albeit for a different reason--because blood is life and an act of Communion, which is reserved for Christ).
What I meant is of its a secret/front why do you tell people? Isn't drinking blood not koser? How do you get around that without breaking the rules?
So you said somewhere you were raised as a kind of Sikh? Did I get that right?
Why don't you talk like a normal person? You're not being funny.
An Israeli academic actually substantiated this, look up Ariel Toaff.
Replace of with its
What was the code?
This is the martyr in question, btw
>What I meant is of its a secret/front why do you tell people? Isn't drinking blood not koser? How do you get around that without breaking the rules?
I dunno. I mean I'm not providing proof. It's considered a conspiracy theory by you goys so I can talk about it, I'm not proving anything.

>not koser
Nigga those laws don't mean shit. We pretend to follow them as part of the plan, not because we care what G-d thinks.
even /r9k/ doesn't normally bring this much cringe to the party.
Why don't you suck my dick, brazilian faggot. Let me fuck your daughter's fat ass first then suck my dick.
Do you consider Yahweh your God? What do you do with the goyim bodies after you've done what you done?
You're probably single and repulsive-looking even by 4chan standards, hence the relentless shitpost.
Wtf no. Yahweh is our enemy. I don't know if you've paid attention, but my people have a long, painful history with him. He chose us for his own ends and abused his for his own ends. He wasn't there during WWII to help us, was he? Why would we worship him? We worship Satan, he is our god.

They just get disposed of. It's not hard lol, when you have resources at your disposal.
no u
>The legend of his death describes a ritual murder which has been described as a blood libel.
תזדיין הומוסקסואלים
Yes I'm for an organized effort to get him removed. Though I sense some might appreciate him for comic effect. He is most definitely a ban evader, as demonstrated by his vocaroo cringe
how would you do that? when i get banned i just reset the router. no way to get me removed
I promise, and this is no actual joke. If you mail me 100 dollars cash I will stop.
Is it true that the antichrist will come in the form of a homosexual Jew? also, why do you worship the devil?
The Jew? Find him.
But you'd probably stop coming to these threads then, which might give you something worth much more than a hundred dollars.
I think him being a gay jew would be funny as fuck. And Satan rules, that's why. Fucking little girls in their pussy until the skin around it tears through to their asshole rocks. Satan wants us to tear this world down to it's very foundation.
Secret time!

I know Consty irl, though she doesn't know. I watched Time Bandits with her once!
pussy nigger jew!
Do you know anything about the girl in the video? Is she telling the truth?

Could you give a general expamle of a ritual?
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pay no attention, he's not first nor the last

if Christians could endure all the persecutions, tortures and killings for 2 millennia, we'll endure one shitposter
I agree.
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Ok. I'll go with consensus then and leave it be. My sword is standing by
No she's a liar.

Rituals are usually staged as a mockery of christian rituals. This book must have been written by someone who has seen one of our rituals.

eww that cringe
my sword
my sword is standing by

threds dying consty
What exactly did you mean earlier when you said you have resources to dispose of bodies?
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Is YouTube's "Orthodox Lunatic" actually in this thread? I would like to know this
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Show me one verse in scripture with a angel with a sword , dumbfuck angels are creatures of peace . way to go for not understanding christianity
id think that was obvious. there are numerous ways to easily dispose of bodies if you are even a little bit creative. between all of us, my neighborhood where we have all lived for a very long time, we own numerous businesses and/or have control over various places where getting rid of bodies is easy. Come on. How do you think the mob hid bodies? Cut them up, dissolved them, dumped them in landfills, etc.

ands and feet wash up on the beach all the time.
angels had flaming swords when they drova adam out of eden, STUPID FUCK
Im an Orthodox Christian, baptised from infancy. St. Michael leads the army of angels. This is basic Christian knowledge. The Christ himself brings a sword
Could you give us the name of the neighborhood and some of these businesses you have at your disposal?
If I am an adult convert from Anglicanism despite being an American for some dumb fuck reason can I still do it. Get Craptized I mean? My head dunked in crap.
Sure. I live in Niggerport North Iowa. My dad owns a snowglobe stand.
Earlier you said your dad was a banker.
> 24So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

chrubims are not angels .Dumb shit
Consty, are you a good artist irl? I kno u

These threads always get totally derailed because everyone goes out of their way to respond to crazy shitposting degenerate
Come on, what's the real name of one these "places"
Indeed. There's a way to deal with the infernal and its not to indulge it.
you people, i fuckin tell ya
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>The Christ himself brings a sword

