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Thread replies: 133
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No. Trump's fucked
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>election a month away
>added pressure from the shocking audio revealing trump likes pussy
With the election so close and shills working around the clock this is actually /pol/'s finest moment. All hands on fucking deck.
there's only so many times this assange faggot can cry wolf

give us something good or fuck off
locked and loaded lad
how does this hurt trump in anyway?
It won't. Shows they are out of cards to play though!
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ahhaha thats it? Trump is a pervert is way bigger than this.
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have you looked through the emails yet? I haven't. Are you a massive fag? Probably. I am too probably. Sorry, man. I don't know what to think any more and am scared? profit.
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>they are out of cards to play

I have heard this literally every single time a fucking Trump scandal drops.

Dems aren't idiots. This is a long con that isn't stopping until November. They have material for fucking decades.
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grab her by the pussy
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CTR are going nuts, what spooked them

Clinton foundation accepting donations off the books from foreign powers in exchange for favors ie. giving 1/4 of our uranium to Russia and subsequently pissing off Putin is IT.
don't let them slide it lads
Nobody cares, nobody wants to comb through thousands of boring emails trying to find something juicy.
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So Clinton literally cucked us to Russia by giving them all our Uranium after taking bribes.
There's no ceiling here Mr. Bronze
I think I have something
I don't know, man. Retards will eat that shit leaked audio scandal up, but only a few people will care about something like this, at least that's how I see it, but I hope I'm wrong.
Are we going to have another rolling thread to go through these ASAP?
It doesn't matter. Every press organization is going to run with the Trump audio and completely ignore these leaks. They'll ignore it just like every other crime Clinton has been involved with. The deck has been stacked against Trump this whole time and I don't think there's any coming back at this point. I'm still going to vote for him next month. I live in Connecticut, I've known my vote didn't matter this whole time. But I don't really have any hope of him winning at this point. Hillary will win and flood this country with so many Mexicans and Muslims that Republicans will never regain control of the country again...


don't forget we knew about this already. it's about fucking time, julian
Bumpage... Don't let The Record be Corrected!
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this is from speculation that the oregon standoff may have been about uranium, but the archived info is relevant
Why the fuck are they releasing 50k emails?

Just release a few incriminating ones, nobody is going to read through 50,000 fucking boring emails.
>by donors
I don't think you can control what your donors do.
assange is too busy watching anime and living the NEET life so he needs us to go through them
we can hold brother
we've go through worse
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>tfw at this point we actually need video footage of clinton eating a live baby
lmao they are scared
Is the bit at the end here important?
> "Mrs. Clinton has to mention that important people in power and people who have had power have amassed so much experience and knowledge that even the very rich want to hear what they can say. If I get two hundred thousand dollars for a speech, it is because Goldman Sachs wants to hear what I have to say, they want to weigh my experience and what I know about the world and U.S. foreign policy. "
Is Podesta just playing dumb? Or does he legitimately not know about what those payments mean
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bumping hard
no you can't, but you can influence them. that's the whole point of donating, friendo. you can also choose from whom you receive money and under which contexts. conflict of interest much

anyway, like i said, it was just speculation and digging at the time - a bunch of us knew something was up, but we still didn't have enough pieces of the puzzle. this brings it home, anon, i'm just glad to see it again.
She just has to call Obama a nigger on video and we're back to a deadlock in the polls kek
for the reich my brothers
for your family my brothers
for your children my brothers
for yourselves my brothers
we must persevere
John Podesta is Hillary's campaign chairman and a major figure in the Obama administration
Yeah really what is going on here?

I don't need or want 50000 emails.

I want 1 incriminating email. If assange doesn't have 1 then just fuck off.
shit brothers
we must carry on
not just for ourselves or our way of life
but for everyone
Hillary isn't the issue here it is her masters
There is no way she will make it past a term then we have Kaine in as pres with monsters like soros and others pulling the strings of government
We can't let that happen
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what's going on is fucking treason, m8
shillary is on the list of signers who approved the uranium one deal during her time as secretary of state

she sold one fifth of our uranium to the russians and now doesn't want to be held accountable.
Why use German, when English is an option?
That is clear.

