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/sg/ Syria General - Ahrar as Sham vs Jund al-Aqsa edition!

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 309
Thread images: 94

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Everything you need to know

>Newest Interviews with Assad

>Live hohol with ticker
>Interactive military map
>Syria conflict map

>Daily /sg/ map Oct-5
>Aleppo Oct-6
> East Ghouta Sep-29
> North Hama Sep.29
>Latakia Sep.11
>Qunaitra Sep.10

>Fan maps

Developments October 7:
>Moscow approves indefinite deployment of Russian Air Force at airbase in Syria
>Russia ready to formalize UN’s evacuation plan for al-Qaeda fighters in Aleppo
>Syrian Army unstoppable in Aleppo as troops advance from two flanks
>Assad vows to retake Aleppo and rest of country
>S-300, S-400 air defenses in place: Russian MoD warns US-led coalition not to strike Syrian army
>U.N. to make first aid delivery in months to Syrian refugees on Jordan border
>Syrian Army advances in southwest Deir Ezzor
>Syrian Army on the verge of encircling the Islamist rebels at key East Ghouta town

South Front 7 October - https://youtu.be/9yRYjeHwvgA

Last thread >>91883679
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Thanks for using my map m8, sadly I dont have the map for today ready yet

Good night lads
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I like it when Russia humiliates USA
Lavrov is going to have a field day with this.
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>14. Turkey wants a No-Fly Zone in northern Syria to protect refugees and staunch the flow into Turkey .But this can only happen if they and others put boots on the ground.
rebels = green
isis = grey
who are the rebels ?

I drank 4 liters of beer for double drink two on odd go to bed.
fuck, reroll
Just go to bed Mykoła. It's late anyway.

Yes, very close to our analysis.

Just goes to show how successful our enterprise is.

I put this down to healthy scepticism, open minds, and cooperative work (some people do what we are doing for a living - we do it for fun).

I think our cooperativeness is the key, this is bigger than one crazy anon could ever do.

Again, thanks for contributing another valuable item for us.

Again, for anyone interested, RomaniaBro has found some nice juicy munchies.

see >>91907194

>Date: 2016-01-17 16:54
>Turkey and ISIS (Defense Policy Board)
You are still that Ukrop from Severa right?

If you still have not gone to sleep, thanks for the conversation we had earlier and I would love the opportunity to speak to you again if you ever visit /sg/ more.
Anyway, I'm leaving the thread too guys. I'll see y'all soon.
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I can not sleep until there is no justice on this earth.
But there isn't any.
AL-Hamah is falling under SAA control..

Дa я чacтo cюдa зaхoжy, пpocтo pидoнли чaщe.
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>30 minutes of Jaafari talking trash of Saudi Arabia
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Every year Russia is preparing for nuclear war. Exercises of rescuers and the military.

The United States each year demonstrates a plastic gun.

The last statement of the speaker of the US state Department on "the corpses of the Russian citizens" - have forced Russia to respond. Any American aircraft that violate the permission of the authorities of Syria - will be destroyed. We are ready to a world war, we have weapons, technology, training, resources, people and allies. Welcome to HELL, bitches!

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Therefore, I can not sleep.
>Ahrar as Sham vs Jund al-Aqsa
Which of them does /sg/ support?
Both should be nuked
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If they stop fighting and fight together again, Jolani(Nusra chief) will get probably all the credit for that. This could lead to an new united front.
So it doesen`t who wins this battle they just have to continue fighting.
a shitton has changed since january 16. after the coup turkey has shifted further away from nato and mended ties with russia.

they actually have boots on ground without a no fly zone, their actions are more coordinated with russians than americans

bumping with probably most based russian/soviet song of all time
I hope Tukey takes over Kurdish occupied regions of Iraq and Syria.
Why the fuck isn't this over yet? This shit started like five years ago. Why the hell can't America, Russia and Turkey act like adults and settle this?
My hate for shias cannot be quenched.
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Final bump from me.
Good night all.

If you want a fascinating documentary to watch to understand what great leadership looks like, have a look at this, it's long, but its a good story.

Goodnight all. Stay comfy
honestly, with cooperation with syria and russia, we could tactical nuke ISIS positions and no one would retaliate since they're technically not a state
What is your ethnicity and country of heritage?

this is all just bants between countries, no on would be willing to risk the damage ww3 would cause over syria

Don't expect sub 80IQ raging fanatics to actually try peacetalks, Jolani might be the mastermind behind Nusrats but his fanatical clerks will proabably never allow "peacetalks" etc with the other group as they are already, probably calling them kuffars takfir etc
Its a shame that if the US, Russia and other white nations worked together we could do whatever we wanted, instead they get in these proxy dick measuring contests
>Syria Rebels captured Shiite Iraq'i Hezbollah al-Nujabanfighters in Sheikh Sa'eed district in south Aleppo

all rafidhis and their children must be massacred
Except that Isis is a Mossad/CIA venture.
Just want to see if you're spewing out BS. I know a lot of muslim Pajeets, especially in Canada who like to Spew hate towards Middle Eastern conflicts thinking they're Arab.
>Rebels captured more pro Assad-forces (a mix of Iraq'i&Quds-brigade fighters) in southern Sheikh Sa'eed neighborhood

