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Brit/pol/ - Tsar Nicholas II memorial Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 352
Thread images: 116

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>Thread theme


>UKIP's Steven Woolfe 'conscious in hospital after altercation'

>Diane James quits as Ukip leader after just 18 days as Nigel Farage rules out a comeback

>Theresa May to attack politicians who sneer at 'patriotic' working class voters concerned about migration

>Westminster 'could slash Scotland’s devolved laws following Brexit'

>Ruth Davidson to tell Tories May has 'helped women at every turn'

>IMF crowns UK world's fastest growing major economy, but hard Brexit fears push pound to 31-year low

>Amber Rudd vows to stop migrants 'taking jobs British people could do' and force companies to reveal number of foreigners they employ
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quick post your comfy cold weather jacket

QT thread
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Ah fuck never mind, I've lost it, gg
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Fuck the Tsar.
new QT thread
I've got one of these cunts. Not too thin, but not too easy to keep cold.
Fuck me.
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>tfw you will never save a Russian princess from Commie scum
why lad?

In Imperial Russia, Tsar fucks you
Thoughts on Barry Lyndon?

It's interesting so far but I really don't like Barry.
Who is the other guy?

All done lolis, all dose hamboigahs.

No wait, the meme doesn't look right like that, quick give me a traditional Russian dish.
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Favourite film tbqh.

You're not supposed to like him.
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You're not necessarily supposed to I feel, good film either way.
One of his English cousins I think
shhh, just listen and let the anger drift away

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We need to save Scotland lads.
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How do you save someone who doesn't want to be saved?
fuking eternal anglo betrayers
you left Nicholas and commies win
shame on you
Who's the Indian representing?
>diane abbot is shadow Home Secretary

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why does anybody use coke as a mixer? just mixed my rum with coke and it's actually rank
The PM who refused to take them in was Welsh, not Anglo.

>fucked many Britons
>all have tiny to laughably tiny pricks
If you like your rum straight, why are you using mixers?
You use coke as a mixer on gut-rot tier rums and whiskies to mask the taste and make it go down fast. Not with the top shelf stuff.
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Christ. Labour are really pushing the boat out on un-electability this time
Post tits

I think? Right lads?
it's lamb's navy rum, i wouldn't call it "top shelf" per se.
I'm not crazy about straight rum, but I mixed this rum with ginger beer and it was nice, i've mixed vodka and jagermeister with coke at uni and every time it was worse than lemonade or red bull or anything like that.
With hard work and determination.
Good riddance to royal scum. I hope he went last after watching his entire line get wiped out.

He/she/it has posted the same bait before
rum and lemonade is dank
You kill your royal family, and some how it's our fault. Russian lives matter, much.
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I think coke as a mixer is an American thing. I don't understand it either, but at this point it has permeated into culture and everyone knows about it so I think it's just a "thing" now, no matter how shitty it tastes.

Ginger beer is great as a mixer as long as it's not too sweet (personal preference). Root beer is even better, if you can get your hands on it.
In a pinch, Sprite is better than coke but it's still pretty foul.
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>Lick it...

>But Nicola I-

>MADAME Nicola, boy.

>M-Madame, please, I don't want to lick it, it smells and i-

Welsh people are so retarded-sounding
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She'll have morphed into this creature soon.
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So someone I know hangs out in an IRC chatroom I run.

>bitches about having to find work
>bitches about tories
>totally in for labour
>hates corbyn

Now they are bitching about some monkey Diane Abbot being made Shadow Home Secretary. Who is this monkey. Please inform me brit/pol/

>bitches about having to find work
>gets work
>bitches about working
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"She's" not very nice.
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>Vodka and Jager w/ coke
I feel you, lad. Pretty good stuff, to be honest. One too many house parties.
The hell typa country are you?
fuck me I might be autistic.

"One too many house parties have been either made better or ruined by it."
This has been one of the worst Question Time's I've ever watched

Both the panel and the audience have been shit
Corbyn's shagged her. Not joking.
haven't been watching, any bants?
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kek, corbyn seems to have a thing for minority women. isn't he on his second hispanic wife?
I have no problem getting on snapchat or kik but I'm a size queen and not interested in anything less.
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millionth for madwoman Theresa
she is a big fan of Mao
Dutch colony. You know like your Caribbean colonies like St Kitts and St Lucia. The islands you only hear about whenever Cricket is on.

