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Thread replies: 415
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I thought it would be incriminating but it's just bantz.
Guess if that's the worst they can do.
It's just boys talk pls

He didn't even apologize. He gave the classic, I'm sorry if you're offended" non-apology.
>Clinton wants to drone Assange
>Trump wants to grab women by the pussy
On a hot mic? Amateur fucking hour.

Trump really is one of you faggots
Even the Awooos? :(
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Soo, what's wrong with it?
Do you not talk about women and your experiences with them or how hot they look?
What are you?
A faggot?

Clearly you are OP.
OP is always a faggot.
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>Trump just got the entire male vote
>Trump just got the pity vote for massive invasion of privacy
>Trump now owns every MSM outlet hosting the recording just like the Hulk did to Gawker

It truly is happening
Married Trump BTFO

Hillary confirmed
>Bill Clinton raped women
>Got caught fucking one & lied about it under oath
>Hillary Clinton defended a child rapist & laughed about it when he got off

>Trump said some lewd things about Women that all Men say in private

Now cue the same lefties who passed off Clinton's oval office incident as "stop being prude, it's just a blowjob" to get fucking furious over this

Trump is done
Was he married then?
>Trump giving cringy, literal fedora tipping "women will just suck your dick if you are rich, shallow bitches" bantz
>brags about sexual assault (even if he probably didn't do it, that's your level of locker room talk Trump?)

Trump just sounds like an insecure highschooler trying to talk himself up in front of another guy, and going too far with it.

No wonder you defend him, he's a mirror.
Weird how this came out the same time as the WikiLeaks release... Don't you think?

This was already after his affair though.
wyd i hate having sexual relations now


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>tfw u realize the whole election is being controlled from both sides and Trump and Clinton are both puppets
It's over
Star stockpiling ammo and weapons
That was it? Get the fuck out, i say worse things everyday
billy bush haha a bember of the bush family no less
In other news he is human. Give me a break
what wikileaks leak

assange has nothing
>implying he didn't leak it himself

P.s this is a complete fucking CTR thread. Soooooo many shills. They are really focusing their efforts.
Trump defended Bill and said he was impeached for nothing
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Psst. Guys. GUYS. I need to tell you a secret:
He's running against someone who could potentially become THE FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT
It's true. You heard it here first.
guess which one gets media cover :)

you're okay 'Straya.
a lot of faggot hill shills itt

kill urselves
>I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping
A fucking gent. I'm adding that one to my repertoire.
how the fuck does this hurt him in anyway?
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The first female president to illegally start wars.
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>our presidential candidates are being played by two different illuminati family factions, with essentially the same goals, who are just doing this for sport
u first big boy :0)
Literally DONE FOR

Chumps goose is cooked, nothing can be done for him now. It's over.

RIP the last sliver of hope Donald's presidential campaign had. Down the drain, unrecoverable
Trump just got the black vote.

Niggas will vote for an alpha over a old white bitch any day.
This is exactly like the hulk hogan thing that gawker put up on their site.
Stop slut shaming Trump you CTR shitlords
All you faggots are blowing his off like it's nothing.
Don't forget all the leftist news sites that will be spamming this shit with already increased viewership because of hurricane Matthew.
And the evangelical vote is gonna be gone after this.
AND this comes 2 days before the debate.
Oh man it just keeps getting worse for him

Thank god I didn't pay $25 for that fucking hat

> 2005

is this skype serious? who cares
I hope you enjoy pizza CTR.
This is what they got him? That's it? No classified documents on his home server? Melania's not a rapist? Not a congenital liar? It's literally nothing. When they really have something, then I'll care.
>implying hipsters in 2040+ won't pay tens of thousands for that hat*

*due to inflation and negative interest rates
do you guys realize he's admitting to sexual assault, an actual felony?
When's he gonna drop out?

Interesting, blacks and Latinos love this type of shit
Wow, it's fucking nothing. Do women not realize men talk like this around friends? Do liberal men not realize that this is what it's like to have friends?

I've heard worse, literally in the locker room. And still to this day when I'm at the tavern. No one is going to be angered by this except pussies.
Whatever happens is still up in the air.

But you can guarantee the next few weeks will be all about Bill Clinton and him still fucking 20 year olds and making them massage him while he sprays them with a hose.
at least get it right,

he says "GRAB EM by the pussy"

trump is clearly an alpha male, Bush is too, look at how they talk to the beautiful famous woman with a mature sense of humor

thijs is huge for trump, he has made his alpha status known and now his supporters must become as such or become his enemies
Trump just got the ENTIRE male vote

Archive since OP is a faggot.