Because god needs a human weapon or any kind of weapon
I'm here to speak for the Left. Trump got BTFO at the debate. We've got the media, Hollywood, television, the schools, the unions, the scientific community, the universities, the jews, the immigrants, hell even a few of your former Republican presidents, as well as the rest of the world on our side, and we are going to win. Even if by some miracle Trump pulls an upset, we'll eventually win. It's inevitable, honestly. Either way Trump changes nothing. We are going to win.

The Left has been on the correct side of history since the beginning. Abolishment of slavery, homosexual rights, ending child labor, animal rights, social security, protecting the environment, climate change, women's right to vote, women's rights in general, minority rights, freedom from religious superstition, the list goes on and on. And the right opposed it all.

We are going to win.
If your a satanist then why do you care about people's rights?
I'd be interested in relating better with those who have a genuine interest in XP. Seek out the /pol/ discord (there is an original and an offshoot that I've seen) for #Christian gen. Perhaps to chat there. Must go now. Thanks OP for the thread. God bless
shut up
Thank you for joining us, and God bless you as well!
Haven't seen either of those do you have any links?
the cripplechan christian board has a christian discord that is pretty active though
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Thanks. Will be back again. I even enjoy the threads without the filter. Haha
Do you read/follow the Talmud?
Cool acid tab, who's your dealer?
What do you think of Rabbi menarche Mendel Schneerson? How many other Jewish satanist do you estimate there are?
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I will at a future time, search the archive and you find the discord. Its most active and banning people is easy. #Christian general. Bye for now
i dunno
How many people have you drinken blood from?
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modern christianity is guitar youth songs and mega churches
There was a Russian Orthodox show that had that as its plot for one episode. Had a kind of storybook formula along with some corny music, but it was good nonetheless. Anyone know the name?
the poopy shits
No he doesn't. Use your head. It's the Sabbath for Jews right now, they can't use anything electronic.
Today's Friday. Isn't the sabbath on Saturday sundown to Sunday sundown?
lol ooops
your threads suck now huh
Jewish Sabbath is Saturday, not Sunday.
And Jews, like Orthodox Christians, reckon evening the beginning of the day. 6:00 PM is roughly the start of the day.
I've been interested in joining a convert Orthodox Church. Do you have any good recommendations on how I go about doing this?
Start going to Liturgy. There is an awful lot to Orthodox Christianity, but you have to start there.
Also, adding to this, I don't post on Fridays, since those are an Orthodox fast day (see the Didache), commemorating Christ's Crucifixion.
I still bear love for you, anon, and I believe Christ will one day be in your heart. You might be a Devil, but you're not one who cannot be saved.
do you suck pussy on friday?
lol just keep repeating that
I will, because I feel very much that your struggle is as one striving to be hated. I will never hate you, I will always love you.
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I think you desire to be hated.
Constantine, since this thread is dead and we have a little time together, I think I'll make a small confession. I'm not trolling your thread because I hate Christianity or Orthodoxy. The first part should be clear, because I don't troll other Christian threads. Before I started spamming your thread, I knew very little about Orthodox history and to be honest it wasn't something I found interesting.

I just saw your thread on the front page of /pol/ one day and came in and found something about the OP I just didn't like. I know people who have an obsession with religion in real life, and it's bad for them. Religion is like a heavy stone that even strong men break themselves on. It all too often brings out the worst in people, and causes them to inflict that on others. So, I came into your thread, just clicking around one day, and for lack of a more poetic way of putting it, I felt something oozing through your posts. Some kind of a pseudo-scholarly, smarmyness. A kind of false humility, passive aggressiveness. The very thing that turns real people off from religion, all too often.