>The FSA and Ahrar al-Sham repelled the Iranian-led push on Shaikh Saeed and killed many Iraqi troops. Now Russia pounds them.

fucking shia invaders, get out of sunni lands

Aren't you that emaciated twink looking sandnigger? What do you expect to do with your 50kg bodyweight? You're gonna get shit on by real men, faggot.
Who gives a fuck if im arab or not faggot?
>real men
>Assad's ground-forces: Iraqi Shia jihadi militia from Harakat alNujba seized by FSA in Sheikh Said


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here we go boy, prepare some popcorn for the takfiri circus
It makes a difference. You got really defensive so I'm just going to assume that you are indeed Pajeet Muslim. In that case your argument is invalid.
im egyptian and even if i wasn't arab it wouldn't change a thing dumb nigger
Takfiri would imply that I'm Muslim. To imply that I am Muslim is a false statement.
>not arab
you were kangz?
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>Just goes to show how successful our enterprise is.
the moderates should slaughter these iraqi and iranian militia captives, maybe that way theyll stop surrendering and retreating and any given opportunity.
assad should just order 227 their asses
right, so isis is saddam hussains army now working for joe biden (working for netanyahoo), carrying out the agenda of whoever (jews, banks, zionists, monarchies, illuminati, ...= the secret matrix runners)
unfortunately they are really brutal psychopaths, so the green ones are the ones (also working for biden) but less slaughterhouse_like, basically robin hood..
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well fuck you, what do i do with all this popcorn now?
Which one of you is alawite genocide when? Put your trip

You as an twink individual with your sticks for arms would get molested, faggot ;^)
you know it polenigger
>implying twinks can't use guns
heres some of your rafidhi iraqi brothers that got killed by our men


fate of all shia invaders
no, the twink is onur the roach

unless there is more pictures floating around
>muslims killing muslims while westerners watching and keep them going

what does it feel like to be monkeys dancing for our entertainment?
>kiwi fuckers

Nice delusion. why do you cry MUH SUNNI MUSLIMS EVERYONES AGAINST US. Not even muslim nor religious
>leaf mudskins
>not on the no fly list
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I support them both to kill each other to the last, keep themselves busy while Assad cleans up a leppo.

So go join ISIS and put the benis where your boipucci is, faggot.

It's not a trip, it's a name, newhohol. This coptic takfiri, like yourself, is too stupid to know what a trip is or how to use it.
Additionally, tripfagging is haram in islam.
Don't give a fuck if I'm relevant or not

I live in a beautiful, safe country with a high standard of living while many of your brothers kill each other over there because some westerner manuipulated them into doing it
>#Syria #Hama #NorthernHama #NorthEastHama 4 Villages & 1 Checkpoint & Hills recaptured SO FAR TONIGHT #Shata #Tulaysiyah #Qahira #Junaynah

>hamma when?
Ideologically I don't care which sect of Islam is better. I care more about which branch of Islam is more secular and the clear answer to me is Shia. There are too many Sunni extremists (basically all extremists). Also, it is proven by looking at Iran, Iraq, and Syria that Shia's can co-exist with Christian's and even jew's while there is a clear lack of will by Sunni's.
>Assad only agreed with the ceasefire to prove there are no moderates
How based can a man be.
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Very based
I can't remember the last thing John Kerry accused Russia of that the USA is not doing.
whats a leppo with you?
oh sorry i confused you with an iraqi shia nigger living in norway
dude we have been killing each other for 1400 years...
nice meme bro
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Daily reminder that the rebels will never cut ties with nusra, that ship has long sailed.
When Egypt's Islamists government went into power something like 71 Churches were attacked/burned/looted. SISI, bless be his secular ways protects them.
Intentionally shooting down a civilian airliner
>Footage: Free Syrian Army Aleppo rebels says to captured Iraqi militiaman, "This is the land of Abu Bakr and Omar [Sunnis] and Ali is clear of you." The captured Iraqi militiaman responds with questioning the rebels, "What are you going to do to us?"
So you're saying you're tribal, barbaric shits because that's what you've always been? If you want
copts are jews so its ok, thing is all minorities play victim with any majority, kinda like how blacks blame whites for everything, its the same in muslim countries, they blame the biggest group

btw shia hezbollah killed christian civilians that were pro israel
its a fucking desert it gets boring
how come they're still scum when they move to nice places then?
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Could you tell me why these random 21 "rebels" were important enough to have their pictures collaged and online obituaried like this? Tons of rebels die all the time and usually only noteworthy commanders or exceptionally famous headchopping shitlords get their pictures plastered over twitter when they die, so what gives?
>hezbollah killed christian civilians that were pro israel

Sunni's kill Christian's for being Christian, no more no less.

