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Brit/pol/ - King George and old England forever edition

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Thread replies: 370
Thread images: 141

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>thread theme

>UKIP's Steven Woolfe 'conscious in hospital after altercation'

>Diane James quits as Ukip leader after just 18 days as Nigel Farage rules out a comeback

>Theresa May to attack politicians who sneer at 'patriotic' working class voters concerned about migration

>Westminster 'could slash Scotland’s devolved laws following Brexit'

>Ruth Davidson to tell Tories May has 'helped women at every turn'

>IMF crowns UK world's fastest growing major economy, but hard Brexit fears push pound to 31-year low

>Amber Rudd vows to stop migrants 'taking jobs British people could do' and force companies to reveal number of foreigners they employ
Absolutely Moral
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So what do we think of Theresa May so far lads?
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>Amber Rudd vows to stop migrants 'taking jobs British people could do' and force companies to reveal number of foreigners they employ

>The cuckolded 26%
Those girls who got their legs chopped off at Alton Towers are qt

Happy days for amputation fetishists
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Poortherners out, rich south in.
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First for flying midgets


>All the rich places also voted for Bremain
Makes me think.

Half of NI isn't "Unionist friends" m8.

Also I see the Anglo butthurt over Scotland shows no sign of subsiding.
>send empty car to test it
>doesn't come back to station
>override safety system
>send car full of people

The people responsible should be fucked up the arse for that
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Protip, only place that voted Remain in Kent was Tunbridge Wells.

Get fucked you Poorthern piece of SHIT
Love the West and North Riding flags. I'm from the East and we have this piece of shit.

Yeah but your comment implies the Irish are people and that their views matter.
>checking out lefty Twitter profiles
>general agreement that 'I've never been so scared to live in the UK, Theresa's speech was the most toxic and hateful thing I've ever heard'

Putting our own people first? How is that so bad? All of the other EU countries practice it.
m8, I live in Edinburgh and if I had to describe Scots in one word it would be 'butthurt'
bretty gud

I'm not all in by any means, but we're headed in the right direction. Brexit requires a strong leader and she's definitely promoted that image well
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If it was not for the North the UK would have voted to remain.
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And yet you still gimme a (you)
The watchers on the Tamar against the Cornish menace.
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Threadly reminder that you are now living in a nat soc country.

>Born in 1956, May was the only child of Rev Hubert Brasier and his wife Zaidee. Mrs May attends every Sunday that she possibly can, apart from when she's out of the country or on occasions such as Remembrance Sunday – we all understand about that. Both her and her husband are very good attenders. She attends socials and other events whenever she can. May was last year's "Islamophobe of the year" according to the Islamic Human Rights Commission.

>Change has got to come too because of the quiet revolution.

>If you believe you’re a citizen of the world, you’re a citizen of nowhere.

>To put the power of government squarely at the service of ordinary working-class people.

Anti-ideology (marxist/libertarian) third way
>Time to reject the ideological templates provided by the socialist Left and the libertarian Right and to embrace a new centre ground.

Anti-political correctness
>They find your patriotism distasteful, your concerns about immigration parochial, your views about crime illiberal, your attachment to your job security inconvenient.

>White working class boys are less likely to go to university than any other group in society.

Final (Total=correct translation) solution
>That’s what Government’s about: action. It’s about identifying injustices, finding solutions.

Literally Hitler
>Amber Rudd speech likened to Hitler's Mein Kampf: Radio presenter James O’Brien says the Home Secretary’s proposals for firms to declare foreign workers would be ‘enacting chapter two’ of the Nazi leader’s book.




They are completely irrelevant
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Arron Banks should be leader of UKIP
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>The despicable front pages of today’s papers belong in 1930s Germany, not 21st-century Britain

Wait, what? Is that what happened? They collided with a stuck test car? That's the sort of negligence that should have your place shut down.
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59% is a bit disappointing tbqh
26% still seems far too high to me though?
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Steal his look
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The butthurt knows no bounds. Shame they won't fucking Leave the country if they hate it so much. Preferably to Ireland.
They already have to give gender and racial percentages, is it just because it doesn't suit the left's agenda that they disagree with nationality figures?
All talk just now, i'll trust her when/if she takes action.
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Fucking clams checking in!

