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Brit/pol/ - are Lady Amelia Windsor Edition

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Thread replies: 323
Thread images: 102

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>UKIP's Steven Woolfe 'conscious in hospital after altercation'

>Diane James quits as Ukip leader after just 18 days as Nigel Farage rules out a comeback

>Theresa May to attack politicians who sneer at 'patriotic' working class voters concerned about migration

>Westminster 'could slash Scotland’s devolved laws following Brexit'

>Ruth Davidson to tell Tories May has 'helped women at every turn'

>IMF crowns UK world's fastest growing major economy, but hard Brexit fears push pound to 31-year low

>Amber Rudd vows to stop migrants 'taking jobs British people could do' and force companies to reveal number of foreigners they employ
Swebrit claiming ID

Farage is basicly tied to us forever now, right?
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fuck pikeys
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First for hot cross buns
Amelia Windsor is a fucking troglodyte
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>tfw you live in the right time to see everyone left of the center get triggered

What a time to be alive
Is it treason to want?
It's not a good situation.
The new secgen is the former head of the UN's refugee arm. A total SJW.
We'd probably have been better off with one of those women.
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Reminder that Brexit was a mistake
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>Diane Abbott is the new shadow Home Secretary. And as widely rumoured, Shami Chakrabarti is shadow attorney general

Jesus, UK must never let Corbyn get inside Number 10, the idea of a legitimate Islamist being attorney general and someone like Diane Abbot as Home Secretary is terrifying

Also, looks like all the Labour top dogs will be from London seats
I wish any of you cuntbags could come up with an original edition just once.
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How can I get a qt church gf without going to church?
Reminder that Theresa "You have to go back" May is more popular amongst Labour voters than Jeremy Corbyn is. This could be the end of the left in Britain at this rate.


>A total of 45% said they were “satisfied” with how the current PM is doing her job compared to 39% who said the same about Jeremy Corbyn.

>While 29% of Labour voters were “dissatisfied” with May compared to 47% for Corbyn.
He`ll be back every few years.

sorry lad, had to make a new thread fast
Top fucking lel
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I'm blonde and blue eyed

I have ancestors that fought with William the Conqueror and later became Royalty in North England.

Can I become a brit? The only thing that matters to me is if you guys would accept me.

I'm done with this country, Merkel is rising in popularity again because "only 200k" refugees have come this year so far.

We're done.
>Shami Chakrabarti is shadow attorney general

Fucking hell
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Threadly reminder that you are now living in a nat soc country.

>Born in 1956, May was the only child of Rev Hubert Brasier and his wife Zaidee. Mrs May attends every Sunday that she possibly can, apart from when she's out of the country or on occasions such as Remembrance Sunday – we all understand about that. Both her and her husband are very good attenders. She attends socials and other events whenever she can. May was last year's "Islamophobe of the year" according to the Islamic Human Rights Commission.

>Change has got to come too because of the quiet revolution.

>If you believe you’re a citizen of the world, you’re a citizen of nowhere.

>To put the power of government squarely at the service of ordinary working-class people.

Anti-ideology (marxist/libertarian) third way
>Time to reject the ideological templates provided by the socialist Left and the libertarian Right and to embrace a new centre ground.

Anti-political correctness
>They find your patriotism distasteful, your concerns about immigration parochial, your views about crime illiberal, your attachment to your job security inconvenient.

>White working class boys are less likely to go to university than any other group in society.

Final (Total=correct translation) solution
>That’s what Government’s about: action. It’s about identifying injustices, finding solutions.

Literally Hitler
>Amber Rudd speech likened to Hitler's Mein Kampf: Radio presenter James O’Brien says the Home Secretary’s proposals for firms to declare foreign workers would be ‘enacting chapter two’ of the Nazi leader’s book.

Corbyn is sort of /pol/s inside man.
He has killed the chances of Labour getting us back into the EU, and he is ensuring a Tory win in the next election.
So how are you guys going to spin the ongoing and record collapse of the GBP relative to the USD as a positive?
Shite excuse. This is why slavs are running brits out of work. Fucking lazy.
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Have you been studying the immortal science of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism today brit/pol/?
>I'm done with this country, Merkel is rising in popularity again because "only 200k" refugees have come this year so far.
Yeh that's fucking hilarious.
> You will never rape Princess Kate and be the only person in decades given the death sentence for high reason

If Jeremy Corbyn becomes Labour leader, would you consider voting Labour?