Jesus fuck you aint joking.

Thank fuck May is the PM and not the little commie.
>defeated the japs
>totally ignoring Chiang Kai-shek
like, vodka and jager both in the same mixer? does that actually work?
>Tsarist Russia. Peasant uprisings, agrarian country, 80% of the population is uneducated peasants who do not have passports and wages.
>Soviet Russia. 90% of the population - educated people who have free passports, free medical care, free education, social protection, the best education in the world...

He wears his socialist hat while fucking her and shouting revolutionary slogans.
>diane mentioned
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The workers know, shut it down
Why is there always at least one tankie in brit/pol/?
i had to look you up nigger
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Welp, QT was shite.
Lads. I dropped beer on my laptop 3 days ago.

Pulled the battery, stuck it on a radiator. It is 100% dry. But random keys are pressing constantly. I had to disable the keyboard through devman and the mouse doesnt work as a result. On my phone now hence bad typing.

What do? How to fix? New keyboard? Its only worth like £150 so maybe jist use it as a desktop and use an external keyboard?
>I really don't like Barry.

You're not really supposed to
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How's your Queen? She again will take away the passports of the indigenous British and equated to the blacks?
They are so inbred they all look alike.
Teresa May could be a hero but she is another Thatcher, Blair, Brown and Cameron. It always gets worse for the indigenous
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I too was less than satisfied with this week's broadcast.
What effect has austerity actually had?
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You do understand that you could've achieved that without murdering your entire elite as well as over 10 million Christians and subjugating yourself to jewish tyranny right?
Genocide and gulags
Could try taking the keyboard out and giving it a good clean? Careful you don't break stuff obviously.
Nah I aint no nigger. Glorious colonist instead. My parents are from Arnhem. A place you should know in the Netherlands.
Probably one of the most England loving places there is in the Netherlands.
Is Nicholas the ultimate cuck?
Yes I have a problem with your insane death cult.
get a wireless keyboard. I got one the other day at maplins for 24 nicker. Now i can keep my laptop on my lower tummy and my keyboard on my chest. muy comfy.
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I was working in a public service at the time and the 10-20% cuts per department meant people were laid off and natural wastage wasn't replaced.
Sounding pretty liberal there familia.
Go to the drugstore and get a bottle of 95% isopropyl alcohol. Take out the battery, use a cloth soaked in the IPA and clean the keyboard including crevices. Let dry at room temperature. Repeat as needed.
good on ya
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brit/pol/ is shit tonight lads, I'm off to bed
You the guy that posts in /sg/?
portilos completely shitting over these guests
I work in a school. Shit fucked. We've barely got pencils or staff
This sounds the best and comfiest plan. £24 is quite a lot though, I'm a cheap cunt. I'll try amazon.

Already had it apart, used a hair dryer on low power and everything is bone dry.
Sounds like you`re listening to an honest to god blairite.
The one in the same.
God I miss having a TV in my room and just having the BBC on so I could hear about shit going on in Britain.
Though I heard BBC went to shit in the past decade or so.
Jesus Neil is savage
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>the best education in the world
Maybe the best propaganda in the world.
BBC is marxist tier these days. Can't you watch it online somehow?
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Was QT any good tonight lads?
Decided to skip tonight because that panel was absolute shite.
get a vpn
You were right in your assessment. Worst in a long time. They somehow managed this without once talking about the NHS
They aren't even hiding it anymore.

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Good evening lads
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I can just imagine how cool you're bitch ass thinks you look in that jacket god damn that's a childish thing to wear why don't you get an eye patch and two blades for a matching outfit faggot.
Who here /androidapp/?

I am currently using Mimi and it is okay but has no predictive text and wont let me click on new threads... suggestions?
He will run as MP if Corbyn allows him and he will get about 8% of the vote. He is a meme.


He along with Corbyn have some of the lowest popularity ratings out of everyone.

I hope that cunt joins, Woolfe becomes leader and UKIP expands.
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clever girl...
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This will summon YKTD
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I usually wear it with the collar down but yes I do think it's cool
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>Blairites so livid with the state of labour and their shitty candidates that they simply said 'fuck it' and asked ol' Tone himself to come back.