I think when you are being targeted by Islamists for being Christian you can play the victim card. Seriously, what would Egyptian Christian's have to gain from that?
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It's so nice when Hillary speaks the truth, albeit privately, to a (((group))) that already knows these things.
Maybe they were from Kanframeme town
if you insist
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The voice that was singing you at night calmed down forever.
And year after year burns in the fire of a candle,
Those whom you loved are at the heaven's door.
And king, lord of the fate is waiting for awakening.
He was marrying his life and immortality,
but not in a temple, in battles where evil and good fight.
He let people to find out the taste of mercy,
transformed into the honourable hate a rage to enemies.
He is christened by the Roman Cross,
There is a red dragon over his head,
runic ligature on his blade.
The king rules with a steady hand.
Word and might, light and peace
keep the power like giant stones.
There are no beginnings, no endings of stories.
There is the ring of wandering fires.
Lie and truth do always argue there.
And blood of kings runs on their altar.
The heaven's favourite has experienced way.
He will pay tribute for earth victories like others.
And he hurries for the battle being betrayed by son.
Hundreds of knights will meet the death with him at the purple river.
Two worlds collided here.
Son and father, abyss and height.
Dust covered the sky with the grey cloud.
Everyone is strong in this battle.
Only at the dawn the enemy is beaten.
But the wounded king fell down clanked.
Nine sisters in black coats will take the king away,
perhaps to a grot on islands made of wonderful crystal blocks.
The count of dark ages is started, no way to turn rivers backwards.
No way to repeat new ascent, no way to start the Golden Age.
Shadow on a horse rises up early in silver shine from the underground deeps.
But while it is calm in Britain,
the king sinks into a sleep in darkness on sunset.
But when the disaster happens, the king will walk out
to defend his affair
and return to this world as a messiah.
But he is not a holy one for the crowd.
Everyone sees a devil in him.
And not being recognised he will be killed again.
Stay in your lethargic dream, honourable king.
Being a messiah in your country is an unenviable role...
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Lebanon is rightful Jewish clay.
The Houthis will SOON pay for their crimes against my people too.
Is this it? This is what I got all those ass-whoopings for? I had a dream once. It was a dream that little black boys and little black girls would drink from the river of prosperity, freed from the thirst of oppression. But lo and behold, some four decades later, what have I found but a bunch of trifling, shiftless, good-for-nothing niggers? And I know some of you don't want to hear me say that word. It's the ugliest word in the English language, but that's what I see now: niggers. And you don't want to be a nigger, 'cause niggers are living contradictions! Niggers are full of unfulfilled ambitions! Niggers wax and wane, niggers love to complain! Niggers love to hear themselves talk but hate to explain! Niggers love being another man's judge and jury! Niggers procrastinate until it's time to worry! Niggers love to be late, niggers hate to hurry! Black Entertainment Television is the worst thing I've ever seen in my life! Usher, "Michael Jackson" is *not* a genre of music! And now I'd like to talk about "Soul Plane". I've seen what's around the corner, I've seen what's over the horizon, and I promise you, you niggers won't have nothing to celebrate. And no, I won't get there with you. I'm going to Canada.
Admittedly that would make their deaths quite noteworthy and cause for celebration around the world. It might even land Vladimir the nobel meme prize.
thats not true, they were under muslim rule for more than 1000 years, we could have easily killed them all land made them a thing of the past, whats with this retarded meme, the ones we killed no longer exist
That's debatable.
all hezbollah and houthis must be killed, jews can stay if they pay jjizyah
lol, he makes fun of my government, I like him already.
>rerolling trips
only a fucking hohol amirite
you realize that you give him the (you)s he wants
Hey, as a Christian Iraqi I am all for co-existing with you guys. Iraqi Christian's are really close with Sunni's, especially when Saddam was in power. However, the problem we see today is extremism amongst your own.

I mainly blame your Saudi/Gulf counterparts since before they started funding it, it was nearly non-existent. Today Shia's are what Sunni's were 50 years ago.
i really do hate sandniggers in first world countries
Did you celebrate when Morsi got to power?
i agree, i only hate shias because they kill us for power
i was happy but skeptical, the kikes would not allow a pro hamas governments on their doorstep
TOP 4 nasheeds of 2016 (I don't support isis, they just make good music)




>(I don't support isis, they just make good music)

No one believes you
Welcome to about 10 watchlists
they can watch all that good cuck porn
So I take it you're a Sunni. Where are you and your family originally from?
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>[moderate islaming intensifies]
what happened to our good friend? He randomly appeared one day and how it came he left
who the fuck is my governmetn to tell syrians what to do (translate to american real power)
they shoulldn't organize migrants however, as already explained ad nauseam by our forbidden politicians.
born sunni, but not really sunni by definition because i don't take all the hadith books seriously
its just songs man i dont understand half this shit
>islam is feminism
it is
lol, american jew running ukraine now
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OK /sg/ what will you do when Aleppo is liberated?

Someone sent this to me

Also post yfw Aleppo is liberated
I heard them, but like Hezbollah songs more.