Yes 923
No 505
Don't know 253

If Jeremy Corbyn becomes Labour leader, do you think he has a chance to win in 2020?

Yes 666
No 586
Don't know 429

Fucking Shami chakribalti has been made shadow attorney general and diane abbot has been made shadow home secretary. It's like labour are trying to drive away voters.
Is that you Jason Unruhe?
>>If you believe you’re a citizen of the world, you’re a citizen of nowhere.
Can't believe she said this.
So gratuitous. So based.
>Yes 666
howling at this delusion
fuck off we're full
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Literally all Theresa May has to do is not fuck up Brexit and the Tories win in 2020. Standing by Hard Brexit and rejecting the single market means that free movement is off the table.

There is literally next to nothing she can do to lose the next election.

Kill yourself Britcuck
He's a third worldist, which is anti-Marxist.
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Exports la
>There is literally next to nothing she can do to lose the next election.

What if GCHQ lets Nige become the leader of UKIP again? And he grows the moustache?
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Doing gods work anon.
Just got a £5 note, lads. Shocked by how small it is. Apart from that, it's quite nice.
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Liverpool waterfront is getting a new tower. Here's a render. It's better than the other recent towers which stand on the waterfronts northern end, at least.
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Labour is polling at an all-time low, worse than mega gommie Michael Foot in the early 80's.
give it to me straight—what's life under PM may like? i heard she quietly supported remain, but then she nominated BoJo as foreign secretary.

beyond that, i haven't a clue. how's she dealing with brexit and british nationalism in general?
>Yes 666
>Im 22 and my younger sister is 15. I'm quite disturbed by the differences in our views.
>I dont want to give away too much personal info, but where I live is VERY white. I never had a nonwhite kid in my class until I was 18.
>When I grew up, there was a lot of "equality morals" thrown about everywhere, which I agreed with, and everyone else also agreed with (How can you have underlying racism if you'd never even interacted with another race, you dont really even know what it is). I wouldve come into contact with these morals anyway, because ive always loved punk and ska, but still.
>When i was 7, 9/11 happened and an undertone was created in our society, but my generation didnt carry it cause we were old enough to understand that racism is retarded, and specifically where i live we had never had events to "hold a grudge against" or anything. >But at this time my sister wasn't even 1 year old. Her generation has proceeded to be subtley racist from what i can gather, they think they arent racist, and understand its retarded, but genuinely seem to hold a lot of nationalism and anti-brown views. I argue with her about it a lot and there always comes a point where she ends up holding a flag up and being all "oh ineed3quids implying im racist again". She even said she would never go out with a non-white person, which disgusted me.
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It's like Labour really doesn't want to win.
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how many have come to the uk? like a thousand?
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It's almost like he wants the party to die.
Reminder Corbyn fucked Diane


My ancestors used to hold lands in the North as well.

I will take you in and we can try and get our titles back senpai.

Labour is finished
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Repost from previous thread

Interesting vid, but we're talking past eachother

The actual amount of voters may have been bolstered by middle class, but I was referring to the map of the vote on the BBC (pic related), where almost the entire north voted to leave
Great for exporters.

Stocks up as cheap foreign investment.

That is all money coming into oir economy.

It's all cycles m80.

Some parts of the economy rise. Some fall. What matters is to be the master of our own destiny. Would expect a yank to sympathise.

Well shit.

Nige would have to rely on Tories not delivering a true Brexit in order to even come close to getting into power. People might still vote UKIP as an alternative but without Nige at the helm it's a lost cause for sure.

Would love to see the day when UKIP overtakes the Lib Dems though...
How excited are you guys about almost assuredly 20 years of tory rule?
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Fabbers you madman

>how's she dealing with brexit and british nationalism in general?
Looks like she is embracing it. Her latest plan is to force companies to show how many foreigners they hire so they can be shamed and to start training more British doctors so we won't need to import any of them anymore. Stuff like that. She also gave a great speech at her party conference.
34% of Germans under five are foreigners.

