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Thread replies: 319
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Text TRUMP to 88022 or get the Official "AMERICA FIRST" app for important campaign updates
>Volunteer to be a Trump election observer
>Trump Playlist

>Trump TH in Sandown NH 10/6/16
>Pence Rally in Johnstown PA 10/6/16
>Pence Rally in Gettysburg PA 10/6/16
>Trump interview NBC3 Vegas 10/5/16
>Trump visits ICA preschool 10/5/16
>Rato phone banking for Trump

>Trump Rally in Reno NV 10/5/16
>Trump at ICLV 10/5/16
>Trump Rally in Henderson NV 10/5/16
>Pence Rally in Harrisburg VA 10/5/16
>VP Debate 10/4/16
>Trump Rally in Prescott Valley AZ 10/4/16
>Trump Rally in Loveland CO 10/3/16

>Eric Trump vs CNN 10/4/16
>Nigel: Dont Take Abuse from a Clinton
>Trump on CNN 9/29/16

>America Will Win Again
>The Lion
>Trump Ad: Movement
>Deplorables Unite
>Trump Triumphant
>American Hero

prev >>91829155
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WE 1960's NOW
>This is Obama's legacy
We need Trump like right about now
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Why would shillary spike up in LA times?
Pence did a knockout and it shows the opposite.
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Join the discussion:

White Nationalism
What happened to wikileaks?
Funny that obama dropped the embargo.
they have been (((corrected)))
A sudden unexplainable spike with women.
Late night /tg/ is comfiest gen
I would probably die first in a nuclear exchange but it would be better than what is happening now
The narrative had to be corrected.
Please vote, Burgerbro. Get as many people to vote for Trump as you can.
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What did USA mean by this?
>Cuba and Vietnam
>This happening after Obummer been to Cuba to play golf and opened US gates to Cuba
>This happening after Obummer left tiny Vietnam against big,muscled China to fuck its country up every way but military
>Vietnam will probably become a russian-chinese join military base or some shit
Maybe its just slavshits playing tricks again to see how everyone reacts

Russtards are known to bullshittin.
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Donald Trump is like marvel, and secretary Clinton is like DC.

Unlike Marvel, who repackages the same generic macguffin-plot into a new movie every year while stopping only to change the actors and dialogue to keep up with the newest tumblr obsessions and reddit memes, DC's films are actually attempting to be visually and tonally distinct in an effort to elevate the superhero genre from mediocre blockbuster garbage to artistic tales weaving themes of morality and sacrifice into monumental and dynamic epics on screen while also questioning the very essence of what society deems a 'hero'. The difference is honestly night and day; during a Marvel movie the viewer is more likely to gobble down popcorn while during a DC film the viewer will likely take out a pen and paper and start taking notes.
Great, now we get to die of nuclear annihilation. Thanks Obama.
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Oh boy oh boy.

Time to join ASIO and leak US intel to the Russians like old times.
Nothing quite like the sieve of the Australian intelligence service in the cold war.
what do you think could be the October surprise? It has to be something that kills her campaign instantly.

I think it's Hillary using the magic word against Obama.
Wasn't there some Obama scandal that was an impeachable offense earlier in the year? I remember people saying it wasn't worth going after since he was gone by the end of the year. Doesn't seem so silly now.
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It means I hate my faggot country

Fuck this culture of not saying things that hurt feelings

Surprised she didn't blame guns. Or maybe that's Obama's thing.
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Will Trump make anime real? Will I finally be able to get my 13 year old autistic mage gf?
Maybe paying the ransom for those Iranian prisoners? Not sure
I know (((they))) have been shilling soggy knees since last week, but it has had no effect and suddenly there is a spike. We'll see until tomorrow and if this keeps up it seems it has been (((((((((corrected))))))))
>America is a cesspool of nations and is becoming 2nd Brazil
Truly makes you ponder...
Obama has had multiple nixonite scandals

The thing is the media is against congress and congress is made of pussies

Redpill- nixon did nothing wrong, liberals in the media and congress were buttmad at him
you hate the psychotic left
Faggot Assange destroyed their credibility with a shitty book shilling disguised as a two-bit garbage press conference
She's 14 and shit

Patricians like the undead
Will women vote for the guy they publicly loathe but secretly wished it was their husband to fuck them like an animal and wash them in money?