Foreign-born population+cuckolds
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26% is basically the core base support of Labour + The Lib Dems + the Greens when you take out the people who vote for them out of habit etc.
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Classic look that
Yeah the test car didn't make it up a loop and was sitting at the bottom, so the car full of people rammed it at full speed on the way down.

The 'technicians' put the ride in test mode so that they could send the car full of people out, overriding safety system that would not allow crash to happen.
> The Cornish legitmately believe they are their own race.
> Cornish indepedence is actually a thing

Please Farmercucks, sell us icecream and scones its all your good for.
How do you halve your girlfriend's shoe collection? Take her to Alton Towers.


Your spot on, hopefully that percentage will decline further as they either leave in 'fear' or are turned to the right.
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>King George
>inbred German with madness genes
>why does England allow itself to be continually cucked ever since Norman times?
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wales is a bit yellow
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>Of course, this ignores the fact that for a great many people, patriotism is not about a strip of land, a flag, or a woman sat on a golden throne in a million-pound hat. It’s about creating, on a daily basis, the kind of society of which we can be proud. A place where civility, welcome, kindness, generosity of spirit, endeavour, and excellence are encouraged and rewarded. These are ways of being that anyone, whether born here or arrived here, can embody and foster in others.

>Without that, no amount of bunting and scones could mask the fact that we would be a degenerate society. Authoritarian, envious, suspicious and brutish. These are not aspirations any of us should have in our hearts, let alone as government policy.

My fucking sides, the canary is the joke that keeps on giving.
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Sound, so far.
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>Not an argument
>You have that as well? I've got to continually correct my mother who refers to her coworkers in the nursing home as 'The Blacks'. Not black people, THE blacks. They apparently only deserve a group article.
>I've started to bin every copy of the Daily Mail I see in the house. If there were some way to sue them for corrupting my parents who used to be rational people, I'd be all over them.
Imagine being this cunt's parents.
>rush the girl on the left
>steal her rifle because I have man strength and she's a weakling
>impregnate both those taigs

England 1 Ireland 0
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Normans out!
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We brought him over because he was Queen Anne's closest Protestant relative
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would you prefer the emir of london?
>never slept with a Brit with a big ben
>never seen one online either
Why do all brits have tiny pricks?
It's really sad.
>Authoritarian, envious, suspicious and brutish
Where do they come up with this shit?

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>1930s Germany

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Yeeeaaah sure you would anglo
Now go back to prepping abdul
>implying Devon doesn't do everything the Cornish do but better
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Are you a very loving foreigner who has suffered at the hand of the evil go..guys who have made racist brexit a reality?! Well now you can tell your story straight to (((the guardian))), along with a description of your events and even a picture of yourself!

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So QT will be shit.

As will TW. Pic related is on.
And his old age pension.
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Haven't paid much attention to your politics since brexit but just this week alone normalfag media makes it sound like you guys have gone far-right now with shaming companies hiring foreign workers, telling cosmopolitans who consider themselves citizens of the world to fuck off and having your schools take a census of what students are foreign. How the fuck did your country do all of this in just 4 months?
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Ah, one of the more good looking English men.
So far, entirely just talk.
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>Every day I hear people I like and love use words like "paki" and "coon". I used to internally cringe but now I just internally sigh. It's so casual and commonplace.

Brexit changed the zeitgeist and broke the veil.
We won

Fucks sake, glad I'm going out to the pub tonight.
Both the girls drank themselves to death.
This is really low energy bait. Apply yourself.
>50% Irish and/OR Northern Irish

People that identify as "Northern Irish" are people who regard themselves as separate and distinct from southern Irish people. These are people who support partition.

Shit map
We have a government who actually listen to the people now.
Aberdeen calling in, been here 4 years. Boy do the scots have an inferiority complex, everything has to be a competition and they always lose and get so mad
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It was a minor disruption.

We are now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
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>The Queen

Can't wait to guillotine the bitch
QT is gonna be depressing with Neil Hamilton on, he'll be bashing Farage at every opportunity.
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>mfw Irish is now the 3rd biggest nationality in Northern ireland behind British and Northern Irish
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Cromwell did a good job, but he was only a stepping stone.
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Return the monarch, civil war now.
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It can happen for you too, you just have to ensure you get Trump.