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Drive more people over to Theresa
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Return to politics when?
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Please, almighty God, let him run as an MP and challenge Corbyn for the leadership, I'll sacrifice chicken nugs on an altar
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Does this cunt even realise he's the most hated politician in British history
nah, it's posting his name usually.

What the shit just happened? The pound dropped like a sack of bricks!
RIP Nicky, you were never meant for this world
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>"Granddaughter, please explain Communism to me,” an old Russian woman asks her granddaughter. “How will people live under it? They probably teach you all about it in school."
>"Of course they do, Granny,” her granddaughter responds. “When we reach Communism, the shops will be full – there'll be butter, and meat, and sausage…you'll be able to go and buy anything you want..."
>"Ah!" exclaimed the old woman joyfully. "Just like under the Tsar!"
Unfortunately I think that honour goes either to Eden or Thatcher
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I cannot WAIT till he learns incontrovertibly just how much this country HATES him.
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he's not that hated. He inspires distaste and scorn but not hate, the way Thatcher does
That doesn't really mean anything though does it. The sack of bricks could have been just an inch above the floor, which isn't really a big deal. I doubt any bricks would break or the floor would be damaged. Can you tell us what the height was?
>Does this cunt even realise he's the most hated *living* politician in British history

fix'd for you senpai

We told her to fix the nation and the madwoman actually is.
Stop it dude
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Oh please yes.
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Oh shi-
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This is now ' post rare beard' thread

pic also related
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Well, on the average trading day, the GBP/USD will move about 100 pips up or down.

It dropped about 580 pips in two minutes, during what's a relative dead zone for trading activity.
Just a gas leak

This happened yesterday.

It will probably drop further as well.

Sorry to break it to you but this is the price of hard Brexit.

We need to stay the course.
Guardian have chimed in
see: >>91783330
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£ = €

More like this is ok
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No matter what, we must stay the course for queen and country.
As long as you wear it well and not like an action figure. I'm sure you will wear it in.
This is similar (but not really) to mine. The one i got (don't know if it is still being produced or at what quality) is rugged as fuck. Think i had a few fights in it, scuffed it and it is not much worse for wear.

I wish you could easily account for (genuine) quality (((these days)))
Does he really think that even if he becomes elected as leader, people will vote for him?
nth for moggcore

Woolfe didn't absorb the blow well enough, some of the shockwave managed to break free and smashed right in to the quid.
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>tfw potato garden
Enjoy starving in the streets everyone else.
Have to say This Week has been disappointing the past two episodes.
>That vote on the page for bringing back devolved powers to Westminister

It's only 10k or so but that just seems surprising to me since all they go on about is 'muh Westminister' fucking Scotland
Nice lad
the first one back was shit as well

Isn't that what the Irish though?

Seriously, we're talking about a few pence on our food items.
>Tony Blair quoted in a recent Esquire interview that Corbyn's policies 'are actually a form of conservatism.

what the fuck am i reading?
Eh, at least that one had Keith Vaz doing Gangnam Style at the end.
I only watched a few minutes of it and Neil was criticizing the new migrant-labelling scheme. I thought he was based?
I saw a Scottish cunt unironically call Sturgeon "based" earlier. He said "based Sturgeon will save us", in the context of "muh bigoted English".
That is literally the plan of the Jew. One world currency -> cashless
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Does anyone know why the pound just took a big jump off a cliff?

The Neil and the comfy vibes are the only reason I keep watching it, tbqh
he's a centrist globalist fuck who thinks both left and right are bad
He did point out the poll about it later on which showed it was popular
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>blairism, not even once
The Eurozone's got massive problems of it's own. Doesn't matter where you are this continent is going down the shitter economically.

>currency parity is the same as a currency union
It hasnt really gone off a cliff. Just to where it was a week ago.
blair's fault probably
>British pound tumbles as low as $1.1819 in early Asia trade, touching fresh low since 1985

>lefties stealing our lingo
Dont be retarded, Russia was already beginning to industrialize by the time the Bolsheviks took over. It wasn't because of the communists that Russia modernized, they were going to do it regardless.
>tfw you realize Nicholas II is one of the only rulers/politicians in history who understood and tried to implement the idea that presents cannot be given everything at once and must slowly be brought to the table of industrialization
If you're implying I said this, no. I grew up in Gib, I understand GDP:EUR better than most. But the intention is for European and US parity.
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Jesus Christ, this is actually making me feel sick.