In my real life, when I have found a religious person most effective in witnessing to me, or helping me understand their views, it has been by speaking to me as a human being, being open and honest, not repeating formulaic prayers, sterile traditions or bible verses. Them being human, explaining to me how the character and person of Christ has changed them, gave them meaning. I deeply respect those people. There are dozens of those people on /pol/ now. I leave them alone.

But when I see you post, I know it's you even without the tripcode. There's a kind of standoffishness. An awkwardness, a lack of humanity. Like I am speaking to a cold, unemotional person. I could literally, from the first time I read your posts, feel it coming through the screen. And I hated it.

You should join a monastery, and soon. To the spare those around you, at least.
Then it is good you are harassing me, and I thank you. Humility's truth can only be known through testing. If I lack true humility, I will never be able to manage the monastic life, since the spiritual superior will test comers extremely on their humility, will denigrate and provoke them in any way possible. There is a story about a novice who was growing a garden for his monastery, and one day the elder came, and looked at him, then looked at the garden, and started ripping out the plants one by one and stomping them and kicking them into the dirt. When there was one left he looked back at the novice, who said, "Father, we still have one more, would you like to share it with me?" Then the elder knew he passed this test. I don't see you as someone who is wise, due to the nature of some of your posts, which are very sinful, but I do see you as a helpful test for me.
>I am sure Christ will come into your heart.
It is you. You've replied almost exactly the same way every time.
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I am not your friend. I do not view my posting as helping you. This post, right there that you just made, is proof that you have no real understanding what you are talking about. You have a scholarly understanding, almost autistic in its thoroughness, but you have no real understanding of what really matters. When it comes to matters of the heart you are a failure, and the Christian life of service requires that.

You quote Christ, you quote great men, Orthodox teachers, singers, poets, artists, but you don't understand at all. You hide because there is something very wrong with you, and you coldly, clearly understand that you cannot reveal who you really are, or no one on these boards would ever take you seriously. You chose 4chan because of its anonymity. You like having that, because of the real you. You want to run away to a monastery and hide.

I suspect that had you the courage to reveal yourself, what I am saying would be obviously true.
Yes, I know. Is there something unacceptable in that?

You are right, I am cold and my heart is not Orthodox. I can only pray to God to transform me, since my heart is far from him.
As a relative newfag (~2 years), I never knew why anyone here hated tripfags.

Now it makes sense
What will happen when I kill myself?
Because we are fools and full of pride and narcissism.

I don't know, but it's not advisable.
>You are right, I am cold and my heart is not Orthodox. I can only pray to God to transform me, since my heart is far from him.
A life spent being a reprehensible, unlikable person has caused you to build up a series of ways to "deal with the hate" you receive from others. One of them is to say something like this. It does not irritate me. It does not make me think you are truly interested in changing anything about yourself. It's a brush off, and an obvious one. I speak to people for a living. When you do that, you quickly learn to spot people with the qualities you are exhibiting.

You don't need more religion, Constantine. You need to try just being yourself for a while. Unfortunately, you have a seemingly single-minded drive to immerse yourself in religion. I would guess that your life outside the forums is in shambles, because there has to be a reason you are so obsessed with religion. I've never met a healthy, interesting, poetic, reliable, selfless person that was also obsessed with religion, and I meet and work closely with people from all over the world.
>Because we are fools and full of pride and narcissism.
You know thats not true. It's a brush off, a way of removing yourself from the spot light. I wonder, if I spam enough of these threads, again and again and again for months, I wonder if I will ever see a single genuine thing in one of your posts.
I'm obsessed with religion because I believe it. Most Orthodox converts are as zealous as I am.

But I welcome you to tell me how I could be less abrasive, so long as it doesn't involve apostasy.

You die and you wake up at the last judgement

The Final Judgment

11And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. 12And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. 13And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. 14And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
You're right, I am a fool full of pride and narcissism, it has nothing to do with others.
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Is this you? Be honest.
But it makes no sense. The simplest question to all of this is something you faggots cannot answer without resorting to "muh mystery".

Why did God make you? Or anything else? If he made us, why throw in a bunch of obstacles, make us all highly inclined to sin, and then tell us it our fault we're weak?