What I'm confused about is wikileaks.

They let us think they were dropping big news, but it was just their birthday celebration. Releasing 50,000 emails without specifying why anyone should care.

It's all bizarre.
not this shit again

Wikileaks NEVER said they'd release info on their birthday

shills pushed that they would hard and some took that hook line and sinker and began spreading disinfo
On a fucking Friday, no less. The WORST day to release something if you want it to gain traction in the news cycle.
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t. Alex Jones
you will know soon
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>i havent lurked leaked emails of hillary

dude all it takes is 2 hours of random reading to realise that mosnter deserves prison if not death sentence
holy shit it's literally everything there. a dissertation on the fall of europe. who the fuck wrote this

Holy fucking shit, this e-mail is INSANE.
who is the sender?

could just be any crazy fuck with the email address
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I'm guessing this is why CTR are spamming the whole board with the shocking news that Trump likes to fuck women?
probably no more than it's been happening any of the other times they've done leaks on the clinton campaign. they really kill any momentum the story has by doing it over and over again like this
it probably is but I can't find any of it elsewhere so it's probably not copy paste from some site. very well written red pill though

Yeah, that's the main problem with it. Orca1000 is the sender.
it's all over for the shills LOL
read the email, hes linking sources for everything
Yeah you need to be desperate to try and shine a bad light on a hetero male liking pussy.
what is the alternative? dump them all at once and become a tranny?


The shillfags are trying hard to focus the sheeple on Trumps comments on hitting some strange pussy. They are desperate.
its so sick, even if trump is leading 9 to 1, they will force feed you Hillary with mainstream media and corruption. then there is the vote fraud.
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I know that immigration has already destroyed the west, I'm not saying he's wrong

the thing is that the email isn't that significant because it was probably sent by some random fuck and was never even read by anyone in the campaign
Fuck the Democrats.

So Clinton's campaign manager admits all this stuff? They know it's wrecking Europe?
Can somebody sum this shit up for me.

I had to have some emergency dental work done today and I just fee sick to my stomach and dizzy, I cant concentrate for 5 minutes trying to read the shit.

Podesta was a staff member during Bills time right? What did he do?

That's when we go from the ballot box to the bullet box.
That Billy Bush story is gonna be a problem. Those fucking soccer mods are gonna swing to Hillary now.

We're not in a good spot
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They don't care. They take their marching orders from you know (((who)))
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fair enough
>Multiculturalism - the human variant of mad cow disease
I never actually believe all the shill bulshit.
After the last 3 hours, I'm not so sure anymore.

One thing is certain: The Trump leak IS a counterdrop. We live in interesting times.
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Illuminati confirmed.
leaf you shouldnt leave a rare pepe like that
>[email protected]
Is this Podesta's personal email account or something? Literally who is sending him this?
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its real....we need to get /x/ in here
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consider it a gift
All of this alien shit is a distraction. We need to keep looking
Its somebody who really knows whats up, he has videos and articles in German, and mentions Netherlands.

Also the email ending in .nl means he might just be some autistic Euro who made this.
fuck, why can't I access it?
Seriously... This is the dumbest fucking thing yet. Everyone says shit like this, even worse in most cases. These faggots are in their death throes is it's completely obvious.
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I don't know but this guy knows his Germans.
>It's almost as if Germany's Babbling Classes wish to make up for their lack of humor and humanity with nonstop misguided moralizing and grotesque grandstanding. In my experience, those who holler the loudest about morality possess the least amount of it.
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>Sanders is destroying her and he is practically nothing in comparison with what Trump must be preparing.

Holy fuck

Clinton confirmed illumanati
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i remember assange saying ages ago that a big october release would happen

is there a torrent?
there's good stuff in here.

Hillary was aware that "The State Department We Were Attacked Every Hour, More Than
Once An Hour By Incoming Efforts To Penetrate Everything We Had. And That
Was True Across The U.S. Government"

And she still went and used unsecure devices (also a no no) and private server for e-mail.'

Further evidence the FBI had its decision made before the investigation started.
Holy shit, is that legit?
who's this orca fuck? how is this e-mail important?

but shit, that was neat.
Money going from UN Development Program to CF.