Why can't someone kill Blaire in one punch.
I know just the man for the job.
let it all come tumbling down, I want the remainiacs to keep bleating on about economics instead of the real reason they lost the referendum.
better send in Mike Hookem

BoE may have to intervene at this rate
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stop talking rubbish. no one cares about arbitrary points of currency value.

desu it's worth voting for corbyn just to see blair hang
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A friend of mine is honestly obsessed with her, he talks as if he worships her
The guy also hates the English, said it here a while ago but he legitimately believes the Empire was started to oppress Scotland
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I feel so un-comfy at the moment I feel like crying.
we're literally living in the most meme year in history. We have slipped out of our own reality into one with the "Dr. Seuss" dial cranked to 11.

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Post your face when the Hair Blair Bunch returns

This is a fucking stupid historical narrative that Scotland was the first acquisition of the 'British' (and by this they mean English) Empire.

Really though Scots played an even larger role in empire than any other of the home nations. They were disproportionately represented as employees of the empire and settlers.
This raises only one question, a serious one.

He won't

The cunt just wants a bit of attention before he dies

Pretty much.

Him returning would be the kill pill for Labour.
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What happened lad

Is it time for feels?
>meanwhile at the independant


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I just want my bank account to be in the positive lads.
fucking this

Wales and Ireland were conquered, but Scotland was a full partner. fuck em
I'm just replaying him performing those ebin mental gymnastics he did when the chilcot report came our again in my mind.
Literal madman.
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Shall not be infringed, britcucks. Just remember that.
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Bless you laddie
every time i enter this thread i cause feels

remember that thread a couple of days ago about all those programmes we used to watch? that was me

i don't have anything in my life that i'm proud of

i'm really trying
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find a flaw

protip you won't.
Just read some shite article about "muh May is a meany" and it's first sentence was;

>In the finest traditions of London imperialism, May has ignored the 62% Remain victory north of the border.

Why do these people not understand that it was the UK that voted, not constituent countries as individuals?

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You lost Vietnam Amerifat, just remember that.
>written before wednesday's speech
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dat 11c drop & recovery
Shut up! Shut up, you American. You always talk, you Americans, you talk and you talk
and say 'Let me tell you something' and 'I just wanna say this.' Well, you're dead now,
so shut up.
I believe it's what referred to as market forces.
>>Diane James quits as Ukip leader after just 18 days as Nigel Farage rules out a comeback


> London imperialism.

> London was Remain.

> It was England that overwhelming voted out.

Kind of like the feel of a TV screen rather than my PC. Also am a poorfag with only one monitor.

I heard the Beeb is going to make it so you have to use a login that you get with your TV license for internet streaming soon. Because of VPN users.
doesn't really seem to work properly otherwise does it?
i hope not
he has to go and purge the federalists now
never lose hope lad. you're english, strength and courage are in your blood
Because other than his political views he's an alright guy
Honestly though, i'm already on the verge of just cutting contact, he just sits on his arse all day, isnt even on JSA or whatever and moans about having no jobs, and im pretty sure he's turning to drugs, rather not have that in my life
Market forces when barely any markets are open :^)
A bunch of jews are speculating and accumulating.

Actually I have no idea.
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>no children
(((market forces)))
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>ywn sniff her used panties

come on cunt, chin up

you'll be right

be proud of being british. it's the greatest thing you or anyone else in britain will ever accomplish.




how is that a bad thing?
He's still technically leader and gave a brief news conference as such.


>if Britain leaves, the day after you are gonna get the beginnings of what will be a serious economic shock for the country

you LITERALLY cannot dispute that
Your mum just bought up the nation's supply of frozen chips
>Still nice and relatively tight

This is a bad thing?

I highly suggest you use this break in the program to kill yourself.
>London represented by the Native American
The TV feel is far superior, but seeing as that's not an option you can use this.

Leadsom was right that a childless person has less of a stake in the future. Though May's childlessness isn't her fault
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Who else /britpolaremyonlyfriends/ here?
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i like brit/pol/ more than aus/pol/

>tfw born in the wrong century
Do English Catholics celebrate bonfire night?
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Well a childless female leader can go one of two ways.
1. Doesn't give a shit about future of her country, just wants to further her career, earn brownie points from liberals and get her name in the history books (Merkel).
2. Takes her country as her adopted child and tries to lead it to greatness.

