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/sg/ Syria General - Replacing Russians with Syrian refugees

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Thread replies: 316
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Everything you need to know

>Newest Interviews with Assad

>Live hohol with ticker
>Interactive military map
>Syria conflict map

>Daily /sg/ map Oct-5
>Aleppo Oct-6
> East Ghouta Sep-29
> North Hama Sep.29
>Latakia Sep.11
>Qunaitra Sep.10

>Fan maps

Developments October 7:
>Moscow approves indefinite deployment of Russian Air Force at airbase in Syria
>Russia ready to formalize UN’s evacuation plan for al-Qaeda fighters in Aleppo
>Syrian Army unstoppable in Aleppo as troops advance from two flanks
>Assad vows to retake Aleppo and rest of country
>S-300, S-400 air defenses in place: Russian MoD warns US-led coalition not to strike Syrian army
>U.N. to make first aid delivery in months to Syrian refugees on Jordan border
>Syrian Army advances in southwest Deir Ezzor
>Syrian Army on the verge of encircling the Islamist rebels at key East Ghouta town

South Front 7 October - https://youtu.be/9yRYjeHwvgA

Last thread >>91868389
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3rd for the Lion
indian pakistan conflict escalates

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Syria is bleeding? Just the pus comes out.
Happy Birthday Putin
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Dat face.
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Based Rodrigo and friends joining the Assadist coalition when?
Has anyone watched the latest Minoboron press briefing and was there anything worth noting? I can't watch it now.

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>yfw ISIS fanboys are now switching over to Assad's side


wish I could understand!
Have to go, bye.
Someone post some dank Iraqi paramilitary tracks or Syrian pro-Assad tracks pls, I need to expand my collection
He sold his account
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Enable subtitles, then go to settings and enable subtittle autotranslate.
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What did he mean by this?
see ya! I remember that image, just not the context...
may be its a tric?
Jumpin on the bandwagon to Aleppo
Noice digits.
Google's subtitles are already bad by themselves. I'd hate to imagine the translation.
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This is very famous
Can you help out here? >>91884230

I'm supposed to be working right now so I can't watch it myself.
Some glitch happened with the thread. Fixed after reloading
The contrast between these two is simply unbelievable. The russian comes across as calm, centered and professional. The american, on the other hand, sounds like a guy who only joined the army because he was bullied while growing up and has a small weewee.
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Thanx! Yeah.. the google subs are bad
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Syria is squatting
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14 minutes..
Until the silo doors open?
Cool, I dont know that last one, thanks. know the rest though

Holy fuck that american general speech is even more cringy than I expected
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He said that during the year we have killed 36 thousand terrorists
I know. But usually the stuff they say will make headlines. Was there anything worth noting said?
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Do not worry, your death will be quick and painless.
Really makes you think.
But I'm too young to die.
Threadly reminder that the war in Syria, the Iraq War, and the Arab Spring were all zionist Jewish plans decades ago, and America is their puppet.


>A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the "Clean Break" report) is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu, the then Prime Minister of Israel.[1] The report explained a new approach to solving Israel's security problems in the Middle East with an emphasis on "Western values." It has since been criticized for advocating an aggressive new policy including the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and the containment of Syria by engaging in proxy warfare and highlighting its possession of "weapons of mass destruction". Certain parts of the polices set forth in the paper were rejected by Netanyahu.
>Hassan Ridha @sayed_ridha 2h
>Clashes reported in Kafrnabel as Jund al-Aqsa launch attack on Ahrar al-Sham checkpoints

I think this is the peaceful moderate opposition we should support.
Wow, never seen that happen before.
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I was talking to someone about how Assad was essentially the most stable option and how crazy it was that the USA funds terrorists to overthrow a sovereign nation

what I was told was that overthrowing it was justified because Assad was genocidal and had killed over a quarter of a million people in his own country, more than all the conflicts instigated by the USA there combined.