Sid Magaziner:
>Attached is a letter that will come to President Clinton from the Prime Minister of Barbados inviting him to speak on May 8 at a high level conference of energy Ministers from all of the Island nations in the world. The conference is being sponsored by UNDP and we will be participating. I will be there. UNDP is providing funds to the Clinton Foundation for our work on clean energy and we will be launching our work at this conference. Obviously, if President Clinton can speak, that would be great. If he cannot attend but could provide a video, that would also be very helpful.

CF people seem upset at this since Sid is trying to drag them into it and the CF people discuss how to respond.

Bruce Lindsey (not to Sid - long e-mail chain):
>I think you should talk with someone at UNDP and try to find out how much they have committed and if it is a grant or matching funds, what the scope of the project is, what the deliverables are, etc. Or you can wait and try to get those details from Darien.

Obviously funds are involved but I don't know if something like this is unseemly.
>Uranium in Oregon
exactly, it won't

the pigs and slobs shit has been said and you know he's said worse

this turns off beta males and cunty women, who are already pro hillary
This is really important. Those people got fucked hard. They got sent BACK to prison. They shouldn't have even been prosecuted in the first place. This story should get more attention.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes. I mean honestly hes such a waste!

I don't get the "Trump shouldn't have nuclear codes" meme, when Hillary's the one pledging war with Russia, Iran, and China.
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Glad to see that they're not completely brainwashed to the threat of islam
It doesn't matter if they still allow it,
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Holy mother of fuck
How do I download all of these instead of going 1-by-1 on their shitty site?
There is an email for a plan for westernising Syria in responce to the paki shits selling land to china.
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Guys, i found the smoking gun email in the dump but then Trump broke into my room, slapped my plate of celebratory tendies on the floor, and grabbed me by the pussy.

Now, I'm with Her.
Lots of people thought they were releasing something that day.

All they had to do was send a tweet saying there's no leak.

But they couldn't be fucked for that. They let everyone think that so they'd tune I yo their fucking bday party.

They also hinted at major leaks. Now we get this 50k email bullshit.

This is not right.
>not expecting it to be true
This needs spreading and sent to Daily mail in Uk.

This is pure gold.

Also to german news outlets
um. hello???


ayyliens CONFIRMED
>providing source for a joke
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my fucking god it not there job to tell people they are having a birthday also they probable did not want to tell us they are not releasing any that day in hopes of hilldog release what she had on trump
I'm not very glad to see this because now I know for sure that they are knowingly crashing the plane with no survivors.

from the former ceo of the world savings bank
Bumping for the reich
All he had to do was send a tweet, man.

I'm not saying he had to. But he was the one who could clear up the confusion.

I don't think that's a lot to ask.

"Hey assistant, send a tweet so people know there's no leak coming out." Job done. 100k people don't waste their time.
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This please
100k people know about his book now though, good marketing is what it was, he's a savvy guy, guy


Pretty interesting view on European immigration. Pretty red pulled imo.
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It's long but definite a good read.
>illuminati been vague about the meaning of democracy

Did you ever wonder why the Elite is such great proponents of democracy?

The powerful and rich are ready to send the U.S. armed forces in to bomb and kill until everyone is permitted to vote. Why is that?

Why can't every leader run their own country the way they prefer?

Well, let's not beat around the bush: the appeal of mass democracy lies in the fact that in essentially every country in the world today, the number of persons unable to think for themselves is substantially larger than the number able to make independent decisions.

Those unable to think for themselves have their thinking done for them by the people who control the mass media. Which is to say, democracy is the preferred system because it gives the political power to those who own or control the mass media and at the same time allows them to remain behind the scenes and evade responsibility for the way in which they use that power.


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confusion is what he wanted
one to shill his book
two he probable knew hilldog had something to take the heat off like for example trump talking about grub her right in the pussie
and wanted her to use it just before the coverage
you got to think like your playing chest in fact i think this is the lesser dmg leaks he has to get hilldog to waste her ammo
so yes people got fooled but he did not lie now did he the worst you can say is he let dipshits think there was goner be a leak
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