>inb4 you call me rafidi dog
its just songs man i dont understand any this shit
Lower case german wins another internet argument
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doesn't matter what king fuck_you_idiot thinks, Real people, will live real lives, on their insignificant levels, Big Powerful Ego Stalin.
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Wow, Trump's done now
Yeah, the media is playing the "Breaking News: Trump is a Womanizer" card very well for Clinton.
This is the end of Assad. With Trump he would have been able to stay, but with Hillary she's gonna invade Syria and nuke Russia
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Sure looks that way.
ad hominem, easy come back for trump
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Are Russian hackers the new WMDs?

russian soldier pls go

Another pocket of resistance is closed by the SAA in Damascus.
They offered no proof, yet they are convinced this is a fact. The whole establishment is behind her. Even if he does win in the ballow, he will lose bc this election is gonna be rigged.
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>Drumpfkins only now realising he is done


Personally I would spice it up even more and have the GOP replace him with like Cruz or some shit on the month before the election. But I know that is asking for way too much and the GOP not dare to shoot them selves in the face while hanging on a rope cause it would mean half of the Republican voters ditching them and/or wanting to start the second civil war ayyyy
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This is very weird
based Hilary drumpf btfo, iranian children will die :)
I'm not going to argue with Putin, cheesehead.
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Pence all the way.

Commence operation Pizzavalanche.



You know it my man.

Hillary presidency could not come any sooner my man. Imagine the BTFO Assad is going to receive when she finally gets in power. Obama was a pussy eater before her when it comes to getting shit like Assad removed done.

but but but Hillary is also a good Goy who loves Jews!!! It literally is a win win for Israel whoever wins on November the 8th
kys vvd
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Hillary isn't so much as Trump, and especially not Pence. Most Zionists hate her. She's like Obama pretty much, putting too much pressure on Israel when it comes to the Palestinian solution, and wanting Israel to give away land.
hillary's feminist arrogance is world war three.

Hopefully your country and the EU will uncuck yourselves from my country. Were a lost cause to global jew and sultan and I've already accepted this.
i just really hope she goes on a rampage and kills lots of sandniggers
in the end all american leaders are pro israel so it doesn't matter
dude give me your steam ID
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I am avid PVV voter and want to make sure our nations interest is put in the front. Having Assad gone so that we receive cheap gass + no Russia threatening to cut gas off is in the nations interest right now. I could not give a flying fuck what an Arab muslim like Assad does in Syria. He can go and stay go.

I guess you are right. I honestly don't care about Pence, just want some sweet Drumpkin BTFO on November 8th and the weeks thereafter. I can spare some meme magic for Pence in 2020 if you would like that though.

That is the attitude.

See average mind set here on this general:

Vallahi these white dudes can not stay away from Arabs it seems. Even the racists of them come around and want to get fucked by Arabs in the end. It is like cucking is in their genes and there is no escape L M A O

>Not knowing Minnesota-tan and his War Thunder addiction.

I am disapoint my man
>hillary's feminist arrogance

You mean when she was against gay marriage?
Or that her mentor was tied to the KKK?
OR was it when she said
"“I know I have the nose for it, and perhaps even the temperament, but I am in no way connected to those Jews.”"
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Possibly. Not a fan of her, or the current administration at all.

Not entirely true unfortunately, not that it matters - I think Israel will always manage to get their way in the end, one way or another.
That's not minnesota.
>I am avid PVV voter
You're not even white.
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WTF? #I'mWithDerFurHer now.

>all PVV voters are white

Are you serious?

PVV is not pro-white at all, not even close. He is like half indo and married to a Hungarian wife. He is for the DUTCH identity and for his country. If he deems Islam a threat, he will speak out. If he deems like communism a threat, he will speak out against that as well.

Please don't make this another le pro-white meme party. PVV is bigger than that.
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>muh civic nationalism
israel would be fucked without amerigoys
>make a 800 word autism post on 4chan

Europe will be black and muslim get used it right now.

Arabs dont give a fuck what you think. Disregard for others and the self absorbed attitude you people force into foreign conflicts is partially why you're despised.
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That's why Israel will always get their way as I said, they'll always make sure to be aligned with them. They wont rush things, or go far overboard - they've learned from the Third Reich's mistakes.

I prefer mixed desu. White + Arab or Black produce godlike females desu.
2030 will be star and crescent
yeah i know :DD
Are you a true jew or a convert?
So a third-world shithole then?
yup, then you will finally stop fucking with the middle east
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Be proud of me /sg/.
No country in the Middle East is going to terraform Mars.
bumped you friend
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LMAO maybe so.

>be Jews
>commit 9/11
>destabilize the Middle East using the States
>this leads to Muslims fleeing to Germany
>Germany is destabilized
>Germany is destroyed
>revenge for Holocaust

True Jew.
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Mashallah. You are alright in my books for sure, ignore the haters.
>new german-turkic breed
>rebuilds germany, becomes islamic
>reawakens its hate for jews x100
>conquers europe again
>rapes amerifats with nukes
>holocaust 2.0 on israel
>both delete their comments at the same time
>both pretend to be pro-muslim on 4chan
kys zionist kike
Really makes me think.
Wew this is hilarious :DDDD

First of all, every single bit of work will be done by Westerners as sand niggers lack the intelligence and the drive to do something that big. The UAE was built by Western civil planners and civil engineers already.

Second of all, this project will die as the Gulf States collapse. Not a question of if but rather when. This is because of low oil and the Houthis/Iranians/Syrians/Russians kicking in their shit across the middle east.

I deleted cause I posted the wrong picture. And I even said I was pro-PVV which is anti-islam.