Do we even have full free will? We were not given the choice to even participate in this "Hunger Games", instead we were thrown in forcibly, then given illusionary free will.

You do not have any answer to this. Like many before, you will dodge the direct question and focus on shit like "Well the world wasn't always here, someone had to make it". Says who? Matter and natural forces are pretty godlike, being indestructable and omnipresent, and no beginning either.
No. You are obsessed with religion because you are mentally ill. I am sure you have been told this before in your life. I am not going out on a limb here. That fact is very clear to me.

You are not abrasive. Do you know what that word means? It means harsh. I have not heard you be harsh once. You are not listening. You are reading the words I am posting, and you are talking at me, but you are not listening or understanding.

This is a brush off. Are you not getting that each time you respond that way, I am going to say that? It does not annoy me. It does not irritate me. I will say it as often as needed to prove my point. If you are doing it because you are trying to irritate me, you might as well stop, you are wasting your time.

I am afraid there is nothing I can do. That is why I spam the thread. Because I can see the ugliness beyond the posts, and I hate it. I think that the qualities you personally display are an affront to human dignity. You lack any real understanding about humanity. There is nothing unique about you that I could not read in a book. There is no substance to you. So I'll keep spamming the thread. But when I do, I want to remember, "that Spam Anon knows me. He knows what I really am."

Now go ahead and tell me you are a fool, full of pride, narcissism, etc, and stick your head in the sand. But there is so much more to life than the little bubble you have around yourself.

Prove me wrong with scripture?

but yeah thats me and its not weeks i have been in to revelations for years , its only weeks ago i finaly understood it
God made us out of love, the same reason (good) parents have children.

The obstacles are tests, not tests to make us fail, but tests to make us *stronger*. God never, ever allows us to be tested by evil, beyond what we can resist. The more we can resist, the more he allows us to be tested, the less we can resist, the less he allows us to be tested.

If matter and natural force always existed, then wouldn't we be in heat death by now?
This is why I am so concerned about people who are obsessed with religion. It does not give any real, substantive answers. That being the case, why are they so obsessed with it? They are getting something else out of it, something that feels so vital to them, because they are damaged in some way, something that feels so vital that they can't ever see themselves without it.

So no, he or any other religious person won't answer this. They are not in the "game" to find answers. They are in it to satisfy themselves somehow.
>If matter and natural force always existed, then wouldn't we be in heat death by now?
This is one of Thomas Aquinas five proofs, isn't it? Do you have anything original to say on the matter?
Except for the mentally ill part, which I've never been told before except in the sense of people who think religion itself is a mental illness, you're right on all counts.

Luke 23:43
There is a particular judgement after falling asleep, and a final judgement at the end.
>In the world we see things that are possible to be and possible not to be. In other words, perishable things. But if everything were contingent and thus capable of going out of existence, then, given infinite time, this possibility would be realized and nothing would exist now.
Ah, yes it is. So Constantine paraphrases the bible, then paraphrases one of Thomas Aquinas' arguments. It's just as I've always said:

>I wonder if I will ever see a single genuine thing in one of your posts.
I seriously doubt it's one of his five proofs (which I haven't read), since it's drawn from the second law of thermodynamics.
>Except for the mentally ill part, which I've never been told before except in the sense of people who think religion itself is a mental illness, you're right on all counts.
I don't believe you. I simply don't.
>God made us out of love, the same reason (good) parents have children.
Parents have children because they have a biological emotional urge to do so. There is no "love" magic. There isn't any "weird interdimensional being" in our heads making all our decisions. It's chemicals. Any of these can (and have been) fucked with intentionally.

Yeah tests for what? Euphoric happiness in some paradise? Where is the resolution in that? You might as well get high your whole life, because you're chasing a hopeful "high" in an imaginary afterlife.

>If matter and natural force always existed, then wouldn't we be in heat death by now?
Why? Everyone thinks the Big Bang was the start of everything, but what if it was the collapse of the previous universe?
Okay. But I'd hardly be obsessed with religion if I'd stoop to lying to save anonymous face.
>I seriously doubt it's one of his five proofs (which I haven't read), since it's drawn from the second law of thermodynamics.
I don't believe you haven't read it. I quoted it above. Of course he didn't mention thermodynamics, but the arguments are the same.

