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Daily guess what these countries have in common thread

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Thread replies: 208
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This may be hard, may be easy, I dunno
Still believe in war on drugs?
top 5 rape countries
Full of faggots like you.
probably among the top 20, but no
also the US and Canada are missing
They are grey colored on the map
the blue ones
you mean the oceans?
Have the highest amount of traps per capita?
not related to faggotry
state religion?
They've all been beaten by the UK?
They all have in one point had a german king ?
Time for a hint hue monkey.
Almost if you consider people of german descent to be german, but not Thailand that I know of and a lot of countries are not painted if that was the case
All have a vast Muslim population

considering there's 8 countries there, I highly doubt you are correct.
What makes them similar is an event in the past, not something nowadays
people love this, believe me
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If this turns out to be underwhelming I will personally set fire to your favela.

All of these countries were empires at some point?
I think so, but that's not it, or else spain would be blue and all
can't promise anything
what do we have in common anon?
>inb4 not turk rapebabies
They're all rightful clay.
That's not even a question.
Something to do with WW2?
They are countries.
All have a fuck load of heads of state/gov?
You'll soon find out.

TIP: Blue is one of three options. The question is: Options to what?
they are colored
OOk i got it. Theri foreign policy is always dictated by Amerifats, eternal Anglos and basically every Jew
that's not it, remember tip 1: Related to a past event

All have active extremist cells?
that's racist
nope, in this case very obviously not
t. Nigel
not that
Theyre all blue clunt the fuk ar u kn about
All have the same government because of some complicated Ottoman shit?
TIP: Only the borders of colored maps matter, gray states reflect current borders. This is not relevant now, but soon I'll give further maps as tips
Does it have something to do with a world war?
they all traded with the nazis before ww2 ?
None of them are white.
They all joined WW2 after the main players?
gave citizenship to jews?
High consumption of tobacco/weed?
Well Ireland is independent - so is DRCongo, so I'm gonna put this past event to within the last... 25 years
yes, but not during it,
argentina is not blue tho

Countries who fought in WW2 but retained their existing government throughout
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They are all non white
Something to do with monarchy? Something something, deposed a monarch? Beheaded a monarch?
Biggest number of cucks per capita
no, UK was a main player
more like current 100 years.

BTW: To clear confusion, when it comes to empires, only the main country is colored, not their whole freaking possessions
they were all empires
My god

others did too
not related
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Recognize a non UN recognized nation?
God you Brits are violent. How can you be so cucked a nation with that?
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Pic related to tip
Something to do with ww1?
all used to be ruled by a woman
Hatred of Argentina.
Sweden was neutral
all but siam
Unaligned after the Cold War?
see spain
dont have the data
somewhat related but not how you think
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>How can you be so cucked a nation with that?
Thank globalisation and degenerate modern culture for pussifying the younger generations.
was thinking refugees but elsalvador and thailand dont fit.
Countries Hitler tried to ally with before WW2
all empires
Greek Cities had empires
OPs mom hasn't had sex with men from these countries.
C'mon HueP giss' another hint
didn't get any reparations? Or at each war they got more clay? In every war Greece has obtained important clay
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All are experiencing or have experienced a territorial dispute with one nation?
recognize the name of Myanmar as Burma
Then where is Mexico
Obscure tip: Related to something related to something that both is written similar to and is covered extensively in /pol/
Does it have to do with the Jews again?

Or fluoridation?
That was during the war, wasn't it?
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The Finance Minister isn't a Kike?
They all contain ancient ruins?
morocco isn't highlighted
no, see lack of spain, russia, etc. Only tehse countries have something in common.
no or else almsot every country would be blue
not that

Green and red are opposites.
Coup's de état
no idea, but no
Places nazis hid after the war?
cmon OP deliver. It's 00:00 here and I want to go to bed.!!!!!!!
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Do you even english ?
Theyre all blue. Check my diggits
False. OP's mum is a nigger, so she fucks Swedes by default
they're all christian nations
Wouldn't the US and Russia be blue too?
they are all garbage dumps.

what do i get
They all help this thread slide something important?
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We all are bluepilled on the world wars?
i meant they all had issue with the same country.
Took in Jewish refugees after/during WW2?
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Entities represented, not necessarily countries with full independence, but others took them as such then
They all believe the Falklands are their rightful clay?
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God I wish
Fucking hard as fuck huebro.
Can you tell me trough brazilian memes? /pol/ wouldn't understand them anyway.
Countries that have had a Jewish leader at some point in time.
Well he's not wrong.
They have a coast.
So 1948-1989?
They drive on the wrong side of the road?
Can't be. We have one at the minute.
Recognize Palestine
Something to do with league of nations
lmao no
I'm not capable of this, I dont think so
not that I know

MASTER TIP: Blue countries pulled a switzerland. But it's not about a war, although it's related to more than one war, before and after
Brazil never had a jewish leader.

I don't know about the other countries (please don't judge me i'm a potato) but Brazil never lost a war, is that it?