Can the world hear us now?
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Kek I don't even need to reply to shills anymore. Can just filter. Their days are over. We've already won.
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Fuck your Illegitimate pretender!
Jacobite for ever!
I'm thinking about getting that blue and gold pattern on my bedroom wall but can't find it for less than £30 a roll
They're both male.
The monarchy is weak we need action

Apparently Woolfe suffered 2 seizures. New Nige:

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>look at me look at me, I'm going to the pub

>I've got to the point I class myself as a European, not British because I'm ashamed of the title.
lmao just cuck my shit up senpai
Fuck. He'll have to rule himself out of the leadership now, surely?

Not really. Many Catholics just say Northern Irish for accuracy. I do it sometimes. Statistically Northern Irish is split almost even between both.

Dunno why you're getting so triggered about I'm only explaining to the Anglos that that not everybody is a unionist here.
>scot doesn't realise the bruces were normans and the stewarts were bretons
> tfw remembering my teenage years being unironically a republican edgelord

thanks anon
Anything slightly right of Lenin, is far right to the media.
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Lads I went on mapchart.net but I couldn't find the counties template, only the EU regions. Where did you get that?
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Wonder what his been reading wrong.
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>Everything I don't like is edgy

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House prices by city.

The actual prices look way off to me. £150k average in Manchester? My fucking arse. But the order is maybe still legit.

Used to live in Bristol. Would kill to move back there.
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fair desu.
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>jacobite kings
I actually really like Theresa May. She is triggering the lefties so hard.
>tfw no qt left wing nationalist Irish/Kurdish/Spanish gf
What would I be trying to bait? You can't prove you don't have a tiny dick while having one.
nah senpai

I used to say shit like we need to exile the queen and sell off her crown to pay the national debt.

thank the lord I realised how precious she is to our country
To the King across the water.
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>Figures on the Labour right are vindicating these UKIP-inspired policies, distracting people from Tory austerity, and peddling myths by pandering to anti-immigrant sentiment. Instead, they should join Corbyn and Goodfellow in challenging this divisive and misleading narrative.


Man, the canary is going to be a fucking goldmine over the next few months. They put buzzfeed to shame.
Bristol is shite.
what else would/could it be?
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>Go to bed
>Suddenly UKIP civil war
>defence secretary has gone missing
Fucking hell, lads.
Amber Rudd during EU referendum campaign:
>waaaaah igniting fears of immigrants wwaaaahhh racism

Amber Rudd now:
>Hire British workers or else, corporate kikes

>Belfast is the bottom of the list
>I still think it's too expensive


Never forget
Reminder that this is your typical uni student.

>Im 22 and my younger sister is 15. I'm quite disturbed by the differences in our views.
>I dont want to give away too much personal info, but where I live is VERY white. I never had a nonwhite kid in my class until I was 18.
>When I grew up, there was a lot of "equality morals" thrown about everywhere, which I agreed with, and everyone else also agreed with (How can you have underlying racism if you'd never even interacted with another race, you dont really even know what it is). I wouldve come into contact with these morals anyway, because ive always loved punk and ska, but still.
>When i was 7, 9/11 happened and an undertone was created in our society, but my generation didnt carry it cause we were old enough to understand that racism is retarded, and specifically where i live we had never had events to "hold a grudge against" or anything. >But at this time my sister wasn't even 1 year old. Her generation has proceeded to be subtley racist from what i can gather, they think they arent racist, and understand its retarded, but genuinely seem to hold a lot of nationalism and anti-brown views. I argue with her about it a lot and there always comes a point where she ends up holding a flag up and being all "oh ineed3quids implying im racist again". She even said she would never go out with a non-white person, which disgusted me.
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Why is paedophilia rife in this country, yet it has fallen to the hands of the white working class to bring them to justice?
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Tell me about it anon
>left wing
have you ever met a kurd? the whole commie shit is just propaganda. they lead the region in honour killings, they are same shit as the rest if you hate them all.
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Say that to my face fucker and not online and see what happens
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> Jacobite pretenders

Kurds being secular is a meme. In Turkey Kurds all vote for an Islamist party for example.
>When you live in a £900,000 house
>When your parents are planning on buying you and your brother a £500,000 house each
>When you stand to inherit a lot more
>When you stand to inherit wealthy grandparent's assets too

Where should I live once I bother to move out?
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To London as they went, on the Way, on the Way,
To London as they went, on the way,
To London as they went,
In a Trap did there present,
No battle they will stent, for to die.