How do you reply?
So we can rape you
So nothing too important then. Anything about the US?
I don't want to get raped either.
I have ~100l of homemade wine in my cellar and some experimental destillates. I can offer that for no nukes on my little house and no rape.
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> But I'm too young to die.
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Tell them that Saddam has weapons of mass destruction, and that we must support the rebels in Libya with a no-fly zone and missiles.
And then smash their fucking head against something solid.

>dont want to dia
>dont want to be raped

you are too fastidious.
He says that US misinform world community and slandering on russia? leads facts of failure US obligations.
it was a still from a video of a raid on isis/fsa somehwere in syria by saa

It was originally posted on the 21 or 22 of november last year.
Remind them that these come from anti-Assad western sources, if he is a leftist laugh and remind him that Fox News is very supportive of Israel and partially owned by the Saudis. If he is somewhat right wing then remind him how Al-Qaeda and ISIS will take over.

Then regardless of their political stance just point to the fallout after Saddam was removed-


An estimated 100,000 to 1,000,000 depending on the sources.
Lmao, Wonder what their banners will say next week.
Are you interested in Yemeni tracks? They are nice too.
Alrighty, so nothing really new. I thought they would talk about sending the two VMF Buyans out to the Mediterranean too or something. Thank you!
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It works
didnt usa killed like 1 million iraqis?

Assad just stood infront of western interest and tptb are at fault. Look at ukraine... nato wanted to get it .. staged protests.. humans doing the sheep mentality followed (who really is happy with the gov though? ) and the shitfest was set.

What's REALLY Happening in Syria (by SyrianGirlPartisan) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6BRVQDEO7k
Neutral report on "War Crimes" in Syria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc-RmAVK8Pg
Virginia senator on Aleppo: https://youtu.be/VfyDgDTu0Go
American senator tell the other side of the story: https://youtu.be/0FNtEWfay_8
White helmets truth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aAaReVn2I4
NGO’s and hybrid warfare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro1byfe5vUM
Syria ambassador in USA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3LTTbOYVfU
When you think about it, with what's going on around Trump and everything, soon there will be profession of "professional meme/trolling-creator". And I don't mean those CTR retards, "everyone who disagrees with me is a paid troll", and different IDFs.
also when they mention gas attacks

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>nasheeds and hardbass are taking up more and more playlist space when I'm working out
>didnt usa killed like 1 million iraqis?
when the US does it we call it
>kinetic humanitarian collateral damage
t. Olgino employee
Hm, that's what I figured

guess I was hoping to be able to support Assad wholesale from a moral standpoint, I still recognize the war for what it is- the US government attempting to keep a vice grip on oil in order to perpetuate the use of the petrodollar, in response to simply irresponsible spending by the Federal Reserve Bank since the migration away from the gold standard

USA soldiers, no. USA handing out arms and in general perpetuating terrorism, yes.

thanks, I've seen all that
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Rebels Used Sarin Gas - UN Inspector, Carla del Ponte https://youtu.be/e-8c2MOjbiY
Turkey indicts 11 linked with Syria militants caught with sarin gas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQYCat55dgc

Now you are set... go and preach the word of Assad!
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g-guys is that a girl? I found the last girl of kafranbel
know this song, yup its good

>Yemeni tracks
Well I dont know a single one of those, so hook me up senpai
So are the ayylmaos.
They think it's a boy that's why they didn't rape her yet
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doubt it desu, you can find pictures of women at Kafranbel demos although of course theyre less posted as the guys because this shit doesnt really work if you want your propaganda to appeal to westerners

usually they look like this
Well you can make that claim, Assad's supporters make up minorities that will, no doubt, be persecuted if he is removed- Maronite Christians, Alawhites, Druze, and Shia Muslims.
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What, why? They believe in equal rights, so boys get raped as often as girls.
That's the picture! Thanx and also for the info :)
Hey don't blame us my dude, blame the liberals :^) I couldn't give a rats ass what you do in Syria.
well they ran out of women a long time ago, so probably now is a gay enclave
Why are the aliens bombing them and where's a jew plane?
Also why isn't the SyAF bomb a barrel?
she's wearing a hoodie so they won't see the boobs
>Khaled al-Essa and Hadi Abdullah
Every fucking time

also kek that nerd on the left is on every picture from there too

I wonder how many guys there are if you count across all the pictures
Since when has Mexico been bombing Syria?
my favorite nasheed houthi style
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So like ISIS lands?
the amount of effort required to refute bullshit is larger than said bullshit, so I would just laugh and walk away.
Whos (((bachman?)))