A UN vote?
Say already, faggot.
They all think Argentina is shit.
Yes! Getting close I see
only very tangentially, not directly
Yes. This bong gets it
Britain and Greece were both conquered by the Romans.
Sanctions on a particular nation?
They all refused to do something?
were fucked by the rothchilds in the ass after they took war loans
They all have national debt
yes, you could say that
They all abstained from or voted against something in the UN?
they all refused military access to axis
First part. Yes
Those abstaining were: Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, El Salvador, Greece, Siam, Sweden, Turkey and United Kingdom.[10] Many of the countries that voted in favour or had abstained had already recognised Israel before the UN vote, at least on a de facto basis.
UN Peacekeeping? Korea?
That would make the Netherlands included too
they all abstained on sanctions to israel
after the mideast wars
recognizing palestine
Nope, they all refused to allow entrance to the jews that the germans where kicking out of germany, before the final solution started.

Fucking niggers with shitty education, you all should KYS

What exactly is happening in pic?
They didn't want Israel to be a jew country?
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This one found out the answer but doesn't want to say it.

israel border recognition?

Abstainees from the UN Partition Plan of Palestine
That sounds about right, actually.

Britain didn't even trust the oven dodgers on the way out of the camps
who knows, I guess it depends on which one

something related to a UN vote about China or India?
Brazil isnt nearly a muslim country,OP
lol 1) the british literally accepted thousands of jew babbies and turned them into IRL inglorious basterds
2) USA didn't accept jews either.
On 11 May 1949, the General Assembly by the requisite two-thirds majority approved the application to admit Israel to the UN by United Nations General Assembly Resolution 273.[8][9] The vote in the General Assembly was 37 to 12, with 9 abstentions.
very close, but it's a vote, not unilateral actions by each one
Not this vote exactly, but you're on the right track


countries who abstained

well done luigi
none of those recognize palestine
Red did not recognize state of israel, green recognized, blue abstained

Is it holocaust related?
recognize 1967 borders
lol and look at them now

judes have a long memory

Countries that recognize Israel or Palestine Territories or both
>reminding me my country is majority white
Thanks bongboy
ok gentlemen good night

yes, but not necessarily, some recognized but didn't vote in favor of resolution 273

THE ANSWER: >>91895331
>Greek time
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>accepting a literal warmonger country on UN
So does that mean we helped the skypes or didn't help them? I have retard reading comprehension.
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With Jews, the holocaust is always related.
no, abstained into the vote of Israel entering the UN >>91895331

I think this one was too easy tho
abstenções numa votação sobre Israel.
can we have another of these threads
>Related to something related to something that both is written similar to and is covered extensively in /pol/
All of them had Eugenics program before Nazi-germany?

do it again cucky
you abstained, i.e. you didn't vote

Green = yes
Red = no
Blue = abstain
I liked this, it was fun.
Well done Monkie, i hope i see you tomorrow.
sim, já disseram em cima
when I think about something to ask

It's my 5 thread like this or something, in 3 days.

It's as useful a majority as Brexit was, pal. 51% and yet still a country full of poisonous globalist cucks everywhere. The majority doesn't matter, for a bad apple spoils the bunch.

>MASTER TIP: Blue countries pulled a switzerland. But it's not about a war, although it's related to more than one war, before and after

this helped a lot
Neither. Or skypes would say you didn't help them and anti skypes would say you did.
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<--- These are whites in your country, Barack.
I figure'd it would.

I thought someone would get it after they knew it was in the period of 1948-1949 and related to jews though
what did the greys do?
they are all shitskins
Don't think they could vote.
not exclusively
the tip was written properly: Related to something (votes) related to something that is both written similar to and is covered extensively in pol (polls)
they were either colonies or not yet UN members, so nothing. This was very early on, even Portugal and Spain hadn't joined yet.
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Damn I'm sad I am late.

Please more, monkiebro.
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Wait wot ?
>Related to something related to something
That's not written properly m8, it's not wrong, but it's confusing, could've done better.
Also slight observation:

>all reds are muslim based.
>all blue are muslim tainted

(((Green))) hasn't sank its claws into grey yet. Poor souls.
>That's not written properly m8, it's not wrong, but it's confusing, could've done better.
i talk like this in portuguese too, so I can into english, I just like to confuse
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This still count as a halp
highest concentration of weebs
at the time there were barely any muslims outside of turkey there, and to this day there aren't many in Brazil.

It's just that they wanted to be independent or some shit. In Brazil we probably were neutral because there's a fuckload of lebanese people here (like our president, the governor of the richest state and the mayor of the richest city lmao, these guys like money), but most christian. So they shilled against Israel, jews in favor, we were also trying to be non-aligned so we remained neutral. Sweden and others I dunno tho
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>Related to something that is related to something else, where both are frequently discussed on /pol/.

This is how I personally would have phrased it, no illwill intended.

Hmm i was using portugal's proximity to muslim conquest areas as the basis for my observation of Brazil and El Salvador(?).

Remember that Muslims were seasoned traders in the past, so I expect such routes to facilitate the travel of islamic ideals, so to speak.

Just trying to make sense of it from a historic perspective.
Is he fighting a Chinese cosplay tranny for using the male restroom?
Come to think of it, I have never seen a favela in fire, what are you waiting hue bros?
How is this >>91895074 explaining what is going on?
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Hahaha another thing that stuck out on this map

>pic related
Great thread. To be honest my family.
/int/ material goes great with a /pol/ twist. Many a fun thread to be had.

monkie dont leave us waiting.
Everyone needs something long.
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