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Thread replies: 342
Thread images: 126

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Text TRUMP to 88022 or get the Official "AMERICA FIRST" app for important campaign updates
>Volunteer to be a Trump election observer
>Trump Playlist

>Trump TH in Sandown NH 10/6/16
>Pence Rally in Johnstown PA 10/6/16
>Pence Rally in Gettysburg PA 10/6/16
>Trump interview NBC3 Vegas 10/5/16
>Trump visits ICA preschool 10/5/16
>Rato phone banking for Trump

>Trump Rally in Reno NV 10/5/16
>Trump at ICLV 10/5/16
>Trump Rally in Henderson NV 10/5/16
>Pence Rally in Harrisburg VA 10/5/16
>VP Debate 10/4/16
>Trump Rally in Prescott Valley AZ 10/4/16
>Trump Rally in Loveland CO 10/3/16

>Eric Trump vs CNN 10/4/16
>Nigel: Dont Take Abuse from a Clinton
>Trump on CNN 9/29/16

>America Will Win Again
>The Lion
>Trump Ad: Movement
>Deplorables Unite
>Trump Triumphant
>American Hero

prev >>91834080
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Is Florida kill?

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What are the chances that trump releases his tax returns on the 9th/ 19th right before the debate?
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I'm too scared too watch the debate

I just hope that Trump is more prepared this time, I mean Hillary has probably prepared with her jewish masters ever since the convention.

Hope he learned something from Pence

The tax returns give him leverage
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Hey guys, it's been no secret
That I am in love with a man,
A man named Trump

Donald, you're a man of steel
>Come and give these titties a feel
Put me in the back of your car
>Show me the kind of man you are
Trump, I don't know what to say
>I love you and your sexy toupée
You know your dick is my next meal
>Come and give this pussy a feel ~

Gonna win the race
>Gonna win first place
Red, white and blue
>I'm rooting for you
This love's for real
>My pussy's your meal
I want your presidential cock in my heart ~

Flying 'round in first class
>Baby better eat my ass
Donald, you're from the right
>Come and slap these titties all night
Treat me like a business transaction
>Come and see this pussy in action ~

Gonna win the race
>Gonna win first place
Red, white and blue
>I'm rooting for you
This love's for real
>My pussy's your meal
I want your presidential cock in my heart
>I want your presidential cock in my heart ~
I think he'll be more prepared. You can't barrage the Farage.
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obligatory (pic related)
What a sissy it's going to be awesome
Give me he status on the party of Lincoln
I was thinking of taking a shot everytime they mention his tax returns at the next debate.
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Checked! Your quote is 110% why I support Don. Fuck globalism!
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literal kek
After the first debate, Trump just has to do a little better, and in the eyes of the American people he will have beaten Hillary.
We have a frame of reference now for debate performance.

Great Fertilizer.
>Trump loses to the woman
>USA become haven for the Mexican
>USA becomes dumb and degrade to large Mexico over the years
>India become world power and import dumb USA worker to do our dirty work
just as planned
is this by 2030? will you design superiour loos during americas fall?
>India become world power and import dumb USA worker to do our dirty work
Is using a toilet considered "dirty work"?
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fuck you
You live in India, when did ANYthing there go according to plan.
>India degrades to large Mexican colony over the years

Why would you do this?

>dirty work

Like sweeping the streets?
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Crippled girls for Trump!
having drills makes you a cripple now?
Was losing the election part of your plan?
realistically speaking
how long would it take to build the wall?
a year?
You had india and super power in the same post. You should know what happens next.
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Trump is the next Caesar
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based on 2012 voting patterns, gtfo
monster vote, senpai
Probably 4 years.

European immigration will do a lot more than the wall though
I need a new happening that is another blow to the Clinton campaign I'm so bored
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Did Trump pray the Hurricane away from FLA?

So who's gonna stab him in the back
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Trump was chosen by God
>Trump will win PA
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Those who cross his path are cursed
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Tfw theres no point in watch morning us news today.