Pretty funny how this drops just after the wikileaks shit. Really stimulates your noodle.
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Hillary confirmed to get 99% of the women vote. Its over
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thanks for correcting the record
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Trump just got the man vote. Cucks BTFO.

unlike the endless fucking emails this is a death blow

The Chilean you're responding to is with 5 billion dollars and fucked his way through half of 1980s Hollywood?
Alpha males aren't fat and bald.
It's over. theres just some things you can't say. drumpf btfo prison soon
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This smacks of desperation from Hillary.

Does anyone doubt that trump is a chad level womanizer? Is anyone surprised at all?
Everyone knows, no one cares. The only people who care are lesbian feminists and people who think they're supposed to care
Now we really need that Clinton audio leak
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>mfw during the second debate they play this audio over the loudspeaker
Just cuck my shit up.

Hillslide incoming. Party like it's 1988.
This just makes me want to vote for Trump even more.
>one presidential candidate potentially consensually intimately embraced a female

>the other presidential candidate is willing to enforce Sharia Law, so long as Saudi Arabia continues to doll out money to their foundation

Which one is worse for women in the long term?



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Well, 4chan...

I think your guy was grabbed by the pussy.
>Grab her by the pussy
What did you mean by this Mr. Trump ?
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>I'll show you where theres some nice furniture
>Takes chicks furniture shopping while grabbing pussy and kissing them

Trump confirmed pucci slayr
You are not kidding. Trump is a closer.

And the media actually think this video is a NEGATIVE for him?!?

I am now surprised that Trump didn't ask Megyn Kelly if she was wearing panties at the beginning of that one debate.

I hope this man gets elected.
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>when Bush ruthlessly annihilated Michael "Tank Man" Dukakis

I welcome these tidings of great joy
>inb4 shill
>inb4 ctr

This is not good. We need to conjure a way to fight this.
this will only hurt his success with women and beta males
lol no proof that was trump talking

1988*, my phone trying to make me look autistic
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Now they can finally start attacking him for being a sexist. This will be the end of his campaign for sure.
>Trump was lewd once 20 years ago

Choose one.
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He needs Hulk Hogan's attorney. Just think of the shekels!
If Donald Trump becomes the president, I will literally stick a bottle of Jack Daniels up my asshole.

Yes and no. While its true that all presidents talk like this, and some of them even fuck kids, this still isn't normal locker room stuff. "I tried to fuck her, she was married". Is okay I guess, but still bad for his base. But mentioning melania in this conversation is pretty fucked. Honestly cheating is pretty low and this is a bad one
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Kek what an alpha. A true American hero. Most men will laugh when they hear this and relate to him. Not sure about women though but fuck them they're lefties anyway.
>woman: grab him by the dick
>woman: you can do whatever you want
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Pussy Power!

My pussy, my rules!

Grabbed by the pussy.
Of course you can grab women by the pussy if you're rich and famous.
Merely stating facts is not a scandal.
well it was only 2005 back then, it's 2016 now, he'd never say something like that now, it's the current year
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It's just two Fucking men shooting the shit like men do when their women aren't around.
>Trump loses
>Hiromoot shuts down /pol/ to save 4chan

The next couple of weeks will be sweet :)
Let's not forget how Bill Clinton got blown by Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office.

And we all love that guy. I do.

I'm a Trump supporter. The only good thing about Clinton being president is that Bill will be around, and having sex with all the interns.

Everyone politician has some type of sex scandal. The world needs to fucking lighten up.
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You think female voters think that far ahead?
Fuck, the MSM is gonna shill this hard. Trump NEEDS to disrupt their news cycle with something so this can be handled with finesse.
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Well, this is one way to get people to stop focusing on your insistence that a five exonerated black dudes need to be sent back to jail and executed.
>Trump starts winning 90% of the male vote

don't know what they think they'll get out of this

>grab her by the pussy

Oh wow what a scandal! That's outrageous.
>that's just smart
As if he ever had a chance at their votes.
hur dur

Leftists are shilling it because Wikileaks just dropped info tying their queen to the uranium sale. All leftists deserve to die. They should be horrifically tortured to death, raped if they are female with their children torn limb from limb while they are forced to watch.
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Trump has said a lot worse on Howard Stern. Nobody cares
he'll lose the butthurt numale virgin vote
Boys talk lol. Imagine if you heard your own child saying that bragging to friends. Now imagine a 59 year old.
Not a scandal.
Except one of the man is talking about trying to fuck a married woman while being married himself
Don't forget they are going for the socially conservative religious Evangelical platform
>secretly broke the embargo, then went on record saying that the embargo was necessary
>used foundation funds to fund his campaign (illegal to do that unless properly designated, his were not) and pay bribes
>illegally operated his foundation (already has been shut down in New York now that the news has broken)

He's got some stuff on him, and given how loose he is with his statements and how often he was near a microphone...