Is alphaness the TRUMP card?
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No, I hate my country

This thing will continue happening because we have a culture of being pussies regardless of how tough we talk
Is Obama trying to put the US in the worst situation possible and then blame the Trump presidency for not being able to fix all of it?
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It is not. Marvel produces flicks, and DC produces cinema.
Anyone have the Twitter pic from yesterday with all the women having wet dreams about Trump?
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Is being romanian a negative- find out on the next episode of shit that happens!
yes it is. women always choose the stronger, wealthier pick.

only menopausal or retarded women prefer a hag like Hildog
>trumpgen has no defense as to why they're losing in the polls
the 2.9% charity

Assange was clear from the beginning that the press conference was about Wikileaks 10 year anniversary. The media just hyped it up.

We know that Assange is timing the leaks to maximize effect, why would he release the data at 3am?
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^^ Anti-Clinton propaganda archive, save, spread & bookmark

probably the last time im posting it.
Like how super pacs can bring up the bullshit lines about "laziness is a trait in blacks" but nobody does anything with these accusations. There's a lot more accounts of hillary being unhinged than there are of trump saying racist things.
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Let's pretend Donald Trump is racist


^^Donald & Friends archive, download, spread and bookmark
I saw two Hillary stickers here in LA and both were middle aged to senior aged old women.
You're right, I should direct that hate towards that retard Roger Stone.
Are you James okeffe trying to tell us something??!?!??
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>forgot pic
he'll do it all
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Sometimes I've been thinking to myself this election really doesn't matter. Even if Trump wins he sadly won't be able to fix Washington, one man cannot overcome centuries of normalized corruption and Representatives controlled by Lobbyists.

But then I think about the Supreme Court and what will come if HRC is made our President, the radical immigration reform that will create millions more of Democrats, the furthered insane foreign policy as the Democrats desire war with Russia.

And then I think about the Social Justice Warriors, Hollywood, the leftists elites. These scumbags who openly call Trump and his supporters Nazis because we have the nerve to want a safe country.

We can't let them win this, I can't stand to see this country make the same mistakes Western Europe has done. Are we so sheltered that we fail to recognize what's happened in France?
She's 13 in the LN.

Wiz is alright but she moonlights as a succubus and therefore is a slut.
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My name is Martin Shkreli, and I come here to help you save our country.


^^ IDK, do women support Trump?

Download, spread, bookmark

For now we should direct our hate at Roger Stone. If these leaks aren't significant then I'll also loathe Assange.
Did he get a nose job?
His nose was broken in an assassination attempt.
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trump supporters love puppies

It's doubtful. Plastic surgery didn't take off until the mid 1990s, by then he was a popular figure. I don't notice any significant difference in his nose at all.
Diddy seems to be a pretty cool guy, I hope we can start winning so hard that he doesn't feel the need to stay in the sidelines.
Martin pls give an interview to BG kumbi
He is going to expose you if you dont
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And aj. Saw an article on infowars recently that wa headlined "trump going to hurricane ravaged Haiti?" And the article is "trump could go to Haiti and it would be..." the only person worthwhile there is pjw and even he sat out the Wikileaks conference.
Martin plz follow me back my name is @woozuh
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>My name is Martin Shkreli, and I come here to help you save our country.
He assassinated multiple Americans without trial, which is a direct violation of the Constitution.
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what do you do

Why hasn't his recent assassination attempt gotten more press?
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Hello Trump Gen, how are you today?

What is the percentage of people that normally vote in advance? Is it significant? Or does the majority vote on election day?
fuck blumpf
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Vast majority vote on election day.
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Bookmarked, much love
>kayla pics
Gas yourself
Niggers saying their presenceis not a burden.

What? do you think only white Americans were polled?
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>not wearing american flag jorts

Two Americans to be exact. Al-Awlaki and then his son two to weeks later.

I doubt it will be a popular opinion here, but neither should have been killed. Al-Awlaki created a lot of Jihad propaganda, but never really broke the law as hate speech isn't a crime. The administration came up with the justification that he planned a bombing, but never produced the evidence or sought an warrant. His son was completely innocent and it's widely accepted that it was just retaliation.