But ok my Burger friend, create your own reality like you do with Drumpf. You guys are going to win, did you see the amount of Drumpf signs? He even has a big crown unlike shillary!!

Pleeg zelfmoord.

>we wuz space explorers and shit
Good luck with that when the Houthis invade the UAE.
>implying you aren't working for the DNC
>implying your boss deleted your posts
>implying you aren't sitting in the pentagon basement with VPNs
>implying your boss didn't delete your posts*
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why the FUCK is hoholmaps not updating properly

did he just give up after the recent gains by SAA
He is a known underage shitskin roach who uses pepe in the cringest way
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Nah, it's been tried way too many times already. It's too late for that now. Land, power, money, nukes - finally sorted for good. New relations will be made.

>implying that's a bad thing


Can you post my facebook, or any online profile of me? Cheers.
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in each pepe he posts is a secret QR code that the DNC uses to transmit information covertly to other DNC shills
use militarymaps.info like everyone else
>Zionist kikes aligning themselves with the Gulf states and Turkey
praise Hilary (votes be upon her)
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>Anime pic

I wonder who could be behind this post.

And me being a shill or not should not matter. It should however matter you guys will be BTFO to oblivion on November the 8h. TFW scarred 4lyfe as Drumpf supporter, tfw can't go out and say you once supporter this clown.

I will be alright my man.
You said so yourself roachie. Your writing style stands out like a white man in Istanbul.

As for your online profile, please post it.
Too sophisticated for Roach brains. Burns out their CPUs.
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>I wonder who could be behind this post.
oh shid :DDD
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>hurr durr shias will prevent you from advancing
this is why they must be killed
>Land, power, money, nukes - finally sorted for good.
hahahaha fucking delusional
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LMAO good to see you again. I thought you got Mossaded.
My Christmas present will be when the Houthis sack Mekkah. Only a matter of time as you must understand by now.
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>You said so yourself roachie.


Any sources you got is from ME. Your only knowledge about me is what I feed you. Isn't 4chan beautiful? I could be a mentally ill trans girl who lost 2 legs that shitposts and you would never ever find out about it.
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>not having regional flags for 4chan installed
we will strike their necks and take their weapons and moneys

the holy mosques must be cleansed with rafidhi blood

Where does it say I live?
The more you post, the more I find out. It will be a matter of time before your own addiction will lead to you being outed my boy.
>Increasingly nervous man
120 West 45th Street, Suite 2700, New York, NY 10036
the houthis have not face a true opponent yet and most of their force comes from the anti saleh army faction
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Mashallah, keep collecting every info I give you. You are doing gods work anon. Only way to make me go away is either doxxing me or if Turkey stops their Syrian operation and it gets too boring for me.

Keep it up, proud of you.

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It's inevitable.
>implying you aren't at hillary's house
Wait, what is this address
the jewish HQ
A real opponent isn't the KSA, Qatar, the UAE and others all at the same time?

You are getting your shit kicked in by a bunch of illiterate nomads, not only have you failed to make them any weaker, you have lost your own land to them.
Thanks, I will.
>t.compensating kike
you not inferior, just corrupt, this is why we dont kill you but use your jew tricks and intellect for the state
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>muh Jewish master race

How much does pic related trigger you, be honest.
סעוד ברד :^))
I've seen cringier.
>rich goatfuckers vs poor goatfuckers
i guess they can defeat isis now
nah man we wuz kings and building spaceships n shiet
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When you say "we", do you mean Canada or perhaps you family's country of origin? I'm still not sure if your family converted to Islam or not.
i mean we muslims and pretty much every country
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does this trigger you? be honest
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What do I got to say. I used to watch a lot of anime when I was 12. Grew up and dropped it but could never drop Naruto cause I wanna know the ending etc.

But everytime I mention Naruto to my weeaboo friend, he cringes and spouts memes at me. Feels pretty bad my man.

Just so you know, I am there to make your anime dreams come true my friend.
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So by enabling "corruption" and making use of it, for your own benefits, are they (the other states) then yourself corrupt too? Do you become the Jew?

LMAO, no. But I'm not about to confess about my dabbling in the devil's delicacies on here - especially not after you guys doxxed each other. That stuff goes with me to the grave.

LMAO I remember that pic. It was about showing kids around the worlds bedroom or some shit right?

That Jew had a pretty sick ass looking bedroom from what I remember.
no when jews are regulated its fine, they get corrupt when they are independent
I only watch one or two anime episodes each day, and I haven't spent very much on merch. I never even talk about it in real life.
someone did ask me once if I liked anime. I have no idea how they knew.
but other than that i'm not really a weeb. I just meme about it a lot here because it pisses people off
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>but other than that i'm not really a weeb. I just meme about it a lot here because it pisses people off

That is good, you even got me a while back. I support you fully in this my none weeaboo friend. Keep it up, make 4chan shitposting great again.
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I didn't know about that video until you mentioned it now, I just always thought that he looked pretty cool desu.
Here's the video though, people in the comment section seem to think that he's a girl.
Silly goyim.