Clinton's camp is going to probably be able to drop a new bombshell like this one every week until the election. He's bleeding.
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My pussy, my rules!




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>that transcript

"And I moved on her very heavily. In fact,
>I took her out furniture shopping.
She wanted to get some furniture. I said,
>‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’”

>“I moved on her like a bitch,
but I couldn’t get there. And she was married"

>"Just grab em by the pussy"

Just laugh my shit up pham, Trump confirmed big dawg
Well golly gee willikers, ya figured it out!
I can feel the papercuts forming on my skin just reading that, Anon.
Oh no, the feelings of women, quick, burn the constitution and enable sharia
>oh no the last 2 times we tryed to show trump was sexist it didn't work
>here let try it again
how will this effect him?
Awesome, now I know what this Sunday's debate will be about!
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>Everyone politician has some type of sex scandal. The world needs to fucking lighten up.
But it's the religious right that cares about sex scandals, part of Trump's base.
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Now that the initial shock has worn off..

>Grab 'em by the pussy
Fucking kek, here we go boys the ride never ends hahaha
Thanks for correcting the record faggot. I bet your parents washed your mouth out with soap like faggots too.
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he did the moment he announced actual backboned American policies
But if he was recorded without his knowledge
couldn't he just hulk hogan the fuck out of wapo?
if Trump was smart he would bring Saudi Arabia in the debate

he won't
did he say something bad or just that he fucked a married woman
There are people who unironically think this way, anon
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Women will just sleep with the muhhammeds after they kill us all.
>strong economic policies
>feasible immigration policies
Lol then you have to discredit every single hot mic or leaked audio recording from Hillary, Obama and Bill Clinton less be a hypocrite Republican faggot. Own it and suck dick or be a hypocrite and suck even more dick. You are fucked bro.

Why? Women love alpha males that make their pussy drip and beta cucks dream of becoming even one quarter as alpha as him. Eventually they'll all vote for him
Wait til they drop the audio of Hillary talking about how much she likes pussy.

>somebody kept a recording of Trump banter secret for 11 years until just two days before the 2nd presidential debate
alpha af
Hopefully he does once this is all over.

After he loses.
As a christian he just lost my vote.
That fucking awesome, that just makes me like him more cause he talks like any other normal guy

Based Colombia. Nice referendum too.
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Get fucked white supremacists. Trump is totally BTFO
Most based/powerful couple in the world. Both President. Have the full force of the media and most corporations behind them. Pretty much run the affairs of the country and have everyone in their pockets. Obliterated Trump. She must wake up every day and feel on top of the fucking world, literally.

Admit it. The Clinton's are the smartest couple alive.
No one cares about hot mics. This is well established precedent. Its against the rules.
Not really

all Trump needs to do is to bring up Saudi Arabia, hit liberals in their contradictions

yet he won't
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So women and betas are upset, great. When are they not? What did we lose here, exactly?

>2008: McCain is racist, vote for the black guy!
>2012: Romney is racist, vote for the black guy!
2016: Trump is sexist, vote for the woman!

We're pretty fatigued by it at this point 2bcfhfaggot.

you realize women vote more than men right?

2012 women had a 4% higher turnout than men
>hillary good for economy
She's already wasted millions on stupid fucks like you.

>trump says lewd things about women
>has nothing to do with policy or how the country will be ran

Wow...it's fucking nothing.
Topkek. He is so fucking done. Not even the hardcore trumpers can deny it now.
>the phone is what makes him look autistic
>Trump just got the entire male vote
I just played it for my cucked Army cousin who is on leave and we were laughing our asses off.

he's def got the bro vote

you're a retarded fucking Christian then

NY Catholic here voting to MAGA
Trump is a Clinton plant. He never tried to become president. All he did was make sure that he'd get the nomination and to be the only alternative to Clinton while making sure he is as unelectable as possible.
>Trump did something all men do
gee whiz, its all over now
So many Hill Shills come crawling all at once.

They are scared.
"I moved on her like a bitch" - Donald J Trump in 2005 at 59 years old. Nice Presidential candidate Republicans. Nice temperament. What a nice guy. A real Ronald Reagan Republican.
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this is just banter between the boys
he wouldnt talk this way in front of a girl
youd know if you had friends
"Where did you hear this stuff? Are you really fooling around with girls at your age? Gotta be a little older to be talking like that, son."

>59 year old
"Haha! Shit man, good for you, go get em, tiger"

Seriously, any of these women crying out rape? Sounds like they were pretty complicit.

Liberals are pussies and should all be grabbed.
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>/pol/ will defend this degeneracy
nah man it's 1488 dimensional galactic water polo

Trump's fucked
ronald reagan was a cuckold.

donald trump would grabbed ronald reagan right by the pussy and headbutt that cuck into submission.