I am personally hoping Theresa goes for no.1 but we can't be sure yet.

I really don't buy that at all.

With kids you'll shift a planet for them but it's a selfish love that you only care about how well they do. If they have to shit on other people and the country to secure their means then you'll support it.

May is looking after the whole nation.
If they want to remain unburnt they do
i'm /haveplentyoffriendsbuttheyareallnormiewankerswhorefusetotalkpolitics/

Thank god I closed my long at 1.2600. I saw it drop hard in a dead zone for trading, and said "fuck it, I'm out". Seems I'm starting to get good at forex.
right in ma feelz

Used to have a right good friend for a decade, but he turned into a lousy liar of a person so I fucked him off. It's okay though, I keep myself company now.
Mate, you're a normie wanker. Only difference is you talk politics.
>2. Takes her country as her adopted child and tries to lead it to greatness.

She truly is brit/pol/'s mummy
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No.2 sorry.
If Theresa went for no.1 I'd cry tears of blood.
>Wanting her to go for the first option

I hope that was a typo

tbf lad thats what the germans thought about merkel

turns out dey was wrong and she wants to be a mother to the whole world
>turns out dey was wrong and she wants to be a mother to all mohammads
Ah, you're one of those "if you don't piss in bottles and aren't a virgin you're a normie" types.

Kill yourself m8.
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Anyone else have a cheeky crush on Julia Hartley-Brewer?
Got very confused for a second about that.

When is Florida getting rekt?
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>tfw I no longer had ""friends"" the day I left sixth form

Yes but Merkel comes from a totally different ideological background compared to May.

She also suffers from being in power for too long with no check on her retard ideas.
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Do you know who else didn't have children?
If only we had some sort of union that allowed us to be connected together politically...

try that all your life and then see how far you can go

i give it another year and you'll be going crazy
Can't unsee female hitchens.
final solution to the polish problem when
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"friends" threw rocks at me in high school
feelfaggots please fuck off to the eternal >>>/r9k/31907638 pathetic moaner thread.
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Not in Lewes.
>be proud of being british. it's the greatest thing you or anyone else in britain will ever accomplish.

To me that sounded like damning with faint praise
>i give it another year and you'll be going crazy
I've been three years without friends so far and I'm doing just fine, I find peace in being alone. Would be lovely to have a good friend, but it's not something that rests on my mind. I like minimal human contact, I chat with the neighbours whenever I pop out for a run and that about does it for me lad.
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im sorry.jpg
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No cunt it was in earnest

Every day i wake up and thank god for being born anglo
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>you can't defend your heritage properly because it has been systematically destroyed in the minds of the population for the past 40 years
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What the fuck is this? Is that Steve Coogan ?
the cuckiest board on 4chan

What do none-Brits think of the commonwealth? Is it just a pathetic legacy of empire or actually useful for something?
Yes, they are the bonfire.
She is based. Sorry not seeing the MILF anywhere here though.
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>I like minimal human contact

I used to tell myself this so much

It's partially true. But I want just one person who likes me IRL for who I am. Someone who asks me to come over, instead of me having to ask them, only for them to let the phone ring and then joke about it.
For my Higher English exam we had to analyze an article by her on why 16-year-olds shouldn't have the vote. Everyone got so triggered.
i wish our governments would be more cooperative, would love to have some sweet trade deals between us all and something like a freedom of movement agreement
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Anglo love.jpg
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This picture always makes me happy
it's shamed broadcaster alan partridge
I meant the empire. The Commonwealth is just a spectre of wistful thinking.

So based.
>free movement
Abos are bad enough surely, do you want our wogs and pakis too?
>I used to tell myself this so much
I used to rather popular after high school up until I was around 19, always hanging about with a group of around 10-15 (depending on the night) real good friends. I was always the one who made others laugh and somehow I was also the one that the girls trusted and were affection toward. It was too much juggling for me though, it felt like I was trying to constantly work out an impossible equation. I'm really appreciative of the solitude now, though I'm sure it'll wear thin eventually. I should be moving on in life in about a year or two anyway, in to a place where I'll have friends. So I'm not stressing about it at all.
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>tfw ditched all my old friends because they all became your stereotypical "anarchist" squatters

One of them is a fucking ALF activist, found shit of him on YouTube campaigning against the British Heart Foundation of all things. Kicker? He's only got the use of one arm and is lucky to be alive due to medical science, came of his motorbike while speeding like a dipshit.
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sorry your life is a list of people that reject you...