By that logic america should deport googles.

Or yahoos.

Or muzzies.
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>Someone makes a Putin Iphone 7 case out of gold and Damascus steel

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Looks like a Jihadist Dom Deluise
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х2 Tochka nasheeds

+hezbollah nasheeds
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>iphone 7
>new yemeni flag will have a tochka on it
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SWEET! thanks senpai, much appreciated
depending on whether you are on th board proper or on a 3rd party client, it could just be a corrupt json transfer. infact in both cases it could be a corrupt json transfer.
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BREAKING: U.S. says Russia was behind hacking attempts against political organizations and state election systems
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Who else could it be?

Gets better every time I see it posted
>Heel on ground
Proper squat. Clearly not CIA agents.
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I'd call bullshit
assad never killed 250 000 people. his daddy over 50 years maybe, but no, not even him
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h-have Kuznetsov started the fire?

>the russian hacker 4chan
I'm gonna go against the grain in /sg/ and /pol/ here and say that its no open secret that Russia funds shit like far-right parties in Europe and would like to see Trump win in the US so Russia can claw its way back to the global stage. Don't know why /pol/ denies this is happening, and its not like I disapprove of Russia doing this, the world needs to have multiple powers or else you get this shit with the US running things.
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the fire rises, bruva
I loved that video.
The battle is raging, and the traffic still keeps going. buses, trucks families in cars. Normally, if someone opens a manhole cover its all red and white crime scene tape, orange cones, signs saying men at work and road closed.
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> h-have Kuznetsov started the fire?
Our aircraft carrier has very smokes exhaust system.
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>However, we are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government.
Let's make it clear though, it's most fucking certainly Russians, but good luck proving any Government involvement.
But nobody (at least here) is even denying it. It's kinda common knowledge.
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That would be pretty awesome
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800 militants defected

>>Rebels infighting is starting already...

Do you honestly think my only problem with Hillary and neocons is a paycheck from Moscow?
142 dead saudi soldiers approve
Someone should update this summary.
Someone has to fund them, otherwise Europe would be even worse.
But as far as the U.S. goes...where do I sign up to get my roubles for being as far right as I already am and doing what I already do?
In Europe it makes more sense and is more feasible due to proximity and Russia's energy export economy there, and less intelligence agency guarding. But over here in the U.S.? Not really so easy.
Hackers use Russian proxies, but they are never in Russia.
Great example is Guccifer. It was traced to Russia and everyone was shilling that Russia was hacking the US. Only for it to end up being some Romanian autist.

This is the problem with all this "The hackers are X" shit. Unless you physically apprehend the hacker you aint got a clue where he is. And he is more than likely using proxies to try and mask his actual location.
Of course normies dont know this shit so they fall for the lie.
It's simply obvious that Trump being president is in Russia's best interests, as it gives them a breather before the Congress starts pushing for more attempts to make Russia bend the knee before the imminent showdown vs Chyna.
Which Russia of course doesn't want to do as it's not going to be a junior partner - they want to be at the table for their slice of pie after shit's done and new divide is settled. They also dgaf which side actually wins.
its not real damascus steel.
True damascus steel is very rare and has not been made in hundreds of years.
that is folded cold forged sheets of different grades of steel.
Damascus steel came from a single mine in india that stopped producing hundreds of years ago. i.e. its empty. there will never again be damascus steel.
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speaking of tochka

>Yemeni forces launch ballistic missile Qahir1 at King Faisal Military City in Khamees Mishait

>Saudi twitterers decry huge explosions in Khamees Mishait and Saudi media, Arabiya talks about shooting down a ballistic!
Laugh w/ Arabiya

Attempts were made at reinventing the process though, and some came sort of close to the real thing.
Look, I'm not saying you two are on Russia's payroll, but the fact is America and Russia fund political parties in other countries and now fund people to spread their propaganda online.

it runs on good soviet coal
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Jund al-Aqsa & Ahrar al-Sham clashing is probably the biggest deal going on right now.