They turned from that Place, and they ran, and they ran,
They turned from that Place, and they ran;
They turned from that Place
As the Fox, when Hounds do chace.
They tremble at the Name, Cumberlan'.
>no bleeding on brain
>no blood clots

This is good
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Somewhere around here?
> Being mad her younger sister isn't retarded and learned "around blacks, watch your back" at an early age.
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>tfw lil` sis is basically a white nationalist

Do they?


I'd fuck his sister
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Why does Nige being sad and concerned make me sad and concerned?
Kike mudblood will bite the dust and good riddance.
Now if only the goatfucking raghead in the party could kick the bucket too.
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We'll never forget the 45.
>But at this time my sister wasn't even 1 year old. Her generation has proceeded to be subtley racist from what i can gather, they think they arent racist, and understand its retarded, but genuinely seem to hold a lot of nationalism and anti-brown views. I argue with her about it a lot and there always comes a point where she ends up holding a flag up and being all "oh ineed3quids implying im racist again". She even said she would never go out with a non-white person, which disgusted me.

This gives me hope
Why the Fuck are so many of your buildings curved?

It's unseemly
>highest level of immigration overwhelmingly voted to remain in the EU
Yeah because they didn't want to get deported.
Whence comes this?
Where is Theresa May on the political compass?
Reddit's own /r/unitedkingdom.
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Salford is building an entire suburb of fucking.... quasi-commie blocks.

I think he's reffering to the pkk who are democratic confederalists. About as left wing as you can get anon.
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we noticed that trump was going to win so we beat you to it. we even built the wall before you
To fit our curvy streets
Economically central, socially right.
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Because he gave up a quarter of his life for us and survived half a dozen assassination attempts just to make dreams a reality.
>someone who doesn't say "from whence"
Marry me.
The left say she's literally Hitler. So pretty a pretty standard conservative by all reasonable accounts.
Was Britain's greatest mistake civilizing the world instead of enslaving it?
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>dressing up as a woman to run away
>She even said she would never go out with a non-white person, which disgusted me.

This is why mathematics should be the only higher educational subject.
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Bath's Royal Crescent is the original crescent, I think, and it was a big hit.
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>unironically acknowledges he was indoctrinated in school without any supporting evidence or real life experience
>literally mad that his sister is aware that she is white and doesn't want to fuck niggers
If this isn't brainwashing, I don't know what is.
Swebrit here for the evening, since i last posted i've heard that Nige is back up as leader, Wolfe's been beaten up, we're getting hard brexit, Corbyn's won the leadership challenge and a law is being proposed to reveal the number of jobs outsourced to foreign workers.

It's like i blink and then miss everything all at once...
Centre on the economy, right on more social issues by the looks of it.

fuck off cunt Ireland doesn't want any of your shitskins
>if you believe you're a citizen of the world, you're a citizen of nowhere.

Fucking deport him Maysolini.
> Anglo butthurt over Scotland
More like Anglo tolerance of Scotland. Fucking fuck off already you dumb pasty cunts. Holy shit just die in a skag den and kindly stop fucking blaming us for shit that we have no fucking control over.
>pasties arent even cornish
>haggis isnt even scottish
>neither are bagpipes
why do 'celt'cucks take pride in other peoples inventions?
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I dream of being spat at in the face
Looks fantastic, but I don't know much about Gloucestershire, other than Based Moggy is next door and the counties don't like each other.

Is it a particularly homogenous county? I don't particularly like the idea of being anywhere remotely close to modern, urban centres. Not within 30 mins drive, minimum.
We should pride ourselves on the humane way we've generally treated inferior races. Our only mistake was letting them come here.
What are you doing over there in the land of the cuck? What's your take
Described as a nazi, so she's a bit right wing
To escape traitors like yourself.
The HDP uses the Kurdish nationalism agenda in the Kurdish regions, they only use the "muh secular agenda" to get Turkish SJWs to vote for them. Kurds are very very convservative. Search up Turkish Hizbollah, Hudapar, honour killings in Turkey and you will see how secular Kurds are. Secularism is essentially a propaganda front, maybe the leaders believe it but the PKK grunts don't.
desu I'd never go out with a non-white person, and I'm not white myself. Just wouldn't feel right for some reason.