I've never talked about anime in real life. I think most people I know would be surprised to know I watch anime on a daily basis.
But yeah. shitposting started out as a joke but became a lifestyle
>tfw no arab loli
Arab girls are cute. This is Assad's waifu and daughteru
I hate when they cover up their cute hair with the pillow case. it's okay when Somalians do it because their hair fucking smells. somalians never shower
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wowowowow that pic

Also, more pics if you are curious


That fucking 14 year old pregnant Brazilian. L M A O

That indeed did my friend.
i want my own arab loli one day, just too cute
>That fucking 14 year old pregnant Brazilian. L M A O
who the fuck thought it was a good idea to tap that?
Yes I wish I had a qt daughter.
Wow, though loli syria general united.
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Thanks will have a look, I read up on that Brazilian girl before. That's messed up.

Paedos please go.
Do you think Assad grabs the pussy?
if she bleeds its awwwwwwwwww right
id grab her pussy if you know what i mean
anyone who says they wouldn't tap that is lying
so im pretty new to all this syria shit can someone give me a low down? from my understanding this is about all i know of it.

>us doesnt like syria, sponsors rebels
>russia supports current leader, fights with assad against isis/rebel

is this correct
is assad a good guy?
are there many big happenings that i should be keen on?
did (((they))) start this?

if you could at least point me in the right direction to learn this stuff, i dont wanna read any kind of propaganda.
how old is she
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I fucking lost it at this holy shit

Never change /sg/
dunno. probably underage. If I were to guess i'd say 13-16. if she's 16 then it's legal in my state
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There's lots of articles and vids in the wordpress to get you started. There's a link in the OP.
this was common back then, i dunno the idiots who decided they can choose the age to be 18
in many US states and in Minnesota. the age of consent is 16. but it's retarded because only 16-17 year olds can fuck each other. if an 18 year old fucks a 17 or 16 year old, then it's rape
i thought i checked the op for a link to get caught up and i guess i missed it. thanks family
>if an 18 year old fucks a 17 or 16 year old, then it's rape
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Ahrar al sham is better of those two

Some countries is lower, if I remember well over here the age of consent is 16.
yes and 17 ear old fucking a 16 year old is legal
completely retarded
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Man, I forgot how much butthurt I could gather from shitposting Trump. Why did I even bother coming to /sg/ with meagre (You)'s? I have to reconsider migrating to /pol/ in general with my shitposting. This made me think.
Why are thais such faggots?
pls post hot jewesses
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Get fucked. I don't watch anime like you. That stuff corrupts your brain and normalizes pedophilia. STOP.
/sg/ is the only reason I still come to this place because the /sg/ on the other chan is too slow. The shillings here is really unbearable.
shes a teen, so by definition its hebephilia
What a filthy whore.
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After election day it will calm down eventually. I can't help to think that a lot of Trump shitposters are old skool /pol/acks who just saw Trump supporters as another form of SJW so they started trolling them. But I am sure that we also have a huge chunk of none 4chan browsers who started shitposting here. Not sure if they are actually paid though.


Had to delete my youtube history. Don't want my wifes daughter to walk in my room and see all these recommended videos when she wanna look up something on youtube on my pc.
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reports and images coming in that ISIS have captured more US equipment and weapons
just browse incognito bro, also
>my wifes daugther
It's ephebophilia if she's above the age of 13.

Dude, if Trump wins, half the catalog here will still be filled with Trump shitposting for the next couple of months.
Why are so many Pakis pedophiles?
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I don't care what the correct term is, it's still pretty messed up.
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What a joke, seems like the US finally understands everyone knows their moderates are terrorists so they pretend like they are now doing an actual job fighting other terrorists

I'm sure it's all part of a last ditch attempt to legitimize them and call for an international coalition against Assad, but who are they kidding this won't happen

Russia is sick of their shit and many others are, they won't let Syria fall
why? shes sexually mature give me an argument not based on mah feels mah social conventions mah laws
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If Trump wins, this shit will literally turn into the_donald 2.0. Why would these ''shills'' keep shitposting here when they already lost the battle?

But Trump really has no chance, especially after what happened today with the mic recording. That shit is a NO NO for a lot of Christians in America. But I would rather be in a post-Hillary win /pol/ than post-Trump win /pol/.

Most trump supporters here are like 14-16 year old kids. The annoying xbox screaming kind who just live in their safe space and post made that challenges their view. I rather have both parties shit post than 1 taking over.

Vallahi we will see soon.
Good thing I'll likely be leaving after Trump wins then, because it will mark the coming end of the Syrian civil war.
A 13 year old doesn't know what's best for herself, regardless or not if she "bleeds". Psychologically it can mess her up long term. There have been plenty of cases of "rape" and molestation where the underage girl agreed to it and alter suffered from it mentally. I'm not here to discuss pedophilia desu.

Well I am not so sure. What are Pence's stance on Syria and Russia? We all know Trump might fill in the President seat, but Pence will actually tell him what to do since he is an actual politician. The Republican party just had to go along with Trump cause so much people actually loved him, not because he actually has great plans that the GOP agrees on. Not even close. And Trump got along with this whole thing cause he loves to stroke his ego and who wouldn't want to add becoming a president as his life accomplishment? Not that he really cares enough to ''save'' America and change some shit.