Most of the rebels are falling on Ahrar's side, Nusra yet to comment.

This is just some great, comfy friday news.
The SAA must be loving it.
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>killed over a quarter of a million people in his own country
Meanwhile in real life. 150k of those were government soldiers (yeah, they count people fighting for him in his murder count), 100k were rebel fighters, and 100k civilians. And this numbers are from SOHR which is biased against the government, so civilian casualties are exaggerated (i.e. rebel fighters are counted as civilians whenever possible).
I know.
Why, i don't know, modern steels are 100's of times better than damascus. It was pretty and good.
Thats weird, they are joining the underdog.
I wish I were, the money would be nice.
But then again I wouldn't much like to have any sort of restrictions on what I can and can't post.
I do find that earlier Russian's talk of "no hatespeech in Russian" somewhat unsettling.
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Ameriburgers literally starting a war with Russia and Syria over Syria.

>"Let the ISIS troops go!!! Let them walk away with guns!!!" t: burgers
For it's looks and historical knowledge I suppose.
If Nusrats actually packed and left Aleppo, then FSA is kinda done.
We invested too much into them and there are huge plans for them for Hillary terms.
Plus if Russians kill all nusra, "moderates" are going to run away or surrender, they don't have balls to keep fighting on their own.
>Jund al-Aqsa/ISIS is comming out ahead
>rebels less moderate by the day

please let Aqsa openly admit they are ISIS - it'd be a publicity nightmare for the Röpkes of the world
>The SAA must be loving it.
Yes. They can focus on defeating the Aleppo pocket without having to worry from an external attack that could break the siege. Jihadists chose a very bad time for infighting.
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yeah I know, she's a dirty girl!

>Ahrar have pledged to "rid the revolution of extremism."
So Nusrats are out too?
>so they themselves are out too
She's really cute.
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>unironically believing they are not extremist themselves
Then they would literally have to expel all foreging Jihadi fighters, that consist 90% of "rebel" force.
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>Abu Muhammad al-Joulani sent his personal delegation to a meeting between Ahrar & Jund.. Things are looking great alhamdulillah


please RUAF, also take part in that meeting
Kek. Perfect timing, Julian.
>Wikileaks releases over 2,000 emails from Clinton campaign chair
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Hamza suliman Retweeted
Ibrahim Joudeh @Ibra_Joudeh

>Breaking: Syrian Army enters Al-#Hamah, >rebels agreed to surrender the town - Damascus Suburbs

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The 'Nimr' Tiger Retweeted
Kevork Almassian @KevorkAlmassian

>Blocked 24 hours from #Facebook for revealing the propaganda of the #WhiteHelmets . FB says I violated its terms & regulations

I wonder why....
You mean obama. Most people here have no interest in starting ww3 over sand people.
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so theyre switching from AQ to basically ISIS?
>rebels agreed to surrender the town

really? does that include qoudssaya ?
if yes - another pocket closed!!
Suddenly all "opposition" twerps on Twitter, and groups like Ahrar al-Sham, are condemning Jund al-Aqsa for being literally ISIS and shit

For the last few years theyve been fighting alongside eachother with only a few minor clashes

Im pretty sure it does NOT include Qudsaya.
I hope so, since it is recent news there still needs new updated map.
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>Over a dozen Syrian rebel groups declare war on Jund al-Aqsa jihadists after clashes with Ahrar
so much for the rebels

No point denying it.
The question is, would US establishment acknowledge the fact that they don't, if they didn't?

