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Brit/pol/ - No one made a new thread so i had to do it edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 321
Thread images: 107

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>Thread theme
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3Xa6_WAuws [Embed]


>UKIP's Steven Woolfe 'conscious in hospital after altercation'

>Diane James quits as Ukip leader after just 18 days as Nigel Farage rules out a comeback

>Theresa May to attack politicians who sneer at 'patriotic' working class voters concerned about migration

>Westminster 'could slash Scotland’s devolved laws following Brexit'

>Ruth Davidson to tell Tories May has 'helped women at every turn'

>IMF crowns UK world's fastest growing major economy, but hard Brexit fears push pound to 31-year low

>Amber Rudd vows to stop migrants 'taking jobs British people could do' and force companies to reveal number of foreigners they employ
Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERSxT9eoqjc
That sure as shit caught me by surprise.

Not entirely sure lad, but it sure as hell won't do harm on your application. I'm also very sure that the British and Strayan armed forces do inter-force transfers, so you could transfer from the Strayan RN to the British RN, which I assume would get you citizenship. I might just be talking out of my arse here, so you'll have to read up on this stuff yourself lad.
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Who /no gf/ here?

Who /shut in virgin/ here?

Who /major depression/ here?
I am lost without a thread

>/no gf/
>/not virgin/
>/no longer depressive/

What the fuck actually happened to Steven Woolfe ?
You cunts are getting sleepy
He got mega-memed in to a new timeline.
Me except I now have my gf
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No way, that you Alex?

>FTSE 100 at all time high
>Pound falling

Can someone explain? Is it deliberate or are we printing too much money or some shit?
Who's that pudding faced turd?
How are we all celebrating Jeremy corbyn digging labours grave even deeper lads?
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You need heritage legislation to allow those of English descent in former colonies to return home as citizens.
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>tfw I was happier as a shut-in loser

Conservatives are throwing money at the economy, May has actually said she has no intention of fixing the deficit, Ozzy was later seen in Vietnam firing cold war weapons.
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>was gonna have a sober night
>2am and seriously considering going to the 24h and getting fucked up

Not my fault alcohol makes the voices go quiet.

Nah I know I'm weak.
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she is christian and supports trump
why are non-commonwealth flags allowed to be waved at the proms?

Finished a ten pack of Kronenbourg at around 12am. Better off just staying sober 2bh lad.
We execute them later.
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Just every now and then you come along with a picture of her and it's a cheeky little surprise.
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>only time i ever had depression in my life was when i was in my second relationship
>tfw happy being single as long as im not imprisoned in a shitty relationship
LADS! I need that image of the europhile cuck who is wearing lederhosen, clogs, a beret and says Austria-Hungary was stable and that he's learning esperanto.
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That would be the sensible option.

However as a raging alcoholic I'm not prone to being sensible.

They'd better have some Ginsters in this time.
Can't sleep at all lads.
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>not supporting raheem
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nothing to wake up for
alright then lads, off to uni, see yas all next time
See ya laddo.
how are submariners viewed in your country, britfags
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From the pier.
With a periscope.
Should I become a UKIP member? Any UKIP members here?

I'm a UKIP member. Membership is only ÂŁ2 for Under 22s.

(annually ofc)
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Night chaps.
>ask girl out
>turns me down
>disappointed but not too bothered
>messages me some giant tome about how we have to "talk" and all this other stuff
>"anon it must be hard for you i am so sorry but i just can't have a relationship with you"
>tell her i don't need to talk about it and i'm over it
>"but it must be horrible for you seeing me all the time"
>it genuinely doesn't and i quite enjoy life
>"look i am sure you will make someone very happy one day but it just can't be me its just not right we're too different"
>she does variations of this frequently
>when i last saw her in person she wouldn't shut up about it

Why is she doing this? She messages me every few weeks, asks how I am then pours all this out.

I went out for dates with her a few times, got rejected and moved on. Nine months later and she repeatedly brings it up. Why?
women do this, they milk attention for as long as they possibly can. She is craving for you to fall to your knees and beg for her to go out with you.
It also could be that she is trying to get you to want her again, maybe she wants you too, or maybe she just wants to be sought after by someone.
>woman being hysterical
This prospect is unheard of. I shall ring the medical bureau whilst you contact the relevent medias.
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>Who /no gf/ here?

