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Brit/pol/-Have I Got News For You Edition

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Thread replies: 361
Thread images: 80

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>UKIP's Steven Woolfe 'conscious in hospital after altercation'

>Diane James quits as Ukip leader after just 18 days as Nigel Farage rules out a comeback

>Theresa May to attack politicians who sneer at 'patriotic' working class voters concerned about migration

>Westminster 'could slash Scotland’s devolved laws following Brexit'

>Ruth Davidson to tell Tories May has 'helped women at every turn'

>IMF crowns UK world's fastest growing major economy, but hard Brexit fears push pound to 31-year low

>Amber Rudd vows to stop migrants 'taking jobs British people could do' and force companies to reveal number of foreigners they employ

Lads what in the name of fuck have you done to your local currency?
Got shafted by a rogue Chinese algorithm or some shit
It was the kikes as usual
Nothing, Hollande has been a right cunt and told a press conference that Britain has to be 'made to pay' for Brexit and now all the faggot currency traders are dumping sterling
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Man the eternal frog seems really pissed that we aren't taking all their calais niggers anymore lel

Yeah, nah the currency markets are way too liquid for a hurr durr roog chineez alguhrithum to fuck your local currency up this much. This is the market's doing.


Well obviously it's Brexit's doing, but have you done something else recently that's made the market lose confidence in your country? Was it Theresa May's hard brexit speech or is there something else I'm missing.
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>A 9-year-old White girl was repeatedly beaten, sexually assaulted, and emotionally tormented by a group of migrant children at her school. However, instead of reporting it to the authorities, the school decided to cover up the sickening abuse, giving outraged parents a 5-word, infuriating excuse.

>The parents of the young girl demanded answers after their child revealed the horrors she was forced to face on a daily basis. The child explained that she was regularly called “pussy” and “whore,” and subjected to beatings on the school playground and bus. The final straw came when she shamefully divulged how some of the students had pulled her pants down in the cafeteria and proceeded to grind sexually against her while the other children watched.

>“We got explained to us by a school staff that our daughter was blonde and sweet and so excited to embark on. She had a mind of her own and it made it even more fun for them,” the mother told Swedish Television News Sörmland. “My daughter was standing with a tray in the dining room. Then, they pulled down her pants and humped her while everyone watched.”

I wouldn't be so smug if I were you. They're building a wall and making you pay for it.

Those have I got news for you toss pots are actually pretty funny.
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Crazy week.
The gall of that man. Fucking hell.
christ lad
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who /thousandyearblairereich/ here?
Tell me, who benefits from this wall
The French, who now have a hard barrier between their wogs and the UK's point of entry?
Or the UK, which now has a hard barrier between its main point of entry and France's wogs?
daily politics on BBC 2 now
Look here you mick fuck, no one knows exactly why it happened yet, it's a fucking mystery, all right?
Lad, it was our plan for the wall, that's why we're paying for it, because it's stop migrants from hitching a ride on lorries into the UK.
We're smug as fuck about our wall mate. Don't be jelly.

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Markets my arse
how do I convince a girl to finger my bum in sex? They say it is disgusting
Bit gay that lad.
I am totally, 100%, fine with this wall coming from our tax money.
hnnng oakeshott
>sexual acts with a girl
>bit gay that lad

Stay classy /pol/
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>building wall
>not being smug
I don't understand why you'd want that lad
Anything going near my bum hole makes me very uncomfortable, very fast way to kill a boner

It's time we admitted they're beyond saving and kicked them out of Europe.

Oh quite trying to rationalise the fact that you're now Europe's Mexico.



>gee I wonder what happened at the end of June and during this week that caused the English local currency to go off a cliff



>yep nah just a glitch it's totally rebounded yep can't hear you la la la la
who /using rage caused by all these syrian fucking shit stories to fuel their exercise/ here?
it feels great, makes you cum quick
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>Sexual act involving the male anus
>Not gay

Shit like this is happening across Europe.
Oh you're that same paddy from the other day who spent two whole threads shilling the EU and telling us we're doomed because we won't pay for your bennies any more
Off you fuck lad, into the filter with you
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>we are the ones who are mexico
Huhuhu no I don't think so mate.
What syrian fucking shit stories?
are female-on-male rimjobs acceptable
How are we? They aren't trying to keep us out and we aren't keeping Europeans out, we're keeping rapefugees out.

Dumb Paddy
>need to become more self-sufficient and export led
>weak pound helps us, indeed forces us to do that
What's the problem?
>"5-word excuse"
Willing to bet one of those 5 words was "bigot" or "racist"

Fucking savages.
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What does "it was the markets" mean to you?
alright lads, how do I get onto a politics talkshow?
I want to be one of those ponces who just gets paid to speak their mind and opinion, like Peter Hitchens or anyone who isn't directly linked to a party on bbcQT?
JoCo is looking old today.