See ya tommorow.
Oh look, a new buzzword. Socialism straw man getting too stale, huh
demographics don't *guarantee* any result, they just make some places harder than others

how Trump is going to act towards his opponent is going to have a much larger impact than focusing on any specific state

if he somehow screws up completely, Texas could be a swing state if anything

people get too caught up with the states themselves instead of considering how the race could shift over the coming days, and it will change like you wouldn't believe.
I hope the election goes well for you American bros, we had Brexit and hopefully you guys will have Donald Trump, the only thing I'm not sure about is that if you don't reply to this comment your mother will die in her sleep tonight but I'm sure it'll work out in the end.
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Guys does anyone have that video of Trumps entrance to Melbourne Florida rally. It was the camera that followed him in.

It was posted as a webm but would love the sauce with sound.

Need some energy this Friday morning.
As long as he swats down the bullshit the dems will bring out at the debate; climate change is a natural phenomenon, not significantly impacted by human-anything

The only environmental regulations on manufacturing should be those that prevent placing toxins or any kind of harmful shit in places where humans are going to be exposed to it in some way- shit like the carbon tax and restrictions on energy sources are idiotic

He should also clarify that his tweets [prior to this presidential race] were sarcasm pointing out how exaggerated/exploited climate change is

The transition from 'global warming' to 'climate change' to 'EXTREEEEEEEEME weather' is further proof they don't know what the fuck they're talking about
where did pic happen?
Fuck that shit, I'll gladly work in the cold winters of Moscow or the deep black neighborhoods of Chicago over working in your country and having a 1k% chance to get some bowl disease and shit myself to death.
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>first major hurricane to make landfall in a decade
>extreme global warming climate change weather meme

Shouldn't they at least wait to see if it kills anyone before pulling that card?
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Good night.
>le red PA meme
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Sleep tite.
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Melbourne Florida. September 27th.
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Low energy thread.
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>liberals passing up the chance to shill their political opinions
Good night Philippines.
Sleep well, and pleasant dreams.
climate change is a giant mess that no one should be making absolute conclusions from

what needs to change is the alarmist apocalyptic tone that the elites are stirring up
>le bleu PA maymay
tfw going with 200 people from NYC to volunteer in PA doing GOTV for HRC

Turmp a ded
Le reality check

Ironically, as much as people on here like him, Putin would probably fit in more on the left side.
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Listening to faggot NPR, dude who was Democrat whole life, voted for Obama twice, voted for Hillary in primary.

Now probably voting Trump, called him the law and order candidate, doesn't like China for their chinky trade sneakyness, hates NAFTA, thinks obama has failed the country when it comes to race relations.

This guy is from Ohio. I think we might actually win this guys.

I have a good feeling about Ohio. I don't have that feeling often after growing up here but I think people are finally waking up.
Give me hope anons, are we winning?
What's early voting?
We're not worried about Ohio. We're worried about Colorado and Virginia. Trump could take Ohio and still lose.
Hitler was extremely left, actually
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>The City of the United States

forgot to add in post
Hillaryfag here, not worried at all about either VA or CO - Trump fucked himself out of those long ago.

Feeling confident about PA and actually thinking we might steal back either FL or OH.

No one's really going to vote for Gary fucking Johnson in the end and I see a lot of "his" votes coming home to Hillary.
He wasn't a Globalist though.
No one gives a fuck what you think

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Nice, you got the plebbit spacing down perfectly. Very believable.
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CTR waking up from their hibernation chambers?
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I've been following President Trump's campaign since a year ago, and fully committed shortly after. I took this pic at the Rock Hill rally in January (note Rose Hamid, the "persecuted" muslim).
I'm pointing this out so as to assure you I am not a concern troll.
Trump will win.
I say this with 99% certainty.
My (only) concern is with when abortion will be brought up during the next two debates. We had a preview of this during the VP debate. It is the ONE issue that if handled incorrectly could hurt Trump's chances.
Don't underestimate the power of the narrative that has been pushed since Roe v. Wade was decided.
The thing is, they'll bring it up under the guise of a question about Supreme Court appointees, and this is how I would suggest he handle it:
When asked about appointees and whether abortion would be a litmus test of who he would choose, he needs to downplay that specific issue as a determining factor.
A candidate should be considered on their abilty to fairly interpret the law, and hand down decisions based in law as it stands.
If he let's himself get caught in the pitcher plant of reproductive rights he will lose in the eyes of casual voters, the same voters who keep passing gay marriage legislation because they're not particularly religious.
This is a losing fight, and there are more important issues facing the nation that he (and only he) can actually set right.
Leave the social issues on the back burner, let's get the country back on it's feet and secure first.
Course not. He was nationalist. But he was a socialist in a very real sense. The more I read about actual Hitler the more dubious I am about the guy. I really only like what the media says Hitler was
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The hurricane will help Trump.