And yet Germans still tell me that we're retarded for Brexit and that the immigrants will all intergrate and Merkel is doing a good job. They say that they'll become German after a few generations and their birthrate will be the same as native Germans.

I don't want to give way to hate, but when I hear them say things this naive, I want the muslims to win in Germany. I want them to slaughter the brainwashed and teach them the error of their ways.
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Anyone else play pic related for maximum colonial pleasure?
Fucking toffs.
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>I'm done with this country, Merkel is rising in popularity again because "only 200k" refugees have come this year so far.

Jesus fucking christ.
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>Yes 923
>Yes 666
holy kek

>Lady Amelia Windsor

Undeserving of the title. Tattooed degenerate.
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>The only thing that matters to me is if you guys would accept me.
>We're done.

Those feels.
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Saying the right things but not acted on much yet. Better then Cameron but that's not hard thqh.
When did /pol/ start supporting the Tories? Prior to 2016 they were Blue Labour socialist scum.
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Imagine life under Labour.

Corbyn Labour.

Just think about it.

Makes me scared desu.
I want to rub that cat's belly
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I'm sorry, my sides actually have just left orbit. What the fuck is Corbyn thinking with his cabinet?

I mean what the fuck? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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Funniest thing to happen this week?
Theresa May is a fucking cunt who lied about reducing immigration then brought it to massive levels. If I had the power to I'd start a revolution and crucify her alongside the other traitor tories on the windy moors, facing the rising sun, as a lesson to the others who would turn against Britain. Alas I cannot.
>Corbyn will probably open interracial breeding camps
Foreign flags should be banned from posting OPs, but you can hardly ban them from posting altogether any more than /a/ (there is literally nothing wrong with /a/ btw), réddit or JIDF.
We all do, it looks like it needs a cuddle and some luv luvs.

>Shami Chakrabarti

That's Baroness Chakrabarti to you plebs.
Can't believe you can actually imagine Corbyn winning.
he's a tory plant lol
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>Funniest thing to happen this week?
British history.
Nah, yesterday's constant


Is the best thing to happen this week.
>34% of Germans under five are foreigners.
getting sick of the "I'm going to move to britain and be british!! xDD" shitposters
It'll be a good start until full world socialism
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>after a few generations
its not as if the younger generations are even intergrating anyway
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The idea is to target labour heartlands in the north, many labour voters would never vote tory out of tribal loyalty and are far more likely to switch to ukip. It's a big ask to take enough votes to win seats under FPTP but they should be able to pick up extra votes to keep their % up and keep pressuring the other parties to dance to our tune.
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Voted no
absolutely checked. how long does she have to start putting words into action before brit/pol/ calls bull?

checked these too. it seems like she's just kicking up the hornet's nest to distract from real change, but i have no knowledge on british politics. is this correct, or is she actually anti-immigrant?
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who are brit/pol/ endorsing?
I gathered that much

They probably don't count the t*rks with German passport in that number either
>in a tense UKIP meeting
>insults get thrown
>Woolfe praises May
>Hookem MEP challenges Woolfe MEP to a duel outside
>jackets off
>sleeves rolled up
>punches are landed
>Woolfe falls and hits head on railing
>15 minutes later he collapses and loses feeling on one side of his body
People in this country are absolutely fucking sick in the head, literally wishing Steven Woolfe dies and that he brought it on himself 'because he is in UKIP'.

Absolutely sickening.
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Can this week get any more /comfy/.
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When I left this country we were still in the EU.
When I come back we will be a literally national socialist country.

How did this happen?

>Rising support
>Only 200k
>RISING Support

Honestly if you really trust the person who got you into the mess to really be committed to getting you out again that's down to you, krauts.

Give the Swedes a lot of shit, but at least they had the guts to at least reject migrant applications. They're still cucked as fuck, but the people are still pissed off with the government for shit like this.