Have people who know you intimately in real life ever accused you of being dishonest?
What? People can be obsessed with religion and still justify or do all kinds of immoral things. Are you being purposefully obtuse with me right now? I have considered the idea that you are some kind of troll. But I think that's too easy of an explanation.
How do you know it's only chemicals?

Tests to make us spiritually stronger. You don't have to wait for the afterlife, either, to partake of heaven, you can right here on earth.

Why would absolute atrophy entail the magnitude of something like the big bang?
>There is a particular judgement after falling asleep, and a final judgement at the end.

Luke 23:43

This is proof of nothing , what if the thief dies and he wakes up 2000 years later in the resurrection then ascends to heaven . For the thief it would be the same day because when he sleeps he has no time ,even if its a million years later it would be for him the next moment.... Oh wait i am dieing on a cross let me explain the doctrine of my religion
>I don't believe you haven't read it.
I think Aquinas is a heretic, so....

>Have people who know you intimately in real life ever accused you of being dishonest?
No, except when I was little.
Sure are a lot of "what ifs" here. If Moses can appear to worship Christ, I'm pretty sure he wasn't just sleeping.
Now this guy has spirit!
Sorry, I was trying to defend OP, but then I just read he said Aquinas was a heretic, which even if it were true (who am I to judge), was still a profound thinker and mystic who exemplified the kind of Christian you described above.
The appearance at Fatima was 100 years ago...

It began with an Angel telling the children to pray,

"My God, I believe in Thee, I adore Thee, I hope in Thee and I love Thee. I ask pardon for all those who do not believe in Thee, do not adore Thee, do not hope in Thee and do not love Thee."
>How do you know it's only chemicals?
How are you so sure it's something magical? Are you denying fundamental principles that dictate how the brain works? If there was this "magic", then how do drugs affect it so reliably? A common effect of MDMA (I may have the name wrong) is an excessive feeling of love towards everyone. Not the "fucking" kind, mind you. The strong emotional bond.

>Tests to make us spiritually stronger. You don't have to wait for the afterlife, either, to partake of heaven, you can right here on earth.
So there's no real need for the heaven bullshit, just suffer here a lot and it's all done. What you are misattributing "spiritual tests" to is the a strength of character through hardships, because as we endure more shit in life, you get a better perspective on how things work. The perspective is the reward, but you will call it "spiritual suffering" to justify it and reason the pain in your mind.

>Why would absolute atrophy entail the magnitude of something like the big bang?
No why do you think that the universe should be in heat death? Do you only inform your opinion on what sensationalist "scientific" articles say?
This stuff is really scaring me with tensions with Russia being the highest they've been since the start of the Nuclear age.
Constantine, is it possible for you to share a story with us here, something amazing that happened because of your faith in Christ? A connection you had with someone, something you did that was very hard for you to do, but helped another? A beautiful moment you witnessed, a mystic experience of some kind, anything?
Spiritual love isn't emotional, though. Monastics, for instance, are not supposed to mourn anything but sins. Neither are they supposed to lividly express love. This is true love.

Spiritual tests are not just conventional hardships, they are opportunities to sin and reward for doing so.

Heat death isn't sensationalist, just the logical outcome of the second law of thermodynamics.
Not to be harsh, but Matthew 7:6 and all that.
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a lot of what ifs? this is what the jews thought what would happen, you die you sleep your next thought is the resurrection

Notice the no afterlife with the jews on pic related, because that would have happend when jesus did not come eternal dead .Notice that jesus does not say to the pharasees your resurrection doctrine is wrong anywhere in the bible ,no he even teaches them it
>Spiritual love isn't emotional, though.
>not supposed to
>Neither are they supposed to
>Spiritual tests are not just conventional hardships, they are opportunities to sin and reward for doing so.
Well, you're doing exactly what I said you would >>94074136
>You do not have any answer to this. Like many before, you will dodge the direct question...