I've just heard the tape and its fucking nothing. Almost all men I know, even the nu-male cucks, talk like that when women aren't around.
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Can't stump the pussy.

Pussy wins.

That's fine. I stuck with my principles.

Hitting on married women is sinful and not deserving of my vote.
yup he's fucked, that entire clip... the conservation and then how he interacted with the woman right after pretending to be nice, it's that 2nd part that makes me sick
>Implying the Clintons are not even more degenerate.

This is well within social norms. At least it was a grown woman and he didnt rape her like Bill would have.
Everybody knows this.
Its obviously Trump doesnt wanna win.
You do understand that Republicans attack over hot mic audio recordings right? In fact, Obama was attacked for his famous Pennsylvania guns comment years ago over a hot mic. Guess what what? Republicans were slamming him for that.

You call this a bombshell? hahahahahaha : D
soulless =/= smart
Right as the new leaks come out. Coincidence? Oy vey.

Yeah but now we're going to have to listen to people go "Trump BTFO" because of this silly shit.
Both president Clinton are degenerate. But they're not running on a conservative platform.
>He fucked children.

“I’ve gotta use some tic tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” Trump says.“You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful -- I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

“And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

“Whatever you want,” says another voice, apparently Bush’s.

“Grab them by the p---y,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

A spokeswoman for NBC Universal, which produces and distributes “Access Hollywood,” declined comment.

“This was locker room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago. Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course - not even close,” Trump said in a statement. “I apologize if anyone was offended.”

What a fucking dickhead.
“And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

>He fucked children.

It's not even news, leaf.
Yea I'm sure the evangelicals in the US love his comments. You have no idea what the electorate is like here in the US.
Fundraiser comments arent hot mics on intimate conversations. Nice conflation though, shill.
They are billionaires married to super models though.
The evangelicals are gonna love this. What fine christian man
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>Man acts like a man does when he's with other men


None is perfect. He is not the hero we want but is the hero we deserve.
Disgusting. I thought he has real Christian values.

I guess I was wrong.
wtf i love trump now
I mean this is the same guy who took 10 million and turned it into a billion dollar loss. So of course he tries to act like he's hot shit. You're basically electing a high school jock that'd cheat on his hot wife just for the fun of it.
Any proof behind that claim?
media will destroy him over this

Lol you realize that trump compares himself to Regan. Haha haha. I repeat haha haha you guys are fucked and you know it. Suck a dick alt right bitch. Who's the cuck now?

>deciding your vote based on irrelevant stupid bullshit like this and not on what will save or destroy this country

.000000002 shillbucks have been deposited into your account
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I am just LAUGHING my ass off at all these cucks in this thread and over at REDDIT.

These fucking BETA PUSSIES are the ONLY ones that are affected by this.


Trump is Alpha as fuck, as a matter of fact those dirty whores will probably vote for him now.

That is what these low testosterone, beta manlets don't understand.

These are the type of guys who beg women to go on dates, yet they NEVER get any pussy.

They are perpetual white knights, meanwhile CHADs are fucking the girl they like behind their backs.


Trump has officially won the woman vote.

Mark my words.
Clinton can easily spin it this way: "He was abusing his power as a celebrity to sexually assault women. What will he do as president?" That's why this is so devastating
>washington post
stopped reading right there
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It's fine.

People love pussy slayers!

Trump is just a alpha. Unlike all the beta males who votes for Clinton.
They already know hes not a very religious person numbnuts. He said he never thinks about asking God for forgiveness, which is even more egregious from a religious perspective and no one gave a shit.

Confirmed Brock shillteam
Republicans were the ones that fought for womens right to vote.

>With the recent audio leaks, Drumpf supporters just officially became unfuckable by women.
>If you admit to supporting Drumpf in public, you are admitting to supporting a literal sexist creep.
>If you say "I support Donald Drumpf," no woman will fuck you ever. Best to turn gay.

Hahha Trumpcucks it's OVER

do your parents know that you're so handicapped? i feel bad for you kiddo, i really do.

> Podesta emails leaked (Saudi Collusion)
> DNCLeaks
> FBI releases more emails today
> Proof Benghazi was Clinton's fuck-up and didn't send troops
> More leaks coming this weekend
> Video of Hillary talking bad about blacks coming soon


>Trump had bantz with some bros about women and made a crude joke

Angelo, CTR- is that really ALL you have?
>CTR honostly believes this looks bad
When will these faggots learn. kek. We are living in the internet age. Nobody pretends to act like decent humans anymore because we all know that we do the same shit. All you're doing is showing how much more real and human Trump is compared to Hillary who is so fake she pretends to be almost perfect.
There goes 90% of his female vote. No one can possibly defend trying to fuck a married woman while being married yourself. Bill Clinton was nearly impeached for this shit. I think it's actually over at this point. This fucker has to be a democratic plant.
Hitting on girls? Don't give a shit

Hitting on MARRIED women?