Virginia isn't even a swing state now. Colorado is looking quite blue as well.
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Not reading all that shit.
Veteran here. I was fully onboard with Drumpf until he called me weak. Fuck that orange buffoon.
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I thought trump was up in va and co?
I voted for Gary in 2008 and 2012 when Ron failed to get the nomination.

Yeah people don't like Hillary. Seems like a lot of democrats are voting 3rd party or just vote democrat down ballot only. There's also a movement to write in bernie.
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>tfw you realize Jeb might not win in November.
He's definitely closer in Colorado.


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Don't even say that anon, we all know slow and steady wins the race.
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Don't be ridiculous. Slow and steady always wins at the end.
I think she has no legs
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No. It's over. Trump will lose. Demography is destiny. People of colour are increasing in number as a voter base. They are now at the tipping point where they can decide every election from now on. Whites are split roughly 50/50, but people of colour always vote for democrats by a majority. Hillary will win. America is finished. She's the final nail in the coffin. A once great nation gone...forever.

The sun is setting on the west. Close your eyes, and fall asleep, or stay awake and watch everyone you love burn around you. Either way, it's over.

it showed it as a tipping point few hours ago
Virginia is long gone. Colorado is definitely in play though.
We'll be fine.
You're right, but Kellyanne Conway knows this already.
>Nate Carbon-Monoxide
>Nate "Trump will not get the nomination" Nitrogen
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>linking to natedogshit
Demoralization tactic. A wild poll will appear, Nate will include and adjust it, and fudge things that way. Nate doesn't actually do anything. He takes others work and formats it to however he is told to format it.
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I figured as much.
I really just needed to get that one thing off my chest.
Your reminding me of her influence actually takes the edge off, so thanks.
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>law and order candidate

Dick Wolfe would be proud

>doesn't like China for their chinky trade sneakyness

Bet he likes his phone, computer, gaming console and sneakers

>obama has failed the country when it comes to race relation

It's the black guys fault you're a racist moron
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>trump loses debate and gets massive media onslaught with bullshit controversies
>his LA Times poll goes up
>pence destroys kaine at the debate
>his LA Times poll goes up a full percentage overnight, trump drops half a percentage
To be honest, it doesn't really matter what kind of economic system you pick if the people are hard working. Germany was so small and so nationalistic that the "fighting for the cause" mentality that socialism requires was actually there.

The environment where Socialism falls flat on it's face is countries with large and diverse populations, like America.
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>>his LA Times poll goes up a full percentage overnight

hillary goes up a full percentage overnight*
The problem is his desire to play to Evangelicals. They eat up the social conservative talking points, but it completely alienates all the voting blocs he needs a boost from: women, educated whites, and independents.

Female, black Asian-Jewish veteran with PTSD currently serving with the USMC in Stalingrad here, Drumpf also lost my vote when he made the sexist and racist decision to not fire all white male Sergeant Majors and replace them with Syrian refugees. The Syrian war would come to end having these refugees in leadership positions because they wouldn't bomb their own people (thus not perpetuating the war DUH) unlike the heartless white males currently in power.
You are weak.
>Nate quark
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I don't understand how he can rate a poll A+ and still adjust it.

Turnout is key in this election 'likely voters' polls will look wildly inaccurate.

Showing crooked winning with ease will not do much to rally her anti trump support.
>Trump disapproval rating at 50%
>Hillary disapproval rating at 50%


What if the common people think Trump won and Pence lost?
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wew lad
only a few days until Trump sneers at a voter asking him questions he doesn't like and then insults them afterwards, losing 4+ days of media coverage while /pol/ claims it's 4D chess coverage

Once Trump realizes it's not a fucking rally he's going to be extremely unhappy, and he's really, really bad at hiding his unhappiness.

He should send Pence instead desu.

Hillary's going to look like an inauthentic robot, but at least she's not going to sneer at and belittle her questioners.