Both were US citizens.
MSM is putting pressure on them to correct the record. People found out about their sins of accurate polling
Thanks anon.
Go to sleep americunts.
Nobody likes you here. You may show your face again after you have voted for Trump.
I still think you 60% faggots are going to vote Hillary into the white house.
I hope he reaches around Washington while in the WhiteHouse and fills US in on whats going on. One person cant do it alone, but numbers will always pull ahead
looks like poor dad is getting cucked by big don
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>tfw part greek

A britbong tried to off him earlier this year. The media didn't give it much coverage because it would have "humanized" Trump too much. They're a crooked lot of people.

>2 shitskinoid rabid,radical,mudslimes get turned into patte

Wew lads,if these are the kind of people you want to share yoru country with
If a piece of paper held by countless mudslimes,chinks,pakis,indians,niggers suddenly makes them "your brothers" just so you can justify your hatred for Nobama,then good luck.
This is the one time it's acceptable to wear a chinese knockoff
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>They're a crooked lot of people.
No shit.
I mean jesus christ. Trump is filling up arenas all over America with the exact opposite message as that poll and Hillary can't fill a high school gym....And we are suppose to believe that poll is in anyway accurate?
Please save us from the leafs Shkreldawg
You are on an American website, with a nationality that sports less than 2% of this websites traffic. Not even your own populous wants you here.
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dont email me guise lol

I don't want to share my country with them, but I have a very serious problem with the government assuming that it has the right to unilaterally decide to assassinate a US citizen because it doesn't like what they are saying.
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Serious question.

If DAK is a Wojak. What is the Pepe version named?
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I don't think Martin has a MAGA cat as his avatar.
That's right I can't believe I forgot about that already. It's been a long year
thats a pretty nice tweet.
>You are on an American website
Not really

Either way go to bed you neet. Don't ever respond to my posts or my fellow countrymen posts ever again, you filthy americuck
They got shit canned because they were mudslimes doing mudslime shit.

Cops shoot people all the time for things they've said like
>"Fuck you mofugger,imma shoot you
So how does that feel?

Those two were a treat to public safety and were not american.
It feels like the RNC was just yesterday, the Mexican judge comment, KHAN! Not months ago.

He should mention it at the debate while mocking Clinton for lying about being under sniper fire. Even a brief mention of it will send normies rushing to figure out what he's talking about.
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I seen this on drudge also it made me giggle my nuts swole silly
but that's a good thing
>using neet as an insult
>in 2016
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>good enough for me
Please help us fight the degenerates, friend.
How's the weather in Pleasanton?

Cops don't shoot people for mouthing off. They might detain you or give you an extra ticket, but it's absurd to suggest its normal or should be normal for cops to shoot people. This is the case in America, idk how life is in Romania

Hate speech has a long history of protection in the US. We are one of the last countries to protect it. We shouldn't start assassinating US citizens because they say something the government doesn't approve of. It'll start with mudslides and slowly creep to everything the government doesn't like.

The same way the NSA spying started out monitoring mudslides but now they're monitoring everyone and sharing the data with local police.

Once we start giving up rights, it's very hard to get them back.
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wouldnt have a clue lol

ask scott adams
>current year
I just knew you were a libshit

Thank you for correcting the record!

Domain: 4chan.org
IP Address:
City Location: San Francisco
Time Zone: America/Los_Angeles
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Let me put this in a language u can understand

الذهاب ليمارس الجنس خارج
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about as accurate as a blind man, Trumps got this... still gotta keep the word going tho
this is the most retarded level of thinking possible
Well asian women should all get immediate citizenship into the western world
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>black Trump hat
Asians and their unrelenting need to be /fa/
I didn't ask for these feels.
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>being this much of a race traitor
Hillary Clinton used the HAARP atmospheric weapons to create hurricane Andrew to drive Trump voters out of Florida trailer parks because it's a battleground state.
Asians are hot, but they need to follow immigration laws like everyone else.
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>le poor people are Republican meme
All I give a fuck about is ending the dysgenics caused by migration from warm weather humans.

Asians have higher IQ's
how many box tops and bubble gum wrappers do i have to save up to get myself a QT like that?
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>some college
wew they rejected the blue pill quite well
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i call this the genius correlation.

As you can see, geniuses get a shitload of college debt and a piece of paper that says they're special, then make less than 35k/yr while voting for free shit.
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>gooks are white

Okay..I get it. No asians in Europe but asian women should get American citizenship
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>tfw I had to drop out of college to take care of my mom
Y-yeah I'm happy I didn't graduate.
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You did a good thing anon.
even without sound, you can hear the very second they get wet.
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you're in good company

billy gates
steve jobs
mark zuckerberg
28349238 other billionaires and millionaires
89893453847584758934 other people that make over 75k/yr
>20 minutes before its scheduled sale
Is there a reliable proof?