>propaganda of the #WhiteHelmets
that is for wh or against them?
Funny is it not?

30 years ago:
>USSR - Left wing commie
>America - Right wing Individualists

>Russia - Right wing conservatives
>America - Left wing extreme socialy liberal, smaller economic freedoms than before and plutocracy.
Against them of course.

Jewkenberg owner of FB would not want you to contemplate a posibility of reality being different than it is being propagated on Media and Social Media.
What's the manpower of Jund al-Aqsa? What if they simply claim allegiance with ISIS?
Probably around 600-1000 fighters

They cant switch allegiance cause theyll be rekt then for sure, they have no route to ISIS territory
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50pence is shit
Baking pancakes, making bacon pancakes!!!
Maybe an exclave like the Lebanon or Golan ones?
Remember that 800 non-JaA rebels joined them today.
are these numbers legit?

we never hear of major battles with mass attacks like in ww1 or 2, there never were attacks where a side completely overrun the enemy, there were no offensives where whole divisions were encircled and destroyed and as far as i know the armies fighting in syria are rather small compared to the number of soldiers syria could theoretically enlist being a country of almost 30 million inhabitants.

plus this apparently is only the number of people killed. normally the number of wounded is at least twice as big.

so where are those and when did so many die?
hahaha those dudes were listening to nasheed way too much
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>not Shekelburg

Oh ya, well 1400-2000 then, kek - more meat for the meatgrinder.
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When there is nothing to kill, you issue new law, then go and kill more people.
What's the story with al al-Baghdadi being poisoned or someshit? or it's false flag again
>hohol hasn't updated SAA gains on livemap
Is the website owned by the same guy that lives in Kaliningrad and shows up here with massive butthurt from time to time?
so is he funding actual far right groups or just groups that only get called far right?
the left leaning parties that control a lot of the govs call everything that opposes them "right wing" or even better "far right"
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I don't like this kind of music, what else do you have
You mean the elevator-peeing hohol?
You called me?
Not a jew plane, Eu plane
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This music was composed by a nazi. Enjoy

Some epic instrumental music:

My favourite from Two steps from hell:

Idk, if you like this kind of music, but I do.
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He supported Jund al Aqasa in a post, then deleted it later after called out.
the assault by rebels against assads forces to break the first encirclement of aleppo in august, saw thousands of infantry scum and about 90 tanks and personell carriers engage with assads forces. It was one of the biggest land battles of modern times. muh media.

see senator blacks presentation for more details.
i think its bullshit. our fpö was also rumored to get money from russia but they dont really need it being a major and established party since decades already and larger sums that could help would certainly not be able to be kept secret.

plus not even the established parties here like the sanctions against russia because austria always took pride in having good relations with the soviet union even in deepest cold war.

so buying right wingers would not benefit russia

I really like this song, you have it popular?

This one passive-aggressive word permeating their social media accounts is the easiest way to spot a regressive these days.
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"Recently played"

can we summon the elevator peeing ottoman next week now too?
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Otto is probably pouring some drinks to people right now.
these threads are so fucking strange they probably know about that airstrike you guys did the recon for
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>are these numbers legit?
As I said, they are from SOHR, a pro-rebel dude living in London. So take it with a grain of salt. He is one of the only one I know who break downs casualties by faction throughout all the war, though.

>so where are those and when did so many die?
I'm guessing that few die in each front every day, if summed up you get 100-150K. Also some major battles kill hundreds in a few days.

And as this anon said >>91898802 aleppo battle was one of the biggest, see blacks video as he said.
Joke, Iam another anon. I Hate hohols.
We have different taste of music. But I think you will like this:

you mean this:


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It's really beautiful song, but it's not popular since people here even through highly nationalist are afraid of showing it because of 90's torture we had to live trrough.

Here is another good one, it used to be anthem in 1800's:

Also this one was extremly popular, the video spot is simuar because this is the original:

Also before this shit with Russia and Ukraine, I absolutly adored Ukranian culture and Cossaks i loved Ogniem i Mieczem series, especially cossack parts:

Why does Assad stay in Syria? The country is bombed to hell and terrorists/mercenaries have free rein.