That just goes against my Christian values. He just not only lost my vote but my whole families vote.
all these shills.
you guys remember the audio form shillary?
It's hilarious watching CTR get desperate and try to spin this into a scandal.

I'm shocked nobody has brought up (going by the archives) that he alluded to fucking married women all the way back in Art of the Deal. I'm not saying it's a good a thing (assuming he has actually slept with marries women or tried to go after them), but it's virtually nothing new.

Also, there's no evidence as to when he went at this woman (he had this conversation when he was married to Melania, but that doesn't mean he did it while married) and "grab her by the pussy" sounds like a figure of speech.
>no feminist liberal will fuck you ever
Fixed. We will endure despite this loss

yeah, this shit is exactly what made slick willy so well liked, besides balancing the budget.

>Trump has officially won the woman vote.

Implying he didn't already have it.
>"I've been around long now and I think of myself as a young guy, but I'm not so young anymore, and I've been around for a long time and it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way but if you go back, I mean, it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats"

-Donald Trump, 2004
It does not matter what you think, the vast majority will react to this in a very negative way.
The only thing that could overshadow this now is if there is audio recording of Hillary calling blacks niggers or jews kikes.
it's hilarious how msm thinks women will be appalled by this. if anything this makes him gain more female voters
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>a man talking to another men like men do
LMAO you are fucking delusional. Get rekt by your own Donald J Trump. I can't wait to see him fuck up even more between now and election day. I pray that this is the end of the Republican party for good. George Bush is right in saying that he worries that he'll be the last Republican President. You guys are so fucked. Suck down the liberal cum for decades and like it faggot.
HRC Speech Transcripts detailing how she's says one thing to the public, and another in private.

Also how she believes that the 2008 collapse wasn't wall street's fault, it was just overly politicized.

Come on bong, don't be afraid. It's happening.
I see, this board is blue pilled AF, shame.
Who's assed? It made me like him more honestly since he talks like every other man I know
says the nervous man for the () time this week
I'm not CTR--I'm a fucking Trump voter but he can't stop saying retarded fucking shit. Let Pence run instead, for fuck's sake.
But I'm married & my wife couldn't possibly go 4 days without me fucking her silly. She'd lose her shit.

Besides, women shouldn't even hold political opinions.
WHY do men talk like this? Is it because, on the inside, ALL men are RAPISTS?

Admit it.

Thanks for Correcting the Record! Christians already know Trump isnt religious and will vote for him anyway because they know on which side their bread is buttered.
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>saying women just go after money
>Not true
>Fedora tipping
Its funny because its obvious you aren't from here.
Not actually stated whether this story he told happened before or after he was married.
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So Fucking Money
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Holy. Fuck.
>Hurr all men talk like that XD, it's normal guys

No it's not, and if you can't see it is because you have already been infected by the degeneracy.
fukkn CHKKED
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>All these Trumpniggers acting like it's nothing

It's over you fucking idiots, he's done 100%.
“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years,” Trump told New York Magazine in 2002. Calling him a “terrific guy,” Trump continued, “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

It's good enough for me. Birds of a feather. Even if he only fucked adults, he's not high enough caliber for me to vote for. I have values.
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If you wait until you get the perfect person to fight against globalism you might wait forever. You use what you are given.
Dear lord. Please let us pray for Donald J Trump for President. He moved after her like a bitch and yes he fucked her. Amen.

You're fucked. Who's the cuck now?
>Lol you realize that trump compares himself to Regan.
he has to pretend to care about that cuck so dumb ass cuckservatives will back him
>Haha haha. I repeat haha haha you guys are fucked and you know it.
which one are you.

>Suck a dick alt right bitch. Who's the cuck now?
still you.

t most intellectual fetish haver
Then why would they immediately release this after the email leaks to distract? Doesn't make sense.
b-but Bill Clinton actually did have extra marital sex, multiple times... S-surely that's worse than some sourceless gossip that even if true, Trump didn't actually act on
>media humanizing Trump

They do it for free.
lmao no
Christians are borderline retards and think almost as short-term as libtards
>trying to not be degenerate

Woah there bud.
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You don't know women like I do faggot.

Don't even try to tell ME how women are.

You and other betas like you probably bend your knees to women.

You are a cuck.
I honestly don't understand how anybody can still defend Trump
He's a disaster.

He's plummeting in the polls.

He sabotages his own campaign on a daily basis.

He needs to be replaced with somebody who actually has a chance of beating Hillary.