>I like Asian women because their standards are so low they might actually like me

Not an excuse to race mix.


Fuck off, weeb. If you want an Asian woman, go to China. Don't bring them here, we're full.
>Strong body
>thin neck
>underwear makes his dick look an average japanese boner
>no beard
Team Valor and Trump? yes plz
What happened with that news that Assange said he'd release this week that would guarantee a Trump victory?
Who cares? Do you want your half gook son to have inferiority complex? Do you want your half gook daughter to be a whore like her mother?

Your gook wife will cuck you with a less nerdy white guy too
Is that Anthony Weiner?
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I never asked for this feel.
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Iktf bro
Mom duty>>>all other life
>Implying white men aren't the top of the tier
>You think you know me


Fucking weebs
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>the nearest American base is about 150/200 km aways

Am I safe lads?

about alex jones, greg hunter and this guy....

fuck it nevermind. lets just say, A LOT of people instantly ignore anything they say [for good reason]. they may be allies but they dont provide a lot of credibility.

Then why would you want to ruin our gene pool by introducing gooks?
>Ruining your future
I'm sure your mother would want you to stop having a life.
Thats why she invested and raised so much into you.
jokes one them and you, I already had a vasectomy.

lets see them come up with a hafu and try to claim its mine.

[spoiler]it would probably be my brothers[/spoiler]
It'd be anti-climatic if Trump won just because a new scandal took down Hillary.

He has to defeat her first on Sunday, then like in the movies Assange will unload the truth bombs.
Go outside. Talk to real people. Get out of your echo chamber. Trump is hated and despised. Called a racist. A traitor. Most people are rational and goodhearted, and they know a man like that has no business in the highest office. To say nothing of the marginalized and persecuted minorities who will flock to support to the woman who promises them a brighter future. Go to your neighbor and tell them you're a Trump supporter. Then watch as they slam the door in your face.

I'm serious. Go out in public and see what happens when you make your political views public to your social circles. Your family, your friends, your co-workers.

You will be an outcast in days while democratic views are accepted as the norm.
H-he was just pretending to be nice, to fool you!
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Russia shows its strength two days before the Presidential Debates. Thank God. Maybe that cunt will shut up about how everything is perfect because I'd her foreign policy.
You're a good son anon

>Then why would you want to ruin our gene pool by introducing gooks?

I don't but if cucks are going to be cucks I would rather they increase the national IQ rather than decrease it.
Depends on if you are downwind of it or not.
Buy iodine pills. Keep that thyroid radiation free.
Im on track and okay now. A few years ago she went thru breast cancer then got MRSA when healing and i was the live in nurse for 6 months.

Your parents gave you life; you should honor that.
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they're anticipating hillary.

she promised to bomb iran last time she was running, russia isn't happy about that.

This bitch was gonna buy ad time on a weather channel during a hurricane crisis? That's so fucking evil. That's like cartoon villain evil.
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Hello Basement Dweller.
He was just some eccentric billionaire with no political aspirations when he did these things.

If you haven't noticed Trump likes people

>enabling cucks instead of ostracizing them

It's alright to be a degenerate and have sex with an Asian woman, but definitely not acceptable to encourage more to come here or to marry one.
I don't have a basement
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When I ended up dropping out to take care of my mom, she was furious at me. She wouldn't speak to me for weeks. She is pretty depressed now and thinks that she raised a failure because I decided to help her instead of going to college.
Who ready for Morning Jew?
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I want this to be true but the only source so far is a clickbait facebook "journalist".
I just can't wait for Trump to go down to Florida and start helping out before Obongo and Hillary
>Your parents gave you life; you should honor that.
Yeah but putting a stop on your education is not what your parents want for you.

Being held back by your parents is awful,I know it.
no use, it'll be all about matthew
I really hope Trump arrests and fucking executes everyone in the current administration. This level of corruption and evil is unacceptable.
I have a couple buddies who married Hispanic chicks because the chicks worship them....Wouldn't you rather they married Asians and increased the national IQ?
no... pls

I'd rather they be married to white women. Importing more Asians won't fix the problem of cucks, it'll just make it easier for them.
Blacks are hiveminds and will all vote for Hillary because she promise more gibs at the expense of the middle class.