The problem is you don't make anything.
All the rapefugee/muslim ones make me so livid that I have to workout or i'll die from a rage induced coma
Check the one posted in this thread
>When the parents confronted the school, they were shocked at the condescending response they received. Fria Tider reports, the school excused the abuse by saying that the girl was a natural target because “she is blonde and sweet.”

have you tried graduating from cambridge
most of them are also writers

It means that investors are losing confidence in the UK's economy. Brexit - in particular, the Mayist hard brexit you've just set course for - is the elephant in the room here.
nice meme, not everyone involved comes from cambridge, so obviously there is a way
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Because the EU globalists stole all our shit and sent it to Germany. Car manufacturers, steel, public services. They were even trying to do the same thing with the LSE by merging it with Deutsche Borse. Not anymore though.
lol at UKIP trying to outdo the Tories and Labour in self destruction
It really, really does help though. These people help their own, exactly like Jews.
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if I were looking to be a politician, sure, but I'm not, specifically I said that.
That just makes it even more infuriating.
There's a reason it's called a "flash crash", because it's unexpected and quickly fixes itself. If it plummeted and didn't recover in any meaningful way then your ideas about confidence may hold true, but it has recovered.
Can I donate to make it bigger?
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right wing hottie
Bullshit theme, this is the real theme


Daily reminder that immigration in all forms is fundamentally bad for any country.
Since Universities are leftie strongholds when will May strike down upon them and remove their influence?
True, some come from Oxford as well :^)

Work on your writing skills and strategically figure out what to write about according to public interest and how much controversy it might generate.
I'm specifically talking about being one of those people on those shows. I never once mentioned politicians. Check the educational backgrounds of these people. 95%+ will be Oxbridge.

>a weakened currency is a bad thing
>t. Eurocuck

doesn't matter, his stuff wouldn't get published if he doesn't know the right people
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>investors are losing confidence in the UK's economy
No. It means that currency jews are dumping us to deter any more of the EU's slaves, like you, from revolting. Investors love us. You should do your research before coming here to troll or you will just look like a fool and be laughed off the board. You just look like you don't know what you're talking about.

>FTSE 100 / 250 / All Share Hit Record Highs. IMF Backtracks On Brexit
>4 October

>Pound FLASH CRASH but FTSE 100 continues to soar to RECORD HIGH in Brexit business boom
>7 October
Get a degree in some meme humanities subject
Become a (((journalist)))
Write a book about wars or the church or some shit
Start a blog where you shit on the tories while claiming to be non partisan
Get offered an editors position at the new statesman or the spectator
Say mildly controversial things on daytime television
Never, ever name the jew

If you work fast you'll be enjoying speaking fees and 6 o'clock news interviews by your mid 30s
>Diane Abbott is now the shadow home secretary

>School officials rushed to the aid of white third graders as they were being beaten and choked by Muslim refugee children shouting “Muslims rule the world!” However, as soon as families were notified of the attacks, the politically correct elementary school gave outraged parents a sickening excuse for why the Muslim students would not be punished.

>What would be considered a front-page hate crime report, had it been the other way around, is being swept under the rug by media with the excuse that children will be children. Non-Muslim students at a Canadian grade school have been targeted by Muslim migrant classmates in a series of racist tirades and physical violence — but it’s the school’s response that has parents’ stomachs in knots.

>Missy says that her third-grade daughter was choked with a “chain” on both Monday and Thursday by two refugee boys, but that she cannot confirm the size or strength of the chain because the school didn’t show it to her. Even more disturbing was the young boys’ reason behind the attacks — the pair established their religious supremacy by shouting “Muslims rule the world!”


Can someone tells me what this says? It trys to make me log in to view, but I'm not on Facebook. I can see the first sentence linked from their Twitter. Something about May.

Replace the L with an F.

>Tfw all the Scottish spirit stores I use show themselves to be cucked
The next generation is going to be redpilled af.

Well that's what happens when you have unproductive, noncompetitive workers and inefficient industry. I'm not even being snarky here, it was entirely your own fault.


Why is brit/pol/ and /pol generally so against capitalism and free trade? I mean you all ape far right types with the general far right vocabulary and virtue signaling but you're practically communist when it comes to economics.

I don't see how you can be right wing and be against capitalism and free trade, basically.


Point is only 20% of your exports are goods and FTAs don't allow for export of services. End result is if the May regime goes for hard brexit, you'll lose 80% of your exports.

What's more, a lot of what's left of your manufacturing relies on imports of raw materials - which are now a shit tonne more expensive thanks to your currency being anally raped over the last 3 months.

No, they're going to be muslim
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I think she made a mistake with the hair extensions.

It hasn't recovered yet.


At least Mexico has the self-respect to refuse to pay for The Wall. Little england is all like

>please masta let us pay more masta

Get a hold of yourself man.
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Whoever voted for Brexit is retarded and you've ruined our country.
>it was entirely your own fault.
No. It was clearly the EU's fault. Without the EU, we would never have had the problem. Without the EU, we will never have to worry about the problem ever again.
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10/10 would vote for it again.

We'll pay to put up a wall on your border as well, if you like.
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There's something really fucked about the economy when the mere prospect of exiting the European Union, and politicians' responses to this prospect, can reduce the value of everyone in the UK's savings/assets by 15%. I genuinely think we'd all be better off if western states had been built on Sharia-type laws making it illegal to make money from money. (((They))) have seized control of the system, and can punish us at will.

It started well before you acceded to the EEC lad, but yeah the Single Market - which Britain championed in the 80's - is free trade on roids and brought you into more direct competition with the more efficient German and French labour and industry.

>Without the EU, we will never have to worry about the problem ever again.

You don't have the resources to be a self-sufficient country. You will always need to trade.
>Why is brit/pol/ and /pol generally so against capitalism and free trade? I mean you all ape far right types with the general far right vocabulary and virtue signaling but you're practically communist when it comes to economics.
>I don't see how you can be right wing and be against capitalism and free trade, basically.
We have only one interest. Putting more white children on this earth and maintaining the white majority in white homelands. Preserving our culture and defending the faith. Everything else is only relevant insofar as it's relevant to that. Get that through your head. We don't give a fuck about the ideology of economics. We've freed our minds from the marxist/libertarian false dichotomy jew.
Exactly. It is NOT sensible to have the whole well being of our country predicated on some transient organisation.
page not found
natsoc you dumb mick faggot
They're investigating whether it was actually a mistake.
They think someone in the asian markets misclicked and made a chain reaction of people shitting themselves.
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The jews started trying to globalise economies well before we acceded to the EEC.