>being president of a country is comfy

Yeah, of a rich safe one. Syria is a junkyard now, with NATO cruise missiles hanging over your head, just waiting to kill you. Whether today, or in 10 months, or 5 years.
>Why does Assad stay in Syria?
Leave it to the Canadian to not understand the concept of honor and duty.
from the Czech perspective:

I dont remember ever hearing about any of our parties or politicians getting funding from Russia. It's not even used as an accusation during elections. Not even our extremely pro Russian president get accused of being paid by Moscow (maybe by some of his haters on facebook or something, not in the mainstream media). "Pro-russian" is definitely used as an insult during the elections though, usually by dumbasses that have no actual argument.

Our established right wing parties (which can be barely called right wing, more like not socialist) are pretty much incompetent and our only actual far right party are basically neonazis, so I have no idea why Putin would fund any of them.

All songs are beautiful, but the song with my links drawn to the anthem. How are your relations with the countries of the former Yugoslavia? Would merged back? At least some of them, what are your relationships with each other?
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captcha: West FOR SALE
Omar Ibrahim @Neurosurg_Omar 2h

Exhausted. Months without pause. 30 doctors in east #Aleppo continue our work. #StandWithAleppo

World, pls help!
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>country is bombed to hell
>Syria is a junkyard now
Latakia this week
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>country is bombed to hell
>Syria is a junkyard now
Tartous this week
Looks comfy, probably cheap to attend. Would probably get thrown in jail on the fly back home though
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I hate when they make rap+neurofunk
It just doesn't work. It only works with dnb.
Best thing starts at 2:50. Truly neuro stuff.
But Noisia do make good stuff like this one:
Best neurofunk is made by Russians and holols these days. Tamrecords.
Me no edgy, I listen to everything.
Thought there were only 14 left.
>How are your relations with the countries of the former Yugoslavia?
Pretty bad, except Macedonia, Serb mountain niggers and Slovenia.
>Would merged back?
Personally no. But there are a lot of commies here who would, sadly the feeling is not the same in other ex-yu countries, Senile commies and their over empathy, is one of the reasons we were fucked. Because if Croats or muslims were regreting separation of Yugoslavia, they wouldn't have won then.

Personally, we are so fucked that I would not know where to begin with.
At least there is a change in the future that we will finally unite with bosnian Serbs.
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Damascus today
>t. ebil dictator`s propaganda machine
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>country is bombed to hell
>Syria is a junkyard now
Old Damascus last week
>what is nationalism
A captain is the last leaving a ship. Not the first.
Abdulrahman of the SOHR admitted in 2012: “I have thousands of rebels in the civilian list. I put all the non-defectors in the civilian list…It isn’t easy to count rebels because nobody on the ground says ‘this is a rebel.’ Everybody hides it.” In another interview he confirmed the view that “most of Syria’s dead were combatants, not civilians.”
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Guess my ethnicity and what country I come from.
hint: Somewhere in the middle east
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In a paid speech Hillary gave to the Boston Consulting Group in June 2013 (so one month before the chemical attack in East Ghouta), she said that "Assad has to go as an outcome, not as a condition".

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/927 (see attachments)
When they bring up the le Syria is a blood bath meme, tell them how most civilians killed were actually pro Assad supporters killed by ISIS masquerading as moderate rebels

The last part is worded that way because people won't understand the FSA literally turned into ISIS overnight at one point
Those doctors are probably hostages or their families are hostages.
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Who gives a shit?
Shitskin. Raghead land.
is this from the new batch?
assyrian who should be studying?
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is this another doxxing episode waiting to happen?
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that flag
Unfortunately this combination is not allowed. At least the next 10 years
There's something wrong with Cannucks the last few years, but I don't exactly know what it is.