This means that Michigan (Because of Detroit and Flint), Pennsylvania (Philly), Wisconsin (Milwaukee), Virginia (Richmond), Minnesota (Twin Cities) will all be blue.

The inner city blacks will outvote the whites by a huge margin. Why? Easy:

They don't have jobs, all they have to focus on is to the get to the polling station that day.


The polling stations are closer to the ones who live in inner cities. For whites living in small town on the countryside, the polling stations could be miles away from home.

What does this mean? Well the turnout among innercity blacks will be much higher than the turnout among rural whites.
>When I ended up dropping out to take care of my mom, she was furious at me. She wouldn't speak to me for weeks. She is pretty depressed now and thinks that she raised a failure because I decided to help her instead of going to college.
You should listen to your mum,at least do a long-distance education.
What you do now in your career and education will forever affect your future.

>Im on track and okay now.
I'm glad for you.
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Well a bunch of white women are running around with non whites because they are worshiped by them and a bunch of white men are running around with non whites for the same reason.

How do you fix that?

I've had health issues my entire life and they were always a little hesitant about me being independent
I can't do that. The medical bills would be too expensive with tuition added on top of that. Not to mention how many less hours I would be working to help afford the medical bills. This is a big reason I support Trump. FIX OUR DAMN MEDICAL SYSTEM.
>Blacks are hiveminds and will all vote for Hillary because she promise more gibs at the expense of the middle class.
She promised no gibs.

>They don't have jobs, all they have to focus on is to the get to the polling station that day.
That is why they will vote Trump,they're sick of democunt lies and want to escape poverty and welfare.

They want to feel independent and strong,not addicted peons to a government that forces them to take welfare and vote democancer.

>The polling stations are closer to the ones who live in inner cities. For whites living in small town on the countryside, the polling stations could be miles away from home.
they have cars and no snow like in sweden.

>What does this mean? Well the turnout among innercity blacks will be much higher than the turnout among rural whites.
Rural whites have all the time they need to vote Trump in 20 hours.
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why is r/thedonald comprised of such monumental faggots?
> go outside and out of your safespace
> trump is a racist
> trump is a bigot
Prime example of subconscious projection right there. Why are leftists always projecting their shitty qualities onto others?
Fucking cringe
But they don't have their magic negro runing for office anymore. All they have is some old hag who couldn't even pleasure his man so he had to resort to dicking interns and the like. Hillary doesn't stimulate the black voters nearly as much as Obama.
They're incredibly apathetic for this election. Many blacks feel like they're supposed to vote for Hillary by default, but the enthusiasm from the Obama election is completely gone, they're waking up to how they're used and abused by democrats they're just not into this shit anymore. Black voters are closing the door in Clinton campaigner's faces when they come to register them to vote.

Stigmatize it and push back against (((media))) propaganda.

It's not as common as (((they))) would have you believe. Regardless, Importing non-whites is a terrible way to keep America white.
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You've displeased Barnicle.
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>Half the country wants to jail the supposed incoming president
>For valid reason
>Somehow the jews think they will be able to govern this way
I think the sensible globalists are realizing that they can't govern the country with Hillary as its figurehead. It would be better for their investments to have a stable America, not one near civil war
Need a Trump video with this shit now
Like, right now
Doesn't the US have community colleges?
Can't you tick being hispanic,amerindian,other minority?
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Wtf? I still hate Reddit again.
And you alt cucks call people cucks?
Face it. Progressives vote for dahnald and he will jew you like putin jewed his nationalists
They still cost money and even still, I've already pointed out that I wouldn't be able to work enough hours if I went to school. I pull 60+ hours most weeks FYI.
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Thanks bud. I also live in a relatively major harbor city so I'm pretty worried. I reckon my city wouldn't probably be among the first targets because there are bigger fishes to fry, but the chances that it is aren't exactly zero.

I just don't want to get nuked because of the arrogance of a nigger.
>Hillary Clinton was planning on buying ad space on the Weather Channel while a hurricane threatens multiple states
Is she a fucking Batman villain?
Best way to get the laws changed is to import competition for white women.

Asian women are their only competition
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Honestly I'd rather have dumb kids making fun of liberals than making fun of conservatives. I mean it's a start man sure they're fucking gay faggots but at least they have potential.