I would. It would teach northern loyalists a lesson in a) how much leaving the Single Market will absolutely fuck Northern Ireland and b) how little the "mainland" cares about them. Sure it'd cause some latent terrorists to get a bit explode-ey again, but in the end it would probably accelerate Irish reunification.
>tfw you fucked up flirting with a qt friend that you wanted to ask out and now have to either push harder to make it seem like you were serious or pull back and make it seem like a joke
>tfw either option could fuck things up forever
wew lads
Such is the inherent flaw of fiat currency anon, when your money isn't backed by a commodity the only thing holding it up is the good will of the (((people))) who own lots of it
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check her on BBC2

>We don't give a fuck about the ideology of economics.

You'll never protect the white race or whatever if you impoverish yourselves. You have a privileged place in the world economically and you're throwing it away for completely imaginary reasons.
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The forbidding of Usury is not strictly speaking muslim. We could easily just go Red-pilled, Crusade tier Christian and have the desired affect. We'd also have the bonus of kebab removal as an ethos.
oh she just left lawl
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>Go on Twitter to see what Ginnie is up to
>Notice something
>#WeAreScotland is top of trending thing
>1st thing I see is this

"blah blah blah xenophobia racism refugees welcome fgahjdsthrjhaeAFSsame fucking shit"

As a Scot I hope Scotland leaves the UK before it can reverse all the progress(heh) the UK has made recently.

Well is it the EU or the Jews then? Or the Illuminati? The Freemasons? Reptiles from the planet Zeta Reticuli? Pick your bogeyman ffs. God forbid you engage in a bit of introspection.
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Fug. Could you type good spirits company into facebook and see what comes up on recent posts?

Came across pic related.

>muh Erasmus

Did this story gain any traction there?

You have a girl friend?

She will never be your girlfriend

Give it up
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We now export more cars than we import. Just a fun fact 4 u.

And the nips are threatening to pull out their factories if you go for a Mayist "hard brexit".

Just a fun fact for you.
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No. We're not. What is imaginary is that our economy is in trouble. It's not. It's fine and it's going to be fine. And if it's not, who fucking cares. Any price is worth paying to defend the nation from globalism. Our ancestors were willing to sacrifice their lives to defend it, we can manage a little austerity. In fact, a weak economy serves our interests by focusing our people's minds on their survival instinct and making our land less attractive to colonists.
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Nobody cares.
Hate modern life desu, in no civilised society should a basic human error have the capacity to affect the economy so much.

True, but Christians cucked out and allowed (((certain people))) to seize control of the financial system even in Christian countries. I'm no fan of Muzzies, but they do seem to be at least a bit more resistant to this, which I guess is why their countries are constantly being attacked by western countries for no clear reason.
she looks the type to enjoy 2 BBCs
Ireland are one of the 'I's in PIIGS

>No. We're not. What is imaginary is that our economy is in trouble. It's not. It's fine and it's going to be fine. And if it's not, who fucking cares.

This reads as sarcasm.

>We're not
>It's not
>It's fine
>it's going to be fine
>if it's not, who fucking cares

Doesn't exactly give an impression of confidence, does it?

Look if you desperately want to be poor and irrelevant we won't stop you. Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake, England's difficulty is Ireland's opportunity etc etc.
Video of Hookem saying no punches were thrown.

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May or may not have been responsible for ending two of my best friend's relationships and getting with her
post deutsche bank pepe please lads
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>Well is it the EU or the Jews then? Or the Illuminati? The Freemasons? Reptiles from the planet Zeta Reticuli?
The EU is as jewish as its predecessor, the USSR. They have complete control over international finance and make up the principle ideological forebears of your leaders. Do you think it's white people that randomly decided to make holocaust denial illegal across most of Europe? They control law too.
Woolfe himself said he 'shoved him against a door frame'
Doubt we'll find out what happened now tbqh, they'll close ranks and settle on a story that does the least harm to their image
fuck man. thats the 1st time ive ever heard about that particular story.

cheers for the link.

Ireland is*, and yes. It's usually just PIGS now since we sorted our economy and Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain, well, didn't.


People of Sunderland and bongs here ITT boasting about British car exports should, I'd hope.
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Are the Irish always this butthurt? Christ it feels like I'm reading argie posts.
WEW. You're probably right, ladderooni.
>tfw she even referred to me as her friend on two occasions
u wot m8
please post deutsche bank pepe lads
>they'll close ranks and settle on a story that does the least harm to their image

this does not sound like a realistic scenario for UKIP
Mate. You are just making yourself look like a fool. You don't understand our country. You don't understand our economy. You're just hoping that we fail, but reality doesn't justify your futile hopes.

>Britain will be fastest growing G7 economy this year, says IMF
>Francois Hollande follows Angela Merkel’s lead and warns Britain ‘must be made to pay’ for leaving the EU to scare other nations into staying

>He echoed the sentiments of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who yesterday said that Britain could not be given access to the European Union's internal market if it limits immigration, as it would lead to a free-for-all in Europe.

source; http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3826741/Francois-Hollande-follows-Angela-Merkel-s-lead-Brexit-warns-Britain-pay-leaving-EU-scare-nations-staying.html

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I was in this shop a couple of weeks ago actually
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>its predecessor, the USSR
Ill trade for a rare Brit related pepe
They interviewed people in Sunderland who voted leave on this exact subject and they said they were ok with it as long as we got to leave the EU.