It doesn't matter who: Carson, Rubio, Cruz, Bush, anybody would be doing a better job.

I would even look into calling Gary Johson and asking him to be the Republican nominee.

But Trump just isn't going to cut it. He needs to go.
You're a dumb ass. How can this board go from anti-degeneracy to pro-degeneracy?
democracy is a fucking joke
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>clip is from 11 years ago
>says he can't stop saying retarded shit as if this is a new clip

hi ctr
Whos give a shit you faggot,
He did act on it AND he failed. That's even worse
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Damn you got me with that hot argument +1
Right but with Bill we have flight logs with him on the plane with underage girls and lawsuits saying he was on the sex slave island. And it's an issue because Hillary defends him and wants him in a position of power, all while claiming to believe women. So it's not the same at all and you know it.
Trump should just do to Washington Post what Arnold did to Gawker.
You have to be smart to be that soulless.
Why don't you guys like people like Ted Cruz? They have the same immigration stance as Trump... hate Syrian refugees... gays, etc. But they aren't a fucking retarded spray tanned reality TV star so you could possibly elect them...
>-surely that's worse than some sourceless gossip

Trump admitted it was true and apologized.


>“This was locker room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago," Trump said in a statement released minutes after The Washington Post published audio of the Republican presidential nominee making explicit comments about women.

>"[Former President] Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course — not even close," Trump added. "I apologize if anyone was offended."
This is a non issue

Men and women that are offended by heterosexuality weren't voting for Trump anyway.
You are so fucking delusional it isn't even funny. You are now bernie supporter tier.
He compares himself to Regan because he's a pandering bitch and you know it. It really makes the girls wet when they hear he moved after her like a bitch. Women love being called bitches by men. Protip: next time you are out in public how about you shout from the top of your lungs his comments and see how well you are liked. You are cucked and you know it.
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Thanks for informing.
Are you a lvl 20 virgin or a lvl 30 virgin?
>Child talks like that with his friends
>Grows up and talks like that at 59 years old
>smile from grave

You sound like a huge hippiedippie betacuck
I give a shit. And I'll cut you, Canada. I thought you guys got voted off the chans?
Fucking beat it.
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Found the cuck.
It's coming true
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wew wew
>bait this weak
says the cuck
>>Trump just got the entire male vote
U forgot about nu-males
She was married dumbass and he decided not to.
Pretty much, yeah. This is how women think in general. If the muhammeds kill the west then in the basest, most lizard-brain part of female instinct correlates that to a superior mate.
i call my bitch a bitch and she likes it.

maybe you are just an ugly cuck/fat bitch, like most CTR employees

which one are you?

Useful idiot.
You sound like a betacuck
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No one cares about what a cucked leaf like you thinks : DD Jamal already finished inside your wife, why aren't you cleaning her already?
This doesn't really matter. The reason is because they trotted out this narrative a year ago. They already attack him for "saying horrible things about women" and "calling them fat pigs". This, by comparison, isn't really that inflammatory. Two guys having a locker room conversation about consensual sex? Are we children, or something?
This won't have much of an effect. People will lump this with all the other "women" shit that just doesn't stick on him.
Plus he already apologized. And subconsciously, people love an Alpha Male.
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Oh no.

Niggers and Mexicans will disown him over crude Bantz.
My man, Donald. What a fucking pimp.
Male here, I'm voting for Hillary
Literally every man talks like this

This just makes me like him more
>Donald Trump is a heterosexual male and a bullshitter
Holy shit I had no idea. Next you're gonna tell me he's rich and dyes his hair.
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>He's evil, to a lessor degree.
Bill isn't running for president, and I'm not suggesting anyone vote for that cunt Hillary.
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Maybe you are the cuck bitch

>Thanks for informing.

t. Beta manlet cuck virgin.
Let's talk about this from a campaign perspective Drumpfkin, how is this not disastrous for his campaign? I'm waiting
>he decided not to.

They were both married and she rejected him, you knuckle-dragger.


>In the leaked audio, apparently recorded while Trump was on a bus with former Access Hollywood host Billy Bush, Trump talks about trying — and failing — to have sex with an unnamed woman. He had been married to his wife Melania for a few months at the time of the conversation.

>“I did try and f--k her. She was married,” Trump says, according to the audio published by the Post.

>“And I moved on her very heavily," he says. "In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’ ”

>“I moved on her like a b---h, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump says. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.
i know it's hard for you to understand how talking to other people works since most of the people you know most likely only speak in Coffee brands.
Apart from general sliminess, this dude has no skill at covering his tracks. People do scummy shit, but Trump's got basic bitch levels of covering his ass. Don't even need to hack him to get at his controversies.