God you guys are so picky always whining about everything "wah wah wah nobody is perfect like me oh if only i was in control then the world would be perfect blah blah blah" UGGHHHHHHHHHHHH
It pleases me that Russia's expectations will not be met.

>best way to keep America white is to import competition for white women

Literally, what? Just repeal the Immigration Act of 1965, seal up the southern border and the problem solves itself in 40 years.
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>Why is something on reddit comprised of such monumental faggots?
>on reddit

You answered your own question
Clinton camp says they could crush Trump BEFORE Election Day by building up 'insurmountable lead' in early vote count in swing states

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much worse than that
>Dropped out of highschool
>Inherit a farmland
>Hire migrant workers (Albanians muslim Bosnians)
>Don't pay them but pay the fine for not paying them instead(cheaper than paying workers)
>Migrants burn a part of my building
>I am insured for fire and get 80% of the money back
>They get jailed and face deportation afterwards

Lelel what happend to muh stronk muslim men? Fucking pussies
EXCLUSIVE: The cozy relationship between billionaire (((Jeffrey Epstein))) and Bill Clinton, who flew in the pedophile's private jet and once praised his 'insights and generosity,' detailed in new book by James Patterson

She can't even do an interview without a script.

Looking forward to the next debate. Last one was brutal.
Get into the tech or banking industry bro... working minimum wage is bs. Im in college, no parents to support, working 25-30hrs, and Im still able to do a full load. Look up grants (SOOO FUCKING MANY), scholarships, and govt student loans if youre super desperate (not private).

I make $17.25 in Texas (Lowest cost of living) working for a bank with no degree or certification. W/E you are doing, its being done wrong.
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>insurmountable lead

But isn't he leading in North Carolina and Florida?
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Arent they losing the early voting/absentee ballots?
Are they this delusional?
Best way to repeal the Immigration act of 1965 is to import Asian women. If you want to see millions of white women go full blown nationalist add Asians to the population.

The Jews know this thats why they have done everything in their power to keep them out
Early voting mang :)
The best way is to deport you
This is now a /pol/ feel thread

I don't know anything about Tech and how the hell would I get into banking without a degree? I could probably afford college with scholarships, but without better jobs I can't work for so few hours. But hey, let's not discuss my problems anymore. This is a Trump General afterall.
American nuclear doctrine is "Fuck Everybody" and nuking population centers to cause maximum damage to the enemy's economic abilities in order to delay post-war recovery as long as possible.
Russian doctrine is the destruction of your enemy's ability to make war through strategic nuclear and non-nuclear bombing first in order to force diplomacy, then ruining your economic abilities until you want to talk.
That means hitting concentrations of forces, command centers and major bases with nukes.
If the base is a major one, you'll get nuked.
If it isn't, they will just rain cruise missiles on it.
Still a good idea to stock up on tinned meat, bottled water and water filters.
Yeah. He's leading in early voting. How can she build an insurmountable lead from behind?
The whole "anti-asian" sentiment came with the migrant worker Chinese back in the late 1800's-Early 1900s. This means nothing for white women.

Early voting hasn't even started in either state. Republicans are winning absentee ballot requests in both of those states. The only state she's winning early voting is Iowa, where Trump has a 10% lead anyway.

>using such tortured logic to justify your yellow fever

Importing more asians won't help the white race, get over yourself, weeb.
Nate SIlver
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We never asked for this
Holy shit you're retarded

why would hambeasts hate asian women?
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Just filter him. He's obviously a troll or a Permavirgin with rage.
To get into banking, look up insurance agencys. Apply as a bodily injury or auto adjuster. No degree nessesary, but you need to be able to multitask. Its easy cash, and most places will start you out @ $14 here in texas, I hear it might net you more in Cali and Colorado. Bro of mine gave me figures in the $21-23/hr range.

No degree, and most if not all give you OTJ training.
Its basic logic.

Have you ever seen a white woman's reaction to an Asian woman with a white man?
If the Hurricane carries the news all day, will CNN's collective head explode from Trump withdrawals?