Also love piggy's reaction to my flag.
no doubt. I don't care. I think you played it well.
for ( ; ; ) {
printf("Fuck you!");
How many hours a day do you spend on here?

i mean this

But thanks for those, I have not seen them

Disgusting fuck, get out of my country reeeeeeeeee
Cout << "Kill yourself"; // Faggot
I read every thread
now go back to your studies
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Here you have Hillary campaign staff admitting that the arming of Syrian rebels has been a failure.

post boi pucci
in russia putin funds everybody.
in russia there is only putin
a real leader cannot be defined by simple bullshitty ideology.
there is no right and left.
there is only that which best fits the problem at the time and going forward.
right and left wing is like coke and pepsi. at the end of the day whichever you prefer ( and I hate both) you must remember that you are drinking coloured and flavoured carbonated sugar water. In that sense there is no difference.
being either right or left wing just makes you a useful idiot
String mssg = "bot detected"
while(true) {

Go produce rape babies or something.
>soon there will be profession of "professional meme/trolling-creator"
Been a thing for years now. A lot of companies in electronic entertaiment sphere already have things like "director of memes"
noice. but they already officially said that in congress.

Im also digging
>Go produce rape babies or something.
Sure, with you. :^)
you seem barely functional
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Minnesota >:(

What are you doing with /sg/ twiter?
a quarter of a million seems like a made up number
Ayaya a cute. A cute.
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All these weeb shit >:(

How is anybody going to take this Mongolian throat singing guro community seriously?
>Date: 2016-01-17 16:54
>Turkey and ISIS (Defense Policy Board)
Pretty cringy, oh well at least theyre replies and not tweets
You are all fucking deluded traitors

after assad uses gas, barrel bombs, bombs the UN, and kills his own citizens.. how can you support him?

I hate this place
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>US bombers killed 75 000 french civilians during WWII. Sometimes (many times) for absolutely 0 gain, nothing (submarine bases for instance). That's roughly as many people as the Gerries deported and slaughtered in the death camps. But we endured. It was war. It was needed. We welcomed the US troops, crying for our deads, but willing to help.

The people you're dealing with are soft, and clueless. Tell them to get some books.
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>after assad uses gas, barrel bombs, bombs the UN, and kills his own citizens.. how can you support him?

Embarrasing... you might want to read into the conflict before sprouting this MSM garbage
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I see we have entered the endless recursion of time.

here we go again


thanks for the opportunity to copy pasta
CONFIRMED: ISIS retook a huge part of Shirqat city south of Mosul.
the iraqi army fucked up again.
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You have the whole MSM comments section to sing your love of freedom beheaders and your hate of Assad. Now accept that people have various opinions and are tired of getting insulted by bigots like you and found a place to speak freely, or fuck off.
How about you kill yourself next time instead of baiting
Where in Country 404 are you from if you don't mind me asking?

you are all tin foil nutters, we have journalistic standards and this is just a feast of lies.
seriously, do you think putin and assad are being fair?
you are not on the right side of history you animals
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Yesterdays map

Too. Many. Factions.
> after assad uses gas
did he though ?
Oh this one is kinda new. Do you have any more?
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WW3 when?

Any Arabic speaker available for a quick translation
Like I care about Putin. All I care is that a good Islamist is a dead one. But 'nuff with the bait. Back to low budget Stalingrad.
>muh right side of history
washingtontimes, reuters, bbc, is poor journalism?
what about academia like MIT?

go brexit you shit.
Will they present proof in the right time and place too?
One that actually links the government to the hacks?
just finished watching a few of those and decided to look up Richard "Dick" Black.
That guy seems to be absolutely based and whoever wrote his wikipedia article seemed to be extremely salty
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>low budget Stalingrad

kek. well played.

We are here to see the burning!

Its so fucking obvious that Hillary is spinning all this shit from "the DNC is fucked and Hillary is a corrupt sold-out lobby-owned warmonger" into "Oh noes Russia is attacking us Murica! Vote Hillary for a strong message to the ebil Russians!"