>Trump just got the pity vote

Pathetic Trump cucks actually think people on the fence would vote for him out of pity. Sad!
grab her right int he pussy
holy shit I usualy hate how the Don mumbles but this.. This was fucking based, right on point, damn I'd vote for him if I could. President/10 right there
Women who think trump is a sexist creep are typically unfuckable levels of ugly/gross/fat/cat numbers, and it should stay that way.
Haha yeah I'm sure this didn't hurt him or anything, it's not like the fact that he just publicly apologized on his official site means anything. You know what, since he did that I bet it earned him more votes! It helped him more than hurt him, fact.
t. even goldberg
Lol this is news? My friends say worse shit all the time.

I'm waiting for that magical 10-point Hillary poll swing though.
You're delusional if you think anybody who was voting for Trump is offended by "grab them by the pussy"
Because saying he is sexist for the millionth time isn't going to work again

Lol you are forgetting dear Mr. Clinton. No way Hillary will want to go over there
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Are you an ex navy seal?
You are so manly

How do I become so alpha
>So Mr. Trump, what's going to be your strategy for defeating Hillary Clinton in the second debate?
Who cares. Women are retarded.
This will come in VERY handy during his rape trial, it will show the jurors that he is extremely sexually aggressive

Expect a conviction, screenshot this. Say hello to prison inmate #22132 Donaldette J. Trump
wait i forget, did anything else like this hurt trump?
go smoke your weed leaf
Yeah so you should vote for hillary instead that makes sense
Yup he totally said this back in 2005 to help Hillary win in 2016...
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That is objectively the worst bait ever posted
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Was this trumps october suprise
He really should grab her right by the pussy
Currently fucking a feminist, i had a trump hat imported to australia that i wear too.

Feels good man.

Shes the tumblr meme in every way, literally said "did you just assume zir gender?" to me once about a friend of hers.

But shes one of those rare pretty feminists and has that extremely submissiveness in bed thing which makes it worthwhile.
Surprisingly was a virgin too.
Been force feeding her red pills down her thoat much like my cock, hoping to help her grow out of this feminist phase soon enough.

Even if they hate the white alpha men, they will never give up on wanting to be their sluts.
Just got to put them in their place m8.

I bet even that fat bitch rosanne or whatever that always argued with trump would willingly get face fucked by trump.
>Implying that some of the biggest fedora tippers aren't from 4chan
>Forgetting that the whole thing about fedora tipping is you white knight and then bitch about women friend zoning you and "not knowing what is best for themselves"
>thinking you aren't exactly the type of person I was mocking.

Your comment filled me with such euphoria, I am now enlightened.
Sounds fake.
t. elizabeth cohen
>implying women will give two shits after the election.
Hey how about next time you are at work you repeat what Trump said to a female coworker. You think she's just going to drop her panties right there? You are a pussy bitch because you will never say that in public. Say it in public. I want to see more of you guys getting the shit beat out of you.
>Literally every man talks like this
I don't. My dad doesn't. It would bother my mom and sister.

There's absolutely no time frame given on when he supposedly tried to fuck the married woman. The idea he tried to do this WHILE he was married to Melania is bullshit. Just like claiming "grab her by the pussy" is a clear allusion to sexual assault.

Also, he's alluded to fucking/trying to fuck married women all the way back in Art of the Deal. Whether or not it's even true is a different story (it's definitely not, if it is), but when you get down to it, this is absolutely nothing new.
Holy shit, all this denial is on the same level as a kid covering his ears and yelling "I CAN'T HEAR YOU"

>sup man, how are you?
>fine, hey dude want me to tell you how I almost fucked this married girl? bitch was hot.

Sorry, that's only how degenerates talk.
It shouldn't hurt him, but it will.
Clinton's campaign is all about class, race and gender baiting. no issues. no substance. period.
>I don't. My dad doesn't.
Do you have any friends, at all
If you all aren't cuck bitches say what Trump said to females out in public. If you won't you are cuck bitches.
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>just saw a cuck on msnbc say that the election is over

He's teflon Don r-right buds?

I want to believe
>Literally every man talks like this

Can I grab you by the pussy?
and it works, the average person will be disgusted by this.
Sounds like he doesn't have douches for friends. Sorry m8.
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>inb4 shillary
I'm just enjoying the ride to hell.

i wonder if at the very end when the guy asks for his mic back if the don suspected anything or if he even forgot he was wearing it?
>[muffled Real American playing in the distance]
Is this petty shit really going to determine whether or not the U.S survives for you you fucking mamas boy?
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>This will come in VERY handy during his rape trial, it will show the jurors that he is extremely sexually aggressive
yup. I'm assuming he's innocent, but he probably isn't.
Nu-male doesn't cunt you cuck.
Not everyone talks like that.
I don't feel like I have to and I know many people who don't.
Yes there's a lot of people who enjoy this kind of bantz, but it really does nothing for me.
This does reinforce the idea that Trump is kind of an idiot.