Didn't Pence say something along the line of increasing Military budget and showing Russia we mean bussiness and him erecting a No fly zone above Syria during his VP debate?
What do you want us to do, let Iran sell oil so the petrodollar falls and destroys our coubtry?
Pence is not the be trusted, but it will mostly be the media and the anti-Trump neocons who will be attacking him because he doesn't want to invade Syria.
Somewhat related to this thread, theGrugq has been posting Turkey Coup details: https://twitter.com/thegrugq/status/784458960866676736

Basically they fucked up and used a shitty app for comms and Turk intel was tipped off early to evac the head Roach.
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I thought it was common knowledge that the coup plot was tipped off and they started the coup way too early and unprepared.

They even carried around a 1 dollar bill and used that serial code to determine if you were a member of Feto and who you were etc. Pretty crazy shit if you read up on it.


>For example, when a FETÖ member goes to visit a FETÖ
school in Africa or in the Turkish republics of Central Asia,
the 1 dollar bill is requested and run through the computer base
to determine whether or not the holder is actually a FETÖ member.
>Didn't Pence say something along the line of increasing Military budget and showing Russia we mean bussiness and him erecting a No fly zone above Syria during his VP debate?

He was repeating that neocon spiel like a typical Republican tool.
Jihadis successfully counter attacked in Sheikh Saeed and retook a portion of it. There goes a week of effort down the drain.

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Reminder that Assad is the great white hope for the old world order.

Never asked you this, what was your stance on that coup?
Pence said in the last debate "We should bomb the Assad government and help free the people of Aleppo to show Russia we mean business"

And yet /pol/ still claims Trump will be best friends with Assad and Putin. Pence said he would attack both, try spinning that
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You're right. The reality is that virtually nobody important in the US understands Syria.
It doesn't occur to them that Obama is playing war games.
To them it's about "muh Putin."
Fucking cold war era retards.
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>Houthis sack Mekkah

The amount of rhetoric coming out of both campaigns is astounding. How can Americans make a choice when they haven't heard word one about the actual issues?
BTW Inb4 triggered Wahhabifags says I made this, this art is actually made from Yemenis of Houthi fanboys.

Allahu Snackbar. Death to Murica. Death to Pissrael. Curse on the Juice. Victory to the kebabs.
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Excuse me /sg/, irregular poster returning from long hiatus, but what's the official /pol/ take on Aleppo?

Can Putin and Assad retake and hold Aleppo before the new US President arrives in January?

Assuming that Hillary got elected, would she bother to try to win a war where Syria/Russia dominate all the main cities including Aleppo?

What about the EU? With millions of """refugees""" (AKA - Able bodied young men who somehow can't fight for their country) inbound if the war somehow gets even worse, does the EU really want one side or another to win, or just for someone to end this war ASAP?
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Against the coup of course. Obviously this cancer cult would fucking turn Turkey into Syria 2.0 if the coup succeeded. Erdogan has a cult of personality, if he was killed off people would literally go apeshit. That is why you saw last election that when AKP(party of Erdogan) did not win the majority, uncertainty ruled over the people. When they could not form a government and there were new elections, AKP won handsomly. People know what happened to Egypt and Syria and other Arab nations with the arab spring. They rather have security of job and life than to start stirring shit up. Turkey is not doing bad that people would protest that much against the government. It is actually more a kemalism vs islamism ideology fighting going on right now that you occasionally see lefties going out and protesting.

I don't agree with all that Erdogan has been doing, and I do think islamic right has gotten bigger which is a threat, I do not see any other party as strong and has the backing of so much people behind them. So until a better party and person comes around, I will suck Erdogans dick anytime of the day.

But remember you are talking to a Turkish Diaspora who loves his comfy life in Dutchland and who visits Turkey rarely so I don't know the general thought of most people there. I just know that back when I was a kid and visiting Turkey, Turkey was a third world country and right now is doing VERY well. And most people over the 30 know this and support Erdogan because of it. It is more the young and rebellious people who never got to live in a shitty Turkey and those who are seduced by European/American way of enjoying life that rather make it a secular country where Islam way of thinking is not ruling it.
Is this Sandniggers vs Sandniggers Edition because it's just stupid at this point, so bomb the fuck out of the entire continent for all I care.
Yusha Yuseef @MIG29_ 3min

#BREAKING #Hama Source
SAA Tiger Forces capture Towns Gounineh , Al-Tulaysiyah , Cahera , Ras Al Ain , Khvsin and Tell Asowad
still Advance
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I think you may be lost, anon. Here.
you forgot that they are zombie cannibals terminators with no balls and 2 peni-vaginas.

...or maybe thats the Kurds... I get confused
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Scummy Juice. Once Saudi Arabia and UAE are wiped out, Tel Aviv is of next. Never underestimate the descendants of Queen Sheba and Shem

Dutch-Turk here is 100% correct.
If Turkey turns into Syria 2: Otto's Revenge edition, it will be a nightmare for the world, nevermind the EU and Middle East.