A good friend of mine had a mother with Alzheimers. When it started to get bad, his father went to the nursing home, shot his wife and then killed himself.
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You will never experience this
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Guys help I'm about 500% fucking Spooked。I checked the page after logging in a few hours ago and checked again and I swear they changed. Surely this all cant be legal right?
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I have..And the reaction from white women was permanently embedded in my mind.
That is pretty brutal, good thing we can choose to be euthanized here
Yeah, they think the same thing we think of coalburners.
What was their reaction like?
Agent 47 is real huh. spooky.
Alzheimer's is suffering, both for the patient but more so his/her family. It's such a horrible disease.
pound the rice pay the price
>When we started asking around the DNC a Clinton staffer who is very friendly to us--and quite high up--told us to stop. He said that we should leave this one alone.

>We didn't, and so he finally gave in. He felt that exposing this might, really, be the best way to stop it. He gave us his password to the Login. We will share it here for as long as it lasts.

Sounds a little too hollywood action thriller to me.
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Top Kek
Fox is already running the story of Shillary buying/pulling ads in Florida right before the hurricane
>Don't pay them
welcome to /trump general/ you fit right in
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how was trump's town hall last night? is he ready for sunday? i'm about to listen.
>Yeah, they think the same thing we think of coalburners.

Ruining the greatest legacy in human history with the losers...Literally the slaves... of the world is the same as getting with higher IQ cuter cold weather human.


It wasn't disgust and rage it was jealousy
If CNN isn't a rerun of Scanners by the end of today I will be sorely disappointed.
Post link fqt
Blacks vote democrats because of racial pandering. Same reason why any minority votes Democrat nowadays. Minorities who don't care about social issues, like Cubans and Vietnamese, vote republican.
>Tfw you feel you aren't doing enough to help Trump get elected
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Which one of you madmen did this?
Fox is 20 yo in 8 bings
My grandfather has Alzheimer's, he is 94 this year. When he got it at around 88, he could and would still travel with his bycicle. One day he couldn't find his way back home to my grandmother.

When his mind completely left my grandmother passed away. Now he is in a nursing home.

I just wished he can finally rest now, but his body doesn't want to quit
Don took questions during a rally-or-whatever yesterday? Anything interesting come out of it?

Idk why we can't choose to die here. The way most people die from Alzheimers is their brain rots so much that they literally forget how to swallow, get Pneumonia from the rotting food in their lungs and die. He didn't want that for his wife.

Here is the story. The husband didn't due right away.

You did, Sven.

But I honestly wouldn't put it past them to be paying hitmen to take out people who are a threat to the left.
Killary's gotta be doing something to entice these folks to kill for her, cause I'm sure it's definitely not her character thats so enticing to people.
You did

You madman
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Score one for Eric.
i didn't... last edit is yesterday. I was just curious because I was reading the Olivia Wilde article about the Hyde Amendment, and then the Wiki article looked like this.
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I dont get this?
its amazing anyway
Why no more Pence rallies on the schedule after today. Pence has a good momentum right now and should do 2 rallies everyday until the election to energize rural and conservative americans.
Het var du svensk

Hillary was trying to buy ads on the weather channel during the hurricane. Eric called it sick and evil. The she withdrew the ads.
will joe "joe is joe" joe be joe today?
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oh ok
I think its all debate prep from now until sunday
I used to vote early, until I got a trip from Trump gen to just go on election day to ensure my vote get's counted.
He admitted he held back in the debate, he answered the questions very well.
Hillarys camp tried to take out ads on "The Weather Channel" to capitalize from all the extra eyeballs watching the storm. The backlash was pretty swift and her campaign stumbled over itself in an attempt at damage control.
ugh I'm so nervous for Sunda
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god bless dcleaks
Somebody she took him over in the la times poll, over fucking night..
There's no Joe today ;_;

She's up a bit in the LA times poll, but she's definitely not winning.
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Trump seemed pretty well prepared last night at the townhall. I got annoyed when he seemed to have forgotten the Chemistry guys major, but overall I think he did pretty good.
What can be said about the number "32"?
I am shorter than 3 foot 2
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It's the number 23 with the digits reversed
I think we might be more nervous than Trump.

I'm not even watching it with friends this time because I paced the whole time during the last debate. Everyone at the watch party couldn't wrap their heads around why I cared so much.
10. If you get 20 though, we'll also throw in a shitty plastic little car with a mini sticker kit!
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Is there a need for new op?
Or is current op still active?
Bump limit is 300, so we need a new OP.
Go for it.







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we just let trump general die is a good option too
/tg/ never dies
proof: >>91523030
It's the result of multiplying the first prime by itself 5 times

come on dude not cool makin me feel this early.
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