Fucking guaranteed Trump will Trump out at some point.
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You do realize most educated whites are "Evangelicals"?
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>people of colour

CTR gtfo
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dream sweet dreams for me
wow this really made me think
wtf i hate donny frumpf now
pffffffffffffffffffff haha fuck off, m8. Evangelical blogs have been complaining for years about young, educated people fleeing the church and the rise of secularism. If they can speak frankly about it, you can too.

I see CTR's morning shift has began.
go back further in time
he's the next Cyrus
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> its not some copy pasta that random anons do yor (Yous)s

Generally CTR just spam now and whine about awoos or animes.
Like the autist that got banned yesterday.
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there's no video of this, scavino posted it on twitter
or did you mean the actual rally replay?
Seems like they've picked that up recently again. I remember they hit really hard on the whole anime/awoo thing back in may/june
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I love you faggots
The autist complaining about awoo yesterday, got banned? Thank god.
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We're gonna save the world

They tried to hit it yesterday too.
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I love you more than you know.
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>Samples 48% Democrats
>I took this pic at the Rock Hill rally in January
uhuh tell me more "i'm not a concern shill" shill
Their desperation tactic is just to fling shit at certain people in hopes that it will cause us to fight amongst ourselves. It never works, but they always try.
Any updates on early voting
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>Bet he likes his phone, computer, gaming console and sneakers

He was talking specifically about steel from China vs America
If Trump wins:

How can he uncuck the media? I mean they will still have the same kike owners and globalist slave reporters/anchors/experts
Ive been hearing Trump ads everywhere on the radio. The one with the really dramatic narrator. Good stuff. Its all over Tunein app.
The only one that really pissed me off was malaysian mike and his thread splitting and advertising bullshit. I think he got like a 4 year ban or something though.
Sue their lying kike asses for libel. They'll run back to Tel Aviv before long.
Doesn't matter, new media has already taken over. People are sick and tired of the main stream media, it's at its lowest trustworthy rating in history. People know it's shit. They turn to the internet for truth, and it's out there.
The media will be forced to uncuck themselves. They won't survive in a trump presidency of they stay the same.
Remind me what shit he advertised
Because at the end of the day, its money that runs things.

If trump wins, then it's a resounding message to those controlling the media that trumps message sells, and that there's ultimately more money to be made pushing that then multicultural crap
Yeah okay, I fucked up and posted the wrong pic.
So sue me.
Actual pic>>91843162
his shitty drawings
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Its next to impossible to derail multiple threads with anti anime whining. The only way to do it is with spam. Rhats what the shill did yesterday and what minion poster used to do. But then its easy to filter and get them banned.

Also its very easy to spot a shill when thy try to whine about anime on 4chan.

Another one of their strategies is to try and get people ti fight over 0Pence and Trump. Trying to say that Pence is better. Too bad for them it didnt work at all.

I wonder what the next strategy will he. The clock is ticking.
He'd split threads to put links to his shitty fucking artwork and patreon. He pretended to like trump to make money off of idiots on here.
judge jeanine on f&f next
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The sauce video for this, didn't know where it came from. Loads of the rally, just not this view.

Thanks will go see the tweet
At this point they're probably hoping that the debate will give them something to shill.
They're going to eventually push the stormfag thing to make it look like they speak for all of us in order to turn anyone that comes here for info away. It will fail.
My links are old homie. But give her a try.
They latch onto things such as the VP decision and the debate performance, and make up issues on policies such as gun control and H-1B visas. Do you remember?
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Or the flip side of that and demand that trump general be PC so we don't scare normies away or attract media attention.
here you go
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he posted this too
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I know this might not be a popular opinion, but I doubt this debate will be too different to the last. Missed alot of jabs that Trump had the chance to do and it felt like he kept being baited into talking about things he should just brush off.

Considering the moderator will he even worse this time around.

I feel that the last debate is where things will change dramatically. But maybe im wrong and he will btfo hilldog in this debate, after Are Nige gives him a few banter pointers.
Rick Scott not extending voter registration deadlines suggests the storm might be good for us

Really annoying that there's no serious political analysis of the storm's effects. I guess it would be "bad taste" but we're a few weeks out from an election and this stuff matters.
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Almost certainly it will be more of the "I like Trump but..." and "Guys I'm so depressed..."/"We're going to lose! Somebody do something!" demoralization tactics. Simply put if they make the threads unpleasant to be in, they think they can drive down enthusiasm.