Scapegoating at its finest
Donbass. I love the country, I hate the government and Raguli
Have fun splitting up Ahrar al-Sham and al-Aqsa if it escalates.
Cool! I was born in Severodonetsk myself.
they make mistakes all the time
Пpивeт зeмeля. Я из Ceвepa.
For a long time here fiction?

Message from SSNP regarding north Hama

سلاح الجو في #الجيش_السوري يستهدف ظهر اليوم وفقاً لمعطيات دقيقة أمنتها وحدة من #نسور_الزوبعة عدة مواقع للمجموعات المسلحة في منطقة #الزلاقيات بريف #حماة_الشمالي أسفرت عن تدمير راجمتين متوضعتين في المنطقة و مقتل طواقهما المكون من عشرة أشخاص .

Internet translator services make some sense out of this, but Im wondering if the message implies that the "نسور_الزوبعة " (which should be the SSNP armed wing) were involved in the combat or not
Didn't view it from that pov. it's all just show off to help Shillary then
I charge 1$ per sentence
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Futuristic drones are so 2015
I must apologize, I do not have a Russian keyboard configured.

I left when I was 3 years old, but I visited nearly every summer before it all began. How is the city doing? An old friend of mine said life was very hard before moving out last year.
>assad uses gas, barrel bombs, bombs the UN, and kills his own citizens

Yep, because the hacked DNC mails are pretty fucking shitty for her.
Still, this will quite literally die in a week when Russia as per usual asks for proofs.
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I don't know why but it reminded me of this.

Better version of this song :
channel 4 shows AL-Nusra and White Helm white helmets.

holy fuck, they have a spitfire
It doesn't say if the SSNP were involved in combat but it does say that the reconnaissance was done by them.
Roaches...The emails of berat albayrak, the son-in-law of erdogan and enery minister have been hacked and released. juicy stuff to be sure...

can someone tell me what was in them? anything ISIS related?

for example...
Okay thanks man!
So that's why Ivans needed more anti-air missiles there.
Gold. No Two gold stars.
Nice work
Yeah, but I thought all this tension in the last 2 days, with the word nuclear coming up, and drills, warnings, was just about Syria. But this election thing, makes more sense.
Your friend's lying, nothing good happens. Not that the city and the whole country. In the city nothing happens except elevated murders and robberies, as well as throughout Ukraine. Almost every day, beaten and rabyat women and the elderly, before such nebylo, at least three times smaller. Sorry for my English.
whose baking?
I'm lazoid. I watching a doc about carl gustaf mannerheim. great leader.
that was actually so close to /sg/ analysis, wasn't it?
kinda worrying
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no no, those are friendlies

Kata'ib Imam al-Ali, Iraqi shia militia

woops forgot Nujaba and marker #1
So untill Ukranian conflict finishes, nothing can improve?

It's logical that most of the Donbass buget goes to militarry and not other social policies.

Is there any hope of that conflict ending in near future?
The nuke deal was fair game from Russia side, even if it's worrying.
Drills as per one of the Ivans liberating this thread, are standard practice from time to time, and as usual was just a show.
The entire warning shit is basically every day in the UN since Russians started their intervention.
Russians making claims that they might restart their bases on Cuba and so on is just something to stir up the muck on the Team Blue side, they wouldn't ever do that for numerous reasons.
You really have nothing to worry about.
>barrel bombs, bombs the UN
notjing wrong with it
>uses gas
>kills his own citizens
this is some shit mang((( but what government doesnt or didnt in close past))))?
The second link. Hmm, I do not know who was shooting, but very, very similar to the Russian and Soviet films of the 90s.
You mean Canada is not in the middle-east?
I see, he told me how he was robbed by some VSU soldiers on multiple occasions and how he was unemployed so he left for Russia.

Your English is fine, feel free to write in Russian too. I have no problem understanding what you are saying.
Now that's most interesting. And generally spot on with what the Turks here were saying.
Anyone baking?
I'll bake
>He thinks the volatility is centered in the east
To do something actually drastic US would need a SOLID reason as directly fucking with Russia puts most of the world in danger.
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