Congrats, you fucking triggered me.

t. Hwiccean
>"low welfare"

Dirty savages with no culture.
>preferring commieblocks and literal grids
Do you have aspergers?
What are you?
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Gloucestershire is just a sleepy rural place for the most part.
Jesus christ, bet they make the walls out of paper too so you can hear everything three levels below
>north more red than a scot teens face
>suddenly warrington
>tfw between Warrington and Manchester
Fuck my life.
the time since brexit has been such a whirlwind
brexit really does seem to have been our trump in terms of shifting the overton window. obviously I'm still guarded because it's all talk but who would have thought our government would be putting out messages like this at the beginning of the year? I love the current year

On second thought, lets not go to Camalot, it is a silly place.
>that awkward moment when you turn up to your escort as someone is leaving
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> It's heavily rumoured that Diane Abbott will be promoted from shadow health to shadow home secretary
Is a vauxhall corsa a good car?
Half white, other half is a mix between Indian and black
Why, did you grow up around only whites or something?
Reply if you're an unironic Labour/Green supporter.
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What about the PKK and Rojava? They're clearly socialistic

What a qt
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They don't have many options.
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Depends how old and how much you're paying, but generally no.
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>Sister gave birth today
>Announced her son will be called 'Schengen' to remind him of the world when he was conceived when 'Britain wasn't racist'

fuck I hope the little cunt gets bullied at school. I hope he gets pinned down and Polish kids put their dicks in him whilst laughing about Schengen giving Poles free access.
I'll put a bit of research in then. Sleepy, rural and somewhere relatively near the coastline would be desirable. Thanks.

Lads, I have a confession to make, I also browse the lefty neogaf, just for other interest. I rarely go into the political topics, since it is mostly lefty based.

But view this topic:


They really think the country is completely ruined, 1 in 5 posts saying how disgraced and embarrassed they are, saying how they are moving abroad as soon as possible.

Well, have we meme'd to far this time?
A lot of Indian girls are qt, please just pick one of them and leave our women alone.
Please tell me this is just a shitpost.
I'm honestly impressed and surprised London actually had 40% for Leave
being self-made is the British dream. Sure we don't live in the golden age our parents did but fuck living on handouts.
>Jo Cux

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Was driving through Cheltenham other day. Literally every house is a mansion. It seems to have weathered the ravages of postmodernism that the kikes put most of our other towns through since the war. Costwolds is amazingly comfy. Like what the whole of England used to be.
Where is the proofs
This isn't true.
Labour here

She's a bit more authoritarian than that

This is too good to be true
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He deserves a knighthood tbqh.
Wirral " Midlands" don't bundle us all in with those bastards

Hope this is b8

if not you need to make sure his name is changed ASAP
This isnt real right? You're joking? Please.
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>I hope he gets pinned down and Polish kids put their dicks in him whilst laughing about Schengen giving Poles free access.
You need to tell your sister that in a few years time the EU could collapse and her kid will constantly be reminded of how fucking dumb his mother is.
>London is also 40% White British
Makes me think.
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Some cunt has been sticking up Antifa stickers around my rural village lads, and I saw a guy in a grey trench coat and a beard walking around the town square earlier.

Think there could be a correlation?
Fucking BBC.

>mixed race but tough on migration, mr woolf

cucks cannot possibly get their head around that.
Not really, I knew plenty of black and indian people growing up. Hardly any asians but that massively changed after uni.

They usually smell a bit weird desu. Plus the ones I see generally aren't great looking.
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They're irish, given a long enough time line and enough potatoes they all drink themselves to death.
The Pope and Prelacy, where they came, where they came,
The Pope and Prelacy, where they came;
The Pope and Prelacy,
They rul'd with Cruelty,
They ought to hing on high for the same.