>“A lot of people are worried,” he said. Another employee, an engineer who also declined to be named, said: “Personally, I voted to remain. I was surprised that the figures were so high for Leave.”

>He said: “I’m very worried. If we do end up leaving it is going to be difficult for the Sunderland plant to remain competitive as most of our exported vehicles go to Europe. So it will be more difficult to get new vehicles into the plant.”

>Inside the plant, there was a video briefing for employees, but Steven said he had understood the message to be that how he voted was up to him. “I voted Leave because I want Britain to be Britain again,” he said. "I think sometimes you have to put the country first."

what'sa boris up to these days?
I would legitimately be more likely to go into this specific shop if they had a gimmick such as only selling British gin.
Thanks lad. Poor humour tbqh.

>>Britain will be fastest growing G7 economy this year, says IMF

The weak sterling is boosting the competitiveness of British exports in the short term, but you're still in the Single Market and still have 500 million people to export to. That goes out the window if you leave it and get tariffs slapped on you (presuming you get into the WTO quickly, which isn't a given).

It's clear you don't have a clue about economics or anything that's at stake here by the fact you've failed to refute anything I've posted and have resorted to emotional, nationalistic arguments devoid of any substance.
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The USSR existed for one purpose. To force equality for jews, destroy Western civilisation and kill as many white Christians as they could get their hands on. The EU is no better in any of those regards, and in fact is much more effective on all fronts.

Hollande will be gone before we even start negotiating lol
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In fairness I said should, not did. It's clear from the fact that they went for #VoteLeave that they don't care about their livelihoods. It's bizarre though all the same, turkeys voting for Christmas stuff.
>(presuming you get into the WTO quickly, which isn't a given).
Britain automatically joins the WTO, it was one of the founding members.
Did anyone watch Question Time last night?

How was it?
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>cuck kills land whale's son

Did he do the right thing?
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Triggering eurocucks by helping Turkey join the EU.
Doesn't mean his self inflated bluster can't spook the markets though
He's literally doing the only think he can to fuck us over, fat petty little frog cunt

Haven't the Jews left Europe in huge numbers since the EEC got going?

hahaha, are they brain raping?
>no longer UK citizens
they were never citizens
kek smug swiss pepe gets me everytime


>But the WTO option is by no means guaranteed. Here are some of the key questions about what could turn out to be a protracted and politically contentious process.

I'll let you read the rest for yourself.
>Man, 26, ‘snapped’ and shook his partner’s 11-week-old baby to death because she ‘treated him like a lap dog’ shortly after finding out the baby was not his
Cuck or not a cuck?
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Survival instinct and nationalism have more substance than your apocalypse fantasies about our economy. Why should we care about the economy if our nation is dying anyway? We'll all be dead soon and we can't take our shekels with us. But our heritage and legacy will live on forever in the nation.
shit, one of the worst episodes in a while.
pretty dull. the audience was more retarded than usual, this may or may not have something to do with it being welsh
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They don't need large numbers. Just large bank accounts.
told by whom? she might have been 'told' by some other LSE foreign professor. worthless anecdote.

thats not a bad idea as there are now plenty of small scale british gin 'distilleries'. it is in vogue and a bit of a meme drink atm.

lots of places just flavour the alcohol and call it boutique or whatever instead of actually doing the whole process.
Unwilling cucks are still cucks
Can't blame him for being pissed but it's not the kid's fault, should've gone for the mother instead

Or just left and taken all his stuff with him, I don't think our child support laws are quite as fucked as France's I doubt he'd have been tied into paying for it
hahaha oh god this bird keeps referring to the UK as 'them' instead of us

fucking remaincucks

>Survival instinct and nationalism have more substance than your apocalypse fantasies about our economy.

God my smugness will be in the stratosphere when I'm proven right. It would be in orbit if the British economy wasn't a huge export market for us.

>Why should we care about the economy if our nation is dying anyway? We'll all be dead soon and we can't take our shekels with us. But our heritage and legacy will live on forever in the nation.

I didn't realise Rule Britannia was the type to take it lying down, but if you insist...
Look mate. The economy can't fail unless the EU starts a total trade war against us. In that case they would PROVE themselves our enemies. So either way, leaving is the right thing to do.
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>mfw my cousin started dating a paki, who then cheated on her
She'll never touch another shitskin now.
Lad, how could you let that happen to begin with?
>She'll never touch another shitskin now.

And if she's honest about fucking one no white man will ever touch her.
>still referring to her as cousin
Pretty disgusting mate.

That's a ridiculous self-fulfilling prophecy.

>we better #VoteLeave to prepare for the trade war the EU will start with us if we #VoteLeave
I'm not very close with my extended family. Didn't hear about it till it'd been going for a few months. They purposefully avoided telling my grandfather because he would have gone mental
lul, women are always liberal cucks, just fuck and move on

on Daily Politics you daft twat
This is why I made sure to be heavily involved with my cousins etc. Means I can make sure they don't fall in with that crap.
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The meme timeline is starting to make Labour supporters really think.
Why does the EU want to intentionally sabotage free trade? I thought that's why they existed? You don't think they have ulterior motives do you?