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Pay NO attention to the beta Reddit cucks that have joined us here.

These guys are such PUSSIES, they don't even own a gun.

That's how castrated they are.


These aren't real men, they are eunuchs.

Trump has won the women vote.

Mark my words.
It doesn't lol. Dubs
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I though he was talking about Ted.
Without memeing, someone explain how is this exactly a problem?
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>Trump knew the mic was there
>He planned this day 10 years ago
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You are shill.
OMG goys Danald has Sex, can you believe he would do such a shameful thing. WHy cant he be a pure virgin like my 28 year old neet ass
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He needs to sell those as bumper stickers on his campaign site.
>Hillary's deplorable comment: "omg this is an outrage!!!!"
>Donald Trump's pussy comment: "hahah what a guy i wanna suck his dick"


I think they'd be more disgusted by Hillary accepting the endorsement of and granting an interview Lena Dunham, AKA the revolting cunt who admitted to molesting her younger sister for years in her memoir, tried to shrug it off, and didn't have her career ruined. And ultimately allow her to speak in favor of sexual assault survivors at the DNC.

I still can't figure out why nobody, not even Trump has railed against Hillary over this.
>8th dimensional chess with his hands tied behind his back and playing hopscotch
>He's won the women vote
Haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha. Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
It doesn't really sound bad at all.

I heard more shit talking at a bar than Trump's conversation.

It is more tame than the average rap music or rap video.
I did when I was a young man. Friends are for kids and girls. Men have co-workers, neighbors and family.
Because it turns away many voters who as of now could dismiss the suspicion of him being by media standards misogynistic.
Yes there's a hardcore voter base, but there's a very large fringe voter base as well who might be turned off by things like this.
Trump is far from a savior.
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Low energy
>It is more tame than the average rap music or rap video.

"Trump -- not quite as bad as a Bronx nigger!"

Nice campaign slogan, faggot
trump just got the entire nigger vote
There are people so detached of reality that they actually think this makes women wet.
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The best part is watching Republicans choke down shit with each one of these leaks.

thanks CTR of Germany, i too have long suspected trump is a child rapist
Ironic when European politicians brag about how many mistresses they have.
>Hillarycalling half of Trump's supporters
>Trump saying Pussy

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>Men have
Battle brothers.
alpha as fuck
Can I play this audio to my daughter to teach her that men should grab her by the pussy?
Who the fuck cares what Hillary Clinton did while secretary of state? Is it was 5 years ago get over it
It does. Lot of women are fucking nuts.

How do explain chads with shitty attiudes getting all the bitches?
18 dimensional reverse syncopated string quartet street battle
Probably just got some more of the black vote too
>implying it doesn't
theres a reason you've never had sex
Shut up cuck.

At least Trump doesn't talk about scat.

Meanwhile, you Germans are obsessed about poop.

Even your hero, Beethoven, was obsessed about poop.

>grab her by the pussy? I didn't listen to the video, but how do you literally grab someone by the pussy?

>even then, who says that? I don't know anyone who says that, so no one must say that, even though I don't talk to guys about girls, or even just girls.

never change /pol/ tourists
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>Implying he didn't already have the women vote to begin with.

Kill yourself.
Lol Trump advisor just said "It's going to be tough" in response to being asked if they can come back from this. PANIC MODE ALT-RIGHT
the best part is watching CTR try to flood 4chan with false courage
If you're talking about Berlusconi, that's an entirely different animal.
He's a different kind of outrageous because he knows he can get away with it and isn't as dependent on puritan voters who get triggered by the simple mention of sex.
Muh soggy knees is talking dirty now?
Kekeke don't be salty that your losing I'll be on suicide watch when you lose ;)
It's a problem only because we have to listen to "drumpf BTFO it's over F F F" for the next month.

Anyone who has chosen not to support Hillary has done so because they see how ridiculously corrupt she is. Those people don't be swayed by 11 year old locker room banter.
But Hillary is clearly damaging right? Why does it even matter what trump says when it doesn't relate to politics in any way? The U.S can't take much more liberal abuse you idiot, we're running out of time here.
It's not the language that bugs me, it's the... entitlement. No better word for it.
"When you're famous"
What a fucking twat.
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No you will be shipped off to fight for king nigger in the upcoming ww3.
Im not very good at picking up women but ive given my trump hat to some friends to wear and they still are able to slay feminist pussy very easily.

It was an interesting experiment.
Pretty much any well built white male with some confidence has nothing to fear as usual.

Being attractive never goes out of style.
And white alpha males have always been top of the pyramid.
>Liberals are pussies and should all be grabbed.
So much this.
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