>Who /shut in virgin/ here?

virgin but not a shut in

>Who /major depression/ here?

it's getting better

rate this communist girl lads
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night mate, love you x
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Trying to cut down on alcohol and the result, as always, is nightmares. Had a full bottle of red tonight so it's back to square one. I've stuck a post-it note in my drawer barring me from alcohol for a week, my memory is fucked these days.
I'm pretty sure she's "Cis"
Where my neet bros at? Just woke up about an hour ago, smoked a blunt to the face.

>guaranteed Hitchens replies.
Believe you can and you’re halfway there.

Weed makes me anxious these days. I'd just crawl into a ball and freak out about how fucked up my life is.
When did Brit/pol/ become so degenerate?
classy. not NEET but you have my sympathies

rank the following lads


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What's the speech where he says he'll light a flame that will not extinguish
Used to make me anxious a lot when I was younger but I just got used to stepping out of my mind and seeing that I was just freaking out and all the stuff I thought was wrong was being overblown.

Useful skill actually, translated into sober use as well.
>rank the following lads
Gulag for all non-corbynposters.
Blairposters should be thrown in aforementioned gulag.
I don't like anime posting but I know it's the culture here so I don't say anything against it.
Hitchens is a concern troll jewish faggot who rarely if ever has a correct opinion.
Take it to /r9k/ unless it's patriotic feels.
Comrades in Struggle.

Everyday after 2am
She's a narcissist using you for an ego boost.
>I just got used to stepping out of my mind and seeing that I was just freaking out and all the stuff I thought was wrong was being overblown.

Nah I'm genuinely a fuck up. I enjoyed twisting my mind with it but it just illuminates genuine negativity in my life now. Of course you could argue that it's useful because it should make you want to change, but I'm too weak.
You're not wrong. I already stopped vaping weed a couple of weeks ago, surprisingly easy to quit. I Think a lot of people struggle because they smoke it with tobacco. Gonna' write tonight off as a slip and try again.
ps ignore the gay video someone has made for that with all the antifa faggotry in it. Just listen to the lyrics.
Went clubbing and like half the guys there are "badman" asians not drinking and trying to act tough in front of white girls. When i go to dub/reggae clubs the mostly black crowd is welcoming and based af. FeelsBadMan
Good lad, slow progress is better than no progress
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you all need to get more comfy
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Who /comfy/ here?

Who /content with life/ here?

Who /hopeful about the future/ here?
Bit tricky when UKIP has killed itself on the same day.
>Went clubbing

I'd rather gouge my eyes out than go clubbing
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>No Woes posting

Diz-gusting, bloody hell
It was fucking comfortable. Got to keep up appearances though, and meet any potential fresher gf
>Who /comfy/ here?

>Who /content with life/ here?
>Who /hopeful about the future/ here?
Once you start getting hopeful for the future, that's how you set yourself up for misery. One day at a time.

It's not that easy.
oh fuck, how could I forget old Oswald Woesley

Fuck off normieshit. I've literally got 3 piss bottles in my room.
>Once you start getting hopeful for the future, that's how you set yourself up for misery. One day at a time.
I was completely convinced the brexit vote wouldn't go our way and was resigned to being fucked by the system once again. I couldn't believe it when we won, had actual years of joy.
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>Pan-African Colours

sure she's pure m8
Fuck Nigel and fuck Anglo people.
Im cyborg at best desu lad
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good spot
She was born in Africa her father is a preacher who moved from the US in the 70s.
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I had a very good feeling on that day until about 10pm. And I remember saying on here at the time exactly how I was feeling, it was like being in a fast car with a blindfold on and no seatbelt. A horrible feeling of no control whatsoever.

So of course when it started getting obvious we were winning, it was an amazing feeling.
Good morning lads
>She is craving for you to fall to your knees and beg for her to go out with you.

Then she will reject you and the balance in the force is restored.