>i-it's good for exports!!!!
Brexshitter BTFO
What excuse will you come up with next?
That part of my family are hardcore Christians, so normally they're based. But they were ok with the paki since he was Christian as well
>unwilling cuck
But you haven't demonstrated how our economy is worse off. The pound weakening helps us. We are the fastest growing G7 nation. The FTSE is at record highs. Any likely economic scenario post-brexit will not materially affect our economy. Deregulation will make us more competitive than the EU. Trade war by the EU will turn them into pariahs and prove them our enemies with ulterior motives that have nothing to do with trade. Nothing can stop us. So how exactly are you going to be proven right?
Christians are generally cucks when it comes to anything like that lad.
I like this UKIP guy they've got on, he gives off a very harmless sensation. Good for party image.
But we didn't vote to leave the EU for economic reasons. How are we btfo?
So if it's not on exports, how is our economy growing?

Also hi independent shill.
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love our progressive society, lads
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Turned 30 today lads
A cuck is just someone whose wife gets fucked by other men. Doesn't matter if he's ok with it or not
We're still in the EU though m8.
I mean, that feels wrong, but it isn't actually objectively immoral.
time to start thinking about settling down if you haven't already
Why are Londoners such autistic cunts, lads?

Millennial woes is a faggot
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Happy birthday anon
Isn't abortion immoral in the first place?
You a Wizard?
Would you use aborted foetuses as fuel in the hearth in your living room?
That's a different argument.
Depends on what kind of smell they'd give off while burning.
How would you dispose of Medical waste then?

I mean, what do you think they do with shit like tumors and stuff not donated to medical experiments?

>But you haven't demonstrated how our economy is worse off.

It's not... yet. It's speculation, but all talk about the future is inherently speculative. Either way, the prognosis for the British economy isn't good if its stays on its current trajectory.

>The pound weakening helps us.

As long as you have places to export to.


If a Member State leaves and ends up with a privileged trade arrangement over full members, everyone will want similar treatment, privileges over other Member States, exceptions from the fundamental rules etc. It undermines the whole raison d'etre of the EU as a community with common rules where everyone is treated the same - hence why the EU is feeling the need to make sure Britain ends up worse off.

I don't really understand your mentality tbqh. You seem annoyed with us because we won't give you 100% of your demands, despite you not giving us any of our demands and fucking off out of the Union entirely.

Nah, bit of a sperg but not that bad

If their incinerator is hooked up the heating system, what the fuck are they meant to do about it?

And I don't get it. If we're supposed to believe abortion is moral because they aren't really babies yet, what's wrong about throwing them away? Cognitive dissonance m8
Hmm, I wonder if the demographics of London would play into that at all. Surely not?
>its current trajectory
Its current trajectory is as the fastest growing G7 nation and FTSE at record highs.

>the EU is feeling the need to make sure Britain ends up worse off
WTF I love the EU now.

They smell delicious.
Strange how all Irish political parties are pro immigration

Ireland will be Sweden 2.0 in the near future I believe
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>mfw I just rejected a white mans benefit application
>approved 10 Muslim ones just by reading the names alone, didn't even read

Stay mad racists
wtf I hate Ireland now
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30 is the age when you start noticing the 'little things' about aging, lad. Nothing major, nothing that will fuck you up - just the 'little things'. For example, I've lifted for years and sometimes when I haven't really warmed up properly for bench, I've ended up straining a tendon in my right elbow. It happens now and then if I'm not careful. When I was about 25 and this happened, I would take maybe three days off and the pain would fade and it would heal - I could jump straight back in. However, it happened last year when I was 33 and I had to take a full week. It's shit like that.

Another thing I've noticed is that hangovers get worse and longer lasting. That's a real fucking pain in the arse.
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Brexit is racist and will be overruled by the UN

Lefty slapdown. Ferrari is brilliant here. Nicking that analogy about next door's kids.

>Its current trajectory is as the fastest growing G7 nation and FTSE at record highs.

... on its way out of a Single Market of half a billion people, accounting for half its total international trade, without any clear entrance into the World Trade Organisation.

You left that bit out.

>>the EU is feeling the need to make sure Britain ends up worse off
>WTF I love the EU now.

In all fairness m8, you started it. To quote one of your ancient proverbs: "chat shit get banged".
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But it's okay to be racist now, The Guardian gave us permission.
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Wow. You're a real national hero.
Happy Birthday Anon ^___^

In male years you are now 20.

I'm 26 myself. But in female years I'm 39.
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That depends on your skin colour anon
Could someone tell me what happens to a woman's pussy after she turns 30?
What did she mean by this?
But leaving the single market doesn't stop us trading with the single market. The best they can do is slap on WTO tariffs and try to convince their populations not to buy British. But since they are anti-nationalist and are doing everything they can to destroy nationalist sentiment, they're going to have a bit of a hard time with that.
>He continues: “Let’s try and get British people into work. Let me ask you this: Would you really look after next door’s children before you would your own?”

She was absolutely stumped by that.

I've treated my body like shit so I was falling to bits by 25. I look about 40 now desu.
>brexit racist

Corbyn wanted out of the EU because they wouldn't allow open borders and freedom of movement with the rest of the world.

It's clearly remainers who are racist by only wanting people who are EU citizens.
Is birmingham lost?
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It's like they want to lose all their customers.
Entering my mid 20s now. Is there absolutely any point in talking to women my own age? They all seem so boring and younger girls love talking to me.
Go for MILFs
You know nothing stops us from trading with the EU right?

I am really confused here and let me explain why.

I think it's close to 70% of all German made cars need British made parts.

Are you telling me Germany would rather

A) Invest in whole new ecnomies to get those parts that may be worse or not work

B) Try and expand themselves to create those parts despite it being decades of the status quo

When they can just negotiate having the same agreement as always.
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Get out there and let those MILFs destroy you.
Depends. I find women under about 23 insufferable. Student-age women are all vapid cunts, even the clever ones
If you can tolerate them go ahead
>nah the currency markets are way too liquid for a hurr durr roog chineez alguhrithum to fuck your local currency up this much

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. But seriously you're a retard.
We rather make the parts by our self.