Trump will make every1 accept you
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>in the military
>wearing beret
>making heart symbol

british empire was the greatest thing to ever happen to the world lad
australia went from a piece of shit ooga booga country with hollow sticks as its greatest invention to one of the most powerful countries in the world and its all thanks to the british empire
idk either but there's just something about her i like. she's feisty and i respect any women in politics that doesn't resort to hysterics

kek. I agree they shouldn't

When I was 16 I knew a good bit about politics but probably not enough to vote, and certainly the vast majority of my peers knew even less.
qt eyes
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I know that feel bro, every year of High school I had fewer and fewer friends until I left sixth-form and now I haven't had a friend since.
we'd sort em out for ya mate
Thanks anon
What's ALF? All found was a picture of Alf.
Lucky he didn't kill anyone else...

>Trumpo will never tell you that you're doing great work, and to keep it up.
Animal Liberation Front I think.
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please un-plant your eager lips from the crooked cock of England...

brexit really doesn't make UK less of a socialist state
Animal Liberation Front.

Really feeling like this Gondola at the moment, lads...
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>le national socialism is bad meme
what an absolute joke of a person
We're as socialist as you are you twat
Just because we have the quickly crumbling NHS doesn't mean we're on par with the scandinavian countries.
Kind of is. It's really pleb.
Ok everyone. Who knows he was never killed? Almost by a white russian? Yes "WHITE RUSSIAN". Couldnt take over the gov with his influence around?
>tfw no sorority girl cum dumpster gf
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Socialism is only failing because Tony Blair let in millions of migrants who contributed nothing to our system whilst bleeding it dry.
>insinuating he's taking a selfie with a fucking brick Nokia

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Explain this, bongs.
>Be 100% less British

Nah, I'll pass.
Sign it, cunt:
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Literally the only statistic that matters.
>tfw no aussie milf gf
>implying anyone takes notice of a change.org petition

i will sign it though
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English people think the are awesome for choosing to battle America's economic dominace by joining with a bunch of pathetic countries like Greece and Portugal...

the people that live in the UK have voted and said this was a dumbfuck move...
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With the currency falling in value, how does this affect the price of a freddo?
Oil cash, tiny population and extremely high taxes
In English please, Jose
As much as Straya and such are nice places (fuck the leaf) free movement is not wise at all, because it has an implicit lack of balancing. It will always leave at least one country worse off, as it loses more people than it gains. Depending on the circumstances, the countries that gain more than it loses can also suffer. We can be good friends, but we shouldn't open our borders to anyone, it's not healthy.
they've ruined his eyes
You could have had that too, y'know, if you hadn't squandered the north sea oil money and invited loads of immigrants from the commonwealth and the eu.
>yfw Blair comes back and wins the election for the 'bour

He would undoubtably be PM again if he ran.
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What if it was only anglos that had free movement?
We could've had that if we didn't have an empire covering a third of the world less than a century ago, yeah, I suppose you're right.
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if you as a moronic brit think Churchill would have EVER done the stupid shit you did as a country ...


Brits are dumber than I thought they were
>Most hated living politician in England
>would be elected
ye na, then we would literally be a 1 party state
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i want to fuck something so bad
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Nigger nobody understands what point, if any, you're trying to make here.
dem thick thighs HNNNNGGG
Americans have done enough damage to the language without this pal.
they have drugs to help with that
Please, try not to butcher such a beautiful language. Speak English, Paco.
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well, brit/pol/?
I got a lob on at those words, but even then I'd still say no. Free movement really doesn't offer much anyway, considering the kind of people you want coming to your country are the kind that will already have work lined up for when they arrive. Nobody wants to lazy scroungers, not even the superior Anglo ones. Opening the borders would simply be giving the benny lovers an easy way in to a country to which they will contribute nothing and take everything.
Do fenians count as a different race?
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^socialist brits that seek to destroy freedom^
fair enough lad

if you join the royal navy can you become a british citizen?
I didn't know shadows came in a 3D variety, fancy.
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