Problem for them is that the General rubber bands right back to where it was when they're off the clock. They can't be here disrupting 24/7, which exposes the inauthenticity of their intentions.

Their next step will be to watch the debate and go from there, expect this to be Goldberg's Last Stand levels of maximum overshill.
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I want to fuck judge jeanine after a hot workout session. Rip her yoga pants and dog it.
>stop saying it's because she's a woman
>come on, it's 2016!
judge jeanine with the bants
Quick. You have an opportunity to have a steak dinner with Trump.

How do you order your steak?
I really have no idea what people expected out of his debates. I remember saying he was shitty during the primary debates yet everyone came into the general debates thinking he was the best debate performer in the world.

He'll be fine. He just needs to appear human next to the scripted talking point robot hillary. You can't expect knockout blows and immediate blowout landslide performance.

They're throwing EVERYTHING at this election. They will not go down quietly or easily. There's no single moment that will win it for Trump.
bloody as hell
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Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, Anon.
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> trying to manipulate how this chaotic place works and thinks

I would hope CTR is smarter than that, then again its mostly filled with numales and dykes with a degree in telepathic basketweaving.
Sadly she's married
Kek, that's possible too but would fail even worse. Would be funny though.

>"I'll take it raw"
All while staring ferociously in his eyes
Yes. They clearly put pressure on her brain.
>Their next step will be to watch the debate and go from there, expect this to be Goldberg's Last Stand levels of maximum overshill.
Doubly so once Trump rips Shillary a new one.

>What if the common people think Trump won
Maybe, it's possible, he didn't do nearly as bad as the media said
>and Pence lost?
Absolutely not, Kaine looked and acted like a sperg for the entire debate.
Based Lithuanian, how good was it yesterday getting the awoo fag banned.
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They're already doing that and everyone just ignores them. They're so obvious its almost sad. Worst part is they get paid for it.
I don't even think shills will be able to pull something as bad as /pol/harbor. And yet shitposting that surpases it is the only thing that would make a dent.

It would require thousands of pajeets working around the clock in some off shore shoe making factory to pull off .
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Just wait till you guys get thrown under the bus along with the rest of us Deplorables, Basement Dwellers, Taco Bowl Outreach, and the Super Predators. Matter of fact Hitlery has probably already made up the perfect name for you guys once you've served your purpose..."Useful Idiots"
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General overconfidence got the best of us. Remember that at that time, we thought Hill was too sick to debate at all. Evidently Trump thought it was going to be a slam dunk too, because he just waltzed into what essentially amounted to a minefield without a care.

This time, we know better, and expect Hill to be on her A-Game. If Trump follows the Pence strategy, and doesn't get bogged down in dealing with personal attacks again, he should do well.

Trump does his best when he talks about his big ideas. He's at his worst when he talks the small things, like defending all the dumb things he's said. It's especially bad on a debate stage because you need to talk to the people on camera about what you're going to do for them - do that and they won't give a shit you called someone fat if they know you're going to cut their taxes.
I was just happy it happened. And then magically the thread went back to normal. Ignoring him triggered a mental breakdown and he got himself banned.

This is what people should always do with obvious shills. It always works.

wtf i hate trump now
You hit that nail right on the head. They try to be us but just stand out even worse. Its like a suburban white guy trying to act like a ghetto black. Its so obvious they're not from here.
"They dont know what theyre talking about" 95% of climate scientists, most with already secure funding unrelated to climate change, who reviewed the subject say one thing. 2% find it inconclusive and 3% agree regulatory change will hurt their employer.

Congrats, thats the whole debate.
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Reminder to dumbass antisemites that "don't hide your power level" sentiments are JIDF/CTR sabotage. Jews are not mystical, they win on strategy. Learn to emulate it.

>hide your power level when it is advantageous (play dumb, ask what is wrong with alt-right ideas people hate on from a position of "never heard that but what's not true about it?")