You cucks vote her in again and it's all on yourselves. There won't be enough Deutschmarks in the world that will repair Germany after WWIII hits. And i ain't talking the DIY self destruction kit you've imported.
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>the woman being resuced is white and the rescuer black
what else
You're not allowed back in m8

New rules
When she took some of UKIP's policies on board to try and kill the Right and prevent Conservatives from losing more votes.
Germans have moved past counting now, that's for haterz. Everybody in Germany is a true German now.
Here is how you can save yourself from terror

Can you imagine him winning?
To be fair, I did see an all-black cast version of Julius Caesar where they had the aesthetics of an African civil war. Was pretty good.
>Blonde hair
>Brown skin

What did they mean by this?
>black hamlet
>in denmark
>in the late middle ages
>4 Nationalist Parties
This is why one will never win a seat btw.
>Authoritarian Centrist

Is this even a thing?
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>t-t this is good right?
You have to go back.
Yeah, it's literally Hitler.
For exports? Yes, although I would prefer it drop lower.
If we get past February/March 2017 and she has done nothing then it's bullshit imo.
"You vill have a velfare state, vezer you like it or not!"
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Anti-UKIP immigrants.

They won't be acting so cheeky when we trap them inside the channel tunnel and blow it up will they?
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I'm not a slav I promise please let me come back
4 nationalist parties + Waqas Ali Khan who is from UKIP but running as an independent for some reason
Doesn't Russia have about 15 million Muslims?
Good for exporting, bad for importing
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>UKIP's Steven Woolfe 'conscious in hospital after altercation'
>mfw the right is cannibalizing itself
Based Edmonds
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Kinda like how counting how many foreigners work for a company is uber-fascist?
Yeah actually that probably just pips it to the post.

Unlike all of these lefties, I haven't actually read Mein Kampf, but I'm sure I could find parallels between it and Corbyn's speech - quite easily at that, I'd guess.
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Sure, you didnt actually ask to be "enriched"
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Reminder that Hitler must be fully exonerated as a matter of honour.

Heinrich Heim recalls one exasperated comment by Hitler, told that Allied radio had broadcast an announcement that the Jews were being exterminated:
>"Really, the Jews should be grateful to me for wanting nothing more than a bit of hard work from them."

At the war conference later that day Press Chief Otto Dietrich showed Hitler an English newspaper which reported a claim by Moscow that 1,500,000 [Reminder that the official Majdanek death toll at the camp museum is 78,000] people had been liquidated in a concentration camp at Majdanek, which the Red Army had overrun, near Lublin:
>Hitler angrily laid the newspaper aside: ‘That’s the “hacked-off hands” [WW1 propaganda] again – pure enemy propaganda!’

More I think.

You have to go back!
t. Ivan Squatkov
Yeah and they complain about them constantly
For our exports, yes. Only thing that bothers me is the Jap shit I buy is slightly more expensive now, but eh, it's not really a big deal to me as I work a decent job and have quite a bit left over each month.
mummy / daughter threesome
Whatever you say Jezza.
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>diane abbot

>When you're so right wing you think Hitler was a centrist

I think you may have OD'd on red pills m8.
>Diane Abbott is the new shadow Home Secretary. And as widely rumoured, Shami Chakrabarti is shadow attorney general

>shadow Home Secretary

>shadow attorney general

can someone explain those two things please?

Are you fucking 12?
Hitler's economics were pretty centrist.
>tfw been talking with a leftist girl I met on tinder
>can't figure out if she's just talking to me as a laugh
>knows i hate labour and vote ukip
>polar opposites politically
>messages me laughing about 'the ukip fight'

w-what do i do lads, am I getting mugged off? she's really nice otherwise but maybe she sees me as some sort of novelty
UKIP refused to stand in the seat along with Cons and Lib Dems as a sign of respect to Jo Cux
I'm a 12 year old girl desu.
Go to bed, you have school in the morning.
26 i just dont fucking get what it means
Most places would accept Germans, we find them based, but tbqh lad you should stay and do an hero. Or meme AfD into reality like we did with brexit
They are not in power, so they shadow the ones who are in power and hold them to account.

Home secretary deals with immigration and other things.