We will not fuel a hostile economy.

>But leaving the single market doesn't stop us trading with the single market

Not with goods, but it does with services - which account for 80% of your exports to the Single Market. If you want to trade goods with the Single Market without being a part of it, you can do so under WTO rules which slap a 10% tariff on exports as you said.

That's pretty shit, amirite? Having such punitive tariffs slapped on you when your manufacturing was already struggling to compete? But wait, there's more! You're not even guaranteed to get into the WTO any time soon.


>>Can the UK just go ahead and trade under WTO terms as soon as it leaves the EU?

>No. In practice, the UK would have to detach itself from the EU and regularise its position within the WTO before it could sign its own trade agreements, including with the EU. As Roberto Azevêdo, the WTO’s director-general, said recently, there is no precedent for a WTO member extricating itself from an economic union while inside the organisation. The process would not be easy and would likely take years before the UK’s WTO position was settled, not least because all other member states would have to agree.

Give up mate. You're arguing black is white at this stage. Mind you that kind of Orwellian doublethink is practically mandated in the May regime's post-factual England.


See above.

Also Germany is not the entire EU. Any deal made with the Brits would have to be approved by the Parliament, the Commission and the European Council - with each European Council member having a veto.


>hurr durr your a retard

Solid refutation m8
This desu.

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You have plenty of time. I'm 35 and want to be married by 40. Will be looking for girls between 27-30 (and lying about my age). But am flexible higher or lower.
That's because your actual male age is 14, so naturally you will find conversation with women your age 'boring'.

Best thing is go to an anime convention because weeb girls act like children into their 30s.

Gd luck :)

Do older women have a good sex drive because I want a lot of blowies
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Looks like are Raheem is in lads
Some of them look seriously fucked. I wonder how many of them are also his grandkids.
You could have been doing that for 30 odd years now though hanz.

If you wanted that you'd have trained your engineers, build the machines, built the factories to do so right now.

But you didn't, because that would cost you billions, while trade agreements cost a pittance.
>I have no idea that there is a difference between currency and economy
>That's pretty shit, amirite?
No. It doesn't really make me feel anything at all.
Is he, dare I say it, /our guy/?
Stay away from my blonde waifu you paki
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yeah, we're going to feel the brexit bern any time soon, right :^)
We should build a Raheem meme dream team.

>feels > reals

Objectively, it's shit when you can't trade with anyone.
>anons still replying to the potato wog
Plenty of time for what?

I'm not getting married nor having kids.
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really makes you think
>Solid refutation

I'm sorry but when someone shows such ignorance of something there's very little reason to engage with them. It's like if you posted "unicorns are the reason electricity works" and then expected me to explain electrical engineering to you.
>that body language on the left
Chloe and Chris are going at it on the regular
We've already gotten through the uncertain economy quakes Eire. Anything else is a net Positive.

We've seen the news before.

-Increased trade with India and China
-Increased trade with Australia
-Australia wanting to strength commonwealth ties anyway
-Increased talks with Canada
-American assets remain steadfast despite Obama's posturing.
-French relationship the same or even getting better

So really, let me get this straight. Our GROWING Economy one of the G7 countries, is going to be doomed and worse off than a third-rate European asset state like Ireland?

So yeah, you can post Independant articles all you want saying OH IT'S DOOM AND GLOOM WHY DID WE LEAVE THE EU.

But we're past the uncertain period, this is literally our lowiest point now, and we're getting better every day as it becomes more solid.

What is your country going to do when the EU legislation forces out all the big Tax-avoiding companies?
>blonde drills

But we didn't vote to leave the EU for economic reasons. We were all warned of the risks. We knew what we were doing. The government have been instructed by the British people what to do. I have confidence that they are competent and will work for what is in Britain's best national interests.

>feels > reals
You should always listen to your heart. It's like ears for when God speaks to you.
I'd vote for it again. Fuck the EU cares more about migrants then it does Europeans. I want no part of that.
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>Come home from work
>Buy a 6 pack of Guinness
>gonna grind out the Swingfire on War Thunder

Any cunt wanna join? Time for comfy hours desu
>"Today, too many people in positions of power behave as though they have more in common with international elites than with the people down the road, the people they employ, the people they pass in the street"

Did May name the merchant?
Patrician taste confirmed
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We're not talking pensioners here. Why do you think the term 'cougar' exists? They'll break your dick off at the hinge.
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Is Corbyn's Shadow Cabinet some high level meta comedy that i'm just too pleb to understand?

Add me mate. User is Junko_Enoshima

Ignore the fact it's weeb name. I'm not a weeb.
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Yes more Raheem memes, the most attractive man in British politics.

Aesthetic Raheemwave pics NOW
You don't have to hide it, lad. You're among friends here.
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>I'm not a weeb.

>your daughter gets choked with a chain by Muslims shouting "Muslims rule the world!"

I'd burn the fucking place down.
and for those who don't?
you can't just dismiss it all, there is a way and I'm curious as to what it is
You're got more immigrants than we do, percentage wise. You simply cannot handle the number of non whites pouring into your little country, and their birth rates; goodbye Ireland, it's you who needs the wall.

>We've already gotten through the uncertain economy quakes

You haven't actually done anything though, other than talk. You haven't activated Art. 50 TEU yet, you haven't negotiated anything yet, you haven't left the Single Market yet or joined the WTO as an independent nation. It's all speculation at this point and the market's assessment of the likely outcome is not positive.