>praise, hire and promote likeminded conservatives whenever possible

>avoid debt, pursue real tangible assets

>if you can, find a victim card to play if they use theirs as a trump. Only use it on leftists who are themselves doing it. Easy ones to fake or take on: bisexual, anxiety disorder, depression, grew up dirt poor, bad parents, partially a minority

>lie to establish credibility. In some situations, "look, im not denying the holocaust or anything!" will create a laugh and lightens tension enough to redpill someone on israeli apartheid or MOSSAD operations. This is a good thing regardless of your opinion on the 6 gorillion.

Or be a dumb fucking Aryan Brotherhood worshipper who couldn't win a chess match against Shallow Blue.

At least you can keep posting CTR accusations and impressing the internet while you remain shy IRL except the one time a week you flip out and yell about the Jews while everyone slowly backs away. You're helping!
This sums it up nicely. Honestly I was dissapointed in the last debate only because I overhyped it in my own head and expected Hillary to have a seizure.
Love Trumps Hate
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Guys, Remember 2014 elections?

Liberals were so sure of themselves. They were declaring the death of the GOP. All the polls showed Democrats seizing congress.

Then they got wrecked.
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>Its like a suburban white guy trying to act like a ghetto black. Its so obvious they're not from here.
perfect analogy
Hiroshima would spare us that bullshit
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Its just Alex Jones clickbait
What rally is this from? What are they reacting to?
>Amma stop playing dress up and start campaigning for grandpa

Post more smug Trump, the man can pull a face like no other
"Hitler was so left his response was military and he attempted genocide"

Just cause hillary would do it doesnt make it left.

it doesn't matter. Hillary is going to win all 3 debates. they have as much impact on the election as winning a pie eating contest.

And? Those rules are not issue based or partisan. Why not use them? We gonna dissect Machiavelli or Sun Tzu's agenda now too?
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>Guys, looking at the Luntz focus group I'm clearly seeing signs of Marcomentum.
>We CANNOT discount this!
I would love to see a pie eating contest between Trump and Hillary. Would need security from Kasich tho.
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oh god I cant remember sometime just after Trump announced pence as running mate
>pic related
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He always puts a smile on my face. Should be sleeping but too sick + insomnia. Thanks bro, I love being in the basket with you all.
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>Vote Ivanka!
>Reminder to dumbass antisemites that "don't hide your power level" sentiments are JIDF/CTR sabotage
>dumbass antisemites
You tried, Shlomo.
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I want to suck on her toes.
Thick and juicy
I'm still never sure if this is real or fake.
Which he buys.
> tfw sick aswell
> the only thing that gets me through epididimytis and trigeminal nerve pain are Trump rallies

The best pain killer. A wide smile across my face whenever I watch him speak. Same can be said about Pence
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Those are their strategic plays. We can improve on them and others like you named. Our greatest strength is our ability to evolve. Our memes are always fresh, theirs have gotten too stale.
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>ywn be this smug
>ywn suck on those tits
>ywn be the heir to the Trump Dynasty
why live?
fucking October must we do this every year?
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Get well soon! We've got a big weekend ahead.
Does Hillary even have memes? The only one that I saw was some jiggy shit where people think its cute to have seizures. Almost as if she starts shaking to appease to millenials somehow and not because the clot is slowly killing the rest of her brain.
>why live?
to build your own dynasty, faggot
Damn, sounds like you have it even worse than me. Awesome that they make you feel good too, even though you're not even in America. I really hope we can inspire nationalism to awaken in every country.
debate in 2 days ya?
>what are you wearing sean?
>would you really like to know brian?
>yes, tell us
fox&friends going full gay
It already is waking up in Europe. Not here tho. But atleast all the refugees that came here ran away during the night seeking asylum in Sweeden from OUR country. One family is gonna sue our country because we didnt pay enough gibs me dars. Im not joking.
Was the town hall comfy? I need something to watch while I get ready for sleep time.
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I had a dream. I was at a Trump rally he was giving in Mexico. Everybody in the venue was american and i was the only mexican in the crowd. Fuck, it was awesome.

Theodore is cute. Cute! He looks exactly like Ivanka.

Someone needs to put a pepe head on him.
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Thanks, I'll be working hopefully but I'll be here with everyone when I can.
She has memes and they're shit. Pic related. Also check out the merchandise on her webpage for a good laugh.
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cool your leaf Justin
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fox is so unprofessional
i don't know how they get away with it
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nice digits, my man
school bus of evacuees was swept into river
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2 Pence Rallies today.