Attorney general deals with laws/cases iirc. Although I don't know, they can fuck off. Stinky lawyers.
When the fuck did the NF come back?
What's to explain? They are there to hold the respective government positions to account by scrutinising them, and obviously if Labour was to win an election then they'd assume those roles in the government.

That's the power of Brexit.
Reminder that a BBC reporter said, regarding Wolff:

>Mixed race, but tough on immigration

Like it's such a fucking anomaly (no, it is not).
>Person who will never be home secretary
>Person who will never be attorney general
They shadow the ACTUAL government

It's the term for the opposition not in power
Will Steven Woolfe end up with the same health condition as Hillary?

Just how lefty is she mate?
While jeremy, shami and diane launch the left to stratospheric new heights of popularity?

Does forgetting your own birthday make you retarded?
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stand and fight, peasant.
You know the drill. Send a picture of your penis with a small picture of Farage next to it.
Waqas Ali Khan is a UKIP member but running as an independent. He'll probably defect to UKIP if he's elected.
I knew that but when i google "attorney general" it doesnt tell me what this role is
How did UKIP find a Paki to run for them?
>Waqas Ali Khan is a UKIP member

No wonder stormweenies hate UKIP
Yeah because the left is doing great right now!
He sounds like a terrorist.
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He was actually in a very good production of Romeo and Juliet in the Globe Theatre in London a few years ago.

Casting a black guy really added to the outrageousness of the love affair between the two; it wasn't just some cheap 'le modern' interpretation of the story.
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>a domestic abuser is now shadow equalities minister

Tell her Farage was just testing him. Woolfe has survived a near death experience now, that confirms he's the Chosen One.

>taking women seriously

Just say some fucking joke about it who cares
>"Yeah haha, party's been taken over by a bunch of angry 12 yr olds"

>political talk
>it doesnt tell me what this role is


How can you be so fucking stupid?
>can't even use google

This is an +18 site and as such I've reported you
Actually believes in Marx theory. Corbynista. Refugees welcome. Dyed hair. Feminism, gay rights. You know the drill. Way too attractive as well.

AND YET. She's tolerant towards me and says at least I have beliefs even though they're wrong and stupid. Which is the oddest thing about it really, I expected her to remove me once she saw some of the shit I like on facebook. Yet next thing I know she's liked god save our gracious meme.


Kindly fuck off
>all time low
>2nd female PM

fuck the left must hate themselves right now
This, to lead UKIP you must survive a trial by fire. Diane James knew she was too weak and thus dropped out.
Woolfe must survive this as Nigel survived the plane crash.
>Wah wah wah women actually have to do work!
>Wah wah wah I can't lay on my backside with a bag on my head anymore!

Fucking labour, seriously I'm glad they are self destructing, they deserve it. They actually fucking deserve it.
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>equality at all time low
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Why is reading so boring, lads?

Can't get into it at all.

Started with easy books like Animal Farm and The Secret Garden, but I'm not finding it comfy at all.

I kekked a few times while reading them, I'll admit, like when Mary said Indians aren't people and Napoleon sent Boxer to the glue factory, but for the most part I was bored out my brain and just wished I was at the end already.
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>tfw curled up in bed wearing pyjamas
>nice cup of tea
>getting ready for the Wales match

Who /comfy/ here?

> The two UKIP men are both of working class background and grew up on Northern estates
> A verbal disagreement resulted in a brief gentleman's spar
> They carried on with their day afterwards
> This is working class culture lefty lass
> You lionise us but don't seem to understand us at all
> This is why UKIP are soaring and Labour are falling apart
Story behind this?
>I havent seen or felt this, but there may be a push back against excessive PC culture. Push backs always go too far and will end up bringing up some real racism.
>Silly example, I actually like it but it was interesting to see: Every advert on TV (especially those dramatic bank ones) has at least two black people, that's 3% of the population still. Seems a bit forced. I have no problem with it and wish there were more black people on TV, but for some it may be annoying.
>If you ram PC down people's throats then they become concious of it and will choose if they want it or not. We have to be subtle!
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No, it's shit and we need it to go up again as soon as possible. Hopefully it's just a temporary shock, the same as happened immediately post-vote.