>EU suddenly flooded with millions of Turkish refugees
>The millions of Syrian refugees in Turkey follow the Turks into the EU too
>Entire North of the Middle East becomes yet another free-for-all borderland
>Chaos grows exponentially as the Government vs Rebels vs ISLAM you see in Syria blows up even worse in Turkey
>Russia suddenly dealing with a country full of fleeing people who could actually reach Russia with relative ease compared to Syrians
>Turkish economy going up in smoke hurts all trading partners
>One of NATO's members just collapses
>Saudi Arabia/Iran/Israel all start getting up to shit in the background to try to maximise potential gains or mitigate potential problems due to Turkey's misfortune

It would be a fucking disaster.
Erdogan is literally the best thing for Turkey right now. He's the strongman that's needed to keep his country's shit together.

I expect hoholmaps to update it December 3rd
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>Russia suddenly dealing with a country full of fleeing people who could actually reach Russia
We're not euros. No turks allowed. Christians only.

I know, but you'll still have to divert time/money/resources/manpower to make sure those people stay out. Another item on Russia's To Do List.
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check em.gif
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Russian victory in Syria will be the end of western hegemony over the Middle East.

Get fucked Americucks
Do Turks really think amerifats were behind the coup?
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Goodnight /sg/. Remember everyone, the battle for Aleppo is what Jeb modeled his campaign strategy on. Slow and steady always wins out in the end.

You think so?
I can definitely see history remembering this as a massive fucking embarrassment for the US, but I'm not sure it will be the end of the US in the Middle East.
The war won't end. It is out of control of the west. Too many people have a plan for Syria and no one wants to concede defeat. The next president will try to convince Putin to abandon Assad, or else the sunni alliance will keep funneling money and jihadists until there is nothing but desert left
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Situation in New Yemen

Yesterday, pro-Hadi (anti-Houthi) forces in Marib governorate just dealt their latest blowjob when they lost some of their high ranking commanders after clashes with the Hooter strippers at Sirwah area.

The dead include Gen. Abdulrab al-Shaddadi, the influential pro-Hadi's 3rd Region Commander (Marib-based). He was the mini-version of Edward Rommel for Islahi/Hadi forces, more popular than Ali Mohsen. Aside Shaddadi, two of his chief-of-staffs were also killed by Houthi shelling.

Conspiracy theorists from Islah fags meanwhile claims al-Shaddadi died because he succumbed to injuries after Emirates (who are anti-Houthis but also anti-Islah) reportedly rejects transporting him out to hospital for treatment.

Al-Shaddadi death is a major setback for Riyadh and their puppet Hadi regime who attempts to invade Houthi-held Sanaa from Marib. However, the war will continue.

Meanwhile in Asir (southern KSA), Hooters fired rockets targeting Saudi troops in Khamis Mushait airbase.

Also in a surprise attack, Hooters fired rockets at Saudi-held Perim Island directly at Bab al-Mandab strait.

Allahu Snackbar. Death to Murica. Death to Pissrael. Curse on the Juice. Victory to the kebabs.

I could grab her pussy anytime
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Good to know. That's a pretty rational outlook on the situation.


Given the pace their going at now, and given the lack of attention being paid by the moderate beheaders to Aleppo (due to various factors culminating in the current infighting between Jund al-Aqsa and Arhar Al-Sham), nothing is going to stop them anytime soon.

You are probably correct in assuming that further escalation of US intervention, especially by future presidents, hinges on the status of Aleppo. While the Jihadists hold Idlib and large parts of that province's countryside, Aleppo is the last large population center they can claim as "OMG Assad won't stop bombing civilians," and thus drastically reduces the ability of the US to control the fighting through propaganda.

Also it seems the tide is turning in the propaganda war itself. There are cracks starting to form in the facade of "help the moderate rebels, free Syrian people through democracy that isn't the one currently being used in Syria." Spokespeople as well as big movers and shakers in the administration have started to say things like "there aren't any more moderates because they've been driven to the jihadists," which is funny cause the moderates that do exist (none exist with any kind of fighting force mind you) point the finger directly at the US for not acting fast enough to save the movement.

At any rate, there is a tonal shift, and it seems like they are preparing for a new kind of propaganda campaign against Russia over their involvement in Syria. That, coupled with Kerry ineffectually flailing through his puppet the UN (he saying shit like "RUSSIA COMMIT WARCRIMES, PUTIN ON TRIAL WITH ASSAD" etc.), makes it feel like they are preparing for the worst in terms of the end of Obama's presidency. He and Kerry both wanted their legacy to be peace in Syria, but they were to arrogant to not have it on their terms. It's come to bite them in the ass, and there won't be anyhting left for the next administration except to pick up the pieces of failed CIA training programs...
Fuck you America, you flooded us with refugees to keep that shit tier economy going
You still owe us for WW1, 2 and the Cold War bro

...and to mend what little relationships are left within the US intelligence community. Outside of the Kurds, the Pentagon at large (I won't say everyone, there are plenty of war hawks left there) wants nothing to do with Syria.

Anyway, that's my two cents.
Hey USA, this is the kind of turds you're dragging along in NATO.
Fucking kick them out.
Kick Turkey out of Cyprus, and move your nuclear bombs there.
Good place to control the Mediterranean too, and a nice beeline to blast Assad out of this world.
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