Don't ask her out. Just ignore her. And don't ask women out at work again. Know you know why. It's not because you might fall in love and become an office couple.
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christ women sound like a load of hassle

I guess there are some positives being a kissless virgin, r-right?
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You know what really stinks about Owen Jones? His book, Chavs, makes a big point about how white working class have been marginalised and had their quality of life decimated by the influx of migrants; but does he mention that these days? Does he fuck. Smarmy populist hypocrite. Heck, he even makes the case for feelings of "racism" among the working class being justifiable for this reason.
What's funny about Owen Jones is how he made a career out of 'fighting' 'the establishment' and when, the first time in his pathetic life, he got a chance to ACTUALLY fight 'the establishment' he so-hates, he said 'o-oh no, vote remain guys'.

And it's effectively ended his worth because while he toed the lefty line, it's undermined what he purported to ever believe in.
Yeah, I figure it's because he panders to middle class neoliberals these days because that's what gets him attention with his Guardian column and social media presence.

I also fucking hate how he plays up his chummy Northern accent when he is, frankly, a privileged college boy. Pretty sure I saw a video of him with his parents and they had kinda posh "Southern-ish" accents... But he plays up some accent because that gives him working class cred? Doesn't fly with me. Nothing wrong with the Northern accent, but his is like some kind of Mockney type thing.
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Girls are just like normal friends, except they will fuck with your head and drive you insane, but they have some strange hold over most people.
I hate that every middle class cunt thinks all working class people are chavs and must be violent ingrates simply because they're poor
Anyone here use Tinder? Was thinking of getting it but don't wanna waste my time. Also Surrey reporting in.
I haven't had any friends in about 2.5 years so I'm a bit rusty. Honestly though I just ignore women most of the time. Barely talk to them unless I have to
I use it, got plenty of matches but i'm too much of an autist to hold a conversation with them
Are you a shut in, or just dont bother? I haven't really had a friend since the end of secondary school, but I much prefer being alone. I have people I talk to and get along with, but I leave them once I leave work
>I also fucking hate how he plays up his chummy Northern accent when he is, frankly, a privileged college boy. Pretty sure I saw a video of him with his parents and they had kinda posh "Southern-ish" accents... But he plays up some accent because that gives him working class cred? Doesn't fly with me. Nothing wrong with the Northern accent, but his is like some kind of Mockney type thing.
That cunt sounds like George Formby.
Same, hence why I read the Owen Jones book in the first place. Another big theme in the book is how it's seemingly completely acceptable among the middle class to outright label the working class as, basically, subhuman. He talks about media portrayal of the stereotype like that one off Little Britain and how that is basically propaganda.

Skirts around showing that Harry Enfield did it way earlier and actually made a pop at race mixing with the whole BRAAAAHN BABY gag.
I find him to be be somewhat of a useful idiot in decline. It'll be interesting what he does next to keep himself relevant.

It works well for sex. If you're having issues with knowing what to chat about, music is always my go-to. Look at what bands she likes then say which album by that artist is your personal favourite. It's fine if hers isn't the same, women like that, it at least proves you're not a bot (and Tinder is riddled with them).
If her profile is bland/empty, just don't bother.
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>That cunt sounds like George Formby.

I pray to almighty Kek that Owen Jones will get a ukelele
I was nervous as fuck until Farage made his victory speech.
Thanks for the tips
Having to listen to shite bands to impress someone sounds like too much work.

In case anyone hasn't seen this. Can you imagine this being shown now?
Not a shut in, I'm a student. But yeah I don't bother going out of my way to meet people. I prefer being alone and relaxing but I do wish I had some company sometimes. I'm fairly affable and polite with people, but socialising just drains me. I'm very private and shy, plus my interests aren't going out and drinking so yeah, I'm pretty withdrawn from society. I'm doing a bit of exercise at the moment to build some muscle. Feels ok man.

Tinder sounds terrifying to me. Just feels like I'd be an ugly dog waiting to be picked up by an owner.
>Harry Enfield

Is there any comedian more redpilled
No gf and shut-in virgin, but by no means depressed.