> Heat death isn't sensationalist, just the logical outcome of the second law of thermodynamics.
Don't just drop big words, explain yourself. How so? How do you account for the universe slowing down, in an empty environment where the only slowing force is gravity? Doesn't gravity tend to pull all things together, instead of just dying out?
My point here is, we have only guesses for how the universe will end. Don't be so certain about shit you don't know.
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>And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

Me 2 leaf
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or...Matthew 5:16 and all that...

Your diverting again, I see. I wonder what you could be hiding, that you are so ashamed to share?
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Figures this would be the first thread I find.

I'm trying to stop masturbating, but I can't. I know its a terrible sin, but I do it anyway. It affects me in a real negative way, I have a hard time concentrating and I'm completely inarticulate afterwards.

What the fuck can I do to stop this.
And also, yes, that was harsh. I have not been attacking you, so to act like I do not deserve to be spoken of as a human being, when I have been speaking to you respectfully, is pretty low.
>There's a kind of standoffishness. An awkwardness, a lack of humanity. Like I am speaking to a cold, unemotional person.

I seem to recall a story of Peter and other apostles witnessing to their captors in prison. But I guess Christ did keep his mouth shut in front of Herod.
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>t. guy who posts CP loli, pictures of dead and mutilated bodies, as well as videos of actual murders on this thread.

Nice try, (((Satan))).
Jews believed you went to Hades (which everyone did, prior to Christ).

You can say I am doing it, but there is a sharp distinction between love as a passion in Orthodoxy, and as something much higher. Spiritual love is serene, not expressed in glee or passion. It is extremely powerful feeling, but also very different from what you're talking about.

Gravity pulling things together doesn't really get around the problem, since increasing density of matter does not reverse total entropy.
That's about your behavior.

I don't think you've been lately attacking me, but from what you've posted, it's very clear you're not on God's side. You've posted horrendous, twisted, sick, vile things.
Hey Catholics, why don't you pay attention to these verses?

Is it because you don't read the Bible?

Matthew 23:9 (KJV)

" And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."

Yet you call your pastors "father."

Matthew 6:7 (KJV)

"But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking."

Yet you repeat Hail Mary's etc.

Exodus 20:4 (KJV)

"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth."

Yet your churches are filled with graven images of Christ.

Any answers?
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Putin is the orthodox pope
Your idea doesn't even make logical sense Sven. Even assuming your right--that somehow hilariously Orthodox Christianity Is The Beast--Is the Whore Of Babylon, Why the fuck has it been BTFO for over a millennia? Why has it been raped by the Arabs and by the Catholics for over 1000 years? You're such a fucking kike idiot, sven. Go Jack off to your faggot junkie friend Alister Crowley's fart poems. He actually wrote poems about farts--Didn't you know that?
>Jews believed you went to Hades (which everyone did, prior to Christ).

How can you say that if the jews them self did not even know this , i just proved that with picture>>94076340
>You can say I am doing it, but there is a sharp distinction between love as a passion in Orthodoxy, and as something much higher. Spiritual love is serene, not expressed in glee or passion. It is extremely powerful feeling, but also very different from what you're talking about.
It's an emotional and weak feeling. It's a smug feeling of self-righteousness and virtue-signalling.

How are you to tell that "your love" is different and better than anyone else's? Doesn't this remind you of the countless heretics in the founding of your religion that couldn't stop bitching about who was "holier than thou"?

>Gravity pulling things together doesn't really get around the problem, since increasing density of matter does not reverse total entropy.
Increasing density of matter increases the heat of the matter. Increased heat = increased entropy. Again, maybe this theory is wrong, but seeing as you don't even study much of your own religion, how are you going to be any more authoritative on scientific matters?
But to say you love me, you forgive me, and you believe Christ will do great things through me someday, and then refuse to even speak to me as a human being shows what I have said from the beginning about you is true.

You were lying when you said those things to me. You thought that by being passive aggressive, you would irritate me. I saw it immediately and called you out on it, but you kept doing it. Now, I ask for you to finally give me something real, out of genuine desire to better understand you, and you refuse. I don't blame you. If I were you, I wouldn't tell me either. But I also wouldn't falsely state that I love someone either, merely out of spite.
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>Matthew 23:9 (KJV)
>" And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."
>Yet you call your pastors "father."