- FRIDAY, OCTOBER 07, 2016 -
Strongsville Recreation & Senior Center
10:30 AM EST

Rossford Recreation Center
5:30 PM EST
Are there no events this weekend?

Looks to be a boring weekend...
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Adding to that: except Obama (for obvious reasons) no other candidate managed to extract high turnouts from the black community (pic related) and Hillary won't be the exception.

Democrats won with Bill and Obama on these three factors:

1) they followed very unpopular and uncharismatic presidents (Bush Sr. And Bush Jr.) bringing the promise of hope, change and being off the charts charismatic with blacks and whites alike.

2) they managed to lock the working class vote against opponents as disconnected to their plight as possible

3) they managed to produce a very high turnout of blacks that, as the other anon said, is decisive in states like PA, VA and to a lesser degree MI.

Hillary is a lot more like Al Gore that like her husband or Obama: she is uncharismatic, boring, dull and completely disconnected to the reality of working people (being partially responsible for their current plight).

Considering she doesn't have the working class vote if she doesn't produce high black turnout she is toast in PA (for instance) and that closes her path to 270.
What country are you? Sorry, I'm on mobile right now. How does the average person feel about the refugees there? I live in a very liberal city so people claim to support them here but we haven't gotten any yet.
I stand by my claim that her entire millenial team are a bunch of numales and feminists with basketweaving degrees. Holy shit.

Apart from the dead, I dont know who could vote for her. With a few friends that I talk to online that live in the US, they said they didnt see any Hillary signs in a loooong time. Basically said if I would come to the US and didnt know about the election, id have a hard time figuring out who this Trump person was battling against to become president.

I guess it highly depends on the areas.
Medium well, duh.

Trump's gotta prep for the debate so it's to be expected that his schedule is empty.

Haha, fucking posers.

Another politician thinking that memes are some factory made commodity that you can throw money at to suddenly make meme magic. To be fair at least HERE COME DAT GARY almost immediately killed off Dat Boi, so I'm grateful to him for that.
well done :)
>not medium rare
wew lad, you should just order a burger
Lithuania. We see them as parasites. Only a very little % want them and thats only our bussinesses. They rhought that they will get extremely cheap labor from those areas. When our bussiness owners told the refugees the amount of pay they would get, the refugees first laughed thinking it's a joke.
((They)) ere trying to infiltrate /pol/ again with the smug pepe Hillary. Anons have to be careful of not using this meme because it will give shillary meme magic.
Will trump be able to hide his heart condition during the next debate?
You're exactly right. Even though my area is liberal, nobody likes her here either. Everyone I know isn't voting because they hate her and wanted Sanders.

So you agree that hiding your power level is fundamental? That anyone openly advocating WN is not an ally but an idiot?

We need to be arguing for keeping our population distribution stable for now imo.

Nothing racist about wanting to ensure whites and blacks and asians and legal hispanics keep the share of America they have against a tide of unwestern immigrants who don't want to assimilate.

This election is entirely about Trump. Outside of a handful of gay men and tumblrites who despise anything with a penis (the irony those are her two core groups is not lost on me), nobody actually likes her.

This is basically an election to decide if you're for Trump, or against him.
epic troll xD
You mean Donald "gun grabber" trump?
No thank you.
How did the NH townhall go, any newish questions? Distinct answers?
What the fuck am I looking at.

Trump will line you non medium well fuckers up on the day of the rope. Sorry friends

This is right with one exception

A minority of conservatives legitimately think Hillary personally murdered 100s with her bare hands so even though they hate Trump they have to vote for him

God bless those who are even crazier than we
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Hillary agrees.
Theres nothing wrong about promoting "Western values and culture" infact this should be stressed when discussing things like immigration. Not talking about jews but "globalists". Things like that can get the message across without turning them off immediately.
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They don't understand that memes=mental genes and must evolve naturally. Bioengineering major so I think about it a lot. This is something that money can't buy. The fact we are kicking their asses at this and doing for free scares them.
Get out, Hans. Medium-well is God tier
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Sunday is almost here...

please win mr Trump
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What did Nate Tantalum mean by this?
Ah, that's what I guessed. They should be happy to be there and take any job they can get, those lazy fucks.
$30 for a T-Shirt?