Stay productive, follow your interests and better yourself. It makes you whole lot more desirable. Right now I'm just too 'scared' to get into a relationship.
>Can you imagine this being shown now?

Bit like monkey dust

All 'edgy' humour now has to have some underlying lefty shite
Like Frankie Boyle
>Right now I'm just too 'scared' to get into a relationship

Same here. I hate revealing aspects of myself. Not physically but mentally and emotionally.
I'm not shy but I'm very introverted. I didn't really fall into a group at school early enough so I was harassed relentlessly. Eventually I ended up falling in with other social outcasts, I have few but very close friends. Also plenty of online friends.

I worry about how attractive I am sometimes because many of my friends are above 6ft and very handsome. I'm 5'8 and ocasionally limp because I messed up my knee playing rugby a few years ago
That sucks. I did ok at school, had a few normie friends. But they've all moved on now, all of them have gfs etc. The only person I regularly talk to outside my family is my doctor.

idk if height matters that much, i'm 5'10" and I see lots of shorter men with women every day. But clearly they have something I don;t
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>Monkey Dust

Oh my fucking god I miss that show so much. I swear British comedy peaked with that show.

>Clive, where have you really been?
>I've been drunkenly waxing lyrical about how Owen Jones is a fake cunt and British comedy is dead on a Korean lithograph forum.
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I have no GF and am a bit of a shut in, though I leave the house for special occasions.
Alas, I'm not a virgin and am only suffering from minor depression so I'm not quite on your level.
Anyone in South London see that helicopter circling around?
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How does Labour go from having MP's like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1j-Gb8Pk2Pk

To having people like Diane Abbott and Corbyn.
>it ain't me starts playing
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If you could recolonise Africa, would you? Would you love some shackled negros again?
Corbyn clearly wanted Brexit deep down

the British left only embraced the EEC/EU after Thatcher

Votes are more important to most politicians than keeping to ones own political morals. See Blairites and the centralist ideals that the 2 party system in America has for evidence.
Corbyn may have wanted Brexit, but he sold out for Remain, and he is by no means based, Corbyn is the worst type of left leaning parasite.
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Corbyn sabotaged the Remain campaign from the inside.
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Yes, but they would not be able to get citizenship to UK. Milk them for money and resources, and in return build some infrastructure that you will profit from in the long run.
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>Corbyn may have wanted Brexit, but he sold out for Remain
I just had a nightmare about a storm, and for some reason the leader of the Scottish Conservatives was in my dream. Really weird.
i've been having fucking weird dreams lately. woken up in a sweat twice, and that's never happened to me before. might be the medication i'm on
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>Don't take medication
>Rarely remember my dreams
>When I do they are horrifying and I wake up almost screaming

Latest one was when I was contaminated by some kind of nuclear reactor and went into some kind of pressurized decontamination unit but they fucked up and air came rushing in and I knew I was about to be crushed to death by the pressure. I was banging on the window begging for them to turn it off.
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Morning lads.

I opened a pack of Freddo Frogs so I could have one before bed and I just woke up and everybody ate the rest of them and now I want to die because I can't have my early morning Freddo.
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>google Freddo Frogs
I just watched Threads. In hindsight it was probably a mistake.
Finally managed to fap after an hour of trying

Sweet dreams lads
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Let China deal with them, once was enough.

All my dreams are strange, at least the ones I don`t die in.

Worst time to wake up tbqh
You miss most of the night and get most of the sun, it`s not even warm enough for sun.

Thank you for boosting Aussie exports <3
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You're welcome.
We should take Iceland, Greenland, Namibia and Papua New Guinea for British living space.
We need to purify ourselves, first.
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>you are not allowed to live in the british antarctic territory reeeeeee
Why? So we can be finically and militarily responsible for remote islanders and 3rd worlders?

We have enough issues in England that need attention without fantasists trying to grasp at the last grains of Empire to stave off their insecurities.

England was a glorious independant Kingdom long before the Empire and subsequent collapse and commonwealth immigration, Empire is not England natural state of being and all it brings us today is non-Europeans to our shores.