What is this?
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Cheltenham is one of the most wealthy towns in Britain.
The highstreet in Cheletnham is probably the best I have ever been to.
>no brit/pol/ack has won the lottery and bought an entire estate for us to move to and form a cult dedicated to restoring England to it's rightful place in the world
Time for some old fashioned rural justice
You don't know what true authoritarianism is lad.
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you'll probably see him in the news when he kills himself in 10 years (I will be trying to ensure his first word is UKIP)
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Teaching English. Hoping i can raise a generation of meme loving degenerates to save Sweden from itself. Also brought in by Swedish blonde qt.

Never forget our true lord and savior, Grand Overlord Blobby.

Honestly the only thing that's been shitty is hearing that the BBC are actively firing white people because they're white. I think they need to be the next target to be purged in the great reconquest.

Kill your sister and smother that child
They just want their city back
>Let the Kikes back in
No thanks
every slightly brown person thinks the same, anon.
I will win on Friday lad.
>they are moving abroad
Problem solves itself then don't it. They're leaving the country and not breeding anyway, and spreading degenerate ideology that stops others breeding. Who's going to be left in possession?

How many of them are actually going to go though. When did you ever hear of a mass exodus of anti-British traitors? They've got no way out of the country and will end up falling in line. Either way, it's win-win.
So why would it be weird if you dated a non-white?

Don't be such a self hating cuck
London has always been muslim
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Shes about to lose her seat to Corbyn due to the boundary changes.

Not sure how i feel about that, shes the gift that keeps giving.
Snoopers Charter is as totalitarian as it gets today
>Corbyn's solution to Labour MPs not liking him is to replace them all with Abbott

Fucking Christ.
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Nah that'll be awesome, you can ask him if she was worth the money.
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they really are doing a fantastic impression of a party that have been paid off to throw any chance of winning an election
went on /r/unitedkingdom, is this your average labour supporter now?
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>Based Sturgeon save us
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Where the have all the Brit pol memes gone? 4chan is shit now.
>You think you don't like me now
>Wait and see
>How much you like my new friend
He's a Labour supporter, what do you expect.
>implying this wouldn't be raided in a heartbeat on """terrorism""" charges
Sturgeon talks left and acts right. Same as Trudeau and Blairites
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So it's confirmed Caroline Lucas was the one who beat up Woolfey?
No, but that is your typical leftie student.
>implying I would ever spend time with you autists irl
Considering the traditional white working class has abandoned Labour, I would say yes.

Middle class millennials need to be crucified.

hey at least we can handle our drink
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The thought of a Labour UK under Corbyn terrifies me.

I hope Labour are never in power again and I want their party kicked into the ground.

This current government is quite comfy and I like it.
Yes. The working class are deserting them in droves so only SJWs are left





>[spoiler] Jeremy Corbyn 'showed off a naked Diane Abbott to impress his Left-wing activist friends' after breakdown of his first marriage
Jeremy Corbyn and Diane Abbott had a sexual relationship in the 1970s
Labour leader was still married to his first wife, but they had separated
Friends say they found Ms Abbott in bed in Corbyn's London bedsit [/spoiler]
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>grey trench coat and a beard
I think I know who was behind this.
Didn't the Pope bless Williams army?
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>le if X wins I'm moving to Y meme
nothing but empty virtue signalling 99% of the time
plus the arrogance that any other country wants they stupid ass, sheeit
So my dad, on hearing the news about the UKIP scuffle said "it's like the fucking blackshirts again".

He previously has referred to Farage as Adolf.
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>saying how they are moving abroad as soon as possible
If only.
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Hiroshima is nuking the site.
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Reminder that he BTFO The Socialist Party.
Pretty much

>demographics of /r/unitedkingdom
Conservative 185
Labour 366
Liberal Democrats 448
Green Party 375
SNP 80

As you can see, very representative of the British population
Can't slam the Kassam!
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I'm going to wait until Trump is sitting on the burger throne and then I'll get in touch with this guy and hand him this screenshot.
Good lad. Please do it if you do. Just buy an estate there are many for sale, they're like mini villages for sale. Vet those who come and we'll have our own nationalist coven.