If it continues, our standard of living and to a lesser extent, economy, will be fucked. So the trick for the gubment is going to be making sure it doesn't continue in the long-term.

It's great for exporters but unfortunately, as a nation, we import a shit-load more than we export so the whole 'b..but muh exports' shit people come out with is really just rolling the turd in glitter and hoping no one notices how unpolished it is.

It was expected, everything pointed to it happening before the vote, even people who campaigned for Brexit knew it would happen, it just wasn't mentioned or was downplayed so people wouldn't freak out.

If you're a Brexiteer, think of it as the unpleasant but unavoidable consequence of seperation from the EU, and get used to it, shits probably going to get worse before it gets better.

If you were a Remainer...I dunno, learn French and apply for citizenship before Article 50 is invoked?

If you're poor, get ready to starve when your bennies are cut.
He was centrist on lots of things mate.
>Actually believes in Marx theory
Seriously doubt that. Quiz her on it. Most women don't care about politics. They just pose for social media.
You don't start with """reading"""

You start with reading only the shit you really like, then you can branch out when it becomes less of an effort to do
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Can't wait for the next gen election and see Labour slip further and futher into suicide
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>Actually believes in Marx theory. Corbynista. Refugees welcome. Dyed hair. Feminism, gay rights

Read His Dark Materials
She wants the flicki flicki
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It's like Corbyn literally wants UKIP to sweep the North

>admits he's bothered by forced PC shit but can't say it
Women don't actually believe in anything. It's all just posturing.

She wants a dicking. Provide that dicking anon.
Just make a joke about 'yeah that's how ukip have decided to elect their leaders now, don't fancy suzanne evans chances much' that way you can see if she's an over sensitive feminazi lad.
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>Abbott Shadow Home Sec
You have a short attention span.
Not gonna lie, it looks pretty terrible. Short term certainly, long term is really depends on how much the government know what the fuck they're doing when it comes to damage control.

>Kier Starmer's seat is about to be merged with Corbyn's anyway

>the woman being resuced

Your utter lack of knowledge of Shakespeare is both disgusting but also entirely expected of a cultureless kraut automaton.
just made some weetabix lads.
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>>If you ram PC down people's throats then they become concious of it and will choose if they want it or not. We have to be subtle!

We must brainwash the goy- er, right wingers!
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Trying to give up drinking the carbonated jew

Currently feel like I'd suck a dick for a tablespoon of coke
>Lady Amelia Windsor

What is the obsession with this completely average dollymop?

She looks like a fucking Space Raider.
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Aya a best
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>Women don't actually believe in anything.
Some do.
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it's not on tinder bro, we talk on facebook. She was the one who brought it up, we both like politics.

She went to uni and is a teacher so she's smarter than I am.

>mfw i'm now a ukip bad boy

If she was sensitive I'd be long gone, before she added me on fb she said "I'm a labour voter by the way, hope you don't mind" after noting my disdain for them. A tolerant leftie, good god.

It's almost like they're a single issue party that couldn't care less about the white race or immigrants so long as they're not (white) European immigrants.
>Believed in a bad thing

She's cute desu, but is it one guy just posting her?
Late night cereal is comfy as fuck

I stopped 5 years ago. Not that hard just drink water

>dyed hair

You're bullshitting m8

Map is out of date.
King Edward VII had a tattoo
>She went to uni and is a teacher so she's smarter than I am.

Sounds daft reading that back since uni counts for fuck all, just trying to explain where the Marxism would come from. She's well read on it, not posing, just wrong.
so much weebs. ugh
>mfw I drink 3.5 liters of the stuff a day
I need help. I'm not fat and my teeth are fine but I get withdrawals from it, bad withdrawals. Worse than opiates (I take those too).

I have 31 cans to get through right now. Hardly drink it anymore.

In fact, I think I'm going to go and get one now.
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Labour are getting wiped out even in fucking LONDON?

Holy fucking kek. At this rate they could seriously end up with less than 100 MPs in 2020. Literally SNP-tier.
>is a teacher so she's smarter than I am.