We need to relight the fire of the Kingdom of England and throw out those that would see Englishmen die on foreign shores and English tax payers fund such childish nonsense because they can't get over the loss of something that died long before they were born.
We'd be north Korea tier and you know it

You'd be amazed how reliant Britain is on cheap resources
Purge the socialists. Free market will find the correct incomes and prices.
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>holy fuck we're actually doing it

London borough result comes in

>fuck, fuck, fuck their gonna ruin everything

20 minutes later

>holy fuck we're actually doing it

Over and over again. Fuck me that was a tense night.
I'm so glad this black man is here to tell me what British Values are

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>get home from work
>check brit/pol/
>its the 6-8am dead spot
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Good moaning
Morning Anon.
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Morning lads
Pound dropped 10% over night.


How's things, lad?
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good morning lads. everyone had a good night sleep i hope
>Wake up
>It's still dark outside

>wake up
>cant wake up inside

>Pound falls 10% in 'insane' Asian trading mystery

The robots are against us, boys.
your article says 6% unless im reading it incorrectly
The Guardian one says 10, BBC says 6.
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who is this


Yeah, it's about 6.1%, The Guardian getting it wrong as usual.
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If the pound becomes worthless who's coming with me to raid Greggs?

(((fat fingers)))
also BLAIR

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going to a party tonight lads

dont even feel like goin though

id rather just shitpost on /pol/

you guys are my real friends
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Not long until sleeping past 4pm = fuck all day light

Starts to get a bit spooky after a week or so desu

im in where you at, im in leeds - a million greggs here within 20 metres of eachother

>pound at 31 year low
>its because we left the eu
>31 years ago we were in the eu
>leaving is not the primary cause
>was dropping before vote was decided and remain was expected to win
>this is how currencies work

this country is fucked

Just stay at home and do big cums
>thread theme

not my first time hearing it, but fuck man, the "Europe for Europeans" bit sends shivers down my spine every time
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Starting to think Brexit was a mistake lads.
I clean an office building overnight and the 2 Polish lads I work with started hitting me with mops when the pound plunged last night, laughing about how 'I am worth dirt thanks to Brexit'.

The economy is doomed
It wasn't worth it.
I don't fucking understand our government.
>you can be locked up and charged with serious offences for posting monkey on the internet
>but the government is actively making a list of companies who hire foreigners, in an attempt to make people boycott them

It's as if nothing has actually changed and we're still ruled by the same neo-conservatives except they're trying to appease kippers angry at "the man".
The best thing to do is ignore her for awhile it's the one thing women hate.

that country is a joke that has gone too far lad
That's the best thing about winter though.
Has he been POZ'D yet?
>sleeping past 4pm

sort your life out 2bh
what's the best british band of all time?

my vote goes to oasis
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work night shift lad
>diane james shadow home secretary
>possible return of tony blair to politics
>government categorising ALL foreign worker statistics
>steven Woolfe KO'd
Interesting couple of days, lads.
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oh. now im just feeling with you

Just saw this lads. I'm impressed, I had no idea people would support this kind of thing. Even the fucking SNP is 50/50 on it.
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>UKIP in action
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Best day of my life, no contest.
I've seen loads of bitching about this on normiebook. Bit my tongue and laughed a lot.
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>Who /no gf/ here?
Had one, long time ago though.

>Who /shut in virgin/ here?
Virgin yes, not a shut in.

>Who /major depression/ here?
Had a little a while ago, all gone. Does come back now and again.
Yes, I occasionally monkey dust post here and it never really takes off, I thought I was the only fan.
I work in a pub. Last night we had some race night thing for charity with pre-recorded races, didn't really go so well. Last race was a pig race, the guy had no names for the pigs so all of our patrons made up names, and my manager joined in and names one pig "Dirty Yid."

This was surreal as fuck m8s. What is my manager?
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Any Kent Bros here?
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Fuck off cunt.

Led Zeppelin.
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>Have gf
>Not virgin
>Only go out to work and uni
>Rather play vidya and have sex
>Not depressed but something is missing
What do?

I would say The Who.