Éire*. "Eire" is a different word entirely. Either way, there's no need to engage in such contrivances - you don't go around saying Italia, Deutschland etc. You can call us by our name in English: Ireland.

>What is your country going to do when the EU legislation forces out all the big Tax-avoiding companies?

They can't legislate for tax matters without Treaty change. The Apple ruling was to based on Art. 106/107 TFEU, i.e. State Aid rules. If we gave that deal we allegedly gave to Apple to everyone, there would be no case under state aid rules as one of the criteria is selectivity.


>feels > reals

You're worse than a reddit-grade SJW ffs.

Yes please come back to politics!

It will fucking destroy Labour utterly.
Raheem doesn't sound like a Paki name.

It's more poointheloo isn't it?.
He's an immature faggot
>The guy who Heemed Woolfe is literally, unironically called Mike Hookem
Remember when BASED BLAIR's intervention in the referendum got us a 80% vote for remain?

Yeah but we only have 10% of your population so its easy to get a proportionally higher amount. Most of our immigrants are from the EU anyway, the two biggest immigrant groups being Poles and Brits respectively. I don't mind either tbqh.
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p-people judge me for having the weeb name sometimes.

I just want to have someone to play warthunder with.

Here is a War Thunder video I made if you want to watch it!

He is an Indian Muslim who abandoned Islam.
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>You're worse than a reddit-grade SJW ffs.
SJWs are all soulless postmodernists. Authentic feelings mean nothing to them. We're Romantics.

You haven't said anything that's real. You're just speculating on a worse case scenario. And guess what: you're not motivated by anything objective.
is he mixed? he looks kind of mixed
Ah so basically you're entire argument is

>B-But you're not out yet

Economically, we are, we have shown our hand and the world shifted to accomodate, right now we're ever so slightly less well off than we were, the pound bubble has popped and we're not facing a world with a currency that wasn't so strong.

Maybe this will be a good thing, maybe it will be bad, but we changed our political climate.

Yours is still at the mercy of an EU who is turning against you more and more. You're not a big producer, you don't export much to the EU, you were useful as a tax haven.

I'd be less concerned about us Éire, and be more concerned about yourself.

Indian Muslim makes him more based than a Paki anyway. Abandoning Islam makes him tops
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M F W the only jet i own is the Vampire and its absolute trash compared to whta it goes up against
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All of these ass blasted EU flags in this thread.
>That pic

The two greatest British temptations.

Fine ass woman or a fine ass sword.

I'll play the Vampire with you while you grind the Venom if you want! I'm very close to spading it.
Ffs paddy you're making me ashamed of my grandfather being Irish. Can you please stop being so bitter and thick.
Lads, I have to say Rahmeme looks really fucking jewish.
coolio m8, just need to install the latest patch and ill be ready
Me on the left, but less attractive and more deranged looking.
who /fuckcardiff/ here

Hope the Ospreys ream them in the arse tbqh
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>There are people ITT who value their (((international economy))) over sovereignty
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Bit much. Can't really blame him if he'd been lied to by that cunt though. I'd be more sympathetic if he'd done her in.

>Economically, we are,

No, economically you are very much not and years away from being out. You are still full members of the EU and Single Market and you still trade with your fellow EU Member States as such. You can't just feels>reals that away because it's inconvenient.

>Yours is still at the mercy of an EU who is turning against you more and more.

This is honestly a more prescient statement re the UK's position than Ireland's. The EU's stance toward the UK has only hardened since the vote.

>You're not a big producer, you don't export much to the EU, you were useful as a tax haven.
>I'd be less concerned about us Éire, and be more concerned about yourself.

We're a small, open, service-based economy. Our value is based on our human capital, not on being a Germany-grade manufacturing giant. There's only 4 million of us ffs, there's no point in trying to be like that.


Don't get so triggered by other people having different views to you. Back in my day, /pol/ wasn't such the ridiculous safe space it is today.
>stockholm syndrome
We'll be martyrs if we have to be.
>less well off than we were
Do you even understand what a weaker pound means? That's GOOD for our economy, because it boosts exports. How is this less well off?

>Britain will be fastest growing G7 economy this year, says IMF
>4 October

>FTSE 100 / 250 / All Share Hit Record Highs. IMF Backtracks On Brexit
>4 October

>Pound FLASH CRASH but FTSE 100 continues to soar to RECORD HIGH in Brexit business boom
>7 October

Hilarious how leftists suddenly started worrying about the economy when they spent the last 100 years wrecking it. They still don't understand it though.
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This. It's the second bombardment. We are due another when we trigger article 50.
But each of these attacks costs them money. We just have to hold our nerve and not panic in to buying up sterling.
Lads would you stop fucking up the pound please? I have about £5k that I want to convert to $ at some point and you're making the FX rate crap for me.
>safe space
I don't think safe space means what you think it means. If /pol/ is a safe space, then how comes we have to put up with your anti-British cuck jew bullshit?
Of course not, be a complete waste of firelighters
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>When you try to drink Nige under the table
Just dropping in to ask: who is brit/pol/'s favorite to take over UKIP?
That's good news, I've generally assumed if I ever have sex it would be with an older bird and she wouldn't be very into it
>>Scotland strong because diversity!
>>96% white

Pull the other one love, Scotland doesn't know what diversity is.

Because 4chan doesn't work like reddit. Instead, you resort to the other classic SJW tactic - dogpiling.
I think the only one being feels > reals here is you Éire.