Unless you have the IQ of a lobster I doubt this is the case

>people still drink fizzy drinks

>Believed in a bad thing
From the far right and Kaiser's point of view, yeah
how much iq's does an lobster have?
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Reading Novels is for children, it's alot more interesting to read books about history, philosophy, economics or political theory that actually expand your knowledge.

That way, reading is actually a hobby that you improve, i.e. by reading you notice where your knowledge is lacking in certain areas and endeavor to improve your knowledge in these areas. Also, the more you read the easier it is to shit on stupid plebs in arguments because critical thinking is literally your hobby.

It's also really comfy to go for walks or sit on the bus and just think about stuff you've been reading, make up arguments in your head etc. When I'm thoroughly researching a topic, no matter what it is, my need for social interaction goes down to about 0 because I can get more pleasure from thinking about stuff than I could ever get from conversation with my friends.

You need to keep it up though, at least I do, I haven't read anything decent in about a month and my brain feels foggier every day.

Still read novels desu but only if I'm taking a shit or on holiday.
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Flashman series. Funny stories about being a cad and bounder in the Imperial Army. Same guy who wrote Octopussy.
I substituted it for tea/coffee.

Now I'm trying to get off the brewed jew, drink nearly 10 cups a day.
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>how much iq's
>an lobster
from everyone who isn't a Jew's point of view, yeah
>Well from my point of view, the anti-Communists are evil!
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Read these sick dubs, cunt.
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More UKIP drama
ABORT! ABORT! ABORT! Don't stick your dick in that unless your prepared to face an unsubstantiated rape charge m8.

Coke pulls you in with 2(3) addictions.

> Sugar
> Caffeine
> Carbonation

Swap over to coke zero and cut sugar out of your diet as much as possible.
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underrated, have a (you) lad
It's small fish compared to what sort of deal we get with regards to our financial sector.

If the City survives Brexit negotiations relatively intact, we'll be fine as a nation long-term regardless of what state the pound is in.

If it doesn't weather the negotiations very well THEN things could get very shitty, since without the City we're, as a nation, only slightly better economically than Poland, so the strength of our currency won't really matter there either.

Gonna be an interdasting few years.
Bit sad that but i get where ur coming from
Who here /living the good life/
>just ate fresh salmon with cider to wash it down, followed by homemade golden syrup cake with clotted cream
Living in my parent's dining room and working at McDonalds reporting in.
Jews are based
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The internet has shriveled your attention span. It fucks up your memory as well.
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I agree about philosophy/history books, but there is still some great right-wing literature out there, pic related.
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err anon I'm afraid...
ded party.

Success has killed them.
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Tbh that sounds good, I can fully respect lefties who tolerate the beliefs of others
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Diane Abbott is the shadow Home Secretary. Hahaha
If the good life also includes my girlfriend making me some curly fries with some nice chicken breast, then yeah, I'm living it.
Can too much coke make a thrush infection not stop? I was put on antibiotics a while ago and ended up with thrush, I haven't had sex or anything and I've had the mitranidazole and fluconazole and all that shit cream given to me, but it won't go away, I think the sugar from cherry coke is feeding it and making it worse.

Also blood tests are all clear of anything because I had to be tested for diabetes. Something something high amalyze levels?
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u wot
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1st night of wage cucking in weeks tonight

Zero hours can suck my dick desu

>mfw waiting on a call for work
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That fucking kikess you posted and others like her are responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of Christians you fucking cunt.
>AND YET. She's tolerant towards me
she wants your cock
>no replies
he's from bradford
I wonder what Shakespeare himself would have thought of it.
Good. Grind religion into dust.
This picture just endears trump to me. must be that cheeky face
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>34% of Germans under five are foreigners.

Err....glass houses m8...
Imagine a world where a constituency where not allowed to be tiny 2x2km areas.

Labour would be done in a second.
Terrorist confirmed.
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>its real
Grind jews into the dust you fucking kike.