You are now aware that Loadsamoney was the middle classes sneering at the upstart working class new money of the 80s.
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i literally just took a screenshot of the top one yesterday

so thrilling lads to see my paycheck go up.

I never done it, I only said I done it, so they'd take me cock out of the bacon slicer.
aquire pupper
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You`re making one penny less, senpai.
i'm making 1 penny more ain't i?
Not unless you are from the USA.
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Fuck the EU tbqhwyfamalam

yesterday i would've been paid 2373, today i would get paid 2411
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>but something is missing

Race War


Unless you are being paid by an American company, in US dollars, then converting it to pounds, then no.
yes thats what i am doing :)

You have it backwards.

In that case disregard >>91835199
>UKIP leader,Nigel,replaced by a paki

>the only "nationalist"party, owned by immigrants
pick one
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They`re civic, gypsy.
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>tfw aussie here on an ancestry visa

feels good desu
The only legit answer.
Enjoy seeing less polish and hungarian women and more indians,blacks and paki men with lily white fat brits.
>c-c-civic !
Wew lads,big bad lithuanians and romanians stealing jobs !
Gotta ban them and let 1 billion indians in !

muh colonies muh "common"wealth !!1!

>shorter than Nige

fucking dropped
>implying we want romanian chavs and scum as much as romania would want british chavs and scum
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What would we ever do without all these Romanians begging in the street keeping our economy afloat!
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post your BREXIT theme
>British people are moving to Romania
>RIGHT now
>the only chavs coming here have big families,are fun and chill lads,love their holidays and some are buying estate
>middle to upper class brits moving their businesses here
>individual brits working for corporations here

I think we should start deporting you after Brexit is complete,it would only be fair.
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>have middle aged female boss
>I'm 19
>since I don't have a car she drives me home
>have pretty good relationship even went drinking with her
>as I leave the car to go home I say "bye mum"
I'm not going back to work tomorrow lads
>all these Romanians begging in the street
I doubt you can tell them from your average british citizen, lad.
Sounds like a great deal tbqh
Tell her to put up, or shut up. Because you ain't got time for this shit, you're a bright, young, lad. Tell her to fuck off.
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Fucking hell lad. If you caught it in the moment you might have been able to laugh it off, it's going to be awkward as hell now.
>implying we're actually deporting anyone
as much as that would be a good trade for us it's not going to happen
She'll probably be into it, lad. She'll start rubbing her hand on your thighs in the car now, then wait for you to pop a boner out of embarrassment, then laugh at you and offer to take care of it with her mouth.

Dude bang her, maybe she's down with role play.

I Had a women who owned a whatever store in a tourist town. Holy shit that was hot.
>Sounds like a great deal tbqh
Chav grandmas and grandpas are absolutely,unhinged levels of fun,chill and banter.
Bunch of tattoos too.

Chav families are good people here.
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>romanians are so shit that british underclasses are "good people" to them
>British underclasses treat romanian nicer than their own kin at home
Truly provokes you to go HUH.......
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They stick out like a sore thumb. There's loads where I live just hanging around leaving rubbish and bad smells behind, fucking trash.
Iron Maiden
Maybe it is because we treat them as "people" instead of "underclasses".

Enjoy your pakis and gypsies,they will NEVER leave you ;-).

We are open to taking your "underclasses",so they don't live in a mudshit kingdom.
That guy you posted is a british citizen.
Here,we'd think he is a gypsy.

Then again,it is hard to tell gypsies from brits since you're all from India.
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>not even enough brits in romania to qualify for a place on the census
>claim brits have all gone to romania
Joy Division.

So pleb.
>>claim brits have all gone to romania
>Makes up shit I did not say
I did not claim,I know many brits with bussinesses moved here
Or their corporations moved them here
Or they came for a corporate job.

Many already have holiday houses here.

Our last census was done 2011,when London was still 50% white.

Me on independence day right there.
Post proofs and a significant number are going to Romania of all places. Romanians are one of the most loathed slav groups here.