Sure, Britain will have turbulant times with Article 50, but Australia, and to a lesser extent the Commonwealth have shown we don't need to just be stuck looking into the EU for our economy.

This could be like the 1970-80ies all over, where Australia becomes a great economic boon for us.
Why didn't you do it long before all this? Do you have no foresight at all?
The black Jew
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>Lads would you stop fucking up the pound
You're asking the wrong people.
I moved most of my money over before the referendum, but there's some left.
The only non-cucked options are a black jew and a muslim. That is the state of UKIP.
Look Éire, you've been shown facts that the UK is growing >>91850499

So despite the fact that your evidence says the Pound isn't helping exports. SOMETHING is happening that is making us stronger.

Australia is 30 million people on the literal other side of the planet. The EU27 is 440 million 33km away. You're not comparing like with like.
Well you ought to forget about it for a while and cross your fingers.
No. Rational, free-thinking people share information in a free speech environment and naturally come to a kind of consensus. Then low information, weak understanding, anti-British, globalist ideologues like you come in and chat bollocks.
Nigel, it's curtains for the party without him.
No one is triggered you silly shite. Some of us just feel embarrassed for you. Acting like the UK is crap because people are dying trying to live here and we have to defend our borders. No one wants to live in Ireland because it's a complete shit hole. You're germanys bitch but not even a good looking one you just get the occasional pity fuck from mama Merkel. .
how did you earn it
Ive added you m80
Working and not going out

>So despite the fact that your evidence says the Pound isn't helping exports

See >>91846213

Specifically where I say

>The weak sterling is boosting the competitiveness of British exports in the short term, but you're still in the Single Market and still have 500 million people to export to. That goes out the window if you leave it and get tariffs slapped on you (presuming you get into the WTO quickly, which isn't a given).
>kite powerstation to open in scotland

Jesus christ
>the EU is the only market on earth

Noice, let me finish up this match and I'll invite you to a squad.
Woolfe, with Kassam as deputy on a joint ticket

You're giving me an awful lot of (You)s for someone who's """embarrassed""" for me :^)

>No one wants to live in Ireland because it's a complete shit hole

Brits are our second largest immigrant group.

>You're germanys bitch but not even a good looking one you just get the occasional pity fuck from mama Merkel. .

Yes this is something a person who is definitely not triggered would write. kek
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>You're germanys bitch but not even a good looking one you just get the occasional pity fuck from mama Merkel.

You seem to have misspelled 'a genius' and 'saved'.

as what?
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You really think the UK's 60 million people who produce fuckall goods could negotiate a full, Single Market-level trade deal on equal terms with the USA, China or India? At best you'd be a vassal state.
Raheem, the only attractive man in British politics.
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Scotland will reverse brexit and let migrants through to England

And again, you read half my argument and then think you've one.

Australia is an example of the commonwealth.

I said the low Pound MAY help us in the long run.

You also forget, surprise surprise. The low Pound would help us export to places like Australia and China.
A general dogsbody.
Mate. You are a non-Brit who has spent the last two hours of your life in a Brit thread and whose sole reason for being here is that you're STILL butthurt about Brexit. You have absolutely no right to accuse others of being triggered.

Fuck off Italy.

Maybe you should fix your own economy first.
Raheem pls go
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We're the only free and independent G20 nation in Europe mate.


>Irish economic growth of 7.8% tops euro zone again

You were saying? :^)

Schadenfreude =/= butthurt lad, and it's not my fault if facts bother you so much :^)
>7.8% tops euro zone again
That's niggerland growth figures. 1st world countries economies do not have growth figures that high
nice, but what are you doing in the US ? :^)
But you have no facts. You are literally ignoring facts. Want to be triggered again?

>Britain will be fastest growing G7 economy this year, says IMF
>4 October

>FTSE 100 / 250 / All Share Hit Record Highs. IMF Backtracks On Brexit
>4 October

>Pound FLASH CRASH but FTSE 100 continues to soar to RECORD HIGH in Brexit business boom
>7 October
Tweeting and not getting arrested for it

aint showing you adding me mate, gimme your name and I'll add you lad. Alternatively just send me a message in game.
MrMiltons my Username

Aint showing you, just send me an ingame message

>economic growth

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Britain is a member of the wto in its own right as well as being a member through the EU. Duel membership. Some adjustments will need to be made, I see no problems.
I do love the irony of a paddy remainder.
Have you thought about how Ireland is going to handle the EU making you build a border. Between north and south. Which you will pay for and man and get the flack for.

>Britain is a member of the wto in its own right as well as being a member through the EU.

No it's not. Read the article, the head of the WTO himself refutes that asinine meme.

>Have you thought about how Ireland is going to handle the EU making you build a border. Between north and south. Which you will pay for and man and get the flack for.

That was your doing as far as we're concerned. You're the ones that chose to leave and fuck it all up for no reason.

I'd imagine the EU external border controls would come out of the same Frontex funds that control other EU borders.
EU rules. A border country must maintain a border to the EU. You will be able to ask the EU for some funding. But it's your problem, not Britain's. Other than the tariff regulation Britain don't need one. Any EU citizens other than the Irish coming over won't be eligible for any benefits or work other than on the black. So they won't come.
You've got duel membership too, every country in the EU has.
PC or PS4 you cunt?
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keep calm.png
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It's cross platform.
well my PSN is warpigm102 if that helps at all.
added. Add me when you can
Yes and why not form square. They want to play economic war games. That's a game for two or more players. They are literally throwing our own money at us. That's an expensive pastime, they lose on every salvo.
name famalam?
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