Have you not seen the new boundary review lad?
>Other Caucasian backgrounds
Er.... might want to read what you post.... m8....
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post yfw conservative win batley and spen seat
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How can they stop Steven Woolfe from running?
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she isn't a very good comrade if she is gagging for fashy cock

would purge
>wir sind intolerant. Ich habe mir ein Ziel gestellt: nämlich die 30 Parteien aus Britannien hinaus zu fegen
Our glass house has a few cracks and holes, his glass house has literally melted, like Dresden.
> No dangerous animals
> No serious fault lines causing regular earthquakes
> Kept our currency while everyone else in Europe joined the Euro
> Told the EU to fuck off
> Building a wall to keep immigrants out
> Have a based leader in May
Why do other western countries even bother?
Shakespeare loved him some dark tail.

>argument unidentified
Punch him in the knees.
Because the UKIP NEC are a bunch of utter twats, that's why.
In English please.
Jeremy Corbyn identifies as a welsh woman now, is that problematic to you shitlord?
Anyone watching the one show? They're pushing race mixing bullshit
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Precisely, these people are usually cancer since they're so narrow minded. The fact she's given me a chance actually gives me hope. She's a legit good person tbf, doesn't just virtue signal, she acts on it.

She's way out of my league as well lads desu, #shittingit
Don't they even realise that the reason that Labour is unelectable is because of racists like her?
He just called the death of millions of whites good. No arguments needed. Only death.

Punch fuck out of him again.
"I am a commie cunt"
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Seems some people need to check their privileges.

Plot to stop the Liberator of the North ascending to his throne
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>being this much of a mgtow mra shill

come on lad, don't buy into all the memes or you'll never get laid, believe me.

She looks like a 12 year old.

No fucking surprise brits are pedos I suppose.
as much as we all may feel that way but that attitude is very much like the "left" or libtard ways "REEEE FUCKING BIGOT WORKING CLASS VOTING FOR BREXIT THEY DESERVE THE TORIES AND UKIP "
You just said they were Christians. Make up your mind. I'll assume you wouldn't care if African or Hispanic Christians suffered
My problem with Marxists is that they're usually awful people. If she can actually handle debate and opposing views she sounds fine.
The Jews did this in the East End when the black shirts went on a march.

The left are filth, always have been and always will be.
I've more or less stopped watching the BBC, the level of cuckoldry is just ridiculous.
Yanks out.
All Christians are my brothers and all kikes like you deserve death.
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Update with Abbott's cuckery.
>eating farmed estrogenmon

Enjoy your gyno, fag.
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What if that's his plan...is he our guy?
>What if Corbyn is a /pol/tard?

>We are intolerant, i have set myself one goal; namely to drive these 30 parties out of the British way of life.
its a take on hitlers speech on the amount of parties representing the divided people

>Thanks for correcting the record
wot? you're worrying me lad, I eat salmon all the time
No good will ever come of being involved with someone like that m8. "Marx theory. Corbynista. Refugees welcome. Dyed hair. Feminism, gay rights." Its pretty much guaranteed to end in drama when you date/fuck scandal-mongering drama whores like that.
>domestic abuser

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>tfw I think Louder with Crowder is pretty entertaining
Am I a pleb? It's just because I only find American politics interesting when it's told in a flashy way desu, they have nothing on the house of banter
Lads go to the thread posted above (in before I'ma paid shill.)
I'm sorry, I wasn't aware I was addressing someone who hadn't reached Year 8 maths yet.

The article states that 65.3% of births in the UK are indigenous, that means 34.7 are non-indigenous. Of those just over 10% are White Other. So that means we've still got 24.7% of newborns being something other than white.

This makes implying the German's figure of 34% is somehow dramatically worse than our own situation, slightly hypocritical.

Are you keeping up or should I go get some diagrams of apples pies cut into slices?
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>Diane Abbott
>In charge of immigration
Gods help us if Corbyn memes his way into a 2020 majority.
> H3H3

except hes a full on cucklord
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>Dianne Abbot
>Doing anything except being a pain in the arse and scrunching up her face like a bulldog sucking a wasp

She should stick to what she's good at: being a useless fat black cunt.
>proportion is much lower than british population as a whole

You fucking dimwit, don't ever be smarmy to me again, and learn to read before you comment.

Idiotic clit stain.
>mao did some good things
laughable but acceptable
>hitler did some good things
REEEE! Put him on an extremist watch list, arrest him, gag order on him!
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