>chavs like slavs

This will never be true, I don't know why you think chavs are successful businessmen with corporate jobs, they probably are just by Romanian standards.
It's the French being cunts not the gooks
Hollande did a big speech about 'the UK cannot be allowed to leave without paying a price' and all the bitch currency traders started dumping
Isn't that guy an Indian stealth sikh/Hindu who hates kebabs with a burning passion?
>corporate Brits moving to Romania.

I think it's called constructive dismissal.
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find a flaw

protip, you can't
>the Who
>Spinal Tap
>the Specials
>the Smiths
and this cunt chooses Oasis
fucking aussies

>muh shitty 70s band I've only heard of because I had hipster mates in school
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>>muh shitty 70s band I've only heard of because I had hipster mates in school
>Implying Joy Division is obscure

Lad . . .
She's married
That's not what I was implying at all

I was implying that anyone claiming they're the greatest anything of any time frame is a contrarian faggot, likely the kind who thinks NMH are hot shit because their mate who was in a band told them so
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The absolute state of Sweden.


>Sweden is a peaceful democratic state that has long been a safe haven for those fleeing conflict. Yet many young people whose families took refuge there are now turning their back on the country. More than 300 people have gone to fight in Syria and Iraq, making Sweden per capita one of the biggest exporters of jihadists in Europe.

The quotes from the end of the article really show how even left-leaning journalists are questioning Europe's open border policies.

>Why would someone raised in Gothenburg want to leave one of the most peaceful and progressive countries in the developed world to join a violent extremist group in the Middle East?

>With so many of them saying they don't feel Swedish, perhaps the bigger question is: has integration and Sweden's experiment with multiculturalism failed?
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"Best" band is a purely subjective stance. And Joy Division happen to be my favourite British band. They're not my favourite band in general, but of the bands that I've heard to have come out of the UK they're my decisive favourite.

And NMH are hot shit.
What's all this shite about WW3?

We'll be all right, right lads?
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Well he can't go back to Labour, there's no way he'd be able to compete with Corbyn for member support and no MP would fall in behind him that'd just reinforce the blairite meme

The Lib Dems might be cucked enough to support him maybe he'll challenge Farron
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>Anti-immigrant party state.

What is wrong with that?
Krauts are saying they don't want to sell us their goods without tariffs are they trying to destroy their own country? Bonus comments as well from salty Remainers gloating at anything bad that will happen to Britain.

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Cradle of Filth

Honourable mentions
>Pink Floyd
>Led Zeppelin
>Iron Maiden
>Stone Roses
>Manic Street Preachers
>"Best" band is a purely subjective stance
Yet you called other anons 'Plebs' because you preferred another band?
Naomi is a jam.

>Diane Abbott as shadow home sec

I never thought I'd feel sorry for Labour.
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Oh, also, I forgot to mention something.

United Kingdominians, please pass legislation that will let those who reside in your former colonies who are of English heritage to return home as citizens. We want to help you preserve liberty and to keep out those who want to destroy the West.

We could be buddies.
Yeah, since taste in general is subjective it's equally true that your view in other people's taste is subjective. Therefore you are equally justified in championing your own taste whilst shitting on others.
/r/uk lmao
>a jam
>sounds like the song that's on the car radio in every driving scene in every michael cera movie ever
I despair
Can't wait to see who the Shadow Brexit Secretary will be.
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Actually I think the Beatles, Pink Floyd or Led Zeppelin are objectively the best British bands. I just really like Cradle of Filth.
Fair enough.

But ask anybody to name their Top 10 British bands and I doubt anybody (except yourself) would even think of Joy Division.

They made a couple of interesting tracks but really nothing to rave about.
Michael Cera movies generally have decent soundtracks tbqhwyl.
He's been too long away from Britain and has no idea how resented he is. Thatcher is less hated than Blair ffs
>Riots never result in violence
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I fell asleep in the end lads.
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>not supporting god-empress May
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I thought Raheem is ex-Muslim.
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Is QT worth watching? Missed it last night. Panel looks shit.
What's going on with the exchange rate?
Fair play to them.