Lad... your fellow Englishmen...
I just feel slightly uncomfortable around non-white people. Probably just autism, but at least some people here understand what I mean by that. I pretty much just think of myself as white, my dad just happened to have a different skin colour.

Maybe that does make me a self-hating cuck but I can't really do much about it.
German aristocrats will make BRITAIN GREAT again!
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The best thing is they don't know just how out of touch they are. This poll has a sample size of over 5000, but that's not enough for a representative sample according to them.

They're clutching at straws.
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>Green majority
Cheltenham's population is 115,300
White, British: 87.533%
White Irish: 0.966%
White, other: 3.775%
Mixed: 1.493%
Asian or Asian British: 3.161%
Black or Black British: 1.054%
Chinese: 1.054%
Other: 0.966%

That's the sort of 'diversity' I was hoping to leave, if I'm honest.
do new labour care about working rights anymore or is it all about your average SJW shit? i'm trying to convince my family to vote UKIP but they still think labour is the working class part.
>Green Party 375
>The thought of a Labour UK under Corbyn terrifies me.
Good to know Tarquin.
Your dad sounds like a fucking gay retarded faggot idiot
Shows how corrupt the papacy is. Good thing we fought for our freedom from it.

Also that song isn't about the Williamite war, get your shit together pal.
Mfw i read coven as oven.
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Ah, yes. More quality content from the BBC.
>Why wasn't a woman elected as UN secretary general?
Scream pepe at him and see if he has a seizure. Then you'll have your anwser
Mine's the same. There needs to be a support group for people with lefty families

>'One Sunday autumn morning, he had broken up with Jane [Chapman, his first wife], and we were out leafleting. And for some reason he called four or five of us and said: 'Oh, we've got to go back to my flat and pick up some leaflets.'
>'It seemed a bit odd – 'Why the hell didn't you bring them with you, Jeremy?' So we all bowl along to his bedsit, follow Jeremy into the room; there on the mattress on the floor in the one room is Diane with the duvet up to her neck, saying: 'What the ****'s going on?''
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>liberal democrats
Not really, it's mostly middle class petty bourgeois types (shy tories) that loathe Corbyn. Labour has lost support from the middle class but they should be liquidated anyway.
We can have those too : - )
Just realised I subconciously completely ignored the lib dems
just like the rest of the country
They have lived in their bubble for so long they just cannot fathom the disconnect
Can I tell you a sad story I heard today britPol?
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We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.
Sick of seeing stupid anime on here. Has nothing to do with British politics.
Your dad is based. Hope he chucks you in the basement gulag.
If and when /britpol/ can form a political party, we must have a person constantly dressed as Blobby as our leader. There is no other way.
Cheltenham is a big place, the bit i frequent is only wealthy Europeans, shit like whaddon is where the government shoves all the council housing.
Is there any such thing as a good council house?
Best part is that the most support from that number comes from Labour heartlands in the north

Cannot wait for the next GE
>Green Party
>Liberal Democrats 448
You are disloyal rouge that dethroned the rightful King for a small dutch hunchback homosexual.
>Good heavens, here's what the Chairman of UKIP says about Stephen Woolfe....

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Why is what allowed?
>they still think labour is the working class part
Just tell them about how practically all of the north (classic labour stronghold) voted brexit against Labour policy

Then tell them to look at the support base of ultra wealthy
london liberals
Just inform on them for crimethink. It's what they would want lad.
>Conservative 185
>UKIP 98

>Labour 366
>SNP 80

>Liberal Democrats 448
>Green Party 375

Could not be more out of touch. Not just with the country, but with reality. This is purely the product of spending all your time on the internet and never going outside, like us but on a moderated chatroom with up/downvoting. So easily kiked up.
Trying to stop them only makes them post more. Best just to ignore them.
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Britain united is indomitable and irresistible.
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Lads, I ran red light today. Forgetting my MOT ran out Monday.

How fucked am I?

I hope I don't have to see him again.
>tfw Knights templar tower keep and aattendant manor goes up for sale near you
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I was unimpressed by Cheltenham.
Felt very rundown.
Wasn't too sure why. I decided it was probably because there isn't a big university nearby, so you don't have big gatherings of middle class students making it feel "rah". Like... I walked through the centre and the people there looked as if they lived on a housing estate. It was weird.
You probably drove through a wealthy suburb.
Still I like it overall. It's just not as posh as I thought it'd be. Bath, for instance, shits all over it.

they are from the north and voted brexit. they only vote labour because they didn't like david cameroun and literally know one else relevant runs in our local constituency
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We were supposed to die together
He'll be alright. Fisticuffs is just an extension of banter.