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A certain other webforum still can't believe most Americans don't see the implicit brackets around (((globalist))) and was sure the term would tank Trump for good
A mental breakdown thats lasting for over a year
>Nevada secured by Clinton
>Arizona lost and marked as tipping point


He's telling you that now is a good time to get your bets in.
Time to leave, Shlomo.
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His enlarged heart? The one which has taken on the voice of the people? The one that has reached out to blacks? The one that has taken on the cause of the military, drug addicts, the police, trannys, gays, /pol/lacks, women and men, whites? No I should think that he wouldn't be able to hide such an enlarged heart, sir!
Because globalism/multiculturalism itself is a real problem even without implying a jewish conspiracy.
Don't respond to Nateposters
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I like how trump supporters have to resort to memes in order to distract from trump's heart condition.

Face it, his health is a liability.
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32 shadowbanned Trump tweets according to:


Twitter SHADOWBANNED the following October 3, 2016 Tweets. Here are the URL/web address for each one (take note that hardly anyone has re-tweeted or liked any of them):

1 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783101590299291648

2 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783101691105128448

3 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783101896869318656

4 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783101996777639936

5 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783102584458350592

6 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783102939015417856

7 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783103193546829826

8 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783103262333345792

9 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783103327764553728

10 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783103555058020352

11 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783103649006260224

12 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783103762256703488

13 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783118975240634372

14 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783107076327284737

15 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783107034375790592

16 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783106986095185920
that is an impressively bad map, he must have pulled an all nighter
17 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783106934941417472

18 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783106881292148736

19 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783106816607596544

20 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783106772613537792

21 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783106671723720704

22 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783106624302960640

23 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783106566903869440

24 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783106498314379264

25 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783106427925635072

26 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783106371478654976

27 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783106286590111744

28 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783106245947297793

29 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783106157275549696

30 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783106201403875329

31 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783106037700108288

32 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/783105928249737218

Twitter DELETED the following October 3, 2016 Tweet:

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A bunch of overpriced garbage made in China. The nu-males they get to wear that shit for the picture just make it more funny.
yes! trolled again! ur good
You're right trump has this victory so locked up, we don't even need to worry about voting. It'll be a landslide!

This is even worse.

This looks legit actually.
it aint me

I guess we lose guys, I'm a hillshill now

You can't make this stuff up.
"Love TRumps Hate" still seems pro-Trump to me...
Are you an Arab?
It's not working, Shlomo.
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Thats what she thinks is one of those internet "memes".
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no fucking way thats real.

Thats gotta be kaines eyebrow right?!
>drumpfkins don't understand memes

He's literally Bill Kristol-tier full of shit at this point. Endlessly ignoring polls that have Trump up, and adjusting polls HE HIMSELF rates as A+ to fit his narrative.

In his mind the 1st debate led to a 6-10 point bump for Hillary and he's not accepting any polls that don't fit into that mindset.
What is this face supposed to convey? A stroke?
It's incredibly confusing. Certainly one of the least effective slogans.

I've seen some shoops where people turn it into "Love Trumps Hat"
>CTR is resorting to making shit up
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thanks norway
So remove nateposters, yeah?
i racially identify as greek








It's a high brow... 5deep7me

This is comedy gold.
Sorry I was a bit late. Was trying to make some OC for the election.
never be sorry, you've done more than your share

Called it. This board eats itself whenever a bunch of newfags flood in trying to signal they're cool kids.

Open antisemitism and truthposting outside of this board used to be implicitly unacceptable because guess what it's bad for our common ideals.

Hillary semi-successfully lumping smart HBD/genetics-minded nationalist antiglobalists in with the literal stupidest portions of the white race (KKK in current year, that dumb Jared fuck, David Duke the creepy human totem of societal exile) was YOUR fault.

Here's a good test: if a simple honest white farmer who dislikes the media and is not sure he likes the new ethnic neighbors would still find your public posts despicable and worthy of reporting to your boss, you didn't do it right. This place is where we yell the full truth to the abyss, out there we work on persuading and fighting back.
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Many thanks for the kind words America.
I wish there was a setting to give audio feedback when bump limit is reached.
>tfw my actually crippled gf is an ardent Trump supporter

It's pretty goddamn awesome lads - and shuts up every lib that brings up that limp wristed faggot of a reporter
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