>They made a couple of interesting tracks but really nothing to rave about.
Personally I would say that Unknown Pleasures and Closer both have a consistent level of quality from beginning to end that's rarely matched.
>She's married

its shocking how often that does not matter .Lost my virginity at 19 with a married milf and fucked for hours
>approximately 30% of the voting public support a second referendum
>of these, many are self serving smug wankers who wouldn't even think of giving up a week's wages to strike
>those who aren't covered in this group are either loony leftists who work for local council environmental planning departments who a) nobody would miss and b) would immediately lose their jobs in an unauthorised strike, and students who either value their degree more than they value their politics and therefore wouldn't participate or are doing a degree so worthless they'd rather have a moan about a democratic decision
It'd be a bunch of idiot liberal arts students walking out of lectures and calling it a 'strike' while some nutbag hippies from Hebden Bridge wave placards reading 'STOP THE EVIL TORIES' outside
Hope they do it tbqh
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Had no idea this happened desu
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>Not being a communist
is that real? if it is i hate him even more. what a cunt.
Its fake
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Electric Light Orchestra
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What matters is passing it around and telling everyone that it is real. That is the true justice.
To be fair it looks real , saw him fliping out at this picture on FB because people were thinking it was real , was funny
I never really listened to them much but the reason I went for The Who was because at the time I lost count of the times I played the Quadrophenia album (not the soundtrack) - it was a work of genius.

At that time I was riding around on a Lambretta, so I mostly listened to stuff associated with the scooter crowd, (60's, Mod rivial, The Jam, Motown, Northern Soul, etc) but I listened to loads of other stuff too . . . .the early 1980's had some great Brit Bands, I think Ultravox deserves a mention too.
So then they get fired and replaced by some Yuropoor and become a Ukipper, I'm not entirely against this '''plan'''.
black sabbath
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>Cleggy hosting HIGNFY tonight

The Eternal Kraut strikes again
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Why are you letting him lose, lad?
faggot from /twg/
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I remember the government paying for the remain camp with our tax money, so what's the problem?
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>/no friends/

could be worse
>reggae dub nights
>black crowds based af
my nigga, I go to dub nights occasionally and can confirm that the black, slightly older crowds are much more friendly and down to earth. people at uni age in clubs are complete wasters
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>no job
>applied for benefits but only eligable for ~250 a month
>started buying shit from poundland to put on ebay for a markup
what have I become
Um because the government did it with our best interests in mind whilst those donors are probably racists or something
fucking hell lads you should see the state Theresa May has left the lefties in, they're hysterical
I don't really understand why they're so upset. I really don't. Saying someone is reminiscent of Hitler does not an argument make.

If your flag is accurate she probably is your mum.
That sounds like something Hitler would say
Hitler also loved the United Kingdom so I guess I basically am Hitler now that I think about it.
Wait is Raheem a muzzie?
Former. Was born into it but hates it.
one of the few ex-mus who lived to tell the tale
The Guardian is pure gold right now.
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JD easily goes into top 10 bands for me, one of the greatest British post punk bands to grace this earth, their early work as warsaw and later works as new order have all revolutionized the way we understand rock music and they have huge influence globally and nationally. I can understand how late 70's post punk wouldn't compare to /pol/core/ like maiden and zeppelin for its lack of homo zest and g l a m but JD communicate their ideas in a very beautiful and understated manner which no other band at that time did. They managed to emerge into the mainstream with a very simple dialogue and I praise them for their simplistic and pragmatic approach to creating sound.

If we have an immigration problem already, why would we want to open the gates to the descendants of people that were either:
-Too stupid or workshy to be able to make a success of themselves at home so had to move abroad where there was less competition.
-Slaves of the above.
-Deported criminals.

Seriously, who would want you? You're worse than those stupid Africans you see interviewed on the BBC every time a ship sinks in the Mediterranean, that think they can be a hairdresser in Europe.
I'd happily swap chavs for yanks (and by swap I mean set the chavs adrift)
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The diaspora should return and reclaim the motherland desu.
Fuck off granddad, no one gives a shit about your music blogging






Because the best Brits were those forged in the fires of the colonies, the frontiersmen of our empire.
Jethro Tull ofcourse
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