It's Hookem I feel sorry for. Don't forget, Woolfe suggested he was going to defect, he started the fight, and Hookem (62) stood up for himself, I don't see why he should be the fall guy. They'd both be well advised to shake and make up.
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I'm surprised there are that many conservatives on there

I'd expect it to be a dirty word by now
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We have pretty diverse opinions for a supposed echo chamber.
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>nige retires
>ukip completely falls apart within 6 months
You're in the system now lad.

Pray for ineffciency...



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Why not just screenshot it
That's 90%+ white. There are no towns over 100k with over 90%+ whites in England anymore. That's why I said somewhere around there. Or you could go to Cumbria, South West or North East. Or even East Anglia.
Did Nick Clegg kill the libdems forever?
Lad, Corbyn is hated everywhere outside of Islington except among the actual ideological rank and file. You talk to your average Labour voter down at the pub and they will tell you they don't like Corbyn.

t. from a White Northern Labour stronghold

And if you don't believe me, people have actually polled Labour voters. Theresa May has a higher approval rating among Labour voters than Jeremy Corbyn does.


>A total of 45% said they were “satisfied” with how the current PM is doing her job compared to 39% who said the same about Jeremy Corbyn.

>While 29% of Labour voters were “dissatisfied” with May compared to 47% for Corbyn.

Corbyn is killing Labour.
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Only SJWs and salty ex-miners will vote Labour with Corbyn as leader, I wouldn't worry too much.
Get a load of this fucking jew.

>London voted remain because of house prices.
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It has two prestigious colleges, nerd.
Whaddon is the minority that makes us look bad.
I have an old memory of Bath being particularly nice. I've also heard great things about Cornwall; particularly their xenophobia.
Tell them that Labour fuck over the working class by importing cheap workers, but the Tories are being pulled left by May while remaining anti-immigration.
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Stay mad jacobite. Maybe if you bumboys couldn't learn to fight you wouldn't have ended up shitting out your own teeth every single time.

>The song Lillibullero puts words into the mouths of Irish Catholic Jacobites and satirises the sentiments of the devotees of the Catholic King James. It was said to have 'sung James II out of three kingdoms'.
>be jacobite
>get beaten by a song

SJW shit like nigger rights, fag rights, pedo rights, womenz rights dominates the party now.

Look at Corbyn's campaign team, they are staffed by mixed race, dyed hair land whales
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Lol what?
Isn't the Chairman also insane?
If only we could afford one lad.

We could fortify it. Drill practice every Sunday with Enfields. Have fashy esoteric meetings and go campaign together in businesswear with aesthetic armbands and flags.
>thing that's been shitty is hearing that the BBC are actively firing white people because they're white.
Is that May's way of 'rubbing the Lefts' nose in diversity'? All public sector people vote Labour.
>brit/pol/ threads now regularly reach >350
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Yes lad, Tories fucked their shit up by making them go back on promises they made to students.
That was beautiful mate.
>tfw The tide is turning.
>but too late for me to have a nationalist waifu

I shall have my semi-autist high IQ sperm frozen for posterity
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Interesting vid, but we're talking past eachother

The actual amount of voters may have been bolstered by middle class, but I was referring to the map of the vote on the BBC (pic related), where almost the entire north voted to leave
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Remember when it got to no.1 on christmas day?
You're no loyalist.
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My name is Abhir el-jahaari and I'm from france
>being loyal to a king that would sell the land to savages and rome
doesn't work like that
You have no loyalty then.
Only loyal to yourselves.
It's not the kids fault lad, he didnt ask to have a cucked mum.
Loyal to the land, the people, parliament and the rightful king appointed by parliament. James the shit and his horde of savage papists where only loyal to themselves.
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British Union Of Fascists.jpg
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Stick British Union Of Fascist stickers over them
I think thats mainly where the Scottish fags browse
Thread posts: 370
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