God has a odd sense of humor to show you the devil
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You're a witch or a warlock, Jew. We'd have burned you at the stake a few hundred years ago. That is called love.
>shit teir reaction images
It's like you don't lurk here much
I don't, and that's good. You faggots are usually retarded or evil.
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this is me irl

Idiot the beast is a goverment a political system a empire it evolves, it found its way in the cathocuck church,it corrupted it and turned the church in to the whore of babylon . and now its in orthodox maybe
>Matthew 23:9

Call no man Father means don't see any man as your ultimate authority and source of your existence. "Father" as a title for man, can only ever be used in his capacity relative to God. We have a tendency (and this was a lot more acute in ancient times, especially among the Romans) to the one's Father as one's ultimate authority, spiritual or biological. Christ said he is literally of no authority compared to God, any authority he does have is only in his capacity from God. Any time we use "Father" for a man, it can only be one of endearment of respect, for no man is ultimately our Father, only temporally. You will have no biological or spiritual Father in the Age to Come, he is only serving a role. So don't get carried away and start seeing this role as something more than a role.

These verses support me

1 Corinthians 4:15
1 John 2:13
1 Timothy 5:1 (note that "elder" is a translation of "presbyter")

>Matthew 6:7
"Vain repetitions" is actually an arbitrary translation of what, in Greek, is the word for "babbling". Something more common to Protestant prayers.

>Exodus 20:4
The term "graven image" is actually a translation of "פֶּ֫סֶל" which is quite distinct from what general "image". It means the form or projection of something. For instance, man is created in the image of God, but not the form of God. There is a large theological difference, in worship, "form" is an apparition of something. This also carries over to Greek. "Form" (in Greek) is the root of the word "idol," and "image" (in Greek) is the root of the word "icon".
You pulled what looks like the thumbnail to a clickbait youtube video.

Don't expect to be taken seriously with that kind of low-grade shit.
The Jews themselves believed everyone went to Sheol, regardless of your infopic
Did you lie to me, baby?
so, you're gonna drop the matter like a bitch and run off to make a new thread and pretend I never happened?
He wasn't even talking to you.
Can't tell if you're trolling, or retarded.

Matthew 23:8-12 King James Version (KJV)

8 But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.

9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

10 Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.

11 But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.

12 And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.

yes and sheol was the grave =death
I did already address that, and the verses I quoted show that "Father" was a title in the early Church. Spiritually, of course, God is the true father, not even our biological fathers are "father" in this sense. A monk was once given the news that his father had died, and he told the messenger, "You blasphemy, my Father cannot die."
No it wasn't. It's the fucking underworld. Just google it you asswipe.
>A monk was once given the news that his father had died, and he told the messenger, "You blasphemy, my Father cannot die."
Did u lie to me
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Fuck off. Obviously he wasn't he was paying attention elsewhere to pretend he didn't me. His responses have gotten shorter and shorter while the time it takes him to reply has taken longer and longer. We're on page 8 of the catalog.

Reminder that religious fags are the pettiest bitches. The nigger behind "christchan" wasn't getting enough attention anymore, so he started making all the pro-Hillary Pepe memes.
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Which clearly wasn't simply sleep.

Fresh bread
Far too legalistic. That's the way a Catholic thinks. Ugh.
won't admit he lied 2 me either
It's the opposite of legalistic. Legalistic is reading something by the letter instead of the spirit.
Acts 2
>29Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day. 30Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne; 31He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption. 32This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses. 33Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear.

>34For David is not ascended into the heavens: but he saith himself, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,

Where is david mr google ?
David was freed from Sheol by Christ, yes.

then where is he if he is not in heaven?

or in sheol , wandering as a ghost on earth
He is in heaven, ever since Christ freed him from Sheol after he trampled down death.

But peter says he is not you call peter a liar

>Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried,

>For David is not ascended into the heavens

christ defeated dead not us that is future stuff

You still die do you ? if christ defeated death you would be immortal like adam pre apple
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